#ifdef ECERE_STATIC import static "ecere" import static "ec" #else import "ecere" import "ec" #endif static define localeDir = "locale"; static bool i18n; static Platform targetPlatform; static int targetBits; static bool isConsole; static bool isDynamicLibrary; static bool isStaticLibrary; static OldList modules; static File dcomSymbols; static OldList _defines { }; static OldList _imports { }; static OldList _excludedSymbols { offset = (uint)&((Symbol)0).left }; static NameSpace globalData { classes.CompareKey = (void *)BinaryTree::CompareString; defines.CompareKey = (void *)BinaryTree::CompareString; functions.CompareKey = (void *)BinaryTree::CompareString; nameSpaces.CompareKey = (void *)BinaryTree::CompareString; }; static Context theGlobalContext { }; static ModuleImport mainModule; static Module privateModule; static char mainModuleName[MAX_LOCATION]; static char projectName[MAX_LOCATION]; static void LoadImports(char * fileName) { File f = FileOpen(fileName, read); if(f) { for(;;) { char line[1024]; if(!f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line))) break; TrimLSpaces(line, line); if(line[0] == '[') { if(!strcmp(line, "[Imported Modules]")) { ModuleImport module = null; for(;;) { if(!f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line))) break; TrimLSpaces(line, line); if(!strcmp(line, ".")) break; if(line[0] == '[') { ClassImport _class = null; FunctionImport function = null; if(!strcmp(line, "[This]")) { if((mainModule = GetMainModule())) module = mainModule; else { mainModule = ModuleImport { }; SetMainModule(mainModule); module = mainModule; _imports.AddName(module); } } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Static]")) { module.importType = staticImport; } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Remote]")) { module.importType = remoteImport; } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Private]")) { if(module.importAccess != publicAccess) module.importAccess = privateAccess; } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Public]")) { module.importAccess = publicAccess; } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Imported Classes]")) { for(;;) { if(!f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line))) break; TrimLSpaces(line, line); if(!strcmp(line, ".")) break; if(line[0] == '[') { if(!strcmp(line, "[Instantiated]")) { _class.itself = true; } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Remote]")) { _class.isRemote = 1; } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Imported Methods]")) { MethodImport method = null; for(;;) { if(!f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line))) break; TrimLSpaces(line, line); if(!strcmp(line, ".")) break; if(line[0] != '[') { if(!(method = _class.methods.FindName(line, false))) { method = MethodImport { name = CopyString(line) }; _class.methods.AddName(method); } } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Virtual]")) method.isVirtual = true; } } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Imported Properties]")) { PropertyImport prop = null; for(;;) { if(!f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line))) break; TrimLSpaces(line, line); if(!strcmp(line, ".")) break; if(line[0] != '[') { if(!(prop = _class.properties.FindName(line, false))) { prop = PropertyImport { name = CopyString(line) }; _class.properties.AddName(prop); } } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Set]")) prop.hasSet = true; else if(!strcmp(line, "[Get]")) prop.hasGet = true; else if(!strcmp(line, "[Virtual]")) prop.isVirtual = true; } } } else { if(!(_class = module.classes.FindName(line, false))) { _class = ClassImport { name = CopyString(line) }; module.classes.AddName(_class); } } } } else if(!strcmp(line, "[Imported Functions]")) { for(;;) { if(!f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line))) break; TrimLSpaces(line, line); if(!strcmp(line, ".")) break; if(line[0] == '[') { } else { if(!(function = module.functions.FindName(line, false))) { function = FunctionImport { name = CopyString(line) }; module.functions.AddName(function); } } } } } else { if(!(module = _imports.FindName(line, false))) { if(!strcmp(line, "ecereCOM")) { module = _imports.FindName("ecere", false); } else if(!strcmp(line, "ecere")) { module = _imports.FindName("ecereCOM", false); if(module) { delete module.name; module.name = CopyString("ecere"); } } if(!module) { module = ModuleImport { name = CopyString(line) }; _imports.AddName(module); } } } } } } } delete f; } } // static Class applicationClass; static Class thisAppClass; class ModuleInfo : struct { ModuleInfo prev, next; char * name; bool globalInstance; }; /* OBSOLETE static bool SeardchModuleName(Module searchIn, char * name) { SubModule subModule; if(searchIn.name && !strcmp(searchIn.name, name)) return true; for(subModule = searchIn.modules.first; subModule; subModule = subModule.next) { if(SearchModuleName(subModule.module, name)) return true; } return false; } */ static void WriteMain(char * fileName) { File f = FileOpen(fileName, write); if(f) { ModuleImport module; ModuleInfo defModule; bool nonInst = false, anyMethod = false, anyProp = false, anyFunction = false; ImportedModule importedModule; GetLastDirectory(fileName, mainModuleName); StripExtension(mainModuleName); if(!projectName[0]) { strcpy(projectName, mainModuleName); StripExtension(projectName); } ChangeCh(mainModuleName, '.', '_'); ChangeCh(mainModuleName, '-', '_'); ChangeCh(mainModuleName, ' ', '_'); if(targetPlatform == win32 && !isConsole && !isStaticLibrary && !isDynamicLibrary) { //f.Puts("#include \n\n"); f.Puts("typedef void * HINSTANCE;\n"); f.Puts("#define WINAPI __stdcall\n"); } for(importedModule = ::_defines.first; importedModule; importedModule = importedModule.next) { if(importedModule.type == moduleDefinition) { f.Printf("import "); if(importedModule.importType == staticImport) f.Printf("static ", importedModule.name); f.Printf("\"%s\"\n", importedModule.name); } } f.Puts("default:\n"); f.Puts("static Module __currentModule;\n\n"); if(!isStaticLibrary) f.Puts("Module __thisModule;\n\n"); // TOCHECK: Problem compiling Scrabble.main.ec when binding Client first BindDCOMServer(); BindDCOMClient(); if(dcomSymbols) f.Printf("void __ecereRegisterModule_%s(Module module);\n\n", mainModuleName); for(module = _imports.first; module; module = module.next) { ClassImport _class; FunctionImport function; if(module.importType == staticImport) { /*if(targetPlatform == win32) { f.Printf("bool __stdcall __ecereDll_Load_%s(Module module);\n", module.name); f.Printf("bool __stdcall __ecereDll_Unload_%s(Module module);\n", module.name); } else*/ { f.Printf("bool __ecereDll_Load_%s(Module module);\n", module.name); f.Printf("bool __ecereDll_Unload_%s(Module module);\n", module.name); } } for(_class = module.classes.first; _class; _class = _class.next) { MethodImport method; PropertyImport prop; char className[1024] = ""; Class regClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, _class.name); FullClassNameCat(className, _class.name, true); MangleClassName(className); if(_class.itself) f.Printf("Class __ecereClass_%s;\n", className); else nonInst = true; //if(!_class.isRemote) { //if(strcmp(_class.name, "SerialBuffer")) { for(method = _class.methods.first; method; method = method.next) { Method meth = eClass_FindMethod(regClass, method.name, privateModule); if(meth && !meth.dataType) { Context context = SetupTemplatesContext(regClass); meth.dataType = ProcessTypeString(meth.dataTypeString, false); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } if(method.isVirtual) f.Printf("int __ecereVMethodID_%s_%s;\n", className, method.name); else if(module.name && module.importType != staticImport && (!meth || !meth.dataType.dllExport)) { /*char name[4096]; Type type { kind = TypePointer, type = method. }; type.refCount++; sprintf(name, "__ecereMethod_%s_%s", className, method.name); PrintType(type, name, true); f.Printf("%s;\n", name); delete type; */ //f.Printf("void * __ecereMethod_%s_%s;\n", className, method.name); f.Printf("int (*__ecereMethod_%s_%s)();\n", className, method.name); } anyMethod = true; } } for(prop = _class.properties.first; prop; prop = prop.next) { char propName[1024]; propName[0] = 0; FullClassNameCat(propName, prop.name, true); // strcpy(propName, prop.name); MangleClassName(propName); if(module.name && module.importType != staticImport) { if(prop.hasSet) f.Printf("void * __ecereProp_%s_Set_%s;\n", className, propName); if(prop.hasGet) f.Printf("void * __ecereProp_%s_Get_%s;\n", className, propName); } f.Printf("Property __ecereProp_%s_%s;\n", className, propName); anyProp = true; } } } for(function = module.functions.first; function; function = function.next) { GlobalFunction func = eSystem_FindFunction(privateModule, function.name); if(func && !func.dataType) func.dataType = ProcessTypeString(func.dataTypeString, false); if(module.name && module.importType != staticImport && (!func || !func.dataType || !func.dataType.dllExport)) { char functionName[1024]; functionName[0] = 0; FullClassNameCat(functionName, function.name, false); f.Printf("void * __ecereFunction_%s;\n", functionName); anyFunction = true; } } } for(defModule = ::modules.first; defModule; defModule = defModule.next) { char moduleName[1024]; strcpy(moduleName, defModule.name); ChangeCh(moduleName, ' ', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '-', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '.', '_'); f.Printf("void __ecereRegisterModule_%s(Module module);\n", moduleName); f.Printf("void __ecereUnregisterModule_%s(Module module);\n", moduleName); if(defModule.globalInstance) { f.Printf("void __ecereCreateModuleInstances_%s();\n", moduleName); f.Printf("void __ecereDestroyModuleInstances_%s();\n", moduleName); } } // DCOM Stuff if(dcomSymbols) { f.Printf("\n"); // Insert DCOM bindings here dcomSymbols.Seek(0, start); while(!dcomSymbols.Eof()) { char buffer[4096]; int read = dcomSymbols.Read(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer)); if(!read) break; f.Write(buffer, 1, read); } f.Printf("\n"); } // Main Function if(isStaticLibrary) { /*if(targetPlatform == win32) f.Printf("\nbool __stdcall __ecereDll_Load_%s(Module module)\n{\n", projectName); else*/ f.Printf("\nbool __ecereDll_Load_%s(Module module)\n{\n", projectName); } else if(isDynamicLibrary) { if(targetPlatform == win32) f.Puts("\ndllexport bool __stdcall __ecereDll_Load(Module module)\n{\n"); else f.Puts("\ndllexport bool __ecereDll_Load(Module module)\n{\n"); } else if(targetPlatform == win32 && !isConsole) { f.Puts("\nint WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, char * cmdLine, int show)\n{\n"); } else f.Puts("\nint main(int _argc, char * _argv[])\n{\n"); if(!isDynamicLibrary) { f.Puts(" int exitCode;\n"); f.Puts(" Module module;\n"); } //if(nonInst || thisAppClass) // We use it all the time to get "Application" for the exit code now... f.Puts(" Class _class;\n"); if(anyMethod) f.Puts(" Method method;\n"); if(anyProp) f.Puts(" Property _property;\n"); if(anyFunction) f.Puts(" GlobalFunction function;\n"); f.Puts("\n"); if(isDynamicLibrary) { f.Puts(" if(!