namespace gui::controls; import "Window" #include //#define BTN_WIDTH 20 #define BTN_WIDTH 16 #define ROW_HEIGHT listBox.rowHeight /*16*/ default: extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString; private: class DropBoxBits { bool noHighlight:1, noStipple:1, editText:1, activeColor:1, showNone:1, changeContents:1; }; public class DropBox : CommonControl { tabCycle = true; borderStyle = deep; style.activeColor = true; class_property(icon) = "<:ecere>controls/dropBox.png"; watch(foreground) { listBox.foreground = foreground; if(editBox) editBox.foreground = foreground; }; watch(background) { listBox.background = background; if(editBox) editBox.background = background; }; watch(selectionColor) { listBox.selectionColor = selectionColor; if(editBox) editBox.selectionColor = selectionColor; }; watch(selectionText) { listBox.selectionText = selectionText; if(editBox) editBox.selectionText = selectionText; }; watch(opacity) { listBox.opacity = opacity; if(editBox) editBox.opacity = opacity; }; public: property bool activeStipple { property_category $"Appearance" set { style.noStipple = !value; Update(null); } get { return !style.noStipple; } }; property bool showButton { property_category $"Appearance" set { button.visible = value; listBox.borderStyle = value ? contour : none; } get { return button.visible; } }; property Alignment alignment { property_category $"Appearance" set { alignment = value; if(field) field.alignment = value; } get { return alignment; } }; property bool noHighlight { property_category $"Appearance" set { if(this) { style.noHighlight = value; listBox.fullRowSelect = !value; Update(null); } } get { return style.noHighlight; } }; property bool activeColor { property_category $"Appearance" set { if(this) { style.activeColor = value; Update(null); } } get { return style.activeColor; } }; property DataRow currentRow { property_category $"Private" set { if(this) { currentRow = value; listBox.currentRow = value ? value : (style.showNone ? noneRow : null); if(style.editText && style.changeContents) { char tempString[4096]; if(currentRow) { const char *(* onGetString)(void *, void *, char *, void *, bool *) = (void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString]; editBox.contents = onGetString(dataType, currentRow.GetData(null), tempString, null, null); } else editBox.contents = ""; } Update(null); if(style.editText) { if(editBox.modifiedDocument) { NotifyTextEntry(master, this, editBox.contents, false); editBox.modifiedDocument = false; } // editBox.Deactivate(); } } } get { return currentRow; } }; property DataRow firstRow { get { return this ? listBox.firstRow : null; } }; property DataRow lastRow { get { return this ? listBox.lastRow : null; } }; property const char * contents { property_category $"Data" set { if(editBox) editBox.contents = value; } get { return editBox ? editBox.contents : null; } }; property bool editText { property_category $"Behavior" set { if(this) { if(value) { if(!editBox) { editBox = EditBox { this, textHorzScroll = true, borderStyle = 0; anchor = Anchor { left = 0, top = 0, right = BTN_WIDTH, bottom = 0 }; // visible = false, modifyVirtualArea = false; foreground = foreground; background = background; selectionColor = selectionColor; selectionText = selectionText; }; incref editBox; editBox.Create(); button.inactive = false; } style.editText = true; tabCycle = false; } else { if(editBox) { editBox.Destroy(0); delete editBox; button.inactive = true; } style.editText = false; } } } get { return style.editText; } }; property EditBox editBox { get { return editBox; } } property Seconds typingTimeout { property_category $"Behavior" set { listBox.typingTimeout = value; } get { return listBox.typingTimeout; } }; property int rowHeight { property_category $"Appearance" set { listBox.rowHeight = value; } get { return listBox.rowHeight; } }; property int maxShown { property_category $"Behavior" set { listBoxMaxShown = value; OnPosition(position.x, position.y, clientSize.w, clientSize.h); } get { return listBoxMaxShown; } }; property Window pullDown { get { return pulledWindow; } } property bool showNone { set { if(value != style.showNone) { if(style.showNone) { listBox.DeleteRow(noneRow); noneRow = null; } style.showNone = value; if(value) { noneRow = listBox.AddRowNone(); } } } get { return style.showNone; } } property Color selectionColor { set { selectionColor = value; } get { return selectionColor; } isset { return selectionColor ? true : false; } }; property Color selectionText { set { selectionText = value; } get { return