namespace gfx3D; import "Display" public enum FrustumPlacement { outside, inside, intersecting }; public class ObjectFormat { class_data const char * extension; class_property const char * extension { set { class_data(extension) = value; } get { return class_data(extension); } } virtual bool ::Load(Object object, const char * fileName, DisplaySystem displaySystem); }; // TODO: Review these: public class ObjectFlags { public: bool root:1, viewSpace:1, ownMesh:1, translucent:1, flipWindings:1, keysLoaded:1, transform:1, mesh:1, light:1, camera:1; int hierarchy:16:16; }; public struct Transform { Vector3D position; Quaternion orientation; Vector3Df scaling; }; /*static float ease(float t, float a, float b) { float k; float s = a + b; if (s == 0.0f) return t; if (s > 1.0f) { a /= s; b /= s; } k = 1.0f/(2.0f-a-b); if (t < a) return (k/a)*t*t; if (t < 1.0f - b) return k*(2.0f * t - a); t = 1.0f - t; return 1.0f - (k/b)*t*t; }*/ public enum FrameTrackType : uint16 { position = 1, rotation, scaling, fov, roll, colorChange, morph, hotSpot, fallOff, hide }; public class FrameTrackBits { FrameTrackType type; bool loop:1; }; public struct FrameKey { unsigned int frame; float tension, continuity, bias; float easeFrom, easeTo; union { Vector3Df position; Quaternion orientation; Vector3Df scaling; float roll; float fov; ColorRGB color; float hotSpot; float fallOff; }; }; enum SplinePart { splinePoint, splineA, splineB }; public class FrameTrack : struct { FrameTrack prev, next; FrameTrackBits type; unsigned int numKeys; FrameKey * keys; void Free(void) { delete keys; } ~FrameTrack() { Free(); } float GetFloat(SplinePart what, unsigned int n) { float value; FrameKey *kn_1, *kn, *kn1; float pn_1, pn, pn1; int d1, d2; kn = &keys[n]; pn = kn->roll; if(what == splinePoint) value = pn; else { if(n == 0) { kn1 = &keys[1]; pn1 = kn1->roll; if(numKeys == 2) { value = pn1 - pn; value *= 1.0f - kn->tension; return value; } if(type.loop) { kn_1 = &keys[numKeys-2]; d1 = keys[numKeys-1].frame - kn_1->frame; d2 = kn1->frame - kn->frame; } else { float a1; value = pn1 - pn; value *= 1.5f; a1 = GetFloat(splineA, 1); a1 *= 0.5f; value -= a1; value *= 1.0f - kn->tension; return value; } } else if(n == numKeys-1) { kn_1 = &keys[n-1]; pn_1 = kn_1->roll; if(numKeys == 2) { value = pn - pn_1; value *= 1.0f - kn->tension; return value; } if(type.loop) { kn1 = &keys[1]; d1 = kn->frame - kn_1->frame; d2 = kn1->frame - keys[0].frame; } else { float bn_1; value = pn - pn_1; value *= 1.5f; bn_1 = GetFloat(splineB, n-1); bn_1 *= 0.5f; value -= bn_1; value *= 1.0f - kn->tension; return value; } } else { kn_1 = &keys[n-1]; kn1 = &keys[n+1]; d1 = kn->frame - kn_1->frame; d2 = kn1->frame - kn->frame; } { float C, adjust; float part1, part2; pn_1 = kn_1->roll; pn1 = kn1->roll; if(what == splineA) { C = kn->continuity; adjust = (float)d1; } else { C = -kn->continuity; adjust = (float)d2; } adjust /= d1 + d2; adjust = 0.5f + (1.0f - Abs(C))*(adjust - 0.5f); part1 = pn - pn_1; part1 *= (1.0f + kn->bias)*(1.0f - C); part2 = pn1 - pn; part2 *= (1.0f - kn->bias)*(1.0f + C); value = part1 + part2; value *= (1.0f - kn->tension)*adjust; } } return value; } void GetVector(Vector3Df vector, SplinePart what, unsigned int n) { FrameKey *kn_1, *kn, *kn1; Vector3Df *pn_1, *pn, *pn1; int d1, d2; kn = &keys[n]; pn = &kn->position; if(what == splinePoint) vector = *pn; else { if(n == 0) { kn1 = &keys[1]; pn1 = &kn1->position; if(numKeys == 2) { vector.Subtract(pn1, pn); vector.Scale(vector, 1.0f - kn->tension); return; } if(type.loop) { kn_1 = &keys[numKeys-2]; d1 = keys[numKeys-1].frame - kn_1->frame; d2 = kn1->frame - kn->frame; } else { Vector3Df a1; vector.Subtract(pn1, pn); vector.Scale(vector, 1.5f); GetVector(a1, splineA, 1); a1.Scale(a1, 0.5f); vector.Subtract(vector, a1); vector.Scale(vector, 1.0f - kn->tension); return; } } else if(n == numKeys-1) { kn_1 = &keys[n-1]; pn_1 = &kn_1->position; if(numKeys == 2) { vector.Subtract(pn, pn_1); vector.Scale(vector, 1.0f - kn->tension); return; } if(type.loop) { kn1 = &keys[1]; d1 = kn->frame - kn_1->frame; d2 = kn1->frame - keys[0].frame; } else { Vector3Df bn_1; vector.Subtract(pn, pn_1); vector.Scale(vector, 1.5f); GetVector(&bn_1, splineB, n-1); bn_1.Scale(bn_1, 0.5f); vector.Subtract(vector, bn_1); vector.Scale(vector, 1.0f - kn->tension); return; } } else { kn_1 = &keys[n-1]; kn1 = &keys[n+1]; d1 = kn->frame - kn_1->frame; d2 = kn1->frame - kn->frame; } { float C, adjust; Vector3Df part1, part2; pn_1 = &kn_1->position; pn1 = &kn1->position; if(what == splineA) { C = kn->continuity; adjust = (float)d1; } else { C = -kn->continuity; adjust = (float)d2; } adjust /= d1 + d2; adjust = 0.5f + (1.0f - Abs(C))*(adjust - 0.5f); part1.Subtract(pn, pn_1); part1.Scale(part1, (1.0f + kn->bias)*(1.0f - C)); part2.Subtract(pn1, pn); part2.Scale(part2, (1.0f - kn->bias)*(1.0f + C)); vector.Add(part1, part2); vector.Scale(vector, (1.0f - kn->tension)*adjust); } } } void GetQuaternion(Quaternion quat, SplinePart what, unsigned int n) { FrameKey *kn_1, *kn, *kn1; Quaternion *qn_1, *qn, *qn1; int d1, d2; kn = &keys[n]; qn = &kn->orientation; if (what == splinePoint) quat = *qn; else { if(n == 0) { kn1 = &keys[1]; if (!(type.loop) || numKeys <= 2) { qn1 = &kn1->orientation; quat.Slerp(qn, qn1, (1.0f - kn->tension)*(1.0f + kn->continuity*kn->bias)/3.0f); return; } else { kn_1= &keys[numKeys-2]; d1 = keys[numKeys-1].frame - kn_1->frame; d2 = kn1->frame - kn->frame; } } else if (n == numKeys-1) { kn_1 = &keys[n-1]; if (!(type.loop) || numKeys <= 2) { qn_1 = &kn_1->orientation; quat.Slerp(qn, qn_1, (1.0f - kn->tension)*(1.0f - kn->continuity*kn->bias)/3.0f); return; } else { kn1 = &keys[1]; d1 = kn->frame - kn_1->frame; d2 = kn1->frame - keys[0].frame; } } else { kn_1 = &keys[n-1]; kn1 = &keys[n+1]; d1 = kn->frame - kn_1->frame; d2 = kn1->frame - kn->frame; } { float f, adjust; Quaternion g1, g2, tmp; qn_1 = &kn_1->orientation; qn1 = &kn1->orientation; if (what == splineA) { f = 1.0f; adjust = (float)d1; } else { f = -1.0f; adjust = (float)d2; } adjust /= d1 + d2; adjust = 0.5f + (1.0f - Abs(kn->continuity))*(adjust - 0.5f); g1.Slerp(qn, qn_1,-(1.0f + kn->bias)/3.0f); g2.Slerp(qn, qn1 , (1.0f - kn->bias)/3.0f); tmp.Slerp(g1, g2, 0.5f + f*0.5f*kn->continuity); quat.Slerp(qn, &tmp, f*(kn->tension - 1.0f)*adjust*2.0f); } } } void Interpolate(Vector3Df vector, Vector3Df prevVector, Vector3Df nextVector, int prev, int next, float t) { if(!t) vector = prevVector; else { Vector3Df p1 = prevVector, p2 = nextVector; Vector3Df r1, r2; GetVector(r1, splineB, prev); GetVector(r2, splineA, next); p1.Scale(p1, 2*t*t*t - 3*t*t + 1); p2.Scale(p2,-2*t*t*t + 3*t*t); r1.Scale(r1, t*t*t - 2*t*t + t); r2.Scale(r2, t*t*t - t*t); vector = p1; vector.Add(vector, r1); vector.Add(vector, p2); vector.Add(vector, r2); } } void InterpolateQuat(Quaternion quat, Quaternion prevQuat, Quaternion nextQuat, int prev, int next, float t) { if(!t) quat = prevQuat; else { Quaternion a, b; Quaternion q0, q1, q2; GetQuaternion(b, splineB, prev); GetQuaternion(a, splineA, next); q0.Slerp(prevQuat, b, t); q1.Slerp(b, a, t); q2.Slerp(a, nextQuat, t); q0.Slerp(q0, q1, t); q1.Slerp(q1, q2, t); quat.Slerp(q0, q1, t); } } float InterpolateFloat(float