#if defined(__GNUC__) typedef long long int64; typedef unsigned long long uint64; #ifndef _WIN32 #define __declspec(x) #endif #elif defined(__TINYC__) #include #define __builtin_va_list va_list #define __builtin_va_start va_start #define __builtin_va_end va_end #ifdef _WIN32 #define strcasecmp stricmp #define strncasecmp strnicmp #define __declspec(x) __attribute__((x)) #else #define __declspec(x) #endif typedef long long int64; typedef unsigned long long uint64; #else typedef __int64 int64; typedef unsigned __int64 uint64; #endif #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ #define __ENDIAN_PAD(x) (8 - (x)) #else #define __ENDIAN_PAD(x) 0 #endif #include #include #if /*defined(_W64) || */(defined(__WORDSIZE) && __WORDSIZE == 8) || defined(__x86_64__) #define _64BIT 1 #else #define _64BIT 0 #endif #define arch_PointerSize sizeof(void *) #define structSize_Instance (_64BIT ? 24 : 12) #define structSize_Module (_64BIT ? 560 : 300) #define structSize_NamedLink (_64BIT ? 32 : 16) extern void * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New(unsigned int size); extern void * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(unsigned int size); extern void * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Renew(void * memory, unsigned int size); extern void * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Renew0(void * memory, unsigned int size); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * root; int count; int (* CompareKey)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree * tree, uintptr_t a, uintptr_t b); void (* FreeKey)(void * key); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList { void * first; void * last; int count; unsigned int offset; unsigned int circ; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method { char * name; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * parent; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * left; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * right; int depth; int (* function)(); int vid; int type; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; void * symbol; char * dataTypeString; struct Type * dataType; int memberAccess; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * next; char * name; unsigned int isProperty; int memberAccess; int id; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; char * dataTypeString; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * dataTypeClass; struct Type * dataType; void (* Set)(void * , int); int (* Get)(void * ); unsigned int (* IsSet)(void * ); void * data; void * symbol; int vid; unsigned int conversion; unsigned int watcherOffset; char * category; unsigned int compiled; unsigned int selfWatchable; unsigned int isWatchable; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_CodePosition; struct CodePosition { int line; int charPos; int pos; unsigned int included; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Location; struct Location { struct CodePosition start; struct CodePosition end; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Attrib; struct Attrib; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_ExtDecl; struct ExtDecl { struct Location loc; int type; union { char * s; struct Attrib * attr; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_ClassDefinition; struct ClassDefinition { struct ClassDefinition * prev; struct ClassDefinition * next; struct Location loc; struct Specifier * _class; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * baseSpecs; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * definitions; struct Symbol * symbol; struct Location blockStart; struct Location nameLoc; int endid; int declMode; unsigned int deleteWatchable; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Context; struct Context { struct Context * parent; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree types; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree classes; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree symbols; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree structSymbols; int nextID; int simpleID; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree templateTypes; struct ClassDefinition * classDef; unsigned int templateTypesOnly; unsigned int hasNameSpace; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Instantiation; struct Instantiation { struct Instantiation * prev; struct Instantiation * next; struct Location loc; struct Specifier * _class; struct Expression * exp; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * members; struct Symbol * symbol; unsigned int fullSet; unsigned int isConstant; unsigned char * data; struct Location nameLoc; struct Location insideLoc; unsigned int built; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Declaration; struct Declaration { struct Declaration * prev; struct Declaration * next; struct Location loc; int type; union { struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * declarators; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct Instantiation * inst; struct { struct Identifier * id; struct Expression * exp; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct Specifier * extStorage; struct Symbol * symbol; int declMode; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Statement; struct Statement { struct Statement * prev; struct Statement * next; struct Location loc; int type; union { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * expressions; struct { struct Identifier * id; struct Statement * stmt; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) labeled; struct { struct Expression * exp; struct Statement * stmt; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) caseStmt; struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * declarations; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * statements; struct Context * context; unsigned int isSwitch; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) compound; struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * exp; struct Statement * stmt; struct Statement * elseStmt; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) ifStmt; struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * exp; struct Statement * stmt; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) switchStmt; struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * exp; struct Statement * stmt; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) whileStmt; struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * exp; struct Statement * stmt; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) doWhile; struct { struct Statement * init; struct Statement * check; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * increment; struct Statement * stmt; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) forStmt; struct { struct Identifier * id; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) gotoStmt; struct { struct Specifier * spec; char * statements; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * inputFields; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * outputFields; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * clobberedFields; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) asmStmt; struct { struct Expression * watcher; struct Expression * object; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * watches; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) _watch; struct { struct Identifier * id; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * exp; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * filter; struct Statement * stmt; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) forEachStmt; struct Declaration * decl; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_TypeName; struct TypeName { struct TypeName * prev; struct TypeName * next; struct Location loc; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * qualifiers; struct Declarator * declarator; int classObjectType; struct Expression * bitCount; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Initializer; struct Initializer { struct Initializer * prev; struct Initializer * next; struct Location loc; int type; union { struct Expression * exp; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); unsigned int isConstant; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataValue; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataValue { union { char c; unsigned char uc; short s; unsigned short us; int i; unsigned int ui; void * p; float f; double d; long long i64; uint64 ui64; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Expression; struct Expression { struct Expression * prev; struct Expression * next; struct Location loc; int type; union { struct { char * constant; struct Identifier * identifier; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct Statement * compound; struct Instantiation * instance; char * string; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list; struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers; struct Declarator * decl; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) _classExp; struct { struct Identifier * id; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) classData; struct { struct Expression * exp; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * arguments; struct Location argLoc; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) call; struct { struct Expression * exp; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * index; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) index; struct { struct Expression * exp; struct Identifier * member; int memberType; unsigned int thisPtr; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) member; struct { int op; struct Expression * exp1; struct Expression * exp2; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) op; struct TypeName * typeName; struct Specifier * _class; struct { struct TypeName * typeName; struct Expression * exp; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) cast; struct { struct Expression * cond; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * exp; struct Expression * elseExp; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) cond; struct { struct TypeName * typeName; struct Expression * size; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) _new; struct { struct TypeName * typeName; struct Expression * size; struct Expression * exp; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) _renew; struct { char * table; struct Identifier * id; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) db; struct { struct Expression * ds; struct Expression * name; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) dbopen; struct { struct TypeName * typeName; struct Initializer * initializer; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) initializer; struct { struct Expression * exp; struct TypeName * typeName; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) vaArg; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); unsigned int debugValue; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataValue val; uint64 address; unsigned int hasAddress; struct Type * expType; struct Type * destType; unsigned int usage; int tempCount; unsigned int byReference; unsigned int isConstant; unsigned int addedThis; unsigned int needCast; unsigned int thisPtr; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_TemplateDatatype; struct TemplateDatatype { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers; struct Declarator * decl; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_TemplateArgument; struct TemplateArgument; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_TemplateParameter; struct TemplateParameter { struct TemplateParameter * prev; struct TemplateParameter * next; struct Location loc; int type; struct Identifier * identifier; union { struct TemplateDatatype * dataType; int memberType; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct TemplateArgument * defaultArgument; char * dataTypeString; struct Type * baseType; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Specifier; struct Specifier { struct Specifier * prev; struct Specifier * next; struct Location loc; int type; union { int specifier; struct { struct ExtDecl * extDecl; char * name; struct Symbol * symbol; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * templateArgs; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct { struct Identifier * id; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * baseSpecs; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * definitions; unsigned int addNameSpace; struct Context * ctx; struct ExtDecl * extDeclStruct; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct Expression * expression; struct Specifier * _class; struct TemplateParameter * templateParameter; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Identifier; struct Identifier { struct Identifier * prev; struct Identifier * next; struct Location loc; struct Symbol * classSym; struct Specifier * _class; char * string; struct Identifier * badID; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Pointer; struct Pointer; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Declarator; struct Declarator { struct Declarator * prev; struct Declarator * next; struct Location loc; int type; struct Symbol * symbol; struct Declarator * declarator; union { struct Identifier * identifier; struct { struct Expression * exp; struct Expression * posExp; struct Attrib * attrib; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) structDecl; struct { struct Expression * exp; struct Specifier * enumClass; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) array; struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * parameters; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) function; struct { struct Pointer * pointer; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) pointer; struct { struct ExtDecl * extended; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) extended; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_FunctionDefinition; struct FunctionDefinition { struct FunctionDefinition * prev; struct FunctionDefinition * next; struct Location loc; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers; struct Declarator * declarator; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * declarations; struct Statement * body; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList attached; int declMode; struct Type * type; struct Symbol * propSet; int tempCount; unsigned int propertyNoThis; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_DBTableDef; struct DBTableDef; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_External; struct External { struct External * prev; struct External * next; struct Location loc; int type; struct Symbol * symbol; union { struct FunctionDefinition * function; struct ClassDefinition * _class; struct Declaration * declaration; char * importString; struct Identifier * id; struct DBTableDef * table; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); int importType; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_ModuleImport; struct ModuleImport { struct ModuleImport * prev; struct ModuleImport * next; char * name; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList classes; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList functions; int importType; int importAccess; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_ClassImport; struct ClassImport { struct ClassImport * prev; struct ClassImport * next; char * name; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList methods; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList properties; unsigned int itself; unsigned int isRemote; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Symbol; struct Symbol { char * string; struct Symbol * parent; struct Symbol * left; struct Symbol * right; int depth; struct Type * type; union { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * _property; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * registered; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); int id; int idCode; union { struct { struct External * pointerExternal; struct External * structExternal; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct { struct External * externalGet; struct External * externalSet; struct External * externalPtr; struct External * externalIsSet; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct { struct External * methodExternal; struct External * methodCodeExternal; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); unsigned int imported; unsigned int declaredStructSym; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; unsigned int declaredStruct; unsigned int needConstructor; unsigned int needDestructor; char * constructorName; char * structName; char * className; char * destructorName; struct ModuleImport * module; struct ClassImport * _import; struct Location nameLoc; unsigned int isParam; unsigned int isRemote; unsigned int isStruct; unsigned int fireWatchersDone; int declaring; unsigned int classData; unsigned int isStatic; char * shortName; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * templateParams; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList templatedClasses; struct Context * ctx; int isIterator; struct Expression * propCategory; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Type; struct Type { struct Type * prev; struct Type * next; int refCount; union { struct Symbol * _class; struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList members; char * enumName; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct { struct Type * returnType; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList params; struct Symbol * thisClass; unsigned int staticMethod; struct TemplateParameter * thisClassTemplate; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * methodClass; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * usedClass; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct { struct Type * arrayType; int arraySize; struct Expression * arraySizeExp; unsigned int freeExp; struct Symbol * enumClass; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct Type * type; struct TemplateParameter * templateParameter; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); unsigned int isSigned; int kind; unsigned int constant; unsigned int size; char * name; char * typeName; unsigned int count; unsigned int truth; int classObjectType; unsigned int byReference; unsigned int extraParam; int alignment; unsigned int directClassAccess; unsigned int computing; unsigned int dllExport; unsigned int offset; unsigned int keepCast; unsigned int passAsTemplate; int bitFieldCount; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * next; char * name; int offset; int structSize; int (* * _vTbl)(); int vTblSize; int (* Constructor)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance *); void (* Destructor)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance *); int offsetClass; int sizeClass; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * base; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree methods; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree members; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree prop; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList membersAndProperties; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree classProperties; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList derivatives; int memberID; int startMemberID; int type; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * nameSpace; char * dataTypeString; struct Type * dataType; int typeSize; int defaultAlignment; void (* Initialize)(); int memberOffset; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList selfWatchers; char * designerClass; unsigned int noExpansion; char * defaultProperty; unsigned int comRedefinition; int count; unsigned int isRemote; unsigned int internalDecl; void * data; unsigned int computeSize; int structAlignment; int destructionWatchOffset; unsigned int fixed; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList delayedCPValues; int inheritanceAccess; char * fullName; void * symbol; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList conversions; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList templateParams; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument * templateArgs; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * templateClass; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList templatized; int numParams; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern long long __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_GetProperty(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, char * name); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance { int (* * _vTbl)(); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; int _refCount; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * next; char * name; unsigned int isProperty; int memberAccess; int id; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; char * dataTypeString; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * dataTypeClass; struct Type * dataType; int type; int offset; int memberID; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList members; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree membersAlpha; int memberOffset; int structAlignment; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__SerialBuffer; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__SerialBuffer { unsigned char * _buffer; unsigned int count; unsigned int _size; unsigned int pos; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument { union { struct { char * dataTypeString; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * dataTypeClass; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataValue expression; struct { char * memberString; union { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * member; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); void exit(int status); void * calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size); void free(void * ptr); void * malloc(size_t size); void * realloc(void * ptr, size_t size); long int strtol(const char * nptr, char ** endptr, int base); long long int strtoll(const char * nptr, char ** endptr, int base); unsigned long long int strtoull(const char * nptr, char ** endptr, int base); enum yytokentype { IDENTIFIER = 258, CONSTANT = 259, STRING_LITERAL = 260, SIZEOF = 261, PTR_OP = 262, INC_OP = 263, DEC_OP = 264, LEFT_OP = 265, RIGHT_OP = 266, LE_OP = 267, GE_OP = 268, EQ_OP = 269, NE_OP = 270, AND_OP = 271, OR_OP = 272, MUL_ASSIGN = 273, DIV_ASSIGN = 274, MOD_ASSIGN = 275, ADD_ASSIGN = 276, SUB_ASSIGN = 277, LEFT_ASSIGN = 278, RIGHT_ASSIGN = 279, AND_ASSIGN = 280, XOR_ASSIGN = 281, OR_ASSIGN = 282, TYPE_NAME = 283, TYPEDEF = 284, EXTERN = 285, STATIC = 286, AUTO = 287, REGISTER = 288, CHAR = 289, SHORT = 290, INT = 291, UINT = 292, INT64 = 293, LONG = 294, SIGNED = 295, UNSIGNED = 296, FLOAT = 297, DOUBLE = 298, CONST = 299, VOLATILE = 300, VOID = 301, VALIST = 302, STRUCT = 303, UNION = 304, ENUM = 305, ELLIPSIS = 306, CASE = 307, DEFAULT = 308, IF = 309, SWITCH = 310, WHILE = 311, DO = 312, FOR = 313, GOTO = 314, CONTINUE = 315, BREAK = 316, RETURN = 317, IFX = 318, ELSE = 319, CLASS = 320, THISCLASS = 321, CLASS_NAME = 322, PROPERTY = 323, SETPROP = 324, GETPROP = 325, NEWOP = 326, RENEW = 327, DELETE = 328, EXT_DECL = 329, EXT_STORAGE = 330, IMPORT = 331, DEFINE = 332, VIRTUAL = 333, ATTRIB = 334, PUBLIC = 335, PRIVATE = 336, TYPED_OBJECT = 337, ANY_OBJECT = 338, _INCREF = 339, EXTENSION = 340, ASM = 341, TYPEOF = 342, WATCH = 343, STOPWATCHING = 344, FIREWATCHERS = 345, WATCHABLE = 346, CLASS_DESIGNER = 347, CLASS_NO_EXPANSION = 348, CLASS_FIXED = 349, ISPROPSET = 350, CLASS_DEFAULT_PROPERTY = 351, PROPERTY_CATEGORY = 352, CLASS_DATA = 353, CLASS_PROPERTY = 354, SUBCLASS = 355, NAMESPACE = 356, NEW0OP = 357, RENEW0 = 358, VAARG = 359, DBTABLE = 360, DBFIELD = 361, DBINDEX = 362, DATABASE_OPEN = 363, ALIGNOF = 364, ATTRIB_DEP = 365, __ATTRIB = 366 }; typedef union YYSTYPE { int specifierType; int i; int declMode; struct Identifier * id; struct Expression * exp; struct Specifier * specifier; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list; struct Enumerator * enumerator; struct Declarator * declarator; struct Pointer * pointer; struct Initializer * initializer; struct InitDeclarator * initDeclarator; struct TypeName * typeName; struct Declaration * declaration; struct Statement * stmt; struct FunctionDefinition * function; struct External * external; struct Context * context; struct AsmField * asmField; struct Attrib * attrib; struct ExtDecl * extDecl; struct Attribute * attribute; struct Instantiation * instance; struct MembersInit * membersInit; struct MemberInit * memberInit; struct ClassFunction * classFunction; struct ClassDefinition * _class; struct ClassDef * classDef; struct PropertyDef * prop; char * string; struct Symbol * symbol; struct PropertyWatch * propertyWatch; struct TemplateParameter * templateParameter; struct TemplateArgument * templateArgument; struct TemplateDatatype * templateDatatype; struct DBTableEntry * dbtableEntry; struct DBIndexItem * dbindexItem; struct DBTableDef * dbtableDef; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)) YYSTYPE; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Enumerator; struct Enumerator { struct Enumerator * prev; struct Enumerator * next; struct Location loc; struct Identifier * id; struct Expression * exp; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_InitDeclarator; struct InitDeclarator { struct InitDeclarator * prev; struct InitDeclarator * next; struct Location loc; struct Declarator * declarator; struct Initializer * initializer; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_AsmField; struct AsmField { struct AsmField * prev; struct AsmField * next; struct Location loc; char * command; struct Expression * expression; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Attribute; struct Attribute; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_ClassFunction; struct ClassFunction { struct ClassFunction * prev; struct ClassFunction * next; struct Location loc; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers; struct Declarator * declarator; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * declarations; struct Statement * body; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList attached; int declMode; struct Type * type; struct Symbol * propSet; unsigned int isVirtual; unsigned int isConstructor; unsigned int isDestructor; unsigned int dontMangle; int id; int idCode; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_MembersInit; struct MembersInit { struct MembersInit * prev; struct MembersInit * next; struct Location loc; int type; union { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * dataMembers; struct ClassFunction * function; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_MemberInit; struct MemberInit { struct MemberInit * prev; struct MemberInit * next; struct Location loc; struct Location realLoc; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * identifiers; struct Initializer * initializer; unsigned int used; unsigned int variable; unsigned int takeOutExp; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_PropertyDef; struct PropertyDef { struct PropertyDef * prev; struct PropertyDef * next; struct Location loc; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers; struct Declarator * declarator; struct Identifier * id; struct Statement * getStmt; struct Statement * setStmt; struct Statement * issetStmt; struct Symbol * symbol; unsigned int conversion; unsigned int isWatchable; struct Expression * category; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_PropertyWatch; struct PropertyWatch { struct PropertyWatch * prev; struct PropertyWatch * next; struct Location loc; struct Statement * compound; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * properties; unsigned int deleteWatch; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_ClassDef; struct ClassDef { struct ClassDef * prev; struct ClassDef * next; struct Location loc; int type; union { struct Declaration * decl; struct ClassFunction * function; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * defProperties; struct PropertyDef * propertyDef; struct PropertyWatch * propertyWatch; char * designer; struct Identifier * defaultProperty; struct { struct Identifier * id; struct Initializer * initializer; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); int memberAccess; void * object; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_DBTableEntry; struct DBTableEntry; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_DBIndexItem; struct DBIndexItem; extern YYSTYPE yylval; extern struct Location yylloc; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * ast; extern int returnCode; extern struct Expression * parsedExpression; extern unsigned int yydebug; void SetYydebug(unsigned int b) { yydebug = b; } extern unsigned int echoOn; void resetScanner(); int propWatcherID; int expression_yyparse(); static struct Statement * curCompound; struct External * curExternal, * afterExternal; static struct Type * curSwitchType; static struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * currentClass; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * thisClass; void SetThisClass(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * c) { thisClass = c; } struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * GetThisClass() { return thisClass; } static char * thisNameSpace; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * containerClass; unsigned int thisClassParams = 0x1; unsigned int internalValueCounter; extern void OutputExpression(struct Expression * exp, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * f); extern size_t strlen(const char * ); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__TempFile; extern void * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class); int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__File_Seek; int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__File_Read; extern void __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_DecRef(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * instance); void PrintExpression(struct Expression * exp, char * string) { { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * f = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__TempFile); int count; if(exp) OutputExpression(exp, f); ((unsigned int (*)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance *, int pos, int mode))f->_vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__File_Seek])(f, 0, 0); count = strlen(string); count += ((int (*)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance *, void * buffer, unsigned int size, unsigned int count))f->_vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__File_Read])(f, string + count, 1, 1023); string[count] = '\0'; (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_DecRef(f), f = 0); } } extern struct Type * ProcessTypeString(char * string, unsigned int staticMethod); extern struct Type * ProcessType(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs, struct Declarator * decl); struct Type * ProcessTemplateParameterType(struct TemplateParameter * param) { if(param && param->type == 0 && (param->dataType || param->dataTypeString)) { if(!param->baseType) { if(param->dataTypeString) param->baseType = ProcessTypeString(param->dataTypeString, 0x0); else param->baseType = ProcessType(param->dataType->specifiers, param->dataType->decl); } return param->baseType; } return (((void *)0)); } unsigned int NeedCast(struct Type * type1, struct Type * type2) { if(!type1 || !type2 || type1->keepCast || type2->keepCast) return 0x1; if(type1->kind == 20 && type2->kind == 4 && type2->passAsTemplate == 0x0) { return 0x0; } if(type1->kind == type2->kind) { switch(type1->kind) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 22: case 23: if(type1->passAsTemplate && !type2->passAsTemplate) return 0x1; return type1->isSigned != type2->isSigned; case 8: return type1->_class != type2->_class; case 13: return NeedCast(type1->type, type2->type); default: return 0x1; } } return 0x1; } extern int strcmp(const char * , const char * ); extern struct Context * curContext; extern struct Context * topContext; extern unsigned int __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * from); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, char * name, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * privateModule; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindMethod(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, char * name, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMember(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, char * name, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember ** subMemberStack, int * subMemberStackPos); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassProperty; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassProperty { char * name; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassProperty * parent; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassProperty * left; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassProperty * right; int depth; void (* Set)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class *, long long); long long (* Get)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class *); char * dataTypeString; struct Type * dataType; unsigned int constant; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassProperty * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindClassProperty(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, char * name); extern struct Expression * QMkExpId(char * id); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * next; char * name; int type; union { char * dataTypeString; int memberType; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument defaultArg; void * param; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct Expression * GetTemplateArgExpByName(char * paramName, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * curClass, int tplType); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * MkList(void); extern void FreeIdentifier(struct Identifier * id); void ProcessExpressionType(struct Expression * exp); extern struct Declarator * SpecDeclFromString(char * string, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs, struct Declarator * baseDecl); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * MkListOne(void * item); extern struct Expression * MkExpOp(struct Expression * exp1, int op, struct Expression * exp2); extern struct Expression * MkExpCast(struct TypeName * typeName, struct Expression * expression); extern struct TypeName * MkTypeName(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * qualifiers, struct Declarator * declarator); extern struct Declarator * MkDeclaratorPointer(struct Pointer * pointer, struct Declarator * declarator); extern struct Pointer * MkPointer(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * qualifiers, struct Pointer * pointer); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindString(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree * this, char * key); static void ReplaceClassMembers(struct Expression * exp, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class) { if(exp->type == 0 && exp->identifier) { struct Identifier * id = exp->identifier; struct Context * ctx; struct Symbol * symbol = (((void *)0)); if(!id->_class || !id->_class->name || strcmp(id->_class->name, "property")) { for(ctx = curContext; ctx != topContext->parent && !symbol; ctx = ctx->parent) { symbol = (struct Symbol *)__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindString(&ctx->symbols, id->string); if(symbol) break; } } if(!symbol && ((!id->_class || (id->_class->name && !strcmp(id->_class->name, "property"))) || (id->classSym && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(_class, id->classSym->registered)))) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, id->string, privateModule); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * member = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassProperty * classProp = (((void *)0)); if(!prop) { method = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindMethod(_class, id->string, privateModule); } if(!prop && !method) member = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id->string, privateModule, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); if(!prop && !method && !member) { classProp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindClassProperty(_class, id->string); } if(prop || method || member || classProp) { exp->type = 8; exp->member.member = id; exp->member.memberType = 0; exp->member.exp = QMkExpId("this"); exp->addedThis = 0x1; } else if(_class && _class->templateParams.first) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { if(sClass->templateParams.first) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * param; for(param = sClass->templateParams.first; param; param = param->next) { if(param->type == 2 && !strcmp(param->name, id->string)) { struct Expression * argExp = GetTemplateArgExpByName(param->name, _class, 2); if(argExp) { struct Declarator * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); FreeIdentifier(exp->member.member); ProcessExpressionType(argExp); decl = SpecDeclFromString(param->dataTypeString, specs, (((void *)0))); exp->expType = ProcessType(specs, decl); exp->type = 5; exp->list = MkListOne(MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '*', MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), decl)), MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '&', argExp)))); } } } } } } } } } extern int sprintf(char * , char * , ...); extern int __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform(void); extern char * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(char * string); char * PrintInt(long long result) { char temp[100]; if(result > (((long long)0x7fffffffffffffffLL))) sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "0x%I64XLL" : "0x%llXLL"), result); else sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "%I64dLL" : "%lldLL"), result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintUInt(uint64 result) { char temp[100]; if(result > (0xffffffff)) sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "0x%I64XLL" : "0x%llXLL"), result); else if(result > (((int)0x7fffffff))) sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "0x%I64X" : "0x%llX"), result); else sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "%I64d" : "%lld"), result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintInt64(long long result) { char temp[100]; sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "%I64dLL" : "%lldLL"), result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintUInt64(uint64 result) { char temp[100]; if(result > (((long long)0x7fffffffffffffffLL))) sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "0x%I64XLL" : "0x%llXLL"), result); else sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "%I64dLL" : "%lldLL"), result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintHexUInt(uint64 result) { char temp[100]; if(result > (0xffffffff)) sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "0x%I64XLL" : "0x%llXLL"), result); else sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "0x%I64X" : "0x%llX"), result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintHexUInt64(uint64 result) { char temp[100]; if(result > (0xffffffff)) sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "0x%I64XLL" : "0x%llXLL"), result); else sprintf(temp, ((__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GetRuntimePlatform() == 1) ? "0x%I64X" : "0x%llX"), result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintShort(short result) { char temp[100]; sprintf(temp, "%d", (unsigned short)result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintUShort(unsigned short result) { char temp[100]; if(result > (unsigned short)32767) sprintf(temp, "0x%X", (int)result); else sprintf(temp, "%d", result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } extern int isprint(int c); char * PrintChar(char result) { char temp[100]; if(result > (char)0 && isprint(result)) sprintf(temp, "'%c'", result); else if(result < (char)0) sprintf(temp, "%d", result); else sprintf(temp, "0x%X", (unsigned char)result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintUChar(unsigned char result) { char temp[100]; sprintf(temp, "0x%X", result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintFloat(float result) { char temp[350]; sprintf(temp, "%.16ff", result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } char * PrintDouble(double result) { char temp[350]; sprintf(temp, "%.16f", result); return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(temp); } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_OpTable; struct OpTable { unsigned int (* Add)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Sub)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Mul)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Div)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Mod)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Neg)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Inc)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Dec)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Asign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* AddAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* SubAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* MulAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* DivAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* ModAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* BitAnd)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* BitOr)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* BitXor)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* LShift)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* RShift)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* BitNot)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* AndAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* OrAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* XorAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* LShiftAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* RShiftAsign)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Not)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Equ)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Nqu)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* And)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Or)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Grt)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Sma)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* GrtEqu)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* SmaEqu)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); unsigned