import "ide" import "WorkspaceSettings" import "ProjectTabSettings" import "StringsBox" // import "SelectorBar" static ProjectConfig config; static Platform platform; static ProjectNode currentNode; static Project project; static String MakeString(char * s, int len) { String string = new char[len+1]; memcpy(string, s, len); string[len] = 0; return string; } class StringListBox : EditBox { textHorzScroll = true; property Array strings { set { contents = ""; if(value) { bool first = true; for(item : value) { if(!first) AddS(" "); AddS(item); first = false; } } } get { Array array { }; int c, start = 0; char * contents = property::contents; char ch; bool quoted = false; for(c = 0; (ch = contents[c]); c++) { if(ch == ' ' && !quoted) { if(c - start) array.Add(MakeString(contents + start, c - start)); start = c + 1; } else if(ch == '\"') { if(quoted) quoted = false; else quoted = true; } } if(c - start) array.Add(MakeString(contents + start, c - start)); return array; } } } define dialogTitle = $"Project Settings"; static Color unfocusedSelectorColor { 70, 96, 166 }; class ProjectSettings : Window { text = dialogTitle; background = formColor; borderStyle = sizable; minClientSize = { 650, 520 }; hasClose = true; tabCycle = true; size = { 650, 520 }; property Project project { set { ::project = value; projectTab.project = value; buildTab.Init(); buildTab.SelectNode(project.topNode, false); if(project && project.topNode && &&[0]) UpdateDialogTitle(); } get { return ::project; } }; property ProjectNode projectNode { set { buildTab.SelectNode(value, false); } get { return currentNode; } } void UpdateDialogTitle() { //char * s = PrintString("Project Settings - ", project.topNode.fileName); //text = s; char * projectName = new char[strlen( + 1]; char * nodeName = currentNode && currentNode != project.topNode ? : ""; char * config = buildTab.selectedConfigName; char * platform = buildTab.selectedPlatformName; char * label = new char[strlen(dialogTitle) + 3 + strlen( + 3 + strlen(nodeName) + 2 + strlen(config) + 1 + strlen(platform) + 1 + 1]; strcpy(label, dialogTitle); strcat(label, " - "); strcpy(projectName,; StripExtension(projectName); strcat(label, projectName); if(currentNode && currentNode.type != project) { strcat(label, " - "); strcat(label, nodeName); } if(strlen(config) || strlen(platform)) { strcat(label, " ("); if(strlen(config)) strcat(label, config); if(strlen(config) && strlen(platform)) strcat(label, "/"); if(strlen(platform)) strcat(label, platform); strcat(label, ")"); } text = label; delete projectName; delete label; } ~ProjectSettings() { currentNode = null; } TabControl prjTabControl { this, background = formColor, anchor = { left = 8, top = 4, right = 8, bottom = 38 }; }; ProjectTab projectTab { this, tabControl = prjTabControl }; BuildTab buildTab { this, tabControl = prjTabControl }; WorkspaceTab workspaceTab { this, tabControl = prjTabControl }; Button cancel { this, size = { 80, 22 }; anchor = { right = 8, bottom = 8 }; text = $"Cancel", hotKey = escape, id = DialogResult::cancel; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(prjTabControl.curTab.modifiedDocument) { DialogResult diagRes = MessageBox { type = okCancel, master = ide, text = $"Lose Changes?", contents = $"Are you sure you wish to discard changes made to the build options?" }.Modal(); if(diagRes == ok) { if(prjTabControl.curTab == buildTab) { buildTab.RevertChanges(); buildTab.modifiedDocument = false; } if(prjTabControl.curTab == workspaceTab) { workspaceTab.modifiedDocument = false; } if(prjTabControl.curTab == projectTab) { projectTab.modifiedDocument = false; } Destroy(DialogResult::cancel); } } else Destroy(DialogResult::cancel); return true; } }; Button ok { this, size = { 80, 22 }; anchor = { right = 96, bottom = 8 }; text = $"OK", isDefault = true; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(prjTabControl.curTab == buildTab && buildTab.modifiedDocument) { buildTab.modifiedDocument = false; project.topNode.modified = true; project.MarkChanges(buildTab.backupNode); ide.projectView.modifiedDocument = true; ide.projectView.Update(null); } if(prjTabControl.curTab == workspaceTab && workspaceTab.modifiedDocument) { workspaceTab.SaveChanges(); workspaceTab.modifiedDocument = false; } if(prjTabControl.curTab == projectTab && projectTab.modifiedDocument) { projectTab.SaveChanges(); projectTab.modifiedDocument = false; } Destroy(DialogResult::ok); return true; } }; bool OnPostCreate() { UpdateDialogTitle(); prjTabControl.curTab = buildTab; ((DirectoriesBox)buildTab.compilerTab.includeDirs.editor).baseBrowsePath = project.topNode.path; ((DirectoriesBox)buildTab.linkerTab.libraryDirs.editor).baseBrowsePath = project.topNode.path; return true; } } #define OPTION(x) ((uint)(&((ProjectOptions)0).x)) // TOFIX: USING T INSTEAD OF Z HERE CAUSED US SOME CONFLICTS WITH T IN Array TEMPLATES // the BlendFileConfigPlatformProjectOptions function and the GenericOptionTools class // contain code that is closely matched to the following code // output changing modification should be mirrored in both implementations class OptionBox : CommonControl { bool mergeValues, configReplaces; void * chainKeyDown; autoCreate = false; ~OptionBox() { delete editor; } property Window editor { set { editor = value; incref editor; editor.OnRightButtonDown = OptionBox_OnRightButtonDown; chainKeyDown = (void *)editor.OnKeyDown; editor.OnKeyDown = OptionBox_OnKeyDown; } } property bool visible { set { editor.visible = value; } get { return editor.visible; } } property Window parent { set { editor.parent = value; Window::parent = value; master = value; = (int64)this; } } property Point position { set { editor.position = value; } } property Size size { set { editor.size = value; } } property Anchor anchor { set { editor.anchor = value; } } property Key hotKey { set { editor.hotKey = value; } } property char * text { set { editor.text = value; Window::text = value; } } uint option; Window editor; Menu clearMenu { }; MenuItem clearItem { clearMenu, $"Clear"; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { OptionBox ob = (OptionBox)id; if(eClass_IsDerived(ob._class, class(CheckBoxForEnumOptionBox))) { Window slave; for(slave = ob.master.firstSlave; slave; slave = slave.nextSlave) { if(eClass_IsDerived(slave._class, class(CheckBoxForEnumOptionBox)) && ((OptionBox)slave).option == ob.option) ((OptionBox)slave).Unset(); } } else ob.Unset(); return true; } }; bool Window::OptionBox_OnRightButtonDown(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { OptionBox ob = (OptionBox)id; GuiApplication app = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule.application); Activate(); PopupMenu { null, this, menu = ob.clearMenu, position = { absPosition.x + clientStart.x + x - app.desktop.position.x, absPosition.y + clientStart.y + y - app.desktop.position.y } }.Create(); return true; } bool Window::OptionBox_OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { OptionBox ob = (OptionBox)id; if(key == Key { del, ctrl = true } || key == Key { keyPadDelete, ctrl = true }) { ob.Unset(); return false; } return (((bool(*)(Window, Key, unichar)) ob.chainKeyDown)(this, key, ch); } // code: 0 = not set anywhere, 1 = overridden here, 2 = inherited void SetAttribs(int code) { Window c; Label label = null; for(c = Window::parent.firstChild; c; c = { if(eClass_IsDerived(c._class, class(Label))) { label = (Label)c; if(label.labeledWindow == this) break; } } if(!c) { label = null; for(c = editor.firstChild; c; c = { if(eClass_IsDerived(c._class, class(Label))) { label = (Label)c; break; } } } // control.foreground = foreground; if(code == 0 || code == 1) { editor.font = { editor.font.faceName, editor.font.size, bold = (code == 1) }; editor.background = white; } else if(code == 2) { Color foreground = 0x0F3F66; int r = foreground.r, g = foreground.g, b = foreground.b; Color src = white; double alpha = 0.1; editor.font = { editor.font.faceName, editor.font.size }; r = (int)(alpha * r + src.r * (1 - alpha)); g = (int)(alpha * g + src.g * (1 - alpha)); b = (int)(alpha * b + src.b * (1 - alpha)); r = Max(0,Min(255,r)); g = Max(0,Min(255,g)); b = Max(0,Min(255,b)); editor.background = Color { (byte) r, (byte) g, (byte) b }; } if(label) { label.font = { editor.font.faceName, editor.font.size, bold = (code == 1) }; //label.foreground = foreground; } } virtual void FinalizeLoading(); virtual void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options); virtual void RetrieveOption(ProjectOptions options, bool isCfgOrPlt); virtual void UnsetOption(ProjectOptions options) { Z value = (Z)0; *(Z*)((byte *)options + option) = value; } virtual bool OptionSet(ProjectOptions options) { // TOFIX: If you get a crash here, it might be because must be after in the project files // must also be before in the project files if(*(Z*)((byte *)options + option)) return true; return false; } // BUG: OptionCheck = OptionSet; // Overrides derived classes OptionCheck ? virtual bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options) { return OptionSet(options); } void MarkBuildTabModified() { BuildTab buildTab = (BuildTab)master; while(buildTab && buildTab._class != class(BuildTab)) buildTab = (BuildTab)buildTab.master; if(buildTab) buildTab.modifiedDocument = true; } void Unset() { char * platformName = platform ? platform.OnGetString(0,0,0) : null; MarkBuildTabModified(); if(config) { ProjectConfig c = null; if(currentNode.configurations) { for(i : currentNode.configurations; !strcmpi(, { c = i; break; } if(c) { if(platform) { PlatformOptions p = null; if(c.platforms) { for(i : c.platforms; !strcmpi(, platformName)) { p = i; break; } if(p) { if(p.options && OptionSet(p.options)) UnsetOption(p.options); if(p.options && p.options.isEmpty) delete p.options; if(!p.options) { Iterator it { c.platforms }; if(it.Find(p)) { it.Remove(); delete p; } } } if(!c.platforms.count) c.platforms = null; } Load(); return; } if(c.options && OptionSet(c.options)) UnsetOption(c.options); if(c.options && c.options.isEmpty) delete c.options; // DON'T DELETE PROJECT CONFIGS HERE! if(!c.options && currentNode != project.topNode) { Iterator it { currentNode.configurations }; if(it.Find(c)) { it.Remove(); delete c; } } } if(!currentNode.configurations.count) currentNode.configurations = null; } Load(); return; } if(platform) { PlatformOptions p = null; if(currentNode.platforms) { for(i : currentNode.platforms; !strcmpi(, platformName)) { p = i; break; } if(p) { if(p.options && OptionSet(p.options)) UnsetOption(p.options); if(p.options && p.options.isEmpty) delete p.options; if(!p.options) { Iterator it { currentNode.platforms }; if(it.Find(p)) { it.Remove(p); delete p; } } } if(!currentNode.platforms.count) currentNode.platforms = null; } Load(); return; } if(currentNode.options && OptionSet(currentNode.options)) UnsetOption(currentNode.options); if(currentNode.options && currentNode.options.isEmpty) { // delete currentNode.options; // Property will free: currentNode.options = null; } Load(); } void FigureOutInherited() { ProjectNode node; char * platformName = platform ? platform.OnGetString(0,0,0) : null; bool skipped = false; for(node = currentNode; node; node = node.parent) { bool configXplatformSet = false; if(config && node.configurations) { for(c : node.configurations; !strcmpi(, { if(platform && c.platforms) { for(p : c.platforms; !strcmpi(, platformName)) { if(p.options && OptionSet(p.options)) { if(skipped) LoadOption(p.options); } configXplatformSet = true; skipped = true; break; } } if(skipped && c.options && OptionSet(c.options)) { LoadOption(c.options); if(configReplaces) return; } skipped = true; break; } } if((!configXplatformSet || !configReplaces) && platform && node.platforms) { for(p : node.platforms; !strcmpi(, platformName)) { if(skipped && p.options && OptionSet(p.options)) LoadOption(p.options); skipped = true; break; } } if(skipped && node.options && OptionSet(node.options)) LoadOption(node.options); else if(skipped && !node.parent) LoadOption(null); skipped = true; } } void Retrieve() { char * platformName = platform ? platform.OnGetString(0,0,0) : null; MarkBuildTabModified(); if(config) { ProjectConfig c = null; if(!currentNode.configurations) currentNode.configurations = { }; for(i : currentNode.configurations; !strcmpi(, { c = i; break; } if(!c) currentNode.configurations.Add(c = ProjectConfig { name = CopyString( }); if(platform) { PlatformOptions p = null; if(!c.platforms) c.platforms = { }; for(i : c.platforms; !strcmpi(, platformName)) { p = i; break; } if(!p) c.platforms.Add(p = PlatformOptions { CopyString(platformName) }); if(!p.options) p.options = { }; RetrieveOption(p.options, true); if(!mergeValues) SetAttribs(1); return; } if(!c.options) c.options = { }; RetrieveOption(c.options, true); if(!mergeValues) SetAttribs(1); return; } if(platform) { PlatformOptions p = null; if(!currentNode.platforms) currentNode.platforms = { }; for(i : currentNode.platforms; !strcmpi(, platformName)) { p = i; break; } if(!p) currentNode.platforms.Add(p = PlatformOptions { CopyString(platformName) }); if(!p.options) p.options = { }; RetrieveOption(p.options, true); if(!mergeValues) SetAttribs(1); return; } if(!currentNode.options) currentNode.options = { }; RetrieveOption(currentNode.options, false); if(!mergeValues) SetAttribs((currentNode.parent || OptionCheck(currentNode.options)) ? 