import "ecdefs" #define uint _uint #include // For strtoll #undef uint // UNTIL IMPLEMENTED IN GRAMMAR #define ACCESS_CLASSDATA(_class, baseClass) \ (_class ? ((void *)(((char *) + baseClass.offsetClass)) : null) #define YYLTYPE Location #include "grammar.h" extern OldList * ast; extern int returnCode; extern Expression parsedExpression; extern bool yydebug; public void SetYydebug(bool b) { yydebug = b; } extern bool echoOn; void resetScanner(); // TODO: Reset this to 0 on reinitialization int propWatcherID; int expression_yyparse(); static Statement curCompound; External curExternal, afterExternal; static Type curSwitchType; static Class currentClass; Class thisClass; public void SetThisClass(Class c) { thisClass = c; } public Class GetThisClass() { return thisClass; } static char * thisNameSpace; /*static */Class containerClass; bool thisClassParams = true; uint internalValueCounter; #ifdef _DEBUG Time findSymbolTotalTime; #endif // WARNING: PrintExpression CONCATENATES to string. Please initialize. /*static */public void PrintExpression(Expression exp, char * string) { //if(inCompiler) { TempFile f { }; int count; bool backOutputLineNumbers = outputLineNumbers; outputLineNumbers = false; if(exp) OutputExpression(exp, f); f.Seek(0, start); count = strlen(string); count += f.Read(string + count, 1, 1023); string[count] = '\0'; delete f; outputLineNumbers = backOutputLineNumbers; } } Type ProcessTemplateParameterType(TemplateParameter param) { if(param && param.type == TemplateParameterType::type && (param.dataType || param.dataTypeString)) { // TOFIX: Will need to free this Type if(!param.baseType) { if(param.dataTypeString) param.baseType = ProcessTypeString(param.dataTypeString, false); else param.baseType = ProcessType(param.dataType.specifiers, param.dataType.decl); } return param.baseType; } return null; } bool NeedCast(Type type1, Type type2) { if(!type1 || !type2 || type1.keepCast || type2.keepCast) return true; if(type1.kind == templateType && type2.kind == int64Type && type2.passAsTemplate == false) { return false; } if(type1.kind == type2.kind) { switch(type1.kind) { case _BoolType: case charType: case shortType: case intType: case int64Type: case intPtrType: case intSizeType: if(type1.passAsTemplate && !type2.passAsTemplate) return true; return type1.isSigned != type2.isSigned; case classType: return type1._class != type2._class; case pointerType: return (type1.type && type2.type && type1.type.constant != type2.type.constant) || NeedCast(type1.type, type2.type); default: return true; //false; ???? } } return true; } static void ReplaceClassMembers(Expression exp, Class _class) { if(exp.type == identifierExp && exp.identifier) { Identifier id = exp.identifier; Context ctx; Symbol symbol = null; if(!id._class || ! || strcmp(, "property")) { // First, check if the identifier is declared inside the function for(ctx = curContext; ctx != topContext.parent && !symbol; ctx = ctx.parent) { symbol = (Symbol)ctx.symbols.FindString(id.string); if(symbol) break; } } // If it is not, check if it is a member of the _class if(!symbol && ((!id._class || ( && !strcmp(, "property"))) || (id.classSym && eClass_IsDerived(_class, id.classSym.registered)))) { Property prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, id.string, privateModule); Method method = null; DataMember member = null; ClassProperty classProp = null; if(!prop) { method = eClass_FindMethod(_class, id.string, privateModule); } if(!prop && !method) member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id.string, privateModule, null, null); if(!prop && !method && !member) { classProp = eClass_FindClassProperty(_class, id.string); } if(prop || method || member || classProp) { // Replace by this.[member] exp.type = memberExp; exp.member.member = id; exp.member.memberType = unresolvedMember; exp.member.exp = QMkExpId("this"); //exp.member.exp.loc = exp.loc; exp.addedThis = true; } else if(_class && _class.templateParams.first) { Class sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { if(sClass.templateParams.first) { ClassTemplateParameter param; for(param = sClass.templateParams.first; param; param = { if(param.type == expression && !strcmp(, id.string)) { Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExpByName(, _class, TemplateParameterType::expression); if(argExp) { Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); FreeIdentifier(exp.member.member); ProcessExpressionType(argExp); decl = SpecDeclFromString(param.dataTypeString, specs, null); exp.expType = ProcessType(specs, decl); // *[expType] *[argExp] exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), decl)), MkExpOp(null, '&', argExp)))); } } } } } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRINTING //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public char * PrintInt(int64 result) { char temp[100]; if(result > MAXINT) sprintf(temp, FORMAT64HEX /*"0x%I64XLL"*/, result); else sprintf(temp, FORMAT64D /*"%I64d"*/, result); if(result > MAXINT || result < MININT) strcat(temp, "LL"); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintUInt(uint64 result) { char temp[100]; if(result > MAXDWORD) sprintf(temp, FORMAT64HEXLL /*"0x%I64XLL"*/, result); else if(result > MAXINT) sprintf(temp, FORMAT64HEX /*"0x%I64X"*/, result); else sprintf(temp, FORMAT64D /*"%I64d"*/, result); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintInt64(int64 result) { char temp[100]; sprintf(temp, FORMAT64DLL /*"%I64d"*/, result); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintUInt64(uint64 result) { char temp[100]; if(result > MAXINT64) sprintf(temp, FORMAT64HEXLL /*"0x%I64XLL"*/, result); else sprintf(temp, FORMAT64DLL /*"%I64d"*/, result); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintHexUInt(uint64 result) { char temp[100]; if(result > MAXDWORD) sprintf(temp, FORMAT64HEX /*"0x%I64xLL"*/, result); else sprintf(temp, FORMAT64HEX /*"0x%I64x"*/, result); if(result > MAXDWORD) strcat(temp, "LL"); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintHexUInt64(uint64 result) { char temp[100]; if(result > MAXDWORD) sprintf(temp, FORMAT64HEXLL /*"0x%I64xLL"*/, result); else sprintf(temp, FORMAT64HEX /*"0x%I64x"*/, result); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintShort(short result) { char temp[100]; sprintf(temp, "%d", (unsigned short)result); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintUShort(unsigned short result) { char temp[100]; if(result > 32767) sprintf(temp, "0x%X", (int)result); else sprintf(temp, "%d", (int)result); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintChar(char result) { char temp[100]; if(result > 0 && isprint(result)) sprintf(temp, "'%c'", result); else if(result < 0) sprintf(temp, "%d", (int)result); else //sprintf(temp, "%#X", result); sprintf(temp, "0x%X", (unsigned char)result); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintUChar(unsigned char result) { char temp[100]; sprintf(temp, "0x%X", result); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintFloat(float result) { char temp[350]; if(result.isInf) { if(result.signBit) strcpy(temp, "-inf"); else strcpy(temp, "inf"); } else if(result.isNan) { if(result.signBit) strcpy(temp, "-nan"); else strcpy(temp, "nan"); } else sprintf(temp, "%.16ff", result); return CopyString(temp); } public char * PrintDouble(double result) { char temp[350]; if(result.isInf) { if(result.signBit) strcpy(temp, "-inf"); else strcpy(temp, "inf"); } else if(result.isNan) { if(result.signBit) strcpy(temp, "-nan"); else strcpy(temp, "nan"); } else sprintf(temp, "%.16f", result); return CopyString(temp); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //public Operand GetOperand(Expression exp); #define GETVALUE(name, t) \ public bool GetOp##name(Operand op2, t * value2) \ { \ if(op2.kind == intType && op2.type.isSigned) *value2 = (t) op2.i; \ else if(op2.kind == intType) *value2 = (t) op2.ui; \ else if(op2.kind == int64Type && op2.type.isSigned) *value2 = (t) op2.i64; \ else if(op2.kind == int64Type) *value2 = (t) op2.ui64; \ else if(op2.kind == intSizeType && op2.type.isSigned) *value2 = (t) op2.i64; \ else if(op2.kind == intSizeType) *value2 = (t) op2.ui64; \ else if(op2.kind == intPtrType && op2.type.isSigned) *value2 = (t) op2.i64; \ else if(op2.kind == intPtrType) *value2 = (t) op2.ui64; \ else if(op2.kind == shortType && op2.type.isSigned) *value2 = (t) op2.s; \ else if(op2.kind == shortType) *value2 = (t); \ else if(op2.kind == charType && op2.type.isSigned) *value2 = (t) op2.c; \ else if(op2.kind == _BoolType || op2.kind == charType) *value2 = (t) op2.uc; \ else if(op2.kind == floatType) *value2 = (t) op2.f; \ else if(op2.kind == doubleType) *value2 = (t) op2.d; \ else if(op2.kind == pointerType) *value2 = (t) op2.ui64; \ else \ return false; \ return true; \ } \ public bool Get##name(Expression exp, t * value2) \ { \ Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); \ return GetOp##name(op2, value2); \ } // To help the deubugger currently not preprocessing... #define HELP(x) x GETVALUE(Int, HELP(int)); GETVALUE(UInt, HELP(unsigned int)); GETVALUE(Int64, HELP(int64)); GETVALUE(UInt64, HELP(uint64)); GETVALUE(IntPtr, HELP(intptr)); GETVALUE(UIntPtr, HELP(uintptr)); GETVALUE(IntSize, HELP(intsize)); GETVALUE(UIntSize, HELP(uintsize)); GETVALUE(Short, HELP(short)); GETVALUE(UShort, HELP(unsigned short)); GETVALUE(Char, HELP(char)); GETVALUE(UChar, HELP(unsigned char)); GETVALUE(Float, HELP(float)); GETVALUE(Double, HELP(double)); void ComputeExpression(Expression exp); void ComputeClassMembers(Class _class, bool isMember) { DataMember member = isMember ? (DataMember) _class : null; Context context = isMember ? null : SetupTemplatesContext(_class); if(member || ((_class.type == bitClass || _class.type == normalClass || _class.type == structClass || _class.type == noHeadClass) && (_class.type == bitClass || (!_class.structSize || _class.structSize == _class.offset)) && _class.computeSize)) { int unionMemberOffset = 0; int bitFields = 0; /* if(!member && (_class.type == structClass || _class.type == normalClass || _class.type == noHeadClass) && _class.memberOffset && _class.memberOffset > _class.base.structSize) _class.memberOffset = (_class.base && _class.base.type != systemClass) ? _class.base.structSize : 0; */ if(member) { member.memberOffset = 0; if(targetBits < sizeof(void *) * 8) member.structAlignment = 0; } else if(targetBits < sizeof(void *) * 8) _class.structAlignment = 0; // Confusion here: non struct classes seem to have their memberOffset restart at 0 at each hierarchy level if(!member && ((_class.type == normalClass || _class.type == noHeadClass) || (_class.type == structClass && _class.memberOffset && _class.memberOffset > _class.base.structSize))) _class.memberOffset = (_class.base && _class.type == structClass) ? _class.base.structSize : 0; if(!member && _class.destructionWatchOffset) _class.memberOffset += sizeof(OldList); // To avoid reentrancy... //_class.structSize = -1; { DataMember dataMember; for(dataMember = member ? member.members.first : _class.membersAndProperties.first; dataMember; dataMember = { if(!dataMember.isProperty) { if(dataMember.type == normalMember && dataMember.dataTypeString && !dataMember.dataType) { dataMember.dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember.dataTypeString, false); /*if(!dataMember.dataType) dataMember.dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember.dataTypeString, false); */ } } } } { DataMember dataMember; for(dataMember = member ? member.members.first : _class.membersAndProperties.first; dataMember; dataMember = { if(!dataMember.isProperty && (dataMember.type != normalMember || dataMember.dataTypeString)) { if(!isMember && _class.type == bitClass && dataMember.dataType) { BitMember bitMember = (BitMember) dataMember; uint64 mask = 0; int d; ComputeTypeSize(dataMember.dataType); if(bitMember.pos == -1) bitMember.pos = _class.memberOffset; if(!bitMember.size) bitMember.size = dataMember.dataType.size * 8; _class.memberOffset = bitMember.pos + bitMember.size; for(d = 0; d baseSize) maxSize -= baseSize; else maxSize = 0; } } } for(member = isMember ? topMember.members.first : _class.membersAndProperties.first; member; member = { if(!member.isProperty) { switch(member.type) { case normalMember: { if(member.dataTypeString) { OldList * specs = MkList(), * decls = MkList(); Declarator decl; decl = SpecDeclFromString(member.dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(; ListAdd(decls, MkStructDeclarator(decl, null)); ListAdd(declarations, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(specs, decls, null))); if(!member.dataType) member.dataType = ProcessType(specs, decl); ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specs, topClass /*member._class*/); { Type type = ProcessType(specs, decl); DeclareType(member.dataType, false, false); FreeType(type); } /* if(member.dataType && member.dataType.kind == classType && member.dataType._class && member.dataType._class.registered && member.dataType._class.registered.type == structClass) DeclareStruct(member.dataType._class.string, false); */ ComputeTypeSize(member.dataType); size = member.dataType.size; alignment = member.dataType.alignment; if(alignment) { if(totalSize % alignment) totalSize += alignment - (totalSize % alignment); } totalSize += size; } break; } case unionMember: case structMember: { OldList * specs = MkList(), * list = MkList(); size = 0; AddMembers(list, (Class)member, true, &size, topClass, null); ListAdd(specs, MkStructOrUnion((member.type == unionMember)?unionSpecifier:structSpecifier, null, list)); ListAdd(declarations, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(specs, null, null))); alignment = member.structAlignment; if(alignment) { if(totalSize % alignment) totalSize += alignment - (totalSize % alignment); } totalSize += size; break; } } } } if(retSize) { if(topMember && topMember.type == unionMember) *retSize = Max(*retSize, totalSize); else *retSize += totalSize; } else if(totalSize < maxSize && _class.type != systemClass) { int autoPadding = 0; if(!isMember && _class.structAlignment && totalSize % _class.structAlignment) autoPadding = _class.structAlignment - (totalSize % _class.structAlignment); if(totalSize + autoPadding < maxSize) { char sizeString[50]; sprintf(sizeString, "%d", maxSize - totalSize); ListAdd(declarations, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorArray(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ecere_padding")), MkExpConstant(sizeString))), null))); if(addedPadding) *addedPadding = true; } } if(context) FinishTemplatesContext(context); return topMember ? topMember.memberID : _class.memberID; } static int DeclareMembers(Class _class, bool isMember) { DataMember topMember = isMember ? (DataMember) _class : null; DataMember member; Context context = isMember ? null : SetupTemplatesContext(_class); if(!isMember && (_class.type == structClass || _class.type == noHeadClass) && _class.base.type != systemClass) DeclareMembers(_class.base, false); for(member = isMember ? topMember.members.first : _class.membersAndProperties.first; member; member = { if(!member.isProperty) { switch(member.type) { case normalMember: { /* if(member.dataType && member.dataType.kind == classType && member.dataType._class && member.dataType._class.registered && member.dataType._class.registered.type == structClass) DeclareStruct(member.dataType._class.string, false); */ if(!member.dataType && member.dataTypeString) member.dataType = ProcessTypeString(member.dataTypeString, false); if(member.dataType) DeclareType(member.dataType, false, false); break; } case unionMember: case structMember: { DeclareMembers((Class)member, true); break; } } } } if(context) FinishTemplatesContext(context); return topMember ? topMember.memberID : _class.memberID; } void DeclareStruct(const char * name, bool skipNoHead) { External external = null; Symbol classSym = FindClass(name); if(!inCompiler || !classSym) return; // We don't need any declaration for bit classes... if(classSym.registered && (classSym.registered.type == bitClass || classSym.registered.type == unitClass || classSym.registered.type == enumClass)) return; /*if(classSym.registered.templateClass) return DeclareStruct(classSym.registered.templateClass.fullName, skipNoHead); */ if(classSym.registered && classSym.imported && !classSym.declaredStructSym) { // Add typedef struct Declaration decl; OldList * specifiers, * declarators; OldList * declarations = null; char structName[1024]; Specifier spec = null; external = (classSym.registered && classSym.registered.type == structClass) ? classSym.pointerExternal : classSym.structExternal; // TEMPORARY HACK: Pass 3 will move up struct declarations without moving members // Moved this one up because DeclareClass done later will need it classSym.declaring++; if(strchr(classSym.string, '<')) { if(classSym.registered.templateClass) { DeclareStruct(classSym.registered.templateClass.fullName, skipNoHead); classSym.declaring--; } return; } //if(!skipNoHead) DeclareMembers(classSym.registered, false); structName[0] = 0; FullClassNameCat(structName, name, false); if(external && external.declaration && external.declaration.specifiers) { for(spec = external.declaration.specifiers->first; spec; spec = { if(spec.type == structSpecifier || spec.type == unionSpecifier) break; } } /*if(!external) external = MkExternalDeclaration(null);*/ if(!skipNoHead && (!spec || !spec.definitions)) { bool addedPadding = false; classSym.declaredStructSym = true; declarations = MkList(); AddMembers(declarations, classSym.registered, false, null, classSym.registered, &addedPadding); //ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(TYPEDEF)); //ListAdd(specifiers, MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, null, declarations)); if(!declarations->count || (declarations->count == 1 && addedPadding)) { FreeList(declarations, FreeClassDef); declarations = null; } } if(skipNoHead || declarations) { if(spec) { if(declarations) spec.definitions = declarations; if(curExternal && curExternal.symbol && curExternal.symbol.idCode < { // TODO: Fix this //ast->Move(classSym.structExternal ? classSym.structExternal : classSym.pointerExternal, curExternal.prev); // DANGER if(classSym.structExternal) ast->Move(classSym.structExternal, curExternal.prev); ast->Move(classSym.pointerExternal, curExternal.prev); = curExternal.symbol.idCode; classSym.idCode = curExternal.symbol.idCode; // external = classSym.pointerExternal; //external = classSym.structExternal ? classSym.structExternal : classSym.pointerExternal; } } else { if(!external) external = MkExternalDeclaration(null); specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); ListAdd(specifiers, MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier(structName), declarations)); /* d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(structName)); ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, null)); */ external.declaration = decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); if(decl.symbol && !decl.symbol.pointerExternal) decl.symbol.pointerExternal = external; // For simple classes, keep the declaration as the external to move around if(classSym.registered && classSym.registered.type == structClass) { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); // Testing This DeclareClass(classSym, className); external.symbol = classSym; classSym.pointerExternal = external; = (curExternal && curExternal.symbol) ? curExternal.symbol.idCode : 0; classSym.idCode = (curExternal && curExternal.symbol) ? curExternal.symbol.idCode : 0; } else { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); // TOFIX: TESTING THIS... classSym.structExternal = external; DeclareClass(classSym, className); external.symbol = classSym; } //if(curExternal) ast->Insert(curExternal ? curExternal.prev : null, external); } } classSym.declaring--; } else if(curExternal && curExternal.symbol && curExternal.symbol.idCode < { // TEMPORARY HACK: Pass 3 will move up struct declarations without moving members // Moved this one up because DeclareClass done later will need it // TESTING THIS: classSym.declaring++; //if(!skipNoHead) { if(classSym.registered) DeclareMembers(classSym.registered, false); } if(classSym.registered && (classSym.registered.type == structClass || classSym.registered.type == noHeadClass)) { // TODO: Fix this //ast->Move(classSym.structExternal ? classSym.structExternal : classSym.pointerExternal, curExternal.prev); // DANGER if(classSym.structExternal) ast->Move(classSym.structExternal, curExternal.prev); ast->Move(classSym.pointerExternal, curExternal.prev); = curExternal.symbol.idCode; classSym.idCode = curExternal.symbol.idCode; // external = classSym.pointerExternal; // external = classSym.structExternal ? classSym.structExternal : classSym.pointerExternal; } classSym.declaring--; } //return external; } void DeclareProperty(Property prop, char * setName, char * getName) { Symbol symbol = prop.symbol; char propName[1024]; strcpy(setName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(setName, prop._class.fullName, false); strcat(setName, "_Set_"); // strcat(setName,; FullClassNameCat(setName,, true); strcpy(getName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(getName, prop._class.fullName, false); strcat(getName, "_Get_"); FullClassNameCat(getName,, true); // strcat(getName,; strcpy(propName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop._class.fullName, false); strcat(propName, "_"); FullClassNameCat(propName,, true); // strcat(propName,; // To support "char *" property MangleClassName(getName); MangleClassName(setName); MangleClassName(propName); if(prop._class.type == structClass) DeclareStruct(prop._class.fullName, false); if(!symbol || curExternal.symbol.idCode < { bool imported = false; bool dllImport = false; if(!symbol || symbol._import) { if(!symbol) { Symbol classSym; if(!prop._class.symbol) prop._class.symbol = FindClass(prop._class.fullName); classSym = prop._class.symbol; if(classSym && !classSym._import) { ModuleImport module; if(prop._class.module) module = FindModule(prop._class.module); else module = mainModule; classSym._import = ClassImport { name = CopyString(prop._class.fullName); isRemote = prop._class.isRemote; }; module.classes.Add(classSym._import); } symbol = prop.symbol = Symbol { }; symbol._import = (ClassImport)PropertyImport { name = CopyString(; isVirtual = false; //prop.isVirtual; hasSet = prop.Set ? true : false; hasGet = prop.Get ? true : false; }; if(classSym); } imported = true; // Ugly work around for isNan properties declared within float/double classes which are initialized with ecereCOM if((prop._class.module != privateModule || !strcmp(, "float") || !strcmp(, "double")) && prop._class.module.importType != staticImport) dllImport = true; } if(!symbol.type) { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(prop._class); symbol.type = ProcessTypeString(prop.dataTypeString, false); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } // Get if(prop.Get) { if(!symbol.externalGet || symbol.externalGet.type == functionExternal) { Declaration decl; OldList * specifiers, * declarators; Declarator d; OldList * params; Specifier spec; External external; Declarator typeDecl; bool simple = false; specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); params = MkList(); ListAdd(params, MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName /*MkClassName*/(prop._class.fullName)), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this")))); d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(getName)); //if(imported) if(dllImport) d = MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), d)); { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(prop._class); typeDecl = SpecDeclFromString(prop.dataTypeString, specifiers, null); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } // Make sure the simple _class's type is declared for(spec = specifiers->first; spec; spec = { if(spec.type == nameSpecifier /*SpecifierClass*/) { if((!typeDecl || typeDecl.type == identifierDeclarator)) { Symbol classSym = spec.symbol; // FindClass(; symbol._class = classSym.registered; if(classSym.registered && classSym.registered.type == structClass) { DeclareStruct(, false); simple = true; } } } } if(!simple) d = PlugDeclarator(typeDecl, d); else { ListAdd(params, MkTypeName(specifiers, PlugDeclarator(typeDecl, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("value"))))); specifiers = MkList(); } d = MkDeclaratorFunction(d, params); //if(imported) if(dllImport) specifiers->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); else if(prop._class.symbol && ((Symbol)prop._class.symbol).isStatic) specifiers->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(STATIC)); if(simple) ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(VOID)); ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, null)); decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); ast->Insert(curExternal.prev, external); external.symbol = symbol; symbol.externalGet = external; ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specifiers, prop._class); if(typeDecl) FreeDeclarator(typeDecl); } else { // Move declaration higher... ast->Move(symbol.externalGet, curExternal.prev); } } // Set if(prop.Set) { if(!symbol.externalSet || symbol.externalSet.type == functionExternal) { Declaration decl; OldList * specifiers, * declarators; Declarator d; OldList * params; Specifier spec; External external; Declarator typeDecl; declarators = MkList(); params = MkList(); // TESTING COMMENTING THIS FIRST LINE OUT, what was the problem? Trying to add noHeadClass here ... if(!prop.conversion || prop._class.type == structClass) { ListAdd(params, MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName/*MkClassName*/(prop._class.fullName)), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this")))); } specifiers = MkList(); { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(prop._class); typeDecl = d = SpecDeclFromString(prop.dataTypeString, specifiers, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("value"))); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } ListAdd(params, MkTypeName(specifiers, d)); d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(setName)); //if(imported) if(dllImport) d = MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), d)); d = MkDeclaratorFunction(d, params); // Make sure the simple _class's type is declared for(spec = specifiers->first; spec; spec = { if(spec.type == nameSpecifier /*SpecifierClass*/) { if((!typeDecl || typeDecl.type == identifierDeclarator)) { Symbol classSym = spec.symbol; // FindClass(; symbol._class = classSym.registered; if(classSym.registered && classSym.registered.type == structClass) DeclareStruct(, false); } } } ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, null)); specifiers = MkList(); //if(imported) if(dllImport) specifiers->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); else if(prop._class.symbol && ((Symbol)prop._class.symbol).isStatic) specifiers->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(STATIC)); // TESTING COMMENTING THIS FIRST LINE OUT, what was the problem? Trying to add noHeadClass here ... if(!prop.conversion || prop._class.type == structClass) ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(VOID)); else ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifierName/*MkClassName*/(prop._class.fullName)); decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); ast->Insert(curExternal.prev, external); external.symbol = symbol; symbol.externalSet = external; ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specifiers, prop._class); } else { // Move declaration higher... ast->Move(symbol.externalSet, curExternal.prev); } } // Property (for Watchers) if(!symbol.externalPtr) { Declaration decl; External external; OldList * specifiers = MkList(); if(imported) specifiers->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); else specifiers->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(STATIC)); ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifierName("Property")); { OldList * list = MkList(); ListAdd(list, MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))), null)); if(!imported) { strcpy(propName, "__ecerePropM_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop._class.fullName, false); strcat(propName, "_"); // strcat(propName,; FullClassNameCat(propName,, true); MangleClassName(propName); ListAdd(list, MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))), null)); } decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, list); } external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); ast->Insert(curExternal.prev, external); external.symbol = symbol; symbol.externalPtr = external; } else { // Move declaration higher... ast->Move(symbol.externalPtr, curExternal.prev); } = curExternal.symbol.idCode; } } // ***************** EXPRESSION PROCESSING *************************** public Type Dereference(Type source) { Type type = null; if(source) { if(source.kind == pointerType || source.kind == arrayType) { type = source.type; source.type.refCount++; } else if(source.kind == classType && !strcmp(source._class.string, "String")) { type = Type { kind = charType; refCount = 1; }; } // Support dereferencing of no head classes for now... else if(source.kind == classType && source._class && source._class.registered && source._class.registered.type == noHeadClass) { type = source; source.refCount++; } else Compiler_Error($"cannot dereference type\n"); } return type; } static Type Reference(Type source) { Type type = null; if(source) { type = Type { kind = pointerType; type = source; refCount = 1; }; source.refCount++; } return type; } void ProcessMemberInitData(MemberInit member, Class _class, Class * curClass, DataMember * curMember, DataMember * subMemberStack, int * subMemberStackPos) { Identifier ident = member.identifiers ? member.identifiers->first : null; bool found = false; DataMember dataMember = null; Method method = null; bool freeType = false; yylloc = member.loc; if(!ident) { if(curMember) { eClass_FindNextMember(_class, curClass, curMember, subMemberStack, subMemberStackPos); if(*curMember) { found = true; dataMember = *curMember; } } } else { DataMember thisMember = (DataMember)eClass_FindProperty(_class, ident.string, privateModule); DataMember _subMemberStack[256]; int _subMemberStackPos = 0; // FILL MEMBER STACK if(!thisMember) thisMember = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, ident.string, privateModule, _subMemberStack, &_subMemberStackPos); if(thisMember) { dataMember = thisMember; if(curMember && thisMember.memberAccess == publicAccess) { *curMember = thisMember; *curClass = thisMember._class; memcpy(subMemberStack, _subMemberStack, sizeof(DataMember) * _subMemberStackPos); *subMemberStackPos = _subMemberStackPos; } found = true; } else { // Setting a method method = eClass_FindMethod(_class, ident.string, privateModule); if(method && method.type == virtualMethod) found = true; else method = null; } } if(found) { Type type = null; if(dataMember) { if(!dataMember.dataType && dataMember.dataTypeString) { //Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(dataMember._class); Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); dataMember.dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember.dataTypeString, false); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } type = dataMember.dataType; } else if(method) { // This is for destination type... if(!method.dataType) ProcessMethodType(method); //DeclareMethod(method); // method.dataType = ((Symbol)method.symbol)->type; type = method.dataType; } if(ident && { for(ident =; ident && type; ident = { if(type.kind == classType) { dataMember = (DataMember)eClass_FindProperty(type._class.registered, ident.string, privateModule); if(!dataMember) dataMember = eClass_FindDataMember(type._class.registered, ident.string, privateModule, null, null); if(dataMember) type = dataMember.dataType; } else if(type.kind == structType || type.kind == unionType) { Type memberType; for(memberType = type.members.first; memberType; memberType = { if(!strcmp(, ident.string)) { type = memberType; break; } } } } } // *** WORKING CODE: TESTING THIS HERE FOR TEMPLATES *** if(type && type.kind == templateType && type.templateParameter.type == TemplateParameterType::type && _class.templateArgs /* TODO: Watch out for these _class.templateClass*/) { int id = 0; ClassTemplateParameter curParam = null; Class sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { id = 0; if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; for(curParam = sClass.templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = { if(curParam.type == TemplateParameterType::type && !strcmp(type.templateParameter.identifier.string, { for(sClass = sClass.base; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; id += sClass.templateParams.count; } break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam) { ClassTemplateArgument arg = _class.templateArgs[id]; if(arg.dataTypeString) { bool constant = type.constant; // FreeType(type); type = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false); if(type.kind == classType && constant) type.constant = true; else if(type.kind == pointerType) { Type t = type.type; while(t.kind == pointerType) t = t.type; if(constant) t.constant = constant; } freeType = true; if(type && _class.templateClass) type.passAsTemplate = true; if(type) { // type.refCount++; /*if(!exp.destType) { exp.destType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false); exp.destType.refCount++; }*/ } } } } if(type && type.kind == classType && type._class && type._class.registered && strchr(type._class.registered.fullName, '<')) { Class expClass = type._class.registered; Class cClass = null; int c; int paramCount = 0; int lastParam = -1; char templateString[1024]; ClassTemplateParameter param; sprintf(templateString, "%s<", expClass.templateClass.fullName); for(cClass = expClass; cClass; cClass = cClass.base) { int p = 0; if(cClass.templateClass) cClass = cClass.templateClass; for(param = cClass.templateParams.first; param; param = { int id = p; Class sClass; ClassTemplateArgument arg; for(sClass = cClass.base; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; id += sClass.templateParams.count; } arg = expClass.templateArgs[id]; for(sClass = _class /*expClass*/; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { ClassTemplateParameter cParam; //int p = numParams - sClass.templateParams.count; int p = 0; Class nextClass; if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; for(nextClass = sClass.base; nextClass; nextClass = nextClass.base) { if(nextClass.templateClass) nextClass = nextClass.templateClass; p += nextClass.templateParams.count; } for(cParam = sClass.templateParams.first; cParam; cParam =, p++) { if(cParam.type == TemplateParameterType::type && arg.dataTypeString && !strcmp(, arg.dataTypeString)) { if(_class.templateArgs && arg.dataTypeString && (!param.defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param.defaultArg.dataTypeString))) { arg.dataTypeString = _class.templateArgs[p].dataTypeString; arg.dataTypeClass = _class.templateArgs[p].dataTypeClass; break; } } } } { char argument[256]; argument[0] = '\0'; /*if( { strcat(argument,; strcat(argument, " = "); }*/ switch(param.type) { case expression: { // THIS WHOLE THING IS A WILD GUESS... FIX IT UP char expString[1024]; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(param.dataTypeString, specs, null); Expression exp; char * string = PrintHexUInt64(arg.expression.ui64); exp = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpConstant(string)); delete string; ProcessExpressionType(exp); ComputeExpression(exp); expString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(exp, expString); strcat(argument, expString); //delete exp; FreeExpression(exp); break; } case identifier: { strcat(argument,; break; } case TemplateParameterType::type: { if(arg.dataTypeString && (!param.defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param.defaultArg.dataTypeString))) strcat(argument, arg.dataTypeString); break; } } if(argument[0]) { if(paramCount) strcat(templateString, ", "); if(lastParam != p - 1) { strcat(templateString,; strcat(templateString, " = "); } strcat(templateString, argument); paramCount++; lastParam = p; } p++; } } } { int len = strlen(templateString); if(templateString[len-1] == '<') len--; else { if(templateString[len-1] == '>') templateString[len++] = ' '; templateString[len++] = '>'; } templateString[len++] = '\0'; } { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); if(freeType) FreeType(type); type = ProcessTypeString(templateString, false); freeType = true; FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } if(method && member.initializer && member.initializer.type == expInitializer && member.initializer.exp) { ProcessExpressionType(member.initializer.exp); if(!member.initializer.exp.expType) { if(inCompiler) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(member.initializer.exp, expString); ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); Compiler_Error($"unresolved symbol used as an instance method %s\n", expString); } } //else if(!MatchTypes(member.exp.expType, type, null, _class, null, true, true, false, false)) else if(!MatchTypes(member.initializer.exp.expType, type, null, null, _class, true, true, false, false, true)) { Compiler_Error($"incompatible instance method %s\n", ident.string); } } else if(member.initializer) { /* FreeType(member.exp.destType); member.exp.destType = type; if(member.exp.destType) member.exp.destType.refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(member.exp); */ ProcessInitializer(member.initializer, type); } if(freeType) FreeType(type); } else { if(_class && _class.type == unitClass) { if(member.initializer) { /* FreeType(member.exp.destType); member.exp.destType = MkClassType(_class.fullName); ProcessExpressionType(member.initializer, type); */ Type type = MkClassType(_class.fullName); ProcessInitializer(member.initializer, type); FreeType(type); } } else { if(member.initializer) { //ProcessExpressionType(member.exp); ProcessInitializer(member.initializer, null); } if(ident) { if(method) { Compiler_Error($"couldn't find virtual method %s in class %s\n", ident.string, _class.fullName); } else if(_class) { Compiler_Error($"couldn't find member %s in class %s\n", ident.string, _class.fullName); if(inCompiler) eClass_AddDataMember(_class, ident.string, "int", 0, 0, publicAccess); } } else if(_class) Compiler_Error($"too many initializers for instantiation of class %s\n", _class.fullName); } } } void ProcessInstantiationType(Instantiation inst) { yylloc = inst.loc; if(inst._class) { MembersInit members; Symbol classSym; // = inst._class.symbol; // FindClass(; Class _class; /*if(!inst._class.symbol) inst._class.symbol = FindClass(;*/ classSym = inst._class.symbol; _class = classSym ? classSym.registered : null; // DANGER: Patch for mutex not declaring its struct when not needed if(!_class || _class.type != noHeadClass) DeclareStruct(, false); //_class && _class.type == noHeadClass); afterExternal = afterExternal ? afterExternal : curExternal; if(inst.exp) ProcessExpressionType(inst.exp); inst.isConstant = true; if(inst.members) { DataMember curMember = null; Class curClass = null; DataMember subMemberStack[256]; int subMemberStackPos = 0; for(members = inst.members->first; members; members = { switch(members.type) { case methodMembersInit: { char name[1024]; static uint instMethodID = 0; External external = curExternal; Context context = curContext; Declarator declarator = members.function.declarator; Identifier nameID = GetDeclId(declarator); char * unmangled = nameID ? nameID.string : null; Expression exp; External createdExternal = null; if(inCompiler) { char number[16]; //members.function.dontMangle = true; strcpy(name, "__ecereInstMeth_"); FullClassNameCat(name, _class ? _class.fullName : "_UNKNOWNCLASS", false); strcat(name, "_"); strcat(name, nameID.string); strcat(name, "_"); sprintf(number, "_%08d", instMethodID++); strcat(name, number); nameID.string = CopyString(name); } // Do modifications here... if(declarator) { Symbol symbol = declarator.symbol; Method method = eClass_FindMethod(_class, unmangled, privateModule); if(method && method.type == virtualMethod) { symbol.method = method; ProcessMethodType(method); if(!symbol.type.thisClass) { if(method.dataType.thisClass && currentClass && eClass_IsDerived(currentClass, method.dataType.thisClass.registered)) { if(!currentClass.symbol) currentClass.symbol = FindClass(currentClass.fullName); symbol.type.thisClass = currentClass.symbol; } else { if(!