namespace sys; #if defined(__WIN32__) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define UNICODE #define String String_ #define strlen _strlen #include #undef String #undef strlen #endif import "System" import "Container" public enum GlobalSettingType { integer, singleString, stringList }; // note: missing application data location support on windows enum SettingsLocationType { none, specified, portable, home, winUserProfile, winHomeDrive, winSystemPath, winAllUsers, nixEtc }; public enum SettingsIOResult { error, success, fileNotFound, fileNotCompatibleWithDriver }; public class GlobalSettingsDriver { class_data const char * name; class_property const char * name { set { class_data(name) = value; } get { return class_data(name); } } public: virtual SettingsIOResult ::Load(File f, GlobalSettings globalSettings); virtual SettingsIOResult ::Save(File f, GlobalSettings globalSettings); } static subclass(GlobalSettingsDriver) GetGlobalSettingsDriver(const char * driverName) { OldLink link; for(link = class(GlobalSettingsDriver).derivatives.first; link; link = { subclass(GlobalSettingsDriver) driver =; if( && !strcmp(, driverName)) return driver; } /*{ Module module; char moduleName[MAX_LOCATION]; sprintf(moduleName, "ecere%s", driverName); if(module = eModule_Load(__thisModule.application, moduleName, publicAccess)) { //Class dsdClass = class(GlobalSettingsDriver); Class dsdClass = eSystem_FindClass(module /-__thisModule.application-/, "GlobalSettingsDriver"); for(link = dsdClass.derivatives.first; link; link = { subclass(GlobalSettingsDriver) driver =; if( && !strcmp(, driverName)) return driver; } } }*/ return null; } public class GlobalSettingsData { } public class GlobalSettings { public: property const char * settingsName { set { delete settingsName; if(value && value[0]) settingsName = CopyString(value); } get { return settingsName; } }; property const char * settingsExtension { set { delete settingsExtension; if(value && value[0]) settingsExtension = CopyString(value); } get { return settingsExtension; } }; property const char * settingsDirectory { set { delete settingsDirectory; if(value && value[0]) settingsDirectory = CopyUnixPath(value); } get { return settingsDirectory; } }; property const char * settingsLocation { set { delete settingsLocation; if(value && value[0]) settingsLocation = CopyUnixPath(value); } get { return settingsLocation; } }; property const char * settingsFilePath { set { delete settingsFilePath; if(value && value[0]) settingsFilePath = CopyUnixPath(value); } get { return settingsFilePath; } }; property bool allowDefaultLocations { set { allowDefaultLocations = value; } get { return allowDefaultLocations; } }; property bool allUsers { set { allUsers = value; } get { return allUsers; } }; property bool portable { set { portable = value; } get { return portable; } }; property const String driver { set { driverClass = null; if(value) driverClass = GetGlobalSettingsDriver(value); } get { return driverClass ? : null; } } GlobalSettingsData data; GlobalSettingsData * dataOwner; subclass(GlobalSettingsData) dataClass; private: char * settingsName; char * settingsExtension; char * settingsLocation; char * settingsFilePath; bool allowDefaultLocations; bool allUsers; bool portable; bool globalPath; char * settingsDirectory; SettingsLocationType readType; SettingsLocationType writeType; #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) FileMonitor settingsMonitor { this, fileChange = { modified = true }; bool OnFileNotify(FileChange action, const char * param) { OnAskReloadSettings(); return true; } }; #endif File f; bool locked; subclass(GlobalSettingsDriver) driverClass; ~GlobalSettings() { if(f) f.Unlock(0, 0, true); delete f; delete settingsName; delete settingsExtension; delete settingsLocation; delete settingsFilePath; delete settingsDirectory; } char * PreparePath(SettingsLocationType type, const char * extension, bool create, bool unixStyle) { char * path = null; char * buffer = new char[MAX_LOCATION]; switch(type) { case specified: if(settingsLocation) { buffer[0] = '\0'; strcpy(buffer, settingsLocation); path = GetFilePath(buffer, extension, create, false, false); } break; case portable: buffer[0] = '\0'; LocateModule(null, buffer); StripLastDirectory(buffer, buffer); path = GetFilePath(buffer, extension, create, false, false); break; case home: { // ~/.apprc char * home = getenv("HOME"); if(home && home[0]) { strcpy(buffer, home); path = GetFilePath(buffer, extension, create, true, unixStyle); } break; } #if defined(__WIN32__) case winUserProfile: { // Windows attempts: $USERPROFILE/app.ini char * profile = getenv("USERPROFILE"); if(profile && profile[0]) { strcpy(buffer, profile); path = GetFilePath(buffer, extension, create, false, false); } break; } case winHomeDrive: { const char * homedrive = getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); const char * homepath = getenv("HOMEPATH"); if(homedrive && homedrive[0] && homepath && homepath[0]) { strcpy(buffer, homedrive); PathCatSlash(buffer, homepath); path = GetFilePath(buffer, extension, create, false, false); } break; } case winSystemPath: { uint16 _wfilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; buffer[0] = '\0'; GetSystemDirectory(_wfilePath, MAX_LOCATION); UTF16toUTF8Buffer(_wfilePath, buffer, MAX_LOCATION); path = GetFilePath(buffer, extension, create, false, false); break; } case winAllUsers: { char * allUsers = getenv("ALLUSERSPROFILE"); if(allUsers && allUsers[0]) { strcpy(buffer, allUsers); path = GetFilePath(buffer, extension, create, false, false); } break; } #else case nixEtc: { strcpy(buffer, "/etc/"); path = GetFilePath(buffer, extension, create, false, false); break; } #endif } if(!path) delete buffer; return path; } char * GetFilePath(char * location, const char * extension, bool create, bool dotPrefix, bool runCommandsStyle) { char * path = null; FileAttribs attribs; if(location[0]) MakeSlashPath(location); if(location[0] && (attribs = FileExists(location)) && (attribs.isDirectory || attribs.isDrive)) { if(settingsDirectory) { if(dotPrefix) { int len = strlen(settingsDirectory); String s = new char[len + 2]; s[0] = '.'; memcpy(s + 1, settingsDirectory, len + 1); PathCatSlash(location, s); delete s; } else PathCatSlash(location, settingsDirectory); if(create) MakeDir(location); attribs = FileExists(location); } if(attribs.isDirectory || attribs.isDrive) { char * name = new char[strlen(settingsName) + strlen(extension) + 4]; if(dotPrefix && !settingsDirectory) { strcpy(name, "."); strcat(name, settingsName); } else strcpy(name, settingsName); if(!settingsExtension && runCommandsStyle) strcat(name, "rc"); else { strcat(name, "."); strcat(name, extension); } PathCatSlash(location, name); path = location; delete name; } } return path; } const char * GetExtension() { const char * extension; if(settingsExtension) extension = settingsExtension; else #if defined(__WIN32__) extension = "ini"; #else extension = "conf"; #endif return extension; } void FileOpenTryRead(SettingsLocationType type) { f = FileOpen(settingsFilePath, read); //PrintLn("GlobalSettings::FileOpenTryRead(", type, ") (", settingsFilePath, ") -- ", f ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"); if(f) readType = type; else { // This delete will cover both trying the next possible config location and delete settingsFilePath; // the case when we're doing a load when the config file is no longer available } // and we want to re-try all possible config locations. } bool FileOpenTryWrite(SettingsLocationType type, bool shouldDelete, bool * locked) { *locked = false; f = FileOpen(settingsFilePath, readWrite); if(!f) { f = FileOpen(settingsFilePath, writeRead); if(!driverClass) { delete f; f = FileOpen(settingsFilePath, readWrite); } } //PrintLn("GlobalSettings::FileOpenTryWrite(", type, ") (", settingsFilePath, ") -- ", f ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"); if(f) { writeType = type; // Don't wait for a lock, first one to lock gets to write, other will likely loose changes on a reload. if(f.Lock(exclusive, 0, 0, false)) { *locked = true; if(driverClass) { f.Truncate(0); f.Seek(0, start); } } } else if(shouldDelete) { delete settingsFilePath; // This delete will cover both trying the next possible config location and } // allow trying to save to a location where user has permission. return f != null; } public: virtual void OnAskReloadSettings(); bool OpenAndLock(FileSize * fileSize) { SettingsLocationType type = readType; if(!f) { #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) settingsMonitor.StopMonitoring(); #endif if(settingsFilePath) FileOpenTryRead(type); if(!settingsFilePath && settingsName && settingsName[0]) { const char * extension = GetExtension(); if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = specified), extension, false, false))) FileOpenTryRead(type); if(!f && (!settingsLocation || allowDefaultLocations)) { globalPath = false; if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = portable), extension, false, false))) FileOpenTryRead(type); if(f) portable = true; if(!allUsers) { #if defined(__WIN32__) if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = home), extension, false, false))) FileOpenTryRead(type); #endif if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = home), extension, false, true))) FileOpenTryRead(type); } #if