import "ecere" import "console" public enum CornerBlocksColor : byte { none, blue, yellow, red, green }; public enum PlayerColor : byte { blue, yellow, red, green; property CornerBlocksColor { get { return (CornerBlocksColor)((int)this+1); } } }; static Color colors[2][CornerBlocksColor] = { // TOFIX: (omitting Color { }) { 0, Color { 64, 64, 96 }, Color { 141, 114, 48 }, Color { 96, 32, 32 }, Color { 64, 96, 64 } }, { 0, blue, goldenrod, red, green } }; Point corners[PlayerColor] = { { 0, 0 }, { boardSize-1, 0 }, { boardSize-1, boardSize-1 }, { 0, boardSize-1 } }; define numPieces = 21; #ifdef _DEBUG define boardSize = 20; //10; #else define boardSize = 20; #endif #if defined(HIGH_DPI) define squareWidth = 60; define boardStartX = 20; define boardStartY = 30; define piecesY = 20; define blockOffset0 = 4; define blockOffset1 = 10; define blockOffset2 = 30; define blockOffset3 = 36; #else define squareWidth = 28; define blockOffset0 = 2; define blockOffset1 = 5; define blockOffset2 = 15; define blockOffset3 = 18; define boardStartX = 20; define boardStartY = 30; define piecesY = 20; #endif struct Piece { int w, h; byte blocks[25]; }; Piece pieces[numPieces] = { { 1, 1, { 1 } }, { 1, 2, { 1, 1 } }, { 1,3, { 1, 1, 1 } }, { 2, 2, { 1,0, 1,1 } }, { 1, 4, { 1, 1, 1, 1 } }, { 2,3, { 0,1, 0,1, 1,1 } }, { 2, 3, { 1,0, 1,1, 1,0 } }, { 2,2, { 1,1, 1,1 } }, { 3,2, { 1,1,0, 0,1,1 } }, { 1, 5, { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } }, { 2, 4, { 0,1, 0,1, 0,1, 1,1 } }, { 2, 4, { 0,1, 0,1, 1,1, 1,0 } }, { 2,3, { 0,1, 1,1, 1,1 } }, { 2,3, { 1,1, 0,1, 1,1 } }, { 2,4, { 1,0, 1,1, 1,0, 1,0 } }, { 3,3, { 0,1,0, 0,1,0, 1,1,1 } }, { 3,3, { 1,0,0, 1,0,0, 1,1,1 } }, { 3,3, { 1,1,0, 0,1,1, 0,0,1 } }, { 3,3, { 1,0,0, 1,1,1, 0,0,1 } }, { 3,3, { 1,0,0, 1,1,1, 0,1,0 } }, { 3,3, { 0,1,0, 1,1,1, 0,1,0 } } }; struct CornerBlocksGameState { byte playerPieces[PlayerColor][numPieces]; bool firstPiece[PlayerColor]; CornerBlocksColor board[boardSize * boardSize]; PlayerColor colorTurn; PlayerColor rotatingColor; int numPlayers; bool validPieces[numPieces]; bool over; bool validMove; int bonus[4]; int scores[4]; void NewGame() { PlayerColor p; int i; for(p = 0; p < PlayerColor::enumSize; p++) { for(i = 0; i < numPieces; i++) playerPieces[p][i] = 1; firstPiece[p] = true; bonus[p] = 0; scores[0] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < boardSize * boardSize; i++) board[i] = none; over = false; colorTurn = blue; rotatingColor = blue; validMove = CheckValidMoves(colorTurn, validPieces); } bool ValidMove(PlayerColor playerColor, int selectedPiece, int direction, bool flip, int boardX, int boardY) { Piece * piece = &pieces[selectedPiece]; int x, y; bool valid = true; bool touchCorner = false; int w = (direction & 1) ? piece->h : piece->w; int h = (direction & 1) ? piece->w : piece->h; if(!playerPieces[playerColor][selectedPiece]) return false; if(boardX < 0 || boardY < 0 || boardX + w > boardSize || boardY + h > boardSize) return false; for(y = 0; y < 5; y++) for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) if(PieceBlock(selectedPiece, x, y, direction, flip)) { int bx = x + boardX, by = y + boardY; if(board[by * boardSize + bx] || (by > 0 && board[(by-1) * boardSize + bx] == playerColor) || (by < boardSize-1 && board[(by+1) * boardSize + bx] == playerColor) || (bx > 0 && board[by * boardSize + bx - 1] == playerColor) || (bx < boardSize-1 && board[by * boardSize + bx + 1] == playerColor)) { valid = false; break; } if((by > 0 && bx > 0 && board[(by-1) * boardSize + (bx-1)] == playerColor) || (by > 0 && bx < boardSize-1 && board[(by-1) * boardSize + (bx+1)] == playerColor) || (by < boardSize-1 && bx > 0 && board[(by+1) * boardSize + (bx-1)] == playerColor) || (by < boardSize-1 && bx < boardSize-1 && board[(by+1) * boardSize + (bx+1)] == playerColor)) touchCorner = true; } if(valid && firstPiece[playerColor]) { for(y = 0; y < 5; y++) for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) if(PieceBlock(selectedPiece, x, y, direction, flip)) { int bx = x + boardX, by = y + boardY; if(bx == corners[playerColor].x && by == corners[playerColor].y) { touchCorner = true; break; } } } return valid && touchCorner; } bool CheckValidMoves(PlayerColor playerColor, bool validPieces[21]) { bool result = false; int p; for(p = 0; p < numPieces; p++) { bool validMove = false; if(playerPieces[playerColor][p]) { int x, y; for(y = 0; y < boardSize && !validMove; y++) { for(x = 0; x < boardSize && !validMove; x++) { bool flip; int direction; for(direction = 0; direction < 4 && !validMove; direction++) { for(flip = 0; flip <= 1 && !validMove; flip++) { if(ValidMove(playerColor, p, direction, flip, x, y)) result = validMove = true; } } } } } if(validPieces) validPieces[p] = validMove; } return result; } void PlayMove(int pieceType, int direction, bool flip, int boardX, int boardY) { int p; int y, x; for(y = 0; y < 5; y++) for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) if(PieceBlock(pieceType, x, y, direction, flip)) board[(y + boardY) * boardSize + x + boardX] = colorTurn; playerPieces[colorTurn][pieceType] = 0; scores[colorTurn] = 0; for(p = 0; p < numPieces; p++) { if(playerPieces[colorTurn][p]) { Piece * piece = &pieces[p]; int y, x; for(y = 0; y < piece->h; y++) for(x = 0; x < piece->w; x++) if(piece->blocks[y * piece->w + x]) scores[colorTurn]--; } } if(scores[colorTurn] == 0) bonus[colorTurn] = (pieceType == 0) ? 20 : 15; firstPiece[colorTurn] = false; if(numPlayers == 3 && colorTurn == green) { if(++rotatingColor == green) rotatingColor = 0; } if(++colorTurn > green) colorTurn = 0; validMove = CheckValidMoves(colorTurn, validPieces); if(!validMove) CheckGameOver(); } void Pass() { if(numPlayers == 3 && colorTurn == green) { if(++rotatingColor == green) rotatingColor = 0; } if(++colorTurn > green) colorTurn = 0; validMove = CheckValidMoves(colorTurn, validPieces); if(!validMove) CheckGameOver(); } void CheckGameOver() { PlayerColor turn = colorTurn; int c; for(c = 0; c < 3; c++) { if(++turn > green) turn = 0; if(CheckValidMoves(turn, null)) break; } if(c == 3) over = true; } }; int PieceBlock(int p, int x, int y, int direction, bool flip) { Piece * piece = &pieces[p]; int w = piece->w, h = piece->h; int rx, ry; switch(direction) { case 0: rx = x; ry = y; break; case 1: ry = h-1 - x; rx = y; break; case 2: ry = h-1 - y; rx = w -1- x; break; case 3: ry = x; rx = w-1-y; break; } if(rx < w && ry < h && rx >= 0 && ry >= 0) return piece->blocks[ry * w + (flip ? (w-1-rx) : rx)]; return 0; } class CornerBlocks : Window { caption = "Ecere Corner Blocks"; background = black; minClientSize = { 1068 /*800*/, 700 }; #ifdef __ANDROID__ anchor = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; #else borderStyle = sizable; hasMaximize = true; hasMinimize = true; hasClose = true; clientSize = { 1276, 708 }; #endif font = { "Arial", 12, bold = true }; FontResource yourTurnFont { "Arial", 12, bold = true, italic = true, window = this }; icon = { ":ollie.png" }; ServerConnection server; bool gameStarted; PlayerColor firstColor; char *playerNames[MaxPlayers]; // Current game state CornerBlocksGameState gameState; // User Interaction PlayerColor colorPlayed; // Color currently (or next) being played int selectedPiece; bool