import "ide" // *** Color Schemes *** // *** The Old Color Scheme that was causing me auras and ophtalmic migraines -- Uncomment at your own risk! *** /* FontResource panelFont { $"Courier New", 10 }; FontResource codeFont { $"Courier New", 10 }; Color selectionColor = Color { 10, 36, 106 }; Color selectionText = white; Color viewsBackground = white; Color viewsText = black; Color outputBackground = white; Color outputText = black; Color projectViewBackground = white; Color projectViewText = black; Color codeEditorBG = white; Color codeEditorFG = black; Color marginColor = Color {230, 230, 230}; Color selectedMarginColor = Color {200, 200, 200}; Color lineNumbersColor = Color {60, 60, 60}; SyntaxColorScheme colorScheme { keywordColors = [ blue, blue ]; commentColor = dimGray; charLiteralColor = crimson; stringLiteralColor = crimson; preprocessorColor = green; numberColor = teal; }; */ // The new nice dark scheme -- so peaceful on my brain FontResource panelFont { $"Courier New", 10 }; FontResource codeFont { $"Courier New", 10 }; /* FontResource panelFont { $"Consolas", 12 }; FontResource codeFont { $"Consolas", 12 }; */ Color selectionColor = lightYellow; Color selectionText = Color { 30, 40, 50 }; Color viewsBackground = Color { 30, 40, 50 }; Color viewsText = lightGray; Color outputBackground = black; Color outputText = lime; Color projectViewBackground = Color { 30, 40, 50 }; Color projectViewText = lightGray; Color codeEditorBG = black; Color codeEditorFG = ivory; Color marginColor = Color {24, 24, 24}; Color selectedMarginColor = Color {64, 64, 64}; Color lineNumbersColor = Color {160, 160, 160}; SyntaxColorScheme colorScheme { keywordColors = [ skyBlue, skyBlue ]; commentColor = Color { 125, 125, 125 }; charLiteralColor = Color { 245, 50, 245 }; stringLiteralColor = Color { 245, 50, 245 }; preprocessorColor = { 120, 220, 140 }; numberColor = Color { 0, 192, 192 }; }; // ********************* import "findCtx" import "findExp" import "findParams" // UNTIL IMPLEMENTED IN GRAMMAR #define ACCESS_CLASSDATA(_class, baseClass) \ (_class ? ((void *)(((char *) + baseClass.offsetClass)) : null) #ifdef ECERE_STATIC extern int __attribute__((__stdcall__)) __ecereDll_Load_ecere(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module); extern int __attribute__((__stdcall__)) __ecereDll_Unload_ecere(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module); #endif static Array fileFilters { [ { $"C/C++/eC Files (*.ec, *.eh, *.c, *.cpp, *.cc, *.cxx, *.h, *.hpp, *.hh, *.hxx)", "ec, eh, c, cpp, cc, cxx, h, hpp, hh, hxx" }, { $"Header Files for C/C++ (*.eh, *.h, *.hpp, *.hh, *.hxx)", "eh, h, hpp, hh, hxx" }, { $"C/C++/eC Source Files (*.ec, *.c, *.cpp, *.cc, *.cxx)", "ec, c, cpp, cc, cxx" }, { $"Text files (*.txt)", "txt" }, { $"All files", null } ] }; static Array fileTypes { [ { $"eC Source Code", "ec", whenNoneGiven }, { $"Text Files", "txt", never } ] }; static char * iconNames[] = { "<:ecere>constructs/class.png", "<:ecere>constructs/data.png", "<:ecere>constructs/method.png", "<:ecere>constructs/event.png", "<:ecere>constructs/property.png", "<:ecere>constructs/namespace.png", "<:ecere>constructs/dataType.png", "<:ecere>constructs/enumValue.png", "<:ecere>constructs/dataPrivate.png", "<:ecere>constructs/methodPrivate.png", "<:ecere>constructs/propertyPrivate.png" }; enum SheetType { methods, properties }; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnEdit; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnCopy; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnSaveEdit; extern int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module_OnLoad; class EditFileDialog : FileDialog { bool OnCreate() { if(!ide.projectView && ideSettings.ideFileDialogLocation) currentDirectory = ideSettings.ideFileDialogLocation; return FileDialog::OnCreate(); } } EditFileDialog codeEditorFileDialog { type = multiOpen, text = $"Open", types = fileTypes.array, sizeTypes = fileTypes.count * sizeof(FileType); filters = fileFilters.array, sizeFilters = fileFilters.count * sizeof(FileFilter) }; EditFileDialog codeEditorFormFileDialog { type = open, text = $"Open Project", types = fileTypes.array, sizeTypes = fileTypes.count * sizeof(FileType), filters = fileFilters.array, sizeFilters = fileFilters.count * sizeof(FileFilter) }; define OpenBracket = '{'; define CloseBracket = '}'; enum MethodAction { actionAddMethod = 1, actionDeleteMethod = 2, actionDetachMethod = 3, actionAttachMethod = 4, actionReattachMethod = 5 }; //extern StatusField pos, ovr, caps, num; //extern Class thisClass; File output; File fileInput; bool parseError = false; int returnCode; Class insideClass; Expression ctxInsideExp; Expression paramsInsideExp; ClassFunction insideFunction; ClassDef insideDef; Type instanceType; char * instanceName; Type functionType; int paramsID; bool insideInstance; /**************************************************************************** GENERATING ****************************************************************************/ static void OutputString(File f, char * string) { int c; for(c = 0; string[c]; c++) { if(string[c] == '\"') f.Puts("\\\""); else if(string[c] == '\\') f.Puts("\\\\"); else f.Putc(string[c]); } } void OutputType(File f, Type type, bool outputName) { if(type) { switch(type.kind) { case voidType: f.Printf("void"); break; case charType: if(!type.isSigned) f.Printf("unsigned "); f.Printf("char"); break; case shortType: if(!type.isSigned) f.Printf("unsigned "); f.Printf("short"); break; case intType: if(!type.isSigned) f.Printf("unsigned "); f.Printf("int"); break; case int64Type: if(!type.isSigned) f.Printf("unsigned "); f.Printf("__int64"); break; case longType: if(!type.isSigned) f.Printf("unsigned "); f.Printf("long"); break; case floatType: f.Printf("float"); break; case doubleType: f.Printf("double"); break; case classType: { if(type._class && !strcmp(type._class.string, "class")) { switch(type.classObjectType) { case anyObject: f.Printf("any_object"); break; default: f.Printf("typed_object"); break; } if(type.byReference) f.Printf(" &"); } else // ADD CODE TO DECIDE WHETHER TO OUTPUT FULLY QUAlIFIED OR NOT: f.Printf(type._class.shortName ? type._class.shortName : type._class.string); break; } case structType: break; case unionType: break; case functionType: break; case arrayType: OutputType(f, type.type, false); break; case pointerType: OutputType(f, type.type, false); f.Printf(" *"); break; case ellipsisType: f.Printf("..."); break; case enumType: break; case methodType: break; } if(outputName) { if( { f.Printf(" "); f.Printf(; } } if(type.kind == arrayType) { f.Printf("["); f.Printf("%d", type.arraySize); f.Printf("]"); } } } void DeleteJunkBefore(EditBoxStream f, int pos, int * position) { char ch; int before = 0; if(position) f.Seek(pos - *position, current); // Try to delete spaces and \n before... f.Seek(-1, current); for(;f.Getc(&ch);) { if(!isspace(ch)) break; /*else if(ch == '\n') { // Look for // comments on the line before EditBox editBox = f.editBox; EditLine line = editBox.line; char * text; char last = 0; int c; bool quoted = false; line = line.prev; text = line.text; for(c = 0; text[c]; c++) { if(text[c] == '"') { quoted ^= true; last = 0; } else if(!quoted) { if(text[c] == '/' && last == '/') break; last = text[c]; } } if(text[c]) break; }*/ before++; f.Seek(-2, current); } f.DeleteBytes(before); if(position) *position = pos; } void GetLocText(EditBox editBox, File f, int position, Location loc, char ** text, int * size, int pad, int linePad) { EditLine l1, l2; int y1,x1, y2,x2; editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); // Cut & Paste function { EditLine l1, l2; int y1,x1,y2,x2; f.Seek(loc.start.pos - position, current); l1 = editBox.line; x1 = editBox.charPos; y1 = editBox.lineNumber; f.Seek(loc.end.pos - loc.start.pos, current); l2 = editBox.line; x2 = editBox.charPos; y2 = editBox.lineNumber; editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1, l2, y2, x2); *size = editBox.SelSize(); *text = new char[*size+1 + (y2-y1+1) * linePad + pad]; // Add pad for tabs and new name editBox.GetSel(*text, false); } editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1, l2, y2, x2); f.Printf(""); // Make the stream point to where the editbox is } void Code_FixProperty(Property prop, Instance object) { Designer::FixProperty(prop, object); } bool Code_IsPropertyModified(Instance test, ObjectInfo selected, Property prop) { bool result = false; if(prop.dataTypeString && (!prop.IsSet || prop.IsSet(selected.instance))) { Class dataType = prop.dataTypeClass; if(!dataType) dataType = prop.dataTypeClass = eSystem_FindClass(test._class.module, prop.dataTypeString); if(dataType && dataType._vTbl && dataType.type == structClass) { void * dataForm = new0 byte[dataType.structSize]; void * dataTest = new0 byte[dataType.structSize]; ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Get)(selected.instance, dataForm); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Get)(test, dataTest); if((prop.IsSet && !prop.IsSet(test)) || ((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, dataForm, dataTest)) { ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(test, dataForm); result = true; } delete dataForm; delete dataTest; } else if(dataType && dataType._vTbl && (dataType.type == normalClass || dataType.type == noHeadClass)) { void * dataForm, * dataTest; dataForm = ((void *(*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(selected.instance); dataTest = ((void *(*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(test); if((prop.IsSet && !prop.IsSet(test)) || ((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, dataForm, dataTest)) { ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(test, dataForm); result = true; } } else if(dataType && dataType._vTbl) { DataValue dataForm, dataTest; GetProperty(prop, selected.instance, &dataForm); GetProperty(prop, test, &dataTest); if((prop.IsSet && !prop.IsSet(test)) || ((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, &dataForm, &dataTest)) { SetProperty(prop, test, dataForm); // In case setting on test unset on real instance (e.g. isDefault) if(strcmp(, "name")) { GetProperty(prop, selected.instance, &dataTest); if(((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, &dataForm, &dataTest)) SetProperty(prop, selected.instance, dataForm); } result = true; } } } return result; } bool Code_IsPropertyDisabled(ObjectInfo selected, char * name) { bool disabled = false; if(selected.oClass == selected) { ClassDef def; if(selected.classDefinition) { for(def = selected.classDefinition.definitions->first; def; def = { if(def.type == defaultPropertiesClassDef) { MemberInit prop; for(prop = def.defProperties->first; prop; prop = { if(prop.identifiers && prop.identifiers->first) { Identifier id = prop.identifiers->first; if(prop.variable && !strcmp(id.string, name)) { disabled = true; break; } } } } if(disabled) break; } } } else if(selected.instCode) { MembersInit members; if(selected.instCode.members) { for(members = selected.instCode.members->first; members; members = { if(members.type == dataMembersInit && members.dataMembers) { MemberInit prop; for(prop = members.dataMembers->first; prop; prop = { if(prop.identifiers && prop.identifiers->first) { Identifier id = prop.identifiers->first; if(prop.variable && !strcmp(id.string, name)) { disabled = true; break; } } } } if(disabled) break; } } } return disabled; } static bool CheckCompatibleMethod(Method method, Type type, Class regClass, bool isForm, Symbol selectedClass) { bool result = false; bool reset = false; if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); if(!method.dataType.thisClass && !isForm) { reset = true; method.dataType.thisClass = selectedClass; } //result = MatchTypes(method.dataType, type, null, regClass, regClass, false); result = MatchTypes(type, method.dataType, null, regClass, regClass, false, true, true, false); if(reset) method.dataType.thisClass = null; return result; } bool Code_IsFunctionEmpty(ClassFunction function, Method method, ObjectInfo object) { bool confirmation = true; Statement body = function.body; // Check if it contains any code if((!body.compound.declarations || !body.compound.declarations->count) && (!body.compound.statements || body.compound.statements->count <= 1)) { Class moduleClass = eSystem_FindClass(object.instance._class.module, "Module"); Statement stmt = body.compound.statements ? body.compound.statements->first : null; Type dataType = method.dataType; Type returnType = dataType.returnType; Expression exp = null; if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); confirmation = false; // Check if default function should be calling base class: if(object.instance._class._vTbl[method.vid] == moduleClass._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module_OnLoad]) // Temp Check for DefaultFunction { if(returnType.kind != voidType) { if(!stmt || stmt.type != returnStmt || !stmt.expressions || stmt.expressions->count != 1) confirmation = true; else { exp = stmt.expressions->first; if(returnType.kind == classType && !strcmp(returnType._class.string, "bool")) { if( (exp.type != identifierExp || strcmp(exp.identifier.string, "true")) && (exp.type != constantExp || strcmp(exp.constant, "1"))) confirmation = true; } else { if(exp.type != constantExp || strcmp(exp.constant, "0")) confirmation = true; } } } else { if(stmt) confirmation = true; } } else { if(stmt) { if(returnType.kind != voidType) { if(stmt.type == returnStmt && stmt.expressions && stmt.expressions->count == 1) exp = stmt.expressions->first; } else if(stmt.type == expressionStmt && stmt.expressions && stmt.expressions->count == 1) exp = stmt.expressions->first; } if(!exp || exp.type != callExp || != identifierExp) confirmation = true; else { Identifier id =; Class base = object.instance._class; if(!id._class || ( && !strcmp(, || strcmp(id.string, confirmation = true; else { Expression arg = ?>first : null; if(!arg || arg.type != identifierExp || strcmp("this", arg.identifier.string)) confirmation = true; else { Type param; arg =; for(param = dataType.params.first; param; param = { if(!arg || arg.type != identifierExp || strcmp(, arg.identifier.string)) { confirmation = true; break; } arg = arg ? : null; } } } } } } return !confirmation; } class CodeEditor : Window { background = marginColor; borderStyle = sizableDeep; hasMaximize = true; hasMinimize = true; hasClose = true; isDocument = true; isActiveClient = true; anchor = Anchor { left = 300, right = 150, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; menu = Menu { }; // eWindow_SetX(A_CASCADE); eWindow_SetY(A_CASCADE); // eWindow_SetWidth(A_RELATIVE|80); eWindow_SetHeight(A_RELATIVE|80); SheetType sheetSelected; ToolBox toolBox; Sheet sheet; OldList * ast; Context globalContext { }; OldList excludedSymbols { offset = (uint)&((Symbol)0).left }; OldList defines; OldList imports; OldList classes; bool codeModified; bool formModified; ObjectInfo selected; ObjectInfo oClass; // Methods Editing: MethodAction methodAction; Method method; ClassFunction function; bool moveAttached; char methodName[1024]; bool updatingCode; bool loadingFile; bool fixCaret; bool membersListShown; bool membersAbove; Location membersLoc; EditLine membersLine; Type functionType, instanceType; int paramsID; bool paramsShown; bool paramsAbove; Point paramsPosition; Expression functionExp; bool expectingMove; BitmapResource icons[CodeObjectType]; FontResource boldFont { $"Tahoma", 8.25f, bold = true, window = this }; FontResource normalFont { $"Tahoma", 8.25f, window = this }; Module privateModule; NameSpace globalData; bool skipModified; bool inUseDebug; OpenedFileInfo openedFileInfo; FontResource font { codeFont.faceName, codeFont.size }; saveDialog = codeEditorFileDialog; Designer designer { codeEditor = this, visible = false, saveDialog = codeEditorFormFileDialog }; bool noParsing; property bool parsing { get { return editBox.syntaxHighlighting && !noParsing && !ide.noParsing; } }; void ProcessCaretMove(EditBox editBox, int line, int charPos) { char temp[512]; ObjectInfo classItem; // OnActivateClient is called after OnActivate if(!updatingCode) { sprintf(temp, $"Ln %d, Col %d", line, editBox.column + 1); ide.pos.text = temp; } if(sheet.codeEditor != this) return; if(!updatingCode) { for(classItem = classes.first; classItem; classItem = { ClassDefinition classDef = classItem.classDefinition; if(classDef && classDef.loc.Inside(line, charPos)) break; } if(classItem) { ObjectInfo object; for(object = classItem.instances.first; object; object = { if(object.instCode) { if(object.instCode.loc.Inside(line, charPos)) break; } } if(object) sheet.SelectObject(object); else sheet.SelectObject(classItem); Update(null); } //else { //sheet.SelectObject(null); //Update(null); } sprintf(temp, $"Ln %d, Col %d", line, editBox.column + 1); ide.pos.text = temp; if(expectingMove) expectingMove = false; else { if(membersListShown) { bool hide = false; if(line-1 != membersLoc.start.line) hide = true; else { char * buffer = membersLine.text; int c; if(charPos - 1 < membersLoc.start.charPos) hide = true; else if(charPos - 1 > membersLoc.end.charPos) { char * buffer = membersLine.text; //if(membersList.currentRow) // hide = true; //else { for(c = membersLoc.start.charPos; c<=charPos && buffer[c]; c++) if(buffer[c] != ' ' && buffer[c] != '\t') break; if(c < charPos && buffer[c]) hide = true; } } } if(hide) { membersList.Destroy(0); membersListShown = false; } } { bool back = codeModified; codeModified = false; if(paramsShown) InvokeParameters(false, false, false); /*if(membersListShown) InvokeAutoComplete(false, 0, true);*/ codeModified = back; } } } } watch(modifiedDocument) { ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; if(projectView) { ProjectNode node = projectView.GetNodeFromWindow(this, null, false); if(node) { node.modified = modifiedDocument; projectView.Update(null); } } }; EditBox editBox { textVertScroll = true, multiLine = true, /*lineNumbers = ideSettings.showLineNumbers,*/ freeCaret = ideSettings.useFreeCaret, caretFollowsScrolling = ideSettings.caretFollowsScrolling, tabKey = true, smartHome = true; tabSelection = true, /*maxLineSize = 65536, */parent = this, hasHorzScroll = true, hasVertScroll = true; selectionColor = selectionColor, selectionText = selectionText, background = codeEditorBG, foreground = codeEditorFG, syntaxColorScheme = colorScheme, font = font, borderStyle = none; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; bool OnMouseOver(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { CodeEditor editor = (CodeEditor)master; if(editor.designer && editor.designer.isDragging && !mods.isSideEffect) Activate(); return true; } void NotifyCaretMove(EditBox editBox, int line, int charPos) { // Update Line Numbers int spaceH; int oldLine = lastLine; display.FontExtent(font.font, " ", 1, null, &spaceH); { Box box { 0, (Min(oldLine,oldLine)-1) * spaceH - editBox.scroll.y, editBox.anchor.left.distance, (Max(oldLine, oldLine))*spaceH-1 - editBox.scroll.y }; Update(box); } { Box box { 0, (Min(line,line)-1) * spaceH - editBox.scroll.y, editBox.anchor.left.distance, (Max(line, line))*spaceH-1 - editBox.scroll.y }; Update(box); } lastLine = line; if(ide.activeClient == this) ProcessCaretMove(editBox, line, charPos); if(openedFileInfo) openedFileInfo.CaretMove(line, charPos); } void NotifyOvrToggle(EditBox editBox, bool overwrite) { ide.ovr.color = overwrite ? black : Color { 128, 128, 128 }; } void NotifyUpdate(EditBox editBox) { if(designer) { if(!skipModified) { codeModified = true; designer.modifiedDocument = true; } } modifiedDocument = true; } bool NotifyUnsetModified(EditBox editBox) { modifiedDocument = false; return true; } bool NotifyCharsAdded(EditBox editBox, BufferLocation before, BufferLocation after, bool pasteOperation) { if(!loadingFile && after.y != before.y) { ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; if(projectView && fileName) { int c; // HOW WE MIGHT WANT TO DO IT: char * text = before.line.text; for(c = before.x-1; c>= 0; c--) if(!isspace(text[c])) break; ide.debugger.MoveIcons(fileName, before.y + (((!pasteOperation && c > -1) || !after.line.count) ? 