import "ide" import "FileSystemIterator" class ImportFolderFSI : NormalFileSystemIterator { ProjectView projectView; Array stack { }; bool OnFolder(char * folderPath) { char name[MAX_LOCATION]; ProjectNode parentNode =; ProjectNode folder; GetLastDirectory(folderPath, name); folder = parentNode.FindSpecial(name, false, true, true); if(!folder) folder = projectView.NewFolder(parentNode, name, false); stack.Add(folder); return true; } void OutFolder(char * folderPath, bool isRoot) { stack.lastIterator.Remove(); //stack.Remove(); } bool OnFile(char * filePath) { ProjectNode parentNode =; if(!projectView.AddFile(parentNode, filePath, parentNode.isInResources, false)) { char * msg = PrintString($"This file can't be imported due to a conflict.\n\n", filePath, "\n\nThis occurs with identical file paths and with conflicting file names.\n"); MessageBox { master = ide, type = ok, text = "Import File Conflict", contents = msg }.Modal(); delete msg; } return true; } } static Array fileFilters { [ { $"eC/C/C++ Files (*.ec, *.eh, *.c, *.cpp, *.cc, *.cxx, *.h, *.hpp, *.hh, *.hxx)", "ec, eh, c, cpp, cc, cxx, h, hpp, hh, hxx" }, { $"eC/C/C++ Source Files (*.ec, *.c, *.cpp, *.cc, *.cxx)", "ec, eh, c, cpp, cc, cxx" }, { $"Header Files for eC/C/C++ (*.eh, *.h, *.hpp, *.hh, *.hxx)", "eh, h, hpp, hh, hxx" }, { $"All files", null } ] }; static Array resourceFilters { [ { $"Image Files (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.pcx, *.png, *.gif)", "jpg, jpeg, bmp, pcx, png, gif" }, { $"3D Studio Model Files (*.3ds)", "3ds" }, { $"Translations (*.mo)", "mo" }, { $"All files", null } ] }; static Array projectFilters { [ { $"Project Files (*.epj)", ProjectExtension }, { $"Workspace Files (*.ews)", WorkspaceExtension } ] }; static Array projectTypes { [ { $"Ecere IDE Project", ProjectExtension }, { $"Ecere IDE Workspace", WorkspaceExtension } ] }; static char * iconNames[] = { "<:ecere>mimeTypes/file.png", /*genFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textEcereWorkspace.png", /*ewsFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textEcereProject.png", /*epjFile*/ "<:ecere>places/folder.png", /*folder*/ "<:ecere>status/folderOpen.png", /*openFolder*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textEcereSource.png", /*ecFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textEcereHeader.png", /*ehFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textCSource.png", /*sFile*/ // TODO: change sFile icon to differentiate from cFile icon "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textCSource.png", /*cFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textCHeader.png", /*hFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textC++Source.png", /*cppFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textC++Header.png", /*hppFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/text.png", /*textFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/textHyperTextMarkup.png", /*webFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/image.png", /*pictureFile*/ "<:ecere>status/audioVolumeHigh.png", /*soundFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/package.png", /*archiveFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/packageSoftware.png", /*packageFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/packageOpticalDisc.png", /*opticalMediaImageFile*/ "<:ecere>mimeTypes/file.png", /*mFile*/ //TODO: create icon for .m file "<:ecere>mimeTypes/file.png" /*mmFile*/ //TODO: create icon for .mm file }; enum PrepareMakefileMethod { normal, force, forceExists }; enum CleanType { clean, realClean, cleanTarget }; enum BuildType { build, rebuild, relink, run, start, restart, clean, install }; enum BuildState { none, buildingMainProject, buildingSecondaryProject, compilingFile; property bool { get { return this != none; } } //property bool actualBuild { get { return this == buildingMainProject || this == buildingSecondaryProject; } } }; class ProjectView : Window { isDocument = true; //hasMinimize = true; hasClose = true; borderStyle = sizable; hasHorzScroll = true; hasVertScroll = true; background = white; size = { 300 }; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; menu = Menu { }; //hasMinimize = true; saveDialog = projectFileDialog; DataRow resourceRow; BuildState buildInProgress; BitmapResource icons[NodeIcons]; Project project; Workspace workspace; property Workspace workspace { set { if(workspace) { for(prj : workspace.projects) { DeleteNode(prj.topNode); } workspace.projects.Free(); ide.debugger.CleanUp(); } workspace = value; if(workspace) { fileDialog.currentDirectory = workspace.workspaceDir; resourceFileDialog.currentDirectory = workspace.workspaceDir; for(prj : workspace.projects) AddNode(prj.topNode, null); ide.statusBar.text = $"Generating Makefile & Dependencies..."; app.UpdateDisplay(); for(prj : workspace.projects) prj.ModifiedAllConfigs(true, false, false, false); ide.statusBar.text = $"Initializing Debugger"; app.UpdateDisplay(); ide.statusBar.text = null; app.UpdateDisplay(); } } get { return workspace; } } bool drawingInProjectSettingsDialog; bool drawingInProjectSettingsDialogHeader; ProjectSettings projectSettingsDialog; bool stopBuild; PopupMenu popupMenu; ProjectView() { NodeIcons c; for(c = 0; c < NodeIcons::enumSize; c++) { icons[c] = BitmapResource { iconNames[c], alphaBlend = true }; AddResource(icons[c]); } fileList.AddField(DataField { dataType = class(ProjectNode), freeData = false, userData = this }); } ~ProjectView() { DebugStop(); ide.DestroyTemporaryProjectDir(); if(project) { workspace.Free(); delete workspace; } } ListBox fileList { multiSelect = true, fullRowSelect = false, hasVertScroll = true, hasHorzScroll = true; borderStyle = deep, parent = this, collapseControl = true, treeBranches = true; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0 , bottom = 0 }; background = projectViewBackground; foreground = projectViewText; selectionColor = selectionColor, selectionText = selectionText; stippleColor = skyBlue; bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { if(!active) Update(null); return ListBox::OnActivate(active, previous, goOnWithActivation, direct); } bool NotifyDoubleClick(ListBox listBox, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { // Prevent the double click from reactivating the project view (returns false if we opened something) return !OpenSelectedNodes(mods.ctrl && mods.shift); } bool NotifyRightClick(ListBox listBox, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = listBox.currentRow; if(row) { bool showDebuggingMenuItems = mods.ctrl && mods.shift; bool showInstallMenuItem = mods.ctrl && mods.shift; ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; #ifdef IDE_SHOW_INSTALL_MENU_BUTTON showInstallMenuItem = true; #endif if(node.type == NodeTypes::project || node.type == resources || node.type == file || node.type == folder) { bool na = buildInProgress; // N/A - buildMenuUnavailable Menu pop { }; if(node.type == NodeTypes::project) { MenuItem mi; mi = ide.projectBuildItem; MenuItem { pop, $"Build" , b, f7 , NotifySelect = ProjectBuild , bitmap = mi.bitmap }.disabled = na; mi = ide.projectLinkItem; MenuItem { pop, $"Relink" , l , NotifySelect = ProjectLink , bitmap = mi.bitmap }.disabled = na; mi = ide.projectRebuildItem; MenuItem { pop, $"Rebuild" , r, shiftF7, NotifySelect = ProjectRebuild , bitmap = mi.bitmap }.disabled = na; mi = ide.projectCleanTargetItem; MenuItem { pop, $"Clean Target" , g , NotifySelect = ProjectCleanTarget, bitmap = mi.bitmap }.disabled = na; mi = ide.projectCleanItem; MenuItem { pop, $"Clean" , c , NotifySelect = ProjectClean , bitmap = mi.bitmap }.disabled = na; mi = ide.projectRealCleanItem; MenuItem { pop, $"Real Clean" , NotifySelect = ProjectRealClean , bitmap = mi.bitmap }.disabled = na; mi = ide.projectRegenerateItem; MenuItem { pop, $"Regenerate Makefile", m , NotifySelect = ProjectRegenerate , bitmap = mi.bitmap }.disabled = na; if(showInstallMenuItem) { mi = ide.projectInstallItem; MenuItem { pop, $"Install" , t , NotifySelect = ProjectInstall , bitmap = mi.bitmap }.disabled = na; } if(showDebuggingMenuItems && node.ContainsFilesWithExtension("ec", node.project.config)) { MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Debug Generate Symbols", l, NotifySelect = FileDebugGenerateSymbols }.disabled = na; MenuItem { pop, $"Debug Precompile", l, NotifySelect = FileDebugPrecompile }.disabled = na; MenuItem { pop, $"Debug Compile", l, NotifySelect = FileDebugCompile }.disabled = na; } MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"New File...", l, Key { l, ctrl = true }, NotifySelect = ProjectNewFile }; MenuItem { pop, $"New Folder...", n, Key { f, ctrl = true }, NotifySelect = ProjectNewFolder }; MenuItem { pop, $"Import Folder...", i, NotifySelect = ProjectImportFolder }; MenuItem { pop, $"Add Files to Project...", f, NotifySelect = ProjectAddFiles }; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Add New Form...", o, NotifySelect = ProjectAddNewForm }; // MenuItem { pop, "Add New Behavior Graph...", g, NotifySelect = ProjectAddNewGraph }; MenuDivider { pop }; if(node != ((Project)workspace.projects.first).topNode) { MenuItem { pop, $"Remove project from workspace", r, NotifySelect = ProjectRemove }.disabled = na; MenuDivider { pop }; } MenuItem { pop, $"Settings...", s, Key { f7, alt = true } , NotifySelect = MenuSettings }; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Browse Folder", w, NotifySelect = MenuBrowseFolder }; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Save", v, Key { s, ctrl = true }, NotifySelect = ProjectSave }.disabled = !node.modified; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Properties...", p, Key { enter, alt = true }, NotifySelect = FileProperties }; } else if(node.type == resources) { MenuItem { pop, $"New File...", l, Key { l, ctrl = true }, NotifySelect = ProjectNewFile }; MenuItem { pop, $"New Folder...", n, Key { f, ctrl = true }, NotifySelect = ProjectNewFolder }; MenuItem { pop, $"Import Folder...", i, NotifySelect = ProjectImportFolder }; MenuItem { pop, $"Add Resources to Project...", f, NotifySelect = ResourcesAddFiles }; MenuItem { pop, $"Browse Folder", w, NotifySelect = MenuBrowseFolder }; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Settings...", s, Key { f7, alt = true } , NotifySelect = MenuSettings }; MenuItem { pop, $"Properties...", p, Key { enter, alt = true }, NotifySelect = FileProperties }; } else if(node.type == file) { MenuItem { pop, $"Open", o, NotifySelect = FileOpenFile }; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Clean", l, NotifySelect = FileClean, bitmap = ide.projectCleanItem.bitmap }.disabled = na; MenuItem { pop, $"Compile", c, Key { f7, ctrl = true}, NotifySelect = FileCompile, bitmap = ide.projectBuildItem.bitmap }.disabled = na; if(showDebuggingMenuItems) { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; GetExtension(, extension); if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) { MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Debug Precompile", l, NotifySelect = FileDebugPrecompile }.disabled = na; MenuItem { pop, $"Debug Compile", l, NotifySelect = FileDebugCompile }.disabled = na; } } MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Remove", r, NotifySelect = FileRemoveFile }; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Browse Folder", w, NotifySelect = MenuBrowseFolder }; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Settings...", s, Key { f7, alt = true } , NotifySelect = MenuSettings }; MenuItem { pop, $"Properties..", p, Key { enter, alt = true }, NotifySelect = FileProperties }; } else if(node.type == folder) { bool isInResources = node.isInResources; MenuItem { pop, $"New File...", l, Key { l, ctrl = true }, NotifySelect = ProjectNewFile }; MenuItem { pop, $"New Folder...", n, Key { f, ctrl = true }, NotifySelect = ProjectNewFolder }; MenuItem { pop, $"Import Folder...", i, NotifySelect = ProjectImportFolder }; if(isInResources) { MenuItem { pop, $"Add Resources to Folder...", f, NotifySelect = ResourcesAddFiles }; } else { MenuItem { pop, $"Add Files to Folder...", f, NotifySelect = ProjectAddFiles }; } if(!isInResources) { MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Add New Form...", o, NotifySelect = ProjectAddNewForm }; // MenuItem { pop, $"Add New Behavior Graph...", g, NotifySelect = ProjectAddNewGraph }; } MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Clean", l, NotifySelect = FileClean, bitmap = ide.projectCleanItem.bitmap }.disabled = na; MenuItem { pop, $"Compile", c, Key { f7, ctrl = true}, NotifySelect = FileCompile, bitmap = ide.projectBuildItem.bitmap }.disabled = na; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Remove", r, NotifySelect = FileRemoveFile }; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Browse Folder", w, NotifySelect = MenuBrowseFolder }; MenuDivider { pop }; MenuItem { pop, $"Settings...", s, Key { f7, alt = true } , NotifySelect = MenuSettings }; MenuItem { pop, $"Properties...", p, Key { enter, alt = true }, NotifySelect = FileProperties }; } popupMenu = { master = this, menu = pop; position = { x + clientStart.x + absPosition.x - app.desktop.position.x, y + clientStart.y + absPosition.y - app.desktop.position.y }; void NotifyDestroyed(Window window, DialogResult result) { popupMenu = null; } }; popupMenu.Create(); ide.AdjustPopupBuildMenus(); } } return true; } bool NotifyKeyHit(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Key key, unichar ch) { if(key == altUp || key == altDown) { SelectNextProject(key == altUp); return false; } return true; } bool NotifyKeyDown(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Key key, unichar ch) { if(row) { ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; switch(key) { case altEnter: case Key { keyPadEnter, alt = true }: { NodeProperties { parent = parent, master = this, position = { position.x + 100, position.y + 100 }, node = node }.Create(); return false; } case enter: case keyPadEnter: { ProjectNode resNode; for(resNode = node.parent; resNode; resNode = resNode.parent) if(resNode.type == resources) break; if(node.type == project || (node.type == folder && !resNode)) { AddFiles(false); return false; } else if(node.type == resources || node.type == folder) { AddFiles(true); return false; } break; } case ctrlI: { if(node.type == project || node.type == folder || node.type == resources) { ImportFolder(node); return false; } break; } case ctrlF: { if(node.type == project || node.type == folder || node.type == resources) { NewFolder(node, null, true); return false; } break; } case ctrlF7: { if(node.type == file) { FileCompile(null, (Modifiers)key); return false; } break; } case Key { space, false, true }: case Key { space, true, true }: case Key { space, true }: case space: { if(node.type == NodeTypes::project) { Project prj = null; for(p : workspace.projects) { if(p.topNode == node) { prj = p; break; } } prj.RotateActiveConfig(!key.shift, key.ctrl); if(prj == project) ide.AdjustMenus(); return false; } break; } } } switch(key) { case Key { enter, true, true }: OpenSelectedNodes(true); break; case Key { keyPadEnter, true, true }: OpenSelectedNodes(true); break; case enter: case keyPadEnter: OpenSelectedNodes(false); break; case del: RemoveSelectedNodes(); break; case escape: { Window activeClient = ide.activeClient; if(activeClient) activeClient.Activate(); else ide.RepositionWindows(true); break; } } return true; } bool NotifyCollapse(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, bool collapsed) { ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; if(node.type == folder) node.icon = collapsed ? folder : openFolder; return true; } }; FileDialog importFileDialog { autoCreate = false, type = selectDir, text = $"Import Folder" }; FileDialog projectFileDialog { autoCreate = false, filters = projectFilters.array, sizeFilters = projectFilters.count * sizeof(FileFilter); types = projectTypes.array, sizeTypes = projectTypes.count * sizeof(FileType); }; FileDialog fileDialog { autoCreate = false, mayNotExist = true, filters = fileFilters.array, sizeFilters = fileFilters.count * sizeof(FileFilter); }; FileDialog resourceFileDialog { autoCreate = false, mayNotExist = true, filters = resourceFilters.array, sizeFilters = resourceFilters.count * sizeof(FileFilter); }; Menu fileMenu { menu, $"File", f }; MenuItem { fileMenu, $"Save", s, Key { s, ctrl = true }, NotifySelect = MenuFileSave }; // MenuItem { fileMenu, "Save As...", a, NotifySelect = MenuFileSaveAs }; bool OnClose(bool parentClosing) { if(!parentClosing && visible) { visible = false; return false; } if(buildInProgress) return false; if(modifiedDocument) { DialogResult dialogRes; char msg[2048]; bool first = true; strcpy(msg, $"You have modified projects.