import "ide" FileDialog fileDialog { type = selectDir, text = $"Select project directory" }; class NewProjectDialog : Window { background = formColor; minClientSize = { 316, 170 }; maxClientSize = { 640, 170 }; borderStyle = sizable; tabCycle = true; hasClose = true; text = $"New Project"; char path[MAX_LOCATION]; char name[MAX_FILENAME]; Project project; Workspace workspace; char projectLocation[MAX_LOCATION]; bool createFormOption; PathBox locationEditBox { this, position = { 10, 80 }, size = { 120, 22 }, anchor = { left = 10, top = 80, right = 10 }; hotKey = altL, text = $"Location"; typeExpected = directory, browseDialog = fileDialog; NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedLocation; }; Label { this, position = { 10, 60 }, labeledWindow = locationEditBox }; DropBox targetType { this, position = { 10, 130 }, size = { 130 }, hotKey = altT, text = $"Target Type" }; Label { this, position = { 10, 110 }, labeledWindow = targetType }; Button okBtn { parent = this, isDefault = true, disabled = true, position = { 170, 130 }, size = { 60 }, text = $"OK"; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { const char * prjName = projectName.contents; char filePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; ProjectConfig debug, release; strcpy(projectLocation, locationEditBox.slashPath); strcpy(filePath, projectLocation); PathCatSlash(filePath, prjName); GetExtension(filePath, extension); //if(!extension[0]) ChangeExtension(filePath, ProjectExtension, filePath); debug = ProjectConfig { name = CopyString("Debug"); options = { optimization = none; fastMath = false; debug = true; preprocessorDefinitions = { [ CopyString("_DEBUG") ] }; }; makingModified = true; compilingModified = true; linkingModified = true; }; release = ProjectConfig { name = CopyString("Release"); options = { optimization = speed; fastMath = true; debug = false; }; makingModified = true; compilingModified = true; linkingModified = true; }; /* error: too few arguments to function ‘__ecereProp_DirExpression_Set_char__PTR_’ -- debug.objDir = "debug";*/ project = Project { property::filePath = filePath; moduleName = CopyString(name); topNode.type = NodeTypes::project; config = debug; }; /*project.topNode.options = */project.options = { warnings = all; // TOFIX: Precomp problems withou the extra ( ) targetType = ((TargetTypes)targetType.GetTag()); targetFileName = /*CopyString(*/name/*)*/; }; if(project.options.targetType != staticLibrary) { project.options.libraries = { [ CopyString("ecere") ] }; } project.topNode.configurations = /*project.configurations = */{ [ debug, release ] }; project.resNode = project.topNode.Add(project, "Resources", null, resources, archiveFile, false); createFormOption = createForm.checked; Destroy(DialogResult::ok); return true; } }; void CreateNewProject() { char fileName[MAX_LOCATION]; // Windows Friendly path ProjectView projectWindow; Project prj = project; if(!FileExists(projectLocation).isDirectory) { if(MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = ide, text = $"Directory doesn't exist", contents = $"Create directory?" }.Modal() == yes) { if(!MakeDir(projectLocation)) { MessageBox { type = ok, master = ide, text = projectLocation, contents = $"Error creating directory" }.Modal(); return; } } else return; } GetSystemPathBuffer(fileName, prj.filePath); if(FileExists(prj.filePath)) { if(MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = ide, text = $"Project Already Exists", contents = $"Replace existing project?" }.Modal() == no) return; } { char workspaceFile[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(workspaceFile, prj.filePath); ChangeExtension(workspaceFile, WorkspaceExtension, workspaceFile); workspace = Workspace { activeCompiler = ideSettings.defaultCompiler, workspaceFile = workspaceFile }; workspace.Init(); } workspace.AddProject(prj, null); ide.findInFilesDialog.AddProjectItem(prj); ide.findInFilesDialog.mode = FindInFilesMode::project; ide.findInFilesDialog.currentDirectory = prj.topNode.path; if(!prj.Save(prj.filePath)) { MessageBox { type = ok, master = this, text = prj.filePath, contents = $"Error writing project file" }.Modal(); delete prj; return; } projectWindow = ide.CreateProjectView(workspace, fileName); { char newWorkingDir[MAX_LOCATION]; StripLastDirectory(prj.filePath, newWorkingDir); ide.ChangeFileDialogsDirectory(newWorkingDir, false); StripLastDirectory(newWorkingDir, newWorkingDir); ide.ChangeProjectFileDialogDirectory(newWorkingDir); } ide.toolBox.visible = true; if(createFormOption) { char className[256]; char varName[256]; CodeEditor codeEditor = projectWindow.CreateNew("Form", "form", "Window", className); EditBox editBox = codeEditor.editBox; strcpy(varName, className); if(islower(varName[0])) { memmove(varName+1, varName, strlen(varName)+1); varName[0] = '_'; } else varName[0] = (char)tolower(varName[0]); editBox.End(); editBox.Printf("\n%s %s {};\n", className, varName); codeEditor.EnsureUpToDate(); prj.Save(prj.filePath); projectWindow.modifiedDocument = false; prj.topNode.modified = false; /* editBox.Printf("class FormApplication : GuiApplication\n"); editBox.Printf("{\n"); editBox.Printf(" %s %s {};\n", className, varName); editBox.Printf("}\n"); editBox.Home(); */ } prj.StartMonitoring(); if(prj && projectWindow) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.activeCompiler); ProjectConfig config = prj.config; projectWindow.ShowOutputBuildLog(true); projectWindow.DisplayCompiler(compiler, false); projectWindow.ProjectPrepareCompiler(prj, compiler, false); projectWindow.ProjectPrepareMakefile(prj, force, compiler, config); delete compiler; ide.UpdateToolBarActiveConfigs(false); } } Button { parent = this, position = { 240, 130 }, size = { 60 }, hotKey = escape, text = $"Cancel"; NotifyClicked = ButtonCloseDialog; }; Button createForm { parent = this, text = $"Create Form", hotKey = altF, position = { 200, 30 }; isCheckbox = true, checked = true; }; EditBox projectName { parent = this, textHorzScroll = true, position = { 10, 30 }, size = { 160 }; hotKey = altP, text = $"Project Name"; NotifyUpdate = EditBoxUpdate; bool NotifyModified(EditBox editBox) { char name[MAX_FILENAME]; char tmp[MAX_FILENAME]; char lastPart[MAX_LOCATION]; const char * text = editBox.contents; // drop leading path stuff that has no business here GetLastDirectory(text, tmp); ValidProjectNameBufCopy(name, tmp); GetLastDirectory(path, lastPart); if(name[0] && (!strcmp(path, lastPart) || !path[0] || !strcmp(, lastPart))) { if(strcmp(path, lastPart)) StripLastDirectory(path, path); PathCatSlash(path, name); locationEditBox.path = path; } else if(!name[0] && !strcmp(, lastPart)) { if(strcmp(path, lastPart)) StripLastDirectory(path, path); locationEditBox.path = path; } else if(strcmp(name, lastPart)) { PathCatSlash(path, name); locationEditBox.path = path; } strcpy(, name); editBox.contents = name; return true; } }; Label { this, position = { 10, 10 }, labeledWindow = projectName }; void EditBoxUpdate(EditBox editBox) { okBtn.disabled = !(locationEditBox.path[0] && projectName.contents[0]); } bool NotifyModifiedLocation(PathBox pathBox) { char location[MAX_LOCATION]; char lastPart[MAX_FILENAME]; char * text; BasicValidatePathBoxPath(pathBox); text = pathBox.slashPath; //replacing this: NotifyUpdate = EditBoxUpdate; okBtn.disabled = !