namespace sys; import "i18n" import "System" import "CalendarControl" #define ISLEAP(y) (!((y)%4) && (((y) % 100) || (!((y)% 400)))) /*static */Array enLongDaysNames { [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ] }; /*static */Array enLongMonthsNames { [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] }; /*static */Array enShortDaysNames { [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ] }; /*static */Array enShortMonthsNames { [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] }; /*static */Array longDaysNames { [ $"Sunday", $"Monday", $"Tuesday", $"Wednesday", $"Thursday", $"Friday", $"Saturday" ] }; /*static */Array longMonthsNames { [ $"January", $"February", $"March", $"April", $"LongMonthNames"."May", $"June", $"July", $"August", $"September", $"October", $"November", $"December" ] }; /*static */Array shortDaysNames { [ $"Sun", $"Mon", $"Tue", $"Wed", $"Thu", $"Fri", $"Sat" ] }; /*static */Array shortMonthsNames { [ $"Jan", $"Feb", $"Mar", $"Apr", $"ShortMonthNames"."May", $"Jun", $"Jul", $"Aug", $"Sep", $"Oct", $"Nov", $"Dec" ] }; default: extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString; public: public enum Month { january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december; const char * OnGetString(char * string, void * fieldData, bool * needClass) { Month m = this; if(m >= january && m <= december) { if(!needClass || !*needClass) return longMonthsNames[m]; else return class::OnGetString(string, fieldData, needClass); } return null; } bool OnGetDataFromString(const char * string) { if(string) { Month m; for(m = 0; m<=december; m++) { if(!strcmpi(shortMonthsNames[m], string) || !strcmpi(longMonthsNames[m], string) || !strcmpi(enShortMonthsNames[m], string) || !strcmpi(enLongMonthsNames[m], string)) { this = m; return true; } } } return false; } }; default: extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString; private: public struct Date { int year; Month month; int day; int OnCompare(Date b) { if(year > b.year) return 1; if(year < b.year) return -1; if(month > b.month) return 1; if(month < b.month) return -1; if(day > return 1; if(day < return -1; return 0; } const char * OnGetString(char * stringOutput, void * fieldData, bool * needClass) { if(stringOutput) { if(day && year) sprintf(stringOutput, "%s, %s %2d, %d", longDaysNames[dayOfTheWeek], longMonthsNames[month], day, year); else stringOutput[0] = 0; } return stringOutput; } const char * OnGetStringEn(char * stringOutput, void * fieldData, bool * needClass) { if(stringOutput) { if(day && year) sprintf(stringOutput, "%s, %s %2d, %d", enLongDaysNames[dayOfTheWeek], enLongMonthsNames[month], day, year); else stringOutput[0] = 0; } return stringOutput; } bool OnGetDataFromString(const char * string) { char value[256]; bool gotAlphaMonth = false; DateTime time; int year, day; Month month = 0; int numerics[3]; int len[3]; int count = 0; time.GetLocalTime(); if(!strcmpi(string, "today") || !strcmpi(string, $"today") || !strcmpi(string, "now") || !strcmpi(string, $"now") || !strcmpi(string, "tomorrow") || !strcmpi(string, $"tomorrow") || !strcmpi(string, "yesterday") || !strcmpi(string, $"yesterday")) { SecSince1970 weWant; if(!strcmpi(string, "tomorrow") || !strcmpi(string, $"tomorrow")) { weWant = (SecSince1970)time + 24 * 60 * 60; time = (DateTime)weWant; } else if(!strcmpi(string, "yesterday") || !strcmpi(string, $"yesterday")) { weWant = (SecSince1970)time - 24 * 60 * 60; time = (DateTime)weWant; } this.year = time.year; this.month = time.month; =; return true; } if(string) { if(!string[0]) { this.year = 0; this.month = 0; = 0; return true; } while(GetAlNum(&string, value, sizeof(value))) { int numeric = atoi(value); int c; bool isAlpha = false; unichar ch; int nb; for(c = 0; (ch = UTF8GetChar(value + c, &nb)) && !isAlpha; c += nb) { // if(isalpha(value[c])) isAlpha = true; if(CharMatchCategories(ch, letters)) isAlpha = true; } if(isAlpha) { Month m; for(m = 0; m= 3) { int yearLen; if(!gotAlphaMonth) { if(numerics[1] >= 1 && numerics[1] <= 12 && numerics[2] >= 1 && numerics[2] <= 31) { year = numerics[0]; yearLen = len[0]; month = (Month)(numerics[1] - 1); day = numerics[2]; } else if(numerics[1] >= 1 && numerics[1] <= 31 && numerics[2] >= 1 && numerics[2] <= 12) { year = numerics[0]; yearLen = len[0]; day = numerics[1]; month = (Month)(numerics[2] - 1); } /* else if(numerics[0] >= 1 && numerics[0] <= 31 && numerics[1] >= 1 && numerics[1] <= 12) { day = numerics[0]; month = (Month)(numerics[1] - 1); year = numerics[2]; yearLen = len[2]; } else if(numerics[0] >= 1 && numerics[0] <= 12 && numerics[1] >= 1 && numerics[1] <= 31) { month = (Month)(numerics[0] - 1); day = numerics[1]; year = numerics[2]; yearLen = len[2]; }*/ // FLIPPED THESE else if(numerics[0] >= 1 && numerics[0] <= 12 && numerics[1] >= 1 && numerics[1] <= 31) { month = (Month)(numerics[0] - 1); day = numerics[1]; year = numerics[2]; yearLen = len[2]; } else if(numerics[0] >= 1 && numerics[0] <= 31 && numerics[1] >= 1 && numerics[1] <= 12) { day = numerics[0]; month = (Month)(numerics[1] - 1); year = numerics[2]; yearLen = len[2]; } else return false; } else { if(numerics[0] < 1 || numerics[0] > 31 || (len[0] == 2 && numerics[0] < 10)) { year = numerics[0]; yearLen = len[0]; day = numerics[1]; } else if(numerics[0] >= 1 && numerics[0] <= 31) { day = numerics[0]; year = numerics[1]; yearLen = len[1]; } else if(numerics[1] >= 1 && numerics[1] <= 31) { year = numerics[0]; yearLen = len[0]; day = numerics[1]; } else return false; } if(year < 100 && yearLen == 2) { year += (time.year / 100) * 100; if(Abs(year - time.year) >= 50) year -= 100; } } else if(count >= 2 && !gotAlphaMonth) { // No Year Specified year = time.year; if(numerics[0] >= 1 && numerics[0] <= 12 && numerics[1] >= 1 && numerics[1] <= 31) { month = (Month)(numerics[0] - 1); day = numerics[1]; } else if(numerics[0] >= 1 && numerics[0] <= 31 && numerics[1] >= 1 && numerics[1] <= 12) { day = numerics[0]; month = (Month)(numerics[1] - 1); } else return false; } else if(count >= 1 && gotAlphaMonth) { year = time.year; day = numerics[0]; } else return false; if(day > monthLengths[ISLEAP(year)][month]) return false; this.year = year; this.month = month; = day; return true; } property DayOfTheWeek dayOfTheWeek { get { DayOfTheWeek dayOfTheWeek; int a4 = (year / 4) - !(year & 3); int b4 = (EPOCH_YEAR / 4) - !(EPOCH_YEAR & 3); int a100 = a4 / 25 - (a4 % 25 < 0); int b100 = b4 / 25 - (b4 % 25 < 0); int a400 = a100 / 4; int b400 = b100 / 4; int leapDays = (a4 - b4) - (a100 - b100) + (a400 - b400); int days = 365 * (year - EPOCH_YEAR) + leapDays; days += daysInAYearBeforeMonth[ISLEAP(year)][month] + day - 1; dayOfTheWeek = (EPOCH_WEEKDAY + days) % 7; if(dayOfTheWeek < 0) dayOfTheWeek += 7; return dayOfTheWeek; } } bool OnSaveEdit(DropBox dropBox, void * object) { return dropBox.Save(); } Window OnEdit(DataBox dataBox, Window obsolete, int x, int y, int w, int h, void * fieldData) { const char * string = ""; DateDropBox comboBox { dataBox, editText = true; anchor = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; borderStyle = 0; hotKey = f2; }; if(day || year || month) { char tempString[MAX_F_STRING] = ""; bool needClass = false; const char * result = OnGetString(tempString, null, &needClass); if(result) string = result; comboBox.calendar.dateValue = this; comboBox.calendar.shownMonth = month; comboBox.calendar.shownYear = year; } else { DateTime now; now.GetLocalTime(); comboBox.calendar.dateValue.year = now.year; comboBox.calendar.dateValue.month = (Month)now.month; =; comboBox.calendar.shownMonth = (Month)now.month; comboBox.calendar.shownYear = now.year; } comboBox.contents = string; comboBox.Create(); if(! comboBox.contents = string; return comboBox; } }; class DateDropBox : DropBox { bool dateModified; void EditNotifyUpdate(EditBox editBox) { if(pullDown) dateModified = true; } bool OnPostCreate() { editBox.NotifyUpdate = EditNotifyUpdate; return true; } bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { SmartKey sKey = (SmartKey)key; if(pullDown && sKey == enter) { // Because we can still edit the date text while the calendar is