import "ecdefs" #define YYLTYPE Location #include "grammar.h" extern char * yytext; char * defaultNameSpace; int defaultNameSpaceLen; public void SetDefaultNameSpace(char * s) { defaultNameSpace = s; defaultNameSpaceLen = s ? strlen(s) : 0; } bool strictNameSpaces; public void SetStrictNameSpaces(bool b) { strictNameSpaces = b; } AccessMode declMode = privateAccess; public void SetDeclMode(AccessMode accessMode) { declMode = accessMode; } AccessMode defaultDeclMode = privateAccess; public void SetDefaultDeclMode(AccessMode accessMode) { defaultDeclMode = accessMode; } char * currentNameSpace; int currentNameSpaceLen; public void SetCurrentNameSpace(char * s) { currentNameSpace = s; currentNameSpaceLen = s ? strlen(s) : 0; } #ifdef _TIMINGS Time findClassTotalTime; Time checkTypeTotalTime; Time externalImportTotalTime; Time findClassIgnoreNSTotalTime; #endif public OldList * MkList() { return new0 OldList[1]; } public OldList * MkListOne(void * item) { OldList * list = new0 OldList[1]; list->Add(item); return list; } void ListAdd(OldList list, void * item) { if(item) list.Add(item); } void ListAddFront(OldList list, void * item) { if(item) list.Insert(null, item); } public Identifier MkIdentifier(char * string) { Identifier id { }; int c; id._class = null; // Default class... if(string) { char * namePart; bool gotColon = false; for(c = strlen(string)-1; c >= 0; c--) if(string[c] == ':') { gotColon = true; break; } namePart = string+c+1; while(c >= 0 && string[c] == ':') c--; if(c >= 0) { char name[1024]; Symbol symbol; memcpy(name, string, c+1); name[c+1] = '\0'; // TODO: Do these better, keep in string? if(!strcmp(name, "typed_object")) { id._class = MkSpecifierName("typed_object"); //"class"); id.string = CopyString(namePart); } else if(!strcmp(name, "property")) { id._class = MkSpecifierName("property"); id.string = CopyString(namePart); } else if(!strcmp(name, "typed_object&")) { id._class = MkSpecifierName("typed_object&"); id.string = CopyString(namePart); } else if(!strcmp(name, "any_object")) { id._class = MkSpecifierName("any_object"); id.string = CopyString(namePart); } else { TemplatedType templatedType = FindTemplateTypeParameter(curContext, name); if(templatedType) { id._class = Specifier { type = templateTypeSpecifier, templateParameter = templatedType.param }; //id._class = MkSpecifierName(name); id.string = CopyString(namePart); } else { symbol = FindClass(name); if(symbol) { id._class = _MkSpecifierName(symbol.string, symbol, null); id.string = CopyString(namePart); } else id.string = CopyString(string); } } } else if(gotColon) { id._class = MkSpecifierName(null); id.string = CopyString(namePart); } else id.string = CopyString(string); } else id.string = CopyString(""); return id; } public TemplateParameter MkTypeTemplateParameter(Identifier identifier, TemplateDatatype baseTplDatatype, TemplateArgument defaultArgument) { if(identifier.string) { TemplateParameter param { type = TemplateParameterType::type, identifier = identifier, dataType = baseTplDatatype, defaultArgument = defaultArgument }; TemplatedType type { key = (uintptr)identifier.string, param = param }; if(!curContext.templateTypes.Add((BTNode)type)) delete type; return param; } return null; } public TemplateParameter MkIdentifierTemplateParameter(Identifier identifier, TemplateMemberType memberType, TemplateArgument defaultArgument) { if(identifier.string) { TemplateParameter param { type = TemplateParameterType::identifier, identifier = identifier, memberType = memberType, defaultArgument = defaultArgument }; return param; } return null; } public TemplateParameter MkExpressionTemplateParameter(Identifier identifier, TemplateDatatype dataType, TemplateArgument defaultArgument) { if(identifier.string) { TemplateParameter param { type = TemplateParameterType::expression, identifier = identifier, dataType = dataType, defaultArgument = defaultArgument }; return param; } return null; } public TemplateDatatype MkTemplateDatatype(OldList * specifiers, Declarator decl) { TemplateDatatype datatype { specifiers = specifiers, decl = decl }; return datatype; } public TemplateArgument MkTemplateTypeArgument(TemplateDatatype tplDatatype) { TemplateArgument argument { type = type, templateDatatype = tplDatatype }; return argument; } public TemplateArgument MkTemplateExpressionArgument(Expression expr) { TemplateArgument argument { type = expression, expression = expr }; return argument; } public TemplateArgument MkTemplateIdentifierArgument(Identifier ident) { TemplateArgument argument { type = identifier, identifier = ident }; return argument; } Expression MkExpExtensionCompound(Statement compound) { return { type = extensionCompoundExp, compound = compound }; } Expression MkExpExtensionExpression(OldList * expressions) { return { type = extensionExpressionExp, list = expressions, loc = yylloc }; } Expression MkExpExtensionInitializer(TypeName typeName, Initializer initializer) { return { type = extensionInitializerExp, initializer.typeName = typeName, initializer.initializer = initializer, loc = yylloc }; } public Expression MkExpIdentifier(Identifier id) { return { type = identifierExp, identifier = id }; } public Expression MkExpDummy() { Expression exp { type = dummyExp }; return exp; } public Expression MkExpConstant(char * string) { return { type = constantExp, constant = CopyString(string) }; } Expression MkExpString(char * string) { return { type = stringExp, string = CopyString(string) }; } // TODO: String is case sensitive.. // What should we do about it? /*public class CaseSensitiveString : String { int OnCompare(CaseSensitiveString string2) { int result = 0; if(this && string2) result = strcmpi(this, string2); else if(!this && string2) result = 1; else if(this && !string2) result = -1; return result; } }*/ public struct ContextStringPair { String string, context; // TODO: Should this be automated somehow? void OnFree() { delete string; delete context; } int OnCompare(ContextStringPair b) { int result; result = (string && b.string) ? strcmp(string, b.string) : (!string && b.string) ? 1 : (string && !b.string) ? -1 : 0; if(result) return result; result = (context && b.context) ? strcmp(context, b.context) : (!context && b.context) ? 1 : (context && !b.context) ? -1 : 0; // TODO: Support these // result = CaseSensitiveString::OnCompare(string, b.string); // result = ((CaseSensitiveString)string).OnCompare(b.string); return result; } }; Map> intlStrings { }; Expression MkExpIntlString(char * string, char * context) { OldList * list = MkList(); if(inCompiler) { ContextStringPair pair { }; List list; int len = strlen(string); pair.string = new byte[len-2+1]; memcpy(pair.string, string+1, len-2); pair.string[len-2] = '\0'; if(context) { len = strlen(context); pair.context = new byte[len-2+1]; memcpy(pair.context, context+1, len-2); pair.context[len-2] = '\0'; } list = intlStrings[pair]; if(!list) { list = { }; intlStrings[pair] = list; } else { delete pair.string; delete pair.context; } list.Add(yylloc); } ListAdd(list, QMkExpId("__thisModule")); ListAdd(list, MkExpString(string)); if(context) { int lenString = strlen(string), lenContext = strlen(context); char * msgid = new char[lenString-2 + lenContext-2 + 4]; msgid[0] = '\"'; memcpy(msgid+1, context+1, lenContext-2); msgid[1+lenContext-2] = 4; // EOT memcpy(msgid+1+lenContext-2+1, string+1, lenString-2); memcpy(msgid+1+lenContext-2+1+lenString-2, "\"", 2); ListAdd(list, MkExpString(msgid)); delete msgid; } else ListAdd(list, QMkExpId("null")); return MkExpCall(QMkExpId("GetTranslatedString"), list); } Expression MkExpOp(Expression exp1, int op, Expression exp2) { Expression exp { type = opExp; op.op = op; op.exp1 = exp1; op.exp2 = exp2 }; if(exp1 || exp2) { exp.loc.start = exp1 ? exp1.loc.start : exp2.loc.start; exp.loc.end = exp2 ? exp2.loc.end : exp1.loc.end; } return exp; } Expression MkExpBrackets(OldList expressions) { Expression exp { type = bracketsExp; list = expressions; }; if(expressions && expressions.first) { exp.loc.start = ((Expression)expressions.first).loc.start; exp.loc.end = ((Expression)expressions.last).loc.end; } return exp; } Expression MkExpIndex(Expression expression, OldList index) { return { type = indexExp, index.exp = expression, index.index = index }; } Expression MkExpCall(Expression expression, OldList arguments) { return { type = callExp, call.exp = expression, call.arguments = arguments }; } Expression MkExpMember(Expression expression, Identifier member) { return { type = memberExp, member.exp = expression, member.member = member }; } Expression MkExpPointer(Expression expression, Identifier member) { return { type = pointerExp, member.exp = expression, member.member = member }; } Expression MkExpTypeSize(TypeName typeName) { return { type = typeSizeExp, typeName = typeName }; } Expression