namespace gfx; import "ListBox" import "DropBox" import "ColorPicker" public struct ColorRGB { float r, g, b; }; public struct ColorRGBAf { float r, g, b, a; property ColorAlpha { set { this = ColorRGBAf { value.color.r/255.0f, value.color.g/255.0f, value.color.b/255.0f, value.a/255.0f }; } get { return ColorAlpha { (byte)(a * 255), Color { (byte)(r * 255), (byte)(g * 255), (byte)(b * 255) } }; } } property Color { set { this = ColorRGBAf { value.r/255.0f, value.g/255.0f, value.b/255.0f, 1.0f }; } get { return Color { (byte)(r * 255), (byte)(g * 255), (byte)(b * 255) }; } } }; public class Color : uint { public: byte r:8:16, g:8:8, b:8:0; property ColorRGB { get { value = ColorRGB { r/255.0f, g/255.0f, b/255.0f }; } set { return Color { (byte)(value.r*255), (byte)(value.g*255), (byte)(value.b*255) }; } } bool OnSaveEdit(DropBox dropBox, void * object) { return dropBox.Save(); } Window OnEdit(Window dataBox, Window master, int x, int y, int w, int h, Window control) { const char * string = ""; ColorDropBox colorDropBox { dataBox, master = master, editText = true, //position = Point { x + 24, y }, /*clientSize.h = */size.h = h, size.w = w - 24, anchor = { left = 24, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0 }, color = this, control = control }; colorDropBox.Create(); //if(this) { char tempString[MAX_F_STRING]; const char * result; bool needClass = false; tempString[0] = 0; result = OnGetString(tempString, null, &needClass); if(result) string = result; } colorDropBox.contents = string; // This is to highlight text on DataBox::Refresh colorDropBox.editBox.SelectAll(); return colorDropBox; } const char * OnGetString(char * stringOutput, void * fieldData, bool * needClass) { const char * string; if((string = ((DefinedColor)this).class::OnGetString(stringOutput, null, needClass)) || (string = ((SystemColor)this).class::OnGetString(stringOutput, null, needClass))) { if(needClass) *needClass = false; return string; } else { char tempString[256]; const char * colorValue; bool subNeedClass; int value; tempString[0] = '\0'; value = r; colorValue = value.OnGetString(tempString, null, &subNeedClass); strcpy(stringOutput, "r = "); strcat(stringOutput, colorValue); // Weird bug in VS memset(tempString, 0, 256); tempString[0] = '\0'; value = g; colorValue = value.OnGetString(tempString, null, &subNeedClass); strcat(stringOutput, ", g = "); strcat(stringOutput, colorValue); // Weird bug in VS memset(tempString, 0, 256); tempString[0] = '\0'; value = b; colorValue = value.OnGetString(tempString, null, &subNeedClass); strcat(stringOutput, ", b = "); strcat(stringOutput, colorValue); return stringOutput; } } bool OnGetDataFromString(const char * string) { if(!atoi(string) && (((DefinedColor)this).class::OnGetDataFromString(string) || ((SystemColor)this).class::OnGetDataFromString(string))) return true; else return class::OnGetDataFromString(string); } void OnDisplay(Surface surface, int x, int y, int width, void * fieldData, Alignment alignment, DataDisplayFlags displayFlags) { char tempString[1024] = ""; bool needClass = false; // TODO: This isn't an ideal way of obtaining the clipped height, will fail on hidden areas // This doesn't seem to help anymore? // - Makes SavingDataBox draw at 2 different spots depending if active or not. // - Color property in IDE is fine as well // - How is it on