namespace gfx; #if (defined(ECERE_VANILLA) || defined(ECERE_ONEDRIVER)) && defined(__WIN32__) #define ECERE_NOTRUETYPE #endif import "System" import "Color" import "Bitmap" import "Surface" import "DisplaySystem" import "Resource" import "FontResource" import "BitmapResource" import "LFBDisplayDriver" // TOFIX: Temporary until we pass Display instead of DisplaySystem to FontExtent #if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) import "GDIDisplayDriver" #endif #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_NO3D) import "Camera" import "Plane" import "Matrix" import "Mesh" import "Object" import "Quaternion" import "Vector3D" #endif #if (!defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_ONEDRIVER)) import "OpenGLDisplayDriver" #define near _near #define far _far #include "gl123es.h" #undef near #undef far #endif public class GLCapabilities : uint { public: // Expect reloading graphics bool compatible :1; bool vertexBuffer :1; bool quads :1; bool intAndDouble :1; bool legacyFormats :1; bool nonPow2Textures :1; bool vertexPointer :1; // Should be able to toggle without reloading bool legacy :1; bool shaders :1; bool fixedFunction :1; bool immediate :1; bool frameBuffer :1; bool pointSize :1; bool vao :1; bool select :1; // bool mapBuffer :1; bool debug :1; }; public enum RenderState { fillMode = 1, depthTest, depthWrite, fogDensity, fogColor, blend, ambient, alphaWrite, antiAlias, vSync }; public union RenderStateFloat { float f; uint ui; }; public enum FillModeValue { solid, wireframe }; public class DisplayFlags { public bool fullScreen:1, flipping:1, alpha:1, memBackBuffer:1, text:1, scrolling:1, printer:1; }; public class FontFlags { public bool bold:1, italic:1, underline:1; }; __attribute__((unused)) static void DummyFunction() { #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) Mutex { }; #endif } public class DisplayDriver { public: class_data const char * name; class_data bool textMode; class_data bool printer; class_data DisplaySystem displaySystem; class_property DisplaySystem displaySystem { set { class_data(displaySystem) = value; } get { return class_data(displaySystem); } }; class_property const char * name { set { class_data(name) = value; } get { return class_data(name); } }; class_property bool printer { set { class_data(printer) = value; } get { return class_data(printer); } }; // Constructor / Destructor virtual bool ::CreateDisplaySystem(DisplaySystem); virtual void ::DestroyDisplaySystem(DisplaySystem); virtual bool ::CreateDisplay(Display); virtual void ::DestroyDisplay(Display); // Display Position and Size virtual bool ::DisplaySize(Display, int, int); virtual void ::DisplayPosition(Display, int, int); // Palettes virtual void ::SetPalette(Display, ColorAlpha *, bool); virtual void ::RestorePalette(Display); // Display the back buffer content virtual void ::StartUpdate(Display); virtual void ::Scroll(Display, Box, int, int, Extent); virtual void ::Update(Display, Box); virtual void ::EndUpdate(Display); // Allocate/free a bitmap virtual bool ::AllocateBitmap(DisplaySystem, Bitmap, int, int, int, PixelFormat, bool); virtual void ::FreeBitmap(DisplaySystem, Bitmap); // Lock virtual bool ::LockSystem(DisplaySystem displaySystem); virtual void ::UnlockSystem(DisplaySystem displaySystem); virtual bool ::Lock(Display); virtual void ::Unlock(Display); // Get/release a surface virtual bool ::GetSurface(Display, Surface surface, int,int,Box); virtual bool ::GetBitmapSurface(DisplaySystem displaySystem, Surface surface, Bitmap bitmap, int,int,Box); virtual void ::ReleaseSurface(Display this, Surface); // Clip a surface virtual void ::Clip(Display, Surface, Box); // Grab from the screen virtual bool ::GrabScreen(Display, Bitmap, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int); // Converts a bitmap format virtual bool ::ConvertBitmap(DisplaySystem, Bitmap, PixelFormat, ColorAlpha *); // Converts an LFB bitmap into an offscreen bitmap for this device virtual bool ::MakeDDBitmap(DisplaySystem, Bitmap, bool mipMaps, int cubeMapFace); // Font loading virtual Font ::LoadFont(DisplaySystem displaySystem, const char * faceName, float size, FontFlags flags, float outlineSize, float outlineFade); virtual void ::UnloadFont(DisplaySystem, Font); // 2D Drawing virtual void ::SetForeground(Display, Surface, ColorAlpha); virtual void ::SetBackground(Display, Surface, ColorAlpha); virtual void ::LineStipple(Display, Surface, uint pattern); virtual ColorAlpha ::GetPixel(Display, Surface, int x, int y); virtual void ::PutPixel(Display, Surface, int x, int y); virtual void ::DrawLine(Display, Surface, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); virtual void ::Rectangle(Display, Surface, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); virtual void ::Area(Display, Surface, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); virtual void ::Clear(Display, Surface, ClearType); virtual void ::Blit(Display, Surface, Bitmap, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h); virtual void ::Stretch(Display, Surface, Bitmap, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int sw, int sh); virtual void ::Filter(Display, Surface, Bitmap, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int sw, int sh); virtual void ::BlitDI(Display, Surface, Bitmap, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h); virtual void ::StretchDI(Display, Surface, Bitmap, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int sw, int sh); virtual void ::FilterDI(Display, Surface, Bitmap, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int sw, int sh); virtual void ::TextFont(Display, Surface, Font); virtual void ::TextOpacity(Display, Surface, bool); virtual void ::WriteText(Display, Surface, int x, int y, const String text, int len, int prevGlyph, int * rPrevGlyph); virtual void ::TextExtent(Display, Surface, const String text, int len, int * tw, int * th, int prevGlyph, int * rPrevGlyph, int * overHang); virtual void ::FontExtent(DisplaySystem, Font, const String text, int len, int * tw, int * th, int prevGlyph, int * rPrevGlyph, int * overHang); virtual void ::DrawingChar(Display, Surface, char ch); virtual void ::NextPage(Display); #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_NO3D) // 3D Graphics virtual void ::SetRenderState(Display, RenderState, uint); virtual void ::SetLight(Display, int, Light); virtual void ::SetCamera(Display, Surface, Camera); virtual bool ::AllocateMesh(DisplaySystem, Mesh, MeshFeatures, int nVertices); virtual void ::FreeMesh(DisplaySystem, Mesh); virtual bool ::LockMesh(DisplaySystem, Mesh, MeshFeatures flags); virtual void ::UnlockMesh(DisplaySystem, Mesh, MeshFeatures flags); virtual void * ::AllocateIndices(DisplaySystem, int nIndices, bool indices32bit); virtual void ::FreeIndices(DisplaySystem, void * indices); virtual uint16 * ::LockIndices(DisplaySystem, void * indices); virtual void ::UnlockIndices(DisplaySystem, void * indices, bool indices32bit, int nIndices); virtual void ::SelectMesh(Display, Mesh); virtual void ::ApplyMaterial(Display, Material, Mesh); virtual void ::DrawPrimitives(Display, PrimitiveSingle *, Mesh mesh); virtual void ::PushMatrix(Display); virtual void ::PopMatrix(Display, bool); virtual void ::SetTransform(Display, Matrix, bool, bool); #endif virtual void ::SetBlitTint(Display, Surface, ColorAlpha); }; public enum Alignment { left, right, center }; public enum ClearType { colorBuffer, depthBuffer, colorAndDepth }; define textCellW = 8; define textCellH = 16; public enum PixelFormat // : byte MESSES UP GuiApplication { pixelFormat4, pixelFormat8, pixelFormat444, pixelFormat555, pixelFormat565, pixelFormat888, pixelFormatAlpha, pixelFormatText, pixelFormatRGBA }; public enum Resolution : int { resText80x25, res320x200, res320x240, res320x400, res360x480, res400x256, res400x300, res512x256, res512x384, res640x200, res640x350, res640x400, res640x480, res720x348, res800x600, res856x480, res960x720, res1024x768, res1152x864, res1280x1024, res1600x1200, res768x480 }; #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_NO3D) public class LightFlags { public bool off:1, spot:1, omni:1, attenuation:1; }; public struct Light { LightFlags flags; ColorRGB ambient; ColorRGB diffuse; ColorRGB specular; Vector3D direction; Quaternion orientation; Object lightObject; Object target; Degrees fallOff; Degrees hotSpot; float Kc; float Kl; float Kq; Degrees start; Degrees end; float multiplier; }; public define NumberOfLights = 8; // Painter's algorithm public class HitRecord : struct { public: HitRecord prev, next; uint pos; uint numTags; Vector3D center; void * tags[1]; // More tags may follow int Compare(HitRecord recordB, void * unused) { if(center.z > return 1; else if(center.z < return -1; else if(pos > recordB.pos) return 1; else if(pos < recordB.pos) return -1; else return 0; } }; #define EPSILON 0.00001 struct SortPrimitive { PrimitiveSingle * triangle; Object object; Vector3Df middle; Vector3Df min, max; Plane plane; bool marked; int Compare(SortPrimitive primitive2) { double value; if(ZOverlap(primitive2) && Sgn(plane.d) != Sgn(primitive2.plane.d)) value = plane.d - primitive2.plane.d; else value = middle.z - primitive2.middle.z; if(value > EPSILON) return 1; else if(value<-EPSILON) return -1; else return 0; } bool ZOverlap(SortPrimitive poly2) { if(min.z > poly2.max.z - EPSILON || poly2.min.z > max.z - EPSILON) return false; return true; } /* bool XYOverlap(SortPrimitive poly2) { if(min.x > poly2.max.x - EPSILON || poly2.min.x > max.x - EPSILON ) return false; if(min.y > poly2.max.y - EPSILON || poly2.min.y > max.y - EPSILON ) return false; return true; } bool SurfaceOutside(SortPrimitive poly2) { bool result = true; PrimitiveSingle * primitive = triangle; Mesh mesh = object.mesh; Matrix * matrix = &object.matrix; int v; double a = poly2.plane.a, b = poly2.plane.b, c = poly2.plane.c, d = poly2.plane.d; if(d < 0) { a*=-1; b*=-1; c*=-1; d = - (a * poly2.middle.x + b * poly2.middle.y + c * poly2.middle.z); } for(v = 0; v < primitive->nIndices; v++) { double surface; Vector3Df * local = &mesh.vertices[primitive->indices[v]]; Vector3Df vertex; vertex.MultMatrix(local, matrix); surface = a * vertex.x + b * vertex.y + c * vertex.z + d; if(surface < EPSILON) { result = false; break; } } if(result == true) return true; else return result; } bool SurfaceInside(SortPrimitive poly2) { bool result = true; PrimitiveSingle * primitive = poly2.triangle; Mesh mesh = poly2.object.mesh; Matrix * matrix = &poly2.object.matrix; int v; double a = plane.a, b = plane.b, c = plane.c, d = plane.d; if(d < 0) { a*=-1; b*=-1; c*=-1; d = - (a * middle.x + b * middle.y + c * middle.z); } for(v = 0; v < primitive->nIndices; v++) { double surface; Vector3Df * local = &mesh.vertices[primitive->indices[v]]; Vector3Df