namespace gfx3D::models; import "Object" #if !defined(__ANDROID__) #define USE_32_BIT_INDICES true #define indicesMember indices32 #define uintindex uint32 #else #define USE_32_BIT_INDICES false #define indicesMember indices #define uintindex uint16 #endif #define MAXNAMELEN 64 // RGB Chunks #define RGB_FLOAT 0x0010 #define RGB_BYTE 0x0011 #define RGB_BYTE_GAMMA 0x0012 #define RGB_FLOAT_GAMMA 0x0013 // Amount Of Chunks #define AMOUNT_OF 0x0030 #define MAIN3DS 0x4D4D #define EDIT3DS 0x3D3D #define EDIT_AMBIENT 0x2100 #define EDIT_MATERIAL 0xAFFF #define EDIT_OBJECT 0x4000 #define OBJ_HIDDEN 0x4010 #define OBJ_TRIMESH 0x4100 #define OBJ_LIGHT 0x4600 #define OBJ_CAMERA 0x4700 // Triangular Mesh Chunks #define TRI_VERTEXL 0x4110 #define TRI_FACEL1 0x4120 #define TRI_MATERIAL 0x4130 #define TRI_MAPPINGCOORS 0x4140 #define TRI_SMOOTHING 0x4150 #define TRI_LOCAL 0x4160 // Light Chunks #define LIT_SPOT 0x4610 #define LIT_ONOFF 0x4620 #define LIT_ATTENUATION 0x4625 #define LIT_START 0x4659 #define LIT_END 0x465A #define LIT_MULTIPLIER 0x465B // Camera Chunks #define CAM_SEECONE 0x4710 #define CAM_RANGES 0x4720 // Material Chunks #define MAT_NAME 0xA000 #define MAT_AMBIENT 0xA010 #define MAT_DIFFUSE 0xA020 #define MAT_SPECULAR 0xA030 #define MAT_SHININESS 0xA040 #define MAT_SHINSTRENGTH 0xA041 #define MAT_SHIN3PC 0xA042 #define MAT_TRANSPARENCY 0xA050 #define MAT_XPFALL 0xA052 #define MAT_REFBLUR 0xA053 #define MAT_SELFILLUM 0xA080 #define MAT_DOUBLESIDED 0xA081 #define MAT_ADDITIVE 0xA083 #define MAT_SELFILPCT 0xA084 #define MAT_WIRE 0xA085 #define MAT_SUPERSMP 0xA086 #define MAT_WIRETHICKNESS 0xA087 #define MAT_FACEMAP 0xA088 #define MAT_XPFALLIN 0xA08A #define MAT_PHONG 0xA08C #define MAT_WIREABS 0xA08E #define MAT_SHADING 0xA100 #define MAT_MAPTEXTURE1 0xA200 #define MAT_SPECULARMAP 0xA204 #define MAT_MAPOPACITY 0xA210 #define MAT_REFLECTIONMAP 0xA220 #define MAT_BUMPMAP 0xA230 // Map Chunks #define MAP_FILENAME 0xA300 #define MAT_SHININESSMAP 0xA33C #define MAT_EMISSIVEMAP 0xA33D #define MAP_OPTIONS 0xA351 #define MAP_1_U_SCALE 0xA354 #define MAP_1_V_SCALE 0xA356 #define MAP_U_OFFSET 0xA358 #define MAP_V_OFFSET 0xA35A #define MAP_ROTATION 0xA35C #define MAP_OPTIONS_DECAL 0x0001 // (related to MAP_OPTIONS_DONTTILE) #define MAP_OPTIONS_MIRROR 0x0002 #define MAP_OPTIONS_NEGATIVE 0x0008 #define MAP_OPTIONS_DONTTILE 0x0010 #define MAP_OPTIONS_SUMMEDFILTERING 0x0020 #define MAP_OPTIONS_USEALPHA 0x0040 #define MAP_OPTIONS_LUMORALPHATINT 0x0080 #define MAP_OPTIONS_IGNOREALPHA 0x0100 #define MAP_OPTIONS_RGBTINT 0x0200 #define MAP_FILTERBLUR 0xA353 #define MAP_1_U_SCALE 0xA354 #define MAP_1_V_SCALE 0xA356 #define MAP_U_OFFSET 0xA358 #define MAP_V_OFFSET 0xA35A #define MAP_ROTATION 0xA35C #define MAP_LUMTINT1 0xA360 #define MAP_LUMTINT2 0xA362 #define MAP_TINTR 0xA364 #define MAP_TINTG 0xA366 #define MAP_TINTB 0xA368 // Keyframer Chunks #define KEYFRAME3DS 0xB000 #define FRM_AMBIENT 0xB001 #define FRM_MESHINFO 0xB002 #define FRM_CAMERA 0xB003 #define FRM_CAMERATARGET 0xB004 #define FRM_OMNILIGHT 0xB005 #define FRM_SPOTLIGHTTARGET 0xB006 #define FRM_SPOTLIGHT 0xB007 #define FRM_FRAMES 0xB008 #define FRM_PARAM 0xB010 #define FRM_DUMMYNAME 0xB011 #define FRM_PIVOT 0xB013 #define FRM_TRACKPOS 0xB020 #define FRM_TRACKROT 0xB021 #define FRM_TRACKSCALE 0xB022 #define FRM_TRACKFOV 0xB023 #define FRM_TRACKROLL 0xB024 #define FRM_TRACKCOLOR 0xB025 #define FRM_TRACKMORPH 0xB026 // What does this do? #define FRM_TRACKHOTSPOT 0xB027 #define FRM_TRACKFALLOFF 0xB028 #define FRM_TRACKHIDE 0xB029 #define FRM_HIERARCHY 0xB030 typedef struct FileInfo FileInfo; typedef struct { uint indices[3]; uint origIndices[3]; uint smoothGroups; Material material; Vector3Df normal; bool done:1; } Face; struct FileInfo { File f; DisplaySystem displaySystem; Object rootObject; const String fileName; uint16 chunkId; uint pos, end; FileInfo * parent; int nFaces; Face * faces; char textureDirectory[MAX_DIRECTORY]; Map> matFaces; }; #define SWAP_WORD(word) (((unsigned short)(word) & 0x00ff) << 8) \ | (((unsigned short)(word) & 0xff00) >> 8) #define SWAP_DWORD(dword) ((((unsigned int)(dword) & 0x000000ff) << 24) \ | (((unsigned int)(dword) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) \ | (((unsigned int)(dword) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) \ | (((unsigned int)(dword) & 0xff000000) >> 24)) #ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__ #define BIGENDSWAP_WORD(word) #define BIGENDSWAP_DWORD(dword) #else #define BIGENDSWAP_WORD(word) (*(uint16 *)(&(word))) = SWAP_WORD((*(uint16 *)(&(word)))); #define BIGENDSWAP_DWORD(dword) (*(uint *)(&(dword))) = SWAP_DWORD((*(uint *)(&(dword)))); #endif // Zero Terminated String static int ReadASCIIZ(File f, char ** string) { // *** Read String *** int c; char temp[1024] = ""; for(c=0; c<1024;) { f.Getc(&temp[c]); if(!temp[c++]) break; } *string = new char[c]; if(*string) strcpy(*string, temp); return c; } static float ReadFloat(File f) { float floatValue; f.Read(&floatValue, sizeof(float), 1); BIGENDSWAP_DWORD(floatValue); return floatValue; } static uint16 ReadWORD(File f) { uint16 wordValue; f.Read(&wordValue, sizeof(uint16), 1); BIGENDSWAP_WORD(wordValue); return wordValue; } static uint ReadDWORD(File f) { uint dwordValue; f.Read(&dwordValue, sizeof(uint), 1); BIGENDSWAP_DWORD(dwordValue); return dwordValue; } // Sub Chunks static bool ReadChunks(bool (* chunkParser)(FileInfo * info, void * data), FileInfo * info, void * data) { for(;info->pos < info->end;) { FileInfo childInfo = *info; uint length; childInfo.parent = info; info->f.Seek(info->pos, start); childInfo.chunkId = ReadWORD(info->f); length = ReadDWORD(info->f); childInfo.pos += sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint); childInfo.end = info->pos + length; if(!chunkParser(&childInfo, data)) return false; info->pos = childInfo.end; } return true; } // General Chunks static bool ReadRGB(FileInfo * info, ColorRGB * rgb) { if(info->chunkId == RGB_BYTE || info->chunkId == RGB_BYTE_GAMMA) { byte value; info->f.Getc((char *)&value); rgb->r = value / 255.0f; info->f.Getc((char *)&value); rgb->g = value / 255.0f; info->f.Getc((char *)&value); rgb->b = value / 255.0f; } else if(info->chunkId == RGB_FLOAT || info->chunkId == RGB_FLOAT_GAMMA) { rgb->r = ReadFloat(info->f); rgb->g = ReadFloat(info->f); rgb->b = ReadFloat(info->f); } return true; } static bool Read3DVertex(File f, Vector3Df vertex) { vertex.x = ReadFloat(f); vertex.y = ReadFloat(f); vertex.z = ReadFloat(f); return true; } static bool ReadAmountOf(FileInfo * info, uint16 * amountOf) { if(info->chunkId == AMOUNT_OF) *amountOf = ReadWORD(info->f); return true; } #define WELD_TRESHOLD 0.000001 #define SMOOTH_CUTOFF 0 // 45 struct SharedSourceVertexInfo { int index; Vector3Df value; uint unique; Face * face; int OnCompare(SharedSourceVertexInfo b) { if(unique < b.unique) return -1; if(unique > b.unique) return 1; if(unique) { if(face < b.face) return -1; if(face > b.face) return 1; } if(index == b.index) return 0; if(WELD_TRESHOLD) { if(value.x < b.value.x - WELD_TRESHOLD) return -1; if(value.x > b.value.x + WELD_TRESHOLD) return 1; if(value.y < b.value.y - WELD_TRESHOLD) return -1; if(value.y > b.value.y + WELD_TRESHOLD) return 1; if(value.z < b.value.z - WELD_TRESHOLD) return -1; if(value.z > b.value.z + WELD_TRESHOLD) return 1; } else { if(index < b.index) return -1; if(index > b.index) return 1; } return 0; } }; class SharedDestVertexInfo { Array faces { }; }; struct SourceVertexInfo { SharedSourceVertexInfo * shared; Pointf texCoord; uint smoothGroups; int OnCompare(SourceVertexInfo b) { int r = (*shared).OnCompare(*b.shared); if(!r) r = texCoord.OnCompare(b.texCoord); if(!r) r = smoothGroups.OnCompare(b.smoothGroups); return r; } }; class DestVertexInfo { int index, copyFromIndex; Vector3Df normal; }; static void ComputeNormals(Mesh mesh, FileInfo * info, Object object) { int c; Face * faces = info->faces; int nVertices = mesh.nVertices; int index; int nNewVertices; Vector3Df * mVertices; double cutOff = cos(Degrees { SMOOTH_CUTOFF }); Map sharedVertices { }; Map vertexMap { }; Array> vertices { size = nVertices }; MapIterator itShared { map = sharedVertices }; MapIterator it { map = vertexMap }; nNewVertices = nVertices; mVertices = mesh->vertices; for(c = 0; cnFaces; c++) { Face * face = &faces[c]; Plane plane; plane.FromPointsf(mesh.vertices[face->indices[2]], mesh.vertices[face->indices[1]], mesh.vertices[face->indices[0]]); face->normal = { (float)plane.normal.x, (float)plane.normal.y, (float)plane.normal.z }; } for(c = 0; c < info->nFaces; c++) { Face * face = &faces[c]; int i; // Zero space points if(!mVertices[face->indices[0]].OnCompare(mVertices[face->indices[1]]) && !mVertices[face->indices[0]].OnCompare(mVertices[face->indices[2]])) continue; for(i = 0; i<3; i++) { SharedSourceVertexInfo * source; SharedDestVertexInfo svInfo; DestVertexInfo vInfo; index = face->indices[i]; if(face->smoothGroups) itShared.Index({ index = index, mVertices[index], face = face }, true); else itShared.Index({ index = index, { }, unique = index + 1, face = face }, true); svInfo =; if(!svInfo) = svInfo = { }; svInfo.faces.Add(c); source = (SharedSourceVertexInfo *)&(((AVLNode)itShared.pointer).key); // TODO: Allow obtaining address of MapIterator::key // it.Index({ &itShared.key, mesh->texCoords[index] }, true); it.Index({ source, mesh->texCoords ? mesh->texCoords[index] : { }, face->smoothGroups }, true); vInfo =; if(!vInfo) { vInfo = { }; = vInfo; vInfo.copyFromIndex = index; vInfo.index = index; } if(!vertices[index]) vertices[index] = (void *)it.pointer; else if(vertices[index] != it.pointer) { // If it's a different smoothing group, we'll need extra vertices index = vertices.size; vInfo.index = index; vertices.Add((void *)it.pointer); nNewVertices++; } face->indices[i] = vInfo.index; } } for(index = 0; index < nNewVertices; index++) { int numShared = 0; it.pointer = vertices[index]; if(it.pointer) { DestVertexInfo vInfo =; Vector3Df normal { }; SourceVertexInfo * inf = (SourceVertexInfo *)&(((AVLNode)it.pointer).key); uint smoothing = inf->smoothGroups; bool added = true; SharedSourceVertexInfo * shared = inf->shared; SharedDestVertexInfo svInfo = sharedVertices[*shared]; int origIndex; if(!svInfo || vInfo.index != index) continue; for(i : svInfo.faces) { Face * face = &info->faces[i]; face->done = false; if(smoothing & face->smoothGroups) smoothing |= face->smoothGroups; } // Optional code to compensate auto-welding with a limit angle cutoff between faces of same smoothing group if(SMOOTH_CUTOFF && WELD_TRESHOLD) { for(i : svInfo.faces) { Face * face = &info->faces[i]; if((smoothing & face->smoothGroups) || (!smoothing && !face->smoothGroups)) { int j; for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if(face->indices[j] == vInfo.index) { origIndex = face->origIndices[j]; face->done = true; normal.x += face->normal.x; normal.y += face->normal.y; normal.z += face->normal.z; numShared++; break; } } } if(numShared) break; } } while(added) { added = false; for(i : svInfo.faces) { Face * face = &info->faces[i]; if(!face->done && ((smoothing & face->smoothGroups) || (!smoothing && !face->smoothGroups))) { bool valid = true; if(SMOOTH_CUTOFF && WELD_TRESHOLD) { int origIndexB = -1; int k; for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { if(face->indices[k] == vInfo.index) { origIndexB = face->origIndices[k]; break; } } valid = origIndex == origIndexB; if(!valid) { for(j : svInfo.faces) { if(info->faces[j].done) { double dot = info->faces[j].normal.DotProduct(face->normal); if(dot > 1) dot = 1; else if(dot < -1) dot = -1; valid = fabs(dot) > cutOff; if(valid) break; } } } } if(valid) { normal.x += face->normal.x; normal.y += face->normal.y; normal.z += face->normal.z; numShared++; added = true; face->done = true; } } } if(!SMOOTH_CUTOFF || !WELD_TRESHOLD) break; } normal.Scale(normal, 1.0f / numShared); if(vInfo.index == index) vInfo.normal.Normalize(normal); // Auto welding/smoothing requires extra vertices because angle is too steep if(SMOOTH_CUTOFF && WELD_TRESHOLD) { SharedDestVertexInfo newSharedInfo = null; int index; for(i : svInfo.faces) { Face * face = &info->faces[i]; if(!face->done && ((smoothing & face->smoothGroups) || (!smoothing && !face->smoothGroups))) { int j; for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if(face->indices[j] == vInfo.index) { if(!newSharedInfo) { DestVertexInfo newVert; SharedSourceVertexInfo * source; index = nNewVertices++; itShared.Index({ index = index, { }, unique = index + 1, face = face }, true); source = (SharedSourceVertexInfo *)&(((AVLNode)itShared.pointer).key); = newSharedInfo = { }; it.Index({ source, mesh->texCoords ? mesh->texCoords[vInfo.copyFromIndex] : { }, face->smoothGroups }, true); newVert = { }; = newVert; newVert.copyFromIndex = vInfo.copyFromIndex; newVert.index = index; vertices.Add((void *)it.pointer); } face->indices[j] = index; newSharedInfo.faces.Add(i); break; } } } } } } } // Allocate some extra vertices { Vector3Df * oldVertices = mesh.vertices; Pointf * oldTexCoords = mesh.texCoords; // TODO: Support reallocation? *((void **)&mesh.vertices) = null; *((void **)&mesh.texCoords) = null; *((int *)&mesh.nVertices) = 0; mesh.Allocate( { vertices = true, normals = true, texCoords1 = oldTexCoords ? true : false }, nNewVertices, info->displaySystem); // Fill in the new vertices for(index = 0; index < nNewVertices; index++) { DestVertexInfo vInfo; it.pointer = vertices[index]; vInfo =; // Duplicate vertex mesh.normals[index] = vInfo ? vInfo.normal : { }; mesh.vertices[index] = oldVertices[vInfo ? vInfo.copyFromIndex : index]; if(mesh.texCoords) mesh.texCoords[index] = oldTexCoords[vInfo ? vInfo.copyFromIndex : index]; } delete oldVertices; delete oldTexCoords; } { int i; for(i = 0; i < info->nFaces; i++) info->faces[i].done = false; } mesh.Unlock({ normals = true }); // Free all the temporary stuff delete vertices; vertexMap.Free(); delete vertexMap; sharedVertices.Free(); delete sharedVertices; } // Meshes static bool ReadSmoothing(FileInfo * info, Object object) { switch(info->chunkId) { case TRI_SMOOTHING: { int c; for(c = 0; cnFaces; c++) info->faces[c].smoothGroups = ReadDWORD(info->f); break; } } return true; } static bool ReadFacesListChunks(FileInfo * info, Object object) { DisplaySystem displaySystem = info->displaySystem; switch(info->chunkId) { case TRI_MATERIAL: { char * name; Material mat; int i, c; int count; Array faces; char matName[MAX_LOCATION + 100]; strcpy(matName, info->fileName); ReadASCIIZ(info->f, &name); count = ReadWORD(info->f); strcat(matName, name); mat = displaySystem.GetMaterial(matName); faces = info->matFaces[(uintptr)mat]; if(!faces) info->matFaces[(uintptr)mat] = faces = { }; i = faces.size; faces.size += count; for(c = 0; cf); faces[i + c] = face; info->faces[face].material = mat; } delete name; break; } } return true; } static bool ReadTriMesh(FileInfo * info, Object object) { Mesh mesh = object.mesh; switch(info->chunkId) { case TRI_VERTEXL: { int c; uint16 nVertices = ReadWORD(info->f); //if(eMesh_Allocate(mesh, MESH_VERTICES, nVertices, info->display->displaySystem)) *((int *) &mesh.nVertices) = nVertices; *((Vector3Df **)&mesh.vertices) = new Vector3Df[mesh.nVertices]; if(mesh.vertices) { for(c = 0; cf, vertex); mesh.vertices[c].x = vertex.x; mesh.vertices[c].y =-vertex.z; mesh.vertices[c].z = vertex.y; } } else return false; break; } case TRI_MAPPINGCOORS: { int c; uint16 count = ReadWORD(info->f); count = (uint16)Min(mesh.nVertices, count); //if(eMesh_Allocate(mesh, MESH_TEXCOORDS1, mesh.nVertices, null /*info->display->displaySystem*/)) *((Pointf **)&mesh.texCoords) = new Pointf[mesh.nVertices]; mesh.flags.texCoords1 = true; if(mesh.texCoords) { for(c = 0; cf); mesh.texCoords[c].y = 1.0f - ReadFloat(info->f); } } else return false; break; } case TRI_FACEL1: { int c; uint16 nFaces = 0; uint count; uint pos; info->nFaces = nFaces = ReadWORD(info->f); info->pos += sizeof(uint16); info->faces = new0 Face[nFaces]; for(c = 0; cfaces[c].origIndices[i] = info->faces[c].indices[i] = ReadWORD(info->f); ReadWORD(info->f); info->pos += 4*sizeof(uint16); } pos = info->pos; ReadChunks(ReadSmoothing, info, object); info->pos = pos; if(info->matFaces) info->matFaces.Free(); info->matFaces = { }; ReadChunks(ReadFacesListChunks, info, object); ComputeNormals(mesh, info, object); // Create Groups for(m : info->matFaces) { Material mat = (Material)&m; Array faces = m; if(mat.flags.translucent) { mesh.primitives = renew mesh.primitives PrimitiveSingle[mesh.nPrimitives + faces.count]; for(i : faces) { Face * face = &info->faces[i]; PrimitiveSingle * triangle; triangle = &mesh.primitives[mesh.nPrimitives++]; if(mesh.AllocatePrimitive(triangle, { triangles, indices32bit = USE_32_BIT_INDICES }, 3)) { triangle->indicesMember[0] = (uintindex)face->indices[0]; triangle->indicesMember[1] = (uintindex)face->indices[1]; triangle->indicesMember[2] = (uintindex)face->indices[2]; triangle->middle.Add(mesh.vertices[triangle->indicesMember[0]], mesh.vertices[triangle->indicesMember[1]]); triangle->middle.Add(triangle->middle, mesh.vertices[triangle->indicesMember[2]]); triangle->plane.FromPointsf( mesh.vertices[triangle->indicesMember[2]], mesh.vertices[triangle->indicesMember[1]], mesh.vertices[triangle->indicesMember[0]]); mesh.UnlockPrimitive(triangle); } triangle->middle.x /= 3; triangle->middle.y /= 3; triangle->middle.z /= 3; triangle->material = mat; face->done = true; object.flags.translucent = true; } } else { PrimitiveGroup group = mesh.AddPrimitiveGroup({ triangles, indices32bit = USE_32_BIT_INDICES }, faces.count * 3); if(group) { c = 0; group.material = mat; for(i : faces) { Face * face = &info->faces[i]; if(object.flags.flipWindings) { group.indicesMember[c*3] = (uintindex)face->indices[2]; group.indicesMember[c*3+1] = (uintindex)face->indices[1]; group.indicesMember[c*3+2] = (uintindex)face->indices[0]; } else { group.indicesMember[c*3] = (uintindex)face->indices[0]; group.indicesMember[c*3+1] = (uintindex)face->indices[1]; group.indicesMember[c*3+2] = (uintindex)face->indices[2]; } face->done = true; c++; } mesh.UnlockPrimitiveGroup(group); } } } // Add faces without a material all together count = 0; for(c = 0; cfaces[c].done) count++; if(count) { PrimitiveGroup group = mesh.AddPrimitiveGroup({ triangles, indices32bit = USE_32_BIT_INDICES }, count * 3); if(group) { for(c = 0; cfaces[c]; if(!face->done) { group.indicesMember[c*3] = (uintindex)face->indices[0]; group.indicesMember[c*3+1] = (uintindex)face->indices[1]; group.indicesMember[c*3+2] = (uintindex)face->indices[2]; } } mesh.UnlockPrimitiveGroup(group); } } delete info->faces; if(info->matFaces) { info->matFaces.Free(); delete info->matFaces; } break; } case TRI_LOCAL: { int c; Vector3Df xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, center; Vector3Df scaling; Vector3Df orth; Matrix inverse/*, source = { 0 }*/; // Local Axes Read3DVertex(info->f, xAxis); Read3DVertex(info->f, yAxis); Read3DVertex(info->f, zAxis); Read3DVertex(info->f, center); scaling.x = (float)sqrt(xAxis.x * xAxis.x + xAxis.y * xAxis.y + xAxis.z * xAxis.z); scaling.y = (float)sqrt(zAxis.x * zAxis.x + zAxis.y * zAxis.y + zAxis.z * zAxis.z); scaling.z = (float)sqrt(yAxis.x * yAxis.x + yAxis.y * yAxis.y + yAxis.z * yAxis.z); // Inverse of this doesn't give a good enough result with small numbers (bellrang.3ds) /* source.m[3][3] = 1; source.m[0][0] = xAxis.x; source.m[0][1] = -xAxis.z; source.m[0][2] = xAxis.y; source.m[1][0] =-zAxis.x; source.m[1][1] = zAxis.z; source.m[1][2] = -zAxis.y; source.m[2][0] = yAxis.x; source.m[2][1] = -yAxis.z; source.m[2][2] = yAxis.y; source.m[3][0] = center.x; source.m[3][1] = -center.z; source.m[3][2] = center.y; inverse.Inverse(source); */ object.flags.flipWindings = false; xAxis.Normalize(xAxis); yAxis.Normalize(yAxis); zAxis.Normalize(zAxis); orth.CrossProduct(yAxis, zAxis); if((Abs(orth.x) > 0.00001 && Sgn(orth.x) != Sgn(xAxis.x)) || (Abs(orth.y) > 0.00001 && Sgn(orth.y) != Sgn(xAxis.y)) || (Abs(orth.z) > 0.00001 && Sgn(orth.z) != Sgn(xAxis.z))) { object.flags.flipWindings ^= true; xAxis = orth; } orth.CrossProduct(zAxis, xAxis); if((Abs(orth.x) > 0.00001 && Sgn(orth.x) != Sgn(yAxis.x)) || (Abs(orth.y) > 0.00001 && Sgn(orth.y) != Sgn(yAxis.y)) || (Abs(orth.z) > 0.00001 && Sgn(orth.z) != Sgn(yAxis.z))) { object.flags.flipWindings ^= true; yAxis = orth; } orth.CrossProduct(xAxis, yAxis); if((Abs(orth.x) > 0.00001 && Sgn(orth.x) != Sgn(zAxis.x)) || (Abs(orth.y) > 0.00001 && Sgn(orth.y) != Sgn(zAxis.y)) || (Abs(orth.z) > 0.00001 && Sgn(orth.z) != Sgn(zAxis.z))) { object.flags.flipWindings ^= true; zAxis = orth; } { Matrix rotation; rotation.m[0][0] = xAxis.x; rotation.m[0][1] =-xAxis.z; rotation.m[0][2] = xAxis.y; rotation.m[0][3] = 0; rotation.m[1][0] =-zAxis.x; rotation.m[1][1] = zAxis.z; rotation.m[1][2] =-zAxis.y; rotation.m[1][3] = 0; rotation.m[2][0] = yAxis.x; rotation.m[2][1] =-yAxis.z; rotation.m[2][2] = yAxis.y; rotation.m[2][3] = 0; rotation.m[3][0] = 0; rotation.m[3][1] = 0; rotation.m[3][2] = 0; rotation.m[3][3] = 1; { Matrix temp, temp2; inverse.Transpose(rotation); temp.Identity(); temp.Translate(-center.x, center.z, -center.y); temp2.Multiply(temp, inverse); temp2.Scale(1.0f/scaling.x, 1.0f/scaling.y, 1.0f/scaling.z); inverse = temp2; } object.transform.scaling = scaling; // TODO: Improve language to support deep properties on non constant functions // object.transform.orientation.RotationMatrix(rotation); { Quaternion orientation; orientation.RotationMatrix(rotation); object.transform.orientation = orientation; } object.transform.position = { center.x, -center.z, center.y }; } // Localize All Vertices for(c = 0; cdisplaySystem; switch(info->chunkId) { case MAP_FILENAME: { char * name; char location[MAX_LOCATION]; ReadASCIIZ(info->f, &name); strcpy(location, info->textureDirectory); PathCat(location, name); if(!FileExists(location)) { // Attempt all lowercase if original case does not exist strlwr(name); strcpy(location, info->textureDirectory); PathCat(location, name); } if(info->parent->chunkId == MAT_BUMPMAP) { // To avoid messing up the diffuse texture if same bitmap is specified by mistake... char