Linux? int yOffset = 0;//( - - 17)/2; const char * string = OnGetString(tempString, null, &needClass); surface.WriteTextDots(alignment, x + 24, y + 1, width - 24, string, strlen(string)); // Erase background? y += yOffset-1; surface.SetBackground(white); surface.Area(x - 4, y, x + 20, y + 15); surface.SetBackground(this); surface.Area(x, y + 2, x+17, y+13); surface.SetForeground(black); surface.Rectangle(x-1, y + 1, x + 18, y + 14); } } public struct ColorHSV { Degrees h; float s,v; property ColorRGB { set { float r = value.r, g = value.g, b = value.b; float minV, maxV, diff,dr,dg,db; float h = 0, s, v; minV = Min(r, g); minV = Min(minV, b); maxV = Max(r, g); maxV = Max(maxV, b); diff = maxV - minV; v = maxV; if(diff) { s = diff/maxV; dr = (maxV - r)/diff; dg = (maxV - g)/diff; db = (maxV - b)/diff; /* if R=V then -- between yellow and magenta [degrees] H=60.0*(G-B)/Delta else if G=V then -- between cyan and yellow H=120.0+60.0*(B-R)/Delta else -- between magenta and cyan H=240.0+60.0*(R-G)/Delta */ if(r == maxV) h = db - dg; else if(g == maxV) h = 2 + dr - db; else if(b == maxV) h = 4 + dg - dr; if(h < 0) h += 6; } else { h = 0; s = 0; } this.h = h * Degrees { 60 }; this.s = s * 100; this.v = v * 100; } get { float deg = (float)(this.h / 60); float h = (deg == 6) ? 0 : deg, s = this.s / 100, v = this.v / 100; int i = (int) h; float f = h - i; float p = v*(1-s); float q = v*(1-(s*f)); float t = v*(1-s*(1-f)); float r,g,b; switch(i) { case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break; case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break; case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break; case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break; case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break; case 5: default: r = v; g = p; b = q; break; } // TODO: Figure out where this is needed r = Max(Min(r, 1),0); g = Max(Min(g, 1),0); b = Max(Min(b, 1),0); value.r = r; value.g = g; value.b = b; } } }; public struct ColorLab { float l,a,b; property ColorRGB { set { float r = value.r, g = value.g, b = value.b; float y2; r = (float)pow((r + 0.055)/1.055, 2.4); g = (float)pow((g + 0.055)/1.055, 2.4); b = (float)pow((b + 0.055)/1.055, 2.4); { float x = r * 0.412453f + g * 0.357580f + b * 0.180423f; float y = r * 0.212671f + g * 0.715160f + b * 0.072169f; float z = r * 0.019334f + g * 0.119193f + b * 0.950227f; x /= 0.950456f; y /= 1; z /= 1.088754f; x = (x > 0.008856f) ? (float)pow(x, 1.0f/3) : (7.787f * x + 16/116.0f); y2 = (y > 0.008856f) ? (float)pow(y, 1.0f/3) : (7.787f * y + 16/116.0f); z = (z > 0.008856f) ? (float)pow(z, 1.0f/3) : (7.787f * z + 16/116.0f); if(y > 0.008856) l = 116 * y2 - 16; else l = 903.3f * y; this.a = 500 * (x - y2); this.b = 200 * (y2 - z); } } get { float x,y,z,r,g,b, P; P = (l + 16)/116; if(l > 903.3f * 0.008856f) { y = (l + 16) / 116; y = y*y*y; } else y = l / 903.3f; if(y > 0.008856f) P = (l + 16) / 116; else P = (903.3f * y + 16) / 116; x = a / 500 + P; if(x > 0.206893f) x = x*x*x; else x = (116 * x - 16) / 903.3f; z = P - this.b / 200; if(z > 0.206893f) z = z*z*z; else z = (116 * z - 16) / 903.3f; x *= 0.950456f; y *= 1; z *= 1.088754f; r = x * 3.240479f + y * -1.537150f + z *-0.498535f; g = x *-0.969256f + y * 1.875992f + z * 0.041556f; b = x * 0.055648f + y * -0.204043f + z * 1.057311f; r = (r > 0.00304f) ? (1.055f * (float)pow(r, 