#ifdef ECERE_STATIC public import static "ecere" #else public import "ecere" #endif import "DynamicString" #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR import "ide" // We should have the .sln/.vcproj generation even on other platforms // e.g. detect from an environment variable pointing to a Windows drive #ifdef __WIN32__ import "vsSupport" #endif #endif import "ProjectConfig" import "ProjectNode" import "IDESettings" default: static void DummyFunction() { int a; a.OnFree(); } private: extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree; IDESettings ideSettings; IDESettingsContainer settingsContainer { driver = "JSON"; dataOwner = &ideSettings; dataClass = class(IDESettings); void OnLoad(GlobalSettingsData data) { IDESettings settings = (IDESettings)data; #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR globalSettingsDialog.ideSettings = settings; ide.UpdateRecentMenus(); #endif } }; #ifdef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR CompilerConfig defaultCompiler; #endif // LEGACY BINARY EPJ LOADING SetBool ParseTrueFalseValue(char * string) { if(!strcmpi(string, "True")) return true; return false; } void ParseArrayValue(Array array, char * equal) { char * start, * comma; char * string; string = CopyString(equal); start = string; while(start) { comma = strstr(start, ","); if(comma) comma[0] = '\0'; array.Add(CopyString(start)); if(comma) comma++; if(comma) comma++; start = comma; } delete string; } void ProjectNode::LegacyBinaryLoadNode(File f) { int len, count, c; int fileNameLen; f.Read(&len, sizeof(len), 1); name = new char[len+1]; fileNameLen = len; f.Read(name, sizeof(char), len+1); f.Read(&len, sizeof(len), 1); fileNameLen += len; path = new char[len+1]; f.Read(path, sizeof(char), len+1); /* fileName = new char[fileNameLen+2]; strcpy(fileName, path); if(fileName[0]) strcat(fileName, "/"); strcat(fileName, name); */ f.Read(&type, sizeof(type), 1); f.Read(&count, sizeof(count), 1); if(type == file) { nodeType = file; icon = NodeIcons::SelectFileIcon(name); } else { nodeType = folder; icon = NodeIcons::SelectNodeIcon(type); } if(count && !files) files = { }; for(c = 0; c < count; c++) { ProjectNode child { }; files.Add(child); child.parent = this; child.indent = indent + 1; LegacyBinaryLoadNode(child, f); } } /*void LegacyBinarySaveNode(File f) { int len; ProjectNode child; len = strlen(name); f.Write(&len, sizeof(len), 1); f.Write(name, sizeof(char), len+1); if(type == project) { // Projects Absolute Path Are Not Saved len = 0; f.Write(&len, sizeof(len), 1); f.Write(&len, sizeof(char), 1); } else { len = strlen(path); f.Write(&len, sizeof(len), 1); f.Write(path, sizeof(char), len+1); } f.Write(&type, sizeof(type), 1); f.Write(&children.count, sizeof(children.count), 1); for(child = children.first; child; child.next) child.SaveNode(f); }*/ void ProjectNode::LegacyAsciiSaveNode(File f, char * indentation, char * insidePath) { int len; char printPath[MAX_LOCATION]; if(type == project && (files.count /*|| preprocessorDefs.first*/)) { f.Printf("\n Files\n"); } else if(type == file) { if(!strcmp(path, insidePath)) f.Printf("%s - %s\n", indentation, name); else { strcpy(printPath, path); len = strlen(printPath); if(len) if(printPath[len-1] != '/') strcat(printPath, "/"); strcat(printPath, name); f.Printf("%s = %s\n", indentation, printPath); } if(files.count) f.Printf("\nError\n\n"); } else if(type == folder) { f.Printf("%s + %s\n", indentation, name); } else if(type == resources && files.count) { PathCatSlash(insidePath, path); f.Printf("\n%sResources\n", indentation); if(path && path[0]) f.Printf("%s Path = %s\n", indentation, path); } /*if(buildExclusions.first && type != project) { for(item = buildExclusions.first; item; item = item.next) { if(item == buildExclusions.first) f.Printf("%s Build Exclusions = %s", indentation, item.name); else f.Printf(", %s", item.name); } f.Printf("\n"); } if(preprocessorDefs.first && (type == project || ((type == file || type == folder) && !isInResources))) { for(item = preprocessorDefs.first; item; item = item.next) { if(item == preprocessorDefs.first) f.Printf("%s%s Preprocessor Definitions = %s", indentation, type == project ? "" : " ", item.name); else f.Printf(", %s", item.name); } f.Printf("\n"); } */ if(type == project && (files.count /*|| preprocessorDefs.first*/)) { f.Printf("\n"); for(child : files) LegacyAsciiSaveNode(child, f, indentation, insidePath); } else if(type == folder) { strcat(indentation, " "); // WHAT WAS THIS: strcpy(printPath, path); // TOCHECK: why is Unix/PathCat not used here len = strlen(insidePath); if(len) if(insidePath[len-1] != '/') strcat(insidePath, "/"); strcat(insidePath, name); for(child : files) LegacyAsciiSaveNode(child, f, indentation, insidePath); f.Printf("%s -\n", indentation); indentation[strlen(indentation) - 3] = '\0'; StripLastDirectory(insidePath, insidePath); } else if(type == resources && files.count) { f.Printf("\n"); for(child : files) LegacyAsciiSaveNode(child, f, indentation, insidePath); StripLastDirectory(insidePath, insidePath); } } /* void ProjectConfig::LegacyProjectConfigSave(File f) { char * indentation = " "; //if(isCommonConfig) //f.Printf("\n * Common\n"); //else f.Printf("\n + %s\n", name); f.Printf("\n Compiler\n\n"); if(objDir.expression[0]) f.Printf("%sIntermediate Directory = %s\n", indentation, objDir.expression); f.Printf("%sDebug = %s\n", indentation, (options.debug == true) ? "True" : "False"); switch(options.optimization) { // case none: f.Printf("%sOptimize = %s\n", indentation, "None"); break; case speed: f.Printf("%sOptimize = %s\n", indentation, "Speed"); break; case size: f.Printf("%sOptimize = %s\n", indentation, "Size"); break; } f.Printf("%sAllWarnings = %s\n", indentation, (options.warnings == all) ? "True" : "False"); if(options.profile) f.Printf("%sProfile = %s\n", indentation, (options.profile == true) ? "True" : "False"); if(options.memoryGuard == true) f.Printf("%sMemoryGuard = %s\n", indentation, (options.memoryGuard == true) ? "True" : "False"); if(options.strictNameSpaces == true) f.Printf("%sStrict Name Spaces = %s\n", indentation, (options.strictNameSpaces == true) ? "True" : "False"); if(options.defaultNameSpace && strlen(options.defaultNameSpace)) f.Printf("%sDefault Name Space = %s\n", indentation, options.defaultNameSpace); TOFIX: Compiler Bug { if(options.preprocessorDefinitions.count) { bool isFirst = true; for(item : options.preprocessorDefinitions) { if(isFirst) { f.Printf("\n%sPreprocessor Definitions = %s", indentation, item); isFirst = false; } else f.Printf(", %s", item); } f.Printf("\n"); } } if(options.includeDirs.count) { f.Printf("\n%sInclude Directories\n", indentation); for(item : options.includeDirs) f.Printf("%s - %s\n", indentation, name); f.Printf("\n"); } f.Printf("\n%sLinker\n\n", indentation); f.Printf("%sTarget Name = %s\n", indentation, options.targetFileName); switch(options.targetType) { case executable: f.Printf("%sTarget Type = %s\n", indentation, "Executable"); break; case sharedLibrary: f.Printf("%sTarget Type = %s\n", indentation, "Shared"); break; case staticLibrary: f.Printf("%sTarget Type = %s\n", indentation, "Static"); break; } if(targetDir.expression[0]) f.Printf("%sTarget Directory = %s\n", indentation, targetDir.expression); if(options.console) f.Printf("%sConsole = %s\n", indentation, options.console ? "True" : "False"); if(options.compress) f.Printf("%sCompress = %s\n", indentation, options.compress ? "True" : "False"); if(options.libraries.count) { bool isFirst = true; for(item : options.libraries) { if(isFirst) { f.Printf("\n%sLibraries = %s", indentation, name); isFirst = false; } else f.Printf(", %s", item); } f.Printf("\n"); } if(options.libraryDirs.count) { f.Printf("\n%sLibrary Directories\n\n", indentation); for(item : options.libraryDirs) f.Printf(" - %s\n", indentation, item); } } void LegacyAsciiSaveProject(File f, Project project) { char indentation[128*3]; char path[MAX_LOCATION]; f.Printf("\nECERE Project File : Format Version 0.1b\n"); f.Printf("\nDescription\n%s\n.\n", project.description); f.Printf("\nLicense\n%s\n.\n", project.license); f.Printf("\nModule Name = %s\n", project.moduleName); f.Printf("\n Configurations\n"); //////////////////////////////////////commonConfig.Save(f, true); for(cfg : project.configurations) LegacyProjectConfigSave(cfg, f); strcpy(indentation, " "); path[0] = '\0'; LegacyAsciiSaveNode(project.topNode, f, indentation, path); // f.Printf("\n"); delete f; } */ // *** NEW JSON PROJECT FORMAT *** public enum ProjectNodeType { file, folder }; // ******************************* define PEEK_RESOLUTION = (18.2 * 10); // On Windows & UNIX #define SEPS "/" #define SEP '/' static Array notLinkerOptions { [ "-static-libgcc", "-shared", "-static", "-s", "-shared-libgcc", "-nostartfiles", "-nodefaultlibs", "-nostdlib", "-pie", "-rdynamic", "-static-libasan", "-static-libtsan", "-static libstdc++", "-symbolic", "-Wl," //"-T ", //"-Xlinker ", //"-u " ] }; static bool IsLinkerOption(String s) { for(i : notLinkerOptions) if(strstr(s, "-Wl,") || !strcmp(s, i)) return false; return true; } static byte epjSignature[] = { 'E', 'P', 'J', 0x04, 0x01, 0x12, 0x03, 0x12 }; enum GenMakefilePrintTypes { objects, cObjects, symbols, imports, sources, resources, eCsources }; define WorkspaceExtension = "ews"; define ProjectExtension = "epj"; define stringInFileIncludedFrom = "In file included from "; void ReplaceSpaces(char * output, char * source) { int c, dc; char ch, pch = 0; for(c = 0, dc = 0; (ch = source[c]); c++, dc++) { if(ch == ' ') output[dc++] = '\\'; if(pch != '$') { if(ch == '(' || ch == ')') output[dc++] = '\\'; pch = ch; } else if(ch == ')') pch = 0; output[dc] = ch; } output[dc] = '\0'; } void ReplaceUnwantedMakeChars(char * output, char * source) { int c, dc; char ch, pch = 0; for(c = 0, dc = 0; (ch = source[c]); c++, dc++) { if(pch != '$') { if(ch == '(' || ch == ')') output[dc++] = '\\'; pch = ch; } else if(ch == ')') pch = 0; if(ch == ' ') output[dc] = 127; else output[dc] = ch; } output[dc] = '\0'; } static void OutputNoSpace(File f, char * source) { char * output = new char[strlen(source)+1024]; ReplaceSpaces(output, source); f.Puts(output); delete output; } enum ListOutputMethod { inPlace, newLine, lineEach }; int OutputFileList(File f, char * name, Array list, Map varStringLenDiffs, char * prefix) { int numOfBreaks = 0; const int breakListLength = 1536; const int breakLineLength = 78; // TODO: turn this into an option. int c, len, itemCount = 0; Array breaks { }; if(list.count) { int charCount = 0; MapNode mn; for(c=0; c breakListLength) { breaks.Add(itemCount); itemCount = 0; charCount = len; } itemCount++; charCount += len; } if(itemCount) breaks.Add(itemCount); numOfBreaks = breaks.count; } if(numOfBreaks > 1) { f.Printf("%s =%s%s", name, prefix ? " " : "", prefix ? prefix : ""); for(c=0; c 1) f.Printf("%s%d =", name, c+1); len = 3; itemCount = breaks[c]; for(n=offset; n 3 && len + itemLen > breakLineLength) { f.Printf(" \\\n\t%s", list[n]); len = 3; } else { len += itemLen; f.Printf(" %s", list[n]); } } else f.Printf(" \\\n\t%s", list[n]); } offset += itemCount; f.Puts("\n"); } list.Free(); list.count = 0; } else f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("\n"); delete breaks; return numOfBreaks; } void OutputCleanActions(File f, char * name, int parts) { if(parts > 1) { int c; for(c=0; c list, ListOutputMethod method, bool noSpace) { if(list.count) { if(method == newLine) f.Puts(" \\\n\t"); for(item : list) { if(method == lineEach) f.Puts(" \\\n\t"); f.Printf(" -%s", option); if(noSpace) OutputNoSpace(f, item); else f.Printf("%s", item); } } } void StringNoSpaceToDynamicString(DynamicString s, char * path) { char * output = new char[strlen(path)+1024]; ReplaceSpaces(output, path); s.concat(output); delete output; } static void OutputLibraries(File f, Array libraries) { for(item : libraries) { char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; char * s = item; bool usedFunction = false; GetExtension(item, ext); if(!strcmp(ext, "o") || !strcmp(ext, "a")) f.Puts(" "); else { if(!strcmp(ext, "so") || !strcmp(ext, "dylib")) { if(!strncmp(item, "lib", 3)) strcpy(temp, item + 3); else strcpy(temp, item); StripExtension(temp); s = temp; } f.Puts(" \\\n\t$(call _L,"); usedFunction = true; } OutputNoSpace(f, s); if(usedFunction) f.Puts(")"); } } void CamelCase(char * string) { int c, len = strlen(string); for(c=0; c= 'A' && string[c] <= 'Z'; c++) string[c] = (char)tolower(string[c]); } CompilerConfig GetCompilerConfig() { #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR CompilerConfig compiler = null; if(ide && ide.workspace) compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); return compiler; #else incref defaultCompiler; return defaultCompiler; #endif } define localTargetType = config && config.options && config.options.targetType ? config.options.targetType : options && options.targetType ? options.targetType : TargetTypes::executable; define localWarnings = config && config.options && config.options.warnings ? config.options.warnings : options && options.warnings ? options.warnings : WarningsOption::unset; define localDebug = config && config.options && config.options.debug ? config.options.debug : options && options.debug ? options.debug : SetBool::unset; define localMemoryGuard = config && config.options && config.options.memoryGuard ? config.options.memoryGuard : options && options.memoryGuard ? options.memoryGuard : SetBool::unset; define localNoLineNumbers = config && config.options && config.options.noLineNumbers ? config.options.noLineNumbers : options && options.noLineNumbers ? options.noLineNumbers : SetBool::unset; define localProfile = config && config.options && config.options.profile ? config.options.profile : options && options.profile ? options.profile : SetBool::unset; define localOptimization = config && config.options && config.options.optimization ? config.options.optimization : options && options.optimization ? options.optimization : OptimizationStrategy::none; define localFastMath = config && config.options && config.options.fastMath ? config.options.fastMath : options && options.fastMath ? options.fastMath : SetBool::unset; define localDefaultNameSpace = config && config.options && config.options.defaultNameSpace ? config.options.defaultNameSpace : options && options.defaultNameSpace ? options.defaultNameSpace : null; define localStrictNameSpaces = config && config.options && config.options.strictNameSpaces ? config.options.strictNameSpaces : options && options.strictNameSpaces ? options.strictNameSpaces : SetBool::unset; // TODO: I would rather have null here, check if it'll be ok, have the property return "" if required define localTargetFileName = config && config.options && config.options.targetFileName ? config.options.targetFileName : options && options.targetFileName ? options.targetFileName : ""; define localTargetDirectory = config && config.options && config.options.targetDirectory && config.options.targetDirectory[0] ? config.options.targetDirectory : options && options.targetDirectory && options.targetDirectory[0] ? options.targetDirectory : null; define settingsTargetDirectory = ideSettings && ideSettings.projectDefaultIntermediateObjDir && ideSettings.projectDefaultIntermediateObjDir[0] ? ideSettings.projectDefaultIntermediateObjDir : defaultObjDirExpression; define localObjectsDirectory = config && config.options && config.options.objectsDirectory && config.options.objectsDirectory[0] ? config.options.objectsDirectory : options && options.objectsDirectory && options.objectsDirectory[0] ? options.objectsDirectory : null; define settingsObjectsDirectory = ideSettings && ideSettings.projectDefaultIntermediateObjDir && ideSettings.projectDefaultIntermediateObjDir[0] ? ideSettings.projectDefaultIntermediateObjDir : defaultObjDirExpression; define localConsole = config && config.options && config.options.console ? config.options.console : options && options.console ? options.console : SetBool::unset; define localCompress = config && config.options && config.options.compress ? config.options.compress : options && options.compress ? options.compress : SetBool::unset; define platformTargetType = configPOs && configPOs.options && configPOs.options.targetType && configPOs.options.targetType != localTargetType ? configPOs.options.targetType : projectPOs && projectPOs.options && projectPOs.options.targetType && projectPOs.options.targetType != localTargetType ? projectPOs.options.targetType : TargetTypes::unset; char * PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(Platform platform) { return platform == win32 ? "WINDOWS_TARGET" : platform == tux ? "LINUX_TARGET" : platform == apple ? "OSX_TARGET" : "ERROR_BAD_TARGET"; } char * TargetTypeToMakefileVariable(TargetTypes targetType) { return targetType == executable ? "executable" : targetType == sharedLibrary ? "sharedlib" : targetType == staticLibrary ? "staticlib" : "unknown"; } // Move this to ProjectConfig? null vs Common to consider... char * GetConfigName(ProjectConfig config) { return config ? config.name : "Common"; } public enum SingleFileCompileMode { normal, debugPrecompile, debugCompile, debugGenerateSymbols }; class Project : struct { class_no_expansion; // To use Find on the Container in Workspace::projects // We might want to tweak this default behavior of regular classes ? // Expansion/the current default kind of Find matching we want for things like BitmapResource, FontResource (Also regular classes) public: float version; String moduleName; property ProjectOptions options { get { return options; } set { options = value; } isset { return options && !options.isEmpty; } } property Array platforms { get { return platforms; } set { if(platforms) { platforms.Free(); delete platforms; } if(value) { List empty { }; Iterator it { value }; platforms = value; for(p : platforms; !p.options || p.options.isEmpty) empty.Add(p); for(p : empty; it.Find(p)) platforms.Delete(it.pointer); delete empty; } } isset { if(platforms) { for(p : platforms) { if(p.options && !p.options.isEmpty) return true; } } return false; } } List configurations; LinkList files; String resourcesPath; LinkList resources; property char * description { set { delete description; if(value && value[0]) description = CopyString(value); } get { return description ? description : ""; } isset { return description != null && description[0]; } } property char * license { set { delete license; if(value && value[0]) license = CopyString(value); } get { return license ? license : ""; } isset { return license != null && license[0]; } } property char * compilerConfigsDir { set { delete compilerConfigsDir; if(value && value[0]) compilerConfigsDir = CopyString(value); } get { return compilerConfigsDir ? compilerConfigsDir : ""; } isset { return compilerConfigsDir && compilerConfigsDir[0]; } } private: // topNode.name holds the file name (.epj) ProjectOptions options; Array platforms; ProjectNode topNode { type = project, icon = epjFile, files = LinkList{ }, project = this }; ProjectNode resNode; ProjectConfig config; String filePath; // This is the file name stripped of the epj extension // It should NOT be edited, saved or loaded anywhere String name; String description; String license; String compilerConfigsDir; #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR FileMonitor fileMonitor { this, FileChange { modified = true }; bool OnFileNotify(FileChange action, char * param) { fileMonitor.StopMonitoring(); if(OnProjectModified(action, param)) fileMonitor.StartMonitoring(); return true; } }; bool StartMonitoring() { fileMonitor.fileName = filePath; fileMonitor.StartMonitoring(); return true; } bool StopMonitoring() { fileMonitor.StopMonitoring(); return true; } bool OnProjectModified(FileChange fileChange, char * param) { char temp[4096]; sprintf(temp, $"The project %s was modified by another application.\n" "Would you like to reload it and lose your changes?", name); if(MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = ide, text = $"Project has been modified", contents = temp }.Modal() == yes) { Project project = LoadProject(filePath, config.name); if(project) { ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; DataRow prev = topNode.row ? topNode.row.previous : null; FileMonitor fm = fileMonitor; if(projectView) projectView.DeleteNode(topNode); *this = *project; delete fileMonitor; fileMonitor = fm; topNode.project = this; if(projectView) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(projectView.workspace.compiler); projectView.AddNode(topNode, null); topNode.row.Move(prev); projectView.ShowOutputBuildLog(true); projectView.DisplayCompiler(compiler, false); projectView.ProjectUpdateMakefileForAllConfigs(this); delete compiler; } eSystem_Delete(project); } return true; } return true; } #endif // This frees contents without freeing the instance // For use from destructor and for file monitor reloading // (To work around JSON loader (LoadProject) always returning a new instance) void Free() { if(platforms) { platforms.Free(); delete platforms; } if(configurations) { configurations.Free(); delete configurations; } if(files) { files.Free(); delete files; } if(resources) { resources.Free(); delete resources; } delete options; delete resourcesPath; delete description; delete license; delete compilerConfigsDir; delete moduleName; delete filePath; delete topNode; delete name; } ~Project() { /* // THIS IS NOW AUTOMATED WITH A project CHECK IN ProjectNode topNode.configurations = null; topNode.platforms = null; topNode.options = null; */ Free(); } property ProjectConfig config { set { config = value; delete topNode.info; topNode.info = CopyString(GetConfigName(config)); } } property char * filePath { set { if(value) { char string[MAX_LOCATION]; GetLastDirectory(value, string); delete topNode.name; topNode.name = CopyString(string); StripExtension(string); delete name; name = CopyString(string); StripLastDirectory(value, string); delete topNode.path; topNode.path = CopyString(string); delete filePath; filePath = CopyString(value); } } } TargetTypes GetTargetType(ProjectConfig config) { TargetTypes targetType = localTargetType; return targetType; } bool GetTargetTypeIsSetByPlatform(ProjectConfig config) { Platform platform; for(platform = (Platform)1; platform < Platform::enumSize; platform++) { PlatformOptions projectPOs, configPOs; MatchProjectAndConfigPlatformOptions(config, platform, &projectPOs, &configPOs); if(platformTargetType) return true; } return false; } char * GetObjDirExpression(ProjectConfig config) { // TODO: Support platform options char * expression = localObjectsDirectory; if(!expression) expression = settingsObjectsDirectory; return expression; } DirExpression GetObjDir(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { char * expression = GetObjDirExpression(config); DirExpression objDir { type = intermediateObjectsDir }; objDir.Evaluate(expression, this, compiler, config); return objDir; } char * GetTargetDirExpression(ProjectConfig config) { // TODO: Support platform options char * expression = localTargetDirectory; if(!expression) expression = settingsTargetDirectory; return expression; } DirExpression GetTargetDir(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { char * expression = GetTargetDirExpression(config); DirExpression targetDir { type = DirExpressionType::targetDir /*intermediateObjectsDir*/}; targetDir.Evaluate(expression, this, compiler, config); return targetDir; } WarningsOption GetWarnings(ProjectConfig config) { WarningsOption warnings = localWarnings; return warnings; } bool GetDebug(ProjectConfig config) { SetBool debug = localDebug; return debug == true; } bool GetMemoryGuard(ProjectConfig config) { SetBool memoryGuard = localMemoryGuard; return memoryGuard == true; } bool GetNoLineNumbers(ProjectConfig config) { SetBool noLineNumbers = localNoLineNumbers; return noLineNumbers == true; } bool GetProfile(ProjectConfig config) { SetBool profile = localProfile; return profile == true; } OptimizationStrategy GetOptimization(ProjectConfig config) { OptimizationStrategy optimization = localOptimization; return optimization; } bool GetFastMath(ProjectConfig config) { SetBool fastMath = localFastMath; return fastMath == true; } String GetDefaultNameSpace(ProjectConfig config) { String defaultNameSpace = localDefaultNameSpace; return defaultNameSpace; } bool GetStrictNameSpaces(ProjectConfig config) { SetBool strictNameSpaces = localStrictNameSpaces; return strictNameSpaces == true; } String GetTargetFileName(ProjectConfig config) { String targetFileName = localTargetFileName; return targetFileName; } //String targetDirectory; //String objectsDirectory; bool GetConsole(ProjectConfig config) { SetBool console = localConsole; return console == true; } bool GetCompress(ProjectConfig config) { SetBool compress = localCompress; return compress == true; } //SetBool excludeFromBuild; bool GetConfigIsInActiveDebugSession(ProjectConfig config) { #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR return ide.project == this && ide.debugger && ide.debugger.prjConfig == config && ide.debugger.isActive; #endif } bool GetConfigIsInDebugSession(ProjectConfig config) { #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR return ide.project == this && ide.debugger && ide.debugger.prjConfig == config && ide.debugger.isPrepared; #endif } void SetPath(bool projectsDirs, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR ide.SetPath(projectsDirs, compiler, config); #endif } #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR bool Save(char * fileName) { File f; /*char output[MAX_LOCATION]; ChangeExtension(fileName, "json", output); f = FileOpen(output, write);*/ f = FileOpen(fileName, write); if(f) { files = topNode.files; resources = resNode.files; resourcesPath = resNode.path; files.Remove(resNode); version = 0.2f; WriteJSONObject(f, class(Project), this, 0); files.Add(resNode); files = null; resources = null; resourcesPath = null; delete f; } return true; } #endif // This method is only called from Debugger, should be moved to Debugger class? #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR bool GetRelativePath(char * filePath, char * relativePath) { ProjectNode node; char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; GetLastDirectory(filePath, moduleName); // try