vertex; vertex.MultMatrix(local, matrix); surface = a * vertex.x + b * vertex.y + c * vertex.z + d; if(surface > -EPSILON) { result = false; break; } } if(result == true) return true; else return result; } bool ShouldBeSwapped(SortPrimitive poly2) { if (!XYOverlap(poly2)) return false; if (SurfaceOutside(poly2)) return false; if (SurfaceInside(poly2)) return false; return true; } */ }; #endif #define MAX_CLIP_POINTS 50 public class Display { public: ~Display() { if(displaySystem) { displaySystem.numDisplays--; displaySystem.driver.DestroyDisplay(this); } #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_NO3D) delete display3D; #endif } bool Create(DisplaySystem displaySystem, void * window) { bool result = false; if(displaySystem) { this.displaySystem = displaySystem; this.window = window; displaySystem.numDisplays++; if(displaySystem.driver.CreateDisplay(this)) result = true; // if(!result) LogErrorCode(DisplayInitFailed,; } return result; } Surface GetSurface(int x, int y, Box clip) { Surface result = null; Surface surface { _refCount = 1 }; if(surface) { Box box { -x, -y, -x + width - 1, -y + height - 1 }; box.Clip(clip); surface.width = width - x; surface.height = height - y; surface.driver = displaySystem.driver; surface.displaySystem = displaySystem; surface.display = this; if(displaySystem.driver.GetSurface(this, surface, x, y, box)) result = surface; if(!result) delete surface; } return result; } bool Resize(int width, int height) { return displaySystem.driver.DisplaySize(this, width, height); } void Position(int x, int y) { displaySystem.driver.DisplayPosition(this, x,y); } void StartUpdate(void) { displaySystem.driver.StartUpdate(this); } void Scroll(Box scroll, int x, int y, Extent dirty) { displaySystem.driver.Scroll(this, scroll, x, y, dirty); } void Update(Box updateBox) { displaySystem.driver.Update(this, updateBox); } void EndUpdate(void) { displaySystem.driver.EndUpdate(this); } void NextPage(void) { displaySystem.driver.NextPage(this); } bool Grab(Bitmap bitmap, int x, int y, int w, int h) { bool result = false; if(bitmap && w > 0 && h > 0 && displaySystem.driver.GrabScreen(this, bitmap, x, y, w, h)) result = true; else bitmap.Free(); return result; } void FontExtent(Font font, const char * text, int len, int * width, int * height) { int overHang = 0; FontExtent2(font, text, len, width, height, 0, null, &overHang); if(width) *width += overHang; } void FontExtent2(Font font, const char * text, int len, int * width, int * height, int prevGlyph, int * rPrevGlyph, int * overHang) { // Fix for OnLoadGraphics time alpha blended window text extent on GDI #if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) if(this && alphaBlend && pixelFormat == pixelFormat888 && displaySystem.driver == class(GDIDisplayDriver)) { Surface s = GetSurface(0,0,null); if(s) { s.font = font; s.TextExtent2(text, len, width, height, prevGlyph, rPrevGlyph, overHang); delete s; } } else #endif // TODO: Should really pass display here... DisplaySystem::FontExtent2(this ? displaySystem : null, font, text, len, width, height, prevGlyph, rPrevGlyph, overHang); } void SetPalette(ColorAlpha * palette, bool colorMatch) { displaySystem.driver.SetPalette(this, palette, colorMatch); } void RestorePalette(void) { displaySystem.driver.RestorePalette(this); } bool Lock(bool render) { bool result = false; /* int c; for(c = 0; cplane; if(display3D.nTriangles >= display3D.maxTriangles) { display3D.maxTriangles = display3D.maxTriangles ? (display3D.maxTriangles * 3 / 2) : 32768; display3D.triangles = renew display3D.triangles SortPrimitive[display3D.maxTriangles]; } sort = &display3D.triangles[display3D.nTriangles++]; sort->object = object; sort->triangle = triangle; sort->middle.MultMatrix(triangle->middle, matrix); sort->middle.z *= -1; // sort->plane.MultMatrix(triangle->plane, inverseTranspose); sort->plane.d = plane->a * inverseTranspose.m[0][3] + plane->b * inverseTranspose.m[1][3] + plane->c * inverseTranspose.m[2][3] + plane->d * inverseTranspose.m[3][3]; } } else { int c; displaySystem.driver.SelectMesh(this, mesh); display3D.mesh = mesh; for(c = 0; cmaterial ? primitive->material : objectMaterial; if(!material) material = defaultMaterial; if(material != display3D.material) { display3D.material = material; displaySystem.driver.ApplyMaterial(this, material, mesh); } displaySystem.driver.DrawPrimitives(this, primitive, display3D.mesh); } } result = true; } return result; } bool IsObjectVisible(Object object) { Plane * planes; if(display3D.selection || ! planes = object.flags.viewSpace ? display3D.viewPickingPlanes : display3D.worldPickingPlanes; else planes = object.flags.viewSpace ? :; return object.InsideFrustum(planes) != outside; } bool DrawObject(Object object) { bool result = false; if(object && object.volume) { Object child; FrustumPlacement visible; Plane * planes; Camera camera =; if(display3D.selection || !camera) planes = object.flags.viewSpace ? display3D.viewPickingPlanes : display3D.worldPickingPlanes; else planes = object.flags.viewSpace ? camera.viewClippingPlanes : camera.worldClippingPlanes; visible = object.InsideFrustum(planes); if(visible || display3D.pickingPlanes) { if(display3D.collectingHits && object.tag) { /*if(object.flags.root) this.tags[display3D.tagIndex] = object.tag; else if(object.tag) this.tags[++display3D.tagIndex] = object.tag; */ display3D.tags[display3D.tagIndex++] = object.tag; } if(object.flags.mesh && object.mesh) { if(!display3D.selection && displaySystem.driver.PushMatrix) displaySystem.driver.PushMatrix(this); #if ENABLE_GL_FFP if(object.mesh.tangents && object.mesh.normals && object.flags.computeLightVectors) { Mesh mesh = object.mesh; if(!glCaps_shaders) { int count = mesh.nVertices; Vector3Df * normals = mesh.normals; Vector3Df * vertices = mesh.vertices; ColorRGB * lightVectors; Vector3Df * tangents = mesh.tangents; int i; float * l = display3D.light0Pos; Vector3Df light { l[0], l[1], l[2] }; Matrix o = object.matrix; Matrix t, inv = camera.viewMatrix; Vector3D ot { }; Vector3D cPos = camera.cPosition; Vector3D pos; bool positional = l[3] ? true : false; inv.Scale(1.0/nearPlane, -1.0/nearPlane,-1.0/nearPlane); pos.MultMatrix(cPos, camera.viewMatrix); ot.x = o.m[3][0] + pos.x; ot.y = o.m[3][1] + pos.y; ot.z = o.m[3][2] + pos.z; o.m[3][0] = 0; o.m[3][1] = 0; o.m[3][2] = 0; t.Multiply(o, inv); inv = t; t.Transpose(inv); inv.Inverse(t); mesh.Allocate({ lightVectors = true }, mesh.nVertices, displaySystem); mesh.Lock({ lightVectors = true }); lightVectors = mesh.lightVectors; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { Vector3Df tangent1 = tangents[i*2 + 0]; Vector3Df tangent2 = tangents[i*2 + 1]; Vector3Df normal = normals[i]; Vector3Df tTangent1, tTangent2, tNormal; tTangent1.MultMatrix(tangent1, inv); tTangent2.MultMatrix(tangent2, inv); tNormal .MultMatrix(normal, inv); tTangent1.Normalize(tTangent1); tTangent2.Normalize(tTangent2); tNormal .Normalize(tNormal); { Matrix tbn { { tTangent1.x, tTangent2.x, tNormal.x, 0, tTangent1.y, tTangent2.y, tNormal.y, 0, tTangent1.z, tTangent2.z, tNormal.z, 1 } }; Vector3Df n; if(positional) { Vector3Df tPos = vertices[i]; tPos.x += ot.x, tPos.y += ot.y, tPos.z += ot.z; // Subtract vertex from light for positional lights light.x = l[0] - tPos.x; light.y = l[1] + tPos.y; light.z = l[2] - tPos.z; } n.MultMatrix(light, tbn); if(positional) n.Normalize(n); lightVectors[i] = { n.x / 2 + 0.5f, n.y / 2 + 0.5f, n.z / 2 + 0.5f }; } } mesh.Unlock({ lightVectors = true }); // Create normalization cube map /* if(!mesh.normMap) mesh.normMap = { }; { int w = 256, h = 256, d = 256; Vector3Df min = mesh.min, max = mesh.max; Vector3Df delta { (max.x - min.x) / w, (max.y - min.y) / h, (max.z - min.z) / d }; int i; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Bitmap face = i > 0 ? { } : mesh.normMap; int x, y; ColorAlpha * p; face.Free(); face.Allocate(null, w, h, 0, pixelFormat888, false); face.driverData = mesh.normMap.driverData; p = (ColorAlpha *)face.picture; for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(x = 0; x < w; x++, p++) { Vector3Df v { min.x + x * delta.x, min.y + y * delta.y, min.z }; v.Normalize(v); *p = ColorAlpha { 255, { (byte)((v.x / 2.0 + 0.5) * 255), (byte)((v.y / 2.0 + 0.5) * 255), (byte)((v.z / 2.0 + 0.5) * 255) } }; } } displaySystem.driver.MakeDDBitmap(displaySystem, face, true, (i + 1)); if(i > 0) { face.driverData = 0; delete face; } } } */ } else mesh.Free({ lightVectors = true }); } #endif SetTransform(object.matrix, object.flags.viewSpace); if(display3D.selection) { if(visible == intersecting || display3D.intersecting) { Vector3D rayIntersect; if(display3D.PickMesh(object, rayIntersect)) { if(display3D.intersecting) { Vector3D wresult, vresult; wresult.MultMatrix(rayIntersect, object.matrix); if(!object.flags.viewSpace) camera.TransformPoint(vresult, wresult); else vresult = wresult; if(vresult.z < display3D.rayIntersect.z) display3D.rayIntersect = vresult; display3D.intersected = true; } result = true; } } else result = true; } else { result |= DrawMesh(object); if(displaySystem.driver.PopMatrix) displaySystem.driver.PopMatrix(this, true); } if(display3D.collectingHits && result /*&& object.tag*/) { int c; HitRecord hit = (HitRecord)new0 byte[sizeof(class HitRecord) + sizeof(void *) * (display3D.tagIndex/*+1*/)]; display3D.hitList.Add(hit); hit.pos = display3D.hitList.count-1; hit.numTags = display3D.tagIndex /*+ 1*/; for(c = 0; cobject.mesh; PrimitiveSingle * primitive = sort->triangle; Material material; if(&sort->object.matrix != matrix) { matrix = &sort->object.matrix; displaySystem.driver.PopMatrix(this, false); displaySystem.driver.PushMatrix(this); SetTransform(matrix, sort->object.flags.viewSpace); } if(mesh != display3D.mesh) { displaySystem.driver.SelectMesh(this, mesh); display3D.mesh = mesh; } material = primitive->material ? primitive->material : sort->object.material; if(!material) material = defaultMaterial; if(material != display3D.material) { displaySystem.driver.ApplyMaterial(this, material, display3D.mesh); display3D.material = material; } /* { Material testMaterial { }; float amount; amount = (display3D.triangles[0].middle.z - display3D.triangles[c].middle.z) / (display3D.triangles[0].middle.z - display3D.triangles[display3D.nTriangles-1].middle.z); testMaterial.flags.doubleSided = { doubleSided = true, translucent = true }; testMaterial.diffuse.a = 1; testMaterial.emissive.r = testMaterial.emissive.g = testMaterial.emissive.b = amount; testMaterial.baseMap = material->baseMap; displaySystem.driver.ApplyMaterial(this, testMaterial, display3D.mesh); } */ // *** Render primitive *** // if(sort->plane.d > 0) displaySystem.driver.DrawPrimitives(this, primitive, display3D.mesh); } displaySystem.driver.PopMatrix(this, true); display3D.nTriangles = 0; blend = false; } } } // --- Picking --- void StartSelection(int