namespace gfx::drivers; #if (defined(ECERE_VANILLA) || defined(ECERE_ONEDRIVER)) && defined(__WIN32__) #define ECERE_NOTRUETYPE #endif #undef __BLOCKS__ #define uint _uint #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_TRUETYPE_TABLES_H #include #define property _property #include "harfbuzz.h" #undef property #if defined(__WIN32__) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #elif !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) && !defined(ECERE_NOFONTCONFIG) #define set _set #include static FcConfig * fcConfig; #undef set #endif #endif #undef uint #ifdef __MSC__ #pragma warning(disable:4244) #pragma warning(disable:4018) #endif import "File" import "Display" public define LIGHTSHIFT = 5; public define LIGHTSTEPS = 1<userData).face; int glyph_pos = 0; int c, nw; if (length > *numGlyphs) return 0; for (c = 0; c < length; c += nw) { unichar ch = UTF16GetChar(string + c, &nw); glyphs[glyph_pos++] = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, ch); } *numGlyphs = glyph_pos; return 1; } static void hb_getAdvances(HB_Font font, const HB_Glyph * glyphs, uint numGlyphs, HB_Fixed *advances, int flags) { FontEntry entry = font->userData; Font glFont = entry.font; int c; uint lastPack = 0; GlyphPack pack = glFont.asciiPack; int fontEntryNum; for(fontEntryNum = 0; fontEntryNum < MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES; fontEntryNum++) { if(glFont.fontEntries[fontEntryNum] == entry) break; } for(c = 0; c < numGlyphs; c++) { GlyphInfo * glyph; uint glyphNo = glyphs[c] | 0x80000000 | (theCurrentScript << 24); uint packNo = glyphNo & 0xFFFFFF80; if(packNo != lastPack) { pack = (GlyphPack)glFont.glyphPacks.Find(packNo); if(!pack) { glFont.glyphPacks.Add((pack = GlyphPack { key = packNo })); pack.Render(glFont, fontEntryNum, glFont.displaySystem); pack.bitmap.alphaBlend = true; } lastPack = packNo; } glyph = &pack.glyphs[glyphNo & 0x7F]; advances[c] = glyph->ax; } } static HB_Bool hb_canRender(HB_Font font, uint16 * string, uint length) { FT_Face face = ((FontEntry)font->userData).face; int c, nw; for (c = 0; c < length; c += nw) { unichar ch = UTF16GetChar(string + c, &nw); if(!FT_Get_Char_Index(face, ch)) return 0; } return 1; } static HB_Error hb_getSFntTable(void *font, HB_Tag tableTag, HB_Byte *buffer, HB_UInt *length) { FT_Face face = (FT_Face)font; FT_ULong ftlen = *length; FT_Error error = 0; if (!FT_IS_SFNT(face)) return HB_Err_Invalid_Argument; error = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(face, tableTag, 0, buffer, &ftlen); *length = ftlen; return (HB_Error)error; } static HB_Error hb_getPointInOutline(HB_Font font, HB_Glyph glyph, int flags, hb_uint32 point, HB_Fixed *xpos, HB_Fixed *ypos, hb_uint32 *nPoints) { HB_Error error = HB_Err_Ok; FT_Face face = (FT_Face)font->userData; int load_flags = (flags & HB_ShaperFlag_UseDesignMetrics) ? FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING : FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; if ((error = (HB_Error)FT_Load_Glyph(face, glyph, load_flags))) return error; if (face->glyph->format != ft_glyph_format_outline) return (HB_Error)HB_Err_Invalid_SubTable; *nPoints = face->glyph->outline.n_points; if (!(*nPoints)) return HB_Err_Ok; if (point > *nPoints) return (HB_Error)HB_Err_Invalid_SubTable; *xpos = face->glyph->outline.points[point].x; *ypos = face->glyph->outline.points[point].y; return HB_Err_Ok; } static void hb_getGlyphMetrics(HB_Font font, HB_Glyph theGlyph, HB_GlyphMetrics *metrics) { FontEntry entry = font->userData; Font glFont = entry.font; uint lastPack = 0; GlyphPack pack = glFont.asciiPack; int fontEntryNum; for(fontEntryNum = 0; fontEntryNum < MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES; fontEntryNum++) { if(glFont.fontEntries[fontEntryNum] == entry) break; } { GlyphInfo * glyph; uint glyphNo = theGlyph | 0x80000000 | (theCurrentScript << 24); uint packNo = glyphNo & 0xFFFFFF80; if(packNo != lastPack) { pack = (GlyphPack)glFont.glyphPacks.Find(packNo); if(!pack) { pack = { key = packNo }; glFont.glyphPacks.Add(pack); pack.Render(glFont, fontEntryNum, glFont.displaySystem); pack.bitmap.alphaBlend = true; } lastPack = packNo; } glyph = &pack.glyphs[glyphNo & 0x7F]; metrics->x = glyph->ax; metrics->y = 0; metrics->width = glyph->w; metrics->height = glyph->h; metrics->xOffset = glyph->bx; metrics->yOffset = glyph->by; } } static HB_Fixed hb_getFontMetric(HB_Font font, HB_FontMetric metric) { FontEntry entry = font->userData; FT_Face face = entry.face; // Note that we aren't scanning the VDMX table which we probably would in // an ideal world. if(metric == HB_FontAscent) return face->ascender; return 0; } static HB_FontClass hb_fontClass = { hb_stringToGlyphs, hb_getAdvances, hb_canRender, hb_getPointInOutline, hb_getGlyphMetrics, hb_getFontMetric }; static uint FT_stream_load(FT_Stream stream, uint offset, byte * buffer, uint count) { File f = stream->descriptor.pointer; f.Seek(offset, start); return count ? f.Read(buffer, 1, count) : 0; } static void FT_stream_close(FT_Stream stream) { File f = stream->descriptor.pointer; delete f; delete stream; } static FT_Library ftLibrary; static int numFonts; #undef CompareString static BinaryTree loadedFonts { CompareKey = (void *)BinaryTree::CompareString }; class FontEntry : BTNode { FT_Face face; HB_FontRec hbFont; HB_Face hbFace; int used; byte * buffer; //If we don't save the FT_Stream before sacrificing it to FreeType, the garbage collector (if one is used) will destroy it prematurely FT_Stream stream; Font font; float scale; ~FontEntry() { char * fileName = (char *)key; delete fileName; delete buffer; if(hbFace) HB_FreeFace(hbFace); if(face) { FT_Done_Face(face); numFonts--; if(!numFonts) { FT_Done_FreeType(ftLibrary); ftLibrary = null; } } } } static float FaceSetCharSize(FT_Face face, float size) { float scale = 1; if(FT_Set_Char_Size(face, (int)(size * 64), (int)(size * 64), 96, 96)) { if(face->num_fixed_sizes) { int c; int bestDiff = MAXINT, best = 0; FT_Bitmap_Size * sizes = face->available_sizes; int wishedHeight = (int)(size * 96 / 72); for(c = 0; c < face->num_fixed_sizes; c++) { int diff = abs(sizes[c].height - wishedHeight); if(diff < bestDiff) { best = c; bestDiff = diff; } } FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, sizes[best].width, sizes[best].height); if(!face->ascender) face->ascender = sizes[best].height; scale = (float)wishedHeight / sizes[best].height; } } return scale; } #endif struct GlyphInfo { int ax, ay; int x, y; int w, h; int left, top; int bx, by; int glyphNo; float scale; }; class GlyphPack : BTNode { GlyphInfo glyphs[256]; Bitmap bitmap { }; void Render(Font font, int startFontEntry, DisplaySystem displaySystem) { #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) unichar c; int maxWidth, maxHeight; int cellWidth, cellHeight; int width, height; FontEntry fontEntry = null; FT_Face faces[128]; float scales[128]; bool isGlyph = key & 0x80000000; int curScript = (key & 0x7F000000) >> 24; unichar testChar = 0; /* if(isGlyph) { switch(curScript) { case HB_Script_Arabic: testChar = 0x621; // printf("\nRendering arabic in %s (%d)\n", font.faceName, key & 0xFFFFFF); break; case HB_Script_Devanagari: testChar = 0x905; break; case 60: testChar = 'あ'; break; case 61: testChar = 0x3400; break; } } */ /* FT_GlyphSlot slot; FT_Matrix matrix; FT_Vector pen = { 0, 0 }; if(font.fakeItalic) { matrix.xx = (FT_Fixed)( 1.0 * 0x10000L ); matrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)( 0.3 * 0x10000L ); matrix.yx = (FT_Fixed)( 0.0 * 0x10000L ); matrix.yy = (FT_Fixed)( 1.0 * 0x10000L ); FT_Set_Transform( fontEntry.face, &matrix, &pen ); } FT_Set_Char_Size( fontEntry.face, (int)(font.size * 64), (int)(font.size * 64), 96, 96); */ maxWidth = 0; maxHeight = 0; for(c = 0; c < MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES; c++) { fontEntry = font.fontEntries[c]; if(fontEntry) { FT_Matrix matrix; FT_Vector pen = { 0, 0 }; if(font.fakeItalic) { matrix.xx = (FT_Fixed)( 1.0 * 0x10000L ); matrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)( 0.3 * 0x10000L ); matrix.yx = (FT_Fixed)( 0.0 * 0x10000L ); matrix.yy = (FT_Fixed)( 1.0 * 0x10000L ); FT_Set_Transform(fontEntry.face, &matrix, &pen); } //FT_Set_Char_Size(fontEntry.face, (int)(font.size * 64), (int)(font.size * 64), 96, 96); fontEntry.scale = FaceSetCharSize(fontEntry.face, font.size); if(!c) { if(!fontEntry.face->units_per_EM) font.ascent = (int)((double)fontEntry.face->ascender); else font.ascent = (int)((double)fontEntry.face->ascender * fontEntry.face->size->metrics.y_ppem / fontEntry.face->units_per_EM); } fontEntry.hbFont.x_ppem = fontEntry.face->size->metrics.x_ppem; fontEntry.hbFont.y_ppem = fontEntry.face->size->metrics.y_ppem; fontEntry.hbFont.x_scale = fontEntry.face->size->metrics.x_scale; fontEntry.hbFont.y_scale = fontEntry.face->size->metrics.y_scale; } } fontEntry = null; for(c = 0; c < 128; c++) { int entry = 0; if(isGlyph) { uint glyph = (key | c) & 0xFFFFFF; for(entry = startFontEntry; entry < MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES; entry++) { fontEntry = font.fontEntries[entry]; if(fontEntry && (FT_Get_Char_Index(fontEntry.face, testChar) || !testChar || entry == MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES-1 || !font.fontEntries[entry+1])) { if(!FT_Load_Glyph(fontEntry.face, glyph, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT /*FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING*/) || entry == MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES-1 || !font.fontEntries[entry+1]) { //printf("%s: Accepted entry %d ", font.faceName, entry); break; } } } } else { for(entry = startFontEntry; ; entry++) { uint glyph; fontEntry = font.fontEntries[entry]; if((glyph = FT_Get_Char_Index(fontEntry.face, (key | c) & 0xFFFFFF)) || entry == MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES-1 || !font.fontEntries[entry+1]) { if(!FT_Load_Glyph(fontEntry.face, glyph, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT /*FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING*/) || entry == MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES-1 || !font.fontEntries[entry+1]) break; } } } scales[c] = fontEntry.scale; faces[c] = fontEntry.face; maxWidth = Max(maxWidth, ((faces[c]->glyph->metrics.width + 64 + (64 - (faces[c]->glyph->metrics.width & 0x3F))) >> 6)); maxHeight = Max(maxHeight, ((faces[c]->glyph->metrics.height + 64 + (64 - (faces[c]->glyph->metrics.height & 0x3F))) >> 6)); //maxHeight = Max(maxHeight, ((faces[c]->glyph->metrics.height) >> 6)); } cellWidth = maxWidth; cellHeight = maxHeight; width = pow2i(maxWidth * 16); height = pow2i(maxHeight * 8); if(bitmap.Allocate(null, width, height, 0, pixelFormatAlpha, false /*true*/)) { Bitmap bitmap = this.bitmap; bitmap.transparent = true; for(c = 0; c < 128; c++) { FT_Int i, j, p, q; FT_Int xMax, yMax; int sx = (c % 16) * cellWidth; int sy = (c / 16) * cellHeight; int x, y; byte * picture = (byte *)bitmap.picture; GlyphInfo * glyph = &glyphs[c]; FT_GlyphSlot slot = faces[c]->glyph; double em_size = 1.0 * faces[c]->units_per_EM; //double x_scale = faces[c]->size->metrics.x_ppem / em_size; double y_scale = em_size ? (faces[c]->size->metrics.y_ppem / em_size) : 1; double ascender = faces[c]->ascender * y_scale; int glyphNo = isGlyph ? ((key | c) & 0x00FFFFFF) : FT_Get_Char_Index(faces[c], key | c); FT_Load_Glyph(faces[c], glyphNo, /*FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT*/ FT_LOAD_DEFAULT /*FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING*/); // FT_LOAD_RENDER // FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING FT_Render_Glyph(slot, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); x = sx; y = sy; //printf("%d, %d\n", maxHeight, faces[c]->size->metrics.height >> 6); glyph->left = slot->bitmap_left; // glyph->top = ((64 + (64 - faces[c]->glyph->metrics.height & 0x3F)) >> 6) + (int)(ascender - slot->bitmap_top) + font.height - (faces[c]->size->metrics.height >> 6); // glyph->top = (int)(ascender - slot->bitmap_top) + 2 * (font.height - maxHeight); //glyph->top = (int)(ascender - slot->bitmap_top) + 2 * ((((faces[c]->size->metrics.height + 64 + (64 - faces[c]->size->metrics.height & 0x3F)) >> 6)) - font.height); //glyph->top = (int)(ascender - slot->bitmap_top) + (font.height - (faces[c]->size->metrics.height >> 6)); //glyph->top = (int)(ascender + (font.height *64 - /*faces[0]->size->metrics.height - */faces[c]->size->metrics.height) / 64.0 + 0.5) - slot->bitmap_top; //glyph->top = (int)(ascender + (font.height *64 - /*faces[0]->size->metrics.height - */faces[c]->size->metrics.height) / 64.0 + 0.5) - slot->bitmap_top; //glyph->top = (int)((ascender - slot->bitmap_top) + (font.height * 64 - maxHeight * 64 + faces[c]->glyph->metrics.height - faces[c]->glyph->metrics.height) / 64); //glyph->top = (int)(ascender - slot->bitmap_top); // + ((faces[c]->size->metrics.height >> 6) - (faces[0]->size->metrics.height >> 6)) + (font.height - (faces[c]->size->metrics.height >> 6)); //glyph->top = (int)(ascender - slot->bitmap_top); // + ((faces[c]->size->metrics.height >> 6) - (faces[0]->size->metrics.height >> 6)) + (font.height - (faces[c]->size->metrics.height >> 6)); //glyph->top = (int)(ascender - slot->bitmap_top);// + (font.height - maxHeight); glyph->top = (int)(ascender - slot->bitmap_top) + (font.height - (faces[c]->size->metrics.height >> 6)) / 2; // printf("[char: %d] mode: %d, width: %d, height: %d, pitch: %d\n", key + c, slot->bitmap.pixel_mode, slot->bitmap.width, slot->bitmap.rows, slot->bitmap.pitch); xMax = x + slot->bitmap.width; yMax = y + slot->bitmap.rows; { int total = 0; int numPixels = 0; int max; if(slot->bitmap.pixel_mode != FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO) { for(j = y, q = 0; jbitmap.buffer)[q + p++]; if(value > 32) { total += value; numPixels++; } } q += slot->bitmap.pitch; } } max = numPixels ? (total / numPixels) : 1; for(j = y, q = 0; jbitmap.pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO) { picture[j * bitmap.stride + i] = (slot->bitmap.buffer[q + p] & bit) ? 255 : 0; bit >>= 1; if(!bit) { bit = 0x80; p++; } } else { byte value = ((byte *)slot->bitmap.buffer)[q + p++]; picture[j * bitmap.stride + i] = /*(max < 192) ? Min(255, value * 192/max) :*/ value; } } q += slot->bitmap.pitch; } } glyph->x = sx; glyph->y = sy; glyph->w = slot->bitmap.width; glyph->h = slot->bitmap.rows; glyph->glyphNo = glyphNo; glyph->bx = faces[c]->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX; glyph->by = faces[c]->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY; glyph->scale = scales[c]; glyph->ax = slot->advance.x; glyph->ay = slot->advance.y + (64 - slot->advance.y % 64); } #if 0 { int c; char fileName[256]; static int fid = 0; for(c = 0; c<256; c++) bitmap.palette[c] = ColorAlpha { 255, { (byte)c,(byte)c,(byte)c } }; bitmap.pixelFormat = pixelFormat8; /* //strcpy(fileName, faceName); if(flags) strcat(fileName, "Bold"); */ sprintf(fileName, "font%d", fid++); ChangeExtension(fileName, "pcx", fileName); bitmap.Save(fileName, null, 0); bitmap.pixelFormat = pixelFormatAlpha; } #endif if(displaySystem && displaySystem.pixelFormat != pixelFormat4) // TODO: Add none PixelFormat { displaySystem.Lock(); #if defined(__WIN32__) // Is this check still required? if(displaySystem.driver == class(OpenGLDisplayDriver) || displaySystem.driver == class(Direct3D8DisplayDriver) || displaySystem.driver == class(Direct3D9DisplayDriver)) #endif bitmap.MakeDD(displaySystem); displaySystem.Unlock(); } } #endif } } #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) static HB_ShaperItem shaper_item; static uint * shaping(FontEntry entry, uint16 * string, int len, HB_Script script, int *numGlyphs, bool * rightToLeft) { static uint maxGlyphs = 0; HB_Glyph * glyphs = shaper_item.glyphs; shaper_item.kerning_applied = 0; shaper_item.string = string; shaper_item.stringLength = len; shaper_item.item.script = script; shaper_item.item.pos = 0; shaper_item.item.length = shaper_item.stringLength; if(script == HB_Script_Arabic || script == HB_Script_Hebrew || script == HB_Script_Thaana || script == HB_Script_Syriac) shaper_item.item.bidiLevel = 1; else shaper_item.item.bidiLevel = 0; shaper_item.shaperFlags = 0; shaper_item.font = &entry.hbFont; shaper_item.face = entry.hbFace; shaper_item.num_glyphs = shaper_item.item.length; shaper_item.glyphIndicesPresent = 0; shaper_item.initialGlyphCount = 0; shaper_item.num_glyphs = 0; shaper_item.glyphs = null; while(!HB_ShapeItem(&shaper_item)) { if(shaper_item.num_glyphs > maxGlyphs) { maxGlyphs = shaper_item.num_glyphs; glyphs = shaper_item.glyphs = renew0 glyphs HB_Glyph[maxGlyphs]; shaper_item.attributes = renew0 shaper_item.attributes HB_GlyphAttributes[maxGlyphs]; shaper_item.advances = renew0 shaper_item.advances HB_Fixed[maxGlyphs]; shaper_item.offsets = renew0 shaper_item.offsets HB_FixedPoint[maxGlyphs]; shaper_item.log_clusters = renew0 shaper_item.log_clusters unsigned short[maxGlyphs]; } else { shaper_item.glyphs = glyphs; shaper_item.num_glyphs = maxGlyphs; } } *numGlyphs = shaper_item.num_glyphs; *rightToLeft = shaper_item.item.bidiLevel % 2; return shaper_item.glyphs; } /* delete shaper_item.glyphs; delete shaper_item.attributes; delete shaper_item.advances; delete shaper_item.offsets; delete shaper_item.log_clusters; */ #endif public class Font : struct { BinaryTree glyphPacks { }; GlyphPack asciiPack { }; #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) FontEntry fontEntries[MAX_FONT_LINK_ENTRIES]; #endif float size; bool fakeItalic; int height; FontFlags flags; char faceName[512]; DisplaySystem displaySystem; int ascent; float scale; ~Font() { #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) GlyphPack pack; while((pack = (GlyphPack)glyphPacks.root)) { glyphPacks.Remove(pack); delete pack; } #endif } }; public class LFBDisplay : struct { public: Bitmap bitmap { }; byte rgbLookup[32768]; byte lightTable[256][LIGHTSTEPS]; OldList updateBoxes; int x,y; bool selfManaged; void (* displayCallback)(Display display, Box updateBox); }; public class LFBSystem : struct { public: int format; ColorAlpha * palette; byte rgbLookup[32768]; LFBSystem() { if(!rgbLookupSet) { int c, r, g, b; ColorAlpha * palette = GetDefaultPalette(); for(c = 16; c < 232; c++) { Color555 color = palette[c].color; for(r = Max(0, color.r - 2); r <= Min(31, color.r + 4); r++) for(g = Max(0, color.g - 2); g <= Min(31, color.g + 4); g++) for(b = Max(0, color.b - 2); b <= Min(31, color.b + 4); b++) defaultRGBLookup[r * 32 * 32 + g * 32 + b] = (byte)c; } for(c = 232; c < 246; c++) { Color555 color = palette[c].color; defaultRGBLookup[color] = (byte)c; } /* for(c = 246; c < 256; c++) { Color555 color = palette[c].color; defaultRGBLookup[color] = (byte)c; } for(c = 0; c < 16; c++) { Color555 color = palette[c].color; defaultRGBLookup[color] = (byte)c; }*/ /* for(c = 0; c<32768; c++) { Color color = (Color)(Color555)c; defaultRGBLookup[c] = 16 + (color.r * 5 / 255) * 36 + (color.g * 5 / 255) * 6 + (color.b * 5 / 255); // defaultRGBLookup[c] = (byte)BestColorMatch(palette, 0, 255, (Color)(Color555)c); } */ rgbLookupSet = true; } } }; public class LFBSurface : struct { public: // For compatibility with 3D drivers as well Font font; bool opaqueText; int xOffset; bool writingText; Bitmap bitmap; // Drawing attributes uint foreground, background; ColorAlpha foregroundRgb; uint16 stipple; byte drawingChar; byte * paletteShades; bool clearing; }; /* static int CompareHit(GLHitRecord * recordA, GLHitRecord * recordB, const void * nothing) { if(recordA->zMin > recordB->zMin) return 1; else if(recordA->zMin < recordB->zMin) return -1; else if(recordA > recordB) return 1; else if(recordA < recordB) return -1; else return 0; } */ #if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) struct FontData { char fileName[MAX_FILENAME]; FontFlags flags; bool forgive; }; static int CALLBACK MyFontProc(ENUMLOGFONTEX * font, NEWTEXTMETRICEX *lpntme, int fontType, LPARAM lParam) { //if(fontType == TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) { FontData * fontData = (FontData *) lParam; char * fileName = (char *)lParam; HKEY key; int weight = (fontData->flags.bold) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; int italic = (fontData->flags.italic) ? 