#ifdef ECERE_STATIC public import static "ecere" public import static "ec" #else public import "ecere" public import "ec" #endif import "ide" import "process" import "debugFindCtx" import "debugTools" #ifdef _DEBUG #define GDB_DEBUG_CONSOLE #define _DPL_ON #endif extern char * strrchr(const char * s, int c); #define uint _uint #define strlen _strlen #include #include #include // For memchr #ifdef __APPLE__ #define __unix__ #endif #if defined(__unix__) #include #include // Required on Apple... #endif #undef uint #undef strlen #include #ifdef _DPL_ON // use =0 to disable printing of specific channels static enum dplchan { none, gdbProtoIgnored=0/*1*/, gdbProtoUnknown=2, gdbOutput=3/*3*/, gdbCommand=4/*4*/, debuggerCall=0/*5*/, debuggerProblem=6, debuggerUserAction=7,debuggerState=8, debuggerBreakpoints=9, debuggerWatches=0/*10*/, debuggerTemp=0 }; static const char * _dpct[] = { null, "GDB Protocol Ignored", "GDB Protocol ***Unknown***", "GDB Output", "GDB Command", ""/*Debugger Call*/, "Debugger ***Problem***", "Debugger::ChangeUserAction", "Debugger::ChangeState", "Breakpoints", "Watches", "-----> Temporary Message", null }; #endif public char * StripQuotes2(char * string, char * output) { int c; int d = 0; bool quoted = false, escaped = false; char ch; for(c = 0; (ch = string[c]); c++) { if(quoted) { if(escaped || ch != '\"') { output[d++] = ch; escaped = !escaped && ch == '\\'; } else quoted = false; } else if(ch == '\"') quoted = true; else output[d++] = ch; } output[d] = '\0'; return output; } // String Escape Copy static void strescpy(char * d, char * s) { int j = 0, k = 0; char ch; while((ch = s[j])) { switch(ch) { case '\n': d[k] = '\\'; d[++k] = 'n'; break; case '\t': d[k] = '\\'; d[++k] = 't'; break; case '\a': d[k] = '\\'; d[++k] = 'a'; break; case '\b': d[k] = '\\'; d[++k] = 'b'; break; case '\f': d[k] = '\\'; d[++k] = 'f'; break; case '\r': d[k] = '\\'; d[++k] = 'r'; break; case '\v': d[k] = '\\'; d[++k] = 'v'; break; case '\\': d[k] = '\\'; d[++k] = '\\'; break; case '\"': d[k] = '\\'; d[++k] = '\"'; break; default: d[k] = s[j]; } j++, k++; } d[k] = '\0'; } /*static char * CopyUnescapedSystemPath(char * p) { int len = strlen(p); char * d = new char[len + 1]; UnescapeString(d, p, len); #if defined(__WIN32__) ChangeCh(d, '/', '\\'); #endif return d; }*/ static char * CopyUnescapedUnixPath(char * p) { int len = strlen(p); char * d = new char[len + 1]; UnescapeString(d, p, len); #if defined(__WIN32__) ChangeCh(d, '\\', '/'); #endif return d; } static char * CopyUnescapedString(char * s) { int len = strlen(s); char * d = new char[len + 1]; UnescapeString(d, s, len); return d; } static char * StripBrackets(char * string) { int length = strlen(string); if(length > 1 && *string == '[' && string[length - 1] == ']') { *string = '\0'; string[length - 1] = '\0'; return ++string; } else return string; } static char * StripCurlies(char * string) { int length = strlen(string); if(length > 1 && *string == '{' && string[length - 1] == '}') { *string = '\0'; string[length - 1] = '\0'; return ++string; } else return string; } /*static int StringGetInt(char * string, int start) { char number[8]; int i, len = strlen(string); number[0] = '\0'; for(i = start; i < len && i < start + 8; i++) { if(string[i] == '0' || string[i] == '1' || string[i] == '2' || string[i] == '3' || string[i] == '4' || string[i] == '5' || string[i] == '6' || string[i] == '7' || string[i] == '8' || string[i] == '9') strncat(number, &string[i], 1); else break; } return atoi(number); }*/ static int TokenizeList(char * string, const char seperator, Array tokens) { uint level = 0; bool quoted = false, escaped = false; char * start = string, ch; for(; (ch = *string); string++) { if(!start) start = string; if(quoted) { if(escaped || ch != '\"') escaped = !escaped && ch == '\\'; else quoted = false; } else if(ch == '\"') quoted = true; else if(ch == '{' || ch == '[' || ch == '(' || ch == '<') level++; else if(ch == '}' || ch == ']' || ch == ')' || ch == '>') level--; else if(ch == seperator && !level) { tokens.Add(start); *string = '\0'; start = null; } } if(start) { //tokens[count] = start; //tokens[count++] = start; tokens.Add(start); *string = '\0'; } return tokens.count; } static bool TokenizeListItem(char * string, DebugListItem item) { char * equal = strstr(string, "="); if(equal) { item.name = string; *equal = '\0'; equal++; item.value = equal; return true; } return false; } static bool CheckCommandAvailable(const char * command) { bool available = false; int c, count; char * name = new char[MAX_FILENAME]; char * pathVar = new char[maxPathLen]; char * paths[128]; GetEnvironment("PATH", pathVar, maxPathLen); count = TokenizeWith(pathVar, sizeof(paths) / sizeof(char *), paths, pathListSep, false); strcpy(name, command); #ifdef __WIN32__ { int e; const char * extensions[] = { "exe", "com", "bat", null }; for(e=0; extensions[e]; e++) { ChangeExtension(name, extensions[e], name); #endif for(c=0; c sysBPs { }; Breakpoint bpRunToCursor; Breakpoint intBpEntry; Breakpoint intBpMain; Breakpoint intBpWinMain; OldList stackFrames; CompilerConfig currentCompiler; ProjectConfig prjConfig; int bitDepth; CodeEditor codeEditor; ValgrindLogThread vgLogThread { debugger = this }; ValgrindTargetThread vgTargetThread { debugger = this }; GdbThread gdbThread { debugger = this }; bool entryPoint; Map projectsLibraryLoaded { }; Timer gdbTimer { delay = 0.0, userData = this; bool DelayExpired() { bool monitor = false; DebuggerEvent curEvent = event; GdbDataStop stopItem = this.stopItem; Breakpoint bpUser = null; Breakpoint bpInternal = null; if(!gdbReady) return false; event = none; if(this.stopItem) { this.stopItem = null; #ifdef _DPL_ON { char * s = null; DynamicString bpReport { }; for(bp : sysBPs; bp.inserted) { bpReport.concatx(",", bp.type, "(", s=bp.CopyLocationString(false), ")"); delete s; } if(bpRunToCursor && bpRunToCursor.inserted) { Breakpoint bp = bpRunToCursor; bpReport.concatx(",", bp.type, "(", s=bp.CopyLocationString(false), ")"); delete s; } for(bp : ide.workspace.breakpoints; bp.inserted) { bpReport.concatx(",", bp.type, "(", s=bp.CopyLocationString(false), ")"); delete s; } s = bpReport; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerBreakpoints, 0, "gdbTimer::DelayExpired: ", s+1); if(stopItem.bkptno) { bool isInternal; Breakpoint bp = GetBreakpointById(stopItem.bkptno, &isInternal); if(bp) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerBreakpoints, 0, "gdb stopped by a breakpoint: ", bp.type, "(", s=bp.CopyLocationString(false), ")"); delete s; } } delete bpReport; } #endif } #ifdef _DPL_ON else { if(curEvent && curEvent != exit) { _dplf(0, "No stop item"); } } #endif switch(breakType) { case restart: breakType = none; Restart(currentCompiler, prjConfig, bitDepth, usingValgrind); break; case stop: breakType = none; Stop(); break; case selectFrame: { breakType = none; GdbCommand(0, false, "-stack-select-frame %d", activeFrameLevel); for(activeFrame = stackFrames.first; activeFrame; activeFrame = activeFrame.next) if(activeFrame.level == activeFrameLevel) break; break; } //case bpValidation: // breakType = none; // GdbCommand(0, false, "-break-info %s", bpItem.number); // break; } if(curEvent == none) return false; switch(curEvent) { case hit: { bool isInternal; Breakpoint bp = stopItem ? GetBreakpointById(stopItem.bkptno, &isInternal) : null; if(bp && bp.inserted && bp.bp.addr) { if(bp.type.isInternal) bpInternal = bp; else bpUser = bp; if(stopItem && stopItem.frame) { if(bpInternal && bpRunToCursor && bpRunToCursor.inserted && !strcmp(bpRunToCursor.bp.addr, bp.bp.addr)) bpUser = bpRunToCursor; else { for(item : (bpInternal ? ide.workspace.breakpoints : sysBPs); item.inserted) { if(item.bp && item.bp.addr && !strcmp(item.bp.addr, bp.bp.addr)) { if(bpInternal) bpUser = item; else bpInternal = item; break; } } } } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerProblem, 0, "Invalid stopItem!"); if(bpUser && stopItem.frame.addr && strcmp(stopItem.frame.addr, bpUser.bp.addr)) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerProblem, 0, "Breakpoint bkptno(", stopItem.bkptno, ") address missmatch!"); } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerProblem, 0, "Breakpoint bkptno(", stopItem.bkptno, ") invalid or not found!"); if((bpUser && !ignoreBreakpoints) || (bpInternal && userAction.breaksOnInternalBreakpoint)) monitor = true; hitThread = stopItem.threadid; } break; case signal: signalThread = stopItem.threadid; case breakEvent: case stepEnd: case functionEnd: case locationReached: monitor = true; ignoreBreakpoints = false; break; case valgrindStartPause: GdbExecContinue(true); monitor = false; break; case exit: HideDebuggerViews(); break; } if(curEvent == signal) { char * s = null; signalOn = true; ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Signal received: %s - %s\n", stopItem.name, stopItem.meaning); ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf(" %s:%d\n", (s = CopySystemPath(stopItem.frame.file)), stopItem.frame.line); ide.outputView.Show(); ide.callStackView.Show(); delete s; } else if(curEvent == breakEvent) { ide.threadsView.Show(); ide.callStackView.Show(); ide.callStackView.Activate(); } else if(curEvent == hit) { if(BreakpointHit(stopItem, bpInternal, bpUser)) { ide.AdjustDebugMenus(); if(bpUser && bpUser.type == runToCursor) { ignoreBreakpoints = false; UnsetBreakpoint(bpUser); delete bpRunToCursor; } } else { if(breakType == advance && bpInternal && (bpInternal.type == internalMain || bpInternal.type == internalEntry)) { breakType = none; GdbExecAdvance(breakString, 0); delete breakString; } else { GdbExecContinue(false); monitor = false; } } } if(monitor && curEvent.canBeMonitored) { GdbGetStack(); activeThread = stopItem.threadid; GdbCommand(0, false, "-thread-list-ids"); InternalSelectFrame(activeFrameLevel); GoToStackFrameLine(activeFrameLevel, true, false); EvaluateWatches(); ide.ShowCodeEditor(); ide.AdjustDebugMenus(); ideMainFrame.Activate(); // TOFIX: ide.Activate() is not reliable (app inactive) ide.Update(null); } if(stopItem) { stopItem.Free(); delete stopItem; } return false; } }; #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_CONSOLE char lastGdbOutput[GdbGetLineSize]; #endif #if defined(__unix__) ProgramThread progThread { }; #endif #ifdef _DPL_ON #define _ChangeUserAction(value) ChangeUserAction(__FILE__, __LINE__, value) void ChangeUserAction(const char * file, int line, DebuggerUserAction value) { #if 0 bool same = value == userAction; __dpl(file, line, _dpct, dplchan::debuggerUserAction, 0, userAction, /*same ? " *** == *** " : */" -> ", value); #endif userAction = value; } #else #define _ChangeUserAction(value) userAction = value #endif #ifdef _DPL_ON #define _ChangeState(value) ChangeState(__FILE__, __LINE__, value) void ChangeState(const char * file, int line, DebuggerState value) #else #define _ChangeState(value) ChangeState(value) void ChangeState(DebuggerState value) #endif { bool same = value == state; #if 0 //def _DPL_ON __dpl(file, line, _dpct, dplchan::debuggerState, 0, state, same ? " *** == *** " : " -> ", value); #endif state = value; if(!same) ide.AdjustDebugMenus(); } void CleanUp() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::CleanUp"); stackFrames.Free(Frame::Free); delete targetDir; delete targetFile; ClearBreakDisplay(); // Clear Stuff up gdbProcessId = 0; waitingForPID = false; targeted = false; symbols = false; modules = false; sentKill = false; sentBreakInsert = false; ignoreBreakpoints = false; signalOn = false; activeFrameLevel = 0; activeThread = 0; hitThread = 0; signalThread = 0; frameCount = 0; targetDir = null; targetFile = null; _ChangeState(none); event = none; breakType = none; delete stopItem; delete bpItem; activeFrame = 0; bpRunToCursor = null; delete currentCompiler; prjConfig = null; WatchesReleaseCodeEditor(); entryPoint = false; projectsLibraryLoaded.Free(); /*GdbThread gdbThread Timer gdbTimer*/ } Debugger() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::constructor"); ideProcessId = Process_GetCurrentProcessId(); sysBPs.Add((intBpEntry = Breakpoint { type = internalEntry, enabled = false, level = -1 })); sysBPs.Add((intBpMain = Breakpoint { type = internalMain, function = "main", enabled = true, level = -1 })); #if defined(__WIN32__) sysBPs.Add((intBpWinMain = Breakpoint { type = internalWinMain, function = "WinMain", enabled = true, level = -1 })); #endif sysBPs.Add(Breakpoint { type = internalModulesLoaded, enabled = true, level = -1 }); sysBPs.Add(Breakpoint { type = internalModuleLoad, function = "InternalModuleLoadBreakpoint", enabled = true, level = -1 }); } ~Debugger() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::destructor"); sysBPs.Free(); Stop(); CleanUp(); } // PUBLIC MEMBERS property bool isActive { get { return state == running || state == stopped; } } property bool isPrepared { get { return state == loaded || state == running || state == stopped; } } void Resume() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::Resume"); _ChangeUserAction(resume); GdbExecContinue(true); } void Break() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::Break"); _ChangeUserAction(_break); if(state == running) { if(targetProcessId) GdbDebugBreak(false); } } void Stop() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::Stop"); _ChangeUserAction(stop); switch(state) { case running: if(targetProcessId) { breakType = stop; GdbDebugBreak(false); } break; case stopped: GdbAbortExec(); HideDebuggerViews(); GdbExit(); break; case loaded: GdbExit(); break; } } void Restart(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool useValgrind) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::Restart"); _ChangeUserAction(restart); if(StartSession(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind, true, false) == loaded) GdbExecRun(); } bool GoToCodeLine(char * location) { CodeLocation codloc; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GoToCodeLine(", location, ")"); codloc = CodeLocation::ParseCodeLocation(location); if(codloc) { CodeEditor