{ name = "float", description = "Core C single precision floating-point real number data type. A float ranges from 1.17549435082228750e-38 to 3.40282346638528860e+38.", usage = "Used in the declaration section of code, which is before any statements.", example = "float aFloat; // A stand alone declaration of a float.
" "float a, b; // Declaring two floats at the same time.
" "float c = 12.123456; // Declaring and initializing a float at the same time.", remarks = "Unlike other languages, the float data type is actually a class.
" "
" "float is equivalent to a float in C.", also = "bool, byte, char, char *, double, enum, int, int64, uint, uint16, uint32, uint64, OnCompare(), OnCopy(), OnDisplay(), OnEdit(), OnFree(), OnGetDataFromString(), OnGetString(), OnSaveEdit(), OnSerialize(), OnUnserialize()" }