namespace gui::drivers; import "Window" import "Interface" import "Condition" #define uint _uint #define set _set #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef set #undef uint #define LOGI(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "ecere-app", __VA_ARGS__)) #define LOGE(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "ecere-app", __VA_ARGS__)) #define LOGW(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, "ecere-app", __VA_ARGS__)) #ifndef _DEBUG #define LOGV(...) ((void)0) #else #define LOGV(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, "ecere-app", __VA_ARGS__)) #endif // *** NATIVE APP GLUE ******** enum LooperID { main = 1, input = 2, user = 3 }; enum AppCommand : byte { error = 0, inputChanged, initWindow, termWindow, windowResized, windowRedrawNeeded, contentRectChanged, gainedFocus, lostFocus, configChanged, lowMemory, start, resume, saveState, pause, stop, destroy }; class AndroidPollSource { public: void * userData; LooperID id; virtual void any_object::process(); }; class AndroidAppGlue : Thread { void* userData; virtual void onAppCmd(AppCommand cmd); virtual int onInputEvent(AInputEvent* event); virtual void main(); ANativeActivity* activity; AConfiguration* config; void* savedState; uint savedStateSize; ALooper* looper; AInputQueue* inputQueue; ANativeWindow* window; ARect contentRect; AppCommand activityState; bool destroyRequested; char * moduleName; private: Mutex mutex { }; Condition cond { }; int msgread, msgwrite; unsigned int Main() { config = AConfiguration_new(); AConfiguration_fromAssetManager(config, activity->assetManager); print_cur_config(); looper = ALooper_prepare(ALOOPER_PREPARE_ALLOW_NON_CALLBACKS); ALooper_addFd(looper, msgread, LooperID::main, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT, null, cmdPollSource); mutex.Wait(); running = true; cond.Signal(); mutex.Release(); main(); destroy(); return 0; } void destroy() { free_saved_state(); mutex.Wait(); if(inputQueue) AInputQueue_detachLooper(inputQueue); AConfiguration_delete(config); destroyed = true; cond.Signal(); mutex.Release(); } AndroidPollSource cmdPollSource { this, main; void process() { AppCommand cmd = read_cmd(); pre_exec_cmd(cmd); onAppCmd(cmd); post_exec_cmd(cmd); } }; AndroidPollSource inputPollSource { this, input; void process() { AInputEvent* event = null; if(AInputQueue_getEvent(inputQueue, &event) >= 0) { //int handled = 0; LOGV("New input event: type=%d\n", AInputEvent_getType(event)); if(AInputQueue_preDispatchEvent(inputQueue, event)) return; /*handled = */onInputEvent(event); //AInputQueue_finishEvent(inputQueue, event, handled); } else LOGE("Failure reading next input event: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } }; bool running; bool stateSaved; bool destroyed; AInputQueue* pendingInputQueue; ANativeWindow* pendingWindow; ARect pendingContentRect; void free_saved_state() { mutex.Wait(); if(savedState) free(savedState); savedState = 0; savedStateSize = 0; mutex.Release(); } AppCommand read_cmd() { AppCommand cmd; if(read(msgread, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) == sizeof(cmd)) { if(cmd == saveState) free_saved_state(); return cmd; } else LOGE("No data on command pipe!"); return error; } void print_cur_config() { char lang[2], country[2]; AConfiguration_getLanguage(config, lang); AConfiguration_getCountry(config, country); LOGV("Config: mcc=%d mnc=%d lang=%c%c cnt=%c%c orien=%d touch=%d dens=%d " "keys=%d nav=%d keysHid=%d navHid=%d sdk=%d size=%d long=%d " "modetype=%d modenight=%d", AConfiguration_getMcc(config), AConfiguration_getMnc(config), lang[0], lang[1], country[0], country[1], AConfiguration_getOrientation(config), AConfiguration_getTouchscreen(config), AConfiguration_getDensity(config), AConfiguration_getKeyboard(config), AConfiguration_getNavigation(config), AConfiguration_getKeysHidden(config), AConfiguration_getNavHidden(config), AConfiguration_getSdkVersion(config), AConfiguration_getScreenSize(config), AConfiguration_getScreenLong(config), AConfiguration_getUiModeType(config), AConfiguration_getUiModeNight(config)); } void