namespace com; import "Container" default: extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnCopy; private: enum AddSide : int { compare = 0, left = -1, right = 1}; public class AVLNode : IteratorPointer { class_fixed thisclass parent, left, right; int depth; public: T key; property thisclass prev { get { if(left) return left.maximum; while(this) { if(parent && this == parent.right) return parent; else this = parent; } return this; } } property thisclass next { get { thisclass right = this.right; if(right) return right.minimum; while(this) { thisclass parent = this.parent; if(parent && this == parent.left) return parent; else this = parent; } return null; } } property thisclass minimum { get { while(left) this = left; return this; } } property thisclass maximum { get { while(right) this = right; return this; } } property int count { get { return 1 + (left ? left.count : 0) + (right ? right.count : 0); } } property int depthProp { get { int leftDepth = left ? (left.depthProp+1) : 0; int rightDepth = right ? (right.depthProp+1) : 0; return Max(leftDepth, rightDepth); } } private: void Free() { if (left) left.Free(); if (right) right.Free(); delete this; } bool Add(Class Tclass, thisclass node, AddSide addSide) { ClassType t; int (* onCompare)(void *, void *, void *); uint offset = 0; bool reference = false; byte * a; if(!Tclass) Tclass = class(uint64); t = Tclass.type; onCompare = (void *)Tclass._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare]; if((t == systemClass && !Tclass.byValueSystemClass) || t == bitClass || t == enumClass || t == unitClass || t == structClass) { reference = true; offset = __ENDIAN_PAD((t == structClass) ? sizeof(void *) : Tclass.typeSize); } a = reference ? ((byte *)&node.key + offset) : ((byte *)(uintptr)node.key); while(true) { int result; if(addSide) result = addSide; else { byte * b = reference ? ((byte *)&key + offset) : (byte *)(uintptr)key; result = onCompare(Tclass, a, b); } if(!result) return false; else if(result > 0) { if(right) this = right; else { right = node; break; } } else { if(left) this = left; else { left = node; break; } } } node.parent = this; node.depth = 0; { AVLNode n; for(n = this; n; n = n.parent) { int newDepth = Max(n.left ? (n.left.depth+1) : 0, n.right ? (n.right.depth+1) : 0); if(newDepth == n.depth) break; n.depth = newDepth; } } return true; } public thisclass Find(Class Tclass, const T key) { byte * a; bool reference = false; uint offset = 0; ClassType t = Tclass.type; int (* onCompare)(void *, void *, void *) = (void *)Tclass._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare]; reference = (t == systemClass && !Tclass.byValueSystemClass) || t == bitClass || t == enumClass || t == unitClass; offset = __ENDIAN_PAD(Tclass.typeSize); a = reference ? ((byte *)&(uint64)key) + offset : (byte *)(uintptr)key; if(t == structClass) { reference = true; offset = __ENDIAN_PAD(sizeof(void *)); } while(this) { // *** NEED COMPARISON OPERATOR SUPPORT HERE INVOKING OnCompare, AS WELL AS TYPE INFORMATION PASSED *** byte * b = reference ? ((byte *)&this.key) + offset : (byte *)(uintptr)this.key; int result = onCompare(Tclass, a, b); if(result < 0) this = left; else if(result > 0) this = right; else break; } return this; } thisclass FindEx(Class Tclass, const T key, AVLNode */*thisclass **/ addTo, AddSide * addSide) { byte * a; bool reference = false; uint offset = 0; ClassType t = Tclass.type; int (* onCompare)(void *, void *, void *) = (void *)Tclass._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare]; reference = (t == systemClass && !Tclass.byValueSystemClass) || t == bitClass || t == enumClass || t == unitClass; offset = __ENDIAN_PAD(Tclass.typeSize); a = reference ? ((byte *)&(uint64)key) + offset : (byte *)(uintptr)key; if(t == structClass) { reference = true; offset = __ENDIAN_PAD(sizeof(void *)); } if(Tclass == class(uint)) { uint ia = *(uint *)a; while(this) { uint ib = *(uint *)(reference ? ((byte *)&this.key) + offset : (byte *)(uintptr)this.key); int result = ia > ib ? 