editor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(codloc.absoluteFile, false, true, null, no, normal, false); if(editor) { EditBox editBox = editor.editBox; if(editBox.GoToLineNum(codloc.line - 1)) editBox.GoToPosition(editBox.line, codloc.line - 1, 0); return true; } } return false; } bool GoToStackFrameLine(int stackLevel, bool askForLocation, bool fromCallStack) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GoToStackFrameLine(", stackLevel, ", ", askForLocation, ")"); if(ide) { char sourceDir[MAX_LOCATION]; Frame frame; CodeEditor editor = null; if(stackLevel == -1) // this (the two lines) is part of that fix that I would not put in for some time return false; for(frame = stackFrames.first; frame; frame = frame.next) if(frame.level == stackLevel) break; if(frame) { if(!fromCallStack) ide.callStackView.Show(); if(frame.absoluteFile) editor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(frame.absoluteFile, false, true, null, no, normal, false); if(!editor && frame.file) frame.absoluteFile = ide.workspace.CopyAbsolutePathFromRelative(frame.file); if(!frame.absoluteFile && askForLocation && frame.file) { char * s = null; char title[MAX_LOCATION]; snprintf(title, sizeof(title), $"Provide source file location for %s", (s = CopySystemPath(frame.file))); title[sizeof(title)-1] = 0; delete s; if(SourceDirDialog(title, ide.workspace.projectDir, frame.file, sourceDir)) { AddSourceDir(sourceDir); frame.absoluteFile = ide.workspace.CopyAbsolutePathFromRelative(frame.file); } } if(!editor && frame.absoluteFile) editor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(frame.absoluteFile, false, true, null, no, normal, false); if(editor) ide.RepositionWindows(false); ide.Update(null); if(editor && frame.line) { EditBox editBox = editor.editBox; editBox.GoToLineNum(frame.line - 1); editBox.GoToPosition(editBox.line, frame.line - 1, 0); return true; } } } return false; } void SelectThread(int thread) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::SelectThread(", thread, ")"); _ChangeUserAction(selectThread); if(state == stopped) { if(thread != activeThread) { activeFrameLevel = -1; ide.callStackView.Clear(); GdbCommand(0, false, "-thread-select %d", thread); GdbGetStack(); InternalSelectFrame(activeFrameLevel); GoToStackFrameLine(activeFrameLevel, true, false); EvaluateWatches(); ide.Update(null); } ide.callStackView.Show(); } } void SelectFrame(int frame) { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::SelectFrame(", frame, ")"); _ChangeUserAction(selectFrame); if(state == stopped) { if(frame != activeFrameLevel) { InternalSelectFrame(frame); EvaluateWatches(); ide.Update(null); } } } void InternalSelectFrame(int frame) { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::InternalSelectFrame(", frame, ")"); activeFrameLevel = frame; // there is no active frame number in the gdb reply GdbCommand(0, false, "-stack-select-frame %d", activeFrameLevel); for(activeFrame = stackFrames.first; activeFrame; activeFrame = activeFrame.next) if(activeFrame.level == activeFrameLevel) break; } void HandleExit(char * reason, char * code) { char verboseExitCode[128]; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::HandleExit(", reason, ", ", code, ")"); _ChangeState(loaded); // this state change seems to be superfluous, might be in case of gdb crash targetProcessId = 0; if(code) { snprintf(verboseExitCode, sizeof(verboseExitCode), $" with exit code %s", code); verboseExitCode[sizeof(verboseExitCode)-1] = 0; } else verboseExitCode[0] = '\0'; event = exit; // ClearBreakDisplay(); if(ide.workspace) { for(wh : ide.workspace.watches) { if(wh.type) FreeType(wh.type); wh.type = null; delete wh.value; ide.watchesView.UpdateWatch(wh); } } #if defined(__unix__) if(!usingValgrind) { progThread.terminate = true; if(fifoFile) { fifoFile.CloseInput(); app.Unlock(); progThread.Wait(); app.Lock(); delete fifoFile; } } #endif { char program[MAX_LOCATION]; GetSystemPathBuffer(program, targetFile); if(!reason) ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"The program %s has exited%s.\n", program, verboseExitCode); else if(!strcmp(reason, "exited-normally")) ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"The program %s has exited normally%s.\n", program, verboseExitCode); else if(!strcmp(reason, "exited")) ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"The program %s has exited%s.\n", program, verboseExitCode); else if(!strcmp(reason, "exited-signalled")) ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"The program %s has exited with a signal%s.\n", program, verboseExitCode); else ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"The program %s has exited (gdb provided an unknown reason)%s.\n", program, verboseExitCode); } ide.Update(null); } DebuggerState StartSession(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool useValgrind, bool restart, bool ignoreBreakpoints) { DebuggerState result = none; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::StartSession(restart(", restart, "), ignoreBreakpoints(", ignoreBreakpoints, ")"); if(restart && state == running && targetProcessId) { breakType = DebuggerAction::restart; GdbDebugBreak(false); } else { if(restart && state == stopped) GdbAbortExec(); if(needReset && state == loaded) GdbExit(); // this reset is to get a clean state with all the breakpoints until a better state can be maintained on program exit result = state; if(result == none || result == terminated) { ide.outputView.ShowClearSelectTab(debug); ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Starting debug mode\n"); for(bp : sysBPs) { bp.hits = 0; bp.breaks = 0; } for(bp : ide.workspace.breakpoints) { bp.hits = 0; bp.breaks = 0; } if(GdbInit(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind)) result = state; else result = error; } this.ignoreBreakpoints = ignoreBreakpoints; } return result; } void Start(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool useValgrind) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::Start()"); _ChangeUserAction(start); if(StartSession(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind, true, false) == loaded) GdbExecRun(); } void StepInto(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool useValgrind) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::StepInto()"); _ChangeUserAction(stepInto); switch(StartSession(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind, false, false)) { case loaded: GdbExecRun(); break; case stopped: GdbExecStep(); break; } } void StepOver(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool useValgrind, bool ignoreBreakpoints) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::StepOver()"); _ChangeUserAction(stepOver); switch(StartSession(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind, false, ignoreBreakpoints)) { case loaded: GdbExecRun(); break; case stopped: GdbExecNext(); break; } } void StepUntil(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool useValgrind, bool ignoreBreakpoints) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::StepUntil()"); _ChangeUserAction(stepUntil); switch(StartSession(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind, false, ignoreBreakpoints)) { case loaded: GdbExecRun(); break; case stopped: GdbExecUntil(null, 0); break; } } void StepOut(bool ignoreBreakpoints) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::StepOut()"); _ChangeUserAction(stepOut); if(state == stopped) { this.ignoreBreakpoints = ignoreBreakpoints; if(frameCount > 1) GdbExecFinish(); else GdbExecContinue(true); } } void RunToCursor(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool useValgrind, const char * absoluteFilePath, int lineNumber, bool ignoreBreakpoints, bool atSameLevel, bool oldImplementation) { char relativeFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; const char * objectFileExt = compiler ? compiler.objectFileExt : objectDefaultFileExt; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::RunToCursor()"); _ChangeUserAction(runToCursor); ide.workspace.GetRelativePath(absoluteFilePath, relativeFilePath, null, objectFileExt); if(bpRunToCursor && bpRunToCursor.inserted && symbols) { UnsetBreakpoint(bpRunToCursor); delete bpRunToCursor; } StartSession(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind, false, ignoreBreakpoints); #if 0 if(oldImplementation) { bpRunToCursor = Breakpoint { }; bpRunToCursor.absoluteFilePath = absoluteFilePath; bpRunToCursor.relativeFilePath = relativeFilePath; bpRunToCursor.line = lineNumber; bpRunToCursor.type = runToCursor; bpRunToCursor.enabled = true; bpRunToCursor.level = atSameLevel ? frameCount - activeFrameLevel -1 : -1; } #endif if(state == loaded) { breakType = advance; breakString = PrintString(relativeFilePath, ":", lineNumber); GdbExecRun(); } else if(state == stopped) { if(oldImplementation) GdbExecContinue(true); else { if(atSameLevel) GdbExecUntil(absoluteFilePath, lineNumber); else GdbExecAdvance(absoluteFilePath, lineNumber); } } } void GetCallStackCursorLine(bool * error, int * lineCursor, int * lineTopFrame) { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GetCallStackCursorLine()"); if(activeFrameLevel == -1) { *error = false; *lineCursor = 0; *lineTopFrame = 0; } else { *error = signalOn && activeThread == signalThread; *lineCursor = activeFrameLevel - ((frameCount > 192 && activeFrameLevel > 191) ? frameCount - 192 - 1 : 0) + 1; *lineTopFrame = activeFrameLevel ? 1 : 0; } } int GetMarginIconsLineNumbers(const char * fileName, int lines[], bool enabled[], int max, bool * error, int * lineCursor, int * lineTopFrame) { char winFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char * absoluteFilePath = GetSlashPathBuffer(winFilePath, fileName); int count = 0; Iterator it { ide.workspace.breakpoints }; //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GetMarginIconsLineNumbers()"); while(it.Next() && count < max) { Breakpoint bp = it.data; if(bp.type == user) { if(bp.absoluteFilePath && bp.absoluteFilePath[0] && !fstrcmp(bp.absoluteFilePath, absoluteFilePath)) { lines[count] = bp.line; enabled[count] = bp.enabled; count++; } } } if(activeFrameLevel == -1) { *error = false; *lineCursor = 0; *lineTopFrame = 0; } else { *error = signalOn && activeThread == signalThread; if(activeFrame && activeFrame.absoluteFile && !fstrcmp(absoluteFilePath, activeFrame.absoluteFile)) *lineCursor = activeFrame.line; else *lineCursor = 0; if(activeFrame && stopItem && stopItem.frame && activeFrame.level == stopItem.frame.level) *lineTopFrame = 0; else if(stopItem && stopItem.frame && stopItem.frame.absoluteFile && !fstrcmp(absoluteFilePath, stopItem.frame.absoluteFile)) *lineTopFrame = stopItem.frame.line; else *lineTopFrame = 0; if(*lineTopFrame == *lineCursor && *lineTopFrame) *lineTopFrame = 0; } return count; } void ChangeWatch(DataRow row, char * expression) { Watch wh = (Watch)(intptr)row.tag; //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::ChangeWatch(", expression, ")"); if(wh) { delete wh.expression; if(expression) wh.expression = CopyString(expression); else { Iterator it { ide.workspace.watches }; if(it.Find(wh)) ide.workspace.watches.Delete(it.pointer); } } else if(expression) { wh = Watch { }; row.tag = (int64)(intptr)wh; ide.workspace.watches.Add(wh); wh.row = row; wh.expression = CopyString(expression); } ide.workspace.Save(); //if(expression && state == stopped) if(expression) ResolveWatch(wh); } void MoveIcons(const char * fileName, int lineNumber, int move, bool start) { char winFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; const char * absoluteFilePath = GetSlashPathBuffer(winFilePath, fileName); Link bpLink, next; //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::MoveIcons()"); for(bpLink = ide.workspace.breakpoints.first; bpLink; bpLink = next) { Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint)(intptr)bpLink.data; next = bpLink.next; if(bp.type == user && bp.absoluteFilePath && !fstrcmp(bp.absoluteFilePath, absoluteFilePath)) { if(bp.line > lineNumber || (bp.line == lineNumber && start)) { if(move < 0 && (bp.line < lineNumber - move)) ide.workspace.RemoveBreakpoint(bp); else { bp.line += move; ide.breakpointsView.UpdateBreakpoint(bp.row); ide.workspace.Save(); } } } } // moving code cursors is futile, on next step, stop, hit, cursors will be offset anyways } bool SourceDirDialog(const char * title, const char * startDir, const char * test, char * sourceDir) { bool result; String srcDir = null; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::SourceDirDialog()"); debuggerFileDialog.text = title; debuggerFileDialog.currentDirectory = startDir; debuggerFileDialog.master = ide; while(debuggerFileDialog.Modal()) { strcpy(sourceDir, debuggerFileDialog.filePath); if(!fstrcmp(ide.workspace.projectDir, sourceDir) && MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = ide, contents = $"This is the project directory.\nWould you like to try again?", text = $"Invalid Source Directory" }.Modal() == no) return false; else { for(dir : ide.workspace.sourceDirs) { if(!fstrcmp(dir, sourceDir)) { srcDir = dir; break; } } if(srcDir && MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = ide, contents = $"This source directory is already specified.\nWould you like to try again?", text = $"Invalid Source Directory" }.Modal() == no) return false; else { if(test) { char file[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(file, sourceDir); PathCat(file, test); result = FileExists(file); if(!result && MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = ide, contents = $"Unable to locate source file.