#ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR import "ide" #else #ifdef ECERE_STATIC import static "ecere" #else import "ecere" #endif import "Project" static define app = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule); #endif #define OPTION(x) ((uint)(&((ProjectOptions)0).x)) static void OutputLog(char * string) { #ifdef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR printf(string); #else ide.outputView.buildBox.Log(string); #endif } bool eString_PathInsideOfMore(char * path, char * of, char * pathRest) { if(!path[0] || !of[0]) return false; // What to do here? Ever used? else { char ofPart[MAX_FILENAME], ofRest[MAX_LOCATION]; char pathPart[MAX_FILENAME]; //, pathRest[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(ofRest, of); strcpy(pathRest, path); for(; ofRest[0] && pathRest[0];) { SplitDirectory(ofRest, ofPart, ofRest); SplitDirectory(pathRest, pathPart, pathRest); if(fstrcmp(pathPart, ofPart)) return false; } if(!ofRest[0] && !pathRest[0]) return false; else if(!pathRest[0]) // not inside of, it's the other way around return false; return true; } } enum NodeTypes { project, file, folder, resources, folderOpen }; enum NodeIcons { genFile, ewsFile, epjFile, folder, openFolder, ecFile, ehFile, sFile, cFile, hFile, cppFile, hppFile, textFile, webFile, pictureFile, soundFile, archiveFile, packageFile, opticalMediaImageFile, mFile, mmFile; NodeIcons ::SelectFileIcon(char * filePath) { NodeIcons icon; if(filePath && filePath[0]) { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; GetExtension(filePath, extension); if(strlen(extension)) { if(!strcmpi(extension, WorkspaceExtension)) icon = ewsFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, ProjectExtension)) icon = epjFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) icon = ecFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "eh")) icon = ehFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "cpp") || !strcmpi(extension, "cc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cxx")) icon = cppFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "hpp") || !strcmpi(extension, "hh") || !strcmpi(extension, "hxx")) icon = hppFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "s")) icon = sFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "c")) icon = cFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "h")) icon = hFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "m")) icon = mFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "mm")) icon = mmFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "txt") || !strcmpi(extension, "text") || !strcmpi(extension, "nfo") || !strcmpi(extension, "info")) icon = textFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "htm") || !strcmpi(extension, "html") || !strcmpi(extension, "css") || !strcmpi(extension, "php") || !strcmpi(extension, "js")) icon = webFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "bmp") || !strcmpi(extension, "pcx") || !strcmpi(extension, "jpg") || !strcmpi(extension, "jpeg") || !strcmpi(extension, "gif") || !strcmpi(extension, "png") || !strcmpi(extension, "ico")) icon = pictureFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "wav") || !strcmpi(extension, "mp3") || !strcmpi(extension, "ogg") || !strcmpi(extension, "snd")) icon = soundFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "ear") || !strcmpi(extension, "7z") || !strcmpi(extension, "rar") || !strcmpi(extension, "zip") || !strcmpi(extension, "gz") || !strcmpi(extension, "bz2") || !strcmpi(extension, "tar") || !strcmpi(extension, "arj") || !strcmpi(extension, "lza") || !strcmpi(extension, "lzh") || !strcmpi(extension, "cpio") || !strcmpi(extension, "z")) icon = archiveFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "cab") || !strcmpi(extension, "deb") || !strcmpi(extension, "rpm")) icon = packageFile; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "iso") || !strcmpi(extension, "mds") || !strcmpi(extension, "cue") || !strcmpi(extension, "bin") || !strcmpi(extension, "ccd") || !strcmpi(extension, "bwt") || !strcmpi(extension, "cdi") || !strcmpi(extension, "nrg")) icon = opticalMediaImageFile; else icon = genFile; } else icon = genFile; } else icon = genFile; // tocheck: error icon? return icon; } NodeIcons ::SelectNodeIcon(NodeTypes type) { switch(type) { case project: return epjFile; case file: return genFile; case folder: return folder; case resources: return archiveFile; case folderOpen: return openFolder; } return genFile; } }; #define SELECTION_COLOR Color { 10, 36, 106 } // On Windows & UNIX #define SEPS "/" #define SEP '/' // this is so not working, why! //struct TwoStrings // return result was not even executed (did not step on while debugging) class TwoStrings : struct { char * a; char * b; property bool { get { return a && a[0]; } } ~TwoStrings() { delete a; delete b; } } class DotMain : bool { //property char * { set { } } DotMain ::FromFileName(char * fileName) { DotMain dotMain = false; if(fileName && fileName[0]) { char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; GetExtension(fileName, ext); if(!strcmp(ext, "c") || !strcmp(ext, "ec")) { char stripExt[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(stripExt, fileName); StripExtension(stripExt); GetExtension(stripExt, ext); if(!strcmp(ext, "main")) dotMain = true; } } return dotMain; } } enum IntermediateFileType { none, ec, c, sym, imp, bowl, o; //property char * { set { } } IntermediateFileType ::FromExtension(char * extension) { IntermediateFileType type = none; if(extension && extension[0]) { if(!fstrcmp(extension, "ec")) type = ec; else if(!fstrcmp(extension, "c")) type = c; else if(!fstrcmp(extension, "sym")) type = sym; else if(!fstrcmp(extension, "imp")) type = imp; else if(!fstrcmp(extension, "bowl")) type = bowl; else if(!fstrcmp(extension, "o")) type = o; } return type; } }; class ProjectNode : ListItem { public: property String { set { return { fileName = value }; } // TOCHECK: Is this isset necessary at all? isset { return nodeType == file && !options && !configurations && !platforms && !files; } }; property String folder { set { nodeType = folder; if(strchr(value, '/')) { char p[MAX_LOCATION]; char n[MAX_FILENAME]; GetLastDirectory(value, n); StripLastDirectory(value, p); name = CopyString(n); path = CopyString(p); } else name = CopyString(value); } get { // TOCHECK: Non Reentrant static char insidePath[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(insidePath, (parent.type == project) ? "" : parent.path); PathCatSlash(insidePath, name); if(!fstrcmp(path, insidePath)) return name; else { strcpy(insidePath, path); if(!insidePath[0]) strcpy(insidePath, "."); PathCatSlash(insidePath, name); return insidePath; } } isset { return nodeType == folder; } }; property String fileName { set { nodeType = file; if(strchr(value, '/')) { char p[MAX_LOCATION]; char n[MAX_FILENAME]; GetLastDirectory(value, n); StripLastDirectory(value, p); name = CopyValidateMakefilePath(n); path = CopyValidateMakefilePath(p); } else name = CopyValidateMakefilePath(value); } get { // TOCHECK: Non Reentrant static char insidePath[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(insidePath, (parent.type == project) ? "" : parent.path); if(!fstrcmp(path, insidePath)) return name; else { strcpy(insidePath, path); if(!insidePath[0]) strcpy(insidePath, "."); PathCatSlash(insidePath, name); return insidePath; } } isset { return nodeType == file && (options || configurations || platforms); } }; LinkList files; property ProjectOptions options { get { return project ? project.options : options; } set { if(project) { delete project.options; project.options = value; } else { delete options; options = value; } } isset { ProjectOptions options = project ? project.options : this.options; return options && !options.isEmpty; } } property Array platforms { get { return project ? project.platforms : platforms; } set { if(project) { project.platforms = value; } else { if(platforms) { platforms.Free(); delete platforms; } if(value) { List empty { }; Iterator it { value }; platforms = value; for(p : platforms; !p.options || p.options.isEmpty) empty.Add(p); for(p : empty; it.Find(p)) platforms.Delete(it.pointer); delete empty; } } } isset { Array platforms = project ? project.platforms : this.platforms; if(platforms) { for(p : platforms) { if(p.options && !p.options.isEmpty) return true; } } return false; } } property List configurations { get { return project ? project.configurations : configurations; } set { if(project) { if(project.configurations) { project.configurations.Free(); delete project.configurations; } project.configurations = value; } else { if(configurations) { configurations.Free(); delete configurations; } if(value) { List empty { }; Iterator it { value }; configurations = value; for(c : configurations) { bool somethingSet = c.options && !c.options.isEmpty; // TODO: Implement isset keyword if(!somethingSet && c.platforms && c.platforms.count) { for(p : c.platforms) { if(p.options && !p.options.isEmpty) { somethingSet = true; break; } } } if(!somethingSet) empty.Add(c); } for(c : empty; it.Find(c)) configurations.Delete(it.pointer); delete empty; } } } isset { if(!parent) return true; if(configurations) { for(c : configurations) { bool somethingSet = c.options && !c.options.isEmpty; if(!somethingSet && c.platforms && c.platforms.count) { for(p : c.platforms) { if(p.options && !p.options.isEmpty) { somethingSet = true; break; } } } return somethingSet; } } return false; } } private: ProjectOptions options; Array platforms; List