int (* Cond)(struct Expression *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *, struct Operand *); } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Operand; struct Operand { int kind; struct Type * type; unsigned int ptrSize; union { char c; unsigned char uc; short s; unsigned short us; int i; unsigned int ui; float f; double d; long long i64; uint64 ui64; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct OpTable ops; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); struct Operand GetOperand(struct Expression * exp); unsigned int GetInt(struct Expression * exp, int * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (int)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (int)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (int)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (int)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (int)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (int)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (int)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (int)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (int)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (int)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (int)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (int)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (int)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (int)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetUInt(struct Expression * exp, unsigned int * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (unsigned int)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetInt64(struct Expression * exp, long long * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (long long)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (long long)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (long long)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (long long)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (long long)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (long long)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (long long)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (long long)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (long long)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (long long)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (long long)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (long long)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetUInt64(struct Expression * exp, uint64 * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uint64)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (uint64)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uint64)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uint64)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uint64)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uint64)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (uint64)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uint64)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (uint64)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (uint64)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (uint64)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetIntPtr(struct Expression * exp, intptr_t * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (intptr_t)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetUIntPtr(struct Expression * exp, uintptr_t * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (uintptr_t)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetIntSize(struct Expression * exp, ssize_t * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (ssize_t)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetUIntSize(struct Expression * exp, size_t * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (size_t)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (size_t)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (size_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (size_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (size_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (size_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (size_t)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (size_t)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (size_t)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (size_t)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (size_t)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (size_t)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (size_t)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (size_t)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (size_t)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetShort(struct Expression * exp, short * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (short)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (short)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (short)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (short)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (short)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (short)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (short)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (short)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (short)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (short)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (short)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (short)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (short)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (short)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetUShort(struct Expression * exp, unsigned short * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (unsigned short)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetChar(struct Expression * exp, char * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (char)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (char)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (char)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (char)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (char)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (char)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (char)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (char)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (char)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (char)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (char)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (char)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (char)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (char)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetUChar(struct Expression * exp, unsigned char * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (unsigned char)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetFloat(struct Expression * exp, float * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (float)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (float)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (float)(float)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } unsigned int GetDouble(struct Expression * exp, double * value2) { struct Operand op2 = GetOperand(exp); if(op2.kind == 3 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.i; else if(op2.kind == 3) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.ui; else if(op2.kind == 4 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 4) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 23 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 23) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 22 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.i64; else if(op2.kind == 22) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.ui64; else if(op2.kind == 2 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.s; else if(op2.kind == 2) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.us; else if(op2.kind == 1 && op2.type->isSigned) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.c; else if(op2.kind == 1) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.uc; else if(op2.kind == 6) *value2 = (double)op2.f; else if(op2.kind == 7) *value2 = (double)op2.d; else if(op2.kind == 13) *value2 = (double)(double)op2.ui64; else return 0x0; return 0x1; } void ComputeExpression(struct Expression * exp); struct Context * SetupTemplatesContext(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class); extern int targetBits; int ComputeTypeSize(struct Type * type); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BitMember; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BitMember { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BitMember * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BitMember * next; char * name; unsigned int isProperty; int memberAccess; int id; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; char * dataTypeString; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * dataTypeClass; struct Type * dataType; int type; int size; int pos; uint64 mask; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldLink; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldLink { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldLink * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldLink * next; void * data; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); void FinishTemplatesContext(struct Context * context); void ComputeClassMembers(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, unsigned int isMember) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * member = isMember ? (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember *)_class : (((void *)0)); struct Context * context = isMember ? (((void *)0)) : SetupTemplatesContext(_class); if(member || ((_class->type == 2 || _class->type == 0 || _class->type == 1 || _class->type == 5) && (_class->type == 2 || (!_class->structSize || _class->structSize == _class->offset)) && _class->computeSize)) { int c; int unionMemberOffset = 0; int bitFields = 0; if(member) { member->memberOffset = 0; if(targetBits < sizeof(void *) * 8) member->structAlignment = 0; } else if(targetBits < sizeof(void *) * 8) _class->structAlignment = 0; if(!member && ((_class->type == 0 || _class->type == 5) || (_class->type == 1 && _class->memberOffset && _class->memberOffset > _class->base->structSize))) _class->memberOffset = (_class->base && _class->type == 1) ? _class->base->structSize : 0; if(!member && _class->destructionWatchOffset) _class->memberOffset += sizeof(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList); { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * dataMember; for(dataMember = member ? member->members.first : _class->membersAndProperties.first; dataMember; dataMember = dataMember->next) { if(!dataMember->isProperty) { if(dataMember->type == 0 && dataMember->dataTypeString && !dataMember->dataType) { dataMember->dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember->dataTypeString, 0x0); } } } } { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * dataMember; for(dataMember = member ? member->members.first : _class->membersAndProperties.first; dataMember; dataMember = dataMember->next) { if(!dataMember->isProperty && (dataMember->type != 0 || dataMember->dataTypeString)) { if(!isMember && _class->type == 2 && dataMember->dataType) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BitMember * bitMember = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BitMember *)dataMember; uint64 mask = 0; int d; ComputeTypeSize(dataMember->dataType); if(bitMember->pos == -1) bitMember->pos = _class->memberOffset; if(!bitMember->size) bitMember->size = dataMember->dataType->size * 8; _class->memberOffset = bitMember->pos + bitMember->size; for(d = 0; d < bitMember->size; d++) { if(d) mask <<= 1; mask |= 1; } bitMember->mask = mask << bitMember->pos; } else if(dataMember->type == 0 && dataMember->dataType) { int size; int alignment = 0; if(dataMember->dataType->kind != 8 || ((!dataMember->dataType->_class || !dataMember->dataType->_class->registered || dataMember->dataType->_class->registered != _class || _class->type != 1))) ComputeTypeSize(dataMember->dataType); if(dataMember->dataType->bitFieldCount) { bitFields += dataMember->dataType->bitFieldCount; size = 0; } else { if(bitFields) { int size = (bitFields + 7) / 8; if(isMember) { int __simpleStruct0; if(alignment) { int __simpleStruct0; member->structAlignment = (__simpleStruct0 = member->structAlignment, (__simpleStruct0 > alignment) ? __simpleStruct0 : alignment); if(member->memberOffset % alignment) member->memberOffset += alignment - (member->memberOffset % alignment); } dataMember->offset = member->memberOffset; if(member->type == 1) unionMemberOffset = (__simpleStruct0 = dataMember->dataType->size, (unionMemberOffset > __simpleStruct0) ? unionMemberOffset : __simpleStruct0); else { member->memberOffset += size; } } else { if(alignment) { int __simpleStruct0; _class->structAlignment = (__simpleStruct0 = _class->structAlignment, (__simpleStruct0 > alignment) ? __simpleStruct0 : alignment); if(_class->memberOffset % alignment) _class->memberOffset += alignment - (_class->memberOffset % alignment); } dataMember->offset = _class->memberOffset; _class->memberOffset += size; } bitFields = 0; } size = dataMember->dataType->size; alignment = dataMember->dataType->alignment; } if(isMember) { int __simpleStruct0; if(alignment) { int __simpleStruct0; member->structAlignment = (__simpleStruct0 = member->structAlignment, (__simpleStruct0 > alignment) ? __simpleStruct0 : alignment); if(member->memberOffset % alignment) member->memberOffset += alignment - (member->memberOffset % alignment); } dataMember->offset = member->memberOffset; if(member->type == 1) unionMemberOffset = (__simpleStruct0 = dataMember->dataType->size, (unionMemberOffset > __simpleStruct0) ? unionMemberOffset : __simpleStruct0); else { member->memberOffset += size; } } else { if(alignment) { int __simpleStruct0; _class->structAlignment = (__simpleStruct0 = _class->structAlignment, (__simpleStruct0 > alignment) ? __simpleStruct0 : alignment); if(_class->memberOffset % alignment) _class->memberOffset += alignment - (_class->memberOffset % alignment); } dataMember->offset = _class->memberOffset; _class->memberOffset += size; } } else { int alignment; ComputeClassMembers((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class *)dataMember, 0x1); alignment = dataMember->structAlignment; if(isMember) { int __simpleStruct0; if(alignment) { int __simpleStruct0; if(member->memberOffset % alignment) member->memberOffset += alignment - (member->memberOffset % alignment); member->structAlignment = (__simpleStruct0 = member->structAlignment, (__simpleStruct0 > alignment) ? __simpleStruct0 : alignment); } dataMember->offset = member->memberOffset; if(member->type == 1) unionMemberOffset = (__simpleStruct0 = dataMember->memberOffset, (unionMemberOffset > __simpleStruct0) ? unionMemberOffset : __simpleStruct0); else member->memberOffset += dataMember->memberOffset; } else { if(alignment) { int __simpleStruct0; if(_class->memberOffset % alignment) _class->memberOffset += alignment - (_class->memberOffset % alignment); _class->structAlignment = (__simpleStruct0 = _class->structAlignment, (__simpleStruct0 > alignment) ? __simpleStruct0 : alignment); } dataMember->offset = _class->memberOffset; _class->memberOffset += dataMember->memberOffset; } } } } if(bitFields) { int alignment = 0; int size = (bitFields + 7) / 8; if(isMember) { int __simpleStruct0; if(alignment) { int __simpleStruct0; member->structAlignment = (__simpleStruct0 = member->structAlignment, (__simpleStruct0 > alignment) ? __simpleStruct0 : alignment); if(member->memberOffset % alignment) member->memberOffset += alignment - (member->memberOffset % alignment); } if(member->type == 1) unionMemberOffset = (__simpleStruct0 = dataMember->dataType->size, (unionMemberOffset > __simpleStruct0) ? unionMemberOffset : __simpleStruct0); else { member->memberOffset += size; } } else { if(alignment) { int __simpleStruct0; _class->structAlignment = (__simpleStruct0 = _class->structAlignment, (__simpleStruct0 > alignment) ? __simpleStruct0 : alignment); if(_class->memberOffset % alignment) _class->memberOffset += alignment - (_class->memberOffset % alignment); } _class->memberOffset += size; } bitFields = 0; } } if(member && member->type == 1) { member->memberOffset = unionMemberOffset; } if(!isMember) { if(_class->type != 2) { int extra = 0; if(_class->structAlignment) { if(_class->memberOffset % _class->structAlignment) extra += _class->structAlignment - (_class->memberOffset % _class->structAlignment); } _class->structSize = (_class->base ? (_class->base->templateClass ? _class->base->templateClass->structSize : _class->base->structSize) : 0) + _class->memberOffset + extra; if(!member) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop; for(prop = _class->membersAndProperties.first; prop; prop = prop->next) { if(prop->isProperty && prop->isWatchable) { prop->watcherOffset = _class->structSize; _class->structSize += sizeof(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList); } } } { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldLink * derivative; for(derivative = _class->derivatives.first; derivative; derivative = derivative->next) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * deriv = derivative->data; if(deriv->computeSize) { deriv->offset = _class->structSize; deriv->memberOffset = 0; deriv->structSize = deriv->offset; ComputeClassMembers(deriv, 0x0); } } } } } } if(context) FinishTemplatesContext(context); } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace { char * name; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * btParent; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * left; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * right; int depth; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * parent; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree nameSpaces; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree classes; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree defines; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree functions; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * application; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList classes; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList defines; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList functions; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList modules; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * next; char * name; void * library; void * Unload; int importType; int origImportType; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace privateNameSpace; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace publicNameSpace; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); void ComputeModuleClasses(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldLink * subModule; for(subModule = ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)module + structSize_Instance)))->modules.first; subModule; subModule = subModule->next) ComputeModuleClasses(subModule->data); for(_class = ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)module + structSize_Instance)))->classes.first; _class; _class = _class->next) ComputeClassMembers(_class, 0x0); } extern unsigned int inCompiler; extern void Compiler_Error(char * format, ...); extern char * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module, char * string, char * stringAndContext); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * __thisModule; int ComputeTypeSize(struct Type * type) { unsigned int size = type ? type->size : 0; if(!size && type && !type->computing) { type->computing = 0x1; switch(type->kind) { case 1: type->alignment = size = sizeof(char); break; case 3: type->alignment = size = sizeof(int); break; case 4: type->alignment = size = sizeof(long long); break; case 22: type->alignment = size = targetBits / 8; break; case 23: type->alignment = size = targetBits / 8; break; case 5: type->alignment = size = sizeof(long); break; case 2: type->alignment = size = sizeof(short); break; case 6: type->alignment = size = sizeof(float); break; case 7: type->alignment = size = sizeof(double); break; case 8: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class ? type->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); if(_class && _class->type == 1) { ComputeClassMembers(_class, 0x0); type->alignment = _class->structAlignment; size = _class->structSize; if(type->alignment && size % type->alignment) size += type->alignment - (size % type->alignment); } else if(_class && (_class->type == 3 || _class->type == 4 || _class->type == 2)) { if(!_class->dataType) _class->dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class->dataTypeString, 0x0); size = type->alignment = ComputeTypeSize(_class->dataType); } else size = type->alignment = targetBits / 8; break; } case 13: case 19: size = type->alignment = targetBits / 8; break; case 12: if(type->arraySizeExp) { ProcessExpressionType(type->arraySizeExp); ComputeExpression(type->arraySizeExp); if(!type->arraySizeExp->isConstant || (type->arraySizeExp->expType->kind != 3 && type->arraySizeExp->expType->kind != 15 && (type->arraySizeExp->expType->kind != 8 || !type->arraySizeExp->expType->_class->registered || type->arraySizeExp->expType->_class->registered->type != 4))) { struct Location oldLoc = yylloc; char expression[10240]; expression[0] = '\0'; type->arraySizeExp->expType = (((void *)0)); yylloc = type->arraySizeExp->loc; if(inCompiler) PrintExpression(type->arraySizeExp, expression); Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Array size not constant int (%s)\n", (((void *)0))), expression); yylloc = oldLoc; } GetInt(type->arraySizeExp, &type->arraySize); } else if(type->enumClass) { if(type->enumClass && type->enumClass->registered && type->enumClass->registered->type == 4) { type->arraySize = (int)__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_GetProperty(type->enumClass->registered, "enumSize"); } else type->arraySize = 0; } else { type->arraySize = 0; } size = ComputeTypeSize(type->type) * type->arraySize; type->alignment = type->type->alignment; break; case 9: { struct Type * member; for(member = type->members.first; member; member = member->next) { int __simpleStruct0, __simpleStruct1; unsigned int addSize = ComputeTypeSize(member); member->offset = size; if(member->alignment && size % member->alignment) member->offset += member->alignment - (size % member->alignment); size = member->offset; type->alignment = (__simpleStruct0 = type->alignment, __simpleStruct1 = member->alignment, (__simpleStruct0 > __simpleStruct1) ? __simpleStruct0 : __simpleStruct1); size += addSize; } if(type->alignment && size % type->alignment) size += type->alignment - (size % type->alignment); break; } case 10: { struct Type * member; for(member = type->members.first; member; member = member->next) { int __simpleStruct0, __simpleStruct1; unsigned int addSize = ComputeTypeSize(member); member->offset = size; if(member->alignment && size % member->alignment) member->offset += member->alignment - (size % member->alignment); size = member->offset; type->alignment = (__simpleStruct0 = type->alignment, __simpleStruct1 = member->alignment, (__simpleStruct0 > __simpleStruct1) ? __simpleStruct0 : __simpleStruct1); size = ((size > addSize) ? size : addSize); } if(type->alignment && size % type->alignment) size += type->alignment - (size % type->alignment); break; } case 20: { struct TemplateParameter * param = type->templateParameter; struct Type * baseType = ProcessTemplateParameterType(param); if(baseType) { size = ComputeTypeSize(baseType); type->alignment = baseType->alignment; } else type->alignment = size = sizeof(uint64); break; } case 15: { type->alignment = size = sizeof(enum { test }); break; } case 21: { type->alignment = size = targetBits / 8; break; } } type->size = size; type->computing = 0x0; } return size; } extern struct Declarator * MkDeclaratorIdentifier(struct Identifier * id); extern struct Identifier * MkIdentifier(char * string); extern void ListAdd(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list, void * item); extern struct Declarator * MkStructDeclarator(struct Declarator * declarator, struct Expression * exp); extern struct ClassDef * MkClassDefDeclaration(struct Declaration * decl); extern struct Declaration * MkStructDeclaration(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * declarators, struct Specifier * extStorage); void ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class); static void DeclareType(struct Type * type, unsigned int declarePointers, unsigned int declareParams); extern void FreeType(struct Type * type); extern struct Specifier * MkStructOrUnion(int type, struct Identifier * id, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * definitions); extern struct Specifier * MkSpecifier(int specifier); extern struct Declarator * MkDeclaratorArray(struct Declarator * declarator, struct Expression * exp); extern struct Expression * MkExpConstant(char * string); int AddMembers(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * declarations, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, unsigned int isMember, unsigned int * retSize, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * topClass, unsigned int * addedPadding) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * topMember = isMember ? (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember *)_class : (((void *)0)); unsigned int totalSize = 0; unsigned int maxSize = 0; int alignment, size; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * member; struct Context * context = isMember ? (((void *)0)) : SetupTemplatesContext(_class); if(addedPadding) *addedPadding = 0x0; if(!isMember && _class->base) { maxSize = _class->structSize; { if(_class->type == 1 || _class->type == 5) AddMembers(declarations, _class->base, 0x0, &totalSize, topClass, (((void *)0))); else { unsigned int baseSize = _class->base->templateClass ? _class->base->templateClass->structSize : _class->base->structSize; if(maxSize > baseSize) maxSize -= baseSize; else maxSize = 0; } } } for(member = isMember ? topMember->members.first : _class->membersAndProperties.first; member; member = member->next) { if(!member->isProperty) { switch(member->type) { case 0: { if(member->dataTypeString) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(), * decls = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl; decl = SpecDeclFromString(member->dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(member->name))); ListAdd(decls, MkStructDeclarator(decl, (((void *)0)))); ListAdd(declarations, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(specs, decls, (((void *)0))))); if(!member->dataType) member->dataType = ProcessType(specs, decl); ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specs, topClass); { struct Type * type = ProcessType(specs, decl); DeclareType(member->dataType, 0x0, 0x0); FreeType(type); } ComputeTypeSize(member->dataType); size = member->dataType->size; alignment = member->dataType->alignment; if(alignment) { if(totalSize % alignment) totalSize += alignment - (totalSize % alignment); } totalSize += size; } break; } case 1: case 2: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(), * list = MkList(); size = 0; AddMembers(list, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class *)member, 0x1, &size, topClass, (((void *)0))); ListAdd(specs, MkStructOrUnion((member->type == 1) ? 4 : 3, (((void *)0)), list)); ListAdd(declarations, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(specs, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))))); alignment = member->structAlignment; if(alignment) { if(totalSize % alignment) totalSize += alignment - (totalSize % alignment); } totalSize += size; break; } } } } if(retSize) { unsigned int __simpleStruct0; if(topMember && topMember->type == 1) *retSize = (__simpleStruct0 = *retSize, (__simpleStruct0 > totalSize) ? __simpleStruct0 : totalSize); else *retSize += totalSize; } else if(totalSize < maxSize && _class->type != 1000) { int autoPadding = 0; if(!isMember && _class->structAlignment && totalSize % _class->structAlignment) autoPadding = _class->structAlignment - (totalSize % _class->structAlignment); if(totalSize + autoPadding < maxSize) { char sizeString[50]; sprintf(sizeString, "%d", maxSize - totalSize); ListAdd(declarations, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorArray(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ecere_padding")), MkExpConstant(sizeString))), (((void *)0))))); if(addedPadding) *addedPadding = 0x1; } } if(context) FinishTemplatesContext(context); return topMember ? topMember->memberID : _class->memberID; } static int DeclareMembers(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, unsigned int isMember) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * topMember = isMember ? (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember *)_class : (((void *)0)); unsigned int totalSize = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * member; struct Context * context = isMember ? (((void *)0)) : SetupTemplatesContext(_class); if(!isMember && (_class->type == 1 || _class->type == 5) && _class->base->type != 1000) DeclareMembers(_class->base, 0x0); for(member = isMember ? topMember->members.first : _class->membersAndProperties.first; member; member = member->next) { if(!member->isProperty) { switch(member->type) { case 0: { if(!member->dataType && member->dataTypeString) member->dataType = ProcessTypeString(member->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(member->dataType) DeclareType(member->dataType, 0x0, 0x0); break; } case 1: case 2: { DeclareMembers((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class *)member, 0x1); break; } } } } if(context) FinishTemplatesContext(context); return topMember ? topMember->memberID : _class->memberID; } extern struct Symbol * FindClass(char * name); extern char * strchr(const char * , int); extern void FullClassNameCat(char * output, char * className, unsigned int includeTemplateParams); extern void FreeList(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list, void (* )(void * )); extern void FreeClassDef(struct ClassDef * def); extern struct External * MkExternalDeclaration(struct Declaration * declaration); extern struct Declaration * MkDeclaration(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * initDeclarators); extern char * strcpy(char * , const char * ); extern void MangleClassName(char * className); extern void DeclareClass(struct Symbol * classSym, char * className); void __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * this, void * item, void * prevItem); unsigned int __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * this, void * prevItem, void * item); void DeclareStruct(char * name, unsigned int skipNoHead) { struct External * external = (((void *)0)); struct Symbol * classSym = FindClass(name); if(!inCompiler || !classSym) return ; if(classSym->registered && (classSym->registered->type == 2 || classSym->registered->type == 3 || classSym->registered->type == 4)) return ; if(classSym->registered && classSym->imported && !classSym->declaredStructSym) { struct Declaration * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, * declarators; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * declarations = (((void *)0)); char structName[1024]; external = (classSym->registered && classSym->registered->type == 1) ? classSym->pointerExternal : classSym->structExternal; classSym->declaring++; if(strchr(classSym->string, '<')) { if(classSym->registered->templateClass) { DeclareStruct(classSym->registered->templateClass->fullName, skipNoHead); classSym->declaring--; } return ; } DeclareMembers(classSym->registered, 0x0); structName[0] = (char)0; FullClassNameCat(structName, name, 0x0); if(!skipNoHead) { unsigned int addedPadding = 0x0; classSym->declaredStructSym = 0x1; declarations = MkList(); AddMembers(declarations, classSym->registered, 0x0, (((void *)0)), classSym->registered, &addedPadding); if(!(*declarations).count || ((*declarations).count == 1 && addedPadding)) { FreeList(declarations, FreeClassDef); declarations = (((void *)0)); } } if(skipNoHead || declarations) { if(external && external->declaration) { ((struct Specifier *)(*external->declaration->specifiers).first)->definitions = declarations; if(curExternal && curExternal->symbol && curExternal->symbol->idCode < classSym->id) { if(classSym->structExternal) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), classSym->structExternal, curExternal->prev); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), classSym->pointerExternal, curExternal->prev); classSym->id = curExternal->symbol->idCode; classSym->idCode = curExternal->symbol->idCode; } } else { if(!external) external = MkExternalDeclaration((((void *)0))); specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); ListAdd(specifiers, MkStructOrUnion(3, MkIdentifier(structName), declarations)); external->declaration = decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); if(decl->symbol && !decl->symbol->pointerExternal) decl->symbol->pointerExternal = external; if(classSym->registered && classSym->registered->type == 1) { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym->string, 0x1); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); external->symbol = classSym; classSym->pointerExternal = external; classSym->id = (curExternal && curExternal->symbol) ? curExternal->symbol->idCode : 0; classSym->idCode = (curExternal && curExternal->symbol) ? curExternal->symbol->idCode : 0; } else { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym->string, 0x1); MangleClassName(className); classSym->structExternal = external; DeclareClass(classSym, className); external->symbol = classSym; } __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), curExternal ? curExternal->prev : (((void *)0)), external); } } classSym->declaring--; } else if(curExternal && curExternal->symbol && curExternal->symbol->idCode < classSym->id) { classSym->declaring++; { if(classSym->registered) DeclareMembers(classSym->registered, 0x0); } if(classSym->registered && (classSym->registered->type == 1 || classSym->registered->type == 5)) { if(classSym->structExternal) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), classSym->structExternal, curExternal->prev); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), classSym->pointerExternal, curExternal->prev); classSym->id = curExternal->symbol->idCode; classSym->idCode = curExternal->symbol->idCode; } classSym->declaring--; } } extern char * strcat(char * , const char * ); extern struct ModuleImport * FindModule(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * moduleToFind); extern struct ModuleImport * mainModule; extern struct Specifier * MkSpecifierName(char * name); extern struct Declarator * MkDeclaratorBrackets(struct Declarator * declarator); extern struct Declarator * PlugDeclarator(struct Declarator * decl, struct Declarator * baseDecl); extern struct Declarator * MkDeclaratorFunction(struct Declarator * declarator, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * parameters); extern struct InitDeclarator * MkInitDeclarator(struct Declarator * declarator, struct Initializer * initializer); extern void FreeDeclarator(struct Declarator * decl); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_PropertyImport; struct PropertyImport { struct PropertyImport * prev; struct PropertyImport * next; char * name; unsigned int isVirtual; unsigned int hasSet; unsigned int hasGet; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); void __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * this, void * item); void DeclareProperty(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop, char * setName, char * getName) { struct Symbol * symbol = prop->symbol; char propName[1024]; strcpy(setName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(setName, prop->_class->fullName, 0x0); strcat(setName, "_Set_"); FullClassNameCat(setName, prop->name, 0x1); strcpy(getName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(getName, prop->_class->fullName, 0x0); strcat(getName, "_Get_"); FullClassNameCat(getName, prop->name, 0x1); strcpy(propName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->_class->fullName, 0x0); strcat(propName, "_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->name, 0x1); MangleClassName(getName); MangleClassName(setName); MangleClassName(propName); if(prop->_class->type == 1) DeclareStruct(prop->_class->fullName, 0x0); if(!symbol || curExternal->symbol->idCode < symbol->id) { unsigned int imported = 0x0; unsigned int dllImport = 0x0; if(!symbol || symbol->_import) { if(!symbol) { struct Symbol * classSym; if(!prop->_class->symbol) prop->_class->symbol = FindClass(prop->_class->fullName); classSym = prop->_class->symbol; if(classSym && !classSym->_import) { struct ModuleImport * module; if(prop->_class->module) module = FindModule(prop->_class->module); else module = mainModule; classSym->_import = __extension__ ({ struct ClassImport * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_ClassImport); __ecereInstance1->name = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(prop->_class->fullName), __ecereInstance1->isRemote = prop->_class->isRemote, __ecereInstance1; }); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add(&module->classes, classSym->_import); } symbol = prop->symbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol); symbol->_import = (struct ClassImport *)__extension__ ({ struct PropertyImport * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_PropertyImport); __ecereInstance1->name = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(prop->name), __ecereInstance1->isVirtual = 0x0, __ecereInstance1->hasSet = prop->Set ? 0x1 : 0x0, __ecereInstance1->hasGet = prop->Get ? 