#ifdef ECERE_STATIC public import static "ecere" #else public import "ecere" #endif class LicenseTab : Tab { // opacity = 0; font = { "Verdana", 10 }; EditBox editBox { this, multiLine = true; hasHorzScroll = true; hasVertScroll = true; borderStyle = none; anchor = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }; readOnly = true; noCaret = true; }; property char * sourceFile { set { File f = FileOpen(value, read); if(f) { editBox.Load(f); delete f; } } } } class LicensesDialog : Window { text = "License Agreements"; background = formColor; hasClose = true; borderStyle = sizable; size = { 800, 400 }; nativeDecorations = true; TabControl tabControl { this, opacity = 0, anchor = { 10, 60, 10, 40 }; }; Label label1 { this, anchor = { top = 16 }, font = { "Tahoma", 10, true }; text = "This program is based on these free open source software components."; }; Label label2 { this, anchor = { top = 32 }, font = { "Tahoma", 10, true }; text = "By using it you agree to the terms and conditions of their individual licenses."; }; LicenseTab ecereTab { tabControl = tabControl, text = "Ecere SDK", sourceFile = ":licenses/ecere.LICENSE" }; LicenseTab pngTab { tabControl = tabControl, text = "libpng", sourceFile = ":licenses/png.LICENSE" }; LicenseTab jpgTab { tabControl = tabControl, text = "libjpg", sourceFile = ":licenses/jpg.LICENSE" }; LicenseTab giflibTab { tabControl = tabControl, text = "ungif", sourceFile = ":licenses/ungif.LICENSE" }; LicenseTab freetypeTab { tabControl = tabControl, text = "FreeType", sourceFile = ":licenses/freetype.LICENSE" }; LicenseTab harfbuzzTab { tabControl = tabControl, text = "HarfBuzz", sourceFile = ":licenses/harfbuzz.LICENSE" }; LicenseTab zlibTab { tabControl = tabControl, text = "zlib", sourceFile = ":licenses/zlib.README" }; LicenseTab tango { tabControl = tabControl, text = "TangoIcons", sourceFile = ":licenses/tango.COPYING" }; #if defined(__WIN32__) LicenseTab mingwW64 { tabControl = tabControl, text = "MinGW-w64", sourceFile = ":licenses/MinGW-w64.LICENSE" }; #endif Button ok { this; text = "OK"; anchor = { bottom = 10 }; size = { 80, 22 }; isDefault = true; NotifyClicked = ButtonCloseDialog; }; }