_class.symbol) _class.symbol = FindClass(_class.fullName); symbol.type.thisClass = _class.symbol; } } // TESTING THIS HERE: DeclareType(symbol.type, true, true); } else if(classSym) { Compiler_Error($"couldn't find virtual method %s in class %s\n", unmangled, classSym.string); } } // = declarator.symbol.idCode = curExternal.symbol.idCode; createdExternal = ProcessClassFunction(classSym ? classSym.registered : null, members.function, ast, afterExternal, true); if(nameID) { FreeSpecifier(nameID._class); nameID._class = null; } if(inCompiler) { //Type type = declarator.symbol.type; External oldExternal = curExternal; // *** Commented this out... Any negative impact? Yes: makes double prototypes declarations... Why was it commented out? // *** It was commented out for problems such as /* class VirtualDesktop : Window { clientSize = Size { }; Timer timer { bool DelayExpired() { clientSize.w; return true; } }; } */ // Commented Out: Good for in Poker (Otherwise: obj\bet.c:187: error: `currentBet' undeclared (first use in this function)) = declarator.symbol.idCode = curExternal.symbol.idCode; /* if(strcmp(declarator.symbol.string, name)) { printf("TOCHECK: Look out for this\n"); delete declarator.symbol.string; declarator.symbol.string = CopyString(name); } if(!declarator.symbol.parent && globalContext.symbols.root != (BTNode)declarator.symbol) { printf("TOCHECK: Will this ever be in a list? Yes.\n"); excludedSymbols->Remove(declarator.symbol); globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)declarator.symbol); if(strstr(declarator.symbol.string), "::") globalContext.hasNameSpace = true; } */ //curExternal = curExternal.prev; //afterExternal = afterExternal->next; //ProcessFunction(afterExternal->function); //curExternal = afterExternal; { External externalDecl; externalDecl = MkExternalDeclaration(null); ast->Insert(oldExternal.prev, externalDecl); // Which function does this process? if(createdExternal.function) { ProcessFunction(createdExternal.function); //curExternal = oldExternal; { //Declaration decl = MkDeclaration(members.function.specifiers, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(CopyDeclarator(declarator), null))); Declaration decl = MkDeclaration(CopyList(createdExternal.function.specifiers, CopySpecifier), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(CopyDeclarator(declarator), null))); //externalDecl = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); //***** ast->Insert(external.prev, externalDecl); //ast->Insert(curExternal.prev, externalDecl); externalDecl.declaration = decl; if(decl.symbol && !decl.symbol.pointerExternal) decl.symbol.pointerExternal = externalDecl; // Trying this out... declarator.symbol.pointerExternal = externalDecl; } } } } else if(declarator) { curExternal = declarator.symbol.pointerExternal; ProcessFunction((FunctionDefinition)members.function); } curExternal = external; curContext = context; if(inCompiler) { FreeClassFunction(members.function); // In this pass, turn this into a MemberInitData exp = QMkExpId(name); members.type = dataMembersInit; members.dataMembers = MkListOne(MkMemberInit(MkListOne(MkIdentifier(unmangled)), MkInitializerAssignment(exp))); delete unmangled; } break; } case dataMembersInit: { if(members.dataMembers && classSym) { MemberInit member; Location oldyyloc = yylloc; for(member = members.dataMembers->first; member; member = { ProcessMemberInitData(member, classSym.registered, &curClass, &curMember, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); if(member.initializer && !member.initializer.isConstant) inst.isConstant = false; } yylloc = oldyyloc; } break; } } } } } } static void DeclareType(Type type, bool declarePointers, bool declareParams) { // OPTIMIZATIONS: TESTING THIS... if(inCompiler) { if(type.kind == functionType) { Type param; if(declareParams) { for(param = type.params.first; param; param = DeclareType(param, declarePointers, true); } DeclareType(type.returnType, declarePointers, true); } else if(type.kind == pointerType && declarePointers) DeclareType(type.type, declarePointers, false); else if(type.kind == classType) { if(type._class.registered && (type._class.registered.type == structClass || type._class.registered.type == noHeadClass) && !type._class.declaring) DeclareStruct(type._class.registered.fullName, type._class.registered.type == noHeadClass); } else if(type.kind == structType || type.kind == unionType) { Type member; for(member = type.members.first; member; member = DeclareType(member, false, false); } else if(type.kind == arrayType) DeclareType(type.arrayType, declarePointers, false); } } ClassTemplateArgument * FindTemplateArg(Class _class, TemplateParameter param) { ClassTemplateArgument * arg = null; int id = 0; ClassTemplateParameter curParam = null; Class sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { id = 0; if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; for(curParam = sClass.templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = { if(curParam.type == TemplateParameterType::type && !strcmp(param.identifier.string, { for(sClass = sClass.base; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; id += sClass.templateParams.count; } break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam) { arg = &_class.templateArgs[id]; if(arg && param.type == type) arg->dataTypeClass = eSystem_FindClass(_class.module, arg->dataTypeString); } return arg; } public Context SetupTemplatesContext(Class _class) { Context context = PushContext(); context.templateTypesOnly = true; if(_class.symbol && ((Symbol)_class.symbol).templateParams) { TemplateParameter param = ((Symbol)_class.symbol).templateParams->first; for(; param; param = { if(param.type == type && param.identifier) { TemplatedType type { key = (uintptr)param.identifier.string, param = param }; curContext.templateTypes.Add((BTNode)type); } } } else if(_class) { Class sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { ClassTemplateParameter p; for(p = sClass.templateParams.first; p; p = { //OldList * specs = MkList(); //Declarator decl = null; //decl = SpecDeclFromString(p.dataTypeString, specs, null); if(p.type == type) { TemplateParameter param = p.param; TemplatedType type; if(!param) { // ADD DATA TYPE HERE... p.param = param = TemplateParameter { identifier = MkIdentifier(, type = p.type, dataTypeString = p.dataTypeString /*, dataType = { specs, decl }*/ }; } type = TemplatedType { key = (uintptr), param = param }; curContext.templateTypes.Add((BTNode)type); } } } } return context; } public void FinishTemplatesContext(Context context) { PopContext(context); FreeContext(context); delete context; } public void ProcessMethodType(Method method) { if(!method.dataType) { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(method._class); method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); FinishTemplatesContext(context); if(method.type != virtualMethod && method.dataType) { if(!method.dataType.thisClass && !method.dataType.staticMethod) { if(!method._class.symbol) method._class.symbol = FindClass(method._class.fullName); method.dataType.thisClass = method._class.symbol; } } // Why was this commented out? Working fine without now... /* if(method.dataType.kind == functionType && !method.dataType.staticMethod && !method.dataType.thisClass) method.dataType.thisClass = method._class.symbol; // FindClass(method._class.fullName); */ } /* if(type) { char * par = strstr(type, "("); char * classOp = null; int classOpLen = 0; if(par) { int c; for(c = par-type-1; c >= 0; c++) { if(type[c] == ':' && type[c+1] == ':') { classOp = type + c - 1; for(c = c-1; c >=0 && !isspace(type[c]); c--) { classOp--; classOpLen++; } break; } else if(!isspace(type[c])) break; } } if(classOp) { char temp[1024]; int typeLen = strlen(type); memcpy(temp, classOp, classOpLen); temp[classOpLen] = '\0'; if(temp[0]) _class = eSystem_FindClass(module, temp); else _class = null; method.dataTypeString = new char[typeLen - classOpLen + 1]; memcpy(method.dataTypeString, type, classOp - type); memcpy(method.dataTypeString + (classOp - type), classOp + classOpLen, typeLen - (classOp - type + classOpLen)); } else method.dataTypeString = type; } */ } public void ProcessPropertyType(Property prop) { if(!prop.dataType) { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(prop._class); prop.dataType = ProcessTypeString(prop.dataTypeString, false); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } public void DeclareMethod(Method method, const char * name) { Symbol symbol = method.symbol; if(!symbol || (!symbol.pointerExternal && method.type == virtualMethod) || > (curExternal ? curExternal.symbol.idCode : -1)) { bool imported = false; bool dllImport = false; if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); if(!symbol || symbol._import || method.type == virtualMethod) { if(!symbol || method.type == virtualMethod) { Symbol classSym; if(!method._class.symbol) method._class.symbol = FindClass(method._class.fullName); classSym = method._class.symbol; if(!classSym._import) { ModuleImport module; if(method._class.module && module = FindModule(method._class.module); else module = mainModule; classSym._import = ClassImport { name = CopyString(method._class.fullName); isRemote = method._class.isRemote; }; module.classes.Add(classSym._import); } if(!symbol) { symbol = method.symbol = Symbol { }; } if(!symbol._import) { symbol._import = (ClassImport)MethodImport { name = CopyString(; isVirtual = method.type == virtualMethod; }; classSym._import.methods.Add(symbol._import); } if(!symbol) { // Set the symbol type /* if(!type.thisClass) { type.thisClass = method._class.symbol; // FindClass(method._class.fullName); } else if(type.thisClass == (void *)-1) { type.thisClass = null; } */ // symbol.type = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); symbol.type = method.dataType; if(symbol.type) symbol.type.refCount++; } /* if(!method.thisClass || strcmp(method.thisClass, "void")) symbol.type.params.Insert(null, MkClassType(method.thisClass ? method.thisClass : method._class.fullName)); */ } if(!method.dataType.dllExport) { imported = true; if((method._class.module != privateModule || !strcmp(, "float") || !strcmp(, "double")) && method._class.module.importType != staticImport) dllImport = true; } } /* MOVING THIS UP if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ((Symbol)method.symbol).type; //ProcessMethodType(method); */ if(method.type != virtualMethod && method.dataType) DeclareType(method.dataType, true, true); if(!symbol.pointerExternal || symbol.pointerExternal.type == functionExternal) { // We need a declaration here :) Declaration decl; OldList * specifiers, * declarators; Declarator d; Declarator funcDecl; External external; specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); //if(imported) if(dllImport) ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); else if(method._class.symbol && ((Symbol)method._class.symbol).isStatic) ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(STATIC)); if(method.type == virtualMethod) { ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(INT)); d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)); } else { d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)); //if(imported) if(dllImport) d = MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), d)); { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(method._class); d = SpecDeclFromString(method.dataTypeString, specifiers, d); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(d); if(dllImport) { Specifier spec, next; for(spec = specifiers->first; spec; spec = next) { next =; if(spec.type == extendedSpecifier) { specifiers->Remove(spec); FreeSpecifier(spec); } } } // Add this parameter if not a static method if(method.dataType && !method.dataType.staticMethod) { if(funcDecl && funcDecl.function.parameters && funcDecl.function.parameters->count) { Class _class = method.dataType.thisClass ? method.dataType.thisClass.registered : method._class; TypeName thisParam = MkTypeName(MkListOne( MkSpecifierName/*MkClassName*/(method.dataType.thisClass ? method.dataType.thisClass.string : method._class.fullName)), (_class && _class.type == systemClass) ? MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))) : MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); TypeName firstParam = ((TypeName)funcDecl.function.parameters->first); Specifier firstSpec = firstParam.qualifiers ? firstParam.qualifiers->first : null; if(firstSpec && firstSpec.type == baseSpecifier && firstSpec.specifier == VOID && !firstParam.declarator) { TypeName param = funcDecl.function.parameters->first; funcDecl.function.parameters->Remove(param); FreeTypeName(param); } if(!funcDecl.function.parameters) funcDecl.function.parameters = MkList(); funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, thisParam); } } // Make sure we don't have empty parameter declarations for static methods... /* else if(!funcDecl.function.parameters) { funcDecl.function.parameters = MkList(); funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)),null)); }*/ } // TESTING THIS: ProcessDeclarator(d); ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, null)); decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specifiers, method._class); // Keep a different symbol for the function definition than the declaration... if(symbol.pointerExternal) { Symbol functionSymbol { }; // Copy symbol { *functionSymbol = *symbol; functionSymbol.string = CopyString(symbol.string); if(functionSymbol.type) functionSymbol.type.refCount++; } excludedSymbols->Add(functionSymbol); symbol.pointerExternal.symbol = functionSymbol; } external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); if(curExternal) ast->Insert(curExternal ? curExternal.prev : null, external); external.symbol = symbol; symbol.pointerExternal = external; } else if(ast) { // Move declaration higher... ast->Move(symbol.pointerExternal, curExternal.prev); } = curExternal ? curExternal.symbol.idCode : MAXINT; } } char * ReplaceThisClass(Class _class) { if(thisClassParams && _class.templateParams.count && !_class.templateClass) { bool first = true; int p = 0; ClassTemplateParameter param; int lastParam = -1; char className[1024]; strcpy(className, _class.fullName); for(param = _class.templateParams.first; param; param = { // if((!param.defaultArg.dataTypeString && !param.defaultArg.expression.ui64)) { if(first) strcat(className, "<"); if(!first) strcat(className, ", "); if(lastParam + 1 != p) { strcat(className,; strcat(className, " = "); } strcat(className,; first = false; lastParam = p; } p++; } if(!first) { int len = strlen(className); if(className[len-1] == '>') className[len++] = ' '; className[len++] = '>'; className[len++] = '\0'; } return CopyString(className); } else return CopyString(_class.fullName); } Type ReplaceThisClassType(Class _class) { if(thisClassParams && _class.templateParams.count && !_class.templateClass) { bool first = true; int p = 0; ClassTemplateParameter param; int lastParam = -1; char className[1024]; strcpy(className, _class.fullName); for(param = _class.templateParams.first; param; param = { // if((!param.defaultArg.dataTypeString && !param.defaultArg.expression.ui64)) { if(first) strcat(className, "<"); if(!first) strcat(className, ", "); if(lastParam + 1 != p) { strcat(className,; strcat(className, " = "); } strcat(className,; first = false; lastParam = p; } p++; } if(!first) { int len = strlen(className); if(className[len-1] == '>') className[len++] = ' '; className[len++] = '>'; className[len++] = '\0'; } return MkClassType(className); //return ProcessTypeString(className, false); } else { return MkClassType(_class.fullName); //return ProcessTypeString(_class.fullName, false); } } void ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(OldList specs, Class _class) { if(specs != null && _class) { Specifier spec; for(spec = specs.first; spec; spec = { if(spec.type == baseSpecifier && spec.specifier == THISCLASS) { spec.type = nameSpecifier; = ReplaceThisClass(_class); spec.symbol = FindClass(; //_class.symbol; } } } } // Returns imported or not bool DeclareFunction(GlobalFunction function, char * name) { Symbol symbol = function.symbol; if(curExternal && (!symbol || > curExternal.symbol.idCode)) { bool imported = false; bool dllImport = false; if(!function.dataType) { function.dataType = ProcessTypeString(function.dataTypeString, false); if(!function.dataType.thisClass) function.dataType.staticMethod = true; } if(inCompiler) { if(!symbol) { ModuleImport module = FindModule(function.module); // WARNING: This is not added anywhere... symbol = function.symbol = Symbol { }; if( { if(!function.dataType.dllExport) { symbol._import = (ClassImport)FunctionImport { name = CopyString( }; module.functions.Add(symbol._import); } } // Set the symbol type { symbol.type = ProcessTypeString(function.dataTypeString, false); if(!symbol.type.thisClass) symbol.type.staticMethod = true; } } imported = symbol._import ? true : false; if(imported && function.module != privateModule && function.module.importType != staticImport) dllImport = true; } DeclareType(function.dataType, true, true); if(inCompiler) { if(!symbol.pointerExternal || symbol.pointerExternal.type == functionExternal) { // We need a declaration here :) Declaration decl; OldList * specifiers, * declarators; Declarator d; Declarator funcDecl; External external; specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); //if(imported) ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); /* else ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(STATIC)); */ d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(imported ? name :; //if(imported) if(dllImport) d = MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), d)); d = SpecDeclFromString(function.dataTypeString, specifiers, d); // TAKE OUT THE DLL EXPORT IF STATICALLY IMPORTED: if(function.module.importType == staticImport) { Specifier spec; for(spec = specifiers->first; spec; spec = if(spec.type == extendedSpecifier && spec.extDecl && spec.extDecl.type == extDeclString && !strcmp(spec.extDecl.s, "dllexport")) { specifiers->Remove(spec); FreeSpecifier(spec); break; } } funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(d); // Make sure we don't have empty parameter declarations for static methods... if(funcDecl && !funcDecl.function.parameters) { funcDecl.function.parameters = MkList(); funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)),null)); } ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, null)); { Context oldCtx = curContext; curContext = globalContext; decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); curContext = oldCtx; } // Keep a different symbol for the function definition than the declaration... if(symbol.pointerExternal) { Symbol functionSymbol { }; // Copy symbol { *functionSymbol = *symbol; functionSymbol.string = CopyString(symbol.string); if(functionSymbol.type) functionSymbol.type.refCount++; } excludedSymbols->Add(functionSymbol); symbol.pointerExternal.symbol = functionSymbol; } external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); if(curExternal) ast->Insert(curExternal.prev, external); external.symbol = symbol; symbol.pointerExternal = external; } else { // Move declaration higher... ast->Move(symbol.pointerExternal, curExternal.prev); } if(curExternal) = curExternal.symbol.idCode; } } return (symbol && symbol._import && function.module != privateModule && function.module.importType != staticImport) ? true : false; } void DeclareGlobalData(GlobalData data) { Symbol symbol = data.symbol; if(curExternal && (!symbol || > curExternal.symbol.idCode)) { if(inCompiler) { if(!symbol) symbol = data.symbol = Symbol { }; } if(!data.dataType) data.dataType = ProcessTypeString(data.dataTypeString, false); DeclareType(data.dataType, true, true); if(inCompiler) { if(!symbol.pointerExternal) { // We need a declaration here :) Declaration decl; OldList * specifiers, * declarators; Declarator d; External external; specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(data.fullName)); d = SpecDeclFromString(data.dataTypeString, specifiers, d); ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, null)); decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); if(curExternal) ast->Insert(curExternal.prev, external); external.symbol = symbol; symbol.pointerExternal = external; } else { // Move declaration higher... ast->Move(symbol.pointerExternal, curExternal.prev); } if(curExternal) = curExternal.symbol.idCode; } } } class Conversion : struct { Conversion prev, next; Property convert; bool isGet; Type resultType; }; public bool MatchTypes(Type source, Type dest, OldList conversions, Class owningClassSource, Class owningClassDest, bool doConversion, bool enumBaseType, bool acceptReversedParams, bool isConversionExploration, bool warnConst) { if(source && dest) { if(warnConst && ((source.kind == classType && source._class && source._class.registered) || source.kind == arrayType || source.kind == pointerType) && ((dest.kind == classType && dest._class && dest._class.registered) || /*dest.kind == arrayType || */dest.kind == pointerType)) { Class sourceClass = source.kind == classType ? source._class.registered : null; Class destClass = dest.kind == classType ? dest._class.registered : null; if((!sourceClass || (sourceClass && sourceClass.type == normalClass && !sourceClass.structSize)) && (!destClass || (destClass && destClass.type == normalClass && !destClass.structSize))) { Type sourceType = source, destType = dest; while(sourceType.type && (sourceType.kind == pointerType || sourceType.kind == arrayType)) sourceType = sourceType.type; while(destType.type && (destType.kind == pointerType || destType.kind == arrayType)) destType = destType.type; if(!destType.constant && sourceType.constant) Compiler_Warning($"discarding const qualifier\n"); } } // Property convert; if(source.kind == templateType && dest.kind != templateType) { Type type = ProcessTemplateParameterType(source.templateParameter); if(type) source = type; } if(dest.kind == templateType && source.kind != templateType) { Type type = ProcessTemplateParameterType(dest.templateParameter); if(type) dest = type; } if(dest.classObjectType == typedObject) { if(source.classObjectType != anyObject) return true; else { // If either the source or the destination defines the class, accepts any_object as compatible for a typed_object if((dest._class && strcmp(dest._class.string, "class")) || (source._class && strcmp(source._class.string, "class"))) { return true; } } } else { if(source.classObjectType == anyObject) return true; if(dest.classObjectType == anyObject && source.classObjectType != typedObject) return true; } if((dest.kind == structType && source.kind == structType) || (dest.kind == unionType && source.kind == unionType)) { if((dest.enumName && source.enumName && !strcmp(dest.enumName, source.enumName)) || (source.members.first && source.members.first == dest.members.first)) return true; } if(dest.kind == ellipsisType && source.kind != voidType) return true; if(dest.kind == pointerType && dest.type.kind == voidType && ((source.kind == classType && (!source._class || !source._class.registered || source._class.registered.type == structClass || source._class.registered.type == normalClass || source._class.registered.type == noHeadClass || source._class.registered.type == systemClass)) || source.kind == subClassType || source.kind == pointerType || source.kind == arrayType || source.kind == functionType || source.kind == thisClassType) /*source.kind != voidType && source.kind != structType && source.kind != unionType */ /*&& (source.kind != classType /-*|| source._class.registered.type != structClass)*/) return true; if(!isConversionExploration && source.kind == pointerType && source.type.kind == voidType && ((dest.kind == classType && (!dest._class || !dest._class.registered || dest._class.registered.type == structClass || dest._class.registered.type == normalClass || dest._class.registered.type == noHeadClass || dest._class.registered.type == systemClass)) || dest.kind == subClassType || dest.kind == pointerType || dest.kind == arrayType || dest.kind == functionType || dest.kind == thisClassType) /* dest.kind != voidType && dest.kind != structType && dest.kind != unionType */ /*&& (dest.kind != classType || dest._class.registered.type != structClass)*/) return true; if(((source.kind == classType && dest.kind == classType) || (source.kind == subClassType && dest.kind == subClassType)) && source._class) { if(source._class.registered && source._class.registered.type == unitClass) { if(conversions != null) { if(source._class.registered == dest._class.registered) return true; } else { Class sourceBase, destBase; for(sourceBase = source._class.registered; sourceBase && sourceBase.base.type != systemClass; sourceBase = sourceBase.base); for(destBase = dest._class.registered; destBase && destBase.base.type != systemClass; destBase = destBase.base); if(sourceBase == destBase) return true; } } // Don't match enum inheriting from other enum if resolving enumeration values // TESTING: !dest.classObjectType else if(source._class && dest._class && (dest.classObjectType == source.classObjectType || !dest.classObjectType) && (enumBaseType || (!source._class.registered || source._class.registered.type != enumClass) || (!dest._class.registered || dest._class.registered.type != enumClass)) && eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, dest._class.registered)) return true; else { // Added this so that DefinedColor = Color doesn't go through ColorRGB property if(enumBaseType && dest._class && dest._class.registered && dest._class.registered.type == enumClass && ((source._class && source._class.registered && source._class.registered.type != enumClass) || source.kind == classType)) // Added this here for a base enum to be acceptable for a derived enum (#139) { if(eClass_IsDerived(dest._class.registered, source._class.registered)) { return true; } } } } // JUST ADDED THIS... if(source.kind == subClassType && dest.kind == classType && dest._class && !strcmp(dest._class.string, "ecere::com::Class")) return true; if(doConversion) { // Just added this for Straight conversion of ColorAlpha => Color if(source.kind == classType) { Class _class; for(_class = source._class ? source._class.registered : null; _class; _class = _class.base) { Property convert; for(convert = _class.conversions.first; convert; convert = { if(convert.memberAccess == publicAccess || _class.module == privateModule) { Conversion after = (conversions != null) ? conversions.last : null; if(!convert.dataType) convert.dataType = ProcessTypeString(convert.dataTypeString, false); // Only go ahead with this conversion flow while processing an existing conversion if the conversion data type is a class if((!isConversionExploration || convert.dataType.kind == classType || !strcmp(, "String")) && MatchTypes(convert.dataType, dest, conversions, null, null, (convert.dataType.kind == classType && !strcmp(convert.dataTypeString, "String")) ? true : false, convert.dataType.kind == classType, false, true, warnConst)) { if(!conversions && !convert.Get) return true; else if(conversions != null) { if(_class.type == unitClass && convert.dataType.kind == classType && convert.dataType._class && convert.dataType._class.registered && _class.base == convert.dataType._class.registered.base && (dest.kind != classType || dest._class.registered != _class.base)) return true; else { Conversion conv { convert = convert, isGet = true }; // conversions.Add(conv); conversions.Insert(after, conv); return true; } } } } } } } // MOVING THIS?? if(dest.kind == classType) { Class _class; for(_class = dest._class ? dest._class.registered : null; _class; _class = _class.base) { Property convert; for(convert = _class.conversions.first; convert; convert = { if(convert.memberAccess == publicAccess || _class.module == privateModule) { Type constType = null; bool success = false; // Conversion after = (conversions != null) ? conversions.last : null; if(!convert.dataType) convert.dataType = ProcessTypeString(convert.dataTypeString, false); if(warnConst && convert.dataType.kind == pointerType && convert.dataType.type && dest.constant) { Type ptrType { }; constType = { kind = pointerType, refCount = 1, type = ptrType }; CopyTypeInto(ptrType, convert.dataType.type); ptrType.refCount++; ptrType.constant = true; } // Just added this equality check to prevent recursion.... Make it safer? // Changed enumBaseType to false here to prevent all int-compatible enums to show up in AnchorValues if((constType || convert.dataType != dest) && MatchTypes(source, constType ? constType : convert.dataType, conversions, null, null, true, false /*true*/, false, true, warnConst)) { if(!conversions && !convert.Set) success = true; else if(conversions != null) { if(_class.type == unitClass && convert.dataType.kind == classType && convert.dataType._class && convert.dataType._class.registered && _class.base == convert.dataType._class.registered.base && (source.kind != classType || source._class.registered != _class.base)) success = true; else { // *** Testing this! *** Conversion conv { convert = convert }; conversions.Add(conv); //conversions.Insert(after, conv); success = true; } } } if(success) return true; if(constType) FreeType(constType); } } } /*if(dest._class.registered && !strcmp(, "bool")) { if(source.kind != voidType && source.kind != structType && source.kind != unionType && (source.kind != classType || source._class.registered.type != structClass)) return true; }*/ // TESTING THIS... IS THIS OK?? if(enumBaseType && dest._class && dest._class.registered && dest._class.registered.type == enumClass) { if(!dest._class.registered.dataType) dest._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(dest._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); // Only support this for classes... if(dest._class.registered.dataType.kind == classType || source.truth || dest.truth/* || !strcmp(, "bool") || (source.kind == classType && !strcmp(source._class.string, "bool"))*/) { if(MatchTypes(source, dest._class.registered.dataType, conversions, null, null, true, dest._class.registered.dataType.kind == classType, false, false, warnConst)) { return true; } } } } // Moved this lower if(source.kind == classType) { Class _class; for(_class = source._class ? source._class.registered : null; _class; _class = _class.base) { Property convert; for(convert = _class.conversions.first; convert; convert = { if(convert.memberAccess == publicAccess || _class.module == privateModule) { Conversion after = (conversions != null) ? conversions.last : null; if(!convert.dataType) convert.dataType = ProcessTypeString(convert.dataTypeString, false); if(convert.dataType != source && (!isConversionExploration || convert.dataType.kind == classType || !strcmp(, "String")) && MatchTypes(convert.dataType, dest, conversions, null, null, convert.dataType.kind == classType, convert.dataType.kind == classType, false, true, warnConst)) { if(!conversions && !convert.Get) return true; else if(conversions != null) { if(_class.type == unitClass && convert.dataType.kind == classType && convert.dataType._class && convert.dataType._class.registered && _class.base == convert.dataType._class.registered.base && (dest.kind != classType || dest._class.registered != _class.base)) return true; else { Conversion conv { convert = convert, isGet = true }; // conversions.Add(conv); conversions.Insert(after, conv); return true; } } } } } } // TESTING THIS... IS THIS OK?? if(enumBaseType && source._class && source._class.registered && source._class.registered.type == enumClass) { if(!source._class.registered.dataType) source._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(source._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); if(!isConversionExploration || source._class.registered.dataType.kind == classType || !strcmp(, "String")) { if(MatchTypes(source._class.registered.dataType, dest, conversions, null, null, source._class.registered.dataType.kind == classType, source._class.registered.dataType.kind == classType, false, false, warnConst)) return true; // For bool to be accepted by byte, short, etc. else if(MatchTypes(dest, source._class.registered.dataType, null, null, null, false, false, false, false, warnConst)) return true; } } } } if(source.kind == classType || source.kind == subClassType) ; else if(dest.kind == source.kind && (dest.kind != structType && dest.kind != unionType && dest.kind != functionType && dest.kind != arrayType && dest.kind != pointerType && dest.kind != methodType)) return true; // RECENTLY ADDED THESE else if(dest.kind == doubleType && source.kind == floatType) return true; else if(dest.kind == shortType && (source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType)) return true; else if(dest.kind == intType && (source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == intSizeType /* Exception here for size_t */)) return true; else if(dest.kind == int64Type && (source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == intType || source.kind == intPtrType || source.kind == intSizeType)) return true; else if(dest.kind == intPtrType && (source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == intType || source.kind == intSizeType || source.kind == int64Type)) return true; else if(dest.kind == intSizeType && (source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == intType || source.kind == int64Type || source.kind == intPtrType)) return true; else if(source.kind == enumType && (dest.kind == intType || dest.kind == shortType || dest.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || dest.kind == longType || dest.kind == int64Type || dest.kind == intPtrType || dest.kind == intSizeType)) return true; else if(dest.kind == enumType && !isConversionExploration && (source.kind == intType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == longType || source.kind == int64Type || source.kind == intPtrType || source.kind == intSizeType)) return true; else if((dest.kind == functionType || (dest.kind == pointerType && dest.type.kind == functionType) || dest.kind == methodType) && ((source.kind == functionType || (source.kind == pointerType && source.type.kind == functionType) || source.kind == methodType))) { Type paramSource, paramDest; if(dest.kind == methodType) owningClassDest = dest.methodClass ? dest.methodClass : dest.method._class; if(source.kind == methodType) owningClassSource = source.methodClass ? source.methodClass : source.method._class; if(dest.kind == pointerType && dest.type.kind == functionType) dest = dest.type; if(source.kind == pointerType && source.type.kind == functionType) source = source.type; if(dest.kind == methodType) dest = dest.method.dataType; if(source.kind == methodType) source = source.method.dataType; paramSource = source.params.first; if(paramSource && paramSource.kind == voidType) paramSource = null; paramDest = dest.params.first; if(paramDest && paramDest.kind == voidType) paramDest = null; if((dest.staticMethod || (!dest.thisClass && !owningClassDest)) && !(source.staticMethod || (!source.thisClass && !owningClassSource))) { // Source thisClass must be derived from destination thisClass if(!paramDest || (!(paramDest.kind == pointerType && paramDest.type && paramDest.type.kind == voidType) && (paramDest.kind != classType || !eClass_IsDerived(source.thisClass ? source.thisClass.registered : owningClassSource,paramDest._class.registered)))) { if(paramDest && paramDest.kind == classType) Compiler_Error($"method class must be derived from %s\n", paramDest._class.string); else Compiler_Error($"method class should not take an object\n"); return false; } paramDest =; } else if(!dest.staticMethod && (dest.thisClass || owningClassDest)) { if((source.staticMethod || (!source.thisClass && !owningClassSource))) { if(dest.thisClass) { if(!paramSource || paramSource.kind != classType || !eClass_IsDerived(paramSource._class.registered,dest.thisClass.registered)) { Compiler_Error($"method class must be derived from %s\n", dest.thisClass.string); return false; } } else { // THIS WAS BACKWARDS: // if(!paramSource || paramSource.kind != classType || (owningClassDest && !eClass_IsDerived(owningClassDest, paramSource._class.registered))) if(!paramSource || paramSource.kind != classType || (owningClassDest && !eClass_IsDerived(paramSource._class.registered, owningClassDest))) { if(owningClassDest) Compiler_Error($"%s expected to be derived from method class\n", owningClassDest.fullName); else Compiler_Error($"overriding class expected to be derived from method class\n"); return false; } } paramSource =; } else { if(dest.thisClass) { // Source thisClass must be derived from destination thisClass if(!eClass_IsDerived(source.thisClass ? source.thisClass.registered : owningClassSource, dest.thisClass.registered)) { Compiler_Error($"method class must be derived from %s\n", dest.thisClass.string); return false; } } else { // THIS WAS BACKWARDS TOO?? // if(source.thisClass && owningClassDest && !eClass_IsDerived(owningClassDest, source.thisClass.registered)) if(source.thisClass && source.thisClass.registered && owningClassDest && !eClass_IsDerived(source.thisClass.registered, owningClassDest)) { //if(owningClass) Compiler_Error($"%s expected to be derived from method class\n", /**/ source.thisClass.registered.fullName); //else //Compiler_Error($"overriding class expected to be derived from method class\n"); return false; } } } } // Source return type must be derived from destination return type if(!MatchTypes(source.returnType, dest.returnType, null, null, null, true, true, false, false, warnConst)) { Compiler_Warning($"incompatible return type for function\n"); return false; } // Check parameters for(; paramDest; paramDest = { if(!paramSource) { //Compiler_Warning($"not enough parameters\n"); Compiler_Error($"not enough parameters\n"); return false; } { Type paramDestType = paramDest; Type paramSourceType = paramSource; Type type = paramDestType; // *** WORKING CODE: TESTING THIS HERE FOR TEMPLATES *** if(paramDest.kind == templateType && paramDest.templateParameter.type == TemplateParameterType::type && owningClassSource && paramSource.kind != templateType) { int id = 0; ClassTemplateParameter curParam = null; Class sClass; for(sClass = owningClassSource; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { id = 0; if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; for(curParam = sClass.templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = { if(curParam.type == TemplateParameterType::type && !strcmp(type.templateParameter.identifier.string, { for(sClass = sClass.base; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; id += sClass.templateParams.count; } break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam) { ClassTemplateArgument arg = owningClassSource.templateArgs[id]; paramDestType = type = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false); } } // paramDest must be derived from paramSource if(!MatchTypes(paramDestType, paramSourceType, null, null, null, true, true, false, false, warnConst) && (!acceptReversedParams || !MatchTypes(paramSourceType, paramDestType, null, null, null, true, true, false, false, warnConst))) { char type[1024]; type[0] = 0; PrintType(paramDest, type, false, true); Compiler_Warning($"incompatible parameter %s (expected %s)\n",, type); if(paramDestType != paramDest) FreeType(paramDestType); return false; } if(paramDestType != paramDest) FreeType(paramDestType); } paramSource =; } if(paramSource) { Compiler_Error($"too many parameters\n"); return false; } return true; } else if((dest.kind == functionType || (dest.kind == pointerType && dest.type.kind == functionType) || dest.kind == methodType) && (source.kind == pointerType && source.type.kind == voidType)) { return true; } else if((dest.kind == pointerType || dest.kind == arrayType) && (source.kind == arrayType || source.kind == pointerType)) { if(MatchTypes(source.type, dest.type, null, null, null, true, true, false, false, warnConst)) return true; } } return false; } static void FreeConvert(Conversion convert) { if(convert.resultType) FreeType(convert.resultType); } bool MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(NameSpace nameSpace, Expression sourceExp, Type dest, char * string, OldList conversions) { BTNamedLink link; for(link = (BTNamedLink)nameSpace.classes.first; link; link = (BTNamedLink)((BTNode)link).next) { Class _class =; if(_class.type == enumClass) { OldList converts { }; Type type { }; type.kind = classType; if(!