namespace gfx3D; import "Display" public enum CameraType { fixed, fixedQuaternion, attached, attachedQuaternion, lookAt, lookAtObject }; public enum FovDirection { widest, horizontal, vertical }; public enum ClippingPlane { left, right, top, bottom, near, far }; public class Camera { public: // Change type to inherited types... property CameraType type { set { type = value; } get { return type; } }; property Vector3D position { set { position = value; } get { value = position; } }; property Quaternion orientation { set { orientation = value; if(type == attached || type == fixed) eulerOrientation = value; } get { value = orientation; } }; property Euler eulerOrientation { set { eulerOrientation = value; if(type != attached && type != fixed) orientation = value; } get { value = eulerOrientation; } }; property Vector3D cPosition { get { value = cPosition; } }; property Quaternion cOrientation { get { value = cAngle; } }; property Degrees fov { set { fov = value; } get { return fov; } }; property float zMin { set { zMin = value; } get { return zMin; } }; property float zMax { set { zMax = value; } get { return zMax; } }; property Object target { set { target = value; } get { return target; } }; property FovDirection fovDirection { set { fovDirection = value; } get { return fovDirection; } }; property float aspectRatio { set { aspectRatio = value; } get { return aspectRatio; } }; property Size focal { get { value = { focalX, focalY }; } }; void Setup(int width, int height, Point origin) { if(this) { Quaternion quat; float aspectRatio = this.aspectRatio; float l, r, t, b; if(!aspectRatio) aspectRatio = (float)width/height; this.width = width; this.height = height; if(origin != null) this.origin = origin; else { this.origin.x = width/2; this.origin.y = height/2; } l = this.origin.x - 0; r = this.origin.x - width; t = 0 - this.origin.y; b = height - this.origin.y; if(fovDirection == horizontal || (fovDirection == widest && width * aspectRatio > height)) { focalX = (float)((width / 2) / tan(fov/2)); focalY = focalX * height / width; focalY *= aspectRatio; fovX = fov; } else { focalY = (float)((height / 2) / tan(fov/2)); focalX = focalY * width / height; focalX /= aspectRatio; fovY = fov; } fovX = atan((width / 2) / focalX) * 2; fovY = atan((height / 2) / focalY) * 2; fovLeft = atan(l / focalX); fovRight = atan(r / focalX); fovTop = atan(t / focalY); fovBottom = atan(b / focalY); // Compute Clipping Planes { Vector3D normal, point = {0,0,0}; // --- Left --- quat.Yaw(fovLeft - Pi/2); quat.ToDirection(normal); viewClippingPlanes[left].FromPointNormal(normal, point); // --- Right --- quat.Yaw(fovRight + Pi/2); quat.ToDirection(normal); viewClippingPlanes[right].FromPointNormal(normal, point); // --- Top --- quat.Pitch(fovTop + Pi/2); quat.ToDirection(normal); viewClippingPlanes[top].FromPointNormal(normal, point); // --- Bottom --- quat.Pitch(fovBottom - Pi/2); quat.ToDirection(normal); viewClippingPlanes[bottom].FromPointNormal(normal, point); // --- Near --- normal.x = 0; normal.y = 0; normal.z = 1; point.z = zMin; viewClippingPlanes[near].FromPointNormal(normal, point); // --- Far --- normal.x = 0; normal.y = 0; normal.z = -1; point.z = zMax; viewClippingPlanes[far].FromPointNormal(normal, point); } needUpdate = true; } } void AdjustPosition(Vector3D position) { ClippingPlane c; Matrix transpose = viewMatrix; cPosition = position; transpose.m[0][3] = cPosition.x; transpose.m[1][3] = cPosition.y; transpose.m[2][3] = cPosition.z; inverseTranspose.Inverse(transpose); for(c = 0; cposition); break; } case attachedQuaternion: { toAngle = { 1,0,0,0 }; if(target) { /*if(type == attached) { Euler eulerCamera = orientation, eulerTarget = target->orientation, euler; euler.Add(eulerCamera, eulerTarget); // Logf("yaw = %f, pitch = %f\n", eulerCamera.yaw, eulerCamera.pitch); toAngle = euler; } else if(type == attachedQuaternion)*/ toAngle.Multiply(orientation, target->orientation); } else toAngle = orientation; matrix.RotationQuaternion(toAngle); newPosition.MultMatrix(position, matrix); if(target) newPosition.Add(newPosition, target->position); break; } case lookAt: { Quaternion result; Vector3D direction; newPosition = position; if(target) { direction.Subtract(target->position, position); toAngle.RotationDirection(direction); } else { Vector3D position { 0, 0, 0 }; direction.Subtract(position, this.position); toAngle.RotationDirection(direction); } result.Multiply(orientation, toAngle); toAngle = result; break; } case lookAtObject: { Object cameraObject = this.cameraObject; toAngle = cameraObject.transform.orientation; if(cameraObject.flags.root || !cameraObject.parent) newPosition = cameraObject.transform.position; else newPosition.MultMatrix(cameraObject.transform.position, cameraObject.parent.matrix); break; } } if(cAngle.w != toAngle.w || cAngle.x != toAngle.x || cAngle.y != toAngle.y || cAngle.z != toAngle.z || needUpdate) { cPosition = newPosition; if(slerpAmount && slerpPosition < 1.0) { Quaternion angle; slerpPosition += slerpAmount; slerpPosition = Min(slerpPosition, 1.0); angle.Slerp(fromAngle, toAngle, slerpPosition); AdjustAngle(angle); } else AdjustAngle(toAngle); result = true; this.needUpdate = false; } else if(newPosition.x != oldPosition.x || newPosition.y != oldPosition.y || newPosition.z != oldPosition.z) { AdjustPosition(newPosition); result = true; } } return result; } bool SphereVisible(Vector3D center, float radius) { // TURN BACK ON /* if(wLeftNormal.DotProduct(center) + wLeftD < -radius) return false; if(wRightNormal.DotProduct(center) + wRightD < -radius) return false; if(wTopNormal.DotProduct(center) + wTopD < -radius) return false; if(wBottomNormal.DotProduct(center) + wBottomD < -radius) return false; if(wNearNormal.DotProduct(center) + wNearD < -radius) return false; /-* if(wFarNormal.DotProduct(center) + wFarD < -radius) return false;*/ return true; } bool PointsVisible(Vector3D * points, int numPoints, double threshold) { ClippingPlane p; int c; for(p = 0; p<=ClippingPlane::bottom; p+=2) { bool out1a = true, out2a = true; bool out1b = true, out2b = true; Plane * plane = &worldClippingPlanes[p]; for(c = 0; ca * points[c].x + plane->b * points[c].y + plane->c * points[c].z; if(dot + plane->d > 0) { out1a = out1b = false; break; } else if(dot + plane->d > -threshold) out1a = false; } plane = &worldClippingPlanes[p+1]; for(c = 0; ca * points[c].x + plane->b * points[c].y + plane->c * points[c].z; if(dot + plane->d > 0) { out2a = out2b = false; break; } else if(dot + plane->d > -threshold) out2a = false; } if((out1a && !out2b) || (out2a && !out1b)) return false; } return true; } /* bool PointsVisible(Vector3D * origPoints, int numPoints, double threshold) { Plane * planes = worldClippingPlanes; static byte goodPoints[50]; static Vector3D points[50]; static Vector3D newPoints[50]; bool outside = false; int p; int i; int c = 0; int n = numPoints; for(c = 0; cnormal.DotProduct(points[i]); double distance = dot + plane->d; if(distance > -threshold) { numGoodPoints++; goodPoints[i] = 1; } } if(!numGoodPoints) { outside = true; break; } if(numGoodPoints < n) { // Clip the polygon int newN = 0; int lastGood = -1; int j; for(j = 0; jIntersectLine(edge, newPoints[newN++]); for(next = j+1; next != j; next++) { if(next == n) next = 0; if(goodPoints[next]) { int prev = next - 1; if(prev < 0) prev = n-1; edge.p0 = points[prev];[next], edge.p0); plane->IntersectLine(edge, newPoints[newN++]); break; } } if(next <= j) break; else j = next; } } // Use the new points memcpy(points, newPoints, newN * sizeof(Vector3D)); n = newN; } } return !outside; } */ void