import "ide" class WatchesView : Window { visible = false; text = $"Watches"; borderStyle = sizable; background = { 224, 224, 224 }; hasClose = true; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0 }; size.h = 240; bool moved, logging; ListBox listBox { parent = this, hasHeader = true, hasVertScroll = true, alwaysEdit = true, collapseControl = true, resizable = true; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; /* background = colorScheme.viewsBackground; foreground = colorScheme.viewsText; selectionColor = colorScheme.selectionColor; selectionText = colorScheme.selectionText; */ bool NotifyChanged(ListBox listBox, DataRow row) { char * expression = row.GetData(expressionField); if(expression && expression[0]) { TrimLSpaces(expression, expression); TrimRSpaces(expression, expression); } if(expression && expression[0]) { row.SetData(valueField, null); if(row == listBox.lastRow) { DataRow newRow = listBox.AddRow(); newRow.SetData(expressionField, null); newRow.SetData(valueField, null); listBox.currentRow = newRow; } ide.debugger.ChangeWatch(row, expression); } else { ide.debugger.ChangeWatch(row, expression); if(row != listBox.lastRow) { //Type type = (Type)row.GetData(typeField); //if(type) FreeType(type); listBox.DeleteRow(row); } else row.SetData(valueField, null); } return true; } bool NotifyKeyHit(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Key key, unichar ch) { if((SmartKey)key == del) { listBox.StopEditing(true); if(row && row != listBox.lastRow) { //Type type = (Type)row.GetData(typeField); ide.debugger.ChangeWatch(row, null); //if(type) FreeType(type); listBox.DeleteRow(null); } } return true; } bool NotifySelect(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { if(listBox.currentField != expressionField) listBox.currentField = expressionField; return true; } }; DataField expressionField { "char *", true, width = 130, header = $"Expression" }; DataField typeField { "Type", false, width = 180, header = $"Type" }; //DataField addressField { "char *", true, width = 80, header = $"Symbol Address" }; DataField valueField { class(WatchMultiLineString), true, width = 330, header = $"Value", freeData = false }; WatchesView() { listBox.AddField(expressionField); listBox.AddField(typeField); listBox.AddField(valueField); } bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { switch(key) { case escape: ide.ShowCodeEditor(); break; } return true; } bool OnClose(bool parentClosing) { visible = false; if(!parentClosing) ide.RepositionWindows(false); return parentClosing; } void Show() { visible = true; ide.RepositionWindows(false); Activate(); } void LoadFromWorkspace() { for(wh : AddWatch(wh); } void AddWatch(Watch wh) { DataRow row = listBox.AddRowAfter(listBox.lastRow.previous); row.tag = (int64)(intptr)wh; wh.row = row; UpdateWatch(wh); } void UpdateWatch(Watch wh) { if(wh) { DataRow row = wh.row; if(row && row.tag) { row.SetData(expressionField, wh.expression); row.SetData(typeField, wh.type); //row.SetData(addressField, wh.address); row.SetData(valueField, wh.value); } } } void Clear() { DataRow row; listBox.Clear(); row = listBox.AddRow(); row.SetData(expressionField, null); row.SetData(typeField, null); row.SetData(valueField, null); if(ide.workspace) { for(w : w.row = null; } } } class WatchMultiLineString : String { Window OnEdit(DataBox dataBox, DataBox obsolete, int x, int y, int w, int h, void * userData) { if(this && strchr(this, '\n')) { // Don't show the editbox right away so that the text is highlighted by default EditBox editBox { parent = dataBox, master = obsolete, visible = false, borderStyle = contour, //interim = true, hasHorzScroll = true, hasVertScroll = true, modifyVirtualArea = false, anchor = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; //position = { x + dataBox.absPosition.x, y + dataBox.absPosition.y }; //size = { w, h * 4 }; multiLine = true; bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { /*if(key == escape) { ((ListBox)master.master).currentField = ((ListBox)master.master).firstField; return false; }*/ return EditBox::OnKeyDown(key, ch); } bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { if(active) SelectAll(); else Deselect(); return EditBox::OnActivate(active, previous, goOnWithActivation, direct); } void DataBox::NotifyUpdate(EditBox editBox) { Modified(); } }; dataBox.size = { w, h * 4 + 2 }; if(dataBox.size.h + dataBox.position.y > dataBox.parent.clientSize.h) dataBox.position.y = dataBox.parent.clientSize.h - dataBox.size.h; if(dataBox.size.w + dataBox.position.x > dataBox.parent.clientSize.w) dataBox.position.x = dataBox.parent.clientSize.w - dataBox.size.w; editBox.contents = this; editBox.visible = true; editBox.Create(); if(! { editBox.Deselect(); editBox.Home(); } return editBox; } else return String::OnEdit(dataBox, obsolete, x, y, w,h, userData); } bool OnSaveEdit(Window window, void * object) { bool changed = false; EditBox editBox = (EditBox)window; if(editBox.modifiedDocument) { /* EditLine line; int size = 0; char * string; delete this; for(line = editBox.firstLine; line; line = size += line.count+1; this = string = new char[size+1]; size = 0; for(line = editBox.firstLine; line; line = { memcpy(string + size, line.text, line.count); size += line.count; string[size] = '\n'; size++; } string[size] = '\0'; */ changed = true; } return changed; } void OnDisplay(Surface surface, int x, int y, int width, void * fieldData, Alignment alignment, DataDisplayFlags displayFlags) { if(this) { char ch; char * string = this; char actualString[8196]; int c, len = 0; for(c = 0; (ch = string[c]) && len < sizeof(actualString)-1; c++) { if(ch == '\t') { actualString[len++] = '\\'; actualString[len++] = 't'; } else if(ch == '\r') { actualString[len++] = '\\'; actualString[len++] = 'r'; } else if(ch == '\n') { actualString[len++] = '\\'; actualString[len++] = 'n'; } else actualString[len++] = ch; } actualString[len] = 0; ((void (*)(void *, void *, void *, int, int, int, void *, uint, uint))(void *)class(String)._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay])(class(String), actualString, surface, x, y, width, null, alignment, displayFlags); } } };