dragging, onBoard; Point drag, offset; Point squareDragged; Point boardPos; int direction; bool flip; bool passed[4]; #ifdef _DEBUG Timer timer { this, delay = 0.1; // started = true; bool DelayExpired() { if(server) server.SendMessage("Hello :)"); return true; } }; Timer timerPlay { this, delay = 0.05; // started = true; bool DelayExpired() { if(server) { if(gotMove && gameStarted && colorPlayed == gameState.colorTurn) { if(btnPass.visible) btnPass.NotifyClicked(this, btnPass, 0, 0, 0); else if(gameState.validMove) { while(true) { int p = GetRandom(0, numPieces); if(gameState.validPieces[p]) { bool validMove = false; int x, y; for(y = 0; y < boardSize && !validMove; y++) { for(x = 0; x < boardSize && !validMove; x++) { bool flip; int direction; for(direction = 0; direction < 4 && !validMove; direction++) { for(flip = 0; flip <= 1 && !validMove; flip++) { if(gameState.ValidMove(colorPlayed, p, direction, flip, x, y)) { bool result; gotMove = false; result = server.PlayPiece(p, direction, flip, x, y); validMove = true; } } } } } break; } } } } } return true; } }; bool gotMove; gotMove = true; #endif #ifdef __WIN32__ // To work around Flash() lockups on Windows... bool flash; Timer flashTimer { this, delay = 0.2, true; bool DelayExpired() { if(flash) Window::Flash(); flash = false; return true; } }; void Flash() { flash = true; } #endif void NextColorPlayed() { if(gameState.numPlayers == 1) { if(++colorPlayed > green) colorPlayed = 0; } else if(gameState.numPlayers == 2) { if((colorPlayed+=2) > green) colorPlayed = firstColor; } else if(gameState.numPlayers == 3) { colorPlayed = (colorPlayed == firstColor && gameState.rotatingColor == firstColor) ? green : firstColor; } } void UpdatePlayerNames() { int c; if(gameState.numPlayers == 1) { for(c = 0; c < 4; c++) playerNames[c] = panel.playerNames[0]; } else if(gameState.numPlayers == 2) { for(c = 0; c < 2; c++) { playerNames[c] = panel.playerNames[c]; playerNames[c+2] = panel.playerNames[c]; } } else if(gameState.numPlayers == 3) { for(c = 0; c < 3; c++) playerNames[c] = panel.playerNames[c]; playerNames[3] = panel.playerNames[gameState.rotatingColor]; } else if(gameState.numPlayers == 4) { for(c = 0; c < 4; c++) playerNames[c] = panel.playerNames[c]; } } void DrawSquare(Surface surface, int x, int y, CornerBlocksColor color, int shade) { surface.background = colors[shade][color]; surface.Area(x+1, y+1, x + squareWidth-1, y + squareWidth-1); surface.foreground = lightGray; surface.VLine(y+blockOffset1, y + blockOffset2, x + blockOffset1); surface.HLine(x+blockOffset1, x + blockOffset3, y + blockOffset1); surface.foreground = white; surface.Rectangle(x + blockOffset0,y+blockOffset0, x + squareWidth-blockOffset0, y + squareWidth - blockOffset0); } bool OnClose(bool parentClosing) { if((gameStarted && !gameState.over) || hosting) { if(MessageBox { type = okCancel, caption = "Ecere CornerBlocks", contents = "Quit Ecere CornerBlocks?" }.Modal() == cancel) return false; } return true; } void OnDestroy() { if(server) server.Disconnect(0); panel.Destroy(0); scoresPanel.Destroy(0); } ~CornerBlocks() { delete server; } bool OnMouseMove(int mx, int my, Modifiers mods) { if(dragging) { Piece * piece = &pieces[selectedPiece]; int w = (direction & 1) ? piece->h : piece->w; int h = (direction & 1) ? piece->w : piece->h; drag = { offset.x + mx, offset.y + my }; if(mx - squareDragged.x * squareWidth >= boardStartX - 10 && mx - squareDragged.x * squareWidth < boardStartX + ((boardSize-w)+1) * squareWidth + 10 && my - squareDragged.y * squareWidth >= boardStartY - 10 && my - squareDragged.y * squareWidth < boardStartY + ((boardSize-h)+1) * squareWidth + 10) { int x, y; x = Max(0,mx - squareDragged.x * squareWidth - boardStartX) / squareWidth; y = Max(0,my - squareDragged.y * squareWidth - boardStartY) / squareWidth; x = Min(x, boardSize-w); y = Min(y, boardSize-h); drag.x = boardStartX + x * squareWidth; drag.y = boardStartY + y * squareWidth; boardPos = { x, y }; onBoard = true; } else onBoard = false; Update(null); } return true; } bool OnLeftButtonUp(int mx, int my, Modifiers mods) { if(dragging) { if(onBoard) { if(gameStarted && colorPlayed == gameState.colorTurn) { Piece * piece = &pieces[selectedPiece]; if(gameState.ValidMove(gameState.colorTurn, selectedPiece, direction, flip, boardPos.x, boardPos.y)) server.PlayPiece(selectedPiece, direction, flip, boardPos.x, boardPos.y); } } dragging = false; ReleaseCapture(); Update(null); } return true; } bool OnRightButtonDown(int mx, int my, Modifiers mods) { Piece * piece = &pieces[selectedPiece]; int x = squareDragged.x, y = squareDragged.y; int w,h; w = (direction & 1) ? piece->h : piece->w; h = (direction & 1) ? piece->w : piece->h; offset.x += squareDragged.x * squareWidth; offset.y += squareDragged.y * squareWidth; squareDragged = (direction & 1) ? { x, h-1-y } : { w-1-x, y }; flip ^= true; offset.x -= squareDragged.x * squareWidth; offset.y -= squareDragged.y * squareWidth; OnMouseMove(mx,my,mods); Update(null); return true; } bool OnSysKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { // Temporarily disable chat when dragging to get Android arrow keys if(dragging) chat.disabled = true; return true; } bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { chat.disabled = false; return true; } bool OnKeyHit(Key key, unichar ch) { if(key == space) { OnRightButtonDown(drag.x - offset.x, drag.y - offset.y, 0); } if(key == wheelDown || key == down || key == left || key == wheelUp || key == up || key == right) { Piece * piece = &pieces[selectedPiece]; int mx = drag.x - offset.x, my = drag.y - offset.y; int rx, ry; int x = squareDragged.x, y = squareDragged.y; int w,h; bool isDown = key == wheelDown || key == right || key == down; if(isDown) { if(++direction == 4) direction = 0; } else { if(--direction == -1) direction = 3; } w = (direction & 1) ? piece->h : piece->w; h = (direction & 1) ? piece->w : piece->h; offset.x += squareDragged.x * squareWidth; offset.y += squareDragged.y * squareWidth; if(isDown) squareDragged = { w-1-y, x }; else squareDragged = { y, h-1-x }; offset.x -= squareDragged.x * squareWidth; offset.y -= squareDragged.y * squareWidth; OnMouseMove(mx,my,0); Update(null); } return true; } bool OnLeftButtonDown(int mx, int my, Modifiers mods) { if( mx > squareWidth * boardSize + 40) { int bx, by; bool selected = false; int pieceNum = 0; Point offset; int rh = 0; int c; // Draw Player Pieces bx = squareWidth * boardSize + 40; by = piecesY; for(c = 0; c < numPieces; c++) { if(gameState.playerPieces[colorPlayed][c]) { int w = pieces[c].w, h = pieces[c].h; int y; for(y = 0; y < 5; y++) { int x; for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) { if(PieceBlock(c, x, y, 0, false)) { int dx = bx + x * squareWidth; int dy = by + y * squareWidth; if(mx >= dx && mx < dx + squareWidth && my >= dy && my < dy + squareWidth) { selected = true; pieceNum = c; offset = { bx - mx, by - my }; squareDragged = { x, y }; break; } } if(selected) break; } if(selected) break; } if(selected) break; bx += w * squareWidth + squareWidth; if(h > rh) rh = h; if(bx + 5 * squareWidth > clientSize.w) { bx = squareWidth * boardSize + 40; by += (rh+1) * squareWidth; rh = 0; } } } if(selected) { Update(null); direction = 0; flip = 0; selectedPiece = pieceNum; this.offset = offset; dragging = true; OnMouseMove(mx, my, mods); Capture(); } } return true; } float lightValue, lightDir; lightValue = 1; lightDir = -.1f; Timer turnLightTimer { this, 0.1, false; bool DelayExpired() { lightValue += lightDir; if(lightValue < 0) { lightValue = 0; lightDir = .1f; } if(lightValue > 1) { lightValue = 1; lightDir =-.1f; } Update(null); return true; } }; void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { int c; int bx = boardStartX; int by = boardStartY; int x, y; char * s; int len, tw; Color turnLight = white; if(gameStarted && !gameState.over) { ColorRGB empty = colors[1][gameState.colorTurn] /*gray*/, full = white; turnLight = ColorRGB { empty.r + lightValue * (full.r - empty.r), empty.g + lightValue * (full.g - empty.g), empty.b + lightValue * (full.b - empty.b) }; } surface.foreground = aqua; for(c = 0; c <= boardSize; c++) { surface.HLine(bx,bx+squareWidth*boardSize, by + c * squareWidth); surface.VLine(by,by+squareWidth*boardSize, bx + c * squareWidth); } surface.background = colors[cornerBlocks.gameStarted][blue]; x = bx; y = by; surface.Area(x - 10, y - 10, x + 10, y-1); surface.Area(x - 10, y - 10, x - 1, y+10); s = playerNames[PlayerColor::blue]; if(s) { len = strlen(s); surface.foreground = (gameState.colorTurn == blue) ? turnLight : white; surface.WriteText(x + 15, y - 20, s, len); } surface.background = colors[cornerBlocks.gameStarted][yellow]; x = bx + boardSize*squareWidth; y = by; surface.Area(x - 10, y - 10, x + 10, y-1); surface.Area(x + 1, y - 10, x + 10, y+10); s = playerNames[PlayerColor::yellow]; if(s) { len = strlen(s); surface.TextExtent(s, len, &tw, null); surface.foreground = (gameState.colorTurn == yellow) ? turnLight : white; surface.WriteText(x - 15 - tw, y - 20, s, len); } surface.background = colors[cornerBlocks.gameStarted][red]; x = bx + boardSize*squareWidth; y = by + boardSize*squareWidth; surface.Area(x - 10, y + 1, x + 10, y+10); surface.Area(x + 1, y - 10, x + 10, y+10); s = playerNames[PlayerColor::red]; if(s) { len = strlen(s); surface.TextExtent(s, len, &tw, null); surface.foreground = (gameState.colorTurn == red) ? turnLight : white; surface.WriteText(x - 15 - tw, y, s, len); } surface.background = colors[cornerBlocks.gameStarted][green]; x = bx; y = by + boardSize*squareWidth; surface.Area(x - 10, y + 1, x + 10, y+10); surface.Area(x - 10, y - 10, x - 1, y+10); s = playerNames[PlayerColor::green]; if(s) { len = strlen(s); surface.foreground = (gameState.colorTurn == green) ? turnLight : white; surface.WriteText(x + 15, y, s, len); } if(gameState.over) { surface.font = yourTurnFont.font; surface.foreground = crimson; surface.CenterTextf(x + boardSize*squareWidth/2, y + 3, "Game Over"); } else if(gameState.numPlayers > 1 && gameStarted && colorPlayed == gameState.colorTurn) { surface.font = yourTurnFont.font; surface.foreground = tomato; surface.CenterTextf(x + boardSize*squareWidth/2, y + 3, "Your turn"); } for(y = 0; y < boardSize; y++) { for(x = 0; x < boardSize; x++) { CornerBlocksColor color = gameState.board[y * boardSize + x]; if(color) { DrawSquare(surface, bx + x * squareWidth, by + y * squareWidth, color, cornerBlocks.gameStarted); } } } { int rh = 0; // Draw Player Pieces bx = squareWidth * boardSize + 40; by = piecesY; for(c = 0; c < numPieces; c++) { if(gameState.playerPieces[colorPlayed][c]) { int w = pieces[c].w, h = pieces[c].h; for(y = 0; y < 5; y++) { for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) { if(PieceBlock(c, x, y, 0, false)) { if(!dragging || selectedPiece != c) DrawSquare(surface, bx + x * squareWidth, by + y * squareWidth, colorPlayed, gameStarted && (gameState.colorTurn == colorPlayed && gameState.validPieces[c])); } } } if(h > rh) rh = h; bx += w * squareWidth + squareWidth; if(bx + 5 * squareWidth > clientSize.w) { bx = squareWidth * boardSize + 40; by += rh * squareWidth + squareWidth; rh = 0; } } } // Draw Dragged piece if(dragging) { for(y = 0; y < 5; y++) for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) { if(PieceBlock(selectedPiece, x, y, direction, flip)) { DrawSquare(surface, drag.x + x * squareWidth, drag.y + y * squareWidth, colorPlayed, gameStarted && gameState.colorTurn == colorPlayed && gameState.validPieces[selectedPiece]); if(x == 0 || !PieceBlock(selectedPiece, x-1, y, direction, flip)) { surface.foreground = white; surface.VLine(drag.y + y * squareWidth-1, drag.y + (y+1) * squareWidth+1, drag.x + x * squareWidth - 1); surface.foreground = lime; surface.VLine(drag.y + y * squareWidth-2, drag.y + (y+1) * squareWidth+2, drag.x + x * squareWidth - 2); } if(y == 0 || !PieceBlock(selectedPiece, x, y-1, direction, flip)) { surface.foreground = white; surface.HLine(drag.x + x * squareWidth-1, drag.x + (x+1) * squareWidth+1, drag.y + y * squareWidth - 1); surface.foreground = lime; surface.HLine(drag.x + x * squareWidth-2, drag.x + (x+1) * squareWidth+2, drag.y + y * squareWidth - 2); } if(x == 4 || !PieceBlock(selectedPiece, x+1, y, direction, flip)) { surface.foreground = white; surface.VLine(drag.y + y * squareWidth-1, drag.y + (y+1) * squareWidth+1, drag.x + (x+1) * squareWidth + 1); surface.foreground = lime; surface.VLine(drag.y + y * squareWidth-2, drag.y + (y+1) * squareWidth+2, drag.x + (x+1) * squareWidth + 2); } if(y == 4 || !PieceBlock(selectedPiece, x, y+1, direction, flip)) { surface.foreground = white; surface.HLine(drag.x + x * squareWidth-1, drag.x + (x+1) * squareWidth+1, drag.y + (y+1) * squareWidth + 1); surface.foreground = lime; surface.HLine(drag.x + x * squareWidth-2, drag.x + (x+1) * squareWidth+2, drag.y + (y+1) * squareWidth + 2); } } } } } } Console chat { this, size = { boardSize*squareWidth }, anchor = { left = boardStartX, top = boardStartY + boardSize*squareWidth + 20, bottom = 5 }; font = { "Arial", 11, bold = true }; editTextColor = white; logTextColor = white; editHeight = 24; log.hasVertScroll = bool::true; log.inactive = bool::true; visible = false; bool ProcessCommand(char * command) { cornerBlocks.server.SendMessage(command); return false; } }; Button btnPass { this, caption = "No Move Available! Pass...", //anchor = { right = 5, bottom = 5 }; anchor = { left = squareWidth * boardSize + 40, bottom = 5 }; inactive = true; visible = false; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { btnPass.visible = false; cornerBlocks.passed[cornerBlocks.gameState.colorTurn] = true; server.Pass(); return true; } }; } class CornerBlocksScores : Window { master = cornerBlocks; moveable = true; borderStyle = fixed; background = black; caption = "CornerBlocks Final Scores"; clientSize = { 580, 210 }; font = { "Arial", 12, bold = true }; icon = { ":ollie.png" }; void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { PlayerColor p; char * s; int len; char temp[256]; int grandTotals[4]; CornerBlocksGameState * state = &cornerBlocks.gameState; surface.foreground = white; s = "Score"; len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(10, 40, s, len); s = "Bonus"; len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(10, 60, s, len); s = "Total"; len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(10, 100, s, len); if(state->numPlayers < 3) { s = "Grand