MkExpTypeAlign(TypeName typeName) { return { type = typeAlignExp, typeName = typeName }; } Expression MkExpClassSize(Specifier _class) { return { type = classSizeExp, _class = _class }; } Expression MkExpCast(TypeName typeName, Expression expression) { return { type = castExp, cast.typeName = typeName, cast.exp = expression }; } Expression MkExpCondition(Expression cond, OldList expressions, Expression elseExp) { return { type = conditionExp, cond.cond = cond, cond.exp = expressions, cond.elseExp = elseExp }; } Expression MkExpRenew(Expression memExp, TypeName type, Expression size) { return { type = renewExp, _renew.exp = memExp, _renew.typeName = type, _renew.size = size }; } Expression MkExpRenew0(Expression memExp, TypeName type, Expression size) { return { type = renew0Exp, _renew.exp = memExp, _renew.typeName = type, _renew.size = size }; } Expression MkExpNew(TypeName type, Expression size) { return { type = newExp, _new.typeName = type, _new.size = size }; } Expression MkExpNew0(TypeName type, Expression size) { return { type = new0Exp, _new.typeName = type, _new.size = size }; } Expression MkExpVaArg(Expression exp, TypeName type) { return { type = vaArgExp, vaArg.exp = exp, vaArg.typeName = type }; } Specifier MkSpecifier(int specifier) { return { type = baseSpecifier, specifier = specifier }; } Specifier MkSpecifierTypeOf(Expression expression) { return { type = typeOfSpecifier, expression = expression }; } Specifier MkSpecifierSubClass(Specifier _class) { return { type = subClassSpecifier, _class = _class }; } Specifier MkSpecifierExtended(ExtDecl extDecl) { return { type = extendedSpecifier, extDecl = extDecl /*name = CopyString(name)*/ }; } Specifier MkEnum(Identifier id, OldList list) { Specifier spec { type = enumSpecifier; id = id; list = list; }; if(list && (!declMode || !id)) { Type type; Enumerator e; OldList specs { }; specs.Add(spec); type = ProcessType(&specs, null); if(id) { Symbol symbol { string = CopyString(id.string), isStruct = true, type = type }; type.refCount++; if(strstr(symbol.string, "::")) curContext.hasNameSpace = true; if(!curContext.structSymbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) FreeSymbol(symbol); } for(e = list.first; e; e = { Symbol symbol { string = CopyString(, type = type }; type.refCount++; if(strstr(symbol.string, "::")) curContext.hasNameSpace = true; if(!(curContext.templateTypesOnly ? curContext.parent : curContext).symbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) FreeSymbol(symbol); } FreeType(type); } return spec; } Specifier MkStructOrUnion(SpecifierType type, Identifier id, OldList definitions) { Specifier spec { type = type, id = id }; if(id && FindType(curContext, id.string)) declMode = defaultAccess; spec.definitions = definitions; if(definitions && id && !declMode) { OldList specs { }; Symbol symbol; specs.Add(spec); symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(id.string), type = ProcessType(specs, null), isStruct = true }; if(!curContext.structSymbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) FreeSymbol(symbol); } return spec; } void AddStructDefinitions(Specifier spec, OldList definitions) { spec.definitions = definitions; if(definitions && && !declMode) { Symbol symbol; OldList specs { }; specs.Add(spec); symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(, type = ProcessType(specs, null), isStruct = true }; if(!curContext.parent.structSymbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) FreeSymbol(symbol); } } Attribute MkAttribute(String attr, Expression exp) { return { attr = attr, exp = exp }; } Attrib MkAttrib(int type, OldList * attribs) { return { type = type, attribs = attribs }; } ExtDecl MkExtDeclString(String s) { return { type = extDeclString, s = s }; } ExtDecl MkExtDeclAttrib(Attrib attr) { return { type = extDeclAttrib, attr = attr }; } public Declarator MkDeclaratorIdentifier(Identifier id) { return { type = identifierDeclarator, identifier = id }; } Declarator MkDeclaratorFunction(Declarator declarator, OldList parameters) { return { type = functionDeclarator, declarator = declarator, function.parameters = parameters }; } Declarator MkDeclaratorExtended(ExtDecl extended, Declarator declarator) { return { type = extendedDeclarator, declarator = declarator, extended.extended = extended }; } Declarator MkDeclaratorExtendedEnd(ExtDecl extended, Declarator declarator) { return { type = extendedDeclaratorEnd, declarator = declarator, extended.extended = extended }; } Declarator MkStructDeclarator(Declarator declarator, Expression exp) { return { type = structDeclarator, declarator = declarator, structDecl.exp = exp }; } Declarator MkDeclaratorBrackets(Declarator declarator) { return { type = bracketsDeclarator, declarator = declarator }; } Declarator MkDeclaratorArray(Declarator declarator, Expression exp) { return { type = arrayDeclarator, declarator = declarator, array.exp = exp }; } Declarator MkDeclaratorEnumArray(Declarator declarator, Specifier _class) { return { type = arrayDeclarator, declarator = declarator, array.enumClass = _class }; } Declarator MkDeclaratorPointer(Pointer pointer, Declarator declarator) { return { type = pointerDeclarator, declarator = declarator, pointer.pointer = pointer }; } Enumerator MkEnumerator(Identifier id, Expression exp) { return { id = id, exp = exp }; } Pointer MkPointer(OldList qualifiers, Pointer pointer) { return { qualifiers = qualifiers, pointer = pointer }; } Initializer MkInitializerAssignment(Expression exp) { /*if(yylloc.start.line == 1) printf("bug");*/ return { type = expInitializer, exp = exp, loc = yylloc }; } Initializer MkInitializerList(OldList list) { /*if(yylloc.start.line == 1) printf("bug");*/ return { type = listInitializer, list = list, loc = yylloc }; } InitDeclarator MkInitDeclarator(Declarator declarator, Initializer initializer) { return { declarator = declarator, initializer = initializer }; } public TypeName MkTypeName(OldList qualifiers, Declarator declarator) { if(qualifiers != null) { Declarator parentDecl = declarator; Declarator decl = declarator; while(decl && decl.type == arrayDeclarator) decl = decl.declarator; if(decl && decl.type == identifierDeclarator && decl.identifier.string && CheckType(decl.identifier.string) == TYPE_NAME) { Specifier spec; // Check if we're missing a real type specifier here for(spec = qualifiers.first; spec; spec = { if(spec.type == baseSpecifier) { if(spec.specifier == CONST || spec.specifier == VOLATILE || spec.specifier == EXTERN || spec.specifier == STATIC || spec.specifier == AUTO || spec.specifier == REGISTER) continue; break; } else if(spec.type != extendedSpecifier) break; } if(!spec) { // This is actually a type ListAdd(qualifiers, MkSpecifierName(decl.identifier.string)); FreeDeclarator(decl); parentDecl.declarator = null; } } } return { qualifiers = qualifiers, declarator = declarator }; } public TypeName MkTypeNameGuessDecl(OldList qualifiers, Declarator declarator) { if(qualifiers != null) { bool gotType = false; bool gotFullType = false; Specifier spec, next; for(spec = qualifiers.first; spec; spec = next) { next =; if(gotType && !declarator && ((spec.type == nameSpecifier && || (spec.type == baseSpecifier && gotFullType))) { String s = null; if(spec.type == nameSpecifier) { char * colon = RSearchString(, "::", strlen(, true, false); s = colon ? colon + 2 :; } else if(spec.type == baseSpecifier) { if(spec.specifier == INT64) s = "int64"; } if(s) { declarator = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(s)); qualifiers.Remove(spec); FreeSpecifier(spec); spec = null; } } if(spec && spec.type != extendedSpecifier) { if(spec.type == baseSpecifier) { if(spec.specifier == CONST || spec.specifier == VOLATILE || spec.specifier == EXTERN || spec.specifier == STATIC || spec.specifier == AUTO || spec.specifier == REGISTER) continue; else if(spec.specifier != UNSIGNED && spec.specifier != SIGNED && spec.specifier != LONG) gotFullType = true; gotType = true; } else { gotFullType = true; gotType = true; } } } } return { qualifiers = qualifiers, declarator = declarator }; } public Identifier GetDeclId(Declarator decl) { while(decl && decl.type != identifierDeclarator) decl = decl.declarator; return decl ? decl.identifier : null; } Declaration MkDeclarationClassInst(Instantiation inst) { return { type = instDeclaration, inst = inst, loc = yylloc }; } Declaration MkDeclarationInst(Instantiation inst) { Declaration decl { type = instDeclaration, inst = inst, loc = yylloc }; Symbol symbol; if(curContext == globalContext && (currentNameSpace || defaultNameSpace) && declMode != defaultAccess && defaultDeclMode != defaultAccess) { char name[1024]; int len = 0, stringLen; if(defaultNameSpace) { memcpy(name, defaultNameSpace, defaultNameSpaceLen); len += defaultNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } if(currentNameSpace) { memcpy(name + len, currentNameSpace, currentNameSpaceLen); len += currentNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } stringLen = strlen(inst.exp.identifier.string); memcpy(name + len, inst.exp.identifier.string, stringLen); len += stringLen; name[len] = 0; delete inst.exp.identifier.string; inst.exp.identifier.string = CopyString(name); } symbol = Symbol { string = (inst.exp.type == identifierExp) ? CopyString(inst.exp.identifier.string) : null; type = MkClassTypeSymbol(inst._class.symbol); }; symbol.idCode = = curContext.nextID++; if(strstr(symbol.string, "::")) curContext.hasNameSpace = true; if(!