1 : 0); } void Load() { ProjectNode node; char * platformName = platform ? platform.OnGetString(0,0,0) : null; bool setAttribs = false; for(node = currentNode; node; node = node.parent) { bool configXplatformSet = false; ProjectConfig nodeConfig = null; if(config && node.configurations) { for(c : node.configurations; !strcmpi(, { if(platform && c.platforms) { for(p : c.platforms; !strcmpi(, platformName)) { if(p.options && (mergeValues ? OptionCheck(p.options) : OptionSet(p.options))) { LoadOption(p.options); if(!setAttribs) { setAttribs = true; SetAttribs((node == currentNode) ? 1 : 2); } if(!mergeValues) { FinalizeLoading(); return; } configXplatformSet = true; } break; } } nodeConfig = c; break; } } if(platform && node.platforms && (!configXplatformSet || !configReplaces)) { for(p : node.platforms; !strcmpi(, platformName)) { if(p.options && (mergeValues ? OptionCheck(p.options) : OptionSet(p.options))) { LoadOption(p.options); if(!setAttribs) { setAttribs = true; SetAttribs((node == currentNode && !config) ? 1 : 2); } if(!mergeValues) { FinalizeLoading(); return; } } break; } } if(nodeConfig && nodeConfig.options && ((mergeValues && !configReplaces) ? OptionCheck(nodeConfig.options) : OptionSet(nodeConfig.options))) { LoadOption(nodeConfig.options); if(!setAttribs) { setAttribs = true; SetAttribs((node == currentNode && !platform) ? 1 : 2); } if(!mergeValues || configReplaces) { FinalizeLoading(); return; } } if(node.options && (mergeValues ? OptionCheck(node.options) : OptionSet(node.options))) { LoadOption(node.options); if(!node.parent && !OptionCheck(node.options)) { if(!setAttribs) { setAttribs = true; SetAttribs(0); } } else { if(!setAttribs) { setAttribs = true; SetAttribs((node == currentNode && !config && !platform) ? 1 : 2); } } if(!mergeValues) { FinalizeLoading(); return; } } else if(!node.parent) { LoadOption(null); if(!setAttribs) { setAttribs = true; SetAttribs(0); } if(!mergeValues) { FinalizeLoading(); return; } } } FinalizeLoading(); } } class StringOptionBox : OptionBox { editor = EditBox { bool NotifyModified(EditBox editBox) { ((OptionBox); return true; } textHorzScroll = true; }; void RetrieveOption(ProjectOptions options, bool isCfgOrPlt) { String * string = (String*)((byte *)options + option); if(*string) delete *string; *string = CopyString(((EditBox)editor).contents); } void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options) { ((EditBox)editor).contents = options ? *(String*)((byte *)options + option) : ""; ((EditBox)editor).Deselect(); } bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options) { String string = *(String*)((byte *)options + option); return string && string[0]; } void UnsetOption(ProjectOptions options) { delete *(String*)((byte *)options + option); } } class PathOptionBox : OptionBox { bool Window::EditBoxORB(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { Window parent = this.parent; x += clientStart.x + position.x; y += clientStart.y + position.y; return ((OptionBox)this).OptionBox_OnRightButtonDown(parent, x, y, mods); } editor = PathBox { typeExpected = directory, browseDialog = { }; editBox.OnRightButtonDown = (void *)EditBoxORB; bool NotifyModified(PathBox pathBox) { FixPathOnPathBoxNotifyModified(pathBox); ((OptionBox); return true; } }; void RetrieveOption(ProjectOptions options, bool isCfgOrPlt) { String * string = (String*)((byte *)options + option); String slashPath = ((PathBox)editor).slashPath; if(*string) delete *string; *string = CopyString(slashPath);//(slashPath && slashPath[0]) ? CopyString(slashPath) : null; } void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options) { ((PathBox)editor).path = options ? *(String*)((byte *)options + option) : ""; ((PathBox)editor).Deselect(); } bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options) { String string = *(String*)((byte *)options + option); return string && string[0]; } void UnsetOption(ProjectOptions options) { delete *(String*)((byte *)options + option); } } class MultiStringOptionBox : OptionBox> { bool caseSensitive; mergeValues = true; caseSensitive = true; virtual Array GetStrings(); virtual void SetStrings(Array value); Array tempStrings; void RetrieveOption(ProjectOptions options, bool isCfgOrPlt) { Array newStrings = GetStrings(); Array * strings = (Array*)((byte *)options + option); if(*strings) { strings->Free(); delete *strings; } if(mergeValues) { Iterator it { newStrings }; FigureOutInherited(); if(tempStrings) { Array ts = tempStrings; while(it.Next()) { String s =; bool found = false; for(i : tempStrings; !(caseSensitive ? strcmp : strcmpi)(i, s)) { found = true; break; } if(found && (!configReplaces || platform)) // ADDED || platform here... { delete s; it.Remove(); } } } delete tempStrings; } if(!mergeValues || (configReplaces && isCfgOrPlt && !platform)) *strings = newStrings; else { *strings = (newStrings && newStrings.count) ? newStrings : null; if(newStrings && !newStrings.count) delete newStrings; } Load(); } void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options) { if(mergeValues) { Array strings = options ? *((Array*)((byte *)options + option) : null; if(strings) { if(!tempStrings) tempStrings = { }; for(s : strings) { bool found = false; for(i : tempStrings; !