Total"; len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(10, 160, s, len); } for(p = blue; p <= green; p++) { int x = 80 + p * 120; surface.foreground = colors[1][p]; /* // GCC internal compiler error with -O2, MinGW GCC 4.4.0 s = (state->numPlayers == 3 && p == green) ? "* Green *" : cornerBlocks.playerNames[p]; len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(x, 20, s, len); */ if(state->numPlayers == 3 && p == green) { s = "* Green *"; len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(x, 20, s, len); } else if(cornerBlocks.playerNames[p]) { s = cornerBlocks.playerNames[p]; len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(x, 20, s, len); } s = temp; sprintf(temp, "%d", state->scores[p]); len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(x + 30, 40, s, len); if(state->bonus[p]) { s = temp; sprintf(temp, "%d", state->bonus[p]); len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(x + 30, 60, s, len); } if(state->numPlayers > 2) grandTotals[p] = state->scores[p] + state->bonus[p]; s = temp; sprintf(temp, "%d", state->scores[p] + state->bonus[p]); len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(x + 30, 100, s, len); if((state->numPlayers == 2 && p <= yellow) || (state->numPlayers == 1 && p == blue)) { if(state->numPlayers == 2) grandTotals[p] = state->scores[p] + state->bonus[p] + state->scores[p+2] + state->bonus[p+2]; else grandTotals[p] = state->scores[0] + state->bonus[0] + state->scores[1] + state->bonus[1] + state->scores[2] + state->bonus[2] + state->scores[3] + state->bonus[3]; if(cornerBlocks.playerNames[p]) { s = cornerBlocks.playerNames[p]; len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(x, 140, s, len); } s = temp; sprintf(temp, "%d", grandTotals[p]); len = strlen(s); surface.WriteText(x + 30, 160, s, len); } } if(state->numPlayers > 1) { char string[256]; int c, greatest = -MAXINT; int numTies = 0, ties[3], winner; string[0] = 0; for(c = 0; c < state->numPlayers; c++) { if(grandTotals[c] > greatest) { greatest = grandTotals[c]; numTies = 0; winner = c; } else if(grandTotals[c] == greatest) { if(!numTies) { numTies = 1; ties[0] = winner; } ties[numTies++] = c; } } if(numTies) { for(c = 0; c < numTies; c++) { strcat(string, cornerBlocks.playerNames[c]); if(c < numTies-2) strcat(string, ", "); else if(c < numTies-1) strcat(string, " and "); } surface.foreground = white; strcat(string, " tied!"); } else { surface.foreground = colors[1][(PlayerColor)winner]; sprintf(string, "%s won!", cornerBlocks.playerNames[winner]); } len = strlen(string); surface.WriteText(100, 180, string, strlen(string)); } } } CornerBlocksScores scoresPanel { visible = false }; CornerBlocks cornerBlocks { }; class CornerBlocksApp : GuiApplication { //fullScreen = true; bool Init() { cornerBlocks.Create(); panel.Create(); return true; } bool Cycle(bool idle) { // This is here because it hangs in MovePlayed() (Why?) scoresPanel.visible = cornerBlocks.gameStarted && cornerBlocks.gameState.over; #ifdef _DEBUG /*if(cornerBlocks.gameState.over) panel.btnStart.NotifyClicked(panel, panel.btnStart, 0, 0, 0);*/ #endif return true; } void Terminate() { if(hosting) cornerBlocksService.Stop(); } } import remote "CornerBlocksServer" define app = ((CornerBlocksApp)__thisModule.application); define CORNERBLOCKS_PORT = 1495; static bool hosting; define MaxPlayers = 4; class CommunicationPanel : Window { caption = "CornerBlocks Communication Panel"; background = lightSlateGray; borderStyle = fixed; hasClose = true; tabCycle = true; clientSize = { 430, 300 }; #ifdef __ANDROID__ anchor = { right = 0, bottom = 0 }; #endif icon = { ":ollie.png" }; // Other