with workspace dir first? if((node = topNode.Find(moduleName, false))) { strcpy(relativePath, strcmp(node.path, ".") ? node.path : ""); PathCatSlash(relativePath, node.name); return true; } else { // Tweak for automatically resolving symbol loader modules char * sl = strstr(moduleName, ".main.ec"); if(sl && (*sl = 0, !strcmpi(moduleName, name))) { char objDir[MAX_LOCATION]; DirExpression objDirExp; CompilerConfig compiler = ide.debugger.currentCompiler; ProjectConfig config = ide.debugger.prjConfig; // This is not perfect, as multiple source files exist for the symbol loader module... // We try to set it in the debug config object directory. if(!compiler || !config) { // If we're not currently debugging, set a breakpoint in the active compiler/config compiler = GetCompilerConfig(); config = this.config; // If the current config is not debuggable, set it in the first debuggable config found if(config && !config.options.debug) { for(c : configurations; c.options.debug) { config = c; break; } } } objDirExp = GetObjDir(compiler, config); strcpy(objDir, objDirExp.dir); delete objDirExp; ChangeCh(objDir, '\\', '/'); // TODO: this is a hack, paths should never include win32 path seperators - fix this in ProjectSettings and ProjectLoad instead ReplaceSpaces(objDir, objDir); strcpy(relativePath, objDir); *sl = '.'; PathCatSlash(relativePath, moduleName); return true; } } // WARNING: On failure, relative path is uninitialized return false; } #endif void CatTargetFileName(char * string, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { TargetTypes targetType = GetTargetType(config); String targetFileName = GetTargetFileName(config); if(targetType == staticLibrary) { PathCatSlash(string, "lib"); strcat(string, targetFileName); } else if(compiler.targetPlatform != win32 && targetType == sharedLibrary) { PathCatSlash(string, "lib"); strcat(string, targetFileName); } else PathCatSlash(string, targetFileName); switch(targetType) { case executable: if(compiler.targetPlatform == win32) strcat(string, ".exe"); break; case sharedLibrary: if(compiler.targetPlatform == win32) strcat(string, ".dll"); else if(compiler.targetPlatform == apple) strcat(string, ".dylib"); else strcat(string, ".so"); break; case staticLibrary: strcat(string, ".a"); break; } } bool GetProjectCompilerConfigsDir(char * cfDir, bool replaceSpaces, bool makeRelative) { bool result = false; char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(cfDir, topNode.path); if(compilerConfigsDir && compilerConfigsDir[0]) { PathCatSlash(cfDir, compilerConfigsDir); result = true; } if(makeRelative) { strcpy(temp, cfDir); // Using a relative path makes it less likely to run into spaces issues // Even with escaped spaces, there still seems to be issues including a config file // in a path containing spaces MakePathRelative(temp, topNode.path, cfDir); } if(cfDir && cfDir[0] && cfDir[strlen(cfDir)-1] != '/') strcat(cfDir, "/"); if(replaceSpaces) { strcpy(temp, cfDir); ReplaceSpaces(cfDir, temp); } return result; } bool GetIDECompilerConfigsDir(char * cfDir, bool replaceSpaces, bool makeRelative) { char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; bool result = false; strcpy(cfDir, topNode.path); if(ideSettings && ideSettings.compilerConfigsDir && ideSettings.compilerConfigsDir[0]) { PathCatSlash(cfDir, ideSettings.compilerConfigsDir); result = true; } else { // Default to /.configs if unset PathCatSlash(cfDir, ".configs"); result = true; } if(makeRelative) { strcpy(temp, cfDir); // Using a relative path makes it less likely to run into spaces issues // Even with escaped spaces, there still seems to be issues including a config file // in a path containing spaces if(IsPathInsideOf(cfDir, topNode.path)) MakePathRelative(temp, topNode.path, cfDir); } if(cfDir && cfDir[0] && cfDir[strlen(cfDir)-1] != '/') strcat(cfDir, "/"); if(replaceSpaces) { strcpy(temp, cfDir); ReplaceSpaces(cfDir, temp); } return result; } void CatMakeFileName(char * string, ProjectConfig config) { char projectName[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(projectName, name); sprintf(string, "%s%s%s.Makefile", projectName, config ? "-" : "", config ? config.name : ""); } #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR void MarkChanges(ProjectNode node) { for(cfg : topNode.configurations) { ProjectConfig c = null; for(i : node.configurations; !strcmpi(i.name, cfg.name)) { c = i; break; } if(c && ((c.options && cfg.options && cfg.options.console != c.options.console) || (!c.options || !cfg.options))) cfg.symbolGenModified = true; cfg.makingModified = true; } } void ModifiedAllConfigs(bool making, bool compiling, bool linking, bool symbolGen) { for(cfg : configurations) { if(making) cfg.makingModified = true; if(compiling) cfg.compilingModified = true; if(linking) cfg.linkingModified = true; if(symbolGen) cfg.symbolGenModified = true; } if(compiling || linking) { ide.projectView.modifiedDocument = true; ide.workspace.modified = true; } } void RotateActiveConfig(bool forward) { if(configurations.first && configurations.last != configurations.first) { Iterator cfg { configurations }; while(forward ? cfg.Next() : cfg.Prev()) if(cfg.data == config) break; if(forward) { if(!cfg.Next()) cfg.Next(); } else { if(!cfg.Prev()) cfg.Prev(); } property::config = cfg.data; ide.UpdateToolBarActiveConfigs(true); ide.workspace.modified = true; ide.projectView.Update(null); } } void ProcessPipeOutputRaw(DualPipe f) { char line[65536]; while(!f.Eof() && !ide.ShouldStopBuild()) { bool result = true; double lastTime = GetTime(); bool wait = true; while(result) { if((result = f.Peek()) && (result = f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line)-1))) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", line); } if(GetTime() - lastTime > 1.0 / PEEK_RESOLUTION) break; } //printf("Processing Input...\n"); if(app.ProcessInput(true)) wait = false; app.UpdateDisplay(); if(wait) { //printf("Waiting...\n"); app.Wait(); } //if(!result) Sleep(1.0 / PEEK_RESOLUTION); } if(ide.ShouldStopBuild()) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"\nBuild cancelled by user.\n", line); f.Terminate(); } } bool ProcessBuildPipeOutput(DualPipe f, DirExpression objDirExp, bool isARun, List onlyNodes, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { char line[65536]; bool compiling = false, linking = false, precompiling = false; int compilingEC = 0; int numErrors = 0, numWarnings = 0; bool loggedALine = false; char * configName = config ? config.name : "Common"; int lenMakeCommand = strlen(compiler.makeCommand); int testLen = 0; char * gccPrefix = compiler.gccPrefix ? compiler.gccPrefix : ""; DynamicString test { }; DynamicString ecp { }; DynamicString ecc { }; DynamicString ecs { }; DynamicString ear { }; DynamicString prefix { }; DynamicString cpp { }; DynamicString cc { }; DynamicString cxx { }; DynamicString strip { }; DynamicString ar { }; ecp.concatx(compiler.ecpCommand, " "); ecc.concatx(compiler.eccCommand, " "); ecs.concatx(compiler.ecsCommand, " "); ear.concatx(compiler.earCommand, " "); prefix.concatx( compiler.ccacheEnabled ? "ccache " : "", compiler.distccEnabled ? "distcc " : "", gccPrefix); cpp.concatx((String)prefix, compiler.cppCommand, " "); cc.concatx((String)prefix, compiler.ccCommand, " "); cxx.concatx((String)prefix, compiler.cxxCommand, " "); strip.concatx(gccPrefix, "strip "); ar.concatx(gccPrefix, "ar rcs"); testLen = Max(testLen, ecp.size); testLen = Max(testLen, ecc.size); testLen = Max(testLen, ecs.size); testLen = Max(testLen, ear.size); testLen = Max(testLen, cpp.size); testLen = Max(testLen, cc.size); testLen = Max(testLen, cxx.size); testLen = Max(testLen, strip.size); testLen = Max(testLen, ar.size); testLen++; while(!f.Eof() && !ide.ShouldStopBuild()) { bool result = true; double lastTime = GetTime(); bool wait = true; while(result) { //printf("Peeking and GetLine...\n"); if((result = f.Peek()) && (result = f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line)-1))) { char * inFileIncludedFrom = strstr(line, stringInFileIncludedFrom); test.copyLenSingleBlankReplTrim(line, ' ', true, testLen); if(strstr(line, compiler.makeCommand) == line && line[lenMakeCommand] == ':') { char * module = strstr(line, "No rule to make target `"); if(module) { char * end; module = strchr(module, '`') + 1; end = strchr(module, '\''); if(end) { *end = '\0'; ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($" %s: No such file or directory\n", module); // ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("error: %s\n No such file or directory\n", module); numErrors++; } } //else //{ //ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("error: %s\n", line); //numErrors++; //} } else if(strstr(test, ear) == test); else if(strstr(test, strip) == test); else if(strstr(test, cc) == test || strstr(test, cxx) == test || strstr(test, ecp) == test || strstr(test, ecc) == test) { char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; byte * tokens[1]; char * module; bool isPrecomp = false; if(strstr(test, cc) == test || strstr(test, cxx) == test) { module = strstr(line, " -c "); if(module) module += 4; } else if(strstr(test, ecc) == test) { module = strstr(line, " -c "); if(module) module += 4; //module = line + 3; // Don't show GCC warnings about generated C code because it does not compile clean yet... compilingEC = 3;//2; } else if(strstr(test, ecp) == test) { // module = line + 8; module = strstr(line, " -c "); if(module) module += 4; isPrecomp = true; compilingEC = 0; } loggedALine = true; if(module) { if(!compiling && !isPrecomp) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Compiling...\n"); compiling = true; } else if(!precompiling && isPrecomp) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Generating symbols...\n"); precompiling = true; } // Changed escapeBackSlashes here to handle paths with spaces Tokenize(module, 1, tokens, true); // false); GetLastDirectory(module, moduleName); ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", moduleName); } else if((module = strstr(line, " -o "))) { compiling = false; precompiling = false; linking = true; ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Linking...\n"); } else { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", line); numErrors++; } if(compilingEC) compilingEC--; } else if(strstr(test, ar) == test) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Building library...\n"); else if(strstr(test, ecs) == test) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Writing symbol loader...\n"); else { if(linking || compiling || precompiling) { char * colon = strstr(line, ":"); //, * bracket; if(colon && (colon[1] == '/' || colon[1] == '\\')) colon = strstr(colon + 1, ":"); if(colon) { char moduleName[MAX_LOCATION], temp[MAX_LOCATION]; char * pointer; char * error; char * start = inFileIncludedFrom ? line + strlen(stringInFileIncludedFrom) : line; int len = (int)(colon - start); len = Min(len, MAX_LOCATION-1); // Don't be mistaken by the drive letter colon // Cut module name // TODO: need to fix colon - line gives char * // warning: incompatible expression colon - line (char *); expected int /* strncpy(moduleName, line, (int)(colon - line)); moduleName[colon - line] = '\0'; */ strncpy(moduleName, start, len); moduleName[len] = '\0'; // Remove stuff in brackets //bracket = strstr(moduleName, "("); //if(bracket) *bracket = '\0'; GetLastDirectory(moduleName, temp); if(linking && (!strcmp(temp, "ld") || !strcmp(temp, "ld.exe"))) { numErrors++; strcpy(moduleName, $"Linker Error"); } else { strcpy(temp, topNode.path); PathCatSlash(temp, moduleName); MakePathRelative(temp, topNode.path, moduleName); } if(strstr(line, "error:")) numErrors ++; else { // Silence warnings for compiled EC char * objDir = strstr(moduleName, objDirExp.dir); if(linking) { if((pointer = strstr(line, "undefined")) || (pointer = strstr(line, "No such file")) || (pointer = strstr(line, "token"))) { strncat(moduleName, colon, pointer - colon); strcat(moduleName, "error: "); colon = pointer; numErrors ++; } } else if((pointer = strstr(line, "No such file"))) { strncat(moduleName, colon, pointer - colon); strcat(moduleName, "error: "); colon = pointer; numErrors ++; } else if(compilingEC == 1 || (objDir && objDir == moduleName)) continue; else if(strstr(line, "warning:")) { numWarnings++; } } if(this == ide.workspace.projects.firstIterator.data) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf(" %s%s\n", moduleName, colon); else { char fullModuleName[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(fullModuleName, topNode.path); PathCat(fullModuleName, moduleName); MakePathRelative(fullModuleName, ide.workspace.projects.firstIterator.data.topNode.path, fullModuleName); MakeSystemPath(fullModuleName); ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf(" %s%s%s\n", inFileIncludedFrom ? stringInFileIncludedFrom : "", fullModuleName, colon); } } else { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", line); linking = compiling = precompiling = false; } } else ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", line); } wait = false; } //printf("Done getting line\n"); if(GetTime() - lastTime > 1.0 / PEEK_RESOLUTION) break; } //printf("Processing Input...