bumpName[MAX_LOCATION+5]; strcpy(bumpName, "BUMP:"); strcat(bumpName, location); if(!mat.bumpMap) { mat.bumpMap = displaySystem.GetTexture(bumpName); if(!mat.bumpMap) { mat.bumpMap = Bitmap { }; if(!mat.bumpMap.Load(location, null, null) || !mat.bumpMap.Convert(null, pixelFormat888, null) || !displaySystem.AddTexture(bumpName, mat.bumpMap)) delete mat.bumpMap; if(mat.bumpMap) { ColorAlpha * picture = (ColorAlpha *)mat.bumpMap.picture; int bw = mat.bumpMap.width, bh = mat.bumpMap.height; int y, x; for(y = 0; y < bh; y++) for(x = 0; x < bw; x++) { uint bc = y * bw + x; Color color = picture[bc].color; picture[bc] = { 255, { color.r, 255 - color.b, color.g } }; } } } } } else { Bitmap opacityMap = null; bool alphaOnly = true; bool translucent = false; if(!mat.baseMap) { mat.baseMap = displaySystem.GetTexture(location); if(!mat.baseMap) { mat.baseMap = Bitmap { }; if(!mat.baseMap.Load(location, null, null) || !mat.baseMap.Convert(null, pixelFormat888, null) || !displaySystem.AddTexture(location, mat.baseMap)) { delete mat.baseMap; } opacityMap = mat.baseMap; } } else if(info->parent->chunkId == MAT_MAPOPACITY) { opacityMap = Bitmap { }; if(opacityMap.Load(location, null, null)) { if(opacityMap.pixelFormat == pixelFormatRGBA) alphaOnly = false; if(!opacityMap.Convert(null, pixelFormat888, null)) delete opacityMap; } } if(mat.baseMap) { if(!mat.baseMap.displaySystem && info->parent->chunkId == MAT_MAPOPACITY && opacityMap && opacityMap.width && opacityMap.height) { ColorAlpha * picture = (ColorAlpha *)mat.baseMap.picture; ColorAlpha * opacityPicture = (ColorAlpha *)opacityMap.picture; uint x, y; int ow = opacityMap.width, oh = opacityMap.height; int bw = mat.baseMap.width, bh = mat.baseMap.height; for(y = 0; y < bh; y++) for(x = 0; x < bw; x++) { int bc = ((y % bh) * bw + (x % bw)); int oc = ((y % oh) * bw + (x % ow)); byte alpha = alphaOnly ? opacityPicture[oc].color.r : opacityPicture[oc].a; if(alpha && alpha < 255) translucent = true; picture[bc] = ColorAlpha { alpha, picture[bc].color }; } } if(translucent) mat.flags.translucent = true; mat.diffuse.r = mat.diffuse.g = mat.diffuse.b = mat.ambient.r = mat.ambient.g = mat.ambient.b = 1.0f; } if(opacityMap != mat.baseMap) delete opacityMap; } delete name; break; } case MAP_OPTIONS: { uint16 options = ReadWORD(info->f); if(!(options & MAP_OPTIONS_DONTTILE)) mat.flags.tile = true; break; } case MAP_1_U_SCALE: mat.uScale = ReadFloat(info->f); break; case MAP_1_V_SCALE: mat.vScale = ReadFloat(info->f); break; /* case AMOUNT_OF: break; default: PrintLn("Unhandled Map block"); break; */ } return true; } static bool ReadMaterial(FileInfo * info, Material mat) { switch(info->chunkId) { case MAT_NAME: { String name; char matName[MAX_LOCATION + 100]; strcpy(matName, info->fileName); ReadASCIIZ(info->f, &name); strcat(matName, name); = CopyString(matName); delete name; break; } case MAT_TRANSPARENCY: { uint16 transparency; ReadChunks(ReadAmountOf, info, &transparency); mat.opacity = 1.0f - transparency / 100.0f; if(mat.opacity < 1.0) mat.flags.translucent = true; break; } case MAT_DIFFUSE: { ReadChunks(ReadRGB, info, &mat.diffuse); ReadChunks(ReadRGB, info, &mat.diffuse); break; } case MAT_AMBIENT: { ReadChunks(ReadRGB, info, &mat.ambient); ReadChunks(ReadRGB, info, &mat.ambient); break; } case MAT_SPECULAR: { ReadChunks(ReadRGB, info, &mat.specular); ReadChunks(ReadRGB, info, &mat.specular); break; } case MAT_SELFILLUM: { uint16 emissive; ReadChunks(ReadAmountOf, info, &emissive); mat.emissive.r = mat.diffuse.r * emissive / 100.0f; mat.emissive.g = mat.diffuse.g * emissive / 100.0f; mat.emissive.b = mat.diffuse.b * emissive / 100.0f; break; } case MAT_SHINSTRENGTH: { uint16 shininess; ReadChunks(ReadAmountOf, info, &shininess); mat.specular.r *= shininess / 100.0f; mat.specular.g *= shininess / 100.0f; mat.specular.b *= shininess / 100.0f; break; } case MAT_SHININESS: { uint16 power; ReadChunks(ReadAmountOf, info, &power); mat.power = power; break; } case MAT_MAPTEXTURE1: ReadChunks(ReadMap, info, mat); break; case MAT_MAPOPACITY: ReadChunks(ReadMap, info, mat); break; case MAT_DOUBLESIDED: mat.flags.doubleSided = true; break; case MAT_BUMPMAP: ReadChunks(ReadMap, info, mat); break; /* default: PrintLn("Unhandled MAT type ID", info->chunkId); */ } return true; } // Lights static bool ReadLight(FileInfo * info, Object object) { Light * light = &object.light; switch(info->chunkId) { case RGB_BYTE: case RGB_BYTE_GAMMA: case RGB_FLOAT: case RGB_FLOAT_GAMMA: ReadRGB(info, &light->diffuse); light->specular = light->diffuse; break; case LIT_SPOT: { Object target; char targetName[MAXNAMELEN]; strcpy(targetName,; strcat(targetName, ".target"); light->flags.omni = false; light-> = true; target = Object { }; = CopyString(targetName); info->rootObject.children.AddName(target); target.parent = info->rootObject; light->target = target; target.transform.position.x = ReadFloat(info->f); target.transform.position.z = ReadFloat(info->f); target.transform.position.y =-ReadFloat(info->f); light->hotSpot = ReadFloat(info->f); light->fallOff = ReadFloat(info->f); break; } case LIT_ONOFF: { light-> = true; break; } case LIT_ATTENUATION: { /* solve ( { d = 300, small = 0.001, Kl = 0, Kc = 0, d * (Kl + Kq * d) = (1 / small) - Kc }, { Kc, Kl, Kq, small, d }); */ light->flags.attenuation = true; /* #define MINLIGHT 0.08 light->Kq = 1/(light->end*light->end*MINLIGHT); */ #define MINLIGHT 0.15f // #define MINLIGHT 0.1 light->Kl = (float)(1/(light->end*MINLIGHT)); break; } case LIT_START: { light->start = ReadFloat(info->f); break; } case