player info char playerNames[MaxPlayers][256]; DataField fldName { header = "Name", width = 100 }; DataField fldAddr { header = "Address" }; bool OnClose(bool parentClosing) { if(!cornerBlocks || cornerBlocks.destroyed || cornerBlocks.Destroy(0)) return true; return false; } void OnDestroy() { app.Unlock(); if(hosting) cornerBlocksService.Stop(); app.Lock(); } CommunicationPanel() { listPlayers.AddField(fldName); listPlayers.AddField(fldAddr); } void ListPlayers() { int c; listPlayers.Clear(); fldAddr.header = hosting ? "Address" : ""; for(c = 0; c 0; btnStopGame.visible = hosting && (serverGameStarted && !serverGameState.over); listPlayers.visible = (hosting && (serverGameStarted || numPlayers > 0)) || (!hosting && cornerBlocks.server && cornerBlocks.gameStarted); btnKick.visible = hosting && !serverGameStarted && numPlayers > 0; btnKick.disabled = listPlayers.currentRow ? false : true; } EditBox serverAddress { this, caption = "Server Address:", altA, font = { "Tahoma", 10, bold = true }, size = { 220, 24 }, position = { 16, 64 }, contents = "localhost" }; Label lblServerAddress { this, font = { "Tahoma", 8.25f, bold = true }, position = { 16, 40 }, labeledWindow = serverAddress }; Button btnConnect { this, caption = "Connect", altC, isDefault = true, font = { "Arial", 16, bold = true }, size = { 126, 32 }, position = { 256, 64 }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(!cornerBlocks.server) { cornerBlocks.server = ServerConnection { void OnDisconnect(int code) { app.Lock(); if(cornerBlocks) { delete cornerBlocks.server; cornerBlocks.gameStarted = false; cornerBlocks.turnLightTimer.Stop(); cornerBlocks.lightValue = 1; cornerBlocks.lightDir = -.1f; cornerBlocks.Update(null); panel.UpdateControlsStates(); panel.ListPlayers(); } DCOMClientObject::OnDisconnect(code); app.Unlock(); } void GameStarted(GameInfo gameInfo) { int x,y; int c, np = 0; cornerBlocks.gameState.numPlayers = gameInfo.numPlayers; cornerBlocks.firstColor = gameInfo.firstColor; cornerBlocks.colorPlayed = cornerBlocks.firstColor; for(c = 0; c 1 || log.line.count) ? "\n%s: %s" : "%s: %s"; int len = strlen(msg); // Avoid buffer overflow... if(len >= MAX_F_STRING-100) msg[MAX_F_STRING-100] = 0;, name, msg); } }; incref cornerBlocks.server; if(cornerBlocks.server.Connect(serverAddress.contents, CORNERBLOCKS_PORT)) { int playerID = cornerBlocks.server.Join(); if(cornerBlocks.server && playerID != -1) cornerBlocks.server.SetName(playerName.contents); else cornerBlocks.server.Disconnect(0); UpdateControlsStates(); } else delete cornerBlocks.server; } return true; } }; Button btnDisconnect { this, caption = "Disconnect", altD, font = { "Arial", 16, bold = true }, size = { 126, 32 }, position = { 256, 64 }, visible = false; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(!cornerBlocks.gameStarted || cornerBlocks.gameState.over || MessageBox { type = okCancel, caption = "Ecere Corner Blocks", contents = "Game in progress! Disconnect?" }.Modal() == ok) { if(cornerBlocks.server) cornerBlocks.server.Disconnect(0); } return true; } }; Button btnHost { this, caption = "Host", altH, font = { "Arial", 16, bold = true }, size = { 90, 32 }, position = { 16, 112 }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(!cornerBlocks.gameStarted) { if(cornerBlocksService.Start()) { hosting = true; Update(null); UpdateControlsStates(); } } return true; } }; Button btnStopHosting { this, caption = "Stop Hosting", altP, font = { "Arial", 16, bold = true }, position = { 16, 112 }, visible = false; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { int numPlayers = 0; int c; for(c = 0; c