import "IDESettings" // import "SelectorBar" import "CompilersDetectionDialog" import "ide" FileDialog settingsFileDialog { type = selectDir, text = $"Select directory" }; FileDialog toolchainFileDialog { type = open, text = $"Open"; mayNotExist = true; }; class GlobalSettingsDialog : Window { autoCreate = false; tabCycle = true; background = formColor; hasClose = true; borderStyle = sizable; text = $"Global Settings"; minClientSize = { 560, 506 }; nativeDecorations = true; IDESettings ideSettings; IDESettingsContainer settingsContainer; String workspaceActiveCompiler; TabControl tabControl { this, background = formColor, anchor = { left = 8, top = 8, right = 8, bottom = 40 } }; EditorTab editorTab { this, tabControl = tabControl }; CompilersTab compilersTab { this, tabControl = tabControl }; ProjectOptionsTab projectOptionsTab { this, tabControl = tabControl }; WorkspaceOptionsTab workspaceOptionsTab { this, tabControl = tabControl }; property bool settingsModified { get { return editorTab.modifiedDocument || compilersTab.modifiedDocument || projectOptionsTab.modifiedDocument || workspaceOptionsTab.modifiedDocument; } } bool OnClose(bool parentClosing) { if(!settingsModified || MessageBox { type = okCancel, master = ide, text = $"Lose Changes?", contents = $"Are you sure you wish to discard changes?" }.Modal() == ok) return true; return false; } Button cancel { parent = this, hotKey = escape, text = $"Cancel", id = DialogResult::cancel; position = { 290, 290 }, size = { 80 }; anchor = { right = 8, bottom = 8 }; NotifyClicked = ButtonCloseDialog; }; Button ok { parent = this, isDefault = true, text = $"OK"; position = { 200, 290 }, size = { 90 }; anchor = { right = 96, bottom = 8 }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(settingsModified) { bool editorSettingsChanged = false; bool compilerSettingsChanged = false; bool projectOptionsChanged = false; bool workspaceOptionsChanged = false; if(editorTab.modifiedDocument) { if(editorTab.useFreeCaret.checked != ideSettings.useFreeCaret || editorTab.showLineNumbers.checked != ideSettings.showLineNumbers || editorTab.caretFollowsScrolling.checked != ideSettings.caretFollowsScrolling) { ideSettings.useFreeCaret = editorTab.useFreeCaret.checked; ideSettings.showLineNumbers = editorTab.showLineNumbers.checked; ideSettings.caretFollowsScrolling = editorTab.caretFollowsScrolling.checked; editorSettingsChanged = true; } } if(compilersTab.modifiedDocument) { bool foundActive = false; Workspace workspace = ide.workspace; if(strcmp(compilersTab.compilerConfigsDir.path, ideSettings.compilerConfigsDir)) ideSettings.compilerConfigsDir = compilersTab.compilerConfigsDir.path; ideSettings.compilerConfigs.Free(); for(compiler : compilersTab.compilerConfigs) { ideSettings.compilerConfigs.Add(compiler.Copy()); if(!foundActive && workspace && workspace.compiler && !strcmp(workspace.compiler, foundActive = true; } if(workspace && !foundActive) workspace.compiler = defaultCompilerName; compilerSettingsChanged = true; } if(projectOptionsTab.modifiedDocument) { if(strcmp(projectOptionsTab.defaultTargetDir.path, ideSettings.projectDefaultTargetDir) || strcmp(projectOptionsTab.defaultIntermediateObjDir.path, ideSettings.projectDefaultIntermediateObjDir)) { ideSettings.projectDefaultTargetDir = projectOptionsTab.defaultTargetDir.path; ideSettings.projectDefaultIntermediateObjDir = projectOptionsTab.defaultIntermediateObjDir.path; projectOptionsChanged = true; } } if(workspaceOptionsTab.modifiedDocument) { DataRow row = workspaceOptionsTab.defaultCompilerDropBox.currentRow; if(row && row.string) { if(!ideSettings.defaultCompiler || strcmp(row.string, ideSettings.defaultCompiler)) { ideSettings.defaultCompiler = row.string; workspaceOptionsChanged = true; } } } settingsContainer.Save(); if(compilerSettingsChanged) OnGlobalSettingChange(GlobalSettingsChange::compilerSettings); if(editorSettingsChanged) OnGlobalSettingChange(GlobalSettingsChange::editorSettings); if(projectOptionsChanged) OnGlobalSettingChange(GlobalSettingsChange::projectOptions); editorTab.modifiedDocument = false; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = false; projectOptionsTab.modifiedDocument = false; workspaceOptionsTab.modifiedDocument = false; } Destroy(DialogResult::ok); return true; } }; /* void Temp() { DirTypes c; for(c = 0; c < DirTypes::enumSize; c++) { CompilerDir compilerDir; for(systemDir : ideSettings.systemDirs[c]) { compilerDir = CompilerDir { type = c; compilerConfig = null; path = CopyString(systemDir) }; dirs.Add(compilerDir); } row = compilersTab.dirs[c].AddRow(); row.SetData(null, ""); compilersTab.dirs[c].currentRow = compilersTab.dirs[c].firstRow; compilersTab.dirs[c].modifiedDocument = false; } } */ bool OnCreate() { CompilerConfig activateCompiler = null; CompilerConfig readonlyCompiler = null; // EditorTab editorTab.useFreeCaret.checked = ideSettings.useFreeCaret; editorTab.showLineNumbers.checked = ideSettings.showLineNumbers; editorTab.caretFollowsScrolling.checked = ideSettings.caretFollowsScrolling; // CompilersTab if(workspaceActiveCompiler) { for(compiler : ideSettings.compilerConfigs) { if(!activateCompiler && !strcmp(workspaceActiveCompiler, activateCompiler = compiler; if(!readonlyCompiler && compiler.readOnly) readonlyCompiler = compiler; if(activateCompiler && readonlyCompiler) break; } } if(!activateCompiler && readonlyCompiler) activateCompiler = readonlyCompiler; if(!activateCompiler && ideSettings.compilerConfigs.count) activateCompiler = ideSettings.compilerConfigs[0]; for(compiler : ideSettings.compilerConfigs) compilersTab.AddCompiler(compiler.Copy(), compiler == activateCompiler); compilersTab.compilerConfigsDir.path = ideSettings.compilerConfigsDir; // ProjectOptionsTab projectOptionsTab.defaultTargetDir.path = ideSettings.projectDefaultTargetDir; projectOptionsTab.defaultIntermediateObjDir.path = ideSettings.projectDefaultIntermediateObjDir; return true; } void OnDestroy() { editorTab.modifiedDocument = false; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = false; compilersTab.dirsTab.modifiedDocument = false; compilersTab.toolchainTab.modifiedDocument = false; compilersTab.optionsTab.modifiedDocument = false; compilersTab.activeCompiler = null; compilersTab.compilerConfigs.Free(); compilersTab.compilerSelector.Clear(); projectOptionsTab.modifiedDocument = false; workspaceOptionsTab.modifiedDocument = false; } virtual void OnGlobalSettingChange(GlobalSettingsChange globalSettingsChange); } class EditorTab : GlobalSettingsSubTab { background = formColor; text = $"Editor"; Button useFreeCaret { this, text = $"Move code editor caret freely past end of line", position = { 16, 68 }, isCheckbox = true; NotifyClicked = NotifyClickedModifiedDocument; }; Button caretFollowsScrolling { this, text = $"Keep caret visible (move along) when scrolling", position = { 16, 88 }, isCheckbox = true; NotifyClicked = NotifyClickedModifiedDocument; }; Button showLineNumbers { this, text = $"Show line numbers in code editor", position = { 16, 108 }, isCheckbox = true; NotifyClicked = NotifyClickedModifiedDocument; }; bool NotifyClickedModifiedDocument(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { modifiedDocument = true; return true; } } static void DrawStipple(Surface surface, Size clientSize) { int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; int x2 = clientSize.w - 1; int y2 = clientSize.h - 1; if((x2 - x1) & 1) x2--; if((y2 - y1) & 1) y2--; surface.LineStipple(0x5555); surface.Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); surface.LineStipple(0); } class CompilersTab : GlobalSettingsSubTab { background = formColor; text = $"Compilers"; Label compilerConfigsDirLabel { this, position = { 8, 12 }, labeledWindow = compilerConfigsDir, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox compilerConfigsDir { this, anchor = { left = 210, top = 8, right = 8 }; text = $"Compiler Configurations Directory", browseDialog = settingsFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; SelectorBar compilerSelector { this, text = $"Compiler Configurations:", anchor = { left = 148, top = 38, right = 99 }; size = { 0, 26 }; opacity = 0; direction = horizontal, scrollable = true; bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { if(key == insert) { ((CompilersTab)parent).createCompiler.NotifyClicked(parent, ((CompilersTab)parent).createCompiler, 0, 0, 0); return false; } else if(key == del) { ((CompilersTab)parent).deleteCompiler.NotifyClicked(parent, ((CompilersTab)parent).deleteCompiler, 0, 0, 0); return false; } return SelectorBar::OnKeyDown(key, ch); } bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { ((CompilersTab)master).labelCompilers.Update(null); return true; } bool OnPostCreate() { CompilersTab compilers = (CompilersTab)parent; SelectorBar::OnPostCreate(); if(compilers.selectedButton) { Button sb = compilers.selectedButton; sb.Activate(); sb.checked = true; // Why was this being set to null? On going back to compilers the 2nd time, the selectedButton was lost and so was not made visible... // compilers.selectedButton = null; } return true; } }; TabControl tabControl { this, background = formColor, anchor = { left = 8, top = 68, right = 8, bottom = 8 } }; CompilerDirectoriesTab dirsTab { this, tabControl = tabControl }; CompilerToolchainTab toolchainTab { this, tabControl = tabControl }; CompilerEnvironmentTab environmentTab { this, tabControl = tabControl }; CompilerOptionsTab optionsTab { this, tabControl = tabControl }; List compilerConfigs { }; CompilerConfig activeCompiler; Label labelCompilers { this, anchor = { left = 8, top = 44 }, labeledWindow = compilerSelector; void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { Label::OnRedraw(surface); if( DrawStipple(surface, clientSize); } }; void FindUniqueCompilerName(char * baseName, CompilerConfig compiler/*, bool startWithNumber*/, char * output) { int num = 0; char tmp[MAX_F_STRING]; /*if(startWithNumber) sprintf(tmp, "%s%d", baseName, num); else*/ strcpy(tmp, baseName); while(true) { CompilerConfig matchingCompiler = null; for(c : compilerConfigs) { // TOFIX: Error when omitting these brackets, c not found if((!compiler || c != compiler) && && !strcmp(, tmp)) { matchingCompiler = c; break; } } if(matchingCompiler) { num++; sprintf(tmp, "%s%d", baseName, num); } else break; } strcpy(output, tmp); } Button createCompiler { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 40, right = 77 }; hotKey = altC, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = ":actions/docNew.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { char compilerName[MAX_F_STRING]; CompilerConfig newCompiler; FindUniqueCompilerName("New Compiler", null, compilerName); newCompiler = MakeDefaultCompiler(compilerName, false); AddCompiler(newCompiler, true); modifiedDocument = true; return true; } }; Button detectCompiler { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 40, right = 54 }; hotKey = altC, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = ":actions/attach.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button b, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { CompilersDetectionDialog compilersDetectionDialog { dialog.parent; }; if(compilersDetectionDialog.Modal()) { if(compilersDetectionDialog.selectedCompilerType) { char uniqueName[MAX_F_STRING]; CompilerConfig newCompiler = compilersDetectionDialog.compilerConfig; FindUniqueCompilerName(, null, uniqueName); = uniqueName; AddCompiler(newCompiler, true); modifiedDocument = true; } } return true; } }; Button duplicateCompiler { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 40, right = 31 }; hotKey = altU, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = ":actions/editCopy.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { char copyName[MAX_F_STRING]; CompilerConfig copyCompiler = activeCompiler.Copy(); FindUniqueCompilerName(, null, copyName); copyCompiler.readOnly = false; = copyName; AddCompiler(copyCompiler, true); modifiedDocument = true; return true; } }; Button deleteCompiler { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 40, right = 8 }; hotKey = altD, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = ":actions/delete2.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(activeCompiler) { CompilerConfig compilerToDelete = activeCompiler; String title = PrintString($"Delete ",, $" Compiler Configuration"); String msg = PrintString($"Are you sure you wish to delete the ",, $" compiler configuration?"); if(MessageBox { type = okCancel, text = title, contents = msg }.Modal() == ok) { SelectorButton button = compilerSelector.FindButtonByID((int64)compilerToDelete); if(button) compilerSelector.RemoveButton(button); //DeleteCompiler(compilerToDelete); { Iterator it { compilerConfigs }; if(it.Find(compilerToDelete)) compilerConfigs.Delete(it.pointer); } modifiedDocument = true; } delete title; delete msg; } return true; } }; void AddCompiler(CompilerConfig compiler, bool load) { SelectorButton selectButton; if(compiler.readOnly) { SelectorButton button { compilerSelector, master = this, text =, id = (int64)compiler; NotifyClicked = CompilerClicked; }; selectButton = button; } else { EditableSelectorButton button { compilerSelector, master = this, renameable = true, text =, id = (int64)compiler; NotifyClicked = CompilerClicked; bool OnRename(EditableSelectorButton button, char ** oldName, char ** newName) { if(*newName && (*newName)[0]) { char compilerName[MAX_F_STRING]; FindUniqueCompilerName(*newName, activeCompiler, compilerName); if(strcmp(*newName, compilerName)) { delete *newName; *newName = CopyString(compilerName); } = compilerName; modifiedDocument = true; return true; } return false; } }; selectButton = (SelectorButton)button; } compilerConfigs.Add(compiler); if(load) { LoadCompiler(compiler); selectedButton = selectButton; compilerSelector.Select(selectedButton); } } SelectorButton selectedButton; void LoadCompiler(CompilerConfig compiler) { bool modified = modifiedDocument; activeCompiler = compiler; dirsTab.Load(); toolchainTab.Load(); environmentTab.Load(); optionsTab.Load(); // Restore original modifiedDocument modifiedDocument = modified; deleteCompiler.disabled = compiler.readOnly; } bool CompilerClicked(Button clickedButton, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(!eClass_IsDerived(clickedButton._class, class(EditableSelectorButton)) || !((EditableSelectorButton)clickedButton).editBox) { LoadCompiler((CompilerConfig); selectedButton = (SelectorButton)clickedButton; } return true; } bool NotifyModifiedDocument(PathBox pathBox) { modifiedDocument = true; return true; } } Array displayDirectoryNames { [ $"Include Files", $"Library Files", $"Executable Files" ] }; class CompilerDirectoriesTab : CompilersSubTab { background = formColor; text = $"Directories"; Button dirTypeTglBtn[DirTypes]; DirectoriesBox dirs[DirTypes], currentDirs; ~CompilerDirectoriesTab() { DirTypes c; for(c = 0; c < DirTypes::enumSize; c++) { delete dirs[c]; delete dirTypeTglBtn[c]; } } CompilerDirectoriesTab() { DirTypes c; for(c = 0; c < DirTypes::enumSize; c++) { dirs[c] = DirectoriesBox { this;//, alwaysHighLight = true anchor = { left = 8, top = 8, right = 8, bottom = 8 }; id = c; /* MAKE SURE THINGS ARE DONE PROPERLY IN THE NEW DIRECTORIES BOX WHEN BROWSING FOR A DIR? settingsFileDialog.filePath = directory; if(settingsFileDialog.Modal()) row.SetData(null, (s = CopyUnixPath(settingsFileDialog.filePath))); */ bool NotifyModified(DirectoriesBox dirsBox) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { DirTypes dirType = (DirTypes); if(dirType == includes) compiler.includeDirs = dirsBox.strings; else if(dirType == libraries) compiler.libraryDirs = dirsBox.strings; else if(dirType == executables) compiler.executableDirs = dirsBox.strings; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } }; incref dirs[c]; if(c) dirs[c].visible = false; // (width) Should be 324 for text... //field[c] = { dataType = class(char *), editable = true }; //dirs[c].AddField(field[c]); { int v = (int)c * 100 + 8; dirTypeTglBtn[c] = Button { this, inactive = true, text = displayDirectoryNames[c], bevelOver = true, isRadio = true, bitmap = null; stayOnTop = true; id = c; size = { 99, 20 }; anchor = { left = v, top = 8 }; // ((int)c) * 100 + 8 bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { DirTypes dirType = (DirTypes); currentDirs.visible = false; dirs[dirType].visible = true; currentDirs = dirs[dirType]; return true; } }; incref dirTypeTglBtn[c]; if(c == includes) dirTypeTglBtn[c].hotKey = altI; else if(c == libraries) dirTypeTglBtn[c].hotKey = altL; else if(c == executables) dirTypeTglBtn[c].hotKey = altE; } } currentDirs = dirs[includes]; dirTypeTglBtn[includes].checked = true; return true; } void Load() { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { dirs[includes].strings = compiler.includeDirs; dirs[libraries].strings = compiler.libraryDirs; dirs[executables].strings = compiler.executableDirs; dirs[includes].list.scroll = { 0, 0 }; dirs[libraries].list.scroll = { 0, 0 }; dirs[executables].list.scroll = { 0, 0 }; } } } class CompilerToolchainTab : CompilersSubTab { background = formColor; text = $"Toolchain"; int margin; margin = 130; Label ecpLabel { this, position = { 8, 12 }, labeledWindow = ecp, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox ecp { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 8, right = 8 }; text = $"eC Precompiler", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label eccLabel { this, position = { 8, 38 }, labeledWindow = ecc, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox ecc { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 34, right = 8 }; text = $"eC Compiler", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label ecsLabel { this, position = { 8, 64 }, labeledWindow = ecs, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox ecs { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 60, right = 8 }; text = $"eC Symbol Loader", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label earLabel { this, position = { 8, 90 }, labeledWindow = ear, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox ear { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 86, right = 8 }; text = $"Ecere Archiver", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label cppLabel { this, position = { 8, 116 }, labeledWindow = cpp, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox cpp { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 112, right = 8 }; text = $"C Preprocessor", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label ccLabel { this, position = { 8, 142 }, labeledWindow = cc, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox cc { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 138, right = 8 }; text = $"C Compiler", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label cxxLabel { this, position = { 8, 168 }, labeledWindow = cxx, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox cxx { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 164, right = 8 }; text = $"C++ Compiler", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label makeLabel { this, position = { 8, 194 }, labeledWindow = make, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox make { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 190, right = 8 }; text = $"GNU Make", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label gnuToolchainPrefixLabel { this, position = { 8, 220 }, labeledWindow = gnuToolchainPrefix, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox gnuToolchainPrefix { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 216, right = 8 }; text = $"GNU Toolchain Prefix", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label sysrootLabel { this, position = { 8, 246 }, labeledWindow = sysroot, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox sysroot { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 242, right = 8 }; text = $"SYSROOT", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; Label executableLauncherLabel { this, position = { 8, 272 }, labeledWindow = executableLauncher, tabCycle = false, inactive = true }; PathBox executableLauncher { this, anchor = { left = margin, top = 268, right = 8 }; text = $"Executable Launcher", browseDialog = toolchainFileDialog, NotifyModified = NotifyModifiedDocument; }; bool NotifyModifiedDocument(PathBox pathBox) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { if(pathBox == ecp) compiler.ecpCommand = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == ecc) compiler.eccCommand = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == ecs) compiler.ecsCommand = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == ear) compiler.earCommand = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == cpp) compiler.cppCommand = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == cc) compiler.ccCommand = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == cxx) compiler.cxxCommand = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == make) compiler.makeCommand = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == executableLauncher) compiler.execPrefixCommand = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == gnuToolchainPrefix) compiler.gccPrefix = pathBox.slashPath; else if(pathBox == sysroot) compiler.sysroot = pathBox.slashPath; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } void Load() { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { bool disabled = compiler.readOnly; bool isVC = compiler.type.isVC; ecp.path = compiler.ecpCommand; ecc.path = compiler.eccCommand; ecs.path = compiler.ecsCommand; ear.path = compiler.earCommand; cpp.path = compiler.cppCommand; cc.path = compiler.ccCommand; cxx.path = compiler.cxxCommand; make.path = compiler.makeCommand; executableLauncher.path = compiler.executableLauncher; gnuToolchainPrefix.path = compiler.gnuToolchainPrefix; sysroot.path = compiler.sysroot; ecpLabel.disabled = ecp.disabled = disabled; eccLabel.disabled = ecc.disabled = disabled; ecsLabel.disabled = ecs.disabled = disabled; earLabel.disabled = ear.disabled = disabled; cppLabel.disabled = cpp.disabled = isVC || disabled; cxxLabel.disabled = cxx.disabled = isVC || disabled; ccLabel.disabled = cc.disabled = isVC || disabled; makeLabel.disabled = make.disabled = disabled; executableLauncherLabel.disabled = executableLauncher.disabled = disabled; gnuToolchainPrefixLabel.disabled = gnuToolchainPrefix.disabled = disabled; sysrootLabel.disabled = sysroot.disabled = disabled; } modifiedDocument = false; } } class CompilerEnvironmentTab : CompilersSubTab { background = formColor; text = $"Environment"; Label labelEnvVars { envVars, labeledWindow = envVars, position = { 0, 6 }; }; NamedStringsBox envVars { this, size = { 290, 22 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 8, right = 8, bottom = 8 }; text = $"Environment Variables", hotKey = altE; //, option = OPTION(postbuildCommands); bool NotifyModified(NamedStringsBox stringsBox) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { compiler.environmentVars = stringsBox.namedStrings; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } }; CompilerEnvironmentTab() { } void Load() { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { envVars.namedStrings = compiler.environmentVars; modifiedDocument = false; } } } class CompilerOptionsTab : CompilersSubTab { background = formColor; text = $"Options"; Label labelTargetPlatform { this, position = { 8, 12 }, labeledWindow = targetPlatform }; // TOCHECK: nameless instances dissapear when selecting tabs? DropBox targetPlatform { this, position = { 110, 8 }, size = { 160 }; text = $"Target Platform", hotKey = altT; bool NotifySelect(DropBox dropBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler && row) { compiler.targetPlatform = (Platform)row.tag; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } }; int numJobs; Label numJobsLabel { this, position = { 8, 40 }, labeledWindow = numJobsBox }; DataBox numJobsBox { this, text = $"Number of parallel build jobs", hotKey = altJ, borderStyle = deep; position = { 184, 36 }, size = { 80, 20 }, type = class(int), data = &numJobs; bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { if((SmartKey)key == enter) { DataBox::OnKeyDown(key, ch); return true; } else return DataBox::OnKeyDown(key, ch); } bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { if(!active) { if(!SaveData()) Refresh(); } return true; } bool NotifyChanged(bool closingDropDown) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { compiler.numJobs = numJobs; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } }; Button ccacheEnabled { this, text = $"Use ccache", hotKey = altC, position = { 8, 68 }; isCheckbox = true; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { compiler.ccacheEnabled = button.checked; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } }; Button distccEnabled { this, text = $"Use distcc", hotKey = altD, position = { 158, 68 }; isCheckbox = true; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { distccHosts.disabled = !button.checked; compiler.distccEnabled = button.checked; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } }; Label distccHostsLabel { this, position = { 8, 96 }, labeledWindow = distccHosts }; EditBox distccHosts { this, text = $"distcc hosts", hotKey = altH; position = { 88, 92 }, size = { 300 }; bool NotifyModified(EditBox editBox) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { compiler.distccHosts = editBox.contents; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } } Label lblPrepDefs { this, position = { 8, 124 }, labeledWindow = prepDefs }; StringListBox prepDefs { this, text = $"Preprocessor directives:", hotKey = altP; position = { 148, 124 }, size = { 300 }; bool NotifyModified(EditBox editBox) { if(loadedCompiler) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; compiler.prepDirectives = ((StringListBox)editBox).strings; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } } Label lblLinkerFlags { this, position = { 8, 152 }, labeledWindow = linkerFlags }; StringListBox linkerFlags { this, text = $"Additional Linker flags:", hotKey = altL; position = { 148, 152 }, size = { 300 }; bool NotifyModified(EditBox editBox) { if(loadedCompiler) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; compiler.linkerFlags = ((StringListBox)editBox).strings; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } } Label lblExcludedLibraries { this, position = { 8, 180 }, labeledWindow = excludedLibraries }; StringListBox excludedLibraries { this, text = $"Libraries to exclude:", hotKey = altX; position = { 148, 180 }, size = { 300 }; bool NotifyModified(EditBox editBox) { if(loadedCompiler) { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; compiler.excludeLibs = ((StringListBox)editBox).strings; modifiedDocument = true; compilersTab.