import "ecdefs" #define YYLTYPE Location #include "grammar.h" extern External curExternal; static Statement curCompound; static void _FixRefExp(Expression * expPtr, Expression * memberExpPtr) { Expression memberExp = *memberExpPtr; if(memberExp && memberExp.type == ExpressionType::memberExp && memberExp.member.exp && (memberExp.member.exp.type == bracketsExp || memberExp.member.exp.type == extensionExpressionExp)) { Expression bracketExp = memberExp.member.exp; Expression idExp = bracketExp.list->last; if(idExp && idExp.type == identifierExp) { Expression newExp = null; Expression exp = *expPtr; // opExp ( memberExp ( bracketsExp ( identifierExp ) ) ) // bracketsExp ( opExp ( memberExp ( identifierExp ) ) ) *memberExpPtr = null; newExp = CopyExpression(exp); FreeExpContents(exp); *(Expression *)((byte *)newExp + (uint)((byte *)memberExpPtr - (byte *)exp)) = memberExp; memberExp.member.exp = idExp; exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = bracketExp.list; bracketExp.list = null; exp.list->Remove(idExp); exp.list->Add(newExp); FreeExpression(bracketExp); *expPtr = exp; //FixRefExp(newExp); // TESTING THIS: exp was not used! } } else if(*expPtr && (*expPtr).type == opExp && (*expPtr).op.op == '&' && !(*expPtr).op.exp1 && memberExp && (memberExp.type == bracketsExp || memberExp.type == extensionExpressionExp) && memberExp.list && memberExp.list->count > 1) { Expression newExp = null; Expression exp = *expPtr; *memberExpPtr = null; newExp = CopyExpression(exp); *(Expression *)((byte *)newExp + (uint)((byte *)memberExpPtr - (byte *)exp)) = memberExp.list->last; exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = memberExp.list; memberExp.list = null; exp.list->Remove(exp.list->last); exp.list->Add(newExp); FreeExpression(memberExp); *expPtr = newExp; //FixRefExp(newExp); } } static Expression FixRefExp(Expression exp) { if(exp.type == opExp) { _FixRefExp(&exp, &exp.op.exp1); _FixRefExp(&exp, &exp.op.exp2); } else if(exp.type == indexExp) _FixRefExp(&exp, &exp.index.exp); else if(exp.type == memberExp) _FixRefExp(&exp, &exp.member.exp); return exp; } static Expression FixReference(Expression e, bool wantReference) { if(e.expType && e.type != constantExp) { Type type = e.expType; bool isPointer = false; /* if(type.kind == TypePointer && type.type && type.type.kind == classType) { type = type.type; isPointer = true; } */ if(type.kind == classType) // || type.kind == TypeInt) { Class _class = type._class ? type._class.registered : null; // TOLOOKINTO: What was systemClass used for here? Exclude "typed_object"... // TOFIX: In which case with systemClass do we actually want this to come here? Can't think of any! if(_class && ((_class.type == structClass && !type.declaredWithStruct) || _class.type == noHeadClass || (_class.type == systemClass && _class.base && strcmp(_class.fullName, "uintptr") && strcmp(_class.fullName, "intptr") && strcmp(_class.fullName, "uintsize") && strcmp(_class.fullName, "intsize")))) { // if(wantReference != ((_class.type == systemClass) ? false : e.byReference)) if(wantReference != (e.byReference || isPointer)) { Expression exp = e; for(;;) { if(exp.type == bracketsExp || exp.type == extensionExpressionExp) { if(exp.list) { exp.byReference = wantReference; exp = exp.list->last; } else break; } else if(exp.type == castExp) { exp.byReference = wantReference; exp = exp.cast.exp; } else if(exp.type == conditionExp) { if(exp.cond.exp->last) FixReference(exp.cond.exp->last, wantReference); FixReference(exp.cond.elseExp, wantReference); break; } else { if(wantReference != (exp.byReference || isPointer)) { Expression newExp { }; *newExp = *exp; newExp.prev = null; = null; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; exp.type = opExp; exp.op.exp1 = null; exp.op.exp2 = newExp; if(wantReference) exp.op.op = '&'; else exp.op.op = '*'; e.byReference = wantReference; exp.byReference = wantReference; } break; } } } } } } e = FixRefExp(e); return e; } static Expression GetInnerExp(Expression exp) { Expression e = exp; while(e && (e.type == bracketsExp || e.type == castExp)) { if(e.type == bracketsExp) e = e.list ? e.list->last : null; else if(e.type == castExp) e = e.cast.exp; } return e; } Expression GetNonBracketsExp(Expression exp) { Expression e = exp; while(e && e.type == bracketsExp) e = e.list ? e.list->last : null; return e; } static bool FixMember(Expression exp) { bool byReference = false; for(;exp;) { if(exp.type == bracketsExp || exp.type == extensionExpressionExp) { if(exp.list->count > 1) byReference = true; exp = exp.list->last; } else if(exp.type == castExp) { exp = exp.cast.exp; } else { if(byReference) FixReference(exp, true); else byReference = exp.byReference; break; } } return byReference; } static void ProcessExpression(Expression exp) { Location oldyylloc = yylloc; #ifdef _DEBUG char debugExpString[1024] = ""; PrintExpression(exp, debugExpString); #endif // Testing this here yylloc = exp.loc; switch(exp.type) { case identifierExp: { if(exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == methodType) { Class _class = exp.expType.methodClass; Method method = exp.expType.method; if(method.type == virtualMethod) { char name[1024]; TypeName typeName; Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); strcpy(name, "__ecereVMethodID_"); FullClassNameCat(name, method._class.fullName, false); strcat(name, "_"); strcat(name,; DeclareMethod(curExternal, method, name); // Cast function to its type decl = SpecDeclFromString(method.dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null))); if(!method.dataType.staticMethod) { Declarator funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(decl); if(!funcDecl.function.parameters) funcDecl.function.parameters = MkList(); { TypeName firstParam = ((TypeName)funcDecl.function.parameters->first); Specifier firstSpec = firstParam ? firstParam.qualifiers->first : null; if(firstParam && firstSpec.type == baseSpecifier && firstSpec.specifier == VOID && !firstParam.declarator) funcDecl.function.parameters->Remove(funcDecl.function.parameters->first); } funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, MkTypeName(MkListOne( /*MkClassName*/MkSpecifierName(method.dataType.thisClass ? method.dataType.thisClass.string : method._class.fullName)), null)); } typeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); if(_class) { char className[1024]; // Need the class itself here... strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, _class.fullName, true); if(!_class.symbol) _class.symbol = FindClass(_class.fullName); DeclareClass(curExternal, _class.symbol, className); if(exp.identifier) FreeIdentifier(exp.identifier); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpCast(typeName, MkExpIndex(MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)), MkIdentifier("_vTbl")), MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)))))); } } else { char name[1024]; strcpy(name, "__ecereMethod_"); FullClassNameCat(name, method._class.fullName, false); strcat(name, "_"); strcat(name,; delete exp.identifier.string; FreeSpecifier(exp.identifier._class); exp.identifier._class = null; exp.identifier.string = CopyString(name); DeclareMethod(curExternal, method, name); } } /* if(exp.usage & USAGE_MEMBER) FixReference(exp, true); */ break; } case constantExp: break; case stringExp: break; case newExp: case new0Exp: case renewExp: case renew0Exp: { OldList * args = MkList(); if(exp.type == renewExp || exp.type == renew0Exp) ListAdd(args, exp._renew.exp); ListAdd(args, MkExpOp(MkExpTypeSize(exp._new.typeName), '*', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(exp._new.size)))); switch(exp.type) { case newExp: = QMkExpId("ecere::com::eSystem_New"); DeclareFunctionUtil(curExternal, "eSystem_New"); break; case new0Exp: = QMkExpId("ecere::com::eSystem_New0"); DeclareFunctionUtil(curExternal, "eSystem_New0"); break; case renewExp: = QMkExpId("ecere::com::eSystem_Renew"); DeclareFunctionUtil(curExternal, "eSystem_Renew"); break; case = QMkExpId("ecere::com::eSystem_Renew0"); DeclareFunctionUtil(curExternal, "eSystem_Renew0"); break; } = args; exp.type = callExp; ProcessExpression(exp); break; } case opExp: { Expression exp1 = exp.op.exp1; Expression exp2 = exp.op.exp2; switch(exp.op.op) { // Assignment Operators case '=': if(exp.op.exp2) exp.op.exp2.usage.usageGet = true; break; case MUL_ASSIGN: case DIV_ASSIGN: case MOD_ASSIGN: case ADD_ASSIGN: case SUB_ASSIGN: case LEFT_ASSIGN: case RIGHT_ASSIGN: case AND_ASSIGN: case XOR_ASSIGN: case OR_ASSIGN: exp.op.exp2.usage.usageGet = true; break; case INC_OP: case DEC_OP: // Unary operators case '&': // Also binary if(exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp2) { exp.op.exp1.usage.usageGet = true; exp.op.exp2.usage.usageGet = true; } else if(exp.op.exp2) { exp.op.exp2.usage.usageRef = true; } break; case '*': case '+': case '-': // Also binary if(exp.op.exp1) { exp.op.exp1.usage.usageGet = true; } case '~': case '!': if(exp.op.exp2) exp.op.exp2.usage.usageGet = true; break; // Binary only operators case '/': case '%': case LEFT_OP: case RIGHT_OP: case '<': case '>': case LE_OP: case GE_OP: case EQ_OP: case NE_OP: case '|': case '^': case AND_OP: case OR_OP: if(exp.op.exp1) exp.op.exp1.usage.usageGet = true; if(exp.op.exp2) exp.op.exp2.usage.usageGet = true; break; } if(exp.op.op == '=' || exp.op.op == MUL_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == DIV_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == ADD_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == MOD_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == SUB_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == LEFT_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == RIGHT_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == AND_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == OR_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == XOR_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == INC_OP || exp.op.op == DEC_OP) { Expression memberExp; Expression parentExp = null; // Where to take memberExp out from bool isIndexedContainerAssignment = false; // TOCHECK: See note below for this if if(exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp1.type == ExpressionType::memberExp) { // Extra bit of code to access deep properties... Expression testExp, topExp = null; Expression lastExp = exp.op.exp1, parentExp = null; Property lastProperty = null; Class propertyClass; char setName[1024], getName[1024]; testExp = exp.op.exp1.member.exp; while(true) { // Is further fixing needed to address if statement above in the same way? while(testExp) { if(testExp.type == castExp) testExp = testExp.cast.exp; else if(testExp.type == bracketsExp || testExp.type == extensionExpressionExp) testExp = testExp.list->last; else if(testExp.type == ExpressionType::memberExp) break; else testExp = null; } if(!testExp) break; if(testExp.member.memberType == propertyMember || testExp.member.memberType == reverseConversionMember) { Type type = testExp.member.exp.expType; if(type) { if(type.kind == classType) { Class _class = testExp.member.member.classSym ? testExp.member.member.classSym.registered : type._class.registered; Class convertTo = null; if(testExp.member.memberType == reverseConversionMember) { convertTo = _class; _class = FindClass(testExp.member.member.string).registered; // lastProperty = eClass_FindProperty(_class,, privateModule); lastProperty = eClass_FindProperty(_class, convertTo.fullName, privateModule); } else { lastProperty = eClass_FindProperty(_class, testExp.member.member.string, privateModule); } if(lastProperty && lastProperty.Get && lastProperty.Set) { DeclareProperty(curExternal, lastProperty, setName, getName); // propertyClass = convertTo ? _class : ((Symbol)lastProperty.symbol)._class; propertyClass = convertTo ? _class : ((((Symbol)lastProperty.symbol).type && ((Symbol)lastProperty.symbol).type.kind == classType) ? ((Symbol)lastProperty.symbol).type._class.registered : ((Symbol)lastProperty.symbol)._class); // TODO: Handle this kind of things with bit classes? if(propertyClass && propertyClass.type == structClass) { topExp = testExp; parentExp = lastExp; } else if(propertyClass && propertyClass.type == bitClass) { topExp = testExp; parentExp = lastExp; } } } } } lastExp = testExp; testExp = testExp.member.exp; } if(topExp) { if(propertyClass.type == structClass) { Expression copy; Expression value; char className[1024]; Expression tempExp; sprintf(className, "__simpleStruct%d", curContext.simpleID); //++); tempExp = QMkExpId(className); tempExp.expType = MkClassType(propertyClass.fullName); parentExp.member.exp = tempExp; value = MkExpBrackets(MkList()); copy = CopyExpression(topExp); copy.usage.usageGet = true; copy.usage.usageDeepGet = true; ListAdd(value.list, copy); ListAdd(value.list, MkExpOp(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.op, exp.op.exp2)); ListAdd(value.list, CopyExpression(tempExp)); value.expType = tempExp.expType; tempExp.expType.refCount++; // Go on as usual with these new values: exp.op.exp1 = topExp; exp.op.exp2 = value; exp.op.op = '='; exp1 = exp.op.exp1; exp2 = exp.op.exp2; } else if(propertyClass.type == bitClass) { Expression copy; Expression value; char className[1024]; Expression