configurations; ProjectNodeType nodeType; ProjectNode parent; char * name; char * info; // This holds the absolute path of the .epj for the project topnode (without the filename) // It holds a relative path to the topNode (project) for other nodes (folders and files) // For folders, it includes the folder it refers to. If there is a name difference between the // file system folder and the grouping folder of the project view, it maps to that folder. char * path; NodeTypes type; NodeIcons icon; int indent; DataRow row; bool modified; // This is only set for Top Nodes Project project; void OpenRulesPlatformExclusionIfs(File f, int * ifCount, Array platforms) { if(!platforms.Find(unknown)) // unknown is "Common" { // e.g. ifneq "$(or $(or $(OSX_TARGET),$(LINUX_TARGET)),$(WINDOWS_TARGET))" int i = 0; f.Puts("ifneq \""); for(i = 0; platforms.count && i < platforms.count - 1; i++) f.Puts("$(or "); i = 0; for(p : platforms) { if(i > 0) f.Puts(","); f.Puts("$("); f.Puts(PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(p)); f.Puts(")"); if(i > 0) f.Puts(")"); i++; } f.Puts("\" \"\"\n"); (*ifCount)++; } else *ifCount = 0; } ProjectConfig GetMatchingNodeConfig(ProjectConfig prjConfig) { ProjectConfig nodeConfig = null; if(property::configurations && prjConfig) { const char * configName = prjConfig.name; for(cfg : property::configurations) { if(!strcmpi(cfg.name, configName)) { nodeConfig = cfg; break; } } } return nodeConfig; } property ProjectNode root { get { ProjectNode n; for(n = this; n.parent; n = n.parent); return n; } } property bool containsFile { get { bool result; if(files) { for(child : files) { if(child.type == file || ((child.type == folder || child.type == folderOpen) && child.containsFile)) { result = true; break; } } } else result = false; return result; } } char * GetFullFilePath(char * buffer) { if(buffer) { strcpy(buffer, root.path); PathCatSlash(buffer, path); PathCatSlash(buffer, name); } return buffer; } char * GetObjectFileName(char * buffer, Map namesInfo, IntermediateFileType type, bool dotMain) { if(buffer && (this.type == file || (this.type == project && dotMain == true))) { bool collision; char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; NameCollisionInfo info; GetExtension(name, extension); ReplaceSpaces(moduleName, name); StripExtension(moduleName); info = namesInfo[moduleName]; collision = info ? info.IsExtensionColliding(extension) : false; if(dotMain) { Project prj = property::project; ReplaceSpaces(buffer, prj.moduleName); StripExtension(buffer); strcat(buffer, ".main.ec"); } else strcpy(buffer, name); if(!strcmp(extension, "ec") || dotMain) { if(type == c) ChangeExtension(buffer, "c", buffer); else if(type == sym) ChangeExtension(buffer, "sym", buffer); else if(type == imp) ChangeExtension(buffer, "imp", buffer); else if(type == bowl) ChangeExtension(buffer, "bowl", buffer); } if(type == o) { if(collision) strcat(buffer, ".o"); else ChangeExtension(buffer, "o", buffer); } } return buffer; } char * GetFileSysMatchingPath(char * buffer) { if(buffer) { ProjectNode n, root = this.root; for(n = this; n && (n.type == folder || n.type == project); n = n.parent) { strcpy(buffer, root.path); if(n != root) PathCatSlash(buffer, n.path); if(FileExists(buffer).isDirectory) break; } if(!(n && (n.type == folder || n.type == project))) buffer[0] = '\0'; } return buffer; } void CollectPerFileAndDirOptions(ProjectConfig prjConfig, Array perFilePreprocessorDefs, Array perFileIncludeDirs) { ProjectNode node = null; ProjectConfig config = GetMatchingNodeConfig(prjConfig); List nodeStack { }; for(node = this; node && node.parent; node = node.parent) nodeStack.Add(node); // Should we reverse this stack to give priority to the per-file includes? Does the following technique already reverse? // TODO: Check how to fix duplication of following options when configuration is made per-config-per-file while((node = nodeStack.lastIterator.data)) { ProjectConfig config = GetMatchingNodeConfig(prjConfig); ProjectOptions nodeOptions = node.property::options; if(nodeOptions && nodeOptions.preprocessorDefinitions) { for(def : nodeOptions.preprocessorDefinitions) perFilePreprocessorDefs.Add(CopyString(def)); } if(config && config.options && config.options.preprocessorDefinitions) { for(def : config.options.preprocessorDefinitions) perFilePreprocessorDefs.Add(CopyString(def)); } if(nodeOptions && nodeOptions.includeDirs) { for(dir : nodeOptions.includeDirs) perFileIncludeDirs.Add(CopySystemPath(dir)); } if(config && config.options && config.options.includeDirs) { for(dir : config.options.includeDirs) perFileIncludeDirs.Add(CopySystemPath(dir)); } nodeStack.lastIterator.Remove(); } delete nodeStack; } property Project project { get { ProjectNode n = this; while(n && n.type != project) n = n.parent; return n ? (*&n.project) : null; } } void RenameConfig(char * oldName, char * newName) { if(files) { for(f : files; (f.configurations || f.files)) { f.RenameConfig(oldName, newName); } } if(property::configurations) { for(c : property::configurations; !strcmp(c.name, oldName)) { delete c.name; c.name = CopyString(newName); } } } void DeleteConfig(ProjectConfig configToDelete) { if(files) { for(f : files; (f.configurations || f.files)) { f.DeleteConfig(configToDelete); } } if(property::configurations) { Iterator c { property::configurations }; while(c.Next()) { ProjectConfig config = c.data; if(!strcmp(configToDelete.name, config.name)) { c.Remove(); delete config; break; } } if(!property::configurations.count) property::configurations = null; } } ProjectNode Backup() { ProjectNode backupNode { }; if(files) { backupNode.files = { }; for(f : files) backupNode.files.Add(f.Backup()); } if(property::options) backupNode.options = property::options.Copy(); if(property::platforms) { backupNode.platforms = { }; for(p : property::platforms) backupNode.platforms.Add(p.Copy()); } if(property::configurations) { backupNode.configurations = { }; for(c : property::configurations) backupNode.configurations.Add(c.Copy()); } return backupNode; } void Revert(ProjectNode backupNode) { if(files) { Iterator it { backupNode.files }; for(f : files) { it.Next(); f.Revert(it.data); } } property::options = backupNode.options ? backupNode.options.Copy() : null; if(backupNode.platforms) { Array platforms { }; property::platforms = platforms; for(p : backupNode.platforms) platforms.Add(p.Copy()); } if(backupNode.configurations) { List configurations { }; property::configurations = configurations; for(c : backupNode.configurations) configurations.Add(c.Copy()); } } void FixupNode(char * parentPath) { if(!parent) { type = project; } else if(nodeType == file) { type = file; if(!path) { path = CopyString((parent.type == folder || parent.type == resources) ? parentPath : ""); } } else if(nodeType == folder) { type = folder; if(!path) { char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(temp, (parent.type == folder || parent.type == resources) ? parentPath : ""); PathCatSlash(temp, name); path = CopyString(temp); } } indent = parent ? parent.indent + 1 : 0; if(type == file) icon = NodeIcons::SelectFileIcon(name); else icon = NodeIcons::SelectNodeIcon(type); if(files) { for(f : files) { f.parent = this; if(type == project) parentPath[0] = '\0'; else if(type == resources || type == folder) strcpy(parentPath, path); f.FixupNode(parentPath); } } } char * OnGetString(char * tempString, void * fieldData, bool * needClass) { if(!needClass) { // TOCHECK: Called from JSON writer if(nodeType == file && !property::options && !property::configurations && !property::platforms && name) { strcpy(tempString, "\""); strcat(tempString, property::fileName); strcat(tempString, "\""); return tempString; } else return null; } else // TOCHECK: Called from ProjectView rendering return name ? name : ""; } ~ProjectNode() { if(files) { files.Free(); delete files; } if(!project) delete options; if(!project && platforms) { platforms.Free(); delete platforms; }; if(!project && configurations) { configurations.Free(); delete configurations; } ///////////////////////////// delete path; delete name; delete info; } property bool isInResources { get { ProjectNode node; for(node = this; node; node = node.parent) { if(node.type == resources) return true; } return false; } } TwoStrings GetPlatformSpecificFu(ProjectConfig prjConfig) { TwoStrings result { a = CopyString(""), b = CopyString("") }; // note: unknown platform is for common Map exclusionInfo { }; MapNode mn; char * exp, * var; int len; SetBool common; CollectExclusionInfo(exclusionInfo, prjConfig); common = exclusionInfo[unknown]; { Map cleaned { }; SetBool opposite = common == true ? false : true; for(mn = exclusionInfo.root.minimum; mn; mn = mn.next) { if(mn.key == unknown || mn.value == opposite) cleaned[mn.key] = mn.value; } delete exclusionInfo; exclusionInfo = cleaned; } if(exclusionInfo.count > 1) { if(exclusionInfo.count > 2) { exp = result.a; len = strlen(exp) + strlen("$(if $(or "); exp = renew exp char[len+1]; strcat(exp, "$(if $(or "); result.a = exp; for(mn = exclusionInfo.root.minimum; mn; mn = mn.next) { if(mn.key != unknown) { char * comma = mn.next ? "," : ""; var = PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(mn.key); exp = result.a; len = strlen(exp) + strlen("$(") + strlen(var) + strlen(")") + strlen(comma); exp = renew exp char[len+1]; strcat(exp, "$("); strcat(exp, var); strcat(exp, ")"); strcat(exp, comma); result.a = exp; } } exp = result.a; len = strlen(exp) + strlen("),"); exp = renew exp char[len+1]; } else { if(exclusionInfo.root.minimum.key != unknown) var = PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(exclusionInfo.root.minimum.key); else var = PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(exclusionInfo.root.minimum.next.key); exp = result.a; len = strlen(exp) + strlen("$(if $(") + strlen(var) + strlen("),"); exp = renew exp char[len+1]; strcat(exp, "$(if $("); strcat(exp, var); } strcat(exp, "),"); result.a = exp; exp = common == true ? result.b : result.a; len = strlen(exp) + strlen(","); exp = renew exp char[len+1]; strcat(exp, ","); if(common == true) result.b = exp; else result.a = exp; exp = result.b; len = strlen(exp) + strlen(")"); exp = renew exp char[len+1]; strcat(exp, ")"); result.b = exp; } delete exclusionInfo; return result; } bool GetIsExcluded(ProjectConfig prjConfig) { bool result; // note: unknown platform is for common Map exclusionInfo { }; CollectExclusionInfo(exclusionInfo, prjConfig); if(exclusionInfo.count == 0) result = false; else if(exclusionInfo.count == 1) result = exclusionInfo.root.minimum.value == true; else { SetBool check = exclusionInfo.root.minimum.value; MapNode mn; for(mn = exclusionInfo.root.minimum; mn; mn = mn.next) { if(check != mn.value) break; } if(!mn) // all are same result = check == true; else result = false; } delete exclusionInfo; return result; } void CollectExclusionInfo(Map output, ProjectConfig prjConfig) { // note: unknown platform is for common Platform platform; ProjectConfig config = GetMatchingNodeConfig(prjConfig); ProjectOptions options = property::options; Array platforms = property::platforms; List configurations = property::configurations; if(parent) parent.CollectExclusionInfo(output, prjConfig); else output[unknown] = unset; if(options && options.excludeFromBuild) output[unknown] = options.excludeFromBuild; if(config && config.options && config.options.excludeFromBuild) output[unknown] = config.options.excludeFromBuild; if(platforms) { for(p : platforms) { if(p.options.excludeFromBuild && (platform = p.name)) output[platform] = p.options.excludeFromBuild; } } if(config && config.platforms) { for(p : config.platforms) { if(p.options.excludeFromBuild && (platform = p.name)) output[platform] = p.options.excludeFromBuild; } } } void EnsureVisible() { if(parent) parent.EnsureVisible(); row.collapsed = false; } void Delete() { if(parent) parent.files.Delete(this); } ProjectNode Find(char * name, bool includeResources) { ProjectNode result = null; if(files) { for(child : files) { if(includeResources || child.type != resources) { if(child.type != folder && child.name && !strcmpi(child.name, name)) { result = child; break; } result = child.Find(name, includeResources); if(result) break; } } } return result; } ProjectNode FindWithPath(char * name, bool includeResources) { ProjectNode result = null; if(files) { for(child : files) { if(includeResources || child.type != resources) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(path, child.path); if(child.type != folder && child.name) { PathCatSlash(path, child.name); if(!strcmpi(path, name)) { result = child; break; } } result = child.FindWithPath(name, includeResources); if(result) break; } } } return result; } ProjectNode FindByFullPath(char * path, bool includeResources) { if(files) { char name[MAX_FILENAME]; GetLastDirectory(path, name); return InternalFindByFullPath(path, includeResources, name); } return null; } ProjectNode InternalFindByFullPath(char * path, bool includeResources, char * lastDirName) { ProjectNode result = null; if(files) { for(child : files) { if(includeResources || child.type != resources) { if(child.type != file) result = child.InternalFindByFullPath(path, includeResources, lastDirName); else if(child.name && !fstrcmp(lastDirName, child.name)) { char p[MAX_LOCATION]; child.GetFullFilePath(p); if(!fstrcmp(p, path)) { result = child; break; } } if(result) break; } } } return result; } ProjectNode FindByObjectFileName(char * fileName, IntermediateFileType type, bool dotMain, Map namesInfo) { char p[MAX_LOCATION]; ProjectNode result = null; if(dotMain == true && this.type == project) { GetObjectFileName(p, namesInfo, type, dotMain); if(!fstrcmp(p, fileName)) result = this; } else if(files) { for(child : files; child.type != resources) { if(child.type != file && (result = child.FindByObjectFileName(fileName, type, dotMain, namesInfo))) break; else if(child.type == file && child.name) { child.GetObjectFileName(p, namesInfo, type, dotMain); if(!fstrcmp(p, fileName)) { result = child; break; } } } } return result; } ProjectNode FindSpecial(char * name, bool recursive, bool includeResources, bool includeFolders) { ProjectNode result = null; if(files) { for(child : files) { if(includeResources || child.type != resources) { if((includeFolders || child.type != folder) && child.name && !strcmpi(child.name, name)) { result = child; break; } if(recursive) result = child.FindSpecial(name, recursive, includeResources, includeFolders); if(result) break; } } } return result; } ProjectNode FindSameNameConflict(char * name, bool includeResources, Map exclusionInfo, ProjectConfig prjConfig) { ProjectNode result = null; Map compareExclusion { }; SetBool common, commonComp; SetBool actual, actualComp; if(files) { for(child : files) { if(includeResources || child.type != resources) { if(child.type != folder && child.name && !strcmpi(child.name, name)) { child.CollectExclusionInfo(compareExclusion, prjConfig); common = exclusionInfo[unknown]; commonComp = compareExclusion[unknown]; if(exclusionInfo.count == 1 && compareExclusion.count == 1) { if(!(common == true || commonComp == true)) { result = child; break; } } else { Platform platform; for(platform = (Platform)1; platform < Platform::enumSize; platform++) { actual = common; actualComp = commonComp; if(exclusionInfo[platform] != unset) actual = exclusionInfo[platform]; if(compareExclusion[platform] != unset) actualComp = compareExclusion[platform]; if(!(actual == true || actualComp == true)) { result = child; break; } } if(result) break; } compareExclusion.Free(); break; } result = child.FindSameNameConflict(name, includeResources, exclusionInfo, prjConfig); if(result) break; } } compareExclusion.Free(); } delete compareExclusion; return result; } ProjectNode Add(Project project, char * filePath, ProjectNode after, NodeTypes type, NodeIcons icon, bool checkIfExists) { ProjectNode node = null; if(!project.topNode.FindByFullPath(filePath, true)) { char temp[MAX_LOCATION]; Map exclusionInfo { }; GetLastDirectory(filePath, temp); //if(!checkIfExists || !project.topNode.Find(temp, false)) // TOCHECK: Shouldn't this apply either for all configs or none? CollectExclusionInfo(exclusionInfo, project.config); if(!checkIfExists || type == folder || !project.topNode.FindSameNameConflict(temp, false, exclusionInfo, project.config)) { // Do the check for folder in the same parent or resource files only here if(type == folder || !checkIfExists) { for(node : files) { if(node.name && !strcmpi(node.name, temp)) return null; } } node = ProjectNode { parent = this, indent = indent + 1, type = type, icon = icon, name = CopyString(temp) }; if(type != file) { node.files = { }; node.nodeType = folder; } if(type != folder) { if(filePath) { StripLastDirectory(filePath, temp); MakePathRelative(temp, project.topNode.path, temp); node.path = CopyUnixPath(temp); } node.nodeType = file; } else { strcpy(temp, (type == NodeTypes::project) ? "" : path); PathCatSlash(temp, node.name); node.path = CopyString(temp); } files.Insert(after, node); } delete exclusionInfo; } return node; } #ifndef MAKEFILE_GENERATOR void OnDisplay(Surface surface, int x, int y, int width, ProjectView projectView, Alignment alignment, DataDisplayFlags displayFlags) { char label[MAX_FILENAME]; int indent = 16; int xStart; int len; int w, h; Bitmap bmp; bool showConfig = true; if(!projectView) { showConfig = false; projectView = ide.projectView; } bmp = projectView.icons[icon].bitmap; xStart = /*indent * indent + */x + (bmp ? (bmp.width + 5) : 0); GetLastDirectory(name, label); if(!showConfig || projectView.drawingInProjectSettingsDialogHeader) { if(projectView.drawingInProjectSettingsDialogHeader || (type == project && info)) { if(projectView.projectSettingsDialog && projectView.projectSettingsDialog.buildTab) { char * addendum; addendum = projectView.projectSettingsDialog.buildTab.selectedConfigName; if(strlen(addendum)) { strcat(label, " ("); strcat(label, addendum); strcat(label, ")"); } addendum = projectView.projectSettingsDialog.buildTab.selectedPlatformName; if(strlen(addendum)) { strcat(label, " ("); strcat(label, addendum); strcat(label, ")"); } } } } else if(!projectView.drawingInProjectSettingsDialog) { if(modified) strcat(label, " *"); if(type == project && info) { int len = strlen(info) + 4; char * more = new char[len]; sprintf(more, " (%s)", info); strcat(label, more); delete more; } } len = strlen(label); if(!bmp) { if(type == folder || type == folderOpen) surface.SetForeground(yellow); indent = 8; } surface.TextOpacity(false); surface.TextExtent(label, len, &w, &h); h = Max(h, 16); // Draw the current row stipple if(displayFlags.selected) //surface.Area(xStart - 1, y, xStart - 1, y + h - 1); //surface.Area(xStart + w - 1, y, xStart + w + 1, y + h - 1); surface.Area(xStart - 3, y, xStart + w + 1, y + h - 1); surface.WriteTextDots(alignment, xStart, y + 2, width, label, len); if(!app.textMode) { if(displayFlags.current) { if(displayFlags.active) { surface.LineStipple(0x5555); if(displayFlags.selected) surface.SetForeground(projectView.fileList.stippleColor); else