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } } CompilerOptionsTab() { Platform p; DataRow row; for(p = (Platform)1; p < Platform::enumSize; p++) { row = targetPlatform.AddRow(); row.tag = p; row.string = p; } } void Load() { CompilerConfig compiler = loadedCompiler; if(compiler) { bool disabled = compiler.readOnly; targetPlatform.currentRow = targetPlatform.FindRow(compiler.targetPlatform); numJobs = compiler.numJobs; numJobsBox.Refresh(); ccacheEnabled.checked = compiler.ccacheEnabled; distccEnabled.checked = compiler.distccEnabled; distccHosts.disabled = !compiler.distccEnabled; distccHosts.contents = compiler.distccHosts; prepDefs.strings = compiler.prepDirectives; excludedLibraries.strings = compiler.excludeLibs; linkerFlags.strings = compiler.linkerFlags; labelTargetPlatform.disabled = disabled; targetPlatform.disabled = disabled; } modifiedDocument = false; } } class CompilersSubTab : Tab { property CompilersTab compilersTab { get { CompilersTab tab = (CompilersTab)master; while(tab && tab._class != class(CompilersTab)) tab = (CompilersTab)tab.master; return tab; } }; property CompilerConfig loadedCompiler { get { CompilersTab tab = compilersTab; return tab ? tab.activeCompiler : null; } }; } class ProjectOptionsTab : GlobalSettingsSubTab { background = formColor; text = $"Project"; Label defaultTargetDirLabel { this, position = { 8, 34 }, labeledWindow = defaultTargetDir }; PathBox defaultTargetDir { this, size = { 160, 21 }, position = { 8, 52 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 52, right = 8 }; text = $"Default Target Directory", hotKey = altT; bool NotifyModified(PathBox editBox) { modifiedDocument = true; return true; } }; Label defaultIntermediateObjDirLabel { this, position = { 8, 78 }, labeledWindow = defaultIntermediateObjDir }; PathBox defaultIntermediateObjDir { this, size = { 160, 21 }, position = { 8, 96 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 96, right = 8 }; text = $"Default Intermediate Objects Directory", hotKey = altI; bool NotifyModified(PathBox editBox) { modifiedDocument = true; return true; } }; } // COMPILER TOFIX: if class GlobalSettingsSubTab is after class WorkspaceOptionsTab the OnPostCreate // of WorkspaceOptionsTab will *not* be called! class GlobalSettingsSubTab : Tab { property GlobalSettingsDialog dialog { get { GlobalSettingsDialog dialog = (GlobalSettingsDialog)master; while(dialog && dialog._class != class(GlobalSettingsDialog)) dialog = (GlobalSettingsDialog)dialog.master; return dialog; } }; } class WorkspaceOptionsTab : GlobalSettingsSubTab { background = formColor; text = $"Workspace"; Label defaultCompilerLabel { this, position = { 8, 14 }, labeledWindow = defaultCompilerDropBox }; DropBox defaultCompilerDropBox { this, position = { 140, 8 }, size = { 220 }; text = $"Default Compiler", hotKey = altA; bool NotifySelect(DropBox dropBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { modifiedDocument = true; return true; } }; bool OnCreate() { GlobalSettingsDialog dialog = this.dialog; if(dialog && dialog.compilersTab.compilerConfigs && dialog.ideSettings) { DataRow row; for(compiler : dialog.ideSettings.compilerConfigs) { row = defaultCompilerDropBox.AddString(; if(dialog.ideSettings.defaultCompiler && dialog.ideSettings.defaultCompiler[0] && !strcmp(, dialog.ideSettings.defaultCompiler)) defaultCompilerDropBox.currentRow = row; } if(!defaultCompilerDropBox.currentRow && defaultCompilerDropBox) defaultCompilerDropBox.currentRow = defaultCompilerDropBox.firstRow; } return true; } void OnDestroy() { // TOFIX: The selection will be lost upon changing tab... // Should either warn, or leave it modified and put in place // checks to save/find the compiler by name defaultCompilerDropBox.Clear(); modifiedDocument = false; } } //static define app = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule);