/**************************************************************************** ECERE IDE Copyright (c) 2003 Jerome Jacovella-St-Louis All Rights Reserved. pictureEdit.ec - Picture Editor Control ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef ECERE_STATIC import static "ecere" #else import "ecere" #endif #define ID_IMAGE_MODE_COLORTABLE 9 #define ID_IMAGE_MODE_INDEXED 10 #define ID_IMAGE_MODE_RGB 11 static Array filters { [ { $"Image Files (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.pcx, *.png, *.gif)", "jpg, jpeg, bmp, pcx, png, gif" }, { $"All files", null } ] }; static Array types { [ { $"Based on extension", null, never }, { $"JPG Image", "jpg", always }, { $"BMP Image", "bmp", always }, { $"PCX Image", "pcx", always }, { $"PNG Image", "png", always }, { $"GIF Image", "gif", always } ] }; FileDialog pictureEditFileDialog { filters = filters.array, sizeFilters = filters.count * sizeof(FileFilter), types = types.array, sizeTypes = types.count * sizeof(FileType) }; class PictureEdit : Window { background = black; isDocument = true; isActiveClient = true; menu = Menu { }; OnHScroll = OnScroll; OnVScroll = OnScroll; float zoomFactor; char fileName[MAX_LOCATION]; Bitmap bitmap; Bitmap bitmapNotIndexed; //saveDialog = pictureEditFileDialog; Menu fileMenu { menu, $"File", f }; MenuItem { fileMenu, $"Save", s, ctrlS, NotifySelect = MenuFileSave }; MenuItem { fileMenu, $"Save As...", a, NotifySelect = MenuFileSaveAs }; Menu imageMenu { menu, $"Image", i }; Menu modeMenu { imageMenu, $"Mode", m }; MenuItem imageModeIndexedItem { modeMenu, $"Indexed Color...", i, isRadio = true; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { if(bitmap) { displaySystem.Lock(); OnUnloadGraphics(); bitmap.Quantize(0, 255); OnLoadGraphics(); displaySystem.Unlock(); imageModeColorTableItem.disabled = false; Update(null); modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } }; MenuItem imageModeRGBItem { modeMenu, $"RGB Color", r, isRadio = true; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { if(bitmap) { displaySystem.Lock(); OnUnloadGraphics(); bitmap.Convert(null, pixelFormat888, null); OnLoadGraphics(); displaySystem.Unlock(); imageModeColorTableItem.disabled = true; Update(null); modifiedDocument = true; } return true; } }; MenuDivider { modeMenu }; MenuItem imageModeColorTableItem { modeMenu, $"Color Table", r; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { if(bitmap) { PictureEditColorTable colorTable { master = this }; colorTable.Modal(); Update(null); } return true; } }; #ifdef _DEBUG MenuDivider { imageMenu }; MenuItem adjustHSVItem { imageMenu, $"Adjust Hue, Saturation, Value", h; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { if(bitmap) { AdjustHSV adjustHSV { master = this }; adjustHSV.Modal(); Update(null); } return true; } }; #endif property const char * bitmapFile { set { if(value) { strcpy(fileName, value); } if(fileName[0]) { bitmap = Bitmap {}; if(bitmap.Load(fileName, null, null)) { if(bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormatRGBA) { bitmap.alphaBlend = true; bitmap.Convert(null, pixelFormat888, null); } //if(!eWindow_GetStartWidth(window) || !eWindow_GetStartHeight(window)) { Size size = initSize; // what's the use of retrieving initSize size.w = bitmap.width; size.h = bitmap.height; clientSize = size; /* Move(eWindow_GetStartX(window), eWindow_GetStartY(window), (!eWindow_GetStartWidth(window)) ? (A_CLIENT|bitmap.width) : eWindow_GetStartWidth(window), (!eWindow_GetStartHeight(window)) ? (A_CLIENT|bitmap.height) : eWindow_GetStartHeight(window)); */ /* Move(eWindow_GetStartX(window), eWindow_GetStartY(window), (!) ? (A_CLIENT|bitmap.width) : eWindow_GetStartWidth(window), (!eWindow_GetStartHeight(window)) ? (A_CLIENT|bitmap.height) : eWindow_GetStartHeight(window)); */ bitmap.keepData = true; } scrollArea = Size { bitmap.width, bitmap.height }; } else delete bitmap; } if(bitmap) { switch(bitmap.pixelFormat) { case pixelFormat8: imageModeIndexedItem.checked = true; imageModeRGBItem.disabled = true; break; case pixelFormat888: imageModeRGBItem.checked = true; imageModeColorTableItem.disabled = true; break; } } } } void OnUnloadGraphics() { void * picture = bitmap.picture, * palette = bitmap.palette; bitmap.picture = null; bitmap.palette = null; bitmap.Free(); bitmap.picture = picture; bitmap.palette = palette; delete bitmapNotIndexed; } bool OnLoadGraphics() { if(bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormat8) { bitmapNotIndexed = { }; bitmapNotIndexed.Copy(bitmap); bitmapNotIndexed.Convert(null, pixelFormat888, null); bitmapNotIndexed.MakeDD(displaySystem); } else bitmap.MakeDD(displaySystem); return true; } void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { Bitmap bmp = (bitmapNotIndexed && displaySystem.pixelFormat != pixelFormat8) ? bitmapNotIndexed : bitmap; if(bmp) { int w = (int)(bmp.width * zoomFactor); int h = (int)(bmp.height * zoomFactor); if(w == bmp.width && h == bmp.height) { surface.Blit(bmp, Max(0, (clientSize.w - w) / 2), Max(0, (clientSize.h - h) / 2), scroll.x, scroll.y, w, h); } else { surface.Filter(bmp, Max(0, (clientSize.w - w) / 2), Max(0, (clientSize.h - h) / 2), (int)(scroll.x / zoomFactor), (int)(scroll.y / zoomFactor), w, h, bmp.width, bmp.height); } } } void OnScroll(ScrollBarAction action, int position, Key key) { Update(null); } bool OnKeyHit(Key key, unichar ch) { switch(key) { case equal: case keyPadPlus: if(bitmap && zoomFactor < 25) { float x = 0.5f, y = 0.5f; if(bitmap.width * zoomFactor > clientSize.w) x = scroll.x / (bitmap.width * zoomFactor - clientSize.w); if(bitmap.height * zoomFactor > clientSize.h) y = scroll.y / (bitmap.height * zoomFactor - clientSize.h); zoomFactor *= 1.5; scrollArea = Size { bitmap.width * zoomFactor, bitmap.height * zoomFactor }; scroll = Point { (int)(Max(0, bitmap.width * zoomFactor - clientSize.w) * x), (int)(Max(0, bitmap.height * zoomFactor - clientSize.h) * y) }; Update(null); } break; case minus: case keyPadMinus: if(bitmap && zoomFactor > 0.05) { float x = 0.5f, y = 0.5f; if(bitmap.width * zoomFactor > clientSize.w) x = scroll.x / (bitmap.width * zoomFactor - clientSize.w); if(bitmap.height * zoomFactor > clientSize.w) y = scroll.y / (bitmap.height * zoomFactor - clientSize.h); zoomFactor /= 1.5; scrollArea = Size { bitmap.width * zoomFactor, bitmap.height * zoomFactor }; scroll = Point { (int)(Max(0, bitmap.width * zoomFactor - clientSize.w) * x), (int)(Max(0, bitmap.height * zoomFactor - clientSize.h) * y) }; Update(null); } break; } return true; } bool OnSaveFile(const char * fileName) { bool result = false; if(bitmap) { if(bitmap.Save(fileName, ((FileType *)pictureEditFileDialog.types)[pictureEditFileDialog.fileType].typeExtension, (void *) bool::true)) { modifiedDocument = false; result = true; } } return result; } PictureEdit() { zoomFactor = 1.0f; return true; } ~PictureEdit() { delete bitmap; delete bitmapNotIndexed; } } class PictureEditColorTable : Window { hasClose = true; text = $"Color Table"; background = formColor; minClientSize = Size { 400, 400 }; Button button { parent = this, hotKey = escape, size = { 80 }, text = $"Close"; anchor = Anchor { right = 10, bottom = 10 }; NotifyClicked = ButtonCloseDialog; }; void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { PictureEdit picture = (PictureEdit)master; Bitmap bitmap = picture.bitmap; int c; for(c = 0; c < 256; c++) { int x = (c % 16) * 16; int y = (c / 16) * 16; surface.SetBackground(bitmap.palette[c]); surface.Area(10 + x, 30 + y, 10 + x + 15, 30 + y + 15); } } } class ColorBox : Window { size = { 32, 32 }; borderStyle = deepContour; } #ifdef _DEBUG class AdjustHSV : Window { size = { 400, 300 }; background = formColor; ColorHSV target; ColorHSV replace; replace = { 248, 100, 71 }; //Color { 26, 0, 183 }; target = { 207, 61, 71 }; hasClose = true; Button button1 { this, text = $"Go", position = { 296, 104 }, isDefault = true; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { PictureEdit picture = (PictureEdit)master; Bitmap bitmap = picture.bitmap; double h = 1.0f, s = 0.80f, v = 1.24f; double tolH = 1; double tolS = 1; double tolV = 1; h = target.h - replace.h; s = target.s / replace.s; v = target.v / replace.v; for(y = 0; y