public import "ecere" import "SplitWindow" import "ExplorerTree" // meant to be called ExplorerTools import "Finder" import "Search" // meant to be called ExplorerSearch import "Panels" /* #ifdef __WIN32__ #include #else #include #endif */ enum ExplorerToolId { none, newWindow, goBack, goForward, goUp, goHome, browse, panelTree, panelSearch, addressBar, refreshView, viewList, viewDetails, viewIcons, viewCards, viewShowcase, viewCustom, previewPictures }; static char * toolIconNames[] = { "<:ecere>emblems/unreadable.png", /* none */ "<:ecere>actions/windowNew.png", /* newWindow */ "<:ecere>actions/goPrevious.png", /* goBack */ "<:ecere>actions/goNext.png", /* goForward */ "<:ecere>actions/goUp.png", /* goUp */ "<:ecere>actions/goHome.png", /* goHome */ ":browse.png", /* browse */ ":panel-tree.png", /* panelTree */ "<:ecere>actions/editFind.png", /* panelSearch */ "<:ecere>emblems/unreadable.png", /* addressBar */ "<:ecere>actions/viewRefresh.png", /* refreshView */ ":view-list.png", /* viewList */ ":view-details.png", /* viewDetails */ ":view-icons.png", /* viewIcons */ ":view-cards.png", /* viewCards */ ":view-showcase-right.png", /* viewShowcase */ ":view-custom.png", /* viewCustom */ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/image.png", /* previewPictures */ "" }; class ToolButton : Button { size = Size { 24, 24 }; property int toolId { set { bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = toolIconNames[value], alphaBlend = true }; id = value; } } bool TestToolBar::NotifyClicked(ToolButton button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { NotifyToolClick(this.parent, this,; return true; } } class ToggleToolButton : ToolButton { toggle = true; size = Size { 24, 24 }; bool TestToolBar::NotifyClicked(ToggleToolButton button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { NotifyToolClick(this.parent, this,; return true; } } class GroupToggleToolButton : ToolButton { toggle = true; size = Size { 24, 24 }; GroupToggleToolButton * selected; bool TestToolBar::NotifyClicked(GroupToggleToolButton button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { bool configured = (bool)button.selected; bool preselection = (configured && (*button.selected)); bool reclick = preselection ? (*button.selected == button) : false; if(configured && preselection && !reclick) { (*button.selected).checked = false; *button.selected = button; } NotifyToolClick(this.parent, this,; return true; } } class OptionToolButton : ToolButton { toggle = true; size = Size { 24, 24 }; OptionToolButton * selected; bool TestToolBar::NotifyClicked(OptionToolButton button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { bool configured = (bool)button.selected; bool preselection = (configured && (*button.selected)); bool reclick = preselection ? (*button.selected == button) : false; if(configured && !preselection) *button.selected = button; else if(configured && !reclick) { (*button.selected).checked = false; *button.selected = button; } button.checked = true; if(!reclick) NotifyToolClick(this.parent, this,; return true; } } class TestToolBar : Window { int xL, xR; borderStyle = bevel; inactive = true; background = activeBorder; size = Size { h = 32 }; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 0, right = 0 }; virtual void Window::NotifyToolClick(TestToolBar toolBar, int id); xL = 0; ToolButton newWindow { this, anchor = { left = (xL += 20) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::newWindow }; ToolButton goBack { this, anchor = { left = (xL += 46) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::goBack }; ToolButton goForward { this, anchor = { left = (xL += 26) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::goForward }; ToolButton goUp { this, anchor = { left = (xL += 30) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::goUp }; ToolButton goHome { this, anchor = { left = (xL += 30) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::goHome }; GroupToggleToolButton panelTree { this, anchor = { left = (xL += 46) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::panelTree, selected = &selectedPanel, checked = true }; GroupToggleToolButton panelSearch { this, anchor = { left = (xL += 26) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::panelSearch, selected = &selectedPanel }; GroupToggleToolButton selectedPanel; selectedPanel = panelTree; xR = 0; OptionToolButton viewList { this, anchor = { right = (xR += 20) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::viewList, selected = &selectedView, checked = true }; OptionToolButton viewDetails { this, anchor = { right = (xR += 26) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::viewDetails, selected = &selectedView }; OptionToolButton viewIcons { this, anchor = { right = (xR += 26) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::viewIcons, selected = &selectedView }; OptionToolButton viewTiles { this, anchor = { right = (xR += 26) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::viewCards, selected = &selectedView }; OptionToolButton viewShowcase { this, anchor = { right = (xR += 26) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::viewShowcase, selected = &selectedView }; OptionToolButton selectedView; selectedView = viewList; ToggleToolButton previewPictures { this, anchor = { right = (xR += 46) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::previewPictures }; ToolButton refreshView { this, anchor = { right = (xR += 46) }, toolId = ExplorerToolId::refreshView }; EditBox addressBar { this, master; size = { w = 250 }, anchor = { left = (xL += 30), right = (xR += 30) }, id = ExplorerToolId::addressBar; }; /*DropBox tileSet { this, anchor = { left = (xPos += 88) }; inactive = true; bool NotifySelect(DropBox dropBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { return true; } };*/ TestToolBar() { /*tileSet.AddString("Forest").tag = 0; tileSet.AddString("Winter").tag = 0; tileSet.AddString("Wasteland").tag = 0;*/ } }; class ExplorerWindow : Window { text = "Ecere Explorer"; background = activeBorder; borderStyle = sizable; hasMaximize = true; hasMinimize = true; hasClose = true; hasMenuBar = true; tabCycle = true; size = Size { 888, 840 }; bool userMode; bool clipboard; int treeSplit; int searchSplit; ExplorerToolId lastViewId; menu = Menu { }; Menu fileMenu { menu, "File", f }; Menu windowMenu { menu, "Window", w }; MenuItem newWindow { windowMenu, "New Window", n; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { ExplorerWindow { }.Create(); return true; } }; TestToolBar toolBar { this; void NotifyToolClick(TestToolBar toolBar, int id) { ExplorerToolId toolId = (ExplorerToolId)id; switch(toolId) { case none: break; case newWindow: ExplorerWindow { }.Create(); break; case goBack: case goForward: break; case goUp: { ExplorerFileBranch branch = tree.branch; if(branch && branch.parent) tree.Select(branch.parent); break; } case panelTree: if(tree.visible) { split.leftPane = null; split.visible = false; tree.visible = false; treeSplit = split.split; split.OnResize(split.size.w, split.size.h); } else { if(search.visible) { search.visible = false; searchSplit = split.split; } tree.visible = true; split.leftPane = tree; split.visible = true; split.split = treeSplit; split.OnResize(split.size.w, split.size.h); SwitchViews(lastViewId); } break; case panelSearch: if(search.visible) { split.leftPane = null; split.visible = false; search.visible = false; searchSplit = split.split; split.OnResize(split.size.w, split.size.h); SwitchViews(lastViewId); } else { if(tree.visible) { tree.visible = false; treeSplit = split.split; } search.visible = true; split.leftPane = search; split.visible = true; split.split = searchSplit; view = ExplorerSearchViewTree { viewHolder, this }; view.previewPictures = toolBar.previewPictures.checked; view.anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0 }; view.NotifyItemOpen = ViewNotifyItemOpen; view.Create(); search.view = (ExplorerSearchViewTree)view; split.OnResize(split.size.w, split.size.h); } break; case refreshView: if(view) view.Refresh(); break; case previewPictures: if(view) view.previewPictures = toolBar.previewPictures.checked; break; case viewList: case viewDetails: case viewIcons: case viewCards: case viewShowcase: SwitchViews(toolId); break; } } }; void SwitchViews(ExplorerToolId viewId) { ExplorerFileBranch branch = tree.branch; view.Destroy(0); switch(viewId) { case viewList: view = ExplorerViewList { parent = viewHolder, master = this }; break; case viewDetails: view = ExplorerViewDetails { parent = viewHolder, master = this }; break; case viewIcons: view = ExplorerViewIcons { parent = viewHolder, master = this }; break; case viewCards: view = ExplorerViewCards { parent = viewHolder, master = this }; break; case viewShowcase: view = ExplorerViewShowcase { parent = viewHolder, master = this }; break; } view.tabCycle = true; view.previewPictures = toolBar.previewPictures.checked; view.anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0 }; view.NotifyItemOpen = ViewNotifyItemOpen; view.Create(); view.Load(branch); lastViewId = viewId; } Window