pre_exec_cmd(AppCommand cmd) { //PrintLn("pre_exec_cmd: ", cmd); switch(cmd) { case inputChanged: mutex.Wait(); if(inputQueue) AInputQueue_detachLooper(inputQueue); inputQueue = pendingInputQueue; if(inputQueue) AInputQueue_attachLooper(inputQueue, looper, LooperID::input, null, inputPollSource); cond.Signal(); mutex.Release(); break; case initWindow: mutex.Wait(); window = pendingWindow; cond.Signal(); mutex.Release(); break; case termWindow: cond.Signal(); break; case resume: case start: case pause: case stop: mutex.Wait(); activityState = cmd; cond.Signal(); mutex.Release(); break; case configChanged: AConfiguration_fromAssetManager(config, activity->assetManager); print_cur_config(); break; case destroy: destroyRequested = true; break; } } void post_exec_cmd(AppCommand cmd) { //PrintLn("post_exec_cmd: ", cmd); switch(cmd) { case termWindow: mutex.Wait(); window = null; cond.Signal(); mutex.Release(); break; case saveState: mutex.Wait(); stateSaved = true; cond.Signal(); mutex.Release(); break; case resume: free_saved_state(); break; } } void write_cmd(AppCommand cmd) { if(write(msgwrite, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) != sizeof(cmd)) LOGE("Failure writing android_app cmd: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } void set_input(AInputQueue* inputQueue) { mutex.Wait(); pendingInputQueue = inputQueue; write_cmd(inputChanged); while(inputQueue != pendingInputQueue) cond.Wait(mutex); mutex.Release(); } void set_window(ANativeWindow* window) { mutex.Wait(); if(pendingWindow) write_cmd(termWindow); pendingWindow = window; if(window) write_cmd(initWindow); while(window != pendingWindow) cond.Wait(mutex); mutex.Release(); } void set_activity_state(AppCommand cmd) { mutex.Wait(); write_cmd(cmd); while(activityState != cmd) cond.Wait(mutex); mutex.Release(); } void cleanup() { mutex.Wait(); write_cmd(destroy); while(!destroyed) cond.Wait(mutex); mutex.Release(); close(msgread); close(msgwrite); } void setSavedState(void * state, uint size) { if(savedState) free(savedState); savedState = null; if(state) { savedState = malloc(size); savedStateSize = size; memcpy(savedState, state, size); } else savedStateSize = 0; } public void Create() { int msgpipe[2]; if(pipe(msgpipe)) LOGE("could not create pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); msgread = msgpipe[0]; msgwrite = msgpipe[1]; Thread::Create(); // Wait for thread to start. mutex.Wait(); while(!running) cond.Wait(mutex); mutex.Release(); } } // Callbacks static void onDestroy(ANativeActivity* activity) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("Destroy: %p\n", activity); app.cleanup(); app.Wait(); delete androidActivity; delete __androidCurrentModule; LOGI("THE END."); } static void onStart(ANativeActivity* activity) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("Start: %p\n", activity); app.set_activity_state(start); } static void onResume(ANativeActivity* activity) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("Resume: %p\n", activity); app.set_activity_state(resume); } static void* onSaveInstanceState(ANativeActivity* activity, size_t* outLen) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; void* savedState = null; LOGI("SaveInstanceState: %p\n", activity); app.mutex.Wait(); app.stateSaved = false; app.write_cmd(saveState); while(!app.stateSaved) app.cond.Wait(app.mutex); if(app.savedState) { savedState = app.savedState; *outLen = app.savedStateSize; app.savedState = null; app.savedStateSize = 0; } app.mutex.Release(); return savedState; } static void onPause(ANativeActivity* activity) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("Pause: %p\n", activity); app.set_activity_state(pause); } static void onStop(ANativeActivity* activity) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("Stop: %p\n", activity); app.set_activity_state(stop); } static void