\nSave changes to "); for(p : ide.workspace.projects) { if(p.topNode.modified) { if(!first) strcat(msg, ", "); strcat(msg,; first = false; } } strcat(msg, "?"); dialogRes = MessageBox { master = master, type = yesNoCancel, text = parent.caption ? parent.caption : rootWindow.caption, contents = msg }.Modal(); if(dialogRes == yes) { // TOFIX: Precomp error if brackets are taken out return (DialogResult)MenuFileSave(null, 0) != cancel; } else if(dialogRes == cancel) return false; modifiedDocument = false; } return true; } void OnDestroy(void) { //if(ide.findInFilesDialog && ide.findInFilesDialog.created && ide.findInFilesDialog.mode != directory) // ide.findInFilesDialog.SearchStop(); ide.outputView.buildBox.Clear(); ide.outputView.debugBox.Clear(); //ide.outputView.findBox.Clear(); ide.callStackView.Clear(); ide.watchesView.Clear(); ide.threadsView.Clear(); ide.breakpointsView.Clear(); ide.outputView.ShowClearSelectTab(find); // why this? } bool OnSaveFile(char * fileName) { for(prj : ide.workspace.projects) { if(prj.topNode.modified) { prj.StopMonitoring(); if(prj.Save(prj.filePath)) prj.topNode.modified = false; prj.StartMonitoring(); } } modifiedDocument = false; Update(null); return true; } bool IsModuleInProject(char * filePath) { char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; //, modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; GetLastDirectory(filePath, moduleName); return project.topNode.Find(moduleName, false) != null; } ProjectNode GetNodeForCompilationFromWindow(Window document, bool nonExcludedFirst, bool * isExcluded, bool * isCObject) { ProjectNode node = null; if(nonExcludedFirst) node = GetNodeFromWindow(document, null, false, false, isExcluded); if(!node) node = GetNodeFromWindow(document, null, true, false, isExcluded); if(!node && nonExcludedFirst) { node = GetNodeFromWindow(document, null, false, true, isExcluded); if(isCObject && node) *isCObject = true; } if(!node) { node = GetNodeFromWindow(document, null, true, true, isExcluded); if(isCObject && node) *isCObject = true; } return node; } ProjectNode GetNodeFromWindow(Window document, Project project, bool allNodes, bool isCObject, bool * isNodeExcluded) { ProjectNode node = null; if(document.fileName) { bool excluded; char winFileName[MAX_LOCATION]; char * documentFileName = GetSlashPathBuffer(winFileName, document.fileName); Project prj; ProjectNode n; if(isCObject) { char name[MAX_FILENAME]; GetLastDirectory(documentFileName, name); ChangeExtension(name, "ec", name); for(p : ide.workspace.projects) { prj = project ? project : p; if((n = prj.topNode.Find(name, false))) { if(allNodes || !(excluded = n.GetIsExcluded(prj.config))) { node = n; break; } } if(project) break; } } else { for(p : ide.workspace.projects) { Project pr = p; prj = project ? project : p; if((n = prj.topNode.FindByFullPath(documentFileName, false))) { if(allNodes || !(excluded = n.GetIsExcluded(prj.config))) { node = n; break; } } if(project) break; } } if(node && isNodeExcluded) *isNodeExcluded = excluded; } return node; } // ((( UTILITY FUNCTIONS ))) // // ************************************************************************ // *** These methods below are part of a sequence of events, and as *** // *** such they must be passed the current compiler and project config *** // ************************************************************************ bool DisplayCompiler(CompilerConfig compiler, bool cleanLog) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"%s Compiler\n", compiler ? : $"{problem with compiler selection}"); return true; } bool ProjectPrepareForToolchain(Project project, PrepareMakefileMethod method, bool cleanLog, bool displayCompiler, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { bool isReady = true; char message[MAX_F_STRING]; LogBox logBox = ide.outputView.buildBox; ShowOutputBuildLog(cleanLog); if(displayCompiler) DisplayCompiler(compiler, false); ProjectPrepareCompiler(project, compiler, false); ProjectPrepareMakefile(project, method, compiler, config); return true; } bool ProjectPrepareCompiler(Project project, CompilerConfig compiler, bool silent) { if((!project.GenerateCrossPlatformMk(app.includeFile) || !project.GenerateCompilerCf(compiler, project.topNode.ContainsFilesWithExtension("ec", project.config))) && !silent) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Error generating compiler configuration (Is the project/config directory writable?)\n"); return true; } // Note: Compiler is only passed in to for VisualStudio support bool ProjectPrepareMakefile(Project project, PrepareMakefileMethod method, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { if(compiler.type.isVC) { // I'm guessing we'll want to support generating VS files on Linux as well... ide.statusBar.text = $"Generating Visual Studio Solution..."; app.UpdateDisplay(); //GenerateVSSolutionFile(project, compiler); ide.statusBar.text = $"Generating Visual Studio Project..."; app.UpdateDisplay(); //GenerateVCProjectFile(project, compiler, bitDepth); ide.statusBar.text = null; app.UpdateDisplay(); return true; } else { char makefilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char makefileName[MAX_LOCATION]; bool exists; LogBox logBox = ide.outputView.buildBox; strcpy(makefilePath, project.topNode.path); project.CatMakeFileName(makefileName, config); PathCatSlash(makefilePath, makefileName); exists = FileExists(makefilePath); if(method == force || (method == forceExists && exists) || (method == normal && (!exists || (config && config.makingModified)))) { char * reason; char * action; ide.statusBar.text = $"Generating Makefile & Dependencies..."; // Dependencies? app.UpdateDisplay(); if((method == normal && !exists) || (method == force && !exists)) action = $"Generating "; else if(method == force) action = $"Regenerating "; else if(method == normal || method == forceExists) action = $"Updating "; else action = ""; if(!exists) reason = $"Makefile doesn't exist. "; else if(project.topNode.modified) reason = $"Project has been modified. "; else reason = ""; //logBox.Logf("%s\n", makefileName); logBox.Logf($"%s - %s%smakefile for %s config...\n", makefileName, reason, action, GetConfigName(config)); if(!project.GenerateMakefile(null, false, null, config)) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Error generating makefile (Is the project directory writable?)\n"); ide.statusBar.text = null; app.UpdateDisplay(); return true; } } return false; } bool BuildInterrim(Project prj, BuildType buildType, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool justPrint) { if(ProjectPrepareForToolchain(prj, normal, true, true, compiler, config)) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Building project %s using the %s configuration...