namespace gfx; import "fontManagement" #if (defined(ECERE_VANILLA) || defined(ECERE_ONEDRIVER)) && defined(__WIN32__) #define ECERE_NOTRUETYPE #endif #define _Noreturn #undef __BLOCKS__ #define uint _uint #define strlen _strlen #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_TRUETYPE_TABLES_H #include FT_UNPATENTED_HINTING_H #define property _property #include "harfbuzz.h" #undef property #endif #undef uint #undef strlen #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) static int utf16BufferSize = 0; static uint16 * utf16 = null; #endif #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) import "imgDistMap" import "immediate" #include "gl123es.h" #endif #define MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES 10 static HB_Script theCurrentScript; static unichar UTF16GetChar(const uint16 *string, int * nw) { unichar ch; if(HB_IsHighSurrogate(string[0]) && HB_IsLowSurrogate(string[1])) { ch = HB_SurrogateToUcs4(string[0], string[1]); *nw = 2; } else { ch = *string; *nw = 1; } return ch; } static HB_Bool hb_stringToGlyphs(HB_Font font, const uint16 * string, uint length, HB_Glyph *glyphs, uint *numGlyphs, HB_Bool rightToLeft) { FT_Face face = ((FontEntry)font->userData).face; int glyph_pos = 0; int c, nw; if (length > *numGlyphs) return 0; for (c = 0; c < length; c += nw) { unichar ch = UTF16GetChar(string + c, &nw); glyphs[glyph_pos++] = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, ch); } *numGlyphs = glyph_pos; return 1; } static void hb_getAdvances(HB_Font font, const HB_Glyph * glyphs, uint numGlyphs, HB_Fixed *advances, int flags) { FontEntry entry = font->userData; Font glFont = entry.font; int c; uint lastPack = 0; GlyphPack pack = glFont.asciiPack; int fontEntryNum; for(fontEntryNum = 0; fontEntryNum < MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES; fontEntryNum++) { if(glFont.fontEntries[fontEntryNum] == entry) break; } for(c = 0; c < numGlyphs; c++) { Glyph * glyph; uint glyphNo = glyphs[c] | 0x80000000 | (theCurrentScript << 24); uint packNo = glyphNo & 0xFFFFFF80; if(packNo != lastPack) { pack = (GlyphPack)glFont.glyphPacks.Find((uintptr)packNo); if(!pack) { glFont.glyphPacks.Add((pack = GlyphPack { key = (uintptr)packNo })); pack.Render(glFont, fontEntryNum, glFont.displaySystem); } lastPack = packNo; } glyph = &pack.glyphs[glyphNo & 0x7F]; advances[c] = glyph->ax; } } static HB_Bool hb_canRender(HB_Font font, const uint16 * string, uint length) { FT_Face face = ((FontEntry)font->userData).face; int c, nw; for (c = 0; c < length; c += nw) { unichar ch = UTF16GetChar(string + c, &nw); if(!FT_Get_Char_Index(face, ch)) return 0; } return 1; } static HB_Error hb_getSFntTable(void *font, HB_Tag tableTag, HB_Byte *buffer, HB_UInt *length) { FT_Face face = (FT_Face)font; FT_ULong ftlen = *length; FT_Error error = 0; if (!FT_IS_SFNT(face)) return HB_Err_Invalid_Argument; error = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(face, tableTag, 0, buffer, &ftlen); *length = (uint)ftlen; return (HB_Error)error; } static HB_Error hb_getPointInOutline(HB_Font font, HB_Glyph glyph, int flags, hb_uint32 point, HB_Fixed *xpos, HB_Fixed *ypos, hb_uint32 *nPoints) { HB_Error error = HB_Err_Ok; FT_Face face = (FT_Face)font->userData; int load_flags = (flags & HB_ShaperFlag_UseDesignMetrics) ? FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING : FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; if ((error = (HB_Error)FT_Load_Glyph(face, glyph, load_flags))) return error; if (face->glyph->format != ft_glyph_format_outline) return (HB_Error)HB_Err_Invalid_SubTable; *nPoints = face->glyph->outline.n_points; if (!