tempExp; sprintf(className, "__simpleStruct%d", curContext.simpleID); //++); tempExp = QMkExpId(className); tempExp.expType = MkClassType(propertyClass.fullName); parentExp.member.exp = tempExp; value = MkExpBrackets(MkList()); copy = CopyExpression(topExp); copy.usage.usageGet = true; copy.usage.usageDeepGet = true; ListAdd(value.list, copy); ListAdd(value.list, MkExpOp(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.op, exp.op.exp2)); ListAdd(value.list, CopyExpression(tempExp)); value.expType = tempExp.expType; value.expType.refCount++; //value = MkExpOp(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.op, exp.op.exp2); // Go on as usual with these new values: exp.op.exp1 = topExp; exp.op.exp2 = value; exp.op.op = '='; exp1 = exp.op.exp1; exp2 = exp.op.exp2; } } } memberExp = exp.op.exp1; while(memberExp && ((memberExp.type == bracketsExp && memberExp.list->count == 1) || memberExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || memberExp.type == extensionCompoundExp)) { parentExp = memberExp; if(memberExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) memberExp = ((Statement)memberExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last; else memberExp = memberExp.list->last; } if(memberExp && memberExp.type == indexExp && memberExp.index.exp && memberExp.index.exp.expType && memberExp.index.exp.expType.kind == classType && memberExp.index.exp.expType._class && memberExp.index.exp.expType._class.registered && memberExp.index.exp.expType._class.registered != containerClass && eClass_IsDerived(memberExp.index.exp.expType._class.registered, containerClass)) { Class c = memberExp.index.exp.expType._class.registered; if(strcmp((c.templateClass ? c.templateClass : c).name, "Array")) { exp.op.exp2 = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uintptr")), null), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(exp.op.exp2))); exp.op.exp2 = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), null), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(exp.op.exp2))))); isIndexedContainerAssignment = true; } ProcessExpression(memberExp); while(memberExp && ((memberExp.type == bracketsExp && memberExp.list->count == 1) || memberExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || memberExp.type == extensionCompoundExp)) { parentExp = memberExp; if(memberExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) memberExp = ((Statement)memberExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last; else memberExp = memberExp.list->last; } if(memberExp && memberExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { parentExp = memberExp; if(memberExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { Statement stmt = memberExp.compound.compound.statements ? memberExp.compound.compound.statements->last : null; if(stmt && stmt.type != expressionStmt) stmt = null; memberExp = (stmt && stmt.expressions) ? stmt.expressions->last : null; if(memberExp) { stmt.expressions->Remove(memberExp); stmt.expressions->Add(MkExpOp(memberExp, exp.op.op, exp.op.exp2)); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(parentExp); ProcessExpression(exp); break; } } else memberExp = memberExp.list->last; } } if(memberExp && memberExp.type != ExpressionType::memberExp) memberExp = null; if(memberExp && memberExp.type == ExpressionType::memberExp && memberExp.member.member) { Type type = memberExp.member.exp.expType; if(type) { // Check if it's an instance if(type.kind == classType || type.kind == subClassType) { // TODO: SOMETHING WRONG HERE... Class _class = memberExp.member.member.classSym ? (memberExp.member.member.classSym ? memberExp.member.member.classSym.registered : null) : (type._class ? type._class.registered : null); if(memberExp == exp1) exp1 = null; else { if(parentExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) ((Statement)parentExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->Remove(memberExp); else parentExp.list->Remove(memberExp); } if(_class && _class.type == bitClass && memberExp.member.memberType == dataMember) { BitMember bitMember = (BitMember)eClass_FindDataMember(_class, memberExp.member.member.string, privateModule, null, null); char mask[32], shift[10]; OldList * specs = MkList(); //Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(bitMember.dataTypeString, specs, null); Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class.dataTypeString, specs, null); TypeName type = MkTypeName(specs, decl); if(bitMember.mask > MAXDWORD) sprintf(mask, FORMAT64HEXLL, bitMember.mask); else sprintf(mask, FORMAT64HEX, bitMember.mask); sprintf(shift, "%d", bitMember.pos); // color = (color & ~0xFF0000) | (((unsigned char)200) << 16) exp.op.exp1 = memberExp.member.exp; // TESTING THIS FOR: argb.color.r = 1; //ProcessExpression(memberExp.member.exp); // TESTING THIS... FIX ELSEWHRE... FIX FOR OTHER OPS if(exp.op.op == XOR_ASSIGN) { exp.op.exp2 = MkExpOp(MkExpBrackets( MkListOne(MkExpCast(type, exp.op.exp2))), LEFT_OP, MkExpConstant(shift)); } else { exp.op.exp2 = MkExpOp( MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(CopyExpression(memberExp.member.exp), '&', MkExpOp(null, '~', MkExpConstant(mask))))), '|', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpBrackets( MkListOne(MkExpCast(type, MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(exp.op.exp2))))), LEFT_OP, MkExpConstant(shift))))); } memberExp.member.exp = null; FreeExpression(memberExp); // TESTING THIS FOR: argb.color.r = 1; ProcessExpression(exp); return; } else if(_class && _class.type == unitClass && memberExp.member.memberType == dataMember) { } else if(memberExp.member.memberType != dataMember) { Property prop; Class convertTo = null; ClassProperty classProperty = null; if(memberExp.member.memberType == reverseConversionMember) { convertTo = _class; _class = FindClass(memberExp.member.member.string).registered; // prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class,, privateModule); prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, convertTo.fullName, privateModule); } else prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, memberExp.member.member.string, privateModule); if(memberExp.member.memberType == classPropertyMember) classProperty = eClass_FindClassProperty(_class, memberExp.member.member.string); exp.tempCount = memberExp.member.exp.tempCount; if(classProperty) { // Only process Gets here, Set is processed in opExp's '=' if(classProperty.Set) { Identifier id = memberExp.member.member; Expression classExp = memberExp.member.exp; Expression value = exp.op.exp2; memberExp.member.exp = null; memberExp.member.member = null; exp.op.exp2 = null; FreeExpContents(memberExp); // Class Property exp.type = callExp; = MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eClass_SetProperty")); = MkList(); ListAdd(, classExp); { char * s = QMkString(id.string); ListAdd(, MkExpString(s)); delete s; } if(value.expType.isPointerType) value = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("intptr")), null), value); ListAdd(, MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(INT64)), null), value)); FreeIdentifier(id); ProcessExpression(exp); return; } } else if(prop) { if((!convertTo && prop.Set) || (convertTo && prop.Get)) { Expression value = exp.op.exp2; char setName[1024], getName[1024]; char * setToUse = convertTo ? getName : setName; char * getToUse = convertTo ? setName : getName; bool needAddress = false; int operator = exp.op.op; switch(operator) { case MUL_ASSIGN: operator = '*'; break; case DIV_ASSIGN: operator = '/'; break; case MOD_ASSIGN: operator = '%'; break; case SUB_ASSIGN: operator = '-'; break; case ADD_ASSIGN: operator = '+'; break; case LEFT_ASSIGN: operator = LEFT_OP; break; case RIGHT_ASSIGN: operator = RIGHT_OP; break; case AND_ASSIGN: operator = '&'; break; case OR_ASSIGN: operator = '|'; break; case XOR_ASSIGN: operator = '^'; break; } if(operator != '=') { if(operator == INC_OP) value = MkExpOp(CopyExpression(memberExp), '+', MkExpConstant("1")); else if(operator == DEC_OP) value = MkExpOp(CopyExpression(memberExp), '-', MkExpConstant("1")); else { value = MkExpOp(CopyExpression(memberExp), operator, value); exp2 = null; } value.expType = memberExp.expType; memberExp.expType.refCount++; value.usage.usageArg = true; } else if(value) { // Dont free exp2, we're using it exp2 = null; } if(value) value.usage.usageArg = true; DeclareProperty(curExternal, prop, setName, getName); if(memberExp.member.exp) ProcessExpression(memberExp.member.exp); // If get flag present if(exp.usage.usageGet && ((!convertTo && prop.Get) || (convertTo && prop.Set))) { OldList * list = MkList(); OldList * args; char ecereTemp[100]; Context context = PushContext(); exp.tempCount++; curExternal.function.tempCount = Max(curExternal.function.tempCount, exp.tempCount); sprintf(ecereTemp, "__ecTemp%d", exp.tempCount); curContext = context; exp.type = extensionCompoundExp; exp.compound = MkCompoundStmt( MkListOne(MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator( MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(ecereTemp))), MkInitializerAssignment(QBrackets(memberExp.member.exp)))))), list); // Add the set args = MkList(); if(convertTo) { ListAdd(args, value); ListAdd(args, QMkExpId(ecereTemp)); ListAdd(list, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpCall(QMkExpId(getName), args)))); } else { ListAdd(args, QMkExpId(ecereTemp)); ListAdd(args, value); ListAdd(list, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpCall(QMkExpId(setName), args)))); } // Add the get args = MkList(); if(convertTo) ListAdd(args, QMkExpId(ecereTemp)); else args->Insert(null, QMkExpId(ecereTemp)); ListAdd(list, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpCall(QMkExpId(getToUse), args)))); exp.compound.compound.context = context; PopContext(context); curContext = context.parent; } else { Expression newExp = exp; if(parentExp && parentExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { newExp = Expression { }; ((Statement)parentExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->Add(newExp); FreeType(exp.expType); FreeType(exp.destType); exp = *parentExp; //delete parentExp; parentExp.type = dummyExp; parentExp.expType = null; parentExp.destType = null; } newExp.type = callExp; = QMkExpId(setToUse); = MkList(); if(convertTo) { ListAdd(, value); ListAdd(, FixReference(memberExp.member.exp, true)); } else { ListAdd(, FixReference(memberExp.member.exp, true)); ListAdd(, value); } needAddress = true; } // Take it out from there memberExp.member.exp = null; // Don't use the temporaries used by the left side... if(value) { value.tempCount = exp.tempCount; ProcessExpression(value); if(needAddress) FixReference(isIndexedContainerAssignment ? GetInnerExp(value) : value, true); } FreeExpression(memberExp); } else { DataMember member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, memberExp.member.member.string, privateModule, null, null); if(member) { memberExp.member.memberType = dataMember; } else Compiler_Error($"no set defined for property %s of class %s\n",, prop._class.fullName); } } else { Method method = eClass_FindMethod(_class, memberExp.member.member.string, privateModule); if(method && method.type == virtualMethod && type.kind != subClassType) { Expression value = exp.op.exp2; // Don't use the temporaries used by the left side... value.tempCount = exp.tempCount; ProcessExpression(value); if(memberExp.member.exp) ProcessExpression(memberExp.member.exp); if(exp.usage.usageGet) { OldList * list = MkList(); OldList * args; // Set the method args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, memberExp.member.exp); { char * string = QMkString(memberExp.member.member.string); ListAdd(args, MkExpString(string)); delete string; } ListAdd(args, value); ListAdd(list, MkExpCall(QMkExpId("ecere::com::eInstance_SetMethod"), args)); ListAdd(list, CopyExpression(value)); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = list; } else { // Set the method exp.type = callExp; = QMkExpId("ecere::com::eInstance_SetMethod"); = MkList(); ListAdd(, memberExp.member.exp); { char * string = QMkString(memberExp.member.member.string); ListAdd(, MkExpString(string)); delete string; } ListAdd(, value); } memberExp.member.exp = null; exp2 = null; FreeExpression(memberExp); } } } else if(memberExp.member.memberType == dataMember) { //if(exp.usage & USAGE_GET); //FixReference(value, true); if(FixMember(memberExp.member.exp)) { // TESTING THIS HERE: ProcessExpression(memberExp); memberExp.type = pointerExp; } } } } } } else if(exp.op.op == _INCREF) { Expression object = exp.op.exp2; exp.op.exp2 = null; FreeExpContents(exp); FreeType(exp.expType); FreeType(exp.destType); exp.expType = null; exp.destType = null; exp.op.op = INC_OP; exp.op.exp1 = MkExpPointer(object, MkIdentifier("_refCount")); } else if(exp.op.op == DELETE) { Expression object = exp.op.exp2; OldList * args = MkList(); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkList(); object.usage.usageDelete = true; ProcessExpression(object); ListAdd(args, object); // TOFIX: Same time as when we fix for = 0 if(exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type == normalClass && strcmp(exp.expType._class.registered.dataTypeString, "char *")) { Expression decRefExp = MkExpCall(QMkExpId("ecere::com::eInstance_DecRef"), args); ProcessExpressionType(decRefExp); ListAdd(exp.list, decRefExp); } else if(exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type == noHeadClass) { /* char className[1024]; OldList * list = MkList(); strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, exp.expType._class.string, true); DeclareClass(exp.expType._class, className); // Call the non virtual destructor ListAdd(list, MkExpCall(MkExpPointer(QMkExpId(className), MkIdentifier("Destructor")), CopyList(args, CopyExpression))); ListAdd(list, MkExpCall(QMkExpId("ecere::com::eSystem_Delete"), args)); ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(CopyExpression(object), MkListOne( MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition( MkExpPointer(QMkExpId(className), MkIdentifier("Destructor")), MkListOne(MkExpBrackets(list)), MkExpCall(QMkExpId("ecere::com::eSystem_Delete"), CopyList(args, CopyExpression)))))), MkExpConstant("0")))) ); */ OldList * list = MkList(); Class _class; Expression o; for(_class = exp.expType._class.registered; _class && _class.type == noHeadClass; _class = _class.base) { char className[1024]; if(_class.templateClass) _class = _class.templateClass; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, _class.fullName, false /*true*/); if(!