TransformPoint(Vector3D dest, Vector3D src) { Vector3D vector { src.x - cPosition.x, src.y - cPosition.y, src.z - cPosition.z }; dest.MultMatrix(vector, viewMatrix); } void TransformNormal(Vector3D dest, Vector3D src) { dest.MultMatrix(src, viewMatrix); } void TransformMatrix(Matrix dest, Matrix src) { Matrix matrix = src; matrix.m[3][0] -= cPosition.x; matrix.m[3][1] -= cPosition.y; matrix.m[3][2] -= cPosition.z; dest.Multiply(matrix, viewMatrix); } void RotatePitch(Degrees amount, Degrees min, Degrees max) { if(type == fixedQuaternion) { orientation.RotatePitch(amount); } else { Euler euler = eulerOrientation; euler.pitch += amount; if(min || max) { euler.pitch = Min(euler.pitch, max); euler.pitch = Max(euler.pitch, min); } eulerOrientation = euler; orientation = euler; } } void RotateYaw(Degrees amount, Degrees min, Degrees max) { if(type == fixedQuaternion) { orientation.RotateYaw(amount); } else { Euler euler = eulerOrientation; euler.yaw += amount; if(min || max) { euler.yaw = Min(euler.yaw, max); euler.yaw = Max(euler.yaw, min); } eulerOrientation = euler; orientation = euler; } } void RotateRoll(Degrees amount, Degrees min, Degrees max) { if(type == fixedQuaternion) { orientation.RotateRoll(amount); } else { Euler euler = eulerOrientation; euler.roll += amount; if(min || max) { euler.roll = Min(euler.roll, max); euler.roll = Max(euler.roll, min); } eulerOrientation = euler; orientation = euler; } } void Slerp(float amount) { fromAngle = cAngle; slerpAmount = amount; slerpPosition = 0; } void Move(Vector3D direction) { Matrix matrix; switch(type) { case fixed: { Vector3D offset; matrix.RotationQuaternion(orientation); offset.MultMatrix(direction, matrix); position.Add(position, offset); break; } case attachedQuaternion: case attached: case lookAt: { position.Add(position, direction); break; } } } bool Project(Vector3D vector, Vector3D point) { if(vector.z >= zMin) { //float floatZ; point.x = (vector.x*focalX/vector.z); point.y = (vector.y*focalY/vector.z); point.z = (((zMax * zMin / -vector.z) + zMax) / (zMax - zMin)); //floatZ = ((((float)zMax * (float)zMin / -(float)vector.z) + (float)zMax) / ((float)zMax - (float)zMin)); point.x += origin.x; point.y += origin.y; return (point.x >= 0 && point.y >= 0 && point.x < width && point.y < height); } return false; } void Unproject(Vector3D point, Vector3D vector) { vector.z = (zMax * zMin / (zMax - (double)point.z * (zMax-zMin))); vector.y = ((point.y - origin.y) * (double)vector.z / focalY); vector.x = ((point.x - origin.x) * (double)vector.z / focalX); } bool ProjectSize(Vector3D vector, Point point) { if(vector.z >= zMin) { point.x = (int)((double)vector.x*(double)focalX/(double)vector.z); point.y = (int)((double)vector.y*(double)focalY/(double)vector.z); return true; } return false; } void Untransform(Vector3D src, Vector3D result) { result.MultMatrix(src, inverseMatrix); result.x += cPosition.x; result.y += cPosition.y; result.z += cPosition.z; } public void setViewMatrix(Matrix value) { viewMatrix = value; } public void setCPosition(Vector3D value) { cPosition = value; } private: Camera() { needUpdate = true; type = fixed; orientation.w = 1; aspectRatio = 0; fov = Pi/2; zMin = 5;//0.1f; zMax = 10000; } CameraType type; FovDirection fovDirection; Object cameraObject; Object target; public Vector3D position; Quaternion orientation; Euler eulerOrientation; float aspectRatio; Degrees fov; float zMin, zMax; // Read only Vector3D cPosition; Quaternion cAngle; Angle fovLeft, fovRight, fovTop, fovBottom; float focalX, focalY; Angle fovX, fovY; float slerpAmount, slerpPosition; Matrix inverseTranspose, inverseMatrix; Quaternion fromAngle, toAngle; bool needUpdate; Matrix viewMatrix; int width, height; Point origin; Plane viewClippingPlanes[ClippingPlane], worldClippingPlanes[ClippingPlane]; };