1 : ia < ib ? -1 : 0; if(result) { thisclass node = result < 0 ? left : right; if(!node) { if(addTo) *addTo = this; if(addSide) *addSide = (AddSide)result; } this = node; } else break; } } else { while(this) { byte * b = reference ? ((byte *)&this.key) + offset : (byte *)(uintptr)this.key; int result = onCompare(Tclass, a, b); if(result) { thisclass node = result < 0 ? left : right; if(!node) { if(addTo) *addTo = this; if(addSide) *addSide = (AddSide)result; } this = node; } else break; } } return this; } thisclass FindAll(const T key) { AVLNode result = null; // *** FIND ALL COMPARES KEY FOR EQUALITY, NOT USING OnCompare *** if(this.key == key) result = this; if(!result && left) result = left.FindAll(key); if(!result && right) result = right.FindAll(key); return result; } void RemoveSwap(thisclass swap) { if(swap.left) { swap.left.parent = swap.parent; if(swap == swap.parent.left) swap.parent.left = swap.left; else if(swap == swap.parent.right) swap.parent.right = swap.left; swap.left = null; } if(swap.right) { swap.right.parent = swap.parent; if(swap == swap.parent.left) swap.parent.left = swap.right; else if(swap == swap.parent.right) swap.parent.right = swap.right; swap.right = null; } if(swap == swap.parent.left) swap.parent.left = null; else if(swap == swap.parent.right) swap.parent.right = null; { AVLNode n; for(n = swap.parent; n; n = n.parent) { int newDepth = Max(n.left ? (n.left.depth+1) : 0, n.right ? (n.right.depth+1) : 0); if(newDepth == n.depth) break; n.depth = newDepth; if(n == this) break; } } swap.left = left; if(left) left.parent = swap; swap.right = right; if (right) right.parent = swap; swap.parent = parent; left = null; right = null; if(parent) { if(this == parent.left) parent.left = swap; else if(this == parent.right) parent.right = swap; } } thisclass RemoveSwapLeft() { thisclass swap = left ? left.maximum : right; thisclass swapParent = null; if(swap) { swapParent = swap.parent; RemoveSwap(swap); } if(parent) { if(this == parent.left) parent.left = null; else if(this == parent.right) parent.right = null; } { AVLNode n; for(n = swap ? swap : parent; n; n = n.parent) { int newDepth = Max(n.left ? (n.left.depth+1) : 0, n.right ? (n.right.depth+1) : 0); if(newDepth == n.depth && n != swap) break; n.depth = newDepth; } } if(swapParent && swapParent != this) return swapParent.Rebalance(); else if(swap) return swap.Rebalance(); else if(parent) return parent.Rebalance(); else return null; } thisclass RemoveSwapRight() { thisclass result; thisclass swap = right ? right.minimum : left; thisclass swapParent = null; if(swap) { swapParent = swap.parent; RemoveSwap(swap); } if(parent) { if(this == parent.left) parent.left = null; else if(this == parent.right) parent.right = null; } { AVLNode n; for(n = swap ? swap : parent; n; n = n.parent) { int newDepth = Max(n.left ? (n.left.depth+1) : 0, n.right ? (n.right.depth+1) : 0); if(newDepth == n.depth && n != swap) break; n.depth = newDepth; } } if(swapParent && swapParent != this) result = swapParent.Rebalance(); else if(swap) result = swap.Rebalance(); else if(parent) result = parent.Rebalance(); else result = null; return result; } property int balanceFactor { get { int leftDepth = left ? (left.depth+1) : 0; int rightDepth = right ? (right.depth+1) : 0; return rightDepth - leftDepth; } } thisclass Rebalance() { while(true) { int factor = balanceFactor; if (factor < -1) { if(left.balanceFactor == 1) DoubleRotateRight(); else SingleRotateRight(); } else if (factor > 1) { if(right.balanceFactor == -1) DoubleRotateLeft(); else SingleRotateLeft(); } if(parent) this = parent; else return this; } } void SingleRotateRight() { if(parent) { if(this == parent.left) parent.left = left; else if(this == parent.right) parent.right = left; } left.parent = parent; parent = left; left = parent.right; if(left) left.parent = this; parent.right = this; depth = Max(left ? (left.depth+1) : 0, right ? (right.depth+1) : 0); parent.depth = Max(parent.left ? (parent.left.depth+1) : 0, parent.right ? (parent.right.depth+1) : 0); { AVLNode n; for(n = parent.parent; n; n = n.parent) { int newDepth = Max(n.left ? (n.left.depth+1) : 0, n.right ? (n.right.depth+1) : 0); if(newDepth == n.depth) break; n.depth = newDepth; } } } void SingleRotateLeft() { if(parent) { if(this == parent.right) parent.right = right; else if(this == parent.left) parent.left = right; } right.parent = parent; parent = right; right = parent.left; if(right) right.parent = this; parent.left = this; depth = Max(left ? (left.depth+1) : 0, right ? (right.depth+1) : 0); parent.depth = Max(parent.left ? (parent.left.depth+1) : 0, parent.right ? (parent.right.depth+1) : 0); { AVLNode n; for(n = parent.parent; n; n = n.parent) { int newDepth = Max(n.left ? (n.left.depth+1) : 0, n.right ? (n.right.depth+1) : 0); if(newDepth == n.depth) break; n.depth = newDepth; } } } void DoubleRotateRight() { left.SingleRotateLeft(); SingleRotateRight(); } void DoubleRotateLeft() { right.SingleRotateRight(); SingleRotateLeft(); } } public class CustomAVLTree : Container { class_fixed public: BT root; int count; IteratorPointer GetFirst() { return (IteratorPointer) (root ? root.minimum : null); } IteratorPointer GetLast() { return (IteratorPointer) (root ? root.maximum : null); } IteratorPointer GetPrev(IteratorPointer node) { return ((BT)node).prev; } IteratorPointer GetNext(IteratorPointer node) { return ((BT)node).next; } BT GetData(IteratorPointer node) { return (BT)node; } bool SetData(IteratorPointer node, BT data) { // Not supported for CustomAVLTree return false; } IteratorPointer Add(BT node) { if(!root) root = node; else { Class Tclass = class(BT).templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass; if(!Tclass) { Tclass = class(BT).templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule.application, class(BT).templateArgs[0].dataTypeString); } if(root.Add(Tclass, node, 0)) root = node.Rebalance(); else return null; } count++; return (IteratorPointer)node; } private IteratorPointer AddEx(BT node, BT addNode, AddSide addSide) { if(!root) root = node; else { Class Tclass = class(BT).templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass; if(!Tclass) { Tclass = class(BT).templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule.application, class(BT).templateArgs[0].dataTypeString); } if(addNode.Add(Tclass, node, addSide)) root = node.Rebalance(); else return null; } count++; return (IteratorPointer)node; } void Remove(IteratorPointer node) { BT parent = ((BT)node).parent; if(parent || root == (BT)node) { root = ((BT)node).RemoveSwapRight(); count--; ((BT)node).parent = null; } } void Delete(IteratorPointer _item) { BT item = (BT)_item; // THIS SHOULDN'T BE CALLING THE VIRTUAL FUNCTION CustomAVLTree::Remove(_item); delete item; } void Free() { BT item; item = root; while(item) { if(item.left) { BT left = item.left; item.left = null; item = left; } else if(item.right) { BT right = item.right; item.right = null; item = right; } else { BT parent = item.parent; delete item; item = parent; } } root = null; count = 0; } IteratorPointer Find(BT value) { return (IteratorPointer)value; } BT GetAtPosition(const KT pos, bool create, bool * justAdded) { // TODO: FindEx / AddEx & create nodes if create is true? return root ? root.Find(class(KT), pos) : null; } }