\n"); if(app.ProcessInput(true)) wait = false; app.UpdateDisplay(); if(wait) { //printf("Waiting...\n"); app.Wait(); } //if(!result) Sleep(1.0 / PEEK_RESOLUTION); } if(ide.ShouldStopBuild()) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"\nBuild cancelled by user.\n", line); f.Terminate(); } else if(loggedALine || !isARun) { if(f.GetExitCode() && !numErrors) { bool result = f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line)-1); ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Fatal Error: child process terminated unexpectedly\n"); } else { if(!onlyNodes) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("\n%s (%s) - ", GetTargetFileName(config), configName); if(numErrors) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%d %s, ", numErrors, (numErrors > 1) ? $"errors" : $"error"); else ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"no error, "); if(numWarnings) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%d %s\n", numWarnings, (numWarnings > 1) ? $"warnings" : $"warning"); else ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"no warning\n"); } } delete test; delete ecp; delete ecc; delete ecs; delete ear; delete prefix; delete cpp; delete cc; delete cxx; delete strip; delete ar; return numErrors == 0; } void ProcessCleanPipeOutput(DualPipe f, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { char line[65536]; int lenMakeCommand = strlen(compiler.makeCommand); while(!f.Eof()) { bool result = true; bool wait = true; double lastTime = GetTime(); while(result) { if((result = f.Peek()) && (result = f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line)-1))) { if(strstr(line, compiler.makeCommand) == line && line[lenMakeCommand] == ':'); else if(strstr(line, "del") == line); else if(strstr(line, "rm") == line); else if(strstr(line, "Could Not Find") == line); else { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf(line); ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("\n"); } wait = false; } if(GetTime() - lastTime > 1.0 / PEEK_RESOLUTION) break; } if(app.ProcessInput(true)) wait = false; app.UpdateDisplay(); if(wait) app.Wait(); //Sleep(1.0 / PEEK_RESOLUTION); } } bool Build(bool isARun, List onlyNodes, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, bool justPrint, SingleFileCompileMode mode) { bool result = false; DualPipe f; char targetFileName[MAX_LOCATION] = ""; DynamicString makeTargets { }; char makeFile[MAX_LOCATION]; char makeFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char configName[MAX_LOCATION]; DirExpression objDirExp = GetObjDir(compiler, config); PathBackup pathBackup { }; bool crossCompiling = (compiler.targetPlatform != GetRuntimePlatform()); char * targetPlatform = crossCompiling ? (char *)compiler.targetPlatform : ""; int numJobs = compiler.numJobs; char command[MAX_F_STRING]; char * compilerName; compilerName = CopyString(compiler.name); CamelCase(compilerName); strcpy(configName, config ? config.name : "Common"); SetPath(false, compiler, config); //true CatTargetFileName(targetFileName, compiler, config); strcpy(makeFilePath, topNode.path); CatMakeFileName(makeFile, config); PathCatSlash(makeFilePath, makeFile); // TODO: TEST ON UNIX IF \" around makeTarget is ok if(onlyNodes) { if(compiler.type.isVC) { PrintLn("compiling a single file is not yet supported"); } else { int len; char pushD[MAX_LOCATION]; char cfDir[MAX_LOCATION]; GetIDECompilerConfigsDir(cfDir, true, true); GetWorkingDir(pushD, sizeof(pushD)); ChangeWorkingDir(topNode.path); // Create object dir if it does not exist already if(!FileExists(objDirExp.dir).isDirectory) { sprintf(command, "%s CF_DIR=\"%s\"%s%s COMPILER=%s objdir -C \"%s\"%s -f \"%s\"", compiler.makeCommand, cfDir, crossCompiling ? " TARGET_PLATFORM=" : "", targetPlatform, compilerName, topNode.path, justPrint ? " -n" : "", makeFilePath); if(justPrint) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", command); Execute(command); } ChangeWorkingDir(pushD); for(node : onlyNodes) { if(node.GetIsExcluded(config)) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"File %s is excluded from current build configuration.\n", node.name); else { node.DeleteIntermediateFiles(compiler, config); node.GetTargets(config, objDirExp.dir, makeTargets); } } } } if(compiler.type.isVC) { bool result = false; char oldwd[MAX_LOCATION]; GetWorkingDir(oldwd, sizeof(oldwd)); ChangeWorkingDir(topNode.path); // TODO: support justPrint sprintf(command, "%s /useenv /nologo /logcommands %s.sln %s|Win32", compiler.makeCommand, name, config.name); if(justPrint) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", command); if((f = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = true, error = true, input = true }, command))) { ProcessPipeOutputRaw(f); delete f; result = true; } ChangeWorkingDir(oldwd); } else { char cfDir[MAX_LOCATION]; GetIDECompilerConfigsDir(cfDir, true, true); sprintf(command, "%s %sCF_DIR=\"%s\"%s%s COMPILER=%s -j%d %s%s%s -C \"%s\"%s -f \"%s\"", compiler.makeCommand, mode == normal ? "" : (mode == debugPrecompile ? "ECP_DEBUG=y " : mode == debugCompile ? "ECC_DEBUG=y " : mode == debugGenerateSymbols ? "ECS_DEBUG=y " : ""), cfDir, crossCompiling ? " TARGET_PLATFORM=" : "", targetPlatform, compilerName, numJobs, compiler.ccacheEnabled ? "CCACHE=y " : "", compiler.distccEnabled ? "DISTCC=y " : "", (String)makeTargets, topNode.path, (justPrint || mode != normal) ? " -n" : "", makeFilePath); if(justPrint) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", command); if((f = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = true, error = true, input = true }, command))) { bool found = false; if(justPrint) { ProcessPipeOutputRaw(f); result = true; } else if(mode != normal) { char line[65536]; while(!f.Eof()) { bool result = true; while(result) { if((result = f.Peek()) && (result = f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line)-1))) { if(!found && strstr(line, "ide ") == line) { strcpy(command, line); found = true; } } } } } else result = ProcessBuildPipeOutput(f, objDirExp, isARun, onlyNodes, compiler, config); delete f; if(found) Execute(command); } else ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Error executing make (%s) command\n", compiler.makeCommand); } delete pathBackup; delete objDirExp; delete compilerName; delete makeTargets; return result; } void Clean(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, bool realclean, bool justPrint) { char makeFile[MAX_LOCATION]; char makeFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char command[MAX_LOCATION]; char * compilerName; DualPipe f; PathBackup pathBackup { }; bool crossCompiling = (compiler.targetPlatform != GetRuntimePlatform()); char * targetPlatform = crossCompiling ? (char *)compiler.targetPlatform : ""; compilerName = CopyString(compiler.name); CamelCase(compilerName); SetPath(false, compiler, config); strcpy(makeFilePath, topNode.path); CatMakeFileName(makeFile, config); PathCatSlash(makeFilePath, makeFile); if(compiler.type.isVC) { bool result = false; char oldwd[MAX_LOCATION]; GetWorkingDir(oldwd, sizeof(oldwd)); ChangeWorkingDir(topNode.path); // TODO: justPrint support sprintf(command, "%s /useenv /clean /nologo /logcommands %s.sln %s|Win32", compiler.makeCommand, name, config.name); if(justPrint) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", command); if((f = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = true, error = true, input = true }, command))) { ProcessPipeOutputRaw(f); delete f; result = true; } ChangeWorkingDir(oldwd); return result; } else { char cfDir[MAX_LOCATION]; GetIDECompilerConfigsDir(cfDir, true, true); sprintf(command, "%s CF_DIR=\"%s\"%s%s COMPILER=%s %sclean -C \"%s\"%s -f \"%s\"", compiler.makeCommand, cfDir, crossCompiling ? " TARGET_PLATFORM=" : "", targetPlatform, compilerName, realclean ? "real" : "", topNode.path, justPrint ? " -n": "", makeFilePath); if(justPrint) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf("%s\n", command); if((f = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = 1, error = 1, input = 2 }, command))) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Tell($"Deleting target and object files..."); if(justPrint) ProcessPipeOutputRaw(f); else ProcessCleanPipeOutput(f, compiler, config); delete f; ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Target and object files deleted\n"); } } delete pathBackup; delete compilerName; } void Run(char * args, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { String target = new char[maxPathLen]; char oldDirectory[MAX_LOCATION]; DirExpression targetDirExp = GetTargetDir(compiler, config); PathBackup pathBackup { }; // Build(project, ideMain, true, null, false); #if defined(__WIN32__) strcpy(target, topNode.path); #else strcpy(target, ""); #endif PathCatSlash(target, targetDirExp.dir); CatTargetFileName(target, compiler, config); sprintf(target, "%s %s", target, args); GetWorkingDir(oldDirectory, MAX_LOCATION); if(strlen(ide.workspace.debugDir)) { char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(temp, topNode.path); PathCatSlash(temp, ide.workspace.debugDir); ChangeWorkingDir(temp); } else ChangeWorkingDir(topNode.path); // ChangeWorkingDir(topNode.path); SetPath(true, compiler, config); if(compiler.execPrefixCommand) { char * prefixedTarget = new char[strlen(compiler.execPrefixCommand) + strlen(target) + 2]; prefixedTarget[0] = '\0'; strcat(prefixedTarget, compiler.execPrefixCommand); strcat(prefixedTarget, " "); strcat(prefixedTarget, target); Execute(prefixedTarget); delete prefixedTarget; } else Execute(target); ChangeWorkingDir(oldDirectory); delete pathBackup; delete targetDirExp; delete target; } void Compile(List nodes, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, bool justPrint, SingleFileCompileMode mode) { Build(false, nodes, compiler, config, justPrint, mode); } #endif void GetMakefileTargetFileName(TargetTypes targetType, char * fileName, ProjectConfig config) { fileName[0] = '\0'; if(targetType == staticLibrary || targetType == sharedLibrary) strcat(fileName, "$(LP)"); // !!! ReplaceSpaces must be done after all PathCat calls !!! // ReplaceSpaces(s, GetTargetFileName(config)); strcat(fileName, GetTargetFileName(config)); switch(targetType) { case executable: strcat(fileName, "$(E)"); break; case sharedLibrary: strcat(fileName, "$(SO)"); break; case staticLibrary: strcat(fileName, "$(A)"); break; } } bool GenerateCrossPlatformMk() { bool result = false; char path[MAX_LOCATION]; if(!GetProjectCompilerConfigsDir(path, false, false)) GetIDECompilerConfigsDir(path, false, false); if(!FileExists(path).isDirectory) { MakeDir(path); { char dirName[MAX_FILENAME]; GetLastDirectory(path, dirName); if(!strcmp(dirName, ".configs")) FileSetAttribs(path, FileAttribs { isHidden = true }); } } PathCatSlash(path, "crossplatform.mk"); if(FileExists(path)) DeleteFile(path); { File include = FileOpen(":crossplatform.mk", read); if(include) { File f = FileOpen(path, write); if(f) { for(; !include.Eof(); ) { char buffer[4096]; int count = include.Read(buffer, 1, 4096); f.Write(buffer, 1, count); } delete f; result = true; } delete include; } } return result; } bool GenerateCompilerCf(CompilerConfig compiler) { bool result = false; char path[MAX_LOCATION]; char * name; char * compilerName; bool gccCompiler = compiler.ccCommand && (strstr(compiler.ccCommand, "gcc") != null || strstr(compiler.ccCommand, "g++") != null); Platform platform = compiler.targetPlatform; compilerName = CopyString(compiler.name); CamelCase(compilerName); name = PrintString(platform, "-", compilerName, ".cf"); if(!GetProjectCompilerConfigsDir(path, false, false)) GetIDECompilerConfigsDir(path, false, false); if(!FileExists(path).isDirectory) { MakeDir(path); { char dirName[MAX_FILENAME]; GetLastDirectory(path, dirName); if(!strcmp(dirName, ".configs")) FileSetAttribs(path, FileAttribs { isHidden = true }); } } PathCatSlash(path, name); if(FileExists(path)) DeleteFile(path); { File f = FileOpen(path, write); if(f) { if(compiler.environmentVars && compiler.environmentVars.count) { f.Puts("# ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\n"); f.Puts("\n"); for(e : compiler.environmentVars) { f.Printf("export %s := %s\n", e.name, e.string); } } f.Puts("# TOOLCHAIN\n"); f.Puts("\n"); if(compiler.gccPrefix && compiler.gccPrefix[0]) { f.Printf("GCC_PREFIX := %s\n", compiler.gccPrefix); f.Puts("\n"); } if(compiler.sysroot && compiler.sysroot[0]) { f.Printf("SYSROOT := %s\n", compiler.sysroot); // Moved this to crossplatform.mk //f.Puts("_SYSROOT := $(space)--sysroot=$(SYSROOT)\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } //f.Printf("SHELL := %s\n", "sh"/*compiler.shellCommand*/); // is this really needed? f.Printf("CPP := $(CCACHE_COMPILE)$(DISTCC_COMPILE)$(GCC_PREFIX)%s$(_SYSROOT)\n", compiler.cppCommand); f.Printf("CC := $(CCACHE_COMPILE)$(DISTCC_COMPILE)$(GCC_PREFIX)%s$(_SYSROOT)\n", compiler.ccCommand); f.Printf("CXX := $(CCACHE_COMPILE)$(DISTCC_COMPILE)$(GCC_PREFIX)%s$(_SYSROOT)\n", compiler.cxxCommand); f.Printf("ECP := $(if $(ECP_DEBUG),ide -debug-start $(ECERE_SDK_SRC)/compiler/ecp/ecp.epj -@,%s)\n", compiler.ecpCommand); f.Printf("ECC := $(if $(ECC_DEBUG),ide -debug-start $(ECERE_SDK_SRC)/compiler/ecc/ecc.epj -@,%s)$(if $(CROSS_TARGET), -t $(TARGET_PLATFORM),)\n", compiler.eccCommand); f.Printf("ECS := $(if $(ECS_DEBUG),ide -debug-start $(ECERE_SDK_SRC)/compiler/ecs/ecs.epj -@,%s)$(if $(CROSS_TARGET), -t $(TARGET_PLATFORM),)\n", compiler.ecsCommand); f.Printf("EAR := %s\n", compiler.earCommand); f.Puts("AS := $(GCC_PREFIX)as\n"); f.Puts("LD := $(GCC_PREFIX)ld\n"); f.Puts("AR := $(GCC_PREFIX)ar\n"); f.Puts("STRIP := $(GCC_PREFIX)strip\n"); f.Puts("UPX := upx\n"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("UPXFLAGS = -9\n"); // TOFEAT: Compression Level Option? Other UPX Options? f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("EARFLAGS = \n"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("# HARD CODED TARGET_PLATFORM-SPECIFIC OPTIONS\n"); f.Printf("LDFLAGS +=$(if $(%s), -Wl$(comma)--no-undefined,)\n", PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(tux)); f.Puts("\n"); // JF's f.Printf("LDFLAGS +=$(if $(%s), -framework cocoa -framework OpenGL,)\n", PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(apple)); if(gccCompiler) { f.Puts("\nCFLAGS += -fmessage-length=0\n"); } if(compiler.includeDirs && compiler.includeDirs.count) { f.Puts("\nCFLAGS +="); OutputListOption(f, gccCompiler ? "isystem " : "I", compiler.includeDirs, lineEach, true); f.Puts("\n"); } if(compiler.prepDirectives && compiler.prepDirectives.count) { f.Puts("\nCFLAGS +="); OutputListOption(f, "D", compiler.prepDirectives, inPlace, true); f.Puts("\n"); } if(compiler.libraryDirs && compiler.libraryDirs.count) { f.Puts("\nLDFLAGS +="); OutputListOption(f, "L", compiler.libraryDirs, lineEach, true); // We would need a bool option to know whether we want to add to rpath as well... // OutputListOption(f, "Wl,-rpath ", compiler.libraryDirs, lineEach, true); f.Puts("\n"); } if(compiler.excludeLibs && compiler.excludeLibs.count) { f.Puts("\nEXCLUDED_LIBS ="); for(l : compiler.excludeLibs) { f.Puts(" "); f.Puts(l); } } if(compiler.linkerFlags && compiler.linkerFlags.count) { f.Puts("\nLDFLAGS +="); OutputListOption(f, "Wl,", compiler.linkerFlags, inPlace, true); f.Puts("\n"); } f.Printf("\nFORCE_64_BIT := %s", compiler.supportsBitDepth ? "-m64" : ""); f.Printf("\nFORCE_32_BIT := %s", compiler.supportsBitDepth ? "-m32" : ""); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("\nOFLAGS += $(LDFLAGS)"); f.Puts("\n"); delete f; result = true; } } delete name; delete compilerName; return result; } bool GenerateMakefile(char * altMakefilePath, bool noResources, char * includemkPath, ProjectConfig config) { bool result = false; char filePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char makeFile[MAX_LOCATION]; // PathBackup pathBackup { }; // char oldDirectory[MAX_LOCATION]; File f = null; if(!altMakefilePath) { strcpy(filePath, topNode.path); CatMakeFileName(makeFile, config); PathCatSlash(filePath, makeFile); } f = FileOpen(altMakefilePath ? altMakefilePath : filePath, write); /*SetPath(false, compiler, config); GetWorkingDir(oldDirectory, MAX_LOCATION); ChangeWorkingDir(topNode.path);*/ if(f) { bool test; int ifCount; Platform platform; char targetDir[MAX_LOCATION]; char objDirExpNoSpaces[MAX_LOCATION]; char objDirNoSpaces[MAX_LOCATION]; char resDirNoSpaces[MAX_LOCATION]; char targetDirExpNoSpaces[MAX_LOCATION]; char fixedModuleName[MAX_FILENAME]; char fixedConfigName[MAX_FILENAME]; int c, len; // Non-zero if we're building eC code // We'll have to be careful with this when merging configs where eC files can be excluded in some configs and included in others int numCObjects = 0; int numObjects = 0; bool containsCXX = false; // True if the project contains a C++ file bool sameObjTargetDirs; String objDirExp = GetObjDirExpression(config); TargetTypes targetType = GetTargetType(config); char cfDir[MAX_LOCATION]; int objectsParts = 0, eCsourcesParts = 0; Array listItems { }; Map varStringLenDiffs { }; Map namesInfo { }; bool forceBitDepth = false; Map cflagsVariations { }; Map nodeCFlagsMapping { }; Map ecflagsVariations { }; Map nodeECFlagsMapping { }; ReplaceSpaces(objDirNoSpaces, objDirExp); strcpy(targetDir, GetTargetDirExpression(config)); ReplaceSpaces(targetDirExpNoSpaces, targetDir); strcpy(objDirExpNoSpaces, GetObjDirExpression(config)); ChangeCh(objDirExpNoSpaces, '\\', '/'); // TODO: this is a hack, paths should never include win32 path seperators - fix this in ProjectSettings and ProjectLoad instead ReplaceSpaces(objDirExpNoSpaces, objDirExpNoSpaces); ReplaceSpaces(resDirNoSpaces, resNode.path ? resNode.path : ""); ReplaceSpaces(fixedModuleName, moduleName); ReplaceSpaces(fixedConfigName, GetConfigName(config)); CamelCase(fixedConfigName); sameObjTargetDirs = !fstrcmp(objDirExpNoSpaces, targetDirExpNoSpaces); f.Printf(".PHONY: all objdir%s cleantarget clean realclean distclean\n\n", sameObjTargetDirs ? "" : " targetdir"); f.Puts("# CORE VARIABLES\n\n"); f.Printf("MODULE := %s\n", fixedModuleName); //f.Printf("VERSION = %s\n", version); f.Printf("CONFIG := %s\n", fixedConfigName); f.Puts("ifndef COMPILER\n" "COMPILER := default\n" "endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); test = GetTargetTypeIsSetByPlatform(config); if(test) { ifCount = 0; for(platform = (Platform)1; platform < Platform::enumSize; platform++) { TargetTypes targetType; PlatformOptions projectPOs, configPOs; MatchProjectAndConfigPlatformOptions(config, platform, &projectPOs, &configPOs); targetType = platformTargetType; if(targetType) { if(ifCount) f.Puts("else\n"); ifCount++; f.Printf("ifdef %s\n", PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(platform)); f.Printf("TARGET_TYPE = %s\n", TargetTypeToMakefileVariable(targetType)); } } f.Puts("else\n"); } f.Printf("TARGET_TYPE = %s\n", TargetTypeToMakefileVariable(targetType)); if(test) { if(ifCount) { for(c = 0; c < ifCount; c++) f.Puts("endif\n"); } } f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("# FLAGS\n\n"); f.Puts("ECFLAGS =\n"); f.Puts("ifndef DEBIAN_PACKAGE\n" "CFLAGS =\n" "LDFLAGS =\n" "endif\n"); f.Puts("PRJ_CFLAGS =\n"); f.Puts("CECFLAGS =\n"); f.Puts("OFLAGS =\n"); f.Puts("LIBS =\n"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("ifdef DEBUG\n" "NOSTRIP := y\n" "endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); // Important: We cannot use this ifdef anymore, EXECUTABLE_TARGET is not yet defined. It's embedded in the crossplatform.mk EXECUTABLE //f.Puts("ifdef EXECUTABLE_TARGET\n"); f.Printf("CONSOLE = %s\n", GetConsole(config) ? "-mconsole" : "-mwindows"); //f.Puts("endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("# INCLUDES\n\n"); if(compilerConfigsDir && compilerConfigsDir[0]) { strcpy(cfDir, compilerConfigsDir); if(cfDir && cfDir[0] && cfDir[strlen(cfDir)-1] != '/') strcat(cfDir, "/"); } else { GetIDECompilerConfigsDir(cfDir, true, true); // Use CF_DIR environment variable for absolute paths only if(cfDir[0] == '/' || (cfDir[0] && cfDir[1] == ':')) strcpy(cfDir, "$(CF_DIR)"); } f.Printf("_CF_DIR = %s\n", cfDir); f.Puts("\n"); f.Printf("include %s\n", includemkPath ? includemkPath : "$(_CF_DIR)crossplatform.mk"); f.Puts("include $(_CF_DIR)$(TARGET_PLATFORM)-$(COMPILER).cf\n"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("# POST-INCLUDES VARIABLES\n\n"); f.Printf("OBJ = %s%s\n", objDirExpNoSpaces, objDirExpNoSpaces[0] ? "/" : ""); f.Puts("\n"); f.Printf("RES = %s%s\n", resDirNoSpaces, resDirNoSpaces[0] ? "/" : ""); f.Puts("\n"); // test = GetTargetTypeIsSetByPlatform(config); { char target[MAX_LOCATION]; char targetNoSpaces[MAX_LOCATION]; if(test) { TargetTypes type; ifCount = 0; for(type = (TargetTypes)1; type < TargetTypes::enumSize; type++) { if(type != targetType) { if(ifCount) f.Puts("else\n"); ifCount++; f.Printf("ifeq \"$(TARGET_TYPE)\" \"%s\"\n", TargetTypeToMakefileVariable(type)); GetMakefileTargetFileName(type, target, config); strcpy(targetNoSpaces, targetDir); PathCatSlash(targetNoSpaces, target); ReplaceSpaces(targetNoSpaces, targetNoSpaces); f.Printf("TARGET = %s\n", targetNoSpaces); } } f.Puts("else\n"); } GetMakefileTargetFileName(targetType, target, config); strcpy(targetNoSpaces, targetDir); PathCatSlash(targetNoSpaces, target); ReplaceSpaces(targetNoSpaces, targetNoSpaces); f.Printf("TARGET = %s\n", targetNoSpaces); if(test) { if(ifCount) { for(c = 0; c < ifCount; c++) f.Puts("endif\n"); } } } f.Puts("\n"); // Use something fixed here, to not cause Makefile differences across compilers... varStringLenDiffs["$(OBJ)"] = 30; // strlen("obj/memoryGuard.android.gcc-4.6.2") - 6; // varStringLenDiffs["$(OBJ)"] = strlen(objDirNoSpaces) - 6; topNode.GenMakefileGetNameCollisionInfo(namesInfo, config); { int c; char * map[5][2] = { { "COBJECTS", "C" }, { "SYMBOLS", "S" }, { "IMPORTS", "I" }, { "ECOBJECTS", "O" }, { "BOWLS", "B" } }; numCObjects = topNode.GenMakefilePrintNode(f, this, eCsources, namesInfo, listItems, config, null); if(numCObjects) { eCsourcesParts = OutputFileList(f, "_ECSOURCES", listItems, varStringLenDiffs, null); f.Puts("ECSOURCES = $(call shwspace,$(_ECSOURCES))\n"); if(eCsourcesParts > 1) { for(c = 1; c <= eCsourcesParts; c++) f.Printf("ECSOURCES%d = $(call shwspace,$(_ECSOURCES%d))\n", c, c); } f.Puts("\n"); for(c = 0; c < 5; c++) { if(eCsourcesParts > 1) { int n; f.Printf("%s =", map[c][0]); for(n = 1; n <= eCsourcesParts; n++) f.Printf(" $(%s%d)", map[c][0], n); f.Puts("\n"); for(n = 1; n <= eCsourcesParts; n++) f.Printf("%s%d = $(call shwspace,$(addprefix $(OBJ),$(patsubst %%.ec,%%$(%s),$(notdir $(_ECSOURCES%d)))))\n", map[c][0], n, map[c][1], n); } else if(eCsourcesParts == 1) f.Printf("%s = $(call shwspace,$(addprefix $(OBJ),$(patsubst %%.ec,%%$(%s),$(notdir $(_ECSOURCES)))))\n", map[c][0], map[c][1]); f.Puts("\n"); } } } numObjects = topNode.GenMakefilePrintNode(f, this, objects, namesInfo, listItems, config, &containsCXX); if(numObjects) objectsParts = OutputFileList(f, "_OBJECTS", listItems, varStringLenDiffs, null); f.Printf("OBJECTS =%s%s%s\n", numObjects ? " $(_OBJECTS)" : "", numCObjects ? " $(ECOBJECTS)" : "", numCObjects ? " $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main$(O)" : ""); f.Puts("\n"); topNode.GenMakefilePrintNode(f, this, sources, null, listItems, config, null); OutputFileList(f, "SOURCES", listItems, varStringLenDiffs, numCObjects ? "$(ECSOURCES)" : null); if(!noResources) resNode.GenMakefilePrintNode(f, this, resources, null, listItems, config, null); OutputFileList(f, "RESOURCES", listItems, varStringLenDiffs, null); f.Puts("LIBS += $(SHAREDLIB) $(EXECUTABLE) $(LINKOPT)\n"); f.Puts("\n"); if((config && config.options && config.options.libraries) || (options && options.libraries)) { f.Puts("ifndef STATIC_LIBRARY_TARGET\n"); f.Puts("LIBS +="); if(config && config.options && config.options.libraries) OutputLibraries(f, config.options.libraries); else if(options && options.libraries) OutputLibraries(f, options.libraries); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } topNode.GenMakeCollectAssignNodeFlags(config, numCObjects, cflagsVariations, nodeCFlagsMapping, ecflagsVariations, nodeECFlagsMapping, null); GenMakePrintCustomFlags(f, "PRJ_CFLAGS", false, cflagsVariations); GenMakePrintCustomFlags(f, "ECFLAGS", true, ecflagsVariations); if(platforms || (config && config.platforms)) { ifCount = 0; //for(platform = firstPlatform; platform <= lastPlatform; platform++) //for(platform = win32; platform <= apple; platform++) f.Puts("# PLATFORM-SPECIFIC OPTIONS\n\n"); for(platform = (Platform)1; platform < Platform::enumSize; platform++) { PlatformOptions projectPlatformOptions, configPlatformOptions; MatchProjectAndConfigPlatformOptions(config, platform, &projectPlatformOptions, &configPlatformOptions); if(projectPlatformOptions || configPlatformOptions) { if(ifCount) f.Puts("else\n"); ifCount++; f.Printf("ifdef %s\n", PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(platform)); f.Puts("\n"); if((projectPlatformOptions && projectPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions && projectPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions.count) || (configPlatformOptions && configPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions && configPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions.count)) { f.Puts("OFLAGS +="); if(projectPlatformOptions && projectPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions && projectPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions.count) { bool needWl = false; f.Puts(" \\\n\t "); for(s : projectPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions) { if(!IsLinkerOption(s)) f.Printf(" %s", s); else needWl = true; } if(needWl) { f.Puts(" -Wl"); for(s : projectPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions) if(IsLinkerOption(s)) f.Printf(",%s", s); } } if(configPlatformOptions && configPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions && configPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions.count) { bool needWl = false; f.Puts(" \\\n\t "); for(s : configPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions) { if(IsLinkerOption(s)) f.Printf(" %s", s); else needWl = true; } if(needWl) { f.Puts(" -Wl"); for(s : configPlatformOptions.options.linkerOptions) if(!IsLinkerOption(s)) f.Printf(",%s", s); } } f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } if((projectPlatformOptions && projectPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs && projectPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs.count) || (configPlatformOptions && configPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs && configPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs.count) || (projectPlatformOptions && projectPlatformOptions.options.libraries && projectPlatformOptions.options.libraries.count) || (configPlatformOptions && configPlatformOptions.options.libraries && configPlatformOptions.options.libraries.count)) { f.Puts("ifndef STATIC_LIBRARY_TARGET\n"); if((projectPlatformOptions && projectPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs && projectPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs.count) || (configPlatformOptions && configPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs && configPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs.count)) { f.Puts("OFLAGS +="); if(configPlatformOptions && configPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs) OutputListOption(f, "L", configPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs, lineEach, true); if(projectPlatformOptions && projectPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs) OutputListOption(f, "L", projectPlatformOptions.options.libraryDirs, lineEach, true); f.Puts("\n"); } if((configPlatformOptions && configPlatformOptions.options.libraries)) { if(configPlatformOptions.options.libraries.count) { f.Puts("LIBS +="); OutputLibraries(f, configPlatformOptions.options.libraries); f.Puts("\n"); } } else if(projectPlatformOptions && projectPlatformOptions.options.libraries) { if(projectPlatformOptions.options.libraries.count) { f.Puts("LIBS +="); OutputLibraries(f, projectPlatformOptions.options.libraries); f.Puts("\n"); } } f.Puts("endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } } } if(ifCount) { for(c = 0; c < ifCount; c++) f.Puts("endif\n"); } f.Puts("\n"); } if((config && config.options && config.options.linkerOptions && config.options.linkerOptions.count) || (options && options.linkerOptions && options.linkerOptions.count)) { f.Puts("OFLAGS +="); f.Puts(" \\\n\t"); if(config && config.options && config.options.linkerOptions && config.options.linkerOptions.count) { bool needWl = false; for(s : config.options.linkerOptions) { if(!IsLinkerOption(s)) f.Printf(" %s", s); else needWl = true; } if(needWl) { f.Puts(" -Wl"); for(s : config.options.linkerOptions) if(IsLinkerOption(s)) f.Printf(",%s", s); } } if(options && options.linkerOptions && options.linkerOptions.count) { bool needWl = false; for(s : options.linkerOptions) { if(!IsLinkerOption(s)) f.Printf(" %s", s); else needWl = true; } if(needWl) { f.Puts(" -Wl"); for(s : options.linkerOptions) if(IsLinkerOption(s)) f.Printf(",%s", s); } } } f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("CECFLAGS += -cpp $(_CPP)"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("\n"); forceBitDepth = (options && options.buildBitDepth) || numCObjects; if(forceBitDepth || GetProfile(config)) { f.Puts("OFLAGS +="); if(forceBitDepth) f.Puts((!options || !options.buildBitDepth || options.buildBitDepth == bits32) ? " $(FORCE_32_BIT)" : " $(FORCE_64_BIT)"); if(GetProfile(config)) f.Puts(" -pg"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } if((config && config.options && config.options.libraryDirs) || (options && options.libraryDirs)) { f.Puts("ifndef STATIC_LIBRARY_TARGET\n"); f.Puts("OFLAGS +="); if(config && config.options && config.options.libraryDirs) OutputListOption(f, "L", config.options.libraryDirs, lineEach, true); if(options && options.libraryDirs) OutputListOption(f, "L", options.libraryDirs, lineEach, true); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } f.Puts("# TARGETS\n"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Printf("all: objdir%s $(TARGET)\n", sameObjTargetDirs ? "" : " targetdir"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("objdir:\n"); f.Puts("\t$(if $(wildcard $(OBJ)),,$(call mkdirq,$(OBJ)))\n"); //f.Puts("# PRE-BUILD COMMANDS\n"); if(options && options.prebuildCommands) { for(s : options.prebuildCommands) if(s && s[0]) f.Printf("\t%s\n", s); } if(config && config.options && config.options.prebuildCommands) { for(s : config.options.prebuildCommands) if(s && s[0]) f.Printf("\t%s\n", s); } if(platforms || (config && config.platforms)) { ifCount = 0; //f.Puts("# TARGET_PLATFORM-SPECIFIC PRE-BUILD COMMANDS\n"); for(platform = (Platform)1; platform < Platform::enumSize; platform++) { PlatformOptions projectPOs, configPOs; MatchProjectAndConfigPlatformOptions(config, platform, &projectPOs, &configPOs); if((projectPOs && projectPOs.options.prebuildCommands && projectPOs.options.prebuildCommands.count) || (configPOs && configPOs.options.prebuildCommands && configPOs.options.prebuildCommands.count)) { if(ifCount) f.Puts("else\n"); ifCount++; f.Printf("ifdef %s\n", PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(platform)); if(projectPOs && projectPOs.options.prebuildCommands && projectPOs.options.prebuildCommands.count) { for(s : projectPOs.options.prebuildCommands) if(s && s[0]) f.Printf("\t%s\n", s); } if(configPOs && configPOs.options.prebuildCommands && configPOs.options.prebuildCommands.count) { for(s : configPOs.options.prebuildCommands) if(s && s[0]) f.Printf("\t%s\n", s); } } } if(ifCount) { int c; for(c = 0; c < ifCount; c++) f.Puts("endif\n"); } } f.Puts("\n"); if(!sameObjTargetDirs) { f.Puts("targetdir:\n"); f.Printf("\t$(if $(wildcard %s),,$(call mkdirq,%s))\n", targetDirExpNoSpaces, targetDirExpNoSpaces); f.Puts("\n"); } if(numCObjects) { // Main Module (Linking) for ECERE C modules f.Puts("$(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.ec: $(SYMBOLS) $(COBJECTS)\n"); // use of objDirExpNoSpaces used instead of $(OBJ) to prevent problematic joining of arguments in ecs f.Printf("\t$(ECS)%s $(FORCE_32_BIT) $(ECSLIBOPT) $(SYMBOLS) $(IMPORTS) -symbols %s -o $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.ec\n", GetConsole(config) ? " -console" : "", objDirExpNoSpaces); f.Puts("\n"); // Main Module (Linking) for ECERE C modules f.Puts("$(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.c: $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.ec\n"); f.Puts("\t$(ECP) $(CFLAGS) $(CECFLAGS) $(ECFLAGS) $(PRJ_CFLAGS)" " -c $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.ec -o $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.sym -symbols $(OBJ)\n"); f.Puts("\t$(ECC) $(CFLAGS) $(CECFLAGS) $(ECFLAGS) $(PRJ_CFLAGS) $(FVISIBILITY)" " -c $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.ec -o $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.c -symbols $(OBJ)\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } // *** Target *** // This would not rebuild the target on updated objects // f.Printf("$(TARGET): $(SOURCES) $(RESOURCES) | objdir $(SYMBOLS) $(OBJECTS)%s\n", sameObjTargetDirs ? "" : " targetdir"); // This should fix it for good! f.Puts("$(SYMBOLS): | objdir\n"); f.Puts("$(OBJECTS): | objdir\n"); // This alone was breaking the tarball, object directory does not get created first (order-only rules happen last it seems!) f.Printf("$(TARGET): $(SOURCES) $(RESOURCES) $(SYMBOLS) $(OBJECTS) | objdir%s\n", sameObjTargetDirs ? "" : " targetdir"); f.Puts("ifndef STATIC_LIBRARY_TARGET\n"); f.Printf("\t$(%s) $(OFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) %s-o $(TARGET) $(INSTALLNAME)\n", containsCXX ? "CXX" : "CC", containsCXX ? "-lstdc++ " : ""); if(!GetDebug(config)) { f.Puts("ifndef NOSTRIP\n"); f.Puts("\t$(STRIP) $(STRIPOPT) $(TARGET)\n"); f.Puts("endif\n"); if(GetCompress(config)) { f.Printf("ifndef %s\n", PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(win32)); f.Puts("ifdef EXECUTABLE_TARGET\n"); f.Puts("\t$(UPX) $(UPXFLAGS) $(TARGET)\n"); f.Puts("endif\n"); f.Puts("else\n"); f.Puts("\t$(UPX) $(UPXFLAGS) $(TARGET)\n"); f.Puts("endif\n"); } } if(resNode.files && resNode.files.count && !noResources) resNode.GenMakefileAddResources(f, resNode.path, config); f.Puts("else\n"); f.Puts("\t$(AR) rcs $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS)\n"); f.Puts("endif\n"); //f.Puts("# POST-BUILD COMMANDS\n"); if(options && options.postbuildCommands) { for(s : options.postbuildCommands) if(s && s[0]) f.Printf("\t%s\n", s); } if(config && config.options && config.options.postbuildCommands) { for(s : config.options.postbuildCommands) if(s && s[0]) f.Printf("\t%s\n", s); } if(platforms || (config && config.platforms)) { ifCount = 0; //f.Puts("# TARGET_PLATFORM-SPECIFIC POST-BUILD COMMANDS\n"); for(platform = (Platform)1; platform < Platform::enumSize; platform++) { PlatformOptions projectPOs, configPOs; MatchProjectAndConfigPlatformOptions(config, platform, &projectPOs, &configPOs); if((projectPOs && projectPOs.options.postbuildCommands && projectPOs.options.postbuildCommands.count) || (configPOs && configPOs.options.postbuildCommands && configPOs.options.postbuildCommands.count)) { if(ifCount) f.Puts("else\n"); ifCount++; f.Printf("ifdef %s\n", PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(platform)); if(projectPOs && projectPOs.options.postbuildCommands && projectPOs.options.postbuildCommands.count) { for(s : projectPOs.options.postbuildCommands) if(s && s[0]) f.Printf("\t%s\n", s); } if(configPOs && configPOs.options.postbuildCommands && configPOs.options.postbuildCommands.count) { for(s : configPOs.options.postbuildCommands) if(s && s[0]) f.Printf("\t%s\n", s); } } } if(ifCount) { int c; for(c = 0; c < ifCount; c++) f.Puts("endif\n"); } } f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("# SYMBOL RULES\n"); f.Puts("\n"); topNode.GenMakefilePrintSymbolRules(f, this, config, nodeCFlagsMapping, nodeECFlagsMapping); f.Puts("# C OBJECT RULES\n"); f.Puts("\n"); topNode.GenMakefilePrintCObjectRules(f, this, config, nodeCFlagsMapping, nodeECFlagsMapping); f.Puts("# OBJECT RULES\n"); f.Puts("\n"); // todo call this still but only generate rules whith specific options // see we-have-file-specific-options in ProjectNode.ec topNode.GenMakefilePrintObjectRules(f, this, namesInfo, config, nodeCFlagsMapping, nodeECFlagsMapping); if(numCObjects) GenMakefilePrintMainObjectRule(f, config); f.Printf("cleantarget: objdir%s\n", sameObjTargetDirs ? "" : " targetdir"); f.Puts("\t$(call rmq,$(TARGET))\n"); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("clean: cleantarget\n"); OutputCleanActions(f, "_OBJECTS", objectsParts); if(numCObjects) { f.Printf("\t$(call rmq,%s)\n", "$(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.o $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.c $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.ec $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main$(I) $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main$(S)"); OutputCleanActions(f, "ECOBJECTS", eCsourcesParts); OutputCleanActions(f, "COBJECTS", eCsourcesParts); OutputCleanActions(f, "BOWLS", eCsourcesParts); OutputCleanActions(f, "IMPORTS", eCsourcesParts); OutputCleanActions(f, "SYMBOLS", eCsourcesParts); } f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("realclean: cleantarget\n"); f.Puts("\t$(call rmrq,$(OBJ))\n"); if(!sameObjTargetDirs) f.Printf("\t$(call rmdirq,%s)\n", targetDirExpNoSpaces); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("distclean: cleantarget\n"); if(!sameObjTargetDirs) f.Printf("\t$(call rmdirq,%s)\n", targetDirExpNoSpaces); f.Puts("\t$(call rmrq,obj/)\n"); delete f; listItems.Free(); delete listItems; varStringLenDiffs.Free(); delete varStringLenDiffs; namesInfo.Free(); delete namesInfo; delete cflagsVariations; delete nodeCFlagsMapping; delete ecflagsVariations; delete nodeECFlagsMapping; result = true; } // ChangeWorkingDir(oldDirectory); // delete pathBackup; if(config) config.makingModified = false; return result; } void GenMakefilePrintMainObjectRule(File f, ProjectConfig config) { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION] = "c"; char modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char fixedModuleName[MAX_FILENAME]; DualPipe dep; char command[2048]; char objDirNoSpaces[MAX_LOCATION]; String objDirExp = GetObjDirExpression(config); ReplaceSpaces(objDirNoSpaces, objDirExp); ReplaceSpaces(fixedModuleName, moduleName); //sprintf(fixedModuleName, "%s.main", fixedPrjName); //strcat(fixedModuleName, ".main"); #if 0 // TODO: Fix nospaces stuff // *** Dependency command *** sprintf(command, "gcc -MT $(OBJ)%s$(O) -MM $(OBJ)%s.c", fixedModuleName, fixedModuleName); // System Includes (from global settings) for(item : compiler.dirs[Includes]) { strcat(command, " -isystem "); if(strchr(item.name, ' ')) { strcat(command, "\""); strcat(command, item); strcat(command, "\""); } else strcat(command, item); } for(item = includeDirs.first; item; item = item.next) { strcat(command, " -I"); if(strchr(item.name, ' ')) { strcat(command, "\""); strcat(command, item.name); strcat(command, "\""); } else strcat(command, item.name); } for(item = preprocessorDefs.first; item; item = item.next) { strcat(command, " -D"); strcat(command, item.name); } // Execute it if((dep = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = 1, error = 1, input = 2 }, command))) { char line[1024]; bool result = true; bool firstLine = true; // To do some time: auto save external dependencies? while(!dep.Eof()) { if(dep.GetLine(line, sizeof(line)-1)) { if(firstLine) { char * colon = strstr(line, ":"); if(strstr(line, "No such file") || strstr(line, ",") || (colon && strstr(colon+1, ":"))) { result = false; break; } firstLine = false; } f.Puts(line); f.Puts("\n"); } if(!result) break; } delete dep; // If we failed to generate dependencies... if(!result) { #endif f.Puts("$(OBJ)$(MODULE).main$(O): $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.c\n"); f.Printf("\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PRJ_CFLAGS) $(FVISIBILITY) -c $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main.