\n",, GetConfigName(config)); return Build(prj, buildType, compiler, config, bitDepth, justPrint); } return false; } bool DebugStopForMake(Project prj, BuildType buildType, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config) { bool result = false; // TOFIX: DebugStop is being abused and backfiring on us. // It's supposed to be the 'Debug/Stop' item, not unloading executable or anything else // configIsInDebugSession seems to be used for two OPPOSITE things: // If we're debugging another config, we need to unload the executable! // In building, we want to stop if we're debugging the 'same' executable if(buildType != run) ///* && prj == project*/ && prj.configIsInDebugSession) { if(buildType == start || buildType == restart) { if(ide.debugger && ide.debugger.isPrepared) result = DebugStop(); } else { if(ide.project == prj && ide.debugger && ide.debugger.prjConfig == config && ide.debugger.isPrepared) result = DebugStop(); } } return result; } bool Build(Project prj, BuildType buildType, CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig config, int bitDepth, bool justPrint) { bool result = true; Window document; stopBuild = false; for(document = master.firstChild; document; document = { if(document.modifiedDocument) { ProjectNode node = GetNodeFromWindow(document, prj, true, false, null); if(node && !document.MenuFileSave(null, 0)) { result = false; break; } } } if(result) { DirExpression targetDir = prj.GetTargetDir(compiler, config, bitDepth); DebugStopForMake(prj, buildType, compiler, config); // TODO: Disabled until problems fixed... is it fixed? if(buildType == rebuild || (config && config.compilingModified)) prj.Clean(compiler, config, bitDepth, clean, justPrint); else { if(buildType == relink || (config && config.linkingModified)) prj.Clean(compiler, config, bitDepth, cleanTarget, false); if(config && config.symbolGenModified) { DirExpression objDir = prj.GetObjDir(compiler, config, bitDepth); char fileName[MAX_LOCATION]; char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; strcpy(fileName, prj.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(fileName, objDir.dir); ReplaceSpaces(moduleName, prj.moduleName); strcat(moduleName, ""); PathCatSlash(fileName, moduleName); if(FileExists(fileName)) DeleteFile(fileName); ChangeExtension(fileName, "c", fileName); if(FileExists(fileName)) DeleteFile(fileName); ChangeExtension(fileName, "o", fileName); if(FileExists(fileName)) DeleteFile(fileName); delete objDir; } } buildInProgress = prj == project ? buildingMainProject : buildingSecondaryProject; ide.AdjustBuildMenus(); ide.AdjustDebugMenus(); result = prj.Build(buildType, null, compiler, config, bitDepth, justPrint, normal); if(config) { config.compilingModified = false; if(!stopBuild) config.linkingModified = false; config.symbolGenModified = false; } buildInProgress = none; ide.AdjustBuildMenus(); ide.AdjustDebugMenus(); ide.workspace.modified = true; delete targetDir; } return result; } // ((( USER ACTIONS ))) // // ************************************************************************ // *** Methods below should atomically start a process, and as such *** // *** they can query compiler and config directly from ide and project *** // *** but ONLY ONCE!!! *** // ************************************************************************ bool ProjectBuild(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { if(buildInProgress == none) { Project prj = project; CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; ProjectConfig config; if(selection || !ide.activeClient) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) prj = node.project; } else { ProjectNode node = GetNodeForCompilationFromWindow(ide.activeClient, true, null, null); if(node) prj = node.project; } config = prj.config; if(/*prj != project || */!prj.GetConfigIsInDebugSession(config) || !ide.DontTerminateDebugSession($"Project Build")) { BuildInterrim(prj, build, compiler, config, bitDepth, mods.ctrl && mods.shift); } delete compiler; } else stopBuild = true; return true; } bool ProjectInstall(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { Project prj = project; CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; ProjectConfig config; if(selection || !ide.activeClient) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) prj = node.project; } else { ProjectNode node = GetNodeFromWindow(ide.activeClient, null, true, false, null); if(node) prj = node.project; } config = prj.config; if(!prj.GetConfigIsInDebugSession(config) || (!ide.DontTerminateDebugSession($"Project Install") && DebugStopForMake(prj, relink, compiler, config))) { BuildInterrim(prj, build, compiler, config, bitDepth, mods.ctrl && mods.shift); if(ProjectPrepareForToolchain(prj, normal, false, false, compiler, config)) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"\nInstalling project %s using the %s configuration...\n",, GetConfigName(config)); Build(prj, install, compiler, config, bitDepth, mods.ctrl && mods.shift); } } delete compiler; return true; } bool ProjectLink(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { Project prj = project; CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; ProjectConfig config; if(selection || !ide.activeClient) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) prj = node.project; } else { ProjectNode node = GetNodeFromWindow(ide.activeClient, null, true, false, null); if(node) prj = node.project; } config = prj.config; if(!prj.GetConfigIsInDebugSession(config) || (!ide.DontTerminateDebugSession($"Project Link") && DebugStopForMake(prj, relink, compiler, config))) { if(ProjectPrepareForToolchain(prj, normal, true, true, compiler, config)) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Relinking project %s using the %s configuration...\n",, GetConfigName(config)); if(config) config.linkingModified = true; Build(prj, relink, compiler, config, bitDepth, mods.ctrl && mods.shift); } } delete compiler; return true; } bool ProjectRebuild(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; Project prj = project; ProjectConfig config; if(selection || !ide.activeClient) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) prj = node.project; } else { ProjectNode node = GetNodeFromWindow(ide.activeClient, null, true, false, null); if(node) prj = node.project; } config = prj.config; if(!prj.GetConfigIsInDebugSession(config) || (!ide.DontTerminateDebugSession($"Project Rebuild") && DebugStopForMake(prj, rebuild, compiler, config))) { if(ProjectPrepareForToolchain(prj, normal, true, true, compiler, config)) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Rebuilding project %s using the %s configuration...\n",, GetConfigName(config)); /*if(config) { config.compilingModified = true; config.makingModified = true; }*/ // -- should this still be used depite the new solution of BuildType? Build(prj, rebuild, compiler, config, bitDepth, mods.ctrl && mods.shift); } } delete compiler; return true; } bool ProjectCleanTarget(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { CleanProject($"Project Clean Target", $"Cleaning project %s target using the %s configuration...\n", selection, cleanTarget, mods.ctrl && mods.shift); return true; } bool ProjectClean(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { CleanProject($"Project Clean", $"Cleaning project %s using the %s configuration...\n", selection, clean, mods.ctrl && mods.shift); return true; } bool ProjectRealClean(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { CleanProject($"Project Real Clean", $"Removing intermediate objects directory for project %s using the %s configuration...