0x1 : 0x0, __ecereInstance1; }); if(classSym) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add(&classSym->_import->properties, symbol->_import); } imported = 0x1; if(prop->_class->module != privateModule && ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)prop->_class->module + structSize_Instance)))->importType != 1) dllImport = 0x1; } if(!symbol->type) { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(prop->_class); symbol->type = ProcessTypeString(prop->dataTypeString, 0x0); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } if(prop->Get) { if(!symbol->externalGet || symbol->externalGet->type == 0) { struct Declaration * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, * declarators; struct Declarator * d; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * params; struct Specifier * spec; struct External * external; struct Declarator * typeDecl; unsigned int simple = 0x0; specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); params = MkList(); ListAdd(params, MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(prop->_class->fullName)), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this")))); d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(getName)); if(dllImport) d = MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), d)); { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(prop->_class); typeDecl = SpecDeclFromString(prop->dataTypeString, specifiers, (((void *)0))); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } for(spec = (*specifiers).first; spec; spec = spec->next) { if(spec->type == 1) { if((!typeDecl || typeDecl->type == 1)) { struct Symbol * classSym = spec->symbol; symbol->_class = classSym->registered; if(classSym->registered && classSym->registered->type == 1) { DeclareStruct(spec->name, 0x0); simple = 0x1; } } } } if(!simple) d = PlugDeclarator(typeDecl, d); else { ListAdd(params, MkTypeName(specifiers, PlugDeclarator(typeDecl, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("value"))))); specifiers = MkList(); } d = MkDeclaratorFunction(d, params); if(dllImport) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*specifiers), (((void *)0)), MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); else if(prop->_class->symbol && ((struct Symbol *)prop->_class->symbol)->isStatic) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*specifiers), (((void *)0)), MkSpecifier(STATIC)); if(simple) ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(VOID)); ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, (((void *)0)))); decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), curExternal->prev, external); external->symbol = symbol; symbol->externalGet = external; ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specifiers, prop->_class); if(typeDecl) FreeDeclarator(typeDecl); } else { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), symbol->externalGet, curExternal->prev); } } if(prop->Set) { if(!symbol->externalSet || symbol->externalSet->type == 0) { struct Declaration * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, * declarators; struct Declarator * d; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * params; struct Specifier * spec; struct External * external; struct Declarator * typeDecl; declarators = MkList(); params = MkList(); if(!prop->conversion || prop->_class->type == 1) { ListAdd(params, MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(prop->_class->fullName)), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this")))); } specifiers = MkList(); { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(prop->_class); typeDecl = d = SpecDeclFromString(prop->dataTypeString, specifiers, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("value"))); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } ListAdd(params, MkTypeName(specifiers, d)); d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(setName)); if(dllImport) d = MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), d)); d = MkDeclaratorFunction(d, params); for(spec = (*specifiers).first; spec; spec = spec->next) { if(spec->type == 1) { if((!typeDecl || typeDecl->type == 1)) { struct Symbol * classSym = spec->symbol; symbol->_class = classSym->registered; if(classSym->registered && classSym->registered->type == 1) DeclareStruct(spec->name, 0x0); } } } ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, (((void *)0)))); specifiers = MkList(); if(dllImport) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*specifiers), (((void *)0)), MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); else if(prop->_class->symbol && ((struct Symbol *)prop->_class->symbol)->isStatic) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*specifiers), (((void *)0)), MkSpecifier(STATIC)); if(!prop->conversion || prop->_class->type == 1) ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(VOID)); else ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifierName(prop->_class->fullName)); decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), curExternal->prev, external); external->symbol = symbol; symbol->externalSet = external; ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specifiers, prop->_class); } else { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), symbol->externalSet, curExternal->prev); } } if(!symbol->externalPtr) { struct Declaration * decl; struct External * external; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers = MkList(); if(imported) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*specifiers), (((void *)0)), MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); else __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*specifiers), (((void *)0)), MkSpecifier(STATIC)); ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifierName("Property")); { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list = MkList(); ListAdd(list, MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))), (((void *)0)))); if(!imported) { strcpy(propName, "__ecerePropM_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->_class->fullName, 0x0); strcat(propName, "_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->name, 0x1); MangleClassName(propName); ListAdd(list, MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))), (((void *)0)))); } decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, list); } external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), curExternal->prev, external); external->symbol = symbol; symbol->externalPtr = external; } else { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), symbol->externalPtr, curExternal->prev); } symbol->id = curExternal->symbol->idCode; } } struct Type * Dereference(struct Type * source) { struct Type * type = (((void *)0)); if(source) { if(source->kind == 13 || source->kind == 12) { type = source->type; source->type->refCount++; } else if(source->kind == 8 && !strcmp(source->_class->string, "String")) { type = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->kind = 1, __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1; }); } else if(source->kind == 8 && source->_class && source->_class->registered && source->_class->registered->type == 5) { type = source; source->refCount++; } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "cannot dereference type\n", (((void *)0)))); } return type; } static struct Type * Reference(struct Type * source) { struct Type * type = (((void *)0)); if(source) { type = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->kind = 13, __ecereInstance1->type = source, __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1; }); source->refCount++; } return type; } extern void __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindNextMember(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class ** curClass, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember ** curMember, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember ** subMemberStack, int * subMemberStackPos); extern void * memcpy(void * , const void * , size_t size); void ProcessMethodType(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method); extern void FreeExpression(struct Expression * exp); extern void __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(char * string, char ch1, char ch2); unsigned int MatchTypes(struct Type * source, struct Type * dest, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * conversions, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * owningClassSource, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * owningClassDest, unsigned int doConversion, unsigned int enumBaseType, unsigned int acceptReversedParams, unsigned int isConversionExploration); static void ProcessInitializer(struct Initializer * init, struct Type * type); extern struct Type * MkClassType(char * name); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_AddDataMember(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, char * name, char * type, unsigned int size, unsigned int alignment, int declMode); void ProcessMemberInitData(struct MemberInit * member, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class ** curClass, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember ** curMember, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember ** subMemberStack, int * subMemberStackPos) { struct Identifier * ident = member->identifiers ? (*member->identifiers).first : (((void *)0)); unsigned int found = 0x0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * dataMember = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method = (((void *)0)); unsigned int freeType = 0x0; yylloc = member->loc; if(!ident) { if(curMember) { __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindNextMember(_class, curClass, curMember, subMemberStack, subMemberStackPos); if(*curMember) { found = 0x1; dataMember = *curMember; } } } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * thisMember = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember *)__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, ident->string, privateModule); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * _subMemberStack[256]; int _subMemberStackPos = 0; if(!thisMember) thisMember = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMember(_class, ident->string, privateModule, _subMemberStack, &_subMemberStackPos); if(thisMember) { dataMember = thisMember; if(curMember && thisMember->memberAccess == 1) { *curMember = thisMember; *curClass = thisMember->_class; memcpy(subMemberStack, _subMemberStack, sizeof(int) * _subMemberStackPos); *subMemberStackPos = _subMemberStackPos; } found = 0x1; } else { method = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindMethod(_class, ident->string, privateModule); if(method && method->type == 1) found = 0x1; else method = (((void *)0)); } } if(found) { struct Type * type = (((void *)0)); if(dataMember) { if(!dataMember->dataType && dataMember->dataTypeString) { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); dataMember->dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember->dataTypeString, 0x0); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } type = dataMember->dataType; } else if(method) { if(!method->dataType) ProcessMethodType(method); type = method->dataType; } if(ident && ident->next) { for(ident = ident->next; ident && type; ident = ident->next) { if(type->kind == 8) { dataMember = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember *)__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(type->_class->registered, ident->string, privateModule); if(!dataMember) dataMember = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMember(type->_class->registered, ident->string, privateModule, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); if(dataMember) type = dataMember->dataType; } else if(type->kind == 9 || type->kind == 10) { struct Type * memberType; for(memberType = type->members.first; memberType; memberType = memberType->next) { if(!strcmp(memberType->name, ident->string)) { type = memberType; break; } } } } } if(type && type->kind == 20 && type->templateParameter->type == 0 && _class->templateArgs) { int id = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * curParam = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { id = 0; if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; for(curParam = sClass->templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = curParam->next) { if(curParam->type == 0 && !strcmp(type->templateParameter->identifier->string, curParam->name)) { for(sClass = sClass->base; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; id += sClass->templateParams.count; } break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument arg = _class->templateArgs[id]; if(arg.dataTypeString) { type = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, 0x0); freeType = 0x1; if(type && _class->templateClass) type->passAsTemplate = 0x1; if(type) { } } } } if(type && type->kind == 8 && type->_class && type->_class->registered && strchr(type->_class->registered->fullName, '<')) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * expClass = type->_class->registered; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * cClass = (((void *)0)); int c; int paramCount = 0; int lastParam = -1; char templateString[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * param; sprintf(templateString, "%s<", expClass->templateClass->fullName); for(cClass = expClass; cClass; cClass = cClass->base) { int p = 0; if(cClass->templateClass) cClass = cClass->templateClass; for(param = cClass->templateParams.first; param; param = param->next) { int id = p; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument arg; for(sClass = cClass->base; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; id += sClass->templateParams.count; } arg = expClass->templateArgs[id]; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * cParam; int p = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * nextClass; if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; for(nextClass = sClass->base; nextClass; nextClass = nextClass->base) { if(nextClass->templateClass) nextClass = nextClass->templateClass; p += nextClass->templateParams.count; } for(cParam = sClass->templateParams.first; cParam; cParam = cParam->next, p++) { if(cParam->type == 0 && arg.dataTypeString && !strcmp(cParam->name, arg.dataTypeString)) { if(_class->templateArgs && arg.dataTypeString && (!param->defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param->defaultArg.dataTypeString))) { arg.dataTypeString = _class->templateArgs[p].dataTypeString; arg.dataTypeClass = _class->templateArgs[p].dataTypeClass; break; } } } } { char argument[256]; argument[0] = '\0'; switch(param->type) { case 2: { char expString[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl = SpecDeclFromString(param->dataTypeString, specs, (((void *)0))); struct Expression * exp; char * string = PrintHexUInt64(arg.expression.ui64); exp = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpConstant(string)); ProcessExpressionType(exp); ComputeExpression(exp); expString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(exp, expString); strcat(argument, expString); FreeExpression(exp); break; } case 1: { strcat(argument, arg.member->name); break; } case 0: { if(arg.dataTypeString && (!param->defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param->defaultArg.dataTypeString))) strcat(argument, arg.dataTypeString); break; } } if(argument[0]) { if(paramCount) strcat(templateString, ", "); if(lastParam != p - 1) { strcat(templateString, param->name); strcat(templateString, " = "); } strcat(templateString, argument); paramCount++; lastParam = p; } p++; } } } { int len = strlen(templateString); if(templateString[len - 1] == '<') len--; else { if(templateString[len - 1] == '>') templateString[len++] = ' '; templateString[len++] = '>'; } templateString[len++] = '\0'; } { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); if(freeType) FreeType(type); type = ProcessTypeString(templateString, 0x0); freeType = 0x1; FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } if(method && member->initializer && member->initializer->type == 0 && member->initializer->exp) { ProcessExpressionType(member->initializer->exp); if(!member->initializer->exp->expType) { if(inCompiler) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(member->initializer->exp, expString); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "unresolved symbol used as an instance method %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString); } } else if(!MatchTypes(member->initializer->exp->expType, type, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), _class, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "incompatible instance method %s\n", (((void *)0))), ident->string); } } else if(member->initializer) { ProcessInitializer(member->initializer, type); } if(freeType) FreeType(type); } else { if(_class && _class->type == 3) { if(member->initializer) { struct Type * type = MkClassType(_class->fullName); ProcessInitializer(member->initializer, type); FreeType(type); } } else { if(member->initializer) { ProcessInitializer(member->initializer, (((void *)0))); } if(ident) { if(method) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "couldn't find virtual method %s in class %s\n", (((void *)0))), ident->string, _class->fullName); } else if(_class) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "couldn't find member %s in class %s\n", (((void *)0))), ident->string, _class->fullName); if(inCompiler) __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_AddDataMember(_class, ident->string, "int", 0, 0, 1); } } else if(_class) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "too many initializers for instantiation of class %s\n", (((void *)0))), _class->fullName); } } } extern struct Identifier * GetDeclId(struct Declarator * decl); extern struct External * ProcessClassFunction(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * owningClass, struct ClassFunction * func, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * defs, struct External * after, unsigned int makeStatic); extern void FreeSpecifier(struct Specifier * spec); static void ProcessFunction(struct FunctionDefinition * function); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * CopyList(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * source, void * (* )(void * )); extern struct Specifier * CopySpecifier(struct Specifier * spec); extern struct Declarator * CopyDeclarator(struct Declarator * declarator); extern void FreeClassFunction(struct ClassFunction * func); extern struct MemberInit * MkMemberInit(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * ids, struct Initializer * initializer); extern struct Initializer * MkInitializerAssignment(struct Expression * exp); void ProcessInstantiationType(struct Instantiation * inst) { yylloc = inst->loc; if(inst->_class) { struct MembersInit * members; struct Symbol * classSym; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; classSym = inst->_class->symbol; _class = classSym ? classSym->registered : (((void *)0)); if(!_class || _class->type != 5) DeclareStruct(inst->_class->name, 0x0); afterExternal = afterExternal ? afterExternal : curExternal; if(inst->exp) ProcessExpressionType(inst->exp); inst->isConstant = 0x1; if(inst->members) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * curMember = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * curClass = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * subMemberStack[256]; int subMemberStackPos = 0; for(members = (*inst->members).first; members; members = members->next) { switch(members->type) { case 1: { char name[1024]; static unsigned int instMethodID = 0; struct External * external = curExternal; struct Context * context = curContext; struct Declarator * declarator = members->function->declarator; struct Identifier * nameID = GetDeclId(declarator); char * unmangled = nameID ? nameID->string : (((void *)0)); struct Expression * exp; struct External * createdExternal = (((void *)0)); if(inCompiler) { char number[16]; strcpy(name, "__ecereInstMeth_"); FullClassNameCat(name, _class ? _class->fullName : "_UNKNOWNCLASS", 0x0); strcat(name, "_"); strcat(name, nameID->string); strcat(name, "_"); sprintf(number, "_%08d", instMethodID++); strcat(name, number); nameID->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(name); } if(declarator) { struct Symbol * symbol = declarator->symbol; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindMethod(_class, unmangled, privateModule); if(method && method->type == 1) { symbol->method = method; ProcessMethodType(method); if(!symbol->type->thisClass) { if(method->dataType->thisClass && currentClass && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(currentClass, method->dataType->thisClass->registered)) { if(!currentClass->symbol) currentClass->symbol = FindClass(currentClass->fullName); symbol->type->thisClass = currentClass->symbol; } else { if(!_class->symbol) _class->symbol = FindClass(_class->fullName); symbol->type->thisClass = _class->symbol; } } DeclareType(symbol->type, 0x1, 0x1); } else if(classSym) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "couldn't find virtual method %s in class %s\n", (((void *)0))), unmangled, classSym->string); } } createdExternal = ProcessClassFunction(classSym ? classSym->registered : (((void *)0)), members->function, ast, afterExternal, 0x1); if(nameID) { FreeSpecifier(nameID->_class); nameID->_class = (((void *)0)); } if(inCompiler) { struct Type * type = declarator->symbol->type; struct External * oldExternal = curExternal; declarator->symbol->id = declarator->symbol->idCode = curExternal->symbol->idCode; { struct External * externalDecl; externalDecl = MkExternalDeclaration((((void *)0))); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), oldExternal->prev, externalDecl); if(createdExternal->function) { ProcessFunction(createdExternal->function); { struct Declaration * decl = MkDeclaration(CopyList(createdExternal->function->specifiers, CopySpecifier), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(CopyDeclarator(declarator), (((void *)0))))); externalDecl->declaration = decl; if(decl->symbol && !decl->symbol->pointerExternal) decl->symbol->pointerExternal = externalDecl; declarator->symbol->pointerExternal = externalDecl; } } } } else if(declarator) { curExternal = declarator->symbol->pointerExternal; ProcessFunction((struct FunctionDefinition *)members->function); } curExternal = external; curContext = context; if(inCompiler) { FreeClassFunction(members->function); exp = QMkExpId(name); members->type = 0; members->dataMembers = MkListOne(MkMemberInit(MkListOne(MkIdentifier(unmangled)), MkInitializerAssignment(exp))); (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(unmangled), unmangled = 0); } break; } case 0: { if(members->dataMembers && classSym) { struct MemberInit * member; struct Location oldyyloc = yylloc; for(member = (*members->dataMembers).first; member; member = member->next) { ProcessMemberInitData(member, classSym->registered, &curClass, &curMember, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); if(member->initializer && !member->initializer->isConstant) inst->isConstant = 0x0; } yylloc = oldyyloc; } break; } } } } } } static void DeclareType(struct Type * type, unsigned int declarePointers, unsigned int declareParams) { if(inCompiler) { if(type->kind == 11) { struct Type * param; if(declareParams) { for(param = type->params.first; param; param = param->next) DeclareType(param, declarePointers, 0x1); } DeclareType(type->returnType, declarePointers, 0x1); } else if(type->kind == 13 && declarePointers) DeclareType(type->type, declarePointers, 0x0); else if(type->kind == 8) { if(type->_class->registered && (type->_class->registered->type == 1 || type->_class->registered->type == 5) && !type->_class->declaring) DeclareStruct(type->_class->registered->fullName, type->_class->registered->type == 5); } else if(type->kind == 9 || type->kind == 10) { struct Type * member; for(member = type->members.first; member; member = member->next) DeclareType(member, 0x0, 0x0); } else if(type->kind == 12) DeclareType(type->arrayType, declarePointers, 0x0); } } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module, char * name); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument * FindTemplateArg(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, struct TemplateParameter * param) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument * arg = (((void *)0)); int id = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * curParam = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { id = 0; if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; for(curParam = sClass->templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = curParam->next) { if(curParam->type == 0 && !strcmp(param->identifier->string, curParam->name)) { for(sClass = sClass->base; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; id += sClass->templateParams.count; } break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam) { arg = &_class->templateArgs[id]; if(arg && param->type == 0) (*arg).dataTypeClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(_class->module, (*arg).dataTypeString); } return arg; } extern struct Context * PushContext(void); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_TemplatedType; struct TemplatedType { uintptr_t key; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * parent; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * left; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * right; int depth; struct TemplateParameter * param; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); unsigned int __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree * this, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * node); struct Context * SetupTemplatesContext(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class) { struct Context * context = PushContext(); context->templateTypesOnly = 0x1; if(_class->symbol && ((struct Symbol *)_class->symbol)->templateParams) { struct TemplateParameter * param = (*((struct Symbol *)_class->symbol)->templateParams).first; for(; param; param = param->next) { if(param->type == 0 && param->identifier) { struct TemplatedType * type = (type = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_TemplatedType), type->key = (uintptr_t)param->identifier->string, type->param = param, type); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(&curContext->templateTypes, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)type); } } } else if(_class) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * p; for(p = sClass->templateParams.first; p; p = p->next) { if(p->type == 0) { struct TemplateParameter * param = p->param; struct TemplatedType * type; if(!param) { p->param = param = __extension__ ({ struct TemplateParameter * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_TemplateParameter); __ecereInstance1->identifier = MkIdentifier(p->name), __ecereInstance1->type = p->type, __ecereInstance1->dataTypeString = p->dataTypeString, __ecereInstance1; }); } type = __extension__ ({ struct TemplatedType * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_TemplatedType); __ecereInstance1->key = (uintptr_t)p->name, __ecereInstance1->param = param, __ecereInstance1; }); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(&curContext->templateTypes, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)type); } } } } return context; } extern void PopContext(struct Context * ctx); extern void FreeContext(struct Context * context); void FinishTemplatesContext(struct Context * context) { PopContext(context); FreeContext(context); ((context ? (__ecereClass_Context->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Context->Destructor(context) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(context)) : 0), context = 0); } void ProcessMethodType(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method) { if(!method->dataType) { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(method->_class); method->dataType = ProcessTypeString(method->dataTypeString, 0x0); FinishTemplatesContext(context); if(method->type != 1 && method->dataType) { if(!method->dataType->thisClass && !method->dataType->staticMethod) { if(!method->_class->symbol) method->_class->symbol = FindClass(method->_class->fullName); method->dataType->thisClass = method->_class->symbol; } } } } void ProcessPropertyType(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop) { if(!prop->dataType) { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(prop->_class); prop->dataType = ProcessTypeString(prop->dataTypeString, 0x0); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } extern struct Declarator * GetFuncDecl(struct Declarator * decl); extern void FreeTypeName(struct TypeName * typeName); static void ProcessDeclarator(struct Declarator * decl); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * excludedSymbols; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_MethodImport; struct MethodImport { struct MethodImport * prev; struct MethodImport * next; char * name; unsigned int isVirtual; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); void __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * this, void * item); void DeclareMethod(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method, char * name) { struct Symbol * symbol = method->symbol; if(!symbol || (!symbol->pointerExternal && method->type == 1) || symbol->id > (curExternal ? curExternal->symbol->idCode : -1)) { unsigned int imported = 0x0; unsigned int dllImport = 0x0; if(!method->dataType) method->dataType = ProcessTypeString(method->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(!symbol || symbol->_import || method->type == 1) { if(!symbol || method->type == 1) { struct Symbol * classSym; if(!method->_class->symbol) method->_class->symbol = FindClass(method->_class->fullName); classSym = method->_class->symbol; if(!classSym->_import) { struct ModuleImport * module; if(method->_class->module && ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)method->_class->module + structSize_Instance)))->name) module = FindModule(method->_class->module); else module = mainModule; classSym->_import = __extension__ ({ struct ClassImport * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_ClassImport); __ecereInstance1->name = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(method->_class->fullName), __ecereInstance1->isRemote = method->_class->isRemote, __ecereInstance1; }); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add(&module->classes, classSym->_import); } if(!symbol) { symbol = method->symbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol); } if(!symbol->_import) { symbol->_import = (struct ClassImport *)__extension__ ({ struct MethodImport * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_MethodImport); __ecereInstance1->name = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(method->name), __ecereInstance1->isVirtual = method->type == 1, __ecereInstance1; }); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add(&classSym->_import->methods, symbol->_import); } if(!symbol) { symbol->type = method->dataType; if(symbol->type) symbol->type->refCount++; } } if(!method->dataType->dllExport) { imported = 0x1; if(method->_class->module != privateModule && ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)method->_class->module + structSize_Instance)))->importType != 1) dllImport = 0x1; } } if(method->type != 1 && method->dataType) DeclareType(method->dataType, 0x1, 0x1); if(!symbol->pointerExternal || symbol->pointerExternal->type == 0) { struct Declaration * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, * declarators; struct Declarator * d; struct Declarator * funcDecl; struct External * external; specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); if(dllImport) ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); else if(method->_class->symbol && ((struct Symbol *)method->_class->symbol)->isStatic) ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(STATIC)); if(method->type == 1) { ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(INT)); d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)); } else { d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)); if(dllImport) d = MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), d)); { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(method->_class); d = SpecDeclFromString(method->dataTypeString, specifiers, d); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(d); if(dllImport) { struct Specifier * spec, * next; for(spec = (*specifiers).first; spec; spec = next) { next = spec->next; if(spec->type == 5) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove((&*specifiers), spec); FreeSpecifier(spec); } } } if(method->dataType && !method->dataType->staticMethod) { if(funcDecl && funcDecl->function.parameters && (*funcDecl->function.parameters).count) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = method->dataType->thisClass ? method->dataType->thisClass->registered : method->_class; struct TypeName * thisParam = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(method->dataType->thisClass ? method->dataType->thisClass->string : method->_class->fullName)), (_class && _class->type == 1000) ? MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))) : MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); struct TypeName * firstParam = ((struct TypeName *)(*funcDecl->function.parameters).first); struct Specifier * firstSpec = firstParam->qualifiers ? (*firstParam->qualifiers).first : (((void *)0)); if(firstSpec && firstSpec->type == 0 && firstSpec->specifier == VOID && !firstParam->declarator) { struct TypeName * param = (*funcDecl->function.parameters).first; __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove((&*funcDecl->function.parameters), param); FreeTypeName(param); } if(!funcDecl->function.parameters) funcDecl->function.parameters = MkList(); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*funcDecl->function.parameters), (((void *)0)), thisParam); } } } ProcessDeclarator(d); ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, (((void *)0)))); decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specifiers, method->_class); if(symbol->pointerExternal) { struct Symbol * functionSymbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol); { *functionSymbol = *symbol; functionSymbol->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(symbol->string); if(functionSymbol->type) functionSymbol->type->refCount++; } __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add((&*excludedSymbols), functionSymbol); symbol->pointerExternal->symbol = functionSymbol; } external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); if(curExternal) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), curExternal ? curExternal->prev : (((void *)0)), external); external->symbol = symbol; symbol->pointerExternal = external; } else if(ast) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), symbol->pointerExternal, curExternal->prev); } symbol->id = curExternal ? curExternal->symbol->idCode : (((int)0x7fffffff)); } } char * ReplaceThisClass(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class) { if(thisClassParams && _class->templateParams.count && !_class->templateClass) { unsigned int first = 0x1; int p = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * param; int lastParam = -1; char className[1024]; strcpy(className, _class->fullName); for(param = _class->templateParams.first; param; param = param->next) { { if(first) strcat(className, "<"); if(!first) strcat(className, ", "); if(lastParam + 1 != p) { strcat(className, param->name); strcat(className, " = "); } strcat(className, param->name); first = 0x0; lastParam = p; } p++; } if(!first) { int len = strlen(className); if(className[len - 1] == '>') className[len++] = ' '; className[len++] = '>'; className[len++] = '\0'; } return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(className); } else return __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(_class->fullName); } struct Type * ReplaceThisClassType(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class) { if(thisClassParams && _class->templateParams.count && !_class->templateClass) { unsigned int first = 0x1; int p = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * param; int lastParam = -1; char className[1024]; strcpy(className, _class->fullName); for(param = _class->templateParams.first; param; param = param->next) { { if(first) strcat(className, "<"); if(!first) strcat(className, ", "); if(lastParam + 1 != p) { strcat(className, param->name); strcat(className, " = "); } strcat(className, param->name); first = 0x0; lastParam = p; } p++; } if(!first) { int len = strlen(className); if(className[len - 1] == '>') className[len++] = ' '; className[len++] = '>'; className[len++] = '\0'; } return MkClassType(className); } else { return MkClassType(_class->fullName); } } void ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class) { if(specs != (((void *)0)) && _class) { struct Specifier * spec; for(spec = specs->first; spec; spec = spec->next) { if(spec->type == 0 && spec->specifier == THISCLASS) { spec->type = 1; spec->name = ReplaceThisClass(_class); spec->symbol = FindClass(spec->name); } } } } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GlobalFunction; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GlobalFunction { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GlobalFunction * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GlobalFunction * next; char * name; int (* function)(); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * nameSpace; char * dataTypeString; struct Type * dataType; void * symbol; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct Context * globalContext; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_FunctionImport; struct FunctionImport { struct FunctionImport * prev; struct FunctionImport * next; char * name; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); unsigned int DeclareFunction(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GlobalFunction * function, char * name) { struct Symbol * symbol = function->symbol; if(curExternal && (!symbol || symbol->id > curExternal->symbol->idCode)) { unsigned int imported = 0x0; unsigned int dllImport = 0x0; if(!function->dataType) { function->dataType = ProcessTypeString(function->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(!function->dataType->thisClass) function->dataType->staticMethod = 0x1; } if(inCompiler) { if(!symbol) { struct ModuleImport * module = FindModule(function->module); symbol = function->symbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol); if(module->name) { if(!function->dataType->dllExport) { symbol->_import = (struct ClassImport *)__extension__ ({ struct FunctionImport * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_FunctionImport); __ecereInstance1->name = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(function->name), __ecereInstance1; }); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add(&module->functions, symbol->_import); } } { symbol->type = ProcessTypeString(function->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(!symbol->type->thisClass) symbol->type->staticMethod = 0x1; } } imported = symbol->_import ? 0x1 : 0x0; if(imported && function->module != privateModule && ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)function->module + structSize_Instance)))->importType != 1) dllImport = 0x1; } DeclareType(function->dataType, 0x1, 0x1); if(inCompiler) { if(!symbol->pointerExternal || symbol->pointerExternal->type == 0) { struct Declaration * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, * declarators; struct Declarator * d; struct Declarator * funcDecl; struct External * external; specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(imported ? name : function->name)); if(dllImport) d = MkDeclaratorBrackets(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), d)); d = SpecDeclFromString(function->dataTypeString, specifiers, d); if(((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)function->module + structSize_Instance)))->importType == 1) { struct Specifier * spec; for(spec = (*specifiers).first; spec; spec = spec->next) if(spec->type == 5 && spec->extDecl && spec->extDecl->type == 0 && !strcmp(spec->extDecl->s, "dllexport")) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove((&*specifiers), spec); FreeSpecifier(spec); break; } } funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(d); if(funcDecl && !funcDecl->function.parameters) { funcDecl->function.parameters = MkList(); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*funcDecl->function.parameters), (((void *)0)), MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), (((void *)0)))); } ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, (((void *)0)))); { struct Context * oldCtx = curContext; curContext = globalContext; decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); curContext = oldCtx; } if(symbol->pointerExternal) { struct Symbol * functionSymbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol); { *functionSymbol = *symbol; functionSymbol->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(symbol->string); if(functionSymbol->type) functionSymbol->type->refCount++; } __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add((&*excludedSymbols), functionSymbol); symbol->pointerExternal->symbol = functionSymbol; } external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); if(curExternal) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), curExternal->prev, external); external->symbol = symbol; symbol->pointerExternal = external; } else { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), symbol->pointerExternal, curExternal->prev); } if(curExternal) symbol->id = curExternal->symbol->idCode; } } return (symbol && symbol->_import && function->module != privateModule && ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)function->module + structSize_Instance)))->importType != 1) ? 