(curContext.templateTypesOnly ? curContext.parent : curContext).symbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) excludedSymbols->Add(symbol); decl.symbol = inst.symbol = symbol; return decl; } Declaration MkDeclarationDefine(Identifier id, Expression exp) { Declaration decl { type = defineDeclaration, id = id, exp = exp, loc = yylloc }; char expString[1024]; expString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(exp, expString); if(curContext == globalContext && (currentNameSpace || defaultNameSpace) && declMode != defaultAccess && defaultDeclMode != defaultAccess) { char name[1024]; int len = 0, stringLen; if(defaultNameSpace) { memcpy(name, defaultNameSpace, defaultNameSpaceLen); len += defaultNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } if(currentNameSpace) { memcpy(name + len, currentNameSpace, currentNameSpaceLen); len += currentNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } stringLen = strlen(id.string); memcpy(name + len, id.string, stringLen); len += stringLen; name[len] = 0; delete id.string; id.string = CopyString(name); } if(!eSystem_FindDefine(privateModule, id.string)) eSystem_RegisterDefine(id.string, expString, privateModule, buildingECERECOMModule ? baseSystemAccess : publicAccess); else Compiler_Warning($"Redefinition of %s ignored\n", id.string); return decl; } Declaration MkDeclaration(OldList specifiers, OldList initDeclarators) { Declaration decl { type = initDeclaration, declarators = initDeclarators, specifiers = specifiers, loc = yylloc }; bool variable = true; if(specifiers != null) { bool gotType = false; Specifier spec, next; for(spec = specifiers.first; spec; spec = next) { next =; if(spec.type == baseSpecifier && spec.specifier == TYPEDEF) { if(initDeclarators != null) { InitDeclarator d; for(d = initDeclarators.first; d; d = { if(GetDeclId(d.declarator).string) { Symbol type { string = CopyString(GetDeclId(d.declarator).string); type = ProcessType(specifiers, d.declarator); }; = type.idCode = curContext.nextID++; if(!(curContext.templateTypesOnly ? curContext.parent : curContext).types.Add((BTNode)type)) excludedSymbols->Add(type); decl.symbol = d.declarator.symbol = type; } } } else if( { //for(spec =; spec; spec = spec = specifiers.last; { if((spec.type == nameSpecifier && || spec.type == baseSpecifier) { String s = null; if(spec.type == nameSpecifier) { char * colon = RSearchString(, "::", strlen(, true, false); s = colon ? colon + 2 :; } else if(spec.type == baseSpecifier) { if(spec.specifier == INT64) s = "int64"; } if(s) { Symbol type { string = CopyString(s), type = ProcessType(specifiers, null) }; = type.idCode = curContext.nextID++; decl.symbol = type; decl.declarators = initDeclarators = MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(s)), null)); specifiers.Remove(spec); FreeSpecifier(spec); if(!(curContext.templateTypesOnly ? curContext.parent : curContext).types.Add((BTNode)type)) excludedSymbols->Add(type); } } } } variable = false; break; } else if(spec.type == baseSpecifier && (spec.specifier == STRUCT || spec.specifier == UNION)) variable = false; else { if(gotType && initDeclarators == null && ! && ((spec.type == nameSpecifier && || spec.type == baseSpecifier)) { String s = null; if(spec.type == nameSpecifier) { char * colon = RSearchString(, "::", strlen(, true, false); s = colon ? colon + 2 :; } else if(spec.type == baseSpecifier) { if(spec.specifier == INT64) s = "int64"; } if(s) { decl.declarators = initDeclarators = MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(s)), null)); specifiers.Remove(spec); FreeSpecifier(spec); spec = null; } } } if(spec && spec.type != extendedSpecifier) gotType = true; } } if(variable && initDeclarators) { InitDeclarator d; for(d = initDeclarators.first; d; d = { Identifier id = GetDeclId(d.declarator); if(id && id.string && id.string[0]) { if(curContext) { Symbol symbol; if(curContext == globalContext && (currentNameSpace || defaultNameSpace) && declMode != defaultAccess && defaultDeclMode != defaultAccess) { char name[1024]; int len = 0, stringLen; if(defaultNameSpace) { memcpy(name, defaultNameSpace, defaultNameSpaceLen); len += defaultNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } if(currentNameSpace) { memcpy(name + len, currentNameSpace, currentNameSpaceLen); len += currentNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } stringLen = strlen(id.string); memcpy(name + len, id.string, stringLen); len += stringLen; name[len] = 0; delete id.string; id.string = CopyString(name); } // Avoid memory leaks on duplicated symbols (BinaryTree::Add Would Fail) symbol = (Symbol)(curContext.templateTypesOnly ? curContext.parent : curContext).symbols.FindString(id.string); if(!symbol) { symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(id.string), type = ProcessType(specifiers, d.declarator) }; if(strstr(symbol.string, "::")) curContext.hasNameSpace = true; if(!(curContext.templateTypesOnly ? curContext.parent : curContext).symbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) excludedSymbols->Add(symbol); // TODO: Add better support to count declarators if(symbol.type && symbol.type.kind == arrayType && !symbol.type.arraySizeExp && d.initializer) { if(d.initializer.type == listInitializer) { char string[256]; sprintf(string, "%d",d.initializer.list->count); symbol.type.arraySizeExp = MkExpConstant(string); symbol.type.freeExp = true; } else if(d.initializer.type == expInitializer && d.initializer.exp.type == stringExp && d.initializer.exp.string) { char string[256]; int c, count = 0; char ch; bool escaped = false; char * s = d.initializer.exp.string; // MAKE MORE ACCURATE for(c = 1; (ch = s[c]); c++) { if(ch == '\\' && !escaped) escaped = true; else { count++; escaped = false; } } sprintf(string, "%d", count); symbol.type.arraySizeExp = MkExpConstant(string); symbol.type.freeExp = true; } } = symbol.idCode = curContext.nextID++; } decl.symbol = d.declarator.symbol = symbol; } } } } else { decl.symbol = Symbol { }; = decl.symbol.idCode = curContext.nextID++; excludedSymbols->Add(decl.symbol); } return decl; } Declaration MkStructDeclaration(OldList specifiers, OldList declarators, Specifier extStorage) { Declaration decl { type = structDeclaration, declarators = declarators, specifiers = specifiers, extStorage = extStorage, loc = yylloc }; if(specifiers != null) { bool gotType = false; Specifier spec, next; for(spec = specifiers.first; spec; spec = next) { next =; if(gotType && declarators == null && ((spec.type == nameSpecifier && || spec.type == baseSpecifier)) { String s = null; if(spec.type == nameSpecifier) { char * colon = RSearchString(, "::", strlen(, true, false); s = colon ? colon + 2 :; } else if(spec.type == baseSpecifier) { if(spec.specifier == INT64) s = "int64"; } if(s) { decl.declarators = declarators = MkListOne(MkStructDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(s)), null)); specifiers.Remove(spec); FreeSpecifier(spec); spec = null; } } if(spec && spec.type != extendedSpecifier) gotType = true; } } return decl; } Statement MkLabeledStmt(Identifier id, Statement statement) { return { type = labeledStmt, = id, labeled.stmt = statement, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkCaseStmt(Expression exp, Statement statement) { return { type = caseStmt, caseStmt.exp = exp, caseStmt.stmt = statement, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkCompoundStmt(OldList declarations, OldList statements) { return { type = compoundStmt, compound.declarations = declarations, compound.statements = statements, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkExpressionStmt(OldList expressions) { return { type = expressionStmt, expressions = expressions, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkBadDeclStmt(Declaration decl) { return { type = badDeclarationStmt, decl = decl, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkIfStmt(OldList exp, Statement statement, Statement elseStmt) { return { type = ifStmt, ifStmt.exp = exp, ifStmt.stmt = statement, ifStmt.elseStmt = elseStmt, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkSwitchStmt(OldList exp, Statement statement) { // To know it's a switch compound... (Don't