deep { this; borderStyle = deep; tabCycle = true; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 34, right = 0, bottom = 0 }; }; ExplorerTree tree { deep, this; //visible = false; tabCycle = true; size = Size { 624, 268 }; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; text = "Browser", hotKey = Key { e, alt = true }; NotifyBranchSelect = TreeNotifyBranchSelect; }; ExplorerView view; ExplorerSearch search { deep, this; visible = false; tabCycle = true; size = Size { 624, 268 }; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; }; ExplorerViewSearch results; bool TreeNotifyBranchSelect(ExplorerTree tree, ExplorerFileBranch branch) { if(branch) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; branch.GetPath(path); toolBar.addressBar.contents = path; view.Load(branch); } return true; } bool ViewNotifyItemOpen(ExplorerView view, ExplorerFileItem item) { ExplorerFileBranch branch = tree.branch; if(item && branch) { if(item.type.isFolderType) { ExplorerFileBranch child; if(!branch.loaded || !branch.childrenLoaded) BranchLoad(branch, tree.tree); for(child = branch.children.first; child; child = if(!strcmp(, break; if(child) { if(branch.row.collapsed) child.row.collapsed = true; child.EnsureVisible(false); tree.Select(child); } } else { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; branch.GetPath(path); PathCat(path,; ShellOpen(path); } } } Window viewHolder { parent = deep, master = this; tabCycle = true; anchor = Anchor { top = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0 }; }; SplitWindow split { deep, this; leftPane = tree, rightPane = viewHolder; split = 300; }; void GoToLocation(char * location) { int c; char * temp; char step[MAX_LOCATION]; StringArray steps { growingFactor = 4 }; ExplorerFileBranch last = null; temp = CopyString(location); while(strlen(temp)) { GetLastDirectory(temp, step); StripLastDirectory(temp, temp); steps.Add(CopyString(step)); } for(c = steps._count - 1; c >= 0; c--) { last = tree.Find(steps._[c], last); if(!last) break; tree.Select(last); } delete temp; delete steps; } void SearchLocation(char * location) { GoToLocation(location); search.location.editBox.contents = location; } bool OnPostCreate() { userMode = true; return true; } ExplorerWindow() { userMode = false; treeSplit = 300; searchSplit = 200; view = ExplorerViewList { parent = viewHolder, master = this; tabCycle = true; previewPictures = toolBar.previewPictures.checked; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0 }; NotifyItemOpen = ViewNotifyItemOpen; }; lastViewId = viewList; tree.Load(); view.Load(tree.root); } void InitTree() { } void InitSearch() { } } class ExplorerApp : GuiApplication { //skin = "Acovel"; bool Init() { QuickPathTool goPath { }; QuickPathTool searchPath { }; char * findWhat = null; SetLoggingMode(debug, null); if(argc > 1) { if(!strcmpi(argv[1], "go") && argc > 2) goPath = argv[2]; else if(!strcmpi(argv[1], "find") && argc > 2) { char * unquoted; if(argv[2][0] == '\"') StripQuotes(argv[2], unquoted); else unquoted = argv[2]; findWhat = CopyString(unquoted); if(argc > 3) { if(!strcmpi(argv[3], "in") && argc > 4) searchPath = argv[4]; else searchPath = ""; // this should make it current dir } else searchPath = ""; // same } else if(!strcmpi(argv[1], "search") && argc > 2) searchPath = argv[2]; else if(!strcmpi(argv[1], "image") && argc > 2) ; else if(!strcmpi(argv[1], "slides") && argc > 2) ; else goPath = argv[1]; } else goPath = ""; if(goPath) { ExplorerWindow explorerWnd { }; explorerWnd.Create(); explorerWnd.GoToLocation(goPath); } else if(searchPath) { ExplorerWindow explorerWnd { }; explorerWnd.Create(); explorerWnd.SearchLocation(searchPath); } return true; } } struct QuickPathTool { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; property char * { set { char * unquoted; GetWorkingDir(path, MAX_LOCATION); if(value[0] == '\"') StripQuotes(value, unquoted); else unquoted = value; PathCat(path, unquoted); if(!FileExists(path)) { // this incomplete functionality is not quite at it's place in this class int len; char * original = CopyString(path); while((len = strlen(path))) { StripLastDirectory(path, path); if(FileExists(path)) { // TODO: message location does not exist, // this higher location exists though // go there? break; } } if(!len) { // TODO: message location does not exist, // unable to select alternate location } path[0] = '\0'; delete original; } } get { return path[0] ? path : null; } } property bool { get { return (bool)path[0]; } } }; define app = ((ExplorerApp)__thisModule);