_class.symbol) _class.symbol = FindClass(_class.fullName); DeclareClass(curExternal, _class.symbol, className); // Call the non virtual destructor ListAdd(list, MkExpCondition( MkExpPointer( QMkExpId(className), MkIdentifier("Destructor") ), MkListOne( MkExpCall( MkExpPointer( QMkExpId(className), MkIdentifier("Destructor") ), MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), QMkPtrDecl(null)), CopyExpression(args->first))) ) ), MkExpConstant("0") ) ); } ListAdd(list, MkExpCall(QMkExpId("ecere::com::eSystem_Delete"), args)); DeclareFunctionUtil(curExternal, "eSystem_Delete"); o = CopyExpression(object); ProcessExpressionType(o); o.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(o); ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpBrackets( MkListOne( MkExpCondition( o, MkListOne( MkExpBrackets(list) ), MkExpConstant("0") ) ) ) ); } else if(exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == templateType) { Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(exp.expType.templateParameter, thisClass, false); if(argExp) { Expression classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); TypeName typeName; OldList * qualifiers = MkList(); Declarator declarator = SpecDeclFromString("void (*)(void * _class, void * data)", qualifiers, null); typeName = MkTypeName(qualifiers, declarator); ProcessExpressionType(classExp); ProcessExpression(classExp); args->Insert(null, CopyExpression(classExp)); DeclareMethod(curExternal, eClass_FindMethod(eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "class"), "OnFree", privateModule), "__ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree"); ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpCall( MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(typeName, MkExpIndex(MkExpPointer(classExp, MkIdentifier("_vTbl")), MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree"))))))), args)); //ProcessExpression(exp.list->last); } } else { ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpCall(QMkExpId("ecere::com::eSystem_Delete"), args)); DeclareFunctionUtil(curExternal, "eSystem_Delete"); } //ProcessExpression(object); ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpOp(CopyExpression(GetInnerExp(object)), '=', MkExpConstant("0"))); exp2 = null; // TESTING THIS HERE... ProcessExpression(exp); } if(exp.type == opExp) { // Handle assigment of template structures if(exp.op.op == '=' && exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp1.expType && exp.op.exp1.expType.kind == templateType && (exp.op.exp1.type == indexExp || (exp.op.exp1.type == opExp && exp.op.exp1.op.op == '*' && !exp.op.exp1.op.exp1))) { Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(exp.op.exp1.expType.templateParameter, thisClass, false); if(argExp) { // memcpy((byte *)array + (count * dataTypeClass.size), (dataTypeClass.type == structClass) ? value : &value, dataTypeClass.size); Expression classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); OldList * args = MkList(); Expression derefExp = exp.op.exp1; Expression sizeExp; ProcessExpressionType(classExp); ProcessExpression(classExp); sizeExp = MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("typeSize")); if(exp.op.exp1.type == indexExp) { Expression indexExp = derefExp.index.exp; OldList * indexExpIndex = derefExp.index.index; derefExp.index.index = null; derefExp.index.exp = null; FreeExpression(derefExp); // BOOSTRAP FIX derefExp = MkExpOp(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), indexExp), '+', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpBrackets(indexExpIndex), '*', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(CopyExpression(sizeExp))))))); } else { Expression indexExp = derefExp.op.exp2; derefExp.op.exp2 = null; FreeExpression(derefExp); derefExp = indexExp; } args->Add(derefExp); ProcessExpressionType(args->last); ProcessExpression(args->last); args->Add(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("structClass"))))), MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uintptr")), null), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(exp.op.exp2))))), MkExpOp(null, '&', CopyExpression(exp.op.exp2))))); thisClass = curExternal.function ? curExternal.function._class : null; { Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(thisClass.fullName); }; globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); ProcessExpressionType(args->last); ProcessExpression(args->last); args->Add(sizeExp); ProcessExpressionType(args->last); ProcessExpression(args->last); DeclareFunctionUtil(curExternal, "memcpy"); exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("memcpy")), args)); exp.type = bracketsExp; //globalContext.symbols.Delete((BTNode)thisSymbol); globalContext.symbols.Remove((BTNode)thisSymbol); FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); } thisClass = null; return; } } else if(exp.op.op == '*' && !exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp2 && exp.op.exp2.expType && exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == pointerType && exp.op.exp2.expType.type && exp.op.exp2.expType.type.kind == templateType) { Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(exp.op.exp2.expType.type.templateParameter, thisClass, false); if(argExp) { Expression classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); Expression sizeExp; ProcessExpressionType(classExp); ProcessExpression(classExp); sizeExp = MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("typeSize")); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne( // (uint64) MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), null), // ((class.type == structClass) ? MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("structClass"))))), // array MkListOne( MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), null), MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uintptr")), null), CopyExpression(exp.op.exp2)))))), // ((class.size == 1) ? MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(CopyExpression(sizeExp), EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("1")))), // *((byte *)array) MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), CopyExpression(exp.op.exp2)))))), // ((class.size == 2) ? MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(CopyExpression(sizeExp), EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("2")))), // *((uint16 *)array) MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint16")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), CopyExpression(exp.op.exp2)))))), // ((class.size == 4) ? MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(sizeExp, EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("4")))), // *((uint32 *)array) MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint32")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), CopyExpression(exp.op.exp2)))))), // *((uint64 *)array) MkExpOp(null, '*', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), exp.op.exp2)))))))))))))))))))); // Add this to the context thisClass = curExternal.function ? curExternal.function._class : null; { Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(thisClass.fullName); }; globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); ProcessExpressionType(exp.list->first); ProcessExpression(exp.list->first); //globalContext.symbols.Delete((BTNode)thisSymbol); globalContext.symbols.Remove((BTNode)thisSymbol); FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); } thisClass = null; return; } } else { if(exp.op.exp1) { if(exp.op.exp2) // TEST: exp.op.exp1.tempCount = Max(exp.op.exp1.tempCount, exp.op.exp2.tempCount); exp.op.exp1.tempCount = exp.op.exp2.tempCount; ProcessExpression(exp.op.exp1); // TESTING THIS... if(exp.op.op == '=' && exp.op.exp2 && (!exp.op.exp2.byReference || (exp.op.exp2.expType && exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == classType && exp.op.exp2.expType._class && exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered && exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered.type == structClass)) && exp.op.exp2.expType && (exp.op.exp2.expType.kind != pointerType && exp.op.exp2.expType.kind != templateType /*|| !exp.op.exp2.expType.type || exp.op.exp2.expType.type.kind != voidType*/)) FixReference(exp.op.exp1, false); // TEST: exp.tempCount = Max(exp.op.exp1.tempCount, exp.tempCount); } if(exp.op.exp2) { // Don't use the temporaries used by the left side... if(exp.op.exp1) // TEST: exp.op.exp2.tempCount = Max(exp.op.exp2.tempCount, exp.op.exp1.tempCount); exp.op.exp2.tempCount = exp.op.exp1.tempCount; ProcessExpression(exp.op.exp2); if(exp.op.exp1 || (exp.op.op != '*' && exp.op.op != '&')) { // TESTING THIS IF: if((!exp.op.exp1 && (!exp.op.exp2 || !exp.op.exp2.expType || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind != classType || !exp.op.exp2.expType._class || !exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered || (exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered.type != normalClass && exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered.type != structClass && exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered.type != noHeadClass))) // TESTING THIS TEMPLATE TYPE CHECK HERE || (exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp1.expType && exp.op.exp1.expType.kind != pointerType && exp.op.exp1.expType.kind != templateType)) { FixReference(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp1 ? exp.op.exp1.byReference : false); //FixReference(exp.op.exp2, false); } } // TEST: exp.tempCount = Max(exp.op.exp2.tempCount, exp.tempCount); } } if(exp.op.op == '*' && !exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp2 && exp.op.exp2.type == opExp && exp.op.exp2.op.op == '&' && !exp.op.exp2.op.exp1) { // Preserve prev, next Expression next =, prev = exp.prev; Expression derefExp = exp.op.exp2; Expression refExp = exp.op.exp2.op.exp2; derefExp.op.exp2 = null; FreeExpression(derefExp); FreeType(exp.expType); FreeType(exp.destType); *exp = refExp; exp.prev = prev; = next; delete refExp; } if(exp.op.op == '&' && !exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp2 && exp.op.exp2.expType && exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == templateType && !exp.op.exp2.expType.passAsTemplate) { Expression exp2 = exp.op.exp2; Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(exp2.expType.templateParameter, thisClass, false); if(argExp) { Expression classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); Expression e; ProcessExpressionType(classExp); ProcessExpression(classExp); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), MkExpOp(null, '&', exp2)), '+', MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ENDIAN_PAD")), MkListOne((e = MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("typeSize"))))))); // Add this to the context thisClass = curExternal.function ? curExternal.function._class : null; { /*Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(thisClass.fullName); };*/ //globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); ProcessExpressionType(e); ProcessExpression(e); //globalContext.symbols.Remove((BTNode)thisSymbol); //FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); } thisClass = null; } } } else { if(exp1) FreeExpression(exp1); if(exp2) FreeExpression(exp2); } break; } case bracketsExp: case extensionExpressionExp: { if(exp.list) { Expression e; for(e = exp.list->first; e; e = { if(! { e.usage |= (exp.usage & ExpUsage { usageGet = true, usageArg = true, usageMember = true }); } e.tempCount = exp.tempCount; ProcessExpression(e); if(! exp.byReference = e.byReference; exp.tempCount = e.tempCount; /* if(! exp.expType = e.expType; */ } } break; } case indexExp: { Expression e; /*bool isBuiltin = exp && exp.index.exp && (exp.index.exp.type == ExpressionType::arrayExp || (exp.index.exp.type == castExp && exp.index.exp.cast.exp.type == ExpressionType::arrayExp)); */ Expression checkedExp = exp.index.exp; bool isBuiltin = false; while(checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp || checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == castExp) { if(checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { isBuiltin = true; break; } else if(checkedExp.type == bracketsExp) checkedExp = checkedExp.list ? checkedExp.list->last : null; else checkedExp = checkedExp.cast.exp; } exp.index.exp.tempCount = exp.tempCount; exp.index.exp.