1 : 0; if((fontData->forgive || weight == font->elfLogFont.lfWeight) && italic == (font->elfLogFont.lfItalic != 0)) { if(!RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts",0,KEY_READ,&key) || !RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts",0,KEY_READ,&key)) { int value = 0; while(true) { char entryName[1024]; char fontFileName[1024]; uint32 type; int size = 1024; int sizeFileName = 1024; char * occurence; if(RegEnumValue(key, value++, entryName, (PDWORD)&size, null, (PDWORD)&type, (LPBYTE)fontFileName, (PDWORD)&sizeFileName) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; if((occurence = SearchString((char *)entryName, 0, (char *)font->elfFullName, false, false))) { int c; for(c = (int)(occurence - entryName) - 1; c >= 0; c--) { char ch = entryName[c]; if(ch == '&') { c = -1; break; } else if(ch != ' ') break; } if(c >= 0) continue; for(c = (int)(occurence - entryName) + strlen((char *)font->elfFullName); ; c++) { char ch = entryName[c]; if(ch == 0 || ch == '&' || ch == '(') { c = -1; break; } else if(ch != ' ') break; } if(atoi(entryName + c)) c = -1; if(c >= 0) continue; strcpy(fileName, fontFileName); RegCloseKey(key); return 0; } } RegCloseKey(key); return 1; } } } return 1; } #endif static int utf16BufferSize = 0; static uint16 * utf16 = null; public class LFBDisplayDriver : DisplayDriver { class_property(name) = "LFB"; bool CreateDisplaySystem(DisplaySystem displaySystem) { displaySystem.flags.memBackBuffer = true; // displaySystem.pixelFormat = pixelFormat888; return true; } void DestroyDisplaySystem(DisplaySystem displaySystem) { } void FreeBitmap(DisplaySystem displaySystem, Bitmap bitmap) { delete bitmap.picture; if(bitmap.allocatePalette) delete bitmap.palette; } bool AllocateBitmap(DisplaySystem displaySystem, Bitmap bitmap, int width, int height, int stride, PixelFormat format, bool allocatePalette) { bool result = false; if(!stride) { switch(GetColorDepthShifts(format)) { case 0: stride = (width + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC; break; case 1: stride = (width + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFE; break; case 2: stride = width; break; } } bitmap.stride = stride; bitmap.width = width; bitmap.height = height; bitmap.size = (uint32) stride * (uint32)height; bitmap.sizeBytes = bitmap.size << GetColorDepthShifts(format); bitmap.pixelFormat = format; bitmap.transparent = false; /* = = 0; = width - 1; = height - 1; */ bitmap.picture = new0 byte[bitmap.sizeBytes]; if(bitmap.picture) { bitmap.allocatePalette = allocatePalette; if(allocatePalette) { bitmap.palette = new ColorAlpha[256]; if(bitmap.palette) { CopyBytesBy4(bitmap.palette, GetDefaultPalette(), 256); result = true; } } else { bitmap.palette = GetDefaultPalette(); result = true; } } if(!result) FreeBitmap(displaySystem, bitmap); return result; } bool ConvertBitmap(DisplaySystem displaySystem, Bitmap src, PixelFormat format, ColorAlpha * palette) { bool result = false; LFBSystem lfbSystem = displaySystem ? displaySystem.driverData : null; if(src) { if((src.pixelFormat == format) && (format != pixelFormat8 || !palette)) { if(src.transparent && src.pixelFormat == pixelFormat888) { /* DWORD c; DWORD * picture = (DWORD *)src.picture; for(c = 0; c> LIGHTSHIFT), (byte)(((uint16)palette[c].color.g * i) >> LIGHTSHIFT), (byte)(((uint16)palette[c].color.b * i) >> LIGHTSHIFT) }]; } } } if(lfbDisplay.bitmap.palette) CopyBytesBy4(lfbDisplay.bitmap.palette, palette ? palette : GetDefaultPalette(), 256); } void Update(Display display, Box updateBox) { LFBDisplay lfbDisplay = display.driverData; if(lfbDisplay.displayCallback) { if(updateBox == null) { Box box { 0,0, display.width,display.height }; lfbDisplay.displayCallback(display, box); } else lfbDisplay.displayCallback(display, updateBox); } } bool MakeDDBitmap(DisplaySystem displaySystem, Bitmap bitmap, bool mipMaps) { if(bitmap.pixelFormat != pixelFormatAlpha) { if(!ConvertBitmap(displaySystem, bitmap, /*bitmap.alphaBlend ? pixelFormat888 : */displaySystem.pixelFormat, null)) { FreeBitmap(displaySystem, bitmap); return false; } } return true; } void ReleaseSurface(Display display, Surface surface) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; delete lfbSurface; surface.driverData = null; } bool GetSurface(Display display, Surface surface, int x, int y, Box clip) { LFBDisplay lfbDisplay = display.driverData; LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; if(!lfbSurface) { lfbSurface = surface.driverData = LFBSurface { }; } lfbSurface.bitmap = lfbDisplay.bitmap; surface.offset.x = x; surface.offset.y = y; = clip; if(lfbDisplay.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormatText) { surface.offset.x /= textCellW; surface.offset.y /= textCellH; /= textCellW; /= textCellH; /= textCellW; /= textCellH; } /* lfbDisplay.updateBox.left = Min(x + clip.left, lfbDisplay.updateBox.left); = Min(y +,; lfbDisplay.updateBox.right = Max(x + clip.right, lfbDisplay.updateBox.right); lfbDisplay.updateBox.bottom = Max(y + clip.bottom, lfbDisplay.updateBox.bottom); */ surface.unclippedBox =; lfbSurface.drawingChar = 219; return true; } bool GetBitmapSurface(DisplaySystem displaySystem, Surface surface, Bitmap bitmap, int x,int y, Box clip) { bool result = false; LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; if(lfbSurface || (surface.driverData = lfbSurface = LFBSurface { })) { lfbSurface.bitmap = bitmap; surface.offset.x = x; surface.offset.y = y; = clip; if(bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormatText) { surface.offset.x /= textCellW; surface.offset.y /= textCellH; /= textCellW; /= textCellH; /= textCellW; /= textCellH; } surface.unclippedBox = *&; lfbSurface.drawingChar = 219; result = true; } return result; } void Clip(Display display, Surface surface, Box clip) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; if(clip != null) { Box box = clip; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormatText) { box.left /= textCellW; /= textCellH; box.right /= textCellW; box.bottom /= textCellH; } box.Clip(surface.unclippedBox); = box; } else = surface.unclippedBox; } void SetForeground(Display display, Surface surface, ColorAlpha color) { LFBDisplay lfbDisplay = display ? display.driverData : null; LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; uint index; if(display) color = color /*& 0xFFFFFF*/; lfbSurface.foregroundRgb = color; if(lfbSurface.font && lfbDisplay) { index = lfbDisplay.rgbLookup[(uint16)(Color555)lfbSurface.foregroundRgb]; lfbSurface.paletteShades = lfbDisplay.lightTable[index]; } switch(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat) { case pixelFormat8: if(display) lfbSurface.foreground = lfbDisplay.rgbLookup[(uint16)(Color555)color]; else lfbSurface.foreground = BestColorMatch(lfbSurface.bitmap.palette,0,255,color); break; case pixelFormat444: lfbSurface.foreground = (Color444)color; break; case pixelFormat555: lfbSurface.foreground = (Color555)color; break; case pixelFormat565: lfbSurface.foreground = (Color565)color; break; case pixelFormat888: lfbSurface.foreground = color; break; case pixelFormatRGBA: lfbSurface.foreground = (ColorRGBA)color; break; case pixelFormatText: if(display) lfbSurface.foreground = BestColorMatch(lfbDisplay.bitmap.palette,0,15,color) << 8; else lfbSurface.foreground = BestColorMatch(lfbSurface.bitmap.palette,0,15,color) << 8; break; } } void SetBackground(Display display, Surface surface, ColorAlpha color) { LFBDisplay lfbDisplay = display ? display.driverData : null; LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; color = color /*& 0xFFFFFF*/; switch(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat) { case pixelFormat8: if(display) lfbSurface.background = lfbDisplay.rgbLookup[(uint16)(Color555)color]; else lfbSurface.background = BestColorMatch(lfbSurface.bitmap.palette,0,255,color); break; case pixelFormat444: lfbSurface.background = (Color444)color; break; case pixelFormat555: lfbSurface.background = (Color555)color; break; case pixelFormat565: lfbSurface.background = (Color565)color; break; case pixelFormat888: lfbSurface.background = color; break; case pixelFormatRGBA: lfbSurface.background = (ColorRGBA)color; break; case pixelFormatText: if(display) lfbSurface.background = BestColorMatch(lfbDisplay.bitmap.palette,0,15,color) << 