pickX, int pickY, int pickW, int pickH) { if(!display3D) { display3D = Display3D { }; } display3D.pickX = (float)pickX; display3D.pickY = (float)pickY; display3D.pickWidth = (float)pickW; display3D.pickHeight = (float)pickH; display3D.selection = true; } void CollectHits(void) { display3D.collectingHits = true; } int GetHits(OldList list) { display3D.collectingHits = false; display3D.hitList.Sort(HitRecord::Compare, null); list = display3D.hitList; display3D.hitList.Clear(); return list.count; } void IntersectPolygons(void) { display3D.rayIntersect = { MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT }; display3D.intersected = false; display3D.intersecting = true; } bool GetIntersect(Vector3D intersect) { intersect = display3D.rayIntersect; display3D.intersecting = false; return display3D.intersected; } void StopSelection(void) { display3D.selection = false; } // --- Rendering States --- property FillModeValue fillMode { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, fillMode, value); } }; property bool depthTest { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, depthTest, value); } }; property bool depthWrite { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, depthWrite, value); } }; property float fogDensity { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, fogDensity, RenderStateFloat { value }.ui); } }; property Color fogColor { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, fogColor, value); } }; property bool blend { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, blend, value); } }; property Color ambient { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, ambient, value); } }; property bool alphaWrite { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, alphaWrite, value); } }; property bool antiAlias { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, antiAlias, value); } }; property bool vSync { set { displaySystem.driver.SetRenderState(this, vSync, value); } }; property bool pickingPlanes { set { display3D.pickingPlanes = value; } }; #endif property DisplayFlags flags { get { return displaySystem.flags; } } property PixelFormat pixelFormat { get { return /*alphaBlend ? pixelFormat888 : */displaySystem.pixelFormat; } } property bool alphaBlend { set { alphaBlend = value; } get { return alphaBlend; } }; property bool useSharedMemory { set { useSharedMemory = value; } get { return useSharedMemory; } }; property void * systemWindow { get { return window; } }; property DisplaySystem displaySystem { get { return displaySystem; } }; #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_ONEDRIVER) property GLCapabilities glCapabilities { get { return ((OGLDisplay)driverData).capabilities; } set { glCapabilities = value; if(driverData && displaySystem.driver == class(OpenGLDisplayDriver)) { OGLDisplay oglDisplay = driverData; if(!oglDisplay.originalCapabilities.fixedFunction) value.shaders = true; if(!oglDisplay.originalCapabilities.shaders) value.fixedFunction = true; // Disable things that don't work with shaders if(value.shaders) { value.fixedFunction = false; value.legacy = false; value.immediate = false; } oglDisplay.capabilities = oglDisplay.originalCapabilities & value; Lock(true); OpenGLDisplayDriver::initialDisplaySetup(this, true, false); Unlock(); } } }; #endif int width, height; void * driverData; private: DisplaySystem displaySystem; void * window; #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) Mutex mutex { }; #endif int current; #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_NO3D) Display3D display3D; #endif bool alphaBlend; void * windowDriverData; bool useSharedMemory; GLCapabilities glCapabilities; glCapabilities = { true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true }; }; #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_NO3D) private class Display3D : struct { // 3D Display int nTriangles; SortPrimitive * triangles; int maxTriangles; Vector3D points[MAX_CLIP_POINTS]; Vector3D newPoints[MAX_CLIP_POINTS]; byte goodPoints[MAX_CLIP_POINTS]; Material material; Mesh mesh; Camera camera; Plane viewPickingPlanes[ClippingPlane], worldPickingPlanes[ClippingPlane]; Plane localPickingPlanes[ClippingPlane]; bool collectingHits, selection, intersecting, intersected, pickingPlanes; float pickX, pickY, pickWidth, pickHeight; OldList hitList; void * tags[64]; int tagIndex; Line rayView, rayWorld, rayLocal; Vector3D rayIntersect; float light0Pos[4]; ~Display3D() { delete triangles; } int _SetLights(Display display, Object object, int id) { if(id < NumberOfLights) { Object child; if(object.flags.light && ! display.SetLight(id++, object.light); for(child = object.children.first; child; child = { id = _SetLights(display, child, id); } } return id; } //#define TRESHOLD -1 //#define TRESHOLD -0.25 #define TRESHOLD -0.0025 bool PickPrimitives(Mesh mesh, PrimitiveSingle primitive, Vector3D rayDiff, Vector3D rayIntersect) { Plane * planes = localPickingPlanes; int c = 0; int nIndex = 1, nPoints = 1; int offset = 0; bool result = false; Vector3D * points = this.points; Vector3D * newPoints = this.newPoints; byte * goodPoints = this.goodPoints; int nVertices = primitive.type.vertexRange ? primitive.nVertices : primitive.nIndices; int strip = 1; Vector3Df tmp; bool i32bit = primitive.type.indices32bit; uint32 * indices32 = primitive.indices32; uint16 * indices16 = primitive.indices; switch(primitive.type.primitiveType) { case