import "ecere" import "ec" import "" #define sflnprintln(...) PrintLn(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", ##__VA_ARGS__) static Context globalContext { }; static OldList defines { }; static OldList imports { }; static NameSpace globalData; static OldList excludedSymbols { offset = (uint)(uintptr)&((Symbol)0).left }; define app = (Convertor)__thisModule.application; #define UTF8_NUM_BYTES(x) (__extension__({ byte b = x; (b & 0x80 && b & 0x40) ? ((b & 0x20) ? ((b & 0x10) ? 4 : 3) : 2) : 1; })) default: /*extern */int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString; private: static __attribute__((unused)) void Dummy() { int a; a.OnGetString(null, null, null); } static String ConvertReadDoc(const char * filePath) { uint len; String contents = null; File f; f = FileOpen(filePath, read); if(f) { if((len = f.GetSize())) { contents = new char[len+1]; f.Read(contents, 1, len); contents[len] = '\0'; } delete f; } if(contents) { char * s; for(s = contents; *s; s++) if(!isspace(*s)) break; if(!*s) delete contents; } if(contents) { String buffer = new char[len+1]; char * i, * o = buffer; for(i = contents; *i; i++) { if(i[0] == '<' && (i[1] == 'b' || i[1] == 'B') && (i[2] == 'r' || i[2] == 'R') && i[3] == '>' && i[4] == '\n') i += 3; else { *o = *i; o++; } } *o = 0; delete contents; contents = buffer; } return contents; } void ConvertModuleDoc(Module module, bool isDll) { SubModule m; bool readOnly = true; char oldDocFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; char docFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; NameSpace * nameSpace = null; if( && (!strcmp(, "ecere") || !strcmp(, "ecereCOM"))) nameSpace = &module.application.systemNameSpace; if( && strcmp(, "ecereCOM")) nameSpace = &module.publicNameSpace; #ifdef _DEBUG getDocFilePath(oldDocFilePath, null, module, nameSpace, false, true); getDocFilePath(docFilePath, null, module, nameSpace, false, false); PrintLn("ConvertModuleDoc:", " convertDocDir(", app.convertDocDir, ")", " outputDocDir(", app.outputDocDir, ")", " oldDocFile(", oldDocFilePath, ")", " docFile(", docFilePath, ")"); #endif // def _DEBUG getDocFilePath(oldDocFilePath, app.convertDocDir, module, nameSpace, true, true); getDocFilePath(docFilePath, app.outputDocDir, module, nameSpace, true, false); if(FileExists(oldDocFilePath)) { if(FileExists(docFilePath).isDirectory) { char writeTestFilePath[MAX_LOCATION]; File f; sprintf(writeTestFilePath, "%s/_", docFilePath); f = FileOpen(writeTestFilePath, write); PrintLn("Info: Directory exists for eCdoc in eCon format. Conversion is not required. Proceeding anyway."); if(f) { delete f; DeleteFile(writeTestFilePath); readOnly = false; } else { readOnly = true; PrintLn("Error: Directory for eCdoc in eCon format is not writable."); } } else { MakeDir(docFilePath); if(FileExists(docFilePath).isDirectory) { readOnly = false; } else { readOnly = true; PrintLn("Error: Unable to create directory for eCdoc conversion to eCon."); } } if(!readOnly) { char fileName[MAX_LOCATION]; DocConvertIterator fsi { bool onFolder(const char * folderPath, const char * folderName) { DocConvertLocType type =; if(getNext) { if(type == namespaces) { PathCatSlash(nsDir, folderName); namespaces.Add((ns = { namespaceDoc = { name = CopyString(folderName) }, nsPath = CopyString(nsDir) })); nsStack.Add(ns); } else if(type == functions) { functionDoc = FunctionDoc { }; if(!ns.namespaceDoc.functions) ns.namespaceDoc.functions = { }; ns.namespaceDoc.functions[folderName] = functionDoc; } else if(type == classes) { classDoc = ClassDoc { name = CopyString(folderName) }; ns.classes.Add(classDoc); } else if(type == methods) { methodDoc = MethodDoc { }; if(!classDoc.methods) classDoc.methods = { }; classDoc.methods[folderName] = methodDoc; } else sflnprintln("what?"); nameStack.Add(CopyString(folderName)); getNext = false; if(!strcmp(folderName, "namespaces")) sflnprintln("what?"); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "functions")) sflnprintln("what?"); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "parameters")) sflnprintln("what?"); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "classes")) sflnprintln("what?"); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "enumeration values")) sflnprintln("what?"); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "data members")) sflnprintln("what?"); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "properties")) sflnprintln("what?"); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "conversions")) sflnprintln("what?"); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "methods")) sflnprintln("what?"); } else if((type == root || type == namespaces) && !strcmp(folderName, "namespaces")) addType(namespaces); else if((type == root || type == namespaces) && !strcmp(folderName, "functions")) addType(functions); else if((type == functions || type == methods) && !strcmp(folderName, "parameters")) addType(parameters); else if((type == root || type == namespaces) && !strcmp(folderName, "classes")) addType(classes); else if(type == classes && !strcmp(folderName, "enumeration values")) addType(values); else if(type == classes && !strcmp(folderName, "data members")) addType(fields); else if(type == classes && !strcmp(folderName, "properties")) addType(properties); else if(type == classes && !strcmp(folderName, "conversions")) addType(conversions); else if(type == classes && !strcmp(folderName, "methods")) addType(methods); return true; } void outFolder(const char * folderPath, const char * folderName, bool isRoot) { DocConvertLocType type =; if(!isRoot) { if(!strcmp(folderName, "namespaces")) exitType(); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "functions")) exitType(); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "parameters")) exitType(); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "classes")) exitType(); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "enumeration values")) exitType(); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "data members")) exitType(); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "properties")) exitType(); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "conversions")) exitType(); else if(!strcmp(folderName, "methods")) exitType(); else if(!strcmp(folderName, { if(type == namespaces) { StripLastDirectory(nsDir, nsDir); nsStack.Remove(nsStack.lastIterator.pointer); ns =; } delete; nameStack.Remove(nameStack.lastIterator.pointer); getNext = true; } } } bool onFile(const char * filePath, const char * fileName) { DocConvertLocType type =; if(!strstr(fileName, ".eCdoc")) { String doc = ConvertReadDoc(filePath); if((type == root || type == namespaces || type == classes || type == methods || type == functions) && !strcmp(fileName, "description")) { if(type == root || type == namespaces) { ns.namespaceDoc.description = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == classes) { classDoc.description = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == methods) { methodDoc.description = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == functions) { functionDoc.description = doc; doc = null; } } else if((type == classes || type == methods || type == functions) && !strcmp(fileName, "usage")) { if(type == classes) { classDoc.usage = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == methods) { methodDoc.usage = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == functions) { functionDoc.usage = doc; doc = null; } } else if((type == classes || type == methods || type == functions) && !strcmp(fileName, "example")) { if(type == classes) { classDoc.example = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == methods) { methodDoc.example = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == functions) { functionDoc.example = doc; doc = null; } } else if((type == classes || type == methods || type == functions) && !strcmp(fileName, "remarks")) { if(type == classes) { classDoc.remarks = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == methods) { methodDoc.remarks = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == functions) { functionDoc.remarks = doc; doc = null; } } else if((type == classes || type == methods || type == functions) && !strcmp(fileName, "seeAlso")) { if(type == classes) { classDoc.also = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == methods) { methodDoc.also = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == functions) { functionDoc.also = doc; doc = null; } } else if((type == methods || type == functions) && !strcmp(fileName, "returnValue")) { if(type == methods) { methodDoc.returnValue = doc; doc = null; } else if(type == functions) { functionDoc.returnValue = doc; doc = null; } } else { if(type == parameters) { uint pos; char * s; char name[MAX_FILENAME]; ParameterDoc parameterDoc; DocConvertLocType parentType = typeStack[typeStack.count-2]; strcpy(name, fileName); s = strstr(name, "."); if(s) { *s = 0; s++; pos = atoi(s); } else sflnprintln("what?"); if(parentType == functions) { parameterDoc = ParameterDoc { description = doc, position = pos }; doc = null; if(!functionDoc.parameters) functionDoc.parameters = { }; functionDoc.parameters[name] = parameterDoc; } else if(parentType == methods) { parameterDoc = ParameterDoc { description = doc, position = pos }; doc = null; if(!methodDoc.parameters) methodDoc.parameters = { }; methodDoc.parameters[name] = parameterDoc; } else sflnprintln("what?"); } else if(type == values) { ValueDoc valueDoc { description = doc }; doc = null; if(!classDoc.values) classDoc.values = { }; classDoc.values[fileName] = valueDoc; } else if(type == fields) { FieldDoc fieldDoc { description = doc }; doc = null; if(!classDoc.fields) classDoc.fields = { }; classDoc.fields[fileName] = fieldDoc; } else if(type == properties) { PropertyDoc propertyDoc { description = doc }; doc = null; if(! = { };[fileName] = propertyDoc; } else if(type == conversions) { ConversionDoc conversionDoc { description = doc }; doc = null; if(!classDoc.conversions) classDoc.conversions = { }; classDoc.conversions[fileName] = conversionDoc; } else sflnprintln("what?"); } delete doc; } return true; } }; fsi.nsDir[0] = '\0'; PathCatSlash(fsi.nsDir, docFilePath); fsi.typeStack.Add(root); fsi.namespaces.Add((fsi.ns = { namespaceDoc = { }, nsPath = CopyString(fsi.nsDir) })); fsi.nsStack.Add(fsi.ns); sprintf(fileName, "<%s>", oldDocFilePath); fsi.iterate(fileName); for(ns : fsi.namespaces) { writeNamespaceDocFile(ns.namespaceDoc, ns.nsPath); for(c : ns.classes) { writeClassDocFile(c, ns.nsPath); } } } } else { PrintLn("Info: old eCdoc format file (", oldDocFilePath, ") does not exist."); } for(m = module.modules.first; m; m = { if(m.importMode == publicAccess || !isDll) ConvertModuleDoc(m.module, true); } } void getDocFilePath(char * docFilePath, char * docDir, Module module, NameSpace * ns, bool includeDir, bool old) { sprintf(docFilePath, old ? "%s%s%s.eCdoc" : "%s%s%s", includeDir ? docDir : "", includeDir ? "/" : "", (!module || ! || (ns && ns->name && !strcmp(ns->name, "namespaces/ecere/namespaces/com"))) ? "ecereCOM" :; } static void writeNamespaceDocFile(NamespaceDoc namespaceDoc, const char * path) { if(!namespaceDoc.isEmpty) { char * filePath = new char[MAX_LOCATION]; File f; strcpy(filePath, path); PathCatSlash(filePath, "_global-defs"); ChangeExtension(filePath, "econ", filePath); MakeDir(path); DeleteFile(filePath); f = FileOpen(filePath, write); if(f) { WriteECONObject(f, class(NamespaceDoc), namespaceDoc, 0); delete f; } else { PrintLn("error: writeNamespaceDocFile -- problem opening file: ", filePath); } delete filePath; } } static void writeClassDocFile(ClassDoc classDoc, const char * path) { if(!classDoc.isEmpty) { char * name = getDocFileNameFromTypeName(; char * filePath = new char[MAX_LOCATION]; File f; strcpy(filePath, path); PathCatSlash(filePath, name); ChangeExtension(filePath, "econ", filePath); DeleteFile(filePath); f = FileOpen(filePath, write); if(f) { WriteECONObject(f, class(ClassDoc), classDoc, 0); delete f; } else { PrintLn("error: writeClassDocFile -- problem opening file: ", filePath); } delete name; delete filePath; } } Application componentsApp; class Convertor : Application { char * moduleName;; char * convertDocDir; char * outputDocDir; bool Init() { SetGlobalContext(globalContext); SetExcludedSymbols(&excludedSymbols); SetDefines(&::defines); SetImports(&imports); SetInDocumentor(true); SetGlobalData(globalData); if(argc == 3 || argc == 4) { convertDocDir = CopyString(argv[1]); outputDocDir = CopyString(argv[2]); if(argc == 4) moduleName = CopyString(argv[3]); else moduleName = CopyString("ecere"); return true; } return false; } void Main() { if(Init()) { OpenModule(moduleName); } else { PrintLn($"Syntax: exename []"); } system("pause"); } void Terminate() { delete moduleName; delete convertDocDir; delete outputDocDir; FreeContext(globalContext); FreeExcludedSymbols(excludedSymbols); ::defines.Free(FreeModuleDefine); imports.Free(FreeModuleImport); FreeGlobalData(globalData); FreeTypeData(componentsApp); FreeIncludeFiles(); delete