namespace sys; import "System" import "Array" default: __attribute__((unused)) static void UnusedFunction() { int a; a.OnGetDataFromString(null); a.OnGetString(null, 0, 0); a.OnFree(); } extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetDataFromString; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree; private: public enum JSONResult { syntaxError, success, typeMismatch, noItem }; public enum SetBool : uint { unset, false, true; /*public property bool // NOT WORKING! { set { return value ? true : false; } get { return (this == true); } }*/ }; public class JSONParser { public: File f; char ch; void SkipEmpty() { while(!f.Eof() && (!ch || ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t')) { f.Getc(&ch); } } JSONResult GetValue(Class type, DataValue value) { JSONResult result = syntaxError; ch = 0; SkipEmpty(); if(ch == '\"') { String string; result = GetString(&string); if(result) { Property prop; if(type && (!strcmp(, "String") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "char *"))) { value.p = string; } else if(type && (type.type == enumClass || type.type == unitClass)) { if(((bool (*)(void *, void *, const char *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetDataFromString])(type, &value.i, string)) result = success; else result = typeMismatch; delete string; } else if(type && (prop = eClass_FindProperty(type, "String", type.module))) { // TOFIX: Add more conversion property support... Expecting void * compatible here value.p = ((void *(*)())(void *)prop.Set)(string); result = success; delete string; } else if(type && (type.type == structClass)) { if(((bool (*)(void *, void *, const char *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetDataFromString])(type, value.p, string)) result = success; else result = typeMismatch; delete string; } else { delete string; result = typeMismatch; } } } else if(ch == '[') { Container array; if(type && eClass_IsDerived(type, class(Map))) { result = GetMap(type, (Map *)&array); } else result = GetArray(type, &array); if(result == success && type && eClass_IsDerived(type, class(Container))) { value.p = array; } else { if(array) array.Free(); delete array; if(result != success) result = typeMismatch; } } else if(ch == '-' || isdigit(ch)) { result = GetNumber(type, value); } else if(ch == '{') { void * object = value.p; result = GetObject(type, &object); if(result) { if(type && type.type == structClass); else if(type && (type.type == normalClass || type.type == noHeadClass || type.type == bitClass)) { value.p = object; } else { result = typeMismatch; if(type) ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree])(type, object); } } } else if(isalpha(ch)) { char buffer[256]; int c = 0; while(c < sizeof(buffer)-1 && isalpha(ch)) { buffer[c++] = ch; if(!f.Getc(&ch)) break; } buffer[c] = 0; result = success; if(type) { if(!strcmp(, "bool")) { if(!strcmpi(buffer, "false")) value.i = 0; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "true")) value.i = 1; else result = typeMismatch; } else if(!strcmp(, "SetBool")) { if(!strcmpi(buffer, "false")) value.i = SetBool::false; else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "true")) value.i = SetBool::true; else result = typeMismatch; } else if(!strcmpi(buffer, "null")) { value.p = 0; } else result = typeMismatch; } else result = typeMismatch; } else if(ch == '}' || ch == ']') result = noItem; return result; } JSONResult GetArray(Class type, Container * array) { JSONResult result = syntaxError; SkipEmpty(); *array = null; if(ch == '[') { *array = eInstance_New(type); result = success; while(result) { DataValue value { }; Class arrayType = null; JSONResult itemResult; if(eClass_IsDerived(type, class(Container))) { arrayType = type.templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass; } itemResult = GetValue(arrayType, value); if(itemResult == success) { // TODO: Verify the matching between template type and uint64 uint64 t; if(arrayType.type == structClass) { t = (uint64)(uintptr)value.p; } else if(arrayType == class(double) || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "double")) { t = value.ui64; //*(uint64 *)&value.d; } else if(arrayType == class(float) || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "float")) { t = value.ui; //f*(uint *)&value.f; } else if(arrayType.typeSize == sizeof(int64) || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "int64") || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "unsigned int64") || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "uint64")) { t = value.ui64; } else if(arrayType.typeSize == sizeof(int) || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "int") || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "unsigned int") || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "uint")) { t = value.i; } else if(arrayType.typeSize == sizeof(short int) || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "short") || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "unsigned short") || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "uint16") || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "int16")) { t = value.s; } else if(arrayType.typeSize == sizeof(byte) || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "char") || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "unsigned char") || !strcmp(arrayType.dataTypeString, "byte")) { t = value.c; } else { t = (uint64)(uintptr)value.p; } ((void *(*)(void *, uint64))(void *)array->Add)(*array, t); } else { if(itemResult == typeMismatch) { if(arrayType) PrintLn("Warning: Incompatible value for array value, expected ", (String); } else if(itemResult == noItem) result = success; else result = itemResult; } if(result != syntaxError) { if(ch != ']' && ch != ',') { ch = 0; SkipEmpty(); } if(ch == ']') { break; } else if(ch != ',') result = syntaxError; } } } ch = 0; return result; } JSONResult GetMap(Class type, Map * map) { JSONResult result = syntaxError; SkipEmpty(); *map = null; if(ch == '[') { Class mapNodeType = type.templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass; Class keyType = mapNodeType.templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass; Property keyProp = null; if(keyType && !strcmp(keyType.dataTypeString, "char *")) keyProp = eClass_FindProperty(mapNodeType, "key", mapNodeType.module); *map = eInstance_New(type); result = success; while(result) { DataValue value { }; JSONResult