samples/3D: Added materials sample with reflection, refraction and normals mapping
[sdk] / samples / 3D / materials / materials.epj
1 {
2    "Version" : 0.2,
3    "ModuleName" : "materials",
4    "Options" : {
5       "Warnings" : "All",
6       "TargetType" : "Executable",
7       "TargetFileName" : "materials",
8       "Libraries" : [
9          "ecere"
10       ]
11    },
12    "Configurations" : [
13       {
14          "Name" : "Debug",
15          "Options" : {
16             "Debug" : true,
17             "Optimization" : "None",
18             "PreprocessorDefinitions" : [
19                "_DEBUG"
20             ],
21             "Console" : true,
22             "FastMath" : false
23          }
24       },
25       {
26          "Name" : "Release",
27          "Options" : {
28             "Debug" : false,
29             "Optimization" : "Speed",
30             "FastMath" : true
31          }
32       },
33       {
34          "Name" : "Emscripten",
35          "Options" : {
36             "Optimization" : "Speed",
37             "PreprocessorDefinitions" : [
38                "ECERE_STATIC"
39             ],
40             "TargetFileName" : "materials.html",
41             "Libraries" : [
42                "ecereStatic",
43                "z",
44                "freetype",
45                "jpeg",
46                "png"
47             ],
48             "LibraryDirs" : [
49                "../../../ecere/obj/emscripten.linux.emscripten"
50             ],
51             "FastMath" : true
52          }
53       }
54    ],
55    "Files" : [
56       ""
57    ],
58    "ResourcesPath" : "",
59    "Resources" : [
60       {
61          "Folder" : "watersky",
62          "Files" : [
63             "../ModelViewer/skycube/bk.jpg",
64             "../ModelViewer/skycube/dn.jpg",
65             "../ModelViewer/skycube/fr.jpg",
66             "../ModelViewer/skycube/lf.jpg",
67             "../ModelViewer/skycube/rt.jpg",
68             "../ModelViewer/skycube/up.jpg"
69          ]
70       },
71       {
72          "Folder" : "forest",
73          "Files" : [
74             "bk.jpg",
75             "dn.jpg",
76             "fr.jpg",
77             "lf.jpg",
78             "rt.jpg",
79             "up.jpg"
80          ],
81          "Options" : {
82             "ExcludeFromBuild" : true
83          }
84       },
85       {
86          "Folder" : "ecere",
87          "Files" : [
88             {
89                "Folder" : "shaders",
90                "Files" : [
91                   "../../../ecere/src/gfx/drivers/gl3/default.frag",
92                   "../../../ecere/src/gfx/drivers/gl3/default.vert"
93                ]
94             },
95             "C:/Windows/Fonts/tahomabd.ttf"
96          ],
97          "Options" : {
98             "ExcludeFromBuild" : true
99          },
100          "Configurations" : [
101             {
102                "Name" : "Emscripten",
103                "Options" : {
104                   "ExcludeFromBuild" : false
105                }
106             }
107          ]
108       },
109       "teapot.3DS",
110       "normal.jpg"
111    ]
112 }