namespace sys; #define _Noreturn #if defined(ECERE_BOOTSTRAP) #undef __WIN32__ #undef __unix__ #undef __APPLE__ #endif default: #define uint _uint #define set _set #if defined(__WIN32__) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define UNICODE #define GetFreeSpace _GetFreeSpace #define String String_ #include #undef String #undef GetFreeSpace #elif defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__) #include #include #endif #undef __BLOCKS__ #include #include #include #undef uint #undef set import "Array" import "i18n" import "File" import "TempFile" import "memory" default: FILE *eC_stdout(void); FILE *eC_stderr(void); // IMPLEMENTED IN _System.c bool System_MoveFile(const char * source, const char * dest, uint replaceAndFlush); bool System_RenameFile(const char * oldName, const char * newName); bool System_DeleteFile(const char * fileName); bool System_MakeDir(const char * path); bool System_RemoveDir(const char * path); char * System_GetWorkingDir(char * buf, int size); bool System_ChangeWorkingDir(const char * buf); char * System_GetEnvironment(const char * envName, char * envValue, int max); void System_SetEnvironment(const char * envName, const char * envValue); void System_UnsetEnvironment(const char * envName); bool System_Execute(const char * env, const char * command, va_list args, bool wait); bool System_ShellOpen(const char * fileName, va_list args); void System_GetFreeSpace(const char * path, FileSize64 * size); private: #if !defined(ECERE_BOOTSTRAP) import "units" import "Time" //#if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) import "Mutex" import "Semaphore" import "FileMonitor" import "Thread" //#endif import "Archive" import "EARArchive" import "Date" import "unicode" import "GuiApplication" #endif public enum LoggingMode { noLogging, stdOut, stdErr, debug, logFile, msgBox, buffer }; // GENERAL ERROR CODES public enum ErrorLevel { veryFatal = 0, fatal = 1, major = 2, minor = 3 }; public define AllErrors = ErrorLevel::minor; public class ErrorCode { public: ErrorLevel level:2:12; uint code:12:0; }; // TODO: Support enums resolved in compiling pass to allow moving this to public enum SysErrorCode : ErrorCode { allocationFailed = ErrorCode { fatal, 0x001 }, nameInexistant = ErrorCode { fatal, 0x002 }, nameExists = ErrorCode { fatal, 0x003 }, missingLibrary = ErrorCode { fatal, 0x004 }, fileNotFound = ErrorCode { minor, 0x005 }, writeFailed = ErrorCode { major, 0x006 } }; public enum GuiErrorCode : ErrorCode { driverNotSupported = ErrorCode { veryFatal, 0x101 }, windowCreationFailed = ErrorCode { veryFatal, 0x102 }, graphicsLoadingFailed = ErrorCode { veryFatal, 0x103 }, modeSwitchFailed = ErrorCode { veryFatal, 0x104 } }; static define DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 100 * MAX_F_STRING; static Array sysErrorMessages { [ $"No error", $"Memory allocation failed", $"Inexistant string identifier specified", $"Identic string identifier already exists", $"Shared library loading failed", $"File not found", $"Couldn't write to file" ] }; static Array guiErrorMessages { [ $"No error", $"Graphics driver not supported by any user interface system", $"Window creation failed", $"Window graphics loading failed", $"Driver/Mode switch failed" ] }; static Array> errorMessages { [ sysErrorMessages, guiErrorMessages ] }; // --- File, directory & environment manipulation --- #undef MoveFile #undef MoveFileEx public bool MoveFile(const char * source, const char * dest) { return System_MoveFile(source, dest, 0); } public class MoveFileOptions : uint32 { public: bool overwrite:1; bool sync:1; }; public bool MoveFileEx(const char * source, const char * dest, MoveFileOptions options) { return System_MoveFile(source, dest, options); } public bool RenameFile(const char * oldName, const char * newName) { return System_RenameFile(oldName, newName); } #undef DeleteFile public bool DeleteFile(const char * fileName) { return System_DeleteFile(fileName); } public bool MakeDir(const char * path) { return System_MakeDir(path); } public bool RemoveDir(const char * path) { return System_RemoveDir(path); } public char * GetWorkingDir(char * buf, int size) { return System_GetWorkingDir(buf, size); } public bool ChangeWorkingDir(const char * buf) { return System_ChangeWorkingDir(buf); } public char * GetEnvironment(const char * envName, char * envValue, int max) { return System_GetEnvironment(envName, envValue, max); } public void SetEnvironment(const char * envName, const char * envValue) { System_SetEnvironment(envName, envValue); } public void UnsetEnvironment(const char * envName) { System_UnsetEnvironment(envName); } public bool Execute(const char * command, ...) { bool result; va_list args; va_start(args, command); result = System_Execute(null, command, args, false); va_end(args); return result; } public bool ExecuteWait(const char * command, ...) { bool result; va_list args; va_start(args, command); result = System_Execute(null, command, args, true); va_end(args); return result; } public bool ExecuteEnv(const char * env, const char * command, ...) { bool result; va_list args; va_start(args, command); result = System_Execute(env, command, args, false); va_end(args); return result; } public bool ShellOpen(const char * fileName, ...) { bool result; va_list args; va_start(args, fileName); result = System_ShellOpen(fileName, args); va_end(args); return result; } public void GetFreeSpace(const char * path, FileSize64 * size) { System_GetFreeSpace(path, size); } // --- Uncagotegorized Functions --- public void Logf(const char * format, ...) { va_list args; char string[MAX_F_STRING]; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(string, sizeof(string), format, args); string[sizeof(string)-1] = 0; Log(string); va_end(args); } public void Log(const char * text) { switch(globalSystem.errorLoggingMode) { case debug: #if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(ECERE_BOOTSTRAP) { uint16 * _wtext = UTF8toUTF16(text, null); OutputDebugString(_wtext); delete _wtext; break; } #endif case stdOut: fputs(text, eC_stdout()); fflush(eC_stdout()); break; case stdErr: fputs(text, eC_stderr()); fflush(eC_stderr()); break; case logFile: { File f; if((f = FileOpen(globalSystem.logFile, append))) { f.Puts(text); delete f; } break; } case buffer: case msgBox: strcat(globalSystem.errorBuffer, text); break; } } public void DumpErrors(bool display) { if(globalSystem.errorBuffer && globalSystem.errorBuffer[0]) { if(display) { #if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(ECERE_BOOTSTRAP) if(globalSystem.errorLoggingMode == buffer) printf(globalSystem.errorBuffer); else { char title[1024]; sprintf(title, "%s - Error Log", guiApp.appName); MessageBoxA(HWND_DESKTOP, globalSystem.errorBuffer, title, MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); } #else printf("%s", globalSystem.errorBuffer); #endif } globalSystem.errorBuffer[0] = '\0'; } } public void LogErrorCode(ErrorCode errorCode, const char * details) { if(errorCode.level <= globalSystem.errorLevel) { int cat = (errorCode.code & 0xF00) >> 8; int code = errorCode.code & 0xFF; if(details) Logf("System Error [%d]: %s (%s).\n", errorCode.level, errorMessages[cat][code], details); else Logf("System Error [%d]: %s.\n", errorCode.level, errorMessages[cat][code]); } globalSystem.lastErrorCode = errorCode; } public uint GetLastErrorCode() { return globalSystem.lastErrorCode; } public void ResetError() { globalSystem.lastErrorCode = 0; } public void SetErrorLevel(ErrorLevel level) { globalSystem.errorLevel = level; } public void SetLoggingMode(LoggingMode mode, void * where) { globalSystem.errorLoggingMode = mode; if(mode == logFile) { File file; strcpy(globalSystem.logFile, where); file = FileOpen(globalSystem.logFile, write); delete file; } else if(mode == buffer || mode == msgBox) { if(!globalSystem.errorBuffer) { globalSystem.errorBufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; globalSystem.errorBuffer = new char[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; } globalSystem.errorBuffer[0] = 0; } else if(mode == debug) { #if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(ECERE_BOOTSTRAP) uint16 * _wappName = UTF8toUTF16(guiApp.appName, null); OutputDebugString(L"\n"); OutputDebugString(_wappName); OutputDebugString(L" - Logging Errors...\n"); delete _wappName; #endif } if(mode == 0) { DumpErrors(true); if(globalSystem.errorBuffer) { delete globalSystem.errorBuffer; globalSystem.errorBufferSize = 0; } } } static define errorLogMsg = $"\n\nWould you like to view the error log?"; /* #if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(ECERE_BOOTSTRAP) static DWORD REAL_ExceptionHandler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exception) { EXCEPTION_RECORD * record = exception->ExceptionRecord; char exceptionString[1024] = "", title[1024]; switch(record->ExceptionCode) { case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: if(record->ExceptionInformation[0]) sprintf(exceptionString, "Access Violation Writing to 0x%p", (void *)record->ExceptionInformation[1]); else sprintf(exceptionString, "Access Violation Reading from 0x%p", (void *)record->ExceptionInformation[1]); break; case EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED: sprintf(exceptionString, "Array Bounds Exceeded"); break; case EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: sprintf(exceptionString, "Breakpoint Encountered"); break; case EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT: sprintf(exceptionString, "Data Type Misalignment"); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND: sprintf(exceptionString, "Floating-Point Denormal Operand"); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: sprintf(exceptionString, "Floating-Point Divide by Zero"); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT: sprintf(exceptionString, "Floating-Point Inexact Result"); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION: sprintf(exceptionString, "Floating-Point Invalid Operation"); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW: sprintf(exceptionString, "Floating-Point Overflow"); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK: sprintf(exceptionString, "Floating-Point Stack Check"); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW: sprintf(exceptionString, "Floating-Point Underflow"); break; case EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION: sprintf(exceptionString, "Illegal Instruction"); break; case EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR: sprintf(exceptionString, "In Page Error"); break; case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: sprintf(exceptionString, "Integer Divide by Zero"); break; case EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW: sprintf(exceptionString, "Integer Overflow"); break; case EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION: sprintf(exceptionString, "Invalid Disposition"); break; case EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION: sprintf(exceptionString, "Non Continuable Exception"); break; case EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION: sprintf(exceptionString, "Unallowed Instruction"); break; case EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP: sprintf(exceptionString, "Single Step Exception"); break; case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW: return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; //sprintf(exceptionString, "Stack Overflow"); //break; } sprintf(title, "%s - Fatal Error", guiApp.appName); if(globalSystem.errorBuffer && globalSystem.errorBuffer[0]) { strcat(exceptionString, errorLogMsg); if(MessageBoxA(HWND_DESKTOP, exceptionString, title, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONERROR) == IDYES) DumpErrors(true); } else MessageBoxA(HWND_DESKTOP, exceptionString, title, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } #endif */ private struct System { LoggingMode errorLoggingMode; char * errorBuffer; int errorBufferSize; char logFile[MAX_LOCATION]; ErrorCode lastErrorCode; ErrorLevel errorLevel; #ifndef ECERE_BOOTSTRAP #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) Semaphore eventSemaphore; #endif //FileSystem fileSystems; // File Monitor OldList fileMonitors; #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) Mutex fileMonitorMutex; Thread fileMonitorThread; #endif bool systemTerminate; #endif }; System globalSystem;