itemResult; itemResult = GetValue(mapNodeType, value); if(itemResult == success) { String s = keyProp ? ((void * (*)(void *))(void *)keyProp.Get)(value.p) : null; ((void *(*)(void *, uint64))(void *)map->Add)(*map, (uint64)(uintptr)value.p); // Must free String keys here delete s; } else { if(itemResult == typeMismatch) { if(mapNodeType) PrintLn("Warning: Incompatible value for array value, expected ", (String); } else if(itemResult == noItem) result = success; else result = itemResult; } if(result != syntaxError) { if(ch != ']' && ch != ',') { ch = 0; SkipEmpty(); } if(ch == ']') { break; } else if(ch != ',') result = syntaxError; } } } ch = 0; return result; } JSONResult GetString(String * string) { JSONResult result = syntaxError; Array buffer { minAllocSize = 256 }; bool escaped = false; *string = null; SkipEmpty(); if(ch == '\"') { while(f.Getc(&ch)) { if(ch == '\\' && !escaped) escaped = true; else { if(escaped) { if(ch == 'b') ch = '\b'; else if(ch == 'f') ch = '\f'; else if(ch == 'n') ch = '\n'; else if(ch == 'r') ch = '\r'; else if(ch == 't') ch = '\t'; else if(ch == 'u') { // SKIP FOR NOW... char unicode[4]; f.Getc(&unicode[0]); f.Getc(&unicode[1]); f.Getc(&unicode[2]); f.Getc(&unicode[3]); } escaped = false; } else if(ch == '\"') { break; } buffer.Add(ch); if(buffer.minAllocSize < buffer.count) buffer.minAllocSize *= 2; } } buffer.Add(0); *string = CopyString(buffer.array); result = success; } delete buffer; if(ch != ',' && ch != '}') ch = 0; return result; } public JSONResult GetObject(Class objectType, void ** object) { JSONResult result = syntaxError; if(!objectType || objectType.type != structClass) *object = null; SkipEmpty(); if(ch == '{') { Class mapKeyClass = null, mapDataClass = null; if(objectType && objectType.templateClass && eClass_IsDerived(objectType.templateClass, class(MapNode))) { mapKeyClass = objectType.templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass; mapDataClass = objectType.templateArgs[2].dataTypeClass; } result = success; if(objectType && (objectType.type == noHeadClass || objectType.type == normalClass)) { *object = eInstance_New(objectType); } else if(objectType && objectType.type != structClass) { *object = eSystem_New(objectType.typeSize); } while(result) { String string; ch = 0; if(GetString(&string)) { DataMember member = null; Property prop = null; Class type = null; bool isKey = false; if(objectType) { string[0] = (char)tolower(string[0]); if(mapKeyClass && !strcmp(string, "key")) { prop = eClass_FindProperty(objectType, "key", objectType.module); type = mapKeyClass; isKey = true; } else if(mapDataClass && !strcmp(string, "value")) { prop = eClass_FindProperty(objectType, "value", objectType.module); type = mapDataClass; } else { member = eClass_FindDataMember(objectType, string, objectType.module, null, null); if(member) { type = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule, member.dataTypeString); if(!type) type = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule.application, member.dataTypeString); } else if(!member) { prop = eClass_FindProperty(objectType, string, objectType.module); if(prop) { type = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule, prop.dataTypeString); if(!type) type = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule.application, prop.dataTypeString); } else PrintLn("Warning: member ", string, " not found in class ", (String); } } } // Find Member in Object Class { DataValue value { }; if(type && type.type == structClass) { value.p = (byte *)*object + member._class.offset + member.offset; } ch = 0; SkipEmpty(); if(ch == ':') { JSONResult itemResult = GetValue(type, value); if(itemResult != syntaxError) { if(prop || member) { if(!type) { PrintLn("warning: Unresolved data type ", member ? (String)member.dataTypeString : (String)prop.dataTypeString); } else if(itemResult == success) { // Set value if(member) { // TOFIX: How to swiftly handle classes with base data type? if(type.type == structClass) ; else if(type.type == normalClass || type.type == noHeadClass) { void ** ptr = (void**)((byte *)*object + member._class.offset + member.offset); if(eClass_IsDerived(type, class(Container)) && *ptr) { Container container = (Container)*ptr; container.Free(); delete container; } *ptr = value.p; } else if(type == class(double) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "double")) { *(double *)((byte *)*object + member._class.offset + member.offset) = value.d; } else if(type == class(float) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "float")) { *(float *)((byte *)*object + member._class.offset + member.offset) = value.f; } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(int64) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int64") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned int64") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint64")) { *(uint64 *)((byte *)*object + member._class.offset + member.offset) = value.ui64; } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(int) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned int") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint")) { *(int *)((byte *)*object + member._class.offset + member.offset) = value.i; } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(short int) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "short") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned short") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint16") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int16")) { *(short *)((byte *)*object + member._class.offset + member.offset) = value.s; } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(byte) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "char") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned char") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "byte")) { *(char *)((byte *)*object + member._class.offset + member.offset) = value.c; } else { *(void **)((byte *)*object + member._class.offset + member.offset) = value.p; } } else if(prop && prop.Set) { if(!strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "char *")) { ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(*object, value.p); if(!isKey) delete value.p; } // TOFIX: How to swiftly handle classes with base data type? else if(type == class(double) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "double")) { ((void (*)(void *, double))(void *)prop.Set)(*object, value.d); } else if(type == class(float) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "float")) { ((void (*)(void *, float))(void *)prop.Set)(*object, value.f); } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(int64) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int64") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned int64") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint64")) { ((void (*)(void *, uint64))(void *)prop.Set)(*object, value.ui64); } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(int) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned int") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint")) { ((void (*)(void *, int))(void *)prop.Set)(*object, value.i); } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(short int) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "short") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned short") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint16") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int16")) { ((void (*)(void *, short))(void *)prop.Set)(*object, value.s); } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(byte) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "char") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned char") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "byte")) { ((void (*)(void *, char))(void *)prop.Set)(*object, value.c); } else { ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop.Set)(*object, value.p); } } } else { PrintLn("Warning: Incompatible value for ", member ? (String) : (String), ", expected ", member ? (String)member.dataTypeString : (String)prop.dataTypeString); } } } } else result = syntaxError; } } else if(ch && ch != '}' && ch != ',') result = syntaxError; delete string; if(result) { SkipEmpty(); if(ch == '}') { break; } else if(ch != ',') result = syntaxError; } } } ch = 0; return result; } JSONResult GetNumber(Class type, DataValue value) { JSONResult result = syntaxError; char buffer[256]; int c = 0; while(c < sizeof(buffer)-1 && (ch == '-' || ch == '.' || tolower(ch) == 'e' || ch == '+' || isdigit(ch))) { buffer[c++] = ch; if(!f.Getc(&ch)) break; } buffer[c] = 0; //if(strchr(buffer, '.')) // TOFIX: How to swiftly handle classes with base data type? if(type == class(double) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "double")) { value.d = strtod(buffer, null); result = success; } else if(type == class(float) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "float")) { value.f = (float)strtod(buffer, null); result = success; } // TOFIX: int64 looks for class long long? //else if(type == class(int64) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int64")) else if(!strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int64")) { value.i64 = strtol(buffer, null, 10); // TOFIX: 64 bit support result = success; } else if(type == class(uint64) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint64")) { value.ui64 = strtol(buffer, null, 10); // TOFIX: 64 bit support result = success; } else { value.i = strtol(buffer, null, 10); result = success; } return result; } } bool WriteMap(File f, Class type, Map map, int indent) { if(map) { int i; bool isFirst = true; MapIterator it { map = map }; Class mapNodeClass = map._class.templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass; f.Puts("[\n"); indent++; while(it.Next()) { MapNode n = (MapNode)it.pointer; if(!isFirst) f.Puts(",\n"); else isFirst = false; for(i = 0; i bases { }; if(objectType.templateClass && eClass_IsDerived(objectType.templateClass, class(MapNode))) { mapKeyClass = objectType.templateArgs[0].dataTypeClass; mapDataClass = objectType.templateArgs[2].dataTypeClass; } f.Puts("{\n"); indent++; for(baseClass = objectType; baseClass; baseClass = baseClass.base) { if(baseClass.isInstanceClass || !baseClass.base) break; bases.Insert(null, baseClass); } for(baseClass : bases) { for(prop = baseClass.membersAndProperties.first; prop; prop = { if(prop.memberAccess != publicAccess || (prop.isProperty && (!prop.Set || !prop.Get))) continue; if(prop.isProperty) { if(!prop.conversion && (!prop.IsSet || prop.IsSet(object))) { DataValue value { }; Class type; if(mapKeyClass && !strcmp(, "key")) type = mapKeyClass; else if(mapDataClass && !strcmp(, "value")) type = mapDataClass; else type = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule, prop.dataTypeString); if(!type) type = eSystem_FindClass(__thisModule.application, prop.dataTypeString); if(!type) PrintLn("warning: Unresolved data type ", (String)prop.dataTypeString); else { // TOFIX: How to swiftly handle classes with base data type? if(type == class(double) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "double")) { value.d = ((double (*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(object); } else if(type == class(float) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "float")) { value.f = ((float (*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(object); } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(int64) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int64") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned int64") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint64")) { value.ui64 = ((uint64 (*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(object); } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(int) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned int") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint")) { value.i = ((int (*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(object); } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(short int) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "short") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned short") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "uint16") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "int16")) { value.s = ((short (*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(object); } else if(type.typeSize == sizeof(byte) || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "char") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "unsigned char") || !strcmp(type.dataTypeString, "byte")) { value.c = ((char (*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(object); } else { value.p = ((void *(*)(void *))(void *)prop.Get)(object); } if(!isFirst) f.Puts(",\n"); for(c = 0; c