__currentModule)\n"); f.Puts(" {\n"); f.Puts(" __currentModule = module;\n"); if(!isStaticLibrary) f.Puts(" __thisModule = module;\n"); f.Puts(" }\n\n"); } else if(targetPlatform == win32 && !isConsole) f.Puts(" __thisModule = __currentModule = module = __ecere_COM_Initialize(1, 0, null);\n\n"); else f.Puts(" __thisModule = __currentModule = module = __ecere_COM_Initialize(1, _argc, (void *)_argv);\n\n"); // First load all modules if(_imports.count) { for(module = _imports.first; module; module = module.next) { if(module.name) { //if(strcmp(module.name, "ecereCOM") && strcmp(module.name, "ecere") ) { if(module.importType == staticImport) f.Printf(" eModule_LoadStatic(module, \"%s\", %s, __ecereDll_Load_%s, __ecereDll_Unload_%s);\n", module.name, (module.importAccess == privateAccess) ? "privateAccess" : "publicAccess", module.name,module.name); else f.Printf(" eModule_Load(module, \"%s\", %s);\n", module.name, (module.importAccess == privateAccess) ? "privateAccess" : "publicAccess"); } } } f.Printf("\n"); } // Then define the classes if(::modules.count) { for(defModule = ::modules.first; defModule; defModule = defModule.next) { char moduleName[1024]; strcpy(moduleName, defModule.name); ChangeCh(moduleName, ' ', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '-', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '.', '_'); f.Printf(" __ecereRegisterModule_%s(module);\n", moduleName); } f.Printf("\n"); } // Register Remote Modules if(dcomSymbols) { f.Printf(" __ecereRegisterModule_%s(module);\n\n", mainModuleName); delete dcomSymbols; } if(isDynamicLibrary) { f.Puts(" if(__currentModule == module)\n"); f.Puts(" {\n"); } // Then load the imports for(module = _imports.first; module; module = module.next) { ClassImport _class; FunctionImport function; if(module.classes.count) { for(_class = module.classes.first; _class; _class = _class.next) { Class regClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, _class.name); //if(!_class.isRemote) { MethodImport method; PropertyImport prop; char classID[1024]; char className[1024] = ""; FullClassNameCat(className, _class.name, true); MangleClassName(className); if(_class.itself) sprintf(classID, "__ecereClass_%s", className); else strcpy(classID, "_class"); if(isDynamicLibrary && !isStaticLibrary) f.Printf(" %s = eSystem_FindClass(__currentModule, \"%s\");\n", classID, _class.name); else f.Printf(" %s = eSystem_FindClass(module, \"%s\");\n", classID, _class.name); for(method = _class.methods.first; method; method = method.next) { Method meth = eClass_FindMethod(regClass, method.name, privateModule); if(!meth || !meth.dataType.dllExport) { if(method.isVirtual || (module.name && module.importType != staticImport)) { f.Printf(" method = eClass_FindMethod(%s, \"%s\", module);\n", classID, method.name); if(method.isVirtual) f.Printf(" if(method) __ecereVMethodID_%s_%s = method.vid;\n", className, method.name); else f.Printf(" if(method) __ecereMethod_%s_%s = method.function;\n", className, method.name); } } } for(prop = _class.properties.first; prop; prop = prop.next) { char propName[1024]; propName[0] = 0; FullClassNameCat(propName, prop.name, true); // strcpy(propName, prop.name); MangleClassName(propName); f.Printf(" __ecereProp_%s_%s = _property = eClass_FindProperty(%s, \"%s\", module);\n", className, propName, classID, prop.name); if(module.name && module.importType != staticImport) { if(prop.hasSet) f.Printf(" __ecereProp_%s_Set_%s = _property.Set;\n", className, propName); if(prop.hasGet) f.Printf(" __ecereProp_%s_Get_%s = _property.Get;\n", className, propName); } } f.Printf("\n"); } } } if(module.functions.count) { for(function = module.functions.first; function; function = function.next) { GlobalFunction func = eSystem_FindFunction(privateModule, function.name); if(module.name && module.importType != staticImport && (!func || !func.dataType || !func.dataType.dllExport)) { char functionName[1024]; functionName[0] = 0; FullClassNameCat(functionName, function.name, false); if(isDynamicLibrary && !isStaticLibrary) f.Printf(" function = eSystem_FindFunction(__currentModule, \"%s\");\n", function.name); else f.Printf(" function = eSystem_FindFunction(module, \"%s\");\n", function.name); f.Printf(" if(function) __ecereFunction_%s = function.function;\n", functionName); f.Printf("\n"); } } f.Printf("\n"); } } for(defModule = ::modules.first; defModule; defModule = defModule.next) if(defModule.globalInstance) { if(!strcmp(defModule.name, "i18n")) f.Printf(" __ecereCreateModuleInstances_i18n();\n"); } if(i18n) f.Printf(" LoadTranslatedStrings(module, \"%s\");\n", projectName); if(isDynamicLibrary) { //f.Printf(" module._vTbl[10](module);\n"); f.Puts(" }\n"); } if(!isDynamicLibrary && thisAppClass) { f.Printf(" _class = eSystem_FindClass(__currentModule, \"%s\");\n", thisAppClass.name); f.Printf(" eInstance_Evolve((Instance *)&__currentModule, _class);\n"); f.Printf(" __thisModule = __currentModule;\n"); } if(isDynamicLibrary) { f.Puts(" if(__currentModule == module)\n"); f.Puts(" {\n"); } // Then check if there's any global instances to create if(::modules.count) { for(defModule = ::modules.first; defModule; defModule = defModule.next) if(defModule.globalInstance) { char moduleName[1024]; if(!strcmp(defModule.name, "i18n")) continue; strcpy(moduleName, defModule.name); ChangeCh(moduleName, ' ', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '-', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '.', '_'); f.Printf(" __ecereCreateModuleInstances_%s();\n", moduleName); } f.Printf("\n"); } if(isDynamicLibrary) { f.Puts(" }\n"); } if(!isDynamicLibrary && thisAppClass) { f.Printf(" ((void(*)(void *))(void *)__currentModule._vTbl[12])(__currentModule);\n"); } if(isDynamicLibrary) { f.Puts(" return true;\n"); f.Puts("}\n"); if(isStaticLibrary) { /*if(targetPlatform == win32) f.Printf("\nbool __stdcall __ecereDll_Unload_%s(Module module)\n{\n", projectName); else*/ f.Printf("\nbool __ecereDll_Unload_%s(Module module)\n{\n", projectName); } else { if(targetPlatform == win32) f.Puts("\ndllexport bool __stdcall __ecereDll_Unload(Module module)\n{\n"); else f.Puts("\ndllexport bool __ecereDll_Unload(Module module)\n{\n"); } } if(isDynamicLibrary) { f.Puts(" if(__currentModule == module)\n"); f.Puts(" {\n"); } // Then check if there's any global instances to destroy { bool destroyI18n = false; if(::modules.count) { for(defModule = ::modules.first; defModule; defModule = defModule.next) if(defModule.globalInstance) { char moduleName[1024]; if(!strcmp(defModule.name, "i18n")) { destroyI18n = true; continue; } strcpy(moduleName, defModule.name); ChangeCh(moduleName, ' ', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '-', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '.', '_'); f.Printf(" __ecereDestroyModuleInstances_%s();\n", moduleName); } f.Printf("\n"); } if(i18n) f.Printf(" UnloadTranslatedStrings(__currentModule);\n"); if(destroyI18n) f.Printf(" __ecereDestroyModuleInstances_i18n();\n"); } if(isDynamicLibrary) { f.Puts(" }\n"); if(isDynamicLibrary) { //f.Printf(" module._vTbl[11](module);\n"); } if(::modules.count) { for(defModule = ::modules.first; defModule; defModule = defModule.next) { char moduleName[1024]; strcpy(moduleName, defModule.name); ChangeCh(moduleName, ' ', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '-', '_'); ChangeCh(moduleName, '.', '_'); f.Printf(" __ecereUnregisterModule_%s(module);\n", moduleName); } f.Printf("\n"); } f.Puts(" if(__currentModule == module)\n"); f.Puts(" __currentModule = (void *)0;\n"); if(!isStaticLibrary) { f.Puts(" if(__thisModule == module)\n"); f.Puts(" __thisModule = (void *)0;\n"); } } if(!isDynamicLibrary) { f.Puts( "\n" " _class = eSystem_FindClass(__currentModule, \"ecere::com::Application\");\n" " exitCode = ((ecere::com::Application)__currentModule).exitCode;\n" " delete __currentModule;\n" " return exitCode;\n"); } else f.Puts(" return true;\n"); f.Puts("}\n"); eInstance_Delete(f); } } static Class FindAppClass(NameSpace * nameSpace, bool thisModule) { BTNamedLink link; NameSpace * ns; for(link = (BTNamedLink)nameSpace->classes.first; link; link = (BTNamedLink)((BTNode)link).next) { Class _class = link.data; /* applicationClass = eSystem_FindClass(_class.module, "Application"); if(_class != applicationClass && eClass_IsDerived(_class, applicationClass) && (!thisModule || _class.module == privateModule)) return _class; */ if(strcmp(_class.fullName, "ecere::com::Application") && (!thisModule || _class.module == privateModule)) { Class base; for(base = _class.base; base && base.type != systemClass; base = base.base) if(!strcmp(base.fullName, "ecere::com::Application")) return _class; } } for(ns = (NameSpace *)nameSpace->nameSpaces.first; ns; ns = (NameSpace *)((BTNode)ns).next) { Class _class = FindAppClass(ns, thisModule); if(_class) // && _class != applicationClass) return _class; } return null; //applicationClass; } static Class SearchAppClass_Module(Module module) { Class appClass; SubModule subModule; appClass = FindAppClass(module.publicNameSpace, false); if(appClass) return appClass; appClass = FindAppClass(module.privateNameSpace, false); if(appClass) return appClass; for(subModule = module.modules.first; subModule; subModule = subModule.next) { appClass = SearchAppClass_Module(subModule.module); if(appClass) return appClass; } return null; } static void BindDCOMClient() { Class dcomClientObjectClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::net::DCOMClientObject"); OldLink deriv; if(dcomClientObjectClass && dcomClientObjectClass.derivatives.first) { File f; if(!dcomSymbols) dcomSymbols = TempFile { }; f = dcomSymbols; // CLIENT BINDINGS for(deriv = dcomClientObjectClass.derivatives.first; deriv; deriv = deriv.next) { Class _class = deriv.data; Method method, next; int id = 0; int vid; bool doVirtual; DeclareClass(FindClass("ecere::net::DCOMClientObject"), "__ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__net__DCOMClientObject"); f.Printf("class %s : ecere::net::DCOMClientObject\n", _class.fullName); f.Printf("{\n"); // CLIENT VIRTUAL METHODS BINDINGS if(_class.vTblSize > _class.base.vTblSize) { int vid; f.Printf(" virtual void CallVirtualMethod(uint __ecereMethodID, SerialBuffer __ecereBuffer)\n"); f.Printf(" {\n"); f.Printf(" switch(__ecereMethodID)\n"); f.Printf(" {\n"); for(vid = _class.base.vTblSize; vid < _class.vTblSize; vid++) { Method method; for(method = (Method)_class.methods.first; method; method = (Method)((BTNode)method).next) { if(method.type == virtualMethod && method._class == _class && method.vid == vid) break; } if(method) { Type param; method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); if(method.dataType && method.dataType.name) { f.Printf(" case %d:\n", vid - _class.base.vTblSize); f.Printf(" {\n"); { if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { TypeName resultType; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; char type[1024] = ""; char className[1024]; Symbol classSym; if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType) classSym = method.dataType.returnType._class; // VERIFY THIS FindClass(method.dataType.returnType._class.string); else { PrintType(method.dataType.returnType, type, false, true); classSym = FindClass(type); type[0] = 0; } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); PrintType(method.dataType.returnType, type, true, true); decl = SpecDeclFromString(type, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ecereResult"))); resultType = MkTypeName(specs, decl); f.Printf(" "); OutputTypeName(resultType, f, false); f.Printf(";\n"); } for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.kind == classType && !