1/2.4) - 0.055f) : (12.92f * r); g = (g > 0.00304f) ? (1.055f * (float)pow(g, 1/2.4) - 0.055f) : (12.92f * g); b = (b > 0.00304f) ? (1.055f * (float)pow(b, 1/2.4) - 0.055f) : (12.92f * b); // TODO: Figure out where this is needed r = Max(Min(r, 1),0); g = Max(Min(g, 1),0); b = Max(Min(b, 1),0); value.r = r; value.g = g; value.b = b; } } }; public struct ColorCMYK { float c,m,y,k; property ColorRGB { set { float c = 1 - value.r; float m = 1 - value.g; float y = 1 - value.b; float k = Min(Min(c,m), y); if(k == 1) this.c = this.m = this.y = 0; else { this.c = (c-k)/(1-k) * 100; this.m = (m-k)/(1-k) * 100; this.y = (y-k)/(1-k) * 100; } this.k = k * 100; } get { float k = this.k/100; value.r = 1 - ((c / 100) * (1-k) + k); value.g = 1 - ((m / 100) * (1-k) + k); value.b = 1 - ((y / 100) * (1-k) + k); // TODO: Figure out where this is needed value.r = Max(Min(value.r, 1),0); value.g = Max(Min(value.g, 1),0); value.b = Max(Min(value.b, 1),0); } } }; public class Color565 : uint16 { public: byte r:5:11; byte g:6:5; byte b:5:0; property Color { set { return Color565 { value.r >> 3, value.g >> 2, value.b >> 3 }; } get { return Color { r << 3, g << 2, b << 3 }; } } } public class Color555 : uint16 { public: byte r:5:10; byte g:5:5; byte b:5:0; property Color { set { return Color555 { value.r >> 3, value.g >> 3, value.b >> 3 }; } get { return Color { r << 3, g << 3, b << 3 }; } } } public class Color444 : uint16 { public: byte r:4:8; byte g:4:4; byte b:4:0; property Color { set { return Color444 { value.r >> 4, value.g >> 4, value.b >> 4 }; } get { return Color { r << 4, g << 4, b << 4 }; } } } public class ColorAlpha { public: byte a:8:24; Color color:24:0; property Color { set { return ColorAlpha { 255, value }; } get { return color; } } /*property ColorRGBA { set { return ColorAlpha { value.a, Color { value.r, value.g, value.b } }; } get { return ColorRGBA { color.r, color.g, color.b, a }; } }*/ } public class ColorRGBA { public: byte r:8; byte g:8; byte b:8; byte a:8; property ColorAlpha { set { return ColorRGBA { value.color.r, value.color.g, value.color.b, value.a }; } get { return ColorAlpha { a, Color { r, g, b } }; } } property Color { set { return ColorRGBA { value.r, value.g, value.b, 255 }; } get { return Color { r, g, b }; } } } public enum DefinedColor : Color { black = Color { 0, 0, 0 }, dimGray = Color { 105, 105, 105 }, gray = Color { 128, 128, 128 }, darkGray = Color { 169, 169, 165 }, silver = Color { 192, 192, 192 }, lightGray = Color { 211, 211, 211 }, gainsboro = Color { 220, 220, 220 }, whiteSmoke = Color { 245, 245, 245 }, white = Color { 255, 255, 255 }, rosyBrown = Color { 188, 143, 143 }, indianRed = Color { 205, 92, 92 }, brown = Color { 165, 42, 42 }, fireBrick = Color { 178, 34, 34 }, lightCoral = Color { 240, 128, 128 }, maroon = Color { 128, 0, 0 }, darkRed = Color { 139, 0, 0 }, red = Color { 255, 0, 0 }, snow = Color { 255, 250, 250 }, mistyRose = Color { 255, 228, 225 }, salmon = Color { 250, 128, 114 }, tomato = Color { 255, 99, 71 }, darkSalmon = Color { 233, 150, 122 }, coral = Color { 255, 127, 80 }, orangeRed = Color { 255, 69, 0 }, lightSalmon = Color { 255, 160, 122 }, sienna = Color { 160, 82, 45 }, seaShell = Color { 255, 245, 238 }, chocolate = Color { 210, 105, 30 }, saddleBrown = Color { 139, 69, 19 }, sandyBrown = Color { 244, 164, 96 }, peachPuff = Color { 255, 218, 185 }, peru = Color { 205, 133, 63 }, linen = Color { 250, 240, 230 }, bisque = Color { 255, 228, 196 }, darkOrange = Color { 255, 140, 0 }, burlyWood = Color { 222, 184, 135 }, tan = Color { 210, 180, 140 }, antiqueWhite = Color { 250, 235, 215 }, navajoWhite = Color { 255, 222, 173 }, blanchedAlmond = Color { 255, 235, 205 }, papayaWhip = Color { 255, 239, 213 }, mocassin = Color { 255, 228, 181 }, orange = Color { 255, 165, 0 }, wheat = Color { 245, 222, 179 }, oldLace = Color { 253, 245, 230 }, floralWhite = Color { 255, 250, 240 }, darkGoldenrod = Color { 184, 134, 11 }, goldenrod = Color { 218, 165, 32 }, cornsilk = Color { 255, 248, 220 }, gold = Color { 255, 215, 0 }, khaki = Color { 240, 230, 140 }, lemonChiffon = Color { 255, 250, 205 }, paleGoldenrod = Color { 238, 232, 170 }, darkKhaki = Color { 189, 183, 107 }, beige = Color { 245, 245, 220 }, lightGoldenRodYellow= Color { 250, 250, 210 }, olive = Color { 128, 128, 0 }, yellow = Color { 255, 255, 0 }, lightYellow = Color { 255, 255, 224 }, ivory = Color { 255, 255, 240 }, oliveDrab = Color { 107, 142, 35 }, yellowGreen = Color { 154, 205, 50 }, darkOliveGreen = Color { 85, 107, 47 }, greenYellow = Color { 173, 255, 47 }, chartreuse = Color { 127, 255, 0 }, lawnGreen = Color { 124, 252, 0 }, darkSeaGreen = Color { 143, 188, 139 }, forestGreen = Color { 34, 139, 34 }, limeGreen = Color { 50, 205, 50 }, lightGreen = Color { 144, 238, 144 }, paleGreen = Color { 152, 251, 152 }, darkGreen = Color { 0, 100, 0 }, green = Color { 0, 128, 0 }, lime = Color { 0, 255, 0 }, honeyDew = Color { 240, 255, 240 }, seaGreen = Color { 46, 139, 87 }, mediumSeaGreen = Color { 60, 179, 113 }, springGreen = Color { 0, 255, 127 }, mintCream = Color { 245, 255, 250 }, mediumSpringGreen = Color { 0, 250, 154 }, mediumAquaMarine = Color { 102, 205, 170 }, aquamarine = Color { 127, 255, 212 }, turquoise = Color { 64, 224, 208 }, lightSeaGreen = Color { 32, 178, 170 }, mediumTurquoise = Color { 72, 209, 204 }, darkSlateGray = Color { 47, 79, 79 }, paleTurquoise = Color { 175, 238, 238 }, teal = Color { 0, 128, 128 }, darkCyan = Color { 0, 139, 139 }, aqua = Color { 0, 255, 255 }, cyan = Color { 0, 255, 255 }, lightCyan = Color { 224, 255, 255 }, azure = Color { 240, 255, 255 }, darkTurquoise = Color { 0, 206, 209 }, cadetBlue = Color { 95, 158, 160 }, powderBlue = Color { 176, 224, 230 }, lightBlue = Color { 173, 216, 230 }, deepSkyBlue = Color { 0, 191, 255 }, skyBlue = Color { 135, 206, 235 }, lightSkyBlue = Color { 135, 206, 250 }, steelBlue = Color { 70, 130, 180 }, aliceBlue = Color { 240, 248, 255 }, dodgerBlue = Color { 30, 144, 255 }, slateGray = Color { 112, 128, 144 }, lightSlateGray = Color { 119, 136, 153 }, lightSteelBlue = Color { 176, 196, 222 }, cornflowerBlue = Color { 100, 149, 237 }, royalBlue = Color { 65, 105, 225 }, midnightBlue = Color { 25, 25, 112 }, lavender = Color { 230, 230, 250 }, navy = Color { 0, 0, 128 }, darkBlue = Color { 0, 0, 139 }, mediumBlue = Color { 0, 0, 205 }, blue = Color { 0, 0, 255 }, ghostWhite = Color { 248, 248, 255 }, slateBlue = Color { 106, 90, 205 }, darkSlateBlue = Color { 72, 61, 139 }, mediumSlateBlue = Color { 123, 104, 238 }, mediumPurple = Color { 147, 112, 219 }, blueViolet = Color { 138, 43, 226 }, indigo = Color { 75, 0, 130 }, darkOrchid = Color { 153, 50, 204 }, darkViolet = Color { 148, 0, 211 }, mediumOrchid = Color { 186, 85, 211 }, thistle = Color { 216, 191, 216 }, plum = Color { 221, 160, 221 }, violet = Color { 238, 130, 238 }, purple = Color { 128, 0, 128 }, darkMagenta = Color { 139, 0, 139 }, magenta = Color { 255, 0, 255 }, fuschia = Color { 255, 0, 255 }, orchid = Color { 218, 112, 214 }, mediumVioletRed = Color { 199, 21, 133 }, deepPink = Color { 255, 20, 147 }, hotPink = Color { 255, 155, 180 }, lavenderBlush = Color { 255, 240, 245 }, paleVioletRed = Color { 219, 112, 147 }, crimson = Color { 220, 20, 60 }, pink = Color { 255, 192, 203 }, lightPink = Color { 255, 182, 193 } }; // TODO: We really should improve on this, only formColor has been used so far public enum SystemColor : Color { // activeBorder = Color { 212, 208, 200 }, formColor = Color { 229, 234, 245 }, activeBorder = Color { 229, 234, 245 }, control = Color { 212, 208, 200 }, controlLight = Color { 212, 208, 200 }, inactiveBorder = Color { 212, 208, 200 }, inactiveCaptionText = Color { 212, 208, 200 }, menu = Color { 212, 208, 200 }, scrollBar = Color { 212, 208, 200 } }; private class ColorValue : Color { void OnDisplay(Surface surface, int x, int y, int width, void * fieldData, Alignment alignment, DataDisplayFlags displayFlags) { // surface.WriteTextDots(alignment, x + 24, y + 1, width - 24, string, strlen(string)); surface.SetBackground(this); surface.Area(x, y + 4, x+19, y+11); surface.SetForeground(black); surface.Rectangle(x-1, y + 3, x + 20, y + 12); } } // TODO: ColorSelected was declared as non static /*static */class ColorDropBox : DropBox { ListBox listBox; Color color; Window control; borderStyle = 0; DataField sysColorField { dataType = "ColorValue", width = 20 }; DataField sysColorName { }; DataField definedColorField { dataType = "ColorValue", width = 20 }; DataField definedColorName { }; ColorDropBox() { system.AddField(sysColorField); system.AddField(sysColorName); defined.AddField(definedColorField); defined.AddField(definedColorName); } Window pullDown { master = this, interim = true, autoCreate = false, minSize = { 204, 222 }, background = formColor, borderStyle = contour|bevel; bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { ColorDropBox colorDropBox = (ColorDropBox)master; if((SmartKey)key == enter) { if(!colorDropBox.ColorSelected(colorDropBox.listBox, colorDropBox.listBox.currentRow, 0)) return false; } if(key == escape) { return colorDropBox.OnKeyDown(key, ch); } return true; } }; bool ColorSelected(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { Color color = row ? row.GetData(null) : black; incref this; ((DataBox)parent).SetData(&color, false); this.color = color; { char tempString[1024] = ""; bool needClass = false; const char * string = color.OnGetString(tempString, null, &needClass); contents = string; } OnKeyDown(escape, 0); Deactivate(); delete this; //OnKeyDown(escape, 0); //master.OnKeyDown(escape, 0); return true; } ListBox defined { master = this, parent = pullDown, freeSelect = true, hasVertScroll = true, anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 16, right = 0, bottom = 0 }, NotifySelect = ColorSelected }; ListBox system { master = this, parent = pullDown, freeSelect = true, hasVertScroll = true, anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 16, right = 0, bottom = 0 }, NotifySelect = ColorSelected }; ColorPicker