1 : 0), after.y - before.y, false); // HOW VISUAL STUDIO DOES IT: /* char * text = after.line.text; for(c = after.line.count-1; c>= 0; c--) if(!isspace(text[c])) break; ide.debugger.MoveIcons(fileName, before.y + ((c < 0) ? 1 : 0), after.y - before.y, false); */ } Update({ 0, 0, editBox.position.x, clientSize.h }); } if(!updatingCode) { ObjectInfo oClass; for(oClass = classes.first; oClass; oClass = { ObjectInfo object; for(object = oClass.instances.first; object; object = { if(object.instCode) { object.instCode.loc.start.AdjustAdd(before, after); object.instCode.loc.end.AdjustAdd(before, after); } } if(oClass.instCode) { oClass.classDefinition.loc.start.AdjustAdd(before, after); oClass.classDefinition.loc.end.AdjustAdd(before, after); } } if(!pasteOperation) { expectingMove = true; if(membersListShown) { bool hide = false; if(before.y != after.y) hide = true; else { char * buffer = membersLine.text; int c; bool firstChar = true; bool addedChar = false; char string[1024]; int len = 0; DataRow row; membersLoc.end.charPos += after.x - Max(membersLoc.start.charPos, before.x); for(c = membersLoc.start.charPos; c' && after.x-1 > 0 && text[after.x-1-1] == '-') || (ch == ':' && after.x-1 > 0 && text[after.x-1-1] == ':')) { /* // Can we call invoke auto complete here instead? int line, charPos; Expression exp; void * l1, * l2; int x1,y1, x2,y2; int oldCharPos; Point caret; // Force caret update already... editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1, l2, y2, x2); editBox.GetCaretPosition(&caret); // Go back in the buffer until no space before //yydebug = true; codeModified = true; EnsureUpToDate(); SetYydebug(false); { EditBoxStream f { editBox = editBox }; oldCharPos = x1; x1--; x2--; if(text[after.x-1] == '>') { x1--; x2--; } editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1, l2, y2, x2); for(;;) { char ch; if(!f.Seek(-1, current)) break; f.Getc(&ch); if(!isspace(ch)) break; f.Seek(-1, current); } editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); line = editBox.lineNumber + 1; charPos = editBox.charPos + 1; delete f; } exp = FindExpTree(ast, line, charPos); if(exp) { Type type = exp.expType; if(type && text[after.x-1] != '.') { if(type.kind == TypePointer || type.kind == TypeArray) type = type.type; else type = null; } membersList.Clear(); ListMembers(type); if(membersList.rowCount) { membersList.Sort(null, 1); membersList.master = this; caret.y += editBox.GetCaretSize(); caret.x -= 20; membersList.Create(); { int x = caret.x + editBox.GetAbsX() - app.desktop.GetAbsX() - editBox.GetScrollX(); int y = caret.y + editBox.GetAbsY() - app.desktop.GetAbsY() - editBox.GetScrollY(); Window parent = membersList.parent; if(!paramsAbove && (paramsShown || y + membersList.GetHeight() > parent.GetClientHeight())) { y -= editBox.GetCaretSize() + membersList.GetHeight(); membersAbove = true; } else membersAbove = false; membersList.position = { x, y }; } membersLine = l1; membersLoc.start.line = line - 1; membersLoc.start.charPos = oldCharPos; membersLoc.end = membersLoc.start; membersListShown = true; } } SetThisClass(null); SetCurrentContext(globalContext); */ codeModified = true; skipModified = true; if(text[after.x-1] == ':') InvokeAutoComplete(false, 0, false); else if(text[after.x-1] == '.') InvokeAutoComplete(false, 1, false); else if(text[after.x-1] == '>') InvokeAutoComplete(false, 2, false); skipModified = false; } else if(ch == '(' || ch == OpenBracket || ch == ',' || ch == '=' || ch == '?' || ch == ':') { codeModified = true; skipModified = true; if(InvokeAutoComplete(true, 0, false)) { if(ch == '(' || ch == OpenBracket) InvokeParameters(true, true, false); else InvokeParameters(this.functionType ? false : true, false, false); } // InvokeAutoComplete(true, 0, false); skipModified = false; } else if(ch == ')' || ch == '}' || ch == ';') { codeModified = true; skipModified = true; if(paramsShown) InvokeParameters(false, true, false); skipModified = false; } else { bool back = codeModified; codeModified = false; if(paramsShown) InvokeParameters(false, false, true); if(membersListShown) InvokeAutoComplete(false, 0, true); codeModified = back; } } else { bool back = codeModified; codeModified = false; if(paramsShown) InvokeParameters(false, false, true); /*if(membersListShown) InvokeAutoComplete(false, 0, true);*/ codeModified = back; } } } return true; } bool NotifyCharsDeleted(EditBox editBox, BufferLocation before, BufferLocation after, bool pasteOperation) { if(!loadingFile && after.y != before.y) { ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; if(projectView && fileName) ide.debugger.MoveIcons(fileName, before.y + 1, before.y - after.y, before.x == 0); Update({ 0, 0, editBox.position.x, clientSize.h }); } if(!updatingCode) { ObjectInfo oClass; for(oClass = classes.first; oClass; oClass = { ObjectInfo object; Location * loc; for(object = oClass.instances.first; object; object = { if(object.instCode) { loc = &object.instCode.loc; if((before.y+1 < loc->start.line || (before.y+1 == loc->start.line && before.x+1 <= loc->start.charPos)) && (after.y+1 > loc->end.line || (after.y+1 == loc->end.line && after.x+1 >= loc->end.charPos))) { object.instCode = null; } else { loc->start.AdjustDelete(before, after); loc->end.AdjustDelete(before, after); } } } if(oClass.classDefinition) { loc = &oClass.classDefinition.loc; if((before.y+1 < loc->start.line || (before.y+1 == loc->start.line && before.x+1 <= loc->start.charPos)) && (after.y+1 > loc->end.line || (after.y+1 == loc->end.line && after.x+1 >= loc->end.charPos))) { oClass.classDefinition = null; } else { loc->start.AdjustDelete(before, after); loc->end.AdjustDelete(before, after); } } } if(membersListShown) { bool hide = false; if(pasteOperation || before.y != after.y) hide = true; else { char * buffer = membersLine.text; int c; bool firstChar = true; char string[1024]; int len = 0; if(before.x >= membersLoc.start.charPos) { for(c = membersLoc.start.charPos; c= after.x) { for(c = after.x; c 1)) width += ((id == editor.paramsID) ? commaWB : commaW); if(!height) maxW = lineW; if(lineW && ((height && lineW + width > maxW) || (totalW + lineW + width + 20 > availW))) { height += spaceH; lineW = 0; x = 2 + nameW + spaceW + functionW + parW; y += spaceH; } if(methodType.methodClass) surface.WriteText(x, y,, strlen(; x += tw; if(type.params.first && (((Type)type.params.first).kind != voidType || type.params.count > 1)) { surface.WriteText(x, y, ",", 1); x += ((id == editor.paramsID) ? commaWB : commaW); } lineW += width; if(lineW > realW) realW = lineW; if(id == editor.paramsID) surface.TextFont(font); id ++; } if(!methodType || (methodType.staticMethod || !methodType.methodClass) || !type.params.first || ((Type)type.params.first).kind != voidType || type.params.count > 1) { for(param = type.params.first; param; param = { char paramString[1024]; int tw, width; if(id == editor.paramsID || (param.kind == ellipsisType && id < editor.paramsID && editor.paramsID != -1)) surface.TextFont(boldFont); paramString[0] = 0; PrintType(param, paramString, true, true); surface.TextExtent(paramString, strlen(paramString), &tw, null); width = tw; if( width += ((id == editor.paramsID) ? commaWB : commaW); if(!height) maxW = lineW; if(lineW && ((height && lineW + width > maxW) || (totalW + lineW + width + 20 > availW))) { height += spaceH; lineW = 0; x = 2 + nameW + spaceW + functionW + parW; y += spaceH; } surface.WriteText(x, y, paramString, strlen(paramString)); x += tw; if( { surface.WriteText(x, y, ",", 1); x += ((id == editor.paramsID) ? commaWB : commaW); } lineW += width; if(lineW > realW) realW = lineW; if(id == editor.paramsID || (param.kind == ellipsisType && id < editor.paramsID && editor.paramsID != -1)) surface.TextFont(font); id ++; } } surface.WriteText(x, y, ")", 1); } else if(instanceName && type.kind != functionType) { surface.WriteText(x, y, instanceName, strlen(instanceName)); } } bool OnResizing(int * w, int * h) { CodeEditor editor = (CodeEditor) master; Type type = editor.functionType ? editor.functionType : editor.instanceType; Type param; Type methodType = null; char string[1024]; int functionW = 0, nameW = 0; int totalW = 0; int spaceW, spaceH, commaW, commaWB, parW; int availW = 1024; int maxW = 0, lineW = 0; int realW = 0; int height = 0; int id = 0; Font font = editor.normalFont.font; Font boldFont = editor.boldFont.font; Display display = this.display; if(type.kind == TypeKind::methodType) { methodType = type; ProcessMethodType(type.method); type = type.method.dataType; } display.FontExtent(boldFont, " ", 1, &spaceW, &spaceH); display.FontExtent(font, ", ", 2, &commaW, null); display.FontExtent(boldFont, ", ", 2, &commaWB, null); display.FontExtent(font, ")", 1, &parW, null); string[0] = 0; if(editor.functionType && type) { PrintType(type.returnType, string, true, true); display.FontExtent(font, string, strlen(string), &functionW, null); if( display.FontExtent(font,, strlen(, &nameW, null); totalW = nameW + spaceW + functionW + 2 * parW; } else if(type) { PrintType(type, string, false, true); // /*true); display.FontExtent(boldFont, string, strlen(string), &functionW, null); if(instanceName && type.kind != functionType) display.FontExtent(boldFont, instanceName, strlen(instanceName), &nameW, null); totalW = functionW + nameW + spaceW; } if(editor.functionType) { if(methodType) { int width = 0; if(methodType.methodClass) display.FontExtent((id == editor.paramsID) ? boldFont : font,, strlen(, &width, null); if(type.params.first && (((Type)type.params.first).kind != voidType || type.params.count > 1)) width += ((id == editor.paramsID) ? commaWB : commaW); if(!height) maxW = lineW; if(lineW && ((height && lineW + width > maxW) || (totalW + lineW + width + 20 > availW))) { height += spaceH; lineW = 0; } lineW += width; if(lineW > realW) realW = lineW; id++; } if(!methodType || methodType.staticMethod || !type.params.first || ((Type)type.params.first).kind != voidType || type.params.count > 1) { for(param = type.params.first; param; param = { char paramString[1024]; int width = 0; paramString[0] = 0; PrintType(param, paramString, true, true); display.FontExtent((id == editor.paramsID || param.kind == ellipsisType) ? boldFont : font, paramString, strlen(paramString), &width, null); if( width += ((id == editor.paramsID) ? commaWB : commaW); if(!height) maxW = lineW; if(lineW && ((height && lineW + width > maxW) || (totalW + lineW + width + 20 > availW))) { height += spaceH; lineW = 0; } lineW += width; if(lineW > realW) realW = lineW; id++; } } } height += spaceH; *w = realW + totalW + 4; *h = height + 4; return true; } }; Menu fileMenu { menu, $"File", f }; // MenuPlacement? MenuItem { fileMenu, $"Save", s, Key { s, ctrl = true }, NotifySelect = MenuFileSave }; MenuItem { fileMenu, $"Save As...", a, NotifySelect = MenuFileSaveAs }; Menu debugMenu { menu, $"Debug", d }; // MenuPlacement? MenuItem debugRunToCursor { debugMenu, $"Run To Cursor", c, Key { f10, ctrl = true }; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; if(!projectView.buildInProgress) { int line = editBox.lineNumber + 1; if(projectView) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = projectView.project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; ide.debugger.RunToCursor(compiler, config, bitDepth, fileName, line, false, false); delete compiler; } } return true; } }; MenuItem debugSkipRunToCursor { debugMenu, $"Run To Cursor Skipping Breakpoints", u, Key { f10, ctrl = true, shift = true }; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; int line = editBox.lineNumber + 1; if(projectView) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = projectView.project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; ide.debugger.RunToCursor(compiler, config, bitDepth, fileName, line, true, false); delete compiler; } return true; } }; MenuItem debugSkipRunToCursorAtSameLevel { debugMenu, $"Run To Cursor At Same Level Skipping Breakpoints", u, Key { f10, alt = true }; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; int line = editBox.lineNumber + 1; if(projectView) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = projectView.project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; ide.debugger.RunToCursor(compiler, config, bitDepth, fileName, line, true, true); delete compiler; } return true; } }; MenuDivider { debugMenu }; MenuItem debugToggleBreakpoint { debugMenu, $"Toggle Breakpoint", t, f9; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; if(projectView && fileName) { int line = editBox.lineNumber + 1; char name[MAX_LOCATION]; Project prj = null; // TOFIX: This only looks at the filename... GetLastDirectory(fileName, name); if(ide && ide.workspace) { for(p : ide.workspace.projects) { if(p.topNode.Find(name, false)) { prj = p; break; } } if(!prj) { for(p : ide.workspace.projects) { if(IsPathInsideOf(fileName, p.topNode.path)) { prj = p; break; } } } } ide.debugger.ToggleBreakpoint(fileName, line, prj); Update(null); } return true; } }; bool debugClosing; int lastLine; //MenuItem viewDesignerItem, viewProperties, viewMethods; bool OnCreate(void) { designer.parent = parent; designer.Create(); toolBox = ((IDEWorkSpace)master).toolBox; incref toolBox; // Debugger bug here: value of toolBox appears as 0 sheet = ((IDEWorkSpace)master).sheet; incref sheet; return true; } bool OnClose(bool parentClosing) { if(!parentClosing) { if(ide.workspace && fileName) ide.workspace.UpdateOpenedFileInfo(fileName, closed); if(inUseDebug && !debugClosing) { debugClosing = true; closing = false; if(CloseConfirmation(false)) { visible = false; OnFileModified({ modified = true }, null); } debugClosing = false; return false; } if(designer && !designer.closing) { if(designer.visible) { visible = false; return false; } /*else { //Window formEditor = designer; //formEditor.Destroy(0); }*/ } ide.AdjustFileMenus(); } return true; } void OnDestroy(void) { ObjectInfo oClass, next; Class windowClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, "ecere::gui::Window"); FreeType(this.functionType); FreeType(this.instanceType); if(designer) { designer.Reset(); designer.codeEditor = null; designer.Destroy(0); delete designer; } for(oClass = (classes).first, next = oClass ? : null; oClass; oClass = next, next = next ? ( : null) { ObjectInfo object, next; for(object = oClass.instances.first; object; object = next) { next =; if(object.instance) { Designer::DestroyObject(object.instance); delete object.instance; } sheet.DeleteObject(object); delete; oClass.instances.Delete(object); } if(oClass.instance) { Designer::DestroyObject(oClass.instance); delete oClass.instance; } sheet.DeleteObject(oClass); delete; classes.Delete(oClass); } if(windowClass && UnapplySkin(windowClass); FreeParser(); if(sheet.codeEditor == this) { sheet.codeEditor = null; toolBox.codeEditor = null; } delete sheet; delete toolBox; { ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; if(projectView) { ProjectNode node = projectView.GetNodeFromWindow(this, null, false); if(node && node.modified) { node.modified = false; projectView.Update(null); } } } } bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool directActivation) { // WHY WAS THIS HERE? I think this was here because once you move a window in the ide it's hard to reposition it correctly /* if(directActivation) ide.RepositionWindows(false); // Moved this up before as resizing causes NotifyCaretMove to be called on all editors */ if(active && directActivation) { AdjustDebugMenus(ide.areDebugMenusUnavailable, ide.isBreakpointTogglingUnavailable, ide.isDebuggerExecuting); if(openedFileInfo) openedFileInfo.Activate(); if(designer) { int line, charPos; Location * loc = null; UpdateFormCode(); // To ensure update when modifying properties... // Got to the right spot in code so we don't lose our form selection... if(selected) { if(selected.instCode) loc = &selected.instCode.loc; else if(selected.classDefinition) loc = &selected.classDefinition.loc; } line = editBox.lineNumber + 1; charPos = editBox.charPos + 1; if(fixCaret) { fixCaret = false; if(selected && !loc->Inside(line, charPos)) { editBox.GoToPosition(null, loc->start.line - 1, loc->start.charPos - 1); line = editBox.lineNumber + 1; charPos = editBox.charPos + 1; } else if(selected && selected.classDefinition) { ObjectInfo object; for(object = selected.instances.first; object; object = { if(object.instCode) { if(object.instCode.loc.Inside(line, charPos)) break; } } if(object) { editBox.GoToPosition(null, loc->start.line - 1, loc->start.charPos - 1); line = editBox.lineNumber + 1; charPos = editBox.charPos + 1; } } } ProcessCaretMove(editBox, line, charPos); } } return true; } bool OnSaveFile(char * fileName) { File f; if(designer) { UpdateFormCode(); } f = FileOpen(fileName, write); if(f) { if(!ide.projectView) ide.ChangeFileDialogsDirectory(codeEditorFileDialog.currentDirectory, true); if(designer) { if(!this.fileName) this.fileName = fileName; // Put this here because the form designer will check for it... designer.fileName = fileName; designer.modifiedDocument = false; } editBox.Save(f, false); modifiedDocument = false; delete(f); return true; } return false; } bool OnFileModified(FileChange fileChange, char * param) { bool reload = false; if(visible == false && inUseDebug == true) reload = true; else { char message[2048]; sprintf(message, $"The document %s was modified by another application.