surface.SetForeground(projectView.fileList.foreground); } else { surface.SetForeground(SELECTION_COLOR); } surface.Rectangle(xStart - 3, y, xStart + w + 1, y + h - 1); surface.LineStipple(0); } if(bmp) { surface.SetForeground(white); surface.Blit(bmp, x /*+ indent * indent*/,y,0,0, bmp.width, bmp.height); } } } #endif int OnCompare(ProjectNode b) { int result; if(type == b.type /*|| type >= TYPE_DRIVE*/) result = strcmpi(name, b.name); else { if(type == folder && b.type == file) result = -1; else if(type == file && b.type == folder) result = 1; } return result; } bool ContainsFilesWithExtension(char * extension) { if(type == file) { char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; GetExtension(name, ext); if(!fstrcmp(ext, extension)) return true; } else if(files) { bool needed = false; for(child : files) if(child.ContainsFilesWithExtension(extension)) return true; } return false; } void GenMakefileGetNameCollisionInfo(Map namesInfo, ProjectConfig prjConfig) { if(type == file) { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; GetExtension(name, extension); if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec") || !strcmpi(extension, "s") || !strcmpi(extension, "c") || !strcmpi(extension, "rc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cpp") || !strcmpi(extension, "cc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cxx") || !strcmpi(extension, "m") || !strcmpi(extension, "mm")) { char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; NameCollisionInfo info; ReplaceSpaces(moduleName, name); StripExtension(moduleName); info = namesInfo[moduleName]; if(!info) info = NameCollisionInfo { }; info.count++; // += 1; unless this is for a bug? if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) info.ec = true; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "s")) info.s = true; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "c")) info.c = true; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "rc")) info.rc = true; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "cpp")) info.cpp = true; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "cc")) info.cc = true; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "cxx")) info.cxx = true; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "m")) info.m = true; else if(!strcmpi(extension, "mm")) info.mm = true; namesInfo[moduleName] = info; } } else if(files) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) child.GenMakefileGetNameCollisionInfo(namesInfo, prjConfig); } } } int GenMakefilePrintNode(File f, Project project, GenMakefilePrintTypes printType, Map namesInfo, Array items, ProjectConfig prjConfig, bool * containsCXX) { int count = 0; if(type == file) { char s[2048]; TwoStrings ts = GetPlatformSpecificFu(prjConfig); char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; GetExtension(name, extension); if(printType == resources) { bool useRes; char tempPath[MAX_LOCATION]; char modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; tempPath[0] = '\0'; if(eString_PathInsideOfMore(path, project.resNode.path, tempPath)) { useRes = true; PathCatSlash(tempPath, name); } else { useRes = false; strcpy(tempPath, path); PathCatSlash(tempPath, name); } EscapeForMake(modulePath, tempPath, false, true, false); sprintf(s, "%s%s%s%s", ts.a, useRes ? "$(RES)" : "", modulePath, ts.b); items.Add(CopyString(s)); } else if(printType == sources) { if(!strcmpi(extension, "s") || !strcmpi(extension, "c") || !strcmpi(extension, "cpp") || !strcmpi(extension, "cc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cxx") || !strcmpi(extension, "m") || !strcmpi(extension, "mm")) { char modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; EscapeForMake(modulePath, path, false, true, false); EscapeForMake(moduleName, name, false, true, false); sprintf(s, "%s%s%s%s%s", ts.a, modulePath, path[0] ? SEPS : "", moduleName, ts.b); items.Add(CopyString(s)); } } else if(printType == eCsources) { if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) { char modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; EscapeForMake(modulePath, path, true, true, false); EscapeForMake(moduleName, name, true, true, false); sprintf(s, "%s%s%s%s%s", ts.a, modulePath, path[0] ? SEPS : "", moduleName, ts.b); items.Add(CopyString(s)); count++; } } else if(printType == rcSources) { if(!strcmpi(extension, "rc")) { char modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; EscapeForMake(modulePath, path, false, true, false); EscapeForMake(moduleName, name, false, true, false); sprintf(s, "%s%s%s%s%s", ts.a, modulePath, path[0] ? SEPS : "", moduleName, ts.b); items.Add(CopyString(s)); count++; } } else if(!strcmpi(extension, "s") || !strcmpi(extension, "c") || !strcmpi(extension, "cpp") || !strcmpi(extension, "cc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cxx") || !strcmpi(extension, "m") || !strcmpi(extension, "mm")) { if(printType == objects) { bool collision; NameCollisionInfo info; count++; EscapeForMake(moduleName, name, false, true, false); StripExtension(moduleName); info = namesInfo[moduleName]; collision = info ? info.IsExtensionColliding(extension) : false; sprintf(s, "%s$(OBJ)%s%s%s.o%s", ts.a, moduleName, collision ? "." : "", collision ? extension : "", ts.b); items.Add(CopyString(s)); if(containsCXX && (!strcmpi(extension, "cpp") || !strcmpi(extension, "cc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cxx"))) *containsCXX = true; } } delete ts; } else if(files) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) count += child.GenMakefilePrintNode(f, project, printType, namesInfo, items, prjConfig, containsCXX); } } return count; } void GenMakefilePrintSymbolRules(File f, Project project, ProjectConfig prjConfig, //Map parentExcludedPlatforms, Map nodeCFlagsMapping, Map nodeECFlagsMapping) { int ifCount = 0; Array platforms = GetPlatformsArrayFromExclusionInfo(prjConfig); //ProjectNode child; //char objDir[MAX_LOCATION]; //ReplaceSpaces(objDir, config.objDir.dir); //eSystem_Log("Printing Symbol Rules\n"); if(type == file) { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; char modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; GetExtension(name, extension); if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) { DualPipe dep; char command[2048]; ReplaceSpaces(moduleName, name); StripExtension(moduleName); ReplaceSpaces(modulePath, path); if(modulePath[0]) strcat(modulePath, SEPS); OpenRulesPlatformExclusionIfs(f, &ifCount, platforms); #if 0 // *** Dependency command *** sprintf(command, "gcc -MT $(OBJ)%s.o -MM %s%s.%s", moduleName, modulePath, moduleName, extension); // System Includes (from global settings) for(item : compiler.dirs[Includes]) { strcat(command, " -isystem "); if(strchr(item, ' ')) { strcat(command, "\""); strcat(command, item); strcat(command, "\""); } else strcat(command, item); } for(item : project.includeDirs) { strcat(command, " -I"); if(strchr(item, ' ')) { strcat(command, "\""); strcat(command, item); strcat(command, "\""); } else strcat(command, item); } for(item : project.preprocessorDefs) { strcat(command, " -D"); strcat(command, item); } // Execute it if((dep = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = true, error = true/*, input = true*/ }, command))) { char line[1024]; bool firstLine = true; bool result = true; // To do some time: auto save external dependencies? while(!dep.Eof()) { if(dep.GetLine(line, sizeof(line)-1)) { if(firstLine) { char * colon = strstr(line, ":"); if(strstr(line, "No such file") || strstr(line, ",") || (colon && strstr(colon+1, ":"))) { result = false; break; } firstLine = false; } f.Puts(line); f.Puts("\n"); } if(!result) break; } delete dep; // If we failed to generate dependencies... if(!result) { #endif f.Printf("$(OBJ)%s.sym: %s%s.%s\n", moduleName, modulePath, moduleName, extension); f.Puts("\t$(ECP)"); f.Puts(" $(CFLAGS)"); f.Puts(" $(CECFLAGS)"); // tocheck: what of this? should this stuff be per-file customized? GenMakePrintNodeFlagsVariable(this, nodeECFlagsMapping, "ECFLAGS", f); GenMakePrintNodeFlagsVariable(this, nodeCFlagsMapping, "PRJ_CFLAGS", f); f.Printf(" -c $(call quote_path,%s%s.%s) -o $(call quote_path,$@)\n", modulePath, moduleName, extension); if(ifCount) f.Puts("endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); #if 0 } } #endif } } if(files) { bool needed = false; if(ContainsFilesWithExtension("ec")) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) { needed = true; break; } } } if(needed) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) child.GenMakefilePrintSymbolRules(f, project, prjConfig, /*excludedPlatforms,*/ nodeCFlagsMapping, nodeECFlagsMapping); } } } delete platforms; } void GenMakefilePrintPrepecsRules(File f, Project project, ProjectConfig prjConfig, /*Map parentExcludedPlatforms,*/ Map nodeCFlagsMapping, Map nodeECFlagsMapping) { int ifCount = 0; ProjectConfig config = GetMatchingNodeConfig(prjConfig); Array platforms = GetPlatformsArrayFromExclusionInfo(prjConfig); //ProjectNode child; //char objDir[MAX_LOCATION]; //ReplaceSpaces(objDir, config.objDir.dir); //eSystem_Log("Printing Symbol Rules\n"); if(type == file) { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; char modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; GetExtension(name, extension); if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) { DualPipe dep; char command[2048]; ReplaceSpaces(moduleName, name); StripExtension(moduleName); ReplaceSpaces(modulePath, path); if(modulePath[0]) strcat(modulePath, SEPS); OpenRulesPlatformExclusionIfs(f, &ifCount, platforms); f.Printf("$(OBJ)%s$(EC): %s%s.