compiler/libec: (#94) Fixed DOs fussiness over module names and project order
[sdk] / compiler /
2016-06-21 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: (#94) Fixed DOs fussiness over module... doTweaks
2016-06-21 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/ecs: Address Distributed Object issues with...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisbindings: Fixed support for C++ instantiating objects...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/net; compiler/ecs: Distributed Objects Tweaks
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/bootstrap: Updated
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed crash with define and anonymous...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/ Fixed long standing leaks in...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/bootstrap: Updated
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed bad casts causing warnings on...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed crash overriding OnRedraw() in...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louiscompiler: (WIP) Fixes for MinGW/GCC 5
2016-06-11 Rejean Loyertarball,Makefiles; use _SDK_SRC_ROOT instead of misuses...
2016-06-11 Rejean Loyertarball, improve cross-platform shell...
2016-06-09 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Adding missing comma between attributes...
2016-01-13 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec/output: Fixed mismatched parentheses...
2015-12-22 Jerome St-Louistarball; installer: Updated NEWS, README, LICENSE for... 0.44.13
2015-12-22 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/bootstrap: updated
2015-12-22 Jerome St-Louisecere/src/com; gfx; gui: Patches for alignment issues
2015-12-22 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec; ecere; ide: Safer default virtual metho...
2015-12-22 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Map & AVLTree fixes with float/double...
2015-12-22 Rejean Loyerbuildsystem; makefiles; tarball: always use ifeq/ifneq...
2015-12-10 Jerome St-Louistarball: Updated installer, LICENSE, NEWS and README... 0.44.12
2015-12-09 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/instance: Fixes for templates with third...
2015-12-09 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/instance: Fixed crashes on intermediate class...
2015-12-09 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/instance: Fixed crashes on Ecere classes...
2015-12-09 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/instance: Class Template Fix
2015-12-09 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/dataTypes: Fixed issues stringifying enums
2015-12-09 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/Containers/Array: Clear fix on resize
2015-12-09 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Null checks
2015-02-15 Jerome St-Louisi18n: updated templates
2015-02-15 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/bootstrap: updated
2015-02-15 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec/dbpass: Processing EDA/DB keywords withi...
2014-08-07 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/containers; samples/gui/OpenRider: Fixed...
2014-08-07 Jerome St-Louisecere/containers/Map: Fixed warning in 32 bit
2014-08-07 Jerome St-Louissamples/audio; Installer: Added SineTone sample 0.44.10PR2
2014-08-07 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Removed remaining Strapfile
2014-08-07 Jerome St-Louisecere/containers: Map/CustomAVLTree optimizations
2014-08-07 Jerome St-Louisecere/containers: Iterator::Index() now returning false...
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/ecs: Deleting module instances in reverse...
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Improvements to units operations
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed disappearing cast on units within...
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed PrintLn(Degrees { 1 })
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed missed replace in type matching...
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed cast to derived class going throu...
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed null pointer compiler crashes
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed setting class properties on stati...
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed deletion of class:struct where...
2014-08-06 Jerome St-Louisecere/com: (#1044) Added option to disable memory manager
2014-08-01 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Added grammar rule for __builtin_offset
2014-08-01 penghaijiechange V into (V)
2014-07-15 Jerome St-Louisi18n: Synced templates
2014-07-13 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Prioritizing enum values over globals
2014-07-13 Jerome St-Louisecere: Fixed warnings on Android
2014-07-13 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Patch to avoid warnings when strlen...
2014-07-13 Rejean Loyerbuildsystem; ide; epj2make; tarball: bypass use of...
2014-07-13 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec (ide): Fixed crash on null expression...
2014-07-12 Jerome St-Louisi18n: Updated Chinese translation (謝謝 彭海杰)
2014-07-11 Jerome St-Louisecere; compiler/libec: (#234, #361) Fixed isblank issue...
2014-07-11 Jerome St-Louisi18n: Updated ( Unicode s/Keypoint/Codepoint )
2014-07-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/com; compiler/libec: (#1087) Fixed class:struct...
2014-07-10 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: (#316) Added missing edge on opaque...
2014-07-09 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed new memory leaks
2014-07-09 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Work around to improve debugging in...
2014-07-09 Jerome St-Louiside/Debugger/watches: Fix unichar evaluation broken...
2014-07-09 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed reference issue with conversion...
2014-07-09 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Forward declaring empty class:struct
2014-07-07 Jerome St-Louisi18n: Updated templates
2014-07-07 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: (#205) Corrections to integer promotions
2014-07-07 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: (#205) Fixed integer promotions to...
2014-07-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/bootstrap: Updated following warning fixes
2014-07-06 Jerome St-Louisecere; ide; compiler: Fixed some Clang warnings
2014-07-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Only using gcc_struct attribute for...
2014-07-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed build issues in last commit
2014-07-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/bootstrap: Fixes
2014-07-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/bootstrap: Fully automated (make updatebootstrap)
2014-07-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed keeping cast between long/int...
2014-07-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fix mistake in 7c6d1bb8b671095af88a917b...
2014-07-06 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed more memory leaks
2014-07-05 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed memory leak in ProcessTypeSpecs
2014-07-05 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed referencing member of List::first...
2014-07-05 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: (#307, #70) Warning on undeclared class...
2014-07-03 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed warning on: for(i : LinkList...
2014-07-03 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed warning on using templated type...
2014-07-03 Jerome St-Louisecere: Fixed strict aliasing warnings
2014-07-03 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Recognizing uint suffixes for expressio...
2014-07-03 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed warnings calling OnCompare from...
2014-07-03 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed warnings on setting LinkList...
2014-07-02 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fix for thisclass related warnings...
2014-07-02 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed warning in call to Unserialize...
2014-07-02 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec/pass16: Bracket instantiations fixes
2014-07-02 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: (#439) Removed unused declID from DeclC...
2014-07-01 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec/pass15: Fix for using ^ (binary XOR...
2014-07-01 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: (#18, #26, #439, #685) Fixed serious...
2014-06-23 Jerome St-Louisecere/Container: Deserialization correction to last...
2014-06-23 Jerome St-Louisecere/containers: Now clearing container elements on...
2014-06-21 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed warning in generated distributed...
2014-06-20 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed missing warnings within ( ) and...
2014-06-20 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec; ecere/DateTime: Producing an error...
2014-06-20 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed templates types checking and...
2014-06-20 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: Fixed potential null pointer crashes