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(exp.index.exp); if(exp.index.exp.expType && exp.index.exp.expType.kind == pointerType && exp.index.exp.expType.type && exp.index.exp.expType.type.kind == templateType) { Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(exp.index.exp.expType.type.templateParameter, thisClass, false); if(argExp) { Expression classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); Expression sizeExp; ProcessExpressionType(classExp); ProcessExpression(classExp); sizeExp = MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("typeSize")); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne( // (uint64) MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), null), // ((class.type == structClass) ? MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("structClass"))))), // ((byte *)array) + (i) * class.size MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), null), MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uintptr")), null), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp( MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), CopyExpression(exp.index.exp)))), '+', MkExpOp(MkExpBrackets(CopyList(exp.index.index, CopyExpression)), '*', CopyExpression(sizeExp)))))))), // ((class.size == 1) ? MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(CopyExpression(sizeExp), EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("1")))), // ((byte *)array)[i] MkListOne(MkExpIndex(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), CopyExpression(exp.index.exp)))), CopyList(exp.index.index, CopyExpression))), // ((class.size == 2) ? MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(CopyExpression(sizeExp), EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("2")))), // ((uint16 *)array)[i] MkListOne(MkExpIndex(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint16")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), CopyExpression(exp.index.exp)))), CopyList(exp.index.index, CopyExpression))), // ((class.size == 4) ? MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(sizeExp, EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("4")))), // ((uint32 *)array)[i] MkListOne(MkExpIndex(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint32")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), CopyExpression(exp.index.exp)))), CopyList(exp.index.index, CopyExpression))), // ((uint64 *)array)[i] MkExpIndex(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), exp.index.exp))), exp.index.index))))))))))))))))); // Add this to the context thisClass = curExternal.function ? curExternal.function._class : null; { Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(thisClass.fullName); }; globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); ProcessExpressionType(exp.list->first); ProcessExpression(exp.list->first); //globalContext.symbols.Delete((BTNode)thisSymbol); globalContext.symbols.Remove((BTNode)thisSymbol); FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); } thisClass = null; return; } } for(e = exp.index.index->first; e; e = { if(! e.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(e); } // Ignore temps in the index for now... exp.tempCount = exp.index.exp.tempCount; if(exp.index.exp.expType) { Type source = exp.index.exp.expType; if(/*isBuiltin || */source.kind == classType && source._class && source._class.registered && source._class.registered != containerClass && eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, containerClass)) { Class _class = source._class.registered; bool isArray = false; Class arrayClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "Array"); if(source && eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, arrayClass)) isArray = true; if(isArray && _class.templateArgs) { OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, specs, null); TypeName typeName = MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), decl)); exp.index.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(typeName, MkExpMember(exp.index.exp, MkIdentifier("array"))))); ProcessExpressionType(exp.index.exp); ProcessExpression(exp); } else if(isBuiltin && _class.templateArgs) { OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, specs, null); TypeName typeName = MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), decl)); exp.index.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(typeName, MkExpPointer(MkExpCast(QMkType("BuiltInContainer", QMkPtrDecl(null)), exp.index.exp), MkIdentifier("data"))))); ProcessExpressionType(exp.index.exp); ProcessExpression(exp); } else if(_class.templateArgs) { // __extension__({ Iterator i { container }; i.Index(e, [ exp.usage.usageSet ]; i.value; }); char iteratorType[1024]; OldList * declarations = MkList(); OldList * statements = MkList(); OldList * args = MkList(); OldList * instMembers = MkList(); Expression expExt; Context context = PushContext(); sprintf(iteratorType, "Iterator<%s, %s >", _class.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, _class.templateArgs[1].dataTypeString); ListAdd(instMembers, MkMemberInit(null, MkInitializerAssignment(exp.index.exp))); ListAdd(declarations, MkDeclarationInst(MkInstantiationNamed(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(iteratorType)), MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalIterator")), MkListOne(MkMembersInitList(instMembers))))); ListAdd(args, MkExpBrackets(exp.index.index)); ListAdd(args, exp.usage.usageSet ? MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("true")) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("false"))); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpCall(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalIterator")), MkIdentifier("Index")), args)))); // ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '&', MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalIterator")))))); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalIterator")), MkIdentifier("data"))))); exp.type = bracketsExp; // exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpPointer(expExt = (MkExpExtensionCompound(MkCompoundStmt(declarations, statements))), MkIdentifier("data"))); exp.list = MkListOne(expExt = (MkExpExtensionCompound(MkCompoundStmt(declarations, statements)))); expExt.compound.compound.context = context; PopContext(context); expExt.usage = exp.usage; ProcessExpressionType(exp.list->first); ProcessExpressionInstPass(exp.list->first); ProcessExpression(exp.list->first); } } } break; } case callExp: { Expression e; bool typedObject = false; Type ellipsisDestType = null; bool usedEllipsis = false; if( { for(e =>first; e; e = { e.usage.usageGet = true; e.usage.usageArg = true; e.tempCount = Max(e.tempCount, exp.tempCount); ProcessExpression(e); exp.tempCount = Max(exp.tempCount, e.tempCount); } } = true; = true; = exp.tempCount; ProcessExpression(; if( && == methodType) { bool nullMemberExp = false; Expression memberExp = ( == ExpressionType::memberExp) ? : null; Class _class =; // For Virtual Method Class argClass =; // Class actually passed Method method =; if(method.type == virtualMethod) { char name[1024]; TypeName typeName; Declarator decl; Context back; OldList * specs = MkList(); strcpy(name, "__ecereVMethodID_"); FullClassNameCat(name, method._class.fullName, false); strcat(name, "_"); strcat(name,; DeclareMethod(curExternal, method, name); back = curContext; // THIS SpecDeclFromString HERE SHOULD WORK WITH THE METHOD TEMPLATE PARAMETERS... curContext = (method._class.symbol) ? ((Symbol)method._class.symbol).ctx : globalContext; // Cast function to its type { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(method._class); decl = SpecDeclFromString(method.dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null))); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } curContext = back; if(method.dataType && !method.dataType.staticMethod) { Declarator funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(decl); if(!funcDecl.function.parameters) funcDecl.function.parameters = MkList(); { TypeName firstParam = ((TypeName)funcDecl.function.parameters->first); Specifier firstSpec = firstParam ? firstParam.qualifiers->first : null; if(firstParam && firstSpec && firstSpec.type == baseSpecifier && firstSpec.specifier == VOID && !firstParam.declarator) { funcDecl.function.parameters->Remove(funcDecl.function.parameters->first); FreeTypeName(firstParam); } } if(method.dataType.thisClass && !strcmp(method.dataType.thisClass.string, "class")) { TypeName param; typedObject = true; param = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), null)); param.qualifiers->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(CONST)); funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, param); // Testing this for any_object:: if(!method.dataType.extraParam) { funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier("__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class"), null)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), null))); DeclareStruct(curExternal, "ecere::com::Class", false, true); } } else { funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, MkTypeName(MkListOne( /*MkClassName*/MkSpecifierName(method.dataType.thisClass ? method.dataType.thisClass.string : method._class.fullName)), null)); } } typeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); // Added ! if(memberExp && memberExp.member.exp.expType) { Type type = memberExp.member.exp.expType; if(type.kind == classType && type._class && type._class.registered) { Class regClass = type._class.registered; ClassType classType = regClass.type; if(classType != normalClass || !strcmp(regClass.dataTypeString, "char *") || (method.dataType.byReference))// TESTING THIS OUT: && !memberExp.member.exp.expType.classObjectType) argClass = regClass; } else if(type.kind == subClassType) { argClass = FindClass("ecere::com::Class").registered; } else if((type.kind == arrayType || type.kind == pointerType) && type.type && type.type.kind == charType) { argClass = FindClass("char *").registered; } else if(type.kind == pointerType) { argClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "uintptr"); FreeType(memberExp.member.exp.expType); memberExp.member.exp.expType = ProcessTypeString("uintptr", false); memberExp.member.exp.byReference = true; } else { char string[1024] = ""; Symbol classSym; PrintTypeNoConst(type, string, false, true); classSym = FindClass(string); if(classSym) argClass = classSym.registered; } /* if(!_class && argClass && strcmp(argClass.fullName, "class")) _class = argClass; */ } { Type type = memberExp ? memberExp.member.exp.expType : null; Class regClass = (type && type.kind == classType && type._class) ? type._class.registered : null; char className[1024]; if(! && !_class && type && type.classObjectType) strcpy(className, "class"); else { Class cl = _class; // TESTING: Moved this here... if(!cl && argClass && strcmp(argClass.fullName, "class")) cl = argClass; if(!cl) cl = regClass; if(!cl) // TODO: Unhandled case here, what should happen? cl = class(int); // To avoid declaring classes templatized after this class template (e.g. public struct Iterator { Container container; } ) if(cl.templateClass && !_class && && ! && (type.kind == subClassType || (regClass && regClass.type == normalClass && strcmp(regClass.dataTypeString, "char *")))) cl = cl.templateClass; // Need the class itself here... strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, cl.fullName, true); if(!cl.symbol) cl.symbol = FindClass(cl.fullName); DeclareClass(curExternal, cl.symbol, className); } if(type && type.kind == subClassType && !