import "ecere" import "lines" import "htmlParser" enum BlockType { HTML, TEXT = 1, IMAGE, BR, BODY, FONT, CENTER, TABLE, TR, TD, ANCHOR, INPUT, FORM, TITLE, HEAD }; define LEFT_MARGIN = 10; define RIGHT_MARGIN = 10; define TOP_MARGIN = 10; define BOTTOM_MARGIN = 10; enum VerticalAlignment { middle, top, bottom }; enum HorizontalAlignment { none, left, middle, right }; define CELL_SPACING = 0; class RenderFlags { bool lineW:1,width:1,render:1,minW:1; }; enum InputType { text, submit, checkbox, radio, hidden }; class ImageEntry : struct { ImageEntry prev, next; uint size; char * src; OldList bitmapPtrs; Bitmap bitmap; bool missing; char * referer; ~ImageEntry() { delete bitmap; delete referer; delete src; bitmapPtrs.Free(null); } }; class FontEntry : struct { FontEntry prev, next; char * face; float size; uint attribs; Font font; ~FontEntry() { delete face; } }; class RequestLink : OldLink { bool processed; } class AlignedObject : struct { AlignedObject prev, next; int w; int untilY; }; // Temporary solution static HTMLView browserWindow; class ObjectThread : Thread { bool objectThreadDead; bool objectThreadTerminate; Semaphore objectThreadSemaphore {}; uint Main() { objectThreadDead = false; for(;!objectThreadTerminate;) { if(objectRequests.first) { RequestLink request; //((GuiApplication)__thisModule).Lock(); for(;!objectThreadTerminate;) { OldLink bitmapPtr; File file; ImageEntry entry; char path[MAX_LOCATION], referer[MAX_LOCATION]; objectsMutex.Wait(); for(request = objectRequests.first; request && request.processed; request = (RequestLink); if(request) request.processed = true; objectsMutex.Release(); if(!request) break; entry =; strcpy(path, entry.src); //strcpy(referer, browserWindow.location ? browserWindow.location : ""); strcpy(referer, entry.referer); //browserWindow.location ? browserWindow.location : ""); //((GuiApplication)__thisModule).Unlock(); if(path && strstr(path, "http://") == path) { HTTPFile httpFile {}; file = httpFile; incref file; //printf("Opening URL\n"); //((GuiApplication)__thisModule).PauseNetworkEvents(); if(httpFile.OpenURL(path, referer, null)) { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; entry.bitmap = Bitmap { alphaBlend = true }; //printf("Loading File\n"); entry.bitmap.LoadFromFile(file, GetExtension(path, extension), null); //printf("Done\n"); } else entry.missing = true; //((GuiApplication)__thisModule).ResumeNetworkEvents(); } else { file = FileOpen(path, read); if(!file) entry.missing = true; else { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; entry.bitmap = Bitmap { alphaBlend = true }; entry.bitmap.LoadFromFile(file, GetExtension(path, extension), null); incref file; } } delete file; objectsMutex.Wait(); objectRequests.Remove(request); delete request; objectsMutex.Release(); ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).Lock(); if(!objectThreadTerminate) { Display display; Window rootWindow = browserWindow.rootWindow; if(rootWindow.is3D) display = rootWindow.parent.display; else display = rootWindow.display; if(display) { display.Lock(true); entry.bitmap.MakeDD(browserWindow.displaySystem); if(entry.bitmap && entry.bitmap.alphaBlend) { entry.bitmap.Convert(null, pixelFormat888, null); // entry.bitmap.displaySystem = displaySystem; } for(bitmapPtr = entry.bitmapPtrs.first; bitmapPtr; bitmapPtr = { *((Bitmap*) = entry.bitmap; } browserWindow.ComputeMinSizes(); browserWindow.ComputeSizes(); browserWindow.PositionForms(); browserWindow.Update(null); // ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).UpdateDisplay(); display.Unlock(); } // TRIED MOVING THIS HERE BECAUSE OF printf("bug") in GuiApplication if(window.display.current) ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).UpdateDisplay(); } ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).Unlock(); } //((GuiApplication)__thisModule).Unlock(); } else { //printf("Waiting for Object Thread Semaphore\n"); objectThreadSemaphore.Wait(); } } objectThreadDead = true; return 0; } } static ObjectThread objectThread1 { }; static ObjectThread objectThread2 { }; static ObjectThread objectThread3 { }; static ObjectThread objectThread4 { }; static Mutex objectsMutex {}; static OldList imageCache; /*static */OldList fontCache; static OldList objectRequests; static void WriteBlock(File f, Block block) { static int indent = 0; Block child; int c; for(c = 0; cemblems/unreadable.png", window = sharedWindow /*this*/ }; char * location; Block overLink, clickedLink; Block overBlock; int overPos; void ComputeMinSizes() { if(html.body) { ComputeImageSize(html.body); // Pre compute some stuff { Block block = html.body; int textPos = 0; int centered = 0; Surface surface = display.GetSurface(0,0,null); if(surface) { surface.TextFont(html.defaultFont.font.font); while(block) { Block nextBlock; int nextTextPos; int w; ComputeLine(surface, block, textPos, &nextBlock, &nextTextPos, ¢ered, &w, MAXINT, 0, RenderFlags { minW = true }, 0, null, null, null, true, 0, LEFT_MARGIN); block = nextBlock; textPos = nextTextPos; } delete surface; } } } } void Clear(Block block) { Block b; if(block.type != TABLE && block.type != IMAGE) { block.width = 0; block.height = 0; } if(block.type == TABLE) { block.columns.Free(null); } if(block.type != IMAGE) { block.w = 0; block.h = 0; block.lineW = 0; block.minW = 0; block.rowSpan = block.span = 1; } for(b = block.subBlocks.first; b; b = { Clear(b); } } void ComputeSizes() { int width = clientSize.w; int height = clientSize.h; Block block = html.body; int totalWidth = 0, totalHeight = 0; int y = TOP_MARGIN; int textPos = 0; int centered = 0; Surface surface = display.GetSurface(0,0,null); if(!initSize.w) width = parent.clientSize.w; if(!initSize.h) height = parent.clientSize.h; if(surface) { int maxH = height - BOTTOM_MARGIN; int h = 0; if(html.defaultFont.font) surface.TextFont(html.defaultFont.font.font); while(block) { Block nextBlock; int nextTextPos; int w, newH; int maxW = width - (LEFT_MARGIN + RIGHT_MARGIN); bool changeLine; newH = ComputeLine(surface, block, textPos, &nextBlock, &nextTextPos, ¢ered, &w, maxW, maxH - y, RenderFlags { lineW = true, width = true }, 0, null, null, &changeLine, true, y, LEFT_MARGIN); if(changeLine) { y += newH; h = 0; } block = nextBlock; textPos = nextTextPos; totalWidth = Max(totalWidth, w); } delete surface; totalHeight = y + BOTTOM_MARGIN; totalWidth += LEFT_MARGIN + RIGHT_MARGIN; SetScrollArea(totalWidth, totalHeight, false); SetScrollArea(totalWidth, totalHeight, false); } if(!initSize.w || !initSize.h) clientSize = Size {!initSize.w ? totalWidth : clientSize.w, !initSize.h ? totalHeight : clientSize.h }; } void CreateForms(Block block) { Block child; if(block.type == INPUT) { switch(block.inputType) { case submit: block.window = Button { this, text = block.value, position = Point { 10, 50 }, id = (int64)block, NotifyClicked = ButtonClicked, isDefault = true }; if(block.size) block.window.size = { w = (int)(block.size * 8) }; if(block.src) { ((Button)block.window).bitmap = { block.src }; ((Button)block.window).bevel = false; } eInstance_IncRef(block.window); block.window.Create(); block.window.cursor = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).GetCursor(arrow); //if(!html.defaultButton) html.defaultButton = block.window; break; case checkbox: block.window = Button { this, isCheckbox = true, position = Point { 10, 100 }, id = (int64)block, NotifyClicked = ButtonClicked }; eInstance_IncRef(block.window); block.window.Create(); block.window.cursor = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).GetCursor(arrow); break; case radio: block.window = Button { this, isRadio = true, position = Point { 10, 100 }, id = (int64)block, NotifyClicked = ButtonClicked }; eInstance_IncRef(block.window); block.window.Create(); block.window.cursor = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).GetCursor(arrow); break; case text: block.window = EditBox { this, contents = block.value, size = { w = (int)(block.size * 8) }, position = Point { 10, 20 }, id = (int64)block }; if(!block.size) { ((EditBox)block.window).size.w = block.parent.width; } eInstance_IncRef(block.window); block.window.Create(); break; } /*if(!activeChild && block.window) block.window.Activate();*/ } for(child = block.subBlocks.last; child; child = child.prev) CreateForms(child); } void LoadGraphics(Block block, void **previous) { Block child; if(block.src && (block.type == IMAGE || block.type == TD || block.type == TABLE)) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; ImageEntry entry = null; strcpy(path, location ? location : ""); if(location && path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') PathCat(path, ".."); if(block.src[0] == '/' && block.src[1] == '/') { strcpy(path, "http:"); strcat(path, block.src); } else PathCat(path, block.src); if(!strstr(path, "File://")) { for(entry = imageCache.first; entry; entry = if(!strcmp(entry.src, path)) break; } if(!entry) { entry = ImageEntry { src = CopyString(path), referer = CopyString(location) }; imageCache.Add(entry); } block.imageEntry = entry; block.entryPtr = OldLink { data = &block.bitmap }; entry.bitmapPtrs.Add(block.entryPtr); if(entry.bitmap) block.bitmap = entry.bitmap; else { if(path && (strstr(path, "http://") == path || strstr(path, "https://") == path)) { RequestLink request; objectsMutex.Wait(); for(request = objectRequests.first; request; request = (RequestLink) { if( == entry) break; } if(!request) { request = RequestLink { data = entry }; objectRequests.Insert(*previous, request); *previous = request; objectThread1.objectThreadSemaphore.Release(); objectThread2.objectThreadSemaphore.Release(); objectThread3.objectThreadSemaphore.Release(); objectThread4.objectThreadSemaphore.Release(); } else if(*previous != request) { objectRequests.Move(request, *previous); *previous = request; } objectsMutex.Release(); } else { // ADDED THIS TO LOAD LOCAL FILES RIGHT HERE... OldLink bitmapPtr; File file = FileOpen(path, read); if(!file) entry.missing = true; else { char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; entry.bitmap = Bitmap { alphaBlend = true }; entry.bitmap.LoadFromFile(file, GetExtension(path, extension), null); display.Lock(false); entry.bitmap.MakeDD(displaySystem); display.Unlock(); } delete file; for(bitmapPtr = entry.bitmapPtrs.first; bitmapPtr; bitmapPtr = { *((Bitmap*) = entry.bitmap; } block.bitmap = entry.bitmap; } } block.font = block.parent.font; block.textColor = block.parent.textColor; } else if(block.type == FONT || block.type == ANCHOR) { FontEntry entry; for(entry = fontCache.first; entry; entry = { if(!strcmpi(entry.face, block.face) && entry.size == block.size && entry.attribs == block.attribs) { break; } } if(!entry) { display.Lock(false); entry = FontEntry { font = displaySystem.LoadFont(block.face, block.size, block.attribs), size = block.size, attribs = block.attribs, face = CopyString(block.face) }; fontCache.Add(entry); display.Unlock(); } if(entry) block.font = entry; } else if(block.parent) { block.font = block.parent.font; block.textColor = block.parent.textColor; } else { block.textColor = black; } for(child = block.subBlocks.first; child; child = LoadGraphics(child, previous); } void NormalizeSelection(Block * startBlock, int * startSel, Block * endBlock, int * endSel) { bool selAfter = false; Block b; for(b = selBlock; b; b = GetNextBlock(b)) { if(b != selBlock && b == textBlock) { selAfter = true; break; } } if(textBlock == selBlock) { *startSel = Min(selPosition, curPosition); *endSel = Max(selPosition, curPosition); *startBlock = *endBlock = textBlock; } else if(!selAfter) { *startBlock = textBlock; *startSel = curPosition; *endSel = selPosition; *endBlock = selBlock; } else { *startBlock = selBlock; *startSel = selPosition; *endSel = curPosition; *endBlock = textBlock; } } void PositionForms() { Block block = html.body; int y = TOP_MARGIN; int textPos = 0; int centered = 0; int maxH = clientSize.h - BOTTOM_MARGIN; OldList leftObjects { }; OldList rightObjects { }; AlignedObject object, nextObject; int h = 0; Surface surface = display.GetSurface(0,0,null); if(surface) { Font font; if(html.defaultFont.font) surface.TextFont(html.defaultFont.font.font); font = surface.font; for(;block;) { Block nextBlock; int nextTextPos; int w, newH; int left, right; int x, maxW; int thisLineCentered = centered; bool changeLine; left = LEFT_MARGIN; right = clientSize.w - RIGHT_MARGIN; for(object = leftObjects.last; object; object = nextObject) { nextObject = object.prev; if(y < object.untilY || left += object.w; else leftObjects.Delete(object); } for(object = rightObjects.last; object; object = nextObject) { nextObject = object.prev; if(y < object.untilY || right -= object.w; else rightObjects.Delete(object); } right = Max(left, right); maxW = right - left; newH = ComputeLine(surface, block, textPos, &nextBlock, &nextTextPos, ¢ered, &w, maxW, maxH - y, RenderFlags {}, y, &leftObjects, &rightObjects, &changeLine, true, 0 /*y*/, LEFT_MARGIN); if(thisLineCentered) x = Max(left,(left + right - w) / 2); else x = left; surface.font = font; PositionLine(this, surface, x - scroll.x, y - scroll.y, maxW, newH, block, textPos, nextBlock, nextTextPos, left - scroll.x, right - scroll.x); if(changeLine) { y += newH; h = 0; } block = nextBlock; textPos = nextTextPos; } delete surface; } } void Open(char * location, char * firstReferer) { HTTPFile f { /*reuseConnection = false*/ }; char referer[MAX_LOCATION] = ""; char relocation[MAX_LOCATION]; bool opened = false; strcpy(relocation, location); // PrintLn("\n\n\nOpening new location: ", location, "\n"); if(strstr(location, "http://") != location && strstr(location, "https://") != location) { if(!FileExists(location)) { strcpy(relocation, "http://"); strcat(relocation, location); } else { delete f; f = (HTTPFile)FileOpen(location, read); if(f) opened = true; } } clickedLink = null; overLink = null; overBlock = null; if(firstReferer) strcpy(referer, firstReferer); delete html; html = HTMLFile {}; SetScrollArea(0,0,0); Update(null); while(!opened) { char path[MAX_LOCATION]; if(this.location) delete this.location; this.location = CopyString(relocation); fileName = this.location; ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).UpdateDisplay(); if(!