Scheduled For Release 2013-06-06
  • 0000932: handle disconnect (show in conversation and act accordingly) and auto re-connect.
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-12-31
September 2016 Release
- ECON fixes, More compact output, Transition EPJ to ECON
- Bracket Matching
- Additional Editor Configuration (e.g. tabs, background)
- Remembering IDE Window positions
- C, C++, Python Bindings
- Windows Uninstaller
  • 0001247: [ide:buildsystem] Folder path in .epj project duplicates name
  • 0001232: [ide:codeeditor] IDE Code Editor Freeze
  • 0001230: [compiler] Assigning to data member inside thisless method creating instance misses declaring data struct for class
  • 0000371: [ide:autocomplete] Autocomplete & Watches inside new features (struct, enum... (Loop through methods...))
  • 0001220: [compiler] Very strange generic-related bug
  • 0001135: [compiler] Access mode mixups
  • 0001213: [compiler] Use of ._class from typed_object generates bad C code with wrong indirection
  • 0001212: [compiler] Importing "eda" rather than "EDA" caused a compiler crash on Windows
  • 0001210: [ide:debugger] program output is sometimes truncated when showed in the output / debug view
  • 0001200: [compiler] += doesn't work as intended with bit classes
  • 0001197: [compiler] Silent, leaking and confusing use of round-trip through conversion property when missing a cast
  • 0001196: [compiler] Array types mixups (Array inside class deriving from Array)
  • 0001138: [installer] Installer still installs without the required space available
  • 0001134: [compiler] Assigning a value indexing an Array<int> from a variable typed as Array seems to add the value at the end or wrong location
  • 0001118: [installer] install location is not used for all files copied by the installer (x86 files end up in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ecere SDK)
  • 0001116: [installer] ide.exe vs ecere-ide.exe confusion
  • 0000488: [ide] ide: codeeditor: Syntax Highlighting For other languages
  • 0000219: [ecere] IDE opens full-screen
  • 0000005: [ide] Allow saving of settings
  • 0000327: [ide] Remember IDE windows position
  • 0000473: [ide] ide: project view: File Reordering
  • 0000081: [ide] Implement move file / folder in the Project View
  • 0000668: [ecere] Brackets Auto-Indenting does not ignore brackets in comments
  • 0000321: [ide] Bracket matching in editor
  • 0000532: [installer] Have an 'uninstall' in the SDK installer
  • 0001198: [ecere] Comments in ECON are not ignored as they should -- commented code is still being applied! (slothtrop)
  • 0001123: [ide:designer] View Designer deletes ProgressBar instance values when moved. (jerome)
  • 0000717: [installer] Uninstaller (jerome)
  • 0000768: [compiler:templates] compiler get confused about types in templates and report bad warnings
  • 0001242: [ide:debugger] Setting breakpoint after debugging stopped still validates against old code (redj)
  • 0001240: [ide] Fix confusion about -Wl, or no -Wl, linker flags (redj)
  • 0001239: [ide] Do not overwrite Makefile for no reason (redj)
  • 0001227: [buildsystem] System include paths are not being passed to C++ compiler (redj)
  • 0001224: [compiler:ecc] Improper generated code (jerome)
  • 0001223: [ide] Facilitate selecting proper command to use for linking (especially for C++) (redj)
  • 0001214: [ecere] Ctrl-Backspace doesn't mark EditBox as modified (jerome)
  • 0001199: [ecere] ECON parser fails to properly parse a=b while a = b works fine (slothtrop)
  • 0000381: [ide] Infinite recursion on processing types for 2 classes offering a conversion property to each other (jerome)
  • 0001122: [buildsystem] make install fails when source directory includes space (redj)
  • 0000905: [compiler] Min & Max do not take into consideration both operand types (jerome)
  • 0001119: [installer] Install runtime source (jerome)
  • 0000194: [ecere] First API Reference Documentation Iteration (jerome)