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { // Hardcode 1024 chars max string for now f.Printf(" char %s[1024];\n", param.name); DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); DeclareClass(FindClass("String"), "__ecereClass_String"); } else { TypeName paramTypeName; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; char type[1024] = ""; char className[1024]; Symbol classSym; if(param.kind == classType) classSym = param._class; // VERIFY THIS FindClass(param._class.string); else { PrintType(param, type, false, true); classSym = FindClass(type); type[0] = 0; } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); PrintType(param, type, true, true); decl = SpecDeclFromString(type, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(param.name /*"__ecereResult"*/))); paramTypeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); f.Printf(" "); OutputTypeName(paramTypeName, f, false); f.Printf(";\n"); } } f.Printf("\n"); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Unserialize("); if(param.kind == classType && !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf("(StaticString)"); } f.Puts(param.name); f.Printf(");\n"); } f.Printf(" "); if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) f.Printf("__ecereResult = "); // f.Printf("this.instance.%s(", method.name); f.Printf("%s(", method.name); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.prev) f.Printf(", "); f.Printf("%s", param.name); } f.Printf(");\n"); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.kind == classType && ((param._class && param._class.registered && param._class.registered.type == structClass) || !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) && !param.constant) { if(!strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Serialize((StaticString)%s);\n", param.name); } else f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Serialize(%s);\n", param.name); } } if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Serialize(__ecereResult);\n"); } for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.kind == classType && strcmp(param._class.string, "String") && param._class.registered && (param._class.registered.type == normalClass || param._class.registered.type == noHeadClass)) { f.Printf(" delete %s;\n", param.name); } } if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType && strcmp(method.dataType.returnType._class.string, "String") && method.dataType.returnType._class.registered && (method.dataType.returnType._class.registered.type == normalClass || method.dataType.returnType._class.registered.type == noHeadClass)) { f.Printf(" delete __ecereResult;\n"); } } f.Printf(" break;\n"); f.Printf(" }\n"); } } } f.Printf(" }\n"); f.Printf(" }\n"); f.Printf("\n"); } doVirtual = true; id = 0; vid = _class.base.vTblSize; next = (Method)_class.methods.first; while(next && ((next.type == virtualMethod) != doVirtual || (doVirtual && next.vid != vid))) { id++; next = (Method)((BTNode)next).next; if(!next && doVirtual) { if(vid == _class.vTblSize) doVirtual = false; else vid++; id = 0; next = (Method)_class.methods.first; } } for(method = next; method; method = next) { Type param; if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); if(method.dataType.name) { f.Printf(" "); if(doVirtual) { char name[1024]; strcpy(name, "__ecereVMethodID_"); FullClassNameCat(name, method._class.fullName, true); strcat(name, "_"); strcat(name, method.name); DeclareMethod(method, name); f.Printf("virtual "); } f.Printf("%s\n", method.dataTypeString); f.Printf(" {\n"); if(method.dataType) { if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { TypeName resultType; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; char type[1024] = ""; char className[1024]; Symbol classSym; if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType) classSym = method.dataType.returnType._class; // VERIFY THIS FindClass(method.dataType.returnType._class.string); else { PrintType(method.dataType.returnType, type, false, true); classSym = FindClass(type); type[0] = 0; } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); PrintType(method.dataType.returnType, type, true, true); decl = SpecDeclFromString(type, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ecereResult"))); resultType = MkTypeName(specs, decl); f.Printf(" "); OutputTypeName(resultType, f, false); if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == structType) f.Printf(" = { 0 }"); else if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType && method.dataType.returnType._class.registered && method.dataType.returnType._class.registered.type == structClass) f.Printf(" { }"); else f.Printf(" = 0"); f.Printf(";\n\n"); } f.Printf(" incref this;\n"); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { char type[1024] = ""; char className[1024]; Symbol classSym; if(param.kind == classType) classSym = param._class; // VERIFY THIS FindClass(param._class.string); else { PrintType(param, type, false, true); classSym = FindClass(type); type[0] = 0; } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); if(param.kind == classType && !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Serialize((StaticString)%s);\n", param.name); } else f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Serialize(%s);\n", param.name); } DeclareMethod( eClass_FindMethod( eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::net::DCOMClientObject"), "CallMethod", privateModule), "__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__net__DCOMClientObject_CallMethod"); f.Printf(" if(DCOMClientObject::CallMethod(%d))\n", id++); f.Printf(" {\n"); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.kind == classType && ((param._class && param._class.registered && param._class.registered.type == structClass) || !