12; else lfbSurface.background = BestColorMatch(lfbSurface.bitmap.palette,0,15,color) << 12; break; } } ColorAlpha GetPixel(Display display, Surface surface, int x, int y) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormatText) { x /= textCellW; y /= textCellH; } if((x <= && (y <= && (x >= && (y >= { x += surface.offset.x; y += surface.offset.y; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) { switch(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat) { case pixelFormatText: case pixelFormat8: if(!lfbSurface.bitmap.palette) return 0; return lfbSurface.bitmap.palette[((byte *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[(uint) y * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x]]; case pixelFormat444: return ((Color444 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[(uint) y * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x]; case pixelFormat555: return ((Color555 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[(uint) y * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x]; case pixelFormat565: return ((Color565 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[(uint) y * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x]; case pixelFormat888: return ((ColorAlpha *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[(uint) y * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride+x]; } } } return 0; } void PutPixel(Display display, Surface surface,int x,int y) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormatText) { x /= textCellW; y /= textCellH; } if((x <= && (y <= && (x >= && (y >= { x += surface.offset.x; y += surface.offset.y; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) { switch(GetColorDepthShifts(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat)) { case 0: ((byte *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[(uint) y * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x] = (byte)lfbSurface.foreground; break; case 1: ((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[(uint)y * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x] = (uint16)lfbSurface.foreground; break; case 2: if(((uint32 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[(uint32) y * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x] != (uint32)lfbSurface.foreground) ((uint32 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[(uint32) y * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x] = (uint32)lfbSurface.foreground; break; } } } } void DrawLine(Display display, Surface surface, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; int xd, yd; int xu,yu; int errorterm; uint offset; uint color = lfbSurface.foreground; uint16 stipple = lfbSurface.stipple ? lfbSurface.stipple : 0xFFFF; bool invert = false; if(!lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) return; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormatText) { x1 /= textCellW; x2 /= textCellW; y1 /= textCellH; y2 /= textCellH; if(surface.textOpacity) color |= lfbSurface.background; color |= lfbSurface.drawingChar; } if(y1 == y2) { if(x1>x2) { int tmp = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = tmp; invert = true; } if((y1>||(||(; if(x2 < x1) return; offset=(y1+surface.offset.y)*lfbSurface.bitmap.stride+x1+surface.offset.x; if(stipple != 0xFFFF) { int x; switch(GetColorDepthShifts(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat)) { case 0: for(x=x1; x<=x2; x++, offset++) { if(stipple & 0x8000) ((byte *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=(byte)color; if(invert) stipple = ((stipple & 0x7FFF)<<1) | ((stipple & 0x8000)>>15); else stipple = ((stipple & 0xFFFE)>>1) | ((stipple & 0x0001)<<15); } break; case 1: for(x=x1; x<=x2; x++, offset++) { if(stipple & 0x8000) ((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset] = (uint16)color; if(invert) stipple = ((stipple & 0x7FFF)<<1) | ((stipple & 0x8000)>>15); else stipple = ((stipple & 0xFFFE)>>1) | ((stipple & 0x0001)<<15); } break; case 2: for(x=x1; x<=x2; x++, offset++) { if(stipple & 0x8000) ((uint32 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset] = color; if(invert) stipple = ((stipple & 0x7FFF)<<1) | ((stipple & 0x8000)>>15); else stipple = ((stipple & 0xFFFE)>>1) | ((stipple & 0x0001)<<15); } break; } } else { if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat != pixelFormatText || surface.textOpacity) { switch(GetColorDepthShifts(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat)) { case 0: FillBytes(((byte *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)+offset,(byte)color,x2-x1+1); break; case 1: FillBytesBy2(((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)+offset,(uint16)color,x2-x1+1); break; case 2: FillBytesBy4(((uint32 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)+offset,color,x2-x1+1); break; } } else { int x; for(x = x1; x <= x2; x++, offset++) { ((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset] = (((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset] & 0xF000) | (uint16)color; } } } } else if(x1 == x2) { int y; if(y1>y2) { int tmp = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = tmp; invert = true; } if((x1>||(||(; offset=(y1+surface.offset.y)*lfbSurface.bitmap.stride+x1+surface.offset.x; switch(GetColorDepthShifts(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat)) { case 0: for(y=y1; y<=y2; y++, offset+=lfbSurface.bitmap.stride) { if(stipple & 0x8000) ((byte *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=(byte)color; if(invert) stipple = ((stipple & 0x7FFF)<<1) | ((stipple & 0x8000)>>15); else stipple = ((stipple & 0xFFFE)>>1) | ((stipple & 0x0001)<<15); } break; case 1: for(y=y1; y<=y2; y++, offset+=lfbSurface.bitmap.stride) { if(stipple & 0x8000) { if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat != pixelFormatText || surface.textOpacity) ((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=(uint16)color; else { ((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset] = (((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset] & 0xF000) | (uint16)color; } } if(invert) stipple = ((stipple & 0x7FFF)<<1) | ((stipple & 0x8000)>>15); else stipple = ((stipple & 0xFFFE)>>1) | ((stipple & 0x0001)<<15); } break; case 2: if(stipple != 0xFFFF) { for(y=y1; y<=y2; y++, offset+=lfbSurface.bitmap.stride) { if(stipple & 0x8000) ((uint32*)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=color; if(invert) stipple = ((stipple & 0x7FFF)<<1) | ((stipple & 0x8000)>>15); else stipple = ((stipple & 0xFFFE)>>1) | ((stipple & 0x0001)<<15); } } else { for(y=y1; y<=y2; y++, offset+=lfbSurface.bitmap.stride) ((uint32*)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=color; } break; } } else { if(x2 >= x1) { if(x1 < { if(x2 < return; y1 += (y2 - y1) * ( - x1) / (x2 - x1); x1 =; } if(x2 > { if(x1 > return; y2 -= (y2 - y1) * (x2 - / (x2 - x1); x2 =; } if(y2 >= y1) { if(y1 < { if(y2 < return; x1 += (x2 - x1) * ( - y1) / (y2 - y1); y1 =; } if(y2 > { if(y1 > return; x2 -= (x2 - x1) * (y2 - / (y2 - y1); y2 =; } } else { if(y1 > { if(y2 > return; x1 -= (x1 - x2) * (y1 - / (y1 - y2); y1 =; } if(y2 < { if(y1 < return; x2 += (x1 - x2) * ( - y2) / (y1 - y2); y2 =; } } } else { if(x1 > { if(x2 > return; y1 -= (y1 - y2) * (x1 - / (x1 - x2); x1 =; } if(x2 < { if(x1 < return; y2 += (y1 - y2) * ( - x2) / (x1 - x2); x2 =; } if(y2 >= y1) { if(y1 < { if(y2 < return; x1 += (x2 - x1) * ( - y1) / (y2 - y1); y1 =; } if(y2 > { if(y1 > return; x2 -= (x2 - x1) * (y2 - / (y2 - y1); y2 =; } } else { if(y1 > { if(y2 > return; x1 -= (x1 - x2) * (y1 - / (y1 - y2); y1 =; } if(y2 < { if(y1 < return; x2 += (x1 - x2) * ( - y2) / (y1 - y2); y2 =; } } } xd=x2-x1; yd=y2-y1; if(xd<0) { xd=-xd; xu=-1; } else xu=1; if(yd<0) { yd=-yd; yu=-(int)lfbSurface.bitmap.stride; } else yu=lfbSurface.bitmap.stride; offset=(y1+surface.offset.y)*lfbSurface.bitmap.stride+x1+surface.offset.x; errorterm=0; if(xd>yd) { int i, length=xd; for(i=0; i<=length; i++) { if(stipple & 0x8000) switch(GetColorDepthShifts(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat)) { case 0: ((byte *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=(byte)color; break; case 1: ((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=(uint16)color; break; case 2: ((uint32*)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=(uint32)color; break; } offset+=xu; errorterm+=yd; if(errorterm>=xd) { errorterm-=xd; offset+=yu; } stipple = ((stipple & 0x7FFF)<<1) | ((stipple & 0x8000)>>15); } } else { int i, length=yd; for(i=0; i<=length; i++) { if(stipple & 0x8000) switch(GetColorDepthShifts(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat)) { case 0: ((byte *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=(byte)color; break; case 1: ((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=(uint16)color; break; case 2: ((uint32*)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture)[offset]=(uint32)color; break; } offset+=yu; errorterm+=xd; if(errorterm>=yd) { errorterm-=yd; offset+=xu; } } } } } void Rectangle(Display display, Surface surface,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { DrawLine(display, surface,x1,y1,x2,y1); DrawLine(display, surface,x2,y1,x2,y2); DrawLine(display, surface,x2,y2,x1,y2); DrawLine(display, surface,x1,y2,x1,y1); } #if !defined(__GNUC__) /* void memset_32_aligned(void *buf, int val, int dwords) { // Qword align if ((int)(buf) & 4) { *((uint32 *)(buf)) = val; buf = ((uint32 *)(buf))+1; dwords--; } if (dwords > 1) { __asm { cld mov edi, buf mov ecx, dwords shr ecx, 1 