  • 0000055: [ide] Implement locking workspace file and using the workspace in read-only mode when file is already locked (redj)
  • 0000688: [ecere] api review: global settings with json (redj)
  • 0001089: [ide:buildsystem] nolinenumbers on single file affects entire project (redj)
  • 0000864: [ide:codeeditor] Ctrl+Bracket (go to matching) {, ( (jerome)
  • 0001101: [ide] -O2 per file is NOT WORKING !!!!! (redj)
  • 0000291: [ide] set number of characters to auto-indent (jerome)
  • 0000793: [ide:settings] tab settings (global, per project) (jerome)
0 of 49 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2019-06-30
Fix remaining Mantis issues, Solaris support
  • 0001120: [ecere] Support creating windows from other threads on Win32
  • 0000722: [buildbot] implement a Build bot to support windows auto update feature
  • 0000213: [ecere] Add XRender glyph support for text output
  • 0000887: [ecere] Proper fonts solution
  • 0000885: [installer] Ecere for Android Installer
  • 0000309: [ide] Ability to launch custom source editor from IDE
  • 0000871: [ecere] Cocoa Support
  • 0000816: [ide] Making it easier to name/rename new project file/form (You almost never want a
  • 0000878: [ecere] Show Soft keyboard in text box
  • 0000872: [ecere] iOS Support
  • 0000886: [ide] Improve the IDE to facilitate developing Android apps ...
  • 0000884: [ecere] Proper Multi-DPI Support
  • 0001062: [ecere] (X11) Cooperate with Clipboard Manager to preserve clipboard data on exit
  • 0001071: [ide] Display BitmapResource from target Resources in form designer
  • 0000513: [compiler] More Consistent Reference Counting: Block Scope
  • 0000177: [ecere] eC String Solution
  • 0000475: [ide] ide: tabbed documents instead of classic MDI
  • 0000263: [ide] windows move when you use the Output window
  • 0000478: [ecere] runtime: unicode fonts show up as squares
  • 0000552: [ecere] Use XRender Glyphs in the X display driver
  • 0000639: [ecere] Primitive Alignment in OpenGL (Lines vs Filled areas)
  • 0000306: [ecere] add FTGL support to ecere fonts
  • 0000448: [ecere] runtime: AutoLayout / Skinning GUI
  • 0000258: [ecere] Drag and Drop
  • 0000080: [ide] Ecere do not has many user
  • 0000142: [ecere] Refine DataBox control
  • 0000115: [ecere] Filename handling String functions can overflow
  • 0000545: [ecere] Some things just won't work if you're using an Application instead of a GuiApplication
  • 0000490: [ecere] runtime: TransformPoint is backwards? dest, src?
  • 0000178: [ecere] Adding DataFields to editboxes without constructor
  • 0000292: [ecere] Provide an interface to control blending modes
  • 0000266: [ecere] Window children order problem when never meant to overlap
  • 0000246: [ecere] ScrollDirection is too specific
  • 0000245: [ecere] GetLastDirectory method name misleading
  • 0000222: [ecere] Confusion with id (a local variable) and id (the form's Window::id)
  • 0000204: [ecere] Notification master (this for callbacks), versus master for modal system: MessageBox and NotifyDestroyed usability
  • 0000184: [ecere] Common Controls should default anchored top/left
  • 0000183: [ecere] Boolean anchors support
  • 0000558: [ide] ide: designer: add option to set snap / edit grid size in GUI designer.
  • 0000599: [ide] Automatic Software Update button in IDE
  • 0000399: [ide] Add file to project
  • 0000325: [ide] A-Z icon
  • 0000251: [ide] smart highlighting: tracking matched and unmatched braces et al
  • 0000404: [documentor] Show inherited methods/properties
  • 0000869: [ecere] Android Sensors Support (jerome)
0 of 45 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2019-12-31
eC Compiler Re-factoring
- Recursive Descent parser
- OOification
  • 0000841: [compiler] Conversion properties and Heap classes!!
  • 0000109: [compiler] Infinite recursion (in enum matching?) when 2 classes have reciprocal conversion properties
  • 0000482: [ide] ide : add ColorRGBA property IDE crash (Stack overflow?)