want declarations in there... bugs) if(statement) statement.compound.isSwitch = true; return { type = switchStmt, switchStmt.exp = exp, switchStmt.stmt = statement, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkWhileStmt(OldList exp, Statement statement) { return { type = whileStmt, whileStmt.exp = exp, whileStmt.stmt = statement, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkDoWhileStmt(Statement statement, OldList exp) { return { type = doWhileStmt, doWhile.exp = exp, doWhile.stmt = statement, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkForStmt(Statement init, Statement check, OldList inc, Statement statement) { return { type = forStmt, forStmt.init = init, forStmt.check = check, forStmt.increment = inc, forStmt.stmt = statement, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkForEachStmt(Identifier id, OldList exp, OldList filter, Statement statement) { return { type = forEachStmt, = id, forEachStmt.exp = exp, forEachStmt.filter = filter, forEachStmt.stmt = statement, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkGotoStmt(Identifier id) { return { type = gotoStmt, = id, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkContinueStmt() { return { type = continueStmt, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkBreakStmt() { return { type = breakStmt, loc = yylloc }; } Statement MkReturnStmt(OldList exp) { return { type = returnStmt, expressions = exp, loc = yylloc }; } FunctionDefinition MkFunction(OldList specifiers, Declarator declarator, OldList declarationList) { return _MkFunction(specifiers, declarator, declarationList, true); } FunctionDefinition _MkFunction(OldList specifiers, Declarator declarator, OldList declarationList, bool errorOnOmit) { if(errorOnOmit) { Declarator funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(declarator); if(funcDecl && funcDecl.function.parameters) { TypeName tn; for(tn = funcDecl.function.parameters->first; tn; tn = { if(tn.qualifiers || tn.declarator) { Identifier declID = tn.declarator ? GetDeclId(tn.declarator) : null; if(!declID) { // Check for (void) Specifier spec = tn.qualifiers ? tn.qualifiers->first : null; if(!tn.declarator && !tn.prev && ! && spec && ! && spec.type == baseSpecifier && spec.specifier == VOID); else Compiler_Error("parameter name omitted\n"); break; } } } } } return { specifiers = specifiers, declarator = declarator, declarations = declarationList }; } void ProcessFunctionBody(FunctionDefinition func, Statement body) { Declarator declarator = func.declarator; Declarator funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(declarator); Symbol symbol; func.body = body; if(funcDecl && funcDecl.function.parameters && body) { Context context = body.compound.context; TypeName param; for(param = funcDecl.function.parameters->first; param; param = { if(param.declarator) { Symbol symbol = null; Identifier id = GetDeclId(param.declarator); char * string = id ? id.string : null; if(string) { for(symbol = (Symbol)context.symbols.first; symbol; symbol = (Symbol)((BTNode)symbol).next) if(!strcmp(symbol.string, string)) break; // This parameter is not shadowed by a local declaration if(!symbol && id) { symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(id.string), type = ProcessType(param.qualifiers, param.declarator), isParam = true }; if(!context.symbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) excludedSymbols->Add(symbol); // TODO: Fix this, the parameters' IDs should really be smaller... = context.nextID++; param.declarator.symbol = symbol; } } } } } if(!declarator.symbol) { Identifier id = GetDeclId(declarator); if((currentNameSpace || defaultNameSpace) && declMode != defaultAccess && defaultDeclMode != defaultAccess && strcmp(id.string, "__on_register_module")) { char name[1024]; int len = 0, stringLen; if(defaultNameSpace) { memcpy(name, defaultNameSpace, defaultNameSpaceLen); len += defaultNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } if(currentNameSpace) { memcpy(name + len, currentNameSpace, currentNameSpaceLen); len += currentNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } stringLen = strlen(id.string); memcpy(name + len, id.string, stringLen); len += stringLen; name[len] = 0; delete id.string; id.string = CopyString(name); } symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(id.string), type = ProcessType(func.specifiers, declarator) }; symbol.idCode = = globalContext.nextID++; if(strstr(symbol.string, "::")) globalContext.hasNameSpace = true; if(!globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) excludedSymbols->Add(symbol); declarator.symbol = symbol; } else { symbol = declarator.symbol; excludedSymbols->Remove(declarator.symbol); delete symbol.string; symbol.string = CopyString(GetDeclId(declarator).string); if(strstr(symbol.string, "::")) globalContext.hasNameSpace = true; if(!globalContext.symbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) excludedSymbols->Add(symbol); if(!symbol.type) symbol.type = ProcessType(func.specifiers, declarator); } if(symbol.type && (symbol.type.kind == functionType || symbol.type.kind == methodType)) { if(!symbol.type.params.count) { Type type { refCount = 1 }; symbol.type.params.Add(type); } } else { //printf(""); } } External MkExternalFunction(FunctionDefinition function) { External external { type = functionExternal, function = function, symbol = function.declarator.symbol }; if(function.specifiers) { Specifier spec; for(spec = function.specifiers->first; spec; spec = if(spec.type == baseSpecifier && spec.specifier == STATIC) { declMode = staticAccess; break; } } if(external.symbol && !external.symbol.methodExternal) external.symbol.methodExternal = external; return external; } External MkExternalImport(char * name, ImportType importType, AccessMode importAccess) { External external { type = importExternal }; int len = strlen(name) - 2; external.importString = new char[len + 1]; strncpy(external.importString, name+1, len); external.importString[len] = '\0'; delete name; { #ifdef _TIMINGS Time startTime = GetTime(); Time time; #endif ImportModule(external.importString, importType, importAccess, true); ImportModule(external.importString, importType, importAccess, false); #ifdef _TIMINGS time = GetTime() - startTime; printf("Importing took %.3f seconds for %s\n", time, external.importString); externalImportTotalTime += time; #endif } return external; } External MkExternalDeclaration(Declaration declaration) { External external { type = declarationExternal, declaration = declaration, symbol = declaration ? declaration.symbol : null }; InitDeclarator d = (declaration && declaration.declarators) ? declaration.declarators->last : null; if(declaration && declaration.type == initDeclaration && declaration.specifiers) { Specifier spec; for(spec = declaration.specifiers->first; spec; spec = if(spec.type == baseSpecifier && spec.specifier == TYPEDEF) { declMode = defaultAccess; break; } else if(spec.type == baseSpecifier && spec.specifier == STATIC) { declMode = staticAccess; break; } } if(declaration && declaration.symbol && !declaration.symbol.methodExternal) declaration.symbol.methodExternal = external; return external; } External MkExternalNameSpace(Identifier identifier) { External external { type = nameSpaceExternal, id = identifier }; currentNameSpace = identifier ? identifier.string : null; currentNameSpaceLen = currentNameSpace ? strlen(currentNameSpace) : 0; return external; } void SetClassTemplateArgs(Specifier spec, OldList templateArgs) { if(spec.type == nameSpecifier) { Symbol symbol = spec.symbol; spec.templateArgs = templateArgs; if(templateArgs && templateArgs.first) { char templateString[1024]; TemplateArgument arg; strcpy(templateString, symbol ? symbol.string :; strcat(templateString, "<"); for(arg = templateArgs.first; arg; arg = { char argument[256]; argument[0] = '\0'; switch(arg.type) { case expression: { char expString[1024]; Class backupThisClass = thisClass; thisClass = null; expString[0] = '\0'; // Will this work here? /* Location oldLocation = yylloc; File backFileInput = fileInput; declMode = 0; resetScanner(); */ // TESTING THIS SCANNER RESUME STUFF /* resetScanner(); yylloc = oldLocation; fileInput = backFileInput; if(fileInput) { fileInput.Seek(yylloc.start.pos, start); resetScannerPos(&yylloc.start); yychar = -2; } */ //ProcessExpressionType(arg.expression); //ComputeExpression(arg.expression); PrintExpression(arg.expression, expString); strcat(argument, expString); thisClass = backupThisClass; break; } case identifier: { strcat(argument, arg.identifier.string); break; } case type: { char * typeString = StringFromSpecDecl(arg.templateDatatype.specifiers, arg.templateDatatype.decl); strcat(argument, typeString); delete