mov eax, val movd mm0, eax movd mm1, eax psllq mm1, 32 por mm0, mm1 align 16 repeat: movq [edi], mm0 add edi, 8 loop repeat emms }; } // Final dword if (dwords & 1) *((int*)(buf)) = val; }*/ //#define USE_SSE /* void memset_32_aligned(uint32 *buf, uint32 val, uint32 dwords) { dwords <<= 2; #ifdef USE_SSE if(((uint32)buf) & 0x7F) { for( ; ((uint32)buf) & 0x7F && dwords; buf++) { *buf = val; dwords--; } } if(dwords) #endif __asm { mov edi, buf mov eax, val mov ecx, dwords mov edx,ecx #ifdef USE_SSE shr ecx,7 #else shr ecx,6 #endif mov ebx,ecx #ifdef USE_SSE shl ebx,7 #else shl ebx,6 #endif sub edx,ebx ; edx holds # of overflow bytes #ifdef USE_SSE mov [edi],eax mov [edi+4],eax mov [edi+8],eax mov [edi+12],eax movdqa xmm0, [edi] #else mov [edi],eax mov [edi+4],eax movq mm0, [edi] #endif cmp ecx,0 je doneloop setloop: #ifdef USE_SSE movdqa [edi],xmm0 movdqa [edi+16],xmm0 movdqa [edi+32],xmm0 movdqa [edi+48],xmm0 movdqa [edi+64],xmm0 movdqa [edi+80],xmm0 movdqa [edi+96],xmm0 movdqa [edi+112],xmm0 add edi,8*16 #else movq [edi],mm0 movq [edi+8],mm0 movq [edi+16],mm0 movq [edi+24],mm0 movq [edi+32],mm0 movq [edi+40],mm0 movq [edi+48],mm0 movq [edi+56],mm0 add edi,8*8 #endif dec ecx jnz setloop doneloop: mov ecx,edx shr ecx,2 rep stosd emms }; } void memset_32(void *buf, uint32 val, uint32 dwords) { int align = 0; if ((uint32)(buf) & 3) { align = 4; dwords--; if (((uint32)(buf) & 1)) { *(byte *)(buf) = (byte)(val&0xFF); buf = ((byte *)(buf))+1; val = ((val& 0xFF) << 24) || ((val& 0xFFFFFF00) >> 8); align --; } if (((uint32)(buf) & 2)) { *(uint16 *)(buf) = (uint16)(val&0xFFFF); buf = ((uint16 *)(buf))+1; val = ((val& 0xFFFF) << 16) || ((val& 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); align-=2; } } memset_32_aligned(buf,val,dwords); if (align) { if (align == 1) { *(byte *)(buf) = (byte)(val&0xFF); } else { *(uint16 *)(buf) = (uint16)(val&0xFFFF); if (align & 1) *((byte *)(buf)+2) = (byte)((val>>16)&0xFF); } } } */ #endif void Area(Display display, Surface surface,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; uint32 color = lfbSurface.background; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormatText) { color |= lfbSurface.foreground | lfbSurface.drawingChar; x1 /= textCellW; x2 /= textCellW; y1 /= textCellH; y2 /= textCellH; } if(x1>x2) { int tmp = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = tmp; } if(; if(; if(x2>=x1 && y2>=y1) { int w,y; byte * theOffset; w = x2-x1+1; if(w<1) return; x1 += surface.offset.x; x2 += surface.offset.x; y1 += surface.offset.y; y2 += surface.offset.y; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) { if(!surface.writeColor) { ColorAlpha * picture = (((ColorAlpha *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + y1 * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x1); for(y = y1; y<= y2; y++) { int c; for(c = 0; c < w; c++, picture++) if(!picture->a) picture->a = (byte)((color & 0xFF000000) >> 24); picture += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w; } } else { if(surface.background.a == 255 || lfbSurface.clearing) { switch(GetColorDepthShifts(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat)) { case 0: theOffset = ((byte *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + y1 * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x1; for(y = y1; y<= y2; y++) { FillBytes(theOffset,(byte)color,w); theOffset += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride; } break; case 1: theOffset = (byte *) (((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + y1 * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x1); for(y = y1; y<= y2; y++) { FillBytesBy2((uint16 *) theOffset,(uint16)color,w); theOffset += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride * sizeof(uint16); } break; case 2: theOffset = (byte *) (((uint32 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + y1 * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x1); for(y = y1; y<= y2; y++) { #if defined(__GNUC__) FillBytesBy4((uint32 *) theOffset,color,w); #else memset_32((uint32 *) theOffset,color,w); #endif theOffset += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride * sizeof(uint32); } /* y = y2-y1+1; { int bla = (lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w) * sizeof(uint32); //memset_32((uint32 *) theOffset,color,w); /*_asm { push edi push ecx push eax push ebx push edx mov ebx,bla mov edi,theOffset mov eax,color mov edx,y mov ecx,w start: push ecx rep stosd add edi,ebx pop ecx dec edx jnz start pop edx pop ebx pop eax pop ecx pop edi }; break; }*/ } } else { switch(GetColorDepthShifts(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat)) { case 0: theOffset = ((byte *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + y1 * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x1; for(y = y1; y<= y2; y++) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT THIS FillBytes(theOffset,(byte)color,w); theOffset += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride; } break; case 1: { uint16 * dest = (((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + y1 * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x1); ColorAlpha c = surface.background; int a = c.a; int cr = c.color.r; int cg = c.color.g; int cb = c.color.b; PixelFormat pixelFormat = lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat; for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) { int c; for(c = 0; c < w; c++, dest++) { Color destColor; if(pixelFormat == pixelFormat565) { destColor = (Color)*(Color565 *)dest; } else if(pixelFormat == pixelFormat555) { destColor = (Color)*(Color555 *)dest; } else if(pixelFormat == pixelFormat444) { destColor = (Color)*(Color444 *)dest; } { int r = a * cr / 255 + ((255 - a) * destColor.r / 255); int g = a * cg / 255 + ((255 - a) * destColor.g / 255); int b = a * cb / 255 + ((255 - a) * destColor.b / 255); if(r > 255) r = 255; if(g > 255) g = 255; if(b > 255) b = 255; destColor = { (byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b }; if(pixelFormat == pixelFormat565) { *dest = (Color565)destColor; } else if(pixelFormat == pixelFormat555) { *dest = (Color555)destColor; } else if(pixelFormat == pixelFormat444) { *dest = (Color444)destColor; } } } dest += (lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w); } break; } case 2: { ColorAlpha * dest = (ColorAlpha *)(((uint32 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + y1 * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x1); AlphaWriteMode alphaWrite = surface.alphaWrite; ColorAlpha c = surface.background; int a = c.a; int cr = c.color.r; int cg = c.color.g; int cb = c.color.b; for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) { int c; for(c = 0; c < w; c++, dest++) { int dr = dest->color.r; int dg = dest->color.g; int db = dest->color.b; int r = a * cr / 255 + ((255 - a) * dr / 255); int g = a * cg / 255 + ((255 - a) * dg / 255); int b = a * cb / 255 + ((255 - a) * db / 255); if(r > 255) r = 255; if(g > 255) g = 255; if(b > 255) b = 255; dest->color = { (byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b }; if(alphaWrite == blend) { int ca = (int)(a + ((255 - a) * dest->a / 255)); if(ca > 255) ca = 255; dest->a = (byte)ca; } else if(alphaWrite) dest->a = (byte)a; } dest += (lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w); } } } } } } } } void Clear(Display display, Surface surface, ClearType type) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; lfbSurface.clearing = true; if(surface.offset.x == 0 && surface.offset.y == 0 && == 0 && == 0 && == surface.width-1 && == surface.height-1) { uint32 color = /*0xFF000000 | */lfbSurface.background; if(type != depthBuffer) { if(lfbSurface.bitmap.stride != surface.width) Area(display, surface,,,,; else { switch(GetColorDepthShifts(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat)) { case 0: FillBytes(lfbSurface.bitmap.picture, (byte)color, lfbSurface.bitmap.size); break; case 1: FillBytesBy2((uint16 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture, (uint16)color, lfbSurface.bitmap.size); break; case 2: FillBytesBy4((uint32 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture, color, lfbSurface.bitmap.size); break; } } } /* if((flags & CLEAR_Z) && zbuffer) FillBytesBy4((DWORD *)zbuffer,0,(sizeof(float)*(DWORD)display.width * display.Height)>>2); */ } else { if(type != depthBuffer) Area(display, surface,,,,; /* if((flags & CLEAR_Z)) { int y; uint32 w =; float * offset = zbuffer + (( +surface.offset.y) * (DWORD)DISPLAY.Width) +; for(y =; y<=; y++) { FillBytesBy4((uint32 *) offset,0,(sizeof(float)>>2)*w); offset += DISPLAY.Width; } } */ } lfbSurface.clearing = false; } void Blit(Display display, Surface surface, Bitmap src, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; bool flip = false; if( < || < || !src.picture) return; if(w < 0) { w = -w; flip = true; } //Clip against the edges of the source if(sx<0) { dx+=-sx; w-=-sx; sx=0; } if(sy<0) { dy+=0-sy; h-=0-sy; sy=0; } if(sx+w>src.width-1) w-=sx+w-(src.width-1)-1; if(sy+h>src.height-1) h-=sy+h-(src.height-1)-1; //Clip against the edges of the destination if( { if(flip) sx+=(uint32)(dx+w); w-=((uint32)(dx+w); } if((dy+h)> h-=((dy+h); if((w<=0)||(h<=0)) return; dx += surface.offset.x; dy += surface.offset.y; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) { AlphaWriteMode alphaWrite = surface.alphaWrite; if(src.alphaBlend && surface.blend) { int x, y; if(src.pixelFormat == pixelFormatAlpha) { if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormat888) { ColorAlpha * picture = ((ColorAlpha *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + (lfbSurface.bitmap.stride * dy) + dx; byte * source = ((byte *)src.picture) + (src.stride * sy) + sx; ColorAlpha color = lfbSurface.writingText ? surface.foreground : surface.blitTint; for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(x = 0; x < w; x++, picture++, source++) { int a = *source * color.a; ColorAlpha dest = *picture; int r = (a * color.color.r + ((255 * 255 - a) * dest.color.r)) / (255 * 255); int g = (a * color.color.g + ((255 * 255 - a) * dest.color.g)) / (255 * 255); int b = (a * color.color.b + ((255 * 255 - a) * dest.color.b)) / (255 * 255); if(r > 255) r = 255; if(g > 255) g = 255; if(b > 255) b = 255; picture->color = { (byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b }; if(alphaWrite == blend) { int ca = (a * 255 + (255 * 255 - a) * dest.a) / (255 * 255); if(ca > 255) ca = 255; picture->a = (byte)ca; } else if(alphaWrite) picture->a = (byte)(a / 255); } picture += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w; source += src.stride - w; } } else if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormat555) { Color555 * picture = ((Color555 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + (lfbSurface.bitmap.stride * dy) + dx; byte * source = ((byte *)src.picture) + (src.stride * sy) + sx; ColorAlpha color = lfbSurface.writingText ? surface.foreground : surface.blitTint; for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(x = 0; x < w; x++, picture++, source++) { int a = *source * color.a; Color dest = *picture; int r = (a * color.color.r + ((255 * 255 - a) * dest.r)) / (255 * 255); int g = (a * color.color.g + ((255 * 255 - a) * dest.g)) / (255 * 255); int b = (a * color.color.b + ((255 * 255 - a) * dest.b)) / (255 * 255); if(r > 255) r = 255; if(g > 255) g = 255; if(b > 255) b = 255; *picture = Color { (byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b }; } picture += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w; source += src.stride - w; } } else if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormat565) { Color565 * picture = ((Color565 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + (lfbSurface.bitmap.stride * dy) + dx; byte * source = ((byte *)src.picture) + (src.stride * sy) + sx; ColorAlpha color = lfbSurface.writingText ? surface.foreground : surface.blitTint; for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(x = 0; x < w; x++, picture++, source++) { int a = *source * color.a; Color dest = *picture; int r = (a * color.color.r + ((255 * 255 - a) * dest.r)) / (255 * 255); int g = (a * color.color.g + ((255 * 255 - a) * dest.g)) / (255 * 255); int b = (a * color.color.b + ((255 * 255 - a) * dest.b)) / (255 * 255); if(r > 255) r = 255; if(g > 255) g = 255; if(b > 255) b = 255; *picture = Color { (byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b }; } picture += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w; source += src.stride - w; } } } else { ColorAlpha * source = ((ColorAlpha *)src.picture) + (src.stride * sy) + sx; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormat888) { ColorAlpha * picture = ((ColorAlpha *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + (lfbSurface.bitmap.stride * dy) + dx; for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(x = 0; x < w; x++, picture++, source++) { ColorAlpha src = *source; ColorAlpha dest = *picture; int r = src.a * src.color.r / 255 + ((255 - src.a) * dest.color.r / 255); int g = src.a * src.color.g / 255 + ((255 - src.a) * dest.color.g / 255); int b = src.a * src.color.b / 255 + ((255 - src.a) * dest.color.b / 255); if(r > 255) r = 255; if(g > 255) g = 255; if(b > 255) b = 255; picture->color = { (byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b }; if(alphaWrite == blend) { int a = src.a + ((255 - src.a) * dest.a / 255); if(a > 255) a = 255; picture->a = (byte)a; } else if(alphaWrite) picture->a = src.a; } picture += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w; source += src.stride - w; } } else if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormat565) { Color565 * picture = ((Color565 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + (lfbSurface.bitmap.stride * dy) + dx; for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(x = 0; x < w; x++, picture++, source++) { ColorAlpha src = *source; Color565 dest = *picture; int r = src.a * src.color.r * 31 / 255 + ((255 - src.a) * dest.r); int g = src.a * src.color.g * 63 / 255 + ((255 - src.a) * dest.g); int b = src.a * src.color.b * 31 / 255 + ((255 - src.a) * dest.b); if(r > 255 * 31) r = 255 * 31; if(g > 255 * 63) g = 255 * 63; if(b > 255 * 31) b = 255 * 31; *picture = { (byte)(r / 255), (byte)(g / 255), (byte)(b / 255) }; } picture += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w; source += src.stride - w; } } else if(lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormat555) { Color555 * picture = ((Color555 *)lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + (lfbSurface.bitmap.stride * dy) + dx; for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(x = 0; x < w; x++, picture++, source++) { ColorAlpha psrc = *source; Color555 dest = *picture; int r = psrc.a * psrc.color.r * 31 / 255 + ((255 - psrc.a) * dest.r); int g = psrc.a * psrc.color.g * 31 / 255 + ((255 - psrc.a) * dest.g); int b = psrc.a * psrc.color.b * 31 / 255 + ((255 - psrc.a) * dest.b); if(r > 255 * 31) r = 255 * 31; if(g > 255 * 31) g = 255 * 31; if(b > 255 * 31) b = 255 * 31; *picture = { (byte)(r / 255), (byte)(g / 255), (byte)(b / 255) }; } picture += lfbSurface.bitmap.stride - w; source += src.stride - w; } } } } else if(src.paletteShades) shades_blit_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h); else if(src.pixelFormat == lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat) blits_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][src.transparent][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h); else if(src.pixelFormat == pixelFormat8) blits_8bit_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][src.transparent][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h); } } bool GrabScreen(Display display, Bitmap bitmap, int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { bool result = false; LFBDisplay lfbDisplay = display.driverData; if(bitmap.pixelFormat != lfbDisplay.bitmap.pixelFormat || bitmap.width < w || bitmap.height < h) { bitmap.Free(); bitmap.Allocate(null, w,h,w, lfbDisplay.bitmap.pixelFormat, (lfbDisplay.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormat8)?true:false); } if(bitmap) { Surface surface = bitmap.GetSurface(0,0,null); if(surface) { Blit(display, surface, lfbDisplay.bitmap, 0,0,x,y,w,h); if(bitmap.palette && lfbDisplay.bitmap.pixelFormat == pixelFormat8 && lfbDisplay.bitmap.palette) CopyBytesBy4(bitmap.palette, lfbDisplay.bitmap.palette, 256); delete surface; } result = true; } return result; } void Stretch(Display display, Surface surface, Bitmap src, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int sw, int sh) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; bool flip = false; float s2dw,s2dh,d2sw,d2sh; if( < || < || !src.picture) return; if(Sgn(w) != Sgn(sw)) { w = Abs(w); sw = Abs(sw); flip = true; } s2dw=(float)w / sw; s2dh=(float)h / sh; d2sw=(float)sw / w; d2sh=(float)sh / h; //Clip against the edges of the source if(sx<0) { dx+=(int)((0-sx) * s2dw); w-=(int)((0-sx) * s2dw); sw-=0-sx; sx=0; } if(sy<0) { dy+=(int)((0-sy) * s2dh); h-=(int)((0-sy) * s2dh); sh-=0-sy; sy=0; } if(sx+sw>src.width-1) { w-=(int)((sx+sw-(src.width-1)-1)*s2dw); sw-=sx+sw-(src.width-1)-1; } if(sy+sh>(src.height-1)) { h-=(int)((sy+sh-(src.height-1)-1)*s2dh); sh-=sy+sh-(src.height-1)-1; } //Clip against the edges of the destination if( { if(flip) sx+=(int)(((dx+w)*d2sw); sw-=(int)(((dx+w)*d2sw); w-=((dx+w); } if((dy+h)> { sh-=(int)(((dy+h)*d2sh); h-=((dy+h); } if((w<=0)||(h<=0)||(sw<=0)||(sh<=0)) return; dx+=surface.offset.x; dy+=surface.offset.y; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) { AlphaWriteMode alphaWrite = surface.alphaWrite; if(src.alphaBlend && surface.blend) { int x, y; uint xerr,yerr; uint adddest = lfbSurface.bitmap.stride, addsource = src.stride; ColorAlpha * backsrc; ColorAlpha * source = ((ColorAlpha *) src.picture) + sy * addsource + sx; ColorAlpha * dest = ((ColorAlpha *) lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + dy * adddest + dx; if(flip < 0) source += sw-1; adddest -= w; yerr = 0; for(y=0; y= sh) { yerr-=sh; xerr = 0; for(x=0; x=sw) { xerr-=sw; { ColorAlpha src = *source; ColorAlpha dst = *dest; int r = src.a * src.color.r / 255 + ((255 - src.a) * dst.color.r / 255); int g = src.a * src.color.g / 255 + ((255 - src.a) * dst.color.g / 255); int b = src.a * src.color.b / 255 + ((255 - src.a) * dst.color.b / 255); if(r > 255) r = 255; if(g > 255) g = 255; if(b > 255) b = 255; dest->color = { (byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b }; if(alphaWrite == blend) { int a = src.a + ((255 - src.a) * dst.a / 255); if(a > 255) a = 255; dest->a = (byte)a; } else if(alphaWrite) dest->a = src.a; } dest++; } source ++; } dest+=adddest; source = backsrc; } source += addsource; } } else if(src.paletteShades) shades_stretch_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h,sw,sh); else if(src.pixelFormat == lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat) stretches_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][src.transparent][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h,sw,sh); else