  • 0000509: [ide] ide: .ews handling
  • 0000829: [compiler] Error On Duplicate Enumeration value
  • 0000831: [compiler] static class method does not get mangled when an incompatible expression warning is issued
  • 0000830: [compiler] Struct class as param consistency
  • 0000833: [compiler] Support and Generate C99 L-value: &(int) { sizeof(uintptr_t) * 8}
  • 0000834: [compiler] 9[array] C compatibility
  • 0000837: [compiler] Have a way to access 'class' in an OnGetString method
  • 0000842: [compiler] static bool a, b; a default function declared right before, inside a private mode, on one line first identifier wrong mangling
  • 0000846: [ecere] Add missing API for Button states bitmaps
  • 0000848: [compiler] Warn against instantiating Module/Application objects
  • 0000851: [ecere] Fix Color Spheres sample with revised transparency stuff (linux) -- (Still Transparent in Quantal32-accl off)
  • 0000852: [ecere] (Calculator) Support multiple Smartkeys for buttons
  • 0000853: [ecere] (Calculator) Make it easier to not display underline keyed text on buttons
  • 0000856: [i18n] french translation
  • 0000857: [i18n] incomplete language translations
  • 0000419: [compiler] suggested fix to ambiguous compiler error message
  • 0000596: [ide] Starting Debugging should NOT clear the Build log if nothing needs to be built
  • 0000709: [installer] xp vm shortcuts
  • 0000726: [installer] option to turn on auto update and check for update at the end of installation
  • 0000796: [ide] Add support to turn on $(FVISIBILITY) for C files (Should it be on by default ? No. Current Default (off) is fine.)
  • 0000865: [ide:codeeditor] Go to / Current Function drop box
  • 0000868: [ide:debugger] Tooltip watches when hovering over symbols in code editor (hovers)
  • 0000308: [ide] Go to definition in right click menu
  • 0000323: [ide] Go to definition
  • 0000389: [ide] Show Current Function
  • 0000820: [compiler:ecs] Add system("pause") to debug build of console apps on Windows
  • 0000819: [ide] Rename instances on renaming class
  • 0000817: [ide] Edit/Copy/Paste in toolbar
  • 0000800: [eda:driver:sqlite] SQLite default lock mode on Linux ? pragma alternative?
  • 0000713: [installer] display Readme after install
  • 0000770: [compiler:templates] support for all data types in templates
  • 0000767: [ecere] String::OnCopy vs String::OnCompare handling of null and/or empty strings differ; it should be consistent
  • 0000761: [eda] eda: too much code is required for type-specific string functionality
  • 0000742: [buildsystem] support java
  • 0000218: [ide] Be a bit more noob proof
  • 0000808: [ide] add some special logic to copy the project to ~/ if there is no writing permission
  • 0000883: [ide:autocomplete] Types do not show up when auto-completing the return type of a method
  • 0000902: [ide] IDE crash when updating a library that the IDE is parsing against and hitting a compile error
  • 0000935: [ide] Find/Replace in Files: find in project; find where tree is flat and the selection is forgotten.
  • 0000957: [ide] proper support for $(ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE) in all global settings / project settings
  • 0000143: [documentor] API Reference should have an advanced search feature
  • 0000148: [ide] Caret being mislocated in EditBox with word wrap on
  • 0000914: [ide] build log is not reporting errors (and no build/clean) when user doesn't have file permissions to obj dir
  • 0000967: [ide] ability to reimport a new compiler from a .cf file
  • 0001001: [ide] ide: Add option for 'New Folder' to create an actual folder on the fileSystem
  • 0001005: [compiler] IOChannel methods crash if not importing "ecere" or "ecereCOM" in module
  • 0000495: [ide:autocomplete] ide: autocomplete: in enum, struct (not there!!!!), property ...