%s\n", moduleName, modulePath, moduleName, extension); /*f.Printf("\t$(CPP) %s%s.%s %s$(S)\n\n", modulePath, moduleName, extension, moduleName);*/ f.Puts("\t$(CPP)"); f.Puts(" $(CFLAGS)"); //f.Puts(" $(CECFLAGS)"); //GenMakePrintNodeFlagsVariable(this, nodeECFlagsMapping, "ECFLAGS", f); GenMakePrintNodeFlagsVariable(this, nodeCFlagsMapping, "PRJ_CFLAGS", f); f.Printf(" -x c -E %s%s.%s -o $(OBJ)%s$(EC)\n", modulePath, moduleName, extension, moduleName); if(ifCount) f.Puts("endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } } if(files) { bool needed = false; if(ContainsFilesWithExtension("ec")) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) { needed = true; break; } } } if(needed) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) child.GenMakefilePrintPrepecsRules(f, project, prjConfig, /*excludedPlatforms,*/ nodeCFlagsMapping, nodeECFlagsMapping); } } } delete platforms; } void GenMakefilePrintCObjectRules(File f, Project project, ProjectConfig prjConfig, /*Map parentExcludedPlatforms,*/ Map nodeCFlagsMapping, Map nodeECFlagsMapping) { int ifCount = 0; ProjectConfig config = GetMatchingNodeConfig(prjConfig); Array platforms = GetPlatformsArrayFromExclusionInfo(prjConfig); //ProjectNode child; //char objDir[MAX_LOCATION]; //ReplaceSpaces(objDir, config.objDir.dir); //eSystem_Log("Printing C Object Rules\n"); if(type == file) { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; char modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; GetExtension(name, extension); if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) { DualPipe dep; char command[2048]; ReplaceSpaces(moduleName, name); StripExtension(moduleName); ReplaceSpaces(modulePath, path); if(modulePath[0]) strcat(modulePath, SEPS); OpenRulesPlatformExclusionIfs(f, &ifCount, platforms); #if 0 // *** Dependency command *** sprintf(command, "gcc -MT $(OBJ)%s.o -MM %s%s.%s", moduleName, modulePath, moduleName, extension); // System Includes (from global settings) for(item : compiler.dirs[Includes]) { strcat(command, " -isystem "); if(strchr(item, ' ')) { strcat(command, "\""); strcat(command, item); strcat(command, "\""); } else strcat(command, item); } for(item : config.includeDirs) { strcat(command, " -I"); if(strchr(item, ' ')) { strcat(command, "\""); strcat(command, item); strcat(command, "\""); } else strcat(command, item); } for(item : config.preprocessorDefs) { strcat(command, " -D"); strcat(command, item); } // Execute it if((dep = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = true, error = true/*, input = true*/ }, command))) { char line[1024]; bool result = true; bool firstLine = true; // To do some time: auto save external dependencies? while(!dep.Eof()) { if(dep.GetLine(line, sizeof(line)-1)) { if(firstLine) { char * colon = strstr(line, ":"); if(strstr(line, "No such file") || strstr(line, ",") || (colon && strstr(colon+1, ":"))) { result = false; break; } firstLine = false; } f.Puts(line); f.Puts("\n"); } if(!result) break; } delete dep; // If we failed to generate dependencies... if(!result) { /* COMMENTED OUT FOR NOW f.Printf("$(OBJ)%s.c: %s%s.%s $(Symbols)\n", moduleName, modulePath, moduleName, extension); */ #endif f.Printf("$(OBJ)%s.c: %s%s.%s $(OBJ)%s.sym | $(SYMBOLS)\n", moduleName, modulePath, moduleName, extension, moduleName); #if 0 } } #endif /* f.Printf("\t$(ECC) %s%s.%s $(OBJ)%s.c\n\n", modulePath, moduleName, extension, moduleName); */ f.Puts("\t$(ECC)"); f.Puts(" $(CFLAGS)"); f.Puts(" $(CECFLAGS)"); // what of this? should this stuff be per-file customized? GenMakePrintNodeFlagsVariable(this, nodeECFlagsMapping, "ECFLAGS", f); GenMakePrintNodeFlagsVariable(this, nodeCFlagsMapping, "PRJ_CFLAGS", f); f.Puts(" $(FVISIBILITY)"); f.Printf(" -c $(call quote_path,%s%s.%s) -o $(call quote_path,$@) -symbols $(OBJ)\n", modulePath, moduleName, extension); if(ifCount) f.Puts("endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } } if(files) { bool needed = false; if(ContainsFilesWithExtension("ec")) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) { needed = true; break; } } } if(needed) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) child.GenMakefilePrintCObjectRules(f, project, prjConfig, /*excludedPlatforms,*/ nodeCFlagsMapping, nodeECFlagsMapping); } } } delete platforms; } void GenMakefilePrintObjectRules(File f, Project project, Map namesInfo, ProjectConfig prjConfig, //Map parentExcludedPlatforms, Map nodeCFlagsMapping, Map nodeECFlagsMapping) { int ifCount = 0; ProjectConfig config = GetMatchingNodeConfig(prjConfig); Array platforms = GetPlatformsArrayFromExclusionInfo(prjConfig); //ProjectNode child; //char objDir[MAX_LOCATION]; //ReplaceSpaces(objDir, config.objDir.dir); //eSystem_Log("Printing Object Rules\n"); if(type == file) { bool collision; char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; char modulePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; GetExtension(name, extension); if(!strcmpi(extension, "s") || !strcmpi(extension, "c") || !strcmpi(extension, "rc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cpp") || !strcmpi(extension, "cc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cxx") || !strcmpi(extension, "m") || !strcmpi(extension, "mm") || !strcmpi(extension, "ec")) { DualPipe dep; char command[2048]; NameCollisionInfo info; ReplaceSpaces(moduleName, name); StripExtension(moduleName); info = namesInfo[moduleName]; collision = info ? info.IsExtensionColliding(extension) : false; ReplaceSpaces(modulePath, path); if(modulePath[0]) strcat(modulePath, SEPS); /* #if 0 // *** Dependency command *** if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) sprintf(command, "%s -MT $(OBJ)%s.o -MM $(OBJ)%s.c", "$(CPP)", moduleName, moduleName); else sprintf(command, "%s -MT $(OBJ)%s.o -MM %s%s.%s", (!strcmpi(extension, "cc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cxx") || !strcmpi(extension, "cpp")) ? "$(CXX)" : "$(CC)", moduleName, modulePath, moduleName, extension); if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) { f.Printf("$(OBJ)%s.o: $(OBJ)%s.c\n", moduleName, moduleName); } else { // System Includes (from global settings) for(item : compiler.dirs[includes]) { strcat(command, " -isystem "); if(strchr(item, ' ')) { strcat(command, "\""); strcat(command, item); strcat(command, "\""); } else strcat(command, item); } for(item : config.includeDirs) { strcat(command, " -I"); if(strchr(item, ' ')) { strcat(command, "\""); strcat(command, item); strcat(command, "\""); } else strcat(command, item); } for(item : config.preprocessorDefs) { strcat(command, " -D"); strcat(command, item); } // Execute it if((dep = DualPipeOpen(PipeOpenMode { output = true, error = true, input = false }, command))) { char line[1024]; bool firstLine = true; bool result = true; // To do some time: auto save external dependencies? while(!dep.Eof()) { if(dep.GetLine(line, sizeof(line)-1)) { if(firstLine) { char * colon = strstr(line, ":"); if(strstr(line, "No such file") || strstr(line, ",") || (colon && strstr(colon+1, ":"))) { result = false; break; } firstLine = false; } f.Puts(line); f.Puts("\n"); } if(!result) break; } delete dep; // If we failed to generate dependencies... if(!result) { } } } #endif */ if(!strcmpi(extension, "rc")) { ifCount++; f.Puts("ifdef WINDOWS_TARGET\n\n"); } else OpenRulesPlatformExclusionIfs(f, &ifCount, platforms); if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) f.Printf("$(OBJ)%s.o: $(OBJ)%s.c\n", moduleName, moduleName); else f.Printf("$(OBJ)%s%s%s.o: %s%s.%s\n", moduleName, collision ? "." : "", collision ? extension : "", modulePath, moduleName, extension); if(!strcmpi(extension, "cc") || !strcmpi(extension, "cpp") || !strcmpi(extension, "cxx")) f.Printf("\t$(CXX)"); else if(!strcmpi(extension, "rc")) f.Printf("\t$(WINDRES) $(WINDRES_FLAGS) $< \"$(call escspace,$(call quote_path,$@))\"\n"); else f.Printf("\t$(CC)"); if(strcmpi(extension, "rc") != 0) { f.Puts(" $(CFLAGS)"); GenMakePrintNodeFlagsVariable(this, nodeCFlagsMapping, "PRJ_CFLAGS", f); if(!strcmpi(extension, "ec")) f.Printf(" $(FVISIBILITY) -c $(call quote_path,$(OBJ)%s.c) -o $(call quote_path,$@)\n", moduleName); else f.Printf(" -c $(call quote_path,%s%s.%s) -o $(call quote_path,$@)\n", modulePath, moduleName, !strcmpi(extension, "ec") ? "c" : extension); } if(ifCount) f.Puts("endif\n"); f.Puts("\n"); } } if(files) { bool needed = false; for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) { needed = true; break; } } if(needed) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) child.GenMakefilePrintObjectRules(f, project, namesInfo, prjConfig, /*excludedPlatforms,*/ nodeCFlagsMapping, nodeECFlagsMapping); } } } delete platforms; } void GenMakefileAddResources(File f, String resourcesPath, ProjectConfig prjConfig) { int count = 0; if(files) { int c; bool prev = false; //Iterator i { files }; //Iterator prev { files }; //for(child : files) //while(i.Next()) for(c = 0; c < files.count; c++) { ProjectNode child = files[c]; TwoStrings ts = child.GetPlatformSpecificFu(prjConfig); if(count > 0 && ts) prev = true; if(child.type == file && !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig) && !