defined(__WIN32__) if(!allUsers) { if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = winUserProfile), extension, false, false))) FileOpenTryRead(type); if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = winHomeDrive), extension, false, false))) FileOpenTryRead(type); } if(!f) globalPath = true; if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = winAllUsers), extension, false, false))) FileOpenTryRead(type); if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = winSystemPath), extension, false, false))) FileOpenTryRead(type); #else if(!f) globalPath = true; if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = nixEtc), extension, false, false))) FileOpenTryRead(type); #endif } } } if(f) { int c; if(!locked) { // At some point wait was true, it was changed to false and now we do retries. // Could it be because the wait to true was causing blocking behaviors? //if(f && f.Lock(shared, 0, 0, true)) <- I think the wait to true is bad, it wrote blanked out global settings. for(c = 0; c < 10 && !(locked = f.Lock(shared, 0, 0, false)); c++) { ecere::sys::Sleep(0.01); } } if(locked && fileSize) *fileSize = f.GetSize(); } return f && locked; } virtual SettingsIOResult Load() { SettingsIOResult result = fileNotFound; if(!f || !locked) OpenAndLock(null); if(f && locked) { if(driverClass) result = driverClass.Load(f, this); else result = success; } return result; } virtual SettingsIOResult Save() { SettingsIOResult result = error; SettingsLocationType type = writeType; if(!f) { locked = false; #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) settingsMonitor.StopMonitoring(); #endif if(settingsFilePath) // Don't auto delete settingsFilePath because only want to try another path if we were using a global path FileOpenTryWrite(type, false, &locked); if((!settingsFilePath || (!f && globalPath)) && settingsName && settingsName[0]) { const char * extension = GetExtension(); delete settingsFilePath; if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = specified), extension, true, false))) FileOpenTryWrite(type, true, &locked); if(!f && (!settingsLocation || allowDefaultLocations)) { globalPath = true; if(!f && portable && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = portable), extension, true, false))) FileOpenTryWrite(type, true, &locked); #if defined(__WIN32__) if(!f && allUsers && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = winAllUsers), extension, true, false))) FileOpenTryWrite(type, true, &locked); #else if(!f && allUsers && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = nixEtc), extension, true, false))) FileOpenTryWrite(type, true, &locked); #endif if(!f && !allUsers) { globalPath = false; if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = home), extension, true, #if defined(__WIN32__) false #else true #endif ))) FileOpenTryWrite(type, true, &locked); } #if defined(__WIN32__) if(!f && !allUsers) { globalPath = false; if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = winUserProfile), extension, true, false))) FileOpenTryWrite(type, true, &locked); if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = winHomeDrive), extension, true, false))) FileOpenTryWrite(type, true, &locked); } if(!f && (settingsFilePath = PreparePath((type = winSystemPath), extension, true, false))) { globalPath = true; FileOpenTryWrite(type, true, &locked); } #endif } } if(f && locked) { if(driverClass) result = driverClass.Save(f, this); else result = success; } } return result; } void Close() { if(f) { #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) settingsMonitor.StopMonitoring(); #endif f.Unlock(0,0,true); locked = false; delete f; } } void CloseAndMonitor() { Close(); if(settingsFilePath && OnAskReloadSettings != GlobalSettings::OnAskReloadSettings) { #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) settingsMonitor.fileName = settingsFilePath; settingsMonitor.StartMonitoring(); #endif } } } public class GlobalAppSettings : GlobalSettings { public: bool GetGlobalValue(const char * section, const char * name, GlobalSettingType type, void * value) { bool result = false; if(f) { char line[92048]; int lenSection = strlen(section); int lenName = strlen(name); f.Seek(0, start); while(f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line))) { if(line[0] == '[' && !strncmp(line+1, section, lenSection) && line[lenSection+1] == ']') break; } if(!f.Eof()) { while(f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line))) { if(!strncmp(line, name, lenName) && line[lenName] == '=') { char * string = line + lenName + 1; switch(type) { case stringList: { int c; Container list = value; char * tokens[256]; int numTokens = TokenizeWith(string, sizeof(tokens) / sizeof(byte *), tokens, " ,", false); list.Free(); for(c = 0; c