dropped, enter on the date box should validate it NotifyTextEntry(master, this, contents, true); ((DataBox)master).SetData(&calendar.dateValue, false); ((DataBox)master).Refresh(); return false; } return DropBox::OnKeyDown(key, ch); } CalendarControl calendar { master = this, autoCreate = false; interim = true; bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { if(!active) { DateDropBox dropBox = (DateDropBox)master; Destroy(0); ((DataBox)dropBox.master).Refresh(); *goOnWithActivation = false; } return true; } void NotifyChanged(CalendarControl calendarControl, bool close) { incref this; if(dateModified) { Date date = calendar.dateValue; dateModified = false; if(date.OnGetDataFromString(contents)) { if(date.year || date.month || { calendar.dateValue = date; calendar.shownMonth = date.month; calendar.shownYear = date.year; dateModified = true; } } } if(!dateModified) NotifyTextEntry(master, this, null, false); dateModified = false; //((DataBox)master).SetData(&calendar.dateValue, false); if(close) { OnKeyDown(enter, 0); // TESTING THIS HERE: ((DataBox)master).Refresh(); } delete this; } }; Window OnDropDown() { editBox.Activate(); if(contents[0]) NotifyTextEntry(master, this, contents, true); calendar.Create(); return calendar; } void OnCloseDropDown(Window dateEditor) { master.Update(null); calendar.Destroy(0); } bool DataBox::NotifyTextEntry(DateDropBox dropBox, const char * string, bool save) { CalendarControl calendar = (CalendarControl)dropBox.calendar; Date date = calendar.dateValue; Date * dataBoxDate = (Date *)data; if(save) { if(date.OnGetDataFromString(string)) { // TESTING THIS COMMENTED OUT HERE: (Not good -- was modifying on drop down!) // With it not commented out, a current date in a SavingDataBox always shows blank if(date.year != calendar.dateValue.year || date.year != dataBoxDate->year || date.month != calendar.dateValue.month || date.month != dataBoxDate->month || != || != dataBoxDate->day) SetData(&date, false); if(date.year || date.month || { calendar.dateValue = date; calendar.shownMonth = date.month; calendar.shownYear = date.year; } if(calendar.created) { calendar.Destroy(0); calendar.Create(); } } } { char tempString[1024] = ""; bool needClass = false; // char * string = date.OnGetString(tempString, null, &needClass); const char * string = ((const char *(*)(void *, void *, char *, void *, bool *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(type, &date, tempString, null, &needClass); dropBox.contents = string; } return true; } }; public class RepButton : Button { public: bool pressing; isRemote = true; inactive = true; property Seconds delay { set { timer2.delay = value; } } property Seconds delay0 { set { timer.delay = value; } } bool OnKeyHit(Key key, unichar ch) { if(key == hotKey) { return NotifyClicked(master, this, 0, 0, key.modifiers); // return false; } return true; } bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { if(key == hotKey) { /*return */NotifyPushed(master, this, 0,0, key.modifiers); return false; //true; } return true; } bool OnKeyUp(Key key, unichar ch) { if(key == hotKey) { return NotifyReleased(master, this, 0,0, key.modifiers); // return false; } return true; } bool NotifyPushed(RepButton button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { button.pressing = true; button.NotifyClicked(this, button, x, y, mods); button.timer.Start(); return true; } bool NotifyMouseLeave(RepButton button, Modifiers mods) { button.timer.Stop(); button.timer2.Stop(); return true; } bool NotifyReleased(RepButton button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { button.pressing = false; button.NotifyMouseLeave(this, button, mods); return false; } bool NotifyMouseOver(RepButton button, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(button.pressing) button.timer2.Start(); return true; } Timer timer { this, delay = 0.5; bool DelayExpired() { timer.Stop(); timer2.Start(); timer2.DelayExpired(this); return true; } }; Timer timer2 { this, delay = 0.1; bool DelayExpired() { NotifyClicked(master, this, 0, 0, 0); return true; } }; }