_class && ! && memberExp) { = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(typeName, MkExpIndex(MkExpPointer(CopyExpression(memberExp.member.exp), MkIdentifier("_vTbl")), MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name))))))); } else if(_class || || !memberExp || !regClass || regClass.type != normalClass || !strcmp(regClass.dataTypeString, "char *")) { if(!memberExp) FreeExpression(; = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(typeName, MkExpIndex(MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)), MkIdentifier("_vTbl")), MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name))))))); } else { // TOCHECK: Added this if statement here for File::OnSerialize to be calling the instance's own Seek function, // as opposed to the File class vTbl one // ({ Instance __internal_ClassInst = e; __internal_ClassInst ? __internal_ClassInst._vTbl : __ecereClass_...; }) Expression c; Context context = PushContext(); OldList * specs; c = MkExpExtensionCompound(MkCompoundStmt( MkListOne(MkDeclaration( (specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("Instance"))), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_ClassInst")), MkInitializerAssignment(CopyExpression(memberExp.member.exp)))))), MkListOne(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpCondition( MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_ClassInst")), MkListOne(MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_ClassInst")), MkIdentifier("_vTbl"))), MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)), MkIdentifier("_vTbl")))))))); if(type.specConst) specs->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(CONST)); c.loc = exp.loc; c.compound.compound.context = context; PopContext(context); = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(typeName, MkExpIndex(c, MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name))))))); } } } else { char name[1024]; strcpy(name, "__ecereMethod_"); FullClassNameCat(name, method._class.fullName, false); strcat(name, "_"); strcat(name,; if(!memberExp) FreeExpression(; = MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)); DeclareMethod(curExternal, method, name); if(memberExp && memberExp.expType && method.dataType) { = method.dataType; method.dataType.refCount++; } } if(memberExp && (!memberExp.member.exp || !memberExp.member.exp.expType || memberExp.member.exp.expType.kind != subClassType)) { if(method.dataType && !method.dataType.staticMethod && !method.dataType.extraParam) { if(! = MkList(); // Testing this (COMMENTED OUT TESTING, CALLING METHODS ON ENUM/UNIT ADDED & IN FRONT OF VARIABLES /* if(memberExp.member.exp.expType.kind != classType || memberExp.member.exp.expType._class.registered.type == enumClass || memberExp.member.exp.expType._class.registered.type == unitClass) { char typeString[1024] = ""; if(memberExp.member.exp.expType.kind != classType) PrintType(memberExp.member.exp.expType, typeString, false, true); else strcpy(typeString, memberExp.member.exp.expType._class.registered.dataTypeString); // THIS WAS NASTY: // memberExp.member.exp.expType.kind = classType; // memberExp.member.exp.expType._class = FindClass(typeString); FreeType(memberExp.member.exp.expType); memberExp.member.exp.expType = Type { kind = classType; _class = FindClass(typeString); refCount = 1; }; // Default to an int instead if(!memberExp.member.exp.expType._class) { // TODO: Shouldn't get here... memberExp.member.exp.expType.kind = TypeInt; } } */ if(typedObject && memberExp.member.exp && memberExp.member.exp.expType) { bool changeReference = false; bool stillAddReferenceOp = false; Expression memberExpMemberExp = CopyExpression(memberExp.member.exp); Type expType = memberExp.member.exp.expType; Class c = expType.kind == classType && expType._class ? expType._class.registered : null; // Patched so that class isn't considered SYSTEM... if(argClass && (argClass.type == enumClass || argClass.type == unitClass || argClass.type == bitClass || argClass.type == systemClass) && strcmp(argClass.fullName, "class") && strcmp(argClass.fullName, "uintptr") && strcmp(argClass.fullName, "intptr")) changeReference = true; if(!expType.classObjectType && ( ( (expType.kind != pointerType && (!c || c.type == structClass) ) ) || method.dataType.byReference) ) // ADDED THIS FOR OnGetDataFromString { if(c && (c.type == normalClass || c.type == noHeadClass)) stillAddReferenceOp = true; changeReference = true; } if(typedObject && expType.classObjectType && expType.byReference != method.dataType.byReference) changeReference = true; if(changeReference) { if(memberExp.member.exp.type == bracketsExp && memberExp.member.exp.list && memberExp.member.exp.list->count == 1 && ((Expression)memberExp.member.exp.list->first).type == opExp && ((Expression)memberExp.member.exp.list->first).op.op == '*' && !((Expression)memberExp.member.exp.list->first).op.exp1) {>Insert(null, ((Expression)memberExp.member.exp.list->first).op.exp2); ((Expression)memberExp.member.exp.list->first).op.exp2 = null; } else if(memberExp.member.exp.type == opExp && memberExp.member.exp.op.op == '*' && !memberExp.member.exp.op.exp1) {>Insert(null, memberExp.member.exp.op.exp2); memberExp.member.exp.op.exp2 = null; } else if(!memberExp.member.exp.byReference || stillAddReferenceOp) { // TESTING THIS... REUSE THIS CODE? Expression checkedExp = memberExp.member.exp; Expression parentExp = null; Expression newExp; bool disconnected = false; while(((checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp) && checkedExp.list) || checkedExp.type == castExp) { parentExp = checkedExp; if(checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp) { checkedExp = checkedExp.list->last; // Dissociate from memberExp which will get freed if(checkedExp && !disconnected) { parentExp.list->Remove(checkedExp); disconnected = true; } } else if(checkedExp.type == castExp) { checkedExp = checkedExp.cast.exp; // Dissociate from memberExp which will get freed if(checkedExp && !disconnected) { checkedExp.cast.exp = null; disconnected = true; } } } if(!parentExp) nullMemberExp = true; if(typedObject && !expType.classObjectType && !stillAddReferenceOp) newExp = checkedExp; else { newExp = MkExpOp(null, '&', checkedExp); newExp.byReference = true; } if(parentExp && (parentExp.type == bracketsExp || parentExp.type == extensionExpressionExp)) { parentExp.list->Remove(checkedExp); parentExp.list->Add(newExp); } else if(parentExp && parentExp.type == castExp) { parentExp.cast.exp = newExp; // Add a dereference level here if(newExp.expType && newExp.expType.classObjectType) parentExp.cast.typeName.declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), parentExp.cast.typeName.declarator); } if(typedObject && !expType.classObjectType) { Type destType { refCount = 1, kind = classType, classObjectType = ClassObjectType::anyObject }; FreeType((parentExp ? parentExp : newExp).expType); FreeType((parentExp ? parentExp : newExp).destType); (parentExp ? parentExp : newExp).expType = checkedExp.expType; (parentExp ? parentExp : newExp).destType = destType; if(checkedExp.expType) checkedExp.expType.refCount++; }>Insert(null, parentExp ? parentExp : newExp); } else {>Insert(null, memberExp.member.exp); nullMemberExp = true; } } else {>Insert(null, memberExp.member.exp); nullMemberExp = true; } { char className[1024]; Type type = memberExp.member.exp ? memberExp.member.exp.expType : null; Class regClass = (type && type.kind == classType && type._class) ? type._class.registered : null; Class cl = argClass ? argClass : regClass; className[0] = 0; if(memberExp.member.exp && memberExp.member.exp.expType && memberExp.member.exp.expType.classObjectType == ClassObjectType::typedObject) strcpy(className, "class"); else if(cl) { // Need the class itself here... strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, cl.fullName, true); if(!cl.symbol) cl.symbol = FindClass(cl.fullName); DeclareClass(curExternal, cl.symbol, className); } if(className[0]) { if(memberExp && cl && cl.type == normalClass && (!type || type.byReference == false) && strcmp(cl.dataTypeString, "char *")) { // ({ Instance __internal_ClassInst = e; __internal_ClassInst ? __internal_ClassInst._class : __ecereClass_...; }) Expression c; Context context = PushContext(); OldList * specs; c = MkExpExtensionCompound(MkCompoundStmt( MkListOne(MkDeclaration( (specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("Instance"))), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_ClassInst")), MkInitializerAssignment(memberExpMemberExp))))), MkListOne(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpCondition( MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_ClassInst")), MkListOne(MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_ClassInst")), MkIdentifier("_class"))), MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)))))))); c.compound.compound.context = context; PopContext(context); if(type.specConst) specs->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(CONST));>Insert(null, c); memberExpMemberExp = null; // We used this } else>Insert(null, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className))); } } if(memberExpMemberExp) FreeExpression(memberExpMemberExp); } else {>Insert(null, memberExp.member.exp); nullMemberExp = true; } } } /*else if(method->dataType) { }*/ if(memberExp) { if(nullMemberExp) memberExp.member.exp = null; FreeExpression(memberExp); } } if( { for(e =>first; e; e = { Type destType = (e.destType && e.destType.kind == ellipsisType) ? ellipsisDestType : e.destType; //if(e.destType && e.destType.kind == classType && e.destType._class && !strcmp(e.destType._class.string, "class")) //if(e.destType && (e.destType.classObjectType == ClassObjectType::typedObject || e.destType.classObjectType == anyObject)) if(destType && (destType.classObjectType == ClassObjectType::typedObject || destType.classObjectType == anyObject)) { if(e.destType && e.destType.kind == ellipsisType) usedEllipsis = true; ellipsisDestType = destType; if(e && e.expType) { Type type = e.expType; Class _class = null; //Type destType = e.destType; if(type.kind == classType && type._class && type._class.registered) { _class = type._class.registered; } else if(type.kind == subClassType) { _class = FindClass("ecere::com::Class").registered; } else if((type.kind == arrayType || type.kind == pointerType) && type.type && type.type.kind == charType) { _class = FindClass("char *").registered; } else if(type.kind == pointerType) { _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "uintptr"); FreeType(e.expType); e.expType = ProcessTypeString("uintptr", false); // Assume null pointers means 'no object' rather than an object holding a null pointer e.byReference = true; } else { char string[1024] = ""; Symbol classSym; PrintTypeNoConst(type, string, false, true); classSym = FindClass(string); if(classSym) _class = classSym.registered; // if(!class) _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "int"); } if((_class && (_class.type == enumClass || _class.type == unitClass || _class.type == bitClass || _class.type == systemClass) && strcmp(_class.fullName, "class") && strcmp(_class.fullName, "uintptr") && strcmp(_class.fullName, "intptr")) || // Patched so that class isn't considered SYSTEM... (!e.expType.classObjectType && (((type.kind != pointerType && type.kind != intPtrType && type.kind != subClassType && type.kind != arrayType && (type.kind != classType || !type._class || !type._class.registered || type._class.registered.type == structClass))) || destType.byReference))) { //if(!_class || strcmp(_class.fullName, "String")) // TESTING THIS WITH NEW String class... //if(!_class || strcmp(_class.fullName, "char *")) // TESTING THIS WITH NEW String class... // TESTING WITHOUT THE ABOVE NOW! { Expression checkedExp; Expression parentExp; Expression newExp; checkedExp = e; parentExp = exp; while(checkedExp && (((checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) && checkedExp.list) || checkedExp.type == castExp)) { parentExp = checkedExp; if(checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { if(checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { checkedExp = ((Statement)checkedExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last; } else checkedExp = checkedExp.list->last; } else if(checkedExp.type == castExp) checkedExp = checkedExp.cast.exp; } if(checkedExp && checkedExp.type == opExp && checkedExp.op.op == '*' && !checkedExp.op.exp1) { /* Expression newExp = e.op.exp2;>Insert(e.prev, newExp);>Remove(e); e.op.exp2 = null; FreeExpContents(e); e = newExp; */ newExp = checkedExp.op.exp2; checkedExp.op.exp2 = null; FreeExpContents(checkedExp); if(e.expType && e.expType.passAsTemplate) { char size[100]; ComputeTypeSize(e.expType); sprintf(size, "%d", e.expType.size); // BOOTSTRAP FIX newExp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), newExp), '+', MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ENDIAN_PAD")), MkListOne(MkExpConstant(size)))))); } if(parentExp.type == callExp) {>Insert(e.prev, newExp);>Remove(e); e = newExp; } else if(parentExp.type == bracketsExp || parentExp.type == extensionExpressionExp) { parentExp.list->Remove(checkedExp); parentExp.list->Add(newExp); } else if(parentExp.type == castExp) { // NEW CODE: BETTER WAY TO DO THIS? To prevent (double)(double *) if(parentExp.destType && parentExp.destType.kind == ellipsisType) { FreeTypeName(parentExp.cast.typeName); parentExp.