\n", selection, realClean, mods.ctrl && mods.shift); return true; } void CleanProject(char * terminateDebugSessionMessage, char * cleaningMessageLogFormat, MenuItem selection, CleanType cleanType, bool justPrint) { Project prj = project; Array projects { }; CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; if(selection) { OldLink item; OldList selectedRows; List nodes { }; fileList.GetMultiSelection(selectedRows); for(item = selectedRows.first; item; item = { OldLink i; DataRow row =; ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; if(node.type == project) projects.Add(node.project); } selectedRows.Free(null); } if(selection || !ide.activeClient) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) prj = node.project; if(projects.count == 0) projects.Add(prj); } else { // TODO: a file can belong to more than one project, ask which one to clean ProjectNode node = GetNodeFromWindow(ide.activeClient, null, true, false, null); if(node) prj = node.project; if(projects.count == 0) projects.Add(prj); } for(prj : projects) { ProjectConfig config = prj.config; if(!prj.GetConfigIsInDebugSession(config) || (!ide.DontTerminateDebugSession(terminateDebugSessionMessage) && DebugStopForMake(prj, clean, compiler, config))) { if(ProjectPrepareForToolchain(prj, normal, true, true, compiler, config)) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf(cleaningMessageLogFormat,, GetConfigName(config)); buildInProgress = prj == project ? buildingMainProject : buildingSecondaryProject; ide.AdjustBuildMenus(); ide.AdjustDebugMenus(); prj.Clean(compiler, config, bitDepth, cleanType, justPrint); buildInProgress = none; ide.AdjustBuildMenus(); ide.AdjustDebugMenus(); } } } delete compiler; delete projects; } bool ProjectRegenerate(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { Project prj = project; CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ShowOutputBuildLog(true); if(selection || !ide.activeClient) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) prj = node.project; } else { ProjectNode node = GetNodeFromWindow(ide.activeClient, null, true, false, null); if(node) prj = node.project; } DisplayCompiler(compiler, false); ProjectPrepareCompiler(project, compiler, false); ProjectPrepareMakefile(prj, force, compiler, prj.config); delete compiler; return true; } bool Compile(Project project, List nodes, bool justPrint, SingleFileCompileMode mode) { bool result = true; char fileName[MAX_LOCATION]; Window document; ProjectConfig config = project.config; stopBuild = false; for(document = ide.firstChild; document; document = { if(document.modifiedDocument) { ProjectNode n = GetNodeFromWindow(document, project, true, mode == cObject ? true : false, null); for(node : nodes) { if(n && n.IsInNode(node) && !document.MenuFileSave(null, 0)) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Unable to save %s file.\n",; result = false; break; } } } } if(result) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; result = false; if(ProjectPrepareForToolchain(project, normal, true, true, compiler, config)) { if(config) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"%s specific file(s) in project %s using the %s configuration...\n", (mode == normal || mode == cObject) ? $"Compiling" : $"Debug compiling",,; else ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"%s specific file(s) in project %s...\n", (mode == normal || mode == cObject) ? $"Compiling" : $"Debug compiling",; buildInProgress = compilingFile; ide.AdjustBuildMenus(); result = project.Compile(nodes, compiler, config, bitDepth, justPrint, mode); buildInProgress = none; ide.AdjustBuildMenus(); } delete compiler; } return result; } bool Clean(Project project, List nodes, bool justPrint) { bool result = true; char fileName[MAX_LOCATION]; Window document; ProjectConfig config = project.config; stopBuild = false; for(document = ide.firstChild; document; document = { if(document.modifiedDocument) { ProjectNode n = GetNodeFromWindow(document, project, true, false, null); for(node : nodes) { if(n && n.IsInNode(node) && !document.MenuFileSave(null, 0)) { ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Unable to save %s file.\n",; result = false; break; } } } } if(result) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; result = false; if(ProjectPrepareForToolchain(project, normal, true, true, compiler, config)) { Map namesInfo { }; project.topNode.GenMakefileGetNameCollisionInfo(namesInfo, config); for(node : nodes) { if(node.GetIsExcluded(config)) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"File %s is excluded from current build configuration.\n",; else { if(config) ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Deleting intermediate objects for %s %s in project %s using the %s configuration...\n", node.type == file ? $"single file" : $"folder",,,; else ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Deleting intermediate objects for %s %s in project %s...\n", node.type == file ? $"single file" : $"folder",,; node.DeleteIntermediateFiles(compiler, config, bitDepth, namesInfo, false); result = true; } } namesInfo.Free(); delete namesInfo; } delete compiler; } return result; } bool ProjectNewFile(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; if(row) { char fileName[1024]; char filePath[MAX_LOCATION]; ProjectNode parentNode = (ProjectNode)row.tag; ProjectNode n, fileNode; parentNode.GetFileSysMatchingPath(filePath); MakePathRelative(filePath, parentNode.project.topNode.path, filePath); for(n = parentNode; n && n != parentNode.project.resNode; n = n.parent); sprintf(fileName, $"Untitled %d", documentID); fileNode = AddFile(parentNode, fileName, (bool)n, true); fileNode.path = CopyUnixPath(filePath); if(fileNode) { NodeProperties nodeProperties { parent, this; position = { position.x + 100, position.y + 100 }; mode = newFile; node = fileNode; }; nodeProperties.Create(); // not modal? } } return true; } bool ProjectNewFolder(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; if(row) { ProjectNode parentNode = (ProjectNode)row.tag; NewFolder(parentNode, null, true); } return true; } bool ResourcesAddFiles(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { AddFiles(true); return true; } bool ProjectAddFiles(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { AddFiles(false); return true; } bool ProjectImportFolder(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; if(row) { ProjectNode toNode = (ProjectNode)row.tag; ImportFolder(toNode); } return true; } bool ProjectAddNewForm(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { CodeEditor codeEditor = CreateNew("Form", "form", "Window", null); codeEditor.EnsureUpToDate(); return true; } bool ProjectAddNewGraph(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { CodeEditor codeEditor = CreateNew("Graph", "graph", "Block", null); if(codeEditor) codeEditor.EnsureUpToDate(); return true; } bool ProjectRemove(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; if(row) { ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; if(node.type == project) RemoveSelectedNodes(); } return true; } bool ProjectUpdateMakefileForAllConfigs(Project project) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); // This call really does not belong here: ide.UpdateToolBarActiveConfigs(false); for(config : project.configurations) ProjectPrepareMakefile(project, forceExists, compiler, config); ide.Update(null); delete compiler; return true; } bool MenuSettings(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { ProjectNode node = GetSelectedNode(true); Project prj = node ? node.project : project; projectSettingsDialog = ProjectSettings { master = parent, project = prj, projectNode = node }; incref projectSettingsDialog; projectSettingsDialog.Modal(); delete projectSettingsDialog; ide.UpdateToolBarActiveConfigs(false); Update(null); ide.AdjustMenus(); return true; } bool FileProperties(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; if(row) { ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; NodeProperties { parent = parent, master = this, node = node, position = { position.x + 100, position.y + 100 } }.Create(); } return true; } bool FileOpenFile(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { OpenSelectedNodes(mods.ctrl && mods.shift); return true; } bool FileRemoveFile(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { RemoveSelectedNodes(); return true; } bool FileCompile(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { OldLink item; OldList selectedRows; Project project = null; List nodes { }; fileList.GetMultiSelection(selectedRows); for(item = selectedRows.first; item; item = { OldLink i; DataRow row =; ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; if(!project) project = node.project; else if(node.project != project) { project = null; break; } nodes.Add(node); } selectedRows.Free(null); if(project) Compile(project, nodes, mods.ctrl && mods.shift, normal); else ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Please select files from a single project.