dialog { text = $"Select Color", master = this, autoCreate = false }; Button button { master = this, parent = pullDown, text = $"Custom", size.w = 68, position = Point { 0, 0 }, bevelOver = true, inactive = true, hotKey = altC; // isRadio = true, bitmap = null; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { dialog.color = color; OnKeyDown(escape, 0); Deactivate(); //OnKeyDown(Escape, 0); //master.OnKeyDown(Escape, 0); incref this; if(dialog.Modal() == ok) { color = dialog.color; ((DataBox)master).SetData(&color, false); { char tempString[1024] = ""; bool needClass = false; const char * string = color.OnGetString(tempString, null, &needClass); contents = string; } } delete this; return true; } }; Button definedButton { master = this, parent = pullDown, text = $"Defined", hotKey = altD, size.w = 68, position = Point { 68, 0 }, isRadio = true, bevelOver = true, inactive = true, bitmap = null; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { system.visible = false; defined.visible = true; listBox = defined; return true; } }; Button systemButton { master = this, parent = pullDown, text = $"System", hotKey = altS, size.w = 68, position = Point { 136, 0 }, isRadio = true, bevelOver = true, inactive = true, bitmap = null; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { defined.visible = false; system.visible = true; listBox = system; return true; } }; Window OnDropDown() { char tempString[256]; pullDown.size.w = size.w + 24; pullDown.Create(); { NamedLink64 item; bool found = false; DataRow currentRow = null; defined.Clear(); for(item = ((EnumClassData)class(DefinedColor).data).values.first; item; item = { DataRow row = defined.AddRow(); row.SetData(definedColorField, (Color)(uint); strcpy(tempString,; tempString[0] = (char)toupper(tempString[0]); row.SetData(definedColorName, tempString); // TOCHECK: A uint cast is necessary here, the void * was causing ColorRGB conversion to be called if(!found && (Color)(uint) == color) { currentRow = row; found = true; } } if(currentRow) defined.currentRow = currentRow; } { bool found = false; NamedLink64 item; DataRow currentRow = null; system.Clear(); for(item = ((EnumClassData)class(SystemColor).data).values.first; item; item = { DataRow row = system.AddRow(); row.SetData(sysColorField, (Color)(uint); strcpy(tempString,; tempString[0] = (char)toupper(tempString[0]); row.SetData(sysColorName, tempString); // TOCHECK: A uint cast is necessary here, the void * was causing ColorRGB conversion to be called if(!found && (Color)(uint) == color) { currentRow = row; found = true; } } if(currentRow) system.currentRow = currentRow; if(found) { defined.visible = false; system.visible = true; systemButton.checked = true; listBox = system; } else { system.visible = false; defined.visible = true; definedButton.checked = true; listBox = defined; } } return pullDown; } void OnCloseDropDown(Window pullDown) { // TOFIX: Patch for update bug master.Update(null); pullDown.Destroy(0); } bool DataBox::NotifyTextEntry(ColorDropBox colorDropBox, const char * string, bool save) { if(save) { Color color = 0; if(color.OnGetDataFromString(string)) SetData(&color, false); } else { char tempString[1024] = ""; bool needClass = false; const char * string = colorDropBox.color.OnGetString(tempString, null, &needClass); colorDropBox.contents = string; } return true; } }