import "" struct MoveStack { ChessMove * moves; int size, count; }; define MAXDEPTH = 4; // define MAXDEPTH = 6; define MAXDEPTH_PASS2 = 50; static MoveStack moveStack[MAXDEPTH_PASS2]; void AddMoveToList(MoveStack stack, ChessState state, PieceType type, Player player, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if(IsMoveValid(x1,y1,x2,y2, state, null, true)) { ChessMove * move; if(stack.count + 1 > stack.size) { stack.size += 10000; stack.moves = renew stack.moves ChessMove[stack.size]; } move = &stack.moves[stack.count++]; move->player = player; move->type = type; move->x1 = x1; move->y1 = y1; move->x2 = x2; move->y2 = y2; // For now queen only... move->promotion = Queen; } } void GeneratePieceMoveList(ChessState state, int x, int y, MoveStack stack) { Piece content = state.board[y][x]; Player player = content.player; PieceType type = content.type; int x2,y2; switch(type) { case Pawn: { int direction = (player == White) ? 1 : -1; AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x,y+direction); if((player == White && y == 1) || (player == Black && y == 6)) AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x,y+direction*2); // Capturing Move (Including en passant) if(x > 0) AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x-1,y+direction); if(x < 7) AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x+1,y+direction); break; } case Knight: AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x+1,y+2); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x+2,y+1); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x+2,y-1); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x+1,y-2); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x-1,y-2); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x-2,y-1); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x-2,y+1); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x-1,y+2); break; case Bishop: { for(x2 = 0; x2<8; x2++) { if(x2 != x) { y2 = y + Abs(x2 - x); if(y2 < 8) AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x2,y2); y2 = y - Abs(x2 - x); if(y2 >= 0) AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x2,y2); } } break; } case Rook: for(x2 = 0; x2<8; x2++) { if(x2 != x) { AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x2,y); } } for(y2 = 0; y2<8; y2++) { if(y2 != y) { AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x,y2); } } break; case Queen: for(x2 = 0; x2<8; x2++) { if(x2 != x) { y2 = y + Abs(x2 - x); if(y2 < 8) AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x2,y2); y2 = y - Abs(x2 - x); if(y2 >= 0) AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x2,y2); } } for(x2 = 0; x2<8; x2++) { if(x2 != x) { AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x2,y); } } for(y2 = 0; y2<8; y2++) { if(y2 != y) { AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y,x,y2); } } break; case King: AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x,y+1); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x+1,y+1); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x+1,y); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x+1,y-1); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x,y-1); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x-1,y-1); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x-1,y); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x-1,y+1); // Castle AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x-2,y); AddMoveToList(stack, state, type, player, x,y, x+2,y); break; } } void GenerateMoveList(ChessState state, MoveStack stack) { int x,y; stack.count = 0; for(x = 0; x<8; x++) for(y = 0; y<8; y++) { Piece content = state.board[y][x]; if(content && content.player == state.turn) GeneratePieceMoveList(state, x,y, stack); } } int EvaluateMaterial(Piece board[8][8], Player turn) { int x,y; int materialMe = 0, materialOpp = 0; for(y = 0; y<8; y++) for(x = 0; x<8; x++) { Piece content = board[y][x]; if(content != Piece {}) { Player player = content.player; PieceType piece = content.type; if(player == turn) materialMe += materialValues[piece]; else materialOpp += materialValues[piece]; } } return materialMe - materialOpp; } int EvaluatePosition(ChessState state, Player turn) { int position = 0; // To help the