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), null)); } parentExp.cast.exp = newExp; } else if(parentExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { ((Statement)parentExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->Remove(checkedExp); ((Statement)parentExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->Add(newExp); } e.byReference = true; FreeType(checkedExp.expType); FreeType(checkedExp.destType); delete checkedExp; } else if((!e.byReference && (!e.expType || !e.expType.classObjectType) ) || (_class && _class.type == noHeadClass)) // TESTING THIS HERE... { Expression checkedExp; Expression parentExp; Expression newExp; { // TODO: Move code from for hasAddress flag, this is just temporary bool hasAddress = e.type == identifierExp || (e.type == ExpressionType::memberExp && e.member.memberType == dataMember) || (e.type == ExpressionType::pointerExp && e.member.memberType == dataMember) || (e.type == opExp && !e.op.exp1 && e.op.op == '*') || e.type == indexExp; if(_class && _class.type != noHeadClass && _class.type != normalClass && _class.type != structClass && !hasAddress) { Context context = PushContext(); Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); char typeString[1024]; Expression newExp { }; typeString[0] = '\0'; *newExp = *e; // TOCHECK: Should this read e.destType ??? if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; // if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; newExp.prev = null; = null; newExp.expType = null; PrintTypeNoConst(e.expType, typeString, false, true); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); newExp.destType = ProcessType(specs, decl); curContext = context; e.type = extensionCompoundExp; // We need a current compound for this if(curCompound) { char name[100]; OldList * stmts = MkList(); sprintf(name, "__internalValue%03X", internalValueCounter++); if(!curCompound.compound.declarations) curCompound.compound.declarations = MkList(); curCompound.compound.declarations->Insert(null, MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)), null)))); ListAdd(stmts, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)), '=', newExp)))); ListAdd(stmts, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name))))); e.compound = MkCompoundStmt(null, stmts); } else printf("libec: compiler error, curCompound is null in ApplyAnyObjectLogic\n"); /* e.compound = MkCompoundStmt( MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalValue")), MkInitializerAssignment(newExp))))), MkListOne(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalValue")))))); */ e.compound.compound.context = context; PopContext(context); curContext = context.parent; } } // TODO: INTEGRATE THIS WITH VERSION ABOVE WHICH WAS ADDED TO ENCOMPASS OTHER CASE (*pointer) checkedExp = e; parentExp = exp; while(checkedExp && (((checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) && checkedExp.list) || checkedExp.type == castExp)) { parentExp = checkedExp; if(checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { if(checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { checkedExp = ((Statement)checkedExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last; } else checkedExp = checkedExp.list->last; } else if(checkedExp.type == castExp) checkedExp = checkedExp.cast.exp; } { Expression i; newExp = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), (i = MkExpOp(null, '&', checkedExp))); i.byReference = true; newExp.byReference = true; } if(parentExp.type == callExp) {>Insert(e.prev, newExp);>Remove(e); e = newExp; } else if(parentExp.type == bracketsExp || parentExp.type == extensionExpressionExp) { parentExp.list->Remove(checkedExp); parentExp.list->Add(newExp); } else if(parentExp.type == castExp) parentExp.cast.exp = newExp; else if(parentExp.type == bracketsExp || parentExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { ((Statement)parentExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->Remove(checkedExp); ((Statement)parentExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->Add(newExp); } } } } if(destType.classObjectType == ClassObjectType::typedObject) { char className[1024]; // Need the class itself here... if(!_class && type.kind == pointerType && type.type && type.type.kind == charType) _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "String"); if(!_class) _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "int"); if(!strcmp(, "class")) { // Already inside a typed_object function, pass the class through strcpy(className, "class"); } else { strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, _class.fullName, true); if(!_class.symbol) _class.symbol = FindClass(_class.fullName); DeclareClass(curExternal, _class.symbol, className); } if(_class.type == normalClass && destType.byReference == false && strcmp(_class.dataTypeString, "char *")) { // ({ Instance __internal_ClassInst = e; __internal_ClassInst ? __internal_ClassInst._class : __ecereClass_...; }) Expression c; Context context = PushContext(); // Work around to avoid repeating the BuiltInContainer just to get the type // (a bit messy since we already transformed our expression to an extensionInitializerExp in earlier pass) if(_class.templateClass && !strcmp(, "Container") && e.list && e.list->first && ((Expression)e.list->first).type == castExp && ((Expression)e.list->first).cast.exp && ((Expression)e.list->first).cast.exp.type == opExp && ((Expression)e.list->first).cast.exp.op.op == '&' && ((Expression)e.list->first).cast.exp.op.exp2 && ((Expression)e.list->first).cast.exp.op.exp2.type == extensionInitializerExp) {>Insert(e.prev, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className))); } else { OldList * specs; c = MkExpExtensionCompound(MkCompoundStmt( MkListOne(MkDeclaration( (specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("Instance"))), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_ClassInst")), MkInitializerAssignment(CopyExpression(e)))))), MkListOne(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpCondition( MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_ClassInst")), MkListOne(MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_ClassInst")), MkIdentifier("_class"))), MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)))))))); c.compound.compound.context = context; PopContext(context); if(type.specConst) specs->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(CONST));>Insert(e.prev, c); } } else>Insert(e.prev, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className))); } } } { #ifdef _DEBUG //char debugString[4096] = ""; //PrintExpression(e, debugString); #endif // If expression type is a simple class, make it an address FixReference(e, !destType || !destType.declaredWithStruct); } } if(ellipsisDestType) { if(usedEllipsis || ( && == functionType && && ((Type) == ellipsisType)) {>Insert(>last, MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null),null)),MkExpConstant("0"))); } } } break; } case memberExp: { bool changeToPtr = false; bool noHead = false; Type type = exp.member.exp ? exp.member.exp.expType : null; Specifier memberClassSpecifier = exp.member.member ? exp.member.member._class : null; if(exp.member.member) exp.member.member._class = null; if(type && type.kind == templateType) { Type baseType = ProcessTemplateParameterType(type.templateParameter); if(baseType) type = baseType; } if(type && exp.member.member && !type.directClassAccess) { Class _class = exp.member.member.classSym ? exp.member.member.classSym.registered : (((type.kind == classType || type.kind == subClassType) && type._class) ? type._class.registered : null); Property prop = null; ClassProperty classProperty = null; Method method = null; Class convertTo = null; DataMember member = null; DataMember subMemberStack[256]; int subMemberStackPos = 0; bool thisPtr = exp.member.thisPtr; if(type.kind == subClassType && exp.member.exp.type == classExp) _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::com::Class"); // TEST: exp.member.exp.tempCount = Max(exp.tempCount, exp.member.exp.tempCount); if(!_class) { // DANGER: Buffer overflow char string[2048] = ""; Symbol classSym; PrintTypeNoConst(type, string, false, true); classSym = FindClass(string); _class = classSym ? classSym.registered : null; } if(_class && exp.member.memberType == dataMember) { if(!thisPtr && !exp.member.member.classSym) member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, exp.member.member.string, null, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); if(!member) member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, exp.member.member.string, privateModule, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); } else if(_class && exp.member.memberType == propertyMember) { if(!thisPtr && !exp.member.member.classSym) prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, exp.member.member.string, null); if(!prop) prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, exp.member.member.string, privateModule); if(prop && (exp.usage.usageRef || (exp.usage.usageGet && !prop.Get && !prop.conversion) || (exp.usage.usageDelete && !prop.Set && !prop.conversion))) { member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, exp.member.member.string, privateModule, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); if(member) { exp.member.memberType = dataMember; prop = null; } else { if(exp.usage.usageRef) Compiler_Error($"cannot obtain address of property\n"); else if(!prop.Get) Compiler_Error($"no get defined for property %s of class %s\n",, prop._class.fullName); else if(exp.usage.usageDelete) Compiler_Error($"no get defined for property %s of class %s\n",, prop._class.fullName); } } } else if(_class && exp.member.memberType == methodMember) { if(!thisPtr) method = eClass_FindMethod(_class, exp.member.member.string, null); if(!method) method = eClass_FindMethod(_class, exp.member.member.string, privateModule); } else if(_class && exp.member.memberType == reverseConversionMember) { convertTo = _class; _class = FindClass(exp.member.member.string).registered; // prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class,, privateModule); prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, convertTo.fullName, privateModule); } else if(_class && exp.member.memberType == classPropertyMember) { classProperty = eClass_FindClassProperty(_class, exp.member.member.string); } if(prop) { // Only process Gets here, Set is processed in opExp's '=' if(exp.usage.usageGet) { if(prop.Get) { char getName[1024], setName[1024]; Expression ptr = exp.member.exp; Class propertyClass; char * nameToUse = convertTo ? setName : getName; FreeIdentifier(exp.member.member); // Process this here since it won't be processed at the end... exp.member.exp.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(exp.member.exp); // TEST: exp.tempCount = exp.member.exp.tempCount; DeclareProperty(curExternal, prop, setName, getName); //propertyClass = convertTo ? _class : ((Symbol)prop.symbol)._class; propertyClass = convertTo ? _class : ((((Symbol)prop.symbol).type && ((Symbol)prop.symbol).type.kind == classType) ? ((Symbol)prop.symbol).type._class.registered : ((Symbol)prop.symbol)._class); if(propertyClass && propertyClass.type == bitClass) { // Bit classes shouldn't have properties except for conversions... OldList * args = MkList(); if(exp.usage.usageDeepGet) { char className[1024]; Declaration decl; Declarator declarator; OldList * specs = MkList(), * decls = MkList(); Expression tempExp; // Make a declaration in the closest compound statement // (Do not reuse (since using address for function calls)...) sprintf(className, "__simpleStruct%d", curContext.simpleID++); declarator = SpecDeclFromString(propertyClass.dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className))); ListAdd(decls, MkInitDeclarator(declarator, null)); decl = MkDeclaration(specs, decls); if(!curCompound.compound.declarations) curCompound.compound.declarations = MkList(); curCompound.compound.declarations->Insert(null, decl); tempExp = QMkExpId(className); tempExp.expType = MkClassType(propertyClass.fullName); exp.op.exp1 = tempExp; exp.op.exp2 = MkExpCall(QMkExpId(nameToUse), args); exp.op.op = '='; exp.type = opExp; } else { exp.type = callExp; = QMkExpId(nameToUse); = args; } ListAdd(args, FixReference(ptr, true)); } else if(propertyClass && propertyClass.type == unitClass) { OldList * args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, FixReference(ptr, true)); exp.type = callExp; = QMkExpId(nameToUse); = args; } else if(propertyClass && propertyClass.type == structClass) { OldList * args = MkList(); char className[1024]; Declaration decl; OldList * specs = MkList(), * decls = MkList(); Expression tempExp; // Make a declaration in the closest compound statement // (Do not reuse (since using address for function calls)...) className[0] = 0; FullClassNameCat(className, propertyClass.fullName, false); //true); DeclareStruct(curExternal, propertyClass.fullName, false, true); //ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifierName(className)); ListAdd(specs, MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier(className), null)); sprintf(className, "__simpleStruct%d", curContext.simpleID++); ListAdd(decls, MkInitDeclarator( MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)), null)); decl = MkDeclaration(specs, decls); if(curCompound) { if(!curCompound.compound.declarations) curCompound.compound.declarations = MkList(); curCompound.compound.declarations->Insert(null, decl); } tempExp = QMkExpId(className); tempExp.expType = MkClassType(propertyClass.fullName); if(convertTo) { ListAdd(args, FixReference(CopyExpression(tempExp), true)); ListAdd(args, FixReference(ptr, true)); } else { ListAdd(args, FixReference(ptr, true)); ListAdd(args, FixReference(CopyExpression(tempExp), true)); } if(exp.usage.usageDeepGet) { exp.type = callExp; = QMkExpId(nameToUse); = args; FreeExpression(tempExp); } else { exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkList(); ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpCall(QMkExpId(nameToUse),args)); if(exp.usage.usageMember) { ListAdd(exp.list, FixReference(tempExp, true)); exp.byReference = true; } else ListAdd(exp.list, tempExp); } } else { exp.type = callExp; = QMkExpId(nameToUse); = MkList(); ListAdd(, FixReference(ptr, true)); } } else if(prop.conversion) { void * prev = exp.prev, * next =; *exp = *exp.member.exp; exp.prev = prev; = next; } } } else if(classProperty) { // Only process Gets here, Set is processed in opExp's '=' if(exp.usage.usageGet) { if(classProperty.Get) { Identifier id = exp.member.member; Expression classExp = exp.member.exp; OldList * args = MkList(); exp.type = castExp; // Class Property if(exp.expType) { char typeString[2048]; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; typeString[0] = 0; PrintType(exp.expType, typeString, false, false); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); exp.