_class.symbol) _class.symbol = FindClass(_class.fullName); type._class = _class.symbol; if(MatchTypes(type, dest, &converts, null, null, true, false, false, false, false)) { NamedLink value; Class enumClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { Class baseClass; for(baseClass = _class ; baseClass && baseClass.type == ClassType::enumClass; baseClass = baseClass.base) { EnumClassData e = ACCESS_CLASSDATA(baseClass, enumClass); for(value = e.values.first; value; value = { if(!strcmp(, string)) break; } if(value) { FreeExpContents(sourceExp); FreeType(sourceExp.expType); sourceExp.isConstant = true; sourceExp.expType = MkClassType(baseClass.fullName); //if(inCompiler) { char constant[256]; sourceExp.type = constantExp; if(!strcmp(baseClass.dataTypeString, "int")) sprintf(constant, "%d",(int); else sprintf(constant, "0x%X",(int); sourceExp.constant = CopyString(constant); //for(;baseClass.base && baseClass.base.type != systemClass; baseClass = baseClass.base); } while(converts.first) { Conversion convert = converts.first; converts.Remove(convert); conversions.Add(convert); } delete type; return true; } } } } if(converts.first) converts.Free(FreeConvert); delete type; } } for(nameSpace = (NameSpace *)nameSpace.nameSpaces.first; nameSpace != null; nameSpace = (NameSpace *)((BTNode)nameSpace).next) if(MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(nameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return true; return false; } public bool ModuleVisibility(Module searchIn, Module searchFor) { SubModule subModule; if(searchFor == searchIn) return true; for(subModule = searchIn.modules.first; subModule; subModule = { if(subModule.importMode == publicAccess || searchIn == searchIn.application) { if(ModuleVisibility(subModule.module, searchFor)) return true; } } return false; } bool MatchWithEnums_Module(Module mainModule, Expression sourceExp, Type dest, char * string, OldList conversions) { Module module; if(MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(mainModule.application.systemNameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return true; if(MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(mainModule.application.privateNameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return true; if(MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(mainModule.application.publicNameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return true; for(module = mainModule.application.allModules.first; module; module = { if(ModuleVisibility(mainModule, module) && MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(module.publicNameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return true; } return false; } bool MatchTypeExpression(Expression sourceExp, Type dest, OldList conversions, bool skipUnitBla, bool warnConst) { Type source; Type realDest = dest; Type backupSourceExpType = null; Expression computedExp = sourceExp; dest.refCount++; if(sourceExp.isConstant && sourceExp.type != constantExp && sourceExp.type != identifierExp && sourceExp.type != castExp && dest.kind == classType && dest._class && dest._class.registered && dest._class.registered.type == enumClass) { computedExp = CopyExpression(sourceExp); // Keep the original expression, but compute for checking enum ranges ComputeExpression(computedExp /*sourceExp*/); } source = sourceExp.expType; if(dest.kind == pointerType && sourceExp.type == constantExp && !strtoul(sourceExp.constant, null, 0)) { if(computedExp != sourceExp) { FreeExpression(computedExp); computedExp = sourceExp; } FreeType(dest); return true; } if(!skipUnitBla && source && dest && source.kind == classType && dest.kind == classType) { if(source._class && source._class.registered && source._class.registered.type == unitClass) { Class sourceBase, destBase; for(sourceBase = source._class.registered; sourceBase && sourceBase.base && sourceBase.base.type != systemClass; sourceBase = sourceBase.base); for(destBase = dest._class.registered; destBase && destBase.base && destBase.base.type != systemClass; destBase = destBase.base); //if(source._class.registered == dest._class.registered) if(sourceBase == destBase) { if(computedExp != sourceExp) { FreeExpression(computedExp); computedExp = sourceExp; } FreeType(dest); return true; } } } if(source) { OldList * specs; bool flag = false; int64 value = MAXINT; source.refCount++; if(computedExp.type == constantExp) { if(source.isSigned) value = strtoll(computedExp.constant, null, 0); else value = strtoull(computedExp.constant, null, 0); } else if(computedExp.type == opExp && sourceExp.op.op == '-' && !computedExp.op.exp1 && computedExp.op.exp2 && computedExp.op.exp2.type == constantExp) { if(source.isSigned) value = -strtoll(computedExp.op.exp2.constant, null, 0); else value = -strtoull(computedExp.op.exp2.constant, null, 0); } if(computedExp != sourceExp) { FreeExpression(computedExp); computedExp = sourceExp; } if(dest.kind != classType && source.kind == classType && source._class && source._class.registered && !strcmp(source._class.registered.fullName, "ecere::com::unichar")) { FreeType(source); source = Type { kind = intType, isSigned = false, refCount = 1 }; } if(dest.kind == classType) { Class _class = dest._class ? dest._class.registered : null; if(_class && _class.type == unitClass) { if(source.kind != classType) { Type tempType { }; Type tempDest, tempSource; for(; _class.base.type != systemClass; _class = _class.base); tempSource = dest; tempDest = tempType; tempType.kind = classType; if(!_class.symbol) _class.symbol = FindClass(_class.fullName); tempType._class = _class.symbol; tempType.truth = dest.truth; if(tempType._class) MatchTypes(tempSource, tempDest, conversions, null, null, true, true, false, false, warnConst); // NOTE: To handle bad warnings on int64 vs 32 bit eda::Id incompatibilities backupSourceExpType = sourceExp.expType; sourceExp.expType = dest; dest.refCount++; //sourceExp.expType = MkClassType(_class.fullName); flag = true; delete tempType; } } // Why wasn't there something like this? if(_class && _class.type == bitClass && source.kind != classType) { if(!dest._class.registered.dataType) dest._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(dest._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); if(MatchTypes(source, dest._class.registered.dataType, conversions, null, null, true, true, false, false, warnConst)) { FreeType(source); FreeType(sourceExp.expType); source = sourceExp.expType = MkClassType(dest._class.string); source.refCount++; //source.kind = classType; //source._class = dest._class; } } // Adding two enumerations /* if(_class && _class.type == enumClass && source.kind == classType && source._class && source._class.registered && source._class.registered.type == enumClass) { if(!source._class.registered.dataType) source._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(source._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); if(!dest._class.registered.dataType) dest._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(dest._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); if(MatchTypes(source._class.registered.dataType, dest._class.registered.dataType, conversions, null, null, true, false, false)) { FreeType(source); source = sourceExp.expType = MkClassType(dest._class.string); source.refCount++; //source.kind = classType; //source._class = dest._class; } }*/ if(_class && !strcmp(_class.fullName, "ecere::com::Class") && source.kind == pointerType && source.type && source.type.kind == charType && sourceExp.type == stringExp) { OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; char string[1024]; ReadString(string, sourceExp.string); decl = SpecDeclFromString(string, specs, null); FreeExpContents(sourceExp); FreeType(sourceExp.expType); sourceExp.type = classExp; sourceExp._classExp.specifiers = specs; sourceExp._classExp.decl = decl; sourceExp.expType = dest; dest.refCount++; FreeType(source); FreeType(dest); if(backupSourceExpType) FreeType(backupSourceExpType); return true; } } else if(source.kind == classType) { Class _class = source._class ? source._class.registered : null; if(_class && (_class.type == unitClass || /*!strcmp(_class.fullName, "bool") || /*_class.type == enumClass || */_class.type == bitClass )) // TOCHECK: enumClass, bitClass is new here... { /* if(dest.kind != classType) { // Testing this simpler piece of code... (Broke Units Conversion to no unit Logic) if(!source._class.registered.dataType) source._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(source._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); FreeType(dest); dest = MkClassType(source._class.string); //if(MatchTypes(source._class.registered.dataType, dest, conversions, null, null, true, false, false)) // dest = MkClassType(source._class.string); } */ if(dest.kind != classType) { Type tempType { }; Type tempDest, tempSource; if(!source._class.registered.dataType) source._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(source._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); for(; _class.base.type != systemClass; _class = _class.base); tempDest = source; tempSource = tempType; tempType.kind = classType; tempType._class = FindClass(_class.fullName); tempType.truth = source.truth; tempType.classObjectType = source.classObjectType; if(tempType._class) MatchTypes(tempSource, tempDest, conversions, null, null, true, true, false, false, warnConst); // PUT THIS BACK TESTING UNITS? if(conversions.last) { ((Conversion)(conversions.last)).resultType = dest; dest.refCount++; } FreeType(sourceExp.expType); sourceExp.expType = MkClassType(_class.fullName); sourceExp.expType.truth = source.truth; sourceExp.expType.classObjectType = source.classObjectType; // *** This if was commented out, put it back because "int a =^ Destroy()" shows up bool enum values in autocomplete *** if(!sourceExp.destType) { FreeType(sourceExp.destType); sourceExp.destType = sourceExp.expType; if(sourceExp.expType) sourceExp.expType.refCount++; } //flag = true; //source = _class.dataType; // TOCHECK: TESTING THIS NEW CODE if(!_class.dataType) _class.dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class.dataTypeString, false); FreeType(dest); dest = MkClassType(source._class.string); dest.truth = source.truth; dest.classObjectType = source.classObjectType; FreeType(source); source = _class.dataType; source.refCount++; delete tempType; } } } if(!flag) { if(MatchTypes(source, dest, conversions, null, null, true, true, false, false, warnConst)) { FreeType(source); FreeType(dest); return true; } } // Implicit Casts /* if(source.kind == classType) { Class _class = source._class.registered; if(_class.type == unitClass) { if(!_class.dataType) _class.dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class.dataTypeString, false); source = _class.dataType; } }*/ if(dest.kind == classType) { Class _class = dest._class ? dest._class.registered : null; bool fittingValue = false; if(_class && _class.type == enumClass) { Class enumClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); EnumClassData c = ACCESS_CLASSDATA(_class, enumClass); if(c && value >= 0 && value <= c.largest) fittingValue = true; } if(_class && !dest.truth && (_class.type == unitClass || fittingValue || (/*_class.type == enumClass*/_class.type != structClass && !value && source.kind == intType) || _class.type == bitClass)) // TOCHECK: enumClass, bitClass is new here... { if(_class.type == normalClass || _class.type == noHeadClass) { Expression newExp { }; *newExp = *sourceExp; if(sourceExp.destType) sourceExp.destType.refCount++; if(sourceExp.expType) sourceExp.expType.refCount++; sourceExp.type = castExp; sourceExp.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)); sourceExp.cast.exp = newExp; FreeType(sourceExp.expType); sourceExp.expType = null; ProcessExpressionType(sourceExp); // In Debugger, this helps with addresses (e.g. null pointers) that end up casted to a void *: keeps a classType instead of a pointerType if(!inCompiler) { FreeType(sourceExp.expType); sourceExp.expType = dest; } FreeType(source); if(inCompiler) FreeType(dest); if(backupSourceExpType) FreeType(backupSourceExpType); return true; } if(!_class.dataType) _class.dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class.dataTypeString, false); FreeType(dest); dest = _class.dataType; dest.refCount++; } // Accept lower precision types for units, since we want to keep the unit type if(dest.kind == doubleType && (source.kind == doubleType || source.kind == floatType || dest.kind == int64Type || source.kind == intType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType)) { specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)); } else if(dest.kind == floatType && (source.kind == floatType || dest.kind == int64Type || source.kind == intType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == doubleType)) { specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(FLOAT)); } else if(dest.kind == int64Type && (source.kind == int64Type || source.kind == intType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == floatType || source.kind == doubleType)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest.isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT64)); } else if(dest.kind == intType && (source.kind == intType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == floatType || source.kind == doubleType)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest.isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT)); } else if(dest.kind == shortType && (source.kind == shortType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == intType || source.kind == floatType || source.kind == doubleType)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest.isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(SHORT)); } else if(dest.kind == charType && (source.kind == charType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == intType || source.kind == floatType || source.kind == doubleType)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest.isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(CHAR)); } else { FreeType(source); FreeType(dest); if(backupSourceExpType) { // Failed to convert: revert previous exp type if(sourceExp.expType) FreeType(sourceExp.expType); sourceExp.expType = backupSourceExpType; } return false; } } else if(dest.kind == doubleType && (source.kind == doubleType || source.kind == floatType || source.kind == int64Type || source.kind == intType || source.kind == enumType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == charType)) { specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)); } else if(dest.kind == floatType && (source.kind == floatType || source.kind == enumType || source.kind == int64Type || source.kind == intType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == charType)) { specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(FLOAT)); } else if(dest.kind == _BoolType && (source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == enumType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == intType) && (value == 1 || value == 0)) { specs = MkList(); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(BOOL)); } else if(dest.kind == charType && (source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == enumType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == intType) && (dest.isSigned ? (value >= -128 && value <= 127) : (value >= 0 && value <= 255))) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest.isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(CHAR)); } else if(dest.kind == shortType && (source.kind == enumType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == shortType || (source.kind == intType && (dest.isSigned ? (value >= -32768 && value <= 32767) : (value >= 0 && value <= 65535))))) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest.isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(SHORT)); } else if(dest.kind == intType && (source.kind == enumType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == intType)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest.isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT)); } else if(dest.kind == int64Type && (source.kind == enumType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == charType || source.kind == intType || source.kind == int64Type)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest.isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT64)); } else if(dest.kind == enumType && (source.kind == int64Type || source.kind == intType || source.kind == shortType || source.kind == _BoolType || source.kind == charType)) { specs = MkListOne(MkEnum(MkIdentifier(dest.enumName), null)); } else { FreeType(source); FreeType(dest); if(backupSourceExpType) { // Failed to convert: revert previous exp type if(sourceExp.expType) FreeType(sourceExp.expType); sourceExp.expType = backupSourceExpType; } return false; } if(!flag && !sourceExp.opDestType) { Expression newExp { }; *newExp = *sourceExp; newExp.prev = null; = null; if(sourceExp.destType) sourceExp.destType.refCount++; if(sourceExp.expType) sourceExp.expType.refCount++; sourceExp.type = castExp; if(realDest.kind == classType) { sourceExp.cast.typeName = QMkClass(realDest._class.string, null); FreeList(specs, FreeSpecifier); } else sourceExp.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, null); if(newExp.type == opExp) { sourceExp.cast.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(newExp)); } else sourceExp.cast.exp = newExp; FreeType(sourceExp.expType); sourceExp.expType = null; ProcessExpressionType(sourceExp); } else FreeList(specs, FreeSpecifier); FreeType(dest); FreeType(source); if(backupSourceExpType) FreeType(backupSourceExpType); return true; } else { if(computedExp != sourceExp) { FreeExpression(computedExp); computedExp = sourceExp; } while((sourceExp.type == bracketsExp || sourceExp.type == extensionExpressionExp) && sourceExp.list) sourceExp = sourceExp.list->last; if(sourceExp.type == identifierExp) { Identifier id = sourceExp.identifier; if(dest.kind == classType) { if(dest._class && dest._class.registered && dest._class.registered.type == enumClass) { Class _class = dest._class.registered; Class enumClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { for( ; _class && _class.type == ClassType::enumClass; _class = _class.base) { NamedLink value; EnumClassData e = ACCESS_CLASSDATA(_class, enumClass); for(value = e.values.first; value; value = { if(!strcmp(, id.string)) break; } if(value) { FreeExpContents(sourceExp); FreeType(sourceExp.expType); sourceExp.isConstant = true; sourceExp.expType = MkClassType(_class.fullName); //if(inCompiler) { char constant[256]; sourceExp.type = constantExp; if(/*_class && */_class.dataTypeString && !strcmp(_class.dataTypeString, "int")) // _class cannot be null here! sprintf(constant, "%d", (int); else sprintf(constant, "0x%X", (int); sourceExp.constant = CopyString(constant); //for(;_class.base && _class.base.type != systemClass; _class = _class.base); } FreeType(dest); return true; } } } } } // Loop through all enum classes if(dest.classObjectType != typedObject && dest.kind == classType /*!= ellipsisType */&& MatchWithEnums_Module(privateModule, sourceExp, dest, id.string, conversions)) { FreeType(dest); return true; } } FreeType(dest); } return false; } #define TERTIARY(o, name, m, t, p) \ static bool name(Expression exp, Operand op1, Operand op2, Operand op3) \ { \ exp.type = constantExp; \ exp.string = p(op1.m ? op2.m : op3.m); \ if(!exp.expType) \ { exp.expType = op1.type; if(op1.type) op1.type.refCount++; } \ return true; \ } #define BINARY(o, name, m, t, p) \ static bool name(Expression exp, Operand op1, Operand op2) \ { \ t value2 = op2.m; \ exp.type = constantExp; \ exp.string = p((t)(op1.m o value2)); \ if(!exp.expType) \ { exp.expType = op1.type; if(op1.type) op1.type.refCount++; } \ return true; \ } #define BINARY_DIVIDEINT(o, name, m, t, p) \ static bool name(Expression exp, Operand op1, Operand op2) \ { \ t value2 = op2.m; \ exp.type = constantExp; \ exp.string = p(value2 ? (op1.m o value2) : 0); \ if(!exp.expType) \ { exp.expType = op1.type; if(op1.type) op1.type.refCount++; } \ return true; \ } #define BINARY_DIVIDEREAL(o, name, m, t, p) \ static bool name(Expression exp, Operand op1, Operand op2) \ { \ t value2 = op2.m; \ exp.type = constantExp; \ exp.string = p(op1.m o value2); \ if(!exp.expType) \ { exp.expType = op1.type; if(op1.type) op1.type.refCount++; } \ return true; \ } #define UNARY(o, name, m, t, p) \ static bool name(Expression exp, Operand op1) \ { \ exp.type = constantExp; \ exp.string = p((t)(o op1.m)); \ if(!exp.expType) \ { exp.expType = op1.type; if(op1.type) op1.type.refCount++; } \ return true; \ } #define OPERATOR_ALL(macro, o, name) \ macro(o, Int##name, i, int, PrintInt) \ macro(o, UInt##name, ui, unsigned int, PrintUInt) \ macro(o, Int64##name, i64, int64, PrintInt64) \ macro(o, UInt64##name, ui64, uint64, PrintUInt64) \ macro(o, Short##name, s, short, PrintShort) \ macro(o, UShort##name, us, unsigned short, PrintUShort) \ macro(o, Char##name, c, char, PrintChar) \ macro(o, UChar##name, uc, unsigned char, PrintUChar) \ macro(o, Float##name, f, float, PrintFloat) \ macro(o, Double##name, d, double, PrintDouble) #define OPERATOR_INTTYPES(macro, o, name) \ macro(o, Int##name, i, int, PrintInt) \ macro(o, UInt##name, ui, unsigned int, PrintUInt) \ macro(o, Int64##name, i64, int64, PrintInt64) \ macro(o, UInt64##name, ui64, uint64, PrintUInt64) \ macro(o, Short##name, s, short, PrintShort) \ macro(o, UShort##name, us, unsigned short, PrintUShort) \ macro(o, Char##name, c, char, PrintChar) \ macro(o, UChar##name, uc, unsigned char, PrintUChar) #define OPERATOR_REALTYPES(macro, o, name) \ macro(o, Float##name, f, float, PrintFloat) \ macro(o, Double##name, d, double, PrintDouble) // binary arithmetic OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, +, Add) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, -, Sub) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, *, Mul) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY_DIVIDEINT, /, Div) OPERATOR_REALTYPES(BINARY_DIVIDEREAL, /, Div) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY_DIVIDEINT, %, Mod) // unary arithmetic OPERATOR_ALL(UNARY, -, Neg) // unary arithmetic increment and decrement OPERATOR_ALL(UNARY, ++, Inc) OPERATOR_ALL(UNARY, --, Dec) // binary arithmetic assignment OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, =, Asign) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, +=, AddAsign) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, -=, SubAsign) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, *=, MulAsign) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY_DIVIDEINT, /=, DivAsign) OPERATOR_REALTYPES(BINARY_DIVIDEREAL, /=, DivAsign) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY_DIVIDEINT, %=, ModAsign) // binary bitwise OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, &, BitAnd) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, |, BitOr) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, ^, BitXor) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, <<, LShift) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, >>, RShift) // unary bitwise OPERATOR_INTTYPES(UNARY, ~, BitNot) // binary bitwise assignment OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, &=, AndAsign) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, |=, OrAsign) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, ^=, XorAsign) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, <<=, LShiftAsign) OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, >>=, RShiftAsign) // unary logical negation OPERATOR_INTTYPES(UNARY, !, Not) // binary logical equality OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, ==, Equ) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, !=, Nqu) // binary logical OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, &&, And) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, ||, Or) // binary logical relational OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, >, Grt) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, <, Sma) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, >=, GrtEqu) OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, <=, SmaEqu) // tertiary condition operator OPERATOR_INTTYPES(TERTIARY, ?, Cond) //Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, , Neg, Inc, Dec, Asign, AddAsign, SubAsign, MulAsign, DivAsign, ModAsign, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, LShift, RShift, BitNot, AndAsign, OrAsign, XorAsign, LShiftAsign, RShiftAsign, Not, Equ, Nqu, And, Or, Grt, Sma, GrtEqu, SmaEqu #define OPERATOR_TABLE_ALL(name, type) \ OpTable name##Ops = { type##Add, type##Sub, type##Mul, type##Div, type##Mod, \ type##Neg, \ type##Inc, type##Dec, \ type##Asign, type##AddAsign, type##SubAsign, type##MulAsign, type##DivAsign, type##ModAsign, \ type##BitAnd, type##BitOr, type##BitXor, type##LShift, type##RShift, \ type##BitNot, \ type##AndAsign, type##OrAsign, type##XorAsign, type##LShiftAsign, type##RShiftAsign, \ type##Not, \ type##Equ, type##Nqu, \ type##And, type##Or, \ type##Grt, type##Sma, type##GrtEqu, type##SmaEqu, type##Cond \ }; \ #define OPERATOR_TABLE_INTTYPES(name, type) \ OpTable name##Ops = { type##Add, type##Sub, type##Mul, type##Div, null, \ type##Neg, \ type##Inc, type##Dec, \ type##Asign, type##AddAsign, type##SubAsign, type##MulAsign, type##DivAsign, null, \ null, null, null, null, null, \ null, \ null, null, null, null, null, \ null, \ type##Equ, type##Nqu, \ type##And, type##Or, \ type##Grt, type##Sma, type##GrtEqu, type##SmaEqu \ }; \ OPERATOR_TABLE_ALL(int, Int) OPERATOR_TABLE_ALL(uint, UInt) OPERATOR_TABLE_ALL(int64, Int64) OPERATOR_TABLE_ALL(uint64, UInt64) OPERATOR_TABLE_ALL(short, Short) OPERATOR_TABLE_ALL(ushort, UShort) OPERATOR_TABLE_INTTYPES(float, Float) OPERATOR_TABLE_INTTYPES(double, Double) OPERATOR_TABLE_ALL(char, Char) OPERATOR_TABLE_ALL(uchar, UChar) //OpTable intOps = { IntAdd, IntSub, IntMul, IntDiv, IntMod, IntExp, IntNot, IntBwn, IntOr, IntAnd, IntEqu, IntNqu, IntGrt, IntSma, IntGrtEqu, IntSmaEqu, IntNeg, IntLBitSft, IntRBitSft }; //OpTable uintOps = { UIntAdd, UIntSub, UIntMul, UIntDiv, UIntMod, UIntExp, UIntNot, UIntBwn, UIntOr, UIntAnd, UIntEqu, UIntNqu, UIntGrt, UIntSma, UIntGrtEqu, UIntSmaEqu, UIntNeg, UIntLBitSft, UIntRBitSft }; //OpTable shortOps = { ShortAdd, ShortSub, ShortMul, ShortDiv, ShortMod, ShortExp, ShortNot, ShortBwn, ShortOr, ShortAnd, ShortEqu, ShortNqu, ShortGrt, ShortSma, ShortGrtEqu, ShortSmaEqu, ShortNeg, ShortLBitSft, ShortRBitSft }; //OpTable ushortOps = { UShortAdd, UShortSub, UShortMul, UShortDiv, UShortMod, UShortExp, UShortNot, UShortBwn, UShortOr, UShortAnd, UShortEqu, UShortNqu, UShortGrt, UShortSma, UShortGrtEqu, UShortSmaEqu, UShortNeg, UShortLBitSft, UShortRBitSft }; //OpTable floatOps = { FloatAdd, FloatSub, FloatMul, FloatDiv, null, null, null, null, null, null, FloatEqu, FloatNqu, FloatGrt, FloatSma, FloatGrtEqu, FloatSmaEqu, FloatNeg, null, null }; //OpTable doubleOps = { DoubleAdd, DoubleSub, DoubleMul, DoubleDiv, null, null, null, null, null, null, DoubleEqu, DoubleNqu, DoubleGrt, DoubleSma, DoubleGrtEqu, DoubleSmaEqu, DoubleNeg, null, null }; //OpTable charOps = { CharAdd, CharSub, CharMul, CharDiv, CharMod, CharExp, CharNot, CharBwn, CharOr, CharAnd, CharEqu, CharNqu, CharGrt, CharSma, CharGrtEqu, CharSmaEqu, CharNeg, CharLBitSft, CharRBitSft }; //OpTable ucharOps = { UCharAdd, UCharSub, UCharMul, UCharDiv, UCharMod, UCharExp, UCharNot, UCharBwn, UCharOr, UCharAnd, UCharEqu, UCharNqu, UCharGrt, UCharSma, UCharGrtEqu, UCharSmaEqu, UCharNeg, UCharLBitSft, UCharRBitSft }; public void ReadString(char * output, char * string) { int len = strlen(string); int c,d = 0; bool quoted = false, escaped = false; for(c = 0; cfirst).loc = inst.loc; if(!dataMember.dataType) dataMember.dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember.dataTypeString, false); type = dataMember.dataType; if(type.kind == classType) { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class.type == enumClass) { Class enumClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { EnumClassData e = ACCESS_CLASSDATA(_class, enumClass); NamedLink item; for(item = e.values.first; item; item = { if((int) == *(int *)ptr) { result =; break; } } if(result) { exp.identifier = MkIdentifier(result); exp.type = identifierExp; exp.destType = MkClassType(_class.fullName); ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } } if(_class.type == enumClass || _class.type == unitClass || _class.type == bitClass) { if(!_class.dataType) _class.dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class.dataTypeString, false); type = _class.dataType; } } if(!result) { switch(type.kind) { case floatType: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintFloat(*(float*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case doubleType: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintDouble(*(double*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case intType: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintInt(*(int*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case int64Type: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintInt64(*(int64*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case intPtrType: { FreeExpContents(exp); // TODO: This should probably use proper type exp.constant = PrintInt64((int64)*(intptr*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case intSizeType: { FreeExpContents(exp); // TODO: This should probably use proper type exp.constant = PrintInt64((int64)*(intptr*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } default: Compiler_Error($"Unhandled type populating instance\n"); } } ListAdd(memberList, member); } if(parentDataMember.type == unionMember) break; } } void PopulateInstance(Instantiation inst) { Symbol classSym = inst._class.symbol; // FindClass(; Class _class = classSym.registered; DataMember dataMember; OldList * memberList = MkList(); // Added this check and ->Add to prevent memory leaks on bad code if(!inst.members) inst.members = MkListOne(MkMembersInitList(memberList)); else inst.members->Add(MkMembersInitList(memberList)); for(dataMember = _class.membersAndProperties.first; dataMember; dataMember = { if(!dataMember.isProperty) { if(! && (dataMember.type == structMember || dataMember.type == unionMember)) PopulateInstanceProcessMember(inst, memberList, dataMember, dataMember.offset); else { Expression exp { }; MemberInit member = MkMemberInit(MkListOne(MkIdentifier(, MkInitializerAssignment(exp)); Type type; void * ptr = + dataMember.offset; char * result = null; exp.loc = member.loc = inst.loc; ((Identifier)member.identifiers->first).loc = inst.loc; if(!dataMember.dataType) dataMember.dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember.dataTypeString, false); type = dataMember.dataType; if(type.kind == classType) { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class.type == enumClass) { Class enumClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { EnumClassData e = ACCESS_CLASSDATA(_class, enumClass); NamedLink item; for(item = e.values.first; item; item = { if((int) == *(int *)ptr) { result =; break; } } } if(result) { exp.identifier = MkIdentifier(result); exp.type = identifierExp; exp.destType = MkClassType(_class.fullName); ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } if(_class.type == enumClass || _class.type == unitClass || _class.type == bitClass) { if(!_class.dataType) _class.dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class.dataTypeString, false); type = _class.dataType; } } if(!result) { switch(type.kind) { case floatType: { exp.constant = PrintFloat(*(float*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case doubleType: { exp.constant = PrintDouble(*(double*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case intType: { exp.constant = PrintInt(*(int*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case int64Type: { exp.constant = PrintInt64(*(int64*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case intPtrType: { exp.constant = PrintInt64((int64)*(intptr*)ptr); exp.type = constantExp; break; } default: Compiler_Error($"Unhandled type populating instance\n"); } } ListAdd(memberList, member); } } } } void ComputeInstantiation(Expression exp) { Instantiation inst = exp.instance; MembersInit members; Symbol classSym = inst._class ? inst._class.symbol : null; // FindClass(; Class _class = classSym ? classSym.registered : null; DataMember curMember = null; Class curClass = null; DataMember subMemberStack[256]; int subMemberStackPos = 0; uint64 bits = 0; if(_class && (_class.type == structClass || _class.type == normalClass || _class.type == noHeadClass )) { // Don't recompute the instantiation... // Non Simple classes will have become constants by now if( return; if(_class.type == normalClass || _class.type == noHeadClass) { = (byte *)eInstance_New(_class); if(_class.type == normalClass) ((Instance); } else = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; } if(inst.members) { for(members = inst.members->first; members; members = { switch(members.type) { case dataMembersInit: { if(members.dataMembers) { MemberInit member; for(member = members.dataMembers->first; member; member = { Identifier ident = member.identifiers ? member.identifiers->first : null; bool found = false; Property prop = null; DataMember dataMember = null; Method method = null; uint dataMemberOffset; if(!ident) { eClass_FindNextMember(_class, &curClass, &curMember, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); if(curMember) { if(curMember.isProperty) prop = (Property)curMember; else { dataMember = curMember; // CHANGED THIS HERE eClass_FindDataMemberAndOffset(_class,, &dataMemberOffset, privateModule, null, null); // 2013/17/29 -- It seems that this was missing here! if(_class.type == normalClass) dataMemberOffset += _class.base.structSize; // dataMemberOffset = dataMember.offset; } found = true; } } else { prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, ident.string, privateModule); if(prop) { found = true; if(prop.memberAccess == publicAccess) { curMember = (DataMember)prop; curClass = prop._class; } } else { DataMember _subMemberStack[256]; int _subMemberStackPos = 0; // FILL MEMBER STACK dataMember = eClass_FindDataMemberAndOffset(_class, ident.string, &dataMemberOffset, privateModule, _subMemberStack, &_subMemberStackPos); if(dataMember) { found = true; if(dataMember.memberAccess == publicAccess) { curMember = dataMember; curClass = dataMember._class; memcpy(subMemberStack, _subMemberStack, sizeof(DataMember) * _subMemberStackPos); subMemberStackPos = _subMemberStackPos; } } } } if(found && member.initializer && member.initializer.type == expInitializer) { Expression value = member.initializer.exp; Type type = null; bool deepMember = false; if(prop) { type = prop.dataType; } else if(dataMember) { if(!dataMember.dataType) dataMember.dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember.dataTypeString, false); type = dataMember.dataType; } if(ident && { deepMember = true; // for(; ident && type; ident = for(ident =; ident && type; ident = { if(type.kind == classType) { prop = eClass_FindProperty(type._class.registered, ident.string, privateModule); if(prop) type = prop.dataType; else { dataMember = eClass_FindDataMemberAndOffset(type._class.registered, ident.string, &dataMemberOffset, privateModule, null, null); if(dataMember) type = dataMember.dataType; } } else if(type.kind == structType || type.kind == unionType) { Type memberType; for(memberType = type.members.first; memberType; memberType = { if(!strcmp(, ident.string)) { type = memberType; break; } } } } } if(value) { FreeType(value.destType); value.destType = type; if(type) type.refCount++; ComputeExpression(value); } if(!deepMember && type && value && (_class.type == structClass || _class.type == normalClass || _class.type == noHeadClass /*&& value.expType.kind == type.kind*/)) { if(type.kind == classType) { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class.type == bitClass || _class.type == unitClass || _class.type == enumClass) { if(!_class.dataType) _class.dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class.dataTypeString, false); type = _class.dataType; } } if(dataMember) { void * ptr = + dataMemberOffset; if(value.type == constantExp) { switch(type.kind) { case intType: { GetInt(value, (int*)ptr); break; } case int64Type: { GetInt64(value, (int64*)ptr); break; } case intPtrType: { GetIntPtr(value, (intptr*)ptr); break; } case intSizeType: { GetIntSize(value, (intsize*)ptr); break; } case floatType: { GetFloat(value, (float*)ptr); break; } case doubleType: { GetDouble(value, (double *)ptr); break; } } } else if(value.type == instanceExp) { if(type.kind == classType) { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class.type == structClass) { ComputeTypeSize(type); if( memcpy(ptr,, type.size); } } } } else if(prop) { if(value.type == instanceExp && { if(type.kind == classType) { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class && (_class.type != normalClass || eClass_IsDerived(((Instance), _class))) { void (*Set)(void *, void *) = (void *)prop.Set; Set(,; PopulateInstance(inst); } } } else if(value.type == constantExp) { switch(type.kind) { case doubleType: { void (*Set)(void *, double) = (void *)prop.Set; Set(, strtod(value.constant, null) ); break; } case floatType: { void (*Set)(void *, float) = (void *)prop.Set; Set(, (float)(strtod(value.constant, null))); break; } case intType: { void (*Set)(void *, int) = (void *)prop.Set; Set(, (int)strtol(value.constant, null, 0)); break; } case int64Type: { void (*Set)(void *, int64) = (void *)prop.Set; Set(, _strtoi64(value.constant, null, 0)); break; } case intPtrType: { void (*Set)(void *, intptr) = (void *)prop.Set; Set(, (intptr)_strtoi64(value.constant, null, 0)); break; } case intSizeType: { void (*Set)(void *, intsize) = (void *)prop.Set; Set(, (intsize)_strtoi64(value.constant, null, 0)); break; } } } else if(value.type == stringExp) { char temp[1024]; ReadString(temp, value.string); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(, temp); } } } else if(!deepMember && type && _class.type == unitClass) { if(prop) { // Only support converting units to units for now... if(value.type == constantExp) { if(type.kind == classType) { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class.type == unitClass) { if(!