selectionText; } isset { return selectionText ? true : false; } }; property bool changeContents { set { style.changeContents = value; } get { return style.changeContents; } } property ListBox listBox { get { return listBox; } } property int rowCount { get { return listBox.rowCount; } } // Notifications virtual bool Window::NotifySelect(DropBox dropBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods); virtual bool Window::NotifyClose(DropBox dropBox); virtual bool Window::NotifyHighlight(DropBox dropBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods); virtual bool Window::NotifyTextEntry(DropBox dropBox, const char * string, bool confirmed); virtual Window OnDropDown() { // NASTY BUG ON WINDOWS IN PROPERTIES SHEET IF WE DON'T RECREATE THE LISTBOX HERE // To reproduce, comment out, select borderStyle property, alt-tab to another program, come back, drop down // The listBox goes annoyingly to 0, 0 listBox.Destroy(0); listBox.Create(); ResizeListbox(); // listBox.visible = true; return listBox; } virtual void OnCloseDropDown(Window pullDown) { incref this; listBox.visible = false; if(style.editText) { editBox.ActivateEx(true, false, false, false, null, null); editBox.SelectAll(); } delete this; } // Methods DataRow AddStringf(const char * format, ...) { if(this) { DataRow row; char string[MAX_F_STRING]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(string, sizeof(string), format, args); string[sizeof(string)-1] = 0; va_end(args); row = AddRow(); row.SetData(null, string); return row; } return null; } DataRow AddString(const char * string) { if(this) { DataRow row; row = AddRow(); row.SetData(null, string); return row; } return null; } void DeleteRow(DataRow row) { if(!row) row = currentRow; listBox.DeleteRow(row); /* if(row == currentRow) currentRow = null;*/ Update(null); } // Convenience function using current rows int64 GetTag() { return currentRow.tag; } void * SetData(DataField field, any_object data) { if(this) { if(currentRow) return currentRow.SetData(field, data); } return null; } any_object GetData(DataField field) { return this ? currentRow.GetData(field) : null; } void Sort(DataField field, int order) { listBox.Sort(field, order); } void AddField(DataField field) { if(this) { if(!field) field = DataField { alignment = alignment }; listBox.AddField(field); this.field = listBox.firstField; dataType = this.field.dataType; } } DataRow AddRow() { DataRow row = null; if(this) { row = listBox.AddRow(); OnPosition(position.x, position.y, clientSize.w, clientSize.h); } return row; } DataRow AddRowAfter(DataRow after) { DataRow row = null; if(this) { row = listBox.AddRowAfter(after); OnPosition(position.x, position.y, clientSize.w, clientSize.h); } return row; } int GetRowCount() { return listBox.rowCount; } void Clear() { if(this) { Window master = this.master; listBox.Clear(); if(currentRow && master) { currentRow = null; NotifySelect(master, this, null, 0); } currentRow = null; if(style.editText && style.changeContents) editBox.contents = ""; Update(null); if(style.showNone) noneRow = listBox.AddRowNone(); } } DataRow FindRow(int64 tag) { if(this) { return listBox.FindRow(tag); } return null; } DataRow FindSubRow(int64 tag) { if(this) { return listBox.FindSubRow(tag); } return null; } // Drop Box Specific void SelectRow(DataRow row) { if(this) { currentRow = row; if(style.editText && style.changeContents) { char tempString[4096]; if(currentRow) { const char *(* onGetString)(void *, void *, char *, void *, bool *) = (void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString]; editBox.contents = onGetString(dataType, currentRow.GetData(null), tempString, null, null); } else editBox.contents = ""; } listBox.SelectRow(currentRow ? currentRow : (style.showNone ? noneRow : null)); Update(null); } } bool Save() { if(editBox && editBox.modifiedDocument) { NotifyTextEntry(master, this, editBox.contents, true); if(editBox) editBox.modifiedDocument = false; return true; } return false; } private: DropBox() { listBoxMaxShown = 1000; field = listBox.firstField; dataType = field.dataType; style.changeContents = true; return true; } ~DropBox() { delete editBox; } void ResizeListbox() { int rowCount = Min(listBox.rowCount, listBoxMaxShown); int height = rowCount * ROW_HEIGHT; listBox.clientSize = { clientSize.w, height }; } void OnPosition(int x, int y, int width, int height) { if(pulledWindow) { int lx = absPosition.x - guiApp.desktop.absPosition.x; int ly = absPosition.y - guiApp.desktop.absPosition.y; int availHeight = pulledWindow.parent.clientSize.h; int