mate... if(state.materialValue[White] < 7) { if((state.kings[White].x >= 3 && state.kings[White].x <= 4) && (state.kings[White].y >= 3 && state.kings[White].y <= 4)) { position -= 3; } else if((state.kings[White].x >= 2 && state.kings[White].x <= 5) && (state.kings[White].y >= 2 && state.kings[White].y <= 5)) { position -= 2; } else if((state.kings[White].x >= 1 && state.kings[White].x <= 6) && (state.kings[White].y >= 1 && state.kings[White].y <= 6)) { position -= 1; } } // Castle if(state.castled[White]) position -= 15; if(state.castled[Black]) position += 15; return position; } static int CompareGreater(const ChessMove a, const ChessMove b) { if(a.rating > b.rating) return 1; else if(a.rating < b.rating) return -1; else { if(a.count < b.count) return 1; else if(a.count > b.count) return -1; else return 0; } } static int CompareSmaller(const ChessMove a, const ChessMove b) { if(a.rating < b.rating) return 1; else if(a.rating > b.rating) return -1; else { if(a.count > b.count) return 1; else if(a.count < b.count) return -1; else return 0; } } bool FindMove(ChessState startState, int depth, int *maxDepth, ChessMove bestMove, int startRating, int * returnedRating, int startCount, int * returnedCount, bool * abort) { Player player = startState.turn; MoveStack * stack = &moveStack[depth]; int bestRating = (player == Black) ? MININT : 200000; int c; int bestCount = MAXINT; int maxShots = stack->count; // Stop AI if(*abort) return false; GenerateMoveList(startState, stack); if(!stack->count && !Check(startState, player, startState.kings[player].x, startState.kings[player].y)) bestRating = 0; if(!stack->count) bestCount = startCount; maxShots = stack->count; for(c = 0; cmoves[c]; int newRating, newCount = MAXINT; int delta = 0; ChessState state = startState; StateMakeMove(&state, move->x1, move->y1, move->x2, move->y2, move->promotion, false, &delta); if(player == White) delta *= -1; if(Abs(delta) < 1000 && (depth+1 < *maxDepth)) { FindMove(&state, depth+1, maxDepth, null, startRating + delta, &newRating, startCount+1, &newCount, abort); } else { int position; position = EvaluatePosition(&state, player); newRating = startRating + delta + position; if((player == Black) ? (newRating > bestRating) : (newRating < bestRating)) newCount = startCount+1; } move->rating = newRating; move->count = newCount; if((player == Black) ? (newRating >= bestRating) : (newRating <= bestRating)) { bestRating = newRating; if(move->count < bestCount) bestCount = move->count; } } stack->count = maxShots; // Pass 2 if(bestMove && stack->count) { int numGoodMoves; if(player == Black) qsort(stack->moves, stack->count, sizeof(ChessMove), CompareSmaller); else qsort(stack->moves, stack->count, sizeof(ChessMove), CompareGreater); for(numGoodMoves = 0; numGoodMovescount; numGoodMoves++) { if(stack->moves[numGoodMoves].rating != bestRating) break; if(stack->moves[numGoodMoves].count != bestCount) break; } c = GetRandom(0, numGoodMoves-1); bestMove = stack->moves[c]; } if(returnedRating) *returnedRating = bestRating; if(returnedCount) *returnedCount = bestCount; Sleep(0); return stack->count > 0; } class AIThread : Thread { Chess chess; bool aiMoveResult; bool abortAI; ChessMove aiMove; Timer aiTimer { this, 0.1; bool DelayExpired() { if(aiMoveResult) { Wait(); chess.MakeMove(aiMove.x1, aiMove.y1, aiMove.x2, aiMove.y2, aiMove.promotion); aiMoveResult = false; aiTimer.Stop(); } return true; } }; void Play() { abortAI = false; #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) Main(); chess.MakeMove(aiMove.x1, aiMove.y1, aiMove.x2, aiMove.y2, aiMove.promotion); aiMoveResult = false; #else app.UpdateDisplay(); Create(); aiTimer.Start(); #endif } void Abort() { abortAI = true; Wait(); aiTimer.Stop(); aiMoveResult = false; } ChessState * chessState; uint Main() { ChessState * chessState = chess.chessState; int startRating = EvaluateMaterial(chessState->board, chessState->turn); int depth = MAXDEPTH; RandomSeed((uint)(((uint64)(GetTime() * 1000)) & MAXDWORD)); aiMoveResult = FindMove(chessState, 0, &depth, &aiMove, startRating, null, 0, null, &abortAI); return 0; } public: property Chess chess { set { chess = value; } } property ChessState * chessState { set { chessState = value; } } }