(opened = f.OpenURL(this.location, referer, relocation)) && !strcmp(this.location, relocation)) break; if(!opened) { //printf("Relocated to %s\n", relocation); } strcpy(referer, this.location); // Fix up relocation relative paths strcpy(path, this.location); if(path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') PathCat(path, ".."); if(relocation[0] == '/' && relocation[1] == '/') { strcpy(path, "http:"); strcat(path, relocation); } else PathCat(path, relocation); strcpy(relocation, path); } if(this.location) delete this.location; this.location = CopyString(relocation); fileName = this.location; if(opened) { bool isHTTP = eClass_IsDerived(f._class, class(HTTPFile)); void * previous = null; bool isImage = false; bool isPlain = isHTTP ? false : true; // Handle known types if(isHTTP && f.contentType) { if(strstr(f.contentType, "image/") == f.contentType) isImage = true; else if(strstr(f.contentType, "text/") == f.contentType && strnicmp(f.contentType + 5, "html", 4)) isPlain = true; } else { const String imageExt[] = { "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "pcx", "png", "gif" }; const String htmlExt[] = { "html", "htm", "php" }; const String textExt[] = { "c", "h", "ec", "eh", "epj", "cpp", "cxx", "cc", "hpp", "hxx", "hh", "m", "java", "cs", "py", "Makefile", "mk", "cf" }; char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; int i; GetExtension(fileName, ext); for(i = 0; i < sizeof(imageExt) / sizeof(imageExt[0]); i++) if(!strcmpi(ext, imageExt[i])) { isImage = true; break; } for(i = 0; i < sizeof(htmlExt) / sizeof(htmlExt[0]); i++) if(!strcmpi(ext, htmlExt[i])) { isPlain = false; break; } for(i = 0; i < sizeof(textExt) / sizeof(textExt[0]); i++) if(!strcmpi(ext, textExt[i])) { isPlain = true; break; } } if(isImage) { Block subBlock; html.body = HTMLFile::AddBlock(html.block, BODY); subBlock = HTMLFile::AddBlock(html.body, IMAGE); subBlock.valign = bottom; subBlock.halign = middle; subBlock.src = CopyString(fileName); html.defaultFont.type = FONT; html.defaultFont.face = CopyString("Times New Roman"); } else if(isPlain) { uint size; TempFile tmp { }; Block subBlock; char * text; int len; String cd = eClass_IsDerived(f._class, class(HTTPFile)) ? f.contentDisposition : null; String tmpPath = PrintString("File://", (uintptr)tmp); f.CopyTo(tmpPath); size = tmp.GetSize(); tmp.Seek(0, start); html.defaultFont.type = FONT; html.defaultFont.face = CopyString("Courier New"); if(cd) { char fn[MAX_LOCATION]; while(GetKeyWordEx(&cd, fn, sizeof(fn), true, false)) { if(!strcmp(fn, "filename") && GetKeyWordEx(&cd, fn, sizeof(fn), true, true)) { html.titleBlock = HTMLFile::AddBlock(html.block, TITLE); subBlock = HTMLFile::AddBlock(html.titleBlock, TEXT); subBlock.text = CopyString(fn); subBlock.textLen = strlen(fn); } } } html.body = HTMLFile::AddBlock(html.block, BODY); html.block = html.body; text = new char[size + 1]; len = tmp.Read(text, 1, size); text[len] = 0; { int c; char ch; int start = 0; Block textBlock = HTMLFile::AddBlock(html.block, TEXT); for(c = 0; ; c++) { ch = text[c]; if(ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || !ch) { int len = c - start; textBlock.text = renew textBlock.text char[textBlock.textLen + 1 + len]; memmove(textBlock.text + len, textBlock.text, textBlock.textLen + 1); memcpy(textBlock.text, text + start, len); textBlock.textLen += len; if(!ch) break; { Block block { type = BR, parent = textBlock.parent }; Block newBlock { type = TEXT, parent = textBlock.parent }; textBlock.parent.subBlocks.Insert(textBlock, block); textBlock.parent.subBlocks.Insert(block, newBlock); newBlock.textLen = 0; newBlock.text = new char[1]; newBlock.text[0] = 0; textBlock = newBlock; } if(ch == '\r' && text[c+1] == '\n') c++; start = c + 1; } } html.block = html.block.parent; delete text; } delete tmp; delete tmpPath; } else { html.Parse(f); if(html.baseHRef) { delete this.location; this.location = CopyString(html.baseHRef); } } LoadGraphics(html.defaultFont, &previous); html.block.font = html.defaultFont.font; LoadGraphics(html.block, &previous); CreateForms(html.block); ComputeMinSizes(); ComputeSizes(); PositionForms(); Update(null); /* { File