height = pulledWindow.clientSize.h; // If it won't fit below but fits above, place it above... if(ly + size.h + height > availHeight && height < ly) ly -= height; else { ly += size.h; if(ly + height > availHeight) height = ((availHeight - ly) / ROW_HEIGHT) * ROW_HEIGHT; } if(!pulledWindow.initSize.w) pulledWindow.size.w = size.w; else // Align it to the right (pull down button) lx -= pulledWindow.size.w - size.w; pulledWindow.position = { lx, ly }; pulledWindow.clientSize = { pulledWindow.clientSize.w, height }; } } bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { switch(key) { case hotKey: case space: case right: case escape: // ADDED THIS CHECK HERE TO NAVIGATE THROUGH GRID LISTBOX if(key == right) { if(eClass_IsDerived(master._class, class(DataBox))) { if(eClass_IsDerived(master.master._class, class(ListBox))) return true; } else if(eClass_IsDerived(master._class, class(ListBox))) return true; } if(key == escape && !pulledWindow) { //if(editBox) button.Deactivate(); //if(editBox) button.Activate(); if(style.editText) { if(editBox.modifiedDocument) { NotifyTextEntry(master, this, editBox.contents, false); editBox.modifiedDocument = false; } //editBox.Deactivate(); } break; } if(style.editText && (key == space || key == right)) break; if(pulledWindow) { OnCloseDropDown(pulledWindow); pulledWindow = null; button.checked = false; NotifyClose(master, this); if(style.editText) { if(editBox.modifiedDocument) { NotifyTextEntry(master, this, editBox.contents, false); editBox.modifiedDocument = false; } editBox.Activate(); } } else { listBox.currentRow = currentRow ? currentRow : (style.showNone ? noneRow : null); pulledWindow = OnDropDown(); OnPosition(position.x, position.y, clientSize.w, clientSize.h); if(pulledWindow) pulledWindow.visible = true; button.checked = true; } Update(null); return false; case enter: case keyPadEnter: if(!pulledWindow) { if(style.editText) { if(editBox.modifiedDocument) { NotifyTextEntry(master, this, editBox.contents, true); editBox.modifiedDocument = false; //editBox.Deactivate(); } // Add code to look through listbox and set current row if listbox is used } break; } else { incref this; OnCloseDropDown(pulledWindow); pulledWindow = null; button.checked = false; Update(null); if(!NotifyClose(master, this)) { delete this; return false; } // Moved this from below NotifySelect currentRow = listBox.currentRow; if(currentRow && currentRow.noneRow) currentRow = null; if(style.editText && style.changeContents) { char tempString[4096]; if(currentRow) { const char *(* onGetString)(void *, void *, char *, void *, bool *) = (void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString]; editBox.contents = onGetString(dataType, currentRow.GetData(null), tempString, null, null); } else editBox.contents = ""; } NotifySelect(master, this, currentRow, key.modifiers | { closingDropDown = true }); delete this; return false; } return false; //default: // return listBox.OnKeyDown(key, ch); } return true; } void OnApplyGraphics() { button.anchor = { right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; button.size = { guiApp.textMode ? 8 : BTN_WIDTH, 0 }; } /*Timer timer { window = this, delay = 0.01; bool DelayExpired() { background = active ? red : lime; parent.parent.background = ? red : lime; guiApp.desktop.Update(null); return true; } };*/ void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { //timer.started = true; if(!style.editText) { if(active && !pulledWindow/*listBox.visible*/) { if(style.activeColor) { surface.SetBackground(selectionColor ? selectionColor : SELECTION_COLOR); if(!style.noHighlight || !currentRow) { surface.Area(0,0, clientSize.w-1,clientSize.h-1); } } } if(!isEnabled) surface.SetForeground(Color { 85,85,85 } ); else surface.SetForeground((active && style.activeColor && !pulledWindow /*listBox.visible*/) ? selectionText : foreground); surface.TextOpacity(true); if(currentRow) { DataDisplayFlags displayFlags { active = active, current = true, dropBox = true, selected = true, fullRow = true }; void (* onDisplay)(void *, void *, void *, int, int, int, void *, uint, uint) = (void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay]; if(onDisplay) onDisplay(dataType, currentRow.GetData(null), surface, 3, 1+(clientSize.h - listBox.rowHeight) / 2, clientSize.w - (button.visible ? button.size.w : 0) - 3, field.userData, alignment, displayFlags); } else surface.WriteText(2,2, "(none)", 6); if(!style.noStipple && (!style.noHighlight || !currentRow)) { surface.SetForeground(0xFFFFFF80); if(active && !pulledWindow /*listBox.visible*/) { surface.Rectangle(0,0,clientSize.w-1-BTN_WIDTH,clientSize.h-1); surface.SetForeground(black); surface.LineStipple(0xAAAA); surface.Rectangle(0,0,clientSize.w-1-BTN_WIDTH,clientSize.h-1); surface.LineStipple(0); } } } } bool OnResizing(int *width, int *height) { int rowHeight = 0; display.FontExtent(fontObject, "W", 1, null, &rowHeight); rowHeight = Max(rowHeight, 16); if(!