triangles: nIndex = 3; nPoints = 3; break; case quads: nIndex = 4; nPoints = 4; break; case triStrip: case triFan: nIndex = 1; nPoints = 3; offset = 2; tmp = primitive.type.vertexRange ? mesh.vertices[primitive.first] : mesh.vertices[(i32bit ? indices32[0] : indices16[0])]; points[0] = { (double)tmp.x, (double)tmp.y, (double)tmp.z }; tmp = primitive.type.vertexRange ? mesh.vertices[primitive.first+1] : mesh.vertices[(i32bit ? indices32[1] : indices16[1])]; points[1] = { (double)tmp.x, (double)tmp.y, (double)tmp.z }; break; } for(c = offset; cnormal.DotProduct(points[i]); double distance = dot + plane->d; if(distance > TRESHOLD) { numGoodPoints++; goodPoints[i] = 1; } } if(!numGoodPoints) { outside = true; break; } if(numGoodPoints < n) { // Clip the polygon int newN = 0; int lastGood = -1; int j; for(j = 0; jIntersectLine(edge, newPoints[newN++]); for(next = j+1; next != j; next++) { if(next == n) next = 0; if(goodPoints[next]) { int prev = next - 1; if(prev < 0) prev = n-1; edge.p0 = points[prev];[next], edge.p0); plane->IntersectLine(edge, newPoints[newN++]); break; } } if(next <= j) break; else j = next; } } // Use the new points memcpy(points, newPoints, newN * sizeof(Vector3D)); n = newN; } } } if(!outside) { result = true; // TODO: Implement intersection with TriStrip, TriFan... if(intersecting) { // Intersect primitives Plane plane; Vector3D intersect, diff; int i0 = c, i1 = c+1, i2 = c+2; if(primitive.type.primitiveType == triStrip) { i0 = (c & 1) ? (c - 1) : (c - 2); i1 = (c & 1) ? (c - 2) : (c - 1); i2 = c; } else if(primitive.type.primitiveType == triFan) { i0 = 0; i1 = c - 1; i2 = c; } if(primitive.type.vertexRange) plane.FromPointsf( mesh.vertices[primitive.first + i0], mesh.vertices[primitive.first + i1], mesh.vertices[primitive.first + i2]); else plane.FromPointsf( mesh.vertices[(i32bit ? indices32[i0] : indices16[i0])], mesh.vertices[(i32bit ? indices32[i1] : indices16[i1])], mesh.vertices[(i32bit ? indices32[i2] : indices16[i2])]); plane.IntersectLine(rayLocal, intersect); diff.Subtract(intersect, rayLocal.p0); diff.x /=; diff.y /=; diff.z /=; if(diff.x < rayDiff.x || diff.y < rayDiff.y || diff.z < rayDiff.z) { rayDiff = diff; rayIntersect = intersect; } } else break; } switch(primitive.type) { case triStrip: points[strip] = points[2]; strip ^= 1; break; case triFan: points[1] = points[2]; break; } } return result; } bool PickMesh(Object object, Vector3D rayIntersect) { Mesh mesh = object.mesh; bool result = false; Vector3D rayDiff { MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT }; if(rayIntersect != null) rayIntersect = { MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT }; if(mesh.groups.first) { PrimitiveGroup group; for(group = mesh.groups.first; group; group = { if(PickPrimitives(mesh, (PrimitiveSingle *)&group.type, rayDiff, rayIntersect)) { result = true; if(!intersecting) break; } } } else { int c; for(c = 0; c < mesh.nPrimitives; c++) { if(PickPrimitives(mesh, mesh.primitives[c], rayDiff, rayIntersect)) { result = true; if(!intersecting) break; } } } return result; } void SortTriangles(void) { Matrix matrix; Object object = null; int c; for(c=0; cobject.mesh; PrimitiveSingle * primitive = sort->triangle; Vector3Df min { MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT }; Vector3Df max { -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT }; int v; bool ix32 = primitive->type.indices32bit; if(object != sort->object) { object = sort->object; if(object.flags.viewSpace) matrix = object.matrix; else { Camera camera =; Matrix temp = object.matrix; temp.m[3][0] -= camera.cPosition.x; temp.m[3][1] -= camera.cPosition.y; temp.m[3][2] -= camera.cPosition.z; matrix.Multiply(temp, camera.viewMatrix); } } for(v = 0; vnIndices; v++) { Vector3Df * local = &mesh.vertices[ix32 ? primitive->indices32[v] : primitive->indices[v]]; Vector3Df vertex; vertex.MultMatrix(local, &matrix); if(vertex.x > max.x) max.x = vertex.x; if(vertex.y > max.y) max.y = vertex.y; if(vertex.z > max.z) max.z = vertex.z; if(vertex.x < min.x) min.x = vertex.x; if(vertex.y < min.y) min.y = vertex.y; if(vertex.z < min.z) min.z = vertex.z; } sort->min = min; sort->max = max; sort->marked = false; } /* Logf("========= Before Sort ==========\n"); for(c=0; cmesh; PrimitiveSingle * primitive = sort->triangle; Logf("Triangle %d (%s):\n", c, primitive->material->name); for(v = 0; vnIndices; v++) { Vector3Df * local = &mesh.vertices[primitive->indices[v]]; Vector3Df vertex; vertex.matrix); Logf("Vertex %d:", v); // Logf(" Local %f, %f, %f:\n", local->x, local->y, local->z); Logf(" View %f, %f, %f:\n", vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z); } Logf("Min %f, %f, %f:\n", sort->min.x, sort->min.y, sort->min.z); Logf("Max %f, %f, %f:\n", sort->max.x, sort->max.y, sort->max.z); Logf("\n", c); }*/ // *** Sort translucent primitives *** qsort((void*) triangles, nTriangles, sizeof(SortPrimitive), SortPrimitive::Compare); /* Logf("\n\n========= After Sort ==========\n"); for(c=0; cmesh; PrimitiveSingle * primitive = sort->triangle; Logf("Triangle %d (%s):\n", c, primitive->material->name); for(v = 0; vnIndices; v++) { Vector3Df * local = &mesh.vertices[primitive->indices[v]]; Vector3Df vertex; vertex.MultMatrix(local, sort->matrix); Logf("Vertex %d:", v); // Logf(" Local %f, %f, %f:\n", local->x, local->y, local->z); Logf(" View %f, %f, %f:\n", vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z); } Logf("Min %f, %f, %f:\n", sort->min.x, sort->min.y, sort->min.z); Logf("Max %f, %f, %f:\n", sort->max.x, sort->max.y, sort->max.z); Logf("\n", c); } */ //exit(0); /* If all five tests fail for a particular Q, then P might obscure Q. Now Q must be tested. First, the algorithm checks if Q has been "marked." If Q is marked, then Q was "moved around" in the list during a previous iteration of the loop. The algorithm only allows a polygon to be moved once, to avoid the possibility of infinite loops. If Q is not marked, it is tested to see if it might obscure P. If Q cannot obscure P, then Q is possibly behind P and so it is good candidate to be drawn next. Therefore, the algorithm "abandons" the current P (that is, it stops testing Q's against the current P) and moves the current Q to the end of the list to become the next P. */ /* { int p; for(p = 0; pZOverlap(poly2) && !poly2->marked) { if(poly1->ShouldBeSwapped(poly2)) { if(!poly2->ShouldBeSwapped(poly1)) { SortPrimitive temp = *poly2; memmove(triangles+1, triangles, sizeof(SortPrimitive)*q); triangles[0] = temp; triangles[0].marked = true; p = 0; break; } } } } } } } { int p; for(p = 0; pZOverlap(poly2) && !poly2->marked) { if(poly1->ShouldBeSwapped(poly2)) { if(!poly2->ShouldBeSwapped(poly1)) { SortPrimitive temp = *poly2; memmove(triangles+1, triangles, sizeof(SortPrimitive)*q); triangles[0] = temp; triangles[0].marked = true; p = -1; break; } } } } } } } { int p; for(p = nTriangles-1; p>=0; p--) { SortPrimitive * poly1 = &triangles[p]; int q; for(q = nTriangles-1; q>=0; q--) { if(q != p) { SortPrimitive * poly2 = &triangles[q]; if(poly1->ZOverlap(poly2) && !poly2->marked) { if(poly1->ShouldBeSwapped(poly2)) { if(!poly2->ShouldBeSwapped(poly1)) { SortPrimitive temp = *poly2; memmove(triangles + q, triangles + q + 1, sizeof(SortPrimitive)*q); temp.marked = true; triangles[nTriangles-1] = temp; p = nTriangles; break; } } } } } } } { for(c=0; cZOverlap(poly2) && poly1->ShouldBeSwapped(poly2)) { SortPrimitive temp = *poly1; *poly1 = *poly2; *poly2 = temp; } } } } */ } }; #endif bool IsDriverTextMode(const char * driverName) { subclass(DisplayDriver) driver = GetDisplayDriver(driverName); return driver ? driver.textMode : false; } bool IsDriverPrinter(const char * driverName) { subclass(DisplayDriver) driver = GetDisplayDriver(driverName); return driver ? driver.printer : false; } static ColorAlpha defaultPalette[256] = { // 16 Colors /* 0xFF000000,0xFF000080,0xFF008000,0xFF008080,0xFF800000,0xFF800080,0xFF808000,0xFFC0C0C0, 0xFF808080,0xFF0000FF,0xFF00FF00,0xFF00FFFF,0xFFFF0000,0xFFFF00FF,0xFFFFFF00,0xFFFFFFFF, */ 0xFF000000,0xFF0000AA,0xFF00AA00,0xFF00AAAA,0xFFAA0000,0xFFAA00AA,0xFFAAAA00,0xFFABABAB, 0xFF555555,0xFF5555FF,0xFF55FF55,0xFF55FFFF,0xFFFF5555,0xFFFF55FF,0xFFFFFF55,0xFFFFFFFF, // 6 x 6 x 6 Color Cube 0xFF000000, 0xFF000033, 0xFF000066, 0xFF000099, 0xFF0000CC, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFF003300, 0xFF003333, 0xFF003366, 0xFF003399, 0xFF0033CC, 0xFF0033FF, 0xFF006600, 0xFF006633, 0xFF006666, 0xFF006699, 0xFF0066CC, 0xFF0066FF, 0xFF009900, 0xFF009933, 0xFF009966, 0xFF009999, 0xFF0099CC, 0xFF0099FF, 0xFF00CC00, 0xFF00CC33, 0xFF00CC66, 0xFF00CC99, 0xFF00CCCC, 0xFF00CCFF, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFF00FF33, 0xFF00FF66, 0xFF00FF99, 0xFF00FFCC, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xFF330000, 0xFF330033, 0xFF330066, 0xFF330099, 0xFF3300CC, 0xFF3300FF, 0xFF333300, 0xFF333333, 0xFF333366, 0xFF333399, 0xFF3333CC, 0xFF3333FF, 0xFF336600, 0xFF336633, 0xFF336666, 0xFF336699, 0xFF3366CC, 0xFF3366FF, 0xFF339900, 0xFF339933, 0xFF339966, 0xFF339999, 0xFF3399CC, 0xFF3399FF, 0xFF33CC00, 0xFF33CC33, 0xFF33CC66, 0xFF33CC99, 0xFF33CCCC, 0xFF33CCFF, 0xFF33FF00, 0xFF33FF33, 0xFF33FF66, 0xFF33FF99, 0xFF33FFCC, 0xFF33FFFF, 0xFF660000, 0xFF660033, 0xFF660066, 0xFF660099, 0xFF6600CC, 0xFF6600FF, 0xFF663300, 0xFF663333, 0xFF663366, 0xFF663399, 0xFF6633CC, 0xFF6633FF, 0xFF666600, 0xFF666633, 0xFF666666, 0xFF666699, 0xFF6666CC, 0xFF6666FF, 0xFF669900, 0xFF669933, 0xFF669966, 0xFF669999, 0xFF6699CC, 0xFF6699FF, 0xFF66CC00, 0xFF66CC33, 0xFF66CC66, 0xFF66CC99, 0xFF66CCCC, 0xFF66CCFF, 0xFF66FF00, 0xFF66FF33, 0xFF66FF66, 0xFF66FF99, 0xFF66FFCC, 0xFF66FFFF, 0xFF990000, 0xFF990033, 0xFF990066, 0xFF990099, 0xFF9900CC, 0xFF9900FF, 0xFF993300, 0xFF993333, 0xFF993366, 0xFF993399, 0xFF9933CC, 0xFF9933FF, 0xFF996600, 0xFF996633, 0xFF996666, 0xFF996699, 0xFF9966CC, 0xFF9966FF, 0xFF999900, 0xFF999933, 0xFF999966, 0xFF999999, 0xFF9999CC, 0xFF9999FF, 0xFF99CC00, 0xFF99CC33, 0xFF99CC66, 0xFF99CC99, 0xFF99CCCC, 0xFF99CCFF, 0xFF99FF00, 0xFF99FF33, 0xFF99FF66, 0xFF99FF99, 0xFF99FFCC, 0xFF99FFFF, 0xFFCC0000, 0xFFCC0033, 0xFFCC0066, 0xFFCC0099, 0xFFCC00CC, 0xFFCC00FF, 0xFFCC3300, 0xFFCC3333, 0xFFCC3366, 0xFFCC3399, 0xFFCC33CC, 0xFFCC33FF, 0xFFCC6600, 0xFFCC6633, 0xFFCC6666, 0xFFCC6699, 0xFFCC66CC, 0xFFCC66FF, 0xFFCC9900, 0xFFCC9933, 0xFFCC9966, 0xFFCC9999, 0xFFCC99CC, 0xFFCC99FF, 0xFFCCCC00, 0xFFCCCC33, 0xFFCCCC66, 0xFFCCCC99, 0xFFCCCCCC, 0xFFCCCCFF, 0xFFCCFF00, 0xFFCCFF33, 0xFFCCFF66, 0xFFCCFF99, 0xFFCCFFCC, 0xFFCCFFFF, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFF0033, 0xFFFF0066, 0xFFFF0099, 0xFFFF00CC, 0xFFFF00FF, 0xFFFF3300, 0xFFFF3333, 0xFFFF3366, 0xFFFF3399, 0xFFFF33CC, 0xFFFF33FF, 0xFFFF6600, 0xFFFF6633, 0xFFFF6666, 0xFFFF6699, 0xFFFF66CC, 0xFFFF66FF, 0xFFFF9900, 0xFFFF9933, 0xFFFF9966, 0xFFFF9999, 0xFFFF99CC, 