2016-06-21 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/libec: (#94) Fixed DOs fussiness over module... doTweaks
2016-06-21 Jerome St-Louiscompiler/ecs: Address Distributed Object issues with...
2016-06-18 Jerome St-Louisbindings/python: printLn() variadic example
2016-06-18 Jerome St-Louisbindings/c;python: Added caption properties; Window...
2016-06-18 Jerome St-Louisbindings/python: Initial bindings attempts for Python
2016-06-11 Rejean Loyerecere/gui/Window: firstPass hack for clickThrough with...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisbindings: Fixed console/unix app; Made globals local...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisbindings/cpp/samples: Added sample without macros
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisautoLayout: Added tests
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisautoLayout: Initial commit of AutoLayout and SlidesTest
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisbindings: Fixed support for C++ instantiating objects...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisbindings: Base methods support in Instance class
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisbindings: Instance::onCompare()
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisbindings: Various Improvements
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisbindings: Initial commit of C & C++ bindings prototype
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/com: Fixed sprintf/snprintf confusion; Support...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/OpenGL: twoSided parameter for shader...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gui/dialogs/FileDialog: Select Folder fixes follo...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gui/drivers/X: Fixed handling of SelectionRequest
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gui/drivers/X: Fixed key pad 5 with NumLock Off...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/X: Fixed compilation with Glyph class...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/fontRendering: Fixed crash on failure to...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/Unicode: Support for CP-1252 in ISO8859_1toUTF8()
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gui/MuliTouch: x and y into 'point' in TouchPoint...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gui/ToolTip: Prevent tooltips from coming up...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/FontRendering: Fixed crashes on null FontEntry
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts/DrawManager: Calling end() on destru...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx: Initial integration of new fonts system...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/GL/matrixStack: Correction to the glRotated...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts: Supporting 2 pass outlines for...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts: Support for 2-passes outlines witho...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/GL: Not printing out GL debugging...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/ Tweaks to build ecereCOM with...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/GL: Declaring functions not taking...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/net/Socket: Took out Sleep call causing warning
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts/cpuconfig.h: Fixed 32 bit INTPTR_SIZ...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/OpenGL/matrixStack: Flipped glRotated() angle...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/OpenGL: (OpenGL ES) Support for glColor4f...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/OpenGL: Shading and new fonts fixes for rende...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/GL/matrixStack: Added glGetDoublev()
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/com/instance: Added code to fill freed memory...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/ecere.epj: Turning on MMX/SSE optimizations for...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisEDA/drivers/SQLite: SQLite Update (3.9.1 ==> 3.11.1)
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts: cpuconfig.h 'long' fixes
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gui/drivers/Emscripten: Fixed marking mouse event...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gui/drivers/Emscripten: Multi-Touch Support
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/ecere.epj: Fixed instance.c that went excluded...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gui/drivers/Emscripten: (WIP) touch support
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/GL: Standardized on _GLES for ES 1.1 and...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere: Various tweaks working on Web Demo
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisFurther tweaks #2
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere: Further tweaks for Emscripten
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisear: Adding emear for Emscripten
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx: Fixes to build with Emscripten
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/net/Socket: Fixed warnings
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts/DrawManager: Fixes for FFP GL support
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/net; compiler/ecs: Distributed Objects Tweaks
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisWarning Fixes
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts/DrawManager: rotation normfactor...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts/fmFontManager: Fixed warnings
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts/drawManager: Avoiding crashes on...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts/drawManager: public prehistoricOpenG...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts/cpuconfig: Handling 32 bit
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts: Renaming 'fontManager' to solve...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/Makefile: Added newFonts files to allow building...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts: Fixed warnings compiling in 32 bit
2016-06-11 Alexis Naverosecere/gfx/NewFonts: Outline color support
2016-06-11 Alexis NaverosBug fix: Vertex/texcoord GL type should be GL_SHORT...
2016-06-11 Alexis Naverosecere/gfx/NewFonts: Hash Table Utilities
2016-06-11 Alexis Naverosecere/gfx/NewFonts: Font outline support
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/FewFonts/DrawManager;FontManager: Fixed alloc...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/NewFonts/FontManager: Exporting alignment...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts: DrawManager/FontRenderer Tweaks
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/newFonts: Initial eC port of font engine...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisButterbur: Tesselation support for filling closed paths
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisButterbur: Handling zigzag lines
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisButterbur: Fixed double free, freeing VBO, freeing...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisButterbur: Rounded rectangles, Non-overlapping stroke...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-LouisButterbur: Initial take at thick lines rendering
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/OpenGL: Fixes for basic 2D and 3D support...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/drivers/Android: (FIXME) Tweaks to run with lates...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louissamples/games/chess: Fixed AI stuck on queening pawn
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gui/drivers/Emscripten: Scroll wheel, key/button...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/3D/meshes: Fixes for Object classes
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/OpenGL: Fixed LockArraysEXT warnings...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/LFB: Moving FontConfig/Windows lookup...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/LFB: Fixed compilation with ECERE_STA...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/LFBDisplayDriver: Fixed unnecessarily...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/LFBDisplayDriver: Fixed extent of italic...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere: Initial Emscripten support
2016-06-11 Rejean Loyerecere,ecereCOM: support Emscriptem platform. add new...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/gl3/shading: Integration support to set material
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/OpenGLDisplayDriver: Falling back to a 2...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/ecere.epj: Excluding things from StaticGLES Config
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/OpenGL: Regular GL context if SHADERS...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/OpenGL: Exponential fog support in...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/ecere.epj: Including GL3 files in StaticGLES...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere: Fixes to build branch for Android
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/Makefile: Added new gl3/ files; Fixes to run...
2016-06-11 Jerome St-Louisecere/gfx/drivers/OpenGL: Fixed two-sided lighting