*width) *width = Max(*width, rowHeight * 100 / 16); //if(!*width) *width = Max(*width, 100); //if(!*height) *height = Max(*height, 20); if(!*height) *height = Max(*height, rowHeight * 20 / 16); return true; } /* watch(font) { SetInitSize(initSize); }; */ bool OnLeftButtonDown(int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { Update(null); if(pulledWindow) { OnCloseDropDown(pulledWindow); button.checked = false; pulledWindow = null; if(!NotifyClose(master, this)) return false; } else { listBox.currentRow = currentRow ? currentRow : (style.showNone ? noneRow : null); pulledWindow = OnDropDown(); OnPosition(position.x, position.y, clientSize.w, clientSize.h); if(pulledWindow) pulledWindow.visible = true; if(listBox.freeSelect) pulledWindow.OnLeftButtonDown(-2,-2, 0); button.checked = true; } return true; } bool OnKeyHit(Key key, unichar ch) { DataRow currentRow = this.currentRow; if(!pulledWindow /*listBox.visible*/) { int c; if(style.showNone && !currentRow) currentRow = noneRow; switch(key) { case wheelDown: case down: currentRow = currentRow ? : null; break; case wheelUp: case up: currentRow = currentRow ? currentRow.prev : null; break; case pageDown: for(c = 0; celements/arrowDown.png" }; bool NotifyPushed(Button control, int x, int y, Modifiers mods) { if(pulledWindow) { OnCloseDropDown(pulledWindow); pulledWindow = null; button.checked = false; NotifyClose(master, this); } else { incref this; if(editBox && editBox.modifiedDocument) { NotifyTextEntry(master, this, editBox.contents, true); editBox.modifiedDocument = false; } pulledWindow = OnDropDown(); if(pulledWindow) { OnPosition(position.x, position.y, clientSize.w, clientSize.h); if(listBox.freeSelect) pulledWindow.OnLeftButtonDown(-2,-2, 0); button.checked = true; pulledWindow.visible = true; } delete this; } Update(null); return true; } }; ListBox listBox { master = this, fullRowSelect = true, freeSelect = true, /* noHighlight = style.noHighlight , */ interim = true, hasVertScroll = true, borderStyle = contour, position = { absPosition.x, absPosition.y + size.h }, size.w = size.w, visible = false; bool NotifyActivate(Window control, bool active, Window swap) { if(!active) { Update(null); if(swap != button && swap != this) { if(editBox && editBox.modifiedDocument) { NotifyTextEntry(master, this, editBox.contents, true); editBox.modifiedDocument = false; } OnCloseDropDown(pulledWindow); pulledWindow = null; button.checked = false; NotifyClose(master, this); } } return true; } bool NotifySelect(ListBox listBox, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { bool result = true; incref this; Update(null); // Add code to set text to list box contents if it has an editbox if(pulledWindow) { OnCloseDropDown(pulledWindow); pulledWindow = null; button.checked = false; mods.closingDropDown = true; if(!NotifyClose(master, this)) { delete this; return false; } } currentRow = (row && !row.noneRow) ? row : null; if(style.editText && style.changeContents) { char tempString[4096]; if(currentRow) { const char *(* onGetString)(void *, void *, char *, void *, bool *) = (void *)dataType._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString]; editBox.contents = onGetString(dataType, currentRow.GetData(null), tempString, null, null); } else editBox.contents = ""; if(active) editBox.SelectAll(); } button.Deactivate(); result = NotifySelect(master, this, currentRow, mods); delete this; return result; } bool NotifyHighlight(ListBox control, DataRow row, Modifiers mods) { return NotifyHighlight(master, this, row, mods); } bool NotifyKeyDown(ListBox listBox, DataRow selection, Key key, unichar ch) { return OnKeyDown(key, ch); //return true; } }; bool OnPostCreate() { if(font) listBox.font = { font.faceName, font.size }; return true; } DropBoxBits style; Window pulledWindow; DataRow currentRow; int listBoxMaxShown; Class dataType; DataField field; EditBox editBox; Alignment alignment; DataRow noneRow; ColorAlpha selectionColor, selectionText; // TO REVIEW: This was blacked out when currentSkin was not yet initialized selectionColor = guiApp.currentSkin ? SELECTION_COLOR : Color { 10, 36, 106 }; selectionText = guiApp.currentSkin ? SELECTION_TEXT : white; };