\n" "Would you like to reload it and lose your changes?", fileName); if(MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = /*parent = */parent, text = $"Document has been modified", contents = message }.Modal() == yes) reload = true; } if(reload) { File f = FileOpen(fileName, read); if(f) { int lineNumber, charPos, len; Point scroll; loadingFile = true; updatingCode = true; lineNumber = editBox.lineNumber; charPos = editBox.charPos; scroll = editBox.scroll; editBox.Clear(); editBox.Load(f); lineNumber = lineNumber < editBox.numLines ? lineNumber : editBox.numLines - 1; len = strlen(editBox.line.text); editBox.GoToLineNum(lineNumber); editBox.GoToPosition(editBox.line, lineNumber, charPos <= len ? charPos - 1 : (len ? len - 1 : 0)); editBox.scroll = scroll; updatingCode = false; loadingFile = false; codeModified = true; if(designer) { UpdateFormCode(); designer.modifiedDocument = false; } modifiedDocument = false; delete(f); } } return true; } void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { // Line Numbers surface.SetBackground(marginColor); surface.Area(0, 0, editBox.anchor.left.distance, clientSize.h - 1); if(ideSettings.showLineNumbers) { int currentLineNumber; int i; char lineText[256]; int spaceH; surface.textOpacity = false; surface.font = font.font; surface.TextExtent(" ", 1, null, &spaceH); currentLineNumber = editBox.scroll.y / spaceH + 1; surface.SetForeground(lineNumbersColor); for(i = 0; i < editBox.clientSize.h - 4; i += spaceH) { // Highlight current line if(editBox.lineNumber == currentLineNumber - 1) { surface.SetBackground(selectedMarginColor); surface.Area(0, i, editBox.anchor.left.distance, i+spaceH-1); surface.SetBackground(marginColor); } sprintf(lineText,"%5u ", currentLineNumber % 100000); if(currentLineNumber <= editBox.numLines) surface.WriteText(editBox.syntaxHighlighting * 20, i+1,lineText,6); currentLineNumber++; } } if(editBox.syntaxHighlighting && fileName && ide.projectView) { bool error, bpOnCursor, bpOnTopFrame, breakpointEnabled[128]; int lineCursor, lineTopFrame, breakpointLines[128]; int count, i, lineH, boxH, scrollY; //, firstLine; firstLine = editBox.firstLine; Debugger debugger = ide.debugger; BitmapResource bmpRes; boxH = clientSize.h; scrollY = editBox.scroll.y; displaySystem.FontExtent(editBox.font.font, " ", 1, null, &lineH); bpOnCursor = bpOnTopFrame = false; count = debugger.GetMarginIconsLineNumbers(fileName, breakpointLines, breakpointEnabled, 128, &error, &lineCursor, &lineTopFrame); if(count) { for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(breakpointLines[i] == lineCursor || breakpointLines[i] == lineTopFrame) { bmpRes = breakpointEnabled[i] ? ide.bmpBpHalf : ide.bmpBpHalfDisabled; if(breakpointLines[i] == lineCursor) bpOnCursor = true; if(breakpointLines[i] == lineTopFrame) bpOnTopFrame = true; } else bmpRes = breakpointEnabled[i] ? ide.bmpBp : ide.bmpBpDisabled; DrawLineMarginIcon(surface, bmpRes, breakpointLines[i], lineH, scrollY, boxH); } } DrawLineMarginIcon(surface, error ? ide.bmpCursorError : ide.bmpCursor, lineCursor, lineH, scrollY, boxH); bmpRes = bpOnTopFrame ? (error ? ide.bmpTopFrameHalfError : ide.bmpTopFrameHalf) : (error ? ide.bmpTopFrameError : ide.bmpTopFrame); DrawLineMarginIcon(surface, bmpRes, lineTopFrame, lineH, scrollY, boxH); } if(editBox.anchor.left.distance) { if(editBox.horzScroll && editBox.horzScroll.visible) { surface.SetBackground(control); surface.Area(0, editBox.clientSize.h, editBox.anchor.left.distance, clientSize.h - 1); } } } void DrawLineMarginIcon(Surface surface, BitmapResource resource, int line, int lineH, int scrollY, int boxH) { int lineY; if(line) { lineY = (line - 1) * lineH; if(lineY + lineH > scrollY && lineY /*+ lineH*/ < scrollY + boxH) { Bitmap bitmap = resource.bitmap; if(bitmap) surface.Blit(bitmap, 0, lineY - scrollY + (lineH - bitmap.height) / 2 + 1, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height); } } } watch(fileName) { char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; char * fileName = property::fileName; if(SearchString(fileName, 0, "Makefile", false, true)) editBox.useTab = true; designer.fileName = fileName; if(fileName) { GetExtension(fileName, ext); if(!strcmpi(ext, "ec") || !strcmpi(ext, "eh") || !strcmpi(ext, "c") || !strcmpi(ext, "h") || !strcmpi(ext, "cpp") || !strcmpi(ext, "hpp") || !strcmpi(ext, "cxx") || !strcmpi(ext, "hxx") || !strcmpi(ext, "cc") || !strcmpi(ext, "hh") || !strcmpi(ext, "m") || !strcmpi(ext, "mm") || !strcmpi(ext, "cs") || !strcmpi(ext, "java") || !strcmpi(ext, "y") || !strcmpi(ext, "l")) editBox.syntaxHighlighting = true; else editBox.syntaxHighlighting = false; if(parsing && !strcmpi(ext, "ec")) { codeModified = true; EnsureUpToDate(); } { int spaceW; display.FontExtent(font.font, " ", 1, &spaceW, null); editBox.anchor = Anchor { left = (editBox.syntaxHighlighting ? 20 : 0) + (ideSettings.showLineNumbers ? (6 * spaceW) : 0), right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; } } }; bool OnPostCreate() { int spaceW; display.FontExtent(font.font, " ", 1, &spaceW, null); editBox.anchor = Anchor { left = (editBox.syntaxHighlighting ? 20 : 0) + (ideSettings.showLineNumbers ? (6 * spaceW) : 0), right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; return true; } bool LoadFile(char * filePath) { File f = FileOpen(filePath, read); if(f) { // Added this here... fileName = filePath; loadingFile = true; updatingCode = true; editBox.Load(f); updatingCode = false; loadingFile = false; Create(); delete(f); return true; } return false; } void AdjustDebugMenus(bool unavailable, bool bpNoToggle, bool executing) { debugRunToCursor.disabled = unavailable || executing; debugSkipRunToCursor.disabled = unavailable || executing; debugSkipRunToCursorAtSameLevel.disabled = unavailable || executing; debugToggleBreakpoint.disabled = bpNoToggle; } CodeEditor() { CodeObjectType c; ProjectView projectView = ide.projectView; /*if(fileName) designer.fileName = fileName; else */ if(designer) { char title[1024]; sprintf(title, $"Untitled %d", documentID); // designer.fileName = CopyString(title); designer.fileName = title; } AdjustDebugMenus(ide.areDebugMenusUnavailable, ide.isBreakpointTogglingUnavailable, ide.isDebuggerExecuting); for(c = 0; c < CodeObjectType::enumSize; c++) icons[c] = BitmapResource { iconNames[c], window = this }; codeModified = true; inUseDebug = false; return true; } ~CodeEditor() { } void ModifyCode() { selected.modified = true; selected.oClass.modified = true; designer.modifiedDocument = true; modifiedDocument = true; formModified = true; } /**************************************************************************** PARSING ****************************************************************************/ void FreeParser() { if(ast != null) { FreeASTTree(ast); ast = null; } this.defines.Free(FreeModuleDefine); this.imports.Free(FreeModuleImport); // Moved this after FreeAST because Debug printing causes ModuleImports to be created FreeExcludedSymbols(this.excludedSymbols); FreeContext(this.globalContext); FreeIncludeFiles(); FreeGlobalData(&this.globalData); FindCtx_Terminate(); FindParams_Terminate(); if(GetGlobalContext() == globalContext) { SetGlobalData(null); SetGlobalContext(null); SetExcludedSymbols(null); SetTopContext(null); SetCurrentContext(null); SetDefines(null); SetImports(null); SetPrivateModule(null); } if(this.privateModule) { FreeTypeData(this.privateModule); delete this.privateModule; this.privateModule = null; } } void ParseCode() { static bool reentrant = false; External external; File editFile; EditLine l1, l2; int x1,x2,y1,y2; char * selectedClassName = null, * selectedName = null; int selectedPos = 0; Designer backDesigner; char oldWorkDir[MAX_LOCATION]; char mainModuleName[MAX_FILENAME] = ""; char * fileName; ImportedModule module; char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; PathBackup pathBackup { }; #ifdef _TIMINGS Time parseCodeStart = GetTime(); Time startTime, startFindClass; findClassTotalTime = 0; checkTypeTotalTime = 0; externalImportTotalTime = 0; findClassIgnoreNSTotalTime = 0; findSymbolTotalTime = 0; //ResetClassFindTime(); #endif Project project; // This temporarily fixes issue with 2 overrides in release mode with VC6 (only happens with both ecere.dll and ide.exe compiled in release mode) if(reentrant) return; reentrant = true; updatingCode++; if(selected) { selectedClassName = CopyString(; if(selected != oClass) { ObjectInfo object = this.selected; selectedName = CopyString(; if(!selectedName) { ObjectInfo check; for(check = this.oClass.instances.first; check; check = { if(check == object) break; selectedPos++; } } } else selectedPos = -1; } editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); FindCtx_Terminate(); FindParams_Terminate(); SetGlobalData(&globalData); SetGlobalContext(globalContext); SetExcludedSymbols(&excludedSymbols); SetTopContext(globalContext); SetCurrentContext(globalContext); SetDefines(&defines); SetImports(&imports); SetCurrentNameSpace(null); /* sprintf(command, "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\Bin\\cl " "/nologo /D \"MSC\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"NDEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"_MBCS\" " "/I \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\Include\" " "/I T:\\ecere\\include /E %s", argv[1]); */ /* ChangeWorkingDir("e:\\ec"); sprintf(command, "gcc -x c -E -"); fileInput = DualPipeOpen({ output = true, input = true }, command); SetFileInput(fileInput); { for(;;) { byte buffer[8192]; uint count = editFile.Read(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer)); if(count) fileInput.Write(buffer, 1, count); else break; } delete editFile; fileInput.CloseOutput(); } */ // TOCHECK: COULDN'T WE CALL FreeParser here? // Clear everything FreeType(this.functionType); FreeType(this.instanceType); this.functionType = null; this.instanceType = null; // Select nothing sheet.SelectObject(null); designer.Reset(); selected = null; // We don't want the designer to be notified of selection when deleting rows... backDesigner = designer; designer = null; if(this.oClass) { ObjectInfo _class, next; for(_class = classes.first; _class; _class = next) { ObjectInfo object; next =; for(;object = _class.instances.first;) { if(object.instance) { Designer::DestroyObject(object.instance); delete object.instance; } sheet.DeleteObject(object); delete; _class.instances.Delete(object); } if(_class.instance) { Designer::DestroyObject(_class.instance); delete _class.instance; } sheet.DeleteObject(_class); delete; classes.Delete(_class); } this.oClass = null; } { Class windowClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, "ecere::gui::Window"); if(windowClass && UnapplySkin(windowClass); } designer = backDesigner; SetEchoOn(true); fileInput = editFile = EditBoxStream { editBox = editBox }; SetFileInput(fileInput); if(ast) { FreeASTTree(ast); ast = null; //SetAST(null); } defines.Free(FreeModuleDefine); imports.Free(FreeModuleImport); FreeContext(this.globalContext); FreeExcludedSymbols(this.excludedSymbols); FreeIncludeFiles(); FreeGlobalData(&this.globalData); if(this.privateModule) { FreeTypeData(this.privateModule); delete this.privateModule; } #ifdef _TIMINGS startTime = GetTime(); printf("Cleaning up took %.3f seconds\n", startTime - parseCodeStart); printf("classes.count: %d\n", globalContext.classes.count); #endif if(ide.workspace) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); SetTargetBits(ide.workspace.bitDepth ? ide.workspace.bitDepth : GetHostBits()); delete compiler; } this.privateModule = __ecere_COM_Initialize(false | ((GetTargetBits() == sizeof(uintptr) *8) ? 0 : GetTargetBits() == 64 ? 2 : 4), 1, null); SetPrivateModule(privateModule); { globalContext.types.Add((BTNode)Symbol { string = CopyString("uint"), type = ProcessTypeString("unsigned int", false) }); globalContext.types.Add((BTNode)Symbol { string = CopyString("uint64"), type = ProcessTypeString("unsigned int64", false) }); globalContext.types.Add((BTNode)Symbol { string = CopyString("uint32"), type = ProcessTypeString("unsigned int", false) }); globalContext.types.Add((BTNode)Symbol { string = CopyString("uint16"), type = ProcessTypeString("unsigned short", false) }); globalContext.types.Add((BTNode)Symbol { string = CopyString("byte"), type = ProcessTypeString("unsigned char", false) }); } fileName = this.fileName; project = null; if(ide.workspace && ide.workspace.projects && fileName) { for(p : ide.workspace.projects) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; ProjectNode pn; MakePathRelative(fileName, p.topNode.path, path); MakeSlashPath(path); pn = p.topNode.FindWithPath(path, false); if(pn) { project = p; break; } } } if(!project) project = ide.project; GetWorkingDir(oldWorkDir, MAX_LOCATION); if(project) ChangeWorkingDir(project.topNode.path); SetSomeSourceFileStack(fileName ? fileName : "", 0); //strcpy(sourceFileStack[0], fileName ? fileName : ""); GetLastDirectory(fileName, mainModuleName); GetExtension(mainModuleName, extension); SetBuildingEcereCom(false); SetBuildingEcereComModule(false); // TODO: Get symbolsDir from project settings instead... if(ide.projectView) { CompilerConfig compiler = ideSettings.GetCompilerConfig(ide.workspace.compiler); ProjectConfig config = project.config; int bitDepth = ide.workspace.bitDepth; DirExpression objDir = project.GetObjDir(compiler, config, bitDepth); SetSymbolsDir(objDir.dir); ide.SetPath(true, compiler, config, bitDepth); delete objDir; delete compiler; // SetIncludeDirs(ide.projectView.project.config.includeDirs); // SetSysIncludeDirs(ide.ideSettings.systemDirs[includes]); } else { switch(GetRuntimePlatform()) { case win32: SetSymbolsDir("obj/debug.win32"); break; case tux: SetSymbolsDir("obj/debug.linux"); break; case apple: SetSymbolsDir("obj/"); break; } SetIncludeDirs(null); SetSysIncludeDirs(null); } { if(ide.projectView && ide.projectView.IsModuleInProject(this.fileName)) { // TODO FIX for configless project if(ide.project.config && ide.project.config.options && ide.project.config.options.preprocessorDefinitions) { for(item : ide.project.config.options.preprocessorDefinitions) { if(!strcmp(item, "BUILDING_ECERE_COM")) { SetBuildingEcereCom(true); break; } } } } if(!(strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, "") && strcmpi(mainModuleName, ""))) { SetBuildingEcereComModule(true); } // Predeclare all classes { char symFile[MAX_FILENAME]; char symLocation[MAX_LOCATION]; ImportedModule module, next; GetLastDirectory(fileName, symFile); ChangeExtension(symFile, "sym", symFile); strcpy(symLocation, GetSymbolsDir()); PathCat(symLocation, symFile); // if(!GetEcereImported() && !GetBuildingEcereCom()) if(!strcmp(extension, "ec") || !strcmp(extension, "eh")) { #ifdef _TIMINGS startTime = GetTime(); #endif eModule_LoadStrict(privateModule, "ecereCOM", privateAccess); #ifdef _TIMINGS printf("Loading ecereCOM took %.3f seconds\n", GetTime() - startTime); #endif } #ifdef _TIMINGS startTime = GetTime(); #endif // LoadSymbols(symLocation, normalImport, true); LoadSymbols(symLocation, preDeclImport, false); #ifdef _TIMINGS printf("Loading symbols took %.3f seconds\n", GetTime() - startTime); #endif for(module = defines.first; module; module = next) { next =; if(module.type == moduleDefinition && strcmpi(, mainModuleName)) { delete; defines.Delete(module); } } } } if(!strcmp(extension, "ec") || !strcmp(extension, "eh")) { SetDefaultDeclMode(privateAccess); SetDeclMode(privateAccess); } else { SetDefaultDeclMode(defaultAccess); SetDeclMode(defaultAccess); } StripExtension(mainModuleName); module = ImportedModule { name = CopyString(mainModuleName), type = moduleDefinition }; defines.AddName(module); #ifdef _DEBUG // SetYydebug(true); #endif resetScanner(); #ifdef _TIMINGS startTime = GetTime(); startFindClass = checkTypeTotalTime; #endif ParseEc(); #ifdef _TIMINGS printf("ParseEc took %.3f seconds, out of which %.3f seconds were in CheckType\n", GetTime() - startTime, checkTypeTotalTime - startFindClass); #endif CheckDataRedefinitions(); SetYydebug(false); SetIncludeDirs(null); SetSysIncludeDirs(null); delete editFile; fileInput = null; SetFileInput(null); if(GetAST()) { ast = GetAST(); #ifdef _TIMINGS startTime = GetTime(); #endif PrePreProcessClassDefinitions(); ComputeModuleClasses(privateModule); PreProcessClassDefinitions(); ProcessClassDefinitions(); #ifdef _TIMINGS printf("Initial Passes took %.3f seconds\n", GetTime() - startTime); startTime = GetTime(); #endif ComputeDataTypes(); #ifdef _TIMINGS printf("ComputeDataTypes took %.3f seconds\n", GetTime() - startTime); startTime = GetTime(); #endif ProcessInstantiations(); #ifdef _TIMINGS printf("ProcessInstantiations took %.3f seconds\n", GetTime() - startTime); #endif if(!strcmp(extension, "ec") || !strcmp(extension, "eh")) { Class windowClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, "ecere::gui::Window"); if(!windowClass || windowClass.internalDecl) { #ifdef _TIMINGS startTime = GetTime(); #endif // *** COMMENTED THIS OUT DUE TO ecereCOM issues // eModule_Load(this.privateModule.application.allModules.first ? this.privateModule.application.allModules.first : this.privateModule, "ecere", privateAccess); eModule_Load(this.privateModule, "ecere", privateAccess); #ifdef _TIMINGS printf("Loading ecere.dll took %.3f seconds\n", GetTime() - startTime); #endif } windowClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, "ecere::gui::Window"); if(windowClass && ApplySkin(windowClass,, null); } #ifdef _TIMINGS startTime = GetTime(); #endif for(external = ast->first; external; external = { if(external.type == classExternal) { ClassDefinition _class = external._class; if(_class.baseSpecs && _class.baseSpecs->first && ((Specifier)_class.baseSpecs->first).type == nameSpecifier ) // classSpecifier { Class regClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, ((Specifier)_class.baseSpecs->first).name); if(regClass) { if(eClass_GetDesigner(regClass) && !GetBuildingEcereComModule()) { Instance instance = eInstance_New(regClass); ObjectInfo classObject { name = CopyString(; instance = instance; classDefinition = _class; oClass = classObject; }; Symbol symbol; classes.Add(classObject); incref instance; // Moved this at bottom so that the file dialog doesn't show up in eCom designer.CreateObject(instance, classObject, true, null); sheet.AddObject(classObject, ? :, typeClass, false); if(_class.definitions) { ClassDef def; ObjectInfo object; for(def = _class.definitions->first; def; def = { switch(def.type) { case defaultPropertiesClassDef: { MemberInit propDef; for(propDef = def.defProperties->first; propDef; propDef = { Identifier id = propDef.identifiers->first; if(id) { Property prop = eClass_FindProperty(regClass, id.string, this.privateModule); if(prop) { Class propertyClass = prop.dataTypeClass; if(!propertyClass) propertyClass = prop.dataTypeClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, prop.dataTypeString); if(prop.compiled && prop.Set && prop.Get && propertyClass && propDef.initializer && propDef.initializer.type == expInitializer && propDef.initializer.exp) { FreeType(propDef.initializer.exp.destType); propDef.initializer.exp.destType = MkClassType(; ProcessExpressionType(propDef.initializer.exp); if(propertyClass.type == structClass || propertyClass.type == noHeadClass || propertyClass.type == normalClass) { Expression computed = CopyExpression(propDef.initializer.exp); ComputeExpression(computed); if(computed.isConstant && computed.type == instanceExp && ! { if(prop.Set) { if(computed.instance._class && computed.instance._class.symbol && computed.instance._class.symbol.registered && eClass_IsDerived(computed.instance._class.symbol.registered, propertyClass)) { ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(instance,; // This was saved in the control and shouldn't be freed by FreeExpression... if(propertyClass.type == normalClass) = null; } } } // MOVED THIS UP NOW THAT char * IS A NORMAL CLASS else if(computed.type == stringExp && propertyClass.dataTypeString && strstr(propertyClass.dataTypeString, "char *")) { String temp = new char[strlen(computed.string)+1]; ReadString(temp, computed.string); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(instance, temp); delete temp; } else propDef.variable = true; FreeExpression(computed); } else { Expression computed = CopyExpression(propDef.initializer.exp); ComputeExpression(computed); if(computed.isConstant) { //if(computed.type == memberExp) computed = computed.member.exp; if(computed.type == constantExp) { Operand value = GetOperand(computed); DataValue valueData; valueData.i64 = value.i64; SetProperty(prop, instance, valueData); } else if(computed.type == stringExp && propertyClass.dataTypeString && strstr(propertyClass.dataTypeString, "char *")) { String temp = new char[strlen(computed.string)+1]; ReadString(temp, computed.string); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(instance, temp); delete temp; } } else propDef.variable = true; FreeExpression(computed); } } else propDef.variable = true; } else { Method method = eClass_FindMethod(regClass, id.string, this.privateModule); if(method && method.type == virtualMethod && propDef.initializer && propDef.initializer.type == expInitializer && propDef.initializer.exp && propDef.initializer.exp.type == identifierExp) { ClassDef def; // Maintain a list in FunctionDefinition of who is attached to it for(def = _class.definitions->first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef) { ClassFunction function = def.function; if(!strcmp(function.declarator.symbol.string, propDef.initializer.exp.identifier.string)) { function.attached.Add(OldLink { data = method }); } } } } } } } break; } case declarationClassDef: { Declaration decl = def.decl; switch(decl.type) { case instDeclaration: { Instantiation inst = decl.inst; Class instClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule,; if(instClass && eClass_GetDesigner(instClass)) { Instance control = eInstance_New(instClass); incref control; object = ObjectInfo { oClass = classObject; instance = control; instCode = inst; }; classObject.instances.Add(object); if(inst.exp) // TOCHECK: Why is this needed now? = CopyString((inst.exp.type == memberExp) ? inst.exp.member.member.string : inst.exp.identifier.string); def.object = object; // if( { symbol = eList_Add(&curContext.symbols, sizeof(Symbol)); symbol.string =; symbol.type = MkClassType(; } designer.CreateObject(control, object, false, classObject.instance); sheet.AddObject(object, ? :, typeData, false); } break; } } break; } } } // Second pass, process instantiation members object = null; for(def = _class.definitions->first; def; def = { switch(def.type) { case declarationClassDef: { Declaration decl = def.decl; switch(decl.type) { case instDeclaration: { Instantiation inst = decl.inst; Class instClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule,; if(instClass && eClass_GetDesigner(instClass)) { Instance control; object = object ? : classObject.instances.first; control = object.instance; if(inst.members) { MembersInit members; for(members = inst.members->first; members; members = { switch(members.type) { case dataMembersInit: { if(members.dataMembers) { MemberInit member; DataMember curMember = null; Class curClass = null; DataMember subMemberStack[256]; int subMemberStackPos = 0; for(member = members.dataMembers->first; member; member = { bool found = false; Identifier ident = member.identifiers ? member.identifiers->first : null; if(ident) { DataMember _subMemberStack[256]; int _subMemberStackPos = 0; DataMember thisMember = (DataMember)eClass_FindDataMember(instClass, ident.string, privateModule, _subMemberStack, &_subMemberStackPos); if(!thisMember) { thisMember = (DataMember)eClass_FindProperty(instClass, ident.string, privateModule); } if(thisMember && thisMember.memberAccess == publicAccess) { curMember = thisMember; curClass = curMember._class; memcpy(subMemberStack, _subMemberStack, sizeof(DataMember) * _subMemberStackPos); subMemberStackPos = _subMemberStackPos; found = true; } } else { eClass_FindNextMember(instClass, &curClass, (DataMember *)&curMember, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); if(curMember) found = true; } if(found && curMember.isProperty) { Property prop = (Property) curMember; Class propertyClass = prop.dataTypeClass; if(!propertyClass) propertyClass = prop.dataTypeClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, prop.dataTypeString); if(prop.compiled && prop.Set && prop.Get && propertyClass && member.initializer && member.initializer.type == expInitializer && member.initializer.exp) { FreeType(member.initializer.exp.destType); member.initializer.exp.destType = MkClassType(; if(propertyClass) { ProcessExpressionType(member.initializer.exp); if(propertyClass.type == structClass || propertyClass.type == normalClass || propertyClass.type == noHeadClass) { Expression computed; #ifdef _DEBUG /*char debugExpString[4096]; debugExpString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(member.initializer.exp, debugExpString);*/ #endif computed = CopyExpression(member.initializer.exp); if(computed) { ComputeExpression(computed); if(computed.type == instanceExp && computed.isConstant && computed.isConstant) { if( { if(computed.instance._class && computed.instance._class.symbol && computed.instance._class.symbol.registered && eClass_IsDerived(computed.instance._class.symbol.registered, propertyClass)) { ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(control,; // This was saved in the control and shouldn't be freed by FreeExpression... if(propertyClass.type == normalClass) = null; } } } else if(computed.type == identifierExp) { member.variable = true; if(eClass_GetDesigner(propertyClass)) //if(prop.Set) { char * name = computed.identifier.string; if(!strcmp(name, "this")) { if(prop.Set) ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(control, instance); member.variable = false; } else { ObjectInfo check; for(check = classObject.instances.first; check; check = if( && !strcmp(name, { if(prop.Set) ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(control, check.instance); member.variable = false; break; } } } } else if(computed.type == memberExp) { member.variable = true; if(computed.member.exp.type == identifierExp) { char * name = computed.member.exp.identifier.string; if(!strcmp(name, "this")) { char * name = computed.member.member.string; { ObjectInfo check; for(check = classObject.instances.first; check; check = if( && !strcmp(name, { if(prop.Set) ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(control, check.instance); member.variable = false; break; } } } else { ObjectInfo check; for(check = classObject.instances.first; check; check = { if( && !strcmp(name, { Property getProperty = eClass_FindProperty(check.instance._class, computed.member.member.string, this.privateModule); if(getProperty) { DataValue value { }; GetProperty(getProperty, check.instance, &value); SetProperty(prop, control, value); member.variable = false; } break; } } } } } // MOVED THIS UP NOW THAT char * IS A NORMAL CLASS else if(computed.isConstant && computed.type == stringExp && propertyClass.dataTypeString && strstr(propertyClass.dataTypeString, "char *")) { String temp = new char[strlen(computed.string)+1]; ReadString(temp, computed.string); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(control, temp); delete temp; } else member.variable = true; FreeExpression(computed); } } else { Expression computed = CopyExpression(member.initializer.exp); if(computed) { ComputeExpression(computed); if(computed.isConstant) { if(computed.type == constantExp && (!propertyClass.dataTypeString || strcmp(propertyClass.dataTypeString, "char *"))) //(strcmp(, "char *") && (strcmp(, "String")))) { if(!strcmp(propertyClass.dataTypeString, "float")) ((void (*)(void *, float))(void *)prop.Set)(control, (float)strtod(computed.constant, null)); else if(!strcmp(propertyClass.dataTypeString, "double")) ((void (*)(void *, double))(void *)prop.Set)(control, strtod(computed.constant, null)); else ((void (*)(void *, int))(void *)prop.Set)(control, strtol(computed.constant, null, 0)); } else if(computed.type == stringExp && propertyClass.dataTypeString && strstr(propertyClass.dataTypeString, "char *")) { String temp = new char[strlen(computed.string)+1]; ReadString(temp, computed.string); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(control, temp); delete temp; } } else member.variable = true; FreeExpression(computed); } } } } else member.variable = true; } else if(ident && member.initializer && member.initializer.type == expInitializer && member.initializer.exp && member.initializer.exp.type == memberExp) // identifierExp { Method method = eClass_FindMethod(instClass, ident.string, this.privateModule); if(method && method.type == virtualMethod) { ClassDef def; // Maintain a list in FunctionDefinition of who is attached to it for(def = _class.definitions->first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef) { ClassFunction function = def.function; Identifier id = (member.initializer.exp.type == memberExp) ? member.initializer.exp.member.member : member.initializer.exp.identifier; if(function.declarator && !strcmp(function.declarator.symbol.string, id.string)) { function.attached.Add(OldLink { data = method }); // Reference this particular instance? } } } } } id++; } } break; } } } } designer.PostCreateObject(object.instance, object, false, classObject.instance); break; } } break; } } } } } //designer.CreateObject(instance, classObject, true, null); //sheet.AddObject(classObject, ? :, classType, false); designer.PostCreateObject(instance, classObject, true, null); //instance.state = Hidden; //instance.Create(); //instance.SetState(Normal, true, 0); } } } } } SetAST(null); #ifdef _TIMINGS printf("Class/Instance Processing took %.3f seconds\n", GetTime() - startTime); #endif } // Restore Selection if(selectedClassName) { ObjectInfo oClass; for(oClass = classes.first; oClass; oClass = { if(!strcmp(, selectedClassName)) { this.oClass = oClass; break; } } delete selectedClassName; } if(this.oClass) { if(selectedName) { ObjectInfo check; int pos = 0; for(check = this.oClass.instances.first; check; check = { if( && !strcmp(, selectedName)) { this.selected = check; break; } } if(!check) { if(this.oClass.instances.first) this.selected = this.oClass.instances.first; else this.selected = this.oClass; } } else if(selectedPos == -1 || !this.oClass.instances.count) this.selected = this.oClass; else { ObjectInfo check; int pos = 0; if(selectedPos > this.oClass.instances.count) selectedPos = 0; for(check = this.oClass.instances.first; check; check = { if(selectedPos == pos++) { this.selected = check; break; } } } } else { this.oClass = classes.first; this.selected = (this.oClass && this.oClass.instances.first) ? this.oClass.instances.first : this.oClass; } delete selectedName; SetSymbolsDir(null); if(sheet.codeEditor == this) sheet.SelectObject(selected); Update(null); codeModified = false; // TESTING THIS TO NOT GET EMPTY PARAMETERS if(paramsShown) { InvokeParameters(false, false, false); } editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1, l2, y2, x2); reentrant = false; updatingCode--; ChangeWorkingDir(oldWorkDir); #ifdef _TIMINGS printf("Total FindClass time is %.3f seconds, out of which %.3f is in Ignore NS\n\n", findClassTotalTime, findClassIgnoreNSTotalTime); printf("Total CheckType time is %.3f seconds\n\n", checkTypeTotalTime); printf("Total MkExternalImport time is %.3f seconds\n\n", externalImportTotalTime); printf("Total FindSymbol time is %.3f seconds\n\n", findSymbolTotalTime); // printf("Total Class Members Find time is %.3f seconds\n\n", GetClassFindTime()); printf("Whole ParseCode function took %.3f seconds\n\n", GetTime() - parseCodeStart); #endif if(inUseDebug && ide.projectView) ide.debugger.EvaluateWatches(); delete pathBackup; } void UpdateInstanceCodeClass(Class _class, ObjectInfo object, EditBoxStream f, Instance test, bool * prev, bool * lastIsMethod, DataMember * curMember, Class * curClass) { Property propIt; Window control = (Window)object.instance; ObjectInfo classObject = object.oClass; if(_class.base && _class.base.type != systemClass) UpdateInstanceCodeClass(_class.base, object, f, test, prev, lastIsMethod, curMember, curClass); if(!strcmp(, "DesignerBase")) return; for(propIt = _class.membersAndProperties.first; propIt; propIt = { Property prop = eClass_FindProperty(object.instance._class,, privateModule); if(prop && prop.isProperty && !prop.conversion && eClass_FindProperty(object.instance._class,, privateModule)) { if(prop.Set && prop.Get && prop.dataTypeString && strcmp(, "name") && !Code_IsPropertyDisabled(object, && prop.compiled && (!prop.IsSet || prop.IsSet(control))) { Class dataType = prop.dataTypeClass; if(!dataType) dataType = prop.dataTypeClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, prop.dataTypeString); if(dataType) { if(dataType.type == structClass) { void * dataForm = new0 byte[dataType.structSize]; void * dataTest = new0 byte[dataType.structSize]; ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Get)(control, dataForm); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Get)(test, dataTest); if((prop.IsSet && !prop.IsSet(test)) || ((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, dataForm, dataTest)) { char tempString[1024] = ""; char * string = ""; bool needClass = true; if(*prev) f.Printf(", "); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(test, dataForm); string = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(dataType, dataForm, tempString, null, &needClass); eClass_FindNextMember(_class, curClass, curMember, null, null); if(*curMember != (DataMember)prop) f.Printf("%s = ",; *curMember = (DataMember)prop; *curClass = curMember->_class; if(needClass) f.Printf("%c %s %c", /*, */OpenBracket, string, CloseBracket); else f.Printf("%s", string); *prev = true; } delete dataForm; delete dataTest; } else if(dataType.type == normalClass || dataType.type == noHeadClass) { void * dataForm, * dataTest; dataForm = ((void *(*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(control); dataTest = ((void *(*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(test); if((prop.IsSet && !prop.IsSet(test)) || ((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, dataForm, dataTest)) { char tempString[1024] = ""; char * string = ""; if(*prev) f.Printf(", "); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(test, dataForm); eClass_FindNextMember(_class, curClass, curMember, null, null); if(*curMember != (DataMember)prop) f.Printf("%s = ",; *curMember = (DataMember)prop; *curClass = curMember->_class; if(eClass_GetDesigner(dataType)) { if(eClass_IsDerived(classObject.instance._class, dataType) && classObject.instance == dataForm) //if(!strcmp(, && classObject.instance == dataForm) f.Printf("this",; else { //ObjectInfo classObject; //for(classObject = classes.first; classObject; classObject = { ObjectInfo object; for(object = classObject.instances.first; object; object = { if(!object.deleted && eClass_IsDerived(object.instance._class, dataType) && object.instance == dataForm && { f.Printf("%s",; break; } } if(!object) { bool needClass = true; string = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(dataType, dataForm, tempString, null, &needClass); f.Printf("%s", string); } } } } else { bool needClass = true; string = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(dataType, dataForm, tempString, null, &needClass); if(!strcmp(dataType.dataTypeString, "char *")) { f.Printf("\""); OutputString(f, string); f.Puts("\""); } else if(needClass) f.Printf("%c %s %c", /*, */OpenBracket, string, CloseBracket); else f.Printf("%s", string); } *prev = true; *lastIsMethod = false; } } else { DataValue dataForm, dataTest; GetProperty(prop, control, &dataForm); GetProperty(prop, test, &dataTest); if((prop.IsSet && !prop.IsSet(test)) || ((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, &dataForm, &dataTest)) { char * string; char tempString[1024] = ""; SetProperty(prop, test, dataForm); if(dataType.type != bitClass) { bool needClass = true; if(dataType.type == enumClass) { NamedLink value; Class enumClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); EnumClassData e = ACCESS_CLASSDATA(dataType, enumClass); for(value = e.values.first; value; value = { if((int) == dataForm.i) { string =; break; } } } else string = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(dataType, &dataForm, tempString, null, &needClass); if(string && string[0]) { if(*prev) f.Printf(", "); eClass_FindNextMember(_class, curClass, curMember, null, null); if(*curMember != (DataMember)prop) f.Printf("%s = ",; *curMember = (DataMember)prop; *curClass = curMember->_class; if(!strcmp(dataType.dataTypeString, "float") && strchr(string, '.')) f.Printf("%sf", string); else f.Printf("%s", string); *prev = true; } } else if(dataType.type == bitClass) { bool needClass = true; if(*prev) f.Printf(", "); eClass_FindNextMember(_class, curClass, curMember, null, null); if(*curMember != (DataMember)prop) f.Printf("%s = ",; *curMember = (DataMember)prop; *curClass = curMember->_class; string = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(dataType, &dataForm.ui, tempString, null, &needClass); if(needClass) f.Printf("%c %s %c", /*, */OpenBracket, string, CloseBracket); else f.Printf("%s", string); *prev = true; *lastIsMethod = false; } } } } } } } } int UpdateInstanceCode(EditBoxStream f, int position, Class regClass, ObjectInfo object, bool * firstObject, char ** text, int * textSize, int movedFuncIdLen, int movedFuncIdPos) { Instantiation inst = object.instCode; Window control = (Window)object.instance; bool prev = false; bool methodPresent = false; Class _class; bool lastIsMethod = true; ObjectInfo classObject = object.oClass; if(inst) { if(object.deleted) { // Instance removed, delete it DeleteJunkBefore(f, inst.loc.start.pos, &position); f.DeleteBytes(inst.loc.end.pos - inst.loc.start.pos + 1); position = inst.loc.end.pos + 1; } else { bool multiLine = false; // Change the name // Check if it's an unnamed instance if(inst.exp) { f.Seek(inst.nameLoc.start.pos - position, current); f.DeleteBytes(inst.nameLoc.end.pos - inst.nameLoc.start.pos); position = inst.nameLoc.end.pos; if( f.Printf(; else { char ch = 0; f.Getc(&ch); if(isspace(ch) && ch != '\n') { f.Seek(-1, current); f.DeleteBytes(1); position ++; } } } else { int pos = inst.loc.start.pos; // + strlen(; char ch; f.Seek(pos - position, current); while(f.Getc(&ch)) { if(isspace(ch)) { f.Seek(-1, current); break; } pos++; } if( { f.Puts(" "); f.Puts(; } position = pos; } if((this.methodAction == actionAddMethod || this.moveAttached) && this.selected == object) methodPresent = true; for(;;) { char ch = 0; if(!f.Getc(&ch)) break; position++; if(ch == OpenBracket) break; if(ch == '\n') multiLine = true; } // TODO: Simplify this? if(methodPresent) { if(!multiLine) { int count = 0; int toDelete = 0; int toAdd = 0; f.Seek(-1, current); f.Puts("\n "); f.Seek(1, current); //f.Puts("\n"); // Fix indentation for(;;) { char ch = 0; if(!f.Getc(&ch)) break; position++; if(ch == '\n') { toDelete = count; count = 0; } else if(isspace(ch)) count++; else { f.Seek(-1, current); position--; if(count > 6) { toDelete += count - 6; count = 6; } else toAdd = 6 - count; break; } } if(toDelete) { f.Seek(-toDelete-count, current); f.DeleteBytes(toDelete); f.Seek(count, current); } if(toAdd) { int c; for(c = 0; cfirst; members; members = { if(members.type == dataMembersInit) { MemberInit member; if(members.dataMembers) { bool keptMember = false; MemberInit lastKept = null; for(member = members.dataMembers->first; member; member = { Identifier ident = member.identifiers ? member.identifiers->first : null; bool deleted = false; // For now delete if it's not a method if(!member.variable) // && ident) { if(!ident || ! { Property prop = ident ? eClass_FindProperty(instClass, ident.string, this.privateModule) : null; if(!ident || prop) { f.Seek(member.loc.start.pos - position, current); f.DeleteBytes(member.loc.end.pos - member.loc.start.pos); position = member.loc.end.pos; deleted = true; } else { Method method = eClass_FindMethod(instClass, ident.string, this.privateModule); if(method && method.type == virtualMethod && member.initializer && member.initializer.type == expInitializer && member.initializer.exp && member.initializer.exp.type == memberExp /*ExpIdentifier*/) { if(((this.methodAction == actionDetachMethod || this.methodAction == actionReattachMethod) && this.method == method && this.selected == object) || (this.methodAction == actionDeleteMethod && !strcmp(function.declarator.symbol.string, member.initializer.exp.identifier.string))) { f.Seek(member.loc.start.pos - position, current); f.DeleteBytes(member.loc.end.pos - member.loc.start.pos); position = member.loc.end.pos; deleted = true; } } } } } if(!deleted) { keptMember = true; lastKept = member; //f.Seek(member.loc.start.pos - position, current); //position = member.loc.start.pos; DeleteJunkBefore(f, member.loc.start.pos, &position); if(prev) f.Printf(", "); else if(keptMember) f.Printf(" "); prev = false; } } if(!keptMember || ! { char ch = 0; int count = 0; if(keptMember && lastKept != members.dataMembers->last) { // Delete the comma char ch; int count = 0; f.Seek(-1, current); for(;f.Getc(&ch);) { if(ch == ',') { count++; f.Seek(-1, current); break; } else if(!isspace(ch)) break; f.Seek(-2, current); count++; } if(ch == ',') f.DeleteBytes(count); } f.Seek(members.loc.end.pos - position, current); f.Getc(&ch); if(ch == ';') { f.Seek(-1, current); f.DeleteBytes(1); position = members.loc.end.pos + 1; } else { f.Seek(-1, current); position = members.loc.end.pos; } if(keptMember) { prev = true; lastIsMethod = false; } } else { DeleteJunkBefore(f, position, &position); f.Printf(" "); if(lastKept != members.dataMembers->last) { // Delete the comma char ch; int count = 0; f.Seek(-1, current); for(;f.Getc(&ch);) { if(ch == ',') { count++; f.Seek(-1, current); break; } else if(!isspace(ch)) break; f.Seek(-2, current); count++; } if(ch == ',') f.DeleteBytes(count); } else { f.Seek(members.loc.end.pos - position, current); position = members.loc.end.pos; } /* prev = false; lastIsMethod = true; */ prev = true; lastIsMethod = false; } } else { f.Seek(members.loc.end.pos - position, current); position = members.loc.end.pos; prev = false; lastIsMethod = true; } } else if(members.type == methodMembersInit) { if(this.methodAction == actionDeleteMethod && members.function == function); else methodPresent = true; // Delete instance method here if((this.methodAction == actionDeleteMethod || (this.methodAction == actionDetachMethod && this.moveAttached)) && members.function == function) { if(this.moveAttached && !*text) GetLocText(editBox, f, position, &function.loc, text, textSize, Max((int)strlen(this.methodName) - movedFuncIdLen,0), 0); DeleteJunkBefore(f, members.loc.start.pos, &position); f.DeleteBytes(members.loc.end.pos - members.loc.start.pos + 1); position = members.loc.end.pos + 1; f.Printf("\n"); } else { DeleteJunkBefore(f, position, &position); if(!lastIsMethod) f.Printf(";"); DeleteJunkBefore(f, members.loc.start.pos, &position); lastIsMethod = true; f.Printf("\n\n "); } f.Seek(members.loc.end.pos - position, current); position = members.loc.end.pos; } DeleteJunkBefore(f, position, &position); } } if(!object.deleted) { if(!methodPresent) f.Printf(" "); if((this.methodAction == actionAddMethod || (this.moveAttached && (this.methodAction == actionAttachMethod || this.methodAction == actionReattachMethod))) && this.selected == object) { Method method = this.method; DeleteJunkBefore(f, position, &position); if(!lastIsMethod) f.Printf(";"); f.Printf("\n"); if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); { Type dataType = method.dataType; Type returnType = dataType.returnType; Type param; if(this.moveAttached) { // Move function here: int newLen = strlen(; f.Printf("\n "); if(!*text) GetLocText(editBox, f, position, &function.loc, text, textSize, Max(newLen - movedFuncIdLen, 0), 3); // First change name of function memmove(*text + movedFuncIdPos + newLen, *text + movedFuncIdPos + movedFuncIdLen, *textSize - movedFuncIdPos - movedFuncIdLen + 1); *textSize += newLen - movedFuncIdLen; memcpy(*text + movedFuncIdPos,, newLen); // Second, tab right { int c; for(c = 0; (*text)[c]; ) { int i; for(i = c; (*text)[i] && (*text)[i] != '\n'; i++); if(i != c) { memmove((*text)+c+3, (*text)+c, *textSize+1-c); (*text)[c] = (*text)[c+1] = (*text)[c+2] = ' '; c += 3; *textSize += 3; } for(; (*text)[c] && (*text)[c] != '\n'; c++); if((*text)[c]) c++; } } f.Puts((*text)); f.Printf("\n"); } else { Class moduleClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, "Module"); // ADDING METHOD HERE f.Printf("\n "); OutputType(f, returnType, false); f.Printf(" "); if(dataType.thisClass) { if(!eClass_IsDerived(regClass, dataType.thisClass.registered) && !dataType.classObjectType) // Just fixed this... was backwards. { if(dataType.thisClass.shortName) f.Printf(dataType.thisClass.shortName); else f.Printf(dataType.thisClass.string); f.Printf("::"); } } f.Printf(; f.Printf("("); for(param = dataType.params.first; param; param = { OutputType(f, param, true); if( f.Printf(", "); } f.Printf(")\n"); f.Printf(" %c\n\n", OpenBracket); if(control._class._vTbl[method.vid] == moduleClass._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module_OnLoad]) // Temp Check for DefaultFunction { if(returnType.kind == classType && !strcmp(returnType._class.string, "bool")) f.Printf(" return true;\n"); else if(returnType.kind != voidType) f.Printf(" return 0;\n"); } else { f.Printf(" "); if(returnType.kind != voidType) f.Printf("return "); f.Printf("%s::%s(",,; for(param = dataType.params.first; param; param = { if(param.prev) f.Printf(", "); if(param.kind != voidType) f.Printf(; } f.Printf(");\n"); } f.Printf(" %c\n", CloseBracket); } } } } if(!object.instCode) { if(methodPresent) f.Printf(" %c;\n", CloseBracket); else f.Printf("%c;\n", CloseBracket); } else if(!object.deleted) { // Turn this into a multiline instance when adding a method DeleteJunkBefore(f, inst.loc.end.pos-1, &position); f.Printf(methodPresent ? "\n " : " "); f.Seek(inst.loc.end.pos + 1 - position, current); position = inst.loc.end.pos + 1; } return position; } void OutputClassProperties(Class _class, ObjectInfo classObject, EditBoxStream f, Instance test) { Property propIt; Class regClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule,; if(_class.base && _class.base.type != systemClass) OutputClassProperties(_class.base, classObject, f, test); for(propIt = _class.membersAndProperties.first; propIt; propIt = { Property prop = eClass_FindProperty(selected.instance._class,, privateModule); if(prop && prop.isProperty && !prop.conversion) { if(prop.Set && prop.Get && prop.dataTypeString && strcmp(, "name") && !Code_IsPropertyDisabled(classObject, && (!prop.IsSet || prop.IsSet(classObject.instance))) { Class dataType = prop.dataTypeClass; char tempString[1024] = ""; char * string; bool specify = false; DataMember member; member = eClass_FindDataMember(regClass,, privateModule, null, null); if(member && member._class == regClass) specify = true; if(!dataType) dataType = prop.dataTypeClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, prop.dataTypeString); if(dataType && dataType.type == structClass) { void * dataForm = new0 byte[dataType.structSize]; void * dataTest = new0 byte[dataType.structSize]; ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Get)(classObject.instance, dataForm); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Get)(test, dataTest); if(((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, dataForm, dataTest)) { bool needClass = true; string = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(dataType, dataForm, tempString, null, &needClass); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(test, dataForm); if(needClass) f.Printf("\n %s%s = %c %s %c;", specify ? "property::" : "",, /*, */OpenBracket, string, CloseBracket); else f.Printf("\n %s%s = %s;", specify ? "property::" : "",, string); } delete dataForm; delete dataTest; } else if(dataType && (dataType.type == normalClass || dataType.type == noHeadClass)) { void * dataForm, * dataTest; dataForm = ((void *(*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(classObject.instance); dataTest = ((void *(*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(test); if(((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, dataForm, dataTest)) { char tempString[1024] = ""; char * string; ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(test, dataForm); if(eClass_IsDerived(classObject.instance._class, dataType) && classObject.instance == dataForm) { // Shouldn't go here ... f.Printf("\n %s%s = this;", specify ? "property::" : "",; } else { bool needClass = true; string = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(dataType, dataForm, tempString, null, &needClass); if(!strcmp(dataType.dataTypeString, "char *")) { f.Printf("\n %s%s = \"", specify ? "property::" : "",; OutputString(f, string); f.Puts("\";"); } else if(needClass) f.Printf("\n %s%s = %c %s %c;", specify ? "property::" : "",, /*, */OpenBracket, string, CloseBracket); else f.Printf("\n %s%s = %s;", specify ? "property::" : "",, string); } } } else if(dataType) { DataValue dataForm, dataTest; GetProperty(prop, classObject.instance, &dataForm); GetProperty(prop, test, &dataTest); if(((int (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare])(dataType, &dataForm, &dataTest)) { SetProperty(prop, test, dataForm); if(dataType.type == bitClass) { bool needClass = true; string = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(dataType, &dataForm, tempString, null, &needClass); if(needClass) f.Printf("\n %s%s = %c %s %c;", specify ? "property::" : "",, /*, */OpenBracket, string, CloseBracket); else if(string[0]) f.Printf("\n %s%s = %s;", specify ? "property::" : "",, string); } else { bool needClass = true; if(dataType.type == enumClass) { NamedLink value; Class enumClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); EnumClassData e = ACCESS_CLASSDATA(dataType, enumClass); for(value = e.values.first; value; value = { if((int) == dataForm.i) { string =; break; } } } else string = ((char * (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))(void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(dataType, &dataForm, tempString, null, &needClass); if(!strcmp(dataType.dataTypeString, "float") && strchr(string, '.')) f.Printf("\n %s%s = %sf;", specify ? "property::" : "",, string); else if(string[0]) f.Printf("\n %s%s = %s;", specify ? "property::" : "",, string); } } } } } } } void UpdateFormCode() { if(!this) return; if(!parsing) return; updatingCode++; if(codeModified) { ParseCode(); } else if(formModified) { EditBoxStream f { editBox = editBox }; int position = 0; char * text = null; int textSize; Identifier movedFuncId; int movedFuncIdLen = 0, movedFuncIdPos = 0; ObjectInfo classObject; updatingCode++; if(moveAttached) { movedFuncId = GetDeclId(function.declarator); movedFuncIdLen = movedFuncId.loc.end.pos - movedFuncId.loc.start.pos; movedFuncIdPos = movedFuncId.loc.start.pos - function.loc.start.pos; } for(classObject = classes.first; classObject; classObject = { Class _class; ClassDefinition classDef = classObject.classDefinition; Class regClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, ((Specifier)classDef.baseSpecs->first).name); Instance test; ClassDef def; bool firstObject = true; ObjectInfo object = classObject.instances.first; bool lastIsDecl = false; if(!classObject.modified) continue; test = eInstance_New(regClass); incref test; // Put it in the same desktop window... designer.PrepareTestObject(test); //f.Printf("class %s : %s\n",,; //f.Printf("%c\n\n", OpenBracket); // Change the _class name f.Seek(classDef.nameLoc.start.pos - position, current); f.DeleteBytes(classDef.nameLoc.end.pos - classDef.nameLoc.start.pos); f.Printf(; position = classDef.nameLoc.end.pos; { // Go to block start, delete all until no white space, put \n char ch; int count = 0; int back = 0; f.Seek(classDef.blockStart.end.pos - position, current); position = classDef.blockStart.end.pos; for(; f.Getc(&ch); count++) { if(!isspace(ch)) { f.Seek(-1, current); break; } if(ch == '\n') back = 0; else back++; } f.Seek(-count, current); f.DeleteBytes(count-back); //f.Printf("\n"); position += count-back; } // Output properties OutputClassProperties(classObject.instance._class, classObject, f, test); for(def = classDef.definitions->first; def; def = { switch(def.type) { case defaultPropertiesClassDef: { bool keptMember = false; MemberInit propDef; MemberInit lastKept = null; lastIsDecl = false; DeleteJunkBefore(f, def.loc.start.pos, &position); f.Printf("\n "); for(propDef = def.defProperties->first; propDef; propDef = { Identifier ident = propDef.identifiers->first; bool deleted = false; // For now delete if it's a prop if(!propDef.variable && ident) { if(! { Property prop = eClass_FindProperty(regClass, ident.string, this.privateModule); if(prop) { f.Seek(propDef.loc.start.pos - position, current); f.DeleteBytes(propDef.loc.end.pos - propDef.loc.start.pos); position = propDef.loc.end.pos; deleted = true; } else { Method method = eClass_FindMethod(regClass, ident.string, this.privateModule); if(method && method.type == virtualMethod && propDef.initializer && propDef.initializer.type == expInitializer && propDef.initializer.exp && propDef.initializer.exp.type == identifierExp) { if(((methodAction == actionDetachMethod || methodAction == actionReattachMethod) && method == this.method && selected == classObject) || (methodAction == actionDeleteMethod && !strcmp(function.declarator.symbol.string, propDef.initializer.exp.identifier.string))) { f.Seek(propDef.loc.start.pos - position, current); f.DeleteBytes(propDef.loc.end.pos - propDef.loc.start.pos); position = propDef.loc.end.pos; deleted = true; } } } } } if(!deleted) { keptMember = true; lastKept = propDef; } } if(!keptMember) { char ch = 0; int count = 0; f.Seek(def.loc.end.pos - position - 1, current); f.Getc(&ch); if(ch == ';') { f.Seek(-1, current); f.DeleteBytes(1); } position = def.loc.end.pos; } else { if(lastKept != def.defProperties->last) { char ch; int count = 0; f.Seek(-1, current); for(;f.Getc(&ch);) { if(ch == ',') { count++; f.Seek(-1, current); break; } else if(!isspace(ch)) break; f.Seek(-2, current); count++; } if(ch == ',') f.DeleteBytes(count); } else { f.Seek(def.loc.end.pos - position, current); position = def.loc.end.pos; } } break; } case declarationClassDef: { Declaration decl = def.decl; if(decl.type == instDeclaration) { if(def.object/* && ((ObjectInfo)def.object).modified*/) { while(def.object && object != def.object) { if(object /*&& ((ObjectInfo)def.object).modified*/) position = UpdateInstanceCode(f, position, regClass, object, &firstObject, &text, &textSize, movedFuncIdLen, movedFuncIdPos); object =; } DeleteJunkBefore(f, def.loc.start.pos, &position); f.Printf(firstObject ? "\n\n " : "\n "); firstObject = false; if(def.object && ((ObjectInfo)def.object).modified) position = UpdateInstanceCode(f, position, regClass, def.object, &firstObject, &text, &textSize, movedFuncIdLen, movedFuncIdPos); object = object ? : null; } else { DeleteJunkBefore(f, def.loc.start.pos, &position); f.Printf(firstObject ? "\n\n " : "\n "); firstObject = false; } lastIsDecl = false; } else { DeleteJunkBefore(f, def.loc.start.pos, &position); f.Printf(lastIsDecl ? "\n " : "\n\n "); lastIsDecl = true; } break; } case functionClassDef: { // TESTING IF THIS IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR GENERATED FUNCTION... if(!def.function.body) continue; lastIsDecl = false; DeleteJunkBefore(f, def.loc.start.pos, &position); f.Printf("\n\n "); // Delete _class methods if((methodAction == actionDeleteMethod || (moveAttached && selected != classObject)) && def.function == function) { char ch; int count = 0; if(moveAttached && !text) { GetLocText(editBox, f, position, &function.loc, &text, &textSize, Max((int)strlen(methodName) - movedFuncIdLen,0), 3); } f.Seek(def.loc.end.pos - position, current); for(; f.Getc(&ch); count++) { if(!isspace(ch)) { f.Seek(-1, current); break; } } f.Seek(def.loc.start.pos - def.loc.end.pos - count, current); f.DeleteBytes(def.loc.end.pos - def.loc.start.pos + count); position = def.loc.end.pos + count; } // In case of detaching methods in the _class, simply rename the method if(methodAction == actionDetachMethod && moveAttached && selected == classObject && function == def.function) { f.Seek(function.loc.start.pos + movedFuncIdPos - position, current); f.DeleteBytes(movedFuncIdLen); f.Puts(methodName); position = function.loc.start.pos + movedFuncIdPos + movedFuncIdLen; } if((methodAction == actionAttachMethod || methodAction == actionReattachMethod) && selected == classObject && moveAttached && function == def.function) { // In case of attaching methods in the _class, simply rename the method f.Seek(function.loc.start.pos + movedFuncIdPos - position, current); position = function.loc.start.pos + movedFuncIdPos; f.DeleteBytes(movedFuncIdLen); if(method.dataType.thisClass) f.Printf("%s::", method.dataType.thisClass.string); f.Puts(; position += movedFuncIdLen; } break; } default: DeleteJunkBefore(f, def.loc.start.pos, &position); if(def.type == memberAccessClassDef) { f.Printf("\n\n"); firstObject = false; lastIsDecl = true; } else { f.Printf("\n "); lastIsDecl = false; } } f.Seek(def.loc.end.pos - position, current); position = def.loc.end.pos; } // Output attached methods if((methodAction == actionAttachMethod || methodAction == actionReattachMethod) && selected == classObject && !moveAttached) { DeleteJunkBefore(f, position, &position); f.Printf("\n %s = %s;\n",, function.declarator.symbol.string); } // ********** INSTANCES *************** for(; object; object = { if(!object.instCode) { position = UpdateInstanceCode(f, position, regClass, object, &firstObject, &text, &textSize, movedFuncIdLen, movedFuncIdPos); } } DeleteJunkBefore(f, position, &position); // ****************** METHODS *********************** if(methodAction == actionDetachMethod && moveAttached && classObject == oClass) { // If detaching an instance method if(selected != classObject) { int newLen = strlen(methodName); if(!text) GetLocText(editBox, f, position, &function.loc, &text, &textSize, Max(newLen - movedFuncIdLen,0), 0); // Tab selection left { int c; for(c = 0; text[c]; ) { int start = c, i; for(i = 0; i<3 && text[c] == ' '; i++, c++); memmove(text+start, text+start+i, textSize+1-start-i); textSize -= i; c -= i; for(; text[c] && text[c] != '\n'; c++); if(text[c]) c++; } } // Rename function memmove(text + movedFuncIdPos + newLen, text + movedFuncIdPos + movedFuncIdLen, textSize - movedFuncIdPos - movedFuncIdLen + 1); textSize += newLen - movedFuncIdLen; memcpy(text + movedFuncIdPos, methodName, newLen); f.Printf("\n\n "); f.Puts(text); } } if(methodAction == actionAddMethod && selected == classObject) { Method method = this.method; if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); // ADDING METHOD HERE { Type dataType = method.dataType; Type returnType = dataType.returnType; Type param; Class moduleClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, "Module"); f.Printf("\n\n"); f.Printf(" "); OutputType(f, returnType, false); f.Printf(" "); if(dataType.thisClass && !dataType.classObjectType) { if(dataType.thisClass.shortName) f.Printf(dataType.thisClass.shortName); else f.Printf(dataType.thisClass.string); f.Printf("::"); } f.Printf(; f.Printf("("); for(param = dataType.params.first; param; param = { OutputType(f, param, true); if( f.Printf(", "); } f.Printf(")\n"); f.Printf(" %c\n\n", OpenBracket); if(test._class._vTbl[method.vid] == moduleClass._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module_OnLoad]) // Temp Check for DefaultFunction { if(returnType && returnType.kind == classType && !strcmp(returnType._class.string, "bool")) f.Printf(" return true;\n"); else if(returnType && returnType.kind != voidType) f.Printf(" return 0;\n"); } else { f.Printf(" "); if(returnType.kind != voidType) f.Printf("return "); { char * name = ((Specifier)classDef.baseSpecs->first).name; Symbol _class = FindClass(name); f.Printf("%s::%s(", (_class && _class.registered) ? : name,; } for(param = dataType.params.first; param; param = { if(param.prev) f.Printf(", "); if(param.kind != voidType) f.Printf(; } f.Printf(");\n"); } f.Printf(" %c", CloseBracket); } } DeleteJunkBefore(f, classDef.loc.end.pos-1, &position); f.Printf("\n"); delete test; } updatingCode--; delete f; ParseCode(); delete text; // TOFIX: Patch for a glitch where clicking at the end of the view seems one line off. No idea what could be going on? editBox.OnVScroll(setRange, editBox.scroll.y, 0); } updatingCode--; codeModified = false; formModified = false; methodAction = 0; moveAttached = false; function = null; method = null; } int FindMethod(char * methodName /*Method method*/, ClassFunction*functionPtr, Location propLoc) { int found = 0; ClassFunction function = null; if(methodName) { ObjectInfo object = this.selected; if(object && object == this.oClass) { ClassDefinition classDef = object.oClass.classDefinition; ClassDef def; if(classDef && classDef.definitions) { for(def = classDef.definitions->first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef && def.function.declarator) { if(!strcmp(def.function.declarator.symbol.string, methodName)) { function = def.function; found = 1; break; } } else if(def.type == defaultPropertiesClassDef) { MemberInit propDef; for(propDef = def.defProperties->first; propDef; propDef = { Identifier ident = propDef.identifiers ? propDef.identifiers->first : null; if(ident && ! { if(!strcmp(ident.string, methodName) && propDef.initializer && propDef.initializer.type == expInitializer && propDef.initializer.exp && propDef.initializer.exp.type == identifierExp) { found = 2; if(propLoc != null) propLoc = propDef.loc; if(functionPtr) { ClassDefinition classDef = object.oClass.classDefinition; ClassDef def; if(classDef.definitions) { for(def = classDef.definitions->first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef) { if(!strcmp(def.function.declarator.symbol.string, propDef.initializer.exp.identifier.string)) { function = def.function; break; } } } if(function) break; } } else break; } } } } } } } else if(object) { Instantiation inst = object.instCode; // Check here to see if the method already exists, no need to call ModifyCode in that case if(inst && inst.members) { MembersInit members; for(members = inst.members->first; members; members = { switch(members.type) { case dataMembersInit: { if(members.dataMembers) { MemberInit member; for(member = members.dataMembers->first; member; member = { Identifier ident = member.identifiers ? member.identifiers->first : null; if(ident && ! { if(!strcmp(ident.string, methodName) && member.initializer && member.initializer.type == expInitializer && member.initializer.exp && member.initializer.exp.type == memberExp /*ExpIdentifier*/) { found = 2; if(propLoc != null) propLoc = member.loc; if(functionPtr) { ClassDefinition classDef = object.oClass.classDefinition; ClassDef def; if(classDef.definitions) { for(def = classDef.definitions->first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef) { if(def.function.declarator && !strcmp(def.function.declarator.symbol.string, member.initializer.exp.identifier.string)) { function = def.function; break; } } } if(function) break; } if(!function) { // TODO: Fix memory leak function = ClassFunction { declarator = Declarator { symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(member.initializer.exp.member.member ? member.initializer.exp.member.member.string : "") } } }; } } else break; } } } } break; } case methodMembersInit: { if(members.function.declarator && !strcmp(members.function.declarator.symbol.string, methodName)) { function = members.function; found = 1; } break; } } if(function) break; } } } } if(functionPtr) *functionPtr = function; return found; } void GoToMethod(char * methodName /*Method method*/) { if(methodName) { ObjectInfo object = selected; EditBoxStream f { editBox = editBox }; ClassFunction function = null; bool atChar = false; int indent = 6; EditLine l1, l2; int y1,y2, x1, x2; Location propLoc = { {0,0,-1} }; // GO TO THE METHOD if(FindMethod(methodName, &function, &propLoc) == 1 && object != this.oClass) indent = 9; if(function && function.body) { bool lfCount = 0; f.Seek(function.body.loc.start.pos+1, current); for(;;) { char ch; if(!f.Getc(&ch)) break; if(ch == '\n') { if(lfCount) { f.Seek(-1, current); break; } lfCount++; } else if(!isspace(ch)) { f.Seek(-1, current); atChar = true; break; } } } else if(propLoc.start.pos > -1) { f.Seek(propLoc.start.pos, current); atChar = true; } editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); delete f; if(function || propLoc.start.pos > -1) { editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, atChar ? x1 : indent, l2, y2, atChar ? x2 : indent); editBox.CenterOnCursor(); SetState(normal, false, 0); Activate(); if(function && function.declarator && function.declarator.symbol && !function.declarator.symbol.type) { FreeClassFunction(function); } } } } void FindCompatibleMethods(Method method, OldList compatible) { ClassDefinition classDef = this.oClass.classDefinition; if(classDef && classDef.definitions) { Class regClass { }; Class baseClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, ((Specifier)classDef.baseSpecs->first).name); ClassDef def; Class _class; Symbol classSym { }; Symbol selectedClass; if(this.selected == this.oClass) selectedClass = classSym; else selectedClass = FindClass(; =; regClass.base = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, ((Specifier)classDef.baseSpecs->first).name); for(def = classDef.definitions->first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef && def.function.declarator) { Method vMethod = eClass_FindMethod(baseClass, def.function.declarator.symbol.string, this.privateModule); if(!vMethod) vMethod = eClass_FindMethod(this.selected.instance._class, def.function.declarator.symbol.string, this.privateModule); if(!vMethod) { Type type = def.function.declarator.symbol.type; if(CheckCompatibleMethod(method, type, regClass, this.selected == this.oClass, FindClass( { compatible.Add(OldLink { data = def.function }); } } } } if(this.oClass && this.oClass.instance) { classSym.registered = regClass; //classSym.registered = this.oClass.oClass; for(_class = regClass.base; _class; _class = _class.base) { Method testMethod; for(testMethod = (Method)_class.methods.first; testMethod; testMethod = (Method)((BTNode)testMethod).next) { // TODO: Understand why these functions popup in attach list if(testMethod.type != virtualMethod /*&& testMethod.function != Window_OnGetString && testMethod.function != Window_OnGetDataFromString*/) { if(!testMethod.dataType) testMethod.dataType = ProcessTypeString(testMethod.dataTypeString, false); //if(CheckCompatibleMethod(method, testMethod.dataType, ®Class, false, selectedClass)) // this.selected == this.oClass, selectedClass)) if(CheckCompatibleMethod(method, testMethod.dataType, this.oClass.instance._class, false, selectedClass)) // this.selected == this.oClass, selectedClass)) //if(CheckCompatibleMethod(method, testMethod.dataType, ®Class, this.selected == this.oClass, FindClass( { // TODO: Fix memory leak, Figure out if it should be ClassFunction or FunctionDefinition // ClassFunction function { }; FunctionDefinition function { }; function.declarator = Declarator { }; function.declarator.symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString( }; excludedSymbols.Add(function.declarator.symbol); compatible.Add(OldLink { data = function }); } } } } } delete regClass; delete classSym; } } void AddMethod(Method method) { if(method) { char methodName[1024]; strcpy(methodName,; if(!FindMethod(methodName, null, null)) { methodAction = actionAddMethod; this.method = method; ModifyCode(); } UpdateFormCode(); GoToMethod(methodName); } } void DeleteMethod(ClassFunction function) { if(function) { methodAction = actionDeleteMethod; this.function = function; ModifyCode(); UpdateFormCode(); Update(null); } } void AttachMethod(Method method, ClassFunction function) { if(function) { // If it's an instance we'll ask if we want to move it inside... if(!function.attached.count && function.body) { // Find the function in the _class to check if it's a virtual function Class regClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, ((Specifier)this.oClass.classDefinition.baseSpecs->first).name); Method method = eClass_FindMethod(regClass, function.declarator.symbol.string, this.privateModule); /* LATER we'll need to check for public/virtual properties etc, for now only checked if virtual in base _class ClassDef def; for(def = this.classDefinition.first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef) { if(def.function == function) break; } } */ if(!method || method.type != virtualMethod) { char title[1024]; sprintf(title, $"Attach %s", function.declarator.symbol.string); if(MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = parent, text = title, contents = $"Method is unused. Move method inside instance?"