onConfigurationChanged(ANativeActivity* activity) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("ConfigurationChanged: %p\n", activity); app.write_cmd(configChanged); } static void onLowMemory(ANativeActivity* activity) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("LowMemory: %p\n", activity); app.write_cmd(lowMemory); } static void onWindowFocusChanged(ANativeActivity* activity, int focused) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("WindowFocusChanged: %p -- %d\n", activity, focused); app.write_cmd(focused ? gainedFocus : lostFocus); } static void onNativeWindowCreated(ANativeActivity* activity, ANativeWindow* window) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("NativeWindowCreated: %p -- %p\n", activity, window); app.set_window(window); } static void onNativeWindowDestroyed(ANativeActivity* activity, ANativeWindow* window) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("NativeWindowDestroyed: %p -- %p\n", activity, window); app.set_window(null); } static void onInputQueueCreated(ANativeActivity* activity, AInputQueue* queue) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("InputQueueCreated: %p -- %p\n", activity, queue); app.set_input(queue); } static void onInputQueueDestroyed(ANativeActivity* activity, AInputQueue* queue) { AndroidAppGlue app = (AndroidAppGlue)activity->instance; LOGI("InputQueueDestroyed: %p -- %p\n", activity, queue); app.inputQueue = null; app.set_input(null); } default dllexport void ANativeActivity_onCreate(ANativeActivity* activity, void* savedState, size_t savedStateSize) { AndroidAppGlue app; char * moduleName; // Determine our package name JNIEnv* env=activity->env; jclass clazz; const char* str; jboolean isCopy; jmethodID methodID; jobject result; // *** Reinitialize static global variables *** gotInit = false; guiApplicationInitialized = false; guiApp = null; desktopW = 0; desktopH = 0; clipBoardData = null; __thisModule = null; __androidCurrentModule = null; prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1); LOGI("Creating: %p\n", activity); //(*activity->vm)->AttachCurrentThread(activity->vm, &env, 0); clazz = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, activity->clazz); methodID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazz, "getPackageName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); result = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, activity->clazz, methodID); str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, (jstring)result, &isCopy); // (*activity->vm)->DetachCurrentThread(activity->vm); moduleName = strstr(str, "com.ecere."); if(moduleName) moduleName += 10; androidArgv[0] = moduleName; // Create a base Application class __androidCurrentModule = __ecere_COM_Initialize(true, 1, androidArgv); // Load up Ecere eModule_Load(__androidCurrentModule, "ecere", publicAccess); /* if(activity->internalDataPath) PrintLn("internalDataPath is ", activity->internalDataPath); if(activity->externalDataPath) PrintLn("externalDataPath is ", activity->externalDataPath); { char tmp[256]; PrintLn("cwd is ", GetWorkingDir(tmp, sizeof(tmp))); } */ ANativeActivity_setWindowFlags(activity, AWINDOW_FLAG_FULLSCREEN|AWINDOW_FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON, 0 ); app = AndroidActivity { activity = activity, moduleName = moduleName }; incref app; app.setSavedState(savedState, savedStateSize); activity->callbacks->onDestroy = onDestroy; activity->callbacks->onStart = onStart; activity->callbacks->onResume = onResume; activity->callbacks->onSaveInstanceState = onSaveInstanceState; activity->callbacks->onPause = onPause; activity->callbacks->onStop = onStop; activity->callbacks->onConfigurationChanged = onConfigurationChanged; activity->callbacks->onLowMemory = onLowMemory; activity->callbacks->onWindowFocusChanged = onWindowFocusChanged; activity->callbacks->onNativeWindowCreated = onNativeWindowCreated; activity->callbacks->onNativeWindowDestroyed = onNativeWindowDestroyed; activity->callbacks->onInputQueueCreated = onInputQueueCreated; activity->callbacks->onInputQueueDestroyed = onInputQueueDestroyed; activity->instance = app; app.Create(); } // *** END OF NATIVE APP GLUE ****** default: extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnKeyHit; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnKeyUp; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnKeyDown; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnKeyHit; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnMouseMove; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnLeftDoubleClick; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnLeftButtonDown; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnLeftButtonUp; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnMiddleDoubleClick; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnMiddleButtonDown; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnMiddleButtonUp; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnRightDoubleClick; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnRightButtonDown; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnRightButtonUp; private: static Module __androidCurrentModule; static char * androidArgv[1]; static int desktopW, desktopH; static char * clipBoardData; static int mouseX, mouseY; class AndroidInterface : Interface { class_property(name) = "Android"; // --- User Interface System --- bool Initialize() { setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"); return true; } void Terminate() { } #define DBLCLICK_DELAY 300 // 0.3 second #define DBLCLICK_DELTA 1 bool ProcessInput(bool processAll) { bool eventAvailable = false; if(androidActivity.ident < 0) androidActivity.ident = (LooperID)ALooper_pollAll(0, null, &, (void**)&androidActivity.source); if(gotInit && androidActivity.window) { int w = ANativeWindow_getWidth(androidActivity.window); int h = ANativeWindow_getHeight(androidActivity.window); if(desktopW != w || desktopH != h) { guiApp.SetDesktopPosition(0, 0, w, h, true); desktopW = w; desktopH = h; guiApp.desktop.Update(null); } } while(androidActivity.ident >= 0) { AndroidPollSource source = androidActivity.source; androidActivity.source = null; if(source) source.process(source.userData); // If a sensor has data, process it now. /* if(androidActivity.ident == user) { if(androidActivity.accelerometerSensor) { ASensorEvent event; while (ASensorEventQueue_getEvents(androidActivity.sensorEventQueue, &event, 1) > 0) LOGI("accelerometer: x=%f y=%f z=%f", event.acceleration.x, event.acceleration.y, event.acceleration.z); } } */ eventAvailable = true; if(androidActivity.destroyRequested) { guiApp.desktop.Destroy(0); eventAvailable = true; androidActivity.ident = (LooperID)-1; } else if(processAll) androidActivity.ident = (LooperID)ALooper_pollAll(0, null, &, (void**)&androidActivity.source); else androidActivity.ident = (LooperID)-1; } return eventAvailable; } void Wait() { androidActivity.ident = (LooperID)ALooper_pollAll((int)(1000/18.2f), null, &, (void**)&androidActivity.source); // guiApp.WaitEvent(); } void Lock(Window window) { } void Unlock(Window window) { } const char ** GraphicsDrivers(int * numDrivers) { static const char *graphicsDrivers[] = { "OpenGL" }; *numDrivers = sizeof(graphicsDrivers) / sizeof(char *); return (const char **)graphicsDrivers; } void GetCurrentMode(bool * fullScreen, int * resolution, int * colorDepth, int * refreshRate) { *fullScreen = true; } void EnsureFullScreen(bool *fullScreen) { *fullScreen = true; } bool ScreenMode(bool fullScreen, int resolution, int colorDepth, int refreshRate, bool * textMode) { bool result = true; return result; } // --- Window Creation --- void * CreateRootWindow(Window window) { return androidActivity.window; } void DestroyRootWindow(Window window) { } // -- Window manipulation --- void SetRootWindowCaption(Window window, const char * name) { } void PositionRootWindow(Window window, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool move, bool resize) { } void OrderRootWindow(Window window, bool topMost) { } void SetRootWindowColor(Window window) { } void OffsetWindow(Window window, int * x, int * y) { } void UpdateRootWindow(Window window) { if(!window.parent || !window.parent.display) { if(window.visible) { Box box =; box.left -= window.clientStart.x; -= window.clientStart.y; box.right -= window.clientStart.x; box.bottom -= window.clientStart.y; // Logf("Update root window %s\n",; window.Update(null); box.left += window.clientStart.x; += window.clientStart.y; box.right += window.clientStart.x; box.bottom += window.clientStart.y; window.UpdateDirty(box); } } } void SetRootWindowState(Window window, WindowState state, bool visible) { } void FlashRootWindow(Window window) { } void ActivateRootWindow(Window window) { } // --- Mouse-based window movement --- void StartMoving(Window window, int x, int y, bool fromKeyBoard) { } void StopMoving(Window window) { } // -- Mouse manipulation --- void GetMousePosition(int *x, int *y) { *x = mouseX; *y = mouseY; } void SetMousePosition(int x, int y) { mouseX = x; mouseY = y; } void SetMouseRange(Window window, Box box) { } void SetMouseCapture(Window window) { } // -- Mouse cursor --- void SetMouseCursor(Window window, int cursor) { if(cursor == -1) { } } // --- Caret --- void SetCaret(int x, int y, int size) { Window caretOwner = guiApp.caretOwner; Window window = caretOwner ? caretOwner.rootWindow : null; if(window && window.windowData) { } } void ClearClipboard() { if(clipBoardData) { delete clipBoardData; } } bool AllocateClipboard(ClipBoard clipBoard, uint size) { bool result = false; if((clipBoard.text = new0 byte[size])) result = true; return result; } bool SaveClipboard(ClipBoard clipBoard) { bool result = false; if(clipBoard.text) { if(clipBoardData) delete clipBoardData; clipBoardData = clipBoard.text; clipBoard.text = null; result = true; } return result; } bool LoadClipboard(ClipBoard clipBoard) { bool result = false; // The data is inside this client... if(clipBoardData) { clipBoard.text = new char[strlen(clipBoardData)+1]; strcpy(clipBoard.text, clipBoardData); result = true; } // The data is with another client... else { } return result; } void UnloadClipboard(ClipBoard clipBoard) { delete clipBoard.text; } // --- State based input --- bool AcquireInput(Window window, bool state) { return false; } bool GetMouseState(MouseButtons * buttons, int * x, int * y) { bool result = false; if(x) *x = 0; if(y) *y = 0; return result; } bool GetJoystickState(int device, Joystick joystick) { bool result = false; return result; } bool GetKeyState(Key key) { bool keyState = false; return keyState; } void SetTimerResolution(uint hertz) { // timerDelay = hertz ? (1000000 / hertz) : MAXINT; } bool SetIcon(Window window, BitmapResource resource) { if(resource) { /*Bitmap bitmap { }; if(bitmap.Load(resource.fileName, null, null)) { } delete bitmap;*/ } return true; } } struct SavedState { float angle; int x; int y; }; static AndroidActivity androidActivity; default const char * AndroidInterface_GetLibLocation(Application a) { static char loc[MAX_LOCATION]; // sprintf(loc, "/data/data/com.ecere.%s/lib/lib", a.argv[0]); sprintf(loc, "/data/app/com.ecere.%s-1/lib/arm64/lib", a.argv[0]); return loc; } static bool gotInit; default float AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(const AInputEvent* motion_event, int32_t axis, size_t pointer_index); static define AMETA_META_ON = 0x00010000; static define AMETA_META_LEFT_ON = 0x00020000; static define AMETA_META_RIGHT_ON = 0x00040000; static Key keyCodeTable[] = { 0, //AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN = 0, 0, //AKEYCODE_SOFT_LEFT = 1, 0, //AKEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT = 2, 0, //AKEYCODE_HOME = 3, 0, //AKEYCODE_BACK = 4, 0, //AKEYCODE_CALL = 5, 0, //AKEYCODE_ENDCALL = 6, k0, //AKEYCODE_0 = 7, k1, //AKEYCODE_1 = 8, k2, //AKEYCODE_2 = 9, k3, //AKEYCODE_3 = 10, k4, //AKEYCODE_4 = 