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) && !param.constant) { if(!strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Unserialize((StaticString)%s);\n", param.name); } else f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Unserialize(%s);\n", param.name); } } if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType && !strcmp(method.dataType.returnType._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Unserialize((StaticString)__ecereResult);\n"); } else f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Unserialize(__ecereResult);\n"); } f.Printf(" }\n"); f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Free();\n"); f.Printf(" delete this;\n"); if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { f.Printf(" return __ecereResult;\n"); } } f.Printf(" }\n"); } next = (Method)((BTNode)method).next; while(next && ((next.type == virtualMethod) != doVirtual || (doVirtual && next.vid != vid))) { id++; next = (Method)((BTNode)next).next; if(!next && doVirtual) { if(vid == _class.vTblSize) doVirtual = false; else vid++; id = 0; next = (Method)_class.methods.first; } } if(next) f.Printf("\n"); } f.Printf("}\n"); if(deriv.next) f.Printf("\n"); } } } static void BindDCOMServer() { bool mutexDeclared = false; Class _class; for(_class = privateModule.classes.first; _class; _class = _class.next) { if(_class.isRemote == 3) //) break; } if(_class) { File f; if(!dcomSymbols) dcomSymbols = TempFile { }; f = dcomSymbols; DeclareClass(FindClass("ecere::net::DCOMServerObject"), "__ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__net__DCOMServerObject"); // SERVER BINDINGS for(_class = privateModule.classes.first; _class; _class = _class.next) { if(_class.isRemote == 3) //2 && !strncmp(_class.fullName, "DCOMServer_", strlen("DCOMServer_"))) { Method method; int id = 0; int vid; f.Printf("class DCOM%s : ecere::net::DCOMServerObject\n", _class.fullName); // f.Printf("class DCOM%s\n", _class.fullName); f.Printf("{\n"); /* f.Printf(" %s instance;\n", _class.fullName); f.Printf(" unsigned int id;\n"); f.Printf(" SerialBuffer buffer { };\n"); */ /* f.Printf(" DCOM%s()\n", _class.fullName); f.Printf(" {\n"); f.Printf(" instance = eInstance_New(class(%s));\n", _class.fullName); f.Printf(" }\n"); */ // f.Printf("\n"); f.Printf(" virtual void CallMethod(uint __ecereMethodID, SerialBuffer __ecereBuffer)\n"); f.Printf(" {\n"); f.Printf(" %s inst = (%s)instance;\n", _class.fullName, _class.fullName); f.Printf(" incref inst;\n"); f.Printf(" switch(__ecereMethodID)\n"); f.Printf(" {\n"); for(method = (Method)_class.methods.first; method; method = (Method)((BTNode)method).next) { Type param; method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); if(method.dataType && method.dataType.name) { f.Printf(" case %d:\n", id++); f.Printf(" {\n"); { if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { TypeName resultType; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; char type[1024] = ""; char className[1024]; Symbol classSym; if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType) classSym = method.dataType.returnType._class; // VERIFY THIS FindClass(method.dataType.returnType._class.string); else { PrintType(method.dataType.returnType, type, false, true); classSym = FindClass(type); type[0] = 0; } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); PrintType(method.dataType.returnType, type, true, true); decl = SpecDeclFromString(type, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ecereResult"))); resultType = MkTypeName(specs, decl); f.Printf(" "); OutputTypeName(resultType, f, false); f.Printf(";\n"); } for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.kind == classType && !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { // Hardcode 1024 chars max string for now f.Printf(" char %s[1024];\n", param.name); DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); DeclareClass(FindClass("String"), "__ecereClass_String"); } else { TypeName paramTypeName; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; char type[1024] = ""; char className[1024]; Symbol classSym; if(param.kind == classType) classSym = param._class; // VERIFY THIS FindClass(param._class.string); else { PrintType(param, type, false, true); classSym = FindClass(type); type[0] = 0; } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); PrintType(param, type, true, true); decl = SpecDeclFromString(type, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(param.name /*"__ecereResult"*/))); paramTypeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); f.Printf(" "); OutputTypeName(paramTypeName, f, false); f.Printf(";\n"); } } f.Printf("\n"); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Unserialize("); if(param.kind == classType && !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf("(StaticString)"); } f.Puts(param.name); f.Printf(");\n"); } f.Printf(" "); if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) f.Printf("__ecereResult = "); // f.Printf("this.instance.%s(", method.name); f.Printf("((%s)instance).%s(", _class.fullName, method.name); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.prev) f.Printf(", "); f.Printf("%s", param.name); } f.Printf(");\n"); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.kind == classType && ((param._class && param._class.registered && param._class.registered.type == structClass) || !