\n"); delete nodes; return true; } bool FileClean(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { OldLink item; OldList selectedRows; Project project = null; List nodes { }; fileList.GetMultiSelection(selectedRows); for(item = selectedRows.first; item; item = { OldLink i; DataRow row =; ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; if(!project) project = node.project; else if(node.project != project) { project = null; break; } nodes.Add(node); } selectedRows.Free(null); if(project) Clean(project, nodes, mods.ctrl && mods.shift); else ide.outputView.buildBox.Logf($"Please select files from a single project.\n"); delete nodes; return true; } bool FileDebugPrecompile(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) { List nodes { }; nodes.Add(node); if(node.type == project) ProjectBuild(selection, mods); ide.Update(null); if(!stopBuild) Compile(node.project, nodes, mods.ctrl && mods.shift, debugPrecompile); delete nodes; } return true; } bool FileDebugCompile(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) { List nodes { }; nodes.Add(node); if(node.type == project) ProjectBuild(selection, mods); else Compile(node.project, nodes, mods.ctrl && mods.shift, normal); if(!stopBuild) Compile(node.project, nodes, mods.ctrl && mods.shift, debugCompile); delete nodes; } return true; } bool FileDebugGenerateSymbols(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) { List nodes { }; nodes.Add(node); if(node.type == project) ProjectBuild(selection, mods); else Compile(node.project, nodes, mods.ctrl && mods.shift, normal); if(!stopBuild) Compile(node.project, nodes, mods.ctrl && mods.shift, debugGenerateSymbols); delete nodes; } return true; } Project GetSelectedProject(bool useSelection) { Project prj = project; if(useSelection) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; if(node) prj = node.project; } return prj; } void SelectNextProject(bool backwards) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; DataRow currentRow = row; ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; if(node.type != project) row = node.project.topNode.row; else if(backwards) row = row.previous ? row.previous : fileList.lastRow; if(!backwards) row = ? : fileList.firstRow; if(row && row != currentRow) { fileList.SelectRow(row); fileList.currentRow = row; } } ProjectNode GetSelectedNode(bool useSelection) { ProjectNode node = null; if(useSelection) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; if(row) node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; } return node; } bool MenuBrowseFolder(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { char folder[MAX_LOCATION]; Project prj; ProjectNode node = GetSelectedNode(true); if(!node) node = project.topNode; prj = node.project; strcpy(folder, prj.topNode.path); if(node != prj.topNode) PathCatSlash(folder, node.path); ShellOpen(folder); return true; } bool Run(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; String args = new char[maxPathLen]; args[0] = '\0'; if(ide.workspace.commandLineArgs) //ide.debugger.GetCommandLineArgs(args); strcpy(args, ide.workspace.commandLineArgs); if(ide.debugger.isActive) project.Run(args, compiler, config, bitDepth); /*else if(config.targetType == sharedLibrary || config.targetType == staticLibrary) MessageBox { master = ide, type = ok, text = "Run", contents = "Shared and static libraries cannot be run like executables." }.Modal();*/ else if(BuildInterrim(project, run, compiler, config, bitDepth, false)) project.Run(args, compiler, config, bitDepth); delete args; delete compiler; return true; } bool DebugStart() { bool result = false; CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; bool useValgrind = ide.workspace.useValgrind; TargetTypes targetType = project.GetTargetType(config); if(targetType == sharedLibrary || targetType == staticLibrary) MessageBox { master = ide, type = ok, text = $"Run", contents = $"Shared and static libraries cannot be run like executables." }.Modal(); else if(project.GetCompress(config)) MessageBox { master = ide, text = $"Starting Debug", contents = $"Debugging compressed applications is not supported\n" }.Modal(); else if(project.GetDebug(config) || MessageBox { master = ide, type = okCancel, text = $"Starting Debug", contents = $"Attempting to debug non-debug configuration\nProceed anyways?" }.Modal() == ok) { if(/*!IsProjectModified() ||*/ BuildInterrim(project, start, compiler, config, bitDepth, false)) { if(compiler.type.isVC) { //bool result = false; char oldwd[MAX_LOCATION]; PathBackup pathBackup { }; char command[MAX_LOCATION]; ide.SetPath(false, compiler, config, bitDepth); GetWorkingDir(oldwd, sizeof(oldwd)); ChangeWorkingDir(project.topNode.path); sprintf(command, "%s /useenv %s.sln /projectconfig \"%s|Win32\" /command \"%s\"" , "devenv",,, "Debug.Start"); Execute(command); ChangeWorkingDir(oldwd); delete pathBackup; } else { ide.debugger.Start(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind); result = true; } } } delete compiler; return result; } void GoToError(const char * line, const bool noParsing) { char * colon; while(isspace(*line)) line++; colon = strstr(line, ":"); { int lineNumber = 0; int col = 1; bool lookForLineNumber = true; // deal with linking error if(colon && colon[1] == ' ') { colon = strstr(colon + 1, ":"); if(colon && !colon[1]) { colon = strstr(line, ":"); lookForLineNumber = false; } else if(colon && !isdigit(colon[1])) { line = colon + 1; colon = strstr(line, ":"); } } // Don't be mistaken by the drive letter colon if(colon && (colon[1] == '/' || colon[1] == '\\')) colon = strstr(colon + 1, ":"); if(colon && lookForLineNumber) { char * comma; #if 0 // MSVS Errors -- todo fix this later char * par = RSearchString(line, "(", colon - line, true, false); if(par && strstr(par, ")")) colon = par; else if((colon+1)[0] == ' ') { // NOTE: This is the same thing as saying 'colon = line' for( ; colon != line; colon--) /*if(*colon == '(') break*/; } #endif lineNumber = atoi(colon + 1); /* comma = strchr(colon, ','); if(comma) col = atoi(comma+1); */ comma = strchr(colon+1, ':'); if(comma) col = atoi(comma+1); } { char moduleName[MAX_LOCATION], filePath[MAX_LOCATION] = ""; char ext[MAX_EXTENSION] = ""; char * bracket; ProjectNode node = null; if(colon) { char * inFileIncludedFrom = strstr(line, stringInFileIncludedFrom); char * from = strstr(line, "from "); char * start = inFileIncludedFrom ? inFileIncludedFrom + strlen(stringInFileIncludedFrom) : from ? from + strlen("from ") : line; int len; if(colon < start) start = line; len = Min((int)(colon - start), MAX_LOCATION-1); // Cut module name strncpy(moduleName, start, len); moduleName[len] = '\0'; } else strcpy(moduleName, line); if(!colon) { char * msg; if((msg = strstr(moduleName, " - "))) { bool found = false; msg[0] = '\0'; for(prj : ide.workspace.projects) { strcpy(filePath, prj.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(filePath, moduleName); if(FileExists(filePath).isFile) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { msg[0] = ' '; filePath[0] = '\0'; } } else if((msg = strstr(moduleName, "...")) && (colon = strchr(moduleName, ' ')) && (++colon)[0]) { bool found = false; msg[0] = '\0'; for(prj : ide.workspace.projects) { if((node = prj.resNode.Find(colon, true))) { strcpy(filePath, prj.