import "" static char * names[Player][PieceType] = { { "", "WhitePawn", "WhiteKnigh", "WhiteBisho", "WhiteRook", "WhiteQueen", "WhiteKing" }, { "", "BlackPawn", "BlackKnigh", "BlackBisho", "BlackRook", "BlackQueen", "BlackKing" }, }; define SQUARE = squareSize; // 160; define SQUARE_OFFSET = SQUARE * 3.5f; class Chess3D : Window { Camera camera { attached, fov = 45, zMin = 50,zMax = 5000, position = { 0, 0, -1000 }, orientation = Euler { 30, 30, 0 } }; Object chessSet { }; Object chessBoard; bool moving, lightMoving; Point startPosition; Euler startOrientation; Light light; FillModeValue fillMode; ChessState * chessState; double squareSize; double offsetY; bool pieceSelected; Point start; // Dragging bool useDrag; Point dragging; double dragY; bool antiAlias; antiAlias = true; menu = Menu {}; Menu viewMenu { menu, "View", v }; MenuItem itemAntiAlias { viewMenu, "Anti Aliased", s, checkable = true, checked = antiAlias; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { antiAlias ^= true; Update(null); return true; } }; isActiveClient = true, background = black, borderStyle = sizable, hasMaximize = true, hasMinimize = true; void RenderPiece(Piece atBoard, int x, int y, bool high) { Player player = atBoard.player; PieceType type = atBoard.type; if(type) { char * name = names[player][type]; Object object = chessSet.Find(name); if(object) { float height = 0; if(high) { Piece overAtBoard = chessState->board[y][x]; Player overPlayer = overAtBoard.player; PieceType overType = overAtBoard.type; if(overType) { char * name = names[overPlayer][overType]; Object over = chessSet.Find(name); if(over) height = over.max.y - over.min.y; } } object.flags.root = true; object.transform.position = { x * SQUARE - SQUARE_OFFSET, offsetY - height; y * SQUARE - SQUARE_OFFSET }; object.UpdateTransform(); object.tag = (void *)(((y)*8)+(x)+1); display.DrawObject(object); } } } void RenderSquare(int x, int y) { if(x >= 0 && x < 8 && y >= 0 && y < 8) { Piece atBoard = chessState->board[y][x]; if(useDrag && pieceSelected) { if(x == start.x && y == start.y) return; if(x == dragging.x && y == dragging.y) { Piece atBoardStart = chessState->board[start.y][start.x]; if(atBoard && atBoard.player != atBoardStart.player) return; } } RenderPiece(atBoard, x, y, false); } } void RenderBoard() { display.DrawObject(chessBoard); if(chessState->gameRunning) { int x,y; for(y=0; y<8; y++) for(x=0; x<8; x++) RenderSquare(x, y); if(useDrag && pieceSelected) { Piece atBoard = chessState->board[start.y][start.x]; Piece atBoardDrag = chessState->board[dragging.y][dragging.x]; RenderPiece(atBoard, dragging.x, dragging.y, (dragging.x != start.x || dragging.y != start.y) && atBoardDrag && atBoardDrag.player == atBoard.player); } } } void OnUnloadGraphics() { displaySystem.ClearMaterials(); displaySystem.ClearTextures(); displaySystem.ClearMeshes(); } void OnPosition(int x, int y, int w, int h) { camera.Setup(w, h, null); } bool OnLeftButtonDown(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { OldList list {}; display.StartSelection(x,y, 0,0); display.SetCamera(null, camera); display.CollectHits(); if(chessState->gameRunning) { int cx,cy; for(cy = 0; cy < 8; cy++) for(cx = 0; cx < 8; cx++) RenderSquare(cx, cy); } if(display.GetHits(list)) { HitRecord hit = list.first; int tag = ((int)hit.tags[0]) - 1; int sx = tag & 7, sy = tag >> 3; if(pieceSelected) { pieceSelected = false; ((Chess)master).ProcessUserMove(start.x, start.y, sx, sy); } else if(chessState->board[sy][sx] && chessState->isLocalPlayer[chessState->turn] && chessState->board[sy][sx].player == chessState->turn) { if(useDrag) { Vector3D viewSpace, worldSpace; display.IntersectPolygons(); RenderSquare(sx, sy); display.GetIntersect(viewSpace); camera.Untransform(viewSpace, worldSpace); dragY = worldSpace.y; dragging.x = sx; dragging.y = sy; } Capture(); pieceSelected = true; start.x = sx; start.y = sy; Update(null); OnMouseMove(x, y, mods); } list.Free(null); } else if(display.DrawObject(chessBoard) && !moving && !lightMoving) { startPosition.x = x; startPosition.y = y; startOrientation = camera.orientation; Capture(); moving = true; } display.SetCamera(null, null); display.StopSelection(); Update(null); return true; } bool OnLeftButtonUp(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(moving) { ReleaseCapture(); moving = false; } if(useDrag && pieceSelected) { ReleaseCapture(); ((Chess)master).ProcessUserMove(start.x, start.y, dragging.x, dragging.y); Update(null); pieceSelected = false; } return true; } bool OnRightButtonDown(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(!moving && !lightMoving) { startPosition.x = x; startPosition.y = y; startOrientation = light.orientation; Capture(); lightMoving = true; } return true; } bool OnRightButtonUp(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(lightMoving) { ReleaseCapture(); lightMoving = false; } return true; } bool OnMouseMove(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(moving) { Euler angle { startOrientation.yaw - (x - startPosition.x), startOrientation.pitch + (y - startPosition.y), 0 }; if(angle.pitch > 90) angle.pitch = 90; if(angle.pitch < 2) angle.pitch = 2; camera.orientation = angle; Update(null); } else if(lightMoving) { light.orientation = Euler { startOrientation.yaw + (x - startPosition.x), startOrientation.pitch + (y - startPosition.y), 90 }; Update(null); } else if(pieceSelected && useDrag) { Vector3D p, v1, v2, w1, w2, vector; Line line; Plane plane; int sx, sy; // Compute ray of pixel v1.x = 0; v1.y = 0; v1.z = 0; p.x = (float)x; p.y = (float)y; p.z = 0; camera.Unproject(p, v2); // Convert ray to world space camera.Untransform(v1, w1); camera.Untransform(v2, w2); line.p0 = w1; = w2.x - w1.x; = w2.y - w1.y; = w2.z - w1.z; // Compute plane of selection in world space vector = { 0,dragY,0 }; w1 = { 1,dragY,0 }; w2 = { 0,dragY,1 }; plane.FromPoints(vector, w1, w2); // Find intersection plane.IntersectLine(line, vector); sx = (int)((vector.x + SQUARE * 4) / SQUARE); sy = (int)((vector.z + SQUARE * 4) / SQUARE); sx = Max(Min(sx, 7), 0); sy = Max(Min(sy, 7), 0); dragging.x = sx; dragging.y = sy; Update(null); } return true; } bool OnKeyHit(Key key, unichar ch) { switch((SmartKey)key) { case wheelDown: case minus: camera.position.z *= 1.1f; if(camera.position.z <= -3800) camera.position.z = -3800; Update(null); break; case wheelUp: case equal: camera.position.z /= 1.1f; if(camera.position.z >= -1100) camera.position.z = -1100; Update(null); break; } return true; } bool OnLoadGraphics() { display.vSync = true; chessSet.Load(":chessSet.3ds", null, displaySystem); //chessSet.transform.orientation.RotateY(45); //chessSet.UpdateTransform(); chessBoard = chessSet.Find("Rectangle0"); chessBoard.flags.root = true; { Object queen = chessSet.Find(names[White][Queen]); Object king = chessSet.Find(names[White][King]); squareSize = king.transform.position.x - queen.transform.position.x; offsetY = king.transform.position.y; } if(chessBoard) camera.position.z = - chessBoard.radius * 2.5f; = chessBoard; return true; } void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { //surface.SetBackground(white); surface.Clear(colorAndDepth); camera.Update(); display.antiAlias = antiAlias; display.SetCamera(surface, camera); //display.fogDensity = 0.0002f; display.antiAlias = antiAlias; display.SetLight(0, light); display.fillMode = fillMode; RenderBoard(); display.SetCamera(surface, null); display.fillMode = solid; } bool OnCreate() { fillMode = solid; //fillMode = wireframe; light.diffuse = white; light.specular = white; light.orientation = Euler { pitch = 90 }; useDrag = true; return true; } property ChessState * chessState { set { chessState = value; } } }