11, k5, //AKEYCODE_5 = 12, k6, //AKEYCODE_6 = 13, k7, //AKEYCODE_7 = 14, k8, //AKEYCODE_8 = 15, k9, //AKEYCODE_9 = 16, keyPadStar, //AKEYCODE_STAR = 17, Key { k3, shift = true }, //AKEYCODE_POUND = 18, up, //AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP = 19, down, //AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN = 20, left, //AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT = 21, right, //AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT = 22, keyPad5, //AKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER = 23, 0, //AKEYCODE_VOLUME_UP = 24, 0, //AKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN = 25, 0, //AKEYCODE_POWER = 26, 0, //AKEYCODE_CAMERA = 27, 0, //AKEYCODE_CLEAR = 28, a, //AKEYCODE_A = 29, b, //AKEYCODE_B = 30, c, //AKEYCODE_C = 31, d, //AKEYCODE_D = 32, e, //AKEYCODE_E = 33, f, //AKEYCODE_F = 34, g, //AKEYCODE_G = 35, h, //AKEYCODE_H = 36, i, //AKEYCODE_I = 37, j, //AKEYCODE_J = 38, k, //AKEYCODE_K = 39, l, //AKEYCODE_L = 40, m, //AKEYCODE_M = 41, n, //AKEYCODE_N = 42, o, //AKEYCODE_O = 43, p, //AKEYCODE_P = 44, q, //AKEYCODE_Q = 45, r, //AKEYCODE_R = 46, s, //AKEYCODE_S = 47, t, //AKEYCODE_T = 48, u, //AKEYCODE_U = 49, v, //AKEYCODE_V = 50, w, //AKEYCODE_W = 51, x, //AKEYCODE_X = 52, y, //AKEYCODE_Y = 53, z, //AKEYCODE_Z = 54, comma, //AKEYCODE_COMMA = 55, period, //AKEYCODE_PERIOD = 56, leftAlt, //AKEYCODE_ALT_LEFT = 57, rightAlt, //AKEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT = 58, leftShift, //AKEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT = 59, rightShift, //AKEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT = 60, tab, //AKEYCODE_TAB = 61, space, //AKEYCODE_SPACE = 62, 0, //AKEYCODE_SYM = 63, 0, //AKEYCODE_EXPLORER = 64, 0, //AKEYCODE_ENVELOPE = 65, enter, //AKEYCODE_ENTER = 66, backSpace, //AKEYCODE_DEL = 67, backQuote, //AKEYCODE_GRAVE = 68, minus, //AKEYCODE_MINUS = 69, plus, //AKEYCODE_EQUALS = 70, leftBracket, //AKEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET = 71, rightBracket, //AKEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET = 72, backSlash, //AKEYCODE_BACKSLASH = 73, semicolon, //AKEYCODE_SEMICOLON = 74, quote, //AKEYCODE_APOSTROPHE = 75, slash, //AKEYCODE_SLASH = 76, Key { k2, shift = true }, //AKEYCODE_AT = 77, 0, //AKEYCODE_NUM = 78, // Interpreted as an Alt 0, //AKEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK = 79, 0, //AKEYCODE_FOCUS = 80, // *Camera* focus keyPadPlus, //AKEYCODE_PLUS = 81, 0, //AKEYCODE_MENU = 82, 0, //AKEYCODE_NOTIFICATION = 83, 0, //AKEYCODE_SEARCH = 84, 0, //AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE= 85, 0, //AKEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP = 86, 0, //AKEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT = 87, 0, //AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS = 88, 0, //AKEYCODE_MEDIA_REWIND = 89, 0, //AKEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD = 90, 0, //AKEYCODE_MUTE = 91, 0, //AKEYCODE_PAGE_UP = 92, 0, //AKEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN = 93, 0, //AKEYCODE_PICTSYMBOLS = 94, 0, //AKEYCODE_SWITCH_CHARSET = 95, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_A = 96, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_B = 97, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_C = 98, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_X = 99, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_Y = 100, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_Z = 101, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_L1 = 102, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_R1 = 103, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_L2 = 104, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_R2 = 105, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBL = 106, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBR = 107, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_START = 108, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_SELECT = 109, 0, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_MODE = 110, escape, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_ESCAPE = 111, del, //AKEYCODE_BUTTON_ESCAPE = 112, leftControl, // = 113 rightControl, // = 114 capsLock, // = 115 scrollLock, // = 116 0, // = 117 KEYCODE_META_LEFT 0, // = 118 KEYCODE_META_RIGHT 0, // = 119 KEYCODE_FUNCTION printScreen, // = 120 KEYCODE_SYSRQ pauseBreak, // = 121 home, // = 122 end, // = 123 insert // = 124 }; // Why don't we have this in the NDK :( // default int32_t AKeyEvent_getUnichar(const AInputEvent* key_event); class AndroidActivity : AndroidAppGlue { AndroidPollSource source; int events; LooperID ident; /* ASensorManager* sensorManager; const ASensor* accelerometerSensor; ASensorEventQueue* sensorEventQueue; */ SavedState state; int onInputEvent(AInputEvent* event) { Window window = guiApp.desktop; uint type = AInputEvent_getType(event); if(type == AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION) { uint actionAndIndex = AMotionEvent_getAction(event); //uint source = AInputEvent_getSource(event); uint action = actionAndIndex & AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MASK; //uint index = (actionAndIndex & AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK) >> AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; //uint flags = AMotionEvent_getFlags(event); uint meta = AMotionEvent_getMetaState(event); //uint edge = AMotionEvent_getEdgeFlags(event); //int64 downTime = AMotionEvent_getDownTime(event); // nanotime //int64 eventTime = AMotionEvent_getDownTime(event); //float axis; Modifiers keyFlags = 0; int x = (int)AMotionEvent_getX(event, 0); int y = (int)AMotionEvent_getY(event, 0); bool shift = (meta & AMETA_SHIFT_ON) ? true : false; bool alt = (meta & AMETA_ALT_ON) ? true : false; //bool sym = (meta & AMETA_SYM_ON) ? true : false; keyFlags.shift = shift; keyFlags.alt = alt; //PrintLn("Got a motion input event: ", action); /* if(action == 8) //AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_SCROLL) axis = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, 9, index); //AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_VSCROLL); */ AInputQueue_finishEvent(inputQueue, event, 1); switch(action) { /* case 8: //AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_SCROLL: window.KeyMessage(__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnKeyHit, (axis < 0) ? wheelUp : wheelDown, 0); break; */ case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN: mouseX = x, mouseY = y; window.MouseMessage(__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnLeftButtonDown, x, y, &keyFlags, false, true); break; case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP: mouseX = x, mouseY = y; window.MouseMessage(__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnLeftButtonUp, x, y, &keyFlags, false, true); break; case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE: mouseX = x, mouseY = y; window.MouseMessage(__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnMouseMove, x, y, &keyFlags, false, true); break; case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL: break; case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_OUTSIDE: break; case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: break; case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP: break; } return 1; } else if(type == AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_KEY) { uint action = AKeyEvent_getAction(event); //uint flags = AKeyEvent_getFlags(event); uint keyCode = AKeyEvent_getKeyCode(event); uint meta = AKeyEvent_getMetaState(event); Key key = keyCodeTable[keyCode]; bool shift = (meta & AMETA_SHIFT_ON) ? true : false; bool alt = (meta & AMETA_ALT_ON || meta & AMETA_ALT_LEFT_ON || meta & AMETA_ALT_RIGHT_ON) ? true : false; //bool metaMeta = (meta & AMETA_META_ON || meta & AMETA_META_LEFT_ON || meta & AMETA_META_RIGHT_ON) ? true : false; //bool sym = (meta & AMETA_SYM_ON) ? true : false; //unichar