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); } else exp.cast.typeName = QMkType("uint64", null); exp.cast.exp = MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eClass_GetProperty")), args); if(exp.expType.isPointerType) exp.cast.exp = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uintptr")), null), exp.cast.exp); ListAdd(args, classExp); { char * s = QMkString(id.string); ListAdd(args, MkExpString(s)); delete s; } FreeIdentifier(id); ProcessExpression(exp); return; } } } else if(method) { // Get the function address if it's not called if((exp.usage.usageGet || exp.member.exp.expType.kind == subClassType) && !(exp.usage.usageCall)) { char name[1024]; FreeIdentifier(exp.member.member); // Process this here since it won't be processed at the end... exp.member.exp.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(exp.member.exp); // TEST: exp.tempCount = exp.member.exp.tempCount; if(method.type == virtualMethod) { strcpy(name, "__ecereVMethodID_"); FullClassNameCat(name, method._class.fullName, false); strcat(name, "_"); strcat(name,; exp.type = indexExp; if(memberClassSpecifier) { char className[1024]; // Need the class itself here... strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, _class.fullName, true); if(!_class.symbol) _class.symbol = FindClass(_class.fullName); DeclareClass(curExternal, _class.symbol, className); FreeExpression(exp.member.exp); exp.index.exp = MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)), MkIdentifier("_vTbl")); } else { if(exp.thisPtr && _class.type != normalClass) { FreeExpression(exp.member.exp); exp.index.exp = MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("class")), MkIdentifier("_vTbl")); } else exp.index.exp = MkExpPointer(exp.member.exp, MkIdentifier("_vTbl")); } exp.index.index = MkListOne(QMkExpId(name)); DeclareMethod(curExternal, method, name); } else { FreeExpression(exp.member.exp); exp.type = identifierExp; strcpy(name, "__ecereMethod_"); FullClassNameCat(name, method._class.fullName, false); strcat(name, "_"); strcat(name,; exp.identifier = MkIdentifier(name); DeclareMethod(curExternal, method, name); } } } else if(member) { if(subMemberStackPos) { int i; DataMember parentMember = null; String s, prefix = null; for(i = 0; i < subMemberStackPos; i++) { DataMember curMember = subMemberStack[i]; DataMember m; int anonID = 1; for(m = parentMember ? parentMember.members.first : _class.membersAndProperties.first; m; m = { if(m && !m.isProperty && (m.type == unionMember || m.type == structMember) && ! { if(m == curMember) break; anonID++; } } if(prefix) { s = prefix; prefix = PrintString(prefix, ".__anon", anonID); delete s; } else prefix = PrintString("__anon", anonID); parentMember = curMember; } s = exp.member.member.string; exp.member.member.string = PrintString(prefix, ".", s); delete prefix; delete s; } // Process this here since it won't be processed at the end... if(exp.usage.usageGet) { exp.member.exp.usage.usageGet = true; // Recently added this... is it ok? } ProcessExpression(exp.member.exp); // TEST: exp.tempCount = exp.member.exp.tempCount; if(type.kind == classType && type._class && type._class.registered) DeclareStruct(curExternal, type._class.registered.fullName, false, true); // TESTING THIS NOHEAD STUFF... if(_class.type == noHeadClass) { noHead = true; } else if(_class.type == structClass) { changeToPtr = true; } else if(_class.type == bitClass) { OldList * list = MkList(); char mask[32], shift[10]; OldList * specs = MkList(); BitMember bitMember = (BitMember) member; Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(bitMember.dataTypeString, specs, null); TypeName type = MkTypeName(specs, decl); if(bitMember.mask > MAXDWORD) sprintf(mask, FORMAT64HEXLL, bitMember.mask); else sprintf(mask, FORMAT64HEX, bitMember.mask); sprintf(shift, "%d", bitMember.pos); FreeIdentifier(exp.member.member); // ((type) ((color & mask) >> bitPos)) ListAdd(list, MkExpCast(type, MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne( MkExpOp(exp.member.exp, '&', MkExpConstant(mask)))), RIGHT_OP, MkExpConstant(shift)))))); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = list; } else if(_class.type == unitClass) { } else { // If it's a this pointer, replace by precomputed shortcut if(exp.member.exp.type == identifierExp && thisPtr && type.kind == classType && (!exp.member.exp.expType || !exp.member.exp.expType.typedByReference)) { char pointerName[1024]; strcpy(pointerName, "__ecerePointer_"); FullClassNameCat(pointerName, type._class.registered.fullName, false); if(exp.member.exp.identifier) FreeIdentifier(exp.member.exp.identifier); exp.member.exp.identifier = MkIdentifier(pointerName); } // Otherwise, access the data the hard way else { Expression bytePtr, e; Expression checkedExp; char structName[1024]; char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, member._class.fullName, true); // classExp = QMkExpId(className); if(!member._class.symbol) member._class.symbol = FindClass(member._class.fullName); DeclareClass(curExternal, member._class.symbol, className); DeclareStruct(curExternal, member._class.fullName, false, true); structName[0] = 0; FullClassNameCat(structName, member._class.fullName, false); checkedExp = exp.member.exp; while(((checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp) && checkedExp.list && checkedExp.list->count == 1) || checkedExp.type == castExp) { if(checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp) checkedExp = checkedExp.list->last; else if(checkedExp.type == castExp) checkedExp = checkedExp.cast.exp; } if(checkedExp.type != identifierExp && checkedExp.type != constantExp && // Added this here... Might mess up if we need address? checkedExp.type != memberExp && checkedExp.type != pointerExp) { char ecereTemp[100]; Statement compound; Context context = PushContext(); if(exp.member.exp.tempCount > exp.tempCount) exp.tempCount = exp.member.exp.tempCount; exp.tempCount++; curExternal.function.tempCount = Max(curExternal.function.tempCount, exp.tempCount); sprintf(ecereTemp, "__ecTemp%d", exp.tempCount); curContext = context; compound = MkCompoundStmt( MkListOne(MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator( MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(ecereTemp))), MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), QBrackets(exp.member.exp))))))), null); if(member._class.fixed) { Class c = member._class.templateClass ? member._class.templateClass : member._class; if(c.offset) { Expression se; if(c.offset == c.base.structSize) { se = MkExpClassSize(MkSpecifierName(c.base.fullName)); ProcessExpressionType(se); se.isConstant = false; } else { char string[256]; sprintf(string, "%d", c.offset); se = MkExpConstant(string); } e = QBrackets(MkExpOp(QMkExpId(ecereTemp), '+', se)); } else e = QMkExpId(ecereTemp); } else { e = QBrackets(MkExpOp(QMkExpId(ecereTemp), '+', MkExpPointer(QMkExpId(className), MkIdentifier("offset")))); } compound.compound.context = context; compound.compound.statements = MkListOne(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne( QBrackets(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier(structName), null)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), e))))); exp.member.exp = MkExpExtensionCompound(compound); PopContext(context); curContext = context.parent; } else { bytePtr = MkExpCast(QMkType("char", QMkPtrDecl(null)), /*CopyExpression(*/exp.member.exp/*)*/); // DISABLED BECAUSE PREVENTS GETTING ADDRESS OF MEMBERS WITH ADDRESS 0 /* e = QBrackets(QMkExpCond(exp.member.exp, QBrackets(MkExpOp(bytePtr, '+', MkExpPointer(classExp, MkIdentifier("offset")))), MkExpConstant("0"))); */ // if(class.fixed) if(member._class.fixed) { Class c = member._class.templateClass ? member._class.templateClass : member._class; if(c.offset) { Expression se; if(c.offset == c.base.structSize) { se = MkExpClassSize(MkSpecifierName(c.base.fullName)); ProcessExpressionType(se); se.isConstant = false; } else { char string[256]; sprintf(string, "%d", c.offset); se = MkExpConstant(string); } e = QBrackets(QBrackets(MkExpOp(bytePtr, '+', se))); } else e = bytePtr; } else e = QBrackets(QBrackets(MkExpOp(bytePtr, '+', MkExpPointer(QMkExpId(className), MkIdentifier("offset"))))); // exp.member.exp = QBrackets(MkExpCast(QMkType(structName, QMkPtrDecl(null)), e)); exp.member.exp = QBrackets(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier(structName), null)), QMkPtrDecl(null)), e)); } } exp.type = pointerExp; } } } // Take Out Any Class Specifier (Should have been used by now) FreeSpecifier(memberClassSpecifier); // Just moved this at the end... How is it? if(exp.member.exp && (exp.type == memberExp || exp.type == pointerExp)) { exp.member.exp.usage.usageGet = true; exp.member.exp.usage.usageMember = true; exp.member.exp.tempCount = exp.tempCount; ProcessExpression(exp.member.exp); exp.tempCount = exp.member.exp.tempCount; if((changeToPtr && exp.member.exp.byReference) || noHead) exp.type = pointerExp; } break; } case extensionCompoundExp: { Expression e = ((Statement)exp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last; if(e) e.usage |= exp.usage & ExpUsage { usageGet = true, usageArg = true, usageMember = true }; ProcessStatement(exp.compound); /*if(((Expression)((Statement)checkedExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last).byReference) exp.byReference = ((Expression)((Statement)checkedExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last).byReference;*/ break; } case pointerExp: { exp.member.exp.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(exp.member.exp); break; } case typeSizeExp: { Specifier spec = exp.typeName.qualifiers ? exp.typeName.qualifiers->first : null; if(spec && spec.type == templateTypeSpecifier && !exp.typeName.declarator) { Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(spec.templateParameter, thisClass, false); if(argExp) { Expression classExp; FreeTypeName(exp.typeName); classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); ProcessExpressionType(classExp); ProcessExpression(classExp); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("typeSize"))); ProcessExpressionType(exp); ProcessExpression(exp); } } break; } case castExp: { if(exp.cast.exp) { exp.cast.exp.usage |= exp.usage & ExpUsage { usageGet = true, usageMember = true }; ProcessExpression(exp.cast.exp); // TESTING THIS if(exp.cast.exp.byReference) exp.byReference = exp.cast.exp.byReference; if(exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type == structClass && exp.cast.exp.expType && (exp.cast.exp.expType.kind == pointerType || exp.cast.exp.expType.kind == arrayType || ( exp.cast.exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.cast.exp.expType._class && exp.cast.exp.expType._class.registered && !strcmp(exp.cast.exp.expType._class.registered.dataTypeString, "char *")) ) ) exp.byReference = true; } // Moved this to 1.5... //exp.expType = ProcessType(exp.cast.typeName.qualifiers, exp.cast.typeName.declarator); break; } case conditionExp: { Expression e; if(exp.usage.usageGet) exp.cond.cond.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(exp.cond.cond); for(e = exp.cond.exp->first; e; e = { if(! && exp.usage.usageGet) e.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(e); } if(exp.usage.usageGet) exp.cond.elseExp.