namespace gui::controls; import "Window" default: extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetDataFromString; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnCompare; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnSerialize; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnUnserialize; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnEdit; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnCopy; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay; extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnSaveEdit; private: public class DataBox : CommonControl { public: Class type; void * data; void * fieldData; Window editor; bool readOnly; bool keepEditor; bool autoSize; bool needUpdate; String stringValue; needUpdate = true; ~DataBox() { delete stringValue; } virtual void SetData(any_object newData, bool closingDropDown) { //((void (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCopy])(type, data, newData); needUpdate = true; if(type) { if(type.type == normalClass || type.type == noHeadClass) { if(((void **)data)[0]) ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree])(type, ((void **)data)[0]); ((void **)data)[0] = newData; } else { // Free old data first ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnFree])(type, data); ((void (*)(void *, void *, void *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnCopy])(type, data, newData); } } if(created) NotifyChanged(master, this, closingDropDown); //editor.Activate(); } bool SaveData() // TODO: Clear this up, along with Saving DataBox { if(editor && ((bool (*)(void *, void *, Window, void *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnSaveEdit])(type, data, editor, null)) { Refresh(); NotifyChanged(master, this, false); // Refresh(); return true; } return false; } void Modified() { NotifyModified(master); } void Refresh() { needUpdate = true; if(created) { if(!keepEditor) { editor.Destroy(0); editor = null; } OnPostCreate(); } } virtual bool Window::NotifyModified(); virtual bool Window::NotifyChanged(DataBox dataBox, bool closingDropDown); virtual void OnConfigure(Window editor); private: bool inAutoSize; watch(background) { if(editor) editor.background = background; }; watch(foreground) { if(editor) editor.foreground = foreground; }; //watch(selectionColor) { if(editor) editor.selectionColor = selectionColor; }; //watch(selectionText) { if(editor) editor.selectionText = selectionText; }; watch(opacity) { if(editor) editor.opacity = opacity; }; bool OnPostCreate() { // Right now for read-only DataBoxes the only reason we'd want to create an editor is for autoSize purposes, when using the default EditBox editor that supports it. // ( A tweak for enum classes is in, as the base class editor invokes it ) if(type/* && (!readOnly || (autoSize && type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnEdit] == class(Instance)._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnEdit]))*/ && (type.type == normalClass || type.type == noHeadClass || data)) { // IMPORTANT FIX: If keepEditor is true, we were passing editor rather than the editor's current master editor = ((Window (*)(void *, void *, DataBox, void *, int, int, int, int, void*))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnEdit])(type, (type.type == normalClass || type.type == noHeadClass) ? (data ? (*(void **)data) : null) : data, this, (keepEditor && editor) ? editor.master : this, 0, 0, clientSize.w, clientSize.h, fieldData);// null); if(editor && readOnly && !eClass_IsDerived(editor._class, class(EditBox)) && !(autoSize && type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnEdit] == class(Instance)._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnEdit])) { editor.Destroy(0); editor = null; return true; } if(editor) { // editor.anchor = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; editor.background = background; editor.foreground = foreground; editor.opacity = opacity; if(eClass_IsDerived(editor._class, class(EditBox))) { ((EditBox)editor).readOnly = readOnly; if(autoSize) ((EditBox)editor).autoSize = autoSize; ((EditBox)editor).clickThrough = true; } else if(eClass_IsDerived(editor._class, class(Button)) && autoSize) size = editor.size; } else { // TODO: Should returning 0 from OnPostCreate cancel creation? Destroy(0); return false; } } return true; } void OnRedraw(Surface surface) { if(type && data && (!editor || !editor.created || editor.anchor.left)) // ColorDropBox lets part of the DataBox show { char tempString[1024]; if(type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay] == class(Instance)._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay]) { if(needUpdate) { const String s; if(type.type == noHeadClass || type.type == normalClass) s = ((const char *(*)(void *, void *, char *, void *, bool *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(type, *(void **), tempString, fieldData, null); else s = ((const char *(*)(void *, void *, char *, void *, bool *))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(type,, tempString, fieldData, null); delete stringValue; stringValue = CopyString(s); needUpdate = false; } ((void (*)(void *, void *, void *, int, int, int, void *, uint, uint))(void *)class(String)._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay])(class(String), stringValue, surface, 3, 1, clientSize.w, fieldData, type.defaultAlignment, 0); } else { if(type.type == noHeadClass || type.type == normalClass) ((void (*)(void *, void *, void *, int, int, int, void *, uint, uint))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay])(type, *(void **), surface, 3, 1, clientSize.w, fieldData, type.defaultAlignment, 0); else ((void (*)(void *, void *, void *, int, int, int, void *, uint, uint))(void *)type._vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnDisplay])(type,, surface, 3, 1, clientSize.w, fieldData, type.defaultAlignment, 0); } } } void OnDestroy() { editor = null; CommonControl::OnDestroy(); } void OnPosition(int x, int y, int width, int height) { if(editor) editor.OnPosition(editor.position.x, editor.position.y, editor.size.w, editor.size.h); } bool OnKeyHit(Key key, unichar ch) { return editor ? editor.OnKeyHit(key, ch) : true; } bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { if((SmartKey)key == enter) { SaveData(); return false; } else if((SmartKey)key == escape) { Refresh(); return true; } return editor ? editor.OnKeyDown(key, ch) : true; } void OnChildResized(Window child, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if(!inAutoSize && autoSize == true) { inAutoSize = true; clientSize = { w, h }; inAutoSize = false; } } }; public class SavingDataBox : DataBox { class_property(icon) = "<:ecere>controls/dataBox.png"; borderStyle = deep; bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { if(!active && editor && !editor.modalSlave) { if(!SaveData()) Refresh(); } return true; } bool OnKeyDown(Key key, unichar ch) { if((SmartKey)key == enter) { if(!SaveData()) // Force Refresh on Enter if SaveData didn't do it Refresh(); return true; } return DataBox::OnKeyDown(key, ch); } bool OnResizing(int * w, int * h) { if(!*w || !*h) { int spaceH; display.FontExtent(fontObject, " ", 1, null, &spaceH); if(!*h) *h = spaceH + 2; if(!*w) *w = spaceH * 80 / 14; } return true; } }