  • 0000900: [ide] Creating a project with a form does not actually write the form source file right away (And let the user chose the name)
  • 0000506: [ide:debugger] ide: debugger: Window class and struct of bitfieldss - watching derived classes in ecere.dll
  • 0000681: [compiler] String s; s[0] gets treated as a numeric byte instead of char by Print functions
  • 0000769: [ide:debugger] a watch on a bool gives incorrect value in for(:) loops
  • 0000838: [compiler] Base Virtual Methods Access
  • 0000903: [ecere] Watches View: separator bar erased by ...
  • 0001038: [ide] Don't Auto-Expand "src" when loading up projects if it contains many files, and no folders
  • 0001066: [ide] Have a way to exclude by bit length
  • 0001082: [ide] ecc debugging: do not compile module prior to launching IDE
  • 0000252: [ide:autocomplete] Show API Reference Info in AutoComplete
  • 0000394: [ide:autocomplete] AutoCompletion: Show API Reference Info in AutoComplete
  • 0000828: [compiler] Prevent instantiation of templates without types
  • 0000827: [compiler] TestStruct { int x; }
  • 0000835: [compiler] __statement
  • 0000836: [compiler] Not require __extension__ for statements
  • 0001086: [eda:driver:sqlite] Limitations in auto-generation of eda_table_fields
  • 0000206: [compiler] Issues encountered in KCMD
  • 0000268: [ide] editor should evaluate and notify (highlight) areas with uncast types
  • 0000302: [ide] highlighting and color saving
  • 0000337: [ide] If after comma, popups get out of MkExpIdentifier and displays popups for MkExpIndex:
  • 0000340: [ide] Form Editor: Field property dissappears
  • 0000022: [ide] Add bison/flex support to IDE
  • 0000068: [ide] Find a way to prevent flashing console and/or application on top of code while stepping in Windows
  • 0000087: [compiler] On FreeBSD calling gcc from compiling tools with -I"/usr/local/include" doesn't work
  • 0000104: [compiler] Properties with a function pointer type are not working
  • 0000137: [ide] Implement Project::Build as a thread, using new DualPipe line processing loop (See threads in
  • 0000311: [ide] IDE VISUALIZATION!!
  • 0000322: [ide] Find and replace remember selection
  • 0000326: [ide] Click outside code editor, then try select a word (needs activation click first)
  • 0000334: [ide] Build Errors: Go to code, cursor passed end of file, can go back up and back down
  • 0000335: [ide] Don't fill up method if already block ahead
  • 0000336: [ide] args->Add(MkExpConstant("1", MkIdentifier("indexes")));
  • 0000151: [ide] Change Instantiation names throughout the source.
  • 0000179: [ide] Projects building: dependencies, current project
  • 0000186: [ide] Form Designer: Aligning the right edge of a label to its attached control
  • 0000187: [ide] Form Designer: Various reasons requiring to always running to see form changes
  • 0000188: [ide] Form Designer: Have a default size for Windows in Designer when none is specified
  • 0000189: [ide] Just passing by the form designer shouldn't move the caret
  • 0000195: [compiler] When declaring a virtual method as private, FindMethod might not find it since it is passed a module resulting in an unmangled i
  • 0000231: [compiler] Memoryguard compile problems with ffmpeg headers
  • 0000243: [compiler] LaunchTimes in KCMD also requires an iterator to properly access Date object in additional to for( : ) syntax
  • 0000343: [ide:debugger] Line Numbers Output & e.g. expression of for statment
  • 0000601: [ecere] Auto completion support within DropBox (ComboBox)
  • 0000686: [compiler] smart symbol files auto dependencies
  • 0000192: [ecere] MapNode<Organization, OrgUsed> , memory gets allocated but not freed; and gets copied since it's a struct
  • 0000301: [ide] Dingbat's do not render
  • 0000357: [ide] Warning or Error when more than one Application defined?
  • 0000378: [ide] NotifyClicked etc. master parameter in parameter popups
  • 0000390: [ide] Show Current switch case statement
  • 0000586: [ide] Programmable function pointers on methods and as variables
  • 0000684: [ide] CodeEditor: Expand/Collapse blocks, functions, classes...