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(exp.cond.elseExp); break; } case classExp: { // Need the class itself here... if(exp._classExp.specifiers && exp._classExp.specifiers->first && ((Specifier)exp._classExp.specifiers->first).type == templateTypeSpecifier) { Specifier spec = exp._classExp.specifiers->first; Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(spec.templateParameter, thisClass, true); if(argExp) { FreeList(exp._classExp.specifiers, FreeSpecifier); if(exp._classExp.decl) FreeDeclarator(exp._classExp.decl); exp.type = memberExp; //pointerExp; exp.member.exp = argExp; exp.member.member = MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass"); exp.member.memberType = dataMember; ProcessExpressionType(argExp); ProcessExpressionType(exp); ProcessExpression(exp); } } else { char className[1024]; char * string = StringFromSpecDecl(exp._classExp.specifiers, exp._classExp.decl); Symbol classSym = FindClass(string); strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, string, true); // TODO: Verify this DeclareClass(curExternal, classSym, className); delete string; FreeList(exp._classExp.specifiers, FreeSpecifier); if(exp._classExp.decl) FreeDeclarator(exp._classExp.decl); exp.type = identifierExp; exp.identifier = MkIdentifier(className); } break; } case vaArgExp: { ProcessExpression(exp.vaArg.exp); break; } case extensionInitializerExp: { ProcessInitializer(exp.initializer.initializer); break; } } FixRefExp(exp); if(exp.needTemplateCast != 2 && (exp.needTemplateCast == 1 || (exp.expType && (exp.expType.kind == templateType || exp.expType.passAsTemplate)))) { Expression nbExp = GetNonBracketsExp(exp); Expression inner = GetInnerExp(nbExp); if((!exp.expType || exp.expType.kind != templateType || nbExp.type != castExp) && !exp.usage.usageRef && (!exp.destType || (!exp.destType.truth && (exp.destType.kind != templateType || (exp.destType.templateParameter && (exp.destType.templateParameter.dataTypeString || exp.destType.templateParameter.dataType))))) && (exp.usage.usageDelete || exp.usage.usageGet || exp.usage.usageArg) && (!exp.destType || (!exp.destType.passAsTemplate && exp.expType && (exp.expType.kind != pointerType || (exp.destType.kind == pointerType || exp.destType.kind == intPtrType)) && ((exp.destType.kind != pointerType && exp.destType.kind != intPtrType) || exp.expType.kind == pointerType))) && !inner.needCast && inner.type != opExp) { Expression e = MoveExpContents(exp); Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); char typeString[1024]; bool castingToDest = false; bool pointerCastExp = false; typeString[0] = '\0'; e.needTemplateCast = 2; inner.needTemplateCast = 2; nbExp.needTemplateCast = 2; if(exp.usage.usageDelete) strcpy(typeString, "void *"); else { if(exp.expType.kind == templateType && exp.expType.templateParameter && exp.expType.templateParameter.dataTypeString) strcpy(typeString, exp.expType.templateParameter.dataTypeString); else PrintType(exp.expType, typeString, false, false); } decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); if(specs && specs->first && ((Specifier)specs->first).type == templateTypeSpecifier && exp.destType && !exp.destType.passAsTemplate && exp.destType.kind == templateType && exp.destType.templateParameter && (exp.destType.templateParameter.dataTypeString || exp.destType.templateParameter.dataType) && !exp.usage.usageArg) { if(decl) FreeDeclarator(decl); FreeList(specs, FreeSpecifier); if(exp.destType.templateParameter.dataTypeString) { specs = MkList(); strcpy(typeString, exp.destType.templateParameter.dataTypeString); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); } else { specs = CopyList(exp.destType.templateParameter.dataType.specifiers, CopySpecifier); decl = CopyDeclarator(exp.destType.templateParameter.dataType.decl); } castingToDest = true; } e.destType = exp.destType; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; exp.type = bracketsExp; { Specifier spec = specs ? specs->first : null; TemplateParameter tp = (spec && spec.type == templateTypeSpecifier) ? spec.templateParameter : null; Type type = castingToDest ? exp.destType : exp.expType; bool specsDeclPointer = (spec.type == nameSpecifier && strcmp(, "uint64")) || (decl && decl.type == pointerDeclarator) || (tp && tp.dataType && ( (tp.dataType.decl && tp.dataType.decl.type == pointerDeclarator) || (tp.dataType.specifiers && ((Specifier)tp.dataType.specifiers->first).type == nameSpecifier && strcmp(((Specifier)tp.dataType.specifiers->first).name, "uint64")) ) ); pointerCastExp = type ? ((type.kind == templateType && specsDeclPointer) || type.isPointerType) : specsDeclPointer; } if(pointerCastExp) { e = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uintptr")), null), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(e))); e.needTemplateCast = 2; } exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(e)))); if(exp.destType && pointerCastExp == (exp.destType.passAsTemplate || (!exp.destType.isPointerType || (exp.destType.kind == templateType && (!exp.destType.templateParameter || (!exp.destType.templateParameter.dataType && !exp.destType.templateParameter.dataTypeString)))))) exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uintptr")), decl), MkExpBrackets(exp.list))); exp.needTemplateCast = 2; } } yylloc = oldyylloc; } static void ProcessInitializer(Initializer init) { switch(init.type) { case expInitializer: if(init.exp) { init.exp.usage.usageGet = true; ProcessExpression(init.exp); if(init.exp.destType && init.exp.destType.kind == classType && init.exp.destType._class && init.exp.destType._class.registered && init.exp.destType._class.registered.type == noHeadClass) { FixReference(init.exp, true); } else if(init.exp.destType && init.exp.destType.kind == classType) FixReference(init.exp, false); } break; case listInitializer: { if(init.list) { Initializer i; for(i = init.list->first; i; i = ProcessInitializer(i); } break; } } } static void ProcessDeclaration(Declaration decl) { switch(decl.type) { case initDeclaration: { if(decl.declarators) { InitDeclarator d; for(d = decl.declarators->first; d; d = { if(d.initializer) ProcessInitializer(d.initializer); } } break; } } } static void ProcessStatement(Statement stmt) { switch(stmt.type) { case labeledStmt: ProcessStatement(stmt.labeled.stmt); break; case caseStmt: if(stmt.caseStmt.exp) { stmt.caseStmt.exp.usage.usageGet = true; // This expression should be constant... ProcessExpression(stmt.caseStmt.exp); } if(stmt.caseStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.caseStmt.stmt); break; case compoundStmt: { if(stmt.compound.context) { Declaration decl; Statement s; Statement prevCompound = curCompound; Context prevContext = curContext; if(!stmt.compound.isSwitch) { curCompound = stmt; curContext = stmt.compound.context; } if(stmt.compound.declarations) { for(decl = stmt.compound.declarations->first; decl; decl = ProcessDeclaration(decl); } if(stmt.compound.statements) { for(s = stmt.compound.statements->first; s; s = ProcessStatement(s); } curContext = prevContext; curCompound = prevCompound; } break; } case expressionStmt: { Expression exp; if(stmt.expressions) { for(exp = stmt.expressions->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpression(exp); } } break; } case ifStmt: { if(stmt.ifStmt.exp) { Expression exp; ((Expression)stmt.ifStmt.exp->last).usage.usageGet = true; for(exp = stmt.ifStmt.exp->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpression(exp); } } if(stmt.ifStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.ifStmt.stmt); if(stmt.ifStmt.elseStmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.ifStmt.elseStmt); break; } case switchStmt: { Expression exp; if(stmt.switchStmt.exp && stmt.switchStmt.exp->last) { ((Expression)stmt.switchStmt.exp->last).usage.usageGet = true; for(exp = stmt.switchStmt.exp->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpression(exp); } } ProcessStatement(stmt.switchStmt.stmt); break; } case whileStmt: { Expression exp; if(stmt.whileStmt.exp && stmt.whileStmt.exp->last) { ((Expression)stmt.whileStmt.exp->last).usage.usageGet = true; for(exp = stmt.whileStmt.exp->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpression(exp); } } ProcessStatement(stmt.whileStmt.stmt); break; } case doWhileStmt: { Expression exp; if(stmt.doWhile.exp && stmt.doWhile.exp->last) { ((Expression)stmt.doWhile.exp->last).usage.usageGet = true; for(exp = stmt.doWhile.exp->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpression(exp); } } if(stmt.doWhile.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.doWhile.stmt); break; } case forStmt: { Expression exp; if(stmt.forStmt.init) ProcessStatement(stmt.forStmt.init); if(stmt.forStmt.check) { if(stmt.forStmt.check.expressions) { ((Expression)stmt.forStmt.check.expressions->last).usage.usageGet = true; } ProcessStatement(stmt.forStmt.check); } if(stmt.forStmt.increment) { for(exp = stmt.forStmt.increment->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpression(exp); } } if(stmt.forStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.forStmt.stmt); break; } case gotoStmt: break; case continueStmt: break; case breakStmt: break; case returnStmt: { Expression exp; if(stmt.expressions) { ((Expression)stmt.expressions->last).usage.usageGet = true; for(exp = stmt.expressions->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpression(exp); // TOCHECK: This was added 2013/02/09 as part of 64 bit port for structs in class properties to automatically be returned by reference if(! && exp.destType && exp.destType.byReference) FixReference(exp, true); } } break; } case badDeclarationStmt: { ProcessDeclaration(stmt.decl); break; } case asmStmt: { AsmField field; if(stmt.asmStmt.inputFields) { for(field = stmt.asmStmt.inputFields->first; field; field = if(field.expression) ProcessExpression(field.expression); } if(stmt.asmStmt.outputFields) { for(field = stmt.asmStmt.outputFields->first; field; field = if(field.expression) ProcessExpression(field.expression); } if(stmt.asmStmt.clobberedFields) { for(field = stmt.asmStmt.clobberedFields->first; field; field = if(field.expression) ProcessExpression(field.expression); } break; } } } static void ProcessFunction(FunctionDefinition function) { if(function.body) ProcessStatement(function.body); } static void ProcessMemberInitData(MemberInit member) { if(member.initializer) ProcessInitializer(member.initializer); } static void ProcessInstantiation(Instantiation inst) { if(inst.members) { MembersInit members; for(members = inst.members->first; members; members = { if(members.type == dataMembersInit) { if(members.dataMembers) { MemberInit member; for(member = members.dataMembers->first; member; member = ProcessMemberInitData(member); } } else if(members.type == methodMembersInit) { ProcessFunction((FunctionDefinition)members.function); } } } } /////////// MEMBER ACCESS PASS ///////////////////////////////////////////// public void ProcessMemberAccess() { External external; for(external = ast->first; external; external = { curExternal = external; // There shouldn't be any class member access here anyways... if(external.type == declarationExternal) { if(external.declaration) ProcessDeclaration(external.declaration); } } for(external = ast->first; external; external = { curExternal = external; if(external.type == functionExternal) { ProcessFunction(external.function); } else if(external.type == declarationExternal) { if(external.declaration) ProcessDeclaration(external.declaration); } else if(external.type == classExternal) { ClassDefinition _class = external._class; if(_class.definitions) { ClassDef def; Class regClass = _class.symbol.registered; // Process all functions for(def = _class.definitions->first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef) { curExternal = def.function.declarator.symbol.pointerExternal; ProcessFunction((FunctionDefinition)def.function); } else if(def.type == declarationClassDef && def.decl.type == instDeclaration) { ProcessInstantiation(def.decl.inst); } else if(def.type == defaultPropertiesClassDef && def.defProperties) { MemberInit defProperty; // Add this to the context Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(regClass.fullName); }; globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); for(defProperty = def.defProperties->first; defProperty; defProperty = { //thisClass = regClass; ProcessMemberInitData(defProperty); //, regClass, &id); //thisClass = null; } //globalContext.symbols.Delete((BTNode)thisSymbol); globalContext.symbols.Remove((BTNode)thisSymbol); FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); } else if(def.type == propertyClassDef && def.propertyDef) { PropertyDef prop = def.propertyDef; // Add this to the context Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(regClass.fullName); }; globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); //thisClass = regClass; if(prop.setStmt) { curExternal = prop.symbol.externalSet; ProcessStatement(prop.setStmt); } if(prop.getStmt) { curExternal = prop.symbol.externalGet; ProcessStatement(prop.getStmt); } if(prop.issetStmt) { curExternal = prop.symbol.externalIsSet; ProcessStatement(prop.issetStmt); } //thisClass = null; //globalContext.symbols.Delete((BTNode)thisSymbol); globalContext.symbols.Remove((BTNode)thisSymbol); FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); } else if(def.type == classPropertyClassDef && def.propertyDef) { PropertyDef prop = def.propertyDef; //thisClass = regClass; if(prop.setStmt) { curExternal = prop.symbol.externalSet; ProcessStatement(prop.setStmt); } if(prop.getStmt) { curExternal = prop.symbol.externalGet; ProcessStatement(prop.getStmt); } //thisClass = null; } else if(def.type == propertyWatchClassDef && def.propertyWatch) { PropertyWatch propertyWatch = def.propertyWatch; // Add this to the context Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(regClass.fullName); }; globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); //thisClass = regClass; if(propertyWatch.compound) { Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(regClass.fullName); }; propertyWatch.compound.compound.context.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); curExternal = null; ProcessStatement(propertyWatch.compound); } // thisClass = null; //globalContext.symbols.Delete((BTNode)thisSymbol); globalContext.symbols.Remove((BTNode)thisSymbol); FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); } } } } } }