0x1 : 0x0; } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_GlobalData; struct GlobalData { uintptr_t key; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * parent; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * left; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * right; int depth; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module; char * dataTypeString; struct Type * dataType; void * symbol; char * fullName; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); void DeclareGlobalData(struct GlobalData * data) { struct Symbol * symbol = data->symbol; if(curExternal && (!symbol || symbol->id > curExternal->symbol->idCode)) { if(inCompiler) { if(!symbol) symbol = data->symbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol); } if(!data->dataType) data->dataType = ProcessTypeString(data->dataTypeString, 0x0); DeclareType(data->dataType, 0x1, 0x1); if(inCompiler) { if(!symbol->pointerExternal) { struct Declaration * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, * declarators; struct Declarator * d; struct External * external; specifiers = MkList(); declarators = MkList(); ListAdd(specifiers, MkSpecifier(EXTERN)); d = MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(data->fullName)); d = SpecDeclFromString(data->dataTypeString, specifiers, d); ListAdd(declarators, MkInitDeclarator(d, (((void *)0)))); decl = MkDeclaration(specifiers, declarators); external = MkExternalDeclaration(decl); if(curExternal) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), curExternal->prev, external); external->symbol = symbol; symbol->pointerExternal = external; } else { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), symbol->pointerExternal, curExternal->prev); } if(curExternal) symbol->id = curExternal->symbol->idCode; } } } struct Conversion { struct Conversion * prev, * next; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * convert; unsigned int isGet; struct Type * resultType; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); static struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_Conversion; extern void Compiler_Warning(char * format, ...); void PrintType(struct Type * type, char * string, unsigned int printName, unsigned int fullName); unsigned int MatchTypes(struct Type * source, struct Type * dest, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * conversions, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * owningClassSource, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * owningClassDest, unsigned int doConversion, unsigned int enumBaseType, unsigned int acceptReversedParams, unsigned int isConversionExploration) { if(source && dest) { if(source->kind == 20 && dest->kind != 20) { struct Type * type = ProcessTemplateParameterType(source->templateParameter); if(type) source = type; } if(dest->kind == 20 && source->kind != 20) { struct Type * type = ProcessTemplateParameterType(dest->templateParameter); if(type) dest = type; } if((dest->classObjectType == 2 && source->classObjectType != 3) || (dest->classObjectType == 3 && source->classObjectType != 2)) { return 0x1; } if(source->classObjectType == 3 && dest->classObjectType != 2) { return 0x1; } if((dest->kind == 9 && source->kind == 9) || (dest->kind == 10 && source->kind == 10)) { if((dest->enumName && source->enumName && !strcmp(dest->enumName, source->enumName)) || (source->members.first && source->members.first == dest->members.first)) return 0x1; } if(dest->kind == 14 && source->kind != 0) return 0x1; if(dest->kind == 13 && dest->type->kind == 0 && ((source->kind == 8 && (!source->_class || !source->_class->registered || source->_class->registered->type == 1 || source->_class->registered->type == 0 || source->_class->registered->type == 5 || source->_class->registered->type == 1000)) || source->kind == 19 || source->kind == 13 || source->kind == 12 || source->kind == 11 || source->kind == 21)) return 0x1; if(!isConversionExploration && source->kind == 13 && source->type->kind == 0 && ((dest->kind == 8 && (!dest->_class || !dest->_class->registered || dest->_class->registered->type == 1 || dest->_class->registered->type == 0 || dest->_class->registered->type == 5 || dest->_class->registered->type == 1000)) || dest->kind == 19 || dest->kind == 13 || dest->kind == 12 || dest->kind == 11 || dest->kind == 21)) return 0x1; if(((source->kind == 8 && dest->kind == 8) || (source->kind == 19 && dest->kind == 19)) && source->_class) { if(source->_class->registered && source->_class->registered->type == 3) { if(conversions != (((void *)0))) { if(source->_class->registered == dest->_class->registered) return 0x1; } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sourceBase, * destBase; for(sourceBase = source->_class->registered; sourceBase && sourceBase->base->type != 1000; sourceBase = sourceBase->base) ; for(destBase = dest->_class->registered; destBase && destBase->base->type != 1000; destBase = destBase->base) ; if(sourceBase == destBase) return 0x1; } } else if(source->_class && dest->_class && (dest->classObjectType == source->classObjectType || !dest->classObjectType) && (enumBaseType || (!source->_class->registered || source->_class->registered->type != 4) || (!dest->_class->registered || dest->_class->registered->type != 4)) && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->_class->registered, dest->_class->registered)) return 0x1; else { if(enumBaseType && dest->_class && dest->_class->registered && dest->_class->registered->type == 4 && source->_class && source->_class->registered && source->_class->registered->type != 4) { if(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(dest->_class->registered, source->_class->registered)) { return 0x1; } } } } if(source->kind == 19 && dest->kind == 8 && dest->_class && !strcmp(dest->_class->string, "ecere::com::Class")) return 0x1; if(doConversion) { if(source->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; for(_class = source->_class ? source->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); _class; _class = _class->base) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * convert; for(convert = _class->conversions.first; convert; convert = convert->next) { if(convert->memberAccess == 1 || _class->module == privateModule) { struct Conversion * after = (conversions != (((void *)0))) ? conversions->last : (((void *)0)); if(!convert->dataType) convert->dataType = ProcessTypeString(convert->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(MatchTypes(convert->dataType, dest, conversions, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1)) { if(!conversions && !convert->Get) return 0x1; else if(conversions != (((void *)0))) { if(_class->type == 3 && convert->dataType->kind == 8 && convert->dataType->_class && convert->dataType->_class->registered && _class->base == convert->dataType->_class->registered->base && (dest->kind != 8 || dest->_class->registered != _class->base)) return 0x1; else { struct Conversion * conv = (conv = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Conversion), conv->convert = convert, conv->isGet = 0x1, conv); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert(conversions, after, conv); return 0x1; } } } } } } } if(dest->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; for(_class = dest->_class ? dest->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); _class; _class = _class->base) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * convert; for(convert = _class->conversions.first; convert; convert = convert->next) { if(convert->memberAccess == 1 || _class->module == privateModule) { if(!convert->dataType) convert->dataType = ProcessTypeString(convert->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(convert->dataType != dest && MatchTypes(source, convert->dataType, conversions, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1)) { if(!conversions && !convert->Set) return 0x1; else if(conversions != (((void *)0))) { if(_class->type == 3 && convert->dataType->kind == 8 && convert->dataType->_class && convert->dataType->_class->registered && _class->base == convert->dataType->_class->registered->base && (source->kind != 8 || source->_class->registered != _class->base)) return 0x1; else { struct Conversion * conv = (conv = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Conversion), conv->convert = convert, conv); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add(conversions, conv); return 0x1; } } } } } } if(enumBaseType && dest->_class && dest->_class->registered && dest->_class->registered->type == 4) { if(!dest->_class->registered->dataType) dest->_class->registered->dataType = ProcessTypeString(dest->_class->registered->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(dest->_class->registered->dataType->kind == 8 || source->truth || dest->truth) { if(MatchTypes(source, dest->_class->registered->dataType, conversions, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)) { return 0x1; } } } } if(source->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; for(_class = source->_class ? source->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); _class; _class = _class->base) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * convert; for(convert = _class->conversions.first; convert; convert = convert->next) { if(convert->memberAccess == 1 || _class->module == privateModule) { struct Conversion * after = (conversions != (((void *)0))) ? conversions->last : (((void *)0)); if(!convert->dataType) convert->dataType = ProcessTypeString(convert->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(convert->dataType != source && MatchTypes(convert->dataType, dest, conversions, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1)) { if(!conversions && !convert->Get) return 0x1; else if(conversions != (((void *)0))) { if(_class->type == 3 && convert->dataType->kind == 8 && convert->dataType->_class && convert->dataType->_class->registered && _class->base == convert->dataType->_class->registered->base && (dest->kind != 8 || dest->_class->registered != _class->base)) return 0x1; else { struct Conversion * conv = (conv = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Conversion), conv->convert = convert, conv->isGet = 0x1, conv); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert(conversions, after, conv); return 0x1; } } } } } } if(enumBaseType && source->_class && source->_class->registered && source->_class->registered->type == 4) { if(!source->_class->registered->dataType) source->_class->registered->dataType = ProcessTypeString(source->_class->registered->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(MatchTypes(source->_class->registered->dataType, dest, conversions, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)) { return 0x1; } } } } if(source->kind == 8 || source->kind == 19) ; else if(dest->kind == source->kind && (dest->kind != 9 && dest->kind != 10 && dest->kind != 11 && dest->kind != 12 && dest->kind != 13 && dest->kind != 16)) return 0x1; else if(dest->kind == 7 && source->kind == 6) return 0x1; else if(dest->kind == 2 && source->kind == 1) return 0x1; else if(dest->kind == 3 && (source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 23)) return 0x1; else if(dest->kind == 4 && (source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 22 || source->kind == 23)) return 0x1; else if(dest->kind == 22 && (source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 23 || source->kind == 4)) return 0x1; else if(dest->kind == 23 && (source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 4 || source->kind == 22)) return 0x1; else if(source->kind == 15 && (dest->kind == 3 || dest->kind == 2 || dest->kind == 1 || dest->kind == 5 || dest->kind == 4 || dest->kind == 22 || dest->kind == 23)) return 0x1; else if(dest->kind == 15 && (source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 5 || source->kind == 4 || source->kind == 22 || source->kind == 23)) return 0x1; else if((dest->kind == 11 || (dest->kind == 13 && dest->type->kind == 11) || dest->kind == 16) && ((source->kind == 11 || (source->kind == 13 && source->type->kind == 11) || source->kind == 16))) { struct Type * paramSource, * paramDest; if(dest->kind == 16) owningClassDest = dest->methodClass ? dest->methodClass : dest->method->_class; if(source->kind == 16) owningClassSource = source->methodClass ? source->methodClass : source->method->_class; if(dest->kind == 13 && dest->type->kind == 11) dest = dest->type; if(source->kind == 13 && source->type->kind == 11) source = source->type; if(dest->kind == 16) dest = dest->method->dataType; if(source->kind == 16) source = source->method->dataType; paramSource = source->params.first; if(paramSource && paramSource->kind == 0) paramSource = (((void *)0)); paramDest = dest->params.first; if(paramDest && paramDest->kind == 0) paramDest = (((void *)0)); if((dest->staticMethod || (!dest->thisClass && !owningClassDest)) && !(source->staticMethod || (!source->thisClass && !owningClassSource))) { if(!paramDest || (!(paramDest->kind == 13 && paramDest->type && paramDest->type->kind == 0) && (paramDest->kind != 8 || !__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->thisClass ? source->thisClass->registered : owningClassSource, paramDest->_class->registered)))) { if(paramDest && paramDest->kind == 8) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "method class must be derived from %s\n", (((void *)0))), paramDest->_class->string); else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "method class should not take an object\n", (((void *)0)))); return 0x0; } paramDest = paramDest->next; } else if(!dest->staticMethod && (dest->thisClass || owningClassDest)) { if((source->staticMethod || (!source->thisClass && !owningClassSource))) { if(dest->thisClass) { if(!paramSource || paramSource->kind != 8 || !__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(paramSource->_class->registered, dest->thisClass->registered)) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "method class must be derived from %s\n", (((void *)0))), dest->thisClass->string); return 0x0; } } else { if(!paramSource || paramSource->kind != 8 || (owningClassDest && !__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(paramSource->_class->registered, owningClassDest))) { if(owningClassDest) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "%s expected to be derived from method class\n", (((void *)0))), owningClassDest->fullName); else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "overriding class expected to be derived from method class\n", (((void *)0)))); return 0x0; } } paramSource = paramSource->next; } else { if(dest->thisClass) { if(!__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->thisClass ? source->thisClass->registered : owningClassSource, dest->thisClass->registered)) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "method class must be derived from %s\n", (((void *)0))), dest->thisClass->string); return 0x0; } } else { if(source->thisClass && source->thisClass->registered && owningClassDest && !__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->thisClass->registered, owningClassDest)) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "%s expected to be derived from method class\n", (((void *)0))), source->thisClass->registered->fullName); return 0x0; } } } } if(!MatchTypes(source->returnType, dest->returnType, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)) { Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "incompatible return type for function\n", (((void *)0)))); return 0x0; } for(; paramDest; paramDest = paramDest->next) { if(!paramSource) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "not enough parameters\n", (((void *)0)))); return 0x0; } { struct Type * paramDestType = paramDest; struct Type * paramSourceType = paramSource; struct Type * type = paramDestType; if(paramDest->kind == 20 && paramDest->templateParameter->type == 0 && owningClassSource && paramSource->kind != 20) { int id = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * curParam = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; for(sClass = owningClassSource; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { id = 0; if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; for(curParam = sClass->templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = curParam->next) { if(curParam->type == 0 && !strcmp(type->templateParameter->identifier->string, curParam->name)) { for(sClass = sClass->base; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; id += sClass->templateParams.count; } break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument arg = owningClassSource->templateArgs[id]; paramDestType = type = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, 0x0); } } if(!MatchTypes(paramDestType, paramSourceType, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0) && (!acceptReversedParams || !MatchTypes(paramSourceType, paramDestType, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0))) { char type[1024]; type[0] = (char)0; PrintType(paramDest, type, 0x0, 0x1); Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "incompatible parameter %s (expected %s)\n", (((void *)0))), paramSource->name, type); if(paramDestType != paramDest) FreeType(paramDestType); return 0x0; } if(paramDestType != paramDest) FreeType(paramDestType); } paramSource = paramSource->next; } if(paramSource) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "too many parameters\n", (((void *)0)))); return 0x0; } return 0x1; } else if((dest->kind == 11 || (dest->kind == 13 && dest->type->kind == 11) || dest->kind == 16) && (source->kind == 13 && source->type->kind == 0)) { return 0x1; } else if((dest->kind == 13 || dest->kind == 12) && (source->kind == 12 || source->kind == 13)) { if(MatchTypes(source->type, dest->type, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)) return 0x1; } } return 0x0; } static void FreeConvert(struct Conversion * convert) { if(convert->resultType) FreeType(convert->resultType); } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BTNamedLink; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BTNamedLink { char * name; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BTNamedLink * parent; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BTNamedLink * left; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BTNamedLink * right; int depth; void * data; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__EnumClassData; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__EnumClassData { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList values; int largest; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink * next; char * name; void * data; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern void FreeExpContents(struct Expression * exp); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * __ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Get_first(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree * this); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property ** __ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_first; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * __ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode_Get_next(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * this); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property ** __ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode_next; void __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Free(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * this, void (* freeFn)(void * )); unsigned int MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * nameSpace, struct Expression * sourceExp, struct Type * dest, char * string, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * conversions) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BTNamedLink * link; for(link = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BTNamedLink *)__ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Get_first(&nameSpace->classes); link; link = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BTNamedLink *)__ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode_Get_next(((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)link))) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = link->data; if(_class->type == 4) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList converts = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; struct Type * type = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); type->kind = 8; if(!_class->symbol) _class->symbol = FindClass(_class->fullName); type->_class = _class->symbol; if(MatchTypes(type, dest, &converts, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink * value; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * enumClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * baseClass; for(baseClass = _class; baseClass && baseClass->type == 4; baseClass = baseClass->base) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__EnumClassData * e = (baseClass ? ((void *)(((char *)baseClass->data) + enumClass->offsetClass)) : (((void *)0))); for(value = e->values.first; value; value = value->next) { if(!strcmp(value->name, string)) break; } if(value) { FreeExpContents(sourceExp); FreeType(sourceExp->expType); sourceExp->isConstant = 0x1; sourceExp->expType = MkClassType(baseClass->fullName); { char constant[256]; sourceExp->type = 2; if(!strcmp(baseClass->dataTypeString, "int")) sprintf(constant, "%d", value->data); else sprintf(constant, "0x%X", value->data); sourceExp->constant = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(constant); } while(converts.first) { struct Conversion * convert = converts.first; __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove(&converts, convert); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add(conversions, convert); } ((type ? (__ecereClass_Type->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Type->Destructor(type) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(type)) : 0), type = 0); return 0x1; } } } } if(converts.first) __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Free(&converts, FreeConvert); ((type ? (__ecereClass_Type->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Type->Destructor(type) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(type)) : 0), type = 0); } } for(nameSpace = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace *)__ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Get_first(&nameSpace->nameSpaces); nameSpace != (((void *)0)); nameSpace = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace *)__ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode_Get_next(((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)nameSpace))) if(MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(nameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return 0x1; return 0x0; } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__SubModule; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__SubModule { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__SubModule * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__SubModule * next; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module; int importMode; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); unsigned int ModuleVisibility(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * searchIn, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * searchFor) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__SubModule * subModule; if(searchFor == searchIn) return 0x1; for(subModule = ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)searchIn + structSize_Instance)))->modules.first; subModule; subModule = subModule->next) { if(subModule->importMode == 1 || searchIn == ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)searchIn + structSize_Instance)))->application) { if(ModuleVisibility(subModule->module, searchFor)) return 0x1; } } return 0x0; } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Application; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Application { int argc; char * * argv; int exitCode; unsigned int isGUIApp; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList allModules; char * parsedCommand; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace systemNameSpace; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); unsigned int MatchWithEnums_Module(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * mainModule, struct Expression * sourceExp, struct Type * dest, char * string, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * conversions) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module; if(MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(&((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Application *)(((char *)((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)mainModule + structSize_Instance)))->application + structSize_Module)))->systemNameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return 0x1; if(MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(&((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)mainModule + structSize_Instance)))->application + structSize_Instance)))->privateNameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return 0x1; if(MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(&((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)mainModule + structSize_Instance)))->application + structSize_Instance)))->publicNameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return 0x1; for(module = ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Application *)(((char *)((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)mainModule + structSize_Instance)))->application + structSize_Module)))->allModules.first; module; module = ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)module + structSize_Instance)))->next) { if(ModuleVisibility(mainModule, module) && MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(&((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)module + structSize_Instance)))->publicNameSpace, sourceExp, dest, string, conversions)) return 0x1; } return 0x0; } extern unsigned long strtoul(const char * nptr, char * * endptr, int base); void ReadString(char * output, char * string); extern struct Specifier * MkEnum(struct Identifier * id, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list); extern struct TypeName * QMkClass(char * spec, struct Declarator * decl); extern struct Expression * MkExpBrackets(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * expressions); unsigned int MatchTypeExpression(struct Expression * sourceExp, struct Type * dest, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * conversions, unsigned int skipUnitBla) { struct Type * source = sourceExp->expType; struct Type * realDest = dest; struct Type * backupSourceExpType = (((void *)0)); if(dest->kind == 13 && sourceExp->type == 2 && !strtoul(sourceExp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0)) return 0x1; if(!skipUnitBla && source && dest && source->kind == 8 && dest->kind == 8) { if(source->_class && source->_class->registered && source->_class->registered->type == 3) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sourceBase, * destBase; for(sourceBase = source->_class->registered; sourceBase && sourceBase->base && sourceBase->base->type != 1000; sourceBase = sourceBase->base) ; for(destBase = dest->_class->registered; destBase && destBase->base && destBase->base->type != 1000; destBase = destBase->base) ; if(sourceBase == destBase) return 0x1; } } if(source) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs; unsigned int flag = 0x0; long long value = (((int)0x7fffffff)); source->refCount++; dest->refCount++; if(sourceExp->type == 2) { if(source->isSigned) value = strtoll(sourceExp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); else value = strtoull(sourceExp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); } else if(sourceExp->type == 4 && sourceExp->op.op == '-' && !sourceExp->op.exp1 && sourceExp->op.exp2 && sourceExp->op.exp2->type == 2) { if(source->isSigned) value = -strtoll(sourceExp->op.exp2->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); else value = -strtoull(sourceExp->op.exp2->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); } if(dest->kind != 8 && source->kind == 8 && source->_class && source->_class->registered && !strcmp(source->_class->registered->fullName, "ecere::com::unichar")) { FreeType(source); source = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->kind = 3, __ecereInstance1->isSigned = 0x0, __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1; }); } if(dest->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = dest->_class ? dest->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); if(_class && _class->type == 3) { if(source->kind != 8) { struct Type * tempType = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); struct Type * tempDest, * tempSource; for(; _class->base->type != 1000; _class = _class->base) ; tempSource = dest; tempDest = tempType; tempType->kind = 8; if(!_class->symbol) _class->symbol = FindClass(_class->fullName); tempType->_class = _class->symbol; tempType->truth = dest->truth; if(tempType->_class) MatchTypes(tempSource, tempDest, conversions, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0); backupSourceExpType = sourceExp->expType; sourceExp->expType = dest; dest->refCount++; flag = 0x1; ((tempType ? (__ecereClass_Type->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Type->Destructor(tempType) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(tempType)) : 0), tempType = 0); } } if(_class && _class->type == 2 && source->kind != 8) { if(!dest->_class->registered->dataType) dest->_class->registered->dataType = ProcessTypeString(dest->_class->registered->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(MatchTypes(source, dest->_class->registered->dataType, conversions, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)) { FreeType(source); FreeType(sourceExp->expType); source = sourceExp->expType = MkClassType(dest->_class->string); source->refCount++; } } if(_class && !strcmp(_class->fullName, "ecere::com::Class") && source->kind == 13 && source->type && source->type->kind == 1 && sourceExp->type == 3) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl; char string[1024]; ReadString(string, sourceExp->string); decl = SpecDeclFromString(string, specs, (((void *)0))); FreeExpContents(sourceExp); FreeType(sourceExp->expType); sourceExp->type = 26; sourceExp->_classExp.specifiers = specs; sourceExp->_classExp.decl = decl; sourceExp->expType = dest; dest->refCount++; FreeType(source); FreeType(dest); if(backupSourceExpType) FreeType(backupSourceExpType); return 0x1; } } else if(source->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = source->_class ? source->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); if(_class && (_class->type == 3 || !strcmp(_class->fullName, "bool") || _class->type == 2)) { if(dest->kind != 8) { struct Type * tempType = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); struct Type * tempDest, * tempSource; if(!source->_class->registered->dataType) source->_class->registered->dataType = ProcessTypeString(source->_class->registered->dataTypeString, 0x0); for(; _class->base->type != 1000; _class = _class->base) ; tempDest = source; tempSource = tempType; tempType->kind = 8; tempType->_class = FindClass(_class->fullName); tempType->truth = source->truth; tempType->classObjectType = source->classObjectType; if(tempType->_class) MatchTypes(tempSource, tempDest, conversions, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0); if(conversions->last) { ((struct Conversion *)conversions->last)->resultType = dest; dest->refCount++; } FreeType(sourceExp->expType); sourceExp->expType = MkClassType(_class->fullName); sourceExp->expType->truth = source->truth; sourceExp->expType->classObjectType = source->classObjectType; if(!sourceExp->destType) { FreeType(sourceExp->destType); sourceExp->destType = sourceExp->expType; if(sourceExp->expType) sourceExp->expType->refCount++; } if(!_class->dataType) _class->dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class->dataTypeString, 0x0); FreeType(dest); dest = MkClassType(source->_class->string); dest->truth = source->truth; dest->classObjectType = source->classObjectType; FreeType(source); source = _class->dataType; source->refCount++; ((tempType ? (__ecereClass_Type->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Type->Destructor(tempType) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(tempType)) : 0), tempType = 0); } } } if(!flag) { if(MatchTypes(source, dest, conversions, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)) { FreeType(source); FreeType(dest); return 0x1; } } if(dest->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = dest->_class ? dest->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); if(_class && !dest->truth && (_class->type == 3 || !strcmp(_class->fullName, "bool") || (_class->type != 1 && !value && source->kind == 3) || _class->type == 2)) { if(_class->type == 0 || _class->type == 5) { struct Expression * newExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); *newExp = *sourceExp; if(sourceExp->destType) sourceExp->destType->refCount++; if(sourceExp->expType) sourceExp->expType->refCount++; sourceExp->type = 11; sourceExp->cast.typeName = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))); sourceExp->cast.exp = newExp; FreeType(sourceExp->expType); sourceExp->expType = (((void *)0)); ProcessExpressionType(sourceExp); if(!inCompiler) { FreeType(sourceExp->expType); sourceExp->expType = dest; } FreeType(source); if(inCompiler) FreeType(dest); if(backupSourceExpType) FreeType(backupSourceExpType); return 0x1; } if(!_class->dataType) _class->dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class->dataTypeString, 0x0); FreeType(dest); dest = _class->dataType; dest->refCount++; } if(dest->kind == 7 && (source->kind == 7 || source->kind == 6 || dest->kind == 4 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1)) { specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)); } else if(dest->kind == 6 && (source->kind == 6 || dest->kind == 4 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 7)) { specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(FLOAT)); } else if(dest->kind == 4 && (source->kind == 4 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 6 || source->kind == 7)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest->isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT64)); } else if(dest->kind == 3 && (source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 6 || source->kind == 7)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest->isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT)); } else if(dest->kind == 2 && (source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 6 || source->kind == 7)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest->isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(SHORT)); } else if(dest->kind == 1 && (source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 6 || source->kind == 7)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest->isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(CHAR)); } else { FreeType(source); FreeType(dest); if(backupSourceExpType) { if(sourceExp->expType) FreeType(sourceExp->expType); sourceExp->expType = backupSourceExpType; } return 0x0; } } else if(dest->kind == 7 && (source->kind == 7 || source->kind == 6 || source->kind == 4 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 15 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1)) { specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)); } else if(dest->kind == 6 && (source->kind == 6 || source->kind == 15 || source->kind == 4 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1)) { specs = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(FLOAT)); } else if(dest->kind == 1 && (source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 15 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 3) && (dest->isSigned ? (value >= -128 && value <= 127) : (value >= 0 && value <= 255))) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest->isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(CHAR)); } else if(dest->kind == 2 && (source->kind == 15 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 2 || (source->kind == 3 && (dest->isSigned ? (value >= -32768 && value <= 32767) : (value >= 0 && value <= 65535))))) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest->isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(SHORT)); } else if(dest->kind == 3 && (source->kind == 15 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 3)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest->isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT)); } else if(dest->kind == 4 && (source->kind == 15 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 4)) { specs = MkList(); if(!dest->isSigned) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT64)); } else if(dest->kind == 15 && (source->kind == 4 || source->kind == 3 || source->kind == 2 || source->kind == 1)) { specs = MkListOne(MkEnum(MkIdentifier(dest->enumName), (((void *)0)))); } else { FreeType(source); FreeType(dest); if(backupSourceExpType) { if(sourceExp->expType) FreeType(sourceExp->expType); sourceExp->expType = backupSourceExpType; } return 0x0; } if(!flag) { struct Expression * newExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); *newExp = *sourceExp; newExp->prev = (((void *)0)); newExp->next = (((void *)0)); if(sourceExp->destType) sourceExp->destType->refCount++; if(sourceExp->expType) sourceExp->expType->refCount++; sourceExp->type = 11; if(realDest->kind == 8) { sourceExp->cast.typeName = QMkClass(realDest->_class->string, (((void *)0))); FreeList(specs, FreeSpecifier); } else sourceExp->cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, (((void *)0))); if(newExp->type == 4) { sourceExp->cast.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(newExp)); } else sourceExp->cast.exp = newExp; FreeType(sourceExp->expType); sourceExp->expType = (((void *)0)); ProcessExpressionType(sourceExp); } else FreeList(specs, FreeSpecifier); FreeType(dest); FreeType(source); if(backupSourceExpType) FreeType(backupSourceExpType); return 0x1; } else { while((sourceExp->type == 5 || sourceExp->type == 34) && sourceExp->list) sourceExp = (*sourceExp->list).last; if(sourceExp->type == 0) { struct Identifier * id = sourceExp->identifier; if(dest->kind == 8) { if(dest->_class && dest->_class->registered && dest->_class->registered->type == 4) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = dest->_class->registered; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * enumClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { for(; _class && _class->type == 4; _class = _class->base) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink * value; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__EnumClassData * e = (_class ? ((void *)(((char *)_class->data) + enumClass->offsetClass)) : (((void *)0))); for(value = e->values.first; value; value = value->next) { if(!strcmp(value->name, id->string)) break; } if(value) { FreeExpContents(sourceExp); FreeType(sourceExp->expType); sourceExp->isConstant = 0x1; sourceExp->expType = MkClassType(_class->fullName); { char constant[256]; sourceExp->type = 2; if(_class->dataTypeString && !strcmp(_class->dataTypeString, "int")) sprintf(constant, "%d", value->data); else sprintf(constant, "0x%X", value->data); sourceExp->constant = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(constant); } return 0x1; } } } } } if(dest->classObjectType != 2 && dest->kind == 8 && MatchWithEnums_Module(privateModule, sourceExp, dest, id->string, conversions)) return 0x1; } } return 0x0; } static unsigned int IntAdd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i + value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntAdd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui + value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortAdd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s + value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortAdd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us + value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharAdd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c + value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharAdd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc + value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatAdd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f + value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleAdd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d + value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntSub(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i - value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntSub(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui - value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortSub(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s - value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortSub(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us - value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharSub(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c - value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharSub(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc - value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatSub(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f - value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleSub(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d - value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntMul(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i * value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntMul(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui * value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortMul(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s * value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortMul(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us * value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharMul(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c * value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharMul(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc * value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatMul(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f * value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleMul(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d * value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntDiv(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(value2 ? (op1->i / value2) : 0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntDiv(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(value2 ? (op1->ui / value2) : 0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortDiv(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(value2 ? (op1->s / value2) : (short)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortDiv(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(value2 ? (op1->us / value2) : (unsigned short)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharDiv(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(value2 ? (op1->c / value2) : (char)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharDiv(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(value2 ? (op1->uc / value2) : (unsigned char)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatDiv(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(value2 ? (op1->f / value2) : (float)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleDiv(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(value2 ? (op1->d / value2) : (double)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntMod(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(value2 ? (op1->i % value2) : 0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntMod(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(value2 ? (op1->ui % value2) : 0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortMod(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(value2 ? (op1->s % value2) : (short)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortMod(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(value2 ? (op1->us % value2) : (unsigned short)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharMod(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(value2 ? (op1->c % value2) : (char)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharMod(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(value2 ? (op1->uc % value2) : (unsigned char)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntNeg(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(-op1->i); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntNeg(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(-op1->ui); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortNeg(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(-op1->s); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortNeg(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(-op1->us); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharNeg(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(-op1->c); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharNeg(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(-op1->uc); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatNeg(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(-op1->f); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleNeg(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(-op1->d); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntInc(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(++op1->i); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntInc(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(++op1->ui); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortInc(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(++op1->s); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortInc(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(++op1->us); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharInc(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(++op1->c); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharInc(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(++op1->uc); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatInc(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(++op1->f); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleInc(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(++op1->d); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntDec(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(--op1->i); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntDec(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(--op1->ui); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortDec(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(--op1->s); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortDec(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(--op1->us); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharDec(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(--op1->c); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharDec(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(--op1->uc); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatDec(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(--op1->f); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleDec(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(--op1->d); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i = value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui = value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s = value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us = value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c = value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc = value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f = value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d = value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntAddAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i += value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntAddAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui += value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortAddAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s += value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortAddAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us += value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharAddAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c += value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharAddAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc += value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatAddAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f += value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleAddAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d += value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntSubAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i -= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntSubAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui -= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortSubAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s -= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortSubAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us -= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharSubAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c -= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharSubAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc -= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatSubAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f -= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleSubAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d -= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntMulAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i *= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntMulAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui *= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortMulAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s *= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortMulAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us *= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharMulAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c *= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharMulAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc *= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatMulAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f *= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleMulAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d *= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntDivAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(value2 ? (op1->i /= value2) : 0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntDivAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(value2 ? (op1->ui /= value2) : 0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortDivAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(value2 ? (op1->s /= value2) : (short)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortDivAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(value2 ? (op1->us /= value2) : (unsigned short)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharDivAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(value2 ? (op1->c /= value2) : (char)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharDivAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(value2 ? (op1->uc /= value2) : (unsigned char)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatDivAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(value2 ? (op1->f /= value2) : (float)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleDivAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(value2 ? (op1->d /= value2) : (double)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntModAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(value2 ? (op1->i %= value2) : 0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntModAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(value2 ? (op1->ui %= value2) : 0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortModAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(value2 ? (op1->s %= value2) : (short)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortModAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(value2 ? (op1->us %= value2) : (unsigned short)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharModAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(value2 ? (op1->c %= value2) : (char)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharModAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(value2 ? (op1->uc %= value2) : (unsigned char)0); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntBitAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i & value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntBitAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui & value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortBitAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s & value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortBitAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us & value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharBitAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c & value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharBitAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc & value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntBitOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i | value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntBitOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui | value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortBitOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s | value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortBitOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us | value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharBitOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c | value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharBitOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc | value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntBitXor(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i ^ value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntBitXor(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui ^ value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortBitXor(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s ^ value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortBitXor(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us ^ value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharBitXor(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c ^ value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharBitXor(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc ^ value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntLShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i << value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntLShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui << value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortLShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s << value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortLShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us << value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharLShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c << value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharLShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc << value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntRShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i >> value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntRShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui >> value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortRShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s >> value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortRShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us >> value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharRShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c >> value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharRShift(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc >> value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntBitNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(~op1->i); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntBitNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(~op1->ui); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortBitNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(~op1->s); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortBitNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(~op1->us); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharBitNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(~op1->c); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharBitNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(~op1->uc); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntAndAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i &= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntAndAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui &= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortAndAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s &= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortAndAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us &= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharAndAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c &= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharAndAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc &= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntOrAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i |= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntOrAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui |= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortOrAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s |= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortOrAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us |= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharOrAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c |= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharOrAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc |= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntXorAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i ^= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntXorAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui ^= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortXorAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s ^= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortXorAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us ^= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharXorAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c ^= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharXorAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc ^= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntLShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i <<= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntLShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui <<= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortLShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s <<= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortLShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us <<= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharLShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c <<= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharLShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc <<= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntRShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i >>= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntRShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui >>= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortRShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s >>= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortRShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us >>= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharRShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c >>= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharRShiftAsign(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc >>= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(!op1->i); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(!op1->ui); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(!op1->s); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(!op1->us); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(!op1->c); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharNot(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(!op1->uc); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i == value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui == value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s == value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us == value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c == value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc == value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f == value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d == value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntNqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i != value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntNqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui != value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortNqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s != value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortNqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us != value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharNqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c != value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharNqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc != value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatNqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f != value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleNqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d != value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i && value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui && value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s && value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us && value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c && value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc && value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f && value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleAnd(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d && value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i || value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui || value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s || value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us || value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c || value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc || value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f || value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleOr(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d || value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntGrt(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i > value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntGrt(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui > value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortGrt(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s > value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortGrt(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us > value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharGrt(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c > value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharGrt(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc > value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatGrt(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f > value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleGrt(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d > value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntSma(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i < value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntSma(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui < value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortSma(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s < value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortSma(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us < value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharSma(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c < value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharSma(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc < value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatSma(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f < value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleSma(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d < value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntGrtEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i >= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntGrtEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui >= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortGrtEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s >= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortGrtEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us >= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharGrtEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c >= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharGrtEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc >= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatGrtEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f >= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleGrtEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d >= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntSmaEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { int value2 = op2->i; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i <= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntSmaEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned int value2 = op2->ui; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui <= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortSmaEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { short value2 = op2->s; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s <= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortSmaEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned short value2 = op2->us; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us <= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharSmaEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { char value2 = op2->c; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c <= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharSmaEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { unsigned char value2 = op2->uc; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc <= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatSmaEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { float value2 = op2->f; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f <= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleSmaEqu(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { double value2 = op2->d; exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d <= value2); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int IntCond(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2, struct Operand * op3) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintInt(op1->i ? op2->i : op3->i); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UIntCond(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2, struct Operand * op3) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUInt(op1->ui ? op2->ui : op3->ui); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int ShortCond(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2, struct Operand * op3) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintShort(op1->s ? op2->s : op3->s); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UShortCond(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2, struct Operand * op3) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUShort(op1->us ? op2->us : op3->us); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int CharCond(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2, struct Operand * op3) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintChar(op1->c ? op2->c : op3->c); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int UCharCond(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2, struct Operand * op3) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintUChar(op1->uc ? op2->uc : op3->uc); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int FloatCond(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2, struct Operand * op3) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintFloat(op1->f ? op2->f : op3->f); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } static unsigned int DoubleCond(struct Expression * exp, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2, struct Operand * op3) { exp->type = 2; exp->string = PrintDouble(op1->d ? op2->d : op3->d); if(!exp->expType) { exp->expType = op1->type; if(op1->type) op1->type->refCount++; } return 0x1; } struct OpTable intOps = { IntAdd, IntSub, IntMul, IntDiv, IntMod, IntNeg, IntInc, IntDec, IntAsign, IntAddAsign, IntSubAsign, IntMulAsign, IntDivAsign, IntModAsign, IntBitAnd, IntBitOr, IntBitXor, IntLShift, IntRShift, IntBitNot, IntAndAsign, IntOrAsign, IntXorAsign, IntLShiftAsign, IntRShiftAsign, IntNot, IntEqu, IntNqu, IntAnd, IntOr, IntGrt, IntSma, IntGrtEqu, IntSmaEqu, IntCond }; struct OpTable uintOps = { UIntAdd, UIntSub, UIntMul, UIntDiv, UIntMod, UIntNeg, UIntInc, UIntDec, UIntAsign, UIntAddAsign, UIntSubAsign, UIntMulAsign, UIntDivAsign, UIntModAsign, UIntBitAnd, UIntBitOr, UIntBitXor, UIntLShift, UIntRShift, UIntBitNot, UIntAndAsign, UIntOrAsign, UIntXorAsign, UIntLShiftAsign, UIntRShiftAsign, UIntNot, UIntEqu, UIntNqu, UIntAnd, UIntOr, UIntGrt, UIntSma, UIntGrtEqu, UIntSmaEqu, UIntCond }; struct OpTable shortOps = { ShortAdd, ShortSub, ShortMul, ShortDiv, ShortMod, ShortNeg, ShortInc, ShortDec, ShortAsign, ShortAddAsign, ShortSubAsign, ShortMulAsign, ShortDivAsign, ShortModAsign, ShortBitAnd, ShortBitOr, ShortBitXor, ShortLShift, ShortRShift, ShortBitNot, ShortAndAsign, ShortOrAsign, ShortXorAsign, ShortLShiftAsign, ShortRShiftAsign, ShortNot, ShortEqu, ShortNqu, ShortAnd, ShortOr, ShortGrt, ShortSma, ShortGrtEqu, ShortSmaEqu, ShortCond }; struct OpTable ushortOps = { UShortAdd, UShortSub, UShortMul, UShortDiv, UShortMod, UShortNeg, UShortInc, UShortDec, UShortAsign, UShortAddAsign, UShortSubAsign, UShortMulAsign, UShortDivAsign, UShortModAsign, UShortBitAnd, UShortBitOr, UShortBitXor, UShortLShift, UShortRShift, UShortBitNot, UShortAndAsign, UShortOrAsign, UShortXorAsign, UShortLShiftAsign, UShortRShiftAsign, UShortNot, UShortEqu, UShortNqu, UShortAnd, UShortOr, UShortGrt, UShortSma, UShortGrtEqu, UShortSmaEqu, UShortCond }; struct OpTable floatOps = { FloatAdd, FloatSub, FloatMul, FloatDiv, (((void *)0)), FloatNeg, FloatInc, FloatDec, FloatAsign, FloatAddAsign, FloatSubAsign, FloatMulAsign, FloatDivAsign, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), FloatEqu, FloatNqu, FloatAnd, FloatOr, FloatGrt, FloatSma, FloatGrtEqu, FloatSmaEqu }; struct OpTable doubleOps = { DoubleAdd, DoubleSub, DoubleMul, DoubleDiv, (((void *)0)), DoubleNeg, DoubleInc, DoubleDec, DoubleAsign, DoubleAddAsign, DoubleSubAsign, DoubleMulAsign, DoubleDivAsign, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), DoubleEqu, DoubleNqu, DoubleAnd, DoubleOr, DoubleGrt, DoubleSma, DoubleGrtEqu, DoubleSmaEqu }; struct OpTable charOps = { CharAdd, CharSub, CharMul, CharDiv, CharMod, CharNeg, CharInc, CharDec, CharAsign, CharAddAsign, CharSubAsign, CharMulAsign, CharDivAsign, CharModAsign, CharBitAnd, CharBitOr, CharBitXor, CharLShift, CharRShift, CharBitNot, CharAndAsign, CharOrAsign, CharXorAsign, CharLShiftAsign, CharRShiftAsign, CharNot, CharEqu, CharNqu, CharAnd, CharOr, CharGrt, CharSma, CharGrtEqu, CharSmaEqu, CharCond }; struct OpTable ucharOps = { UCharAdd, UCharSub, UCharMul, UCharDiv, UCharMod, UCharNeg, UCharInc, UCharDec, UCharAsign, UCharAddAsign, UCharSubAsign, UCharMulAsign, UCharDivAsign, UCharModAsign, UCharBitAnd, UCharBitOr, UCharBitXor, UCharLShift, UCharRShift, UCharBitNot, UCharAndAsign, UCharOrAsign, UCharXorAsign, UCharLShiftAsign, UCharRShiftAsign, UCharNot, UCharEqu, UCharNqu, UCharAnd, UCharOr, UCharGrt, UCharSma, UCharGrtEqu, UCharSmaEqu, UCharCond }; void ReadString(char * output, char * string) { int len = strlen(string); int c, d = 0; unsigned int quoted = 0x0, escaped = 0x0; for(c = 0; c < len; c++) { char ch = string[c]; if(escaped) { switch(ch) { case 'n': output[d] = '\n'; break; case 't': output[d] = '\t'; break; case 'a': output[d] = '\a'; break; case 'b': output[d] = '\b'; break; case 'f': output[d] = '\f'; break; case 'r': output[d] = '\r'; break; case 'v': output[d] = '\v'; break; case '\\': output[d] = '\\'; break; case '\"': output[d] = '\"'; break; default: output[d++] = '\\'; output[d] = ch; } d++; escaped = 0x0; } else { if(ch == '\"') quoted ^= 0x1; else if(quoted) { if(ch == '\\') escaped = 0x1; else output[d++] = ch; } } } output[d] = '\0'; } extern long long __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoi64(char * string, char * * endString, int base); extern uint64 __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoui64(char * string, char * * endString, int base); extern double strtod(char * , char * * ); struct Operand GetOperand(struct Expression * exp) { struct Operand op = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; struct Type * type = exp->expType; if(type) { while(type->kind == 8 && type->_class->registered && (type->_class->registered->type == 2 || type->_class->registered->type == 3 || type->_class->registered->type == 4)) { if(!type->_class->registered->dataType) type->_class->registered->dataType = ProcessTypeString(type->_class->registered->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = type->_class->registered->dataType; } op.kind = type->kind; op.type = exp->expType; if(exp->isConstant && exp->type == 2) { switch(op.kind) { case 1: { if(exp->constant[0] == '\'') op.c = exp->constant[1]; else if(type->isSigned) { op.c = (char)strtol(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = charOps; } else { op.uc = (unsigned char)strtoul(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = ucharOps; } break; } case 2: if(type->isSigned) { op.s = (short)strtol(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = shortOps; } else { op.us = (unsigned short)strtoul(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = ushortOps; } break; case 3: case 5: if(type->isSigned) { op.i = strtol(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = intOps; } else { op.ui = strtoul(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = uintOps; } op.kind = 3; break; case 4: if(type->isSigned) { op.i64 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoi64(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = intOps; } else { op.ui64 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoui64(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = uintOps; } op.kind = 3; break; case 22: if(type->isSigned) { op.i64 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoi64(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = intOps; } else { op.ui64 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoui64(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = uintOps; } op.kind = 3; break; case 23: if(type->isSigned) { op.i64 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoi64(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = intOps; } else { op.ui64 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoui64(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.ops = uintOps; } op.kind = 3; break; case 6: op.f = (float)strtod(exp->constant, (((void *)0))); op.ops = floatOps; break; case 7: op.d = (double)strtod(exp->constant, (((void *)0))); op.ops = doubleOps; break; case 12: case 13: case 8: op.ui64 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoui64(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0); op.kind = 13; op.ops = uintOps; break; } } } return op; } int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString; extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass_int; static void UnusedFunction() { int a; ((char * (*)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class *, void *, char * tempString, void * fieldData, unsigned int * needClass))__ecereClass_int->_vTbl[__ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString])(__ecereClass_int, &a, 0, 0, 0); } extern int __ecereVMethodID_class_OnGetString; static void PopulateInstanceProcessMember(struct Instantiation * inst, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * memberList, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * parentDataMember, unsigned int offset) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * dataMember; for(dataMember = parentDataMember->members.first; dataMember; dataMember = dataMember->next) { if(!dataMember->name && (dataMember->type == 2 || dataMember->type == 1)) PopulateInstanceProcessMember(inst, memberList, dataMember, offset + dataMember->offset); else { struct Expression * exp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); struct MemberInit * member = MkMemberInit(MkListOne(MkIdentifier(dataMember->name)), MkInitializerAssignment(exp)); struct Type * type; void * ptr = inst->data + dataMember->offset + offset; char * result = (((void *)0)); exp->loc = member->loc = inst->loc; ((struct Identifier *)(*member->identifiers).first)->loc = inst->loc; if(!dataMember->dataType) dataMember->dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = dataMember->dataType; if(type->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class->registered; if(_class->type == 4) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * enumClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__EnumClassData * e = (_class ? ((void *)(((char *)_class->data) + enumClass->offsetClass)) : (((void *)0))); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink * item; for(item = e->values.first; item; item = item->next) { if((int)item->data == *(int *)ptr) { result = item->name; break; } } if(result) { exp->identifier = MkIdentifier(result); exp->type = 0; exp->destType = MkClassType(_class->fullName); ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } } if(_class->type == 4 || _class->type == 3 || _class->type == 2) { if(!_class->dataType) _class->dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = _class->dataType; } } if(!result) { switch(type->kind) { case 6: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintFloat(*(float *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } case 7: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintDouble(*(double *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } case 3: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintInt(*(int *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } case 4: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintInt64(*(long long *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } case 22: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintInt64((long long)*(intptr_t *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } case 23: { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintInt64((long long)*(intptr_t *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } default: Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Unhandled type populating instance\n", (((void *)0)))); } } ListAdd(memberList, member); } if(parentDataMember->type == 1) break; } } extern struct MembersInit * MkMembersInitList(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * dataMembers); void PopulateInstance(struct Instantiation * inst) { struct Symbol * classSym = inst->_class->symbol; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = classSym->registered; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * dataMember; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * memberList = MkList(); inst->members = MkListOne(MkMembersInitList(memberList)); for(dataMember = _class->membersAndProperties.first; dataMember; dataMember = dataMember->next) { if(!dataMember->isProperty) { if(!dataMember->name && (dataMember->type == 2 || dataMember->type == 1)) PopulateInstanceProcessMember(inst, memberList, dataMember, dataMember->offset); else { struct Expression * exp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); struct MemberInit * member = MkMemberInit(MkListOne(MkIdentifier(dataMember->name)), MkInitializerAssignment(exp)); struct Type * type; void * ptr = inst->data + dataMember->offset; char * result = (((void *)0)); exp->loc = member->loc = inst->loc; ((struct Identifier *)(*member->identifiers).first)->loc = inst->loc; if(!dataMember->dataType) dataMember->dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = dataMember->dataType; if(type->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class->registered; if(_class->type == 4) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * enumClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__EnumClassData * e = (_class ? ((void *)(((char *)_class->data) + enumClass->offsetClass)) : (((void *)0))); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink * item; for(item = e->values.first; item; item = item->next) { if((int)item->data == *(int *)ptr) { result = item->name; break; } } } if(result) { exp->identifier = MkIdentifier(result); exp->type = 0; exp->destType = MkClassType(_class->fullName); ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } if(_class->type == 4 || _class->type == 3 || _class->type == 2) { if(!_class->dataType) _class->dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = _class->dataType; } } if(!result) { switch(type->kind) { case 6: { exp->constant = PrintFloat(*(float *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } case 7: { exp->constant = PrintDouble(*(double *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } case 3: { exp->constant = PrintInt(*(int *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } case 4: { exp->constant = PrintInt64(*(long long *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } case 22: { exp->constant = PrintInt64((long long)*(intptr_t *)ptr); exp->type = 2; break; } default: Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Unhandled type populating instance\n", (((void *)0)))); } } ListAdd(memberList, member); } } } } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMemberAndOffset(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, char * name, unsigned int * offset, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember ** subMemberStack, int * subMemberStackPos); extern void FreeInstance(struct Instantiation * inst); void ComputeInstantiation(struct Expression * exp) { struct Instantiation * inst = exp->instance; struct MembersInit * members; struct Symbol * classSym = inst->_class ? inst->_class->symbol : (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = classSym ? classSym->registered : (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * curMember = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * curClass = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * subMemberStack[256]; int subMemberStackPos = 0; uint64 bits = 0; if(_class && (_class->type == 1 || _class->type == 0 || _class->type == 5)) { if(inst->data) return ; if(_class->type == 0 || _class->type == 5) inst->data = (unsigned char *)__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(_class); else inst->data = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(sizeof(unsigned char) * (_class->structSize)); } if(inst->members) { for(members = (*inst->members).first; members; members = members->next) { switch(members->type) { case 0: { if(members->dataMembers) { struct MemberInit * member; for(member = (*members->dataMembers).first; member; member = member->next) { struct Identifier * ident = member->identifiers ? (*member->identifiers).first : (((void *)0)); unsigned int found = 0x0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * dataMember = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method = (((void *)0)); unsigned int dataMemberOffset; if(!ident) { __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindNextMember(_class, &curClass, &curMember, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); if(curMember) { if(curMember->isProperty) prop = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property *)curMember; else { dataMember = curMember; __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMemberAndOffset(_class, dataMember->name, &dataMemberOffset, privateModule, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); } found = 0x1; } } else { prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, ident->string, privateModule); if(prop) { found = 0x1; if(prop->memberAccess == 1) { curMember = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember *)prop; curClass = prop->_class; } } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * _subMemberStack[256]; int _subMemberStackPos = 0; dataMember = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMemberAndOffset(_class, ident->string, &dataMemberOffset, privateModule, _subMemberStack, &_subMemberStackPos); if(dataMember) { found = 0x1; if(dataMember->memberAccess == 1) { curMember = dataMember; curClass = dataMember->_class; memcpy(subMemberStack, _subMemberStack, sizeof(int) * _subMemberStackPos); subMemberStackPos = _subMemberStackPos; } } } } if(found && member->initializer && member->initializer->type == 0) { struct Expression * value = member->initializer->exp; struct Type * type = (((void *)0)); if(prop) { type = prop->dataType; } else if(dataMember) { if(!dataMember->dataType) dataMember->dataType = ProcessTypeString(dataMember->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = dataMember->dataType; } if(ident && ident->next) { for(ident = ident->next; ident && type; ident = ident->next) { if(type->kind == 8) { prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(type->_class->registered, ident->string, privateModule); if(prop) type = prop->dataType; else { dataMember = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMemberAndOffset(type->_class->registered, ident->string, &dataMemberOffset, privateModule, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); if(dataMember) type = dataMember->dataType; } } else if(type->kind == 9 || type->kind == 10) { struct Type * memberType; for(memberType = type->members.first; memberType; memberType = memberType->next) { if(!strcmp(memberType->name, ident->string)) { type = memberType; break; } } } } } if(value) { FreeType(value->destType); value->destType = type; if(type) type->refCount++; ComputeExpression(value); } if(value && (_class->type == 1 || _class->type == 0 || _class->type == 5)) { if(type->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class->registered; if(_class->type == 2 || _class->type == 3 || _class->type == 4) { if(!