%s -o $(OBJ)$(MODULE).main$(O)\n", extension); f.Puts("\n"); #if 0 } } #endif } void GenMakePrintCustomFlags(File f, String variableName, bool printNonCustom, Map cflagsVariations) { int c; for(c = printNonCustom ? 0 : 1; c <= cflagsVariations.count; c++) { for(v : cflagsVariations) { if(v == c) { if(v == 1) f.Printf("%s +=", variableName); else f.Printf("CUSTOM%d_%s =", v-1, variableName); f.Puts(&v ? &v : ""); f.Puts("\n"); f.Puts("\n"); break; } } } f.Puts("\n"); } void MatchProjectAndConfigPlatformOptions(ProjectConfig config, Platform platform, PlatformOptions * projectPlatformOptions, PlatformOptions * configPlatformOptions) { *projectPlatformOptions = null; *configPlatformOptions = null; if(platforms) { for(p : platforms) { if(!strcmpi(p.name, platform)) { *projectPlatformOptions = p; break; } } } if(config && config.platforms) { for(p : config.platforms) { if(!strcmpi(p.name, platform)) { *configPlatformOptions = p; break; } } } } } Project LegacyBinaryLoadProject(File f, char * filePath) { Project project = null; char signature[sizeof(epjSignature)]; f.Read(signature, sizeof(signature), 1); if(!strncmp(signature, (char *)epjSignature, sizeof(epjSignature))) { char topNodePath[MAX_LOCATION]; /*ProjectConfig newConfig { name = CopyString("Default"); makingModified = true; compilingModified = true; linkingModified = true; options = { }; };*/ project = Project { options = { } }; LegacyBinaryLoadNode(project.topNode, f); delete project.topNode.path; GetWorkingDir(topNodePath, sizeof(topNodePath)-1); MakeSlashPath(topNodePath); PathCatSlash(topNodePath, filePath); project.filePath = topNodePath; /* THIS IS ALREADY DONE BY filePath property StripLastDirectory(topNodePath, topNodePath); project.topNode.path = CopyString(topNodePath); */ // Shouldn't this be done BEFORE the StripLastDirectory? project.filePath = topNodePath; // newConfig.options.defaultNameSpace = ""; /*newConfig.objDir.dir = "obj"; newConfig.targetDir.dir = "";*/ //project.configurations = { [ newConfig ] }; //project.config = newConfig; // Project Settings if(!f.Eof()) { int temp; int len,c, count; String targetFileName, targetDirectory, objectsDirectory; // { executable = 0, sharedLibrary = 1, staticLibrary = 2 }; f.Read(&temp, sizeof(int),1); switch(temp) { case 0: project.options.targetType = executable; break; case 1: project.options.targetType = sharedLibrary; break; case 2: project.options.targetType = staticLibrary; break; } f.Read(&len, sizeof(int),1); targetFileName = new char[len+1]; f.Read(targetFileName, sizeof(char), len+1); project.options.targetFileName = targetFileName; delete targetFileName; f.Read(&len, sizeof(int),1); targetDirectory = new char[len+1]; f.Read(targetDirectory, sizeof(char), len+1); project.options.targetDirectory = targetDirectory; delete targetDirectory; f.Read(&len, sizeof(int),1); objectsDirectory = new byte[len+1]; f.Read(objectsDirectory, sizeof(char), len+1); project.options.objectsDirectory = objectsDirectory; delete objectsDirectory; f.Read(&temp, sizeof(int),1); project./*config.*/options.debug = temp ? true : false; f.Read(&temp, sizeof(int),1); project./*config.*/options.optimization = temp ? speed : none; f.Read(&temp, sizeof(int),1); project./*config.*/options.profile = temp ? true : false; f.Read(&temp, sizeof(int),1); project.options.warnings = temp ? all : unset; f.Read(&count, sizeof(int),1); if(count) { project.options.includeDirs = { }; for(c = 0; c < count; c++) { char * name; f.Read(&len, sizeof(int),1); name = new char[len+1]; f.Read(name, sizeof(char), len+1); project.options.includeDirs.Add(name); } } f.Read(&count, sizeof(int),1); if(count) { project.options.libraryDirs = { }; for(c = 0; c < count; c++) { char * name; f.Read(&len, sizeof(int),1); name = new char[len+1]; f.Read(name, sizeof(char), len+1); project.options.libraryDirs.Add(name); } } f.Read(&count, sizeof(int),1); if(count) { project.options.libraries = { }; for(c = 0; c < count; c++) { char * name; f.Read(&len, sizeof(int),1); name = new char[len+1]; f.Read(name, sizeof(char), len+1); project.options.libraries.Add(name); } } f.Read(&count, sizeof(int),1); if(count) { project.options.preprocessorDefinitions = { }; for(c = 0; c < count; c++) { char * name; f.Read(&len, sizeof(int),1); name = new char[len+1]; f.Read(name, sizeof(char), len+1); project.options.preprocessorDefinitions.Add(name); } } f.Read(&temp, sizeof(int),1); project.options.console = temp ? true : false; } for(node : project.topNode.files) { if(node.type == resources) { project.resNode = node; break; } } } else f.Seek(0, start); return project; } void ProjectConfig::LegacyProjectConfigLoad(File f) { delete options; options = { }; while(!f.Eof()) { char buffer[65536]; char section[128]; char subSection[128]; char * equal; int len; uint pos; pos = f.Tell(); f.GetLine(buffer, 65536 - 1); TrimLSpaces(buffer, buffer); TrimRSpaces(buffer, buffer); if(strlen(buffer)) { if(buffer[0] == '-') { equal = &buffer[0]; equal[0] = ' '; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(subSection, "LibraryDirs")) { if(!options.libraryDirs) options.libraryDirs = { [ CopyString(equal) ] }; else options.libraryDirs.Add(CopyString(equal)); } else if(!strcmpi(subSection, "IncludeDirs")) { if(!options.includeDirs) options.includeDirs = { [ CopyString(equal) ] }; else options.includeDirs.Add(CopyString(equal)); } } else if(buffer[0] == '+') { if(name) { f.Seek(pos, start); break; } else { equal = &buffer[0]; equal[0] = ' '; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); delete name; name = CopyString(equal); // property::name = equal; } } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Compiler Options")) strcpy(section, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "IncludeDirs")) strcpy(subSection, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Linker Options")) strcpy(section, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "LibraryDirs")) strcpy(subSection, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Files") || !strcmpi(buffer, "Resources")) { f.Seek(pos, start); break; } else { equal = strstr(buffer, "="); if(equal) { equal[0] = '\0'; TrimRSpaces(buffer, buffer); equal++; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Target Name")) options.targetFileName = /*CopyString(*/equal/*)*/; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Target Type")) { if(!strcmpi(equal, "Executable")) options.targetType = executable; else if(!strcmpi(equal, "Shared")) options.targetType = sharedLibrary; else if(!strcmpi(equal, "Static")) options.targetType = staticLibrary; else options.targetType = executable; } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Target Directory")) options.targetDirectory = /*CopyString(*/equal/*)*/; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Console")) options.console = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Libraries")) { if(!options.libraries) options.libraries = { }; ParseArrayValue(options.libraries, equal); } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Intermediate Directory")) options.objectsDirectory = /*CopyString(*/equal/*)*/; //objDir.expression = equal; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Debug")) options.debug = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Optimize")) { if(!strcmpi(equal, "None")) options.optimization = none; else if(!strcmpi(equal, "Speed") || !strcmpi(equal, "True")) options.optimization = speed; else if(!strcmpi(equal, "Size")) options.optimization = size; else options.optimization = none; } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Compress")) options.compress = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Profile")) options.profile = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "AllWarnings")) options.warnings = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal) ? all : unset; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "MemoryGuard")) options.memoryGuard = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Default Name Space")) options.defaultNameSpace = CopyString(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Strict Name Spaces")) options.strictNameSpaces = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Preprocessor Definitions")) { if(!options.preprocessorDefinitions) options.preprocessorDefinitions = { }; ParseArrayValue(options.preprocessorDefinitions, equal); } } } } } if(!options.targetDirectory && options.objectsDirectory) options.targetDirectory = /*CopyString(*/options.objectsDirectory/*)*/; //if(!objDir.dir) objDir.dir = "obj"; //if(!targetDir.dir) targetDir.dir = ""; // if(!targetName) property::targetName = ""; // How can a targetFileName be nothing??? // if(!defaultNameSpace) property::defaultNameSpace = ""; makingModified = true; } Project LegacyAsciiLoadProject(File f, char * filePath) { Project project = null; ProjectNode node = null; int pos; char parentPath[MAX_LOCATION]; char section[128] = ""; char subSection[128] = ""; ProjectNode parent; bool configurationsPresent = false; f.Seek(0, start); while(!f.Eof()) { char buffer[65536]; //char version[16]; char * equal; int len; pos = f.Tell(); f.GetLine(buffer, 65536 - 1); TrimLSpaces(buffer, buffer); TrimRSpaces(buffer, buffer); if(strlen(buffer)) { if(buffer[0] == '-' || buffer[0] == '=') { bool simple = buffer[0] == '-'; equal = &buffer[0]; equal[0] = ' '; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(section, "Target") && !strcmpi(subSection, "LibraryDirs")) { if(!project.config.options.libraryDirs) project.config.options.libraryDirs = { [ CopyString(equal) ] }; else project.config.options.libraryDirs.Add(CopyString(equal)); } else if(!strcmpi(section, "Target") && !strcmpi(subSection, "IncludeDirs")) { if(!project.config.options.includeDirs) project.config.options.includeDirs = { [ CopyString(equal) ] }; else project.config.options.includeDirs.Add(CopyString(equal)); } else if(!strcmpi(section, "Target") && (!strcmpi(subSection, "Files") || !strcmpi(subSection, "Resources"))) { len = strlen(equal); if(len) { char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; ProjectNode child { }; // We don't need to do this anymore, fileName is just a property that sets name & path // child.fileName = CopyString(equal); if(simple) { child.name = CopyString(equal); child.path = CopyString(parentPath); } else { GetLastDirectory(equal, temp); child.name = CopyString(temp); StripLastDirectory(equal, temp); child.path = CopyString(temp); } child.nodeType = file; child.parent = parent; child.indent = parent.indent + 1; child.type = file; child.icon = NodeIcons::SelectFileIcon(child.name); parent.files.Add(child); node = child; //child = null; } else { StripLastDirectory(parentPath, parentPath); parent = parent.parent; } } } else if(buffer[0] == '+') { equal = &buffer[0]; equal[0] = ' '; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(section, "Target") && (!strcmpi(subSection, "Files") || !strcmpi(subSection, "Resources"))) { char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; ProjectNode child { }; // NEW: Folders now have a path set like files child.name = CopyString(equal); strcpy(temp, parentPath); PathCatSlash(temp, child.name); child.path = CopyString(temp); child.parent = parent; child.indent = parent.indent + 1; child.type = folder; child.nodeType = folder; child.files = { }; child.icon = folder; PathCatSlash(parentPath, child.name); parent.files.Add(child); parent = child; node = child; //child = null; } else if(!strcmpi(section, "Configurations")) { ProjectConfig newConfig { makingModified = true; options = { }; }; f.Seek(pos, start); LegacyProjectConfigLoad(newConfig, f); project.configurations.Add(newConfig); } } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "ECERE Project File")); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Version 0a")) ; //strcpy(version, "0a"); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Version 0.1a")) ; //strcpy(version, "0.1a"); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Configurations")) { project.configurations.Free(); project.config = null; strcpy(section, buffer); configurationsPresent = true; } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Target") || !strnicmp(buffer, "Target \"", strlen("Target \""))) { ProjectConfig newConfig { name = CopyString("Default"), options = { } }; char topNodePath[MAX_LOCATION]; // newConfig.defaultNameSpace = ""; //newConfig.objDir.dir = "obj"; //newConfig.targetDir.dir = ""; project = Project { /*options = { }*/ }; project.configurations = { [ newConfig ] }; project.config = newConfig; // if(project.topNode.path) delete project.topNode.path; GetWorkingDir(topNodePath, sizeof(topNodePath)-1); MakeSlashPath(topNodePath); PathCatSlash(topNodePath, filePath); project.filePath = topNodePath; parentPath[0] = '\0'; parent = project.topNode; node = parent; strcpy(section, "Target"); equal = &buffer[6]; if(equal[0] == ' ') { equal++; if(equal[0] == '\"') { StripQuotes(equal, equal); delete project.moduleName; project.moduleName = CopyString(equal); } } } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Compiler Options")); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "IncludeDirs")) strcpy(subSection, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Linker Options")); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "LibraryDirs")) strcpy(subSection, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Files")) { strcpy(section, "Target"); strcpy(subSection, buffer); } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Resources")) { ProjectNode child { }; parent.files.Add(child); child.parent = parent; child.indent = parent.indent + 1; child.name = CopyString(buffer); child.path = CopyString(""); child.type = resources; child.files = { }; child.icon = archiveFile; project.resNode = child; parent = child; node = child; strcpy(subSection, buffer); } else { equal = strstr(buffer, "="); if(equal) { equal[0] = '\0'; TrimRSpaces(buffer, buffer); equal++; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(section, "Target")) { if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Build Exclusions")) { if(!strcmpi(section, "Target") && !strcmpi(subSection, "Files")) { /*if(node && node.type != NodeTypes::project) ParseListValue(node.buildExclusions, equal);*/ } } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Path") && !strcmpi(subSection, "Resources")) { delete project.resNode.path; project.resNode.path = CopyString(equal); PathCatSlash(parentPath, equal); } // Config Settings else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Intermediate Directory")) project.config.options.objectsDirectory = /*CopyString(*/equal/*)*/; //objDir.expression = equal; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Debug")) project.config.options.debug = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Optimize")) { if(!strcmpi(equal, "None")) project.config.options.optimization = none; else if(!strcmpi(equal, "Speed") || !strcmpi(equal, "True")) project.config.options.optimization = speed; else if(!strcmpi(equal, "Size")) project.config.options.optimization = size; else project.config.options.optimization = none; } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Profile")) project.config.options.profile = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "MemoryGuard")) project.config.options.memoryGuard = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else { if(!project.options) project.options = { }; // Project Wide Settings (All configs) if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Target Name")) project.options.targetFileName = /*CopyString(*/equal/*)*/; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Target Type")) { if(!strcmpi(equal, "Executable")) project.options.targetType = executable; else if(!strcmpi(equal, "Shared")) project.options.targetType = sharedLibrary; else if(!strcmpi(equal, "Static")) project.options.targetType = staticLibrary; else project.options.targetType = executable; } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Target Directory")) project.options.targetDirectory = /*CopyString(*/equal/*)*/; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Console")) project.options.console = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Libraries")) { if(!project.options.libraries) project.options.libraries = { }; ParseArrayValue(project.options.libraries, equal); } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "AllWarnings")) project.options.warnings = ParseTrueFalseValue(equal) ? all : unset; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Preprocessor Definitions")) { if(!strcmpi(section, "Target") && !strcmpi(subSection, "Files")) { /*if(node && (node.type == NodeTypes::project || (node.type == file && !node.isInResources) || node.type == folder)) ParseListValue(node.preprocessorDefs, equal);*/ } else { if(!project.options.preprocessorDefinitions) project.options.preprocessorDefinitions = { }; ParseArrayValue(project.options.preprocessorDefinitions, equal); } } } } } } } } parent = null; SplitPlatformLibraries(project); if(configurationsPresent) CombineIdenticalConfigOptions(project); return project; } void SplitPlatformLibraries(Project project) { if(project && project.configurations) { for(cfg : project.configurations) { if(cfg.options.libraries && cfg.options.libraries.count) { Iterator it { cfg.options.libraries }; while(it.Next()) { String l = it.data; char * platformName = strstr(l, ":"); if(platformName) { PlatformOptions platform = null; platformName++; if(!cfg.platforms) cfg.platforms = { }; for(p : cfg.platforms) { if(!strcmpi(platformName, p.name)) { platform = p; break; } } if(!platform) { platform = { name = CopyString(platformName), options = { libraries = { } } }; cfg.platforms.Add(platform); } *(platformName-1) = 0; platform.options.libraries.Add(CopyString(l)); cfg.options.libraries.Delete(it.pointer); it.pointer = null; } } } } } } void CombineIdenticalConfigOptions(Project project) { if(project && project.configurations && project.configurations.count) { DataMember member; ProjectOptions nullOptions { }; ProjectConfig firstConfig = null; for(cfg : project.configurations) { if(cfg.options.targetType != staticLibrary) { firstConfig = cfg; break; } } if(!firstConfig) firstConfig = project.configurations.firstIterator.data; for(member = class(ProjectOptions).membersAndProperties.first; member; member = member.next) { if(!member.isProperty) { Class type = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule, member.dataTypeString); if(type) { bool same = true; for(cfg : project.configurations) { if(cfg != firstConfig) { if(cfg.options.targetType != staticLibrary) { int result; if(type.type == noHeadClass || type.type == normalClass) { result = type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare](type, *(void **)((byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset), *(void **)((byte *)cfg.options + member.offset + member._class.offset)); } else { result = type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare](type, (byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset, (byte *)cfg.options + member.offset + member._class.offset); } if(result) { same = false; break; } } } } if(same) { if(type.type == noHeadClass || type.type == normalClass) { if(!type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare](type, *(void **)((byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset), *(void **)((byte *)nullOptions + member.offset + member._class.offset))) continue; } else { if(!type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare](type, (byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset, (byte *)nullOptions + member.offset + member._class.offset)) continue; } if(!project.options) project.options = { }; /*if(type.type == noHeadClass || type.type == normalClass) { type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCopy](type, (byte *)project.options + member.offset + member._class.offset, *(void **)((byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset)); } else { void * address = (byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset; // TOFIX: ListBox::SetData / OnCopy mess type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCopy](type, (byte *)project.options + member.offset + member._class.offset, (type.typeSize > 4) ? address : ((type.typeSize == 4) ? (void *)*(uint32 *)address : ((type.typeSize == 2) ? (void *)*(uint16*)address : (void *)*(byte *)address ))); }*/ memcpy( (byte *)project.options + member.offset + member._class.offset, (byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset, type.typeSize); for(cfg : project.configurations) { if(cfg.options.targetType == staticLibrary) { int result; if(type.type == noHeadClass || type.type == normalClass) { result = type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare](type, *(void **)((byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset), *(void **)((byte *)cfg.options + member.offset + member._class.offset)); } else { result = type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare](type, (byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset, (byte *)cfg.options + member.offset + member._class.offset); } if(result) continue; } if(cfg != firstConfig) { if(type.type == noHeadClass || type.type == normalClass) { type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree](type, *(void **)((byte *)cfg.options + member.offset + member._class.offset)); } else { type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree](type, (byte *)cfg.options + member.offset + member._class.offset); } memset((byte *)cfg.options + member.offset + member._class.offset, 0, type.typeSize); } } memset((byte *)firstConfig.options + member.offset + member._class.offset, 0, type.typeSize); } } } } delete nullOptions; // Compare Platform Specific Settings { bool same = true; for(cfg : project.configurations) { if(cfg != firstConfig && cfg.options.targetType != staticLibrary && (firstConfig.platforms || cfg.platforms) && ((!firstConfig.platforms && cfg.platforms) || firstConfig.platforms.OnCompare(cfg.platforms))) { same = false; break; } } if(same && firstConfig.platforms) { for(cfg : project.configurations) { if(cfg.options.targetType == staticLibrary && firstConfig.platforms.OnCompare(cfg.platforms)) continue; if(cfg != firstConfig) { cfg.platforms.Free(); delete cfg.platforms; } } project.platforms = firstConfig.platforms; firstConfig.platforms = null; } } // Static libraries can't contain libraries for(cfg : project.configurations) { if(cfg.options.targetType == staticLibrary) { if(!cfg.options.libraries) cfg.options.libraries = { }; cfg.options.libraries.Free(); } } } } Project LoadProject(char * filePath, char * activeConfigName) { Project project = null; File f = FileOpen(filePath, read); if(f) { project = LegacyBinaryLoadProject(f, filePath); if(!project) { JSONParser parser { f = f }; JSONResult result = parser.GetObject(class(Project), &project); if(project) { char insidePath[MAX_LOCATION]; delete project.topNode.files; if(!project.files) project.files = { }; project.topNode.files = project.files; project.resNode = project.topNode.Add(project, "Resources", project.topNode.files.last, resources, archiveFile, false); delete project.resNode.path; project.resNode.path = project.resourcesPath; project.resourcesPath = null; project.resNode.nodeType = (ProjectNodeType)-1; delete project.resNode.files; project.resNode.files = project.resources; project.files = null; project.resources = null; if(!project.configurations) project.configurations = { }; { char topNodePath[MAX_LOCATION]; GetWorkingDir(topNodePath, sizeof(topNodePath)-1); MakeSlashPath(topNodePath); PathCatSlash(topNodePath, filePath); project.filePath = topNodePath;//filePath; } project.topNode.FixupNode(insidePath); } delete parser; } if(!project) project = LegacyAsciiLoadProject(f, filePath); delete f; if(project) { if(!project.options) project.options = { }; if(activeConfigName && activeConfigName[0] && project.configurations) { for(cfg : project.configurations) { if(!strcmpi(cfg.name, activeConfigName)) { project.config = cfg; break; } } } if(!project.config && project.configurations) project.config = project.configurations.firstIterator.data; if(!project.resNode) { project.resNode = project.topNode.Add(project, "Resources", project.topNode.files.last, resources, archiveFile, false); } if(!project.moduleName) project.moduleName = CopyString(project.name); if(project.config && (!project.options || !project.options.targetFileName || !project.options.targetFileName[0]) && (!project.config.options.targetFileName || !project.config.options.targetFileName[0])) { //delete project.config.options.targetFileName; project.options.targetFileName = /*CopyString(*/project.moduleName/*)*/; project.config.options.optimization = none; project.config.options.debug = true; //project.config.options.warnings = unset; project.config.options.memoryGuard = false; project.config.compilingModified = true; project.config.linkingModified = true; } else if(!project.topNode.name && project.config) { project.topNode.name = CopyString(project.config.options.targetFileName); } /* // THIS IS NOW AUTOMATED WITH A project CHECK IN ProjectNode project.topNode.configurations = project.configurations; project.topNode.platforms = project.platforms; project.topNode.options = project.options;*/ } } return project; }