\nWould you like to try again?", text = $"Invalid Source Directory" }.Modal() == no) return false; } else result = true; if(result) return true; } } } return false; } void AddSourceDir(const char * sourceDir) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::AddSourceDir(", sourceDir, ")"); ide.workspace.sourceDirs.Add(CopyString(sourceDir)); ide.workspace.Save(); if(targeted) { DebuggerState oldState = state; switch(state) { case running: if(targetProcessId) GdbDebugBreak(true); case stopped: case loaded: GdbCommand(0, false, "-environment-directory \"%s\"", sourceDir); break; } if(oldState == running) GdbExecContinue(false); } } void ToggleBreakpoint(const char * fileName, int lineNumber) { char absolutePath[MAX_LOCATION]; Breakpoint bp = null; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerBreakpoints, 0, "Debugger::ToggleBreakpoint(", fileName, ":", lineNumber, ")"); GetSlashPathBuffer(absolutePath, fileName); for(i : ide.workspace.breakpoints; i.type == user && i.absoluteFilePath && !fstrcmp(i.absoluteFilePath, absolutePath) && i.line == lineNumber) { bp = i; break; } if(bp) { if(bp.enabled) { ide.workspace.RemoveBreakpoint(bp); bp = null; } else bp.enabled = true; } else { Project owner; char relativePath[MAX_LOCATION]; const char * objectFileExt = currentCompiler ? currentCompiler.objectFileExt : objectDefaultFileExt; ide.workspace.GetRelativePath(absolutePath, relativePath, &owner, objectFileExt); if(!owner && !FileExists(absolutePath)) { char title[MAX_LOCATION]; char directory[MAX_LOCATION]; char sourceDir[MAX_LOCATION]; StripLastDirectory(absolutePath, directory); snprintf(title, sizeof(title), $"Provide source files location directory for %s", relativePath); title[sizeof(title)-1] = 0; while(true) { String srcDir = null; for(dir : ide.workspace.sourceDirs) { if(IsPathInsideOf(absolutePath, dir)) { MakePathRelative(absolutePath, dir, relativePath); srcDir = dir; break; } } if(srcDir) break; if(SourceDirDialog(title, directory, null, sourceDir)) { if(IsPathInsideOf(absolutePath, sourceDir)) { AddSourceDir(sourceDir); MakePathRelative(absolutePath, sourceDir, relativePath); break; } else if(MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = ide, contents = $"You must provide a valid source directory in order to place a breakpoint in this file.\nWould you like to try again?", text = $"Invalid Source Directory" }.Modal() == no) return; } else return; } } ide.workspace.bpCount++; bp = { line = lineNumber, type = user, enabled = true, level = -1, project = owner }; ide.workspace.breakpoints.Add(bp); bp.absoluteFilePath = absolutePath; bp.relativeFilePath = relativePath; ide.breakpointsView.AddBreakpoint(bp); } if(bp && targeted) { DebuggerState oldState = state; switch(state) { case running: if(targetProcessId) GdbDebugBreak(true); case stopped: case loaded: if(!SetBreakpoint(bp, false)) SetBreakpoint(bp, true); break; } if(oldState == running) GdbExecContinue(false); } ide.workspace.Save(); } void UpdateRemovedBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::UpdateRemovedBreakpoint()"); if(targeted && bp.inserted) { DebuggerState oldState = state; switch(state) { case running: if(targetProcessId) GdbDebugBreak(true); case stopped: case loaded: UnsetBreakpoint(bp); break; } if(oldState == running) GdbExecContinue(false); } } // PRIVATE MEMBERS void ParseFrame(Frame frame, char * string) { int i, j, k; Array frameTokens { minAllocSize = 50 }; Array argsTokens { minAllocSize = 50 }; Array argumentTokens { minAllocSize = 50 }; DebugListItem item { }; Argument arg; //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::ParseFrame()"); TokenizeList(string, ',', frameTokens); for(i = 0; i < frameTokens.count; i++) { if(TokenizeListItem(frameTokens[i], item)) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); if(!strcmp(item.name, "level")) frame.level = atoi(item.value); else if(!strcmp(item.name, "addr")) frame.addr = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "func")) frame.func = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "args")) { if(!strcmp(item.value, "[]")) frame.argsCount = 0; else { item.value = StripBrackets(item.value); TokenizeList(item.value, ',', argsTokens); for(j = 0; j < argsTokens.count; j++) { argsTokens[j] = StripCurlies(argsTokens[j]); TokenizeList(argsTokens[j], ',', argumentTokens); for(k = 0; k < argumentTokens.count; k++) { arg = Argument { }; frame.args.Add(arg); if(TokenizeListItem(argumentTokens[k], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "name")) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); arg.name = item.value; } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "value")) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); arg.val = item.value; } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "frame args item (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is unheard of"); } else _dplf(0, "Bad frame args item"); } argumentTokens.RemoveAll(); } frame.argsCount = argsTokens.count; argsTokens.RemoveAll(); } } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "from")) frame.from = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "file")) frame.file = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "line")) frame.line = atoi(item.value); else if(!strcmp(item.name, "fullname")) { // GDB 6.3 on OS X is giving "fullname" and "dir", all in absolute, but file name only in 'file' Workspace ws = ide.workspace; if(ws) { String path = ide.workspace.CopyUnixPathWorkspaceRelativeOrAbsolute(item.value); if(strcmp(frame.file, path)) frame.file = path; delete path; } frame.absoluteFile = item.value; } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "frame member (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is unheard of"); } else _dplf(0, "Bad frame"); } delete frameTokens; delete argsTokens; delete argumentTokens; delete item; } Breakpoint GetBreakpointById(int id, bool * isInternal) { Breakpoint bp = null; //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerBreakpoints, 0, "Debugger::GetBreakpointById(", id, ")"); if(isInternal) *isInternal = false; if(id) { for(i : sysBPs; i.bp && i.bp.id == id) { if(isInternal) *isInternal = true; bp = i; break; } if(!bp && bpRunToCursor && bpRunToCursor.bp && bpRunToCursor.bp.id == id) bp = bpRunToCursor; if(!bp) { for(i : ide.workspace.breakpoints; i.bp && i.bp.id == id) { bp = i; break; } } } return bp; } GdbDataBreakpoint ParseBreakpoint(char * string, Array outTokens) { int i; GdbDataBreakpoint bp { }; DebugListItem item { }; Array bpTokens { minAllocSize = 16 }; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::ParseBreakpoint()"); string = StripCurlies(string); TokenizeList(string, ',', bpTokens); for(i = 0; i < bpTokens.count; i++) { if(TokenizeListItem(bpTokens[i], item)) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); if(!strcmp(item.name, "number")) { if(!strchr(item.value, '.')) bp.id = atoi(item.value); bp.number = item.value; } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "type")) bp.type = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "disp")) bp.disp = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "enabled")) bp.enabled = (!strcmpi(item.value, "y")); else if(!strcmp(item.name, "addr")) { if(outTokens && !strcmp(item.value, "")) { int c = 1; Array bpArray = bp.multipleBPs = { }; while(outTokens.count > ++c) { GdbDataBreakpoint multBp = ParseBreakpoint(outTokens[c], null); bpArray.Add(multBp); } } else bp.addr = item.value; } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "func")) bp.func = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "file")) bp.file = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "fullname")) bp.fullname = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "line")) bp.line = atoi(item.value); else if(!strcmp(item.name, "at")) bp.at = item.value; else if(!strcmp(item.name, "times")) bp.times = atoi(item.value); else if(!strcmp(item.name, "original-location") || !strcmp(item.name, "thread-groups")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, "breakpoint member (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is ignored"); else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "breakpoint member (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is unheard of"); } } delete bpTokens; delete item; return bp; } void ShowDebuggerViews() { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::ShowDebuggerViews()"); ide.outputView.Show(); ide.outputView.SelectTab(debug); ide.threadsView.Show(); ide.callStackView.Show(); ide.watchesView.Show(); ide.Update(null); } void HideDebuggerViews() { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::HideDebuggerViews()"); ide.RepositionWindows(true); } bool ::GdbCommand(Time timeOut, bool focus, const char * format, ...) { bool result = false; if(gdbHandle) { Time startTime; // TODO: Improve this limit static char string[MAX_F_STRING*4]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(string, sizeof(string), format, args); string[sizeof(string)-1] = 0; va_end(args); gdbReady = false; ide.debugger.serialSemaphore.TryWait(); #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_CONSOLE _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbCommand, 0, string); #endif #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_OUTPUT ide.outputView.gdbBox.Logf("cmd: %s\n", string); #endif #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_GUI if(ide.gdbDialog) ide.gdbDialog.AddCommand(string); #endif strcat(string,"\n"); gdbHandle.Puts(string); if(focus) Process_ShowWindows(targetProcessId); app.Unlock(); if(timeOut) { startTime = GetTime(); while(true) { if(ide.debugger.serialSemaphore.TryWait()) { result = true; break; } else { if(GetTime() - startTime > timeOut) break; Sleep(0.01); } } } else { ide.debugger.serialSemaphore.Wait(); result = true; } app.Lock(); } return result; } bool ValidateBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::ValidateBreakpoint()"); if(modules && bp.line && bp.bp) { if(bp.bp.line != bp.line) { if(!bp.bp.line) { #ifdef _DEBUG //here ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf("WOULD HAVE -- Invalid breakpoint disabled: %s:%d\n", bp.relativeFilePath, bp.line); #endif //UnsetBreakpoint(bp); //bp.enabled = false; return false; } else { //here ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf("Debugger Error: ValidateBreakpoint error\n"); bp.line = bp.bp.line; } } } return true; } void BreakpointsMaintenance() { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerBreakpoints, 0, "Debugger::BreakpointsMaintenance()"); if(symbols) { if(gdbExecution.suspendInternalBreakpoints) { for(bp : sysBPs; bp.inserted) UnsetBreakpoint(bp); } else { DirExpression objDir = ide.project.GetObjDir(currentCompiler, prjConfig, bitDepth); for(bp : sysBPs; !bp.inserted) { bool insert = false; if(bp.type == internalModulesLoaded) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; char name[MAX_LOCATION]; char fixedModuleName[MAX_FILENAME]; char line[16384]; int lineNumber; bool moduleLoadBlock = false; File f; ReplaceSpaces(fixedModuleName, ide.project.moduleName); snprintf(name, sizeof(name),"%s.main.ec", fixedModuleName); name[sizeof(name)-1] = 0; strcpy(path, ide.workspace.projectDir); PathCatSlash(path, objDir.dir); PathCatSlash(path, name); f = FileOpen(path, read); if(f) { for(lineNumber = 1; !f.Eof(); lineNumber++) { if(f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line) - 1)) { bool moduleLoadLine; TrimLSpaces(line, line); moduleLoadLine = !strncmp(line, "eModule_Load", strlen("eModule_Load")); if(!moduleLoadBlock && moduleLoadLine) moduleLoadBlock = true; else if(moduleLoadBlock && !moduleLoadLine && strlen(line) > 0) break; } } if(!f.Eof()) { char relative[MAX_LOCATION]; bp.absoluteFilePath = path; MakePathRelative(path, ide.workspace.projectDir, relative); bp.relativeFilePath = relative; bp.line = lineNumber; insert = true; } delete f; } } else if(bp.type == internalModuleLoad) { if(modules) { for(prj : ide.workspace.projects) { if(!strcmp(prj.moduleName, "ecere")) { ProjectNode node = prj.topNode.Find("instance.c", false); if(node) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; char relative[MAX_LOCATION]; node.GetFullFilePath(path); bp.absoluteFilePath = path; MakePathRelative(path, prj.topNode.path, relative); bp.relativeFilePath = relative; insert = true; break; } } } } } else insert = true; if(insert) { if(!SetBreakpoint(bp, false)) SetBreakpoint(bp, true); } } delete objDir; } if(userAction != runToCursor && bpRunToCursor && bpRunToCursor.inserted) UnsetBreakpoint(bpRunToCursor); if(bpRunToCursor && !bpRunToCursor.inserted) { if(!SetBreakpoint(bpRunToCursor, false)) SetBreakpoint(bpRunToCursor, true); } if(ignoreBreakpoints) { for(bp : ide.workspace.breakpoints; bp.inserted) UnsetBreakpoint(bp); } else { for(bp : ide.workspace.breakpoints; !bp.inserted && bp.type == user) { if(bp.enabled) { if(!SetBreakpoint(bp, false)) SetBreakpoint(bp, true); } else { #ifdef _DEBUG if(bp.bp) _dplf(0, "problem"); #endif delete bp.bp; bp.bp = GdbDataBreakpoint { }; } } } } } void UnsetBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp) { char * s = null; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerBreakpoints, 0, "Debugger::UnsetBreakpoint(", s=bp.CopyLocationString(false), ") -- ", bp.type); delete s; if(symbols && bp.inserted) { GdbCommand(0, false, "-break-delete %s", bp.bp.number); bp.inserted = false; delete bp.bp; bp.bp = { }; } } bool SetBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp, bool removePath) { char * s = null; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerBreakpoints, 0, "Debugger::SetBreakpoint(", s=bp.CopyLocationString(false), ", ", removePath ? "**** removePath(true) ****" : "", ") -- ", bp.type); delete s; breakpointError = false; if(symbols && bp.enabled && (!bp.project || bp.project.GetTargetType(bp.project.config) == staticLibrary || bp.project == ide.project || projectsLibraryLoaded[bp.project.name])) { sentBreakInsert = true; if(bp.address) GdbCommand(0, false, "-break-insert *%s", bp.address); else { char * location = bp.CopyLocationString(removePath); GdbCommand(0, false, "-break-insert %s", location); delete location; } if(!breakpointError) { char * address = null; if(bpItem && bpItem.multipleBPs && bpItem.multipleBPs.count) { int count = 0; GdbDataBreakpoint first = null; for(n : bpItem.multipleBPs) { if(!fstrcmp(n.fullname, bp.absoluteFilePath) && !first) { count++; first = n; break; } /*else { if(n.enabled) { GdbCommand(0, false, "-break-disable %s", n.number); n.enabled = false; } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerProblem, 