_class.dataType) _class.dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class.dataTypeString, false); type = _class.dataType; } } // TODO: Assuming same base type for units... switch(type.kind) { case floatType: { float fValue; float (*Set)(float) = (void *)prop.Set; GetFloat(member.initializer.exp, &fValue); exp.constant = PrintFloat(Set(fValue)); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case doubleType: { double dValue; double (*Set)(double) = (void *)prop.Set; GetDouble(member.initializer.exp, &dValue); exp.constant = PrintDouble(Set(dValue)); exp.type = constantExp; break; } } } } } else if(!deepMember && type && _class.type == bitClass) { if(prop) { if(value.type == instanceExp && { unsigned int (*Set)(void *) = (void *)prop.Set; bits = Set(; } else if(value.type == constantExp) { } } else if(dataMember) { BitMember bitMember = (BitMember) dataMember; Type type; uint64 part; bits = (bits & ~bitMember.mask); if(!bitMember.dataType) bitMember.dataType = ProcessTypeString(bitMember.dataTypeString, false); type = bitMember.dataType; if(type.kind == classType && type._class && type._class.registered) { if(!type._class.registered.dataType) type._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(type._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); type = type._class.registered.dataType; } switch(type.kind) { case _BoolType: case charType: { byte v; type.isSigned ? GetChar(value, (char *)&v) : GetUChar(value, &v); part = (uint64)v; break; } case shortType: { uint16 v; type.isSigned ? GetShort(value, (uint16 *)&v) : GetUShort(value, &v); part = (uint64)v; break; } case intType: case longType: { uint v; type.isSigned ? GetInt(value, (uint *)&v) : GetUInt(value, &v); part = (uint64)v; break; } case int64Type: { uint64 v; type.isSigned ? GetInt64(value, (uint64 *)&v) : GetUInt64(value, &v); part = (uint64)v; break; } case intPtrType: { uintptr v; type.isSigned ? GetIntPtr(value, (uintptr *)&v) : GetUIntPtr(value, &v); part = (uint64)v; break; } case intSizeType: { uintsize v; type.isSigned ? GetIntSize(value, (uintsize *)&v) : GetUIntSize(value, &v); part = (uint64)v; break; } } bits |= part << bitMember.pos; } } } else { if(_class && _class.type == unitClass) { ComputeExpression(member.initializer.exp); exp.constant = member.initializer.exp.constant; exp.type = constantExp; member.initializer.exp.constant = null; } } } } break; } } } } if(_class && _class.type == bitClass) { exp.constant = PrintHexUInt(bits); exp.type = constantExp; } if(exp.type != instanceExp) { FreeInstance(inst); } } static bool Promote(Operand op, TypeKind kind, bool isSigned) { bool result = false; switch(kind) { case shortType: if(op.kind == charType || op.kind == enumType || op.kind == _BoolType) result = isSigned ? GetOpShort(op, &op.s) : GetOpUShort(op, &; break; case intType: case longType: if(op.kind == charType || op.kind == shortType || op.kind == enumType || op.kind == _BoolType) result = isSigned ? GetOpInt(op, &op.i) : GetOpUInt(op, &op.ui); break; case int64Type: if(op.kind == charType || op.kind == shortType || op.kind == intType || op.kind == int64Type || op.kind == longType || op.kind == floatType || op.kind == doubleType || op.kind == pointerType || op.kind == enumType || op.kind == intPtrType || op.kind == intSizeType || op.kind == _BoolType) result = isSigned ? GetOpInt64(op, &op.i64) : GetOpUInt64(op, &op.ui64); break; case floatType: if(op.kind == charType || op.kind == shortType || op.kind == intType || op.kind == int64Type || op.kind == longType || op.kind == enumType || op.kind == intPtrType || op.kind == intSizeType || op.kind == _BoolType) result = GetOpFloat(op, &op.f); break; case doubleType: if(op.kind == charType || op.kind == shortType || op.kind == intType || op.kind == int64Type || op.kind == longType || op.kind == floatType || op.kind == enumType || op.kind == intPtrType || op.kind == intSizeType || op.kind == _BoolType) result = GetOpDouble(op, &op.d); break; case pointerType: if(op.kind == charType || op.kind == shortType || op.kind == intType || op.kind == int64Type || op.kind == longType || op.kind == floatType || op.kind == doubleType || op.kind == pointerType || op.kind == enumType || op.kind == intPtrType || op.kind == intSizeType || op.kind == _BoolType) result = GetOpUIntPtr(op, &op.ui64); break; case enumType: if(op.kind == charType || op.kind == shortType || op.kind == intType || op.kind == int64Type || op.kind == longType || op.kind == floatType || op.kind == doubleType || op.kind == pointerType || op.kind == enumType || op.kind == intPtrType || op.kind == intSizeType || op.kind == _BoolType) result = isSigned ? GetOpInt(op, &op.i) : GetOpUInt(op, &op.ui); break; case intPtrType: if(op.kind == charType || op.kind == shortType || op.kind == intType || op.kind == longType || op.kind == enumType || op.kind == _BoolType) result = isSigned ? GetOpIntPtr(op, &op.i64) : GetOpUIntPtr(op, &op.i64); break; case intSizeType: if(op.kind == charType || op.kind == shortType || op.kind == intType || op.kind == longType || op.kind == enumType || op.kind == _BoolType) result = isSigned ? GetOpIntSize(op, &op.ui64) : GetOpUIntSize(op, &op.ui64); break; } return result; } void CallOperator(Expression exp, Expression exp1, Expression exp2, Operand op1, Operand op2) { if(exp.op.op == SIZEOF) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = constantExp; exp.constant = PrintUInt(ComputeTypeSize(op1.type)); } else { if(!exp.op.exp1) { switch(exp.op.op) { // unary arithmetic case '+': { // Provide default unary + Expression exp2 = exp.op.exp2; exp.op.exp2 = null; FreeExpContents(exp); FreeType(exp.expType); FreeType(exp.destType); *exp = *exp2; delete exp2; break; } case '-': if(op1.ops.Neg) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Neg(exp, op1); } break; // unary arithmetic increment and decrement //OPERATOR_ALL(UNARY, ++, Inc) //OPERATOR_ALL(UNARY, --, Dec) // unary bitwise case '~': if(op1.ops.BitNot) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.BitNot(exp, op1); } break; // unary logical negation case '!': if(op1.ops.Not) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Not(exp, op1); } break; } } else { if(op1 && op2 && op1.type && op2.type && op1.kind != op2.kind) { if(Promote(op2, op1.kind, op1.type.isSigned)) op2.kind = op1.kind, op2.ops = op1.ops; else if(Promote(op1, op2.kind, op2.type.isSigned)) op1.kind = op2.kind, op1.ops = op2.ops; } switch(exp.op.op) { // binary arithmetic case '+': if(op1.ops.Add) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Add(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '-': if(op1.ops.Sub) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Sub(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '*': if(op1.ops.Mul) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Mul(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '/': if(op1.ops.Div) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Div(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '%': if(op1.ops.Mod) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Mod(exp, op1, op2); } break; // binary arithmetic assignment //OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, =, Asign) //OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, +=, AddAsign) //OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, -=, SubAsign) //OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, *=, MulAsign) //OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, /=, DivAsign) //OPERATOR_ALL(BINARY, %=, ModAsign) // binary bitwise case '&': if(exp.op.exp2) { if(op1.ops.BitAnd) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.BitAnd(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case '|': if(op1.ops.BitOr) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.BitOr(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '^': if(op1.ops.BitXor) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.BitXor(exp, op1, op2); } break; case LEFT_OP: if(op1.ops.LShift) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.LShift(exp, op1, op2); } break; case RIGHT_OP: if(op1.ops.RShift) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.RShift(exp, op1, op2); } break; // binary bitwise assignment //OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, &=, AndAsign) //OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, |=, OrAsign) //OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, ^=, XorAsign) //OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, <<=, LShiftAsign) //OPERATOR_INTTYPES(BINARY, >>=, RShiftAsign) // binary logical equality case EQ_OP: if(op1.ops.Equ) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Equ(exp, op1, op2); } break; case NE_OP: if(op1.ops.Nqu) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Nqu(exp, op1, op2); } break; // binary logical case AND_OP: if(op1.ops.And) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.And(exp, op1, op2); } break; case OR_OP: if(op1.ops.Or) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Or(exp, op1, op2); } break; // binary logical relational case '>': if(op1.ops.Grt) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Grt(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '<': if(op1.ops.Sma) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Sma(exp, op1, op2); } break; case GE_OP: if(op1.ops.GrtEqu) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.GrtEqu(exp, op1, op2); } break; case LE_OP: if(op1.ops.SmaEqu) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.SmaEqu(exp, op1, op2); } break; } } } } void ComputeExpression(Expression exp) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; #ifdef _DEBUG PrintExpression(exp, expString); #endif switch(exp.type) { case instanceExp: { ComputeInstantiation(exp); break; } /* case constantExp: break; */ case opExp: { Expression exp1, exp2 = null; Operand op1 { }; Operand op2 { }; // We don't care about operations with only exp2 (INC_OP, DEC_OP...) if(exp.op.exp2) { Expression e = exp.op.exp2; while((e.type == bracketsExp || e.type == extensionExpressionExp || e.type == extensionCompoundExp) && e.list) { if(e.type == bracketsExp || e.type == extensionExpressionExp || e.type == extensionCompoundExp) { if(e.type == extensionCompoundExp) e = ((Statement)e.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last; else e = e.list->last; } } if(exp.op.op == TokenType::sizeOf && e && e.expType) { if(e.type == stringExp && e.string) { char * string = e.string; int len = strlen(string); char * tmp = new char[len-2+1]; len = UnescapeString(tmp, string + 1, len - 2); delete tmp; FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = constantExp; exp.constant = PrintUInt(len + 1); } else { Type type = e.expType; type.refCount++; FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = constantExp; exp.constant = PrintUInt(ComputeTypeSize(type)); FreeType(type); } break; } else ComputeExpression(exp.op.exp2); } if(exp.op.exp1) { ComputeExpression(exp.op.exp1); exp1 = exp.op.exp1; exp2 = exp.op.exp2; op1 = GetOperand(exp1); if(op1.type) op1.type.refCount++; if(exp2) { op2 = GetOperand(exp2); if(op2.type) op2.type.refCount++; } } else { exp1 = exp.op.exp2; op1 = GetOperand(exp1); if(op1.type) op1.type.refCount++; } CallOperator(exp, exp1, exp2, op1, op2); /* switch(exp.op.op) { // Unary operators case '&': // Also binary if(exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp2) { // Binary And if(op1.ops.BitAnd) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.BitAnd(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case '*': if(exp.op.exp1) { if(op1.ops.Mul) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Mul(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case '+': if(exp.op.exp1) { if(op1.ops.Add) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Add(exp, op1, op2); } } else { // Provide default unary + Expression exp2 = exp.op.exp2; exp.op.exp2 = null; FreeExpContents(exp); FreeType(exp.expType); FreeType(exp.destType); *exp = *exp2; delete exp2; } break; case '-': if(exp.op.exp1) { if(op1.ops.Sub) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Sub(exp, op1, op2); } } else { if(op1.ops.Neg) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Neg(exp, op1); } } break; case '~': if(op1.ops.BitNot) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.BitNot(exp, op1); } break; case '!': if(op1.ops.Not) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Not(exp, op1); } break; // Binary only operators case '/': if(op1.ops.Div) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Div(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '%': if(op1.ops.Mod) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Mod(exp, op1, op2); } break; case LEFT_OP: break; case RIGHT_OP: break; case '<': if(exp.op.exp1) { if(op1.ops.Sma) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Sma(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case '>': if(exp.op.exp1) { if(op1.ops.Grt) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Grt(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case LE_OP: if(exp.op.exp1) { if(op1.ops.SmaEqu) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.SmaEqu(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case GE_OP: if(exp.op.exp1) { if(op1.ops.GrtEqu) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.GrtEqu(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case EQ_OP: if(exp.op.exp1) { if(op1.ops.Equ) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Equ(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case NE_OP: if(exp.op.exp1) { if(op1.ops.Nqu) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Nqu(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case '|': if(op1.ops.BitOr) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.BitOr(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '^': if(op1.ops.BitXor) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.BitXor(exp, op1, op2); } break; case AND_OP: break; case OR_OP: break; case SIZEOF: FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = constantExp; exp.constant = PrintUInt(ComputeTypeSize(op1.type)); break; } */ if(op1.type) FreeType(op1.type); if(op2.type) FreeType(op2.type); break; } case bracketsExp: case extensionExpressionExp: { Expression e, n; for(e = exp.list->first; e; e = n) { n =; if(!n) { OldList * list = exp.list; Expression prev = exp.prev; Expression next =; ComputeExpression(e); //FreeExpContents(exp); FreeType(exp.expType); FreeType(exp.destType); *exp = *e; exp.prev = prev; = next; delete e; delete list; } else { FreeExpression(e); } } break; } /* case ExpIndex: { Expression e; exp.isConstant = true; ComputeExpression(exp.index.exp); if(!exp.index.exp.isConstant) exp.isConstant = false; for(e = exp.index.index->first; e; e = { ComputeExpression(e); if(! { // Check if this type is int } if(!e.isConstant) exp.isConstant = false; } exp.expType = Dereference(exp.index.exp.expType); break; } */ case memberExp: { Expression memberExp = exp.member.exp; Identifier memberID = exp.member.member; Type type; ComputeExpression(exp.member.exp); type = exp.member.exp.expType; if(type) { Class _class = (exp.member.member && exp.member.member.classSym) ? exp.member.member.classSym.registered : (((type.kind == classType || type.kind == subClassType) && type._class) ? type._class.registered : null); Property prop = null; DataMember member = null; Class convertTo = null; if(type.kind == subClassType && exp.member.exp.type == classExp) _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::com::Class"); if(!_class) { char string[256]; Symbol classSym; string[0] = '\0'; PrintTypeNoConst(type, string, false, true); classSym = FindClass(string); _class = classSym ? classSym.registered : null; } if(exp.member.member) { prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, exp.member.member.string, privateModule); if(!prop) member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, exp.member.member.string, privateModule, null, null); } if(!prop && !member && _class && exp.member.member) { Symbol classSym = FindClass(exp.member.member.string); convertTo = _class; _class = classSym ? classSym.registered : null; prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, convertTo.fullName, privateModule); } if(prop) { if(prop.compiled) { Type type = prop.dataType; // TODO: Assuming same base type for units... if(_class.type == unitClass) { if(type.kind == classType) { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class.type == unitClass) { if(!_class.dataType) _class.dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class.dataTypeString, false); type = _class.dataType; } } switch(type.kind) { case floatType: { float value; float (*Get)(float) = (void *)prop.Get; GetFloat(exp.member.exp, &value); exp.constant = PrintFloat(Get ? Get(value) : value); exp.type = constantExp; break; } case doubleType: { double value; double (*Get)(double); GetDouble(exp.member.exp, &value); if(convertTo) Get = (void *)prop.Set; else Get = (void *)prop.Get; exp.constant = PrintDouble(Get ? Get(value) : value); exp.type = constantExp; break; } } } else { if(convertTo) { Expression value = exp.member.exp; Type type; if(!prop.dataType) ProcessPropertyType(prop); type = prop.dataType; if(!type) { // printf("Investigate this\n"); } else if(_class.type == structClass) { switch(type.kind) { case classType: { Class propertyClass = type._class.registered; if(propertyClass.type == structClass && value.type == instanceExp) { void (*Set)(void *, void *) = (void *)prop.Set; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName); exp.instance.loc = exp.loc; exp.type = instanceExp; Set(,; PopulateInstance(exp.instance); } break; } case intType: { int intValue; void (*Set)(void *, int) = (void *)prop.Set; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName); exp.instance.loc = exp.loc; exp.type = instanceExp; GetInt(value, &intValue); Set(, intValue); PopulateInstance(exp.instance); break; } case int64Type: { int64 intValue; void (*Set)(void *, int64) = (void *)prop.Set; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName/*MkClassName*/(_class.fullName); exp.instance.loc = exp.loc; exp.type = instanceExp; GetInt64(value, &intValue); Set(, intValue); PopulateInstance(exp.instance); break; } case intPtrType: { // TOFIX: intptr intValue; void (*Set)(void *, intptr) = (void *)prop.Set; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName); exp.instance.loc = exp.loc; exp.type = instanceExp; GetIntPtr(value, &intValue); Set(, intValue); PopulateInstance(exp.instance); break; } case intSizeType: { // TOFIX: intsize intValue; void (*Set)(void *, intsize) = (void *)prop.Set; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName); exp.instance.loc = exp.loc; exp.type = instanceExp; GetIntSize(value, &intValue); Set(, intValue); PopulateInstance(exp.instance); break; } case floatType: { float floatValue; void (*Set)(void *, float) = (void *)prop.Set; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName); exp.instance.loc = exp.loc; exp.type = instanceExp; GetFloat(value, &floatValue); Set(, floatValue); PopulateInstance(exp.instance); break; } case doubleType: { double doubleValue; void (*Set)(void *, double) = (void *)prop.Set; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName); exp.instance.loc = exp.loc; exp.type = instanceExp; GetDouble(value, &doubleValue); Set(, doubleValue); PopulateInstance(exp.instance); break; } } } else if(_class.type == bitClass) { switch(type.kind) { case classType: { Class propertyClass = type._class.registered; if(propertyClass.type == structClass && { unsigned int (*Set)(void *) = (void *)prop.Set; unsigned int bits = Set(; exp.constant = PrintHexUInt(bits); exp.type = constantExp; break; } else if(_class.type == bitClass) { unsigned int value; unsigned int (*Set)(unsigned int) = (void *)prop.Set; unsigned int bits; GetUInt(exp.member.exp, &value); bits = Set(value); exp.constant = PrintHexUInt(bits); exp.type = constantExp; } } } } } else { if(_class.type == bitClass) { unsigned int value; GetUInt(exp.member.exp, &value); switch(type.kind) { case classType: { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class.type == structClass) { void (*Get)(unsigned int, void *) = (void *)prop.Get; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName); exp.instance.loc = exp.loc; //exp.instance.fullSet = true; exp.type = instanceExp; Get(value,; PopulateInstance(exp.instance); } else if(_class.type == bitClass) { unsigned int (*Get)(unsigned int) = (void *)prop.Get; uint64 bits = Get(value); exp.constant = PrintHexUInt64(bits); exp.type = constantExp; } break; } } } else if(_class.type == structClass) { char * value = (exp.member.exp.type == instanceExp ) ? : null; switch(type.kind) { case classType: { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class.type == structClass && value) { void (*Get)(void *, void *) = (void *)prop.Get; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; = new0 byte[_class.structSize]; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName); exp.instance.loc = exp.loc; //exp.instance.fullSet = true; exp.type = instanceExp; Get(value,; PopulateInstance(exp.instance); } break; } } } /*else { char * value =; switch(type.kind) { case classType: { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class.type == normalClass) { void *(*Get)(void *) = (void *)prop.Get; exp.instance = Instantiation { }; exp.instance._class = MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName); //MkClassName(_class.fullName); exp.type = instanceExp; = Get(value,; } break; } } } */ } } } else { exp.isConstant = false; } } else if(member) { } } if(exp.type != ExpressionType::memberExp) { FreeExpression(memberExp); FreeIdentifier(memberID); } break; } case typeSizeExp: { Type type = ProcessType(exp.typeName.qualifiers, exp.typeName.declarator); FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintUInt(ComputeTypeSize(type)); exp.type = constantExp; FreeType(type); break; } case classSizeExp: { Symbol classSym = exp._class.symbol; // FindClass(; if(classSym && classSym.registered) { if(classSym.registered.fixed) { FreeSpecifier(exp._class); exp.constant = PrintUInt(classSym.registered.templateClass ? classSym.registered.templateClass.structSize : classSym.registered.structSize); exp.type = constantExp; } else { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = pointerExp; exp.member.exp = MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)); exp.member.member = MkIdentifier("structSize"); } } break; } case castExp: //case constantExp: { Type type; Expression e = exp; if(exp.type == castExp) { if(exp.cast.exp) ComputeExpression(exp.cast.exp); e = exp.cast.exp; } if(e && exp.expType) { /*if(exp.destType) type = exp.destType; else*/ type = exp.expType; if(type.kind == classType) { Class _class = type._class.registered; if(_class && (_class.type == unitClass || _class.type == bitClass)) { if(!_class.dataType) _class.dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class.dataTypeString, false); type = _class.dataType; } } switch(type.kind) { case _BoolType: case charType: if(type.isSigned) { char value = 0; if(GetChar(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintChar(value); exp.type = constantExp; } } else { unsigned char value = 0; if(GetUChar(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintUChar(value); exp.type = constantExp; } } break; case shortType: if(type.isSigned) { short value = 0; if(GetShort(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintShort(value); exp.type = constantExp; } } else { unsigned short value = 0; if(GetUShort(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintUShort(value); exp.type = constantExp; } } break; case intType: if(type.isSigned) { int value = 0; if(GetInt(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintInt(value); exp.type = constantExp; } } else { unsigned int value = 0; if(GetUInt(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintUInt(value); exp.type = constantExp; } } break; case int64Type: if(type.isSigned) { int64 value = 0; if(GetInt64(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintInt64(value); exp.type = constantExp; } } else { uint64 value = 0; if(GetUInt64(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintUInt64(value); exp.type = constantExp; } } break; case intPtrType: if(type.isSigned) { intptr value = 0; if(GetIntPtr(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintInt64((int64)value); exp.type = constantExp; } } else { uintptr value = 0; if(GetUIntPtr(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintUInt64((uint64)value); exp.type = constantExp; } } break; case intSizeType: if(type.isSigned) { intsize value = 0; if(GetIntSize(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintInt64((int64)value); exp.type = constantExp; } } else { uintsize value = 0; if(GetUIntSize(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintUInt64((uint64)value); exp.type = constantExp; } } break; case floatType: { float value = 0; if(GetFloat(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintFloat(value); exp.type = constantExp; } break; } case doubleType: { double value = 0; if(GetDouble(e, &value)) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.constant = PrintDouble(value); exp.type = constantExp; } break; } } } break; } case conditionExp: { Operand op1 { }; Operand op2 { }; Operand op3 { }; if(exp.cond.exp) // Caring only about last expression for now... ComputeExpression(exp.cond.exp->last); if(exp.cond.elseExp) ComputeExpression(exp.cond.elseExp); if(exp.cond.cond) ComputeExpression(exp.cond.cond); op1 = GetOperand(exp.cond.cond); if(op1.type) op1.type.refCount++; op2 = GetOperand(exp.cond.exp->last); if(op2.type) op2.type.refCount++; op3 = GetOperand(exp.cond.elseExp); if(op3.type) op3.type.refCount++; if(op1.ops.Cond) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Cond(exp, op1, op2, op3); } if(op1.type) FreeType(op1.type); if(op2.type) FreeType(op2.type); if(op3.type) FreeType(op3.type); break; } } } static bool CheckExpressionType(Expression exp, Type destType, bool skipUnitBla, bool warnConst) { bool result = true; if(destType) { OldList converts { }; Conversion convert; if(destType.kind == voidType) return false; if(!MatchTypeExpression(exp, destType, &converts, skipUnitBla, warnConst)) result = false; if(converts.count) { // for(convert = converts.last; convert; convert = convert.prev) for(convert = converts.first; convert; convert = { bool empty = !(convert.isGet ? (void *)convert.convert.Get : (void *)convert.convert.Set); if(!empty) { Expression newExp { }; ClassObjectType objectType = exp.expType ? exp.expType.classObjectType : none; // TODO: Check this... *newExp = *exp; newExp.prev = null; = null; newExp.destType = null; if(convert.isGet) { // [exp].ColorRGB exp.type = memberExp; exp.addedThis = true; exp.member.exp = newExp; FreeType(exp.member.exp.expType); exp.member.exp.expType = MkClassType(convert.convert._class.fullName); exp.member.exp.expType.classObjectType = objectType; exp.member.member = MkIdentifier(convert.convert.dataTypeString); exp.member.memberType = propertyMember; exp.expType = convert.resultType ? convert.resultType : convert.convert.dataType; // TESTING THIS... for (int)degrees exp.needCast = true; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; ApplyAnyObjectLogic(exp.member.exp); } else { /*if(exp.isConstant) { // Color { ColorRGB = [exp] }; exp.type = instanceExp; exp.instance = MkInstantiation(MkSpecifierName((convert.convert._class.fullName), //MkClassName(convert.convert._class.fullName), null, MkListOne(MkMembersInitList(MkListOne(MkMemberInit( MkListOne(MkIdentifier(convert.convert.dataTypeString)), newExp))))); } else*/ { // If not constant, don't turn it yet into an instantiation // (Go through the deep members system first) exp.type = memberExp; exp.addedThis = true; exp.member.exp = newExp; // ADDED THIS HERE TO SOLVE PROPERTY ISSUES WITH NOHEAD CLASSES if(/*!notByReference && */newExp.expType && newExp.expType.kind == classType && newExp.expType._class && newExp.expType._class.registered && newExp.expType._class.registered.type == noHeadClass) { newExp.byReference = true; } FreeType(exp.member.exp.expType); /*exp.member.exp.expType = convert.convert.dataType; if(convert.convert.dataType) convert.convert.dataType.refCount++;*/ exp.member.exp.expType = null; if(convert.convert.dataType) { exp.member.exp.expType = { }; CopyTypeInto(exp.member.exp.expType, convert.convert.dataType); exp.member.exp.expType.refCount = 1; exp.member.exp.expType.classObjectType = objectType; ApplyAnyObjectLogic(exp.member.exp); } exp.member.member = MkIdentifier(convert.convert._class.fullName); exp.member.memberType = reverseConversionMember; exp.expType = convert.resultType ? convert.resultType : MkClassType(convert.convert._class.fullName); exp.needCast = true; if(convert.resultType) convert.resultType.refCount++; } } } else { FreeType(exp.expType); if(convert.isGet) { exp.expType = convert.resultType ? convert.resultType : convert.convert.dataType; exp.needCast = true; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; } else { exp.expType = convert.resultType ? convert.resultType : MkClassType(convert.convert._class.fullName); exp.needCast = true; if(convert.resultType) convert.resultType.refCount++; } } } if(exp.isConstant && inCompiler) ComputeExpression(exp); converts.Free(FreeConvert); } if(!result && exp.expType && converts.count) // TO TEST: Added converts.count here to avoid a double warning with function type { result = MatchTypes(exp.expType, exp.destType, null, null, null, true, true, false, false, warnConst); } if(!result && exp.expType && exp.destType) { if((exp.destType.kind == classType && exp.expType.kind == pointerType && exp.expType.type.kind == classType && exp.expType.type._class == exp.destType._class && exp.destType._class.registered && exp.destType._class.registered.type == structClass) || (exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.destType.kind == pointerType && exp.destType.type.kind == classType && exp.destType.type._class == exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type == structClass)) result = true; } } // if(result) CheckTemplateTypes(exp); return result; } void CheckTemplateTypes(Expression exp) { if(exp.destType && exp.destType.passAsTemplate && exp.expType && exp.expType.kind != templateType && !exp.expType.passAsTemplate) { Expression newExp { }; Context context; *newExp = *exp; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; newExp.prev = null; = null; switch(exp.expType.kind) { case doubleType: if(exp.destType.classObjectType) { // We need to pass the address, just pass it along (Undo what was done above) if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount--; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount--; delete newExp; } else { // If we're looking for value: // ({ union { double d; uint64 i; } u; u.i = [newExp]; u.d; }) OldList * specs; OldList * unionDefs = MkList(); OldList * statements = MkList(); context = PushContext(); ListAdd(unionDefs, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("d"))), null))); ListAdd(unionDefs, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("i"))), null))); specs = MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(unionSpecifier, null, unionDefs )); exp.type = extensionCompoundExp; exp.compound = MkCompoundStmt(MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), null)))),statements); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), MkIdentifier("d")), '=', newExp)))); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), MkIdentifier("i"))))); exp.compound.compound.context = context; PopContext(context); } break; default: exp.type = castExp; exp.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), null); exp.cast.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(newExp)); break; } } else if(exp.expType && exp.expType.passAsTemplate && exp.destType && exp.usage.usageGet && exp.destType.kind != templateType && !exp.destType.passAsTemplate) { Expression newExp { }; Statement compound; Context context; *newExp = *exp; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; newExp.prev = null; = null; switch(exp.expType.kind) { case doubleType: if(exp.destType.classObjectType) { // We need to pass the address, just pass it along (Undo what was done above) if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount--; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount--; delete newExp; } else { // If we're looking for value: // ({ union { double d; uint64 i; } u; u.i = [newExp]; u.d; }) OldList * specs; OldList * unionDefs = MkList(); OldList * statements = MkList(); context = PushContext(); ListAdd(unionDefs, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("d"))), null))); ListAdd(unionDefs, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("i"))), null))); specs = MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(unionSpecifier, null, unionDefs )); exp.type = extensionCompoundExp; exp.compound = MkCompoundStmt(MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), null)))),statements); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), MkIdentifier("i")), '=', newExp)))); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), MkIdentifier("d"))))); exp.compound.compound.context = context; PopContext(context); } break; case classType: { if(exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type == structClass) { exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(exp.expType._class.string)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), newExp))); ProcessExpressionType(exp.list->first); break; } else { exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(exp.expType._class.string)), null), newExp)); newExp.needCast = true; ProcessExpressionType(exp.list->first); break; } } default: { if(exp.expType.kind == templateType) { Type type = ProcessTemplateParameterType(exp.expType.templateParameter); if(type) { FreeType(exp.destType); FreeType(exp.expType); delete newExp; break; } } if(newExp.type == memberExp && newExp.member.memberType == dataMember) { exp.type = opExp; exp.op.op = '*'; exp.op.exp1 = null; exp.op.exp2 = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '&', newExp)))); } else { char typeString[1024]; Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); typeString[0] = '\0'; PrintType(exp.expType, typeString, false, false); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); exp.type = castExp; //exp.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), null); exp.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); exp.cast.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(newExp)); exp.cast.exp.needCast = true; } break; } } } } // TODO: The Symbol tree should be reorganized by namespaces // Name Space: // - Tree of all symbols within (stored without namespace) // - Tree of sub-namespaces static Symbol ScanWithNameSpace(BinaryTree tree, const char * nameSpace, const char * name) { int nsLen = strlen(nameSpace); Symbol symbol; // Start at the name space prefix for(symbol = (Symbol)tree.FindPrefix(nameSpace); symbol; symbol = (Symbol)((BTNode)symbol).next) { char * s = symbol.string; if(!strncmp(s, nameSpace, nsLen)) { // This supports e.g. matching ecere::Socket to ecere::net::Socket int c; char * namePart; for(c = strlen(s)-1; c >= 0; c--) if(s[c] == ':') break; namePart = s+c+1; if(!strcmp(namePart, name)) { // TODO: Error on ambiguity return symbol; } } else break; } return null; } static Symbol FindWithNameSpace(BinaryTree tree, const char * name) { int c; char nameSpace[1024]; const char * namePart; bool gotColon = false; nameSpace[0] = '\0'; for(c = strlen(name)-1; c >= 0; c--) if(name[c] == ':') { gotColon = true; break; } namePart = name+c+1; while(c >= 0 && name[c] == ':') c--; if(c >= 0) { // Try an exact match first Symbol symbol = (Symbol)tree.FindString(name); if(symbol) return symbol; // Namespace specified memcpy(nameSpace, name, c + 1); nameSpace[c+1] = 0; return ScanWithNameSpace(tree, nameSpace, namePart); } else if(gotColon) { // Looking for a global symbol, e.g. ::Sleep() Symbol symbol = (Symbol)tree.FindString(namePart); return symbol; } else { // Name only (no namespace specified) Symbol symbol = (Symbol)tree.FindString(namePart); if(symbol) return symbol; return ScanWithNameSpace(tree, "", namePart); } return null; } static void ProcessDeclaration(Declaration decl); /*static */Symbol FindSymbol(const char * name, Context startContext, Context endContext, bool isStruct, bool globalNameSpace) { #ifdef _DEBUG //Time startTime = GetTime(); #endif // Optimize this later? Do this before/less? Context ctx; Symbol symbol = null; // First, check if the identifier is declared inside the function //for(ctx = curContext; ctx /*!= topContext.parent */&& !symbol; ctx = ctx.parent) for(ctx = startContext; ctx /*!= topContext.parent */&& !symbol; ctx = ctx.parent) { if(ctx == globalContext && !globalNameSpace && ctx.hasNameSpace) { symbol = null; if(thisNameSpace) { char curName[1024]; strcpy(curName, thisNameSpace); strcat(curName, "::"); strcat(curName, name); // Try to resolve in current namespace first symbol = FindWithNameSpace(isStruct ? ctx.structSymbols : ctx.symbols, curName); } if(!symbol) symbol = FindWithNameSpace(isStruct ? ctx.structSymbols : ctx.symbols, name); } else symbol = (Symbol)(isStruct ? ctx.structSymbols : ctx.symbols).FindString(name); if(symbol || ctx == endContext) break; } if(inCompiler && curExternal && symbol && ctx == globalContext && curExternal.symbol && > curExternal.symbol.idCode && symbol.pointerExternal) { if(symbol.pointerExternal.type == functionExternal) { FunctionDefinition function = symbol.pointerExternal.function; // Modified this recently... Context tmpContext = curContext; curContext = null; symbol.pointerExternal = MkExternalDeclaration(MkDeclaration(CopyList(function.specifiers, CopySpecifier), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(CopyDeclarator(function.declarator), null)))); curContext = tmpContext; symbol.pointerExternal.symbol = symbol; // TESTING THIS: DeclareType(symbol.type, true, true); ast->Insert(curExternal.prev, symbol.pointerExternal); = curExternal.symbol.idCode; } else if(symbol.pointerExternal.type == declarationExternal && curExternal.symbol.idCode < // Added id comparison because Global Function prototypes were broken { ast->Move(symbol.pointerExternal, curExternal.prev); = curExternal.symbol.idCode; } } #ifdef _DEBUG //findSymbolTotalTime += GetTime() - startTime; #endif return symbol; } static void GetTypeSpecs(Type type, OldList * specs) { if(!type.isSigned && type.kind != intPtrType && type.kind != intSizeType) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); switch(type.kind) { case classType: { if(type._class.registered) { if(!type._class.registered.dataType) type._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(type._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); GetTypeSpecs(type._class.registered.dataType, specs); } break; } case doubleType: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)); break; case floatType: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(FLOAT)); break; case charType: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(CHAR)); break; case _BoolType: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(_BOOL)); break; case shortType: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(SHORT)); break; case int64Type: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT64)); break; case intPtrType: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifierName(type.isSigned ? "intptr" : "uintptr")); break; case intSizeType: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifierName(type.isSigned ? "intsize" : "uintsize")); break; case intType: default: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT)); break; } } static void PrintArraySize(Type arrayType, char * string) { char size[256]; size[0] = '\0'; strcat(size, "["); if(arrayType.enumClass) strcat(size, arrayType.enumClass.string); else if(arrayType.arraySizeExp) PrintExpression(arrayType.arraySizeExp, size); strcat(size, "]"); strcat(string, size); } // WARNING : This function expects a null terminated string since it recursively concatenate... static void PrintTypeSpecs(Type type, char * string, bool fullName, bool printConst) { if(type) { if(printConst && type.constant) strcat(string, "const "); switch(type.kind) { case classType: { Symbol c = type._class; // TODO: typed_object does not fully qualify the type, as it may have taken up an actual class (Stored in _class) from overriding // look into merging with thisclass ? if(type.classObjectType == typedObject) strcat(string, "typed_object"); else if(type.classObjectType == anyObject) strcat(string, "any_object"); else { if(c && c.string) strcat(string, (fullName || !c.registered) ? c.string :; } if(type.byReference) strcat(string, " &"); break; } case voidType: strcat(string, "void"); break; case intType: strcat(string, type.isSigned ? "int" : "uint"); break; case int64Type: strcat(string, type.isSigned ? "int64" : "uint64"); break; case intPtrType: strcat(string, type.isSigned ? "intptr" : "uintptr"); break; case intSizeType: strcat(string, type.isSigned ? "intsize" : "uintsize"); break; case charType: strcat(string, type.isSigned ? "char" : "byte"); break; case _BoolType: strcat(string, "_Bool"); break; case shortType: strcat(string, type.isSigned ? "short" : "uint16"); break; case floatType: strcat(string, "float"); break; case doubleType: strcat(string, "double"); break; case structType: if(type.enumName) { strcat(string, "struct "); strcat(string, type.enumName); } else if(type.typeName) strcat(string, type.typeName); else { Type member; strcat(string, "struct { "); for(member = type.members.first; member; member = { PrintType(member, string, true, fullName); strcat(string,"; "); } strcat(string,"}"); } break; case unionType: if(type.enumName) { strcat(string, "union "); strcat(string, type.enumName); } else if(type.typeName) strcat(string, type.typeName); else { strcat(string, "union "); strcat(string,"(unnamed)"); } break; case enumType: if(type.enumName) { strcat(string, "enum "); strcat(string, type.enumName); } else if(type.typeName) strcat(string, type.typeName); else strcat(string, "int"); // "enum"); break; case ellipsisType: strcat(string, "..."); break; case subClassType: strcat(string, "subclass("); strcat(string, type._class ? type._class.string : "int"); strcat(string, ")"); break; case templateType: strcat(string, type.templateParameter.identifier.string); break; case thisClassType: strcat(string, "thisclass"); break; case vaListType: strcat(string, "__builtin_va_list"); break; } } } static void PrintName(Type type, char * string, bool fullName) { if( &&[0]) { if(fullName) strcat(string,; else { char * name = RSearchString(, "::", strlen(, true, false); if(name) name += 2; else name =; strcat(string, name); } } } static void PrintAttribs(Type type, char * string) { if(type) { if(type.dllExport) strcat(string, "dllexport "); if(type.attrStdcall) strcat(string, "stdcall "); } } static void PrePrintType(Type type, char * string, bool fullName, Type parentType, bool printConst) { if(type.kind == arrayType || type.kind == pointerType || type.kind == functionType || type.kind == methodType) { Type attrType = null; if((type.kind == functionType || type.kind == methodType) && (!parentType || parentType.kind != pointerType)) PrintAttribs(type, string); if(printConst && type.constant && (type.kind == functionType || type.kind == methodType)) strcat(string, " const"); PrePrintType(type.kind == methodType ? type.method.dataType : type.type, string, fullName, type, printConst); if(type.kind == pointerType && (type.type.kind == arrayType || type.type.kind == functionType || type.type.kind == methodType)) strcat(string, " ("); if(type.kind == pointerType) { if(type.type.kind == functionType || type.type.kind == methodType) PrintAttribs(type.type, string); } if(type.kind == pointerType) { if(type.type.kind == functionType || type.type.kind == methodType || type.type.kind == arrayType) strcat(string, "*"); else strcat(string, " *"); } if(printConst && type.constant && type.kind == pointerType) strcat(string, " const"); } else PrintTypeSpecs(type, string, fullName, printConst); } static void PostPrintType(Type type, char * string, bool fullName) { if(type.kind == pointerType && (type.type.kind == arrayType || type.type.kind == functionType || type.type.kind == methodType)) strcat(string, ")"); if(type.kind == arrayType) PrintArraySize(type, string); else if(type.kind == functionType) { Type param; strcat(string, "("); for(param = type.params.first; param; param = { PrintType(param, string, true, fullName); if( strcat(string, ", "); } strcat(string, ")"); } if(type.kind == arrayType || type.kind == pointerType || type.kind == functionType || type.kind == methodType) PostPrintType(type.kind == methodType ? type.method.dataType : type.type, string, fullName); } // ***** // TODO: Add a max buffer size to avoid overflows. This function is used with static size char arrays. // ***** static void _PrintType(Type type, char * string, bool printName, bool fullName, bool printConst) { PrePrintType(type, string, fullName, null, printConst); if(type.thisClass || (printName && &&[0])) strcat(string, " "); if(/*(type.kind == methodType || type.kind == functionType) && */(type.thisClass || type.staticMethod)) { Symbol _class = type.thisClass; if((type.classObjectType == typedObject || type.classObjectType == classPointer) || (_class && !strcmp(_class.string, "class"))) { if(type.classObjectType == classPointer) strcat(string, "class"); else strcat(string, type.byReference ? "typed_object&" : "typed_object"); } else if(_class && _class.string) { String s = _class.string; if(fullName) strcat(string, s); else { char * name = RSearchString(s, "::", strlen(s), true, false); if(name) name += 2; else name = s; strcat(string, name); } } strcat(string, "::"); } if(printName && PrintName(type, string, fullName); PostPrintType(type, string, fullName); if(type.bitFieldCount) { char count[100]; sprintf(count, ":%d", type.bitFieldCount); strcat(string, count); } } void PrintType(Type type, char * string, bool printName, bool fullName) { _PrintType(type, string, printName, fullName, true); } void PrintTypeNoConst(Type type, char * string, bool printName, bool fullName) { _PrintType(type, string, printName, fullName, false); } static Type FindMember(Type type, char * string) { Type memberType; for(memberType = type.members.first; memberType; memberType = { if(! { Type subType = FindMember(memberType, string); if(subType) return subType; } else if(!strcmp(, string)) return memberType; } return null; } Type FindMemberAndOffset(Type type, char * string, uint * offset) { Type memberType; for(memberType = type.members.first; memberType; memberType = { if(! { Type subType = FindMember(memberType, string); if(subType) { *offset += memberType.offset; return subType; } } else if(!strcmp(, string)) { *offset += memberType.offset; return memberType; } } return null; } public bool GetParseError() { return parseError; } Expression ParseExpressionString(char * expression) { parseError = false; fileInput = TempFile { }; fileInput.Write(expression, 1, strlen(expression)); fileInput.Seek(0, start); echoOn = false; parsedExpression = null; resetScanner(); expression_yyparse(); delete fileInput; return parsedExpression; } static bool ResolveIdWithClass(Expression exp, Class _class, bool skipIDClassCheck) { Identifier id = exp.identifier; Method method = null; Property prop = null; DataMember member = null; ClassProperty classProp = null; if(_class && _class.type == enumClass) { NamedLink value = null; Class enumClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { Class baseClass; for(baseClass = _class; baseClass && baseClass.type == ClassType::enumClass; baseClass = baseClass.base) { EnumClassData e = ACCESS_CLASSDATA(baseClass, enumClass); for(value = e.values.first; value; value = { if(!strcmp(, id.string)) break; } if(value) { char constant[256]; FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = constantExp; exp.isConstant = true; if(!strcmp(baseClass.dataTypeString, "int")) sprintf(constant, "%d",(int); else sprintf(constant, "0x%X",(int); exp.constant = CopyString(constant); //for(;_class.base && _class.base.type != systemClass; _class = _class.base); exp.expType = MkClassType(baseClass.fullName); break; } } } if(value) return true; } if((method = eClass_FindMethod(_class, id.string, privateModule))) { ProcessMethodType(method); exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = methodType; method = method; // Crash here? // TOCHECK: Put it back to what it was... // methodClass = _class; methodClass = (skipIDClassCheck || (id && id._class)) ? _class : null; }; //id._class = null; return true; } else if((prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, id.string, privateModule))) { if(!prop.dataType) ProcessPropertyType(prop); exp.expType = prop.dataType; if(prop.dataType) prop.dataType.refCount++; return true; } else if((member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id.string, privateModule, null, null))) { if(!member.dataType) member.dataType = ProcessTypeString(member.dataTypeString, false); exp.expType = member.dataType; if(member.dataType) member.dataType.refCount++; return true; } else if((classProp = eClass_FindClassProperty(_class, id.string))) { if(!classProp.dataType) classProp.dataType = ProcessTypeString(classProp.dataTypeString, false); if(classProp.constant) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.isConstant = true; if(classProp.dataType.kind == pointerType && classProp.dataType.type.kind == charType) { //char constant[256]; exp.type = stringExp; exp.constant = QMkString((char *)classProp.Get(_class)); } else { char constant[256]; exp.type = constantExp; sprintf(constant, "%d", (int)classProp.Get(_class)); exp.constant = CopyString(constant); } } else { // TO IMPLEMENT... } exp.expType = classProp.dataType; if(classProp.dataType) classProp.dataType.refCount++; return true; } return false; } static GlobalData ScanGlobalData(NameSpace nameSpace, char * name) { BinaryTree * tree = &nameSpace.functions; GlobalData data = (GlobalData)tree->FindString(name); NameSpace * child; if(!data) { for(child = (NameSpace *)nameSpace.nameSpaces.first; child; child = (NameSpace *)((BTNode)child).next) { data = ScanGlobalData(child, name); if(data) break; } } return data; } static GlobalData FindGlobalData(char * name) { int start = 0, c; NameSpace * nameSpace; nameSpace = globalData; for(c = 0; name[c]; c++) { if(name[c] == '.' || (name[c] == ':' && name[c+1] == ':')) { NameSpace * newSpace; char * spaceName = new char[c - start + 1]; strncpy(spaceName, name + start, c - start); spaceName[c-start] = '\0'; newSpace = (NameSpace *)nameSpace->nameSpaces.FindString(spaceName); delete spaceName; if(!newSpace) return null; nameSpace = newSpace; if(name[c] == ':') c++; start = c+1; } } if(c - start) { return ScanGlobalData(nameSpace, name + start); } return null; } static int definedExpStackPos; static void * definedExpStack[512]; // This function makes checkedExp equivalent to newExp, ending up freeing newExp void ReplaceExpContents(Expression checkedExp, Expression newExp) { Expression prev = checkedExp.prev, next =; FreeExpContents(checkedExp); FreeType(checkedExp.expType); FreeType(checkedExp.destType); *checkedExp = *newExp; delete newExp; checkedExp.prev = prev; = next; } void ApplyAnyObjectLogic(Expression e) { Type destType = /*(e.destType && e.destType.kind == ellipsisType) ? ellipsisDestType : */e.destType; #ifdef _DEBUG char debugExpString[4096]; debugExpString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(e, debugExpString); #endif if(destType && (/*destType.classObjectType == ClassObjectType::typedObject || */destType.classObjectType == anyObject)) { //if(e.destType && e.destType.kind == ellipsisType) usedEllipsis = true; //ellipsisDestType = destType; if(e && e.expType) { Type type = e.expType; Class _class = null; //Type destType = e.destType; if(type.kind == classType && type._class && type._class.registered) { _class = type._class.registered; } else if(type.kind == subClassType) { _class = FindClass("ecere::com::Class").registered; } else { char string[1024] = ""; Symbol classSym; PrintTypeNoConst(type, string, false, true); classSym = FindClass(string); if(classSym) _class = classSym.registered; } if((_class && (_class.type == enumClass || _class.type == unitClass || _class.type == bitClass || _class.type == systemClass) && strcmp(_class.fullName, "class") && strcmp(_class.fullName, "uintptr") && strcmp(_class.fullName, "intptr")) || // Patched so that class isn't considered SYSTEM... (!e.expType.classObjectType && (((type.kind != pointerType && type.kind != intPtrType && type.kind != subClassType && (type.kind != classType || !type._class || !type._class.registered || type._class.registered.type == structClass))) || destType.byReference))) { if(!_class || strcmp(_class.fullName, "char *")) // TESTING THIS WITH NEW String class... { Expression checkedExp = e, newExp; while(((checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) && checkedExp.list) || checkedExp.type == castExp) { if(checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { if(checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { checkedExp = ((Statement)checkedExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last; } else checkedExp = checkedExp.list->last; } else if(checkedExp.type == castExp) checkedExp = checkedExp.cast.exp; } if(checkedExp && checkedExp.type == opExp && checkedExp.op.op == '*' && !checkedExp.op.exp1) { newExp = checkedExp.op.exp2; checkedExp.op.exp2 = null; FreeExpContents(checkedExp); if(e.expType && e.expType.passAsTemplate) { char size[100]; ComputeTypeSize(e.expType); sprintf(size, "%d", e.expType.size); newExp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), newExp), '+', MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ENDIAN_PAD")), MkListOne(MkExpConstant(size)))))); } ReplaceExpContents(checkedExp, newExp); e.byReference = true; } else if(!e.byReference || (_class && _class.type == noHeadClass)) // TESTING THIS HERE... { Expression checkedExp; //, newExp; { // TODO: Move code from for hasAddress flag, this is just temporary bool hasAddress = e.type == identifierExp || (e.type == ExpressionType::memberExp && e.member.memberType == dataMember) || (e.type == ExpressionType::pointerExp && e.member.memberType == dataMember) || (e.type == opExp && !e.op.exp1 && e.op.op == '*') || e.type == indexExp; if(_class && _class.type != noHeadClass && _class.type != normalClass && _class.type != structClass && !hasAddress) { Context context = PushContext(); Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); char typeString[1024]; Expression newExp { }; typeString[0] = '\0'; *newExp = *e; //if(e.destType) e.destType.refCount++; // if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; newExp.prev = null; = null; newExp.expType = null; PrintTypeNoConst(e.expType, typeString, false, true); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); newExp.destType = ProcessType(specs, decl); curContext = context; // We need a current compound for this if(curCompound) { char name[100]; OldList * stmts = MkList(); e.type = extensionCompoundExp; sprintf(name, "__internalValue%03X", internalValueCounter++); if(!curCompound.compound.declarations) curCompound.compound.declarations = MkList(); curCompound.compound.declarations->Insert(null, MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)), null)))); ListAdd(stmts, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)), '=', newExp)))); ListAdd(stmts, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name))))); e.compound = MkCompoundStmt(null, stmts); } else printf("libec: compiler error, curCompound is null in ApplyAnyObjectLogic\n"); /* e.compound = MkCompoundStmt( MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator( MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalValue")), MkInitializerAssignment(newExp))))), MkListOne(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalValue")))))); */ { Type type = e.destType; e.destType = { }; CopyTypeInto(e.destType, type); e.destType.refCount = 1; e.destType.classObjectType = none; FreeType(type); } e.compound.compound.context = context; PopContext(context); curContext = context.parent; } } // TODO: INTEGRATE THIS WITH VERSION ABOVE WHICH WAS ADDED TO ENCOMPASS OTHER CASE (*pointer) checkedExp = e; while(((checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) && checkedExp.list) || checkedExp.type == castExp) { if(checkedExp.type == bracketsExp || checkedExp.type == extensionExpressionExp || checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { if(checkedExp.type == extensionCompoundExp) { checkedExp = ((Statement)checkedExp.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last; } else checkedExp = checkedExp.list->last; } else if(checkedExp.type == castExp) checkedExp = checkedExp.cast.exp; } { Expression operand { }; operand = *checkedExp; checkedExp.destType = null; checkedExp.expType = null; checkedExp.Clear(); checkedExp.type = opExp; checkedExp.op.op = '&'; checkedExp.op.exp1 = null; checkedExp.op.exp2 = operand; //newExp = MkExpOp(null, '&', checkedExp); } //ReplaceExpContents(checkedExp, newExp); } } } } } { // If expression type is a simple class, make it an address // FixReference(e, true); } //#if 0 if((!destType || destType.kind == ellipsisType || destType.kind == voidType) && e.expType && (e.expType.classObjectType == anyObject || e.expType.classObjectType == typedObject) && (e.expType.byReference || (e.expType.kind == classType && e.expType._class && e.expType._class.registered && (e.expType._class.registered.type == bitClass || e.expType._class.registered.type == enumClass || e.expType._class.registered.type == unitClass ) ))) { if(e.expType.classObjectType && destType && destType.classObjectType) //e.expType.kind == classType && e.expType._class && e.expType._class.registered && !strcmp(, "class")) { return; // LEAVE THIS CASE (typed_object & :: methods 's this) TO PASS 2 FOR NOW } else { Expression thisExp { }; *thisExp = *e; thisExp.prev = null; = null; e.Clear(); e.type = bracketsExp; e.list = MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', thisExp.type == identifierExp ? thisExp : MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(thisExp)))); if(thisExp.expType.kind == classType && thisExp.expType._class && thisExp.expType._class.registered && thisExp.expType._class.registered.type == noHeadClass) ((Expression)e.list->first).byReference = true; /*if(thisExp.expType.kind == classType && thisExp.expType._class && thisExp.expType._class.registered && !strcmp(, "class")) { e.expType = thisExp.expType; e.expType.refCount++; } else*/ { e.expType = { }; CopyTypeInto(e.expType, thisExp.expType); e.expType.byReference = false; e.expType.refCount = 1; if(e.expType.kind == classType && e.expType._class && e.expType._class.registered && (e.expType._class.registered.type == bitClass || e.expType._class.registered.type == enumClass || e.expType._class.registered.type == unitClass)) { e.expType.classObjectType = none; } } } } // TOFIX: Try this for a nice IDE crash! //#endif // The other way around else //#endif if(destType && e.expType && //e.expType.kind == classType && e.expType._class && e.expType._class.registered && !strcmp(, "class") && (e.expType.classObjectType == anyObject || e.expType.classObjectType == typedObject) && !destType.classObjectType && /*(destType.kind != pointerType || !destType.type || destType.type.kind != voidType) &&*/ destType.kind != voidType) { if(destType.kind == ellipsisType) { Compiler_Error($"Unspecified type\n"); } else if(!(destType.truth && e.expType.kind == classType && e.expType._class && e.expType._class.registered && e.expType._class.registered.type == structClass)) { bool byReference = e.expType.byReference; Expression thisExp { }; Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); char typeString[1024]; // Watch buffer overruns Type type; ClassObjectType backupClassObjectType; bool backupByReference; if(e.expType.kind == classType && e.expType._class && e.expType._class.registered && strcmp(, "class")) type = e.expType; else type = destType; backupClassObjectType = type.classObjectType; backupByReference = type.byReference; type.classObjectType = none; type.byReference = false; typeString[0] = '\0'; PrintType(type, typeString, false, true); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); type.classObjectType = backupClassObjectType; type.byReference = backupByReference; *thisExp = *e; thisExp.prev = null; = null; e.Clear(); if( ( type.kind == classType && type._class && type._class.registered && (type._class.registered.type == systemClass || type._class.registered.type == bitClass || type._class.registered.type == enumClass || type._class.registered.type == unitClass) ) || (type.kind != pointerType && type.kind != intPtrType && type.kind != arrayType && type.kind != classType) || (!destType.byReference && byReference && (destType.kind != pointerType || type.kind != pointerType))) { e.type = opExp; e.op.op = '*'; e.op.exp1 = null; e.op.exp2 = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), decl)), thisExp); e.expType = { }; CopyTypeInto(e.expType, type); e.expType.byReference = false; e.expType.refCount = 1; } else { e.type = castExp; e.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); e.cast.exp = thisExp; e.byReference = true; e.expType = type; type.refCount++; } e.destType = destType; destType.refCount++; } } } void ApplyLocation(Expression exp, Location loc) { exp.loc = loc; switch(exp.type) { case opExp: if(exp.op.exp1) ApplyLocation(exp.op.exp1, loc); if(exp.op.exp2) ApplyLocation(exp.op.exp2, loc); break; case bracketsExp: if(exp.list) { Expression e; for(e = exp.list->first; e; e = ApplyLocation(e, loc); } break; case indexExp: if(exp.index.index) { Expression e; for(e = exp.index.index->first; e; e = ApplyLocation(e, loc); } if(exp.index.exp) ApplyLocation(exp.index.exp, loc); break; case callExp: if( { Expression arg; for(arg =>first; arg; arg = ApplyLocation(arg, loc); } if( ApplyLocation(, loc); break; case memberExp: case pointerExp: if(exp.member.exp) ApplyLocation(exp.member.exp, loc); break; case castExp: if(exp.cast.exp) ApplyLocation(exp.cast.exp, loc); break; case conditionExp: if(exp.cond.exp) { Expression e; for(e = exp.cond.exp->first; e; e = ApplyLocation(e, loc); } if(exp.cond.cond) ApplyLocation(exp.cond.cond, loc); if(exp.cond.elseExp) ApplyLocation(exp.cond.elseExp, loc); break; case vaArgExp: if(exp.vaArg.exp) ApplyLocation(exp.vaArg.exp, loc); break; default: break; } } void ProcessExpressionType(Expression exp) { bool unresolved = false; Location oldyylloc = yylloc; bool notByReference = false; #ifdef _DEBUG char debugExpString[4096]; debugExpString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(exp, debugExpString); #endif if(!exp || exp.expType) return; //eSystem_Logf("%s\n", expString); // Testing this here yylloc = exp.loc; switch(exp.type) { case identifierExp: { Identifier id = exp.identifier; if(!id || !topContext) return; // DOING THIS LATER NOW... if(id._class && { id.classSym = id._class.symbol; // FindClass(; /* TODO: Name Space Fix ups if(!id.classSym) id.nameSpace = eSystem_FindNameSpace(privateModule,; */ } /* WHY WAS THIS COMMENTED OUT? if(!strcmp(id.string, "__thisModule")) { exp.expType = ProcessTypeString("Module", true); break; } else */if(strstr(id.string, "__ecereClass") == id.string) { exp.expType = ProcessTypeString("ecere::com::Class", true); break; } else if(id._class && (id.classSym || ( && !strcmp(, "property")))) { // Added this here as well ReplaceClassMembers(exp, thisClass); if(exp.type != identifierExp) { ProcessExpressionType(exp); break; } if(id.classSym && ResolveIdWithClass(exp, id.classSym.registered, false)) break; } else { Symbol symbol = FindSymbol(id.string, curContext, topContext /*exp.destType ? topContext : globalContext*/, false, id._class && == null); // Enums should be resolved here (Special pass in opExp to fix identifiers not seen as enum on the first pass) if(!symbol/* && exp.destType*/) { if(exp.destType && CheckExpressionType(exp, exp.destType, false, false)) break; else { if(thisClass) { ReplaceClassMembers(exp, thisClass ? thisClass : currentClass); if(exp.type != identifierExp) { ProcessExpressionType(exp); break; } } // Static methods called from inside the _class else if(currentClass && !id._class) { if(ResolveIdWithClass(exp, currentClass, true)) break; } symbol = FindSymbol(id.string, topContext.parent, globalContext, false, id._class && == null); } } // If we manage to resolve this symbol if(symbol) { Type type = symbol.type; Class _class = (type && type.kind == classType && type._class) ? type._class.registered : null; if(_class && !strcmp(id.string, "this") && !type.classObjectType) { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); type = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); FinishTemplatesContext(context); if(type) type.refCount = 0; // We'll be incrementing it right below... } FreeSpecifier(id._class); id._class = null; delete id.string; id.string = CopyString(symbol.string); id.classSym = null; exp.expType = type; if(type) type.refCount++; // Commented this out, it was making non-constant enum parameters seen as constant // enums should have been resolved by ResolveIdWithClass, changed to constantExp and marked as constant if(type && (type.kind == enumType /*|| (_class && _class.type == enumClass)*/)) // Add missing cases here... enum Classes... exp.isConstant = true; // TOCHECK: Why was !strcmp(id.string, "this") commented out? if(symbol.isParam || !strcmp(id.string, "this")) { if(_class && _class.type == structClass && !type.declaredWithStruct) exp.byReference = true; //TESTING COMMENTING THIS OUT IN FAVOR OF ApplyAnyObjectLogic /*if(type && _class && (type.classObjectType == typedObject || type.classObjectType == anyObject) && ((_class.type == unitClass || _class.type == enumClass || _class.type == bitClass) || (type.byReference && (_class.type == normalClass || _class.type == noHeadClass)))) { Identifier id = exp.identifier; exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', MkExpIdentifier(id))); }*/ } if(symbol.isIterator) { if(symbol.isIterator == 3) { exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', MkExpIdentifier(exp.identifier))); ((Expression)exp.list->first).op.exp2.expType = exp.expType; exp.expType = null; ProcessExpressionType(exp); } else if(symbol.isIterator != 4) { exp.type = memberExp; exp.member.exp = MkExpIdentifier(exp.identifier); exp.member.exp.expType = exp.expType; /*if(symbol.isIterator == 6) exp.member.member = MkIdentifier("key"); else*/ exp.member.member = MkIdentifier("data"); exp.expType = null; ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } break; } else { DefinedExpression definedExp = null; if(thisNameSpace && !(id._class && ! { char name[1024]; strcpy(name, thisNameSpace); strcat(name, "::"); strcat(name, id.string); definedExp = eSystem_FindDefine(privateModule, name); } if(!definedExp) definedExp = eSystem_FindDefine(privateModule, id.string); if(definedExp) { int c; for(c = 0; c 127) { int nb; unichar ch = UTF8GetChar(constant + 1, &nb); if(nb < 2) ch = constant[1]; delete constant; exp.constant = PrintUInt(ch); // type.kind = (ch > 0xFFFF) ? intType : shortType; type.kind = classType; //(ch > 0xFFFF) ? intType : shortType; type._class = FindClass("unichar"); type.isSigned = false; } else { type.kind = charType; type.isSigned = true; } } else { char * dot = strchr(constant, '.'); bool isHex = (constant[0] == '0' && (constant[1] == 'x' || constant[1] == 'X')); char * exponent; if(isHex) { exponent = strchr(constant, 'p'); if(!exponent) exponent = strchr(constant, 'P'); } else { exponent = strchr(constant, 'e'); if(!exponent) exponent = strchr(constant, 'E'); } if(dot || exponent) { if(strchr(constant, 'f') || strchr(constant, 'F')) type.kind = floatType; else type.kind = doubleType; type.isSigned = true; } else { bool isSigned = constant[0] == '-'; char * endP = null; int64 i64 = strtoll(constant, &endP, 0); uint64 ui64 = strtoull(constant, &endP, 0); bool is64Bit = endP && (!strcmp(endP, "LL") || !strcmp(endP, "ll")); if(isSigned) { if(i64 < MININT) is64Bit = true; } else { if(ui64 > MAXINT) { if(ui64 > MAXDWORD) { is64Bit = true; if(ui64 <= MAXINT64 && (constant[0] != '0' || !constant[1])) isSigned = true; } } else if(constant[0] != '0' || !constant[1]) isSigned = true; } type.kind = is64Bit ? int64Type : intType; type.isSigned = isSigned; } } exp.isConstant = true; if(exp.destType && exp.destType.kind == doubleType) type.kind = doubleType; else if(exp.destType && exp.destType.kind == floatType) type.kind = floatType; else if(exp.destType && exp.destType.kind == int64Type) type.kind = int64Type; } break; } case stringExp: { exp.isConstant = true; // Why wasn't this constant? exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = pointerType; type = Type { refCount = 1; kind = charType; constant = true; isSigned = true; } }; break; } case newExp: case new0Exp: ProcessExpressionType(exp._new.size); exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = pointerType; type = ProcessType(exp._new.typeName.qualifiers, exp._new.typeName.declarator); }; DeclareType(exp.expType.type, false, false); break; case renewExp: case renew0Exp: ProcessExpressionType(exp._renew.size); ProcessExpressionType(exp._renew.exp); exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = pointerType; type = ProcessType(exp._renew.typeName.qualifiers, exp._renew.typeName.declarator); }; DeclareType(exp.expType.type, false, false); break; case opExp: { bool assign = false, boolResult = false, boolOps = false; Type type1 = null, type2 = null; bool useDestType = false, useSideType = false; Location oldyylloc = yylloc; bool useSideUnit = false; Class destClass = (exp.destType && exp.destType.kind == classType && exp.destType._class) ? exp.destType._class.registered : null; // Dummy type to prevent ProcessExpression of operands to say unresolved identifiers yet Type dummy { count = 1; refCount = 1; }; switch(exp.op.op) { // Assignment Operators case '=': case MUL_ASSIGN: case DIV_ASSIGN: case MOD_ASSIGN: case ADD_ASSIGN: case SUB_ASSIGN: case LEFT_ASSIGN: case RIGHT_ASSIGN: case AND_ASSIGN: case XOR_ASSIGN: case OR_ASSIGN: assign = true; break; // boolean Operators case '!': // Expect boolean operators //boolOps = true; //boolResult = true; break; case AND_OP: case OR_OP: // Expect boolean operands boolOps = true; boolResult = true; break; // Comparisons case EQ_OP: case '<': case '>': case LE_OP: case GE_OP: case NE_OP: // Gives boolean result boolResult = true; useSideType = true; break; case '+': case '-': useSideUnit = true; useSideType = true; useDestType = true; break; case LEFT_OP: case RIGHT_OP: useSideType = true; useDestType = true; break; case '|': case '^': useSideType = true; useDestType = true; break; case '/': case '%': useSideType = true; useDestType = true; break; case '&': case '*': if(exp.op.exp1) { // For & operator, useDestType nicely ensures the result will fit in a bool (TODO: Fix for generic enum) useSideType = true; useDestType = true; } break; /*// Implement speed etc. case '*': case '/': break; */ } if(exp.op.op == '&') { // Added this here earlier for Iterator address as key if(!exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp2 && exp.op.exp2.type == identifierExp && exp.op.exp2.identifier) { Identifier id = exp.op.exp2.identifier; Symbol symbol = FindSymbol(id.string, curContext, topContext, false, id._class && == null); if(symbol && symbol.isIterator == 2) { exp.type = memberExp; exp.member.exp = exp.op.exp2; exp.member.member = MkIdentifier("key"); exp.expType = null; exp.op.exp2.expType = symbol.type; symbol.type.refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(exp); FreeType(dummy); break; } // exp.op.exp2.usage.usageRef = true; } } //dummy.kind = TypeDummy; if(exp.op.exp1) { // Added this check here to use the dest type only for units derived from the base unit // So that untyped units will use the side unit as opposed to the untyped destination unit // This fixes (#771) sin(Degrees { 5 } + 5) to be equivalent to sin(Degrees { 10 }), since sin expects a generic Angle if(exp.op.exp2 && useSideUnit && useDestType && destClass && destClass.type == unitClass && destClass.base.type != unitClass) useDestType = false; if(destClass && useDestType && ((destClass.type == unitClass && useSideUnit) || destClass.type == enumClass || destClass.type == bitClass)) //(exp.destType._class.registered.type == unitClass || exp.destType._class.registered.type == enumClass) && useDestType) { if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); exp.op.exp1.destType = exp.destType; exp.op.exp1.opDestType = true; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; } else if(!assign) { if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); exp.op.exp1.destType = dummy; dummy.refCount++; } // TESTING THIS HERE... if(exp.op.exp1.destType && exp.op.op != '=') exp.op.exp1.destType.count++; ProcessExpressionType(exp.op.exp1); if(exp.op.exp1.destType && exp.op.op != '=') exp.op.exp1.destType.count--; exp.op.exp1.opDestType = false; // Fix for unit and ++ / -- if(!exp.op.exp2 && (exp.op.op == INC_OP || exp.op.op == DEC_OP) && exp.op.exp1.expType && exp.op.exp1.expType.kind == classType && exp.op.exp1.expType._class && exp.op.exp1.expType._class.registered && exp.op.exp1.expType._class.registered.type == unitClass) { exp.op.exp2 = MkExpConstant("1"); exp.op.op = exp.op.op == INC_OP ? ADD_ASSIGN : SUB_ASSIGN; assign = true; } if(exp.op.exp1.destType == dummy) { FreeType(dummy); exp.op.exp1.destType = null; } type1 = exp.op.exp1.expType; } if(exp.op.exp2) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(exp.op.exp2.type == instanceExp && !exp.op.exp2.instance._class) { if(exp.op.exp1) { exp.op.exp2.destType = exp.op.exp1.expType; if(exp.op.exp1.expType) exp.op.exp1.expType.refCount++; } else { exp.op.exp2.destType = exp.destType; if(!exp.op.exp1 || exp.op.op != '&') exp.op.exp2.opDestType = true; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; } if(type1) type1.refCount++; exp.expType = type1; } else if(assign) { if(inCompiler) PrintExpression(exp.op.exp2, expString); if(type1 && type1.kind == pointerType) { if(exp.op.op == MUL_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == DIV_ASSIGN ||exp.op.op == MOD_ASSIGN ||exp.op.op == LEFT_ASSIGN ||exp.op.op == RIGHT_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == AND_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == OR_ASSIGN) Compiler_Error($"operator %s illegal on pointer\n", exp.op.op); else if(exp.op.op == '=') { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = type1; if(type1) type1.refCount++; } } else { // Don't convert to the type for those... (e.g.: Degrees a; a /= 2;) if(exp.op.op == MUL_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == DIV_ASSIGN ||exp.op.op == MOD_ASSIGN ||exp.op.op == LEFT_ASSIGN ||exp.op.op == RIGHT_ASSIGN/* || exp.op.op == AND_ASSIGN || exp.op.op == OR_ASSIGN*/); else { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = type1; if(type1) type1.refCount++; } } if(type1) type1.refCount++; exp.expType = type1; } else if(destClass && ((destClass.type == unitClass && useDestType && useSideUnit) || (destClass.type == enumClass && useDestType))) { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = exp.destType; if(exp.op.op != '&') exp.op.exp2.opDestType = true; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; } else { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = dummy; dummy.refCount++; } // TESTING THIS HERE... (DANGEROUS) if(type1 && boolResult && useSideType && type1.kind == classType && type1._class && type1._class.registered && (type1._class.registered.type == bitClass || type1._class.registered.type == enumClass)) { FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = type1; type1.refCount++; } if(exp.op.exp2.destType && exp.op.op != '=') exp.op.exp2.destType.count++; // Cannot lose the cast on a sizeof if(exp.op.op == SIZEOF) { Expression e = exp.op.exp2; while((e.type == bracketsExp || e.type == extensionExpressionExp || e.type == extensionCompoundExp) && e.list) { if(e.type == bracketsExp || e.type == extensionExpressionExp || e.type == extensionCompoundExp) { if(e.type == extensionCompoundExp) e = ((Statement)e.compound.compound.statements->last).expressions->last; else e = e.list->last; } } if(e.type == castExp && e.cast.exp) e.cast.exp.needCast = true; } ProcessExpressionType(exp.op.exp2); exp.op.exp2.opDestType = false; if(exp.op.exp2.destType && exp.op.op != '=') exp.op.exp2.destType.count--; if(assign && type1 && type1.kind == pointerType && exp.op.exp2.expType) { if(exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == intSizeType || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == intPtrType || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == int64Type || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == intType || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == shortType || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == charType) { if(exp.op.op != '=' && type1.type.kind == voidType) Compiler_Error($"void *: unknown size\n"); } else if(exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == pointerType || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == arrayType || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == functionType || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == methodType|| (type1.type.kind == voidType && exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == classType && exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered && (exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered.type == normalClass || exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered.type == structClass || exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered.type == noHeadClass))) { if(exp.op.op == ADD_ASSIGN) Compiler_Error($"cannot add two pointers\n"); } else if((exp.op.exp2.expType.kind == classType && type1.kind == pointerType && type1.type.kind == classType && type1.type._class == exp.op.exp2.expType._class && exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered && exp.op.exp2.expType._class.registered.type == structClass)) { if(exp.op.op == ADD_ASSIGN) Compiler_Error($"cannot add two pointers\n"); } else if(inCompiler) { char type1String[1024]; char type2String[1024]; type1String[0] = '\0'; type2String[0] = '\0'; PrintType(exp.op.exp2.expType, type1String, false, true); PrintType(type1, type2String, false, true); ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); Compiler_Warning($"incompatible expression %s (%s); expected %s\n", expString, type1String, type2String); } } if(exp.op.exp2.destType == dummy) { FreeType(dummy); exp.op.exp2.destType = null; } if(exp.op.op == '-' && !exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp2.expType && !exp.op.exp2.expType.isSigned) { type2 = { }; type2.refCount = 1; CopyTypeInto(type2, exp.op.exp2.expType); type2.isSigned = true; } else if(exp.op.op == '~' && !exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp2.expType && (!exp.op.exp2.expType.isSigned || exp.op.exp2.expType.kind != intType)) { type2 = { kind = intType }; type2.refCount = 1; type2.isSigned = true; } else { type2 = exp.op.exp2.expType; if(type2) type2.refCount++; } } dummy.kind = voidType; if(exp.op.op == SIZEOF) { exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = intSizeType; }; exp.isConstant = true; } // Get type of dereferenced pointer else if(exp.op.op == '*' && !exp.op.exp1) { exp.expType = Dereference(type2); if(type2 && type2.kind == classType) notByReference = true; } else if(exp.op.op == '&' && !exp.op.exp1) exp.expType = Reference(type2); else if(!assign) { if(boolOps) { if(exp.op.exp1) { if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); exp.op.exp1.destType = MkClassType("bool"); exp.op.exp1.destType.truth = true; if(!exp.op.exp1.expType) ProcessExpressionType(exp.op.exp1); else CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false, false); FreeType(exp.op.exp1.expType); exp.op.exp1.expType = MkClassType("bool"); exp.op.exp1.expType.truth = true; } if(exp.op.exp2) { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = MkClassType("bool"); exp.op.exp2.destType.truth = true; if(!exp.op.exp2.expType) ProcessExpressionType(exp.op.exp2); else CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp2.destType, false, false); FreeType(exp.op.exp2.expType); exp.op.exp2.expType = MkClassType("bool"); exp.op.exp2.expType.truth = true; } } else if(exp.op.exp1 && exp.op.exp2 && ((useSideType /*&& (useSideUnit || ((!type1 || type1.kind != classType || type1._class.registered.type != unitClass) && (!type2 || type2.kind != classType || type2._class.registered.type != unitClass)))*/) || ((!type1 || type1.kind != classType || !strcmp(type1._class.string, "String")) && (!type2 || type2.kind != classType || !strcmp(type2._class.string, "String"))))) { if(type1 && type2 && // If either both are class or both are not class ((type1.kind == classType && type1._class && strcmp(type1._class.string, "String")) == (type2.kind == classType && type2._class && strcmp(type2._class.string, "String")))) { // Added this check for enum subtraction to result in an int type: if(exp.op.op == '-' && ((type1.kind == classType && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == enumClass) || (type2.kind == classType && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == enumClass)) ) { Type intType; if(!type1._class.registered.dataType) type1._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(type1._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); if(!type2._class.registered.dataType) type2._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(type2._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); intType = ProcessTypeString( (type1._class.registered.dataType.kind == int64Type || type2._class.registered.dataType.kind == int64Type) ? "int64" : "int", false); if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp1.destType = intType; exp.op.exp2.destType = intType; intType.refCount++; } else { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = type1; type1.refCount++; if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); exp.op.exp1.destType = type2; type2.refCount++; } // Warning here for adding Radians + Degrees with no destination type if(!boolResult && type1.kind == classType && (!exp.destType || exp.destType.kind != classType) && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == unitClass && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == unitClass && type1._class.registered != type2._class.registered) Compiler_Warning($"operating on %s and %s with an untyped result, assuming %s\n", type1._class.string, type2._class.string, type1._class.string); if(type1.kind == pointerType && type1.type.kind == templateType && type2.kind != pointerType) { Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(type1.type.templateParameter, thisClass, true); if(argExp) { Expression classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); exp.op.exp1 = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast( MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), exp.op.exp1))); ProcessExpressionType(exp.op.exp1); if(type2.kind != pointerType) { ProcessExpressionType(classExp); exp.op.exp2 = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(exp.op.exp2, '*', // ((_class.type == noHeadClass || _class.type == normalClass) ? sizeof(void *) : type.size) MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp( // noHeadClass MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("5")), OR_OP, // normalClass MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("0"))))), MkListOne(MkExpTypeSize(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer( MkPointer(null, null), null)))), MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("typeSize")))))))); if(!exp.op.exp2.expType) { if(type2) FreeType(type2); type2 = exp.op.exp2.expType = ProcessTypeString("int", false); type2.refCount++; } ProcessExpressionType(exp.op.exp2); } } } if(!boolResult && ((type1.kind == pointerType || type1.kind == arrayType || (type1.kind == classType && !strcmp(type1._class.string, "String"))) && (type2.kind == intSizeType || type2.kind == intPtrType || type2.kind == int64Type || type2.kind == intType || type2.kind == shortType || type2.kind == charType))) { if(type1.kind != classType && type1.type.kind == voidType) Compiler_Error($"void *: unknown size\n"); exp.expType = type1; if(type1) type1.refCount++; } else if(!boolResult && ((type2.kind == pointerType || type2.kind == arrayType || (type2.kind == classType && !strcmp(type2._class.string, "String"))) && (type1.kind == intSizeType || type1.kind == intPtrType || type1.kind == int64Type || type1.kind == intType || type1.kind == shortType || type1.kind == charType))) { if(type2.kind != classType && type2.type.kind == voidType) Compiler_Error($"void *: unknown size\n"); exp.expType = type2; if(type2) type2.refCount++; } else if((type1.kind == pointerType && type2.kind != pointerType && type2.kind != arrayType && type2.kind != functionType && type2.kind != methodType && type2.kind != classType && type2.kind != subClassType) || (type2.kind == pointerType && type1.kind != pointerType && type1.kind != arrayType && type1.kind != functionType && type1.kind != methodType && type1.kind != classType && type1.kind != subClassType)) { Compiler_Warning($"different levels of indirection\n"); } else { bool success = false; if(type1.kind == pointerType && type2.kind == pointerType) { if(exp.op.op == '+') Compiler_Error($"cannot add two pointers\n"); else if(exp.op.op == '-') { // Pointer Subtraction gives integer if(MatchTypes(type1.type, type2.type, null, null, null, false, false, false, false, false)) { exp.expType = Type { kind = intType; refCount = 1; }; success = true; if(type1.type.kind == templateType) { Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(type1.type.templateParameter, thisClass, true); if(argExp) { Expression classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); ProcessExpressionType(classExp); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpOp( MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp( MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(exp.op.exp1))) , exp.op.op, MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(exp.op.exp2)))))), '/', //MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("typeSize")) // ((_class.type == noHeadClass || _class.type == normalClass) ? sizeof(void *) : type.size) MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp( // noHeadClass MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("noHeadClass"))), OR_OP, // normalClass MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("normalClass")))))), MkListOne(MkExpTypeSize(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer( MkPointer(null, null), null)))), MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("typeSize"))))) )); ProcessExpressionType(((Expression)exp.list->first).op.exp2); FreeType(dummy); return; } } } } } if(!success && exp.op.exp1.type == constantExp) { // If first expression is constant, try to match that first if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp1.destType; if(exp.op.exp1.destType) exp.op.exp1.destType.refCount++; success = true; } else if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp2.destType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp2.destType; if(exp.op.exp2.destType) exp.op.exp2.destType.refCount++; success = true; } } else if(!success) { if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp2.destType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp2.destType; if(exp.op.exp2.destType) exp.op.exp2.destType.refCount++; success = true; } else if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp1.destType; if(exp.op.exp1.destType) exp.op.exp1.destType.refCount++; success = true; } } if(!success) { char expString1[10240]; char expString2[10240]; char type1[1024]; char type2[1024]; expString1[0] = '\0'; expString2[0] = '\0'; type1[0] = '\0'; type2[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp.op.exp1, expString1); ChangeCh(expString1, '\n', ' '); PrintExpression(exp.op.exp2, expString2); ChangeCh(expString2, '\n', ' '); PrintType(exp.op.exp1.expType, type1, false, true); PrintType(exp.op.exp2.expType, type2, false, true); } Compiler_Warning($"incompatible expressions %s (%s) and %s (%s)\n", expString1, type1, expString2, type2); } } } // ADDED THESE TWO FROM OUTSIDE useSideType CHECK else if(!boolResult && (!useSideUnit /*|| exp.destType*/) && type2 && type1 && type2.kind == classType && type1.kind != classType && type2._class && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == unitClass) { if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); // Convert e.g. / 4 into / 4.0 exp.op.exp1.destType = type2._class.registered.dataType; if(type2._class.registered.dataType) type2._class.registered.dataType.refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false, false); exp.expType = type2; if(type2) type2.refCount++; } else if(!boolResult && (!useSideUnit /*|| exp.destType*/) && type1 && type2 && type1.kind == classType && type2.kind != classType && type1._class && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == unitClass) { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); // Convert e.g. / 4 into / 4.0 exp.op.exp2.destType = type1._class.registered.dataType; if(type1._class.registered.dataType) type1._class.registered.dataType.refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp2.destType, false, false); exp.expType = type1; if(type1) type1.refCount++; } else if(type1) { bool valid = false; if(!boolResult && useSideUnit && type1 && type1.kind == classType && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == unitClass && type2 && type2.kind != classType) { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); if(!type1._class.registered.dataType) type1._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(type1._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); exp.op.exp2.destType = type1._class.registered.dataType; exp.op.exp2.destType.refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp2.destType, false, false); if(type2) FreeType(type2); type2 = exp.op.exp2.destType; if(type2) type2.refCount++; exp.expType = type2; type2.refCount++; } if(!boolResult && useSideUnit && type2 && type2.kind == classType && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == unitClass && type1 && type1.kind != classType) { if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); if(!type2._class.registered.dataType) type2._class.registered.dataType = ProcessTypeString(type2._class.registered.dataTypeString, false); exp.op.exp1.destType = type2._class.registered.dataType; exp.op.exp1.destType.refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false, false); type1 = exp.op.exp1.destType; exp.expType = type1; type1.refCount++; } // TESTING THIS NEW CODE if(!boolResult || exp.op.op == '>' || exp.op.op == '<' || exp.op.op == GE_OP || exp.op.op == LE_OP) { bool op1IsEnum = type1 && type1.kind == classType && type1._class && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == enumClass; bool op2IsEnum = type2 && type2.kind == classType && type2._class && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == enumClass; if(exp.op.op == '*' || exp.op.op == '/' || exp.op.op == '-' || exp.op.op == '|' || exp.op.op == '^') { // Convert the enum to an int instead for these operators if(op1IsEnum && exp.op.exp2.expType) { if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp2.expType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp2.expType; if(exp.op.exp2.expType) exp.op.exp2.expType.refCount++; valid = true; } } else if(op2IsEnum && exp.op.exp1.expType) { if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp1.expType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp1.expType; if(exp.op.exp1.expType) exp.op.exp1.expType.refCount++; valid = true; } } } else { if(op1IsEnum && exp.op.exp2.expType) { if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp2.expType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp1.expType; if(exp.op.exp1.expType) exp.op.exp1.expType.refCount++; valid = true; } } else if(op2IsEnum && exp.op.exp1.expType) { if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp1.expType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp2.expType; if(exp.op.exp2.expType) exp.op.exp2.expType.refCount++; valid = true; } } } } if(!valid) { // Added this first part of the if here to handle 5 + Degrees { 5 } with either a base unit dest or not a unit dest type if(type2 && type2.kind == classType && type2._class && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == unitClass && (type1.kind != classType || !type1._class || !type1._class.registered || type1._class.registered.type != unitClass)) { if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); exp.op.exp1.destType = type2; type2.refCount++; if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp1.destType; if(exp.op.exp1.destType) exp.op.exp1.destType.refCount++; } } else { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = type1; type1.refCount++; /* // Maybe this was meant to be an enum... if(type1.kind == classType && type1._class && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == enumClass) { Type oldType = exp.op.exp2.expType; exp.op.exp2.expType = null; if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp2.destType, false)) FreeType(oldType); else exp.op.exp2.expType = oldType; } */ /* // TESTING THIS HERE... LATEST ADDITION if(type2 && type2.kind == classType && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == unitClass && type1 && type1.kind != classType) { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = type2._class.registered.dataType; if(type2._class.registered.dataType) type2._class.registered.dataType.refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp2.destType, false); //exp.expType = type2._class.registered.dataType; //type2; //if(type2) type2.refCount++; } // TESTING THIS HERE... LATEST ADDITION if(type1 && type1.kind == classType && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == unitClass && type2 && type2.kind != classType) { if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); exp.op.exp1.destType = type1._class.registered.dataType; if(type1._class.registered.dataType) type1._class.registered.dataType.refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false); exp.expType = type1._class.registered.dataType; //type1; if(type1) type1.refCount++; } */ if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp2.destType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp2.destType; if(exp.op.exp2.destType) exp.op.exp2.destType.refCount++; } else if(type1 && type2) { char expString1[10240]; char expString2[10240]; char type1String[1024]; char type2String[1024]; expString1[0] = '\0'; expString2[0] = '\0'; type1String[0] = '\0'; type2String[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp.op.exp1, expString1); ChangeCh(expString1, '\n', ' '); PrintExpression(exp.op.exp2, expString2); ChangeCh(expString2, '\n', ' '); PrintType(exp.op.exp1.expType, type1String, false, true); PrintType(exp.op.exp2.expType, type2String, false, true); } Compiler_Warning($"incompatible expressions %s (%s) and %s (%s)\n", expString1, type1String, expString2, type2String); if(type1.kind == classType && type1._class && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == enumClass) { exp.expType = exp.op.exp1.expType; if(exp.op.exp1.expType) exp.op.exp1.expType.refCount++; } else if(type2.kind == classType && type2._class && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == enumClass) { exp.expType = exp.op.exp2.expType; if(exp.op.exp2.expType) exp.op.exp2.expType.refCount++; } } } } } else if(type2) { // Maybe this was meant to be an enum... if(type2.kind == classType && type2._class && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == enumClass) { Type oldType = exp.op.exp1.expType; exp.op.exp1.expType = null; if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false, false)) FreeType(oldType); else exp.op.exp1.expType = oldType; } if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); exp.op.exp1.destType = type2; type2.refCount++; /* // TESTING THIS HERE... LATEST ADDITION if(type1 && type1.kind == classType && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == unitClass && type2 && type2.kind != classType) { if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); exp.op.exp1.destType = type1._class.registered.dataType; if(type1._class.registered.dataType) type1._class.registered.dataType.refCount++; } // TESTING THIS HERE... LATEST ADDITION if(type2 && type2.kind == classType && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == unitClass && type1 && type1.kind != classType) { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); exp.op.exp2.destType = type2._class.registered.dataType; if(type2._class.registered.dataType) type2._class.registered.dataType.refCount++; } */ if(CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false, false)) { if(exp.expType) FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = exp.op.exp1.destType; if(exp.op.exp1.destType) exp.op.exp1.destType.refCount++; } } } else if(type2 && (!type1 || (type2.kind == classType && type1.kind != classType))) { if(type1 && type2._class && type2._class.registered && type2._class.registered.type == unitClass) { if(exp.op.exp1.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp1.destType); // Convert e.g. / 4 into / 4.0 exp.op.exp1.destType = type2._class.registered.dataType; if(type2._class.registered.dataType) type2._class.registered.dataType.refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp1, exp.op.exp1.destType, false, false); } if(exp.op.op == '!') { exp.expType = MkClassType("bool"); exp.expType.truth = true; } else { exp.expType = type2; if(type2) type2.refCount++; } } else if(type1 && (!type2 || (type1.kind == classType && type2.kind != classType))) { if(type2 && type1._class && type1._class.registered && type1._class.registered.type == unitClass) { if(exp.op.exp2.destType) FreeType(exp.op.exp2.destType); // Convert e.g. / 4 into / 4.0 exp.op.exp2.destType = type1._class.registered.dataType; if(type1._class.registered.dataType) type1._class.registered.dataType.refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp.op.exp2, exp.op.exp2.destType, false, false); } exp.expType = type1; if(type1) type1.refCount++; } } yylloc = exp.loc; if(exp.op.exp1 && !exp.op.exp1.expType) { char expString[10000]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp.op.exp1, expString); ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } if(expString[0]) Compiler_Error($"couldn't determine type of %s\n", expString); } if(exp.op.exp2 && !exp.op.exp2.expType) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp.op.exp2, expString); ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } if(expString[0]) Compiler_Error($"couldn't determine type of %s\n", expString); } if(boolResult) { FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = MkClassType("bool"); exp.expType.truth = true; } if(exp.op.op != SIZEOF) exp.isConstant = (!exp.op.exp1 || exp.op.exp1.isConstant) && (!exp.op.exp2 || exp.op.exp2.isConstant); if(exp.op.op == SIZEOF && exp.op.exp2.expType) { DeclareType(exp.op.exp2.expType, false, false); } yylloc = oldyylloc; FreeType(dummy); if(type2) FreeType(type2); break; } case bracketsExp: case extensionExpressionExp: { Expression e; exp.isConstant = true; for(e = exp.list->first; e; e = { bool inced = false; if(! { FreeType(e.destType); e.opDestType = exp.opDestType; e.destType = exp.destType; if(e.destType) { exp.destType.refCount++; e.destType.count++; inced = true; } } ProcessExpressionType(e); if(inced) exp.destType.count--; if(!exp.expType && ! { exp.expType = e.expType; if(e.expType) e.expType.refCount++; } if(!e.isConstant) exp.isConstant = false; } // In case a cast became a member... e = exp.list->first; if(! && e.type == memberExp) { // Preserve prev, next Expression next =, prev = exp.prev; FreeType(exp.expType); FreeType(exp.destType); delete exp.list; *exp = *e; exp.prev = prev; = next; delete e; ProcessExpressionType(exp); } break; } case indexExp: { Expression e; exp.isConstant = true; ProcessExpressionType(exp.index.exp); if(!exp.index.exp.isConstant) exp.isConstant = false; if(exp.index.exp.expType) { Type source = exp.index.exp.expType; if(source.kind == classType && source._class && source._class.registered) { Class _class = source._class.registered; Class c = _class.templateClass ? _class.templateClass : _class; if(_class != containerClass && eClass_IsDerived(c, containerClass) && _class.templateArgs) { exp.expType = ProcessTypeString(_class.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, false); if(exp.index.index && exp.index.index->last) { Type type = ProcessTypeString(_class.templateArgs[1].dataTypeString, false); if(type.kind == classType) type.constant = true; else if(type.kind == pointerType) { Type t = type; while(t.kind == pointerType) t = t.type; t.constant = true; } ((Expression)exp.index.index->last).destType = type; } } } } for(e = exp.index.index->first; e; e = { if(! && exp.index.exp.expType && exp.index.exp.expType.kind == arrayType && exp.index.exp.expType.enumClass) { if(e.destType) FreeType(e.destType); e.destType = MkClassType(exp.index.exp.expType.enumClass.string); } ProcessExpressionType(e); if(! { // Check if this type is int } if(!e.isConstant) exp.isConstant = false; } if(!exp.expType) exp.expType = Dereference(exp.index.exp.expType); if(exp.expType) DeclareType(exp.expType, false, false); break; } case callExp: { Expression e; Type functionType; Type methodType = null; char name[1024]; name[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(, name); if( && ! { // = null; PrintExpression(, name); } } if( == identifierExp) { Expression idExp =; Identifier id = idExp.identifier; if(!strcmp(id.string, "__builtin_frame_address")) { exp.expType = ProcessTypeString("void *", true); if( &&>first) ProcessExpressionType(>first); break; } else if(!strcmp(id.string, "__ENDIAN_PAD")) { exp.expType = ProcessTypeString("int", true); if( &&>first) ProcessExpressionType(>first); break; } else if(!strcmp(id.string, "Max") || !strcmp(id.string, "Min") || !strcmp(id.string, "Sgn") || !strcmp(id.string, "Abs")) { Expression a = null; Expression b = null; Expression tempExp1 = null, tempExp2 = null; if((!strcmp(id.string, "Max") || !strcmp(id.string, "Min")) &&>count == 2) { a =>first; b =>last; tempExp1 = a; tempExp2 = b; } else if(>count == 1) { a =>first; tempExp1 = a; } if(a) {>Clear(); idExp.identifier = null; FreeExpContents(exp); ProcessExpressionType(a); if(b) ProcessExpressionType(b); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkList(); if(a.expType && (!b || b.expType)) { if((!a.isConstant && a.type != identifierExp) || (b && !b.isConstant && b.type != identifierExp)) { // Use the simpleStruct name/ids for now... if(inCompiler) { OldList * specs = MkList(); OldList * decls = MkList(); Declaration decl; char temp1[1024], temp2[1024]; GetTypeSpecs(a.expType, specs); if(a && !a.isConstant && a.type != identifierExp) { sprintf(temp1, "__simpleStruct%d", curContext.simpleID++); ListAdd(decls, MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(temp1)), null)); tempExp1 = QMkExpId(temp1); tempExp1.expType = a.expType; if(a.expType) a.expType.refCount++; ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp1), '=', a)); } if(b && !b.isConstant && b.type != identifierExp) { sprintf(temp2, "__simpleStruct%d", curContext.simpleID++); ListAdd(decls, MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(temp2)), null)); tempExp2 = QMkExpId(temp2); tempExp2.expType = b.expType; if(b.expType) b.expType.refCount++; ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp2), '=', b)); } decl = MkDeclaration(specs, decls); if(!curCompound.compound.declarations) curCompound.compound.declarations = MkList(); curCompound.compound.declarations->Insert(null, decl); } } } if(!strcmp(id.string, "Max") || !strcmp(id.string, "Min")) { int op = (!strcmp(id.string, "Max")) ? '>' : '<'; ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne( MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp1), op, CopyExpression(tempExp2)))), MkListOne(CopyExpression(tempExp1)), CopyExpression(tempExp2))); exp.expType = a.expType; if(a.expType) a.expType.refCount++; } else if(!strcmp(id.string, "Abs")) { ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne( MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp1), '<', MkExpConstant("0")))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '-', CopyExpression(tempExp1))), CopyExpression(tempExp1))); exp.expType = a.expType; if(a.expType) a.expType.refCount++; } else if(!strcmp(id.string, "Sgn")) { // ((!(a))?(0):(((a)<0)?(-1):(1))) ListAdd(exp.list, MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne( MkExpOp(null, '!', CopyExpression(tempExp1)))), MkListOne(MkExpConstant("0")), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne( MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp1), '<', MkExpConstant("0")))), MkListOne(MkExpConstant("-1")), MkExpConstant("1")))))); exp.expType = ProcessTypeString("int", false); } FreeExpression(tempExp1); if(tempExp2) FreeExpression(tempExp2); FreeIdentifier(id); break; } } } { Type dummy { count = 1; refCount = 1; }; if(! { = dummy; dummy.refCount++; } ProcessExpressionType(; if( == dummy) { FreeType(dummy); = null; } FreeType(dummy); } // Check argument types against parameter types functionType =; if(functionType && functionType.kind == TypeKind::methodType) { methodType = functionType; functionType = methodType.method.dataType; //if(functionType.returnType && functionType.returnType.kind == thisClassType) // TOCHECK: Instead of doing this here could this be done per param? if( { char typeString[1024]; typeString[0] = '\0'; { Symbol back = functionType.thisClass; // Do not output class specifier here (thisclass was added to this) functionType.thisClass = null; PrintType(functionType, typeString, true, true); functionType.thisClass = back; } if(strstr(typeString, "thisclass")) { OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(; decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); // SET THIS TO FALSE WHEN PROCESSING THISCLASS OUTSIDE THE CLASS if(thisClass != ( ? : thisClassParams = false; ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specs,; { Class backupThisClass = thisClass; thisClass =; ProcessDeclarator(decl); thisClass = backupThisClass; } thisClassParams = true; functionType = ProcessType(specs, decl); functionType.refCount = 0; FinishTemplatesContext(context); } FreeList(specs, FreeSpecifier); FreeDeclarator(decl); } } } if(functionType && functionType.kind == pointerType && functionType.type && functionType.type.kind == TypeKind::functionType) { Type type = functionType.type; if(!functionType.refCount) { functionType.type = null; FreeType(functionType); } //methodType = functionType; functionType = type; } if(functionType && functionType.kind != TypeKind::functionType) { Compiler_Error($"called object %s is not a function\n", name); } else if(functionType) { bool emptyParams = false, noParams = false; Expression e = ?>first : null; Type type = functionType.params.first; Expression memberExp = ( == ExpressionType::memberExp) ? : null; int extra = 0; Location oldyylloc = yylloc; if(!type) emptyParams = true; // WORKING ON THIS: if(functionType.extraParam && e && functionType.thisClass) { e.destType = MkClassType(functionType.thisClass.string); e =; } // WHY WAS THIS COMMENTED OUT ? Broke DisplaySystem::FontExtent(this ? displaySystem : null, font, text, len, width, height); // Fixed #141 by adding '&& !functionType.extraParam' if(!functionType.staticMethod && !functionType.extraParam) { if(memberExp && memberExp.member.exp && memberExp.member.exp.expType && memberExp.member.exp.expType.kind == subClassType && memberExp.member.exp.expType._class) { type = MkClassType(memberExp.member.exp.expType._class.string); if(e) { e.destType = type; e =; type = functionType.params.first; } else type.refCount = 0; } else if(!memberExp && (functionType.thisClass || (methodType && methodType.methodClass))) { type = MkClassType(functionType.thisClass ? functionType.thisClass.string : (methodType ? methodType.methodClass.fullName : null)); type.byReference = functionType.byReference; type.typedByReference = functionType.typedByReference; if(e) { // Allow manually passing a class for typed object if( && type.kind == classType && (functionType && functionType.thisClass) && functionType.classObjectType == typedObject) e =; e.destType = type; e =; type = functionType.params.first; } else type.refCount = 0; //extra = 1; } } if(type && type.kind == voidType) { noParams = true; if(!type.refCount) FreeType(type); type = null; } for( ; e; e = { if(!type && !emptyParams) { yylloc = e.loc; if(methodType && methodType.methodClass) Compiler_Error($"too many arguments for method %s::%s (%d given, expected %d)\n", methodType.methodClass.fullName,,>count, noParams ? 0 : functionType.params.count); else Compiler_Error($"too many arguments for function %s (%d given, expected %d)\n", name /**/,>count, noParams ? 0 : functionType.params.count); break; } if(methodType && type && type.kind == templateType && type.templateParameter.type == TemplateParameterType::type) { Type templatedType = null; Class _class = methodType.usedClass; ClassTemplateParameter curParam = null; int id = 0; if(_class && _class.templateArgs /*&& _class.templateClass*/) { Class sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; id = 0; for(curParam = sClass.templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = { if(curParam.type == TemplateParameterType::type && !strcmp(type.templateParameter.identifier.string, { Class nextClass; for(nextClass = sClass.base; nextClass; nextClass = nextClass.base) { if(nextClass.templateClass) nextClass = nextClass.templateClass; id += nextClass.templateParams.count; } break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } } if(curParam && _class.templateArgs[id].dataTypeString) { bool constant = type.constant; ClassTemplateArgument arg = _class.templateArgs[id]; { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); /*if(!arg.dataType) arg.dataType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false);*/ templatedType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } if(templatedType.kind == classType && constant) templatedType.constant = true; else if(templatedType.kind == pointerType) { Type t = templatedType.type; while(t.kind == pointerType) t = t.type; if(constant) t.constant = constant; } e.destType = templatedType; if(templatedType) { templatedType.passAsTemplate = true; // templatedType.refCount++; } } else { e.destType = type; if(type) type.refCount++; } } else { if(type && type.kind == ellipsisType && type.prev && type.prev.kind == classType && type.prev.classObjectType) { e.destType = type.prev; e.destType.refCount++; } else { e.destType = type; if(type) type.refCount++; } } // Don't reach the end for the ellipsis if(type && type.kind != ellipsisType) { Type next =; if(!type.refCount) FreeType(type); type = next; } } if(type && type.kind != ellipsisType) { if(methodType && methodType.methodClass) Compiler_Warning($"not enough arguments for method %s::%s (%d given, expected %d)\n", methodType.methodClass.fullName,, ?>count : 0, functionType.params.count + extra); else Compiler_Warning($"not enough arguments for function %s (%d given, expected %d)\n", name /**/, ?>count : 0, functionType.params.count + extra); } yylloc = oldyylloc; if(type && !type.refCount) FreeType(type); } else { functionType = Type { refCount = 0; kind = TypeKind::functionType; }; if( == identifierExp) { char * string =; if(inCompiler) { Symbol symbol; Location oldyylloc = yylloc; yylloc =; if(strstr(string, "__builtin_") == string) { if(exp.destType) { functionType.returnType = exp.destType; exp.destType.refCount++; } } else Compiler_Warning($"%s undefined; assuming extern returning int\n", string); symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(string), type = ProcessTypeString("int()", true) }; globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)symbol); if(strstr(symbol.string, "::")) globalContext.hasNameSpace = true; yylloc = oldyylloc; } } else if( == memberExp) { /*Compiler_Warning($"%s undefined; assuming returning int\n",;*/ } else Compiler_Warning($"callable object undefined; extern assuming returning int\n"); if(!functionType.returnType) { functionType.returnType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = intType; }; } } if(functionType && functionType.kind == TypeKind::functionType) { exp.expType = functionType.returnType; if(functionType.returnType) functionType.returnType.refCount++; if(!functionType.refCount) FreeType(functionType); } if( { for(e =>first; e; e = { Type destType = e.destType; ProcessExpressionType(e); } } break; } case memberExp: { Type type; Location oldyylloc = yylloc; bool thisPtr; Expression checkExp = exp.member.exp; while(checkExp) { if(checkExp.type == castExp) checkExp = checkExp.cast.exp; else if(checkExp.type == bracketsExp) checkExp = checkExp.list ? checkExp.list->first : null; else break; } thisPtr = (checkExp && checkExp.type == identifierExp && !strcmp(checkExp.identifier.string, "this")); exp.thisPtr = thisPtr; // DOING THIS LATER NOW... if(exp.member.member && exp.member.member._class && { exp.member.member.classSym = exp.member.member._class.symbol; // FindClass(; /* TODO: Name Space Fix ups if(!exp.member.member.classSym) exp.member.member.nameSpace = eSystem_FindNameSpace(privateModule, exp.member.member._class.fullName); */ } ProcessExpressionType(exp.member.exp); if(exp.member.exp.expType && exp.member.exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.member.exp.expType._class && exp.member.exp.expType._class.registered && exp.member.exp.expType._class.registered.type == normalClass) { exp.isConstant = false; } else exp.isConstant = exp.member.exp.isConstant; type = exp.member.exp.expType; yylloc = exp.loc; if(type && (type.kind == templateType)) { Class _class = thisClass ? thisClass : currentClass; ClassTemplateParameter param = null; if(_class) { for(param = _class.templateParams.first; param; param = { if(param.type == identifier && exp.member.member && exp.member.member.string && !strcmp(, exp.member.member.string)) break; } } if(param && param.defaultArg.member) { Expression argExp = GetTemplateArgExpByName(, thisClass, TemplateParameterType::identifier); if(argExp) { Expression expMember = exp.member.exp; Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); char thisClassTypeString[1024]; FreeIdentifier(exp.member.member); ProcessExpressionType(argExp); { char * colon = strstr(param.defaultArg.memberString, "::"); if(colon) { char className[1024]; Class sClass; memcpy(thisClassTypeString, param.defaultArg.memberString, colon - param.defaultArg.memberString); thisClassTypeString[colon - param.defaultArg.memberString] = '\0'; } else strcpy(thisClassTypeString, _class.fullName); } decl = SpecDeclFromString(param.defaultArg.member.dataTypeString, specs, null); exp.expType = ProcessType(specs, decl); if(exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.templateClass) { Class expClass = exp.expType._class.registered; Class cClass = null; int c; int paramCount = 0; int lastParam = -1; char templateString[1024]; ClassTemplateParameter param; sprintf(templateString, "%s<", expClass.templateClass.fullName); for(cClass = expClass; cClass; cClass = cClass.base) { int p = 0; for(param = cClass.templateParams.first; param; param = { int id = p; Class sClass; ClassTemplateArgument arg; for(sClass = cClass.base; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) id += sClass.templateParams.count; arg = expClass.templateArgs[id]; for(sClass = _class /*expClass*/; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { ClassTemplateParameter cParam; //int p = numParams - sClass.templateParams.count; int p = 0; Class nextClass; for(nextClass = sClass.base; nextClass; nextClass = nextClass.base) p += nextClass.templateParams.count; for(cParam = sClass.templateParams.first; cParam; cParam =, p++) { if(cParam.type == TemplateParameterType::type && arg.dataTypeString && !strcmp(, arg.dataTypeString)) { if(_class.templateArgs && arg.dataTypeString && (!param.defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param.defaultArg.dataTypeString))) { arg.dataTypeString = _class.templateArgs[p].dataTypeString; arg.dataTypeClass = _class.templateArgs[p].dataTypeClass; break; } } } } { char argument[256]; argument[0] = '\0'; /*if( { strcat(argument,; strcat(argument, " = "); }*/ switch(param.type) { case expression: { // THIS WHOLE THING IS A WILD GUESS... FIX IT UP char expString[1024]; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(param.dataTypeString, specs, null); Expression exp; char * string = PrintHexUInt64(arg.expression.ui64); exp = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpConstant(string)); delete string; ProcessExpressionType(exp); ComputeExpression(exp); expString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(exp, expString); strcat(argument, expString); // delete exp; FreeExpression(exp); break; } case identifier: { strcat(argument,; break; } case TemplateParameterType::type: { if(arg.dataTypeString && (!param.defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param.defaultArg.dataTypeString))) { if(!strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, "thisclass")) strcat(argument, thisClassTypeString); else strcat(argument, arg.dataTypeString); } break; } } if(argument[0]) { if(paramCount) strcat(templateString, ", "); if(lastParam != p - 1) { strcat(templateString,; strcat(templateString, " = "); } strcat(templateString, argument); paramCount++; lastParam = p; } p++; } } } { int len = strlen(templateString); if(templateString[len-1] == '>') templateString[len++] = ' '; templateString[len++] = '>'; templateString[len++] = '\0'; } { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = ProcessTypeString(templateString, false); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } // *([expType] *)(((byte *)[exp.member.exp]) + [argExp].member.offset) exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', /*opExp; exp.op.op = '*'; exp.op.exp1 = null; exp.op.exp2 = */ MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), decl)), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp( MkExpBrackets(MkListOne( MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), expMember))), '+', MkExpOp(MkExpMember(MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("member")), MkIdentifier("offset")), '+', MkExpMember(MkExpMember(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(argExp), MkIdentifier("member")), MkIdentifier("_class")), MkIdentifier("offset"))))))) )); } } else if(type.templateParameter && type.templateParameter.type == TemplateParameterType::type && (type.templateParameter.dataType || type.templateParameter.dataTypeString)) { type = ProcessTemplateParameterType(type.templateParameter); } } // TODO: *** This seems to be where we should add method support for all basic types *** if(type && (type.kind == templateType)); else if(type && (type.kind == classType || type.kind == subClassType || type.kind == intType || type.kind == enumType || type.kind == int64Type || type.kind == shortType || type.kind == longType || type.kind == charType || type.kind == _BoolType || type.kind == intPtrType || type.kind == intSizeType || type.kind == floatType || type.kind == doubleType || (type.kind == pointerType && type.type.kind == charType))) { Identifier id = exp.member.member; TypeKind typeKind = type.kind; Class _class = (id && (!id._class || ( id.classSym ? id.classSym.registered : (type._class ? type._class.registered : null)) : null; if(typeKind == subClassType && exp.member.exp.type == classExp) { _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::com::Class"); typeKind = classType; } if(id) { if(typeKind == intType || typeKind == enumType) _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "int"); else if(!_class) { if(type.kind == classType && type._class && type._class.registered) { _class = type._class.registered; } else if((type.kind == arrayType || type.kind == pointerType) && type.type && type.type.kind == charType) { _class = FindClass("char *").registered; } else if(type.kind == pointerType) { _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "uintptr"); FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = ProcessTypeString("uintptr", false); exp.byReference = true; } else { char string[1024] = ""; Symbol classSym; PrintTypeNoConst(type, string, false, true); classSym = FindClass(string); if(classSym) _class = classSym.registered; } } } if(_class && id) { /*bool thisPtr = (exp.member.exp.type == identifierExp && !strcmp(exp.member.exp.identifier.string, "this"));*/ Property prop = null; Method method = null; DataMember member = null; Property revConvert = null; ClassProperty classProp = null; if(id && id._class && && !strcmp(, "property")) exp.member.memberType = propertyMember; if(id && id._class && type._class && !eClass_IsDerived(type._class.registered, _class)) Compiler_Error($"invalid class specifier %s for object of class %s\n", _class.fullName, type._class.string); if(typeKind != subClassType) { // Prioritize data members over properties for "this" if((exp.member.memberType == unresolvedMember && thisPtr) || exp.member.memberType == dataMember) { member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id.string, privateModule, null, null); if(member && member._class != (_class.templateClass ? _class.templateClass : _class) && exp.member.memberType != dataMember) { prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, id.string, privateModule); if(prop) member = null; } if(!member && !prop) prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, id.string, privateModule); if((member && member._class == (_class.templateClass ? _class.templateClass : _class)) || (prop && prop._class == (_class.templateClass ? _class.templateClass : _class))) exp.member.thisPtr = true; } // Prioritize properties over data members otherwise else { bool useMemberForNonConst = false; // First look for Public Members (Unless class specifier is provided, which skips public priority) if(!id.classSym) { prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, id.string, null); useMemberForNonConst = prop && exp.destType && ( (exp.destType.kind == classType && !exp.destType.constant) || ((exp.destType.kind == pointerType || exp.destType.kind == arrayType) && exp.destType.type && !exp.destType.type.constant) ) && !strncmp(prop.dataTypeString, "const ", 6); if(useMemberForNonConst || !id._class || ! || strcmp(, "property")) member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id.string, null, null, null); } if((!prop || useMemberForNonConst) && !member) { method = useMemberForNonConst ? null : eClass_FindMethod(_class, id.string, null); if(!method) { prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, id.string, privateModule); useMemberForNonConst |= prop && exp.destType && ( (exp.destType.kind == classType && !exp.destType.constant) || ((exp.destType.kind == pointerType || exp.destType.kind == arrayType) && exp.destType.type && !exp.destType.type.constant) ) && !strncmp(prop.dataTypeString, "const ", 6); if(useMemberForNonConst || !id._class || ! || strcmp(, "property")) member = eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id.string, privateModule, null, null); } } if(member && prop) { if(useMemberForNonConst || (member._class != prop._class && !id._class && eClass_IsDerived(member._class, prop._class))) prop = null; else member = null; } } } if(!prop && !member && !method) // NOTE: Recently added the !method here, causes private methods to unprioritized method = eClass_FindMethod(_class, id.string, privateModule); if(!prop && !member && !method) { if(typeKind == subClassType) { classProp = eClass_FindClassProperty(type._class.registered, exp.member.member.string); if(classProp) { exp.member.memberType = classPropertyMember; exp.expType = ProcessTypeString(classProp.dataTypeString, false); } else { // Assume this is a class_data member char structName[1024]; Identifier id = exp.member.member; Expression classExp = exp.member.exp; type.refCount++; FreeType(classExp.expType); classExp.expType = ProcessTypeString("ecere::com::Class", false); strcpy(structName, "__ecereClassData_"); FullClassNameCat(structName, type._class.string, false); exp.type = pointerExp; exp.member.member = id; exp.member.