  • 0000287: [ecere] Provide cross platform functions for manipulating endianness
  • 0000403: [compiler] Assigning Templated value to Array<T> doesn't work
  • 0000477: sdk: toolchain: Cross Compiler
  • 0000584: [ide:buildsystem] make pre-build and post-build actions into seperate rules and add support at the IDE level
  • 0000585: [ide] More accurate tracking of compilingModified / linkingModified
  • 0000632: [ide] Easy Static Linking
  • 0000683: [ide] Investigate a crash on a file within ecere.epj importing "Ecere"
  • 0000401: [ide] Find in Files .. tweak
  • 0000458: [compiler] compiler: Linking ecereCOM-statically (and potentially Ecere), but exporting it outside!
  • 0000406: [compiler] removing the need to use import "ecere" vs import static "ecere" depending on the linking method that was used
  • 0000654: [compiler] Fix reference level on accessing a for ( : ) map iterator with a struct key (when assigning to a pointer)
  • 0000360: [ide] StringBTNode : Precomp errors without extra brackets
  • 0001079: [compiler:ecp] ecp breaks on cast to types defined elsewhere within a single statement
  • 0000277: [compiler] 'define' chokes on undefined classes used for casting in the defined expression
  • 0000364: [ide] Precomp Syntax Error: define app = ((IDEApp)__thisModule); // cast before class definition breaks
  • 0000362: [ide] Precomp Syntax Error in if(!window.dirtyArea.count) window.UpdateDirty((Box *)&ps.rcPaint);
  • 0001074: [compiler] Address the issue that MapNode::key and ::value return wrong values for Maps with struct keys
  • 0000590: [compiler] Wrong indirection level inside Map index operator for unit classes
  • 0000383: [ide] Getting Virtual Methods IDs
  • 0000701: [eda:driver:sqlitecipher] update sqlcipher to v2.0
  • 0000608: [compiler] renew operator: should not need to be assigned!
  • 0000753: [compiler] support setting a class_property of Field type by using dbfield
  • 0000039: [compiler] Getting Virtual Methods IDs
  • 0000953: [compiler] Generic support for methods with this type by reference
  • 0000098: [compiler] using import in circular fashion classes deriving from window will no be known as such (must use import "ecere" to work around)
  • 0000658: [compiler] delete should always chose data members rather than properties
  • 0000391: [ide] Highlight Called Expression when showing parameters
  • 0000346: [ide] : In OnPostCreate, FieldDataBox: pops up parameter popup, second pops up list and parameter pop up blank
  • 0000379: [ide] Parameters popups in EDA: driver.FieldNext(
  • 0000952: [compiler] Issues with thisclass
  • 0000257: [compiler] Functions with thisclass broken across .sym importing
  • 0000515: [compiler] EDA Database Syntax and other Improvements
  • 0000358: [ide] else exp = MkExpConstant( : Parameters not popping up (
  • 0000355: [ide] bool OnKeydown(: Don't popup parameters when expecting an instance members on (
  • 0000342: [ide] Default Properties: Not all postfix expression are accepted, only identifiers, otherwise should issue a warning or make it work
  • 0000348: [ide] If " = true;" After trying to type bool NotifyClicked(, not coming up
  • 0000354: [ide] bool No* : Not Completing, whereas No* completes
  • 0000652: [compiler] Compiler generating bad code for Map iterator
  • 0000200: [ecere] Make FileSize 64 bit, add FileSize32: OnCompare and 64 bit ...
  • 0000591: [eda:driver:sqlite] [EDASQLite is] inconsistent with query with and without '?'
  • 0000344: [ide] StringBinaryTree declared before BinaryTree: eClass_AddDataMember values nightmare
  • 0000207: [compiler] Symbol files and specified 'this class' functions
  • 0000196: [compiler] Identifier versus Type conflicts, the following seems to compile fine in C but generate syntax errors in eC:
  • 0000208: [compiler] Unterminated String on a line causes many syntax errors
  • 0000239: [ecere] Multiple DB support in the eC integration of EDA seems to be quite limited
  • 0000185: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete: Window:: in filling up method overriding
  • 0000329: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete popups above top of screen
  • 0000363: [ide:debugger] eC AST null Syntax Error in bool for Win32 types
  • 0000365: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete: viewFrame. in Acovel/
  • 0000367: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete: (outside) Color a =
  • 0000368: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete: precomp fails to build an AST
  • 0000369: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete:
  • 0000370: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete: New check for command == Add, ...