0, "Debugger::SetBreakpoint -- error breakpoint already disabled."); }*/ } if(first) { address = CopyString(first.addr); bpItem.addr = first.addr; bpItem.func = first.func; bpItem.file = first.file; bpItem.fullname = first.fullname; bpItem.line = first.line; //bpItem.thread-groups = first.thread-groups;*/ } else if(count == 0) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerProblem, 0, "Debugger::SetBreakpoint -- error multiple breakpoints all disabled."); else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerProblem, 0, "Debugger::SetBreakpoint -- error multiple breakpoints in exact same file not supported."); bpItem.multipleBPs.Free(); delete bpItem.multipleBPs; } delete bp.bp; bp.bp = bpItem; bpItem = null; bp.inserted = (bp.bp && bp.bp.number && strcmp(bp.bp.number, "0")); if(bp.inserted) ValidateBreakpoint(bp); if(address) { UnsetBreakpoint(bp); bp.address = address; delete address; SetBreakpoint(bp, removePath); } } return !breakpointError; } return false; } void GdbGetStack() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbGetStack()"); activeFrame = null; stackFrames.Free(Frame::Free); GdbCommand(0, false, "-stack-info-depth"); if(!frameCount) GdbCommand(0, false, "-stack-info-depth 192"); if(frameCount && frameCount <= 192) GdbCommand(0, false, "-stack-list-frames 0 %d", Min(frameCount-1, 191)); else { GdbCommand(0, false, "-stack-list-frames 0 %d", Min(frameCount-1, 95)); GdbCommand(0, false, "-stack-list-frames %d %d", Max(frameCount - 96, 96), frameCount - 1); } GdbCommand(0, false, ""); } bool GdbTargetSet() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbTargetSet()"); if(!targeted) { char escaped[MAX_LOCATION]; strescpy(escaped, targetFile); GdbCommand(0, false, "file \"%s\"", escaped); //GDB/MI Missing Implementation in 5.1.1 but we now have -file-exec-and-symbols / -file-exec-file / -file-symbol-file if(!symbols) return true; if(usingValgrind) { const char *vgdbCommand = "/usr/bin/vgdb"; // TODO: vgdb command config option //GdbCommand(0, false, "-target-select remote | %s --pid=%d", "vgdb", targetProcessId); printf("target remote | %s --pid=%d\n", vgdbCommand, targetProcessId); GdbCommand(0, false, "target remote | %s --pid=%d", vgdbCommand, targetProcessId); // TODO: vgdb command config option } else GdbCommand(0, false, "info target"); //GDB/MI Missing Implementation -file-list-symbol-files and -file-list-exec-sections /*for(prj : ide.workspace.projects; prj != ide.workspace.projects.firstIterator.data) GdbCommand(0, false, "-environment-directory \"%s\"", prj.topNode.path);*/ for(dir : ide.workspace.sourceDirs; dir && dir[0]) { bool interference = false; for(prj : ide.workspace.projects) { if(!fstrcmp(prj.topNode.path, dir)) { interference = true; break; } } if(!interference && dir[0]) GdbCommand(0, false, "-environment-directory \"%s\"", dir); } targeted = true; } return true; } /*void GdbTargetRelease() { if(targeted) { BreakpointsDeleteAll(); GdbCommand(0, false, "file"); //GDB/MI Missing Implementation -target-detach targeted = false; symbols = true; } }*/ void GdbDebugBreak(bool internal) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbDebugBreak()"); if(targetProcessId) { if(internal) breakType = DebuggerAction::internal; if(ide) ide.Update(null); app.Unlock(); if(Process_Break(targetProcessId)) //GdbCommand(0, false, "-exec-interrupt"); serialSemaphore.Wait(); else { _ChangeState(loaded); targetProcessId = 0; } app.Lock(); } else ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf("Debugger Error: GdbDebugBreak with not target id should never happen\n"); } void GdbExecRun() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbExecRun()"); GdbTargetSet(); if(!usingValgrind) gdbExecution = run; GdbExecCommon(); ShowDebuggerViews(); if(usingValgrind) GdbExecContinue(true); else if(!GdbCommand(3, true, "-exec-run")) gdbExecution = none; } void GdbExecContinue(bool focus) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbExecContinue()"); gdbExecution = run; GdbExecCommon(); GdbCommand(0, focus, "-exec-continue"); } void GdbExecNext() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbExecNext()"); gdbExecution = next; GdbExecCommon(); GdbCommand(0, true, "-exec-next"); } void ForceUpdateCurrentFrame() { GdbGetStack(); GdbCommand(0, false, "-thread-list-ids"); InternalSelectFrame(activeFrameLevel); GoToStackFrameLine(activeFrameLevel, true, false); EvaluateWatches(); ide.ShowCodeEditor(); ide.AdjustDebugMenus(); ideMainFrame.Activate(); // TOFIX: ide.Activate() is not reliable (app inactive) ide.Update(null); } void GdbExecUntil(const char * absoluteFilePath, int lineNumber) { bool forceUpdate = false; char relativeFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbExecUntil()"); gdbExecution = until; GdbExecCommon(); if(absoluteFilePath) { const char * objectFileExt = currentCompiler ? currentCompiler.objectFileExt : objectDefaultFileExt; ide.workspace.GetRelativePath(absoluteFilePath, relativeFilePath, null, objectFileExt); if(!GdbCommand(0.1, true, "-exec-until %s:%d", relativeFilePath, lineNumber)) { GetLastDirectory(relativeFilePath, relativeFilePath); if(GdbCommand(1, true, "-exec-until %s:%d", relativeFilePath, lineNumber)) forceUpdate = true; } } else GdbCommand(0, true, "-exec-until"); // This is to handle GDB 6.3 on OS X not giving us *running then *stopped: // (It may not be ideal, we may need to wait?) if(forceUpdate) ForceUpdateCurrentFrame(); } void GdbExecAdvance(const char * absoluteFilePathOrLocation, int lineNumber) { bool forceUpdate = false; char relativeFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbExecAdvance()"); gdbExecution = advance; GdbExecCommon(); if(lineNumber) { const char * objectFileExt = currentCompiler ? currentCompiler.objectFileExt : objectDefaultFileExt; ide.workspace.GetRelativePath(absoluteFilePathOrLocation, relativeFilePath, null, objectFileExt); if(!GdbCommand(0.1, true, "advance %s:%d", relativeFilePath, lineNumber)) // should use -exec-advance -- GDB/MI implementation missing { GetLastDirectory(relativeFilePath, relativeFilePath); if(GdbCommand(1, true, "advance %s:%d", relativeFilePath, lineNumber)) forceUpdate = true; } } else { if(!GdbCommand(0.1, true, "advance %s", absoluteFilePathOrLocation)) // should use -exec-advance -- GDB/MI implementation missing { GetLastDirectory(absoluteFilePathOrLocation, relativeFilePath); if(GdbCommand(1, true, "advance %s", relativeFilePath)) forceUpdate = true; } } // This is to handle GDB 6.3 on OS X not giving us *running then *stopped: // (It may not be ideal, we may need to wait?) if(forceUpdate) ForceUpdateCurrentFrame(); } void GdbExecStep() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbExecStep()"); gdbExecution = step; GdbExecCommon(); GdbCommand(0, true, "-exec-step"); } void GdbExecFinish() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbExecFinish()"); gdbExecution = finish; GdbExecCommon(); GdbCommand(0, true, "-exec-finish"); } void GdbExecCommon() { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbExecCommon()"); BreakpointsMaintenance(); } #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_GUI void SendGDBCommand(const char * command) { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::SendGDBCommand()"); DebuggerState oldState = state; switch(state) { case running: if(targetProcessId) GdbDebugBreak(true); case stopped: case loaded: GdbCommand(0, false, command); break; } if(oldState == running) GdbExecContinue(false); } #endif void ClearBreakDisplay() { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::ClearBreakDisplay()"); activeThread = 0; activeFrameLevel = -1; hitThread = 0; signalThread = 0; signalOn = false; frameCount = 0; if(stopItem) stopItem.Free(); delete stopItem; event = none; activeFrame = null; stackFrames.Free(Frame::Free); ide.callStackView.Clear(); ide.threadsView.Clear(); ide.Update(null); } bool GdbAbortExec() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbAbortExec()"); sentKill = true; GdbCommand(0, false, "-interpreter-exec console \"kill\""); // should use -exec-abort -- GDB/MI implementation incomplete return true; } bool GdbInit(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool useValgrind) { bool result = true; char oldDirectory[MAX_LOCATION]; char tempPath[MAX_LOCATION]; char command[MAX_F_STRING*4]; Project project = ide.project; DirExpression targetDirExp = project.GetTargetDir(compiler, config, bitDepth); PathBackup pathBackup { }; Map envBackup { }; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbInit()"); if(currentCompiler != compiler) { delete currentCompiler; currentCompiler = compiler; incref currentCompiler; } prjConfig = config; this.bitDepth = bitDepth; usingValgrind = useValgrind; _ChangeState(loaded); sentKill = false; sentBreakInsert = false; breakpointError = false; ignoreBreakpoints = false; symbols = true; targeted = false; modules = false; needReset = false; entryPoint = false; projectsLibraryLoaded.Free(); ide.outputView.ShowClearSelectTab(debug); ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Starting debug mode\n"); #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_OUTPUT ide.outputView.gdbBox.Logf("run: Starting GDB\n"); #endif strcpy(tempPath, ide.workspace.projectDir); PathCatSlash(tempPath, targetDirExp.dir); delete targetDir; targetDir = CopyString(tempPath); project.CatTargetFileName(tempPath, compiler, config); delete targetFile; targetFile = CopyString(tempPath); GetWorkingDir(oldDirectory, MAX_LOCATION); if(ide.workspace.debugDir && ide.workspace.debugDir[0]) { char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(temp, ide.workspace.projectDir); PathCatSlash(temp, ide.workspace.debugDir); ChangeWorkingDir(temp); } else ChangeWorkingDir(ide.workspace.projectDir); ide.SetPath(true, compiler, config, bitDepth); // TODO: This pollutes the environment, but at least it works // It shouldn't really affect the IDE as the PATH gets restored and other variables set for testing will unlikely cause problems // What is the proper solution for this? DualPipeOpenEnv? // gdb set environment commands don't seem to take effect for(e : ide.workspace.environmentVars) { // Backing up the environment variables until we use DualPipeOpenEnv() envBackup[e.name] = CopyString(getenv(e.name)); SetEnvironment(e.name, e.string); } if(usingValgrind) { char * clArgs = ide.workspace.commandLineArgs; const char *valgrindCommand = "valgrind"; // TODO: valgrind command config option //TODO: valgrind options ValgrindLeakCheck vgLeakCheck = ide.workspace.vgLeakCheck; int vgRedzoneSize = ide.workspace.vgRedzoneSize; bool vgTrackOrigins = ide.workspace.vgTrackOrigins; vgLogFile = CreateTemporaryFile(vgLogPath, "ecereidevglog"); if(vgLogFile) { incref vgLogFile; vgLogThread.Create(); } else { ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugger Fatal Error: Couldn't open temporary log file for Valgrind output\n"); result = false; } if(result && !CheckCommandAvailable(valgrindCommand)) { ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugger Fatal Error: Command %s for Valgrind is not available.\n", valgrindCommand); result = false; } if(result) { char * vgRedzoneSizeFlag = PrintString(" --redzone-size=", vgRedzoneSize); sprintf(command, "%s --vgdb=yes --vgdb-error=0 --log-file=%s --leak-check=%s%s --track-origins=%s %s%s%s", valgrindCommand, vgLogPath, (char*)vgLeakCheck, vgRedzoneSize > -1 ? vgRedzoneSizeFlag : "", vgTrackOrigins ? "yes" : "no", targetFile, clArgs ? " " : "", clArgs ? clArgs : ""); delete vgRedzoneSizeFlag; vgTargetHandle = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = true, /*error = true, */input = true }, command); if(!vgTargetHandle) { ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugger Fatal Error: Couldn't start Valgrind\n"); result = false; } } if(result) { incref vgTargetHandle; vgTargetThread.Create(); targetProcessId = vgTargetHandle.GetProcessID(); waitingForPID = false; if(!targetProcessId) { ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugger Fatal Error: Couldn't get Valgrind process ID\n"); result = false; } } if(result) { app.Unlock(); serialSemaphore.Wait(); app.Lock(); } } if(result) { if(compiler.targetPlatform == win32) { strcpy(command, #if !((defined(__WORDSIZE) && __WORDSIZE == 8) || defined(__x86_64__)) 1 || #endif bitDepth == 32 ? "i686-w64-mingw32-gdb" : "gdb"); // x86_64-w64-mingw32-gdb } else // We really should have a box to select GDB in the compiler/toolchain options strcpy(command, "gdb"); if(!CheckCommandAvailable(command)) { ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugger Fatal Error: Command %s for GDB is not available.