(count > 0 && ts)) { bool useRes; char tempPath[MAX_LOCATION]; char resPath[MAX_LOCATION]; // $(EAR) aw%s --- /*quiet ? "q" : */"" if(count == 0) f.Printf("\t%s$(EAR) aw$(EARFLAGS) $(TARGET)", ts.a); tempPath[0] = '\0'; if(eString_PathInsideOfMore(child.path, resourcesPath, tempPath)) { useRes = true; PathCatSlash(tempPath, child.name); } else { useRes = false; strcpy(tempPath, child.path); PathCatSlash(tempPath, child.name); } EscapeForMake(resPath, tempPath, false, true, false); f.Printf(" %s%s", useRes ? "$(RES)" : "", resPath); count++; } if(count == 10 || (count > 0 && (ts || !child.next))) { char path[MAX_LOCATION] = "", temp[MAX_LOCATION]; ProjectNode parent; for(parent = this; parent.type == folder; parent = parent.parent) { strcpy(temp, path); strcpy(path, parent.name); if(temp[0]) { strcat(path, "/"); strcat(path, temp); } } f.Printf(" \"%s\"%s\n", path, ts.b); count = 0; if(prev) { c--; prev = false; } } delete ts; } for(child : files) { if(child.type == folder) child.GenMakefileAddResources(f, resourcesPath, prjConfig); } } } void GenMakeCollectAssignNodeFlags(ProjectConfig prjConfig, bool prjWithEcFiles, Map cflagsVariations, Map nodeCFlagsMapping, Map ecflagsVariations, Map nodeECFlagsMapping, Map parentByPlatformOptions) { Map byPlatformOptions = parentByPlatformOptions; if(type == file || type == folder || type == project) { bool hasPerNodeOptions = type == project; if(!hasPerNodeOptions) { if(options && !options.isEmpty) hasPerNodeOptions = true; else if(configurations) { for(c : configurations) { if(c.options && !c.options.isEmpty) { hasPerNodeOptions = true; break; } if(c.platforms) { for(p : c.platforms) { if(p.options && !p.options.isEmpty) { hasPerNodeOptions = true; break; } } if(hasPerNodeOptions) break; } } } if(!hasPerNodeOptions && platforms) { for(p : platforms) { if(p.options && !p.options.isEmpty) { hasPerNodeOptions = true; break; } } } } if(hasPerNodeOptions) { bool isEqual = false, isGreater = false; ComplexComparison complexCmp; DynamicString s; Map additionsByPlatformOptions { }; ProjectOptions platformsCommonOptions; ProjectOptions byFileConfigPlatformProjectOptions; DynamicString cflags { }; DynamicString ecflags { }; Platform platform; byPlatformOptions = { }; for(platform = (Platform)1; platform < Platform::enumSize; platform++) { byFileConfigPlatformProjectOptions = BlendFileConfigPlatformProjectOptions(this, prjConfig, platform); byPlatformOptions[platform] = byFileConfigPlatformProjectOptions; } CollectPlatformsCommonOptions(byPlatformOptions, &platformsCommonOptions); byPlatformOptions[unknown] = platformsCommonOptions; if(parentByPlatformOptions) { complexCmp = PlatformsOptionsGreaterEqual(byPlatformOptions, parentByPlatformOptions, additionsByPlatformOptions); isGreater = complexCmp == greater; isEqual = complexCmp == equal; } if(!isEqual) { for(platform = (Platform)1; platform < Platform::enumSize; platform++) { byFileConfigPlatformProjectOptions = isGreater ? additionsByPlatformOptions[platform] : byPlatformOptions[platform]; s = { }; GenCFlagsFromProjectOptions(byFileConfigPlatformProjectOptions, prjWithEcFiles, false, isGreater, s); if(s.count > 1) cflags.concatf(" \\\n\t $(if $(%s),%s,)", PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(platform), (String)s); delete s; s = { }; GenECFlagsFromProjectOptions(byFileConfigPlatformProjectOptions, prjWithEcFiles, s); if(s.count > 1) ecflags.concatf(" \\\n\t $(if $(%s),%s,)", PlatformToMakefileTargetVariable(platform), (String)s); delete s; } platformsCommonOptions = isGreater ? additionsByPlatformOptions[unknown] : byPlatformOptions[unknown]; s = { }; GenCFlagsFromProjectOptions(platformsCommonOptions, prjWithEcFiles, true, isGreater, s); if(s.count > 1) { if(!isGreater) cflags.concat(" \\\n\t"); cflags.concat(s); } delete s; s = { }; GenECFlagsFromProjectOptions(platformsCommonOptions, prjWithEcFiles, s); if(s.count > 1) { ecflags.concat(" \\\n\t"); ecflags.concat(s); } delete s; if(isGreater) { cflags.concat(" \\\n\t"); DynStringPrintNodeFlagsVariable(parent, nodeCFlagsMapping, "PRJ_CFLAGS", cflags); } } additionsByPlatformOptions.Free(); delete additionsByPlatformOptions; // output { if(isEqual) { nodeCFlagsMapping[(intptr)this] = nodeCFlagsMapping[(intptr)parent]; nodeECFlagsMapping[(intptr)this] = nodeECFlagsMapping[(intptr)parent]; } else { String s; int variationNum; variationNum = 1; if((s = cflags) && s[0] && !(variationNum = cflagsVariations[s])) cflagsVariations[s] = variationNum = cflagsVariations.count; nodeCFlagsMapping[(intptr)this] = variationNum; variationNum = 1; if((s = ecflags) && s[0] && !(variationNum = ecflagsVariations[s])) ecflagsVariations[s] = variationNum = ecflagsVariations.count; nodeECFlagsMapping[(intptr)this] = variationNum; } } delete cflags; delete ecflags; } else { // output { nodeCFlagsMapping[(intptr)this] = nodeCFlagsMapping[(intptr)parent]; nodeECFlagsMapping[(intptr)this] = nodeECFlagsMapping[(intptr)parent]; } } } if(files) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) child.GenMakeCollectAssignNodeFlags(prjConfig, prjWithEcFiles, cflagsVariations, nodeCFlagsMapping, ecflagsVariations, nodeECFlagsMapping, byPlatformOptions); } } if(byPlatformOptions != parentByPlatformOptions) { byPlatformOptions.Free(); delete byPlatformOptions; } } Array GetPlatformsArrayFromExclusionInfo(ProjectConfig prjConfig) { Array platforms { }; Map exclusionInfo { }; CollectExclusionInfo(exclusionInfo, prjConfig); if(exclusionInfo[unknown] == true) { if(exclusionInfo.count > 1) for(p : exclusionInfo; p == false) platforms.Add(&p); } else { bool onlyOnknown = true; for(p : exclusionInfo) if(&p != unknown && p == true) { onlyOnknown = false; break; } if(onlyOnknown) platforms.Add(unknown); else { Platform p; for(p = unknown + 1; p < Platform::enumSize; p++) if(exclusionInfo[p] != true) platforms.Add(p); } } delete exclusionInfo; return platforms; } void GetTargets(ProjectConfig prjConfig, Map namesInfo, char * objDir, DynamicString output) { char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; if(type == file) { bool headerAltFailed = false; bool collision; char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; NameCollisionInfo info; Project prj = property::project; Map headerToSource { [ { "eh", "ec" }, { "h", "c" }, { "hh", "cc" }, { "hpp", "cpp" }, { "hxx", "cxx" } ] }; GetExtension(name, extension); strcpy(moduleName, name); StripExtension(moduleName); info = namesInfo[moduleName]; collision = info ? info.IsExtensionColliding(extension) : false; for(h2s : headerToSource) { if(!strcmpi(extension, &h2s)) { char filePath[MAX_LOCATION]; GetFullFilePath(filePath); OutputLog($"No compilation required for header file "); OutputLog(filePath); OutputLog("\n"); ChangeExtension(moduleName, h2s, moduleName); if(prj.topNode.Find(moduleName, false)) { strcpy(extension, h2s); collision = info ? info.IsExtensionColliding(extension) : false; ChangeExtension(filePath, h2s, filePath); OutputLog($"Compiling source file "); OutputLog(filePath); OutputLog($" instead\n"); StripExtension(moduleName); } else { headerAltFailed = true; OutputLog($"Unable to locate source file "); OutputLog(moduleName); OutputLog($" to compile instead of "); OutputLog(filePath); OutputLog($"\n"); StripExtension(moduleName); } break; } } if(!headerAltFailed) { output.concat(" \""); output.concat(objDir); //.concat(" $(OBJ)"); output.concat("/"); if(collision) { strcat(moduleName, "."); strcat(moduleName, extension); } strcat(moduleName, ".o"); output.concat(moduleName); output.concat("\""); } } else if(type == project && ContainsFilesWithExtension("ec")) { Project prj = property::project; ReplaceSpaces(moduleName, prj.moduleName); strcat(moduleName, ".main.ec"); output.concat(" \""); output.concat(objDir); output.concat("/"); output.concat(moduleName); output.concat("\""); ChangeExtension(moduleName, "c", moduleName); output.concat(" \""); output.concat(objDir); output.concat("/"); output.concat(moduleName); output.concat("\""); ChangeExtension(moduleName, "o", moduleName); output.concat(" \""); output.concat(objDir); output.concat("/"); output.concat(moduleName); output.concat("\""); } else if(files) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) child.GetTargets(prjConfig, namesInfo, objDir, output); } } } void DeleteIntermediateFiles(CompilerConfig compiler, ProjectConfig prjConfig, int bitDepth, Map namesInfo, bool onlyCObject) { if(type == file) { bool collision; char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; char fileName[MAX_FILENAME]; char moduleName[MAX_FILENAME]; NameCollisionInfo info; Project prj = property::project; DirExpression objDir = prj.GetObjDir(compiler, prjConfig, bitDepth); GetExtension(name, extension); ReplaceSpaces(moduleName, name); StripExtension(moduleName); info = namesInfo[moduleName]; collision = info ? info.IsExtensionColliding(extension) : false; strcpy(fileName, prj.topNode.path); PathCatSlash(fileName, objDir.dir); PathCatSlash(fileName, name); if(!onlyCObject && !strcmp(extension, "ec")) { ChangeExtension(fileName, "c", fileName); if(FileExists(fileName)) DeleteFile(fileName); ChangeExtension(fileName, "sym", fileName); if(FileExists(fileName)) DeleteFile(fileName); ChangeExtension(fileName, "imp", fileName); if(FileExists(fileName)) DeleteFile(fileName); ChangeExtension(fileName, "bowl", fileName); if(FileExists(fileName)) DeleteFile(fileName); ChangeExtension(fileName, "ec", fileName); } if(collision) strcat(fileName, ".o"); else ChangeExtension(fileName, "o", fileName); if(FileExists(fileName)) DeleteFile(fileName); delete objDir; } else if(files) { for(child : files) { if(child.type != resources && (child.type == folder || !child.GetIsExcluded(prjConfig))) child.DeleteIntermediateFiles(compiler, prjConfig, bitDepth, namesInfo, onlyCObject); } } } bool IsInNode(ProjectNode node) { bool result = false; ProjectNode n; for(n = this; n; n = n.parent) { if(n == node) { result = true; break; } } return result; } } // the code in this function is closely matched to OptionsBox::Load // and accompanying derivations of OptionBox and their use of OptionSet, // OptionCheck, LoadOption and FinalizeLoading methods. // output changing modification should be mirrored in both implementations static ProjectOptions BlendFileConfigPlatformProjectOptions(ProjectNode node, ProjectConfig projectConfig, Platform platform) { ProjectOptions output { }; // legend: e Element // o Option (of a ProjectOptions) // n Node (ProjectNode) // p Platform // u Utility (GenericOptionTools) int e; int o; int priority = 0; int includeDirsOption = OPTION(includeDirs); ProjectNode n; char * platformName = platform ? platform.OnGetString(0,0,0) : null; // OPTION(ProjectOptions' last member) for size Array optionConfigXplatformSet { size = OPTION(installCommands) }; Array optionDone { size = OPTION(installCommands) }; Array> optionTempStrings { size = OPTION(installCommands) }; GenericOptionTools utilSetBool { bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options, int option) { return *(SetBool*)((byte *)options + option) == true; } void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options, int option, int priority, Array> optionTempStrings, ProjectOptions output) { if(options && (*(SetBool*)((byte *)options + option) == true)) *(SetBool*)((byte *)output + option) = true; } }; GenericOptionTools utilString { void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options, int option, int priority, Array> optionTempStrings, ProjectOptions output) { String * string = (String*)((byte *)output + option); if(*string) delete *string; if(options) *string = CopyString(*(String*)((byte *)options + option)); } }; StringArrayOptionTools utilStringArrays { mergeValues = true; caseSensitive = true; bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options, int option) { Array strings = *(Array*)((byte *)options + option); return strings && strings.count; } bool OptionSet(ProjectOptions options, int option) { Array strings = *(Array*)((byte *)options + option); if(mergeValues && !configReplaces) return strings && strings.count; else return strings != null; } void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options, int option, int priority, Array> optionTempStrings, ProjectOptions output) { if(mergeValues) { Array strings = options ? *((Array*)((byte *)options + option) : null; if(strings) { int order = 0; Array tempStrings = optionTempStrings[option]; if(!tempStrings) optionTempStrings[option] = tempStrings = { }; for(s : strings) { bool found = false; char priorityMark[10]; order++; if(priority) sprintf(priorityMark, "%06d\n", priority * 1000 + order); for(i : tempStrings; !(caseSensitive ? strcmp : strcmpi)(i, s)) { found = true; break; } if(!found) tempStrings.Add(priority ? PrintString(priorityMark, s) : CopyString(s)); } } } else { Array * newStrings = (Array*)((byte *)options + option); Array * strings = (Array*)((byte *)output + option); if(*strings) { strings->Free(); delete *strings; } if(*newStrings && newStrings->count) { *strings = { }; strings->Copy((void*)*newStrings); } } } void FinalizeLoading(int option, Array> optionTempStrings, ProjectOptions output) { if(mergeValues) { Array tempStrings = optionTempStrings[option]; Array * strings = (Array*)((byte *)output + option); if(*strings) { strings->Free(); delete *strings; } if(tempStrings && tempStrings.count) { *strings = { }; strings->Copy((void*)tempStrings); } delete tempStrings; } } }; GenericOptionTools utilWarningsOption { bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options, int option) { WarningsOption value = *(WarningsOption*)((byte *)options + option); return value && value != none; } void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options, int option, int priority, Array> optionTempStrings, ProjectOptions output) { WarningsOption value = options ? *(WarningsOption*)((byte *)options + option) : (WarningsOption)0; *(WarningsOption*)((byte *)output + option) = value; } }; GenericOptionTools utilOptimizationStrategy { bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options, int option) { OptimizationStrategy value = *(OptimizationStrategy*)((byte *)options + option); return value && value != none; } void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options, int option, int priority, Array> optionTempStrings, ProjectOptions output) { OptimizationStrategy value = options ? *(OptimizationStrategy*)((byte *)options + option) : (OptimizationStrategy)0; *(OptimizationStrategy*)((byte *)output + option) = value; } }; Map ot { }; // The following are compiler options ot[OPTION(debug)] = utilSetBool; ot[OPTION(memoryGuard)] = utilSetBool; ot[OPTION(profile)] = utilSetBool; ot[OPTION(noLineNumbers)] = utilSetBool; ot[OPTION(strictNameSpaces)] = utilSetBool; ot[OPTION(fastMath)] = utilSetBool; ot[OPTION(defaultNameSpace)] = utilString; ot[OPTION(preprocessorDefinitions)] = utilStringArrays; ot[OPTION(includeDirs)] = utilStringArrays; ot[OPTION(warnings)] = utilWarningsOption; ot[OPTION(optimization)] = utilOptimizationStrategy; for(n = node; n; n = n.parent) { ProjectConfig nodeConfig = null; if(n.parent) priority = (priority / 10 + 1) * 10; else priority = 9990; if(projectConfig && n.configurations) { for(c : n.configurations; !strcmpi(c.name, projectConfig.name)) { if(platform && c.platforms) { for(p : c.platforms; !strcmpi(p.name, platformName)) { for(uu : ot) { GenericOptionTools u = uu; o = &uu; if(!optionDone[o] && p.options && (u.mergeValues ? u.OptionCheck(p.options, o) : u.OptionSet(p.options, o))) { u.LoadOption(p.options, o, o == includeDirsOption ? priority : 0, optionTempStrings, output); if(!u.mergeValues) { u.FinalizeLoading(o, optionTempStrings, output); optionDone[o] = true; } optionConfigXplatformSet[o] = true; } } break; } } nodeConfig = c; break; } } for(uu : ot) { GenericOptionTools u = uu; o = &uu; if(!optionDone[o]) { if(platform && n.platforms && (!optionConfigXplatformSet[o] || !u.configReplaces)) { for(p : n.platforms; !strcmpi(p.name, platformName)) { if(p.options && (u.mergeValues ? u.OptionCheck(p.options, o) : u.OptionSet(p.options, o))) { u.LoadOption(p.options, o, o == includeDirsOption ? priority + 1 : 0, optionTempStrings, output); if(!u.mergeValues) { u.FinalizeLoading(o, optionTempStrings, output); optionDone[o] = true; } } break; } } if(!optionDone[o] && nodeConfig && nodeConfig.options && ((u.mergeValues && !u.configReplaces) ? u.OptionCheck(nodeConfig.options, o) : u.OptionSet(nodeConfig.options, o))) { u.LoadOption(nodeConfig.options, o, o == includeDirsOption ? priority : 0, optionTempStrings, output); if(!u.mergeValues || u.configReplaces) { u.FinalizeLoading(o, optionTempStrings, output); optionDone[o] = true; } } if(!optionDone[o]) { if(n.options && (u.mergeValues ? u.OptionCheck(n.options, o) : u.OptionSet(n.options, o))) { u.LoadOption(n.options, o, o == includeDirsOption ? priority + 1 : 0, optionTempStrings, output); if(!u.mergeValues) { u.FinalizeLoading(o, optionTempStrings, output); optionDone[o] = true; } } else if(!n.parent) { u.LoadOption(null, o, o == includeDirsOption ? priority + 1 : 0, optionTempStrings, output); if(!u.mergeValues) { u.FinalizeLoading(o, optionTempStrings, output); optionDone[o] = true; } } } } } } for(uu : ot) { GenericOptionTools u = uu; o = &uu; if(!optionDone[o]) u.FinalizeLoading(o, optionTempStrings, output); } delete optionConfigXplatformSet; delete optionDone; delete optionTempStrings; delete utilSetBool; delete utilString; delete utilStringArrays; delete utilWarningsOption; delete utilOptimizationStrategy; delete ot; return output; } static void CollectPlatformsCommonOptions(Map byPlatformOptions, ProjectOptions * platformsCommonOptions) { char * s; int i; ProjectOptions first; ProjectOptions commonOptions; Map countIncludeDirs { }; Map countPreprocessorDefinitions { }; Map commonIncludeDirs { }; Map commonPreprocessorDefinitions { }; for(options : byPlatformOptions) { first = options; break; } *platformsCommonOptions = commonOptions = first.Copy(); if(commonOptions.includeDirs) commonOptions.includeDirs.Free(); if(commonOptions.preprocessorDefinitions) commonOptions.preprocessorDefinitions.Free(); for(options : byPlatformOptions) { if(options != first) { if(commonOptions.debug && options.debug != commonOptions.debug) commonOptions.debug = unset; if(commonOptions.memoryGuard && options.memoryGuard != commonOptions.memoryGuard) commonOptions.memoryGuard = unset; if(commonOptions.profile && options.profile != commonOptions.profile) commonOptions.profile = unset; if(commonOptions.noLineNumbers && options.noLineNumbers != commonOptions.noLineNumbers) commonOptions.noLineNumbers = unset; if(commonOptions.strictNameSpaces && options.strictNameSpaces != commonOptions.strictNameSpaces) commonOptions.strictNameSpaces = unset; if(commonOptions.fastMath && options.fastMath != commonOptions.fastMath) commonOptions.fastMath = unset; if(commonOptions.warnings && options.warnings != commonOptions.warnings) commonOptions.warnings = unset; if(commonOptions.optimization && options.optimization != commonOptions.optimization) commonOptions.optimization = unset; if(commonOptions.defaultNameSpace && strcmp(options.defaultNameSpace, commonOptions.defaultNameSpace)) delete