  • 0000372: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete: Undefined function: entry.bitmap.LoadFromFile(file, eString_GetExt(path, extension), null);
  • 0000373: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete (WindowsSkin): if([.], ES_BORDER) && !BITSET(, ES_CAPTION))
  • 0000374: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete: : too consecutive dots still popup members
  • 0000375: [ide:autocomplete] AUTOCOMPLETE in E:\ecere\testing
  • 0000376: [ide:autocomplete] Test Autocomplete with new features (size = { 10, 10 }, ...)
  • 0000377: [ide:autocomplete] Autocomplete: General lack of tolerance for any syntax error
  • 0000102: [compiler] An extra & is added when assigning pointer to a nohead class struct to an object, when inside brackets
  • 0000199: [compiler] Creating empty struct class (0 bytes) fails
  • 0000366: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete: Explicit enum value within instantiation -- Player { id = Languages::^ };
  • 0000496: [ide:autocomplete] ide: autocomplete: if(!bitmap.Save(, null, null)) these kind of syntax error break the parser
  • 0000497: [ide:autocomplete] ide: autocomplete: elses without ifs break the parser
  • 0000593: [compiler] Checking a not casted typed_object for null should generate a compiler error (The code will otherwise crash)
  • 0000095: [ide:autocomplete] AutoComplete : a) MkExpMember(argExp, ^; b) true ? ^
  • 0000380: [ide] Disable auto completion inside comments
  • 0000910: [ide:autocomplete] Overriding virtual method in helloForm , at the top of class does not work
  • 0000659: [compiler] Method/Symbol mixups on reverse-ordered Window hierarchy (only design issues remain) (ide/libec)
  • 0001080: [compiler] Reporting Incompatible pointer types (int ** vs int[][])
  • 0001076: [compiler] Support breaking and stepping on default properties assignments
  • 0001070: [compiler] PrintType potential overflow
  • 0001068: [compiler] Produce internationalization templates with a tool separate from ecs
  • 0000576: [compiler] bad import pattern slows compilation of pannels flles
  • 0000180: [ide:autocomplete] Autocomplete snappiness
  • 0000514: [compiler] Support for Interface Constructs
  • 0000892: [compiler] Operator Definition support for Strings, Vectors, Quaternions, Matrices...
  • 0000847: [compiler] Don't let silly things like this method pass: bool () { }
  • 0000317: [ide] Don't parse on typing . in ""
  • 0000386: [ide] Parse only sections of code
  • 0000387: [ide] Optimize reparsing: Memory / loading speed issues
  • 0000152: [ecere] No Text or Widgets! (On Linux/PPC) - Font? ear/strip glitch?
  • 0000057: [ide] mouse scroll in File > Open working only after click
  • 0000312: [ide] Support for GCC type checking
  • 0001054: [compiler] Compiler doesn't complain about a non-virtual method without definition.
  • 0001052: [compiler] ecc gives an error de-referencing a pointer to a local struct
  • 0000740: [buildsystem] improve makefile generation to include use static pattern rules (redj)
  • 0000056: [ide] Keep opened files paths in workspace file relative to each project when applicable (redj)
  • 0000732: [tarball] add help target for documentation. make help at command line (redj)
  • 0000441: [documentor] documentor: search (jerome)
  • 0000989: [documentor] Undo/Redo support in Documentor editing (jerome)
  • 0000908: [compiler] unable to use class(MyClass) in a define (jerome)
  • 0001040: [ide:debugger] Valgrind: add option ignore certain libraries, e.g. all in /usr/lib: (redj)
  • 0000888: [compiler] Rewrite Parser (jerome)
0 of 195 issue(s) resolved View Issues