\n", command); result = false; } else { strcat(command, " -n -silent --interpreter=mi2"); //-async //\"%s\" gdbTimer.Start(); gdbHandle = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = true, /*error = true, */input = true }, command); if(!gdbHandle) { ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugger Fatal Error: Couldn't start GDB\n"); result = false; } } } if(result) { incref gdbHandle; gdbThread.Create(); gdbProcessId = gdbHandle.GetProcessID(); if(!gdbProcessId) { ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugger Fatal Error: Couldn't get GDB process ID\n"); result = false; } } if(result) { app.Unlock(); serialSemaphore.Wait(); app.Lock(); GdbCommand(0, false, "-gdb-set verbose off"); //GdbCommand(0, false, "-gdb-set exec-done-display on"); GdbCommand(0, false, "-gdb-set step-mode off"); GdbCommand(0, false, "-gdb-set unwindonsignal on"); //GdbCommand(0, false, "-gdb-set shell on"); GdbCommand(0, false, "set print elements 992"); GdbCommand(0, false, "-gdb-set backtrace limit 100000"); if(!GdbTargetSet()) { //_ChangeState(terminated); result = false; } } if(result) { #if defined(__unix__) { CreateTemporaryDir(progFifoDir, "ecereide"); strcpy(progFifoPath, progFifoDir); PathCat(progFifoPath, "ideprogfifo"); if(!mkfifo(progFifoPath, 0600)) { //fileCreated = true; } else { //app.Lock(); ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf(createFIFOMsg, progFifoPath); //app.Unlock(); } } if(!usingValgrind) { progThread.terminate = false; progThread.Create(); } #endif #if defined(__WIN32__) GdbCommand(0, false, "-gdb-set new-console on"); #endif #if defined(__unix__) if(!usingValgrind) GdbCommand(0, false, "-inferior-tty-set %s", progFifoPath); #endif if(!usingValgrind) GdbCommand(0, false, "-gdb-set args %s", ide.workspace.commandLineArgs ? ide.workspace.commandLineArgs : ""); /* for(e : ide.workspace.environmentVars) { GdbCommand(0, false, "set environment %s=%s", e.name, e.string); } */ } ChangeWorkingDir(oldDirectory); for(e : envBackup) { SetEnvironment(&e, e); } envBackup.Free(); delete envBackup; delete pathBackup; if(!result) GdbExit(); delete targetDirExp; return result; } void GdbExit() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbExit()"); if(gdbHandle && gdbProcessId) { gdbTimer.Stop(); GdbCommand(0, false, "-gdb-exit"); if(gdbThread) { app.Unlock(); gdbThread.Wait(); app.Lock(); } if(vgLogFile) vgLogFile.CloseInput(); if(vgLogThread.created) { app.Unlock(); vgLogThread.Wait(); app.Lock(); } delete vgLogFile; if(vgTargetThread) { app.Unlock(); vgTargetThread.Wait(); app.Lock(); } if(gdbHandle) { gdbHandle.Wait(); delete gdbHandle; } } gdbTimer.Stop(); _ChangeState(terminated); // this state change seems to be superfluous, is it safety for something? needReset = false; if(ide.workspace) { for(bp : ide.workspace.breakpoints) bp.Reset(); } for(bp : sysBPs) bp.Reset(); if(bpRunToCursor) bpRunToCursor.Reset(); ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugging stopped\n"); #if defined(__unix__) if(!usingValgrind && FileExists(progFifoPath)) //fileCreated) { progThread.terminate = true; if(fifoFile) { fifoFile.CloseInput(); app.Unlock(); progThread.Wait(); app.Lock(); delete fifoFile; } DeleteFile(progFifoPath); progFifoPath[0] = '\0'; rmdir(progFifoDir); } #endif CleanUp(); ide.Update(null); } bool WatchesLinkCodeEditor() { bool goodFrame = activeFrame && activeFrame.absoluteFile; //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::WatchesLinkCodeEditor()"); if(codeEditor && (!goodFrame || fstrcmp(codeEditor.fileName, activeFrame.absoluteFile))) WatchesReleaseCodeEditor(); if(!codeEditor && goodFrame) { codeEditor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(activeFrame.absoluteFile, false, false, null, no, normal, false); if(codeEditor) { codeEditor.inUseDebug = true; incref codeEditor; } } return codeEditor != null; } void WatchesReleaseCodeEditor() { //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::WatchesReleaseCodeEditor()"); if(codeEditor) { codeEditor.inUseDebug = false; if(!codeEditor.visible) codeEditor.Destroy(0); delete codeEditor; } } bool ResolveWatch(Watch wh) { bool result = false; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerWatches, 0, "Debugger::ResolveWatch()"); wh.Reset(); /*delete wh.value; if(wh.type) { FreeType(wh.type); wh.type = null; }*/ if(wh.expression) { char watchmsg[MAX_F_STRING]; watchmsg[0] = 0; if(state == stopped && !codeEditor) wh.value = CopyString($"No source file found for selected frame"); //if(codeEditor && state == stopped || state != stopped) else { Module backupPrivateModule; Context backupContext; Class backupThisClass; Expression exp; backupPrivateModule = GetPrivateModule(); backupContext = GetCurrentContext(); backupThisClass = GetThisClass(); if(codeEditor) { SetPrivateModule(codeEditor.privateModule); SetCurrentContext(codeEditor.globalContext); SetTopContext(codeEditor.globalContext); SetGlobalContext(codeEditor.globalContext); SetGlobalData(&codeEditor.globalData); } exp = ParseExpressionString(wh.expression); if(exp && !GetParseError()) { char expString[4096]; expString[0] = 0; PrintExpression(exp, expString); SetInDebugger(true); SetThisClass(null); // NOTE: DebugFindCtxTree() should be called only once for evaluating all watches in the watch window if(codeEditor && activeFrame) DebugFindCtxTree(codeEditor.ast, activeFrame.line, 0); ProcessExpressionType(exp); wh.type = exp.expType; if(wh.type) wh.type.refCount++; DebugComputeExpression(exp); // e.g. Meters * Degrees has no type set yet for some reason if(!wh.type && exp.expType) { wh.type = exp.expType; exp.expType.refCount++; } // This makes Degrees { 45 } work if(exp.type == constantExp && exp.isConstant && exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type == unitClass && exp.expType._class.registered.base.type == unitClass) { ApplyUnitConverters(exp); } else if(exp.type == instanceExp && exp.instance.data) { Symbol s = exp.instance._class ? exp.instance._class.symbol : null; Class c = s ? s.registered : null; if(c) { char tmp[4096]; bool needClass = false; char * s = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)c._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(c, exp.instance.data, tmp, null, &needClass); if(s) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = constantExp; exp.isConstant = true; exp.constant = CopyString(s); } } } else if(exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type == bitClass) { Class c = exp.expType._class.registered; char tmp[4096]; bool needClass = false; Operand op = GetOperand(exp); char * s = null; char * (* onGetString)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *) = (void *)c._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString]; if(op.type) { if(op.type) op.type.refCount++; switch(op.kind) { case charType: s = onGetString(c, &op.c, tmp, null, &needClass); break; case shortType: s = onGetString(c, &op.s, tmp, null, &needClass); break; case intType: s = onGetString(c, &op.i, tmp, null, &needClass); break; case int64Type: s = onGetString(c, &op.i64, tmp, null, &needClass); break; } } if(s) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = constantExp; exp.isConstant = true; exp.constant = CopyString(s); } FreeType(op.type); } else if(exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type == structClass && exp.hasAddress) { Class c = exp.expType._class.registered; char structString[1024]; strcpy(structString, "*(struct "); FullClassNameCat(structString, c.fullName, false); strcat(structString, " *)"); strcatf(structString, "0x%p", exp.address); GDBFallBack(exp, structString); /* byte * data = GdbReadMemory(exp.address, c.structSize); if(data) { char tmp[4096]; bool needClass = false; char * s = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)c._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(c, data, tmp, null, &needClass); if(s) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = constantExp; exp.isConstant = true; exp.constant = CopyString(s); } delete data; } */ } if(ExpressionIsError(exp) && exp.type != functionCallErrorExp) { GDBFallBack(exp, expString); } /*if(exp.hasAddress) { char temp[MAX_F_STRING]; sprintf(temp, "0x%x", exp.address); wh.address = CopyString(temp); // wh.address = CopyStringf("0x%x", exp.address); }*/ /* //#ifdef _DEBUG { Type dataType = exp.expType; if(dataType) { char temp[MAX_F_STRING]; switch(dataType.kind) { case charType: sprintf(temp, "%i", exp.val.c); break; case shortType: sprintf(temp, "%i", exp.val.s); break; case intType: case longType: case enumType: sprintf(temp, "%i", exp.val.i); break; case int64Type: sprintf(temp, "%i", exp.val.i64); break; case pointerType: sprintf(temp, "%i", exp.val.p); break; case floatType: { long v = (long)exp.val.f; sprintf(temp, "%i", v); break; } case doubleType: { long v = (long)exp.val.d; sprintf(temp, "%i", v); break; } } if(temp) wh.intVal = CopyString(temp); switch(dataType.kind) { case charType: sprintf(temp, "0x%x", exp.val.c); break; case shortType: sprintf(temp, "0x%x", exp.val.s); break; case enumType: case intType: sprintf(temp, "0x%x", exp.val.i); break; case int64Type: sprintf(temp, "0x%x", exp.val.i64); break; case longType: sprintf(temp, "0x%x", exp.val.i64); break; case pointerType: sprintf(temp, "0x%x", exp.val.p); break; case floatType: { long v = (long)exp.val.f; sprintf(temp, "0x%x", v); break; } case doubleType: { long v = (long)exp.val.d; sprintf(temp, "0x%x", v); break; } } if(temp) wh.hexVal = CopyString(temp); switch(dataType.kind) { case charType: sprintf(temp, "0o%o", exp.val.c); break; case shortType: sprintf(temp, "0o%o", exp.val.s); break; case enumType: case intType: sprintf(temp, "0o%o", exp.val.i); break; case int64Type: sprintf(temp, "0o%o", exp.val.i64); break; case longType: sprintf(temp, "0o%o", exp.val.i64); break; case pointerType: sprintf(temp, "0o%o", exp.val.p); break; case floatType: { long v = (long)exp.val.f; sprintf(temp, "0o%o", v); break; } case doubleType: { long v = (long)exp.val.d; sprintf(temp, "0o%o", v); break; } } if(temp) wh.octVal = CopyString(temp); } } // WHATS THIS HERE ? if(exp.type == constantExp && exp.constant) wh.constant = CopyString(exp.constant); //#endif */ switch(exp.type) { case symbolErrorExp: snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Symbol \"%s\" not found", exp.identifier.string); break; case memberSymbolErrorExp: { Expression memberExp = exp.member.exp; Identifier memberID = exp.member.member; Type type = memberExp.expType; if(type) { if(type.kind == structType || type.kind == unionType) { char string[1024] = ""; if(!type.name) PrintTypeNoConst(type, string, false, true); snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Member \"%s\" not found in %s \"%s\"", memberID ? memberID.string : "", type.kind == unionType ? "union" : "struct", type.name ? type.name : string); } else { Class _class = (memberID && memberID.classSym) ? memberID.classSym.registered : ((type.kind == classType && type._class) ? type._class.registered : null); char string[1024] = ""; if(!_class) { Symbol classSym; PrintTypeNoConst(type, string, false, true); classSym = FindClass(string); _class = classSym ? classSym.registered : null; } if(_class) snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Member \"%s\" not found in class \"%s\"", memberID ? memberID.string : "", _class.name); else // NOTE: This should probably never happen, only classes and struct can be dereferenced, a dereferenceErrorExp should be displayed instead snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Member \"%s\" not found in type \"%s\"", memberID ? memberID.string : "", string); } } else // NOTE: This should probably never happen, the error causing the unresolved expression should be displayed instead snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Accessing member \"%s\" from unresolved expression", memberID ? memberID.string : ""); break; } case memberPropertyErrorExp: { Expression memberExp = exp.member.exp; Identifier memberID = exp.member.member; Type type = memberExp.expType; Class _class = (type && memberID) ? (memberID && memberID.classSym) ? memberID.classSym.registered : ((type.kind == classType && type._class) ? type._class.registered : null) : null; if(_class && memberID && memberID.string) snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Missing property evaluation for \"%s\" in class \"%s\"", memberID.string, _class.name); else snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Missing property evaluation for \"%s\"", wh.expression); break; } case functionCallErrorExp: if(exp.call.exp && exp.call.exp.type == identifierExp && exp.call.exp.identifier.string) snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Missing function evaluation for call to \"%s\"", exp.call.exp.identifier.string); else snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Missing function evaluation for \"%s\"", wh.expression); break; case memoryErrorExp: // Need to ensure when set to memoryErrorExp, constant is set snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Memory can't be read at %s", /*(exp.type == constantExp) ? */exp.constant /*: null*/); break; case dereferenceErrorExp: snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Dereferencing error evaluating \"%s\"", wh.expression); break; case divideBy0ErrorExp: snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), "%s", $"Integer division by 0"); break; case noDebuggerErrorExp: snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Debugger required for symbol evaluation in \"%s\"", wh.expression); break; case unknownErrorExp: // NOTE: This should never happen snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Error evaluating \"%s\"", wh.expression); break; case 0: // NOTE: This should never happen snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Null type for \"%s\"", wh.expression); break; case stringExp: wh.value = CopyString(exp.string); break; case constantExp: // Temporary Code for displaying Strings if((exp.expType && ((exp.expType.kind == pointerType || exp.expType.kind == arrayType) && exp.expType.type.kind == charType)) || (wh.type && wh.type.kind == classType && wh.type._class && wh.type._class.registered && wh.type._class.registered.type == normalClass && !strcmp(wh.type._class.registered.name, "String"))) { if(exp.expType && (exp.expType.kind != arrayType || exp.hasAddress)) { uint64 address; char value[4196]; //char temp[MAX_F_STRING * 32]; //ExpressionType evalError = dummyExp; /*if(exp.expType.kind == arrayType) sprintf(temp, "(char*)0x%x", exp.address); else sprintf(temp, "(char*)%s", exp.constant);*/ //evaluation = Debugger::EvaluateExpression(temp, &evalError); // address = strtoul(exp.constant, null, 0); address = _strtoui64(exp.constant, null, 0); //_dplf(0, "0x", address); // snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "0x%08x ", address); if(address > 0xFFFFFFFFLL) snprintf(value, sizeof(value), (__runtimePlatform == win32) ? "0x%016I64x " : "0x%016llx ", address); else snprintf(value, sizeof(value), (__runtimePlatform == win32) ? "0x%08I64x " : "0x%08llx ", address); value[sizeof(value)-1] = 0; if(!address) strcat(value, $"Null string"); else { String string = new char[4097]; int start = 0; bool success = false; int size = 256; bool done = false; for(start = 0; !done && start + size <= 4096; start += size) { byte * s = null; while(!done && !s) { // Try to read 256 bytes at a time, then half if that fails s = GdbReadMemory(address + start, size); if(s) { success = true; memcpy(string + start, s, size); string[start + size] = 0; if(size == 1 || memchr(s, 0, size)) done = true; } else if(size > 1) size /= 2; else done = true; } delete s; } if(success) { if(string[0]) { int len = strlen(value); value[len++] = '('; if(UTF8Validate(string)) { int c; char ch; for(c = 0; (ch = string[c]); c++) value[len++] = ch; value[len++] = ')'; value[len++] = '\0'; } else { ISO8859_1toUTF8(string, value + len, strlen(value) - len - 30); strcat(value, ") (ISO8859-1)"); } } else strcat(value, $"Empty string"); } else strcat(value, $"Couldn't read memory"); delete string; } wh.value = CopyString(value); } } else if(wh.type && wh.type.kind == classType && wh.type._class && wh.type._class.registered && wh.type._class.registered.type == enumClass) { Class enumClass = eSystem_FindClass(GetPrivateModule(), wh.type._class.registered.name); EnumClassData enumeration = (EnumClassData)enumClass.data; NamedLink64 item; int64 value; if(!strcmp(enumClass.dataTypeString, "uint64")) { uint64 v = strtoull(exp.constant, null, 0); value = *(int64*)&v; } else value = strtoll(exp.constant, null, 0); for(item = enumeration.values.first; item; item = item.next) if(item.data == value) break; if(item) wh.value = CopyString(item.name); else wh.value = PrintString($"Invalid Enum Value (", value, ")"); result = true; } else if(wh.type && (wh.type.kind == charType || (wh.type.kind == classType && wh.type._class && wh.type._class.registered && !strcmp(wh.type._class.registered.fullName, "unichar"))) ) { unichar value; int signedValue; char charString[5]; char string[256]; if(exp.constant[0] == '\'') { if((int)((byte *)exp.constant)[1] > 127) { int nb; value = UTF8GetChar(exp.constant + 1, &nb); if(nb < 2) value = exp.constant[1]; signedValue = value; } else { signedValue = exp.constant[1]; { // Precomp Syntax error with boot strap here: byte b = (byte)(char)signedValue; value = (unichar) b; } } } else { if(wh.type.kind == charType && wh.type.isSigned) { signedValue = (int)(char)strtol(exp.constant, null, 0); { // Precomp Syntax error with boot strap here: byte b = (byte)(char)signedValue; value = (unichar) b; } } else { value = (uint)strtoul(exp.constant, null, 0); signedValue = (int)value; } } charString[0] = 0; UTF32toUTF8Len(&value, 1, charString, 5); if(value == '\0') snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "\'\\0' (0)"); else if(value == '\t') snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "\'\\t' (%d)", value); else if(value == '\n') snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "\'\\n' (%d)", value); else if(value == '\r') snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "\'\\r' (%d)", value); else if(wh.type.kind == charType && wh.type.isSigned) snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "\'%s\' (%d)", charString, signedValue); else if(value > 256 || wh.type.kind != charType) { if(value > 0x10FFFF || !GetCharCategory(value)) snprintf(string, sizeof(string), $"Invalid Unicode Codepoint (0x%08X)", value); else snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "\'%s\' (U+%04X)", charString, value); } else snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "\'%s\' (%d)", charString, value); string[sizeof(string)-1] = 0; wh.value = CopyString(string); result = true; } else { wh.value = CopyString(exp.constant); result = true; } break; default: { bool genericError = true; if(exp.expType && exp.hasAddress) { bool showAddress = false; switch(exp.expType.kind) { case pointerType: case functionType: case methodType: case arrayType: case subClassType: case thisClassType: showAddress = true; break; case classType: { Symbol s = exp.expType._class; if(s) { Class c = s.registered; if(c.type == noHeadClass || c.type == normalClass) showAddress = true; } break; } } if(showAddress) { wh.value = PrintHexUInt64(exp.address); result = true; genericError = false; } } if(genericError) // NOTE: This should ideally be handled with a specific error message snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Error evaluating \"%s\"", wh.expression); break; } } SetInDebugger(false); } else snprintf(watchmsg, sizeof(watchmsg), $"Invalid expression: \"%s\"", wh.expression); if(exp) FreeExpression(exp); SetPrivateModule(backupPrivateModule); SetCurrentContext(backupContext); SetTopContext(backupContext); SetGlobalContext(backupContext); SetThisClass(backupThisClass); } //else // wh.value = CopyString("No source file found for selected frame"); watchmsg[sizeof(watchmsg)-1] = 0; if(!wh.value) wh.value = CopyString(watchmsg); } ide.watchesView.UpdateWatch(wh); return result; } void EvaluateWatches() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerWatches, 0, "Debugger::EvaluateWatches()"); WatchesLinkCodeEditor(); if(state == stopped) { for(wh : ide.workspace.watches) ResolveWatch(wh); } } char * ::GdbEvaluateExpression(char * expression) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerWatches, 0, "Debugger::GdbEvaluateExpression(", expression, ")"); eval.active = true; eval.error = none; GdbCommand(0, false, "-data-evaluate-expression \"%s\"", expression); if(eval.active) ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf("Debugger Error: GdbEvaluateExpression\n"); return eval.result; } // to be removed... use GdbReadMemory that returns a byte array instead char * ::GdbReadMemoryString(uint64 address, int size, char format, int rows, int cols) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbReadMemoryString(", address, ")"); eval.active = true; eval.error = none; #ifdef _DEBUG if(!size) _dplf(0, "GdbReadMemoryString called with size = 0!"); #endif GdbCommand(0, false, (__runtimePlatform == win32) ? "-data-read-memory 0x%016I64x %c, %d, %d, %d" : "-data-read-memory 0x%016llx %c, %d, %d, %d", address, format, size, rows, cols); if(eval.active) ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf("Debugger Error: GdbReadMemoryString\n"); return eval.result; } byte * ::GdbReadMemory(uint64 address, int bytes) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbReadMemory(", address, ")"); eval.active = true; eval.error = none; GdbCommand(0, false, (__runtimePlatform == win32) ? "-data-read-memory 0x%016I64x %c, 1, 1, %d" : "-data-read-memory 0x%016llx %c, 1, 1, %d", address, 'u', bytes); #ifdef _DEBUG if(!bytes) _dplf(0, "GdbReadMemory called with bytes = 0!"); #endif if(eval.active) ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf("Debugger Error: GdbReadMemory\n"); else if(eval.result && strcmp(eval.result, "N/A")) { byte * result = new byte[bytes]; char * string = eval.result; int c = 0; while(true) { result[c++] = (byte)strtol(string, &string, 10); if(string) { if(*string == ',') string++; else break; } else break; } delete eval.result; return result; } return null; } bool BreakpointHit(GdbDataStop stopItem, Breakpoint bpInternal, Breakpoint bpUser) { bool result = true; char * s1 = null; char * s2 = null; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::BreakpointHit(", "bpInternal(", bpInternal ? s1=bpInternal.CopyLocationString(false) : null, "), ", "bpUser(", bpUser ? s2=bpUser.CopyLocationString(false) : null, ")) -- ", "ignoreBreakpoints(", ignoreBreakpoints, "), ", "hitCursorBreakpoint(", bpUser && bpUser.type == runToCursor, ")"); delete s1; delete s2; if(bpUser) { bool conditionMet = true; if(bpUser.condition) { if(WatchesLinkCodeEditor()) conditionMet = ResolveWatch(bpUser.condition); else conditionMet = false; } bpUser.hits++; if(conditionMet) { if(!bpUser.ignore) bpUser.breaks++; else { bpUser.ignore--; result = false; } } else result = false; if(stopItem.frame.line && bpUser.line != stopItem.frame.line) { // updating user breakpoint on hit location difference // todo, print something? bpUser.line = stopItem.frame.line; ide.breakpointsView.UpdateBreakpoint(bpUser.row); ide.workspace.Save(); } else ide.breakpointsView.UpdateBreakpoint(bpUser.row); } if(bpInternal) { bpInternal.hits++; if(bpInternal.type == internalModulesLoaded) modules = true; if(userAction == stepOver) { if((bpInternal.type == internalEntry && ((intBpMain && intBpMain.inserted) || (intBpWinMain && intBpWinMain.inserted))) || (bpInternal.type == internalMain && intBpWinMain && intBpWinMain.inserted)) result = false; } if(!bpUser && !userAction.breaksOnInternalBreakpoint) { if(userAction == stepOut) StepOut(ignoreBreakpoints); else result = false; } } if(!bpUser && !bpInternal) result = false; return result; } void ValgrindTargetThreadExit() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::ValgrindTargetThreadExit()"); if(vgTargetHandle) { vgTargetHandle.Wait(); delete vgTargetHandle; } HandleExit(null, null); } void GdbThreadExit() { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::GdbThreadExit()"); if(state != terminated) { _ChangeState(terminated); targetProcessId = 0; ClearBreakDisplay(); delete vgLogFile; if(gdbHandle) { serialSemaphore.Release(); gdbTimer.Stop(); gdbHandle.Wait(); delete gdbHandle; ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugger Fatal Error: GDB lost\n"); ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugging stopped\n"); ide.Update(null); HideDebuggerViews(); } //_ChangeState(terminated); } } void GdbThreadMain(char * output) { int i; char * t; Array outTokens { minAllocSize = 50 }; Array subTokens { minAllocSize = 50 }; DebugListItem item { }; DebugListItem item2 { }; bool setWaitingForPID = false; #if defined(GDB_DEBUG_CONSOLE) || defined(GDB_DEBUG_GUI) #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_CONSOLE // _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbOutput, 0, output); puts(output); #endif #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_OUTPUT { int len = strlen(output); if(len > 1024) { int c; char * start; char tmp[1025]; tmp[1024] = '\0'; start = output; for(c = 0; c < len / 1024; c++) { strncpy(tmp, start, 1024); ide.outputView.gdbBox.Logf("out: %s\n", tmp); start += 1024; } ide.outputView.gdbBox.Logf("out: %s\n", start); } else { ide.outputView.gdbBox.Logf("out: %s\n", output); } } #endif #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_CONSOLE strcpy(lastGdbOutput, output); #endif #ifdef GDB_DEBUG_GUI if(ide.gdbDialog) ide.gdbDialog.AddOutput(output); #endif #endif switch(output[0]) { case '~': if(strstr(output, "No debugging symbols found") || strstr(output, "(no debugging symbols found)")) { symbols = false; ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Target doesn't contain debug information!\n"); ide.Update(null); } if(!entryPoint && (t = strstr(output, "Entry point:"))) { char * addr = t + strlen("Entry point:"); t = addr; if(*t++ == ' ' && *t++ == '0' && *t == 'x') { *addr = '*'; while(isxdigit(*++t)); *t = '\0'; for(bp : sysBPs; bp.type == internalEntry) { bp.function = addr; bp.enabled = entryPoint = true; break; } } } break; case '^': gdbReady = false; if(TokenizeList(output, ',', outTokens) && !strcmp(outTokens[0], "^done")) { //if(outTokens.count == 1) { if(sentKill) { sentKill = false; _ChangeState(loaded); targetProcessId = 0; if(outTokens.count > 1 && TokenizeListItem(outTokens[1], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "reason")) { char * reason = item.value; StripQuotes(reason, reason); if(!strcmp(reason, "exited-normally") || !strcmp(reason, "exited") || !strcmp(reason, "exited-signalled")) { char * exitCode; if(outTokens.count > 2 && TokenizeListItem(outTokens[2], item2)) { StripQuotes(item2.value, item2.value); if(!strcmp(item2.name, "exit-code")) exitCode = item2.value; else exitCode = null; } else exitCode = null; HandleExit(reason, exitCode); } } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "kill reply (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is unheard of"); } else HandleExit(null, null); } } if(outTokens.count > 1 && TokenizeListItem(outTokens[1], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "bkpt")) { sentBreakInsert = false; #ifdef _DEBUG if(bpItem) _dplf(0, "problem"); #endif delete bpItem; bpItem = ParseBreakpoint(item.value, outTokens); //breakType = bpValidation; } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "depth")) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); frameCount = atoi(item.value); activeFrame = null; stackFrames.Free(Frame::Free); } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "stack")) { Frame frame; if(stackFrames.count) ide.callStackView.Logf("...