prevValue, float nextValue, int prev, int next, float t) { float value; if(!t) value = prevValue; else { float p1 = prevValue, p2 = nextValue; float r1 = GetFloat(splineB, prev); float r2 = GetFloat(splineA, next); p1 *= 2*t*t*t - 3*t*t + 1; p2 *= -2*t*t*t + 3*t*t; r1 *= t*t*t - 2*t*t + t; r2 *= t*t*t - t*t; value = p1 + r1 + p2 + r2; } return value; } }; static bool FindMaterialAndType(Mesh mesh, Material material, PrimitiveGroupType type) { PrimitiveGroup group; for(group = mesh.groups.first; group; group = if(group.material == material && group.type == type) return true; return false; } public class Object { public: void SetMinMaxRadius(bool processMesh) { Object child; if(flags.mesh && mesh) { if(processMesh) mesh.SetMinMaxRadius(); min = mesh.min; max = mesh.max; volume = (max.x >= min.x && max.y >= min.y && max.z >= min.z); } else { min = { MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT }; max = { -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT }; volume = false; } for(child = children.first; child; child = { child.SetMinMaxRadius(processMesh); if(child.volume) { // Child Local + Child Object Transform Vector3Df points[8] = { { child.min.x, child.min.y, child.min.z }, { child.min.x, child.min.y, child.max.z }, { child.min.x, child.max.y, child.min.z }, { child.min.x, child.max.y, child.max.z }, { child.max.x, child.min.y, child.min.z }, { child.max.x, child.min.y, child.max.z }, { child.max.x, child.max.y, child.min.z }, { child.max.x, child.max.y, child.max.z } }; int c; for(c = 0; c<8; c++) { Vector3Df point; point.MultMatrix(points[c], child.localMatrix); if(point.x < min.x) min.x = point.x; if(point.y < min.y) min.y = point.y; if(point.z < min.z) min.z = point.z; if(point.x > max.x) max.x = point.x; if(point.y > max.y) max.y = point.y; if(point.z > max.z) max.z = point.z; } volume = true; } } if(volume) { Vector3Df points[8] = { { min.x, min.y, min.z }, { min.x, min.y, max.z }, { min.x, max.y, min.z }, { min.x, max.y, max.z }, { max.x, min.y, min.z }, { max.x, min.y, max.z }, { max.x, max.y, min.z }, { max.x, max.y, max.z } }; Vector3Df halfExtent; Vector3D halfExtentd; // Local center.Add(min, max); center.Scale(center, 0.5f); halfExtent.Subtract(max, min); halfExtent.Scale(halfExtent, 0.5f); radius = halfExtent.length; // World { Vector3D min { MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT }; Vector3D max { -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT }; int c; for(c = 0; c<8; c++) { Vector3D point; point.MultMatrixf(points[c], matrix); if(point.x < min.x) min.x = point.x; if(point.y < min.y) min.y = point.y; if(point.z < min.z) min.z = point.z; if(point.x > max.x) max.x = point.x; if(point.y > max.y) max.y = point.y; if(point.z > max.z) max.z = point.z; } wmin = min; wmax = max; } wcenter.Add(wmin, wmax); wcenter.Scale(wcenter, 0.5f); halfExtentd.Subtract(wmax, wmin); halfExtentd.Scale(halfExtentd, 0.5); wradius = halfExtentd.length; } } void Duplicate(Object model) { if(model) { Object modelChild; name = CopyString(; flags = model.flags; flags.ownMesh = false; mesh = model.mesh; /* min = model.min; max = model.max; radius = model.radius; */ transform = model.transform; for(modelChild = model.children.first; modelChild; modelChild = { Object child { parent = this }; child.Duplicate(modelChild); children.AddName(child); } } } void Free(DisplaySystem displaySystem) { if(this) { Object child; while((child = children.first)) { children.Remove(child); child.Free(displaySystem); // We did not do this before so as to keep transform on reloading for new DisplaySystem // However since children