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast( MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier(structName), null)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp( MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), null)), MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("data"))), '+', MkExpMember(MkExpClass(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(type._class.string)), null), MkIdentifier("offsetClass"))))) ))); FreeType(type); ProcessExpressionType(exp); return; } } else { // Check for reverse conversion // (Convert in an instantiation later, so that we can use // deep properties system) Symbol classSym = FindClass(id.string); if(classSym) { Class convertClass = classSym.registered; if(convertClass) revConvert = eClass_FindProperty(convertClass, _class.fullName, privateModule); } } } if(prop) { exp.member.memberType = propertyMember; if(!prop.dataType) ProcessPropertyType(prop); exp.expType = prop.dataType; if(prop.dataType) prop.dataType.refCount++; } else if(member) { if(exp.member.exp.expType.classObjectType == typedObject && !strcmp(exp.member.member.string, "_class")) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = identifierExp; exp.identifier = MkIdentifier("class"); ProcessExpressionType(exp); return; } exp.member.memberType = dataMember; DeclareStruct(_class.fullName, false); if(!member.dataType) { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); member.dataType = ProcessTypeString(member.dataTypeString, false); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } exp.expType = member.dataType; if(member.dataType) member.dataType.refCount++; } else if(revConvert) { exp.member.memberType = reverseConversionMember; exp.expType = MkClassType(revConvert._class.fullName); } else if(method) { //if(inCompiler) { /*if(id._class) { exp.type = identifierExp; exp.identifier = exp.member.member; } else*/ exp.member.memberType = methodMember; } if(!method.dataType) ProcessMethodType(method); exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = methodType; method = method; }; // Tricky spot here... To use instance versus class virtual table // Put it back to what it was... What did we break? // Had to put it back for overriding Main of Thread global instance //exp.expType.methodClass = _class; exp.expType.methodClass = (id && id._class) ? _class : null; // Need the actual class used for templated classes exp.expType.usedClass = _class; } else if(!classProp) { if(exp.member.exp.expType.classObjectType == typedObject && !strcmp(exp.member.member.string, "_class")) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = identifierExp; exp.identifier = MkIdentifier("class"); FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = MkClassType("ecere::com::Class"); return; } yylloc = exp.member.member.loc; Compiler_Error($"couldn't find member %s in class %s\n", id.string, _class.fullName); if(inCompiler) eClass_AddDataMember(_class, id.string, "int", 0, 0, publicAccess); } if(_class && /*(_class.templateClass || _class.templateArgs) && */exp.expType) { Class tClass; tClass = _class; while(tClass && !tClass.templateClass) tClass = tClass.base; if(tClass && exp.expType.kind == templateType && exp.expType.templateParameter.type == TemplateParameterType::type) { int id = 0; ClassTemplateParameter curParam = null; Class sClass; for(sClass = tClass; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { id = 0; if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; for(curParam = sClass.templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = { if(curParam.type == TemplateParameterType::type && !strcmp(exp.expType.templateParameter.identifier.string, { for(sClass = sClass.base; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) id += sClass.templateParams.count; break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam && tClass.templateArgs[id].dataTypeString) { ClassTemplateArgument arg = tClass.templateArgs[id]; Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(tClass); bool constant = exp.expType.constant; /*if(!arg.dataType) arg.dataType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false);*/ FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false); if(exp.expType.kind == classType && constant) exp.expType.constant = true; else if(exp.expType.kind == pointerType) { Type t = exp.expType.type; while(t.kind == pointerType) t = t.type; if(constant) t.constant = constant; } if(exp.expType) { if(exp.expType.kind == thisClassType) { FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); } if(tClass.templateClass) exp.expType.passAsTemplate = true; //exp.expType.refCount++; if(!exp.destType) { exp.destType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false); if(exp.destType.kind == classType && constant) exp.destType.constant = true; else if(exp.destType.kind == pointerType) { Type t = exp.destType.type; while(t.kind == pointerType) t = t.type; if(constant) t.constant = constant; } //exp.destType.refCount++; if(exp.destType.kind == thisClassType) { FreeType(exp.destType); exp.destType = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); } } } FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } // TODO: MORE GENERIC SUPPORT FOR DEEPER TYPES else if(tClass && exp.expType.kind == pointerType && exp.expType.type && exp.expType.type.kind == templateType && exp.expType.type.templateParameter.type == TemplateParameterType::type) { int id = 0; ClassTemplateParameter curParam = null; Class sClass; for(sClass = tClass; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { id = 0; if(sClass.templateClass) sClass = sClass.templateClass; for(curParam = sClass.templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = { if(curParam.type == TemplateParameterType::type && !strcmp(exp.expType.type.templateParameter.identifier.string, { for(sClass = sClass.base; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) id += sClass.templateParams.count; break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam) { ClassTemplateArgument arg = tClass.templateArgs[id]; Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(tClass); Type basicType; /*if(!arg.dataType) arg.dataType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false);*/ basicType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, false); if(basicType) { if(basicType.kind == thisClassType) { FreeType(basicType); basicType = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); } /* DO WE REALLY WANT THIS HERE? IT SEEMS TO BE ONLY USED WITH Array::array which was causing bug 135 if(tClass.templateClass) basicType.passAsTemplate = true; */ FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1, kind = pointerType, type = basicType }; //exp.expType.refCount++; if(!exp.destType) { exp.destType = exp.expType; exp.destType.refCount++; } { Expression newExp { }; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; decl = SpecDeclFromString(arg.dataTypeString, specs, null); *newExp = *exp; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; exp.type = castExp; exp.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), decl)); exp.cast.exp = newExp; //FreeType(exp.expType); //exp.expType = null; //ProcessExpressionType(sourceExp); } } FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } else if(tClass && exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.expType._class && strchr(exp.expType._class.string, '<')) { Class expClass = exp.expType._class.registered; if(expClass) { Class cClass = null; int c; int p = 0; int paramCount = 0; int lastParam = -1; char templateString[1024]; ClassTemplateParameter param; sprintf(templateString, "%s<", expClass.templateClass.fullName); while(cClass != expClass) { Class sClass; for(sClass = expClass; sClass && sClass.base != cClass; sClass = sClass.base); cClass = sClass; for(param = cClass.templateParams.first; param; param = { Class cClassCur = null; int c; int cp = 0; ClassTemplateParameter paramCur = null; ClassTemplateArgument arg; while(cClassCur != tClass && !paramCur) { Class sClassCur; for(sClassCur = tClass; sClassCur && sClassCur.base != cClassCur; sClassCur = sClassCur.base); cClassCur = sClassCur; for(paramCur = cClassCur.templateParams.first; paramCur; paramCur = { if(!strcmp(, { break; } cp++; } } if(paramCur && paramCur.type == TemplateParameterType::type) arg = tClass.templateArgs[cp]; else arg = expClass.templateArgs[p]; { char argument[256]; argument[0] = '\0'; /*if( { strcat(argument,; strcat(argument, " = "); }*/ switch(param.type) { case expression: { // THIS WHOLE THING IS A WILD GUESS... FIX IT UP char expString[1024]; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(param.dataTypeString, specs, null); Expression exp; char * string = PrintHexUInt64(arg.expression.ui64); exp = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpConstant(string)); delete string; ProcessExpressionType(exp); ComputeExpression(exp); expString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(exp, expString); strcat(argument, expString); // delete exp; FreeExpression(exp); break; } case identifier: { strcat(argument,; break; } case TemplateParameterType::type: { if(arg.dataTypeString && (!param.defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param.defaultArg.dataTypeString))) strcat(argument, arg.dataTypeString); break; } } if(argument[0]) { if(paramCount) strcat(templateString, ", "); if(lastParam != p - 1) { strcat(templateString,; strcat(templateString, " = "); } strcat(templateString, argument); paramCount++; lastParam = p; } } p++; } } { int len = strlen(templateString); if(templateString[len-1] == '>') templateString[len++] = ' '; templateString[len++] = '>'; templateString[len++] = '\0'; } FreeType(exp.expType); { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(tClass); exp.expType = ProcessTypeString(templateString, false); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } } } } else Compiler_Error($"undefined class %s\n", (id && (!id._class || (id.classSym ? id.classSym.string : (type._class ? type._class.string : null)) : "(null)"); } else if(type && (type.kind == structType || type.kind == unionType)) { Type memberType = exp.member.member ? FindMember(type, exp.member.member.string) : null; if(memberType) { exp.expType = memberType; if(memberType) memberType.refCount++; } } else { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } Compiler_Error($"member operator on non-structure type expression %s\n", expString); } if(exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == thisClassType && (!exp.destType || exp.destType.kind != thisClassType)) { if(type && (type.kind == classType || type.kind == subClassType || type.kind == intType || type.kind == enumType)) { Identifier id = exp.member.member; Class _class = (id && (!id._class || ( id.classSym ? id.classSym.registered : (type._class ? type._class.registered : null)) : null; if(_class) { FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); } } } yylloc = oldyylloc; break; } // Convert x->y into (*x).y case pointerExp: { Type destType = exp.destType; // DOING THIS LATER NOW... if(exp.member.member && exp.member.member._class && { exp.member.member.classSym = exp.member.member._class.symbol; // FindClass(; /* TODO: Name Space Fix ups if(!exp.member.member.classSym) exp.member.member.nameSpace = eSystem_FindNameSpace(privateModule,; */ } exp.member.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(null, '*', exp.member.exp))); exp.type = memberExp; if(destType) destType.count++; ProcessExpressionType(exp); if(destType) destType.count--; break; } case classSizeExp: { //ComputeExpression(exp); Symbol classSym = exp._class.symbol; // FindClass(; if(classSym && classSym.registered) { if(classSym.registered.type == noHeadClass) { char name[1024]; name[0] = '\0'; DeclareStruct(classSym.string, false); FreeSpecifier(exp._class); exp.type = typeSizeExp; FullClassNameCat(name, classSym.string, false); exp.typeName = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier(name), null)), null); } else { if(classSym.registered.fixed) { FreeSpecifier(exp._class); exp.constant = PrintUInt(classSym.registered.templateClass ? classSym.registered.templateClass.structSize : classSym.registered.structSize); exp.type = constantExp; } else { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); FreeExpContents(exp); exp.type = pointerExp; exp.member.exp = MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)); exp.member.member = MkIdentifier("structSize"); } } } exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = intSizeType; }; // exp.isConstant = true; break; } case typeSizeExp: { Type type = ProcessType(exp.typeName.qualifiers, exp.typeName.declarator); exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = intSizeType; }; exp.isConstant = true; DeclareType(type, false, false); FreeType(type); break; } case castExp: { Type type = ProcessType(exp.cast.typeName.qualifiers, exp.cast.typeName.declarator); type.count = 1; FreeType(exp.cast.exp.destType); exp.cast.exp.destType = type; type.refCount++; type.casted = true; ProcessExpressionType(exp.cast.exp); type.casted = false; type.count = 0; exp.expType = type; //type.refCount++; // if(!NeedCast(exp.cast.exp.expType, exp.cast.exp.destType)) if(!exp.cast.exp.needCast && !NeedCast(exp.cast.exp.expType, type)) { void * prev = exp.prev, * next =; Type expType = exp.cast.exp.destType; Expression castExp = exp.cast.exp; Type destType = exp.destType; if(expType) expType.refCount++; //FreeType(exp.destType); FreeType(exp.expType); FreeTypeName(exp.cast.typeName); *exp = *castExp; FreeType(exp.expType); FreeType(exp.destType); exp.expType = expType; exp.destType = destType; delete castExp; exp.prev = prev; = next; } else { exp.isConstant = exp.cast.exp.isConstant; } //FreeType(type); break; } case extensionInitializerExp: { Type type = ProcessType(exp.initializer.typeName.qualifiers, exp.initializer.typeName.declarator); // We have yet to support this... ( { } initializers are currently processed inside ProcessDeclaration()'s initDeclaration case statement // ProcessInitializer(exp.initializer.initializer, type); exp.expType = type; break; } case vaArgExp: { Type type = ProcessType(exp.vaArg.typeName.qualifiers, exp.vaArg.typeName.declarator); ProcessExpressionType(exp.vaArg.exp); exp.expType = type; break; } case conditionExp: { Expression e; exp.isConstant = true; FreeType(exp.cond.cond.destType); exp.cond.cond.destType = MkClassType("bool"); exp.cond.cond.destType.truth = true; ProcessExpressionType(exp.cond.cond); if(!exp.cond.cond.isConstant) exp.isConstant = false; for(e = exp.cond.exp->first; e; e = { if(! { FreeType(e.destType); e.destType = exp.destType; if(e.destType) e.destType.refCount++; } ProcessExpressionType(e); if(! { exp.expType = e.expType; if(e.expType) e.expType.refCount++; } if(!e.isConstant) exp.isConstant = false; } FreeType(exp.cond.elseExp.destType); // Added this check if we failed to find an expType // exp.cond.elseExp.destType = exp.expType ? exp.expType : exp.destType; // Reversed it... exp.cond.elseExp.destType = exp.destType ? exp.destType : exp.expType; if(exp.cond.elseExp.destType) exp.cond.elseExp.destType.refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(exp.cond.elseExp); // FIXED THIS: Was done before calling process on elseExp if(!exp.cond.elseExp.isConstant) exp.isConstant = false; break; } case extensionCompoundExp: { if(exp.compound && exp.compound.compound.statements && exp.compound.compound.statements->last) { Statement last = exp.compound.compound.statements->last; if(last.type == expressionStmt && last.expressions && last.expressions->last) { ((Expression)last.expressions->last).destType = exp.destType; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; } ProcessStatement(exp.compound); exp.expType = (last.expressions && last.expressions->last) ? ((Expression)last.expressions->last).expType : null; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; } break; } case classExp: { Specifier spec = exp._classExp.specifiers->first; if(spec && spec.type == nameSpecifier) { exp.expType = MkClassType(; exp.expType.kind = subClassType; exp.byReference = true; } else { exp.expType = MkClassType("ecere::com::Class"); exp.byReference = true; } break; } case classDataExp: { Class _class = thisClass ? thisClass : currentClass; if(_class) { Identifier id =; char structName[1024]; Expression classExp; strcpy(structName, "__ecereClassData_"); FullClassNameCat(structName, _class.fullName, false); exp.type = pointerExp; exp.member.member = id; if(curCompound && FindSymbol("this", curContext, curCompound.compound.context, false, false)) classExp = MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this")), MkIdentifier("_class")); else classExp = MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("class")); exp.member.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast( MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier(structName), null)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp( MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), null)), MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("data"))), '+', MkExpMember(MkExpClass(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(_class.fullName)), null), MkIdentifier("offsetClass"))))) ))); ProcessExpressionType(exp); return; } break; } case arrayExp: { Type type = null; const char * typeString = null; char typeStringBuf[1024]; if(exp.destType && exp.destType.kind == classType && exp.destType._class && exp.destType._class.registered && exp.destType._class.registered != containerClass && eClass_IsDerived(exp.destType._class.registered, containerClass)) { Class templateClass = exp.destType._class.registered; typeString = templateClass.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString; } else if(exp.list) { // Guess type from expressions in the array Expression e; for(e = exp.list->first; e; e = { ProcessExpressionType(e); if(e.expType) { if(!type) { type = e.expType; type.refCount++; } else { // if(!MatchType(e.expType, type, null, null, null, false, false, false)) if(!MatchTypeExpression(e, type, null, false, true)) { FreeType(type); type = e.expType; e.expType = null; e = exp.list->first; ProcessExpressionType(e); if(e.expType) { //if(!MatchTypes(e.expType, type, null, null, null, false, false, false)) if(!MatchTypeExpression(e, type, null, false, true)) { FreeType(e.expType); e.expType = null; FreeType(type); type = null; break; } } } } if(e.expType) { FreeType(e.expType); e.expType = null; } } } if(type) { typeStringBuf[0] = '\0'; PrintTypeNoConst(type, typeStringBuf, false, true); typeString = typeStringBuf; FreeType(type); type = null; } } if(typeString) { /* (Container)& (struct BuiltInContainer) { ._vTbl = class(BuiltInContainer)._vTbl, ._class = class(BuiltInContainer), .refCount = 0, .data = (int[]){ 1, 7, 3, 4, 5 }, .count = 5, .type = class(int), } */ char templateString[1024]; OldList * initializers = MkList(); OldList * structInitializers = MkList(); OldList * specs = MkList(); Expression expExt; Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); sprintf(templateString, "Container<%s>", typeString); if(exp.list) { Expression e; type = ProcessTypeString(typeString, false); while(e = exp.list->first) { exp.list->Remove(e); e.destType = type; type.refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(e); ListAdd(initializers, MkInitializerAssignment(e)); } FreeType(type); delete exp.list; } DeclareStruct("ecere::com::BuiltInContainer", false); ListAdd(structInitializers, /*MkIdentifier("_vTbl")*/ MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpMember(MkExpClass(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("BuiltInContainer")), null), MkIdentifier("_vTbl")))); ProcessExpressionType(((Initializer)structInitializers->last).exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, /*MkIdentifier("_class")*/ MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpClass(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("BuiltInContainer")), null))); ProcessExpressionType(((Initializer)structInitializers->last).exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, /*MkIdentifier("_refCount")*/MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpConstant("0"))); ProcessExpressionType(((Initializer)structInitializers->last).exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, /*MkIdentifier("data")*/ MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpExtensionInitializer( MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorArray(decl, null)), MkInitializerList(initializers)))); ProcessExpressionType(((Initializer)structInitializers->last).exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, /*MkIdentifier("count")*/ MkInitializerAssignment({ type = constantExp, constant = PrintString(initializers->count) })); ProcessExpressionType(((Initializer)structInitializers->last).exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, /*MkIdentifier("type")*/ MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpClass(CopyList(specs, CopySpecifier), CopyDeclarator(decl)))); ProcessExpressionType(((Initializer)structInitializers->last).exp); exp.expType = ProcessTypeString(templateString, false); exp.type = bracketsExp; exp.list = MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(templateString)), null), MkExpOp(null, '&', expExt = MkExpExtensionInitializer(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("BuiltInContainer")), null), MkInitializerList(structInitializers))))); ProcessExpressionType(expExt); } else { exp.expType = ProcessTypeString("Container", false); Compiler_Error($"Couldn't determine type of array elements\n"); } break; } } if(exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == thisClassType && thisClass && (!exp.destType || exp.destType.kind != thisClassType)) { FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = ReplaceThisClassType(thisClass); } // Resolve structures here if(exp.expType && (exp.expType.kind == structType || exp.expType.kind == unionType || exp.expType.kind == enumType) && !exp.expType.members.first && exp.expType.enumName) { Symbol symbol = FindSymbol(exp.expType.enumName, curContext, globalContext, true, false); // TODO: Fix members reference... if(symbol) { if(exp.expType.kind != enumType) { Type member; String enumName = CopyString(exp.expType.enumName); // Fixed a memory leak on self-referencing C structs typedefs // by instantiating a new type rather than simply copying members // into exp.expType FreeType(exp.expType); exp.expType = Type { }; exp.expType.kind = symbol.type.kind; exp.expType.refCount++; exp.expType.enumName = enumName; exp.expType.members = symbol.type.members; for(member = symbol.type.members.first; member; member = member.refCount++; } else { NamedLink member; for(member = symbol.type.members.first; member; member = { NamedLink value { name = CopyString( }; exp.expType.members.Add(value); } } } } yylloc = exp.loc; if(exp.destType && (exp.destType.kind == voidType || exp.destType.kind == dummyType) ); else if(exp.destType && !exp.destType.keepCast) { if(!CheckExpressionType(exp, exp.destType, false, !exp.destType.casted)) { if(!exp.destType.count || unresolved) { if(!exp.expType) { yylloc = exp.loc; if(exp.destType.kind != ellipsisType) { char type2[1024]; type2[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; PrintType(exp.destType, type2, false, true); if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } if(unresolved) Compiler_Error($"unresolved identifier %s; expected %s\n", expString, type2); else if(exp.type != dummyExp) Compiler_Error($"couldn't determine type of %s; expected %s\n", expString, type2); } } else { char expString[10240] ; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } if(unresolved) Compiler_Error($"unresolved identifier %s\n", expString); else if(exp.type != dummyExp) Compiler_Error($"couldn't determine type of %s\n", expString); } } else { char type1[1024]; char type2[1024]; type1[0] = '\0'; type2[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintType(exp.expType, type1, false, true); PrintType(exp.destType, type2, false, true); } //CheckExpressionType(exp, exp.destType, false); if(exp.destType.truth && exp.destType._class && exp.destType._class.registered && !strcmp(, "bool") && exp.expType.kind != voidType && exp.expType.kind != structType && exp.expType.kind != unionType && (exp.expType.kind != classType || exp.expType.classObjectType || (exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type != structClass))); else { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } #ifdef _DEBUG CheckExpressionType(exp, exp.destType, false, true); #endif // Flex & Bison generate code that triggers this, so we ignore it for a quiet sdk build: if(!sourceFile || (strcmp(sourceFile, "src\\") && strcmp(sourceFile, "src/") && strcmp(sourceFile, "src\\") && strcmp(sourceFile, "src/"))) Compiler_Warning($"incompatible expression %s (%s); expected %s\n", expString, type1, type2); // TO CHECK: FORCING HERE TO HELP DEBUGGER FreeType(exp.expType); exp.destType.refCount++; exp.expType = exp.destType; } } } } else if(exp.destType && exp.destType.kind == ellipsisType && exp.expType && exp.expType.passAsTemplate) { Expression newExp { }; char typeString[1024]; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; typeString[0] = '\0'; *newExp = *exp; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; if(exp.expType) exp.expType.refCount++; exp.type = castExp; newExp.destType = exp.expType; PrintType(exp.expType, typeString, false, false); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, null); exp.cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); exp.cast.exp = newExp; } } else if(unresolved) { if(exp.identifier._class && Compiler_Error($"unresolved identifier %s::%s\n",, exp.identifier.string); else if(exp.identifier.string && exp.identifier.string[0]) Compiler_Error($"unresolved identifier %s\n", exp.identifier.string); } else if(!exp.expType && exp.type != dummyExp) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } Compiler_Error($"couldn't determine type of %s\n", expString); } // Let's try to support any_object & typed_object here: if(inCompiler) ApplyAnyObjectLogic(exp); // Mark nohead classes as by reference, unless we're casting them to an integral type if(!notByReference && exp.expType && exp.expType.kind == classType && exp.expType._class && exp.expType._class.registered && exp.expType._class.registered.type == noHeadClass && (!exp.destType || (exp.destType.kind != intType && exp.destType.kind != int64Type && exp.destType.kind != intPtrType && exp.destType.kind != intSizeType && exp.destType.kind != longType && exp.destType.kind != shortType && exp.destType.kind != charType && exp.destType.kind != _BoolType))) { exp.byReference = true; } yylloc = oldyylloc; } static void FindNextDataMember(Class _class, Class * curClass, DataMember * curMember, DataMember * subMemberStack, int * subMemberStackPos) { // THIS CODE WILL FIND NEXT MEMBER... if(*curMember) { *curMember = (*curMember).next; if(subMemberStackPos && *subMemberStackPos > 0 && subMemberStack[*subMemberStackPos-1].type == unionMember) { *curMember = subMemberStack[--(*subMemberStackPos)]; *curMember = (*curMember).next; } // SKIP ALL PROPERTIES HERE... while((*curMember) && (*curMember).isProperty) *curMember = (*curMember).next; if(subMemberStackPos) { while((*curMember) && !(*curMember).isProperty && !(*curMember).name && ((*curMember).type == structMember || (*curMember).type == unionMember)) { subMemberStack[(*subMemberStackPos)++] = *curMember; *curMember = (*curMember).members.first; while(*curMember && (*curMember).isProperty) *curMember = (*curMember).next; } } } while(!*curMember) { if(!*curMember) { if(subMemberStackPos && *subMemberStackPos) { *curMember = subMemberStack[--(*subMemberStackPos)]; *curMember = (*curMember).next; } else { Class lastCurClass = *curClass; if(*curClass == _class) break; // REACHED THE END for(*curClass = _class; (*curClass).base != lastCurClass && (*curClass).base.type != systemClass; *curClass = (*curClass).base); *curMember = (*curClass).membersAndProperties.first; } while((*curMember) && (*curMember).isProperty) *curMember = (*curMember).next; if(subMemberStackPos) { while((*curMember) && !(*curMember).isProperty && !(*curMember).name && ((*curMember).type == structMember || (*curMember).type == unionMember)) { subMemberStack[(*subMemberStackPos)++] = *curMember; *curMember = (*curMember).members.first; while(*curMember && (*curMember).isProperty) *curMember = (*curMember).next; } } } } } static void ProcessInitializer(Initializer init, Type type) { switch(init.type) { case expInitializer: if(!init.exp || init.exp.type != instanceExp || !init.exp.instance || init.exp.instance._class || !type || type.kind == classType) { // TESTING THIS FOR SHUTTING = 0 WARNING if(init.exp && !init.exp.destType) { FreeType(init.exp.destType); init.exp.destType = type; if(type) type.refCount++; } if(init.exp) { ProcessExpressionType(init.exp); init.isConstant = init.exp.isConstant; } break; } else { Expression exp = init.exp; Instantiation inst = exp.instance; MembersInit members; init.type = listInitializer; init.list = MkList(); if(inst.members) { for(members = inst.members->first; members; members = { if(members.type == dataMembersInit) { MemberInit member; for(member = members.dataMembers->first; member; member = { ListAdd(init.list, member.initializer); member.initializer = null; } } // Discard all MembersInitMethod } } FreeExpression(exp); } case listInitializer: { Initializer i; Type initializerType = null; Class curClass = null; DataMember curMember = null; DataMember subMemberStack[256]; int subMemberStackPos = 0; if(type && type.kind == arrayType) initializerType = Dereference(type); else if(type && (type.kind == structType || type.kind == unionType)) initializerType = type.members.first; for(i = init.list->first; i; i = { if(type && type.kind == classType && type._class && type._class.registered) { // THIS IS FOR A C STYLE INSTANTIATION OF STRUCT CLASSES ONLY... WE ONLY CARE ABOUT DATA MEMBERS, AND ACTUAL MEMORY ORDER (PRIVATE MEMBERS ARE INCLUDED) FindNextDataMember(type._class.registered, &curClass, &curMember, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); // TODO: Generate error on initializing a private data member this way from another module... if(curMember) { if(!curMember.dataType) curMember.dataType = ProcessTypeString(curMember.dataTypeString, false); initializerType = curMember.dataType; } } ProcessInitializer(i, initializerType); if(initializerType && type && (type.kind == structType || type.kind == unionType)) initializerType =; if(!i.isConstant) init.isConstant = false; } if(type && type.kind == arrayType) FreeType(initializerType); if(type && type.kind != arrayType && type.kind != structType && type.kind != unionType && (type.kind != classType || !type._class.registered || type._class.registered.type != structClass)) { Compiler_Error($"Assigning list initializer to non list\n"); } break; } } } static void ProcessSpecifier(Specifier spec, bool declareStruct) { switch(spec.type) { case baseSpecifier: { if(spec.specifier == THISCLASS) { if(thisClass) { spec.type = nameSpecifier; = ReplaceThisClass(thisClass); spec.symbol = FindClass(; ProcessSpecifier(spec, declareStruct); } } break; } case nameSpecifier: { Symbol symbol = FindType(curContext,; if(symbol) DeclareType(symbol.type, true, true); else if((symbol = spec.symbol /*FindClass(*/) && symbol.registered && symbol.registered.type == structClass && declareStruct) DeclareStruct(, false); break; } case enumSpecifier: { Enumerator e; if(spec.list) { for(e = spec.list->first; e; e = { if(e.exp) ProcessExpressionType(e.exp); } } break; } case structSpecifier: case unionSpecifier: { if(spec.definitions) { ClassDef def; Symbol symbol = ? FindClass( : null; //if(symbol) ProcessClass(spec.definitions, symbol); /*else { for(def = spec.definitions->first; def; def = { //if(def.type == declarationClassDef && def.decl && def.decl.type == DeclarationStruct) ProcessDeclaration(def.decl); } }*/ } break; } /* case classSpecifier: { Symbol classSym = FindClass(; if(classSym && classSym.registered && classSym.registered.type == structClass) DeclareStruct(, false); break; } */ } } static void ProcessDeclarator(Declarator decl) { switch(decl.type) { case identifierDeclarator: if(decl.identifier.classSym /* TODO: Name Space Fix ups || decl.identifier.nameSpace*/) { FreeSpecifier(decl.identifier._class); decl.identifier._class = null; } break; case arrayDeclarator: if(decl.array.exp) ProcessExpressionType(decl.array.exp); case structDeclarator: case bracketsDeclarator: case functionDeclarator: case pointerDeclarator: case extendedDeclarator: case extendedDeclaratorEnd: if(decl.declarator) ProcessDeclarator(decl.declarator); if(decl.type == functionDeclarator) { Identifier id = GetDeclId(decl); if(id && id._class) { TypeName param { qualifiers = MkListOne(id._class); declarator = null; }; if(!decl.function.parameters) decl.function.parameters = MkList(); decl.function.parameters->Insert(null, param); id._class = null; } if(decl.function.parameters) { TypeName param; for(param = decl.function.parameters->first; param; param = { if(param.qualifiers && param.qualifiers->first) { Specifier spec = param.qualifiers->first; if(spec && spec.specifier == TYPED_OBJECT) { Declarator d = param.declarator; TypeName newParam { qualifiers = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)); declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), d); }; if(d.type != pointerDeclarator) newParam.qualifiers->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(CONST)); FreeList(param.qualifiers, FreeSpecifier); param.qualifiers = MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier("__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class"), null)); param.declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("class"))); decl.function.parameters->Insert(param, newParam); param = newParam; } else if(spec && spec.specifier == ANY_OBJECT) { Declarator d = param.declarator; FreeList(param.qualifiers, FreeSpecifier); param.qualifiers = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)); if(d.type != pointerDeclarator) param.qualifiers->Insert(null, MkSpecifier(CONST)); param.declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), d); } else if(spec.specifier == THISCLASS) { if(thisClass) { spec.type = nameSpecifier; = ReplaceThisClass(thisClass); spec.symbol = FindClass(; ProcessSpecifier(spec, false); } } } if(param.declarator) ProcessDeclarator(param.declarator); } } } break; } } static void ProcessDeclaration(Declaration decl) { yylloc = decl.loc; switch(decl.type) { case initDeclaration: { bool declareStruct = false; /* lineNum = decl.pos.line; column = decl.pos.col; */ if(decl.declarators) { InitDeclarator d; for(d = decl.declarators->first; d; d = { Type type, subType; ProcessDeclarator(d.declarator); type = ProcessType(decl.specifiers, d.declarator); if(d.initializer) { ProcessInitializer(d.initializer, type); // Change "ColorRGB a = ColorRGB { 1,2,3 } => ColorRGB a { 1,2,3 } if(decl.declarators->count == 1 && d.initializer.type == expInitializer && d.initializer.exp.type == instanceExp) { if(type.kind == classType && type._class == d.initializer.exp.expType._class) { Instantiation inst = d.initializer.exp.instance; inst.exp = MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(GetDeclId(d.declarator))); d.initializer.exp.instance = null; if(decl.specifiers) FreeList(decl.specifiers, FreeSpecifier); FreeList(decl.declarators, FreeInitDeclarator); d = null; decl.type = instDeclaration; decl.inst = inst; } } } for(subType = type; subType;) { if(subType.kind == classType) { declareStruct = true; break; } else if(subType.kind == pointerType) break; else if(subType.kind == arrayType) subType = subType.arrayType; else break; } FreeType(type); if(!d) break; } } if(decl.specifiers) { Specifier s; for(s = decl.specifiers->first; s; s = { ProcessSpecifier(s, declareStruct); } } break; } case instDeclaration: { ProcessInstantiationType(decl.inst); break; } case structDeclaration: { Specifier spec; Declarator d; bool declareStruct = false; if(decl.declarators) { for(d = decl.declarators->first; d; d = { Type type = ProcessType(decl.specifiers, d.declarator); Type subType; ProcessDeclarator(d); for(subType = type; subType;) { if(subType.kind == classType) { declareStruct = true; break; } else if(subType.kind == pointerType) break; else if(subType.kind == arrayType) subType = subType.arrayType; else break; } FreeType(type); } } if(decl.specifiers) { for(spec = decl.specifiers->first; spec; spec = ProcessSpecifier(spec, declareStruct); } break; } } } static FunctionDefinition curFunction; static void CreateFireWatcher(Property prop, Expression object, Statement stmt) { char propName[1024], propNameM[1024]; char getName[1024], setName[1024]; OldList * args; DeclareProperty(prop, setName, getName); // eInstance_FireWatchers(object, prop); strcpy(propName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop._class.fullName, false); strcat(propName, "_"); // strcat(propName,; FullClassNameCat(propName,, true); MangleClassName(propName); strcpy(propNameM, "__ecerePropM_"); FullClassNameCat(propNameM, prop._class.fullName, false); strcat(propNameM, "_"); // strcat(propNameM,; FullClassNameCat(propNameM,, true); MangleClassName(propNameM); if(prop.isWatchable) { args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, object ? CopyExpression(object) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))); ListAdd(stmt.expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_FireWatchers")), args)); args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, object ? CopyExpression(object) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propNameM))); ListAdd(stmt.expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_FireWatchers")), args)); } { args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, object ? CopyExpression(object) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))); ListAdd(stmt.expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_FireSelfWatchers")), args)); args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, object ? CopyExpression(object) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propNameM))); ListAdd(stmt.expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_FireSelfWatchers")), args)); } if(curFunction.propSet && !strcmp(curFunction.propSet.string, && (!object || (object.type == identifierExp && !strcmp(object.identifier.string, "this")))) curFunction.propSet.fireWatchersDone = true; } static void ProcessStatement(Statement stmt) { yylloc = stmt.loc; /* lineNum = stmt.pos.line; column = stmt.pos.col; */ switch(stmt.type) { case labeledStmt: ProcessStatement(stmt.labeled.stmt); break; case caseStmt: // This expression should be constant... if(stmt.caseStmt.exp) { FreeType(stmt.caseStmt.exp.destType); stmt.caseStmt.exp.destType = curSwitchType; if(curSwitchType) curSwitchType.refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(stmt.caseStmt.exp); ComputeExpression(stmt.caseStmt.exp); } if(stmt.caseStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.caseStmt.stmt); break; case compoundStmt: { if(stmt.compound.context) { Declaration decl; Statement s; Statement prevCompound = curCompound; Context prevContext = curContext; if(!stmt.compound.isSwitch) curCompound = stmt; curContext = stmt.compound.context; if(stmt.compound.declarations) { for(decl = stmt.compound.declarations->first; decl; decl = ProcessDeclaration(decl); } if(stmt.compound.statements) { for(s = stmt.compound.statements->first; s; s = ProcessStatement(s); } curContext = prevContext; curCompound = prevCompound; } break; } case expressionStmt: { Expression exp; if(stmt.expressions) { for(exp = stmt.expressions->first; exp; exp = ProcessExpressionType(exp); } break; } case ifStmt: { Expression exp; FreeType(((Expression)stmt.ifStmt.exp->last).destType); ((Expression)stmt.ifStmt.exp->last).destType = MkClassType("bool"); ((Expression)stmt.ifStmt.exp->last).destType.truth = true; for(exp = stmt.ifStmt.exp->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpressionType(exp); } if(stmt.ifStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.ifStmt.stmt); if(stmt.ifStmt.elseStmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.ifStmt.elseStmt); break; } case switchStmt: { Type oldSwitchType = curSwitchType; if(stmt.switchStmt.exp) { Expression exp; for(exp = stmt.switchStmt.exp->first; exp; exp = { if(! { /* Type destType { kind = intType; refCount = 1; }; e.exp.destType = destType; */ ProcessExpressionType(exp); } if(! curSwitchType = exp.expType; } } ProcessStatement(stmt.switchStmt.stmt); curSwitchType = oldSwitchType; break; } case whileStmt: { if(stmt.whileStmt.exp) { Expression exp; FreeType(((Expression)stmt.whileStmt.exp->last).destType); ((Expression)stmt.whileStmt.exp->last).destType = MkClassType("bool"); ((Expression)stmt.whileStmt.exp->last).destType.truth = true; for(exp = stmt.whileStmt.exp->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } if(stmt.whileStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.whileStmt.stmt); break; } case doWhileStmt: { if(stmt.doWhile.exp) { Expression exp; if(stmt.doWhile.exp->last) { FreeType(((Expression)stmt.doWhile.exp->last).destType); ((Expression)stmt.doWhile.exp->last).destType = MkClassType("bool"); ((Expression)stmt.doWhile.exp->last).destType.truth = true; } for(exp = stmt.doWhile.exp->first; exp; exp = { ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } if(stmt.doWhile.