if(src.pixelFormat == pixelFormat8 && lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat != pixelFormatText) stretches_8bit_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][src.transparent][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h,sw,sh); } } void Filter(Display display, Surface surface, Bitmap src, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int sw, int sh) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; bool flip = false; float s2dw,s2dh,d2sw,d2sh; if( < || < || !src.picture) return; if(Sgn(w) != Sgn(sw)) { w = Abs(w); sw = Abs(sw); flip = true; } s2dw=(float)w / sw; s2dh=(float)h / sh; d2sw=(float)sw / w; d2sh=(float)sh / h; //Clip against the edges of the source if(sx<0) { dx+=(int)((0-sx) * s2dw); w-=(int)((0-sx) * s2dw); sw-=0-sx; sx=0; } if(sy<0) { dy+=(int)((0-sy) * s2dh); h-=(int)((0-sy) * s2dh); sh-=0-sy; sy=0; } if(sx+sw>src.width-1) { w-=(int)((sx+sw-(src.width-1)-1)*s2dw); sw-=sx+sw-(src.width-1)-1; } if(sy+sh>(src.height-1)) { h-=(int)((sy+sh-(src.height-1)-1)*s2dh); sh-=sy+sh-(src.height-1)-1; } //Clip against the edges of the destination if( { if(flip) sx+=(int)(((dx+w)*d2sw); sw-=(int)(((dx+w)*d2sw); w-=((dx+w); } if((dy+h)> { sh-=(int)(((dy+h)*d2sh); h-=((dy+h); } if((w<=0)||(h<=0)||(sw<=0)||(sh<=0)) return; dx+=surface.offset.x; dy+=surface.offset.y; if(lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) { AlphaWriteMode alphaWrite = surface.alphaWrite; if(src.alphaBlend && surface.blend) { int x, y; uint xerr,yerr; uint adddest = lfbSurface.bitmap.stride, addsource = src.stride; ColorAlpha * backsrc; ColorAlpha * source = ((ColorAlpha *) src.picture) + sy * addsource + sx; ColorAlpha * dest = ((ColorAlpha *) lfbSurface.bitmap.picture) + dy * adddest + dx; float scaleX = (float)sw / w; float scaleY = (float)sh / h; /*if(flip < 0) { dest += w-1; adddest += w; } else*/ adddest -= w; if (w > sw && h > sh) { int y; for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { int y0 = y * sh / h; int y1 = Min(y0 + 1, sh - 1); float alpha = y * scaleY - y0; int x; for(x = 0; x < w; x++, dest += 1) { int x0 = x * sw / w; int x1 = Min(x0 + 1, sw - 1); float beta = x * scaleX - x0; ColorAlpha color; ColorAlpha src00, src01, src10, src11; float a1,r1,g1,b1,a2,r2,g2,b2; float a,r,g,b; src00 = source[y0 * src.stride + x0]; src01 = source[y0 * src.stride + x1]; src10 = source[y1 * src.stride + x0]; src11 = source[y1 * src.stride + x1]; a1 = (src00.a) * (1.0f - beta) + (src01.a) * beta; r1 = (src00.color.r) * (1.0f - beta) + (src01.color.r) * beta; g1 = (src00.color.g) * (1.0f - beta) + (src01.color.g) * beta; b1 = (src00.color.b) * (1.0f - beta) + (src01.color.b) * beta; a2 = (src10.a) * (1.0f - beta) + (src11.a) * beta; r2 = (src10.color.r) * (1.0f - beta) + (src11.color.r) * beta; g2 = (src10.color.g) * (1.0f - beta) + (src11.color.g) * beta; b2 = (src10.color.b) * (1.0f - beta) + (src11.color.b) * beta; a = a1 * (1.0f - alpha) + a2 * alpha; r = r1 * (1.0f - alpha) + r2 * alpha; g = g1 * (1.0f - alpha) + g2 * alpha; b = b1 * (1.0f - alpha) + b2 * alpha; { ColorAlpha dst = *dest; int cr = (int)(a * r / 255 + ((255 - a) * dst.color.r / 255)); int cg = (int)(a * g / 255 + ((255 - a) * dst.color.g / 255)); int cb = (int)(a * b / 255 + ((255 - a) * dst.color.b / 255)); if(cr > 255) cr = 255; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; dest->color = { (byte)cr, (byte)cg, (byte)cb }; if(alphaWrite == blend) { int ca = (int)(a + ((255 - a) * dst.a / 255)); if(ca > 255) ca = 255; dest->a = (byte)ca; } else if(alphaWrite) dest->a = (byte)a; } } dest += adddest; } } else { int y; for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { int y0 = Min((int)((y + 1) * scaleY), sh - 1); int y1 = Min(y0 + 1, sh - 1); int x; for (x = 0; x < w; x++, dest += 1) { int x0 = Min((int)((x + 1) * scaleX), sw - 1); int x1 = Min(x0 + 1, sw - 1); float a = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; int numPixels = 0; int i, j; ColorAlpha color; for (i = y0; i <= y1; i++) for (j = x0; j <= x1; j++) { ColorAlpha pixel = source[i * src.stride + j]; a += pixel.a; r += pixel.color.r; g += pixel.color.g; b += pixel.color.b; numPixels++; } a /= numPixels; r /= numPixels; g /= numPixels; b /= numPixels; { ColorAlpha src = *source; ColorAlpha dst = *dest; int cr = (int)(a * r / 255 + ((255 - a) * dst.color.r / 255)); int cg = (int)(a * g / 255 + ((255 - a) * dst.color.g / 255)); int cb = (int)(a * b / 255 + ((255 - a) * dst.color.b / 255)); if(cr > 255) cr = 255; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; dest->color = { (byte)cr, (byte)cg, (byte)cb }; if(alphaWrite == blend) { int ca = (int)(a + ((255 - a) * dst.a / 255)); if(ca > 255) ca = 255; dest->a = (byte)ca; } else if(alphaWrite) dest->a = (byte)a; } } dest += adddest; } } } else if(!src.paletteShades && src.pixelFormat == lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat) filters_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][src.transparent][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h,sw,sh); // Fail back on Stretch else if(src.paletteShades) shades_stretch_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h,sw,sh); else if(src.pixelFormat == lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat) stretches_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][src.transparent][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h,sw,sh); else if(src.pixelFormat == pixelFormat8 && lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat != pixelFormatText) stretches_8bit_table[lfbSurface.bitmap.pixelFormat][src.transparent][flip](src,lfbSurface.bitmap,dx,dy,sx,sy,w,h,sw,sh); } } void BlitDI(Display display, Surface surface, Bitmap src, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h) { Blit(display, surface, src, dx, dy, sx, sy, w, h); } void StretchDI(Display display, Surface surface, Bitmap src, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int sw, int sh) { Stretch(display, surface, src, dx, dy, sx, sy, w, h, sw, sh); } void FilterDI(Display display, Surface surface, Bitmap src, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int sw, int sh) { Filter(display, surface, src, dx, dy, sx, sy, w, h, sw, sh); } void UnloadFont(DisplaySystem displaySystem, Font font) { if(font) { #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) int entry; for(entry = 0; entrysize = fileSize; stream->descriptor.pointer = file; stream->read = FT_stream_load; stream->close = FT_stream_close; args.flags = /*FT_OPEN_PATHNAME|*//*FT_OPEN_MEMORY|*/FT_OPEN_STREAM/*|FT_OPEN_PARAMS*/; = stream; //args.pathname = fileName; //args.memory_base = fontEntry.buffer; //args.memory_size = fileSize; // printf("Opening: %s\n", fileName); FT_Open_Face( ftLibrary, &args, fontID, &fontEntry.face ); // delete file; if(fontEntry.face) { fontEntry.hbFace = HB_NewFace(fontEntry.face, hb_getSFntTable); fontEntry.hbFont.klass = &hb_fontClass; fontEntry.hbFont.userData = fontEntry; //.face; numFonts++; loadedFonts.Add(fontEntry); } else { delete fontEntry; // printf("Error opening font %s\n", fileName); } } } if(fontEntry) { if(!entry) { FT_Matrix matrix; FT_Vector pen = { 0, 0 }; if(fakeItalic) { matrix.xx = (FT_Fixed)( 1.0 * 0x10000L ); matrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)( 0.3 * 0x10000L ); matrix.yx = (FT_Fixed)( 0.0 * 0x10000L ); matrix.yy = (FT_Fixed)( 1.0 * 0x10000L ); FT_Set_Transform(fontEntry.face, &matrix, &pen ); } FaceSetCharSize(fontEntry.face, size); font.height = ((fontEntry.face->size->metrics.height) >> 6); //* y_scale; // printf("Font height is %d\n", font.height); font.fakeItalic = fakeItalic; font.size = size; result = font; } font.fontEntries[entry++] = fontEntry; fontEntry.used++; } { int c; char ch; char fontName[1024]; if(!links[linksPos]) break; for(c = 0; (ch = links[linksPos + c]); c++) { fontName[c] = ch; if(ch == ',') break; } fontName[c] = 0; if(fontName[0] || ch == ',') { #if defined(__WIN32__) GetWindowsDirectory(fileName, MAX_LOCATION); PathCat(fileName, "fonts"); PathCat(fileName, fontName); #elif defined(ECERE_NOFONTCONFIG) if(getenv("ECERE_FONTS")) { strcpy(fileName, ecereFonts); PathCat(fileName, fontName); } else { { char * fileName2; FcResult result = 0; FcPattern * pattern; FcPattern * matched; char * family; pattern = FcPatternBuild(null, //FC_SOURCE, FcTypeString, "freetype", //FC_SCALABLE, FcTypeBool, 1, FC_FAMILY, FcTypeString, links + linksPos + c + 1, FC_SIZE, FcTypeDouble, (double)size, FC_WEIGHT, FcTypeInteger, flags.bold ? FC_WEIGHT_BOLD : FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM /*FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT*/, FC_SLANT, FcTypeInteger, flags.italic ? FC_SLANT_ITALIC : FC_SLANT_ROMAN, null); FcDefaultSubstitute(pattern); FcConfigSubstitute(fcConfig, pattern, FcMatchPattern); //FcMatchFont); //printf("Locating %s\n", links + linksPos + c + 1); matched = FcFontMatch (0, pattern, &result); if(matched) { FcPatternGetString(matched, FC_FAMILY, 0, &family); // printf("Fontconfig returned %s\n", family); } if(matched && (result == FcResultMatch /*|| result == FcResultNoId*/) && FcPatternGetString(matched, FC_FAMILY, 0, &family) == FcResultMatch /*&& !strcmpi(family, links + linksPos + c + 1)*/) { double fontSize; FcPatternGetString (matched, FC_FILE, 0, &fileName2); FcPatternGetInteger(matched, FC_INDEX, 0, &fontID); FcPatternGetDouble(matched, FC_SIZE, 0, &fontSize); strcpy(fileName, fileName2); //size = (float)fontSize; // printf("Matched to %s, %f\n", fileName, size); } else { // printf("Could not find a match for %s, %f, %s %s (%d)\n", links + linksPos + c + 1, size, flags.bold ? "bold" : "", flags.italic ? "italic" : "", (int)result); } if(pattern) FcPatternDestroy(pattern); if(matched) FcPatternDestroy(matched); } } #endif } linksPos += c; while(links[linksPos] && links[linksPos] != ',') linksPos++; linksPos++; } } } if(!result) UnloadFont(displaySystem, font); else { font.asciiPack.Render(font, 0, displaySystem); } #if !defined(__WIN32__) delete linkCfg; #endif } #endif return result; } #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) void ::ProcessString(Font font, DisplaySystem displaySystem, byte * text, int len, void (* callback)(Surface surface, Display display, int x, int y, GlyphInfo * glyph, Bitmap bitmap), Surface surface, Display display, int * x, int y) { if(font && font.fontEntries && font.fontEntries[0]) { int previousGlyph = 0; FT_Face previousFace = 0; int c, nb, glyphIndex = 0; unichar lastPack = 0; GlyphPack pack = font.asciiPack; int wc; uint * glyphs; int numGlyphs = 0; bool rightToLeft = false; int fontEntryNum = 0; int glyphScript = 0; FontEntry curFontEntry; pack.bitmap.alphaBlend = true; for(c = 0; c < len || (numGlyphs && (rightToLeft ? (glyphIndex >= 0) : (glyphIndex < numGlyphs)));) { uint glyphNo; uint packNo; if(numGlyphs && (rightToLeft ? (glyphIndex >= 0) : (glyphIndex < numGlyphs))) { glyphNo = glyphs[glyphIndex] | 0x80000000 | (glyphScript << 24); rightToLeft ? glyphIndex-- : glyphIndex++; } else { HB_Script curScript = HB_Script_Common; byte * scriptStart = text + c; unichar nonASCIIch = 0; unichar ch; unichar ahead = 0; unichar testChar = 0; char * testLang = null; while(true) { HB_Script script = HB_Script_Common; ch = UTF8GetChar((char *)text + c, &nb); if(ch > 127) nonASCIIch = ch; if(!nb) break; if(ch == 32 && curScript) { if(ahead) script = curScript; else { int a; for(a = c + 1; a < c + len; a++) { if(text[a] != 32) break; } if(a < c + len) { int nb; unichar ahead = UTF8GetChar((char *)text + a, &nb); if((ahead >= 0x590 && ahead <= 0x7C0) || (ahead >= 0xFB1D && ahead <= 0xFB4F) || (ahead >= 0xFB50 && ahead <= 0xFDFF)) script = curScript; } else script = curScript; } } else if(ch < 0x370) script = HB_Script_Common; else if(ch <= 0x11FF) { switch(ch & 0xFF00) { case 0x300: script = HB_Script_Greek; break; case 0x400: script = HB_Script_Cyrillic; break; case 0x500: script = (ch < 0x530) ? HB_Script_Cyrillic : ((ch < 0x590) ? HB_Script_Armenian : HB_Script_Hebrew); break; case 0x600: script = HB_Script_Arabic; break; case 0x700: script = (ch < 0x750) ? HB_Script_Syriac : ((ch < 0x780) ? HB_Script_Arabic : ((ch < 0x7C0) ? HB_Script_Thaana : HB_Script_Common)); break; case 0x800: script = HB_Script_Common; break; // NO CHARACTERS ASSIGNED BETWEEN 0x7C0 and 0x8FF? case 0x900: script = (ch < 0x980) ? HB_Script_Devanagari : HB_Script_Bengali; break; case 0xA00: script = (ch < 0xA80) ? HB_Script_Gurmukhi : HB_Script_Gujarati; break; case 0xB00: script = (ch < 0xB80) ? HB_Script_Oriya : HB_Script_Tamil; break; case 0xC00: script = (ch < 0xC80) ? HB_Script_Telugu : HB_Script_Kannada; break; case 0xD00: script = (ch < 0xD80) ? HB_Script_Malayalam : HB_Script_Sinhala; break; case 0xE00: script = (ch < 0xE80) ? HB_Script_Thai : HB_Script_Lao; break; case 0xF00: script = HB_Script_Tibetan; break; case 0x1000: script = (ch < 0x10A0) ? HB_Script_Myanmar : HB_Script_Georgian; break; case 0x1100: script = HB_Script_Hangul; break; } } else if(ch >= 0x1F00 && ch <= 0x1FFF) script = HB_Script_Greek; else if((ch >= 0x2D00 && ch <= 0x2D2F) || (ch >= 0x3130 && ch <= 0x318F) || (ch >= 0xAC00 && ch <= 0xD7AF) || (ch >= 0xFFA0 && ch <= 0xFFDC)) script = HB_Script_Hangul; else if(ch >= 0x1680 && ch <= 0x169F) script = HB_Script_Ogham; else if(ch >= 0x16A0 && ch <= 0x16FF) script = HB_Script_Runic; else if((ch >= 0x1780 && ch <= 0x17FF) || (ch >= 0x19E0 && ch <= 0x19FF)) script = HB_Script_Khmer; else if(ch >= 0x3040 && ch <= 0x309F) script = 60; else if(ch >= 0x3400 && ch <= 0x9FBF) script = 61; //else if(ch >= 0x4E00 && ch <= 0x9FBF) script = 61; else if(ch >= 0xFB13 && ch <= 0xFB17) script = HB_Script_Armenian; else if(ch >= 0xFB1D && ch <= 0xFB4F) script = HB_Script_Hebrew; else if(ch >= 0xFB50 && ch <= 0xFDFF) script = HB_Script_Arabic; if(curScript) { if(!script || (script != curScript)) break; c += nb; if(c >= len) break; } else { if(!script || script > HB_ScriptCount) { c += nb; if(script > HB_ScriptCount) curScript = script; break; } if(!script) { c += nb; break; } curScript = script; } } if(!nb) break; fontEntryNum = 0; if(curScript == HB_Script_Common || curScript > HB_ScriptCount) { rightToLeft = false; glyphNo = ch; theCurrentScript = 0; } else { int len = c - (int)(scriptStart - text); int max = len * 2 + 1; if(max > utf16BufferSize) { utf16 = renew utf16 uint16[max]; utf16BufferSize = max; } wc = UTF8toUTF16BufferLen((char *)scriptStart, utf16, max, len); theCurrentScript = glyphScript = curScript; } switch(curScript) { case HB_Script_Arabic: testChar = 0x621; /*testLang = "ar"; */ //printf("Arabic "); break; case HB_Script_Devanagari: testChar = 0x905; testLang = "sa"; //printf("Devanagari "); break; case HB_Script_Hebrew: testChar = 0x05EA /*'ת'*/; /*testLang = "he"; */ //printf("Hebrew "); break; default: testChar = ch; /* case 60: testChar = 'あ'; break; case 61: testChar = 0x3400; break; //'愛'; break; */ } if(testChar) { // printf("Testing for char %x\n", testChar); for(fontEntryNum = 0; fontEntryNumsize = fileSize; stream->descriptor.pointer = file; stream->read = FT_stream_load; stream->close = FT_stream_close; args.flags = FT_OPEN_STREAM; = stream; //args.pathname = fileName; //args.memory_base = fontEntry.buffer; //args.memory_size = fileSize; // printf("Opening: %s\n", fileName); FT_Open_Face( ftLibrary, &args, fontID, &fontEntry.face ); // delete file; if(fontEntry.face) { fontEntry.hbFace = HB_NewFace(fontEntry.face, hb_getSFntTable); fontEntry.hbFont.klass = &hb_fontClass; fontEntry.hbFont.userData = fontEntry; //.face; numFonts++; loadedFonts.Add(fontEntry); } else { delete fontEntry; // printf("Error opening font %s\n", fileName); } } } if(fontEntry) { FaceSetCharSize(fontEntry.face, font.size); font.fontEntries[fontEntryNum] = fontEntry; fontEntry.used++; } } if(pattern) FcPatternDestroy(pattern); if(matched) FcPatternDestroy(matched); if(charSet) FcCharSetDestroy(charSet); #endif } if(curScript > HB_ScriptCount) curScript = HB_Script_Common; if(curScript != HB_Script_Common && curScript < HB_ScriptCount) { font.fontEntries[fontEntryNum].font = font; glyphs = shaping(font.fontEntries[fontEntryNum], utf16, wc, curScript, &numGlyphs, &rightToLeft); if(!numGlyphs) continue; glyphIndex = rightToLeft ? (numGlyphs - 1) : 0; glyphNo = glyphs[glyphIndex] | 0x80000000 | (glyphScript << 24); rightToLeft ? glyphIndex-- : glyphIndex++; } } curFontEntry = font.fontEntries[fontEntryNum]; packNo = glyphNo & 0xFFFFFF80; if(packNo != lastPack) { if(glyphNo < 128) pack = font.asciiPack; else { pack = (GlyphPack)font.glyphPacks.Find(packNo); if(!pack) { pack = GlyphPack { key = packNo }; font.glyphPacks.Add(pack); pack.Render(font, fontEntryNum, displaySystem); } } pack.bitmap.alphaBlend = true; lastPack = packNo; } if(pack) { int index = rightToLeft ? (glyphIndex + 1) : (glyphIndex-1); GlyphInfo * glyph = &pack.glyphs[glyphNo & 0x7F]; int ax = (int)((numGlyphs ? shaper_item.advances[index] : glyph->ax) * glyph->scale); int offset = numGlyphs ? shaper_item.offsets[index].x : 0; int oy = 0;//numGlyphs ? shaper_item.offsets[index].y : 0; ax += offset; if(previousGlyph && curFontEntry.face == previousFace) { FT_Vector delta = { 0, 0 }; FT_Get_Kerning(curFontEntry.face, previousGlyph, glyph->glyphNo, FT_KERNING_UNFITTED, &delta ); if(delta.x < 0) delta.x += (-delta.x) % 64; else if(delta.x) delta.x += 64 - (delta.x % 64); *x += delta.x * glyph->scale; } previousGlyph = glyph->glyphNo; previousFace = curFontEntry.face; if(callback) callback(surface, display, ((*x) >> 6), y + (oy >> 6), glyph, pack.bitmap); *x += ax; } if(numGlyphs && (rightToLeft ? (glyphIndex < 0) : (glyphIndex == numGlyphs))) numGlyphs = 0; } } if(surface) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; lfbSurface.xOffset = 0; } } #endif void FontExtent(DisplaySystem displaySystem, Font font, byte * text, int len, int * width, int * height) { if(displaySystem && displaySystem.flags.text && len) { if(width) { int num = len; *width = num * textCellW; } if(height) *height = textCellH; } else if(font && len) { if(width) { int w = 0; #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) ProcessString(font, displaySystem, text, len, null, null, null, &w, 0); #endif //*width = (w + 64 - w % 64) >> 6; *width = w >> 6; } if(height) *height = font.height; } else { if(width) *width = 0; if(height) *height = 0; } } #if !defined(ECERE_NOTRUETYPE) void ::OutputGlyph(Surface surface, Display display, int x, int y, GlyphInfo * glyph, Bitmap bitmap) { surface.driver.Blit(display, surface, bitmap, x + glyph->left, y + glyph->top, glyph->x, glyph->y, glyph->w, glyph->h); } #endif void WriteText(Display display, Surface surface, int x, int y, byte * text, int len) { LFBSurface lfbSurface = surface.driverData; if(display && display.displaySystem.flags.text) { LFBDisplay lfbDisplay = display.driverData; uint16 * coffset = (uint16 *)lfbDisplay.bitmap.picture; int c; x /= textCellW; y /= textCellH; if(y > || y < return; coffset += (y+surface.offset.y) * lfbSurface.bitmap.stride + x + surface.offset.x; for(c=0; (c