LIT_END: { light->end = ReadFloat(info->f); break; } case LIT_MULTIPLIER: { light->multiplier = ReadFloat(info->f); break; } } return true; } // Cameras static bool ReadCamera(FileInfo * info, Object object) { switch(info->chunkId) { case CAM_SEECONE: { break; } case CAM_RANGES: { //Camera camera =; /*float nearRange = */ReadFloat(info->f); /*float farRange = */ReadFloat(info->f); /* camera.zMin = Max(0.1, nearRange); camera.zMax = farRange; */ break; } } return true; } // Edit Chunks static bool ReadEditObject(FileInfo * info, char * name) { DisplaySystem displaySystem = info->displaySystem; switch(info->chunkId) { case OBJ_TRIMESH: { Object object = info->rootObject.Find(name); if(!object) { object = Object { }; = CopyString(name); info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); object.parent = info->rootObject; } object.InitializeMesh(displaySystem); ReadChunks(ReadTriMesh, info, object); object.flags.mesh = true; object.mesh.Unlock(0); break; } case OBJ_LIGHT: { Object object = info->rootObject.Find(name); Light * light; Vector3Df position; if(!object) { object = Object { }; = CopyString(name); info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); object.parent = info->rootObject; } object.flags.light = true; light = &object.light; light->lightObject = object; light->flags.omni = true; light->multiplier = 1.0f; // This is not used? Read3DVertex(info->f, position); light->direction = { position.x, position.y, position.z }; info->pos += sizeof(float) * 3; ReadChunks(ReadLight, info, object); break; } case OBJ_CAMERA: { char targetName[MAXNAMELEN]; Object object = info->rootObject.Find(name); Object target; Camera camera; float /*bankAngle, */focus; double mm; strcpy(targetName, name); strcat(targetName, ".target"); target = info->rootObject.Find(targetName); if(!object) { object = Object { }; = CopyString(name); info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); object.parent = info->rootObject; = Camera { }; = lookAtObject; } if(!target) { target = Object { }; = CopyString(targetName); info->rootObject.children.AddName(target); target.parent = info->rootObject; } = true; object.cameraTarget = target; camera =; camera.cameraObject = object; = target; //Read3DVertex(info->f, camera.position); object.transform.position.x = ReadFloat(info->f); object.transform.position.z = ReadFloat(info->f); object.transform.position.y =-ReadFloat(info->f); info->pos += sizeof(float) * 3; //Read3DVertex(info->f, object.cameraTarget.position); target.transform.position.x = ReadFloat(info->f); target.transform.position.z = ReadFloat(info->f); target.transform.position.y =-ReadFloat(info->f); info->pos += sizeof(float) * 3; /*bankAngle = */ReadFloat(info->f); info->pos += sizeof(float); focus = ReadFloat(info->f); info->pos += sizeof(float); mm = (focus - 5.05659508373109) / 1.13613250717301; camera.fov = (float)(1248.58921609766 * pow(mm, -0.895625414990581)); ReadChunks(ReadCamera, info, object); break; } case OBJ_HIDDEN: break; } return true; } #define COPY_NITEM(d, s) CopyBytes(((byte *)(d)) + sizeof(class NamedItem), ((byte *)(s)) + sizeof(class NamedItem), sizeof((*s)) - sizeof(class NamedItem)); static bool ReadEditChunks(FileInfo * info, void * data) { switch(info->chunkId) { case EDIT_AMBIENT: { // Read the ambient color ReadChunks(ReadRGB, info, &info->rootObject.ambient); break; } case EDIT_MATERIAL: { Material material { /*flags = { singleSideLight = true }*/ }; Material mat; ReadChunks(ReadMaterial, info, material); mat = info->displaySystem.AddNamedMaterial(; if(mat) { if(material.baseMap) material.baseMap.MakeMipMaps(info->displaySystem); if(material.bumpMap) material.bumpMap.MakeMipMaps(info->displaySystem); // COPY_NITEM(mat, material); CopyBytes(((byte *)(mat)) + sizeof(class NamedItem), ((byte *)(material)) + sizeof(class NamedItem), sizeof(class Material) - sizeof(class NamedItem)); } else { delete material.baseMap; } delete; delete material; break; } case EDIT_OBJECT: { char * name; info->pos += ReadASCIIZ(info->f, &name); ReadChunks(ReadEditObject, info, name); delete name; break; } } return true; } struct ObjectInfoBlock { OldList tracks; short hierarchy; short parent; char * name; char * dummyName; Vector3Df pivot; }; // Key Framer Chunks #define ACCFLAG_TENSION 0x00000001 #define ACCFLAG_CONTINUITY 0x00000002 #define ACCFLAG_BIAS 0x00000004 #define ACCFLAG_EASETO 0x00000008 #define ACCFLAG_EASEFROM 0x00000010 static bool ReadFrameInfoBlock(FileInfo * info, ObjectInfoBlock * block) { switch(info->chunkId) { case FRM_PARAM: { //uint16 flags1, flags2; ReadASCIIZ(info->f, &block->name); /*flags1 = */ReadWORD(info->f); /*flags2 = */ReadWORD(info->f); block->parent = ReadWORD(info->f); break; } case FRM_DUMMYNAME: ReadASCIIZ(info->f, &block->dummyName); break; case FRM_PIVOT: Read3DVertex(info->f, block->pivot); break; case FRM_HIERARCHY: block->hierarchy = ReadWORD(info->f); break; case FRM_TRACKPOS: case FRM_TRACKROT: case FRM_TRACKSCALE: case FRM_TRACKROLL: case FRM_TRACKFOV: case FRM_TRACKCOLOR: case FRM_TRACKHOTSPOT: case FRM_TRACKFALLOFF: { FrameTrack track { }; if(track) { uint16 flags; byte unknown[8]; uint c; block->tracks.Add(track); flags = ReadWORD(info->f); info->f.Read(unknown, sizeof(unknown), 1); track.numKeys = ReadDWORD(info->f); switch(info->chunkId) { case FRM_TRACKPOS: track.type.type = position; break; case FRM_TRACKROT: track.type.type = rotation; break; case FRM_TRACKSCALE: track.type.type = scaling; break; case FRM_TRACKROLL: track.type.type = roll; break; case FRM_TRACKFOV: track.type.type = fov; break; case FRM_TRACKCOLOR: track.type.type = colorChange; break; case FRM_TRACKHOTSPOT: track.type.type = hotSpot; break; case FRM_TRACKFALLOFF: track.type.type = fallOff; break; } if((flags & 0x0003) == 3) track.type.loop = true; track.keys = new0 FrameKey[track.numKeys]; for(c = 0; cframe = ReadDWORD(info->f); accelerationFlags = ReadWORD(info->f); if(accelerationFlags & ACCFLAG_TENSION) key->tension = ReadFloat(info->f); if(accelerationFlags & ACCFLAG_CONTINUITY) key->continuity = ReadFloat(info->f); if(accelerationFlags & ACCFLAG_BIAS) key->bias = ReadFloat(info->f); if(accelerationFlags & ACCFLAG_EASETO) key->easeTo = ReadFloat(info->f); if(accelerationFlags & ACCFLAG_EASEFROM) key->easeFrom = ReadFloat(info->f); switch(info->chunkId) { case FRM_TRACKPOS: { Vector3Df position; Read3DVertex(info->f, position); key->position = { position.x, -position.z, position.y }; break; } case FRM_TRACKROT: { Vector3Df axis; Angle angle = ReadFloat(info->f); Vector3Df fixedAxis; Read3DVertex(info->f, axis); fixedAxis.x = axis.x; fixedAxis.y = -axis.z; fixedAxis.z = axis.y; if(c > 0) { Quaternion rotation; rotation.RotationAxis(fixedAxis, angle); key->orientation.Multiply((key - 1)->orientation, rotation); } else key->orientation.RotationAxis(fixedAxis, angle); break; } case FRM_TRACKSCALE: { Vector3Df scaling; Read3DVertex(info->f, scaling); key->scaling = { scaling.x, scaling.z, scaling.y }; break; } case FRM_TRACKFOV: { key->fov = ReadFloat(info->f); break; } case FRM_TRACKROLL: { key->roll = -ReadFloat(info->f); break; } case FRM_TRACKCOLOR: { FileInfo childInfo = *info; childInfo.chunkId = RGB_FLOAT; ReadRGB(&childInfo, &key->color); break; } case FRM_TRACKHOTSPOT: { key->hotSpot = ReadFloat(info->f); break; } case FRM_TRACKFALLOFF: { key->fallOff = ReadFloat(info->f); break; } } } } break; } } return true; } static Object FindObjectID(Object object, int id) { Object result = null; Object child; for(child = object.children.first; child; child = { if(child.flags.hierarchy == (uint16) id) { result = child; break; } else { result = FindObjectID(child, id); if(result) break; } } return result; } static bool ReadKeyFrameChunks(FileInfo * info, void * data) { switch(info->chunkId) { case FRM_MESHINFO: { ObjectInfoBlock block { }; Object object = null; ReadChunks(ReadFrameInfoBlock, info, &block); if(block.dummyName && block.dummyName[0]) { if(!strcmp(, "$$$DUMMY")) { object = Object { }; = block.dummyName; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); object.transform.scaling = { 1,1,1 }; } else { Object model = info->rootObject.Find(; if(model) { object = Object { }; = new char[strlen(block.dummyName) + strlen( + 2]; sprintf(, "%s.%s",, block.dummyName); object.flags = model.flags; object.flags.ownMesh = false; object.mesh = model.mesh; /* object.min = model.min; object.max = model.max; object.radius = model.radius; */ object.transform = model.transform; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); } delete block.dummyName; } if(object) object.parent = info->rootObject; } else object = info->rootObject.Find(; if(object) { Mesh mesh = object.mesh; object.flags.hierarchy = block.hierarchy + 1; if(block.parent != -1) { Object parent = FindObjectID(info->rootObject, block.parent + 1); if(parent) { object.parent.children.Remove(object); parent.children.AddName(object); object.parent = parent; } } object.pivot.x = block.pivot.x; object.pivot.y =-block.pivot.z; object.pivot.z = block.pivot.y; if(mesh && object.flags.ownMesh) { if(mesh.Lock({ vertices = true })) { int c; // Take pivot into account for(c = 0; crootObject.startFrame; object.endFrame = info->rootObject.endFrame; } /*else Logf("Object not found while loading animation frame: %s\n",;*/ delete; break; } case FRM_CAMERA: { ObjectInfoBlock block { }; Object object = null; ReadChunks(ReadFrameInfoBlock, info, &block); if(block.dummyName && block.dummyName[0]) { if(!strcmp(, "$$$DUMMY")) { object = Object { }; = block.dummyName; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); object.transform.scaling = { 1, 1, 1 }; = true; } else { Object model = info->rootObject.Find(; if(model) { object = Object { }; = new char[strlen(block.dummyName) + strlen( + 2]; sprintf(, "%s.%s",, block.dummyName); object.flags = model.flags; object.flags.ownMesh = false; =; = true; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); } delete block.dummyName; } if(object) object.parent = info->rootObject; } else object = info->rootObject.Find(; if(object) { object.flags.hierarchy = block.hierarchy + 1; if(block.parent != -1) { Object parent = FindObjectID(info->rootObject, block.parent + 1); if(parent) { object.parent.children.Remove(object); parent.children.AddName(object); object.parent = parent; } } object.pivot.x = block.pivot.x; object.pivot.y =-block.pivot.z; object.pivot.z = block.pivot.y; object.tracks = block.tracks; *&(object.frame) = object.startFrame = info->rootObject.startFrame; object.endFrame = info->rootObject.endFrame; } /*else Logf("Object not found while loading animation frame: %s\n",;*/ delete; break; } case FRM_CAMERATARGET: { ObjectInfoBlock block { }; Object object = null; char targetName[MAXNAMELEN]; ReadChunks(ReadFrameInfoBlock, info, &block); strcpy(targetName,; strcat(targetName, ".target"); if(block.dummyName && block.dummyName[0]) { if(!strcmp(, "$$$DUMMY")) { object = Object { }; = block.dummyName; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); object.transform.scaling = { 1,1,1 }; } else { Object model = info->rootObject.Find(targetName); if(model) { object = Object { }; = new char[strlen(block.dummyName) + strlen( + 2]; sprintf(, "%s.