(*nPoints)) return HB_Err_Ok; if (point > *nPoints) return (HB_Error)HB_Err_Invalid_SubTable; *xpos = (int)face->glyph->outline.points[point].x; *ypos = (int)face->glyph->outline.points[point].y; return HB_Err_Ok; } static void hb_getGlyphMetrics(HB_Font font, HB_Glyph theGlyph, HB_GlyphMetrics *metrics) { FontEntry entry = font->userData; Font glFont = entry.font; uint lastPack = 0; GlyphPack pack = glFont.asciiPack; int fontEntryNum; for(fontEntryNum = 0; fontEntryNum < MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES; fontEntryNum++) { if(glFont.fontEntries[fontEntryNum] == entry) break; } { Glyph * glyph; uint glyphNo = theGlyph | 0x80000000 | (theCurrentScript << 24); uint packNo = glyphNo & 0xFFFFFF80; if(packNo != lastPack) { pack = (GlyphPack)glFont.glyphPacks.Find((uintptr)packNo); if(!pack) { pack = { key = (uintptr)packNo }; glFont.glyphPacks.Add(pack); pack.Render(glFont, fontEntryNum, glFont.displaySystem); } lastPack = packNo; } glyph = &pack.glyphs[glyphNo & 0x7F]; metrics->x = glyph->ax; metrics->y = 0; metrics->width = glyph->w; metrics->height = glyph->h; metrics->xOffset = glyph->bx; metrics->yOffset = glyph->by; } } static HB_Fixed hb_getFontMetric(HB_Font font, HB_FontMetric metric) { FontEntry entry = font->userData; FT_Face face = entry.face; // Note that we aren't scanning the VDMX table which we probably would in // an ideal world. if(metric == HB_FontAscent) return face->ascender; return 0; } static HB_FontClass hb_fontClass = { hb_stringToGlyphs, hb_getAdvances, hb_canRender, hb_getPointInOutline, hb_getGlyphMetrics, hb_getFontMetric }; static uint FT_stream_load(FT_Stream stream, long offset, byte * buffer, long count) { File f = stream->descriptor.pointer; f.Seek((int)offset, start); return count ? f.Read(buffer, 1, (uint)count) : 0; } static void FT_stream_close(FT_Stream stream) { File f = stream->descriptor.pointer; delete f; delete stream; } static FT_Library ftLibrary; static int numFonts; #undef CompareString static BinaryTree loadedFonts { CompareKey = (void *)BinaryTree::CompareString }; class FontEntry : BTNode { FT_Face face; HB_FontRec hbFont; HB_Face hbFace; int used; byte * buffer; //If we don't save the FT_Stream before sacrificing it to FreeType, the garbage collector (if one is used) will destroy it prematurely FT_Stream stream; Font font; float scale; ~FontEntry() { delete (char *)key; delete buffer; if(hbFace) HB_FreeFace(hbFace); if(face) { FT_Done_Face(face); numFonts--; if(!numFonts) { FT_Done_FreeType(ftLibrary); ftLibrary = null; } } } FontEntry ::Load(FaceInfo info) { FontEntry fontEntry = (FontEntry)loadedFonts.FindString(info.fileName); if(!fontEntry) { File file = FileOpen/*Buffered*/(info.fileName, read); if(file) { FileSize fileSize = file.GetSize(); FT_Open_Args args = { 0 }; FT_Parameter param = { FT_PARAM_TAG_UNPATENTED_HINTING }; FT_Stream stream = new0 FT_StreamRec[1]; if(!ftLibrary) FT_Init_FreeType( &ftLibrary ); fontEntry = FontEntry { key = (uintptr)CopyString(info.fileName) }; = stream; /* fontEntry.buffer = new byte[fileSize]; file.Read(fontEntry.buffer, 1, fileSize); */ //args.num_params = 1; args.params = ¶m; stream->size = fileSize; stream->descriptor.pointer = file; stream->read = FT_stream_load; stream->close = FT_stream_close; args.flags = /*FT_OPEN_PATHNAME|*//*FT_OPEN_MEMORY|*/FT_OPEN_STREAM/*|FT_OPEN_PARAMS*/; = stream; //args.pathname = fileName; //args.memory_base = fontEntry.buffer; //args.memory_size = fileSize; // printf("Opening: %s\n", fileName); FT_Open_Face( ftLibrary, &args, info.fontID, &fontEntry.face ); // delete file; if(fontEntry.face) { fontEntry.hbFace = HB_NewFace(fontEntry.face, hb_getSFntTable); fontEntry.hbFont.klass = &hb_fontClass; fontEntry.hbFont.userData = fontEntry; //.face; numFonts++; loadedFonts.Add(fontEntry); } else { delete fontEntry; // printf("Error opening font %s\n", fileName); } } } return fontEntry; } } static float FaceSetCharSize(FT_Face face, float size) { float scale = 1; if(FT_Set_Char_Size(face, (int)(size * 64), (int)(size * 64), 96, 96)) { if(face->num_fixed_sizes) { int c; int bestDiff = MAXINT, best = 0; FT_Bitmap_Size * sizes = face->available_sizes; int wishedHeight = (int)(size * 96 / 72); for(c = 0; c < face->num_fixed_sizes; c++) { int diff = abs(sizes[c].height - wishedHeight); if(diff < bestDiff) { best = c; bestDiff = diff; } } FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, sizes[best].width, sizes[best].height); if(!face->ascender) face->ascender = sizes[best].height; scale = (float)wishedHeight / sizes[best].height; } } return scale; } #endif struct Glyph { int ax, ay; int x, y; int ox, oy; // Outline int w, h; int left, top; int bx, by; int glyphNo; float scale; }; class GlyphPack : BTNode { Glyph glyphs[256]; Bitmap bitmap { transparent = true, alphaBlend = true }; Bitmap outline; int cellWidth, cellHeight; int oCellWidth, oCellHeight; ~GlyphPack() { delete outline; } void Render(Font font, int startFontEntry, DisplaySystem displaySystem) { #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) unichar c; int maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0; int cellWidth, cellHeight; int oCellWidth = 0, oCellHeight = 0; int width, height, oWidth = 0, oHeight = 0; FontEntry fontEntry = null; FT_Face faces[128]; float scales[128]; float outlineSize = font.outlineSize; int padding = 1 + (int)outlineSize; bool isGlyph = ((uint)key & 0x80000000) != 0; unichar testChar = 0; Bitmap bitmap = this.bitmap; for(c = 0; c < MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES; c++) { fontEntry = font.fontEntries[c]; if(fontEntry) { FT_Matrix matrix; FT_Vector pen = { 0, 0 }; if(font.fakeItalic) { matrix.xx = (FT_Fixed)( 1.0 * 0x10000L ); matrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)( 0.3 * 0x10000L ); matrix.yx = (FT_Fixed)( 0.0 * 0x10000L ); matrix.yy = (FT_Fixed)( 1.0 * 0x10000L ); FT_Set_Transform(fontEntry.face, &matrix, &pen); } fontEntry.scale = FaceSetCharSize(fontEntry.face, font.size); if(!font.scale) font.scale = fontEntry.scale; if(!c) { if(!fontEntry.face->units_per_EM) { font.ascent = (int)((double)fontEntry.face->ascender); font.descent = (int)((double)fontEntry.face->descender); } else { font.ascent = (int)((double)fontEntry.face->ascender * fontEntry.face->size->metrics.y_ppem / fontEntry.face->units_per_EM); font.descent = (int)((double)fontEntry.face->descender * fontEntry.face->size->metrics.y_ppem / fontEntry.face->units_per_EM); } } fontEntry.hbFont.x_ppem = fontEntry.face->size->metrics.x_ppem; fontEntry.hbFont.y_ppem = fontEntry.face->size->metrics.y_ppem; fontEntry.hbFont.x_scale = (int)fontEntry.face->size->metrics.x_scale; fontEntry.hbFont.y_scale = (int)fontEntry.face->size->metrics.y_scale; } } fontEntry = null; for(c = 0; c < 128; c++) { int entry = 0; if(isGlyph) { uint glyph = ((uint)key | c) & 0xFFFFFF; for(entry = startFontEntry; entry < MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES; entry++) { fontEntry = font.fontEntries[entry]; if(fontEntry && (FT_Get_Char_Index(fontEntry.face, testChar) || !testChar || entry == MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES-1 || !font.fontEntries[entry+1])) { if(!FT_Load_Glyph(fontEntry.face, glyph, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT /*FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING*/) || entry == MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES-1 || !font.fontEntries[entry+1]) { //printf("%s: Accepted entry %d ", faceName, entry); break; } } } } else { for(entry = startFontEntry; entry < MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES; entry++) { uint glyph; fontEntry = font.fontEntries[entry]; if(fontEntry && ((glyph = FT_Get_Char_Index(fontEntry.face, ((uint)key | c) & 0xFFFFFF)) || entry == MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES-1 || !font.fontEntries[entry+1])) { if(!FT_Load_Glyph(fontEntry.face, glyph, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT /*FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING*/) || entry == MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES-1 || !font.fontEntries[entry+1]) break; } } } scales[c] = fontEntry ? fontEntry.scale : 0; faces[c] = fontEntry ? fontEntry.face : null; if(fontEntry) { maxWidth = Max(maxWidth, ((faces[c]->glyph->metrics.width + 64 + (64 - (faces[c]->glyph->metrics.width & 0x3F))) >> 6)); maxHeight = Max(maxHeight, ((faces[c]->glyph->metrics.height + 64 + (64 - (faces[c]->glyph->metrics.height & 0x3F))) >> 6)); } } this.cellWidth = cellWidth = maxWidth; this.cellHeight = cellHeight = maxHeight; width = pow2i(maxWidth * 16); height = pow2i(maxHeight * 8); #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) if(outlineSize) { oCellWidth = 2*padding + cellWidth; oCellHeight = 2*padding + cellHeight; oWidth = pow2i(oCellWidth * 16); oHeight = pow2i(oCellHeight * 8); outline = { transparent = true, alphaBlend = true }; } #endif if(bitmap.Allocate(null, width, height, 0, pixelFormatAlpha, false) && (!outline || outline.Allocate(null, oWidth, oHeight, 0, pixelFormatAlpha, false))) { float fade = font.outlineFade; float alphaFactor = 1.0f / (0.2f + fade); // float intensityFactor = 1.0f / (0.2f + outlineSize); float range = outlineSize, rangeInv = 1.0f / range; float * distanceMap = null; byte * padded = null; if(outline) { distanceMap = new float[oCellWidth * oCellHeight]; padded = new byte[oCellWidth * oCellHeight]; } for(c = 0; c < 128; c++) { FT_Int i, j, p, q; FT_Int xMax, yMax; int gx = ((uint)c & 0xF), gy = ((uint)c >> 4); int sx = gx * cellWidth, sy = gy * cellHeight; byte * picture = (byte *)bitmap.picture; Glyph * glyph = &glyphs[c]; FT_GlyphSlot slot = null; int glyphNo = isGlyph ? (((uint)key | c) & 0x00FFFFFF) : (faces[c] ? FT_Get_Char_Index(faces[c], (uint)key | c) : 0); if(faces[c]) { double em_size = 1.0 * faces[c]->units_per_EM; double y_scale = em_size ? (faces[c]->size->metrics.y_ppem / em_size) : 1; double ascender = faces[c]->ascender * y_scale; slot = faces[c]->glyph; FT_Load_Glyph(faces[c], glyphNo, /*FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT*/ FT_LOAD_DEFAULT /*FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING*/); // FT_LOAD_RENDER // FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING FT_Render_Glyph(slot, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); glyph->left = slot->bitmap_left; glyph->top = (int)(ascender - slot->bitmap_top) + (int)(font.height - (faces[c]->size->metrics.height >> 6)) / 2; xMax = sx + slot->bitmap.width; yMax = sy + slot->bitmap.rows; { int total = 0; int numPixels = 0; if(slot->bitmap.pixel_mode != FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO) { for(j = sy, q = 0; jbitmap.buffer)[q + p++]; if(value > 32) { total += value; numPixels++; } } q += slot->bitmap.pitch; } } for(j = sy, q = 0; jbitmap.pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO) { picture[j * bitmap.stride + i] = (slot->bitmap.buffer[q + p] & bit) ? 