f = FileOpen("debug2.txt", write); if(f) { WriteBlock(f, html.body); delete f; } } */ } ((GuiApplication)__thisModule.application).Unlock(); // PrintLn("At position ", f.Tell(), " for ", fileName); delete f; ((GuiApplication)__thisModule.application).Lock(); NotifyPageOpened(master); } void OpenFile(File f, char * firstReferer) { char referer[MAX_LOCATION] = ""; char relocation[MAX_LOCATION]; bool opened = false; clickedLink = null; overLink = null; overBlock = null; if(firstReferer) strcpy(referer, firstReferer); delete html; html = HTMLFile {}; SetScrollArea(0,0,0); Update(null); opened = true; this.location = null; fileName = this.location; if(opened) { void * previous = null; html.Parse(f); LoadGraphics(html.defaultFont, &previous); html.block.font = html.defaultFont.font; LoadGraphics(html.block, &previous); CreateForms(html.block); ComputeMinSizes(); ComputeSizes(); PositionForms(); /* { File f = FileOpen("debug2.txt", write); if(f) { WriteBlock(f, html.body); delete f; } } */ } NotifyPageOpened(master); } bool ScrollToAnchor(Block block, char * anchor) { bool result = false; if(block.type == ANCHOR && block.anchor && !strcmpi(block.anchor, anchor)) { SetScrollPosition(0, block.startY); result = true; } else { Block subBlock; for(subBlock = block.subBlocks.first; subBlock; subBlock = { if((result = ScrollToAnchor(subBlock, anchor))) break; } } return result; } bool GoToAnchor(char * anchor) { return anchor ? ScrollToAnchor(html.block, anchor) : false; } virtual bool Window::NotifyPageOpened(); void OnDestroy() { objectThread1.objectThreadTerminate = true; objectThread2.objectThreadTerminate = true; objectThread3.objectThreadTerminate = true; objectThread4.objectThreadTerminate = true; ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).Unlock(); objectThread1.objectThreadSemaphore.Release(); objectThread2.objectThreadSemaphore.Release(); objectThread3.objectThreadSemaphore.Release(); objectThread4.objectThreadSemaphore.Release(); while(!objectThread1.objectThreadDead || !objectThread2.objectThreadDead || !objectThread3.objectThreadDead || !objectThread4.objectThreadDead) { // ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).ProcessNetworkEvents(); Sleep(0.01); } //objectThread.Wait(); objectRequests.Free(null); ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).Lock(); } bool OnCreate() { browserWindow = this; objectThread1.objectThreadTerminate = false; objectThread2.objectThreadTerminate = false; objectThread3.objectThreadTerminate = false; objectThread4.objectThreadTerminate = false; objectThread1.Create(); objectThread2.Create(); objectThread3.Create(); objectThread4.Create(); /* if(location) { location = CopyString(location); } */ return true; } bool OnPostCreate() { if(location) Open(location, null); return true; } void OnResize(int width, int height) { if(html.body) { ComputeMinSizes(); ComputeSizes(); PositionForms(); } } // For text selection Block textBlock, selBlock; int curPosition, selPosition; bool isSelected; // Persistent state changed by RenderLine void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { Block block = html.body; int y = TOP_MARGIN; int textPos = 0; int centered = 0; int maxH = clientSize.h - BOTTOM_MARGIN; OldList leftObjects { }; OldList rightObjects { }; Font font; AlignedObject object, nextObject; int h = 0; surface.SetBackground(html.background); if(html.background.a < 255) surface.Area(0,0,clientSize.w,clientSize.h); else surface.Clear(colorBuffer); if(html.defaultFont.font) // TOFIX: Null! (No font set?) surface.TextFont(html.defaultFont.font.font); surface.SetForeground(html.defaultFont.textColor); isSelected = false; for(;block;) { Block nextBlock; int nextTextPos; int w, newH; int left, right; int x, maxW; int thisLineCentered = centered; bool changeLine; left = LEFT_MARGIN; right = clientSize.w - RIGHT_MARGIN; for(object = leftObjects.last; object; object = nextObject) { nextObject = object.prev; if(y < object.untilY || left += object.w; else leftObjects.Delete(object); } for(object = rightObjects.last; object; object = nextObject) { nextObject = object.prev; if(y < object.untilY || right -= object.w; else rightObjects.Delete(object); } right = Max(left, right); maxW = right - left; font = surface.font; newH = ComputeLine(surface, block, textPos, &nextBlock, &nextTextPos, ¢ered, &w, maxW, maxH - y, RenderFlags {}, y, &leftObjects, &rightObjects, &changeLine, false, 0, 0); surface.font = font; if(thisLineCentered) x = Max(left,(left + right - w) / 2); else x = left; surface.TextFont(font); //h = Max(h, newH); RenderLine(this, surface, x - scroll.x, y - scroll.y, maxW, newH, block, textPos, nextBlock, nextTextPos, left - scroll.x, right - scroll.x); if(changeLine) { // y += h; y += newH; h = 0; } block = nextBlock; textPos = nextTextPos; } //y += h; } void OnVScroll(ScrollBarAction action, int position, Key key) { Update(null); } bool OnKeyHit(Key key, unichar character) { switch(key) { case shiftTab: CycleChildren(true, false, false, true); return false; case tab: CycleChildren(false, false, false, true); return false; case left: case right: horzScroll.OnKeyHit(key, character); break; case down: case up: case pageDown: case pageUp: vertScroll.OnKeyHit(key, character); break; } return true; } bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar character) { switch(key) { case ctrlHome: { vertScroll.OnKeyDown(home, character); horzScroll.OnKeyDown(home, character); break; } case ctrlEnd: { vertScroll.OnKeyDown(end, character); horzScroll.OnKeyDown(end, character); break; } } return true; } void OnHScroll(ScrollBarAction action, int position, Key key) { Update(null); } bool PickHTML(int pickX, int pickY, Block* pickBlock, int * pickTextPos) { bool result = false; Block block = html.body; int y = TOP_MARGIN; int textPos = 0; int centered = 0; int maxH = clientSize.h - BOTTOM_MARGIN; OldList leftObjects { }; OldList rightObjects { }; AlignedObject object, nextObject; int h = 0; Surface surface = display.GetSurface(0,0,null); if(surface) { if(html.defaultFont.font) // TOFIX: Null! (No font set?) surface.TextFont(html.defaultFont.font.font); for(;block;) { Block nextBlock; int nextTextPos; int w, newH; int left, right; int x, maxW; int thisLineCentered = centered; Font font = surface.font; bool changeLine; left = LEFT_MARGIN; right = clientSize.w - RIGHT_MARGIN; for(object = leftObjects.last; object; object = nextObject) { nextObject = object.prev; if(y < object.untilY || left += object.w; else leftObjects.Delete(object); } for(object = rightObjects.last; object; object = nextObject) { nextObject = object.prev; if(y < object.untilY || right -= object.w; else rightObjects.Delete(object); } right = Max(left, right); maxW = right - left; newH = ComputeLine(surface, block, textPos, &nextBlock, &nextTextPos, ¢ered, &w, maxW, maxH - y, RenderFlags {}, y, &leftObjects, &rightObjects, &changeLine, false, 0, 0); if(thisLineCentered) x = Max(left,(left + right - w) / 2); else x = left; surface.font = font; if(PickLine(this, surface, x - scroll.x, y - scroll.y, maxW, newH, block, textPos, nextBlock, nextTextPos, left - scroll.x, right - scroll.x, pickX, pickY, pickBlock, pickTextPos)) { result = true; break; } if(changeLine) { y += newH; h = 0; } block = nextBlock; textPos = nextTextPos; } delete surface; } for(object = leftObjects.last; object; object = nextObject) { nextObject = object.prev; leftObjects.Delete(object); } for(object = rightObjects.last; object; object = nextObject) { nextObject = object.prev; rightObjects.Delete(object); } return result; } bool OnMouseMove(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { Block pickBlock = null; Block linkBlock = null; int pickTextPos = 0; if(!mods.isSideEffect) { PickHTML(x,y, &pickBlock, &pickTextPos); if(pickBlock) { for(linkBlock = pickBlock; linkBlock; linkBlock = linkBlock.parent) { if(linkBlock.type == ANCHOR) break; } } if(linkBlock) { if(linkBlock.href && strstr(linkBlock.href, "edit://") == linkBlock.href) cursor = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).GetCursor(iBeam); else cursor = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).GetCursor(hand); overLink = linkBlock; } else { if(pickBlock && pickBlock.type == TEXT) { cursor = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).GetCursor(iBeam); } else { cursor = ((GuiApplication)__thisModule).GetCursor(arrow); //null); } overLink = null; } overBlock = pickBlock; overPos = pickTextPos; } return true; } bool OnLeftButtonDown(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { OnMouseMove(x, y, mods); if(overLink) { clickedLink = overLink; Capture(); } return true; } virtual bool OnOpen(char * href) { char newLocation[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(newLocation, location ? location : ""); if(newLocation[strlen(newLocation)-1] != '/') PathCat(newLocation, ".."); if(href[0] == '/' && href[1] == '/') { strcpy(newLocation, "http:"); strcat(newLocation, href); } else PathCat(newLocation, href); Open(newLocation, null); return true; } bool OnLeftButtonUp(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(clickedLink) { ReleaseCapture(); if(clickedLink == overLink && clickedLink.href) { if(OnOpen(clickedLink.href)) Update(null); } } return true; } void AddFormControls(char * location, Block block) { Block child; if(block.type == INPUT) { switch(block.inputType) { case radio: break; case text: { int c; int len; char * text; if(location[strlen(location)-1] != '?') { strcat(location, "&"); } strcat(location,; strcat(location, "="); len = strlen(location); text = ((EditBox)block.window).contents; for(c = 0; text[c]; c++) { if(text[c] == ' ') location[len++] = '+'; else { location[len++] = text[c]; } } location[len] = '\0'; break; } } } for(child = block.subBlocks.first; child; child = { AddFormControls(location, child); } } bool ButtonClicked(Button button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { Block block = (Block); if(block.inputType == submit) { Block formBlock; for(formBlock = block; formBlock; formBlock = formBlock.parent) if(formBlock.type == FORM) break; if(formBlock && formBlock.action) { char newLocation[MAX_LOCATION]; strcpy(newLocation, location); if(newLocation[strlen(newLocation)-1] != '/') PathCat(newLocation, ".."); if(formBlock.action[0] == '/' && formBlock.action[1] == '/') { strcpy(newLocation, "http:"); strcat(newLocation, formBlock.action); } else PathCat(newLocation, formBlock.action); strcat(newLocation, "?"); if( { strcat(newLocation,; strcat(newLocation, "="); } AddFormControls(newLocation, formBlock); Open(newLocation, null); Update(null); } } return true; } HTMLView() { //tabCycle = true; html.background = white; } ~HTMLView() { delete this.location; html.block.ClearEntries(); } property char * location { set { if(location) delete location; location = CopyString(value); if(created) Open(location, null); } get { return location; } } property String title { get { String title = html.title; return title ? title : location; } } }