%s",, block.dummyName); object.flags = model.flags; object.flags.ownMesh = false; =; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); } delete block.dummyName; } if(object) object.parent = info->rootObject; } else object = info->rootObject.Find(targetName); if(object) { object.flags.hierarchy = block.hierarchy + 1; if(block.parent != -1) { Object parent = FindObjectID(info->rootObject, block.parent + 1); if(parent) { object.parent.children.Remove(object); parent.children.AddName(object); object.parent = parent; } } object.pivot.x = block.pivot.x; object.pivot.y =-block.pivot.z; object.pivot.z = block.pivot.y; object.tracks = block.tracks; *&(object.frame) = object.startFrame = info->rootObject.startFrame; object.endFrame = info->rootObject.endFrame; } /*else Logf("Object not found while loading animation frame: %s\n",;*/ delete; break; } case FRM_AMBIENT: { ObjectInfoBlock block { }; ReadChunks(ReadFrameInfoBlock, info, &block); info->rootObject.tracks = block.tracks; break; } case FRM_OMNILIGHT: case FRM_SPOTLIGHT: { ObjectInfoBlock block { }; Object object = null; ReadChunks(ReadFrameInfoBlock, info, &block); if(block.dummyName && block.dummyName[0]) { if(!strcmp(, "$$$DUMMY")) { object = Object { }; = block.dummyName; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); object.transform.scaling = { 1, 1, 1 }; object.flags.light = true; } else { Object model = info->rootObject.Find(; if(model) { object = Object { }; = new char[strlen(block.dummyName) + strlen( + 2]; sprintf(, "%s.%s",, block.dummyName); object.flags = model.flags; object.flags.ownMesh = false; object.light = model.light; object.flags.light = true; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); } delete block.dummyName; } if(object) object.parent = info->rootObject; } else object = info->rootObject.Find(; if(object) { object.flags.hierarchy = block.hierarchy + 1; if(block.parent != -1) { Object parent = FindObjectID(info->rootObject, block.parent + 1); if(parent) { object.parent.children.Remove(object); parent.children.AddName(object); object.parent = parent; } } object.pivot.x = block.pivot.x; object.pivot.y =-block.pivot.z; object.pivot.z = block.pivot.y; object.tracks = block.tracks; *&(object.frame) = object.startFrame = info->rootObject.startFrame; object.endFrame = info->rootObject.endFrame; } /*else Logf("Object not found while loading animation frame: %s\n",;*/ delete; break; } case FRM_SPOTLIGHTTARGET: { ObjectInfoBlock block { }; Object object = null; char targetName[MAXNAMELEN]; ReadChunks(ReadFrameInfoBlock, info, &block); strcpy(targetName,; strcat(targetName, ".target"); if(block.dummyName && block.dummyName[0]) { if(!strcmp(, "$$$DUMMY")) { object = Object { }; = block.dummyName; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); object.transform.scaling = { 1,1,1 }; } else { Object model = info->rootObject.Find(targetName); if(model) { object = Object { }; = new char[strlen(block.dummyName) + strlen( + 2]; // TODO: When passing a String to a const String, use member if property is const String but member is String sprintf(, "%s.%s",, block.dummyName); object.flags = model.flags; object.flags.ownMesh = false; object.light = model.light; info->rootObject.children.AddName(object); } delete block.dummyName; } if(object) object.parent = info->rootObject; } else object = info->rootObject.Find(targetName); if(object) { object.flags.hierarchy = block.hierarchy + 1; if(block.parent != -1) { Object parent = FindObjectID(info->rootObject, block.parent + 1); if(parent) { object.parent.children.Remove(object); parent.children.AddName(object); object.parent = parent; } } object.pivot.x = block.pivot.x; object.pivot.y =-block.pivot.z; object.pivot.z = block.pivot.y; object.tracks = block.tracks; *&(object.frame) = object.startFrame = info->rootObject.startFrame; object.endFrame = info->rootObject.endFrame; } /*else Logf("Object not found while loading animation frame: %s\n",;*/ delete; break; } case FRM_FRAMES: { info->rootObject.startFrame = ReadDWORD(info->f); info->rootObject.endFrame = ReadDWORD(info->f); *&(info->rootObject.frame) = info->rootObject.startFrame; break; } } return true; } // Main Chunks static bool ReadMainChunks(FileInfo * info, void * data) { switch(info->chunkId) { case EDIT3DS: ReadChunks(ReadEditChunks, info, null); break; case KEYFRAME3DS: { Object object = data; if(!(object.flags.keysLoaded)) // Don't read key frames on reload { ReadChunks(ReadKeyFrameChunks, info, null); object.flags.keysLoaded = true; } break; } } return true; } static bool ReadMain(FileInfo * info, void * data) { switch(info->chunkId) { case MAIN3DS: ReadChunks(ReadMainChunks, info, data); break; } return true; } class Object3DSFormat : ObjectFormat { class_property(extension) = "3ds"; bool Load(Object object, const char * fileName, DisplaySystem displaySystem) { bool result = false; if(fileName) { FileInfo info = {0}; info.rootObject = object; info.displaySystem = displaySystem; info.pos = 0; info.end = 1; info.fileName = fileName; StripLastDirectory(fileName, info.textureDirectory); info.f = FileOpen(fileName, read); if(info.f) { if(ReadChunks(ReadMain, &info, object) && info.rootObject.children.first) { object.flags.root = true; object.SetMinMaxRadius(true); object._Animate(object.frame); object.UpdateTransform(); result = true; } delete info.f; } if(info.matFaces) info.matFaces.Free(); delete info.matFaces; } if(!result) object.Free(displaySystem); return result; } }