_class->dataType) _class->dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = _class->dataType; } } if(dataMember) { void * ptr = inst->data + dataMemberOffset; if(value->type == 2) { switch(type->kind) { case 3: { GetInt(value, (int *)ptr); break; } case 4: { GetInt64(value, (long long *)ptr); break; } case 22: { GetIntPtr(value, (intptr_t *)ptr); break; } case 23: { GetIntSize(value, (ssize_t *)ptr); break; } case 6: { GetFloat(value, (float *)ptr); break; } case 7: { GetDouble(value, (double *)ptr); break; } } } else if(value->type == 1) { if(type->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class->registered; if(_class->type == 1) { ComputeTypeSize(type); if(value->instance->data) memcpy(ptr, value->instance->data, type->size); } } } } else if(prop) { if(value->type == 1 && value->instance->data) { void (* Set)(void *, void *) = (void *)prop->Set; Set(inst->data, value->instance->data); PopulateInstance(inst); } else if(value->type == 2) { switch(type->kind) { case 7: { void (* Set)(void *, double) = (void *)prop->Set; Set(inst->data, strtod(value->constant, (((void *)0)))); break; } case 6: { void (* Set)(void *, float) = (void *)prop->Set; Set(inst->data, (float)(strtod(value->constant, (((void *)0))))); break; } case 3: { void (* Set)(void *, int) = (void *)prop->Set; Set(inst->data, strtol(value->constant, (((void *)0)), 0)); break; } case 4: { void (* Set)(void *, long long) = (void *)prop->Set; Set(inst->data, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoi64(value->constant, (((void *)0)), 0)); break; } case 22: { void (* Set)(void *, intptr_t) = (void *)prop->Set; Set(inst->data, (intptr_t)__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoi64(value->constant, (((void *)0)), 0)); break; } case 23: { void (* Set)(void *, ssize_t) = (void *)prop->Set; Set(inst->data, (ssize_t)__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com___strtoi64(value->constant, (((void *)0)), 0)); break; } } } else if(value->type == 3) { char temp[1024]; ReadString(temp, value->string); ((void (*)(void *, void *))(void *)prop->Set)(inst->data, temp); } } } else if(_class->type == 3) { if(prop) { if(value->type == 2) { if(type->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class->registered; if(_class->type == 3) { if(!_class->dataType) _class->dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = _class->dataType; } } switch(type->kind) { case 6: { float fValue; float (* Set)(float) = (void *)prop->Set; GetFloat(member->initializer->exp, &fValue); exp->constant = PrintFloat(Set(fValue)); exp->type = 2; break; } case 7: { double dValue; double (* Set)(double) = (void *)prop->Set; GetDouble(member->initializer->exp, &dValue); exp->constant = PrintDouble(Set(dValue)); exp->type = 2; break; } } } } } else if(_class->type == 2) { if(prop) { if(value->type == 1 && value->instance->data) { unsigned int (* Set)(void *) = (void *)prop->Set; bits = Set(value->instance->data); } else if(value->type == 2) { } } else if(dataMember) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BitMember * bitMember = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__BitMember *)dataMember; struct Type * type; int part = 0; GetInt(value, &part); bits = (bits & ~bitMember->mask); if(!bitMember->dataType) bitMember->dataType = ProcessTypeString(bitMember->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = bitMember->dataType; if(type->kind == 8 && type->_class && type->_class->registered) { if(!type->_class->registered->dataType) type->_class->registered->dataType = ProcessTypeString(type->_class->registered->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = type->_class->registered->dataType; } switch(type->kind) { case 1: if(type->isSigned) bits |= ((char)part << bitMember->pos); else bits |= ((unsigned char)part << bitMember->pos); break; case 2: if(type->isSigned) bits |= ((short)part << bitMember->pos); else bits |= ((unsigned short)part << bitMember->pos); break; case 3: case 5: if(type->isSigned) bits |= (part << bitMember->pos); else bits |= ((unsigned int)part << bitMember->pos); break; case 4: if(type->isSigned) bits |= ((long long)part << bitMember->pos); else bits |= ((uint64)part << bitMember->pos); break; case 22: if(type->isSigned) { bits |= ((intptr_t)part << bitMember->pos); } else { bits |= ((uintptr_t)part << bitMember->pos); } break; case 23: if(type->isSigned) { bits |= ((ssize_t)part << bitMember->pos); } else { bits |= ((size_t)part << bitMember->pos); } break; } } } } else { if(_class && _class->type == 3) { ComputeExpression(member->initializer->exp); exp->constant = member->initializer->exp->constant; exp->type = 2; member->initializer->exp->constant = (((void *)0)); } } } } break; } } } } if(_class && _class->type == 2) { exp->constant = PrintHexUInt(bits); exp->type = 2; } if(exp->type != 1) { FreeInstance(inst); } } void CallOperator(struct Expression * exp, struct Expression * exp1, struct Expression * exp2, struct Operand * op1, struct Operand * op2) { if(exp->op.op == SIZEOF) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->type = 2; exp->constant = PrintUInt(ComputeTypeSize(op1->type)); } else { if(!exp->op.exp1) { switch(exp->op.op) { case '+': { struct Expression * exp2 = exp->op.exp2; exp->op.exp2 = (((void *)0)); FreeExpContents(exp); FreeType(exp->expType); FreeType(exp->destType); *exp = *exp2; ((exp2 ? (__ecereClass_Expression->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Expression->Destructor(exp2) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(exp2)) : 0), exp2 = 0); break; } case '-': if(op1->ops.Neg) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Neg(exp, op1); } break; case '~': if(op1->ops.BitNot) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.BitNot(exp, op1); } break; case '!': if(op1->ops.Not) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Not(exp, op1); } break; } } else { switch(exp->op.op) { case '+': if(op1->ops.Add) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Add(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '-': if(op1->ops.Sub) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Sub(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '*': if(op1->ops.Mul) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Mul(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '/': if(op1->ops.Div) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Div(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '%': if(op1->ops.Mod) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Mod(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '&': if(exp->op.exp2) { if(op1->ops.BitAnd) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.BitAnd(exp, op1, op2); } } break; case '|': if(op1->ops.BitOr) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.BitOr(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '^': if(op1->ops.BitXor) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.BitXor(exp, op1, op2); } break; case LEFT_OP: if(op1->ops.LShift) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.LShift(exp, op1, op2); } break; case RIGHT_OP: if(op1->ops.RShift) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.RShift(exp, op1, op2); } break; case EQ_OP: if(op1->ops.Equ) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Equ(exp, op1, op2); } break; case NE_OP: if(op1->ops.Nqu) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Nqu(exp, op1, op2); } break; case AND_OP: if(op1->ops.And) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.And(exp, op1, op2); } break; case OR_OP: if(op1->ops.Or) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Or(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '>': if(op1->ops.Grt) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Grt(exp, op1, op2); } break; case '<': if(op1->ops.Sma) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.Sma(exp, op1, op2); } break; case GE_OP: if(op1->ops.GrtEqu) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.GrtEqu(exp, op1, op2); } break; case LE_OP: if(op1->ops.SmaEqu) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1->ops.SmaEqu(exp, op1, op2); } break; } } } } extern struct Expression * MkExpIdentifier(struct Identifier * id); void ComputeExpression(struct Expression * exp) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; switch(exp->type) { case 1: { ComputeInstantiation(exp); break; } case 4: { struct Expression * exp1, * exp2 = (((void *)0)); struct Operand op1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; struct Operand op2 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; if(exp->op.exp2) ComputeExpression(exp->op.exp2); if(exp->op.exp1) { ComputeExpression(exp->op.exp1); exp1 = exp->op.exp1; exp2 = exp->op.exp2; op1 = GetOperand(exp1); if(op1.type) op1.type->refCount++; if(exp2) { op2 = GetOperand(exp2); if(op2.type) op2.type->refCount++; } } else { exp1 = exp->op.exp2; op1 = GetOperand(exp1); if(op1.type) op1.type->refCount++; } CallOperator(exp, exp1, exp2, &op1, &op2); if(op1.type) FreeType(op1.type); if(op2.type) FreeType(op2.type); break; } case 5: case 34: { struct Expression * e, * n; for(e = (*exp->list).first; e; e = n) { n = e->next; if(!n) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list = exp->list; ComputeExpression(e); FreeType(exp->expType); FreeType(exp->destType); *exp = *e; ((e ? (__ecereClass_Expression->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Expression->Destructor(e) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(e)) : 0), e = 0); (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(list), list = 0); } else { FreeExpression(e); } } break; } case 8: { struct Expression * memberExp = exp->member.exp; struct Identifier * memberID = exp->member.member; struct Type * type; ComputeExpression(exp->member.exp); type = exp->member.exp->expType; if(type) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = (exp->member.member && exp->member.member->classSym) ? exp->member.member->classSym->registered : (((type->kind == 8 || type->kind == 19) && type->_class) ? type->_class->registered : (((void *)0))); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * member = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * convertTo = (((void *)0)); if(type->kind == 19 && exp->member.exp->type == 26) _class = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::com::Class"); if(!_class) { char string[256]; struct Symbol * classSym; string[0] = '\0'; PrintType(type, string, 0x0, 0x1); classSym = FindClass(string); _class = classSym ? classSym->registered : (((void *)0)); } if(exp->member.member) { prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, exp->member.member->string, privateModule); if(!prop) member = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMember(_class, exp->member.member->string, privateModule, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); } if(!prop && !member && _class && exp->member.member) { struct Symbol * classSym = FindClass(exp->member.member->string); convertTo = _class; _class = classSym ? classSym->registered : (((void *)0)); prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, convertTo->fullName, privateModule); } if(prop) { if(prop->compiled) { struct Type * type = prop->dataType; if(_class->type == 3) { if(type->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class->registered; if(_class->type == 3) { if(!_class->dataType) _class->dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = _class->dataType; } } switch(type->kind) { case 6: { float value; float (* Get)(float) = (void *)prop->Get; GetFloat(exp->member.exp, &value); exp->constant = PrintFloat(Get ? Get(value) : value); exp->type = 2; break; } case 7: { double value; double (* Get)(double); GetDouble(exp->member.exp, &value); if(convertTo) Get = (void *)prop->Set; else Get = (void *)prop->Get; exp->constant = PrintDouble(Get ? Get(value) : value); exp->type = 2; break; } } } else { if(convertTo) { struct Expression * value = exp->member.exp; struct Type * type; if(!prop->dataType) ProcessPropertyType(prop); type = prop->dataType; if(!type) { } else if(_class->type == 1) { switch(type->kind) { case 8: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * propertyClass = type->_class->registered; if(propertyClass->type == 1 && value->type == 1) { void (* Set)(void *, void *) = (void *)prop->Set; exp->instance = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Instantiation); exp->instance->data = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(sizeof(unsigned char) * (_class->structSize)); exp->instance->_class = MkSpecifierName(_class->fullName); exp->instance->loc = exp->loc; exp->type = 1; Set(exp->instance->data, value->instance->data); PopulateInstance(exp->instance); } break; } case 3: { int intValue; void (* Set)(void *, int) = (void *)prop->Set; exp->instance = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Instantiation); exp->instance->data = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(sizeof(unsigned char) * (_class->structSize)); exp->instance->_class = MkSpecifierName(_class->fullName); exp->instance->loc = exp->loc; exp->type = 1; GetInt(value, &intValue); Set(exp->instance->data, intValue); PopulateInstance(exp->instance); break; } case 4: { long long intValue; void (* Set)(void *, long long) = (void *)prop->Set; exp->instance = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Instantiation); exp->instance->data = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(sizeof(unsigned char) * (_class->structSize)); exp->instance->_class = MkSpecifierName(_class->fullName); exp->instance->loc = exp->loc; exp->type = 1; GetInt64(value, &intValue); Set(exp->instance->data, intValue); PopulateInstance(exp->instance); break; } case 22: { intptr_t intValue; void (* Set)(void *, intptr_t) = (void *)prop->Set; exp->instance = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Instantiation); exp->instance->data = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(sizeof(unsigned char) * (_class->structSize)); exp->instance->_class = MkSpecifierName(_class->fullName); exp->instance->loc = exp->loc; exp->type = 1; GetIntPtr(value, &intValue); Set(exp->instance->data, intValue); PopulateInstance(exp->instance); break; } case 23: { ssize_t intValue; void (* Set)(void *, ssize_t) = (void *)prop->Set; exp->instance = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Instantiation); exp->instance->data = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(sizeof(unsigned char) * (_class->structSize)); exp->instance->_class = MkSpecifierName(_class->fullName); exp->instance->loc = exp->loc; exp->type = 1; GetIntSize(value, &intValue); Set(exp->instance->data, intValue); PopulateInstance(exp->instance); break; } case 7: { double doubleValue; void (* Set)(void *, double) = (void *)prop->Set; exp->instance = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Instantiation); exp->instance->data = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(sizeof(unsigned char) * (_class->structSize)); exp->instance->_class = MkSpecifierName(_class->fullName); exp->instance->loc = exp->loc; exp->type = 1; GetDouble(value, &doubleValue); Set(exp->instance->data, doubleValue); PopulateInstance(exp->instance); break; } } } else if(_class->type == 2) { switch(type->kind) { case 8: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * propertyClass = type->_class->registered; if(propertyClass->type == 1 && value->instance->data) { unsigned int (* Set)(void *) = (void *)prop->Set; unsigned int bits = Set(value->instance->data); exp->constant = PrintHexUInt(bits); exp->type = 2; break; } else if(_class->type == 2) { unsigned int value; unsigned int (* Set)(unsigned int) = (void *)prop->Set; unsigned int bits; GetUInt(exp->member.exp, &value); bits = Set(value); exp->constant = PrintHexUInt(bits); exp->type = 2; } } } } } else { if(_class->type == 2) { unsigned int value; GetUInt(exp->member.exp, &value); switch(type->kind) { case 8: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class->registered; if(_class->type == 1) { void (* Get)(unsigned int, void *) = (void *)prop->Get; exp->instance = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Instantiation); exp->instance->data = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(sizeof(unsigned char) * (_class->structSize)); exp->instance->_class = MkSpecifierName(_class->fullName); exp->instance->loc = exp->loc; exp->type = 1; Get(value, exp->instance->data); PopulateInstance(exp->instance); } else if(_class->type == 2) { unsigned int (* Get)(unsigned int) = (void *)prop->Get; uint64 bits = Get(value); exp->constant = PrintHexUInt64(bits); exp->type = 2; } break; } } } else if(_class->type == 1) { char * value = (exp->member.exp->type == 1) ? exp->member.exp->instance->data : (((void *)0)); switch(type->kind) { case 8: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class->registered; if(_class->type == 1 && value) { void (* Get)(void *, void *) = (void *)prop->Get; exp->instance = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Instantiation); exp->instance->data = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(sizeof(unsigned char) * (_class->structSize)); exp->instance->_class = MkSpecifierName(_class->fullName); exp->instance->loc = exp->loc; exp->type = 1; Get(value, exp->instance->data); PopulateInstance(exp->instance); } break; } } } } } } else { exp->isConstant = 0x0; } } else if(member) { } } if(exp->type != 8) { FreeExpression(memberExp); FreeIdentifier(memberID); } break; } case 10: { struct Type * type = ProcessType(exp->typeName->qualifiers, exp->typeName->declarator); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintUInt(ComputeTypeSize(type)); exp->type = 2; FreeType(type); break; } case 15: { struct Symbol * classSym = exp->_class->symbol; if(classSym && classSym->registered) { if(classSym->registered->fixed) { FreeSpecifier(exp->_class); exp->constant = PrintUInt(classSym->registered->templateClass ? classSym->registered->templateClass->structSize : classSym->registered->structSize); exp->type = 2; } else { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym->string, 0x1); MangleClassName(className); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->type = 9; exp->member.exp = MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)); exp->member.member = MkIdentifier("structSize"); } } break; } case 11: { struct Type * type; struct Expression * e = exp; if(exp->type == 11) { if(exp->cast.exp) ComputeExpression(exp->cast.exp); e = exp->cast.exp; } if(e && exp->expType) { type = exp->expType; if(type->kind == 8) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->_class->registered; if(_class && (_class->type == 3 || _class->type == 2)) { if(!_class->dataType) _class->dataType = ProcessTypeString(_class->dataTypeString, 0x0); type = _class->dataType; } } switch(type->kind) { case 1: if(type->isSigned) { char value; GetChar(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintChar(value); exp->type = 2; } else { unsigned char value; GetUChar(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintUChar(value); exp->type = 2; } break; case 2: if(type->isSigned) { short value; GetShort(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintShort(value); exp->type = 2; } else { unsigned short value; GetUShort(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintUShort(value); exp->type = 2; } break; case 3: if(type->isSigned) { int value; GetInt(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintInt(value); exp->type = 2; } else { unsigned int value; GetUInt(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintUInt(value); exp->type = 2; } break; case 4: if(type->isSigned) { long long value; GetInt64(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintInt64(value); exp->type = 2; } else { uint64 value; GetUInt64(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintUInt64(value); exp->type = 2; } break; case 22: if(type->isSigned) { intptr_t value; GetIntPtr(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintInt64((long long)value); exp->type = 2; } else { uintptr_t value; GetUIntPtr(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintUInt64((uint64)value); exp->type = 2; } break; case 23: if(type->isSigned) { ssize_t value; GetIntSize(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintInt64((long long)value); exp->type = 2; } else { size_t value; GetUIntSize(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintUInt64((uint64)value); exp->type = 2; } break; case 6: { float value; GetFloat(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintFloat(value); exp->type = 2; break; } case 7: { double value; GetDouble(e, &value); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->constant = PrintDouble(value); exp->type = 2; break; } } } break; } case 12: { struct Operand op1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; struct Operand op2 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; struct Operand op3 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; if(exp->cond.exp) ComputeExpression((*exp->cond.exp).last); if(exp->cond.elseExp) ComputeExpression(exp->cond.elseExp); if(exp->cond.cond) ComputeExpression(exp->cond.cond); op1 = GetOperand(exp->cond.cond); if(op1.type) op1.type->refCount++; op2 = GetOperand((*exp->cond.exp).last); if(op2.type) op2.type->refCount++; op3 = GetOperand(exp->cond.elseExp); if(op3.type) op3.type->refCount++; if(op1.ops.Cond) { FreeExpContents(exp); op1.ops.Cond(exp, &op1, &op2, &op3); } if(op1.type) FreeType(op1.type); if(op2.type) FreeType(op2.type); if(op3.type) FreeType(op3.type); break; } } } void ApplyAnyObjectLogic(struct Expression * e); extern void CopyTypeInto(struct Type * type, struct Type * src); static unsigned int CheckExpressionType(struct Expression * exp, struct Type * destType, unsigned int skipUnitBla) { unsigned int result = 0x1; if(destType) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList converts = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; struct Conversion * convert; if(destType->kind == 0) return 0x0; if(!MatchTypeExpression(exp, destType, &converts, skipUnitBla)) result = 0x0; if(converts.count) { for(convert = converts.first; convert; convert = convert->next) { unsigned int empty = !(convert->isGet ? (void *)convert->convert->Get : (void *)convert->convert->Set); if(!empty) { struct Expression * newExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); int objectType = exp->expType ? exp->expType->classObjectType : 0; *newExp = *exp; newExp->destType = (((void *)0)); if(convert->isGet) { exp->type = 8; exp->addedThis = 0x1; exp->member.exp = newExp; FreeType(exp->member.exp->expType); exp->member.exp->expType = MkClassType(convert->convert->_class->fullName); exp->member.exp->expType->classObjectType = objectType; exp->member.member = MkIdentifier(convert->convert->dataTypeString); exp->member.memberType = 1; exp->expType = convert->resultType ? convert->resultType : convert->convert->dataType; exp->needCast = 0x1; if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount++; ApplyAnyObjectLogic(exp->member.exp); } else { { exp->type = 8; exp->addedThis = 0x1; exp->member.exp = newExp; if(newExp->expType && newExp->expType->kind == 8 && newExp->expType->_class && newExp->expType->_class->registered && newExp->expType->_class->registered->type == 5) { newExp->byReference = 0x1; } FreeType(exp->member.exp->expType); exp->member.exp->expType = (((void *)0)); if(convert->convert->dataType) { exp->member.exp->expType = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); CopyTypeInto(exp->member.exp->expType, convert->convert->dataType); exp->member.exp->expType->refCount = 1; exp->member.exp->expType->classObjectType = objectType; ApplyAnyObjectLogic(exp->member.exp); } exp->member.member = MkIdentifier(convert->convert->_class->fullName); exp->member.memberType = 4; exp->expType = convert->resultType ? convert->resultType : MkClassType(convert->convert->_class->fullName); exp->needCast = 0x1; if(convert->resultType) convert->resultType->refCount++; } } } else { FreeType(exp->expType); if(convert->isGet) { exp->expType = convert->resultType ? convert->resultType : convert->convert->dataType; exp->needCast = 0x1; if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount++; } else { exp->expType = convert->resultType ? convert->resultType : MkClassType(convert->convert->_class->fullName); exp->needCast = 0x1; if(convert->resultType) convert->resultType->refCount++; } } } if(exp->isConstant && inCompiler) ComputeExpression(exp); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Free(&converts, FreeConvert); } if(!result && exp->expType && converts.count) { result = MatchTypes(exp->expType, exp->destType, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0); } if(!result && exp->expType && exp->destType) { if((exp->destType->kind == 8 && exp->expType->kind == 13 && exp->expType->type->kind == 8 && exp->expType->type->_class == exp->destType->_class && exp->destType->_class->registered && exp->destType->_class->registered->type == 1) || (exp->expType->kind == 8 && exp->destType->kind == 13 && exp->destType->type->kind == 8 && exp->destType->type->_class == exp->expType->_class && exp->expType->_class->registered && exp->expType->_class->registered->type == 1)) result = 0x1; } } return result; } extern struct Statement * MkCompoundStmt(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * declarations, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * statements); extern struct Statement * MkExpressionStmt(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * expressions); extern struct Expression * MkExpMember(struct Expression * expression, struct Identifier * member); void CheckTemplateTypes(struct Expression * exp) { if(exp->destType && exp->destType->passAsTemplate && exp->expType && exp->expType->kind != 20 && !exp->expType->passAsTemplate) { struct Expression * newExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); struct Statement * compound; struct Context * context; *newExp = *exp; if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount++; if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount++; newExp->prev = (((void *)0)); newExp->next = (((void *)0)); switch(exp->expType->kind) { case 7: if(exp->destType->classObjectType) { if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount--; if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount--; ((newExp ? (__ecereClass_Expression->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Expression->Destructor(newExp) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(newExp)) : 0), newExp = 0); } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * unionDefs = MkList(); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * statements = MkList(); context = PushContext(); ListAdd(unionDefs, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("d"))), (((void *)0))))); ListAdd(unionDefs, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("i"))), (((void *)0))))); specs = MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(4, (((void *)0)), unionDefs)); exp->type = 25; exp->compound = MkCompoundStmt(MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), (((void *)0)))))), statements); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), MkIdentifier("d")), '=', newExp)))); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), MkIdentifier("i"))))); exp->compound->compound.context = context; PopContext(context); } break; default: exp->type = 11; exp->cast.typeName = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), (((void *)0))); exp->cast.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(newExp)); break; } } else if(exp->expType && exp->expType->passAsTemplate && exp->destType && ((unsigned int)((exp->usage & 0x1) >> 0)) && exp->destType->kind != 20 && !exp->destType->passAsTemplate) { struct Expression * newExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); struct Statement * compound; struct Context * context; *newExp = *exp; if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount++; if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount++; newExp->prev = (((void *)0)); newExp->next = (((void *)0)); switch(exp->expType->kind) { case 7: if(exp->destType->classObjectType) { if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount--; if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount--; ((newExp ? (__ecereClass_Expression->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Expression->Destructor(newExp) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(newExp)) : 0), newExp = 0); } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * unionDefs = MkList(); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * statements = MkList(); context = PushContext(); ListAdd(unionDefs, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("d"))), (((void *)0))))); ListAdd(unionDefs, MkClassDefDeclaration(MkStructDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), MkListOne(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("i"))), (((void *)0))))); specs = MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(4, (((void *)0)), unionDefs)); exp->type = 25; exp->compound = MkCompoundStmt(MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), (((void *)0)))))), statements); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), MkIdentifier("i")), '=', newExp)))); ListAdd(statements, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internal_union")), MkIdentifier("d"))))); exp->compound->compound.context = context; PopContext(context); } break; case 8: { if(exp->expType->_class && exp->expType->_class->registered && exp->expType->_class->registered->type == 1) { exp->type = 5; exp->list = MkListOne(MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '*', MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(exp->expType->_class->string)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), newExp))); ProcessExpressionType((*exp->list).first); break; } else { exp->type = 5; exp->list = MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(exp->expType->_class->string)), (((void *)0))), newExp)); newExp->needCast = 0x1; ProcessExpressionType((*exp->list).first); break; } } default: { if(exp->expType->kind == 20) { struct Type * type = ProcessTemplateParameterType(exp->expType->templateParameter); if(type) { FreeType(exp->destType); FreeType(exp->expType); ((newExp ? (__ecereClass_Expression->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Expression->Destructor(newExp) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(newExp)) : 0), newExp = 0); break; } } if(newExp->type == 8 && newExp->member.memberType == 3) { exp->type = 4; exp->op.op = '*'; exp->op.exp1 = (((void *)0)); exp->op.exp2 = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("uint64")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '&', newExp)))); } else { char typeString[1024]; struct Declarator * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); typeString[0] = '\0'; PrintType(exp->expType, typeString, 0x0, 0x0); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, (((void *)0))); exp->type = 11; exp->cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); exp->cast.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(newExp)); exp->cast.exp->needCast = 0x1; } break; } } } } extern int strncmp(const char * , const char * , size_t n); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindPrefix(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree * this, char * key); static struct Symbol * ScanWithNameSpace(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree * tree, char * nameSpace, char * name) { int nsLen = strlen(nameSpace); struct Symbol * symbol; for(symbol = (struct Symbol *)__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindPrefix(tree, nameSpace); symbol; symbol = (struct Symbol *)__ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode_Get_next(((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)symbol))) { char * s = symbol->string; if(!strncmp(s, nameSpace, nsLen)) { int c; char * namePart; for(c = strlen(s) - 1; c >= 0; c--) if(s[c] == ':') break; namePart = s + c + 1; if(!strcmp(namePart, name)) { return symbol; } } else break; } return (((void *)0)); } static struct Symbol * FindWithNameSpace(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree * tree, char * name) { int c; char nameSpace[1024]; char * namePart; unsigned int gotColon = 0x0; nameSpace[0] = '\0'; for(c = strlen(name) - 1; c >= 0; c--) if(name[c] == ':') { gotColon = 0x1; break; } namePart = name + c + 1; while(c >= 0 && name[c] == ':') c--; if(c >= 0) { struct Symbol * symbol = (struct Symbol *)__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindString(tree, name); if(symbol) return symbol; memcpy(nameSpace, name, c + 1); nameSpace[c + 1] = (char)0; return ScanWithNameSpace(tree, nameSpace, namePart); } else if(gotColon) { struct Symbol * symbol = (struct Symbol *)__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindString(tree, namePart); return symbol; } else { struct Symbol * symbol = (struct Symbol *)__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindString(tree, namePart); if(symbol) return symbol; return ScanWithNameSpace(tree, "", namePart); } return (((void *)0)); } static void ProcessDeclaration(struct Declaration * decl); struct Symbol * FindSymbol(char * name, struct Context * startContext, struct Context * endContext, unsigned int isStruct, unsigned int globalNameSpace) { struct Context * ctx; struct Symbol * symbol = (((void *)0)); for(ctx = startContext; ctx && !symbol; ctx = ctx->parent) { if(ctx == globalContext && !globalNameSpace && ctx->hasNameSpace) { symbol = (((void *)0)); if(thisNameSpace) { char curName[1024]; strcpy(curName, thisNameSpace); strcat(curName, "::"); strcat(curName, name); symbol = FindWithNameSpace(isStruct ? &ctx->structSymbols : &ctx->symbols, curName); } if(!symbol) symbol = FindWithNameSpace(isStruct ? &ctx->structSymbols : &ctx->symbols, name); } else symbol = (struct Symbol *)__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindString((isStruct ? &ctx->structSymbols : &ctx->symbols), name); if(symbol || ctx == endContext) break; } if(inCompiler && curExternal && symbol && ctx == globalContext && curExternal->symbol && symbol->id > curExternal->symbol->idCode && symbol->pointerExternal) { if(symbol->pointerExternal->type == 0) { struct FunctionDefinition * function = symbol->pointerExternal->function; struct Context * tmpContext = curContext; curContext = (((void *)0)); symbol->pointerExternal = MkExternalDeclaration(MkDeclaration(CopyList(function->specifiers, CopySpecifier), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(CopyDeclarator(function->declarator), (((void *)0)))))); curContext = tmpContext; symbol->pointerExternal->symbol = symbol; DeclareType(symbol->type, 0x1, 0x1); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), curExternal->prev, symbol->pointerExternal); symbol->id = curExternal->symbol->idCode; } else if(symbol->pointerExternal->type == 1 && curExternal->symbol->idCode < symbol->pointerExternal->symbol->id) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Move((&*ast), symbol->pointerExternal, curExternal->prev); symbol->id = curExternal->symbol->idCode; } } return symbol; } static void GetTypeSpecs(struct Type * type, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs) { if(!type->isSigned && type->kind != 22 && type->kind != 23) ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(UNSIGNED)); switch(type->kind) { case 8: { if(type->_class->registered) { if(!type->_class->registered->dataType) type->_class->registered->dataType = ProcessTypeString(type->_class->registered->dataTypeString, 0x0); GetTypeSpecs(type->_class->registered->dataType, specs); } break; } case 7: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(DOUBLE)); break; case 6: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(FLOAT)); break; case 1: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(CHAR)); break; case 2: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(SHORT)); break; case 4: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT64)); break; case 22: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifierName(type->isSigned ? "intptr" : "uintptr")); break; case 23: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifierName(type->isSigned ? "intsize" : "uintsize")); break; case 3: default: ListAdd(specs, MkSpecifier(INT)); break; } } extern char * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__RSearchString(char * buffer, char * subStr, int maxLen, unsigned int matchCase, unsigned int matchWord); static void _PrintType(struct Type * type, char * string, unsigned int printName, unsigned int printFunction, unsigned int fullName) { if(type) { switch(type->kind) { case 8: if(type->_class && type->_class->string) { if(type->classObjectType == 2) strcat(string, "typed_object"); else if(fullName) strcat(string, type->_class->string); else { if(type->_class->registered) strcat(string, type->_class->registered->name); else strcat(string, type->_class->string); } } break; case 13: { { _PrintType(type->type, string, 0x0, printFunction, fullName); strcat(string, " *"); } break; } case 0: strcat(string, "void"); break; case 3: strcat(string, type->isSigned ? "int" : "uint"); break; case 4: strcat(string, type->isSigned ? "int64" : "uint64"); break; case 22: strcat(string, type->isSigned ? "intptr" : "uintptr"); break; case 23: strcat(string, type->isSigned ? "intsize" : "uintsize"); break; case 1: strcat(string, type->isSigned ? "char" : "byte"); break; case 2: strcat(string, type->isSigned ? "short" : "uint16"); break; case 6: strcat(string, "float"); break; case 7: strcat(string, "double"); break; case 9: if(type->enumName) { strcat(string, "struct "); strcat(string, type->enumName); } else if(type->typeName) { strcat(string, type->typeName); } else { struct Type * member; strcat(string, "struct {"); for(member = type->members.first; member; member = member->next) { PrintType(member, string, 0x1, fullName); strcat(string, "; "); } strcat(string, "}"); } break; case 10: if(type->enumName) { strcat(string, "union "); strcat(string, type->enumName); } else if(type->typeName) { strcat(string, type->typeName); } else { strcat(string, "union "); strcat(string, "(unnamed)"); } break; case 15: if(type->enumName) { strcat(string, "enum "); strcat(string, type->enumName); } else if(type->typeName) { strcat(string, type->typeName); } else strcat(string, "enum"); break; case 11: { if(printFunction) { if(type->dllExport) strcat(string, "dllexport "); PrintType(type->returnType, string, 0x0, fullName); strcat(string, " "); } if(printName) { if(type->name) { if(fullName) strcat(string, type->name); else { char * name = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__RSearchString(type->name, "::", strlen(type->name), 0x1, 0x0); if(name) name += 2; else name = type->name; strcat(string, name); } } } if(printFunction) { struct Type * param; strcat(string, "("); for(param = type->params.first; param; param = param->next) { PrintType(param, string, 0x1, fullName); if(param->next) strcat(string, ", "); } strcat(string, ")"); } break; } case 12: { { char baseType[1024], size[256]; struct Type * arrayType = type; baseType[0] = '\0'; size[0] = '\0'; while(arrayType->kind == 12) { strcat(size, "["); if(arrayType->enumClass) strcat(size, arrayType->enumClass->string); else if(arrayType->arraySizeExp) PrintExpression(arrayType->arraySizeExp, size); strcat(size, "]"); arrayType = arrayType->arrayType; } _PrintType(arrayType, baseType, printName, printFunction, fullName); strcat(string, baseType); strcat(string, size); } printName = 0x0; break; } case 14: strcat(string, "..."); break; case 16: _PrintType(type->method->dataType, string, 0x0, printFunction, fullName); break; case 19: strcat(string, "subclass("); strcat(string, type->_class ? type->_class->string : "int"); strcat(string, ")"); break; case 20: strcat(string, type->templateParameter->identifier->string); break; case 21: strcat(string, "thisclass"); break; case 17: strcat(string, "__builtin_va_list"); break; } if(type->name && printName && type->kind != 11 && (type->kind != 13 || type->type->kind != 11)) { strcat(string, " "); strcat(string, type->name); } } } void PrintType(struct Type * type, char * string, unsigned int printName, unsigned int fullName) { struct Type * funcType; for(funcType = type; funcType && (funcType->kind == 13 || funcType->kind == 12); funcType = funcType->type) ; if(funcType && funcType->kind == 11 && type != funcType) { char typeString[1024]; struct Type * param; PrintType(funcType->returnType, string, 0x0, fullName); strcat(string, "("); _PrintType(type, string, printName, 0x0, fullName); strcat(string, ")"); strcat(string, "("); for(param = funcType->params.first; param; param = param->next) { PrintType(param, string, 0x1, fullName); if(param->next) strcat(string, ", "); } strcat(string, ")"); } else _PrintType(type, string, printName, 0x1, fullName); if(type->bitFieldCount) { char count[100]; sprintf(count, ":%d", type->bitFieldCount); strcat(string, count); } } static struct Type * FindMember(struct Type * type, char * string) { struct Type * memberType; for(memberType = type->members.first; memberType; memberType = memberType->next) { if(!memberType->name) { struct Type * subType = FindMember(memberType, string); if(subType) return subType; } else if(!strcmp(memberType->name, string)) return memberType; } return (((void *)0)); } struct Type * FindMemberAndOffset(struct Type * type, char * string, unsigned int * offset) { struct Type * memberType; for(memberType = type->members.first; memberType; memberType = memberType->next) { if(!memberType->name) { struct Type * subType = FindMember(memberType, string); if(subType) { *offset += memberType->offset; return subType; } } else if(!strcmp(memberType->name, string)) { *offset += memberType->offset; return memberType; } } return (((void *)0)); } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * fileInput; int __ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__File_Write; struct Expression * ParseExpressionString(char * expression) { fileInput = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__TempFile); ((int (*)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance *, void * buffer, unsigned int size, unsigned int count))fileInput->_vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__File_Write])(fileInput, expression, 1, strlen(expression)); ((unsigned int (*)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance *, int pos, int mode))fileInput->_vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__File_Seek])(fileInput, 0, 0); echoOn = 0x0; parsedExpression = (((void *)0)); resetScanner(); expression_yyparse(); (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_DecRef(fileInput), fileInput = 0); return parsedExpression; } extern char * QMkString(char * source); static unsigned int ResolveIdWithClass(struct Expression * exp, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, unsigned int skipIDClassCheck) { struct Identifier * id = exp->identifier; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * member = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassProperty * classProp = (((void *)0)); if(_class && _class->type == 4) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink * value = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * enumClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "enum"); if(enumClass) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * baseClass; for(baseClass = _class; baseClass && baseClass->type == 4; baseClass = baseClass->base) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__EnumClassData * e = (baseClass ? ((void *)(((char *)baseClass->data) + enumClass->offsetClass)) : (((void *)0))); for(value = e->values.first; value; value = value->next) { if(!strcmp(value->name, id->string)) break; } if(value) { char constant[256]; FreeExpContents(exp); exp->type = 2; exp->isConstant = 0x1; if(!strcmp(baseClass->dataTypeString, "int")) sprintf(constant, "%d", value->data); else sprintf(constant, "0x%X", value->data); exp->constant = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(constant); exp->expType = MkClassType(baseClass->fullName); break; } } } if(value) return 0x1; } if((method = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindMethod(_class, id->string, privateModule))) { ProcessMethodType(method); exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 16, __ecereInstance1->method = method, __ecereInstance1->methodClass = (skipIDClassCheck || (id && id->_class)) ? _class : (((void *)0)), __ecereInstance1; }); return 0x1; } else if((prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, id->string, privateModule))) { if(!prop->dataType) ProcessPropertyType(prop); exp->expType = prop->dataType; if(prop->dataType) prop->dataType->refCount++; return 0x1; } else if((member = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id->string, privateModule, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))))) { if(!member->dataType) member->dataType = ProcessTypeString(member->dataTypeString, 0x0); exp->expType = member->dataType; if(member->dataType) member->dataType->refCount++; return 0x1; } else if((classProp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindClassProperty(_class, id->string))) { if(!classProp->dataType) classProp->dataType = ProcessTypeString(classProp->dataTypeString, 0x0); if(classProp->constant) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->isConstant = 0x1; if(classProp->dataType->kind == 13 && classProp->dataType->type->kind == 1) { exp->type = 3; exp->constant = QMkString((char *)classProp->Get(_class)); } else { char constant[256]; exp->type = 2; sprintf(constant, "%d", (int)classProp->Get(_class)); exp->constant = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(constant); } } else { } exp->expType = classProp->dataType; if(classProp->dataType) classProp->dataType->refCount++; return 0x1; } return 0x0; } static struct GlobalData * ScanGlobalData(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * nameSpace, char * name) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree * tree = &nameSpace->functions; struct GlobalData * data = (struct GlobalData *)__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindString((&*tree), name); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * child; if(!data) { for(child = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace *)__ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Get_first(&nameSpace->nameSpaces); child; child = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace *)__ecereProp___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode_Get_next(((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)child))) { data = ScanGlobalData(child, name); if(data) break; } } return data; } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * globalData; extern char * strncpy(char * , const char * , size_t n); static struct GlobalData * FindGlobalData(char * name) { int start = 0, c; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * nameSpace; nameSpace = globalData; for(c = 0; name[c]; c++) { if(name[c] == '.' || (name[c] == ':' && name[c + 1] == ':')) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * newSpace; char * spaceName = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New(sizeof(char) * (c - start + 1)); strncpy(spaceName, name + start, c - start); spaceName[c - start] = '\0'; newSpace = (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace *)__ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_FindString(&(*nameSpace).nameSpaces, spaceName); (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(spaceName), spaceName = 0); if(!newSpace) return (((void *)0)); nameSpace = newSpace; if(name[c] == ':') c++; start = c + 1; } } if(c - start) { return ScanGlobalData(nameSpace, name + start); } return (((void *)0)); } static int definedExpStackPos; static void * definedExpStack[512]; void ReplaceExpContents(struct Expression * checkedExp, struct Expression * newExp) { struct Expression * prev = checkedExp->prev, * next = checkedExp->next; FreeExpContents(checkedExp); FreeType(checkedExp->expType); FreeType(checkedExp->destType); *checkedExp = *newExp; ((newExp ? (__ecereClass_Expression->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Expression->Destructor(newExp) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(newExp)) : 0), newExp = 0); checkedExp->prev = prev; checkedExp->next = next; } extern struct Expression * MkExpCall(struct Expression * expression, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * arguments); extern int printf(char * , ...); void __ecereMethod_Expression_Clear(); void ApplyAnyObjectLogic(struct Expression * e) { struct Type * destType = e->destType; if(destType && (destType->classObjectType == 3)) { if(e && e->expType) { struct Type * type = e->expType; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = (((void *)0)); if(type->kind == 8 && type->_class && type->_class->registered) { _class = type->_class->registered; } else if(type->kind == 19) { _class = FindClass("ecere::com::Class")->registered; } else { char string[1024] = ""; struct Symbol * classSym; PrintType(type, string, 0x0, 0x1); classSym = FindClass(string); if(classSym) _class = classSym->registered; } if((_class && (_class->type == 4 || _class->type == 3 || _class->type == 2 || _class->type == 1000) && strcmp(_class->fullName, "class") && strcmp(_class->fullName, "ecere::com::Class")) || (!e->expType->classObjectType && (((type->kind != 13 && type->kind != 19 && (type->kind != 8 || !type->_class || !type->_class->registered || type->_class->registered->type == 1))) || destType->byReference))) { if(!