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.doWhile.stmt); break; } case forStmt: { Expression exp; if(stmt.forStmt.init) ProcessStatement(stmt.forStmt.init); if(stmt.forStmt.check && stmt.forStmt.check.expressions) { FreeType(((Expression)stmt.forStmt.check.expressions->last).destType); ((Expression)stmt.forStmt.check.expressions->last).destType = MkClassType("bool"); ((Expression)stmt.forStmt.check.expressions->last).destType.truth = true; } if(stmt.forStmt.check) ProcessStatement(stmt.forStmt.check); if(stmt.forStmt.increment) { for(exp = stmt.forStmt.increment->first; exp; exp = ProcessExpressionType(exp); } if(stmt.forStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt.forStmt.stmt); break; } case forEachStmt: { Identifier id =; OldList * exp = stmt.forEachStmt.exp; OldList * filter = stmt.forEachStmt.filter; Statement block = stmt.forEachStmt.stmt; char iteratorType[1024]; Type source; Expression e; bool isBuiltin = exp && exp->last && (((Expression)exp->last).type == ExpressionType::arrayExp || (((Expression)exp->last).type == castExp && ((Expression)exp->last).cast.exp.type == ExpressionType::arrayExp)); Expression arrayExp; const char * typeString = null; int builtinCount = 0; for(e = exp ? exp->first : null; e; e = { if(! { FreeType(e.destType); e.destType = ProcessTypeString("Container", false); } if(!isBuiltin || ProcessExpressionType(e); } source = (exp && exp->last) ? ((Expression)exp->last).expType : null; if(isBuiltin || (source && source.kind == classType && source._class && source._class.registered && source._class.registered != containerClass && eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, containerClass))) { Class _class = source ? source._class.registered : null; Symbol symbol; Expression expIt = null; bool isMap = false, isArray = false, isLinkList = false, isList = false, isCustomAVLTree = false; //, isAVLTree = false; Class arrayClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "Array"); Class linkListClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "LinkList"); Class customAVLTreeClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "CustomAVLTree"); stmt.type = compoundStmt; stmt.compound.context = Context { }; stmt.compound.context.parent = curContext; curContext = stmt.compound.context; if(source && eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, customAVLTreeClass)) { Class mapClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "Map"); //Class avlTreeClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "AVLTree"); isCustomAVLTree = true; /*if(eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, avlTreeClass)) isAVLTree = true; else */if(eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, mapClass)) isMap = true; } else if(source && eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, arrayClass)) isArray = true; else if(source && eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, linkListClass)) { Class listClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "List"); isLinkList = true; isList = eClass_IsDerived(source._class.registered, listClass); } if(isArray) { Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(id))); stmt.compound.declarations = MkListOne( MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(decl, null)))); ListAdd(stmt.compound.declarations, MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(source._class.registered.fullName)), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpBrackets(exp)))))); } else if(isBuiltin) { Type type = null; char typeStringBuf[1024]; // TODO: Merge this code? arrayExp = (((Expression)exp->last).type == ExpressionType::arrayExp) ? (Expression)exp->last : ((Expression)exp->last).cast.exp; if(((Expression)exp->last).type == castExp) { TypeName typeName = ((Expression)exp->last).cast.typeName; if(typeName) arrayExp.destType = ProcessType(typeName.qualifiers, typeName.declarator); } if(arrayExp.destType && arrayExp.destType.kind == classType && arrayExp.destType._class && arrayExp.destType._class.registered && arrayExp.destType._class.registered != containerClass && eClass_IsDerived(arrayExp.destType._class.registered, containerClass) && arrayExp.destType._class.registered.templateArgs) { Class templateClass = arrayExp.destType._class.registered; typeString = templateClass.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString; } else if(arrayExp.list) { // Guess type from expressions in the array Expression e; for(e = arrayExp.list->first; e; e = { ProcessExpressionType(e); if(e.expType) { if(!type) { type = e.expType; type.refCount++; } else { // if(!MatchType(e.expType, type, null, null, null, false, false, false)) if(!MatchTypeExpression(e, type, null, false, true)) { FreeType(type); type = e.expType; e.expType = null; e = arrayExp.list->first; ProcessExpressionType(e); if(e.expType) { //if(!MatchTypes(e.expType, type, null, null, null, false, false, false, false)) if(!MatchTypeExpression(e, type, null, false, true)) { FreeType(e.expType); e.expType = null; FreeType(type); type = null; break; } } } } if(e.expType) { FreeType(e.expType); e.expType = null; } } } if(type) { typeStringBuf[0] = '\0'; PrintType(type, typeStringBuf, false, true); typeString = typeStringBuf; FreeType(type); } } if(typeString) { OldList * initializers = MkList(); Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); if(arrayExp.list) { Expression e; builtinCount = arrayExp.list->count; type = ProcessTypeString(typeString, false); while(e = arrayExp.list->first) { arrayExp.list->Remove(e); e.destType = type; type.refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(e); ListAdd(initializers, MkInitializerAssignment(e)); } FreeType(type); delete arrayExp.list; } decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(id)); stmt.compound.declarations = MkListOne(MkDeclaration(CopyList(specs, CopySpecifier), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), /*CopyDeclarator(*/decl/*)*/), null)))); ListAdd(stmt.compound.declarations, MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator( PlugDeclarator( /*CopyDeclarator(*/decl/*)*/, MkDeclaratorArray(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), null) ), MkInitializerList(initializers))))); FreeList(exp, FreeExpression); } else { arrayExp.expType = ProcessTypeString("Container", false); Compiler_Error($"Couldn't determine type of array elements\n"); } /* Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(id))); stmt.compound.declarations = MkListOne( MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(decl, null)))); ListAdd(stmt.compound.declarations, MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("BuiltInContainer")), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray"))), MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpBrackets(exp)))))); */ } else if(isLinkList && !isList) { Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class.templateArgs[3].dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(id)); stmt.compound.declarations = MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(decl, null)))); ListAdd(stmt.compound.declarations, MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(source._class.registered.fullName)), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalLinkList")), MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpBrackets(exp)))))); } /*else if(isCustomAVLTree) { Declarator decl; OldList * specs = MkList(); decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class.templateArgs[3].dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(id)); stmt.compound.declarations = MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(decl, null)))); ListAdd(stmt.compound.declarations, MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(source._class.registered.fullName)), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalTree")), MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpBrackets(exp)))))); }*/ else if(_class.templateArgs) { if(isMap) sprintf(iteratorType, "MapIterator<%s, %s >", _class.templateArgs[5].dataTypeString, _class.templateArgs[6].dataTypeString); else sprintf(iteratorType, "Iterator<%s, %s >", _class.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, _class.templateArgs[1].dataTypeString); stmt.compound.declarations = MkListOne( MkDeclarationInst(MkInstantiationNamed(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(iteratorType)), MkExpIdentifier(id), MkListOne(MkMembersInitList(MkListOne(MkMemberInit(isMap ? MkListOne(MkIdentifier("map")) : null, MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpBrackets(exp))))))))); } symbol = FindSymbol(id.string, curContext, curContext, false, false); if(block) { // Reparent sub-contexts in this statement switch(block.type) { case compoundStmt: if(block.compound.context) block.compound.context.parent = stmt.compound.context; break; case ifStmt: if(block.ifStmt.stmt && block.ifStmt.stmt.type == compoundStmt && block.ifStmt.stmt.compound.context) block.ifStmt.stmt.compound.context.parent = stmt.compound.context; if(block.ifStmt.elseStmt && block.ifStmt.elseStmt.type == compoundStmt && block.ifStmt.elseStmt.compound.context) block.ifStmt.elseStmt.compound.context.parent = stmt.compound.context; break; case switchStmt: if(block.switchStmt.stmt && block.switchStmt.stmt.type == compoundStmt && block.switchStmt.stmt.compound.context) block.switchStmt.stmt.compound.context.parent = stmt.compound.context; break; case whileStmt: if(block.whileStmt.stmt && block.whileStmt.stmt.type == compoundStmt && block.whileStmt.stmt.compound.context) block.whileStmt.stmt.compound.context.parent = stmt.compound.context; break; case doWhileStmt: if(block.doWhile.stmt && block.doWhile.stmt.type == compoundStmt && block.doWhile.stmt.compound.context) block.doWhile.stmt.compound.context.parent = stmt.compound.context; break; case forStmt: if(block.forStmt.stmt && block.forStmt.stmt.type == compoundStmt && block.forStmt.stmt.compound.context) block.forStmt.stmt.compound.context.parent = stmt.compound.context; break; case forEachStmt: if(block.forEachStmt.stmt && block.forEachStmt.stmt.type == compoundStmt && block.forEachStmt.stmt.compound.context) block.forEachStmt.stmt.compound.context.parent = stmt.compound.context; break; /* Only handle those with compound blocks for now... (Potential limitation on compound statements within expressions) case labeledStmt: case caseStmt case expressionStmt: case gotoStmt: case continueStmt: case breakStmt case returnStmt: case asmStmt: case badDeclarationStmt: case fireWatchersStmt: case stopWatchingStmt: case watchStmt: */ } } if(filter) { block = MkIfStmt(filter, block, null); } if(isArray) { stmt.compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt( MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkIdentifier("array"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '<', MkExpOp(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkIdentifier("array")), '+', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkIdentifier("count")))))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), INC_OP, null)), block)); ProcessStatement(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.init); ProcessStatement(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.check); ProcessExpressionType(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.increment->first); } else if(isBuiltin) { char count[128]; //OldList * specs = MkList(); // Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)); sprintf(count, "%d", builtinCount); stmt.compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt( MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '<', MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), '+', MkExpConstant(count))))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), INC_OP, null)), block)); /* Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class.templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)); stmt.compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt( MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkIdentifier("data"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '<', MkExpOp(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkIdentifier("data"))), '+', MkExpPointer(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkIdentifier("count")))))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), INC_OP, null)), block)); */ ProcessStatement(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.init); ProcessStatement(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.check); ProcessExpressionType(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.increment->first); } else if(isLinkList && !isList) { Class typeClass = eSystem_FindClass(_class.module, _class.templateArgs[3].dataTypeString); Class listItemClass = eSystem_FindClass(_class.module, "ListItem"); if(typeClass && eClass_IsDerived(typeClass, listItemClass) && _class.templateArgs[5].dataTypeString && !strcmp(_class.templateArgs[5].dataTypeString, "LT::link")) { stmt.compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt( MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalLinkList")), MkIdentifier("first"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), MkIdentifier("next")))), block)); } else { OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class.templateArgs[3].dataTypeString, specs, null); stmt.compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt( MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalLinkList")), MkIdentifier("first"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpCall( MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalLinkList")), MkIdentifier("GetNext")), MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("IteratorPointer")), null), MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)))))))), block)); } ProcessStatement(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.init); ProcessStatement(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.check); ProcessExpressionType(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.increment->first); } /*else if(isCustomAVLTree) { stmt.compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt( MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier( MkIdentifier("__internalTree")), MkIdentifier("root")), MkIdentifier("minimum"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), MkIdentifier("next")))), block)); ProcessStatement(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.init); ProcessStatement(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.check); ProcessExpressionType(((Statement)stmt.compound.statements->first).forStmt.increment->first); }*/ else { stmt.compound.statements = MkListOne(MkWhileStmt(MkListOne(MkExpCall(MkExpMember(expIt = MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), MkIdentifier("Next")), null)), block)); } ProcessExpressionType(expIt); if(stmt.compound.declarations->first) ProcessDeclaration(stmt.compound.declarations->first); if(symbol) symbol.isIterator = isMap ? 2 : ((isArray || isBuiltin) ? 3 : (isLinkList ? (isList ? 5 : 4) : (isCustomAVLTree ? 6 : 1))); ProcessStatement(stmt); curContext = stmt.compound.context.parent; break; } else { Compiler_Error($"Expression is not a container\n"); } break; } case gotoStmt: break; case continueStmt: break; case breakStmt: break; case returnStmt: { Expression exp; if(stmt.expressions) { for(exp = stmt.expressions->first; exp; exp = { if(! { if(curFunction && !curFunction.type) curFunction.type = ProcessType( curFunction.specifiers, curFunction.declarator); FreeType(exp.destType); exp.destType = (curFunction && curFunction.type && curFunction.type.kind == functionType) ? curFunction.type.returnType : null; if(exp.destType) exp.destType.refCount++; } ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } break; } case badDeclarationStmt: { ProcessDeclaration(stmt.decl); break; } case asmStmt: { AsmField field; if(stmt.asmStmt.inputFields) { for(field = stmt.asmStmt.inputFields->first; field; field = if(field.expression) ProcessExpressionType(field.expression); } if(stmt.asmStmt.outputFields) { for(field = stmt.asmStmt.outputFields->first; field; field = if(field.expression) ProcessExpressionType(field.expression); } if(stmt.asmStmt.clobberedFields) { for(field = stmt.asmStmt.clobberedFields->first; field; field = { if(field.expression) ProcessExpressionType(field.expression); } } break; } case watchStmt: { PropertyWatch propWatch; OldList * watches =; Expression object = stmt._watch.object; Expression watcher = stmt._watch.watcher; if(watcher) ProcessExpressionType(watcher); if(object) ProcessExpressionType(object); if(inCompiler) { if(watcher || thisClass) { External external = curExternal; Context context = curContext; stmt.type = expressionStmt; stmt.expressions = MkList(); curExternal = external.prev; for(propWatch = watches->first; propWatch; propWatch = { ClassFunction func; char watcherName[1024]; Class watcherClass = watcher ? ((watcher.expType && watcher.expType.kind == classType && watcher.expType._class) ? watcher.expType._class.registered : null) : thisClass; External createdExternal; // Create a declaration above External externalDecl = MkExternalDeclaration(null); ast->Insert(curExternal.prev, externalDecl); sprintf(watcherName,"__ecerePropertyWatcher_%d", propWatcherID++); if(propWatch.deleteWatch) strcat(watcherName, "_delete"); else { Identifier propID; for(propID =>first; propID; propID = { strcat(watcherName, "_"); strcat(watcherName, propID.string); } } if(object && object.expType && object.expType.kind == classType && object.expType._class && object.expType._class.registered) { // TESTING THIS STUFF... BEWARE OF SYMBOL ID ISSUES func = MkClassFunction(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), null, MkDeclaratorFunction(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(watcherName)), //MkListOne(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), null))), null); MkListOne(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(object.expType._class.string)), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("value"))))), null); ProcessClassFunctionBody(func, propWatch.compound); propWatch.compound = null; //afterExternal = afterExternal ? afterExternal : curExternal; //createdExternal = ProcessClassFunction(watcherClass, func, ast, curExternal.prev); createdExternal = ProcessClassFunction(watcherClass, func, ast, curExternal, true); // TESTING THIS... createdExternal.symbol.idCode = external.symbol.idCode; curExternal = createdExternal; ProcessFunction(createdExternal.function); // Create a declaration above { Declaration decl = MkDeclaration(CopyList(createdExternal.function.specifiers, CopySpecifier), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(CopyDeclarator(createdExternal.function.declarator), null))); externalDecl.declaration = decl; if(decl.symbol && !decl.symbol.pointerExternal) decl.symbol.pointerExternal = externalDecl; } if(propWatch.deleteWatch) { OldList * args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, CopyExpression(object)); ListAdd(args, watcher ? CopyExpression(watcher) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(watcherName))); ListAdd(stmt.expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_WatchDestruction")), args)); } else { Class _class = object.expType._class.registered; Identifier propID; for(propID =>first; propID; propID = { char propName[1024]; Property prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, propID.string, privateModule); if(prop) { char getName[1024], setName[1024]; OldList * args = MkList(); DeclareProperty(prop, setName, getName); // eInstance_Watch(, prop,, callback); strcpy(propName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop._class.fullName, false); strcat(propName, "_"); // strcat(propName,; FullClassNameCat(propName,, true); ListAdd(args, CopyExpression(object)); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))); ListAdd(args, watcher ? CopyExpression(watcher) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(watcherName))); ListAdd(stmt.expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_Watch")), args)); } else Compiler_Error($"Property %s not found in class %s\n", propID.string, _class.fullName); } } } else Compiler_Error($"Invalid watched object\n"); } curExternal = external; curContext = context; if(watcher) FreeExpression(watcher); if(object) FreeExpression(object); FreeList(watches, FreePropertyWatch); } else Compiler_Error($"No observer specified and not inside a _class\n"); } else { for(propWatch = watches->first; propWatch; propWatch = { ProcessStatement(propWatch.compound); } } break; } case fireWatchersStmt: { OldList * watches =; Expression object = stmt._watch.object; Class _class; // DEBUGGER BUG: Why doesn't watches evaluate to null?? // printf("%X\n", watches); // printf("%X\n",; if(object) ProcessExpressionType(object); if(inCompiler) { _class = object ? ((object.expType && object.expType.kind == classType && object.expType._class) ? object.expType._class.registered : null) : thisClass; if(_class) { Identifier propID; stmt.type = expressionStmt; stmt.expressions = MkList(); // Check if we're inside a property set if(!watches && curFunction.propSet && (!object || (object.type == identifierExp && !strcmp(object.identifier.string, "this")))) { watches = MkListOne(MkIdentifier(curFunction.propSet.string)); } else if(!watches) { //Compiler_Error($"No property specified and not inside a property set\n"); } if(watches) { for(propID = watches->first; propID; propID = { Property prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, propID.string, privateModule); if(prop) { CreateFireWatcher(prop, object, stmt); } else Compiler_Error($"Property %s not found in class %s\n", propID.string, _class.fullName); } } else { // Fire all properties! Property prop; Class base; for(base = _class; base; base = base.base) { for(prop = base.membersAndProperties.first; prop; prop = { if(prop.isProperty && prop.isWatchable) { CreateFireWatcher(prop, object, stmt); } } } } if(object) FreeExpression(object); FreeList(watches, FreeIdentifier); } else Compiler_Error($"Invalid object specified and not inside a class\n"); } break; } case stopWatchingStmt: { OldList * watches =; Expression object = stmt._watch.object; Expression watcher = stmt._watch.watcher; Class _class; if(object) ProcessExpressionType(object); if(watcher) ProcessExpressionType(watcher); if(inCompiler) { _class = (object && object.expType && object.expType.kind == classType && object.expType._class) ? object.expType._class.registered : null; if(watcher || thisClass) { if(_class) { Identifier propID; stmt.type = expressionStmt; stmt.expressions = MkList(); if(!watches) { OldList * args; // eInstance_StopWatching(object, null, watcher); args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, CopyExpression(object)); ListAdd(args, MkExpConstant("0")); ListAdd(args, watcher ? CopyExpression(watcher) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(stmt.expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_StopWatching")), args)); } else { for(propID = watches->first; propID; propID = { char propName[1024]; Property prop = eClass_FindProperty(_class, propID.string, privateModule); if(prop) { char getName[1024], setName[1024]; OldList * args = MkList(); DeclareProperty(prop, setName, getName); // eInstance_StopWatching(object, prop, watcher); strcpy(propName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop._class.fullName, false); strcat(propName, "_"); // strcat(propName,; FullClassNameCat(propName,, true); MangleClassName(propName); ListAdd(args, CopyExpression(object)); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))); ListAdd(args, watcher ? CopyExpression(watcher) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(stmt.expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_StopWatching")), args)); } else Compiler_Error($"Property %s not found in class %s\n", propID.string, _class.fullName); } } if(object) FreeExpression(object); if(watcher) FreeExpression(watcher); FreeList(watches, FreeIdentifier); } else Compiler_Error($"Invalid object specified and not inside a class\n"); } else Compiler_Error($"No observer specified and not inside a class\n"); } break; } } } static void ProcessFunction(FunctionDefinition function) { Identifier id = GetDeclId(function.declarator); Symbol symbol = function.declarator ? function.declarator.symbol : null; Type type = symbol ? symbol.type : null; Class oldThisClass = thisClass; Context oldTopContext = topContext; yylloc = function.loc; // Process thisClass if(type && type.thisClass) { Symbol classSym = type.thisClass; Class _class = type.thisClass.registered; char className[1024]; char structName[1024]; Declarator funcDecl; Symbol thisSymbol; bool typedObject = false; if(_class && !_class.base) { _class = currentClass; if(_class && !_class.symbol) _class.symbol = FindClass(_class.fullName); classSym = _class ? _class.symbol : null; typedObject = true; } thisClass = _class; if(inCompiler && _class) { if(type.kind == functionType) { if(symbol.type.params.count == 1 && ((Type)symbol.type.params.first).kind == voidType) { //TypeName param = symbol.type.params.first; Type param = symbol.type.params.first; symbol.type.params.Remove(param); //FreeTypeName(param); FreeType(param); } if(type.classObjectType != classPointer) { symbol.type.params.Insert(null, MkClassType(_class.fullName)); symbol.type.staticMethod = true; symbol.type.thisClass = null; // HIGH DANGER: VERIFYING THIS... symbol.type.extraParam = false; } } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, _class.fullName, true); MangleClassName(className); structName[0] = 0; FullClassNameCat(structName, _class.fullName, false); // [class] this funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(function.declarator); if(funcDecl) { if(funcDecl.function.parameters && funcDecl.function.parameters->count == 1) { TypeName param = funcDecl.function.parameters->first; if(param.qualifiers && param.qualifiers->count == 1 && ((Specifier)param.qualifiers->first).specifier == VOID && !param.declarator) { funcDecl.function.parameters->Remove(param); FreeTypeName(param); } } // DANGER: Watch for this... Check if it's a Conversion? // if((_class.type != bitClass && _class.type != unitClass && _class.type != enumClass) || function != (FunctionDefinition)symbol.externalSet) // WAS TRYING THIS FOR CONVERSION PROPERTIES ON NOHEAD CLASSES: if((_class.type == structClass) || function != (FunctionDefinition)symbol.externalSet) if(!function.propertyNoThis) { TypeName thisParam; if(type.classObjectType != classPointer) { thisParam = QMkClass(_class.fullName, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); if(!funcDecl.function.parameters) funcDecl.function.parameters = MkList(); funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, thisParam); } if(typedObject) { if(type.classObjectType != classPointer) { if(type.byReference || _class.type == unitClass || _class.type == systemClass || _class.type == enumClass || _class.type == bitClass) thisParam.declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), thisParam.declarator); } thisParam = TypeName { declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null,null), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("class"))); qualifiers = MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier("__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class"), null)); }; funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, thisParam); } } } if(symbol && symbol.pointerExternal && symbol.pointerExternal.type == declarationExternal) { InitDeclarator initDecl = symbol.pointerExternal.declaration.declarators->first; funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(initDecl.declarator); if(funcDecl) { if(funcDecl.function.parameters && funcDecl.function.parameters->count == 1) { TypeName param = funcDecl.function.parameters->first; if(param.qualifiers && param.qualifiers->count == 1 && ((Specifier)param.qualifiers->first).specifier == VOID && !param.declarator) { funcDecl.function.parameters->Remove(param); FreeTypeName(param); } } if(type.classObjectType != classPointer) { // DANGER: Watch for this... Check if it's a Conversion? if((_class.type != bitClass && _class.type != unitClass && _class.type != enumClass) || function != (FunctionDefinition)symbol.externalSet) { TypeName thisParam = QMkClass(_class.fullName, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); if(!funcDecl.function.parameters) funcDecl.function.parameters = MkList(); funcDecl.function.parameters->Insert(null, thisParam); } } } } } // Add this to the context if(function.body) { if(type.classObjectType != classPointer) { thisSymbol = Symbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = classSym ? MkClassType(classSym.string) : null; //_class.fullName); }; function.body.compound.context.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); if(typedObject && thisSymbol.type) { thisSymbol.type.classObjectType = ClassObjectType::typedObject; thisSymbol.type.byReference = type.byReference; thisSymbol.type.typedByReference = type.byReference; /* thisSymbol = Symbol { string = CopyString("class") }; function.body.compound.context.symbols.Add(thisSymbol); */ } } } // Pointer to class data if(inCompiler && _class && (_class.type == normalClass /*|| _class.type == noHeadClass*/) && type.classObjectType != classPointer) { DataMember member = null; { Class base; for(base = _class; base && base.type != systemClass; base = { for(member = base.membersAndProperties.first; member; member = if(!member.isProperty) break; if(member) break; } } for(member = _class.membersAndProperties.first; member; member = if(!member.isProperty) break; if(member) { char pointerName[1024]; Declaration decl; Initializer initializer; Expression exp, bytePtr; strcpy(pointerName, "__ecerePointer_"); FullClassNameCat(pointerName, _class.fullName, false); { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); // Testing This DeclareClass(classSym, className); } // ((byte *) this) bytePtr = QBrackets(MkExpCast(QMkType("char", QMkPtrDecl(null)), QMkExpId("this"))); if(_class.fixed) { char string[256]; sprintf(string, "%d", _class.offset); exp = QBrackets(MkExpOp(bytePtr, '+', MkExpConstant(string))); } else { // ([bytePtr] + [className]->offset) exp = QBrackets(MkExpOp(bytePtr, '+', MkExpPointer(QMkExpId(className), MkIdentifier("offset")))); } // (this ? [exp] : 0) exp = QBrackets(QMkExpCond(QMkExpId("this"), exp, MkExpConstant("0"))); exp.expType = Type { refCount = 1; kind = pointerType; type = Type { refCount = 1, kind = voidType }; }; if(function.body) { yylloc = function.body.loc; // ([structName] *) [exp] // initializer = MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpCast(QMkType(structName, QMkPtrDecl(null)), exp)); initializer = MkInitializerAssignment( MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier(structName), null)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer(null, null), null)), exp)); // [structName] * [pointerName] = [initializer]; // decl = QMkDeclaration(structName, MkInitDeclarator(QMkPtrDecl(pointerName), initializer)); { Context prevContext = curContext; curContext = function.body.compound.context; decl = MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(structSpecifier, MkIdentifier(structName), null)), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(QMkPtrDecl(pointerName), initializer))); curContext = prevContext; } // WHY? decl.symbol = null; if(!function.body.compound.declarations) function.body.compound.declarations = MkList(); function.body.compound.declarations->Insert(null, decl); } } } // Loop through the function and replace undeclared identifiers // which are a member of the class (methods, properties or data) // by "this.[member]" } else thisClass = null; if(id) { FreeSpecifier(id._class); id._class = null; if(symbol && symbol.pointerExternal && symbol.pointerExternal.type == declarationExternal) { InitDeclarator initDecl = symbol.pointerExternal.declaration.declarators->first; id = GetDeclId(initDecl.declarator); FreeSpecifier(id._class); id._class = null; } } if(function.body) topContext = function.body.compound.context; { FunctionDefinition oldFunction = curFunction; curFunction = function; if(function.body) ProcessStatement(function.body); // If this is a property set and no firewatchers has been done yet, add one here if(inCompiler && function.propSet && !function.propSet.fireWatchersDone) { Statement prevCompound = curCompound; Context prevContext = curContext; Statement fireWatchers = MkFireWatchersStmt(null, null); if(!function.body.compound.statements) function.body.compound.statements = MkList(); ListAdd(function.body.compound.statements, fireWatchers); curCompound = function.body; curContext = function.body.compound.context; ProcessStatement(fireWatchers); curContext = prevContext; curCompound = prevCompound; } curFunction = oldFunction; } if(function.declarator) { ProcessDeclarator(function.declarator); } topContext = oldTopContext; thisClass = oldThisClass; } /////////// INSTANTIATIONS / DATA TYPES PASS ///////////////////////////////////////////// static void ProcessClass(OldList definitions, Symbol symbol) { ClassDef def; External external = curExternal; Class regClass = symbol ? symbol.registered : null; // Process all functions for(def = definitions.first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef) { if(def.function.declarator) curExternal = def.function.declarator.symbol.pointerExternal; else curExternal = external; ProcessFunction((FunctionDefinition)def.function); } else if(def.type == declarationClassDef) { if(def.decl.type == instDeclaration) { thisClass = regClass; ProcessInstantiationType(def.decl.inst); thisClass = null; } // Testing this else { Class backThisClass = thisClass; if(regClass) thisClass = regClass; ProcessDeclaration(def.decl); thisClass = backThisClass; } } else if(def.type == defaultPropertiesClassDef && def.defProperties) { MemberInit defProperty; // Add this to the context Symbol thisSymbol = Symbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = regClass ? MkClassType(regClass.fullName) : null; }; globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); for(defProperty = def.defProperties->first; defProperty; defProperty = { thisClass = regClass; ProcessMemberInitData(defProperty, regClass, null, null, null, null); thisClass = null; } globalContext.symbols.Remove((BTNode)thisSymbol); FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); } else if(def.type == propertyClassDef && def.propertyDef) { PropertyDef prop = def.propertyDef; // Add this to the context /* Symbol thisSymbol = Symbol { string = CopyString("this"), type = MkClassType(regClass.fullName) }; globalContext.symbols.Add(thisSymbol); */ thisClass = regClass; if(prop.setStmt) { if(regClass) { Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(regClass.fullName); }; prop.setStmt.compound.context.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); } curExternal = prop.symbol ? prop.symbol.externalSet : null; ProcessStatement(prop.setStmt); } if(prop.getStmt) { if(regClass) { Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(regClass.fullName); }; prop.getStmt.compound.context.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); } curExternal = prop.symbol ? prop.symbol.externalGet : null; ProcessStatement(prop.getStmt); } if(prop.issetStmt) { if(regClass) { Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = MkClassType(regClass.fullName); }; prop.issetStmt.compound.context.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); } curExternal = prop.symbol ? prop.symbol.externalIsSet : null; ProcessStatement(prop.issetStmt); } thisClass = null; /* globalContext.symbols.Remove(thisSymbol); FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); */ } else if(def.type == propertyWatchClassDef && def.propertyWatch) { PropertyWatch propertyWatch = def.propertyWatch; thisClass = regClass; if(propertyWatch.compound) { Symbol thisSymbol { string = CopyString("this"); type = regClass ? MkClassType(regClass.fullName) : null; }; propertyWatch.compound.compound.context.symbols.Add((BTNode)thisSymbol); curExternal = null; ProcessStatement(propertyWatch.compound); } thisClass = null; } } } void DeclareFunctionUtil(const String s) { GlobalFunction function = eSystem_FindFunction(privateModule, s); if(function) { char name[1024]; name[0] = 0; if(function.module.importType != staticImport && (!function.dataType || !function.dataType.dllExport)) strcpy(name, "__ecereFunction_"); FullClassNameCat(name, s, false); // Why is this using FullClassNameCat ? DeclareFunction(function, name); } } void ComputeDataTypes() { External external; External temp { }; External after = null; currentClass = null; containerClass = eSystem_FindClass(GetPrivateModule(), "Container"); for(external = ast->first; external; external = { if(external.type == declarationExternal) { Declaration decl = external.declaration; if(decl) { OldList * decls = decl.declarators; if(decls) { InitDeclarator initDecl = decls->first; if(initDecl) { Declarator declarator = initDecl.declarator; if(declarator && declarator.type == identifierDeclarator) { Identifier id = declarator.identifier; if(id && id.string) { if(!strcmp(id.string, "uintptr_t") || !strcmp(id.string, "intptr_t") || !strcmp(id.string, "size_t") || !strcmp(id.string, "ssize_t")) { = -1001, external.symbol.idCode = -1001; after = external; } } } } } } } } temp.symbol = Symbol { id = -1000, idCode = -1000 }; ast->Insert(after, temp); curExternal = temp; DeclareFunctionUtil("eSystem_New"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eSystem_New0"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eSystem_Renew"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eSystem_Renew0"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eSystem_Delete"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eClass_GetProperty"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eClass_SetProperty"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eInstance_FireSelfWatchers"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eInstance_SetMethod"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eInstance_IncRef"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eInstance_StopWatching"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eInstance_Watch"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eInstance_FireWatchers"); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::Class", false); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::Instance", false); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::Property", false); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::DataMember", false); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::Method", false); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::SerialBuffer", false); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::ClassTemplateArgument", false); ast->Remove(temp); for(external = ast->first; external; external = { afterExternal = curExternal = external; if(external.type == functionExternal) { currentClass = external.function._class; ProcessFunction(external.function); } // There shouldn't be any _class member access here anyways... else if(external.type == declarationExternal) { currentClass = null; if(external.declaration) ProcessDeclaration(external.declaration); } else if(external.type == classExternal) { ClassDefinition _class = external._class; currentClass = external.symbol.registered; if(_class.definitions) { ProcessClass(_class.definitions, _class.symbol); } if(inCompiler) { // Free class data... ast->Remove(external); delete external; } } else if(external.type == nameSpaceExternal) { thisNameSpace =; } } currentClass = null; thisNameSpace = null; curExternal = null; delete temp.symbol; delete temp; }