(caseSensitive ? strcmp : strcmpi)(i, s)) { found = true; break; } if(!found) tempStrings.Add(s); } } } else { SetStrings(options ? *(Array*)((byte *)options + option) : null); } } void FinalizeLoading() { if(mergeValues) { SetStrings(tempStrings); delete tempStrings; } } bool OptionSet(ProjectOptions options) { Array strings = *(Array*)((byte *)options + option); if(mergeValues && !configReplaces) { return strings && strings.count; } else return strings != null; } bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options) { Array strings = *(Array*)((byte *)options + option); return strings && strings.count; } void UnsetOption(ProjectOptions options) { Array * strings = (Array*)((byte *)options + option); if(*strings) { strings->Free(); delete *strings; } } } class StringArrayOptionBox : MultiStringOptionBox { editor = StringListBox { bool NotifyModified(EditBox editBox) { ((OptionBox); return true; } }; // NO VIRTUAL PROPERTIES YET... Array GetStrings() { return ((StringListBox)editor).strings; } void SetStrings(Array value) { ((StringListBox)editor).strings = value; } } class StringsArrayOptionBox : MultiStringOptionBox { editor = StringsBox { bool OnCreate() { project = ::project; return true; } bool NotifyModified(StringsBox stringsBox) { ((OptionBox); return true; } }; Array GetStrings() { return ((StringsBox)editor).strings; } void SetStrings(Array value) { ((StringsBox)editor).strings = value; } } bool eString_IsPathRelatedTo(char * path, char * to) { if(path[0] && to[0]) { char rest[MAX_FILENAME]; char pathPart[MAX_FILENAME], pathRest[MAX_LOCATION] = ""; char toPart[MAX_FILENAME], toRest[MAX_LOCATION] = ""; SplitDirectory(path, pathPart, pathRest); SplitDirectory(to, toPart, toRest); if(!fstrcmp(pathPart, toPart)) { if(pathRest[0] && toRest[0]) { SplitDirectory(pathRest, pathPart, pathRest); SplitDirectory(toRest, toPart, toRest); if(!fstrcmp(pathPart, toPart)) return true; } } } return false; } static void FixPathOnPathBoxNotifyModified(PathBox pathBox) { int len; char path[MAX_LOCATION]; #ifdef __WIN32__ bool volumePath = false; #endif strcpy(path, pathBox.path); TrimLSpaces(path, path); TrimRSpaces(path, path); MakeSystemPath(path); #ifdef __WIN32__ if(path[0] && path[1] == ':') { path[1] = '_'; volumePath = true; } #endif { char * chars = "*|:\",<>?"; char ch, * s = path, * o = path; while((ch = *s++)) { if(!strchr(chars, ch)) *o++ = ch; } *o = '\0'; } len = strlen(path); if(len>1 && path[len-1] == DIR_SEP) path[--len] = '\0'; #ifdef __WIN32__ if(volumePath && path[0]) path[1] = ':'; #endif if(len && !(path[0] == '.' && (len == 1 || (len == 2 && path[1] == DIR_SEP) || (len > 1 && path[1] == '.')))) { char cwdBackup[MAX_LOCATION]; if(project) { GetWorkingDir(cwdBackup, sizeof(cwdBackup)); ChangeWorkingDir(project.topNode.path); } FileFixCase(path); if(project) ChangeWorkingDir(cwdBackup); if(eString_IsPathRelatedTo(path, project.topNode.path)) MakePathRelative(path, project.topNode.path, path); if(!path[0]) strcpy(path, "."); } pathBox.path = path; } class DirsArrayOptionBox : MultiStringOptionBox { editor = DirectoriesBox { bool NotifyModified(DirectoriesBox dirsBox) { ((OptionBox); return true; } bool NotifyPathBoxModified(DirectoriesBox dirsBox, PathBox pathBox) { FixPathOnPathBoxNotifyModified(pathBox); return true; } }; Array GetStrings() { return ((DirectoriesBox)editor).strings; } void SetStrings(Array value) { ((DirectoriesBox)editor).strings = value; } } class BoolOptionBox : OptionBox { editor = Button { isCheckbox = true; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { ((OptionBox); return true; } }; bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options) { return *(SetBool*)((byte *)options + option) == true; } void RetrieveOption(ProjectOptions options, bool isCfgOrPlt) { bool checked = ((Button)editor).checked; *(SetBool*)((byte *)options + option) = checked ? true : ((currentNode.parent || isCfgOrPlt) ? false : unset); } void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options) { ((Button)editor).checked = options && (*(SetBool*)((byte *)options + option) == true); } } class CheckBoxForEnumOptionBox : OptionBox { editor = Button { isCheckbox = true; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { ((OptionBox); { Window slave; for(slave = master.firstSlave; slave; slave = slave.nextSlave) { if(eClass_IsDerived(slave._class, class(CheckBoxForEnumOptionBox)) && slave != (Window) && ((OptionBox)slave).option == ((OptionBox) ((OptionBox)slave).Load(); } } return true; } }; Z enumValue; void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options) { Z value = options ? *(Z*)((byte *)options + option) : (Z)0; ((Button)editor).checked = value == enumValue; } void RetrieveOption(ProjectOptions options, bool isCfgOrPlt) { Button checkBox = (Button)editor; if(checkBox.checked) *(Z*)((byte *)options + option) = enumValue; } } class BuildBitDepthOptionBox : CheckBoxForEnumOptionBox { } class DropOptionBox : OptionBox { editor = DropBox { bool NotifySelect(DropBox dropBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { ((OptionBox); return true; } }; void LoadOption(ProjectOptions options) { DropBox dropBox = (DropBox)editor; Z value = options ? *(Z*)((byte *)options + option) : (Z)0; dropBox.currentRow = value ? dropBox.FindRow((int64)value) : dropBox.firstRow; } void RetrieveOption(ProjectOptions options, bool isCfgOrPlt) { DropBox dropBox = (DropBox)editor; DataRow row = dropBox.currentRow; Z value = (Z)(row ? row.tag : 0); *(Z*)((byte *)options + option) = value; } } class TargetTypeDB : DropOptionBox { TargetTypeDB() { DataRow row; row = ((DropBox)editor).AddRow(); row.tag = TargetTypes::executable; row.SetData(null, $"Executable"); row = ((DropBox)editor).AddRow(); row.tag = TargetTypes::sharedLibrary; row.SetData(null, $"Shared Library"); row = ((DropBox)editor).AddRow(); row.tag = TargetTypes::staticLibrary; row.SetData(null, $"Static Library"); } bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options) { TargetTypes value = *(TargetTypes*)((byte *)options + option); return value && value != executable; } } class OptimizationDB : DropOptionBox { OptimizationDB() { DataRow row; row = ((DropBox)editor).AddRow(); row.tag = OptimizationStrategy::none; row.SetData(null, $"None"); row = ((DropBox)editor).AddRow(); row.tag = OptimizationStrategy::speed; row.SetData(null, $"For Speed (-O2)"); row = ((DropBox)editor).AddRow(); row.tag = OptimizationStrategy::size; row.SetData(null, $"For Size (-Os)"); } bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options) { OptimizationStrategy value = *(OptimizationStrategy*)((byte *)options + option); return value && value != none; } } class WarningsDB : DropOptionBox { WarningsDB() { DataRow row; row = ((DropBox)editor).AddRow(); row.tag = WarningsOption::normal; row.SetData(null, $"Normal"); row = ((DropBox)editor).AddRow(); row.tag = WarningsOption::none; row.SetData(null, $"None"); row = ((DropBox)editor).AddRow(); row.tag = WarningsOption::all; row.SetData(null, $"All"); } bool OptionCheck(ProjectOptions options) { WarningsOption value = *(WarningsOption*)((byte *)options + option); return value && value != none; } } void DrawStipple(Surface surface, Size clientSize) { int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; int x2 = clientSize.w - 1; int y2 = clientSize.h - 1; if((x2 - x1) & 1) x2--; if((y2 - y1) & 1) y2--; surface.LineStipple(0x5555); surface.Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); surface.LineStipple(0); } class BuildTab : Tab { text = $"Build"; background = formColor; tabCycle = true; ProjectNode backupNode; String activeConfigName; ProjectNode lastSelectedNode; property char * selectedConfigName { get { if(created) { SelectorButton button = (SelectorButton)configSelector.selectedButton; if(button && { ProjectConfig config = (ProjectConfig); return; } } return ""; } } property char * selectedPlatformName { get { if(created) { SelectorButton button = (SelectorButton)platformSelector.selectedButton; if(button && { Platform platform = (Platform); char * platformName = platform ? platform.OnGetString(0,0,0) : null; // all these platformName are leaking, no? return platformName; } } return ""; } } Label labelConfigurations { this, anchor = { left = 8, top = 14 }, labeledWindow = configSelector; void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { Label::OnRedraw(surface); if( DrawStipple(surface, clientSize); } }; SelectorBar configSelector { this, text = $"Configurations: ", anchor = { left = 98, top = 8, right = 54 }; size = { 0, 26 }; opacity = 0; direction = horizontal, scrollable = true; bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { if(key == insert) { ((BuildTab)parent).createConfig.NotifyClicked(parent, ((BuildTab)parent).createConfig, 0, 0, 0); return false; } else if(key == del) { ((BuildTab)parent).deleteConfig.NotifyClicked(parent, ((BuildTab)parent).deleteConfig, 0, 0, 0); return false; } return SelectorBar::OnKeyDown(key, ch); } bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { ((BuildTab)master).labelConfigurations.Update(null); return true; } }; Button createConfig { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 10, right = 31 }; hotKey = altC, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = ":actions/docNew.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button b, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { char tmp[MAX_F_STRING]; ProjectConfig config; EditableSelectorButton button; FindUniqueConfigName("NewConfig", false, tmp); config = { makingModified = true; compilingModified = true; linkingModified = true; name = CopyString(tmp); options = { // objectsDirectory = /*CopyString(*/defaultObjDirExpression/*)*/; }; }; if(!project.topNode.configurations) project.topNode.configurations = { }; project.topNode.configurations.Add(config); /* targetType = project.config.options.targetType; config.options. config.options.targetFileName = project.moduleName; config.options.targetDir.dir = ""; config.options.objectsDirectory = defaultObjDirExpression); config.options.debug = true; config.options.optimization = none; config.options.warnings = all; */ button = { configSelector, renameable = true, master = this, text =, id = (int64)config; NotifyClicked = ConfigClicked, OnRename = ConfigOnRename; }; configSelector.Select(button); modifiedDocument = true; return true; } }; /*Button duplicateConfig { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 10, right = 31 }; hotKey = altU, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = ":actions/editCopy.png", alphaBlend = true }; };*/ Button deleteConfig { parent = this, bevelOver = true, inactive = true; size = { 22, 22 }; anchor = { top = 10, right = 8 }; hotKey = altD, bitmap = BitmapResource { fileName = ":actions/delete2.png", alphaBlend = true }; bool NotifyClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(config) { String title = PrintString($"Delete ",, $" Configuration"); String msg = PrintString($"Are you sure you wish to delete the ",, $" configuration?"); if(MessageBox { type = okCancel, text = title, contents = msg }.Modal() == ok) { Iterator it { configSelector.controls }; ProjectConfig configToDelete = config; /* while(it.Next()) { SelectorButton button = (SelectorButton); if((ProjectConfig) == config) { button.visible = false; button.Destroy(0); if(it.Prev()) { button = (SelectorButton); config = (ProjectConfig); configSelector.Select(button); } break; } } */ SelectorButton button = configSelector.FindButtonByID((int64)configToDelete); if(button) configSelector.RemoveButton(button); project.topNode.DeleteConfig(configToDelete); modifiedDocument = true; } delete title; delete msg; } return true; } }; Label labelPlatforms { this, anchor = { left = 8, top = 44 }, labeledWindow = platformSelector; void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { Label::OnRedraw(surface); if( DrawStipple(surface, clientSize); } }; SelectorBar platformSelector { this, text = $"Platforms: ", anchor = { left = 64, top = 38, right = 54 }; size = { 0, 26 }; opacity = 0; direction = horizontal, scrollable = true; bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { ((BuildTab)master).labelPlatforms.Update(null); return true; } }; TabControl buildTabControl { this, background = formColor, anchor = { left = 8, top = 64, right = 8, bottom = 8 }; curTab = compilerTab; }; CompilerTab compilerTab { this, tabControl = buildTabControl }; LinkerTab linkerTab { this, tabControl = buildTabControl }; BuilderTab builderTab { this, tabControl = buildTabControl }; Label rightClick { this, font = { font.faceName, font.size, italic = true }, stayOnTop = true, text = $"(Right click or press Ctrl-Del to revert an option to inherited value)", anchor = { top = 72, right = 16 } }; void FindUniqueConfigName(char * baseName, bool startWithNumber, char * output) { int num = 0; char tmp[MAX_F_STRING]; if(startWithNumber) sprintf(tmp, "%s%d", baseName, num); else strcpy(tmp, baseName); while(true) { ProjectConfig config = null; for(c : project.topNode.configurations) { // TOFIX: Error when omitting these brackets, c not found if( && !strcmp(, tmp)) { config = c; break; } } if(config) { num++; sprintf(tmp, "%s%d", baseName, num); } else break; } strcpy(output, tmp); } bool PlatformClicked(Button clickedButton, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(!eClass_IsDerived(clickedButton._class, class(EditableSelectorButton)) || !