(text[0] && projectName.contents[0]); strcpy(location, ideSettings.ideProjectFileDialogLocation); PathCatSlash(location, text); GetLastDirectory(path, lastPart); /*if(text[0] && (!name[0] || !strcmp(lastPart, name))) { char newName[MAX_FILENAME]; GetLastDirectory(location, newName); if(strcmp(newName, location)) { strcpy(name, newName); projectName.contents = name; } }*/ strcpy(path, location); pathBox.path = path; return true; } NewProjectDialog() { char location[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(location, ideSettings.ideProjectFileDialogLocation); locationEditBox.path = location; strcpy(path, location); { DataRow row; //targetType.AddField("String", null, 0); row = targetType.AddRow(); row.tag = TargetTypes::executable; row.SetData(null, $"Executable"); row = targetType.AddRow(); row.tag = TargetTypes::sharedLibrary; row.SetData(null, $"Shared Library"); row = targetType.AddRow(); row.tag = TargetTypes::staticLibrary; row.SetData(null, $"Static Library"); targetType.currentRow = targetType.FindRow(TargetTypes::executable); } } } class QuickProjectDialog : Window { background = formColor; minClientSize = { 316, 110 }; maxClientSize = { 640, 110 }; borderStyle = sizable; tabCycle = true; hasClose = true; text = $"Quick Project"; char path[MAX_LOCATION]; char name[MAX_FILENAME]; Label message { this, position = { 10, 10 }, text = $"Do you want to quickly create a temporary project?" }; DropBox targetType { this, position = { 10, 70 }, size = { 130 }, hotKey = altT, text = $"Target Type" }; Label { this, position = { 10, 50 }, labeledWindow = targetType }; Button okBtn { parent = this, isDefault = true, position = { 170, 70 }, size = { 60 }, text = $"OK"; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { char tempDir[MAX_LOCATION] = ""; char filePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char prjName[MAX_LOCATION] = "quick_project"; Project project; Workspace workspace; ProjectView projectWindow; ProjectConfig debug, release; /*if(!*/CreateTemporaryDir(tempDir, "ecereide");/*) { MessageBox { type = ok, master = this, text = tempDir, contents = "Error creating temporary directory." }.Modal(); return true; }*/ GetLastDirectory(tempDir, prjName); { char * dot; if((dot = strstr(prjName, "."))) dot[0] = '_'; } if(!FileExists(tempDir).isDirectory) { MessageBox { type = ok, master = this, text = tempDir, contents = $"Temporary directory does not exist." }.Modal(); return true; } ide.tmpPrjDir = tempDir; strcpy(filePath, tempDir); PathCatSlash(filePath, prjName); //GetExtension(filePath, extension); //if(!extension[0]) ChangeExtension(filePath, ProjectExtension, filePath); GetSystemPathBuffer(filePath, filePath); debug = ProjectConfig { name = CopyString("Debug"); options = { optimization = none; fastMath = false; debug = true; preprocessorDefinitions = { [ CopyString("_DEBUG") ] }; }; makingModified = true; compilingModified = true; linkingModified = true; }; release = ProjectConfig { name = CopyString("Release"); options = { optimization = speed; fastMath = true; debug = false; }; makingModified = true; compilingModified = true; linkingModified = true; }; project = Project { filePath = filePath; moduleName = CopyString(prjName); topNode.type = NodeTypes::project; config = debug; }; /*project.topNode.options = */project.options = { warnings = all; // TOFIX: Precomp problems withou the extra ( ) targetType = ((TargetTypes)targetType.GetTag()); targetFileName = /*CopyString(*/prjName/*)*/; }; if(project.options.targetType != staticLibrary) { project.options.libraries = { [ CopyString("ecere") ] }; } { char workspaceFile[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(workspaceFile, filePath); ChangeExtension(workspaceFile, WorkspaceExtension, workspaceFile); workspace = Workspace { activeCompiler = ideSettings.defaultCompiler, workspaceFile = workspaceFile }; } workspace.AddProject(project, null); ide.findInFilesDialog.AddProjectItem(project); ide.findInFilesDialog.mode = FindInFilesMode::project; ide.findInFilesDialog.currentDirectory = project.topNode.path; // *** Don't set this directly on project, it must be set on top ProjectNode *** project.topNode.configurations = { [ debug, release ] }; project.resNode = project.topNode.Add(project, "Resources", null, resources, archiveFile, false); if(!project.Save(filePath)) { MessageBox { type = ok, master = this, text = filePath, contents = $"Error writing project file" }.Modal(); delete project; delete workspace; ide.DestroyTemporaryProjectDir(); return true; } projectWindow = ide.CreateProjectView(workspace, filePath); { Window document = null; for(document = ide.firstChild; document; document = { if(document.created && document.isDocument && document._class == class(CodeEditor)) { const char * fileName = document.fileName; if(strstr(fileName, "http://") == fileName) { char name[MAX_LOCATION]; char newFileName[MAX_LOCATION]; GetLastDirectory(fileName, name); strcpy(newFileName, tempDir); PathCat(newFileName, name); // TODO: this should be in Windows::SaveAs(char* asFileName) // start //document.saving = true; if(document.OnSaveFile(newFileName)) { document.fileName = newFileName; document.NotifySaved(document.master, /*this*/document, newFileName); } //document.saving = false; // end // TODO else MessageBox unable to save and cancel the whole project creation thing fileName = document.fileName; } if(fileName) { CodeEditor codeEditor = (CodeEditor)document; ide.projectView.AddFile(project.topNode, fileName, false, false); codeEditor.AdjustDebugMenus(); } } } } ide.toolBox.visible = true; if(project.topNode.modified) { project.Save(filePath); projectWindow.modifiedDocument = false; project.topNode.modified = false; } else { // TOCHECK: Why is the Quick project creating a form??? char className[256]; char varName[256]; CodeEditor codeEditor = projectWindow.CreateNew("Form", "form", "Window", className); EditBox editBox = codeEditor.editBox; strcpy(varName, className); if(islower(varName[0])) { memmove(varName+1, varName, strlen(varName)+1); varName[0] = '_'; } else varName[0] = (char)tolower(varName[0]); editBox.End(); editBox.Printf("\n%s %s {};\n", className, varName); codeEditor.EnsureUpToDate(); // TODO: how to save that new file? project.Save(filePath); projectWindow.modifiedDocument = false; project.topNode.modified = false; } project.StartMonitoring(); visible = false; if(project && projectWindow) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.activeCompiler); ProjectConfig config = project.config; projectWindow.ShowOutputBuildLog(true); projectWindow.DisplayCompiler(compiler, false); projectWindow.ProjectPrepareCompiler(project, compiler, false); projectWindow.ProjectPrepareMakefile(project, force, compiler, config); delete compiler; } ide.projectView.ProjectBuild(null, Modifiers { }); Destroy(0); return true; } }; Button { parent = this, position = { 240, 70 }, size = { 60 }, hotKey = escape, text = $"Cancel"; NotifyClicked = ButtonCloseDialog; }; QuickProjectDialog() { DataRow row; row = targetType.AddRow(); row.tag = TargetTypes::executable; row.SetData(null, $"Executable"); row = targetType.AddRow(); row.tag = TargetTypes::sharedLibrary; row.SetData(null, $"Shared Library"); row = targetType.AddRow(); row.tag = TargetTypes::staticLibrary; row.SetData(null, $"Static Library"); targetType.currentRow = targetType.FindRow(TargetTypes::executable); } bool OnPostCreate() { okBtn.Activate(); return true; } } void ValidProjectNameBufCopy(char *output, const char *input) { strcpy(output, input); TrimLSpaces(output, output); TrimRSpaces(output, output); { // todo: support '&', '.' and ' ' in project name on windows so that it may be used by all platforms. const char * chars = "*|:\",<>?\\/&. "; char ch, * s = output, * o = output; while((ch = *s++)) { if(!strchr(chars, ch)) *o++ = ch; } *o = '\0'; } }