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) && !param.constant) { if(!strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Serialize((StaticString)%s);\n", param.name); } else f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Serialize(%s);\n", param.name); } } if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { f.Printf(" __ecereBuffer.Serialize(__ecereResult);\n"); } for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.kind == classType && strcmp(param._class.string, "String") && param._class.registered && (param._class.registered.type == normalClass || param._class.registered.type == noHeadClass)) { f.Printf(" delete %s;\n", param.name); } } if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType && strcmp(method.dataType.returnType._class.string, "String") && method.dataType.returnType._class.registered && (method.dataType.returnType._class.registered.type == normalClass || method.dataType.returnType._class.registered.type == noHeadClass)) { f.Printf(" delete __ecereResult;\n"); } } f.Printf(" break;\n"); f.Printf(" }\n"); } } f.Printf(" }\n"); f.Printf(" delete inst;\n"); f.Printf(" }\n"); // *** VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS BINDINGS *** for(vid = _class.base.vTblSize; vid < _class.vTblSize; vid++) { Method method; Type param; for(method = (Method)_class.methods.first; method; method = (Method)((BTNode)method).next) if(method.type == virtualMethod && method._class == _class && method.vid == vid) break; if(method) { if(!mutexDeclared) { DeclareClass(FindClass("ecere::sys::Mutex"), "__ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__Mutex"); DeclareMethod( eClass_FindMethod( eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::sys::Mutex"), "Wait", privateModule), "__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__Mutex_Wait"); DeclareMethod( eClass_FindMethod( eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::sys::Mutex"), "Release", privateModule), "__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__Mutex_Release"); mutexDeclared = true; } f.Printf("\n"); if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); if(method.dataType.name) { f.Printf(" virtual %s\n", method.dataTypeString); f.Printf(" {\n"); if(method.dataType) { f.Printf(" DCOM%s __ecereObject = (void *)_vTbl[-1];\n", _class.fullName); if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { TypeName resultType; OldList * specs = MkList(); Declarator decl; char type[1024] = ""; char className[1024]; Symbol classSym; if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType) classSym = method.dataType.returnType._class; // VERIFY THIS FindClass(method.dataType.returnType._class.string); else { PrintType(method.dataType.returnType, type, false, true); classSym = FindClass(type); type[0] = 0; } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); PrintType(method.dataType.returnType, type, true, true); decl = SpecDeclFromString(type, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ecereResult"))); resultType = MkTypeName(specs, decl); f.Printf(" "); OutputTypeName(resultType, f, false); if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == structType) f.Printf(" = { 0 }"); else if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType && method.dataType.returnType._class.registered && method.dataType.returnType._class.registered.type == structClass) f.Printf(" { }"); else f.Printf(" = 0"); f.Printf(";\n\n"); } f.Printf(" incref __ecereObject;\n"); f.Printf(" __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__Mutex_Wait(__ecereObject.mutex);\n"); //f.Printf(" incref this;\n"); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { char type[1024] = ""; char className[1024]; Symbol classSym; if(param.kind == classType) classSym = param._class; // VERIFY THIS FindClass(param._class.string); else { PrintType(param, type, false, true); classSym = FindClass(type); type[0] = 0; } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym.string, true); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); if(param.kind == classType && !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf(" __ecereObject.argsBuffer.Serialize((StaticString)%s);\n", param.name); } else f.Printf(" __ecereObject.argsBuffer.Serialize(%s);\n", param.name); } DeclareMethod( eClass_FindMethod( eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::net::DCOMServerObject"), "CallVirtualMethod", privateModule), "__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__net__DCOMServerObject_CallVirtualMethod"); // Check if this method needs to return anything (hasReturnValue) { bool hasReturnValue = method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType; if(!hasReturnValue) { for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.kind == classType && ((param._class && param._class.registered && param._class.registered.type == structClass) || !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) && !param.constant) { hasReturnValue = true; break; } } } f.Printf(" if(__ecereObject.CallVirtualMethod(%d, %s))\n", vid - _class.base.vTblSize, hasReturnValue ? "true" : "false"); } f.Printf(" {\n"); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { if(param.kind == classType && ((param._class && param._class.registered && param._class.registered.type == structClass) || !strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) && !param.constant) { if(!strcmp(param._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf(" __ecereObject.returnBuffer.Unserialize((StaticString)%s);\n", param.name); } else f.Printf(" __ecereObject.returnBuffer.Unserialize(%s);\n", param.name); } } if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { if(method.dataType.returnType.kind == classType && !strcmp(method.dataType.returnType._class.string, "String")) { DeclareClass(FindClass("StaticString"), "__ecereClass_StaticString"); f.Printf(" __ecereObject.returnBuffer.Unserialize((StaticString)__ecereResult);\n"); } else f.Printf(" __ecereObject.returnBuffer.Unserialize(__ecereResult);\n"); } f.Printf(" }\n"); f.Printf(" else\n"); f.Printf(" ((%s)this).