}.Modal() == yes) { moveAttached = true; } } } methodAction = actionAttachMethod; this.method = method; this.function = function; ModifyCode(); UpdateFormCode(); Update(null); } } void ReAttachMethod(Method method, ClassFunction function) { if(function) { // If it's an instance we'll ask if we want to move it inside... if(!function.attached.count && function.body) { // Find the function in the _class to check if it's a virtual function Class regClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, ((Specifier)this.oClass.classDefinition.baseSpecs->first).name); Method method = eClass_FindMethod(regClass, function.declarator.symbol.string, this.privateModule); /* LATER we'll need to check for public/virtual properties etc, for now only checked if virtual in base _class ClassDef def; for(def = this.classDefinition.first; def; def = { if(def.type == functionClassDef) { if(def.function == function) break; } } */ if(!method || method.type != virtualMethod) { char title[1024]; sprintf(title, $"Attach %s", function.declarator.symbol.string); if(MessageBox { type = yesNo, master = parent, text = title, contents = $"Method is unused. Move method inside instance?" }.Modal() == yes) { moveAttached = true; } } } methodAction = actionReattachMethod; this.method = method; this.function = function; ModifyCode(); UpdateFormCode(); Update(null); } } void DetachMethod(Method method, ClassFunction function, int type) { bool result = true; if(type == 1) { Window dialog { hasClose = true, borderStyle = sizable, minClientSize = { 300, 55 }, master = sheet, text = $"Name detached method", background = formColor }; Button cancelButton { dialog, anchor = { horz = 45, top = 30 }, size = { 80 }, text = $"Cancel", hotKey = escape, id = DialogResult::cancel, NotifyClicked = ButtonCloseDialog }; Button okButton { dialog, anchor = { horz = -45, top = 30 }, size = { 80 }, text = $"OK", isDefault = true, id = DialogResult::ok, NotifyClicked = ButtonCloseDialog }; EditBox nameBox { dialog, anchor = { left = 5, right = 5, top = 5 } }; sprintf(methodName, "%s_%s",,; nameBox.contents = methodName; incref nameBox; result = dialog.Modal() == ok; strcpy(methodName, nameBox.contents); delete nameBox; } if(result) { // If the method is not attached, move it outside if(type == 1) { // Add this class to the methodName char name[1024] = ""; if(this.selected != this.oClass && !method.dataType.thisClass) { strcat(name,; strcat(name, "::"); strcat(name, this.methodName); strcpy(this.methodName, name); } else if(method.dataType.thisClass && (this.selected == this.oClass || !eClass_IsDerived(this.oClass.instance._class, method.dataType.thisClass.registered))) { strcat(name, method.dataType.thisClass.string); strcat(name, "::"); strcat(name, this.methodName); strcpy(this.methodName, name); } this.moveAttached = true; } this.methodAction = actionDetachMethod; this.method = method; this.function = function; ModifyCode(); UpdateFormCode(); Update(null); } } void AddObject(Instance instance, ObjectInfo * object) { int id; incref instance; //*object = _class.instances.Add(sizeof(ObjectInfo)); *object = ObjectInfo { }; oClass.instances.Insert((selected.oClass == selected) ? null : selected, *object); (*object).oClass = oClass; (*object).instance = instance; for(id = 1;; id++) { char name[1024]; ObjectInfo check; sprintf(name, "%c%s%d", tolower([0]),, id); // if(strcmp(name, { for(check = oClass.instances.first; check; check = if(!check.deleted && && !strcmp(name, break; if(!check) { (*object).name = CopyString(name); break; } } } toolBox.controlClass = null; ModifyCode(); //sheet.AddObject(*object, (*object).name, TypeData, true); selected = *object; } void EnsureUpToDate() { if(sheet && codeModified && parsing) ParseCode(); } void SelectObject(ObjectInfo object) { selected = object; oClass = object ? object.oClass : null; if(designer) designer.SelectObject(object, object ? object.instance : null); } void SelectObjectFromDesigner(ObjectInfo object) { selected = object; sheet.SelectObject(object); } void EnumerateObjects(Sheet sheet) { ObjectInfo oClass; for(oClass = classes.first; oClass; oClass = { if(oClass.instance) { ObjectInfo object; sheet.AddObject(oClass, ? :, typeClass, false); for(object = oClass.instances.first; object; object = sheet.AddObject(object, ? :, typeData, false); } } sheet.SelectObject(selected); } void AddControl() { designer.AddObject(); } void DeleteObject(ObjectInfo object) { delete object.instance; object.deleted = true; object.modified = true; object.oClass.modified = true; if(selected == object) { bool looped = false; ObjectInfo select = object; for(;;) { select = select.prev; if(!select) { if(looped) break; select = object.oClass.instances.last; if(!select) break; looped = true; } if(!select.deleted) break; } sheet.SelectObject(select ? select : oClass); } if(!object.instCode && object.oClass != object) { delete; oClass.instances.Delete(object); } if(sheet.codeEditor == this) sheet.DeleteObject(object); } void RenameObject(ObjectInfo object, char * name) { bool valid = false; // Validate the name: if(object != oClass && (!name || !name[0])) valid = true; // What's this one again? else if(name[0] && (isalpha(name[0]) || name[0] == '_')) { int c; for(c = 0; name[c]; c++) if(!isalnum(name[c]) && name[c] != '_' && name[c] != '_') break; if(!name[c]) valid = true; } if(valid) { delete; = (name && name[0]) ? CopyString(name) : null; sheet.RenameObject(object, ? :; } } void DesignerModifiedObject() { sheet.ListProperties(false); sheet.Update(null); } void ListSubMembers(Type member) { Type subMember; for(subMember = member.members.first; subMember; subMember = { if( { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; row.icon = icons[typeData]; } else { ListSubMembers(subMember); } } } void ListSubDataMembers(DataMember member, bool isPrivate) { DataMember subMember; for(subMember = member.members.first; subMember; subMember = { if((subMember.memberAccess == publicAccess && !isPrivate) || subMember._class.module == privateModule) { if( { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; BitmapResource bitmap = null; if(!subMember.dataType) subMember.dataType = ProcessTypeString(subMember.dataTypeString, false); if(subMember.dataType && subMember.dataType.kind == classType && subMember.dataType._class) { char * bitmapName = (char *)eClass_GetProperty(subMember.dataType._class.registered, "icon"); if(bitmapName) { bitmap = { bitmapName }; membersList.AddResource(bitmap); } } row.icon = bitmap ? bitmap : icons[(subMember.memberAccess == publicAccess && !isPrivate) ? typeData : typeDataPrivate]; } else { ListSubDataMembers(subMember, isPrivate || member.memberAccess == privateAccess); } } } } void ListClassMembers(Class whatClass, bool methodsOnly) { Class _class; Class baseClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, "class"); bool isPrivate = false; for(_class = whatClass; _class && _class.type != systemClass; _class = _class.base) { Method method, methodIt; DataMember member; DataMember memberIt; for(methodIt = (Method)_class.methods.first; methodIt; methodIt = (Method)((BTNode)methodIt).next) { method = eClass_FindMethod(whatClass,, privateModule); if(methodIt.memberAccess == privateAccess && method && method.memberAccess == publicAccess) method = methodIt; if(method && method._class.type != systemClass && !eClass_FindMethod(baseClass,, this.privateModule)) { if(method.memberAccess == publicAccess || method._class.module == privateModule) { DataRow row = membersList.FindString(; if(!row) { row = membersList.AddString(; if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); row.icon = icons[(method.type == virtualMethod && method.dataType && method.dataType.thisClass) ? typeEvent : ((method.memberAccess == publicAccess && !isPrivate) ? typeMethod : typeMethodPrivate)]; } } } } if(!methodsOnly) { for(memberIt = _class.membersAndProperties.first; memberIt; memberIt = { if( { if(memberIt.isProperty) { member = (DataMember)eClass_FindProperty(whatClass,, privateModule); if(!member) member = eClass_FindDataMember(whatClass,, privateModule, null, null); } else { member = eClass_FindDataMember(whatClass,, privateModule, null, null); if(!member) member = (DataMember)eClass_FindProperty(whatClass,, privateModule); } if(memberIt.memberAccess == privateAccess && member && member.memberAccess == publicAccess) member = memberIt; } else member = memberIt; if(member && (member.memberAccess == publicAccess || member._class.module == privateModule)) { if(member.isProperty) { Property prop = (Property) member; if(!membersList.FindString( { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; row.icon = icons[(member.memberAccess == publicAccess && !isPrivate) ? typeProperty : typePropertyPrivate]; } } else if( && !membersList.FindString( { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; BitmapResource bitmap = null; if(!member.dataType) member.dataType = ProcessTypeString(member.dataTypeString, false); if(member.dataType && member.dataType.kind == classType && member.dataType._class) { char * bitmapName = (char *)eClass_GetProperty(member.dataType._class.registered, "icon"); if(bitmapName) { bitmap = { bitmapName }; membersList.AddResource(bitmap); } } row.icon = bitmap ? bitmap : icons[(member.memberAccess == publicAccess && !isPrivate) ? typeData : typeDataPrivate]; } else ListSubDataMembers(member, member.memberAccess == privateAccess); } } } if(_class.inheritanceAccess == privateAccess) { isPrivate = true; if(_class.module != privateModule) break; } } } void ListClassMembersMatch(Class whatClass, Type methodType) { Class _class; Class baseClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, "class"); bool isPrivate = false; for(_class = whatClass; _class && _class.type != systemClass; _class = _class.base) { Method method; Property prop; DataMember member; for(method = (Method)_class.methods.first; method; method = (Method)((BTNode)method).next) { if(method.memberAccess == publicAccess || method._class.module == privateModule) { if(method._class.type != systemClass && !eClass_FindMethod(baseClass,, this.privateModule)) { if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); if(MatchTypes(method.dataType, methodType, null, whatClass, /*null, */whatClass, false, true, false, false)) { DataRow row = membersList.FindString(; if(!row) { row = membersList.AddString(; row.icon = icons[(method.type == virtualMethod && method.dataType.thisClass) ? typeEvent : ((method.memberAccess == publicAccess && !isPrivate) ? typeMethod : typeMethodPrivate)]; } } } } } if(_class.inheritanceAccess == privateAccess) { isPrivate = true; if(_class.module != privateModule) break; } } } void ListClassPropertiesAndVirtual(Class whatClass, String curString) { Class _class; bool isPrivate = false; for(_class = whatClass; _class /*&& _class.type != systemClass*/; _class = _class.base) { Method method; Property prop; DataMember member; for(method = (Method)_class.methods.first; method; method = (Method)((BTNode)method).next) { if(method.type == virtualMethod) { if(method.memberAccess == publicAccess || method._class.module == privateModule) { DataRow row = membersList.FindString(; if(!row) { row = membersList.AddString(; if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); row.icon = icons[method.dataType.thisClass ? typeEvent : ((method.memberAccess == publicAccess && !isPrivate) ? typeMethod : typeMethodPrivate)]; } } } } for(member = _class.membersAndProperties.first; member; member = { if(member.memberAccess == publicAccess || member._class.module == privateModule) { if(member.isProperty) { Property prop = (Property)member; { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; row.icon = icons[(member.memberAccess == publicAccess && !isPrivate) ? typeProperty : typePropertyPrivate]; } } else if( && (!curString || strcmp(curString, { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; BitmapResource bitmap = null; if(!member.dataType) member.dataType = ProcessTypeString(member.dataTypeString, false); if(member.dataType && member.dataType.kind == classType && member.dataType._class) { char * bitmapName = (char *)eClass_GetProperty(member.dataType._class.registered, "icon"); if(bitmapName) { bitmap = { bitmapName }; membersList.AddResource(bitmap); } } row.icon = bitmap ? bitmap : icons[(member.memberAccess == publicAccess && !isPrivate) ? typeData : typeDataPrivate]; } else ListSubDataMembers(member, member.memberAccess == privateAccess || isPrivate); } } if(_class.inheritanceAccess == privateAccess) { isPrivate = true; if(_class.module != privateModule) break; } } } void ListMembers(Type type) { if(type && (type.kind == classType || type.kind == structType || type.kind == unionType)) { Class _class; if(type.kind == classType) { if(type._class) ListClassMembers(type._class.registered, false); } else { Type member; for(member = type.members.first; member; member = { if( { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; row.icon = icons[typeData]; } else if(member.kind == structType || member.kind == unionType) ListSubMembers(member); } } } } void ListModule(Module mainModule, int recurse, bool listClasses) { Module module; ListNameSpace(mainModule.application.systemNameSpace, 1, listClasses); ListNameSpace(mainModule.application.privateNameSpace, 1, listClasses); ListNameSpace(mainModule.application.publicNameSpace, 1, listClasses); for(module = mainModule.application.allModules.first; module; module = { if(ModuleVisibility(mainModule, module)) ListNameSpace(module.publicNameSpace, recurse, listClasses); } } void ListNameSpace(NameSpace nameSpace, int recurse, bool listClasses) { NameSpace * ns; BTNamedLink link; if(listClasses) { for(link = (BTNamedLink)nameSpace.classes.first; link; link = (BTNamedLink)((BTNode)link).next) { Class _class =; if(_class.type != systemClass) { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; row.icon = (_class.type == unitClass || _class.type == enumClass) ? icons[typeDataType] : icons[typeClass]; } } } for(link = (BTNamedLink)nameSpace.defines.first; link; link = (BTNamedLink)((BTNode)link).next ) { DefinedExpression definedExp =; DataRow row = membersList.AddString(link /*definedExp*/.name); row.icon = icons[typeData]; } for(link = (BTNamedLink)nameSpace.functions.first; link; link = (BTNamedLink)((BTNode)link).next) { GlobalFunction function =; DataRow row = membersList.AddString(link /*function*/.name); row.icon = icons[typeMethod]; } for(ns = (NameSpace *)nameSpace.nameSpaces.first; ns; ns = (NameSpace *)((BTNode)ns).next) { if(recurse != 2 && listClasses) { if(!membersList.FindString(ns->name)) { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(ns->name); row.icon = icons[typeNameSpace]; } } if(recurse) ListNameSpace(ns, 2, listClasses); } } void ListEnumValues(Class _class) { List classes { }; for(; _class && _class.type == enumClass; _class = _class.base) classes.Insert(null, _class); for(_class : classes) { EnumClassData enumeration = (EnumClassData); NamedLink item; for(item = enumeration.values.first; item; item = { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; row.icon = icons[typeEnumValue]; } } delete classes; } bool ListEnumsModule(Module mainModule, Type dest) { bool result = false; Module module; result |= ListEnums(mainModule.application.systemNameSpace, dest); result |= ListEnums(mainModule.application.privateNameSpace, dest); result |= ListEnums(mainModule.application.publicNameSpace, dest); for(module = mainModule.application.allModules.first; module; module = { if(ModuleVisibility(mainModule, module)) result |= ListEnums(module.publicNameSpace, dest); } return result; } void ListNameSpaceByString(Module mainModule, char * string) { NameSpace * nameSpace; Module module; nameSpace = FindNameSpace(mainModule.application.systemNameSpace, string); if(nameSpace) ListNameSpace(nameSpace, 0, true); nameSpace = FindNameSpace(mainModule.application.privateNameSpace, string); if(nameSpace) ListNameSpace(nameSpace, 0, true); nameSpace = FindNameSpace(mainModule.application.publicNameSpace, string); if(nameSpace) ListNameSpace(nameSpace, 0, true); for(module = mainModule.application.allModules.first; module; module = { if(ModuleVisibility(mainModule, module)) { nameSpace = FindNameSpace(module.publicNameSpace, string); if(nameSpace) ListNameSpace(nameSpace, 0, true); } } } bool ListEnums(NameSpace nameSpace, Type dest) { BTNamedLink link; bool result = false; for(link = (BTNamedLink)nameSpace.classes.first; link; link = (BTNamedLink)((BTNode)link).next) { Class _class =; if(_class.type == enumClass && (dest.kind != classType || !dest._class || dest._class.registered != _class)) { OldList conversions { }; Type type { }; type.kind = classType; type._class = FindClass(; if(MatchTypes(type, dest, &conversions, null, null, true, false, false, false)) { ListEnumValues(_class); result = true; } conversions.Free(null); delete type; } } for(nameSpace = (NameSpace *)nameSpace.nameSpaces.first; nameSpace != null; nameSpace = (NameSpace *)((BTNode)nameSpace).next) { result |= ListEnums(nameSpace, dest); } return result; } NameSpace * FindNameSpace(NameSpace nameSpace, char * name) { int start = 0, c; char ch; for(c = 0; (ch = name[c]); c++) { if(ch == '.' || (ch == ':' && name[c+1] == ':')) { NameSpace * newSpace; char * spaceName = new char[c - start + 1]; memcpy(spaceName, name + start, c - start); spaceName[c-start] = '\0'; newSpace = (NameSpace *)nameSpace.nameSpaces.FindString(spaceName); delete spaceName; if(!newSpace) return null; nameSpace = newSpace; if(ch == ':') c++; start = c+1; } } if(c - start) { // name + start; } return (NameSpace *)nameSpace; } void ListSymbols(Expression exp, bool enumOnly, char * string, Identifier realIdentifier) { bool listedEnums = false; Type destType = (exp && exp.destType && !exp.destType.truth) ? exp.destType : null; bool listClasses = true; if(exp && (exp.type == identifierExp || exp.type == memberExp)) { // TOCHECK: This memberExp check wasn't here... Some stuff