are removed, it seems that purpose has been gone, we'd need // a new mechanism to handle lost resources reloading... delete child; } if(flags.ownMesh && mesh) { DisplaySystem meshDisplaySystem = mesh.displaySystem; mesh.Free(0); if(meshDisplaySystem) meshDisplaySystem.RemoveMesh(mesh); delete mesh; } tracks.Free(FrameTrack::Free); delete name; } } bool Load(const char * fileName, const char * type, DisplaySystem displaySystem) { char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; subclass(ObjectFormat) format; OldLink link; bool result = false; if(!type && fileName) type = strlwr(GetExtension(fileName, ext)); for(link = class(ObjectFormat).derivatives.first; link; link = { format =; if(format.extension && !strcmp(format.extension, type)) break; } if(!link) format = null; if(format) { if((format.Load(this, fileName, displaySystem))) result = true; } /*if(!result) ErrorLogCode(GERR_LOAD_OBJECT_FAILED, fileName);*/ return result; } void FreeMesh(DisplaySystem displaySystem) { if(this) { Object child; mesh.Free(0); for(child = children.first; child; child = child.FreeMesh(displaySystem); } } Object Find(const char * name) { if(this && name) { Object child; if( && !strcmp(, name)) return this; else { for(child = children.first; child; child = { Object result = child.Find(name); if(result) return result; } } } return null; } void Initialize(void) { if(this) { transform.scaling = { 1, 1, 1 }; transform.orientation = { 1,0,0,0 }; flags.root = true; flags.transform = true; matrix.Identity(); } } Mesh InitializeMesh(DisplaySystem displaySystem) { if(this) { flags.mesh = true; if(!mesh) { mesh = Mesh { }; flags.ownMesh = true; } if(mesh) { FillBytes(mesh, 0, sizeof(class Mesh)); displaySystem.AddMesh(mesh); } matrix.Identity(); return mesh; } return null; } bool AddName(Object object, const char * name) { bool result = false; if(this) { char * newName = CopyString(name); = newName; result = children.AddName(object); if(result) object.parent = this; object.flags.transform = true; } return result; } // TODO: Add support to Merge Vertex Colors mesh feature bool Merge(DisplaySystem displaySystem) { bool result = false; if(!children.first && this.flags.ownMesh) result = true; else { Object child, nextChild; int nVertices = 0; MeshFeatures flags = 0; Mesh objectMesh = mesh; bool freeMesh = this.flags.ownMesh; mesh = Mesh { }; this.flags.ownMesh = true; this.flags.mesh = true; displaySystem.AddMesh(mesh); // Count total number of vertices if(objectMesh) { flags |= objectMesh.flags; nVertices += objectMesh.nVertices; } for(child = children.first; child; child = { child.Merge(displaySystem); if(child.mesh) { nVertices += child.mesh.nVertices; flags |= child.mesh.flags; } } if(mesh.Allocate(flags, nVertices, displaySystem)) { int c; int nTriangles = 0; int vertexOffset = 0; PrimitiveGroup group = null; // Merge vertices nVertices = 0; if(objectMesh) { for(c = 0; cmaterial = objectMesh.primitives[c].material; triangle->middle = objectMesh.primitives[c].middle; triangle->plane = objectMesh.primitives[c].plane; memcpy(triangle->indices, objectMesh.primitives[c].indices, objectMesh.primitives[c].nIndices * sizeof(uint16)); /* *triangle = objectMesh.primitives[c]; objectMesh.primitives[c].indices = null; objectMesh.primitives[c].data = null; */ if(triangle->type.indices32bit) for(i = 0; inIndices; i++) triangle->indices32[i] += vertexOffset; else for(i = 0; inIndices; i++) triangle->indices[i] += (uint16)vertexOffset; mesh.UnlockPrimitive(triangle); } vertexOffset += objectMesh.nVertices; } for(child = children.first; child; child = { if(child.mesh) { for(c = 0; cmaterial = child.mesh.primitives[c].material ? child.mesh.primitives[c].material : child.material; triangle->middle = child.mesh.primitives[c].middle; triangle->plane = child.mesh.primitives[c].plane; memcpy(triangle->indices, child.mesh.primitives[c].indices, child.mesh.primitives[c].nIndices * sizeof(uint16)); /* *triangle = child.mesh.primitives[c]; child.mesh.primitives[c].indices = null; child.mesh.primitives[c].data = null; */ if(triangle->type.indices32bit) for(i = 0; inIndices; i++) triangle->indices[i] += (uint16)vertexOffset; else for(i = 0; inIndices; i++) triangle->indices32[i] += vertexOffset; mesh.UnlockPrimitive(triangle); } vertexOffset += child.mesh.nVertices; } } // Free children for(child = children.first; child; child = nextChild) { nextChild =; children.Remove(child); child.Free(displaySystem); delete child; } mesh.ApplyTranslucency(this); // this.flags.translucent = true; result = true; mesh.Unlock(flags); } if(freeMesh && objectMesh) { if(objectMesh.displaySystem) objectMesh.displaySystem.RemoveMesh(objectMesh); delete objectMesh; } SetMinMaxRadius(true); } return result; } void RotateEuler(Euler rotation, Euler min, Euler max) { // WARNING: 'eulerOrientation' is only updated by this function Euler euler = eulerOrientation;//transform.orientation; euler.Add(euler, rotation); if(min && max) { if(min.pitch && max.pitch) euler.pitch = Min(Max(euler.pitch, min.pitch), max.pitch); if(min.yaw && max.yaw) euler.yaw = Min(Max(euler.yaw, min.yaw), max.yaw); if(min.roll && max.roll) euler.roll = Min(Max(euler.roll, min.roll), max.roll); } eulerOrientation = euler; transform.orientation = euler; UpdateTransform(); } void Move(Vector3D direction) { Matrix matrix; Vector3D offset; matrix.RotationQuaternion(transform.orientation); offset.MultMatrix(direction, matrix); transform.position.Add(transform.position, offset); UpdateTransform(); } void UpdateTransform(void) { SetTransformDirty(); _UpdateTransform(); SetMinMaxRadius(false); } void Animate(unsigned int frame) { if(this && startFrame != endFrame) { while(frame < startFrame) frame += (endFrame - startFrame + 1); while(frame > endFrame) frame -= (endFrame - startFrame + 1); this.frame = frame; _Animate(frame); _UpdateTransform(); SetMinMaxRadius(false); } } void DoubleSided(bool flag) { if(this) { Object child; mesh.DoubleSided(flag); for(child = children.first; child; child = child.DoubleSided(flag); } } bool IntersectsGroundPolygon(int count, Pointf * pointfs) { bool result = false; Pointf * p1; Pointf * p2; double minX = wmin.x, maxX = wmax.x; double minY = wmin.z, maxY = wmax.z; double delta = (maxX - minX)/2; double x = (maxX + minX)/2, y = (maxY + minY)/2; int c; for(c = 0; cx < minX) && (p2->x < minX) ) { if((p1->y <= y) && (p2->y > y) ) result ^= true; else if( (p1->y > y) && (p2->y <= y) ) result ^= true; } else if(!((p1->x > maxX && p2->x > maxX) || (p1->y < minY && p2->y < minY) || (p1->y > maxY && p2->y > maxY))) { if(p1->y == p2->y) { d = y - p1->y; if (d < 0) d = -d; if (d < delta) return true; } else if(p1->x == p2->x) { d = x - p1->x; if(d < 0) d = -d; if(d < delta) return true; else if(p1->x > x) ; else if( (p1->y <= y) && (p2->y > y) ) result ^= true; else if( (p1->y > y) && (p2->y <= y) ) result ^= true; } else { float a, b, dy, dx; a = p2->y - p1->y; b = p1->x - p2->x; dy = a; dx = -b; d = a * x + b * y + (p2->x * p1->y) - (p2->y * p1->x); if (a < 0) a = -a; if (b < 0) b = -b; if (d < 0) d = -d; if(d < a * delta) return true; else if (d < b * delta) return true; else if( ( (p1->y <= y) && (p2->y > y) ) || ( (p1->y > y) && (p2->y <= y) ) ) { double