#ifdef BUILDING_ECERE_COM namespace sys; import "Array" #else #ifdef ECERE_STATIC public import static "ecere" #else public import "ecere" #endif #endif public class NormalFileSystemIterator : FileSystemIterator { public: Array stack { }; char * extensions; property char * extensions { set { delete extensions; if(value) extensions = CopyString(value); } } ~NormalFileSystemIterator() { delete extensions; } void Iterate(char * startPath) { StackFrame frame; if(OnInit(startPath)) { frame = stack.firstIterator.data; } else { frame = StackFrame { }; stack.Add(frame); frame.path = CopyString(startPath); frame.listing = FileListing { startPath, extensions = extensions }; // there should be a sorted = true/false } if(iterateStartPath) { FileAttribs attribs = FileExists(startPath); // || attribs.isCDROM || attribs.isRemote || attribs.isRemovable || attribs.isServer || attribs.isShare || attribs.isSystem || attribs.isTemporary if(attribs.isDrive) OnVolume(startPath); else if(attribs.isDirectory) OnFolder(startPath); else if(attribs.isFile) OnFile(startPath); } while(stack.count) { if(frame.listing.Find()) { char * name = frame.listing.name; bool isDirectory = frame.listing.stats.attribs.isDirectory; bool peek = frame.listing.stats.attribs.isDirectory && OnFolder(frame.listing.path); if(!frame.listing.stats.attribs.isDirectory) { char * path = frame.listing.path; OnFile(frame.listing.path); } else if(peek) { StackFrame newFrame { }; stack.Add(newFrame); newFrame.path = CopyString(frame.listing.path); newFrame.listing = FileListing { newFrame.path, extensions = frame.listing.extensions }; frame = newFrame; } } else { StackFrame parentFrame = stack.count > 1 ? stack[stack.count - 2] : null; OutFolder(parentFrame ? parentFrame.listing.path : startPath, !parentFrame); stack.lastIterator.Remove(); if(stack.count) frame = stack.lastIterator.data; else frame = null; } } } } public class FileSystemIterator { public: bool iterateStartPath; virtual bool OnInit(char * startPath) { return false; } virtual bool OnFile(char * filePath) { return true; } virtual bool OnFolder(char * folderPath) { return true; } virtual bool OnVolume(char * volumePath) { return true; } virtual void OutFolder(char * folderPath, bool isRoot) { } } static class IteratorThread : Thread { void Temp() { //listing = FileListing { dir, extensions = filter.extensions }; // there should be a sorted = true/false } } public class StackFrame { int tag; char * path; FileListing listing; ~StackFrame() { delete path; //delete listing; } };