255 : 0; bit >>= 1; if(!bit) { bit = 0x80; p++; } } else { byte value = ((byte *)slot->bitmap.buffer)[q + p++]; picture[j * bitmap.stride + i] = value; } } q += slot->bitmap.pitch; } } #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) if(outline) { // Generate outline from distance map float * dmap = distanceMap; byte *dst = outline.picture + gy * oCellHeight * oWidth + gx * oCellWidth; int x, y; byte * core = picture + gy * cellHeight * width + gx * cellWidth, * p; memset(padded, 0, oCellWidth * oCellHeight); if(slot->bitmap.width) { byte * src = padded + padding * oCellWidth + padding; picture = core; for(y = 0; y < cellHeight; y++) { byte * pic = picture; p = src; for(x = 0; x < cellWidth; x++, p++, pic++) *p = *pic; picture += width; src += oCellWidth; } } imgDistMapBuild(distanceMap, padded, oCellWidth, oCellHeight, 1, oCellWidth); //core -= padding * width; for(y = 0; y < oCellHeight; y++, dst += oWidth) { byte * dstRow = dst; p = core - padding; for(x = 0; x < oCellWidth; x++, dstRow++, dmap++, p++) { float rangeBase = (range - *dmap) * rangeInv, alpha = alphaFactor * rangeBase; *dstRow = (byte)( Max( 0.0f, Min( 255.0f, alpha * 255.0f ) ) + 0.5f); /* if(y >= padding && y < cellWidth + padding && x >= padding && x < cellWidth + padding) { float intensity = Max( (float) *p * (1.0f/255.0f), intensityFactor * rangeBase ); byte v = (byte)( Max( 0.0f, Min( 255.0f, intensity * 255.0f ) ) + 0.5f); *p = v; } */ } //core += width; } glyph->ox = gx * oCellWidth; glyph->oy = gy * oCellHeight; } #endif } glyph->x = sx; glyph->y = sy; if(slot) { glyph->w = slot->bitmap.width; glyph->h = slot->bitmap.rows; glyph->ax = (int)slot->advance.x; glyph->ay = (int)(slot->advance.y + (64 - slot->advance.y % 64)); } glyph->glyphNo = glyphNo; if(faces[c]) { glyph->bx = (int)faces[c]->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX; glyph->by = (int)faces[c]->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY; } glyph->scale = scales[c]; } delete padded; delete distanceMap; #if 0 { int c; char fileName[256]; static int fid = 0; for(c = 0; c<256; c++) bitmap.palette[c] = ColorAlpha { 255, { (byte)c,(byte)c,(byte)c } }; bitmap.pixelFormat = pixelFormat8; sprintf(fileName, "font%d", fid); ChangeExtension(fileName, "pcx", fileName); bitmap.Save(fileName, null, 0); bitmap.pixelFormat = pixelFormatAlpha; if(outline) { for(c = 0; c<256; c++) outline.palette[c] = ColorAlpha { 255, { (byte)c,(byte)c,(byte)c } }; outline.pixelFormat = pixelFormat8; sprintf(fileName, "outline%d", fid); ChangeExtension(fileName, "pcx", fileName); outline.Save(fileName, null, 0); outline.pixelFormat = pixelFormatAlpha; } fid++; } #endif if(displaySystem && displaySystem.pixelFormat != pixelFormat4) // TODO: Add none PixelFormat { displaySystem.Lock(); #if defined(__WIN32__) // Is this check still required? if(displaySystem.driver == class(OpenGLDisplayDriver) #if !defined(_GLES) && !defined(ECERE_STATIC) || displaySystem.driver == class(Direct3D8DisplayDriver) || displaySystem.driver == class(Direct3D9DisplayDriver) #endif ) #endif { #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) if(displaySystem.driver == class(OpenGLDisplayDriver) && lastBlitTex) GLEnd(); #endif bitmap.MakeDD(displaySystem); if(outline) outline.MakeDD(displaySystem); #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) if(displaySystem.driver == class(OpenGLDisplayDriver) && lastBlitTex) GLBegin(GLIMTKMode::quads); #endif } displaySystem.Unlock(); } } #endif } } #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) static HB_ShaperItem shaper_item; static uint * shaping(FontEntry entry, uint16 * string, int len, HB_Script