componentsApp; } void OpenModule(const char * filePath) { char moduleName[MAX_LOCATION]; char extension[MAX_EXTENSION]; Module module = null; static char symbolsDir[MAX_LOCATION]; FreeContext(globalContext); FreeExcludedSymbols(excludedSymbols); ::defines.Free(FreeModuleDefine); imports.Free(FreeModuleImport); FreeGlobalData(globalData); FreeIncludeFiles(); if(componentsApp) { FreeTypeData(componentsApp); delete componentsApp; } componentsApp = __ecere_COM_Initialize(false, 1, null); SetPrivateModule(componentsApp); StripLastDirectory(filePath, symbolsDir); SetSymbolsDir(symbolsDir); GetExtension(filePath, extension); ImportModule(filePath, normalImport, publicAccess, false); if(extension[0] && strcmpi(extension, "so") && strcmpi(extension, "dll") && strcmpi(extension, "dylib")) = CopyString(filePath); for(module = componentsApp.allModules.first; module; module = { if( && (!strcmp(, "ecere") || !strcmp(, "ecereCOM"))) break; } if(!module) eModule_LoadStrict(componentsApp, "ecereCOM", publicAccess /*privateAccess*/); GetLastDirectory(filePath, moduleName); // Extension, path and lib prefix get removed in Module::name if(extension[0]) { StripExtension(moduleName); if((!strcmpi(extension, "so") || !strcmpi(extension, "dylib")) && strstr(moduleName, "lib") == moduleName) { int len = strlen(moduleName) - 3; memmove(moduleName, moduleName + 3, len); moduleName[len] = 0; } } ConvertModuleDoc(componentsApp, false); } } class DocConvertNamespaceStackFrame { NamespaceDoc namespaceDoc { }; Array classes { }; char * nsPath; } enum DocConvertLocType { root, namespaces, functions, parameters, classes, values, fields, properties, conversions, methods }; class DocConvertIterator : NormalFileSystemIterator { char * nsDir; bool getNext; Array nameStack { }; Array typeStack { }; Array nsStack { }; Array namespaces { }; DocConvertNamespaceStackFrame ns; DefineDoc defineDoc; FunctionDoc functionDoc; ClassDoc classDoc; MethodDoc methodDoc; void addType(DocConvertLocType type) { typeStack.Add(type); getNext = true; } void exitType() { typeStack.Remove(typeStack.lastIterator.pointer); getNext = false; } DocConvertIterator() { nsDir = new char[MAX_LOCATION]; } ~DocConvertIterator() { delete nsDir; } } public class NormalFileSystemIterator : FileSystemIterator { public: Array stack { }; char * extensions; property char * extensions { set { delete extensions; if(value) extensions = CopyString(value); } } ~NormalFileSystemIterator() { delete extensions; } void iterate(const char * startPath) { StackFrame frame; char startName[MAX_FILENAME]; startName[0] = '\0'; GetLastDirectory(startPath, startName); onInit(startPath, startName); { frame = StackFrame { }; stack.Add(frame); frame.path = CopyString(startPath); frame.listing = FileListing { startPath, extensions = extensions }; } if(iterateStartPath) { FileAttribs attribs = FileExists(startPath); if(attribs.isDrive) onVolume(startPath); else { if(attribs.isDirectory) onFolder(startPath, startName); else if(attribs.isFile) onFile(startPath, startName); } } while(stack.count) { if(frame.listing.Find()) { bool peek = frame.listing.stats.attribs.isDirectory && onFolder(frame.listing.path,; if(!frame.listing.stats.attribs.isDirectory) { onFile(frame.listing.path,; } else if(peek) { StackFrame newFrame { }; stack.Add(newFrame); newFrame.path = CopyString(frame.listing.path); newFrame.listing = FileListing { newFrame.path, extensions = frame.listing.extensions }; frame = newFrame; } } else { StackFrame parentFrame = stack.count > 1 ? stack[stack.count - 2] : null; outFolder(parentFrame ? parentFrame.listing.path : startPath, parentFrame ? : startName, !parentFrame); stack.lastIterator.Remove(); if(stack.count) frame =; else frame = null; } } } } public class FileSystemIterator { public: bool iterateStartPath; virtual bool onInit(const char * startPath, const char * startName) { return false; } virtual bool onFile(const char * filePath, const char * fileName) { return true; } virtual bool onFolder(const char * folderPath, const char * folderName) { return true; } virtual bool onVolume(const char * volumePath) { return true; } virtual void outFolder(const char * folderPath, const char * folderName, bool isRoot) { } } public class StackFrame { int tag; char * path; FileListing listing; ~StackFrame() { delete path; } };