namespace gui::controls; import "Window" import "Array" default extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetDataFromString; default __attribute__((unused)) static void _workAround() { int a; a.OnGetDataFromString(0); } /* We need a dynamic cast :) Easy eC compiler introduction contribution! :) static define pathBoxDataBox = dynamic_cast(pathBox.master); static define pathBoxListBox = pathBoxEditorDataBox ? dynamic_cast((pathBoxDataBox).parent) : null; static define pathBoxDirsBox = pathBoxEditorListBox ? dynamic_cast((pathBoxListBox).parent) : null; */ static Class _classDataBox() { return class(DataBox); } static Class _classListBox() { return class(ListBox); } // Fix #908 static Class _classDirectoriesBox() { return class(DirectoriesBox); } static define pathBoxDataBox = eClass_IsDerived( pathBox.master._class, _classDataBox() ) ? (DataBox)pathBox.master : null; static define pathBoxListBox = (pathBoxDataBox && eClass_IsDerived((pathBoxDataBox).parent._class, _classListBox() )) ? (ListBox)(pathBoxDataBox).parent : null; static define pathBoxDirsBox = (pathBoxListBox && eClass_IsDerived((pathBoxListBox).parent._class, _classDirectoriesBox())) ? (DirectoriesBox)(pathBoxListBox).parent : null; public class FilePath : String { Window OnEdit(DataBox dataBox, DataBox obsolete, int x, int y, int w, int h, void * userData) { PathBox pathBox { dataBox, borderStyle = 0, anchor = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, typeExpected = any; path = this; }; DirectoriesBox dirsBox = pathBoxDirsBox; if(dirsBox) pathBox.browseDialog = dirsBox.browseDialog; // TOCHECK: compiler issues? /*else if(userData && eClass_IsDerived(userData._class, class(FileDialog))) pathBox.browseDialog = (FileDialog)userData;*/ else pathBox.browseDialog = { type = open, text = $"Select a file..." }; pathBox.Create(); return pathBox; } bool OnSaveEdit(PathBox pathBox, void * object) { bool changed = false; if(pathBox.modifiedDocument) { DirectoriesBox dirsBox = pathBoxDirsBox; if(dirsBox) dirsBox.NotifyPathBoxModified(dirsBox.master, dirsBox, pathBox); String::OnFree(); changed = ((bool (*)(void *, void *, const char *))(void *)_class._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetDataFromString])(_class, &this, pathBox.systemPath); } return changed; } int OnCompare(DirPath b) { return fstrcmp(this, b); } } public class DirPath : FilePath { Window OnEdit(DataBox dataBox, DataBox obsolete, int x, int y, int w, int h, void * userData) { PathBox pathBox { dataBox, borderStyle = 0, anchor = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, typeExpected = directory; path = this; }; DirectoriesBox dirsBox = pathBoxDirsBox; if(dirsBox) pathBox.browseDialog = dirsBox.browseDialog; // TOCHECK: compiler issues? (same) /*else if(userData && eClass_IsDerived(userData._class, class(FileDialog))) pathBox.browseDialog = (FileDialog)userData;*/ else pathBox.browseDialog = { type = selectDir, text = $"Select a folder..." }; pathBox.Create(); return pathBox; } bool OnSaveEdit(PathBox pathBox, void * object) { bool changed = false; if(pathBox.modifiedDocument) { DirectoriesBox dirsBox = pathBoxDirsBox; if(dirsBox) dirsBox.NotifyPathBoxModified(dirsBox.master, dirsBox, pathBox); String::OnFree(); changed = ((bool (*)(void *, void *, const char *))(void *)_class._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetDataFromString])(_class, &this, pathBox.systemPath); } return changed; } } public enum PathTypeExpected { none, any, directory, file }; public class PathBox : CommonControl { borderStyle = deep; clientSize = { 64, 18 }; watch(background) { editBox.background = background; }; watch(foreground) { editBox.foreground = foreground; }; watch(selectionColor) { editBox.selectionColor = selectionColor; }; watch(selectionText) { editBox.selectionText = selectionText; }; watch(opacity) { editBox.opacity = opacity; }; PathTypeExpected typeExpected; FileDialog browseDialog; char path[MAX_LOCATION]; BitmapResource file { "<:ecere>mimeTypes/file.png", transparent = true, alphaBlend = true }; BitmapResource brokenFile { "<:ecere>mimeTypes/brokenFile.png", transparent = true, alphaBlend = true }; BitmapResource folder { "<:ecere>places/folder.png", transparent = true, alphaBlend = true }; BitmapResource brokenFolder { "<:ecere>places/brokenFolder.png", transparent = true, alphaBlend = true }; Picture picture { this/*, size = { 318, 94 }*/, anchor = { left = 1, vert = 0 }; image = brokenFolder; visible = false; opacity = 0; alphaBlend = true; }; public property EditBox editBox { get { return editBox; } } EditBox editBox { this/*, size = { 290, 22 }*/, position = { 1, 1 }, anchor = { left = 1, top = 1, right = 1 }; borderStyle = none; void NotifyUpdate(EditBox editBox) { CheckFileExists(); modifiedDocument = true; } bool NotifyModified(EditBox editBox) { PathBox pathBox = this; DirectoriesBox dirsBox = pathBoxDirsBox; if(dirsBox) dirsBox.NotifyPathBoxModified(dirsBox.master, dirsBox, this); return NotifyModified(master, this); } /* F4? F4 is properties, f2 works already for this bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { if(key == f4) ((PathBox)parent).browse.NotifyClicked(parent, ((PathBox)parent).browse, 0, 0, (Modifiers)null); return EditBox::OnKeyDown(key, ch); } */ }; // For chaining popup-key event bool OnKeyHit(Key key, unichar ch) { return editBox.OnKeyHit(key, ch); } Button browse { this, size = { w = 26 }, anchor = { top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0 }; text = "..."; hotKey = f2; visible = false; inactive = true; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(modifiedDocument) NotifyModified(master, this); if(browseDialog) { char browsePath[MAX_LOCATION]; PathBox pathBox = this; DataBox dataBox = pathBoxDataBox; ListBox listBox; DirectoriesBox dirsBox = pathBoxDirsBox; const char * ebContents = editBox.contents; String backFilePath = CopyString(browseDialog.filePath); char * baseBrowsePath = dirsBox ? dirsBox.baseBrowsePath : null; browsePath[0] = '\0'; strncpy(browsePath, browseDialog.filePath, MAX_LOCATION); browsePath[MAX_LOCATION-1] = '\0'; if(baseBrowsePath && baseBrowsePath[0] && ((ebContents && ebContents[0]) || !backFilePath || !backFilePath[0])) PathCat(browsePath, baseBrowsePath); PathCat(browsePath, ebContents); browseDialog.filePath = (ebContents && ebContents[0]) ? browsePath : ""; if(pathBox.typeExpected == directory && browsePath[0] && FileExists(browsePath).isDirectory && backFilePath && backFilePath[0]) StripLastDirectory(browsePath, browsePath); while(browsePath[0] && !FileExists(browsePath).isDirectory) StripLastDirectory(browsePath, browsePath); if(!browsePath[0]) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; LocateModule(null, path); StripLastDirectory(path, path); strncpy(browsePath, path, MAX_LOCATION); browsePath[MAX_LOCATION-1] = '\0'; } browseDialog.currentDirectory = browsePath; browseDialog.master = rootWindow; incref this; if(dirsBox) dirsBox.browsing = true; if(browseDialog.Modal()) { PathBox pathBox = dataBox ? (PathBox)dataBox.editor : this; pathBox.modifiedDocument = true; = browseDialog.filePath; pathBox.NotifyModified(pathBox.master, this); if(dataBox) dataBox.SaveData(); else pathBox.editBox.SelectAll(); if((listBox = pathBoxListBox)) listBox.StopEditing(true); } else browseDialog.filePath = backFilePath; delete backFilePath; if(dirsBox) dirsBox.browsing = false; delete this; } return true; } }; void CheckFileExists() { if(typeExpected != none) { BitmapResource icon = null; char path[MAX_LOCATION]; FileAttribs exists { }; GetSystemPathBuffer(path, editBox.contents); if(!(path[0] == DIR_SEP && path[1] == DIR_SEP && (!path[2] || !strchr(&path[2], DIR_SEP)))) exists = FileExists(path); switch(typeExpected) { case any: // TODO: improvements, add drive, etc, also find a better solution/icon for expect any and file doesn't exist icon = exists ? exists.isFile ? file : exists.isDirectory ? folder : null : null; break; case directory: icon = exists && exists.isDirectory ? folder : brokenFolder; break; case file: icon = exists && exists.isFile ? file : brokenFile; break; } picture.image = icon; } } void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { if(!isEnabled) { surface.SetBackground(formColor); surface.Area(0, 0, clientSize.w, clientSize.h); } else Window::OnRedraw(surface); } ~PathBox() { delete browseDialog; } public: virtual bool Window::NotifyModified(PathBox pathBox); property PathTypeExpected typeExpected { set { if(value != typeExpected) { if(value == none || typeExpected == none) { bool withIcon = value != none; picture.visible = withIcon; editBox.anchor.left = withIcon ? 18 : 1; CheckFileExists(); } typeExpected = value; if(browseDialog && browseDialog.type == open && typeExpected == directory) browseDialog.type = selectDir; } } } property FileDialog browseDialog { set { delete browseDialog; browseDialog = value; if(browseDialog) { incref browseDialog; if(browseDialog.type == open && typeExpected == directory) browseDialog.type = selectDir; if(!strcmp(browseDialog.text, "Select a file...") && text) { char temp[1024] = "Select "; strcat(temp, text); strcat(temp, "..."); browseDialog.text = temp; } } browse.visible = browseDialog ? true : false; editBox.anchor.right = browseDialog ? 26 : 1; } get { return browseDialog; } } void Home() { editBox.Home(); } void End() { editBox.End(); } void SelectAll() { editBox.SelectAll(); } void Deselect() { editBox.Deselect(); } property const String path { set { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; GetSystemPathBuffer(path, value); editBox.contents = path; if(active) editBox.SelectAll(); CheckFileExists(); } get { return editBox.contents; } } property String slashPath { get { return GetSlashPathBuffer (path, editBox.contents); } }; property String systemPath { get { return GetSystemPathBuffer(path, editBox.contents); } }; property Color selectionColor { set { editBox.selectionColor = value; } get { return editBox.selectionColor; }/* isset { return selectionColor ? true : false; }*/ }; property Color selectionText { set { editBox.selectionText = value; } get { return editBox.selectionText; }/* isset { return selectionText ? true : false; }*/ }; } // DirectoriesBox FileDialog browseFileDialog { type = selectDir, text = $"Select directory" }; public class DirectoriesBox : CommonControl { FileDialog browseDialog; char * baseBrowsePath; public: bool browsing; opacity = 0; virtual bool Window::NotifyModified(DirectoriesBox dirsBox); virtual bool Window::NotifyPathBoxModified(DirectoriesBox dirsBox, PathBox pathBox); virtual bool OnChangedDir(char ** directory); virtual bool OnPrepareBrowseDir(char ** directory); virtual bool OnBrowsedDir(char ** directory); watch(foreground) { list.foreground = foreground; }; watch(background) { list.background = background; }; //watch(selectionColor) { list.selectionColor = selectionColor; }; //watch(selectionText) { list.selectionText = selectionText; }; watch(opacity) { list.opacity = opacity; }; property Array strings { set { list.Clear(); if(value) { for(s : value) { char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; list.AddString(GetSystemPathBuffer(temp, s)); } } list.AddString(""); list.currentRow = list.firstRow; list.modifiedDocument = false; } get { Array array { }; DataRow row; for(row = list.firstRow; row; row = { const String string = row.string; if(string && string[0]) array.Add(CopyUnixPath(string)); } return array; } } property FileDialog browseDialog { set { delete browseDialog; browseDialog = value; if(browseDialog) { incref browseDialog; if(browseDialog.type == open) browseDialog.type = selectDir; if(!strcmp(browseDialog.text, "Select a file...") && text) { char temp[1024] = "Select "; strcat(temp, text); strcat(temp, "..."); browseDialog.text = temp; } } } get { return browseDialog; } } property String baseBrowsePath { set { delete baseBrowsePath; if(value) baseBrowsePath = CopyString(value); } get { return baseBrowsePath; } } bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { // Browsing was not being set, fixed by introducing dependency to this class to PathBox if(!active && !browsing) { list.StopEditing(true); if(list.modifiedDocument) { NotifyModified(master, this); list.modifiedDocument = false; modifiedDocument = true; } } return true; } Button add { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; position = { 265, 0 }, size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 0, right = 77 }; hotKey = plus, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = "<:ecere>actions/listAdd.