\n"); else activeFrame = null; item.value = StripBrackets(item.value); TokenizeList(item.value, ',', subTokens); for(i = 0; i < subTokens.count; i++) { if(TokenizeListItem(subTokens[i], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "frame")) { frame = Frame { }; stackFrames.Add(frame); item.value = StripCurlies(item.value); ParseFrame(frame, item.value); if(frame.file && frame.from) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "unexpected frame file and from members present"); if(frame.file) { char * s = null; if(activeFrameLevel == -1) { if(ide.projectView.IsModuleInProject(frame.file)); { if(frame.level != 0) { //stopItem.frame = frame; breakType = selectFrame; } else activeFrame = frame; activeFrameLevel = frame.level; } } ide.callStackView.Logf("%3d ", frame.level); if(!strncmp(frame.func, "__ecereMethod_", strlen("__ecereMethod_"))) ide.callStackView.Logf($"%s Method, %s:%d\n", &frame.func[strlen("__ecereMethod_")], (s = CopySystemPath(frame.file)), frame.line); else if(!strncmp(frame.func, "__ecereProp_", strlen("__ecereProp_"))) ide.callStackView.Logf($"%s Property, %s:%d\n", &frame.func[strlen("__ecereProp_")], (s = CopySystemPath(frame.file)), frame.line); else if(!strncmp(frame.func, "__ecereConstructor_", strlen("__ecereConstructor_"))) ide.callStackView.Logf($"%s Constructor, %s:%d\n", &frame.func[strlen("__ecereConstructor_")], (s = CopySystemPath(frame.file)), frame.line); else if(!strncmp(frame.func, "__ecereDestructor_", strlen("__ecereDestructor_"))) ide.callStackView.Logf($"%s Destructor, %s:%d\n", &frame.func[strlen("__ecereDestructor_")], (s = CopySystemPath(frame.file)), frame.line); else ide.callStackView.Logf($"%s Function, %s:%d\n", frame.func, (s = CopySystemPath(frame.file)), frame.line); delete s; } else { ide.callStackView.Logf("%3d ", frame.level); if(frame.from) { char * s = null; ide.callStackView.Logf($"inside %s, %s\n", frame.func, (s = CopySystemPath(frame.from))); delete s; } else if(frame.func) ide.callStackView.Logf("%s\n", frame.func); else ide.callStackView.Logf($"unknown source\n"); } } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "stack content (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is unheard of"); } } if(activeFrameLevel == -1) { activeFrameLevel = 0; activeFrame = stackFrames.first; } ide.callStackView.Home(); ide.Update(null); subTokens.RemoveAll(); } /*else if(!strcmp(item.name, "frame")) { Frame frame { }; item.value = StripCurlies(item.value); ParseFrame(&frame, item.value); }*/ else if(!strcmp(item.name, "thread-ids")) { ide.threadsView.Clear(); item.value = StripCurlies(item.value); TokenizeList(item.value, ',', subTokens); for(i = subTokens.count - 1; ; i--) { if(TokenizeListItem(subTokens[i], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "thread-id")) { int value; StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); value = atoi(item.value); ide.threadsView.Logf("%3d \n", value); } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "threads content (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is unheard of"); } if(!i) break; } ide.threadsView.Home(); ide.Update(null); subTokens.RemoveAll(); //if(!strcmp(outTokens[2], "number-of-threads")) } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "new-thread-id")) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); activeThread = atoi(item.value); } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "value")) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); eval.result = CopyString(item.value); eval.active = false; } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "addr")) { for(i = 2; i < outTokens.count; i++) { if(TokenizeListItem(outTokens[i], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "total-bytes")) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); eval.bytes = atoi(item.value); } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "next-row")) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); eval.nextBlockAddress = _strtoui64(item.value, null, 0); } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "memory")) { int j; //int value; //StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); item.value = StripBrackets(item.value); // this should be treated as a list... item.value = StripCurlies(item.value); TokenizeList(item.value, ',', subTokens); for(j = 0; j < subTokens.count; j++) { if(TokenizeListItem(subTokens[j], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "data")) { item.value = StripBrackets(item.value); StripQuotes2(item.value, item.value); eval.result = CopyString(item.value); eval.active = false; } } } subTokens.RemoveAll(); } } } } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "source-path") || !strcmp(item.name, "BreakpointTable")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, "command reply (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is ignored"); else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "command reply (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is unheard of"); } } else if(!strcmp(outTokens[0], "^running")) { waitingForPID = true; setWaitingForPID = true; ClearBreakDisplay(); } else if(!strcmp(outTokens[0], "^exit")) { _ChangeState(terminated); // ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf("Exit\n"); // ide.Update(null); gdbReady = true; serialSemaphore.Release(); } else if(!strcmp(outTokens[0], "^error")) { if(sentBreakInsert) { sentBreakInsert = false; breakpointError = true; } if(outTokens.count > 1 && TokenizeListItem(outTokens[1], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "msg")) { StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); if(eval.active) { eval.active = false; eval.result = null; if(strstr(item.value, "No symbol") && strstr(item.value, "in current context")) eval.error = symbolNotFound; else if(strstr(item.value, "Cannot access memory at address")) eval.error = memoryCantBeRead; else eval.error = unknown; } else if(!strcmp(item.value, "Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)")) { } else if(!strncmp(item.value, "Cannot access memory at address", 31)) { } else if(!strcmp(item.value, "Cannot find bounds of current function")) { _ChangeState(stopped); gdbHandle.Printf("-exec-continue\n"); } else if(!strcmp(item.value, "ptrace: No such process.")) { _ChangeState(loaded); targetProcessId = 0; } else if(!strcmp(item.value, "Function \\\"WinMain\\\" not defined.")) { } else if(!strcmp(item.value, "You can't do that without a process to debug.")) { _ChangeState(loaded); targetProcessId = 0; } else if(strstr(item.value, "No such file or directory.")) { _ChangeState(loaded); targetProcessId = 0; } else if(strstr(item.value, "During startup program exited with code ")) { _ChangeState(loaded); targetProcessId = 0; } else { #ifdef _DEBUG if(strlen(item.value) < MAX_F_STRING) { char * s = null; ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf("GDB: %s\n", (s = CopyUnescapedString(item.value))); delete s; } else ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf("GDB: %s\n", item.value); #endif } } } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "error content (", item.name, "=", item.value, ") is unheard of"); } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "result-record: ", outTokens[0]); outTokens.RemoveAll(); break; case '+': _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "status-async-output: ", outTokens[0]); break; case '=': if(TokenizeList(output, ',', outTokens)) { if(!strcmp(outTokens[0], "=library-loaded")) FGODetectLoadedLibraryForAddedProjectIssues(outTokens, false); else if(!strcmp(outTokens[0], "=shlibs-added")) FGODetectLoadedLibraryForAddedProjectIssues(outTokens, true); else if(!strcmp(outTokens[0], "=thread-group-created") || !strcmp(outTokens[0], "=thread-group-added") || !strcmp(outTokens[0], "=thread-group-started") || !strcmp(outTokens[0], "=thread-group-exited") || !strcmp(outTokens[0], "=thread-created") || !strcmp(outTokens[0], "=thread-exited") || !strcmp(outTokens[0], "=cmd-param-changed") || !strcmp(outTokens[0], "=library-unloaded") || !strcmp(outTokens[0], "=breakpoint-modified")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, outTokens[0], outTokens.count>1 ? outTokens[1] : "", outTokens.count>2 ? outTokens[2] : "", outTokens.count>3 ? outTokens[3] : "", outTokens.count>4 ? outTokens[4] : "", outTokens.count>5 ? outTokens[5] : "", outTokens.count>6 ? outTokens[6] : "", outTokens.count>7 ? outTokens[7] : "", outTokens.count>8 ? outTokens[8] : "", outTokens.count>9 ? outTokens[9] : ""); else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "notify-async-output: ", outTokens[0]); } outTokens.RemoveAll(); break; case '*': gdbReady = false; if(TokenizeList(output, ',', outTokens)) { if(!strcmp(outTokens[0],"*running")) { waitingForPID = true; setWaitingForPID = true; } else if(!strcmp(outTokens[0], "*stopped")) { int tk; _ChangeState(stopped); for(tk = 1; tk < outTokens.count; tk++) { if(TokenizeListItem(outTokens[tk], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "reason")) { char * reason = item.value; StripQuotes(reason, reason); if(!strcmp(reason, "exited-normally") || !strcmp(reason, "exited") || !strcmp(reason, "exited-signalled")) { char * exitCode; if(outTokens.count > tk+1 && TokenizeListItem(outTokens[tk+1], item2)) { tk++; StripQuotes(item2.value, item2.value); if(!strcmp(item2.name, "exit-code")) exitCode = item2.value; else exitCode = null; } else exitCode = null; HandleExit(reason, exitCode); needReset = true; } else if(!strcmp(reason, "breakpoint-hit") || !strcmp(reason, "function-finished") || !strcmp(reason, "end-stepping-range") || !strcmp(reason, "location-reached") || !strcmp(reason, "signal-received")) { char r = reason[0]; #ifdef _DEBUG if(stopItem) _dplf(0, "problem"); #endif stopItem = GdbDataStop { }; stopItem.reason = r == 'b' ? breakpointHit : r == 'f' ? functionFinished : r == 'e' ? endSteppingRange : r == 'l' ? locationReached : signalReceived; for(i = tk+1; i < outTokens.count; i++) { TokenizeListItem(outTokens[i], item); StripQuotes(item.value, item.value); if(!strcmp(item.name, "thread-id")) stopItem.threadid = atoi(item.value); else if(!strcmp(item.name, "frame")) { item.value = StripCurlies(item.value); ParseFrame(stopItem.frame, item.value); } else if(stopItem.reason == breakpointHit && !strcmp(item.name, "bkptno")) stopItem.bkptno = atoi(item.value); else if(stopItem.reason == functionFinished && !strcmp(item.name, "gdb-result-var")) stopItem.gdbResultVar = CopyString(item.value); else if(stopItem.reason == functionFinished && !strcmp(item.name, "return-value")) stopItem.returnValue = CopyString(item.value); else if(stopItem.reason == signalReceived && !strcmp(item.name, "signal-name")) stopItem.name = CopyString(item.value); else if(stopItem.reason == signalReceived && !strcmp(item.name, "signal-meaning")) stopItem.meaning = CopyString(item.value); else if(!strcmp(item.name, "stopped-threads")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, reason, ": Advanced thread debugging not handled"); else if(!strcmp(item.name, "core")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, reason, ": Information (core) not used"); else if(!strcmp(item.name, "disp")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, reason, ": (", item.name, "=", item.value, ")"); else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "Unknown ", reason, " item name (", item.name, "=", item.value, ")"); } if(stopItem.reason == signalReceived && !strcmp(stopItem.name, "SIGTRAP")) { switch(breakType) { case internal: breakType = none; break; case restart: case stop: break; default: event = breakEvent; } } else { event = r == 'b' ? hit : r == 'f' ? functionEnd : r == 'e' ? stepEnd : r == 'l' ? locationReached : signal; ide.Update(null); } } else if(!strcmp(reason, "watchpoint-trigger")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, "Reason watchpoint trigger not handled"); else if(!strcmp(reason, "read-watchpoint-trigger")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, "Reason read watchpoint trigger not handled"); else if(!strcmp(reason, "access-watchpoint-trigger")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, "Reason access watchpoint trigger not handled"); else if(!strcmp(reason, "watchpoint-scope")) _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoIgnored, 0, "Reason watchpoint scope not handled"); else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "Unknown reason: ", reason); } else { PrintLn(output); } } } if(usingValgrind && event == none && !stopItem) event = valgrindStartPause; app.SignalEvent(); } } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, "Unknown exec-async-output: ", outTokens[0]); outTokens.RemoveAll(); break; case '(': if(!strcmpi(output, "(gdb) ")) { if(waitingForPID) { Time startTime = GetTime(); char exeFile[MAX_LOCATION]; int oldProcessID = targetProcessId; GetLastDirectory(targetFile, exeFile); while(!targetProcessId/*true*/) { targetProcessId = Process_GetChildExeProcessId(gdbProcessId, exeFile); if(targetProcessId) break; // Can't break on Peek(), GDB is giving us =library and other info before the process is listed in /proc // if(gdbHandle.Peek()) break; Sleep(0.01); if(gdbHandle.Peek() && GetTime() - startTime > 2.5) // Give the process 2.5 seconds to show up in /proc break; } if(targetProcessId) _ChangeState(running); else if(!oldProcessID) { ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugger Error: No target process ID\n"); // TO VERIFY: The rest of this block has not been thoroughly tested in this particular location gdbHandle.Printf("-gdb-exit\n"); gdbTimer.Stop(); _ChangeState(terminated); //loaded; prjConfig = null; if(ide.workspace) { for(bp : ide.workspace.breakpoints) bp.inserted = false; } for(bp : sysBPs) bp.inserted = false; if(bpRunToCursor) bpRunToCursor.inserted = false; ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Debugging stopped\n"); ClearBreakDisplay(); #if defined(__unix__) if(!usingValgrind && FileExists(progFifoPath)) //fileCreated) { progThread.terminate = true; if(fifoFile) { fifoFile.CloseInput(); app.Unlock(); progThread.Wait(); app.Lock(); delete fifoFile; } DeleteFile(progFifoPath); progFifoPath[0] = '\0'; rmdir(progFifoDir); } #endif } } gdbReady = true; serialSemaphore.Release(); } else _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, $"Unknown prompt", output); break; case '&': if(!strncmp(output, "&\"warning:", 10)) { char * content; content = strstr(output, "\""); StripQuotes(content, content); content = strstr(content, ":"); if(content) content++; if(content) { char * s = null; ide.outputView.debugBox.LogRaw((s = CopyUnescapedString(content))); delete s; ide.Update(null); } } break; default: _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::gdbProtoUnknown, 0, $"Unknown output: ", output); } if(!setWaitingForPID) waitingForPID = false; setWaitingForPID = false; delete outTokens; delete subTokens; delete item; delete item2; } // From GDB Output functions void FGODetectLoadedLibraryForAddedProjectIssues(Array outTokens, bool shlibs) { char path[MAX_LOCATION] = ""; char file[MAX_FILENAME] = ""; //bool symbolsLoaded = false; DebugListItem item { }; //_dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::FGODetectLoadedLibraryForAddedProjectIssues()"); for(token : outTokens) { if(TokenizeListItem(token, item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "target-name")) { StripQuotes(item.value, path); MakeSystemPath(path); GetLastDirectory(path, file); } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "symbols-loaded")) { //symbolsLoaded = (atoi(item.value) == 1); } else if(!strcmp(item.name, "shlib-info")) { DebugListItem subItem { }; Array tokens { minAllocSize = 50 }; item.value = StripBrackets(item.value); TokenizeList(item.value, ',', tokens); for(t : tokens) { if(TokenizeListItem(t, subItem)) { if(!strcmp(subItem.name, "path")) { StripQuotes(subItem.value, path); MakeSystemPath(path); GetLastDirectory(path, file); //symbolsLoaded = true; } } } tokens.RemoveAll(); delete tokens; delete subItem; } } } delete item; if(path[0] && file[0]) { for(prj : ide.workspace.projects; prj != ide.workspace.projects.firstIterator.data) { bool match; char * dot; char prjTargetPath[MAX_LOCATION]; char prjTargetFile[MAX_FILENAME]; DirExpression targetDirExp = prj.GetTargetDir(currentCompiler, prj.config, bitDepth); strcpy(prjTargetPath, prj.topNode.path); PathCat(prjTargetPath, targetDirExp.dir); delete targetDirExp; prjTargetFile[0] = '\0'; prj.CatTargetFileName(prjTargetFile, currentCompiler, prj.config); PathCat(prjTargetPath, prjTargetFile); MakeSystemPath(prjTargetPath); match = !fstrcmp(prjTargetFile, file); if(!match && (dot = strstr(prjTargetFile, ".so."))) { char * dot3 = strstr(dot+4, "."); if(dot3) { dot3[0] = '\0'; match = !fstrcmp(prjTargetFile, file); } if(!match) { dot[3] = '\0'; match = !fstrcmp(prjTargetFile, file); } } if(match) { // TODO: nice visual feedback to better warn user. use some ide notification system or other means. /* -- this is disabled because we can't trust gdb's symbols-loaded="0" field for =library-loaded (http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=10693) if(!symbolsLoaded) ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Attention! No symbols for loaded library %s matched to the %s added project.