script, int *numGlyphs, bool * rightToLeft) { static uint maxGlyphs = 0; HB_Glyph * glyphs = shaper_item.glyphs; shaper_item.kerning_applied = 0; shaper_item.string = string; shaper_item.stringLength = len; shaper_item.item.script = script; shaper_item.item.pos = 0; shaper_item.item.length = shaper_item.stringLength; if(script == HB_Script_Arabic || script == HB_Script_Hebrew || script == HB_Script_Thaana || script == HB_Script_Syriac) shaper_item.item.bidiLevel = 1; else shaper_item.item.bidiLevel = 0; shaper_item.shaperFlags = 0; shaper_item.font = &entry.hbFont; shaper_item.face = entry.hbFace; shaper_item.num_glyphs = shaper_item.item.length; shaper_item.glyphIndicesPresent = 0; shaper_item.initialGlyphCount = 0; shaper_item.num_glyphs = 0; shaper_item.glyphs = null; while(!HB_ShapeItem(&shaper_item)) { if(shaper_item.num_glyphs > maxGlyphs) { maxGlyphs = shaper_item.num_glyphs; glyphs = shaper_item.glyphs = renew0 glyphs HB_Glyph[maxGlyphs]; shaper_item.attributes = renew0 shaper_item.attributes HB_GlyphAttributes[maxGlyphs]; shaper_item.advances = renew0 shaper_item.advances HB_Fixed[maxGlyphs]; shaper_item.offsets = renew0 shaper_item.offsets HB_FixedPoint[maxGlyphs]; shaper_item.log_clusters = renew0 shaper_item.log_clusters unsigned short[maxGlyphs]; } else { shaper_item.glyphs = glyphs; shaper_item.num_glyphs = maxGlyphs; } } *numGlyphs = shaper_item.num_glyphs; *rightToLeft = (bool)(shaper_item.item.bidiLevel % 2); return shaper_item.glyphs; } /* delete shaper_item.glyphs; delete shaper_item.attributes; delete shaper_item.advances; delete shaper_item.offsets; delete shaper_item.log_clusters; */ #endif public class Font : struct { char faceName[512]; FontFlags flags; float size; float outlineSize; float outlineFade; int ascent, descent; float scale; BinaryTree glyphPacks { }; GlyphPack asciiPack { }; bool fakeItalic; int height; DisplaySystem displaySystem; int numEntries; #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) FontEntry fontEntries[MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES]; #endif ~Font() { int entry; #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) GlyphPack pack; while((pack = (GlyphPack)glyphPacks.root)) { glyphPacks.Remove(pack); delete pack; } #endif #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) for(entry = 0; entrysize->metrics.height) >> 6); //* y_scale; // printf("Font height is %d\n", height); this.fakeItalic = info.fakeItalic; } fontEntries[numEntries++] = fontEntry; fontEntry.used++; result = true; } } return result; } Font ::Load(DisplaySystem displaySystem, const char * faceName, float size, FontFlags flags, float outlineSize, float outlineFade) { Font result = null; Array infos = ResolveFont(faceName, size, flags); if(infos) { Font font { }; bool success = false; font.Setup(displaySystem, faceName, size, flags, outlineSize, outlineFade); for(f : infos) success |= font.LoadEntry(f); if(success) { font.asciiPack.Render(font, 0, displaySystem); result = font; } else delete font; infos.Free(); delete infos; } return result; } void ProcessString(DisplaySystem displaySystem, const byte * text, int len, bool output, Surface surface, Display display, int * x, int y, int prevGlyph, int * rPrevGlyph, int * advance) { #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) if(this && fontEntries[0]) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface ? surface.driverData : null; int previousGlyph = prevGlyph; FT_Face previousFace = 0; int c, nb, glyphIndex = 0; bool writingOutline = lfbSurface && lfbSurface.writingOutline; int padding = writingOutline ? 