((EditableSelectorButton)clickedButton).editBox) { platform = (Platform); // Load Settings Into Dialog compilerTab.LoadSettings(); linkerTab.LoadSettings(); builderTab.LoadSettings(); if(!mods) buildTabControl.Activate(); if(compilerTab.rightPaneHeader.visible) compilerTab.rightPaneHeader.Update(null); ((ProjectSettings)master).UpdateDialogTitle(); } return true; } ~BuildTab() { platformSelector.DestroyChildren(); configSelector.DestroyChildren(); delete activeConfigName; } bool ConfigOnRename(EditableSelectorButton button, char * * oldName, char * * newName) { int c, d = 0; char ch; for(c = 0; (ch = (*newName)[c]); c++) { if(ch == '_' || isalpha(ch) || (isdigit(ch) && d)) (*newName)[d++] = ch; } (*newName)[d] = 0; { bool found = false; for(c : project.topNode.configurations; c != config) { if(!strcmpi(, *newName)) { found = true; break; } } if(found || !(*newName)[0]) { char tmp[MAX_F_STRING]; char * tmpName =; = null; FindUniqueConfigName("NewConfig", false, tmp); = tmpName; delete *newName; *newName = CopyString(tmp); } } if(activeConfigName && !strcmp(activeConfigName, *oldName)) { delete activeConfigName; activeConfigName = CopyString(*newName); } project.topNode.RenameConfig(, *newName); modifiedDocument = true; return true; } bool ConfigClicked(Button clickedButton, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(!eClass_IsDerived(clickedButton._class, class(EditableSelectorButton)) || !((EditableSelectorButton)clickedButton).editBox) { config = (ProjectConfig); // Load Settings Into Dialog compilerTab.LoadSettings(); linkerTab.LoadSettings(); builderTab.LoadSettings(); deleteConfig.disabled = (clickedButton._class == class(SelectorButton)); if(!mods) buildTabControl.Activate(); compilerTab.fileList.Update(null); if(compilerTab.rightPaneHeader.visible) compilerTab.rightPaneHeader.Update(null); ((ProjectSettings)master).UpdateDialogTitle(); } return true; } void SelectNode(ProjectNode node, bool ignoreAsLastSelection) { if(node != currentNode) { Window ac = compilerTab.rightPane.activeChild; bool prevNodeRes = currentNode ? currentNode.isInResources : false; bool newNodeRes; if(!node) node = project.topNode; newNodeRes = node.isInResources; currentNode = node; if(!ignoreAsLastSelection) lastSelectedNode = node; ((ProjectSettings)master).UpdateDialogTitle(); if(node.type == project) { compilerTab.rightPaneHeader.visible = false; } else { = (int64)node; compilerTab.rightPaneHeader.Update(null); compilerTab.rightPaneHeader.visible = true; } { DataRow row = compilerTab.fileList.FindSubRow((int64)currentNode); if(row) { compilerTab.fileList.currentRow = row; while((row = row.parent)) row.collapsed = false; } } if(prevNodeRes != newNodeRes) { compilerTab.labelObjDir.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.objDir.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.excludeFromBuild.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.labelPreprocessorDefs.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.preprocessorDefs.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.labelDefaultNameSpace.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.defaultNameSpace.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.strictNameSpaces.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.memoryGuard.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.noLineNumbers.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.debug.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.labelWarnings.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.warnings.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.profiling.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.labelOptimization.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.optimization.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.fastMath.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.labelIncludeDirs.visible = !newNodeRes; compilerTab.includeDirs.visible = !newNodeRes; } if(node == project.topNode) { compilerTab.objDir.visible = true; compilerTab.labelObjDir.visible = true; compilerTab.excludeFromBuild.visible = false; } else { compilerTab.objDir.visible = false; compilerTab.labelObjDir.visible = false; compilerTab.excludeFromBuild.visible = (node != project.resNode); } // Load Settings Into Dialog compilerTab.LoadSettings(); linkerTab.LoadSettings(); builderTab.LoadSettings(); if(ac) { if(!ac.visible) { if(ac == compilerTab.excludeFromBuild.editor) ac = compilerTab.objDir.editor; else if(compilerTab.excludeFromBuild.editor.visible) ac = compilerTab.excludeFromBuild.editor; } ac.MakeActive(); } } } void CreateConfigButtons() { SelectorButton commonButton; // Create Config Buttons commonButton = SelectorButton { configSelector, master = this, text = $"Common", id = (int64)null; font = { font.faceName, font.size, true }; checked = true; NotifyClicked = ConfigClicked; }; config = null; if(project.topNode.configurations) { for(c : project.topNode.configurations) { EditableSelectorButton button { configSelector, master = this, renameable = true, text =, id = (int64)c; NotifyClicked = ConfigClicked, OnRename = ConfigOnRename; }; } } } void Init() { Platform p; SelectorButton button; activeConfigName = project.config ? CopyString( : null; compilerTab.AddNode(project.topNode, null); CreateConfigButtons(); platformButton = button = { platformSelector, master = this, text = $"Common", id = 0; font = { font.faceName, font.size, true }; NotifyClicked = PlatformClicked; checked = true; }; platform = 0; for(p = (Platform)1; p < Platform::enumSize; p++) { SelectorButton button { platformSelector, master = this, text = p.OnGetString(0,0,0), id = (int64)p; NotifyClicked = PlatformClicked; }; } } SelectorButton platformButton; bool OnPostCreate() { // Backup Current Settings backupNode = project.topNode.Backup(); buildTabControl.Activate(); { Iterator it { configSelector.controls }; while(it.Next()) { SelectorButton configButton = (SelectorButton); ProjectConfig