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { list.StopEditing(true); list.lastRow.Edit(null); list.modifiedDocument = true; return true; } }; Button remove { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; position = { 290, 0 }, size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 0, right = 54 }; hotKey = del, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = "<:ecere>actions/listRemove.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { list.StopEditing(true); if(list.currentRow != list.lastRow) { list.DeleteRow(null); list.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } }; RepButton up { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; position = { 315, 0 }, size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 0, right = 31 }; hotKey = ctrlUp, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = "<:ecere>actions/goUp.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(list.currentRow != list.lastRow) { DataRow current = list.currentRow, row; if(current) { row = current.previous; if(row) { row = row.previous; current.Move(row); list.modifiedDocument = true; } } } return true; } }; RepButton down { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; position = { 340, 0 }, size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 0, right = 8 }; hotKey = ctrlDown, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = "<:ecere>actions/goDown.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { DataRow current = list.currentRow, row; if(current) { row =; if(row && row != list.lastRow) { current.Move(row); list.modifiedDocument = true; } } return true; } }; ListBox list { this, moveRows = true, hasVertScroll = true, dontHideScroll = true; borderStyle = deep, position = { 0, 22 }, size = { 300, 60 }; anchor = { left = 0, top = 22, right = 0, bottom = 0 }; bool OnRightButtonDown(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { return parent.OnRightButtonDown(x + position.x + parent.clientStart.x, y + position.y + parent.clientStart.y, mods); } bool NotifyChanged(ListBox listBox, DataRow row) { char * directory = listBox.GetData(null); if(directory && directory[0]) { char * dir = CopyString(directory); if(OnChangedDir(&dir)) { // Put this back to enable making Paths relative by overriding // these DirectoriesBox virtual methods (from FileDialog only) if(browsing) { OnPrepareBrowseDir(&dir); OnBrowsedDir(&dir); } listBox.SetData(null, dir); listBox.modifiedDocument = true; if(listBox.currentRow == listBox.lastRow && listBox.lastRow.string) listBox.currentRow = listBox.AddString(""); } delete dir; } else if(listBox.currentRow != listBox.lastRow) { listBox.DeleteRow(null); listBox.modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } bool NotifyEditDone(ListBox listBox, DataRow row) { return true; } bool NotifyKeyHit(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Key key, unichar ch) { // Prioritize row moving Ctrl-Up/Down over scrollbar scrolling if(key == ctrlUp || key == ctrlDown) { Button btn = (key == ctrlUp) ? up : down; btn.OnKeyHit(hotKey, 0); return false; } return true; } bool NotifyKeyDown(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Key key, unichar ch) { // Prioritize row moving Ctrl-Up/Down over scrollbar scrolling if(key == ctrlUp || key == ctrlDown) { Button btn = (key == ctrlUp) ? up : down; btn.OnKeyDown(hotKey, 0); return false; } if(key == del) { listBox.StopEditing(true); if(listBox.currentRow != listBox.lastRow) listBox.DeleteRow(null); return false; } return true; } bool NotifyMove(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { if(listBox.currentRow == listBox.lastRow) return false; else if(row == listBox.lastRow) { if(listBox.currentRow == row.previous) return false; listBox.currentRow.Move(row.previous); return false; } return true; } bool NotifyReclick(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { row.Edit(null); return true; } }; DataField dirField { dataType = class(DirPath), editable = true }; DirectoriesBox() { incref browseFileDialog; browseDialog = browseFileDialog; list.AddField(dirField); list.AddString(""); list.modifiedDocument = false; } ~DirectoriesBox() { delete browseDialog; delete baseBrowsePath; } }