%s::%s(", _class.fullName, _class.fullName, method.name); for(param = method.dataType.params.first; param; param = param.next) { f.Printf("%s", param.name); if(param.next) f.Printf(", "); } f.Printf(");\n"); f.Printf(" __ecereObject.returnBuffer.Free();\n"); f.Printf(" __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__Mutex_Release(__ecereObject.mutex);\n"); //f.Printf(" delete this;\n"); f.Printf(" delete __ecereObject;\n"); if(method.dataType.returnType.kind != voidType) { f.Printf(" return __ecereResult;\n"); } } f.Printf(" }\n"); /*if(vid < _class.vTblSize) f.Printf("\n");*/ } } } f.Printf("}\n"); } } } } class SymbolgenApp : Application { void Main() { /* char ** argv = null; int argc = 0; */ int c; bool valid = true; char * output = null; targetPlatform = GetRuntimePlatform(); targetBits = GetHostBits(); /* for(c = 0; c] [, ]* -o \n"); else { int c; char ext[MAX_EXTENSION]; char symbolModule[MAX_FILENAME]; GetExtension(output, ext); GetLastDirectory(output, symbolModule); SetDefines(&::_defines); SetImports(&_imports); SetGlobalData(&globalData); SetExcludedSymbols(&_excludedSymbols); SetGlobalContext(theGlobalContext); SetTopContext(theGlobalContext); SetCurrentContext(theGlobalContext); SetTargetPlatform(targetPlatform); SetTargetBits(targetBits); privateModule = (Module)__ecere_COM_Initialize(true | (targetBits == sizeof(uintptr)*8 ? 0 : targetBits == 64 ? 2 : targetBits==32 ? 4 : 0) | 8, 1, null); SetPrivateModule(privateModule); mainModule = ModuleImport { }; SetMainModule(mainModule); _imports.Add(mainModule); //if(!strcmp(ext, "c")) { String symbolsDir = GetSymbolsDir(); // Only generating .pot files when building from release.* directory for now bool outputPot = symbolsDir && SearchString(symbolsDir, 0, "release.", false, false); Map > intlStrings { }; MapIterator> it { map = intlStrings }; for(c = 1; c comments { }; String msgid = null, msgstr = null, msgctxt = null; while(!f.Eof()) { if(f.GetLine(line, sizeof(line))) { int len; TrimLSpaces(line, line); if(line[0] == '#') { comments.Add(CopyString(line)); } else if(strstr(line, "msgid \"") == line) { delete msgid; msgid = CopyString(line + 7); len = strlen(msgid); if(len) msgid[len-1] = 0; } else if(strstr(line, "msgctxt \"") == line) { delete msgctxt; msgctxt = CopyString(line + 9); len = strlen(msgctxt); if(len) msgctxt[len-1] = 0; } else if(strstr(line, "msgstr \"") == line) { delete msgstr; msgstr = CopyString(line + 8); len = strlen(msgstr); if(len) msgstr[len-1] = 0; } if(msgid && msgstr) { ContextStringPair pair { msgid, msgctxt }; i18n = true; if(!it.Index(pair, false)) { msgid = null; msgctxt = null; intlStrings[pair] = comments; comments = { }; } else { for(s : comments) it.data.Add(s); comments.RemoveAll(); } delete msgid; delete msgctxt; delete msgstr; } } } comments.Free(); delete comments; delete f; } } } } } ComputeModuleClasses(privateModule); if(!isDynamicLibrary) { // applicationClass = eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "Application"); /* thisAppClass = FindAppClass(&privateModule.application.publicNameSpace, true); if(!thisAppClass) thisAppClass = FindAppClass(&privateModule.application.privateNameSpace, true); if(!thisAppClass) thisAppClass = FindAppClass(&privateModule.application.publicNameSpace, false); if(!thisAppClass) thisAppClass = FindAppClass(&privateModule.application.privateNameSpace, false); */ thisAppClass = SearchAppClass_Module(privateModule); } WriteMain(output); if(outputPot && intlStrings.count) { File potFile; char potFileName[MAX_LOCATION]; //strcpy(potFileName, output); //StripExtension(potFileName); strcpy(potFileName, "locale"); MakeDir(potFileName); PathCat(potFileName, projectName); ChangeExtension(potFileName, "pot", potFileName); potFile = FileOpen(potFileName, write); if(potFile) { // Write header: potFile.Puts("msgid \"\"\n"); potFile.Puts("msgstr \"\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\"Project-Id-Version: \\n\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\"POT-Creation-Date: \\n\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\"PO-Revision-Date: \\n\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\"Last-Translator: \\n\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\"Language-Team: \\n\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\\n\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\\n\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\n"); for(i : intlStrings) { ContextStringPair pair = &i; List comments = i; for(s : comments) { potFile.Printf(s); potFile.Puts("\n"); } if(pair.context) { potFile.Puts("msgctxt \""); potFile.Puts(pair.context); potFile.Puts("\"\n"); } potFile.Puts("msgid \""); potFile.Puts(pair.string); potFile.Puts("\"\n"); potFile.Puts("msgstr \""); potFile.Puts(pair.string); potFile.Puts("\"\n"); potFile.Puts("\n"); } intlStrings.Free(); delete intlStrings; delete potFile; } } } FreeContext(theGlobalContext); FreeExcludedSymbols(_excludedSymbols); ::_defines.Free(FreeModuleDefine); _imports.Free(FreeModuleImport); //precompDefines.Free(FreeDefinition); FreeTypeData(privateModule); FreeIncludeFiles(); FreeGlobalData(globalData); delete privateModule; } SetSymbolsDir(null); // Free symbols dir /* for(c = 0; c