buttonConfig = (ProjectConfig); if(buttonConfig == project.config) { configButton.Activate(); configButton.checked = true; ConfigClicked(configButton, 0, 0, (Modifiers)null); break; } } } if(platformButton) { platformButton.MakeActive(); platformButton = null; } return true; } void OnDestroy() { delete backupNode; lastSelectedNode = null; project.config = null; /* // THIS IS NOW AUTOMATED WITH A project CHECK IN ProjectNode project.configurations = project.topNode.configurations; project.platforms = project.topNode.platforms; project.options = project.topNode.options; */ if(project.topNode.configurations) { for(c : project.topNode.configurations) { if(!strcmpi(, activeConfigName)) { project.config = c; break; } } } if(!project.config) { List configs = project.topNode.configurations; if(configs && configs.count) project.config = configs[0]; } ide.UpdateToolBarActiveConfigs(false); } void RevertChanges() { String configName = config ? CopyString( : null; // Revert to saved project options project.topNode.Revert(backupNode); configSelector.DestroyChildren(); CreateConfigButtons(); // Reselect Configuration if(configName) { Iterator it { configSelector.controls }; while(it.Next()) { Button button = (Button); ProjectConfig c = (ProjectConfig); if(c && !strcmp(, configName)) { config = c; button.Activate(); button.checked = true; ConfigClicked(button, 0,0, 0); break; } } } SelectNode(project.topNode, false); delete configName; } bool OnClose(bool parentClosing) { if(modifiedDocument) { DialogResult diagRes = MessageBox { type = yesNoCancel, master = ide, text = $"Save changes to project settings?", contents = $"Would you like to save changes made to the build options?" }.Modal(); if(diagRes == no) RevertChanges(); if(diagRes == cancel) return false; if(diagRes == yes) { project.MarkChanges(backupNode); project.topNode.modified = true; ide.projectView.modifiedDocument = true; ide.UpdateToolBarActiveConfigs(false); ide.projectView.Update(null); } modifiedDocument = false; } return true; } } class CompilerTab : Tab { background = formColor; text = $"Compiler"; Window leftPane { this, size = { 180 }, anchor = { left = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }, background = formColor }; Label labelFileList { leftPane, this, position = { 8, 8 }, labeledWindow = fileList }; ListBox fileList { leftPane, this, borderStyle = deep, hasVertScroll = true, hasHorzScroll = true; // THIS WOULD BE EVEN MORE FUN: multiSelect = true, fullRowSelect = false, collapseControl = true, treeBranches = true; alwaysHighLight = true; selectionColor = unfocusedSelectorColor; size = { 180 }; anchor = Anchor { left = 8, top = 24, right = 4, bottom = 8 }; text = $"Files"; bool NotifySelect(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { BuildTab buildTab = (BuildTab)master; ProjectNode node = (ProjectNode)row.tag; buildTab.SelectNode(node, false); return true; } void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { ide.projectView.drawingInProjectSettingsDialog = true; ListBox::OnRedraw(surface); ide.projectView.drawingInProjectSettingsDialog = false; } bool NotifyActivate(Window window, bool active, Window previous) { if(active) { //subclass(Skin) skinClass = (subclass(Skin))eSystem_FindClass(app,; fileList.selectionColor = Color { 10, 36, 106 }; //skinClass.selectionColor; // darkBlue; } else if(fileList.currentRow) { DataRow currentRow = fileList.currentRow; //int headerSize = (( ? fileList.rowHeight : 0); int height = fileList.clientSize.h + 1;// - fileList.headerSize; fileList.selectionColor = unfocusedSelectorColor; if(currentRow && currentRow.index * fileList.rowHeight > fileList.scroll.y + height - fileList.rowHeight) fileList.SetScrollPosition(fileList.scroll.x, currentRow.index * fileList.rowHeight - height + fileList.rowHeight); else if(!currentRow || currentRow.index * fileList.rowHeight < fileList.scroll.y) fileList.SetScrollPosition(fileList.scroll.x, currentRow ? currentRow.index * fileList.rowHeight : 0); } return true; } }; Window rightPane { this, anchor = { left = 196, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0 }, background = formColor, tabCycle = true; }; Window rightPaneHeader { rightPane, this, size = { h = 21 }, anchor = { left = 0, top = 0, right = 0 }, background = Color { 70, 96, 166 };//0x0F3F66; foreground = white; visible = false; void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { if(id) { ide.projectView.drawingInProjectSettingsDialogHeader = true; ((void (*)(void *, void *, void *, int, int, int, void *, uint, uint))(void *)class(ProjectNode)._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay])(class(ProjectNode), (void *)id, surface, 8, 2, clientSize.w, ide.projectView, Alignment::left, DataDisplayFlags { selected = true }); ide.projectView.drawingInProjectSettingsDialogHeader = false; } } }; PaneSplitter splitter { this, leftPane = leftPane, rightPane = rightPane, split = 188 }; Label labelObjDir { rightPane, this, position = { 8, 8 }, labeledWindow = objDir }; PathOptionBox objDir { rightPane, this, size = { 250, 22 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 24, right = 8 }; text = $"Intermediate Objects Directory", hotKey = altJ, option = OPTION(objectsDirectory); }; BoolOptionBox excludeFromBuild { rightPane, this, position = { 8, 28 }, text = $"Exclude from Build", visible = false, option = OPTION(excludeFromBuild); }; Label labelPreprocessorDefs { rightPane, this, position = { 8, 50 }, labeledWindow = preprocessorDefs }; StringArrayOptionBox preprocessorDefs { rightPane, this, size = { 290, 22 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 66, right = 8 }; text = $"Preprocessor Definitions", hotKey = altD, option = OPTION(preprocessorDefinitions); }; Label labelDefaultNameSpace { rightPane, this, position = { 8, 92 }, labeledWindow = defaultNameSpace }; StringOptionBox defaultNameSpace { rightPane, this, size = { 160, 22 }, position = { 8, 108 }; text = $"Default Name Space", option = OPTION(defaultNameSpace); }; BoolOptionBox strictNameSpaces { rightPane, this, position = { 172, 112 }, text = $"Strict Name Spaces", option = OPTION(strictNameSpaces); }; BoolOptionBox fastMath { rightPane, this, position = { 316, 112 }, text = $"Fast Math", option = OPTION(fastMath); }; BoolOptionBox memoryGuard { rightPane, this, position = { 8, 