commonOptions.defaultNameSpace; } CountSameNonEmptyOrNullStrings(options.includeDirs, countIncludeDirs); CountSameNonEmptyOrNullStrings(options.preprocessorDefinitions, countPreprocessorDefinitions); } GetPlatformsCommonStrings(countIncludeDirs, byPlatformOptions.count, commonIncludeDirs, commonOptions.includeDirs); GetPlatformsCommonStrings(countPreprocessorDefinitions, byPlatformOptions.count, commonPreprocessorDefinitions, commonOptions.preprocessorDefinitions); for(options : byPlatformOptions) { if(options.debug && options.debug == commonOptions.debug) options.debug = unset; if(options.memoryGuard && options.memoryGuard == commonOptions.memoryGuard) options.memoryGuard = unset; if(options.profile && options.profile == commonOptions.profile) options.profile = unset; if(options.noLineNumbers && options.noLineNumbers == commonOptions.noLineNumbers) options.noLineNumbers = unset; if(options.strictNameSpaces && options.strictNameSpaces == commonOptions.strictNameSpaces) options.strictNameSpaces = unset; if(options.fastMath && options.fastMath == commonOptions.fastMath) options.fastMath = unset; if(options.warnings && options.warnings == commonOptions.warnings) options.warnings = unset; if(options.optimization && options.optimization == commonOptions.optimization) options.optimization = unset; if(options.defaultNameSpace && !strcmp(options.defaultNameSpace, commonOptions.defaultNameSpace)) delete options.defaultNameSpace; RemovePlatformsCommonStrings(commonIncludeDirs, options.includeDirs); RemovePlatformsCommonStrings(commonPreprocessorDefinitions, options.preprocessorDefinitions); } delete countIncludeDirs; delete countPreprocessorDefinitions; delete commonIncludeDirs; delete commonPreprocessorDefinitions; } static ComplexComparison PlatformsOptionsGreaterEqual(Map byPlatformOptions, Map parentByPlatformOptions, Map additionsByPlatformOptions) { ComplexComparison result = equal; ComplexComparison compare; Platform platform; for(platform = (Platform)0; platform < Platform::enumSize; platform++) { ProjectOptions additionalOptions; additionsByPlatformOptions[platform] = { }; additionalOptions = additionsByPlatformOptions[platform]; compare = ExtractPlatformsOptionsAdditions(byPlatformOptions[platform], parentByPlatformOptions[platform], additionalOptions); if(compare == greater && result == equal) result = greater; else if(compare == different) { result = different; break; } } return result; } static ComplexComparison ExtractPlatformsOptionsAdditions(ProjectOptions options, ProjectOptions parentOptions, ProjectOptions additionalOptions) { ComplexComparison result = equal; if(options.debug != parentOptions.debug || options.memoryGuard != parentOptions.memoryGuard || options.profile != parentOptions.profile || options.noLineNumbers != parentOptions.noLineNumbers || options.strictNameSpaces != parentOptions.strictNameSpaces || options.fastMath != parentOptions.fastMath || options.warnings != parentOptions.warnings || options.optimization != parentOptions.optimization || (options.defaultNameSpace != parentOptions.defaultNameSpace && strcmp(options.defaultNameSpace, parentOptions.defaultNameSpace))) result = different; else { if(!StringsAreSameOrMore(options.includeDirs, parentOptions.includeDirs, &additionalOptions.includeDirs) || !StringsAreSameOrMore(options.preprocessorDefinitions, parentOptions.preprocessorDefinitions, &additionalOptions.preprocessorDefinitions)) result = different; if((additionalOptions.includeDirs && additionalOptions.includeDirs.count) || (additionalOptions.preprocessorDefinitions && additionalOptions.preprocessorDefinitions.count)) result = greater; } return result; } enum ComplexComparison { different/*, smaller*/, equal, greater }; static bool StringsAreSameOrMore(Array strings, Array originals, Array * additions) { bool result = true; if((!strings || !strings.count) && originals && originals.count) result = false; else if(strings && strings.count && (!originals || !originals.count)) { if(!*additions) *additions = { }; for(s : strings) additions->Add(CopyString(s)); } else if(strings && strings.count && originals && originals.count) { Map map { }; MapIterator mit { map = map }; for(it : strings) { char * s = strstr(it, "\n"); s = s ? s+1 : it; map[s] = it; } for(it : originals) { char * s = strstr(it, "\n"); s = s ? s+1 : it; if(!mit.Index(s, false)) { result = false; break; } else map[s] = null; } if(result) { if(!*additions) *additions = { }; for(it : map) { if(it) additions->Add(CopyString(it)); } } delete map; } return result; } static void CountSameNonEmptyOrNullStrings(Array strings, Map counts) { if(strings) { for(it : strings) { char * s = it; if(s && s[0]) counts[s]++; } } } static void GetPlatformsCommonStrings(Map counts, int goodCount, Map common, Array strings) { for(it : counts) { int i = it; if(i == goodCount) { char * s = ⁢ strings.Add(CopyString(s)); common[s] = true; } } } static void RemovePlatformsCommonStrings(Map common, Array strings) { if(strings) { Array tmp { }; MapIterator mit { map = common }; for(it : strings) { char * s = it; if(!mit.Index(s, false)) tmp.Add(CopyString(s)); } strings.Free(); if(tmp.count) { for(s : tmp) strings.Add(CopyString(s)); tmp.Free(); } delete tmp; } } static void GenMakePrintNodeFlagsVariable(ProjectNode node, Map nodeFlagsMapping, String variableName, File f) { int customFlags; customFlags = nodeFlagsMapping[(intptr)node]; if(customFlags > 1) f.Printf(" $(CUSTOM%d_%s)", customFlags-1, variableName); else f.Printf(" $(%s)", variableName); } static void DynStringPrintNodeFlagsVariable(ProjectNode node, Map nodeFlagsMapping, String variableName, DynamicString s) { int customFlags; customFlags = nodeFlagsMapping[(intptr)node]; if(customFlags > 1) s.concatf(" $(CUSTOM%d_%s)", customFlags-1, variableName); else s.concatf(" $(%s)", variableName); } static void GenCFlagsFromProjectOptions(ProjectOptions options, bool prjWithEcFiles, bool commonOptions, bool isGreater, DynamicString s) { if(!isGreater) { //if(gccCompiler) { if(options.optimization == speed || options.optimization == size || options.fastMath == true || options.debug == true) { if(options.debug != true) { s.concat(" $(if $(DEBUG),"); s.concat(" -g"); s.concat(","); } switch(options.optimization) { case speed: s.concat(" -O2"); break; case size: s.concat(" -Os"); break; } if(options.fastMath == true) s.concat(" -ffast-math"); if(options.debug == true) s.concat(" -g"); if(options.debug != true) s.concat(")"); } else if(commonOptions) s.concat(" $(if $(DEBUG),-g)"); if(commonOptions) s.concat(" $(FPIC)"); } switch(options.warnings) { case all: s.concat(" -Wall"); break; case none: s.concat(" -w"); break; } if(options.profile) s.concat(" -pg"); if(commonOptions) s.concat(" -DREPOSITORY_VERSION=\"\\\"$(REPOSITORY_VER)\\\"\""); } if(options && options.preprocessorDefinitions) ListOptionToDynamicString(s, _D, options.preprocessorDefinitions, false, lineEach, "\t\t\t"); if(options && options.includeDirs) ListOptionToDynamicString(s, _I, options.includeDirs, true, lineEach, "\t\t\t"); } static void GenECFlagsFromProjectOptions(ProjectOptions options, bool prjWithEcFiles, DynamicString s) { if(options.memoryGuard == true) s.concat(" -memguard"); if(options.noLineNumbers == true) s.concat(" -nolinenumbers"); if(options.strictNameSpaces == true) s.concat(" -strictns"); if(options.defaultNameSpace && options.defaultNameSpace[0]) s.concatf(" -defaultns %s", options.defaultNameSpace); } static void ListOptionToDynamicString(DynamicString output, ToolchainFlag flag, Array list, bool prioritize, LineOutputMethod lineMethod, String newLineStart) { if(list.count) { if(lineMethod == newLine) { output.concat(" \\\n"); output.concat(newLineStart); } if(prioritize) { Map sortedList { }; MapNode mn; for(item : list) sortedList[item] = 1; for(mn = sortedList.root.minimum; mn; mn = mn.next) { char * start = strstr(mn.key, "\n"); if(lineMethod == lineEach) { output.concat(" \\\n"); output.concat(newLineStart); } output.concat(" "); output.concat(flagNames[flag]); EscapeForMakeToDynString(output, start ? start+1 : mn.key, false, true, flag == _D); } delete sortedList; } else { for(item : list) { if(lineMethod == lineEach) { output.concat(" \\\n"); output.concat(newLineStart); } output.concat(" "); output.concat(flagNames[flag]); EscapeForMakeToDynString(output, item, false, true, flag == _D); } } } } class GenericOptionTools { bool mergeValues, configReplaces; virtual bool OptionSet(ProjectOptions options, int option) { if(*(X*)((byte *)options + option)) return true; return false; } // BUG: OptionCheck = OptionSet; // Overrides derived classes OptionCheck ? virtual bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options, int option) { return OptionSet(options, option); } virtual void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options, int option, int priority, Array> optionTempStrings, ProjectOptions output); virtual void FinalizeLoading(int option, Array> optionTempStrings, ProjectOptions output); } class StringArrayOptionTools : GenericOptionTools> { bool caseSensitive; } class NameCollisionInfo { bool ec; bool s; bool c; bool rc; bool cpp; bool cc; bool cxx; bool m; bool mm; byte count; bool IsExtensionColliding(char * extension) { bool colliding; if(count > 1 && ((!strcmpi(extension, "c") && ec) || (!strcmpi(extension, "rc") && (ec || c)) || (!strcmpi(extension, "s") && (ec || c || rc)) || (!strcmpi(extension, "cpp") && (ec || c || rc || s)) || (!strcmpi(extension, "cc") && (ec || c || rc || s || cpp)) || (!strcmpi(extension, "cxx") && (ec || c || rc || s || cpp || cc)) || (!strcmpi(extension, "m") && (ec || c || rc || s || cpp || cc || m)) || !strcmpi(extension, "mm"))) colliding = true; else colliding = false; return colliding; } }