import "ide" /*static void ParseListValue(List list, char * equal) { char * start, * comma; char * string; string = CopyString(equal); start = string; while(start) { comma = strstr(start, ","); if(comma) comma[0] = '\0'; list.Add(CopyString(start)); if(comma) comma++; if(comma) comma++; start = comma; } delete string; }*/ enum OpenedFileState { unknown, opened, closed }; class OpenedFileInfo { class_no_expansion; //public: // class_fixed char * path; OpenedFileState state; int lineNumber, position; Point scroll; bool holdTracking; property bool trackingAllowed { get { return !holdTracking && ide && ide.workspace && !ide.workspace.holdTracking; } } void CaretMove(int line, int charPos) { if(trackingAllowed && (line != lineNumber || position != charPos)) { lineNumber = line; position = charPos; ide.workspace.modified = true; } } void ScrollChange(Point scroll) { if(trackingAllowed) { this.scroll.x = scroll.x; this.scroll.y = scroll.y; ide.workspace.modified = true; } } void Activate() { if(trackingAllowed) { List files = ide.workspace.openedFiles; Iterator it { files }; if(it.Find(this) && it.pointer != files.GetLast()) { files.Move(it.pointer, files.GetPrev(files.GetLast())); ide.workspace.modified = true; } } } ~OpenedFileInfo() { delete path; } }; class Workspace { public: char * name; char * workspaceFile; char * workspaceDir; char * commandLineArgs; property char * commandLineArgs { set { delete commandLineArgs; if(value) commandLineArgs = CopyString(value); } } char * debugDir; property char * debugDir { set { delete debugDir; if(value) debugDir = CopyString(value); } } int bpCount; property char * compiler { set { delete compiler; if(value && value[0]) compiler = CopyString(value); } get { return compiler && compiler[0] ? compiler : null; } } List sourceDirs { }; Array environmentVars { }; List breakpoints { }; List watches { }; List openedFiles { }; List projects { }; //Project project; bool modified; bool holdTracking; Timer timer { userData = this, delay = 2.5; bool DelayExpired() { if(modified) Save(); return true; } }; property char * workspaceFile { set { char dir[MAX_DIRECTORY]; if(workspaceFile) delete workspaceFile; if(workspaceDir) delete workspaceDir; workspaceFile = CopyString(value); StripLastDirectory(workspaceFile, dir); workspaceDir = CopyUnixPath(dir); } get { return workspaceFile; } } property char * projectDir { get { if(projects.first) { Project prj =; return prj.topNode ? prj.topNode.path : null; } else return workspaceDir; } } /*property Project project { set { if(project) { } project = value; if(project) { projectDir = CopyString(project.topNode.path); if(!project.config && activeConfig && activeConfig[0]) { ProjectConfig cfg; for(cfg = project.configurations.first; cfg; cfg = if(!strcmp(, activeConfig)) break; project.config = cfg; } if(!project.config) project.config = project.configurations.first; } } get { return project; } }*/ private: String compiler; int bitDepth; public: void Save() { bool bkpts = false; File file; file = FileOpen(workspaceFile, write); if(file) { /* for(bp : breakpoints) { if(bp.type == user) { if(bp.enabled) file.Printf("Breakpoint=1,%d,%s,%s\n", bp.line, bp.absoluteFilePath, bp.relativeFilePath); else file.Printf("Breakpoint=0,%d,%s,%s\n", bp.line, bp.absoluteFilePath, bp.relativeFilePath); } } for(wh : watches) file.Printf("Watch=%s\n", wh.expression); for(dir : sourceDirs) file.Printf("SourceDir=%s\n", dir); if(debugDir && debugDir[0]) file.Printf("DebugDir=%s\n", debugDir); if(commandLineArgs && commandLineArgs[0]) file.Printf("CommandLineArgs=%s\n", commandLineArgs); */ /* char indentation[128*3]; char path[MAX_LOCATION]; */ file.Printf("\nECERE Workspace File\n"); file.Printf("\nVersion 0.02\n"); file.Printf("\nWorkspace\n"); file.Printf("\n Active Compiler = %s\n", compiler ? compiler : defaultCompilerName); file.Printf("\n Active Bit Depth = %d\n", bitDepth); if(projects.first) { file.Printf("\n