ch = AKeyEvent_getUnichar(event); unichar ch = 0; key.shift = shift; key.alt = alt; AInputQueue_finishEvent(inputQueue, event, 1); // PrintLn("Got a key: action = ", action, ", flags = ", flags, ", keyCode = ", keyCode, ", meta = ", meta, ": key = ", (int)key); if(key) { if(action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN || action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_MULTIPLE) { /*if(key == wheelDown || key == wheelUp) window.KeyMessage(__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnKeyHit, key, ch); else*/ { char c = Interface::TranslateKey(key.code, shift); if(c > 0) ch = c; window.KeyMessage(__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnKeyDown, key, ch); } } else if(action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP) window.KeyMessage(__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__gui__Window_OnKeyUp, key, ch); } return 1; } else AInputQueue_finishEvent(inputQueue, event, 0); return 0; } void onAppCmd(AppCommand cmd) { switch(cmd) { case saveState: setSavedState(&state, sizeof(state)); break; case initWindow: if(window) { int w, h; gotInit = true; ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(window, 0, 0, 0); //format); w = ANativeWindow_getWidth(window); h = ANativeWindow_getHeight(window); guiApp.Initialize(false); guiApp.desktop.windowHandle = window; guiApp.interfaceDriver = null; guiApp.SwitchMode(true, null, 0, 0, 0, null, false); if(desktopW != w || desktopH != h) { guiApp.SetDesktopPosition(0, 0, w, h, true); desktopW = w; desktopH = h; } guiApp.desktop.Update(null); } break; case termWindow: guiApp.desktop.UnloadGraphics(false); break; case gainedFocus: guiApp.desktop.Update(null); guiApp.SetAppFocus(true); /* if(accelerometerSensor) { ASensorEventQueue_enableSensor(sensorEventQueue, accelerometerSensor); ASensorEventQueue_setEventRate(sensorEventQueue, accelerometerSensor, (1000L/60)*1000); } */ break; case lostFocus: /* if(accelerometerSensor) ASensorEventQueue_disableSensor(sensorEventQueue, accelerometerSensor); */ guiApp.SetAppFocus(false); guiApp.desktop.Update(null); break; case configChanged: if(window) guiApp.desktop.UpdateDisplay(); break; } } void main() { androidActivity = this; /* Let's have fun with sensors when we have an actual device to play with sensorManager = ASensorManager_getInstance(); accelerometerSensor = ASensorManager_getDefaultSensor(sensorManager, ASENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER); sensorEventQueue = ASensorManager_createEventQueue(sensorManager, looper, LooperID::user, null, null); */ if(savedState) state = *(SavedState*)savedState; { Module app; // Evolve the Application class into a GuiApplication eInstance_Evolve((Instance *)&__androidCurrentModule, class(GuiApplication)); // Wait for the initWindow command: guiApp.interfaceDriver = class(AndroidInterface); while(!gotInit) { // Can't call the GuiApplication here, because GuiApplication::Initialize() has not been called yet guiApp.interfaceDriver.Wait(); guiApp.interfaceDriver.ProcessInput(true); } // Invoke __ecereDll_Load() in lib[our package name].so app = eModule_Load(__androidCurrentModule, moduleName, publicAccess); if(app) { Class c; // Find out if any GuiApplication class was defined in our module for(c = app.classes.first; c && !eClass_IsDerived(c, class(GuiApplication)); c =; if(!c) c = class(GuiApplication); guiApp.lockMutex.Release(); // TOCHECK: Seems the evolve is losing our mutex lock here ? // Evolve the Application into it eInstance_Evolve((Instance *)&__androidCurrentModule, c); guiApp = (GuiApplication)__androidCurrentModule; { const String skin =; *&guiApp.currentSkin = null; guiApp.SelectSkin(skin); } guiApp.lockMutex.Wait(); // Call Main() ((void (*)(void *))(void *)__androidCurrentModule._vTbl[12])(__androidCurrentModule); } if(!destroyRequested) ANativeActivity_finish(activity); while(!destroyRequested) { guiApp.interfaceDriver.Wait(); guiApp.interfaceDriver.ProcessInput(true); } } } }