xdy; xdy = (dx * (y - p1->y)) + (dy * p1->x); if(dy < 0) { if(xdy > x * dy) result ^= true; } else if(xdy < x * dy) result ^= true; } } } } return result; } property Transform transform { set { transform = value; eulerOrientation = transform.orientation; } get { value = transform; } }; property Material material { set { material = value; } get { return material; } }; property Vector3Df max { get { value = max; } }; property Vector3Df min { get { value = min; } }; property Vector3Df center { get { value = center; } }; property float radius { get { return radius; } }; property Vector3D wmax { get { value = wmax; } }; property Vector3D wmin { get { value = wmin; } }; property Vector3D wcenter { get { value = wcenter; } }; property double wradius { get { return wradius; } }; property void * tag { set { tag = value; } get { return tag; } }; property int frame { set { Animate(value); } get { return frame; } }; property int startFrame { set { startFrame = value; } get { return startFrame; } }; property int endFrame { set { endFrame = value; } get { return endFrame; } }; property Mesh mesh { set { mesh = value; } get { return mesh; } }; property Camera camera { get { return camera; } }; // Fix this with inheritance? camera inherit from Object? property Object firstChild { get { return children.first; } }; property Object next { get { return next; } }; property const char * name { get { return name; } }; property Matrix matrix { get { value = matrix; } }; property Object cameraTarget { set { cameraTarget = value; } get { return cameraTarget; } }; property OldList * tracks { /* set { tracks = value; } */ get { return &tracks; } }; property ObjectFlags flags { set { flags = value; } get { return flags; } }; private: Object() { children.offset = (uint)(uintptr)&((Object)0).prev; transform.scaling = { 1, 1, 1 }; transform.orientation = { 1,0,0,0 }; flags.transform = true; } ~Object() { Free(null); } void SetTransformDirty() { Object child; flags.transform = true; for(child = children.first; child; child = child.SetTransformDirty(); } void _UpdateTransform() { if(flags.transform) { Object child; Matrix matrix; // Cameras / Spot Lights must update their target first if( && cameraTarget && cameraTarget.flags.transform) cameraTarget.UpdateTransform(); else if(flags.light && &&; if( && cameraTarget) { // DeterMine angle to look at target Vector3D position, direction; if(flags.root || !parent) position = transform.position; else position.MultMatrix(transform.position, parent.matrix); direction.Subtract((Vector3D *)cameraTarget.matrix.m[3], position); transform.orientation.RotationDirection(direction); // Add the roll transform.orientation.RotateRoll(roll); } if(flags.light && { // DeterMine angle to look at target Vector3D position; if(flags.root || !parent) position = transform.position; else position.MultMatrix(transform.position, parent.matrix); light.direction.Subtract((Vector3D *)[3], position); light.direction.Normalize(light.direction); transform.orientation.RotationDirection(light.direction); } matrix.Identity(); matrix.Scale(transform.scaling.x, transform.scaling.y, transform.scaling.z); matrix.Rotate(transform.orientation); matrix.Translate(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); localMatrix = matrix; // Compute transform (with ancestors) if(flags.root || !parent) this.matrix = matrix; else this.matrix.Multiply(matrix, parent.matrix); flags.transform = false; for(child = children.first; child; child = { if(child.flags.transform) child._UpdateTransform(); } } } void _Animate(unsigned int frame) { Object child; FrameTrack