isn't quite done Identifier id = (exp.type == memberExp) ? exp.member.member : exp.identifier; char * colons = id ? RSearchString(id.string, "::", strlen(id.string), true, false) : null; if(exp.type == identifierExp) id = realIdentifier; if(id && id._class && ! { listClasses = false; SetThisClass(null); } else if(id && id._class && { if(id.classSym) { Class _class = id.classSym.registered; if(_class && _class.type == enumClass) { ListEnumValues(_class); } else ListClassMembers(id.classSym.registered, true); return; } return; } else if(id && colons) { ListNameSpaceByString(this.privateModule, id.string); return; } } if(this.privateModule && destType && (destType.kind != pointerType || destType.type.kind != voidType) && destType.kind != ellipsisType) { listedEnums = ListEnumsModule(this.privateModule, destType); } if(destType && destType.kind == classType && destType._class.registered && destType._class.registered.type == enumClass) { ListEnumValues(destType._class.registered); if(insideClass) ListClassPropertiesAndVirtual(insideClass, null); listedEnums = true; } else if(destType && destType.kind == enumType) { NamedLink value; for(value = destType.members.first; value; value = { DataRow row = membersList.AddString(; row.icon = icons[typeEnumValue]; } if(insideClass) ListClassPropertiesAndVirtual(insideClass, null); listedEnums = true; } else if(insideClass && !enumOnly) { ListClassPropertiesAndVirtual(insideClass, string); } if(listedEnums && string && string[0]) { DataRow row = membersList.FindSubString(string); if(!row) listedEnums = false; } if(!insideClass && exp && exp.destType && exp.destType.kind == functionType && GetThisClass()) { ListClassMembersMatch(GetThisClass(), exp.destType); } else if(!insideClass && !enumOnly && !listedEnums) { Context ctx; Symbol symbol = null; { if(GetThisClass()) { ListClassMembers(GetThisClass(), false); } for(ctx = listClasses ? GetCurrentContext() : GetTopContext(); ctx != GetTopContext().parent && !symbol; ctx = ctx.parent) { for(symbol = (Symbol)ctx.symbols.first; symbol; symbol = (Symbol)((BTNode)symbol).next) { // Don't list enum values? //if(symbol.type.kind != TypeEnum) DataRow row = membersList.FindString(symbol.string); if(!row) { if(GetBuildingEcereComModule() && symbol.type && symbol.type.kind == functionType && eSystem_FindFunction(privateModule, symbol.string)) continue; row = membersList.AddString(symbol.string); if(symbol.type && symbol.type.kind == functionType) row.icon = icons[typeMethod]; else if(symbol.type && symbol.type.kind == enumType) { row.icon = icons[typeEnumValue]; } else { BitmapResource bitmap = null; if(symbol.type && symbol.type.kind == classType && symbol.type._class && symbol.type._class) { char * bitmapName = (char *)eClass_GetProperty(symbol.type._class.registered, "icon"); if(bitmapName) { bitmap = { bitmapName }; membersList.AddResource(bitmap); } } row.icon = bitmap ? bitmap : icons[typeData]; } } } if(listClasses) { for(symbol = (Symbol)ctx.types.first; symbol; symbol = (Symbol)((BTNode)symbol).next) { DataRow row = membersList.FindString(symbol.string); if(!row) { row = membersList.AddString(symbol.string); if(symbol.type.kind == functionType) row.icon = icons[typeMethod]; else if(symbol.type.kind == classType && (!symbol.type._class.registered || (symbol.type._class.registered.type != unitClass && symbol.type._class.registered.type != enumClass))) { row.icon = icons[typeClass]; } else { row.icon = icons[typeDataType]; } } } } } ListModule(this.privateModule, 1, listClasses); // TODO: Implement this with name space /* { GlobalData data; for(data = globalData.first; data; data = { DataRow row = membersList.FindString(; if(!data.dataType) data.dataType = ProcessTypeString(data.dataTypeString, false); if(!row) { row = membersList.AddString(; if(data.dataType && data.dataType.kind == TypeEnum) { row.icon = icons[typeEnumValue]; } else { BitmapResource bitmap = null; if(data.dataType && data.dataType.kind == classType && data.dataType._class && data.dataType._class) { char * bitmapName = (char *)eClass_GetProperty(data.dataType._class.registered, "icon"); if(bitmapName) { bitmap = { bitmapName }; membersList.AddResource(bitmap); } } row.icon = bitmap ? bitmap : icons[typeData]; } } } } */ { DataRow row = membersList.AddString("Min"); row.icon = icons[typeMethod]; row = membersList.AddString("Max"); row.icon = icons[typeMethod]; row = membersList.AddString("Abs"); row.icon = icons[typeMethod]; row = membersList.AddString("Sgn"); row.icon = icons[typeMethod]; } } } } void OverrideVirtualFunction(ClassFunction function, Method method, Class _class, bool isInstance, bool extraIndent) { EditBoxStream f { editBox = editBox }; uint position = 0; EditLine l1, l2; int x1,y1,x2,y2; updatingCode = true; if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); DeleteJunkBefore(f, function.loc.start.pos, &position); f.DeleteBytes(function.loc.end.pos - function.loc.start.pos - 1); // ADDING METHOD HERE { Type dataType = method.dataType; Type returnType = dataType.returnType; Type param; Class moduleClass = eSystem_FindClass(this.privateModule, "Module"); if(insideDef.prev) f.Printf("\n\n"); else f.Printf("\n"); if(extraIndent) f.Printf(" "); f.Printf(" "); OutputType(f, returnType, false); f.Printf(" "); if(dataType.thisClass && !dataType.classObjectType && (!isInstance || !insideClass || !eClass_IsDerived(insideClass, dataType.thisClass.registered))) { if(dataType.thisClass.shortName) f.Printf(dataType.thisClass.shortName); else f.Printf(dataType.thisClass.string); f.Printf("::"); } f.Printf(; f.Printf("("); for(param = dataType.params.first; param; param = { // Decided not to write void... if(param.kind != voidType) { OutputType(f, param, true); if( f.Printf(", "); } } f.Printf(")\n"); if(extraIndent) f.Printf(" "); f.Printf(" %c\n", OpenBracket); editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); f.Printf("\n"); if(!_class || ( (isInstance ? _class : _class.base)._vTbl[method.vid] == moduleClass._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module_OnLoad] || (isInstance ? _class : _class.base)._vTbl[method.vid] == DummyMethod)) // Temp Check for DefaultFunction { if(returnType && returnType.kind == classType && !strcmp(returnType._class.string, "bool")) { if(extraIndent) f.Printf(" "); f.Printf(" return true;\n"); } else if(returnType && returnType.kind != voidType) { if(extraIndent) f.Printf(" "); f.Printf(" return 0;\n"); } } else { if(extraIndent) f.Printf(" "); f.Printf(" "); if(returnType.kind != voidType) f.Printf("return "); f.Printf("%s::%s(", isInstance ? :,; for(param = dataType.params.first; param; param = { if(param.prev) f.Printf(", "); if(param.kind != voidType) f.Printf(; } f.Printf(");\n"); } } if(extraIndent) f.Printf(" "); f.Printf(" %c", CloseBracket); // f.Printf("\n"); delete f; if(extraIndent) { x1 += 3; x2 += 3; } editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1 + 6, l2, y2, x2 + 6); this.updatingCode = false; } // Return false if we overrided a function and don't want to run params listing bool InvokeAutoComplete(bool enumOnly, int pointer, bool caretMove) { bool didOverride = false; EditLine line = editBox.line; char * text = line.text; int lineNum, charPos; Expression exp = null; EditLine l1, l2; int x1,y1, x2,y2; //Identifier id = null; Expression memberExp = null; Identifier realIdentifier = null; if(!parsing) return true; if(!privateModule) return !didOverride; insideFunction = null; charPos = editBox.charPos + 1; if(!membersListShown) { EnsureUpToDate(); } editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); { EditBoxStream f { editBox = editBox }; updatingCode = true; editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1, l2, y2, x2); for(;;) { char ch; if(!f.Seek(-1, current)) break; f.Getc(&ch); if(!isspace(ch)) break; f.Seek(-1, current); } editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); lineNum = editBox.lineNumber + 1; charPos = editBox.charPos + 1; delete f; updatingCode = false; } if(!membersListShown) { memberExp = FindExpTree(ast, lineNum, charPos); if(memberExp && (memberExp.type == TypeKind::memberExp || memberExp.type == pointerExp) && !memberExp.addedThis) { } else if(!pointer) { editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); { EditBoxStream f { editBox = editBox }; char ch = 0; updatingCode = true; editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1, l2, y2, x2); f.Getc(&ch); if(ch == '}' || ch == ',' || ch == ')') { f.Seek(-1, current); ch = ' '; } if(isspace(ch)) { for(;;) { char ch; if(!f.Seek(-1, current)) break; f.Getc(&ch); if(!isspace(ch)) break; f.Seek(-1, current); } } else f.Seek(-1, current); editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); lineNum = editBox.lineNumber + 1; charPos = editBox.charPos + 1; delete f; updatingCode = false; } realIdentifier = FindCtxTree(ast, lineNum, charPos); exp = ctxInsideExp; } } editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); lineNum = editBox.lineNumber + 1; charPos = editBox.charPos/* + 1*/; { int rowCount; char tempString[1024]; char * string = null; CodePosition idStart, idEnd; if(membersListShown) { char * buffer = membersLine.text; int c; bool firstChar = true; int len = 0; string = tempString; for(c = membersLoc.start.charPos; c= 0; y--) { char * buffer = editLine.text; int lineCount = editLine.count; for(x = (y == lineNum-1) ? (Min(charPos, lineCount) - 1 ): lineCount-1; x >= 0; x--) { bool isSpace = (buffer[x] == ' ' || buffer[x] == '\t'); if(!isSpace) { if(firstChar) { idEnd.charPos = x + 2; idEnd.line = y + 1; } firstChar = false; } // TESTING THIS CODE HERE FOR NOT CONSIDERING bool when doing ctrl-space past it else if(firstChar) { idEnd.charPos = x + 2; idEnd.line = y + 1; done = true; break; } if(!firstChar) { if(!isalnum(buffer[x]) && buffer[x] != '_') { x++; done = true; break; } memmove(string+1, string, len++); string[0] = buffer[x]; } } //if(done || firstChar) if(done || !firstChar) break; editLine = editLine.prev; } string[len] = 0; if(!strcmp(string, "case")) { idEnd.charPos += 4; x+=4; string[0] = '\0'; } else if(!strcmp(string, "return")) { idEnd.charPos += 6; x+=6; string[0] = '\0'; } else if(!strcmp(string, "delete")) { idEnd.charPos += 6; x+=6; string[0] = '\0'; } else if(!strcmp(string, "new")) { idEnd.charPos += 3; x+=3; string[0] = '\0'; } else if(!strcmp(string, "renew")) { idEnd.charPos +=5; x+=5; string[0] = '\0'; } if(x < 0) x = 0; idStart.charPos = x + 1; idStart.line = y + 1; } if(!membersListShown) { membersList.Clear(); if(memberExp && (memberExp.type == ExpressionType::memberExp || memberExp.type == pointerExp) && !memberExp.addedThis) { Type type = memberExp.member.exp.expType; if(pointer == 2 && type) { if(type.kind == pointerType || type.kind == arrayType) type = type.type; /*else type = null;*/ } ListMembers(type); } else if(!pointer) { ListSymbols(exp, enumOnly, string, realIdentifier); } membersList.Sort(null, 1); } if(insideFunction) { // Virtual function override Identifier id = GetDeclId(insideFunction.declarator); char * string = id ? id.string : null; Method method = eClass_FindMethod(GetThisClass(), string, this.privateModule); if(method) { if(method.type != virtualMethod || (!insideInstance && method._class == GetThisClass())) insideFunction = null; else { OverrideVirtualFunction(insideFunction, method, GetThisClass(), insideInstance, insideInstance && insideClass); didOverride = true; } } } if(!didOverride) //insideFunction) { rowCount = membersList.rowCount; if(rowCount) { DataRow row = string ? membersList.FindSubString(string) : null; if(row && !membersList.FindSubStringAfter(row, string) && !caretMove) { char * newString = row.string; if(!membersListShown) { membersLoc.start.line = idStart.line-1; membersLoc.start.charPos = idStart.charPos-1; //membersLoc.end = membersLoc.start; membersLoc.end.charPos = idEnd.charPos-1; membersLoc.end.line = idEnd.line-1; //membersLoc.end.charPos = idStart.charPos + strlen(string)-1; //end.charPos-1; //membersLoc.end.charPos = idStart.charPos + strlen(string)-1; //end.charPos-1; membersLine = line; } else { membersList.Destroy(0); membersListShown = false; } editBox.GoToPosition(membersLine, membersLoc.start.line, membersLoc.start.charPos); editBox.Delete( line, membersLoc.start.line, membersLoc.start.charPos, line, membersLoc.end.line, membersLoc.end.charPos); editBox.PutS(newString); } else { if(!row) { row = membersList.FindSubStringi(string); if(row) membersList.currentRow = row; membersList.currentRow.selected = false; } else membersList.currentRow = row; if(!membersListShown) { Point caret; // TESTING THESE ADDITIONS TO THE IF SO THAT CARET ISNT MOVED IF NOT ON TOP OF A WORD if(string && string[0] && lineNum == idStart.line && charPos >= idStart.charPos-1 && charPos <= idEnd.charPos-1) editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, idStart.charPos-1, l2, y2, idStart.charPos-1); editBox.GetCaretPosition(caret); editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1, l2, y2, x2); membersList.master = this; caret.y += editBox.GetCaretSize(); caret.x -= 20; membersList.Create(); { int x = caret.x + editBox.absPosition.x - app.desktop.absPosition.x - editBox.scroll.x; int y = caret.y + editBox.absPosition.y - app.desktop.absPosition.y - editBox.scroll.y; Window parent = membersList.parent; if(!paramsAbove && (paramsShown || y + membersList.size.h > parent.clientSize.h)) { y -= editBox.GetCaretSize() + membersList.size.h; membersAbove = true; } else membersAbove = false; membersList.position = { x, y }; } membersLine = l1; membersLoc.start.line = lineNum - 1; if(string && string[0]) { membersLoc.start.charPos = idStart.charPos-1; membersLoc.end = membersLoc.start; //membersLoc.end.charPos = id.loc.end.charPos-1; membersLoc.end.charPos = idStart.charPos + strlen(string)-1; //end.charPos-1; } else { membersLoc.start.charPos = charPos; membersLoc.end = membersLoc.start; membersLoc.end.charPos = charPos; } membersListShown = true; // Hack to keep caret shown editBox.GetCaretPosition(caret); editBox.SetCaret(caret.x, caret.y, editBox.GetCaretSize()); } if(row) membersList.SetScrollPosition(0, row.index * membersList.rowHeight); } } } } SetCurrentContext(globalContext); SetThisClass(null); return !didOverride; } void InvokeParameters(bool exact, bool reposition, bool caretMove) { EditLine line = editBox.line; char * text = line.text; int lineNum, charPos; Expression exp = null; EditLine l1, l2; int x1,y1, x2,y2; if(!parsing) return; charPos = editBox.charPos + 1; EnsureUpToDate(); editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); { EditBoxStream f { editBox = editBox }; char ch; updatingCode = true; editBox.SetSelPos(l1, y1, x1, l2, y2, x2); f.Getc(&ch); if(ch == '}' || ch == ',' || ch == ')') { f.Seek(-1, current); ch = ' '; } if(isspace(ch)) { for(;;) { char ch; if(!f.Seek(-1, current)) break; f.Getc(&ch); if(!isspace(ch)) break; f.Seek(-1, current); } } else f.Seek(-1, current); editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); lineNum = editBox.lineNumber + 1; charPos = editBox.charPos + 1; delete f; updatingCode = false; } charPos = Min(charPos, l1.count + 1); if(!caretMove) FindParamsTree(ast, lineNum, charPos); // Not sure about this == ExpCall... paramsInsideExp doesn't seem to necessarily be a ExpCall if(exact && ((::functionType && paramsInsideExp.type == callExp && != charPos-1) /*|| instanceType*/)) { ::functionType = null; ::instanceType = null; } //if((::functionType || ::instanceType) && (!paramsShown || insideExp != functionExp || ::paramsID != this.paramsID)) if((::functionType || ::instanceType) && (!paramsShown || true /*paramsInsideExp.destType != functionExp.destType */|| ::paramsID != this.paramsID)) { int x, y; Window parent = paramsList.parent; if(this.functionType != ::functionType || this.instanceType != ::instanceType) reposition = false; if(!this.paramsShown || reposition || paramsInsideExp != functionExp || ::instanceType) // Added instanceType here, otherwise instance popups never reposition... // ( Dummy exp: always ends up with same memory) { editBox.GetSelPos(&l1, &y1, &x1, &l2, &y2, &x2, false); editBox.GetCaretPosition(paramsPosition); this.paramsPosition.y += editBox.GetCaretSize(); } FreeType(this.functionType); FreeType(this.instanceType); this.functionType = ::functionType; this.instanceType = ::instanceType; if(this.functionType) this.functionType.refCount++; if(this.instanceType) this.instanceType.refCount++; this.paramsID = ::paramsID; functionExp = paramsInsideExp; paramsList.master = this; paramsList.Create(); x = paramsPosition.x + editBox.absPosition.x - app.desktop.absPosition.x - editBox.scroll.x; y = paramsPosition.y + editBox.absPosition.y - app.desktop.absPosition.y - editBox.scroll.y; if(!this.membersAbove && ( this.membersListShown || y + paramsList.size.h > parent.clientSize.h) ) { y -= editBox.GetCaretSize() + paramsList.clientSize.h; paramsAbove = true; } else paramsAbove = false; if(x + paramsList.size.w > parent.clientSize.w) { x = parent.clientSize.w - paramsList.size.w; if(x < 0) x = 0; } paramsList.position = { x, y }; // Hack to keep caret shown { Point caret; editBox.GetCaretPosition(caret); editBox.SetCaret(caret.x, caret.y, editBox.GetCaretSize()); } this.paramsShown = true; } else if((!::functionType && !::instanceType) || reposition) { paramsList.Destroy(0); paramsShown = false; FreeType(this.functionType); FreeType(this.instanceType); this.functionType = null; this.instanceType = null; this.paramsID = -1; } SetCurrentContext(globalContext); SetThisClass(null); } bool ViewDesigner() { if(designer) { designer.visible = true; designer.Activate(); } return true; } }; CodeEditor NewCodeEditor(Window parent, WindowState state, bool modified) { CodeEditor document { state = state, parent = parent, modifiedDocument = modified }; document.Create(); return document; }