Projects\n\n"); for(prj : projects) { char location[MAX_LOCATION]; MakePathRelative(prj.topNode.path, workspaceDir, location); MakeSlashPath(location); PathCatSlash(location,; //strcat(location, ".epj"); file.Printf(" %s %s\n", "-", location); if(prj.config) file.Printf(" Active Configuration = %s\n",; for(cfg : prj.configurations) { if(cfg.compilingModified) file.Printf(" Modified Compiler Config = %s\n",; else if(cfg.linkingModified) file.Printf(" Modified Linker Config = %s\n",; } } } file.Printf("\n Execution Data\n"); if(commandLineArgs && commandLineArgs[0]) { file.Printf("\n Command Line Arguments = "); file.Puts(commandLineArgs); file.Printf("\n"); } if(environmentVars.count) { file.Printf("\n Environment Variables\n\n"); for(v : environmentVars) { file.Printf(" ~ "); file.Puts(; file.Printf(" = "); file.Puts(v.string); file.Printf("\n"); } } file.Printf("\n Debugger Data\n"); // This really belonged in Execution Data... if(debugDir && debugDir[0]) file.Printf("\n Debug Working Directory = %s\n", debugDir); if(sourceDirs.count) { file.Printf("\n Source Directories\n"); for(dir : sourceDirs) file.Printf(" = %s\n", dir); } for(bp : breakpoints) { if(bp.type == user) { if(!bkpts) { bkpts = true; file.Printf("\n Breakpoints\n\n"); } bp.Save(file); } } if(watches.count) { file.Printf("\n Watches\n\n"); for(wh : watches) wh.Save(file); } if(openedFiles.count) { file.Printf("\n Opened Files\n\n"); for(ofi : openedFiles) { char * location; char chr[2]; char relativePath[MAX_LOCATION]; if(IsPathInsideOf(ofi.path, workspaceDir)) { MakePathRelative(ofi.path, workspaceDir, relativePath); MakeSlashPath(relativePath); location = relativePath; } else location = ofi.path; strcpy(chr, "="); file.Printf(" %s %s:%d:%d:%d:%d:%s\n", chr, ofi.state == closed ? "C" : "O", ofi.lineNumber, ofi.position, ofi.scroll.x, ofi.scroll.y, location); } } modified = false; delete file; } } char * GetAbsolutePathFromRelative(char * relative) { char name[MAX_LOCATION]; char absolute[MAX_LOCATION]; Project prj = null; GetLastDirectory(relative, name); for(p : projects) { if(p.topNode.Find(name, false)) { prj = p; break; } } if(prj) { strcpy(absolute, prj.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(absolute, relative); return CopyString(absolute); } prj = null; for(p : projects) { strcpy(absolute, p.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(absolute, relative); if(FileExists(absolute)) { prj = p; break; } } if(prj) return CopyString(absolute); strcpy(absolute, workspaceDir); //projectDir // CHECK? PathCatSlash(absolute, relative); if(FileExists(absolute)) return CopyString(absolute); { for(dir : sourceDirs) { strcpy(absolute, dir); PathCatSlash(absolute, relative); if(FileExists(absolute)) return CopyString(absolute); } } return null; } char * GetPathWorkspaceRelativeOrAbsolute(char * path) { if(IsPathInsideOf(path, workspaceDir)) { char relativePath[MAX_LOCATION]; MakePathRelative(path, workspaceDir, relativePath); return CopyUnixPath(relativePath); } else return CopyUnixPath(path); } OpenedFileInfo UpdateOpenedFileInfo(char * fileName, OpenedFileState state) { char filePath[MAX_LOCATION]; OpenedFileInfo ofi = null; GetSlashPathBuffer(filePath, fileName); for(item : openedFiles) { if(!fstrcmp(item.path, filePath)) { ofi = item; break; } } if(state) { if(!ofi) { ofi = OpenedFileInfo { path = CopyString(filePath) }; openedFiles.Add(ofi); } ofi.state = state; if(!holdTracking) modified = true; } else if(ofi) { Iterator it { openedFiles }; if(it.Find(ofi)) openedFiles.Delete(it.pointer); if(!holdTracking) modified = true; } return ofi; } void UpdateSourceDirsArray(Array dirs) { byte * tokens[256]; int c, numTokens; sourceDirs.Free(); for(s : dirs) sourceDirs.Add(CopyString(s)); DropInvalidBreakpoints(); delete dirs; } void RemoveProject(Project project) { Iterator it { projects }; if(it.Find(project)) it.Remove(); DropInvalidBreakpoints(); modified = true; ide.findInFilesDialog.RemoveProjectItem(project); Save(); delete project; } bool FindPath(ProjectNode node, char * path) { if(node.type == file) { // TODO: Should this code be moved into a ProjectNode::absolutePath property? Taken from char filePath[MAX_LOCATION]; GetSlashPathBuffer(filePath, node.project.