1 + (int)surface.font.outlineSize : 0; unichar lastPack = writingOutline ? -1 : 0; GlyphPack pack = asciiPack; Bitmap bitmap = writingOutline ? pack.outline : pack.bitmap; int wc = 0; uint * glyphs = null; int numGlyphs = 0; bool rightToLeft = false; int fontEntryNum = 0; int glyphScript = 0; FontEntry curFontEntry; Glyph * lastGlyph = null; int lastAX = 0; for(c = 0; c < len || (numGlyphs && (rightToLeft ? (glyphIndex >= 0) : (glyphIndex < numGlyphs)));) { uint glyphNo = 0; uint packNo; if(numGlyphs && (rightToLeft ? (glyphIndex >= 0) : (glyphIndex < numGlyphs))) { glyphNo = glyphs[glyphIndex] | 0x80000000 | (glyphScript << 24); rightToLeft ? glyphIndex-- : glyphIndex++; } else { HB_Script curScript = HB_Script_Common; const byte * scriptStart = text + c; //unichar nonASCIIch = 0; unichar ch; unichar ahead = 0; unichar testChar = 0; const String testLang = null; while(true) { HB_Script script = HB_Script_Common; ch = UTF8GetChar((const char *)text + c, &nb); //if(ch > 127) nonASCIIch = ch; if(!nb) break; if(ch == 32 && curScript) { if(ahead) script = curScript; else { int a; for(a = c + 1; a < c + len; a++) { if(text[a] != 32) break; } if(a < c + len) { int nb; unichar ahead = UTF8GetChar((const char *)text + a, &nb); if((ahead >= 0x590 && ahead <= 0x7C0) || (ahead >= 0xFB1D && ahead <= 0xFB4F) || (ahead >= 0xFB50 && ahead <= 0xFDFF)) script = curScript; } else script = curScript; } } else if(ch < 0x370) script = HB_Script_Common; else if(ch <= 0x11FF) { switch(ch & 0xFF00) { case 0x300: script = HB_Script_Greek; break; case 0x400: script = HB_Script_Cyrillic; break; case 0x500: script = (ch < 0x530) ? HB_Script_Cyrillic : ((ch < 0x590) ? HB_Script_Armenian : HB_Script_Hebrew); break; case 0x600: script = HB_Script_Arabic; break; case 0x700: script = (ch < 0x750) ? HB_Script_Syriac : ((ch < 0x780) ? HB_Script_Arabic : ((ch < 0x7C0) ? HB_Script_Thaana : HB_Script_Common)); break; case 0x800: script = HB_Script_Common; break; // NO CHARACTERS ASSIGNED BETWEEN 0x7C0 and 0x8FF? case 0x900: script = (ch < 0x980) ? HB_Script_Devanagari : HB_Script_Bengali; break; case 0xA00: script = (ch < 0xA80) ? HB_Script_Gurmukhi : HB_Script_Gujarati; break; case 0xB00: script = (ch < 0xB80) ? HB_Script_Oriya : HB_Script_Tamil; break; case 0xC00: script = (ch < 0xC80) ? HB_Script_Telugu : HB_Script_Kannada; break; case 0xD00: script = (ch < 0xD80) ? HB_Script_Malayalam : HB_Script_Sinhala; break; case 0xE00: script = (ch < 0xE80) ? HB_Script_Thai : HB_Script_Lao; break; case 0xF00: script = HB_Script_Tibetan; break; case 0x1000: script = (ch < 0x10A0) ? HB_Script_Myanmar : HB_Script_Georgian; break; case 0x1100: script = HB_Script_Hangul; break; } } else if(ch >= 0x1F00 && ch <= 0x1FFF) script = HB_Script_Greek; else if((ch >= 0x2D00 && ch <= 0x2D2F) || (ch >= 0x3130 && ch <= 0x318F) || (ch >= 0xAC00 && ch <= 0xD7AF) || (ch >= 0xFFA0 && ch <= 0xFFDC)) script = HB_Script_Hangul; else if(ch >= 0x1680 && ch <= 0x169F) script = HB_Script_Ogham; else if(ch >= 0x16A0 && ch <= 0x16FF) script = HB_Script_Runic; else if((ch >= 0x1780 && ch <= 0x17FF) || (ch >= 0x19E0 && ch <= 0x19FF)) script = HB_Script_Khmer; else if(ch >= 0x3040 && ch <= 0x309F) script = 60; else if(ch >= 0x3400 && ch <= 0x9FBF) script = 61; //else if(ch >= 0x4E00 && ch <= 0x9FBF) script = 61; else if(ch >= 0xFB13 && ch <= 0xFB17) script = HB_Script_Armenian; else if(ch >= 0xFB1D && ch <= 0xFB4F) script = HB_Script_Hebrew; else if(ch >= 0xFB50 && ch <= 0xFDFF) script = HB_Script_Arabic; if(curScript) { if(!script || (script != curScript)) break; c += nb; if(c >= len) break; } else { if(!script || script > HB_ScriptCount) { c += nb; if(script > HB_ScriptCount) curScript = script; break; } if(!script) { c += nb; break; } curScript = script; } } if(!nb) break; fontEntryNum = 0; if(curScript == HB_Script_Common || curScript > HB_ScriptCount) { rightToLeft = false; glyphNo = ch; theCurrentScript = 0; } else { int len = c - (int)(scriptStart - text); int max = len * 2 + 1; if(max > utf16BufferSize) { utf16 = renew utf16 uint16[max]; utf16BufferSize = max; } wc = UTF8toUTF16BufferLen((const char *)scriptStart, utf16, max, len); theCurrentScript = glyphScript = curScript; } switch(curScript) { case HB_Script_Arabic: testChar = 0x621; /*testLang = "ar"; */ //printf("Arabic "); break; case HB_Script_Devanagari: testChar = 0x905; testLang = "sa"; //printf("Devanagari "); break; case HB_Script_Hebrew: testChar = 0x05EA /*'ת'*/; /*testLang = "he"; */ //printf("Hebrew "); break; default: testChar = (ch == '\t') ? ' ' : ch; /* case 60: testChar = 'あ'; break; case 61: testChar = 0x3400; break; //'愛'; break; */ } if(testChar) { // printf("Testing for char %x\n", testChar); for(fontEntryNum = 0; fontEntryNum HB_ScriptCount) curScript = HB_Script_Common; if(curScript != HB_Script_Common && curScript < HB_ScriptCount) { fontEntries[fontEntryNum].font = this; glyphs = shaping(fontEntries[fontEntryNum], utf16, wc, curScript, &numGlyphs, &rightToLeft); if(!numGlyphs) continue; glyphIndex = rightToLeft ? (numGlyphs - 1) : 0; glyphNo = glyphs[glyphIndex] | 0x80000000 | (glyphScript << 24); rightToLeft ? glyphIndex-- : glyphIndex++; } } curFontEntry = fontEntries[fontEntryNum]; packNo = glyphNo & 0xFFFFFF80; if(packNo != lastPack) { if(glyphNo < 128) pack = asciiPack; else { pack = (GlyphPack)glyphPacks.Find((uintptr)packNo); if(!pack) { pack = GlyphPack { key = (uintptr)packNo }; glyphPacks.Add(pack); pack.Render(this, fontEntryNum, displaySystem); } } bitmap = writingOutline ? pack.outline : pack.bitmap; lastPack = packNo; } if(pack) { FT_Face face = curFontEntry ? curFontEntry.face : null; int index = rightToLeft ? (glyphIndex + 1) : (glyphIndex-1); Glyph * glyph = &pack.glyphs[glyphNo & 0x7F]; int ax = (int)((numGlyphs ? shaper_item.advances[index] : glyph->ax) * glyph->scale); int offset = numGlyphs ? shaper_item.offsets[index].x : 0; ax += offset; if(previousGlyph && curFontEntry && (face == previousFace || !previousFace)) // TO IMPROVE: Assuming same face for now for multiple calls... { FT_Vector delta = { 0, 0 }; FT_Get_Kerning(curFontEntry.face, previousGlyph, glyph->glyphNo, FT_KERNING_UNFITTED, &delta ); if(delta.x < 0) delta.x += (-delta.x) % 64; else if(delta.x) delta.x += 64 - (delta.x % 64); *x += delta.x * glyph->scale; } else if(curFontEntry) FaceSetCharSize(face, size); previousGlyph = glyph->glyphNo; previousFace = face; if(output && face) { int h = (int)face->size->metrics.height; int desc = (int)face->size->metrics.descender; int oy = (numGlyphs ? shaper_item.offsets[index].y : 0); oy += h + desc - glyph->by; oy >>= 6; //oy += glyph->top; surface.driver.Blit(display, surface, bitmap, ((*x) >> 6) + glyph->left - writingOutline * padding, y + oy - writingOutline * padding, writingOutline ? glyph->ox : glyph->x, writingOutline ? glyph->oy : glyph->y, glyph->w + writingOutline + 2 * padding, glyph->h + writingOutline + 2 * padding); } *x += ax; lastGlyph = glyph; lastAX = ax; } if(numGlyphs && (rightToLeft ? (glyphIndex < 0) : (glyphIndex == numGlyphs))) numGlyphs = 0; } if(lastGlyph) { int w = (lastGlyph->w + lastGlyph->left) * (1 << 6); // Fix for advance != width + left (e.g. italic fonts) if(w > lastAX && advance) *advance = w - lastAX; } if(rPrevGlyph) *rPrevGlyph = previousGlyph; if(lfbSurface) lfbSurface.xOffset = 0; } #endif } };