typeString; break; } } if(argument[0]) { if(arg.prev) strcat(templateString, ", "); if( { strcat(templateString,; strcat(templateString, " = "); } strcat(templateString, argument); } } { int len = strlen(templateString); if(templateString[len-1] == '>') templateString[len++] = ' '; templateString[len++] = '>'; templateString[len++] = '\0'; } // printf("SetClassTemplateArgs templateString: %s\n", templateString); symbol = FindClass(templateString); if(!symbol && spec.symbol) { // If class was only decl'ed, invoke DeclClass on this templated class as well symbol = _DeclClass(MAXINT, templateString); } // Add a reference to all templated class to the basic class if(spec.symbol) spec.symbol.templatedClasses.Add(OldLink { data = symbol }); delete; spec.symbol = symbol; = CopyString(symbol ? symbol.string : templateString); } } else FreeList(templateArgs, FreeTemplateArgument); } Specifier _MkSpecifierName(char * name, Symbol symbol, OldList templateArgs) { Specifier spec { type = nameSpecifier }; if(name) { if(!symbol) { TemplatedType templatedType = FindTemplateTypeParameter(curContext, name); if(templatedType) { spec.templateParameter = templatedType.param; spec.type = templateTypeSpecifier; return spec; } else symbol = FindClass(name); } if(symbol && symbol.registered && symbol.registered.isRemote == 1) { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "DCOMClient_"); if(!strncmp(name, className, strlen(className))) = CopyString(name); else { strcat(className, name); = CopyString(className); } } else if(symbol) = CopyString(symbol.string); else = CopyString(name); spec.symbol = symbol; if(templateArgs != null) SetClassTemplateArgs(spec, templateArgs); } return spec; } public Specifier MkSpecifierName(char * name) { return _MkSpecifierName(name, null, null); } public Specifier MkSpecifierNameArgs(char * name, OldList * templateArgs) { return _MkSpecifierName(name, null, templateArgs); } /* Specifier MkClassName(char * string) { return { type = SpecifierClass, name = CopyString(string) }; } */ ClassFunction MkClassFunction(OldList specifiers, Specifier _class, Declarator decl, OldList declList) { return { specifiers = specifiers, /*_class = _class,*/ declarator = decl, declarations = declList }; } void ProcessClassFunctionBody(ClassFunction func, Statement body) { Symbol symbol; Declarator decl = func.declarator; //TESTING THIS //Declarator decl = GetFuncDecl(func.declarator); Declarator funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(func.declarator); func.body = body; if(decl && !decl.symbol) { OldList * symbolSpecs = MkList(); // WHAT WILL WE DO WITH THIS? Double instances? //if(decl.function.parameters && body) if(funcDecl && funcDecl.function.parameters && body) { Context context = body.compound.context; TypeName param; for(param = funcDecl.function.parameters->first; param; param = { if(param.declarator) { Symbol symbol = null; Identifier id = GetDeclId(param.declarator); char * string = id ? id.string : null; if(string) { symbol = (Symbol)context.symbols.FindString(string); } // This parameter is not shadowed by a local declaration if(!symbol && id) { symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(id.string); type = ProcessType(param.qualifiers, param.declarator); isParam = true; }; // TODO: Fix this, the parameters' IDs should really be smaller... symbol.idCode = = context.nextID++; if(!context.symbols.Add((BTNode)symbol)) excludedSymbols->Add(symbol); param.declarator.symbol = symbol; } } } } ////////////////////////////////// symbol = Symbol { }; { Identifier id = GetDeclId(funcDecl); if(id) { int c; for(c = strlen(id.string)-1; c >= 0; c--) { if(id.string[c] == ':') { char * string = CopyString(id.string + c + 1); id.string[c - 1] = 0; id._class = MkSpecifierName(id.string); delete id.string; id.string = string; break; } } symbol.string = CopyString(id.string); } } if(func.specifiers) { Specifier spec; for(spec = func.specifiers->first; spec; spec = symbolSpecs->Add(CopySpecifier(spec)); } symbol.type = ProcessType(symbolSpecs, decl); symbol.idCode = = globalContext.nextID++; decl.symbol = symbol; excludedSymbols->Add(symbol); FreeList(symbolSpecs, FreeSpecifier); } } OldList * MkSpecsClass(Specifier _class) { OldList * list = MkList(); ListAdd(list, _class); return list; } MemberInit MkMemberInit(OldList ids, Initializer initializer) { return { identifiers = ids, initializer = initializer }; } MemberInit MkMemberInitExp(Expression idExp, Initializer initializer) { MemberInit init { initializer = initializer, identifiers = MkList() }; Expression exp; for(exp = idExp; exp && exp.type == memberExp; exp = exp.member.exp) { init.identifiers->Insert(null, exp.member.member); exp.member.member = null; } if(exp && exp.type == identifierExp) { init.identifiers->Insert(null, exp.identifier); exp.identifier = null; } FreeExpression(idExp); return init; } MembersInit MkMembersInitList(OldList dataMembers) { return { type = dataMembersInit, dataMembers = dataMembers }; } MembersInit MkMembersInitMethod(ClassFunction function) { return { type = methodMembersInit, function = function }; } Instantiation MkInstantiation(Specifier _class, Expression exp, OldList members) { return { _class = _class, exp = exp, members = members }; } Instantiation MkInstantiationNamed(OldList specs, Expression exp, OldList members) { Instantiation inst { exp = exp, members = members }; if(specs != null) { Specifier spec; for(spec = specs.first; spec; spec = if(spec.type == nameSpecifier /*classSpecifier*/) { inst._class = spec; specs.Remove(spec); break; } FreeList(specs, FreeSpecifier); if(!spec) { Compiler_Error($"Expecting class specifier\n"); inst._class = MkSpecifierName /*MkClassName*/(""); //exit(1); //return null; } } return inst; } ClassDef MkClassDefAccessOverride(AccessMode access, Identifier id) { return { type = accessOverrideClassDef, id = id, memberAccess = access }; } ClassDef MkClassDefMemberAccess() { return { type = memberAccessClassDef }; } ClassDef MkClassDefDeclaration(Declaration decl) { return { type = declarationClassDef, decl = decl }; } ClassDef MkClassDefClassData(Declaration decl) { return { type = classDataClassDef, decl = decl }; } ClassDef MkClassDefDesigner(char * designer) { return { type = classDesignerClassDef, designer = CopyString(designer) }; } ClassDef MkClassDefNoExpansion() { return { type = classNoExpansionClassDef }; } ClassDef MkClassDefFixed() { return { type = classFixedClassDef }; } ClassDef MkClassDefDesignerDefaultProperty(Identifier id) { return { type = designerDefaultPropertyClassDef, defaultProperty = id }; } ClassDef MkClassDefDefaultProperty(OldList defProperties) { return { type = defaultPropertiesClassDef, defProperties = defProperties }; } ClassDef MkClassDefFunction(ClassFunction function) { ClassDef def { }; if(function && function.declarator) { Declarator funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(function.declarator); if(funcDecl && funcDecl.declarator && funcDecl.declarator.type == bracketsDeclarator) { def.type = declarationClassDef; def.decl = MkStructDeclaration(function.specifiers, MkListOne(MkStructDeclarator(function.declarator, null)), null); function.declarator = null; function.specifiers = null; FreeClassFunction(function); return def; } } def.type = functionClassDef; def.function = function; return def; } Symbol DeclClassAddNameSpace(int symbolID, char * className) { char name[1024]; int len = 0, stringLen; name[0] = '\0'; if((currentNameSpace || defaultNameSpace) && declMode != defaultAccess && defaultDeclMode != defaultAccess) { if(defaultNameSpace) { memcpy(name, defaultNameSpace, defaultNameSpaceLen); len += defaultNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } if(currentNameSpace) { memcpy(name + len, currentNameSpace, currentNameSpaceLen); len += currentNameSpaceLen; name[len++] = ':'; name[len++] = ':'; } } stringLen = strlen(className); memcpy(name + len, className, stringLen); len += stringLen; name[len] = 0; return _DeclClass(symbolID, name); } Symbol DeclClass(int symbolID, char * name) { if(strchr(name, ':')) return _DeclClass(symbolID, name); else return DeclClassAddNameSpace(symbolID, name); } Symbol _DeclClass(int symbolID, char * name) { Symbol symbol = FindClass(name); if(!symbol) { /* Context classContext; for(classContext = curContext; classContext && !classContext.classDef; classContext = classContext.parent); if(classContext) { } */ if(name[0] == ':' && name[1] == ':') name += 2; symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(name); idCode = symbolID, id = symbolID; }; if(!globalContext.classes.Add((BTNode)symbol)) excludedSymbols->Add(symbol); { int start = 0, c; char ch; for(c = 0; (ch = name[c]); c++) { if(ch == '.' || (ch == ':' && name[c+1] == ':')) { if(ch == ':') c++; start = c+1; } } if(start && c - start) symbol.shortName = CopyString(name + start); } } if(symbolID) symbol.idCode = = symbolID; return