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(filePath, node.path); PathCatSlash(filePath,; found = true; break; } } if(!found) { msg[0] = '.'; filePath[0] = '\0'; } } colon = null; } // Remove stuff in brackets /* bracket = strstr(moduleName, "("); if(bracket) *bracket = '\0'; */ MakeSlashPath(moduleName); GetExtension(moduleName, ext); if(!colon && !filePath[0]) { // Check if it's one of our modules node = project.topNode.Find(moduleName, false); if(node) { strcpy(filePath, node.path); PathCatSlash(filePath,; } else { char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; GetExtension(moduleName, ext); { DotMain dotMain = DotMain::FromFileName(moduleName); IntermediateFileType type = IntermediateFileType::FromExtension(ext); ProjectConfig config = null; if(type) { for(prj : ide.workspace.projects; prj.lastBuildConfigName) { if((config = prj.GetConfig(prj.lastBuildConfigName))) node = prj.FindNodeByObjectFileName(moduleName, type, dotMain, config); if(node) break; } } if(node) { char name[MAX_FILENAME]; Project project = node.project; CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(project.lastBuildCompilerName); if(compiler) { int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; DirExpression objDir = project.GetObjDir(compiler, config, bitDepth); strcpy(filePath, project.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(filePath, objDir.dir); node.GetObjectFileName(name, project.configsNameCollisions[config ? : ""], type, dotMain); PathCatSlash(filePath, name); delete objDir; } delete compiler; } } } if(!node) filePath[0] = '\0'; } if(!strcmp(ext, "a") || !strcmp(ext, "o") || !strcmp(ext, "lib") || !strcmp(ext, "dll") || !strcmp(ext, "exe") || !strcmp(ext, "mo")) moduleName[0] = 0; // Avoid opening binary files if(moduleName[0]) { CodeEditor codeEditor; if(!filePath[0]) { strcpy(filePath, project.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(filePath, moduleName); } codeEditor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(filePath, false, true, null, no, normal, noParsing); if(!codeEditor && !strcmp(ext, "c")) { char ecName[MAX_LOCATION]; ChangeExtension(filePath, "ec", ecName); codeEditor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(ecName, false, true, null, no, normal, noParsing); } if(!codeEditor) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; // TOFIX: Improve on this, don't use only filename, make a function if(ide && ide.workspace) { for(prj : ide.workspace.projects) { ProjectNode node; MakePathRelative(filePath, prj.topNode.path, path); if((node = prj.topNode.FindWithPath(path, false))) { strcpy(filePath, prj.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(filePath, node.path); PathCatSlash(filePath,; codeEditor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(filePath, false, true, null, no, normal, noParsing); if(codeEditor) break; } } if(!codeEditor && (strchr(moduleName, '/') || strchr(moduleName, '\\'))) { for(prj : ide.workspace.projects) { ProjectNode node; if((node = prj.topNode.FindWithPath(moduleName, false))) { strcpy(filePath, prj.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(filePath, node.path); PathCatSlash(filePath,; codeEditor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(filePath, false, true, null, no, normal, noParsing); if(codeEditor) break; } } } if(!codeEditor) { GetLastDirectory(moduleName, moduleName); for(prj : ide.workspace.projects) { ProjectNode node; if((node = prj.topNode.Find(moduleName, false))) { strcpy(filePath, prj.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(filePath, node.path); PathCatSlash(filePath,; codeEditor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(filePath, false, true, null, no, normal, noParsing); if(codeEditor) break; } } } } } if(codeEditor && lineNumber) { EditBox editBox = codeEditor.editBox; editBox.GoToLineNum(lineNumber - 1); editBox.GoToPosition(editBox.line, lineNumber - 1, col ? (col - 1) : 0); } } } } } bool OpenNode(ProjectNode node, bool noParsing) { char filePath[MAX_LOCATION]; node.GetFullFilePath(filePath); return ide.OpenFile(filePath, false, true/*false Why was it opening hidden?*/, null, something, normal, noParsing) ? true : false; } void AddNode(ProjectNode node, DataRow addTo) { DataRow row = addTo ? addTo.AddRow() : fileList.AddRow(); row.tag = (int64)node; node.row = row; if(node.type == resources) resourceRow = row; row.SetData(null, node); if(node.files && node.files.first && node.parent && !(!node.parent.parent && (!strcmpi(, "notes") || !strcmpi(, "sources") || !strcmpi(, "src") || !strcmpi(, "tools")))) row.collapsed = true; else if(node.type == folder) node.icon = openFolder; if(node.files) { for(child : node.files) AddNode(child, row); } } void DeleteNode(ProjectNode projectNode) { if(projectNode.files) { ProjectNode child; while(child = projectNode.files.first) DeleteNode(child); } fileList.DeleteRow(projectNode.row); projectNode.Delete(); } bool ProjectSave(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode node = row ? (ProjectNode)row.tag : null; Project prj = node ? node.project : null; if(prj) { prj.StopMonitoring(); if(prj.Save(prj.filePath)) { Project modPrj = null; prj.topNode.modified = false; for(p : ide.workspace.projects) { if(p.topNode.modified) { modPrj = p; break; } } if(!modPrj) modifiedDocument = false; Update(null); } prj.StartMonitoring(); } return true; } bool ShowOutputBuildLog(bool cleanLog) { OutputView output = ide.outputView; if(cleanLog) output.ShowClearSelectTab(build); else { output.SelectTab(build); output.Show(); } return true; } bool DebugRestart() { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; bool useValgrind = ide.workspace.useValgrind; bool result = false; if(/*!IsProjectModified() ||*/ BuildInterrim(project, restart, compiler, config, bitDepth, false)) { // For Restart, compiler and config will only be used if for // whatever reason (if at all possible) the Debugger is in a // 'terminated' or 'none' state ide.debugger.Restart(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind); result = true; } delete compiler; return result; } bool DebugResume() { ide.debugger.Resume(); return true; } bool DebugBreak() { ide.debugger.Break(); return true; } bool DebugStop() { ide.debugger.Stop(); return true; } bool DebugStepInto() { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; bool useValgrind = ide.workspace.useValgrind; if((ide.debugger.isActive) || (!buildInProgress && BuildInterrim(project, start, compiler, config, bitDepth, false))) ide.debugger.StepInto(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind); delete compiler; return true; } bool DebugStepOver(bool skip) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; bool useValgrind = ide.workspace.useValgrind; if((ide.debugger.isActive) || (!buildInProgress && BuildInterrim(project, start, compiler, config, bitDepth, false))) ide.debugger.StepOver(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind, skip); delete compiler; return true; } bool DebugStepUntil(bool skip) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; bool useValgrind = ide.workspace.useValgrind; if((ide.debugger.isActive) || (!buildInProgress && BuildInterrim(project, start, compiler, config, bitDepth, false))) ide.debugger.StepUntil(compiler, config, bitDepth, useValgrind, skip); delete compiler; return true; } bool DebugStepOut(bool skip) { ide.debugger.StepOut(skip); return true; } void ImportFolder(ProjectNode toNode) { if(toNode) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; char currentDir[MAX_LOCATION]; ProjectNode node = toNode; FileDialog fileDialog = importFileDialog; fileDialog.master = parent; while(node) { node.GetFullFilePath(path); while(path[0]) { StripLastDirectory(path, path); if(FileExists(path).isDirectory) break; } if(path[0] || node == toNode.project.topNode) node = null; else node = toNode.project.topNode; } MakeSystemPath(path); StripLastDirectory(path, currentDir); fileDialog.currentDirectory = currentDir[0] ? currentDir : path; fileDialog.filePath = path; if(fileDialog.Modal() == ok) { ImportFolderFSI fsi { projectView = this }; fsi.stack.Add(toNode); fsi.Iterate(fileDialog.filePath); delete fsi; } } } ProjectNode NewFolder(ProjectNode parentNode, char * name, bool showProperties) { if(parentNode) { ProjectNode folderNode; Project prj = parentNode.project; int c; ProjectNode after = null; for(node : parentNode.files) { if(node.type != folder) break; after = node; } if(name && name[0]) folderNode = parentNode.Add(prj, name, after, folder, folder, true); else { for(c = 0; c < 100; c++) { char string[16]; sprintf(string, c ? "New Folder (%d)" : "New Folder", c); if((folderNode = parentNode.Add(prj, string, after, folder, folder, true))) break; } } if(folderNode) { NodeProperties nodeProperties; if(!showProperties) { modifiedDocument = true; prj.topNode.modified = true; } Update(null); folderNode.row = parentNode.row.AddRowAfter(after ? after.row : null); folderNode.row.tag = (int64)folderNode; folderNode.row.SetData(null, folderNode); fileList.currentRow = folderNode.row; if(showProperties) { nodeProperties = NodeProperties { parent, this, mode = newFolder, node = folderNode; position = { position.x + 100, position.y + 100 }; }; nodeProperties.Create(); // Modal? } return folderNode; } } return null; } void AddFiles(bool resources) { FileDialog fileDialog = (!resources) ? this.fileDialog : resourceFileDialog; fileDialog.type = multiOpen; fileDialog.text = !resources ? $"Add Files to Project" : $"Add Resources to Project"; fileDialog.master = parent; if(fileDialog.Modal() == ok) { int c; DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode parentNode = (ProjectNode)row.tag; bool addFailed = false; int numSelections = fileDialog.numSelections; char ** multiFilePaths = fileDialog.multiFilePaths; Array nameConflictFiles { }; for(c = 0; c < numSelections; c++) { char * filePath = multiFilePaths[c]; FileAttribs exists = FileExists(filePath); bool addThisFile = true; if(exists.isDirectory) addThisFile = false; else if(!exists) { if(MessageBox { master = ide, type = yesNo, text = filePath, contents = $"File doesn't exist. Create?" }.Modal() == yes) { File f = FileOpen(filePath, write); if(f) { addThisFile = true; delete f; } else { MessageBox { master = ide, type = ok, text = filePath, contents = $"Couldn't create file."}.Modal(); addThisFile = false; } } } if(addThisFile) { /*addFailed = */if(!AddFile(parentNode, filePath, resources, false))//; { nameConflictFiles.Add(CopyString(filePath)); addFailed = true; } } } if(addFailed) { int len = 0; char * part1 = $"The following file"; char * opt1 = $" was "; char * opt2 = $"s were "; char * part2 = $"not added because of identical file name conflict within the project.\n\n"; char * message; len += strlen(part1); len += strlen(part2); len += nameConflictFiles.count > 1 ? strlen(opt2) : strlen(opt1); for(s : nameConflictFiles) len += strlen(s) + 1; message = new char[len + 1]; strcpy(message, part1); strcat(message, nameConflictFiles.count > 1 ? opt2 : opt1); strcat(message, part2); for(s : nameConflictFiles) { strcat(message, s); strcat(message, "\n"); } MessageBox { master = ide, type = ok, text = $"Name Conflict", contents = message }.Modal(); delete message; } nameConflictFiles.Free(); delete nameConflictFiles; } } ProjectNode AddFile(ProjectNode parentNode, char * filePath, bool resources, bool isTemporary) { ProjectNode result = null; ProjectNode after = null; for(node : parentNode.files) { if(node.type != folder && node.type != file && node.type) break; after = node; } result = parentNode.Add(parentNode.project, filePath, after, file, NodeIcons::SelectFileIcon(filePath), !resources); if(result) { if(!isTemporary) { modifiedDocument = true; parentNode.project.topNode.modified = true; parentNode.project.ModifiedAllConfigs(true, false, true, true); } Update(null); result.row = parentNode.row.AddRowAfter(after ? after.row : null); result.row.tag = (int64)result; result.row.SetData(null, result); } return result; } CodeEditor CreateNew(char * upper, char * lower, char * base, char * className) { CodeEditor codeEditor = null; ProjectNode projectNode; ProjectNode after = null; DataRow row = fileList.currentRow; ProjectNode parentNode; int c; if(!row) row = project.topNode.row; parentNode = (ProjectNode)row.tag; for(node : parentNode.files) { if(node.type != folder && node.type != file && node.type) break; after = node; } for(c = 1; c < 100; c++) { char string[16]; sprintf(string, c ? "" : "", lower, c); if((projectNode = parentNode.Add(project, string, after, file, genFile, true))) break; } if(projectNode) { char name[256]; char filePath[MAX_LOCATION]; modifiedDocument = true; project.topNode.modified = true; Update(null); project.ModifiedAllConfigs(true, false, false, true); projectNode.row = parentNode.row.AddRowAfter(after ? after.row : null); projectNode.row.tag =(int64)projectNode; projectNode.row.SetData(null, projectNode); fileList.currentRow = projectNode.row; strcpy(filePath, project.topNode.path); PathCat(filePath, projectNode.path); PathCat(filePath,; codeEditor = (CodeEditor)ide.FindWindow(filePath); if(!codeEditor) { Class baseClass = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule, base); subclass(ClassDesignerBase) designerClass = eClass_GetDesigner(baseClass); if(designerClass) { codeEditor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(filePath, false, false, null, whatever, normal, false); strcpy(name,; sprintf(name, "%s%d", upper, c); if(className) strcpy(className, name); designerClass.CreateNew(codeEditor.editBox, codeEditor.clientSize, name, base); //codeEditor.modifiedDocument = false; //codeEditor.designer.modifiedDocument = false; //Code_EnsureUpToDate(codeEditor); } } else // TODO: fix no symbols generated when ommiting {} for following else { codeEditor = (CodeEditor)ide.OpenFile(filePath, false, false, null, whatever, normal, false); } ide.sheet.visible = true; ide.sheet.Activate(); if(codeEditor) { codeEditor.ViewDesigner(); codeEditor.codeModified = true; } } //visible = false; return codeEditor; } // Returns true if we opened something bool OpenSelectedNodes(bool noParsing) { bool result = false; OldList selection; OldLink item; fileList.GetMultiSelection(selection); for(item = selection.first; item; item = { DataRow row =; ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; if(node.type == file) { OpenNode(node, noParsing); result = true; } } selection.Free(null); ide.RepositionWindows(false); return result; } void RemoveSelectedNodes() { OldList selection; OldLink item, next; fileList.GetMultiSelection(selection); // Remove children of parents we're deleting for(item = selection.first; item; item = next) { OldLink i; DataRow row =; ProjectNode n, node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; bool remove = false; next =; for(i = selection.first; i && !remove; i = { ProjectNode iNode = (ProjectNode)((DataRow); for(n = node.parent; n; n = n.parent) { if(iNode == n) { remove = true; break; } } } if(remove) selection.Delete(item); } for(item = selection.first; item; item = { DataRow row =; ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; ProjectNode resNode; for(resNode = node.parent; resNode; resNode = resNode.parent) if(resNode.type == resources) break; if(node.type == file) { Project prj = node.project; DeleteNode(node); modifiedDocument = true; prj.topNode.modified = true; Update(null); prj.ModifiedAllConfigs(true, false, true, true); } else if(node.type == folder) { char message[1024]; sprintf(message, $"Are you sure you want to remove the folder \"%s\"\n" "and all of its contents from the project?",; if(MessageBox { master = ide, type = yesNo, text = $"Delete Folder", contents = message }.Modal() == yes) { Project prj = node.project; if(node.containsFile) prj.ModifiedAllConfigs(true, false, true, true); DeleteNode(node); modifiedDocument = true; prj.topNode.modified = true; } } else if(node.type == project && node != project.topNode && !buildInProgress) { char message[1024]; Project prj = null; for(p : workspace.projects) { if(p.topNode == node) { prj = p; break; } } sprintf(message, $"Are you sure you want to remove the \"%s\" project\n" "from this workspace?",; if(MessageBox { master = ide, type = yesNo, text = $"Remove Project", contents = message }.Modal() == yes) { // THIS GOES FIRST! DeleteNode(node); if(prj) workspace.RemoveProject(prj); //modifiedDocument = true; // when project view is a workspace view } } } selection.Free(null); } }