154 }; text = $"MemoryGuard", hotKey = altM, option = OPTION(memoryGuard); }; Label labelWarnings { rightPane, position = { 116, 138 }, labeledWindow = warnings }; WarningsDB warnings { rightPane, this, position = { 116, 154 }; text = $"Warnings", hotKey = altW, option = OPTION(warnings); }; Label labelOptimization { rightPane, position = { 220, 138 }, labeledWindow = optimization }; OptimizationDB optimization { rightPane, this, position = { 220, 154 }, size = { 120, 22 }; text = $"Optimization", hotKey = altO, option = OPTION(optimization); }; BoolOptionBox debug { rightPane, this, position = { 8, 188 }; text = $"Debuggable", hotKey = altG, option = OPTION(debug); }; BoolOptionBox profiling { rightPane, this, position = { 116, 188 }; text = $"Profiling Data", hotKey = altP, option = OPTION(profile); }; BoolOptionBox noLineNumbers { rightPane, this, position = { 220, 188 }; text = $"No Line Numbers", hotKey = altN, option = OPTION(noLineNumbers); }; Label labelCompilerOptions { rightPane, this, position = { 8, 208 }, labeledWindow = compilerOptions }; StringArrayOptionBox compilerOptions { rightPane, this, size = { 290, 22 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 224, right = 8 }; text = $"Compiler Options", hotKey = altO, option = OPTION(compilerOptions); configReplaces = true; }; Label labelIncludeDirs { includeDirs.editor, labeledWindow = includeDirs, position = { 0, 6 }; }; DirsArrayOptionBox includeDirs { rightPane, this, size = { 290, 22 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 250, right = 8, bottom = 8 }; text = $"Additional Include Directories", hotKey = altI, option = OPTION(includeDirs); }; CompilerTab() { fileList.AddField(DataField { dataType = class(ProjectNode), freeData = false, userData = null /* Now set in the ProjectNode directly to know we're in ProjectSettings Dialog -- ide.projectView*/ }); } bool OnCreate() { BuildTab buildTab = (BuildTab)master; buildTab.SelectNode(buildTab.lastSelectedNode, true); return true; } void AddNode(ProjectNode node, DataRow addTo) { DataRow row = addTo ? addTo.AddRow() : fileList.AddRow(); row.tag = (int64)node; row.SetData(null, node); if(node.files && node.files.first && node.parent && !(!node.parent.parent && (!strcmpi(, "notes") || !strcmpi(, "sources") || !strcmpi(, "src") || !strcmpi(, "tools")))) row.collapsed = true; else if(node.type == folder) node.icon = openFolder; if(node.files) { for(child : node.files) AddNode(child, row); } } void LoadSettings() { OptionBox ob; for(ob = (OptionBox)firstSlave; ob; ob = (OptionBox)ob.nextSlave) if(eClass_IsDerived(ob._class, class(OptionBox))) ob.Load(); if(activeChild && { Window control = activeChild; control.Deactivate(); control.Activate(); } } bool OnPostCreate() { objDir.editor.Activate(); return true; } } class LinkerTab : Tab { background = formColor; text = $"Linker"; Label labelTargetName { this, position = { 8, 8 }, labeledWindow = targetName }; StringOptionBox targetName { this, position = { 8, 24 }, size = { 200, 22 }; text = $"Target Name", hotKey = altN, option = OPTION(targetFileName); }; Label labelTargetType { this, position = { 216, 8 }, labeledWindow = targetType }; TargetTypeDB targetType { this, position = { 216, 24 }, size = { 120, 22 }; text = $"Target Type", hotKey = altT, option = OPTION(targetType); }; Label labelTargetDirectory { this, position = { 344, 8 }, labeledWindow = targetDirectory }; PathOptionBox targetDirectory { this, size = { 270, 22 }, anchor = { left = 344, top = 24, right = 8 }; hotKey = altR, text = $"Target Directory", option = OPTION(targetDirectory); }; Label labelLibraries { this, position = { 8, 50 }, labeledWindow = libraries }; StringArrayOptionBox libraries { this, size = { 290, 22 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 66, right = 8 }; text = $"Additional Libraries", hotKey = altL, option = OPTION(libraries); configReplaces = true; }; Label labelLinkerOptions { this, position = { 8, 92 }, labeledWindow = linkerOptions }; StringArrayOptionBox linkerOptions { this, size = { 290, 22 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 108, right = 8 }; text = $"Linker Options", hotKey = altO, option = OPTION(linkerOptions); configReplaces = true; }; BoolOptionBox console { this, position = { 8, 138 }; text = $"Console Application", hotKey = altC, option = OPTION(console); }; BoolOptionBox compress { this, position = { 8, 162 }; text = $"Compress", hotKey = altW, option = OPTION(compress); }; Label labelLibraryDirs { libraryDirs.editor, labeledWindow = libraryDirs, position = { 0, 6 }; }; DirsArrayOptionBox libraryDirs { this, size = { 290, 22 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 182, right = 8, bottom = 8 }; text = $"Additional Library Directories", hotKey = altY, option = OPTION(libraryDirs); }; bool OnCreate() { ((BuildTab)master).SelectNode(project.topNode, true); return true; } void LoadSettings() { OptionBox ob; for(ob = (OptionBox)firstSlave; ob; ob = (OptionBox)ob.nextSlave) if(eClass_IsDerived(ob._class, class(OptionBox))) ob.Load(); compress.disabled = (config && config.options && config.options.debug == true) || project.topNode.options.debug == true; if(activeChild && { Window control = activeChild; control.Deactivate(); control.Activate(); } } } class BuilderTab : Tab { background = formColor; text = $"Builder"; Label labelPrebuildCommands { prebuildCommands.editor, labeledWindow = prebuildCommands, position = { 0, 6 }; }; StringsArrayOptionBox prebuildCommands { this, size = { 290, 100 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 8, right = 8, bottom = 0.5 }; text = $"Pre-build Commands", hotKey = altE, option = OPTION(prebuildCommands); }; Label labelPostbuildCommands { postbuildCommands.editor, labeledWindow = postbuildCommands, position = { 0, 6 }; }; StringsArrayOptionBox postbuildCommands { this, size = { 290 }, anchor = { left = 8, top = 0.5, right = 8, bottom = 8 }; text = $"Post-build Commands", hotKey = altT, option = OPTION(postbuildCommands); }; void LoadSettings() { bool disabled = strlen(((BuildTab)master).selectedPlatformName) > 0; OptionBox ob; for(ob = (OptionBox)firstSlave; ob; ob = (OptionBox)ob.nextSlave) if(eClass_IsDerived(ob._class, class(OptionBox))) ob.Load(); if(activeChild && { Window control = activeChild; control.Deactivate(); control.Activate(); } } }