Fixed major issues
[ede] / explorer / explorer.epj
2020-09-07 Jerome St-LouisExplorer; libede: Fixes to compile, warnings; fixed...
2013-02-26 Rejean Loyercode dump. unfortunate lack of commits. rick click...
2011-10-01 Rejean Loyerbunch of changes, unfortunate lack of commits
2011-09-16 Rejean Loyerexplorer: removed from epj
2011-09-15 Rejean Loyerexplorer: added MemoryGuard config to epj
2011-09-14 Rejean Loyerexplorer: standard project file target dirs
2011-09-14 Rejean Loyerexplorer: started migration to FileSystemBox based...
2011-09-10 Rejean Loyerrenamed Explorer.epj to explorer.epj