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(filePath, node.path); PathCatSlash(filePath,; if(!fstrcmp(filePath, path)) return true; } if(node.files) { for(n : node.files) { if(FindPath(n, path)) return true; } } return false; } void ChangeBreakpoint(DataRow row, char * location) { Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint)row.tag; if(bp) { char * currentLoc = bp.LocationToString(); if(strcmp(location, currentLoc)) { // todo, parse location // if good, make changes to breakpoint, according to execution state delete and place breakpoint ide.breakpointsView.UpdateBreakpoint(row); // this is the else //Save(); } delete currentLoc; } else if(location) { // adding a breakpoint by typing it in the breakpoints view // todo, parse location // if good, make add breakpoint, make sure possibly previously entered ignore and level are reflected in breakpoint // else // ... //bp = Breakpoint { }; //row.tag = (int64)bp; //breakpoints.Add(bp); //bp.row = row; Save(); } } void ChangeBreakpointIgnore(DataRow row, int ignore) { Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint)row.tag; if(bp) { bp.ignore = ignore; Save(); } } void ChangeBreakpointLevel(DataRow row, int level) { Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint)row.tag; if(bp) { bp.level = level; Save(); } } void ChangeBreakpointCondition(DataRow row, char * condition) { Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint)row.tag; if(bp && !(!bp.condition && !(condition && condition[0]))) { if(!bp.condition) { bp.condition = Watch { }; bp.condition.expression = CopyString(condition); Save(); } else if(!(condition && condition[0])) { bp.condition.Free(); bp.condition = null; Save(); } else if(strcmp(condition, bp.condition.expression)) { bp.condition.Free(); bp.condition = Watch { }; bp.condition.expression = CopyString(condition); Save(); } } } void RemoveBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp) { bpCount--; ide.breakpointsView.RemoveBreakpoint(bp); ide.debugger.UpdateRemovedBreakpoint(bp); { Iterator it { breakpoints }; if(it.Find(bp)) breakpoints.Remove(it.pointer); } { Window document; for(document = ide.firstChild; document; document = { char * fileName = document.fileName; if(document.isDocument && fileName && document.created) { char winFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char * slashPath = GetSlashPathBuffer(winFilePath, fileName); if(!fstrcmp(slashPath, bp.absoluteFilePath)) { CodeEditor codeEditor = (CodeEditor)document; int boxH = codeEditor.editBox.clientSize.h; Box box { 0, 0, 19, boxH - 1 }; document.Update(box); break; } } } } Save(); delete bp; } void DropInvalidBreakpoints() { Link bpLink, next; for(bpLink = breakpoints.first; bpLink; bpLink = next) { Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint); next =; if(bp.type == user) { Project project = null; for(p : projects) { if(FindPath(p.topNode, bp.absoluteFilePath)) { project = p; break; } // Handle symbol loader modules: { char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; char * sl; GetLastDirectory(bp.absoluteFilePath, moduleName); // Tweak for automatically resolving symbol loader modules sl = strstr(moduleName, ""); if(sl && (*sl = 0, !strcmpi(moduleName, { project = p; break; } } } if(!project) { bool found = false; for(dir : sourceDirs) { if(IsPathInsideOf(bp.absoluteFilePath, dir)) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { ide.breakpointsView.RemoveBreakpoint(bp); RemoveBreakpoint(bp); } } } } ide.breakpointsView.Update(null); } void Free() { delete workspaceFile; delete workspaceDir; delete commandLineArgs; delete debugDir; //project = null; projects.Free(); breakpoints.Free(); watches.Free(); } Workspace() { ide.outputView.buildBox.Clear(); ide.outputView.debugBox.Clear(); ide.callStackView.Clear(); ide.watchesView.Clear(); ide.threadsView.Clear(); ide.breakpointsView.Clear(); property::debugDir = ""; SetSourceDirs(sourceDirs); } ~Workspace() { Save(); timer.Stop(); sourceDirs.Free(); environmentVars.Free(); SetSourceDirs(null); Free(); openedFiles.Free(); delete compiler; } } Workspace LoadWorkspace(char * filePath, char * fromProjectFile) { File file; Workspace workspace = null; file = FileOpen(filePath, read); if(file) { OldList openedFilesNotFound { }; workspace = Workspace { compiler = ideSettings.defaultCompiler, workspaceFile = filePath }; file.Seek(0, start); while(!file.Eof()) { char buffer[65536]; char section[128]; char subSection[128]; //char version[16]; float version; char * equal; int len; Watch wh; Breakpoint bp; file.GetLine(buffer, 65536 - 1); TrimLSpaces(buffer, buffer); TrimRSpaces(buffer, buffer); if(strlen(buffer)) { if(buffer[0] == '~') { equal = &buffer[0]; equal[0] = ' '; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(section, "Debugger Data") && !strcmpi(subSection, "Watches")) { wh = Watch { };; wh.expression = CopyString(equal); } else if(!strcmpi(section, "Debugger Data") && !strcmpi(subSection, "Breakpoints")) { if(bp) { wh = Watch { }; wh.expression = CopyString(equal); bp.condition = wh; } } else if(!strcmpi(section, "Execution Data") && !strcmpi(subSection, "Environment Variables")) { String value = strchr(equal, '='); if(value) { *value = 0; value++; TrimRSpaces(equal, equal); TrimLSpaces(value, value); workspace.environmentVars.Add({ equal, value }); } } } else if(buffer[0] == '*') { equal = &buffer[0]; equal[0] = ' '; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(section, "Debugger Data") && !strcmpi(subSection, "Breakpoints")) { char * strEnabled = null; char * strIgnore = null; char * strLevel = null; char * strLine = null; char * strFile = null; strEnabled = equal; if(strEnabled && strEnabled[0]) { strIgnore = strstr(strEnabled, ","); strIgnore[0] = '\0'; strIgnore++; } if(strIgnore && strIgnore[0]) { strLevel = strstr(strIgnore, ","); strLevel[0] = '\0'; strLevel++; } if(strLevel && strLevel[0]) { strLine = strstr(strLevel, ","); strLine[0] = '\0'; strLine++; } if(strLine && strLine[0]) { strFile = strstr(strLine, ","); strFile[0] = '\0'; strFile++; } if(strEnabled && strEnabled[0] && strIgnore && strIgnore[0] && strLevel && strLevel[0] && strLine && strLine[0] && strFile && strFile[0]) { bool enabled; int ignore; int level; int line; TrimLSpaces(strEnabled, strEnabled); TrimRSpaces(strEnabled, strEnabled); TrimLSpaces(strIgnore, strIgnore); TrimRSpaces(strIgnore, strIgnore); TrimLSpaces(strLevel, strLevel); TrimRSpaces(strLevel, strLevel); TrimLSpaces(strLevel, strLevel); TrimRSpaces(strLevel, strLevel); TrimLSpaces(strFile, strFile); TrimRSpaces(strFile, strFile); enabled = (strEnabled[0] == '1'); ignore = atoi(strIgnore); level = atoi(strLevel); line = atoi(strLine); bp = { type = user, enabled = enabled, ignore = ignore, level = level, line = line }; workspace.breakpoints.Add(bp); bp.relativeFilePath = CopyString(strFile); bp.absoluteFilePath = workspace.GetAbsolutePathFromRelative(strFile); if(!bp.absoluteFilePath) bp.absoluteFilePath = CopyString(""); } } } else if(buffer[0] == '=' || buffer[0] == '-') { equal = &buffer[0]; equal[0] = ' '; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(section, "Debugger Data") && !strcmpi(subSection, "Source Directories")) workspace.sourceDirs.Add(CopyString(equal)); else if(!strcmpi(section, "Opened Files")) { OpenedFileState state = opened; int lineNumber = 0; int position = 0; Point scroll { }; char absolutePath[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(absolutePath, workspace.workspaceDir); if(version == 0.01f) { char * comma = strchr(equal, ','); if(comma) { comma[0] = '\0'; lineNumber = atoi(equal); equal = comma + 1; } } else if(version >= 0.02f) { char * column = strchr(equal, ':'); if(column) { column[0] = '\0'; if(strcmpi(equal, "O")) state = closed; column++; equal = column; column = strchr(equal, ':'); if(column) { column[0] = '\0'; lineNumber = atoi(equal); column++; equal = column; column = strchr(equal, ':'); if(column) { column[0] = '\0'; position = atoi(equal); column++; equal = column; column = strchr(equal, ':'); if(column) { column[0] = '\0'; scroll.x = atoi(equal); column++; equal = column; column = strchr(equal, ':'); if(column) { column[0] = '\0'; scroll.y = atoi(equal); column++; equal = column; } } } } } } PathCatSlash(absolutePath, equal); if(state == closed || FileExists(absolutePath)) workspace.openedFiles.Add(OpenedFileInfo { path = CopyString(absolutePath), state = state, lineNumber = lineNumber, position = position, scroll = scroll }); else openedFilesNotFound.Add(NamedItem { name = CopyString(equal) }); } else if(!strcmpi(section, "Projects")) { char projectFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; Project newProject; strcpy(projectFilePath, workspace.workspaceDir); PathCatSlash(projectFilePath, equal); newProject = LoadProject(projectFilePath, null); if(newProject) { workspace.projects.Add(newProject); newProject.StartMonitoring(); } else if(workspace.projects.count == 0) { delete workspace; break; } else { // TODO: show message or something when added project fails to load // } } } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "ECERE Workspace File")); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Version 0a")) version = 0.0f; else if(!strncmp(buffer, "Version ", 8)) version = atof(&buffer[8]); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Workspace")) strcpy(section, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Projects")) strcpy(section, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Execution Data")) strcpy(section, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Debugger Data")) strcpy(section, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Source Directories")) strcpy(subSection, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Breakpoints")) strcpy(subSection, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Watches")) strcpy(subSection, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Environment Variables")) strcpy(subSection, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Opened Files")) strcpy(section, buffer); else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "")) // | These two lines were commented out strcpy(subSection, buffer); // | Do they serve a purpose? They were there for copy paste when adding a new subsection else { equal = strstr(buffer, "="); if(equal) { if(!strcmpi(section, "Workspace")) { equal[0] = '\0'; TrimRSpaces(buffer, buffer); equal++; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Active Compiler")) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(equal); if(!compiler) workspace.compiler = defaultCompilerName; else workspace.compiler = equal; delete compiler; } if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Active Bit Depth")) { int bitDepth = atoi(equal); if(!(bitDepth == 32 || bitDepth == 64)) bitDepth = 0; workspace.bitDepth = bitDepth; ide.toolBar.activeBitDepth.SelectRow(ide.toolBar.activeBitDepth.FindRow(bitDepth)); } } else if(!strcmpi(section, "Execution Data")) { equal[0] = '\0'; TrimRSpaces(buffer, buffer); equal++; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Command Line Arguments")) workspace.commandLineArgs = equal; if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Environment Variables")) { delete workspace.environmentVars; workspace.environmentVars = { }; } } else if(!strcmpi(section, "Debugger Data")) { equal[0] = '\0'; TrimRSpaces(buffer, buffer); equal++; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Debug Working Directory")) workspace.debugDir = equal; } else { equal[0] = '\0'; TrimRSpaces(buffer, buffer); equal++; TrimLSpaces(equal, equal); if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Active Configuration")) { Project prj; if(workspace.projects.last) { prj =; for(cfg : prj.configurations) { if(!strcmp(, equal)) { prj.config = cfg; break; } } } } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Modified Compiler Config") || !strcmpi(buffer, "Modified Linker Config")) { Project prj; if(workspace.projects.last) { prj =; for(cfg : prj.configurations) { if(!strcmp(, equal)) { if(strstr(buffer, "Compiler")) cfg.compilingModified = true; else cfg.linkingModified = true; break; } } } } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "CommandLineArgs")) workspace.commandLineArgs = equal; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Breakpoint")) { bool enabled; char * lineNum = strstr(equal, ","); if(lineNum) { lineNum[0] = '\0'; lineNum++; if(equal[0] == '0') enabled = false; else enabled = true; if(lineNum) { char * absPath = strstr(lineNum, ","); if(absPath) { absPath[0] = '\0'; absPath++; if(absPath) { char * relPath = strstr(absPath, ","); if(relPath) { relPath[0] = '\0'; relPath++; if(relPath) { bp = { type = user, enabled = enabled, level = -1 }; workspace.breakpoints.Add(bp); bp.line = atoi(lineNum); bp.relativeFilePath = CopyString(relPath); bp.absoluteFilePath = workspace.GetAbsolutePathFromRelative(relPath); if(!bp.absoluteFilePath) bp.absoluteFilePath = CopyString(""); } } } } } } } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "Watch")) { wh = Watch { };; wh.expression = CopyString(equal); } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "SourceDir")) { workspace.sourceDirs.Add(CopyString(equal)); } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "DebugDir")) { workspace.debugDir = equal; } } } } } } delete file; if(workspace) { if(!workspace.projects.first) { Project project; if(fromProjectFile) project = LoadProject(fromProjectFile /*projectFilePath*/, null); else { char projectFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(projectFilePath, workspace.workspaceFile); ChangeExtension(projectFilePath, ProjectExtension, projectFilePath); project = LoadProject(projectFilePath, null); } if(project) { project.StartMonitoring(); workspace.projects.Add(project); = CopyString(; } else { MessageBox { type = ok, master = ide, contents = $"Workspace load file failed", text = $"Workspace Load File Error" }.Modal(); delete workspace; return null; } } if(openedFilesNotFound.first) { int c = 0; char s[2] = ""; String files = new char[MAX_LOCATION * 16]; char title[512]; String msg = new char[MAX_LOCATION * 16 + 2048]; NamedItem item; strcpy(files,"\n"); item = openedFilesNotFound.first; if( strcpy(s, "s"); for(item = openedFilesNotFound.first; item; item = { c++; if(c == 16) { strcat(files, "\n..."); break; } strcat(files, "\n"); strcat(files,; } sprintf(title, $"File%s not found", s); sprintf(msg, $"The following file%s could not be re-opened.%s", s, files); MessageBox { type = ok, master = ide, contents = msg, text = title }.Modal(); delete files; delete msg; } openedFilesNotFound.Free(OldLink::Free); } else openedFilesNotFound.Free(OldLink::Free); } else if(fromProjectFile) { //MessageBox { type = Ok, master = ide, contents = "Worspace load file failed", text = "Worspace Load File Error" }.Modal(); char projectFile[MAX_LOCATION]; Project newProject; //strcpy(projectFile, filePath); //ChangeExtension(projectFile, ProjectExtension, projectFile); newProject = LoadProject(fromProjectFile /*projectFile*/, null); if(newProject) { newProject.StartMonitoring(); workspace = Workspace { workspaceFile = filePath }; workspace.projects.Add(newProject); workspace.Save(); } } if(workspace) { ide.ChangeFileDialogsDirectory(workspace.workspaceDir, false); if(!workspace.compiler || !workspace.compiler[0]) workspace.compiler = defaultCompilerName; } return workspace; }