symbol; } void SetupBaseSpecs(Symbol symbol, OldList baseSpecs) { if(baseSpecs && baseSpecs.first && ((Specifier)baseSpecs.first).type == nameSpecifier) { char name[1024]; Symbol baseClass; char * tpl; strcpy(name, ((Specifier)baseSpecs.first).name); tpl = strchr(name, '<'); if(tpl) *tpl = 0; baseClass = FindClass(name); if(baseClass && baseClass.ctx) { TemplatedType copy; for(copy = (TemplatedType)baseClass.ctx.templateTypes.first; copy; copy = (TemplatedType) { TemplatedType type { key = copy.key, param = copy.param }; if(!curContext.templateTypes.Add((BTNode)type)) delete type; } } else if(baseClass && baseClass.registered) { Class sClass; for(sClass = baseClass.registered; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { ClassTemplateParameter p; for(p = sClass.templateParams.first; p; p = { //OldList * specs = MkList(); //Declarator decl = null; //decl = SpecDeclFromString(p.dataTypeString, specs, null); if(p.type == type) { TemplateParameter param = p.param; TemplatedType type; if(!param) { p.param = param = TemplateParameter { identifier = MkIdentifier(, type = p.type, dataTypeString = p.dataTypeString /*, dataType = { specs, decl }*/ }; } type = TemplatedType { key = (uintptr), param = param }; if(!curContext.templateTypes.Add((BTNode)type)) delete type; } } } } } } ClassDefinition MkClass(Symbol symbol, OldList baseSpecs, OldList definitions) { ClassDefinition classDef; SetupBaseSpecs(symbol, baseSpecs); if(symbol.ctx) { ClassDefinition classDef = symbol.ctx.classDef; if(classDef) { // This can occur if two instances of a class are defined... // To avoid dangling 'parent' Contexts, we free the previous class definition External external; for(external = ast->first; external; external = { if(external.type == classExternal && external._class == classDef) { ast->Remove(external); FreeExternal(external); break; } } } FreeContext(symbol.ctx); delete symbol.ctx; } symbol.ctx = curContext; classDef = { symbol = symbol, _class = MkSpecifierName /*MkClassName*/(symbol.string), baseSpecs = baseSpecs, definitions = definitions, nameLoc = symbol.nameLoc }; curContext.classDef = classDef; return classDef; } Expression MkExpInstance(Instantiation inst) { return { type = instanceExp, instance = inst }; } External MkExternalClass(ClassDefinition _class) { return { type = classExternal, _class = _class, symbol = _class.symbol }; } PropertyDef MkProperty(OldList specs, Declarator decl, Identifier id, Statement setStmt, Statement getStmt) { PropertyDef prop { specifiers = specs; declarator = decl; setStmt = setStmt; getStmt = getStmt; }; Symbol symbol; Type type = ProcessType(specs, decl); if(!id) { char typeString[1024]; typeString[0] = '\0'; PrintTypeNoConst(type, typeString, false, true); id = MkIdentifier(typeString); prop.conversion = true; } = id; symbol = Symbol { string = CopyString(id.string); type = type; }; symbol.idCode = = globalContext.nextID++; excludedSymbols->Add(symbol); globalContext.nextID++; globalContext.nextID++; prop.symbol = symbol; return prop; } ClassDef MkClassDefProperty(PropertyDef propertyDef) { return { type = propertyClassDef, propertyDef = propertyDef }; } ClassDef MkClassDefClassProperty(PropertyDef propertyDef) { return { type = classPropertyClassDef, propertyDef = propertyDef }; } ClassDef MkClassDefClassPropertyValue(Identifier id, Initializer initializer) { return { type = classPropertyValueClassDef, id = id, initializer = initializer }; } int CheckType(char * text) { #ifdef _TIMINGS Time startTime = GetTime(); #endif if(FindTemplateTypeParameter(curContext, text)) { #ifdef _TIMINGS checkTypeTotalTime += GetTime() - startTime; #endif return TYPE_NAME; } if(FindType(curContext, text)) { #ifdef _TIMINGS checkTypeTotalTime += GetTime() - startTime; #endif return TYPE_NAME; } if(FindClass(text)) { #ifdef _TIMINGS checkTypeTotalTime += GetTime() - startTime; #endif return TYPE_NAME; //CLASS_NAME; } #ifdef _TIMINGS checkTypeTotalTime += GetTime() - startTime; #endif return IDENTIFIER; } int check_type() { return CheckType(yytext); } Context PushContext() { Context ctx { parent = curContext }; curContext = ctx; return ctx; } void PopContext(Context ctx) { curContext = ctx.parent; } Symbol FindType(Context ctx, char * name) { Symbol type = null; if(curContext) { //char output[8192]; type = (Symbol)ctx.types.FindString(name); /*if(!strcmp(name, "intptr_t") && !type) { ctx.types.Print(output, depthOrder); puts(output); }*/ if(!type && ctx.parent) type = FindType(ctx.parent, name); } return type; } TemplatedType FindTemplateTypeParameter(Context ctx, char * name) { TemplatedType templatedType = null; if(curContext) { templatedType = (TemplatedType)ctx.templateTypes.FindString(name); if(!templatedType && ctx.parent) templatedType = FindTemplateTypeParameter(ctx.parent, name); } return templatedType; } bool ModuleAccess(Module searchIn, Module searchFor) { SubModule subModule; if(searchFor == searchIn) return true; for(subModule = searchIn.modules.first; subModule; subModule = { if(subModule.importMode == publicAccess /*|| searchIn == searchIn.application*/) { if(ModuleAccess(subModule.module, searchFor)) return true; } } return false; } ModuleImport FindModule(Module moduleToFind) { ModuleImport module; if(! return mainModule; for(module = imports->first; module; module = if( && !strcmp(, break; if(!module) { module = ModuleImport { name = CopyString(, importType = moduleToFind.importType, importAccess = ModuleAccess(privateModule, moduleToFind) ? publicAccess : privateAccess }; imports->Add(module); } return module; } /* // TO REMOVE: OBSOLETE... static void GetFullClassNameSpace(NameSpace * ns, char * name) { if(ns->parent) { GetFullClassNameSpace(ns->parent, name); strcat(name, ns->name); strcat(name, "::"); } } static char * GetFullClassName(Class c, char * name) { NameSpace * nameSpace; name[0] = 0; GetFullClassNameSpace(c.nameSpace, name); strcat(name,; return name; } */ public Symbol FindClass(char * name) { #ifdef _DEBUG Time startTime = GetTime(); #endif Symbol cl = null; Class _class; bool global = false; char fullName[1024]; if(name[0] == ':' && name[1] == ':') { global = true; name += 2; } if(!global && (currentNameSpace || defaultNameSpace) && declMode != defaultAccess && defaultDeclMode != defaultAccess) { int len = 0, stringLen; if(defaultNameSpace) { memcpy(fullName, defaultNameSpace, defaultNameSpaceLen); len += defaultNameSpaceLen; fullName[len++] = ':'; fullName[len++] = ':'; } if(currentNameSpace) { memcpy(fullName + len, currentNameSpace, currentNameSpaceLen); len += currentNameSpaceLen; fullName[len++] = ':'; fullName[len++] = ':'; } stringLen = strlen(name); memcpy(fullName + len, name, stringLen); len += stringLen; fullName[len] = 0; cl = globalContext ? (Symbol)globalContext.classes.FindString(fullName) : null; } if(!cl) cl = globalContext ? (Symbol)globalContext.classes.FindString(name) : null; if(!cl && !global) { #ifdef _TIMINGS Time startTime = GetTime(); #endif // Ignore name space name when searching for(cl = globalContext ? (Symbol)globalContext.classes.first : null; cl; cl = (Symbol)((BTNode)cl).next) { /* int start = 0, c; char * string = cl.string; char ch; for(c = 0; (ch = string[c]); c++) { if(ch == '.' || (ch == ':' && string[c+1] == ':')) { if(ch == ':') c++; start = c+1; } } if(start && c - start) { if(!strcmp(string + start, name)) break; } */ if(cl.shortName && !strcmp(cl.shortName, name)) break; } #ifdef _TIMINGS findClassIgnoreNSTotalTime += GetTime() - startTime; #endif } if(!cl) { _class = null; if(!global && (currentNameSpace || defaultNameSpace) && declMode != defaultAccess && defaultDeclMode != defaultAccess) _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, fullName); if(!