namespace gfx; import "Display" public class BitmapFormat { class_data const char ** extensions; class_property const char ** extensions { get { return class_data(extensions); } set { class_data(extensions) = value; } } virtual bool ::Load(Bitmap bitmap, File f); virtual bool ::Save(Bitmap bitmap, const char * fileName, void * options); virtual ColorAlpha * ::LoadPalette(const char * fileName, const char * type); }; static const char * typesToTry[] = { "gif", "jpg", "png", "bmp", "pcx", "memorybmp" }; #define NUM_TYPES_TO_TRY ((int)(sizeof(typesToTry) / sizeof(char *))) static subclass(BitmapFormat) FindFormat(const char * type) { subclass(BitmapFormat) format = null; if(type) { OldLink link; for(link = class(BitmapFormat).derivatives.first; link; link = { const char ** extensions; format =; extensions = format.extensions; if(extensions) { int c; for(c = 0; extensions[c] && extensions[c][0]; c++) if(!strcmp(extensions[c], type)) break; if(extensions[c] && extensions[c][0]) break; } } if(!link) format = null; } return format; } public ColorAlpha * LoadPalette(const char * fileName, const char * type) { char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; subclass(BitmapFormat) format = null; ColorAlpha * palette = null; int typeToTry = -1; Bitmap bitmap { }; if(!type) type = strlwr(GetExtension(fileName, ext)); if(type) format = FindFormat(type); if(!format) typeToTry = 0; for(; typeToTry < NUM_TYPES_TO_TRY; typeToTry++) { if(typeToTry >= 0) format = FindFormat(typesToTry[typeToTry]); if(format) { palette = format.LoadPalette(fileName, type); if(palette) break; } if(!palette) { if(bitmap.Load(fileName, type, null)) { palette = bitmap.Quantize(0, 255); bitmap.allocatePalette = false; break; } } if(typeToTry == -1) break; } delete bitmap; if(!palette) ; //eGraphics_LogErrorCode(GERR_LOAD_BITMAP_FAILED, fileName); return palette; } static define GRANULARITY = 4; static class QuantNode : struct { QuantNode prev, next; QuantNode parent; QuantNode nodes[2][2][2]; int index; byte minR, maxR; byte minG, maxG; byte minB, maxB; int n2; float e; float sr, sg, sb; int level; void AddColor(int r, int g, int b, OldList nodeList, int * nonZeroN2) { int size = maxR - minR + 1; int mr = (maxR - minR) / 2; int mg = (maxG - minG) / 2; int mb = (maxB - minB) / 2; e += ((r-mr) * (r-mr) + (g-mg) * (g-mg) + (b-mb) * (b-mb)) >> level; if(size > GRANULARITY) { int ri = (r - minR) / (size >> 1); int gi = (g - minG) / (size >> 1); int bi = (b - minB) / (size >> 1); QuantNode child = nodes[ri][gi][bi]; if(!child) { child = nodes[ri][gi][bi] = QuantNode { }; nodeList.Add(child); child.level = level + 1; child.parent = this; child.minR = (byte)(minR + ri * (size >> 1)); child.maxR = (byte)(child.minR + (size >> 1) - 1); child.minG = (byte)(minG + gi * (size >> 1)); child.maxG = (byte)(child.minG + (size >> 1) - 1); child.minB = (byte)(minB + bi * (size >> 1)); child.maxB = (byte)(child.minB + (size >> 1) - 1); } child.AddColor(r, g, b, nodeList, nonZeroN2); } else { if(!n2) (*nonZeroN2)++; n2 ++; sr += r; sg += g; sb += b; } } void PruneNode(OldList nodeList, int * nonZeroN2) { int r,g,b; QuantNode parent = this.parent; int ri = (minR != parent.minR); int gi = (minG != parent.minG); int bi = (minB != parent.minB); for(r = 0; r<2; r++) for(g = 0; g<2; g++) for(b = 0; b<2; b++) { QuantNode child = nodes[r][g][b]; if(child) child.PruneNode(nodeList, nonZeroN2); } this.parent.nodes[ri][gi][bi] = null; if(n2 && parent.n2) (*nonZeroN2)--; += sr; += sg; += sb; parent.n2 += n2; nodeList.Delete(this); } int FindColor(ColorAlpha * palette, int r, int g, int b) { int size = maxR - minR + 1; if(size > GRANULARITY) { int ri = (r - minR) / (size >> 1); int gi = (g - minG) / (size >> 1); int bi = (b - minB) / (size >> 1); QuantNode child = nodes[ri][gi][bi]; if(child) return child.FindColor(palette, r, g, b); } return index; } int Compare(const QuantNode b, void * data) { return (e > b.e) ? -1 : (e < b.e); } void AddNodeToColorTable(ColorAlpha * palette, int * c) { int r, g, b; if(n2 > 0) { r = (int)(sr / n2); g = (int)(sg / n2); b = (int)(sb / n2); r = Max(Min(r,255),0); g = Max(Min(g,255),0); b = Max(Min(b,255),0); palette[*c] = { 255, Color { (byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b } }; index = *c; (*c)++; } for(r = 0; r<2; r++) for(g = 0; g<2; g++) for(b = 0; b<2; b++) { QuantNode child = nodes[r][g][b]; if(child) child.AddNodeToColorTable(palette, c); } } }; public class Bitmap { class_no_expansion ~Bitmap() { Free(); } public: int width, height; // Data representation PixelFormat pixelFormat; byte * picture; uint stride; uint size, sizeBytes; ColorAlpha * palette; bool allocatePalette; // Appearance bool transparent; // TODO: byte shadeShift; int shadeShift; byte * paletteShades; bool alphaBlend; // Hidden Data DisplaySystem displaySystem; subclass(DisplayDriver) driver; void * driverData; bool keepData; bool mipMaps; public: /*property byte * picture { get { return picture; } set { picture = value; } }; property int width { get { return width; } set { width = value; } }; property int height { get { return height; } set { height = value; } }; property int stride { get { return stride; } set { stride = value; } }; property int size { get { return size; } }; property ColorAlpha * palette { set { palette = value; } get { return palette; } }; property bool transparent { set { transparent = value; } get { return transparent; } }; property bool alphaBlend { set { alphaBlend = value; } get { return alphaBlend; } }; property byte * paletteShades { set { paletteShades = value; } get { return paletteShades; } }; property PixelFormat pixelFormat { get { return pixelFormat; } set { pixelFormat = value; } }; property bool keepData { set { keepData = value; } get { return keepData; } };*/ Surface GetSurface(int x, int y, Box clip) { Surface result = null; Surface surface { }; if(surface) { Box box { 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1 }; box.Clip(clip); surface.width = (clip != null) ? (clip.right - clip.left + 1) : width; surface.height = (clip != null) ? (clip.bottom - + 1) : height; surface.driver = (driver != null) ? driver : ((subclass(DisplayDriver))class(LFBDisplayDriver)); surface.displaySystem = displaySystem; surface.display = null; // For now... with render to textures, the texture should have a display... //surface.alphaWrite = write; if(surface.driver.GetBitmapSurface(displaySystem, surface, this, x, y, box)) { surface.TextOpacity(false); surface.SetForeground(white); surface.SetBackground(black); result = surface; } if(!result) delete surface; } return result; } void SmoothEdges(int size) { Surface surface = GetSurface(0, 0, null); if(surface) { int cx,cy; int acrossX = width / size; int acrossY = height / size; for(cy = 0; cy < acrossY; cy++) for(cx = 0; cx < acrossX; cx++) { int x,y; Color in1, in2, res; /* Color color { GetRandom(0,255), GetRandom(0,255), GetRandom(0,255)) }; surface.SetForeground(color); for(y = 0; y 0 || cy > 0) { int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, num = 0; if(cx > 0) { in1 = surface.GetPixel(cx * size - 1, cy * size); in2 = surface.GetPixel(cx * size, cy * size); r += in1.r + in2.r; g += in1.g + in2.g; b += in1.b + in2.b; num += 2; } if(cy > 0) { in1 = surface.GetPixel(cx * size, cy * size - 1); in2 = surface.GetPixel(cx * size, cy * size); r += in1.r + in2.r; g += in1.g + in2.g; b += in1.b + in2.b; num += 2; } surface.SetForeground(Color { (byte)(r/num), (byte)(g/num), (byte)(b/num) }); surface.PutPixel(cx * size, cy * size); if(cx > 0) surface.PutPixel(cx * size - 1, cy * size); if(cy > 0) surface.PutPixel(cx * size, cy * size - 1); if(cx > 0 && cy > 0) surface.PutPixel(cx * size - 1, cy * size - 1); } // Left if(cx>0) for(y = 1; y0) for(x = 1; x= 0) format = FindFormat(typesToTry[typeToTry]); if(format) { if((result = format.Load(this, file))) { if(displaySystem) { if(!MakeDD(displaySystem)) { Free(); result = false; } } break; } } if(typeToTry == -1) break; } } if(!result) ; // eGraphics_LogErrorCode(GERR_LOAD_BITMAP_FAILED, null); return result; } bool Load(const char * fileName, const char * type, DisplaySystem displaySystem) { bool result = false; char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; subclass(BitmapFormat) format = null; int typeToTry = -1; const char * guessedType = type; if(!fileName) return false; if(!guessedType) guessedType = strlwr(GetExtension(fileName, ext)); if(guessedType) format = FindFormat(guessedType); if(!format) typeToTry = 0; for(; typeToTry < NUM_TYPES_TO_TRY; typeToTry++) { if(typeToTry >= 0) format = FindFormat(typesToTry[typeToTry]); if(format) { File f = FileOpen(fileName, read); if(f) { if((result = format.Load(this, f))) { if(displaySystem) { if(!MakeDD(displaySystem)) { Free(); result = false; } } delete f; break; } delete f; } } if(typeToTry == -1) { if(type) break; typeToTry = 0; } } if(!result) ; //eGraphics_LogErrorCode(GERR_LOAD_BITMAP_FAILED, fileName); return result; } bool LoadT(const char * fileName, const char * type, DisplaySystem displaySystem) { bool result = Load(fileName, type, null); if(result) { transparent = true; if(displaySystem) if(!MakeDD(displaySystem)) { Free(); result = false; } } return result; } #define TRESHOLD 384 bool LoadGrayed(const char * fileName, const char * type, DisplaySystem displaySystem) { bool result = Load(fileName, type, null); if(result) { if(pixelFormat == pixelFormatRGBA) { int c; int x, y; Bitmap grayed { }; grayed.Allocate(null, width, height, 0, pixelFormat888, false); for(y = 0; y 128 && */(b.r + b.g + b.b) < TRESHOLD) { // TODO: Precomp syntax error here without brackets ((ColorAlpha *)grayed.picture)[(y + 1) * grayed.stride + (x + 1)] = ColorAlpha { b.a, white }; } } } for(c = 0; c 128) { ((ColorAlpha *)grayed.picture)[c] = (/*b.a > 128 && */b.r + b.g + b.b < TRESHOLD) ? ColorAlpha { b.a, { 128, 128, 128 } } : ColorAlpha { b.a, { 212, 208, 200 } }; } } Free(); pixelFormat = grayed.pixelFormat; picture = grayed.picture; grayed.picture = null; transparent = true; alphaBlend = true; driver = grayed.driver; delete grayed; if(displaySystem) if(!MakeDD(displaySystem)) { Free(); result = false; } return result; } if(pixelFormat != pixelFormat8) { transparent = true; palette = Quantize(1, 255); } if(pixelFormat == pixelFormat8) { int c; int x, y; Bitmap grayed { }; grayed.Allocate(null, width, height, 0, pixelFormat888, false); for(y = 0; y end - start + 1) { for(node = nodeList.last; node; node = node.prev) { if(node.n2 > 0) { ((QuantNode)nodeList.last).PruneNode(nodeList, &nonZeroN2); break; } } } c = 0; mainNode.AddNodeToColorTable(palette + start, &c); { Bitmap newBitmap { }; if(newBitmap.Allocate(null, width, height, 0, pixelFormat8, false)) { int y, x; ColorAlpha * picture = (ColorAlpha *)this.picture; byte * newPicture = newBitmap.picture; for(y = 0; y < height; y++) for(x = 0; x < width; x++, picture++, newPicture++) { byte color; if(transparent && start > 0 && !picture->a) color = 0; else color = (byte)(mainNode.FindColor(palette + start, picture->color.r, picture->color.g, picture->color.b) + start); *newPicture = color; } delete this.picture; this.picture = newBitmap.picture; this.palette = palette; allocatePalette = true; pixelFormat = pixelFormat8; sizeBytes = stride * height; newBitmap.picture = null; } delete newBitmap; } nodeList.Free(null); } return palette; } };