track; for(track = tracks.first; track; track = { unsigned int c; if(track.numKeys) { unsigned int prev = 0, next = track.numKeys - 1; FrameKey * prevKey = &track.keys[prev], * nextKey = &track.keys[next]; float t = 0; for(c = 0; cframe <= frame) { prevKey = key; prev = c; } if(key->frame >= frame) { nextKey = key; next = c; break; } } if(nextKey->frame != prevKey->frame) t = ease((float) (frame - prevKey->frame) / (nextKey->frame - prevKey->frame), prevKey->easeFrom, nextKey->easeTo); switch(track.type.type) { case position: { Vector3Df position; track.Interpolate(position, prevKey->position, nextKey->position, prev, next, t); transform.position = { (double)position.x, (double)position.y, (double)position.z }; break; } case scaling: track.Interpolate(transform.scaling, prevKey->scaling, &nextKey->scaling, prev, next, t); break; case rotation: track.InterpolateQuat(transform.orientation, prevKey->orientation, nextKey->orientation, prev, next, t); break; // Cameras case roll: roll = track.InterpolateFloat(prevKey->roll, nextKey->roll, prev, next, t); break; case fov: { camera.fov = track.InterpolateFloat(prevKey->fov, nextKey->fov, prev, next, t); /* double mm = (camera.fov - 5.05659508373109) / 1.13613250717301; camera.fov = 1248.58921609766 * pow(mm, -0.895625414990581); */ //camera.Setup(camera.width, camera.height, camera.origin); break; } // Lights case colorChange: { track.Interpolate((Vector3Df *)&light.diffuse, (Vector3Df *)&prevKey->color, (Vector3Df *)&nextKey->color, prev, next, t); light.specular = light.diffuse; break; } case fallOff: { light.fallOff = track.InterpolateFloat(prevKey->fallOff, nextKey->fallOff, prev, next, t); break; } case hotSpot: { light.hotSpot = track.InterpolateFloat(prevKey->hotSpot, nextKey->hotSpot, prev, next, t); break; } } } } for(child = children.first; child; child = child._Animate(frame); flags.transform = true; } // Private for now FrustumPlacement InsideFrustum(Plane * planes) { FrustumPlacement result = inside; int p; // First test: Sphere for(p = 0; p<6; p++) { Plane * plane = &planes[p]; double dot = plane->normal.DotProduct(wcenter); double distance = dot + plane->d; if(distance < -wradius) { result = outside; break; } if(Abs(distance) < wradius) result = intersecting; } if(result == intersecting) { // Second test: Bounding Box Vector3D box[8] = { { wmin.x, wmin.y, wmin.z }, { wmin.x, wmin.y, wmax.z }, { wmin.x, wmax.y, wmin.z }, { wmin.x, wmax.y, wmax.z }, { wmax.x, wmin.y, wmin.z }, { wmax.x, wmin.y, wmax.z }, { wmax.x, wmax.y, wmin.z }, { wmax.x, wmax.y, wmax.z } }; int numPlanesAllIn = 0; for(p = 0; p < 6; p++) { Plane * plane = &planes[p]; int i; int numGoodPoints = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { double dot = plane->normal.DotProduct(box[i]); double distance = dot + plane->d; if(distance > -1) numGoodPoints++; } if(!numGoodPoints) { result = outside; break; } if(numGoodPoints == 8) numPlanesAllIn++; } if(numPlanesAllIn == 6) result = inside; } return result; } Object prev, next; char * name; Object parent; OldList children; ObjectFlags flags; OldList tracks; unsigned startFrame, endFrame; int frame; Vector3Df pivot; Transform transform; Matrix matrix; Matrix localMatrix; void * tag; Vector3Df min, max, center; Vector3D wmin, wmax, wcenter; bool volume; float radius; double wradius; ColorRGB ambient; /*public */union { // Mesh struct { Mesh mesh; Material material; }; // Light Light light; // Camera struct { Camera camera; Object cameraTarget; double roll; }; }; public property Light light { set { light = value; } get { value = light; } } Euler eulerOrientation; };