_class) _class = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, name); if(_class) { name = _class.fullName; cl = (Symbol)globalContext.classes.FindString(name); if(!cl) { cl = Symbol { string = CopyString(name); registered = _class; id = MAXINT; idCode = MAXINT; imported = true; }; _class.symbol = cl; if(_class.module) cl.module = FindModule(_class.module); else cl.module = mainModule; if(!globalContext.classes.Add((BTNode)cl)) excludedSymbols->Add(cl); if(strcmp(name, cl.shortName = CopyString(; } } } #ifdef _TIMINGS findClassTotalTime += GetTime() - startTime; #endif return cl; } void CopyTypeInto(Type type, Type src) { type = *src; = CopyString(; type.refCount = 1; if(src.kind == enumType) { NamedLink member; type.members.Clear(); // This must have been a mistake: member = **type**.members.first for(member = src.members.first; member; member = { type.members.Add(NamedLink { name = CopyString(, data = }); } type.enumName = CopyString(src.enumName); } else if(src.kind == structType || src.kind == unionType) { Type member; // Tricky stuff... will be removed from list only when ref count reaches 0 for(member = type.members.first; member; member = member.refCount++; type.enumName = CopyString(src.enumName); } else if(src.kind == functionType) { Type param; type.returnType.refCount++; for(param = type.params.first; param; param = param.refCount++; } else if(src.kind == pointerType || src.kind == arrayType) { type.type.refCount++; if(src.kind == arrayType) { if(type.arraySizeExp) type.arraySizeExp = CopyExpression(type.arraySizeExp); } } } static Type ProcessTypeSpecs(OldList specs, bool assumeEllipsis, bool keepTypeName) { Type specType { refCount = 1, kind = intType, isSigned = true }; if(specs != null) { bool isTypedef = false; Specifier spec; bool isLong = false; for(spec = specs.first; spec; spec = { if(spec.type == extendedSpecifier) { ExtDecl extDecl = spec.extDecl; if(extDecl.type == extDeclString) { String s = spec.extDecl.s; if(!strcmp(spec.extDecl.s, "__declspec(dllexport)") || !strcmp(spec.extDecl.s, "dllexport")) specType.dllExport = true; else if(!strcmp(spec.extDecl.s, "__declspec(stdcall)") || !strcmp(spec.extDecl.s, "stdcall")) specType.attrStdcall = true; } else if(extDecl.type == extDeclAttrib) { OldList * attribs = extDecl.attr.attribs; if(attribs) { Attribute attr; for(attr = attribs->first; attr; attr = { String s = attr.attr; if(s) { if(!strcmp(s, "dllexport")) specType.dllExport = true; else if(!strcmp(s, "stdcall")) specType.attrStdcall = true; } } } specType.keepCast = true; } } if(spec.specifier != CONST && (specType.kind == structType || specType.kind == unionType)) { FreeType(specType); specType = { kind = intType, isSigned = true, refCount = 1 }; } if(isTypedef && keepTypeName) { specType.kind = dummyType; return specType; } else if(spec.type == baseSpecifier) { if(spec.specifier == TYPEDEF) isTypedef = true; else if(spec.specifier == VOID) specType.kind = voidType; else if(spec.specifier == CHAR) specType.kind = charType; else if(spec.specifier == INT) { if(specType.kind != shortType && specType.kind != longType && !isLong) specType.kind = intType; } else if(spec.specifier == UINT) { if(specType.kind != shortType && specType.kind != longType) specType.kind = intType; specType.isSigned = false; } else if(spec.specifier == INT64) specType.kind = int64Type; else if(spec.specifier == VALIST) specType.kind = vaListType; else if(spec.specifier == SHORT) specType.kind = shortType; else if(spec.specifier == LONG) { if(isLong || (targetBits == 64 && targetPlatform != win32)) specType.kind = int64Type; else specType.kind = intType; isLong = true; } else if(spec.specifier == FLOAT) specType.kind = floatType; else if(spec.specifier == DOUBLE) specType.kind = doubleType; else if(spec.specifier == SIGNED) specType.isSigned = true; else if(spec.specifier == UNSIGNED) specType.isSigned = false; else if(spec.specifier == CONST) specType.constant = true; else if(spec.specifier == TYPED_OBJECT || spec.specifier == ANY_OBJECT || spec.specifier == CLASS) { switch(spec.specifier) { case TYPED_OBJECT: specType.classObjectType = typedObject; break; case ANY_OBJECT: specType.classObjectType = anyObject; break; case CLASS: specType.classObjectType = classPointer; break; } specType.kind = classType; specType._class = FindClass("class"); } else if(spec.specifier == THISCLASS) specType.kind = thisClassType; } else if(spec.type == nameSpecifier) { if( && (!strcmp(, "intptr") || !strcmp(, "uintptr"))) { specType.kind = intPtrType; if(!strcmp(, "uintptr")) specType.isSigned = false; } else if( && (!strcmp(, "uintsize") || !strcmp(, "intsize"))) { specType.kind = intSizeType; if(!strcmp(, "uintsize")) specType.isSigned = false; } else { Symbol symbol = ? FindType(curContext, : null; if(symbol && symbol.type) { // Free Type Contents: Type dummy { }; *dummy = *specType; FreeType(dummy); CopyTypeInto(specType, symbol.type); specType.typeName = CopyString(; } else if(!isTypedef) // !specType.kind) // TESTING THIS FOR enum / typedef problem { // key.sym enum values need FindClass: specType._class = ? FindClass( : null; specType.kind = classType; if(!specType._class) specType.kind = intType; } } } else if(spec.type == enumSpecifier) { specType.kind = enumType; specType.enumName = ? CopyString( : null; if(spec.list) { Enumerator e; int nextValue = 0; for(e = spec.list->first; e; e = { // TOFIX: NamedItem i { } causes cryptic error, bad .c! NamedLink i { name = CopyString( }; specType.members.Add(i); } } } else if(spec.type == templateTypeSpecifier) { specType.kind = templateType; specType.templateParameter = spec.templateParameter; } else if(spec.type == structSpecifier || spec.type == unionSpecifier) { Symbol _class = ? FindClass( : null; if(_class) { specType.declaredWithStruct = true; if(!_class.registered || _class.registered.type != structClass) specType.directClassAccess = true; // TODO: Need to clarify what 'directClassAccess' is about specType._class = _class; specType.kind = classType; break; } specType.members.Clear(); if(spec.type == structSpecifier) specType.kind = structType; else if(spec.type == unionSpecifier) specType.kind = unionType; if( { // TESTING THIS HERE... Had 0 type size if(!spec.definitions && !isTypedef) { Symbol symbol = ? FindSymbol(, curContext, globalContext, true, false) : null; if(symbol && symbol.type) { specType = *symbol.type; = CopyString(; specType.typeName = CopyString(; specType.enumName = CopyString(symbol.type.enumName); specType.refCount = 1; if(symbol.type.kind == enumType) { NamedLink member; specType.members.Clear(); for(member = symbol.type.members.first; member; member = { NamedLink item { name = CopyString(, data = }; specType.members.Add(item); } } else if(symbol.type.kind == structType || symbol.type.kind == unionType) { Type member; // Tricky stuff... will be removed from list only when ref count reaches 0 for(member = specType.members.first; member; member = member.refCount++; } else if(symbol.type.kind == functionType) { Type param; specType.returnType.refCount++; for(param = specType.params.first; param; param = param.refCount++; } else if(symbol.type.kind == pointerType || symbol.type.kind == arrayType) { specType.type.refCount++; if(symbol.type.kind == arrayType) { if(specType.arraySizeExp) specType.arraySizeExp = CopyExpression(specType.arraySizeExp); } } } else specType.enumName = CopyString(; } else specType.enumName = CopyString(; } if(spec.definitions) { ClassDef def; for(def = spec.definitions->first; def; def = { if(def.type == declarationClassDef && def.decl.type == structDeclaration) { Declaration decl = def.decl; if(decl.declarators) { Declarator d; for(d = decl.declarators->first; d; d = { Type memberType = ProcessType(decl.specifiers, d); specType.members.Add(memberType); } } else if(decl.specifiers) { Type memberType = ProcessType(decl.specifiers, null); specType.members.Add(memberType); } } } } break; } else if(spec.type == subClassSpecifier) { specType.kind = specType.kind = subClassType; specType._class = spec._class.symbol; } } } else if(assumeEllipsis) specType.kind = ellipsisType; return specType; } static Type ProcessTypeDecls(OldList specs, Declarator decl, Type parentType) { Type type = parentType; Declarator subDecl = decl ? decl.declarator : null; if(!parentType) type = ProcessTypeSpecs(specs, decl == null, (decl && decl.type == extendedDeclaratorEnd) ? true : false); if(decl) { switch(decl.type) { case bracketsDeclarator: break; case extendedDeclarator: case extendedDeclaratorEnd: { ExtDecl extDecl = decl.extended.extended; if(extDecl) { switch(extDecl.type) { case extDeclString: { String s = extDecl.s; if(s) { if(!strcmp(s, "__declspec(dllexport)") || !strcmp(s, "dllexport")) type.dllExport = true; else if(!strcmp(s, "__declspec(stdcall)") || !strcmp(s, "stdcall")) type.attrStdcall = true; } break; } case extDeclAttrib: { OldList * attribs = extDecl.attr.attribs; if(attribs) { Attribute attr; for(attr = attribs->first; attr; attr = { String s = attr.attr; if(s) { if(!strcmp(s, "dllexport")) type.dllExport = true; else if(!strcmp(s, "stdcall")) type.attrStdcall = true; } } } type.keepCast = true; break; } } } break; } case structDeclarator: { Expression exp = decl.structDecl.exp; if(exp) { ProcessExpressionType(exp); ComputeExpression(exp); if(exp.type == constantExp) type.bitFieldCount = (uint)strtoul(exp.constant, null, 0); } break; } case functionDeclarator: { type = { refCount = 1, kind = functionType, returnType = type, dllExport = type.dllExport, attrStdcall = type.attrStdcall }; if(decl.function.parameters) { TypeName param; for(param = decl.function.parameters->first; param; param = type.params.Add(ProcessType(param.qualifiers, param.declarator)); } break; } case arrayDeclarator: { type = { refCount = 1, kind = arrayType, arraySizeExp = CopyExpression(decl.array.exp), freeExp = true, type = type, dllExport = type.dllExport, attrStdcall = type.attrStdcall }; if(decl.array.enumClass) type.enumClass = decl.array.enumClass.symbol; break; } case pointerDeclarator: { Pointer pointer = decl.pointer.pointer; while(pointer) { OldList * qualifiers = pointer.qualifiers; if(type.classObjectType) type.byReference = true; else type = { refCount = 1, kind = pointerType, type = type, dllExport = type.dllExport, attrStdcall = type.attrStdcall }; if(qualifiers) { Specifier spec; for(spec = qualifiers->first; spec; spec = { if(spec.type == baseSpecifier && spec.specifier == CONST) type.constant = true; } } pointer = pointer.pointer; } break; } case identifierDeclarator: { Identifier id = decl.identifier; Specifier _class = id._class; delete; = CopyString(id.string); if(_class) { if(_class.type == templateTypeSpecifier) { type.thisClassTemplate = _class.templateParameter; type.extraParam = true; } else { String name =; if(!name) type.staticMethod = true; else { if(!id.classSym) id.classSym = _class.symbol; // FindClass(; /* TODO: Name Space Fix ups id.nameSpace = eSystem_FindNameSpace(privateModule,; */ if(name[strlen(name)-1] == '&') { type.thisClass = FindClass("class"); type.byReference = true; } else type.thisClass = _class.symbol; if(type.thisClass && strcmp(type.thisClass.string, "class")) type.extraParam = true; else if(!strcmp(name, "any_object")) { type.extraParam = true; type.thisClass = FindClass("class"); } else if(!strcmp(name, "class")) { type.thisClass = FindClass("class"); type.classObjectType = classPointer; // This is used for class properties } else if(!strcmp(name, "typed_object") || !strcmp(name, "typed_object&")) { type.thisClass = FindClass("class"); type.classObjectType = typedObject; } } } } break; } default: PrintLn("Unhandled Declarator Type: ", decl.type); } } if(subDecl) { Type curType = type; type = ProcessTypeDecls(null, subDecl, type); if(curType && type.kind != functionType) { curType.thisClassTemplate = type.thisClassTemplate; curType.extraParam = type.extraParam; curType.staticMethod = type.staticMethod; curType.thisClass = type.thisClass; curType.byReference = type.byReference; curType.classObjectType = type.classObjectType; } } return type; } public Type ProcessType(OldList specs, Declarator decl) { return ProcessTypeDecls(specs, decl, null); } public Type ProcessTypeString(char * string, bool staticMethod) { OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl = SpecDeclFromString(string, specs, null); Type type = ProcessType(specs, decl); if(type && !type.thisClass && staticMethod) type.staticMethod = true; FreeList(specs, FreeSpecifier); if(decl) FreeDeclarator(decl); return type; } Type MkClassTypeSymbol(Symbol symbol) { if(symbol) { Type type { kind = classType, _class = symbol }; if(!type._class) { // Defaults to an int instead... type.kind = intType; } type.refCount = 1; return type; } return null; } public Type MkClassType(char * name) { if(name) { Type type { kind = classType, _class = FindClass(name) }; if(!type._class) { // Defaults to an int instead... type.kind = intType; } type.refCount = 1; return type; } return null; } AsmField MkAsmField(char * command, Expression expression) { return { command = command, expression = expression }; } Statement MkAsmStmt(Specifier spec, char * statements, OldList inputFields, OldList outputFields, OldList clobberedFields) { return { type = asmStmt, asmStmt.spec = spec, asmStmt.statements = statements, asmStmt.inputFields = inputFields, asmStmt.outputFields = outputFields, asmStmt.clobberedFields = clobberedFields }; } ClassDef MkClassDefPropertyWatch(PropertyWatch watcher) { return { type = propertyWatchClassDef, propertyWatch = watcher }; } Statement MkFireWatchersStmt(Expression object, OldList watches) { return { type = fireWatchersStmt, _watch.object = object, = watches }; } Statement MkStopWatchingStmt(Expression watcher, Expression object, OldList watches) { return { type = stopWatchingStmt, _watch.watcher = watcher, _watch.object = object, = watches }; } Statement MkWatchStmt(Expression watcher, Expression object, OldList watches) { return { type = watchStmt, _watch.watcher = watcher, _watch.object = object, = watches }; } PropertyWatch MkDeleteWatch(Statement compound) { return { compound = compound, deleteWatch = true }; } PropertyWatch MkPropertyWatch(OldList properties, Statement compound) { return { compound = compound, properties = properties }; } Expression MkExpClass(OldList * specifiers, Declarator decl) { return { type = classExp, _classExp.specifiers = specifiers, _classExp.decl = decl }; } Expression MkExpClassData(Identifier id) { return { type = classDataExp, = id }; } External MkExternalDBTable(DBTableDef table) { return { type = dbtableExternal, table = table }; } DBTableDef MkDBTableDef(char * name, Symbol symbol, OldList * definitions) { return { name = name, symbol = symbol, definitions = definitions }; } DBTableEntry MkDBFieldEntry(TypeName type, Identifier id, char * name) { return { type = fieldEntry, dataType = type, id = id, name = name }; } DBIndexItem MkDBIndexItem(Identifier id, Order order) { return { id = id, order = order }; } DBTableEntry MkDBIndexEntry(OldList * items, Identifier id) { return { type = indexEntry, items = items, id = id }; } Expression MkExpDBOpen(Expression ds, Expression dbName) { return { type = dbopenExp, dbopen.ds = ds, = dbName }; } Expression MkExpDBField(char * table, Identifier id) { return { type = dbfieldExp, db.table = table, = id }; } Expression MkExpDBIndex(char * table, Identifier id) { return { type = dbindexExp, db.table = table, = id }; } Expression MkExpDBTable(char * table) { return { type = dbtableExp, db.table = table }; } Expression MkExpArray(OldList * expressions) { return { type = arrayExp, list = expressions }; } Expression GetTemplateArgExpByName(char * paramName, Class curClass, TemplateParameterType tplType) { Expression argExp = null; Class _class = curClass ? curClass : ((curExternal && curExternal.type == functionExternal && curExternal.function) ? curExternal.function._class : null); if(_class) { int id = 0; ClassTemplateParameter curParam; Class sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) { id = 0; for(curParam = sClass.templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = { if(!strcmp(, paramName)) { for(sClass = sClass.base; sClass; sClass = sClass.base) id += sClass.templateParams.count; break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam && curParam.type != tplType) curParam = null; if(curParam) { char idString[32]; char className[1024]; Expression classExp; sprintf(idString, "%d", id); strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, _class.fullName, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(FindClass(_class.fullName), className); argExp = MkExpIndex((/*pointer ? MkExpPointer : */MkExpMember) (MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this")), MkIdentifier("_class")) /*MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className))*/, MkIdentifier("templateArgs")), MkListOne(MkExpConstant(idString))); } } return argExp; } Expression GetTemplateArgExp(TemplateParameter param, Class curClass, bool pointer) { return param.identifier ? GetTemplateArgExpByName(param.identifier.string, curClass, type) : null; } /*char * CreateMsgID(char * string, char * context) { int lenString = strlen(string), lenContext = strlen(context); char * msgid = new char[lenString + lenContext + 20]; memcpy(msgid, string, lenString); memcpy(msgid+lenString, " [msgctxt: ", 11); memcpy(msgid+lenString+11, context, lenContext); memcpy(msgid+lenString+11+lenContext, "]", 2); return msgid; }*/ public void OutputIntlStrings() { if(intlStrings.count) { char * srcFile = GetSourceFile(); char * objFile = GetOutputFile(); char srcFileFixed[MAX_LOCATION]; char potFile[MAX_LOCATION]; File f; ChangeExtension(objFile, "bowl", potFile); f = FileOpen(potFile, write); if(f) { char * filePrefix = ""; if(!(srcFile[0] && (srcFile[1] == ':' || srcFile[0] == '/'))) filePrefix = "./"; //(GetRuntimePlatform() == win32) ? ".\\" : "./"; // GetSystemPathBuffer(srcFileFixed, srcFile); GetSlashPathBuffer(srcFileFixed, srcFile); for(s : intlStrings) { // TOFIX: (#654) ContextStringPair * pair = &s; ContextStringPair pair = &s; for(l : s) f.Printf("#: %s%s:%d\n", filePrefix, srcFileFixed, l.start.line); // PoEdit now preserves and distinguish msgctxt if(pair.context) f.Printf("msgctxt \"%s\"\n", pair.context); f.Printf("msgid \"%s\"\n", pair.string); f.Printf("msgstr \"%s\"\n\n", pair.string); } delete f; } intlStrings.Free(); } } default extern OldList * ast; default extern int yyparse (); default extern int yylex (); public void SetAST(OldList * list) { ast = list; } public OldList * GetAST() { return ast; } public void ParseEc() { yyparse(); } public int LexEc() { return yylex(); } public const char * GetYYText() { return yytext; }