\n", path, prj.topNode.name); */ match = !fstrcmp(prjTargetPath, path); if(!match && (dot = strstr(prjTargetPath, ".so."))) { char * dot3 = strstr(dot+4, "."); if(dot3) { dot3[0] = '\0'; match = !fstrcmp(prjTargetPath, path); } if(!match) { dot[3] = '\0'; match = !fstrcmp(prjTargetPath, path); } } if(match) projectsLibraryLoaded[prj.name] = true; else ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"Loaded library %s doesn't match the %s target of the %s added project.\n", path, prjTargetPath, prj.topNode.name); break; } } } } void FGOBreakpointModified(Array outTokens) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::FGOBreakpointModified() -- TODO only if needed: support breakpoint modified"); #if 0 DebugListItem item { }; if(outTokens.count > 1 && TokenizeListItem(outTokens[1], item)) { if(!strcmp(item.name, "bkpt")) { GdbDataBreakpoint modBp = ParseBreakpoint(item.value, outTokens); delete modBp; } } #endif } ExpressionType ::DebugEvalExpTypeError(char * result) { _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerWatches, 0, "Debugger::DebugEvalExpTypeError()"); if(result) return dummyExp; switch(eval.error) { case symbolNotFound: return symbolErrorExp; case memoryCantBeRead: return memoryErrorExp; } return unknownErrorExp; } char * ::EvaluateExpression(char * expression, ExpressionType * error) { char * result; _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerWatches, 0, "Debugger::EvaluateExpression(", expression, ")"); if(ide.projectView && ide.debugger.state == stopped) { result = GdbEvaluateExpression(expression); *error = DebugEvalExpTypeError(result); } else { result = null; *error = noDebuggerErrorExp; } return result; } char * ::ReadMemory(uint64 address, int size, char format, ExpressionType * error) { // check for state char * result = GdbReadMemoryString(address, size, format, 1, 1); _dpcl(_dpct, dplchan::debuggerCall, 0, "Debugger::ReadMemory(", address, ")"); if(!result || !strcmp(result, "N/A")) *error = memoryErrorExp; else *error = DebugEvalExpTypeError(result); return result; } } class ValgrindLogThread : Thread { Debugger debugger; unsigned int Main() { static char output[4096]; bool lastLineEmpty = true; Array dynamicBuffer { minAllocSize = 4096 }; File oldValgrindHandle = vgLogFile; incref oldValgrindHandle; app.Lock(); while(debugger.state != terminated && vgLogFile && vgLogFile.input) { int result = 0; app.Unlock(); if(vgLogFile) result = vgLogFile.Read(output, 1, sizeof(output)); app.Lock(); if(debugger.state == terminated || !vgLogFile) // || vgLogFile.Eof() break; if(result) { int c; int start = 0; for(c = 0; c dynamicBuffer { minAllocSize = 4096 }; DualPipe oldValgrindHandle = vgTargetHandle; incref oldValgrindHandle; app.Lock(); while(debugger.state != terminated && vgTargetHandle && !vgTargetHandle.Eof()) { int result; app.Unlock(); result = vgTargetHandle.Read(output, 1, sizeof(output)); app.Lock(); if(debugger.state == terminated || !vgTargetHandle || vgTargetHandle.Eof()) break; if(result) { int c; int start = 0; for(c = 0; c dynamicBuffer { minAllocSize = 4096 }; DualPipe oldGdbHandle = gdbHandle; incref oldGdbHandle; app.Lock(); while(debugger.state != terminated && gdbHandle && !gdbHandle.Eof()) { int result; app.Unlock(); result = gdbHandle.Read(output, 1, sizeof(output)); app.Lock(); if(debugger.state == terminated || !gdbHandle || gdbHandle.Eof()) break; if(result) { int c; int start = 0; for(c = 0; c #include #include #include #undef uint File fifoFile; class ProgramThread : Thread { bool terminate; unsigned int Main() { //bool result = true; //bool fileCreated = false; //mode_t mask = 0600; static char output[1000]; int fd = 0; /*if(!mkfifo(progFifoPath, mask)) { fileCreated = true; } else { app.Lock(); ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf($"err: Unable to create FIFO %s\n", progFifoPath); app.Unlock(); }*/ if(FileExists(progFifoPath)) //fileCreated) { fifoFile = FileOpen(progFifoPath, read); if(!fifoFile) { app.Lock(); ide.outputView.debugBox.Logf(openFIFOMsg, progFifoPath); app.Unlock(); } else { fd = fileno((FILE *)fifoFile.input); //fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK); } } while(!terminate && fifoFile && !fifoFile.Eof()) { fd_set rs, es; struct timeval time; //int selectResult; time.tv_sec = 1; time.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&rs); FD_ZERO(&es); FD_SET(fd, &rs); FD_SET(fd, &es); /*selectResult = */select(fd + 1, &rs, null, null, &time); if(FD_ISSET(fd, &rs)) { int result = (int)read(fd, output, sizeof(output)-1); if(!result || (result < 0 && errno != EAGAIN)) break; if(result > 0) { output[result] = '\0'; if(strcmp(output,"&\"warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: Invalid argument\\n\"\n")) { app.Lock(); ide.outputView.debugBox.Log(output); app.Unlock(); } } } } //if(fifoFile) { //fifoFile.CloseInput(); //delete fifoFile; app.Lock(); ide.outputView.debugBox.Log("\n"); app.Unlock(); } /* if(FileExists(progFifoPath)) //fileCreated) { DeleteFile(progFifoPath); progFifoPath[0] = '\0'; } */ return 0; } } #endif class Argument : struct { Argument prev, next; char * name; property char * name { set { delete name; if(value) name = CopyString(value); } } char * val; property char * val { set { delete val; if(value) val = CopyString(value); } } void Free() { delete name; delete val; } ~Argument() { Free(); } } class Frame : struct { Frame prev, next; int level; char * addr; property char * addr { set { delete addr; if(value) addr = CopyString(value); } } char * func; property char * func { set { delete func; if(value) func = CopyString(value); } } int argsCount; OldList args; char * from; property char * from { set { delete from; if(value) from = CopyUnescapedUnixPath(value); } } char * file; property char * file { set { delete file; if(value) file = CopyUnescapedUnixPath(value); } } char * absoluteFile; property char * absoluteFile { set { delete absoluteFile; if(value) absoluteFile = CopyUnescapedUnixPath(value); } } int line; void Free() { delete addr; delete func; delete from; delete file; delete absoluteFile; args.Free(Argument::Free); } ~Frame() { Free(); } } class GdbDataStop : struct { DebuggerReason reason; int threadid; union { struct { int bkptno; }; struct { char * name; char * meaning; }; struct { char * gdbResultVar; char * returnValue; }; }; Frame frame { }; void Free() { if(reason) { if(reason == signalReceived) { delete name; delete meaning; } else if(reason == functionFinished) { delete gdbResultVar; delete returnValue; } } if(frame) frame.Free(); } ~GdbDataStop() { Free(); } } class GdbDataBreakpoint : struct { int id; char * number; property char * number { set { delete number; if(value) number = CopyString(value); } } char * type; property char * type { set { delete type; if(value) type = CopyString(value); } } char * disp; property char * disp { set { delete disp; if(value) disp = CopyString(value); } } bool enabled; char * addr; property char * addr { set { delete addr; if(value) addr = CopyString(value); } } char * func; property char * func { set { delete func; if(value) func = CopyString(value); } } char * file; property char * file { set { delete file; if(value) file = CopyUnescapedUnixPath(value); } } char * fullname; property char * fullname { set { delete fullname; if(value) fullname = CopyUnescapedUnixPath(value); } } int line; char * at; property char * at { set { delete at; if(value) at = CopyString(value); } } int times; Array multipleBPs; void Print() { _dplf(0, ""); PrintLn("{", "#", number, " T", type, " D", disp, " E", enabled, " H", times, " (", func, ") (", file, ":", line, ") (", fullname, ") (", addr, ") (", at, ")", "}"); } void Free() { delete type; delete disp; delete addr; delete func; delete file; delete at; if(multipleBPs) multipleBPs.Free(); delete multipleBPs; delete number; delete fullname; } ~GdbDataBreakpoint() { Free(); } } class Breakpoint : struct { class_no_expansion; char * function; property const char * function { set { delete function; if(value) function = CopyString(value); } } char * relativeFilePath; property const char * relativeFilePath { set { delete relativeFilePath; if(value) relativeFilePath = CopyString(value); } } char * absoluteFilePath; property const char * absoluteFilePath { set { delete absoluteFilePath; if(value) absoluteFilePath = CopyString(value); } } char * location; property const char * location { set { delete location; if(value) location = CopyString(value); } } int line; bool enabled; int hits; int breaks; int ignore; int level; Watch condition; bool inserted; BreakpointType type; DataRow row; GdbDataBreakpoint bp; Project project; char * address; property const char * address { set { delete address; if(value) address = CopyString(value); } } void ParseLocation() { char * prjName = null; char * filePath = null; char * file; char * line; char fullPath[MAX_LOCATION]; if(location[0] == '(' && location[1] && (file = strchr(location+2, ')')) && file[1]) { prjName = new char[file-location]; strncpy(prjName, location+1, file-location-1); prjName[file-location-1] = '\0'; file++; } else file = location; if((line = strchr(file+1, ':'))) { filePath = new char[strlen(file)+1]; strncpy(filePath, file, line-file); filePath[line-file] = '\0'; line++; } else filePath = CopyString(file); property::relativeFilePath = filePath; if(prjName) { for(prj : ide.workspace.projects) { if(!strcmp(prjName, prj.name)) { if(prj.GetAbsoluteFromRelativePath(filePath, fullPath, null)) { property::absoluteFilePath = fullPath; project = prj; break; } } } if(line[0]) this.line = atoi(line); } else { Project prj = ide.project; if(prj.GetAbsoluteFromRelativePath(filePath, fullPath, null)) { property::absoluteFilePath = fullPath; project = prj; } } if(!absoluteFilePath) property::absoluteFilePath = ""; delete prjName; delete filePath; } char * CopyLocationString(bool removePath) { char * location; char * file = relativeFilePath ? relativeFilePath : absoluteFilePath; bool removingPath = removePath && file; if(removingPath) { char * fileName = new char[MAX_FILENAME]; GetLastDirectory(file, fileName); file = fileName; } if(function) { if(file) location = PrintString(file, ":", function); else location = CopyString(function); } else location = PrintString(file, ":", line); if(removingPath) delete file; return location; } char * CopyUserLocationString() { char * location; char * loc = CopyLocationString(false); Project prj = null; if(absoluteFilePath) { for(p : ide.workspace.projects; p != ide.workspace.projects.firstIterator.data) { if(p.topNode.FindByFullPath(absoluteFilePath, false)) { prj = p; break; } } } if(prj) { location = PrintString("(", prj.name, ")", loc); delete loc; } else location = loc; return location; } void Save(File f) { if(relativeFilePath && relativeFilePath[0]) { char * location = CopyUserLocationString(); f.Printf(" * %d,%d,%d,%d,%s\n", enabled ? 1 : 0, ignore, level, line, location); delete location; if(condition) f.Printf(" ~ %s\n", condition.expression); } } void Free() { Reset(); delete function; delete relativeFilePath; delete absoluteFilePath; delete location; } void Reset() { inserted = false; delete address; if(bp) bp.Free(); delete bp; } ~Breakpoint() { Free(); } } class Watch : struct { class_no_expansion; Type type; char * expression; char * value; DataRow row; void Save(File f) { f.Printf(" ~ %s\n", expression); } void Free() { delete expression; delete value; FreeType(type); type = null; } void Reset() { delete value; FreeType(type); type = null; } ~Watch() { Free(); } } class DebugListItem : struct { char * name; char * value; } struct DebugEvaluationData { bool active; char * result; int bytes; uint64 nextBlockAddress; DebuggerEvaluationError error; }; class CodeLocation : struct { char * file; char * absoluteFile; int line; CodeLocation ::ParseCodeLocation(char * location) { if(location) { char * colon = null; char * temp; char loc[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(loc, location); for(temp = loc; (temp = strstr(temp, ":")); temp++) colon = temp; if(colon) { colon[0] = '\0'; colon++; if(colon) { int line = atoi(colon); if(line) { CodeLocation codloc { line = line }; codloc.file = CopyString(loc); codloc.absoluteFile = ide.workspace.CopyAbsolutePathFromRelative(loc); return codloc; } } } } return null; } void Free() { delete file; delete absoluteFile; } ~CodeLocation() { Free(); } } void GDBFallBack(Expression exp, String expString) { char * result; ExpressionType evalError = dummyExp; result = Debugger::EvaluateExpression(expString, &evalError); if(result) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = result; exp.type = constantExp; } }