0xFFFF99FF, 0xFFFFCC00, 0xFFFFCC33, 0xFFFFCC66, 0xFFFFCC99, 0xFFFFCCCC, 0xFFFFCCFF, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFFFF33, 0xFFFFFF66, 0xFFFFFF99, 0xFFFFFFCC, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 16 Shades of gray 0xFF000000,0xFF101010,0xFF202020,0xFF303030,0xFF404040,0xFF505050,0xFF606060,0xFF707070, 0xFF808080,0xFF909090,0xFFA0A0A0,0xFFB0B0B0,0xFFC0C0C0,0xFFD0D0D0,0xFFE0E0E0,0xFFF0F0F0, // Some more grays 0xFF080808,0xFF101010,0xFF585858,0xFF606060,0xFFA8A8A8,0xFFB0B0B0,0xFFF8F8F8,0xFFFFFFFF /* // Red 0xFF080000,0xFF100000,0xFF180000,0xFF200000,0xFF280000,0xFF300000,0xFF380000,0xFF400000, 0xFF480000,0xFF500000,0xFF580000,0xFF600000,0xFF680000,0xFF700000,0xFF780000,0xFF800000, 0xFF880000,0xFF900000,0xFF980000,0xFFA00000,0xFFA80000,0xFFB00000,0xFFB80000,0xFFC00000, 0xFFC80000,0xFFD00000,0xFFD80000,0xFFE00000,0xFFE80000,0xFFF00000,0xFFF80000,0xFFFF0000, // Green 0xFF000800,0xFF001000,0xFF001800,0xFF002000,0xFF002800,0xFF003000,0xFF003800,0xFF004000, 0xFF004800,0xFF005000,0xFF005800,0xFF006000,0xFF006800,0xFF007000,0xFF007800,0xFF008000, 0xFF008800,0xFF009000,0xFF009800,0xFF00A000,0xFF00A800,0xFF00B000,0xFF00B800,0xFF00C000, 0xFF00C800,0xFF00D000,0xFF00D800,0xFF00E000,0xFF00E800,0xFF00F000,0xFF00F800,0xFF00FF00, // Cyan 0xFF000808,0xFF001010,0xFF001818,0xFF002020,0xFF002828,0xFF003030,0xFF003838,0xFF004040, 0xFF004848,0xFF005050,0xFF005858,0xFF006060,0xFF006868,0xFF007070,0xFF007878,0xFF008080, 0xFF008888,0xFF009090,0xFF009898,0xFF00A0A0,0xFF00A8A8,0xFF00B0B0,0xFF00B8B8,0xFF00C0C0, 0xFF00C8C8,0xFF00D0D0,0xFF00D8D8,0xFF00E0E0,0xFF00E8E8,0xFF00F0F0,0xFF00F8F8,0xFF00FFFF, // Blue 0xFF000008,0xFF000010,0xFF000018,0xFF000020,0xFF000028,0xFF000030,0xFF000038,0xFF000040, 0xFF000048,0xFF000050,0xFF000058,0xFF000060,0xFF000068,0xFF000070,0xFF000078,0xFF000080, 0xFF000088,0xFF000090,0xFF000098,0xFF0000A0,0xFF0000A8,0xFF0000B0,0xFF0000B8,0xFF0000C0, 0xFF0000C8,0xFF0000D0,0xFF0000D8,0xFF0000E0,0xFF0000E8,0xFF0000F0,0xFF0000F8,0xFF0000FF, // Magenta 0xFF080008,0xFF100010,0xFF180018,0xFF200020,0xFF280028,0xFF300030,0xFF380038,0xFF400040, 0xFF480048,0xFF500050,0xFF580058,0xFF600060,0xFF680068,0xFF700070,0xFF780078,0xFF800080, 0xFF880088,0xFF900090,0xFF980098,0xFFA000A0,0xFFA800A8,0xFFB000B0,0xFFB800B8,0xFFC000C0, 0xFFC800C8,0xFFD000D0,0xFFD800D8,0xFFE000E0,0xFFE800E8,0xFFF000F0,0xFFF800F8,0xFFFF00FF, // Yellow 0xFF080800,0xFF101000,0xFF181800,0xFF202000,0xFF282800,0xFF303000,0xFF383800,0xFF404000, 0xFF484800,0xFF505000,0xFF585800,0xFF606000,0xFF686800,0xFF707000,0xFF787800,0xFF808000, 0xFF888800,0xFF909000,0xFF989800,0xFFA0A000,0xFFA8A800,0xFFB0B000,0xFFB8B800,0xFFC0C000, 0xFFC8C800,0xFFD0D000,0xFFD8D800,0xFFE0E000,0xFFE8E800,0xFFF0F000,0xFFF8F800,0xFFFFFF00, // White 0xFF080808,0xFF101010,0xFF181818,0xFF202020,0xFF282828,0xFF303030,0xFF383838,0xFF404040, 0xFF484848,0xFF505050,0xFF585858,0xFF606060,0xFF686868,0xFF707070,0xFF787878,0xFF808080, 0xFF888888,0xFF909090,0xFF989898,0xFFA0A0A0,0xFFA8A8A8,0xFFB0B0B0,0xFFB8B8B8,0xFFC0C0C0, 0xFFC8C8C8,0xFFD0D0D0,0xFFD8D8D8,0xFFE0E0E0,0xFFE8E8E8,0xFFF0F0F0,0xFFF8F8F8,0xFFFFFFFF */ }; #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_NO3D) static Material defaultMaterial { opacity = 1.0f, diffuse = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, ambient = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, flags = { doubleSided = true, noFog = true }; }; #endif static byte colorDepthShifts[PixelFormat] = { 0,0,1,1,1,2,0,1,2 }; static Size resolutions[Resolution] = { {80,25}, {320,200},{320,240},{320,400},{360,480}, {400,256},{400,300},{512,256},{512,384}, {640,200},{640,350},{640,400},{640,480}, {720,348},{800,600},{856,480},{960,720}, {1024,768},{1152,864},{1280,1024},{1600,1200}, {768,480} }; static int colorDepths[PixelFormat] = {4,8,12,15,16,32,8,16,32}; // --- Query utilities --- public int GetResolutionWidth(Resolution resolution) { return resolutions[resolution].w; } public int GetResolutionHeight(Resolution resolution) { return resolutions[resolution].h; } public int GetDepthBits(PixelFormat colorDepth) { return colorDepths[colorDepth]; } public byte GetColorDepthShifts(PixelFormat format) { return colorDepthShifts[format]; } public ColorAlpha * GetDefaultPalette() { return (ColorAlpha *)defaultPalette; } #if !defined(ECERE_VANILLA) && !defined(ECERE_NO3D) public Material GetDefaultMaterial() { return defaultMaterial; } #endif public int BestColorMatch(ColorAlpha * palette, int start, int end, Color rgb) { int best = 0; if(palette) { int c; int bestscore = MAXINT,score; byte r = rgb.r, g = rgb.g, b = rgb.b; Color current; for(c = start; c <= end; c++) { int dr,dg,db; current = palette[c]; if(rgb && !c) continue; dr = r - current.r; dg = g - current.g; db = b - current.b; score = Abs(dr) + Abs(dg) + Abs(db); if(score <= bestscore) { bestscore = score; best = c; } } } return best; } // had to move this here due to compiler ordering issue for "get property" symbol subclass(DisplayDriver) GetDisplayDriver(const char * driverName) { if(driverName) { OldLink link; for(link = class(DisplayDriver).derivatives.first; link; link = { subclass(DisplayDriver) displayDriver =; if(displayDriver && && !strcmp(, driverName)) return displayDriver; } } return null; } DisplaySystem GetDisplaySystem(const char * driverName) { subclass(DisplayDriver) displayDriver = GetDisplayDriver(driverName); return displayDriver ? displayDriver.displaySystem : null; }