_class || strcmp(_class->fullName, "char *")) { struct Expression * checkedExp = e, * newExp; while(((checkedExp->type == 5 || checkedExp->type == 34 || checkedExp->type == 25) && checkedExp->list) || checkedExp->type == 11) { if(checkedExp->type == 5 || checkedExp->type == 34 || checkedExp->type == 25) { if(checkedExp->type == 25) { checkedExp = (*((struct Statement *)(*checkedExp->compound->compound.statements).last)->expressions).last; } else checkedExp = (*checkedExp->list).last; } else if(checkedExp->type == 11) checkedExp = checkedExp->cast.exp; } if(checkedExp && checkedExp->type == 4 && checkedExp->op.op == '*' && !checkedExp->op.exp1) { newExp = checkedExp->op.exp2; checkedExp->op.exp2 = (((void *)0)); FreeExpContents(checkedExp); if(e->expType && e->expType->passAsTemplate) { char size[100]; ComputeTypeSize(e->expType); sprintf(size, "%d", e->expType->size); newExp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), newExp), '+', MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__ENDIAN_PAD")), MkListOne(MkExpConstant(size)))))); } ReplaceExpContents(checkedExp, newExp); e->byReference = 0x1; } else if(!e->byReference || (_class && _class->type == 5)) { struct Expression * checkedExp, * newExp; { unsigned int hasAddress = e->type == 0 || (e->type == 8 && e->member.memberType == 3) || (e->type == 9 && e->member.memberType == 3) || (e->type == 4 && !e->op.exp1 && e->op.op == '*') || e->type == 6; if(_class && _class->type != 5 && _class->type != 0 && _class->type != 1 && !hasAddress) { struct Context * context = PushContext(); struct Declarator * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); char typeString[1024]; struct Expression * newExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); typeString[0] = '\0'; *newExp = *e; newExp->prev = (((void *)0)); newExp->next = (((void *)0)); newExp->expType = (((void *)0)); PrintType(e->expType, typeString, 0x0, 0x1); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, (((void *)0))); newExp->destType = ProcessType(specs, decl); curContext = context; e->type = 25; if(curCompound) { char name[100]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * stmts = MkList(); sprintf(name, "__internalValue%03X", internalValueCounter++); if(!curCompound->compound.declarations) curCompound->compound.declarations = MkList(); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*curCompound->compound.declarations), (((void *)0)), MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)), (((void *)0)))))); ListAdd(stmts, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name)), '=', newExp)))); ListAdd(stmts, MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(name))))); e->compound = MkCompoundStmt((((void *)0)), stmts); } else printf("libec: compiler error, curCompound is null in ApplyAnyObjectLogic\n"); { struct Type * type = e->destType; e->destType = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); CopyTypeInto(e->destType, type); e->destType->refCount = 1; e->destType->classObjectType = 0; FreeType(type); } e->compound->compound.context = context; PopContext(context); curContext = context->parent; } } checkedExp = e; while(((checkedExp->type == 5 || checkedExp->type == 34 || checkedExp->type == 25) && checkedExp->list) || checkedExp->type == 11) { if(checkedExp->type == 5 || checkedExp->type == 34 || checkedExp->type == 25) { if(checkedExp->type == 25) { checkedExp = (*((struct Statement *)(*checkedExp->compound->compound.statements).last)->expressions).last; } else checkedExp = (*checkedExp->list).last; } else if(checkedExp->type == 11) checkedExp = checkedExp->cast.exp; } { struct Expression * operand = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); *operand = *checkedExp; checkedExp->destType = (((void *)0)); checkedExp->expType = (((void *)0)); __ecereMethod_Expression_Clear(checkedExp); checkedExp->type = 4; checkedExp->op.op = '&'; checkedExp->op.exp1 = (((void *)0)); checkedExp->op.exp2 = operand; } } } } } } { } if((!destType || destType->kind == 14 || destType->kind == 0) && e->expType && (e->expType->classObjectType == 3 || e->expType->classObjectType == 2) && (e->expType->byReference || (e->expType->kind == 8 && e->expType->_class && e->expType->_class->registered && (e->expType->_class->registered->type == 2 || e->expType->_class->registered->type == 4 || e->expType->_class->registered->type == 3)))) { if(e->expType->kind == 8 && e->expType->_class && e->expType->_class->registered && !strcmp(e->expType->_class->registered->name, "class")) { return ; } else { struct Expression * thisExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); *thisExp = *e; thisExp->prev = (((void *)0)); thisExp->next = (((void *)0)); __ecereMethod_Expression_Clear(e); e->type = 5; e->list = MkListOne(MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '*', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(thisExp)))); if(thisExp->expType->kind == 8 && thisExp->expType->_class && thisExp->expType->_class->registered && thisExp->expType->_class->registered->type == 5) ((struct Expression *)(*e->list).first)->byReference = 0x1; { e->expType = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); CopyTypeInto(e->expType, thisExp->expType); e->expType->byReference = 0x0; e->expType->refCount = 1; if(e->expType->kind == 8 && e->expType->_class && e->expType->_class->registered && (e->expType->_class->registered->type == 2 || e->expType->_class->registered->type == 4 || e->expType->_class->registered->type == 3)) { e->expType->classObjectType = 0; } } } } else if(destType && e->expType && (e->expType->classObjectType == 3 || e->expType->classObjectType == 2) && !destType->classObjectType && destType->kind != 0) { if(destType->kind == 14) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Unspecified type\n", (((void *)0)))); } else if(!(destType->truth && e->expType->kind == 8 && e->expType->_class && e->expType->_class->registered && e->expType->_class->registered->type == 1)) { unsigned int byReference = e->expType->byReference; struct Expression * thisExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); struct Declarator * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); char typeString[1024]; struct Type * type; int backupClassObjectType; if(e->expType->kind == 8 && e->expType->_class && e->expType->_class->registered && strcmp(e->expType->_class->registered->name, "class")) type = e->expType; else type = destType; backupClassObjectType = type->classObjectType; type->classObjectType = 0; typeString[0] = '\0'; PrintType(type, typeString, 0x0, 0x1); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, (((void *)0))); type->classObjectType = backupClassObjectType; *thisExp = *e; thisExp->prev = (((void *)0)); thisExp->next = (((void *)0)); __ecereMethod_Expression_Clear(e); if((type->kind == 8 && type->_class && type->_class->registered && strcmp(type->_class->registered->fullName, "ecere::com::Instance") && (type->_class->registered->type == 1000 || type->_class->registered->type == 2 || type->_class->registered->type == 4 || type->_class->registered->type == 3)) || (type->kind != 13 && type->kind != 12 && type->kind != 8) || (!destType->byReference && byReference && (destType->kind != 13 || type->kind != 13))) { e->type = 4; e->op.op = '*'; e->op.exp1 = (((void *)0)); e->op.exp2 = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), decl)), thisExp); } else { e->type = 11; e->cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); e->cast.exp = thisExp; e->byReference = 0x1; } e->expType = type; e->destType = destType; type->refCount++; destType->refCount++; } } } extern char * strstr(const char * , const char * ); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DefinedExpression; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DefinedExpression { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DefinedExpression * prev; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DefinedExpression * next; char * name; char * value; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__NameSpace * nameSpace; } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct)); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DefinedExpression * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindDefine(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module, char * name); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GlobalFunction * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindFunction(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module, char * name); extern unsigned int __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__UTF8GetChar(char * string, int * numBytes); extern struct Expression * GetTemplateArgExp(struct TemplateParameter * param, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * curClass, unsigned int pointer); extern struct Expression * MkExpCondition(struct Expression * cond, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * expressions, struct Expression * elseExp); extern struct Expression * CopyExpression(struct Expression * exp); extern struct Expression * MkExpTypeSize(struct TypeName * typeName); extern struct Expression * MkExpClass(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, struct Declarator * decl); static void ProcessStatement(struct Statement * stmt); extern struct Expression * MkExpExtensionInitializer(struct TypeName * typeName, struct Initializer * initializer); extern struct Initializer * MkInitializerList(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * list); extern char * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__PrintString(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * class, void * object, ...); extern char * sourceFile; void __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Clear(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * this); void ProcessExpressionType(struct Expression * exp) { unsigned int unresolved = 0x0; struct Location oldyylloc = yylloc; unsigned int notByReference = 0x0; if(!exp || exp->expType) return ; yylloc = exp->loc; switch(exp->type) { case 0: { struct Identifier * id = exp->identifier; if(!id) return ; if(id->_class && id->_class->name) { id->classSym = id->_class->symbol; } if(strstr(id->string, "__ecereClass") == id->string) { exp->expType = ProcessTypeString("ecere::com::Class", 0x1); break; } else if(id->_class && (id->classSym || (id->_class->name && !strcmp(id->_class->name, "property")))) { ReplaceClassMembers(exp, thisClass); if(exp->type != 0) { ProcessExpressionType(exp); break; } if(id->classSym && ResolveIdWithClass(exp, id->classSym->registered, 0x0)) break; } else { struct Symbol * symbol = FindSymbol(id->string, curContext, topContext, 0x0, id->_class && id->_class->name == (((void *)0))); if(!symbol) { if(exp->destType && CheckExpressionType(exp, exp->destType, 0x0)) break; else { if(thisClass) { ReplaceClassMembers(exp, thisClass ? thisClass : currentClass); if(exp->type != 0) { ProcessExpressionType(exp); break; } } else if(currentClass && !id->_class) { if(ResolveIdWithClass(exp, currentClass, 0x1)) break; } symbol = FindSymbol(id->string, topContext->parent, globalContext, 0x0, id->_class && id->_class->name == (((void *)0))); } } if(symbol) { struct Type * type = symbol->type; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = (type && type->kind == 8 && type->_class) ? type->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); if(_class && !strcmp(id->string, "this") && !type->classObjectType) { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); type = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); FinishTemplatesContext(context); if(type) type->refCount = 0; } FreeSpecifier(id->_class); id->_class = (((void *)0)); (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(id->string), id->string = 0); id->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(symbol->string); id->classSym = (((void *)0)); exp->expType = type; if(type) type->refCount++; if(type && (type->kind == 15 || (_class && _class->type == 4))) exp->isConstant = 0x1; if(symbol->isParam || !strcmp(id->string, "this")) { if(_class && _class->type == 1) exp->byReference = 0x1; } if(symbol->isIterator) { if(symbol->isIterator == 3) { exp->type = 5; exp->list = MkListOne(MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '*', MkExpIdentifier(exp->identifier))); ((struct Expression *)(*exp->list).first)->op.exp2->expType = exp->expType; exp->expType = (((void *)0)); ProcessExpressionType(exp); } else if(symbol->isIterator != 4) { exp->type = 8; exp->member.exp = MkExpIdentifier(exp->identifier); exp->member.exp->expType = exp->expType; exp->member.member = MkIdentifier("data"); exp->expType = (((void *)0)); ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } break; } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DefinedExpression * definedExp = (((void *)0)); if(thisNameSpace && !(id->_class && !id->_class->name)) { char name[1024]; strcpy(name, thisNameSpace); strcat(name, "::"); strcat(name, id->string); definedExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindDefine(privateModule, name); } if(!definedExp) definedExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindDefine(privateModule, id->string); if(definedExp) { int c; for(c = 0; c < definedExpStackPos; c++) if(definedExpStack[c] == definedExp) break; if(c == definedExpStackPos && c < sizeof definedExpStack / sizeof(void *)) { struct Location backupYylloc = yylloc; definedExpStack[definedExpStackPos++] = definedExp; fileInput = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__TempFile); ((int (*)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance *, void * buffer, unsigned int size, unsigned int count))fileInput->_vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__File_Write])(fileInput, definedExp->value, 1, strlen(definedExp->value)); ((unsigned int (*)(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance *, int pos, int mode))fileInput->_vTbl[__ecereVMethodID___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__File_Seek])(fileInput, 0, 0); echoOn = 0x0; parsedExpression = (((void *)0)); resetScanner(); expression_yyparse(); (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_DecRef(fileInput), fileInput = 0); yylloc = backupYylloc; if(parsedExpression) { FreeIdentifier(id); exp->type = 5; exp->list = MkListOne(parsedExpression); parsedExpression->loc = yylloc; ProcessExpressionType(exp); definedExpStackPos--; return ; } definedExpStackPos--; } else { if(inCompiler) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Recursion in defined expression %s\n", (((void *)0))), id->string); } } } else { struct GlobalData * data = (((void *)0)); if(thisNameSpace && !(id->_class && !id->_class->name)) { char name[1024]; strcpy(name, thisNameSpace); strcat(name, "::"); strcat(name, id->string); data = FindGlobalData(name); } if(!data) data = FindGlobalData(id->string); if(data) { DeclareGlobalData(data); exp->expType = data->dataType; if(data->dataType) data->dataType->refCount++; (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(id->string), id->string = 0); id->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(data->fullName); FreeSpecifier(id->_class); id->_class = (((void *)0)); break; } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GlobalFunction * function = (((void *)0)); if(thisNameSpace && !(id->_class && !id->_class->name)) { char name[1024]; strcpy(name, thisNameSpace); strcat(name, "::"); strcat(name, id->string); function = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindFunction(privateModule, name); } if(!function) function = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindFunction(privateModule, id->string); if(function) { char name[1024]; (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(id->string), id->string = 0); id->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(function->name); name[0] = (char)0; if(((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)function->module + structSize_Instance)))->importType != 1 && (!function->dataType || !function->dataType->dllExport)) strcpy(name, "__ecereFunction_"); FullClassNameCat(name, id->string, 0x0); if(DeclareFunction(function, name)) { (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(id->string), id->string = 0); id->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(name); } exp->expType = function->dataType; if(function->dataType) function->dataType->refCount++; FreeSpecifier(id->_class); id->_class = (((void *)0)); break; } } } } } unresolved = 0x1; break; } case 1: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; if(!exp->instance->_class) { if(exp->destType && exp->destType->kind == 8 && exp->destType->_class) { exp->instance->_class = MkSpecifierName(exp->destType->_class->string); } } ProcessInstantiationType(exp->instance); exp->isConstant = exp->instance->isConstant; if(exp->instance->_class) { exp->expType = MkClassType(exp->instance->_class->name); } break; } case 2: { if(!exp->expType) { struct Type * type = (type = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type), type->refCount = 1, type->constant = 0x1, type); exp->expType = type; if(exp->constant[0] == '\'') { if((int)((unsigned char *)exp->constant)[1] > 127) { int nb; unsigned int ch = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__UTF8GetChar(exp->constant + 1, &nb); if(nb < 2) ch = exp->constant[1]; (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(exp->constant), exp->constant = 0); exp->constant = PrintUInt(ch); type->kind = 8; type->_class = FindClass("unichar"); type->isSigned = 0x0; } else { type->kind = 1; type->isSigned = 0x1; } } else if(strchr(exp->constant, '.')) { char ch = exp->constant[strlen(exp->constant) - 1]; if(ch == 'f') type->kind = 6; else type->kind = 7; type->isSigned = 0x1; } else { if(exp->constant[0] == '0' && exp->constant[1]) type->isSigned = 0x0; else if(strchr(exp->constant, 'L') || strchr(exp->constant, 'l')) type->isSigned = 0x0; else if(strtoll(exp->constant, (((void *)0)), 0) > (((int)0x7fffffff))) type->isSigned = 0x0; else type->isSigned = 0x1; type->kind = 3; } exp->isConstant = 0x1; } break; } case 3: { exp->isConstant = 0x1; exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance2 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance2->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance2->kind = 13, __ecereInstance2->type = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 1, __ecereInstance1->constant = 0x1, __ecereInstance1; }), __ecereInstance2; }); break; } case 13: case 28: ProcessExpressionType(exp->_new.size); exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 13, __ecereInstance1->type = ProcessType(exp->_new.typeName->qualifiers, exp->_new.typeName->declarator), __ecereInstance1; }); DeclareType(exp->expType->type, 0x0, 0x0); break; case 14: case 29: ProcessExpressionType(exp->_renew.size); ProcessExpressionType(exp->_renew.exp); exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 13, __ecereInstance1->type = ProcessType(exp->_renew.typeName->qualifiers, exp->_renew.typeName->declarator), __ecereInstance1; }); DeclareType(exp->expType->type, 0x0, 0x0); break; case 4: { unsigned int assign = 0x0, boolResult = 0x0, boolOps = 0x0; struct Type * type1 = (((void *)0)), * type2 = (((void *)0)); unsigned int useDestType = 0x0, useSideType = 0x0; struct Location oldyylloc = yylloc; unsigned int useSideUnit = 0x0; struct Type * dummy = (dummy = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type), dummy->count = (unsigned int)1, dummy->refCount = 1, dummy); switch(exp->op.op) { case '=': case MUL_ASSIGN: case DIV_ASSIGN: case MOD_ASSIGN: case ADD_ASSIGN: case SUB_ASSIGN: case LEFT_ASSIGN: case RIGHT_ASSIGN: case AND_ASSIGN: case XOR_ASSIGN: case OR_ASSIGN: assign = 0x1; break; case '!': break; case AND_OP: case OR_OP: boolOps = 0x1; boolResult = 0x1; break; case EQ_OP: case '<': case '>': case LE_OP: case GE_OP: case NE_OP: boolResult = 0x1; useSideType = 0x1; break; case '+': case '-': useSideUnit = 0x1; case '|': case '&': case '^': case '/': case '%': case '*': if(exp->op.op != '*' || exp->op.exp1) { useSideType = 0x1; useDestType = 0x1; } break; } if(exp->op.op == '&') { if(!exp->op.exp1 && exp->op.exp2 && exp->op.exp2->type == 0 && exp->op.exp2->identifier) { struct Identifier * id = exp->op.exp2->identifier; struct Symbol * symbol = FindSymbol(id->string, curContext, topContext, 0x0, id->_class && id->_class->name == (((void *)0))); if(symbol && symbol->isIterator == 2) { exp->type = 8; exp->member.exp = exp->op.exp2; exp->member.member = MkIdentifier("key"); exp->expType = (((void *)0)); exp->op.exp2->expType = symbol->type; symbol->type->refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(exp); FreeType(dummy); break; } } } if(exp->op.exp1) { if(exp->destType && exp->destType->kind == 8 && exp->destType->_class && exp->destType->_class->registered && useDestType && ((exp->destType->_class->registered->type == 3 && useSideUnit) || exp->destType->_class->registered->type == 4 || exp->destType->_class->registered->type == 2)) { if(exp->op.exp1->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp1->destType); exp->op.exp1->destType = exp->destType; if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount++; } else if(!assign) { if(exp->op.exp1->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp1->destType); exp->op.exp1->destType = dummy; dummy->refCount++; } if(exp->op.exp1->destType && exp->op.op != '=') exp->op.exp1->destType->count++; ProcessExpressionType(exp->op.exp1); if(exp->op.exp1->destType && exp->op.op != '=') exp->op.exp1->destType->count--; if(exp->op.exp1->destType == dummy) { FreeType(dummy); exp->op.exp1->destType = (((void *)0)); } type1 = exp->op.exp1->expType; } if(exp->op.exp2) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(exp->op.exp2->type == 1 && !exp->op.exp2->instance->_class) { if(exp->op.exp1) { exp->op.exp2->destType = exp->op.exp1->expType; if(exp->op.exp1->expType) exp->op.exp1->expType->refCount++; } else { exp->op.exp2->destType = exp->destType; if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount++; } if(type1) type1->refCount++; exp->expType = type1; } else if(assign) { if(inCompiler) PrintExpression(exp->op.exp2, expString); if(type1 && type1->kind == 13) { if(exp->op.op == MUL_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == DIV_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == MOD_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == LEFT_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == RIGHT_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == AND_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == OR_ASSIGN) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "operator %s illegal on pointer\n", (((void *)0))), exp->op.op); else if(exp->op.op == '=') { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = type1; if(type1) type1->refCount++; } } else { if(exp->op.op == MUL_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == DIV_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == MOD_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == LEFT_ASSIGN || exp->op.op == RIGHT_ASSIGN) ; else { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = type1; if(type1) type1->refCount++; } } if(type1) type1->refCount++; exp->expType = type1; } else if(exp->destType && exp->destType->kind == 8 && exp->destType->_class && exp->destType->_class->registered && ((exp->destType->_class->registered->type == 3 && useDestType && useSideUnit) || (exp->destType->_class->registered->type == 4 && useDestType))) { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = exp->destType; if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount++; } else { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = dummy; dummy->refCount++; } if(type1 && boolResult && useSideType && type1->kind == 8 && type1->_class && type1->_class->registered && (type1->_class->registered->type == 2 || type1->_class->registered->type == 4)) { FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = type1; type1->refCount++; } if(exp->op.exp2->destType && exp->op.op != '=') exp->op.exp2->destType->count++; ProcessExpressionType(exp->op.exp2); if(exp->op.exp2->destType && exp->op.op != '=') exp->op.exp2->destType->count--; if(assign && type1 && type1->kind == 13 && exp->op.exp2->expType) { if(exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 23 || exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 22 || exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 4 || exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 3 || exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 2 || exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 1) { if(exp->op.op != '=' && type1->type->kind == 0) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "void *: unknown size\n", (((void *)0)))); } else if(exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 13 || exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 12 || exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 11 || exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 16 || (type1->type->kind == 0 && exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 8 && exp->op.exp2->expType->_class->registered && (exp->op.exp2->expType->_class->registered->type == 0 || exp->op.exp2->expType->_class->registered->type == 1 || exp->op.exp2->expType->_class->registered->type == 5))) { if(exp->op.op == ADD_ASSIGN) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "cannot add two pointers\n", (((void *)0)))); } else if((exp->op.exp2->expType->kind == 8 && type1->kind == 13 && type1->type->kind == 8 && type1->type->_class == exp->op.exp2->expType->_class && exp->op.exp2->expType->_class->registered && exp->op.exp2->expType->_class->registered->type == 1)) { if(exp->op.op == ADD_ASSIGN) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "cannot add two pointers\n", (((void *)0)))); } else if(inCompiler) { char type1String[1024]; char type2String[1024]; type1String[0] = '\0'; type2String[0] = '\0'; PrintType(exp->op.exp2->expType, type1String, 0x0, 0x1); PrintType(type1, type2String, 0x0, 0x1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "incompatible expression %s (%s); expected %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString, type1String, type2String); } } if(exp->op.exp2->destType == dummy) { FreeType(dummy); exp->op.exp2->destType = (((void *)0)); } type2 = exp->op.exp2->expType; } dummy->kind = 0; if(exp->op.op == SIZEOF) { exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 3, __ecereInstance1; }); exp->isConstant = 0x1; } else if(exp->op.op == '*' && !exp->op.exp1) { exp->expType = Dereference(type2); if(type2 && type2->kind == 8) notByReference = 0x1; } else if(exp->op.op == '&' && !exp->op.exp1) exp->expType = Reference(type2); else if(!assign) { if(boolOps) { if(exp->op.exp1) { if(exp->op.exp1->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp1->destType); exp->op.exp1->destType = MkClassType("bool"); exp->op.exp1->destType->truth = 0x1; if(!exp->op.exp1->expType) ProcessExpressionType(exp->op.exp1); else CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp1, exp->op.exp1->destType, 0x0); FreeType(exp->op.exp1->expType); exp->op.exp1->expType = MkClassType("bool"); exp->op.exp1->expType->truth = 0x1; } if(exp->op.exp2) { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = MkClassType("bool"); exp->op.exp2->destType->truth = 0x1; if(!exp->op.exp2->expType) ProcessExpressionType(exp->op.exp2); else CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp2, exp->op.exp2->destType, 0x0); FreeType(exp->op.exp2->expType); exp->op.exp2->expType = MkClassType("bool"); exp->op.exp2->expType->truth = 0x1; } } else if(exp->op.exp1 && exp->op.exp2 && ((useSideType) || ((!type1 || type1->kind != 8 || !strcmp(type1->_class->string, "String")) && (!type2 || type2->kind != 8 || !strcmp(type2->_class->string, "String"))))) { if(type1 && type2 && ((type1->kind == 8 && type1->_class && strcmp(type1->_class->string, "String")) == (type2->kind == 8 && type2->_class && strcmp(type2->_class->string, "String")))) { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = type1; type1->refCount++; if(exp->op.exp1->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp1->destType); exp->op.exp1->destType = type2; type2->refCount++; if(!boolResult && type1->kind == 8 && (!exp->destType || exp->destType->kind != 8) && type1->_class->registered && type1->_class->registered->type == 3 && type2->_class->registered && type2->_class->registered->type == 3 && type1->_class->registered != type2->_class->registered) Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "operating on %s and %s with an untyped result, assuming %s\n", (((void *)0))), type1->_class->string, type2->_class->string, type1->_class->string); if(type1->kind == 13 && type1->type->kind == 20 && type2->kind != 13) { struct Expression * argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(type1->type->templateParameter, thisClass, 0x1); if(argExp) { struct Expression * classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); exp->op.exp1 = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), exp->op.exp1))); ProcessExpressionType(exp->op.exp1); if(type2->kind != 13) { ProcessExpressionType(classExp); exp->op.exp2 = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(exp->op.exp2, '*', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("5")), OR_OP, MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpConstant("0"))))), MkListOne(MkExpTypeSize(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))))), MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("typeSize")))))))); if(!exp->op.exp2->expType) type2 = exp->op.exp2->expType = ProcessTypeString("int", 0x0); ProcessExpressionType(exp->op.exp2); } } } if(!boolResult && ((type1->kind == 13 || type1->kind == 12 || (type1->kind == 8 && !strcmp(type1->_class->string, "String"))) && (type2->kind == 23 || type2->kind == 22 || type2->kind == 4 || type2->kind == 3 || type2->kind == 2 || type2->kind == 1))) { if(type1->kind != 8 && type1->type->kind == 0) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "void *: unknown size\n", (((void *)0)))); exp->expType = type1; if(type1) type1->refCount++; } else if(!boolResult && ((type2->kind == 13 || type2->kind == 12 || (type2->kind == 8 && !strcmp(type2->_class->string, "String"))) && (type1->kind == 23 || type1->kind == 22 || type1->kind == 4 || type1->kind == 3 || type1->kind == 2 || type1->kind == 1))) { if(type2->kind != 8 && type2->type->kind == 0) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "void *: unknown size\n", (((void *)0)))); exp->expType = type2; if(type2) type2->refCount++; } else if((type1->kind == 13 && type2->kind != 13 && type2->kind != 12 && type2->kind != 11 && type2->kind != 16 && type2->kind != 8 && type2->kind != 19) || (type2->kind == 13 && type1->kind != 13 && type1->kind != 12 && type1->kind != 11 && type1->kind != 16 && type1->kind != 8 && type1->kind != 19)) { Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "different levels of indirection\n", (((void *)0)))); } else { unsigned int success = 0x0; if(type1->kind == 13 && type2->kind == 13) { if(exp->op.op == '+') Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "cannot add two pointers\n", (((void *)0)))); else if(exp->op.op == '-') { if(MatchTypes(type1->type, type2->type, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)) { exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->kind = 3, __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1; }); success = 0x1; if(type1->type->kind == 20) { struct Expression * argExp = GetTemplateArgExp(type1->type->templateParameter, thisClass, 0x1); if(argExp) { struct Expression * classExp = MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("dataTypeClass")); ProcessExpressionType(classExp); exp->type = 5; exp->list = MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(exp->op.exp1))), exp->op.op, MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(exp->op.exp2)))))), '/', MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("noHeadClass"))), OR_OP, MkExpOp(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(classExp), MkIdentifier("type")), EQ_OP, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("normalClass")))))), MkListOne(MkExpTypeSize(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))))), MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("typeSize"))))))); ProcessExpressionType(((struct Expression *)(*exp->list).first)->op.exp2); FreeType(dummy); return ; } } } } } if(!success && exp->op.exp1->type == 2) { if(CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp1, exp->op.exp1->destType, 0x0)) { if(exp->expType) FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = exp->op.exp1->destType; if(exp->op.exp1->destType) exp->op.exp1->destType->refCount++; success = 0x1; } else if(CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp2, exp->op.exp2->destType, 0x0)) { if(exp->expType) FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = exp->op.exp2->destType; if(exp->op.exp2->destType) exp->op.exp2->destType->refCount++; success = 0x1; } } else if(!success) { if(CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp2, exp->op.exp2->destType, 0x0)) { if(exp->expType) FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = exp->op.exp2->destType; if(exp->op.exp2->destType) exp->op.exp2->destType->refCount++; success = 0x1; } else if(CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp1, exp->op.exp1->destType, 0x0)) { if(exp->expType) FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = exp->op.exp1->destType; if(exp->op.exp1->destType) exp->op.exp1->destType->refCount++; success = 0x1; } } if(!success) { char expString1[10240]; char expString2[10240]; char type1[1024]; char type2[1024]; expString1[0] = '\0'; expString2[0] = '\0'; type1[0] = '\0'; type2[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp->op.exp1, expString1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString1, '\n', ' '); PrintExpression(exp->op.exp2, expString2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString2, '\n', ' '); PrintType(exp->op.exp1->expType, type1, 0x0, 0x1); PrintType(exp->op.exp2->expType, type2, 0x0, 0x1); } Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "incompatible expressions %s (%s) and %s (%s)\n", (((void *)0))), expString1, type1, expString2, type2); } } } else if(!boolResult && (!useSideUnit) && type2 && type1 && type2->kind == 8 && type1->kind != 8 && type2->_class && type2->_class->registered && type2->_class->registered->type == 3) { if(exp->op.exp1->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp1->destType); exp->op.exp1->destType = type2->_class->registered->dataType; if(type2->_class->registered->dataType) type2->_class->registered->dataType->refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp1, exp->op.exp1->destType, 0x0); exp->expType = type2; if(type2) type2->refCount++; } else if(!boolResult && (!useSideUnit) && type1 && type2 && type1->kind == 8 && type2->kind != 8 && type1->_class && type1->_class->registered && type1->_class->registered->type == 3) { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = type1->_class->registered->dataType; if(type1->_class->registered->dataType) type1->_class->registered->dataType->refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp2, exp->op.exp2->destType, 0x0); exp->expType = type1; if(type1) type1->refCount++; } else if(type1) { unsigned int valid = 0x0; if(!boolResult && useSideUnit && type1 && type1->kind == 8 && type1->_class->registered && type1->_class->registered->type == 3 && type2 && type2->kind != 8) { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); if(!type1->_class->registered->dataType) type1->_class->registered->dataType = ProcessTypeString(type1->_class->registered->dataTypeString, 0x0); exp->op.exp2->destType = type1->_class->registered->dataType; exp->op.exp2->destType->refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp2, exp->op.exp2->destType, 0x0); type2 = exp->op.exp2->destType; exp->expType = type2; type2->refCount++; } if(!boolResult && useSideUnit && type2 && type2->kind == 8 && type2->_class->registered && type2->_class->registered->type == 3 && type1 && type1->kind != 8) { if(exp->op.exp1->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp1->destType); if(!type2->_class->registered->dataType) type2->_class->registered->dataType = ProcessTypeString(type2->_class->registered->dataTypeString, 0x0); exp->op.exp1->destType = type2->_class->registered->dataType; exp->op.exp1->destType->refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp1, exp->op.exp1->destType, 0x0); type1 = exp->op.exp1->destType; exp->expType = type1; type1->refCount++; } if(!boolResult || exp->op.op == '>' || exp->op.op == '<') { if(type1->kind == 8 && type1->_class && type1->_class->registered && type1->_class->registered->type == 4 && exp->op.exp2->expType) { if(CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp1, exp->op.exp2->expType, 0x0)) { if(exp->expType) FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = exp->op.exp1->expType; if(exp->op.exp2->expType) exp->op.exp1->expType->refCount++; valid = 0x1; } } else if(type2 && (type2->kind == 8 && type2->_class && type2->_class->registered && type2->_class->registered->type == 4 && exp->op.exp1->expType)) { if(CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp2, exp->op.exp1->expType, 0x0)) { if(exp->expType) FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = exp->op.exp2->expType; if(exp->op.exp2->expType) exp->op.exp2->expType->refCount++; valid = 0x1; } } } if(!valid) { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = type1; type1->refCount++; if(CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp2, exp->op.exp2->destType, 0x0)) { if(exp->expType) FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = exp->op.exp2->destType; if(exp->op.exp2->destType) exp->op.exp2->destType->refCount++; } else if(type1 && type2) { char expString1[10240]; char expString2[10240]; char type1String[1024]; char type2String[1024]; expString1[0] = '\0'; expString2[0] = '\0'; type1String[0] = '\0'; type2String[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp->op.exp1, expString1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString1, '\n', ' '); PrintExpression(exp->op.exp2, expString2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString2, '\n', ' '); PrintType(exp->op.exp1->expType, type1String, 0x0, 0x1); PrintType(exp->op.exp2->expType, type2String, 0x0, 0x1); } Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "incompatible expressions %s (%s) and %s (%s)\n", (((void *)0))), expString1, type1String, expString2, type2String); if(type1->kind == 8 && type1->_class && type1->_class->registered && type1->_class->registered->type == 4) { exp->expType = exp->op.exp1->expType; if(exp->op.exp1->expType) exp->op.exp1->expType->refCount++; } else if(type2->kind == 8 && type2->_class && type2->_class->registered && type2->_class->registered->type == 4) { exp->expType = exp->op.exp2->expType; if(exp->op.exp2->expType) exp->op.exp2->expType->refCount++; } } } } else if(type2) { if(type2->kind == 8 && type2->_class && type2->_class->registered && type2->_class->registered->type == 4) { struct Type * oldType = exp->op.exp1->expType; exp->op.exp1->expType = (((void *)0)); if(CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp1, exp->op.exp1->destType, 0x0)) FreeType(oldType); else exp->op.exp1->expType = oldType; } if(exp->op.exp1->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp1->destType); exp->op.exp1->destType = type2; type2->refCount++; if(CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp1, exp->op.exp1->destType, 0x0)) { if(exp->expType) FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = exp->op.exp1->destType; if(exp->op.exp1->destType) exp->op.exp1->destType->refCount++; } } } else if(type2 && (!type1 || (type2->kind == 8 && type1->kind != 8))) { if(type1 && type2->_class && type2->_class->registered && type2->_class->registered->type == 3) { if(exp->op.exp1->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp1->destType); exp->op.exp1->destType = type2->_class->registered->dataType; if(type2->_class->registered->dataType) type2->_class->registered->dataType->refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp1, exp->op.exp1->destType, 0x0); } if(exp->op.op == '!') { exp->expType = MkClassType("bool"); exp->expType->truth = 0x1; } else { exp->expType = type2; if(type2) type2->refCount++; } } else if(type1 && (!type2 || (type1->kind == 8 && type2->kind != 8))) { if(type2 && type1->_class && type1->_class->registered && type1->_class->registered->type == 3) { if(exp->op.exp2->destType) FreeType(exp->op.exp2->destType); exp->op.exp2->destType = type1->_class->registered->dataType; if(type1->_class->registered->dataType) type1->_class->registered->dataType->refCount++; CheckExpressionType(exp->op.exp2, exp->op.exp2->destType, 0x0); } exp->expType = type1; if(type1) type1->refCount++; } } yylloc = exp->loc; if(exp->op.exp1 && !exp->op.exp1->expType) { char expString[10000]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp->op.exp1, expString); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } if(expString[0]) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "couldn't determine type of %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString); } if(exp->op.exp2 && !exp->op.exp2->expType) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp->op.exp2, expString); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } if(expString[0]) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "couldn't determine type of %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString); } if(boolResult) { FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = MkClassType("bool"); exp->expType->truth = 0x1; } if(exp->op.op != SIZEOF) exp->isConstant = (!exp->op.exp1 || exp->op.exp1->isConstant) && (!exp->op.exp2 || exp->op.exp2->isConstant); if(exp->op.op == SIZEOF && exp->op.exp2->expType) { DeclareType(exp->op.exp2->expType, 0x0, 0x0); } yylloc = oldyylloc; FreeType(dummy); break; } case 5: case 34: { struct Expression * e; exp->isConstant = 0x1; for(e = (*exp->list).first; e; e = e->next) { unsigned int inced = 0x0; if(!e->next) { FreeType(e->destType); e->destType = exp->destType; if(e->destType) { exp->destType->refCount++; e->destType->count++; inced = 0x1; } } ProcessExpressionType(e); if(inced) exp->destType->count--; if(!exp->expType && !e->next) { exp->expType = e->expType; if(e->expType) e->expType->refCount++; } if(!e->isConstant) exp->isConstant = 0x0; } e = (*exp->list).first; if(!e->next && e->type == 8) { struct Expression * next = exp->next, * prev = exp->prev; FreeType(exp->expType); FreeType(exp->destType); (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(exp->list), exp->list = 0); *exp = *e; exp->prev = prev; exp->next = next; ((e ? (__ecereClass_Expression->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Expression->Destructor(e) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(e)) : 0), e = 0); ProcessExpressionType(exp); } break; } case 6: { struct Expression * e; exp->isConstant = 0x1; ProcessExpressionType(exp->index.exp); if(!exp->index.exp->isConstant) exp->isConstant = 0x0; if(exp->index.exp->expType) { struct Type * source = exp->index.exp->expType; if(source->kind == 8 && source->_class && source->_class->registered && source->_class->registered != containerClass && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->_class->registered, containerClass) && source->_class->registered->templateArgs) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = source->_class->registered; exp->expType = ProcessTypeString(_class->templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, 0x0); if(exp->index.index && (*exp->index.index).last) { ((struct Expression *)(*exp->index.index).last)->destType = ProcessTypeString(_class->templateArgs[1].dataTypeString, 0x0); } } } for(e = (*exp->index.index).first; e; e = e->next) { if(!e->next && exp->index.exp->expType && exp->index.exp->expType->kind == 12 && exp->index.exp->expType->enumClass) { if(e->destType) FreeType(e->destType); e->destType = MkClassType(exp->index.exp->expType->enumClass->string); } ProcessExpressionType(e); if(!e->next) { } if(!e->isConstant) exp->isConstant = 0x0; } if(!exp->expType) exp->expType = Dereference(exp->index.exp->expType); if(exp->expType) DeclareType(exp->expType, 0x0, 0x0); break; } case 7: { struct Expression * e; struct Type * functionType; struct Type * methodType = (((void *)0)); char name[1024]; name[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp->call.exp, name); if(exp->call.exp->expType && !exp->call.exp->expType->returnType) { PrintExpression(exp->call.exp, name); } } if(exp->call.exp->type == 0) { struct Expression * idExp = exp->call.exp; struct Identifier * id = idExp->identifier; if(!strcmp(id->string, "__builtin_frame_address")) { exp->expType = ProcessTypeString("void *", 0x1); if(exp->call.arguments && (*exp->call.arguments).first) ProcessExpressionType((*exp->call.arguments).first); break; } else if(!strcmp(id->string, "__ENDIAN_PAD")) { exp->expType = ProcessTypeString("int", 0x1); if(exp->call.arguments && (*exp->call.arguments).first) ProcessExpressionType((*exp->call.arguments).first); break; } else if(!strcmp(id->string, "Max") || !strcmp(id->string, "Min") || !strcmp(id->string, "Sgn") || !strcmp(id->string, "Abs")) { struct Expression * a = (((void *)0)); struct Expression * b = (((void *)0)); struct Expression * tempExp1 = (((void *)0)), * tempExp2 = (((void *)0)); if((!strcmp(id->string, "Max") || !strcmp(id->string, "Min")) && (*exp->call.arguments).count == 2) { a = (*exp->call.arguments).first; b = (*exp->call.arguments).last; tempExp1 = a; tempExp2 = b; } else if((*exp->call.arguments).count == 1) { a = (*exp->call.arguments).first; tempExp1 = a; } if(a) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Clear((&*exp->call.arguments)); idExp->identifier = (((void *)0)); FreeExpContents(exp); ProcessExpressionType(a); if(b) ProcessExpressionType(b); exp->type = 5; exp->list = MkList(); if(a->expType && (!b || b->expType)) { if((!a->isConstant && a->type != 0) || (b && !b->isConstant && b->type != 0)) { if(inCompiler) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * decls = MkList(); struct Declaration * decl; char temp1[1024], temp2[1024]; GetTypeSpecs(a->expType, specs); if(a && !a->isConstant && a->type != 0) { sprintf(temp1, "__simpleStruct%d", curContext->simpleID++); ListAdd(decls, MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(temp1)), (((void *)0)))); tempExp1 = QMkExpId(temp1); tempExp1->expType = a->expType; if(a->expType) a->expType->refCount++; ListAdd(exp->list, MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp1), '=', a)); } if(b && !b->isConstant && b->type != 0) { sprintf(temp2, "__simpleStruct%d", curContext->simpleID++); ListAdd(decls, MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(temp2)), (((void *)0)))); tempExp2 = QMkExpId(temp2); tempExp2->expType = b->expType; if(b->expType) b->expType->refCount++; ListAdd(exp->list, MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp2), '=', b)); } decl = MkDeclaration(specs, decls); if(!curCompound->compound.declarations) curCompound->compound.declarations = MkList(); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*curCompound->compound.declarations), (((void *)0)), decl); } } } if(!strcmp(id->string, "Max") || !strcmp(id->string, "Min")) { int op = (!strcmp(id->string, "Max")) ? '>' : '<'; ListAdd(exp->list, MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp1), op, CopyExpression(tempExp2)))), MkListOne(CopyExpression(tempExp1)), CopyExpression(tempExp2))); exp->expType = a->expType; if(a->expType) a->expType->refCount++; } else if(!strcmp(id->string, "Abs")) { ListAdd(exp->list, MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp1), '<', MkExpConstant("0")))), MkListOne(MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '-', CopyExpression(tempExp1))), CopyExpression(tempExp1))); exp->expType = a->expType; if(a->expType) a->expType->refCount++; } else if(!strcmp(id->string, "Sgn")) { ListAdd(exp->list, MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '!', CopyExpression(tempExp1)))), MkListOne(MkExpConstant("0")), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCondition(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(CopyExpression(tempExp1), '<', MkExpConstant("0")))), MkListOne(MkExpConstant("-1")), MkExpConstant("1")))))); exp->expType = ProcessTypeString("int", 0x0); } FreeExpression(tempExp1); if(tempExp2) FreeExpression(tempExp2); FreeIdentifier(id); break; } } } { struct Type * dummy = (dummy = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type), dummy->count = (unsigned int)1, dummy->refCount = 1, dummy); if(!exp->call.exp->destType) { exp->call.exp->destType = dummy; dummy->refCount++; } ProcessExpressionType(exp->call.exp); if(exp->call.exp->destType == dummy) { FreeType(dummy); exp->call.exp->destType = (((void *)0)); } FreeType(dummy); } functionType = exp->call.exp->expType; if(functionType && functionType->kind == 16) { methodType = functionType; functionType = methodType->method->dataType; if(exp->call.exp->expType->usedClass) { char typeString[1024]; typeString[0] = '\0'; PrintType(functionType, typeString, 0x1, 0x1); if(strstr(typeString, "thisclass")) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl; { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(exp->call.exp->expType->usedClass); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, (((void *)0))); if(thisClass != (exp->call.exp->expType->usedClass->templateClass ? exp->call.exp->expType->usedClass->templateClass : exp->call.exp->expType->usedClass)) thisClassParams = 0x0; ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(specs, exp->call.exp->expType->usedClass); { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * backupThisClass = thisClass; thisClass = exp->call.exp->expType->usedClass; ProcessDeclarator(decl); thisClass = backupThisClass; } thisClassParams = 0x1; functionType = ProcessType(specs, decl); functionType->refCount = 0; FinishTemplatesContext(context); } FreeList(specs, FreeSpecifier); FreeDeclarator(decl); } } } if(functionType && functionType->kind == 13 && functionType->type && functionType->type->kind == 11) { struct Type * type = functionType->type; if(!functionType->refCount) { functionType->type = (((void *)0)); FreeType(functionType); } functionType = type; } if(functionType && functionType->kind != 11) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "called object %s is not a function\n", (((void *)0))), name); } else if(functionType) { unsigned int emptyParams = 0x0, noParams = 0x0; struct Expression * e = exp->call.arguments ? (*exp->call.arguments).first : (((void *)0)); struct Type * type = functionType->params.first; struct Expression * memberExp = (exp->call.exp->type == 8) ? exp->call.exp : (((void *)0)); int extra = 0; struct Location oldyylloc = yylloc; if(!type) emptyParams = 0x1; if(functionType->extraParam && e && functionType->thisClass) { e->destType = MkClassType(functionType->thisClass->string); e = e->next; } if(!functionType->staticMethod) { if(memberExp && memberExp->member.exp && memberExp->member.exp->expType && memberExp->member.exp->expType->kind == 19 && memberExp->member.exp->expType->_class) { type = MkClassType(memberExp->member.exp->expType->_class->string); if(e) { e->destType = type; e = e->next; type = functionType->params.first; } else type->refCount = 0; } else if(!memberExp && (functionType->thisClass || (methodType && methodType->methodClass))) { type = MkClassType(functionType->thisClass ? functionType->thisClass->string : (methodType ? methodType->methodClass->fullName : (((void *)0)))); if(e) { e->destType = type; e = e->next; type = functionType->params.first; } else type->refCount = 0; } } if(type && type->kind == 0) { noParams = 0x1; if(!type->refCount) FreeType(type); type = (((void *)0)); } for(; e; e = e->next) { if(!type && !emptyParams) { yylloc = e->loc; if(methodType && methodType->methodClass) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "too many arguments for method %s::%s (%d given, expected %d)\n", (((void *)0))), methodType->methodClass->fullName, methodType->method->name, (*exp->call.arguments).count, noParams ? 0 : functionType->params.count); else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "too many arguments for function %s (%d given, expected %d)\n", (((void *)0))), name, (*exp->call.arguments).count, noParams ? 0 : functionType->params.count); break; } if(methodType && type && type->kind == 20 && type->templateParameter->type == 0) { struct Type * templatedType = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = methodType->usedClass; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * curParam = (((void *)0)); int id = 0; if(_class && _class->templateArgs) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; id = 0; for(curParam = sClass->templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = curParam->next) { if(curParam->type == 0 && !strcmp(type->templateParameter->identifier->string, curParam->name)) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * nextClass; for(nextClass = sClass->base; nextClass; nextClass = nextClass->base) { if(nextClass->templateClass) nextClass = nextClass->templateClass; id += nextClass->templateParams.count; } break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } } if(curParam && _class->templateArgs[id].dataTypeString) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument arg = _class->templateArgs[id]; { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); templatedType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, 0x0); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } e->destType = templatedType; if(templatedType) { templatedType->passAsTemplate = 0x1; } } else { e->destType = type; if(type) type->refCount++; } } else { if(type && type->kind == 14 && type->prev && type->prev->kind == 8 && type->prev->classObjectType) { e->destType = type->prev; e->destType->refCount++; } else { e->destType = type; if(type) type->refCount++; } } if(type && type->kind != 14) { struct Type * next = type->next; if(!type->refCount) FreeType(type); type = next; } } if(type && type->kind != 14) { if(methodType && methodType->methodClass) Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "not enough arguments for method %s::%s (%d given, expected %d)\n", (((void *)0))), methodType->methodClass->fullName, methodType->method->name, exp->call.arguments ? (*exp->call.arguments).count : 0, functionType->params.count + extra); else Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "not enough arguments for function %s (%d given, expected %d)\n", (((void *)0))), name, exp->call.arguments ? (*exp->call.arguments).count : 0, functionType->params.count + extra); } yylloc = oldyylloc; if(type && !type->refCount) FreeType(type); } else { functionType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 0, __ecereInstance1->kind = 11, __ecereInstance1; }); if(exp->call.exp->type == 0) { char * string = exp->call.exp->identifier->string; if(inCompiler) { struct Symbol * symbol; struct Location oldyylloc = yylloc; yylloc = exp->call.exp->identifier->loc; if(strstr(string, "__builtin_") == string) ; else Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "%s undefined; assuming extern returning int\n", (((void *)0))), string); symbol = __extension__ ({ struct Symbol * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol); __ecereInstance1->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(string), __ecereInstance1->type = ProcessTypeString("int()", 0x1), __ecereInstance1; }); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(&globalContext->symbols, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)symbol); if(strstr(symbol->string, "::")) globalContext->hasNameSpace = 0x1; yylloc = oldyylloc; } } else if(exp->call.exp->type == 8) { } else Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "callable object undefined; extern assuming returning int\n", (((void *)0)))); if(!functionType->returnType) { functionType->returnType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 3, __ecereInstance1; }); } } if(functionType && functionType->kind == 11) { exp->expType = functionType->returnType; if(functionType->returnType) functionType->returnType->refCount++; if(!functionType->refCount) FreeType(functionType); } if(exp->call.arguments) { for(e = (*exp->call.arguments).first; e; e = e->next) { struct Type * destType = e->destType; ProcessExpressionType(e); } } break; } case 8: { struct Type * type; struct Location oldyylloc = yylloc; unsigned int thisPtr = (exp->member.exp && exp->member.exp->type == 0 && !strcmp(exp->member.exp->identifier->string, "this")); exp->thisPtr = thisPtr; if(exp->member.member && exp->member.member->_class && exp->member.member->_class->name) { exp->member.member->classSym = exp->member.member->_class->symbol; } ProcessExpressionType(exp->member.exp); if(exp->member.exp->expType && exp->member.exp->expType->kind == 8 && exp->member.exp->expType->_class && exp->member.exp->expType->_class->registered && exp->member.exp->expType->_class->registered->type == 0) { exp->isConstant = 0x0; } else exp->isConstant = exp->member.exp->isConstant; type = exp->member.exp->expType; yylloc = exp->loc; if(type && (type->kind == 20)) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = thisClass ? thisClass : currentClass; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * param = (((void *)0)); if(_class) { for(param = _class->templateParams.first; param; param = param->next) { if(param->type == 1 && exp->member.member && exp->member.member->string && !strcmp(param->name, exp->member.member->string)) break; } } if(param && param->defaultArg.member) { struct Expression * argExp = GetTemplateArgExpByName(param->name, thisClass, 1); if(argExp) { struct Expression * expMember = exp->member.exp; struct Declarator * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); char thisClassTypeString[1024]; FreeIdentifier(exp->member.member); ProcessExpressionType(argExp); { char * colon = strstr(param->defaultArg.memberString, "::"); if(colon) { char className[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; memcpy(thisClassTypeString, param->defaultArg.memberString, colon - param->defaultArg.memberString); thisClassTypeString[colon - param->defaultArg.memberString] = '\0'; } else strcpy(thisClassTypeString, _class->fullName); } decl = SpecDeclFromString(param->defaultArg.member->dataTypeString, specs, (((void *)0))); exp->expType = ProcessType(specs, decl); if(exp->expType->kind == 8 && exp->expType->_class && exp->expType->_class->registered && exp->expType->_class->registered->templateClass) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * expClass = exp->expType->_class->registered; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * cClass = (((void *)0)); int c; int paramCount = 0; int lastParam = -1; char templateString[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * param; sprintf(templateString, "%s<", expClass->templateClass->fullName); for(cClass = expClass; cClass; cClass = cClass->base) { int p = 0; for(param = cClass->templateParams.first; param; param = param->next) { int id = p; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument arg; for(sClass = cClass->base; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) id += sClass->templateParams.count; arg = expClass->templateArgs[id]; for(sClass = _class; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * cParam; int p = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * nextClass; for(nextClass = sClass->base; nextClass; nextClass = nextClass->base) p += nextClass->templateParams.count; for(cParam = sClass->templateParams.first; cParam; cParam = cParam->next, p++) { if(cParam->type == 0 && arg.dataTypeString && !strcmp(cParam->name, arg.dataTypeString)) { if(_class->templateArgs && arg.dataTypeString && (!param->defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param->defaultArg.dataTypeString))) { arg.dataTypeString = _class->templateArgs[p].dataTypeString; arg.dataTypeClass = _class->templateArgs[p].dataTypeClass; break; } } } } { char argument[256]; argument[0] = '\0'; switch(param->type) { case 2: { char expString[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl = SpecDeclFromString(param->dataTypeString, specs, (((void *)0))); struct Expression * exp; char * string = PrintHexUInt64(arg.expression.ui64); exp = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpConstant(string)); ProcessExpressionType(exp); ComputeExpression(exp); expString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(exp, expString); strcat(argument, expString); FreeExpression(exp); break; } case 1: { strcat(argument, arg.member->name); break; } case 0: { if(arg.dataTypeString && (!param->defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param->defaultArg.dataTypeString))) { if(!strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, "thisclass")) strcat(argument, thisClassTypeString); else strcat(argument, arg.dataTypeString); } break; } } if(argument[0]) { if(paramCount) strcat(templateString, ", "); if(lastParam != p - 1) { strcat(templateString, param->name); strcat(templateString, " = "); } strcat(templateString, argument); paramCount++; lastParam = p; } p++; } } } { int len = strlen(templateString); if(templateString[len - 1] == '>') templateString[len++] = ' '; templateString[len++] = '>'; templateString[len++] = '\0'; } { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = ProcessTypeString(templateString, 0x0); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } exp->type = 5; exp->list = MkListOne(MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '*', MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), decl)), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("byte")), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), expMember))), '+', MkExpOp(MkExpMember(MkExpMember(argExp, MkIdentifier("member")), MkIdentifier("offset")), '+', MkExpMember(MkExpMember(MkExpMember(CopyExpression(argExp), MkIdentifier("member")), MkIdentifier("_class")), MkIdentifier("offset"))))))))); } } else if(type->templateParameter && type->templateParameter->type == 0 && (type->templateParameter->dataType || type->templateParameter->dataTypeString)) { type = ProcessTemplateParameterType(type->templateParameter); } } if(type && (type->kind == 20)) ; else if(type && (type->kind == 8 || type->kind == 19 || type->kind == 3 || type->kind == 15)) { struct Identifier * id = exp->member.member; int typeKind = type->kind; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = (id && (!id->_class || id->_class->name)) ? (id->classSym ? id->classSym->registered : (type->_class ? type->_class->registered : (((void *)0)))) : (((void *)0)); if(typeKind == 19 && exp->member.exp->type == 26) { _class = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "ecere::com::Class"); typeKind = 8; } if(id && (typeKind == 3 || typeKind == 15)) _class = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "int"); if(_class && id) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Method * method = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * member = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * revConvert = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassProperty * classProp = (((void *)0)); if(id && id->_class && id->_class->name && !strcmp(id->_class->name, "property")) exp->member.memberType = 1; if(id && id->_class && type->_class && !__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(type->_class->registered, _class)) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "invalid class specifier %s for object of class %s\n", (((void *)0))), _class->fullName, type->_class->string); if(typeKind != 19) { if((exp->member.memberType == 0 && thisPtr) || exp->member.memberType == 3) { member = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id->string, privateModule, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); if(member && member->_class != (_class->templateClass ? _class->templateClass : _class) && exp->member.memberType != 3) { prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, id->string, privateModule); if(prop) member = (((void *)0)); } if(!member && !prop) prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, id->string, privateModule); if((member && member->_class == (_class->templateClass ? _class->templateClass : _class)) || (prop && prop->_class == (_class->templateClass ? _class->templateClass : _class))) exp->member.thisPtr = 0x1; } else { if(!id->classSym) { prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, id->string, (((void *)0))); if(!id->_class || !id->_class->name || strcmp(id->_class->name, "property")) member = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id->string, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); } if(!prop && !member) { method = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindMethod(_class, id->string, (((void *)0))); if(!method) { prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, id->string, privateModule); if(!id->_class || !id->_class->name || strcmp(id->_class->name, "property")) member = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindDataMember(_class, id->string, privateModule, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); } } if(member && prop) { if(member->_class != prop->_class && !id->_class && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(member->_class, prop->_class)) prop = (((void *)0)); else member = (((void *)0)); } } } if(!prop && !member) method = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindMethod(_class, id->string, privateModule); if(!prop && !member && !method) { if(typeKind == 19) { classProp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindClassProperty(type->_class->registered, exp->member.member->string); if(classProp) { exp->member.memberType = 5; exp->expType = ProcessTypeString(classProp->dataTypeString, 0x0); } else { char structName[1024]; struct Identifier * id = exp->member.member; struct Expression * classExp = exp->member.exp; type->refCount++; FreeType(classExp->expType); classExp->expType = ProcessTypeString("ecere::com::Class", 0x0); strcpy(structName, "__ecereClassData_"); FullClassNameCat(structName, type->_class->string, 0x0); exp->type = 9; exp->member.member = id; exp->member.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(3, MkIdentifier(structName), (((void *)0)))), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("data"))), '+', MkExpMember(MkExpClass(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(type->_class->string)), (((void *)0))), MkIdentifier("offsetClass")))))))); FreeType(type); ProcessExpressionType(exp); return ; } } else { struct Symbol * classSym = FindClass(id->string); if(classSym) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * convertClass = classSym->registered; if(convertClass) revConvert = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(convertClass, _class->fullName, privateModule); } } } if(prop) { exp->member.memberType = 1; if(!prop->dataType) ProcessPropertyType(prop); exp->expType = prop->dataType; if(prop->dataType) prop->dataType->refCount++; } else if(member) { if(exp->member.exp->expType->classObjectType == 2 && !strcmp(exp->member.member->string, "_class")) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->type = 0; exp->identifier = MkIdentifier("class"); ProcessExpressionType(exp); return ; } exp->member.memberType = 3; DeclareStruct(_class->fullName, 0x0); if(!member->dataType) { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(_class); member->dataType = ProcessTypeString(member->dataTypeString, 0x0); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } exp->expType = member->dataType; if(member->dataType) member->dataType->refCount++; } else if(revConvert) { exp->member.memberType = 4; exp->expType = MkClassType(revConvert->_class->fullName); } else if(method) { if(inCompiler) { exp->member.memberType = 2; } if(!method->dataType) ProcessMethodType(method); exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 16, __ecereInstance1->method = method, __ecereInstance1; }); exp->expType->methodClass = (id && id->_class) ? _class : (((void *)0)); exp->expType->usedClass = _class; } else if(!classProp) { if(exp->member.exp->expType->classObjectType == 2 && !strcmp(exp->member.member->string, "_class")) { FreeExpContents(exp); exp->type = 0; exp->identifier = MkIdentifier("class"); ProcessExpressionType(exp); return ; } yylloc = exp->member.member->loc; Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "couldn't find member %s in class %s\n", (((void *)0))), id->string, _class->fullName); if(inCompiler) __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_AddDataMember(_class, id->string, "int", 0, 0, 1); } if(_class && exp->expType) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * tClass; tClass = _class; while(tClass && !tClass->templateClass) tClass = tClass->base; if(tClass && exp->expType->kind == 20 && exp->expType->templateParameter->type == 0) { int id = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * curParam = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; for(sClass = tClass; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { id = 0; if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; for(curParam = sClass->templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = curParam->next) { if(curParam->type == 0 && !strcmp(exp->expType->templateParameter->identifier->string, curParam->name)) { for(sClass = sClass->base; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) id += sClass->templateParams.count; break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam && tClass->templateArgs[id].dataTypeString) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument arg = tClass->templateArgs[id]; struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(tClass); FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, 0x0); if(exp->expType) { if(exp->expType->kind == 21) { FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); } if(tClass->templateClass) exp->expType->passAsTemplate = 0x1; if(!exp->destType) { exp->destType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, 0x0); if(exp->destType->kind == 21) { FreeType(exp->destType); exp->destType = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); } } } FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } else if(tClass && exp->expType->kind == 13 && exp->expType->type && exp->expType->type->kind == 20 && exp->expType->type->templateParameter->type == 0) { int id = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * curParam = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; for(sClass = tClass; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) { id = 0; if(sClass->templateClass) sClass = sClass->templateClass; for(curParam = sClass->templateParams.first; curParam; curParam = curParam->next) { if(curParam->type == 0 && !strcmp(exp->expType->type->templateParameter->identifier->string, curParam->name)) { for(sClass = sClass->base; sClass; sClass = sClass->base) id += sClass->templateParams.count; break; } id++; } if(curParam) break; } if(curParam) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument arg = tClass->templateArgs[id]; struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(tClass); struct Type * basicType; basicType = ProcessTypeString(arg.dataTypeString, 0x0); if(basicType) { if(basicType->kind == 21) { FreeType(basicType); basicType = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); } FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 13, __ecereInstance1->type = basicType, __ecereInstance1; }); if(!exp->destType) { exp->destType = exp->expType; exp->destType->refCount++; } { struct Expression * newExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl; decl = SpecDeclFromString(arg.dataTypeString, specs, (((void *)0))); *newExp = *exp; if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount++; if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount++; exp->type = 11; exp->cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), decl)); exp->cast.exp = newExp; } } FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } else if(tClass && exp->expType->kind == 8 && exp->expType->_class && strchr(exp->expType->_class->string, '<')) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * expClass = exp->expType->_class->registered; if(expClass) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * cClass = (((void *)0)); int c; int p = 0; int paramCount = 0; int lastParam = -1; char templateString[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * param; sprintf(templateString, "%s<", expClass->templateClass->fullName); while(cClass != expClass) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClass; for(sClass = expClass; sClass && sClass->base != cClass; sClass = sClass->base) ; cClass = sClass; for(param = cClass->templateParams.first; param; param = param->next) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * cClassCur = (((void *)0)); int c; int cp = 0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateParameter * paramCur = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__ClassTemplateArgument arg; while(cClassCur != tClass && !paramCur) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * sClassCur; for(sClassCur = tClass; sClassCur && sClassCur->base != cClassCur; sClassCur = sClassCur->base) ; cClassCur = sClassCur; for(paramCur = cClassCur->templateParams.first; paramCur; paramCur = paramCur->next) { if(!strcmp(paramCur->name, param->name)) { break; } cp++; } } if(paramCur && paramCur->type == 0) arg = tClass->templateArgs[cp]; else arg = expClass->templateArgs[p]; { char argument[256]; argument[0] = '\0'; switch(param->type) { case 2: { char expString[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl = SpecDeclFromString(param->dataTypeString, specs, (((void *)0))); struct Expression * exp; char * string = PrintHexUInt64(arg.expression.ui64); exp = MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpConstant(string)); ProcessExpressionType(exp); ComputeExpression(exp); expString[0] = '\0'; PrintExpression(exp, expString); strcat(argument, expString); FreeExpression(exp); break; } case 1: { strcat(argument, arg.member->name); break; } case 0: { if(arg.dataTypeString && (!param->defaultArg.dataTypeString || strcmp(arg.dataTypeString, param->defaultArg.dataTypeString))) strcat(argument, arg.dataTypeString); break; } } if(argument[0]) { if(paramCount) strcat(templateString, ", "); if(lastParam != p - 1) { strcat(templateString, param->name); strcat(templateString, " = "); } strcat(templateString, argument); paramCount++; lastParam = p; } } p++; } } { int len = strlen(templateString); if(templateString[len - 1] == '>') templateString[len++] = ' '; templateString[len++] = '>'; templateString[len++] = '\0'; } FreeType(exp->expType); { struct Context * context = SetupTemplatesContext(tClass); exp->expType = ProcessTypeString(templateString, 0x0); FinishTemplatesContext(context); } } } } } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "undefined class %s\n", (((void *)0))), (id && (!id->_class || id->_class->name)) ? (id->classSym ? id->classSym->string : (type->_class ? type->_class->string : (((void *)0)))) : "(null)"); } else if(type && (type->kind == 9 || type->kind == 10)) { struct Type * memberType = exp->member.member ? FindMember(type, exp->member.member->string) : (((void *)0)); if(memberType) { exp->expType = memberType; if(memberType) memberType->refCount++; } } else { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "member operator on non-structure type expression %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString); } if(exp->expType && exp->expType->kind == 21 && (!exp->destType || exp->destType->kind != 21)) { if(type && (type->kind == 8 || type->kind == 19 || type->kind == 3 || type->kind == 15)) { struct Identifier * id = exp->member.member; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = (id && (!id->_class || id->_class->name)) ? (id->classSym ? id->classSym->registered : (type->_class ? type->_class->registered : (((void *)0)))) : (((void *)0)); if(_class) { FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = ReplaceThisClassType(_class); } } } yylloc = oldyylloc; break; } case 9: { struct Type * destType = exp->destType; if(exp->member.member && exp->member.member->_class && exp->member.member->_class->name) { exp->member.member->classSym = exp->member.member->_class->symbol; } exp->member.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '*', exp->member.exp))); exp->type = 8; if(destType) destType->count++; ProcessExpressionType(exp); if(destType) destType->count--; break; } case 15: { struct Symbol * classSym = exp->_class->symbol; if(classSym && classSym->registered) { if(classSym->registered->type == 5) { char name[1024]; name[0] = '\0'; DeclareStruct(classSym->string, 0x0); FreeSpecifier(exp->_class); exp->type = 10; FullClassNameCat(name, classSym->string, 0x0); exp->typeName = MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(3, MkIdentifier(name), (((void *)0)))), (((void *)0))); } else { if(classSym->registered->fixed) { FreeSpecifier(exp->_class); exp->constant = PrintUInt(classSym->registered->templateClass ? classSym->registered->templateClass->structSize : classSym->registered->structSize); exp->type = 2; } else { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym->string, 0x1); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); FreeExpContents(exp); exp->type = 9; exp->member.exp = MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(className)); exp->member.member = MkIdentifier("structSize"); } } } exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 3, __ecereInstance1; }); break; } case 10: { struct Type * type = ProcessType(exp->typeName->qualifiers, exp->typeName->declarator); exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 3, __ecereInstance1; }); exp->isConstant = 0x1; DeclareType(type, 0x0, 0x0); FreeType(type); break; } case 11: { struct Type * type = ProcessType(exp->cast.typeName->qualifiers, exp->cast.typeName->declarator); type->count = (unsigned int)1; FreeType(exp->cast.exp->destType); exp->cast.exp->destType = type; type->refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(exp->cast.exp); type->count = (unsigned int)0; exp->expType = type; if(!exp->cast.exp->needCast && !NeedCast(exp->cast.exp->expType, type)) { void * prev = exp->prev, * next = exp->next; struct Type * expType = exp->cast.exp->destType; struct Expression * castExp = exp->cast.exp; struct Type * destType = exp->destType; if(expType) expType->refCount++; FreeType(exp->expType); FreeTypeName(exp->cast.typeName); *exp = *castExp; FreeType(exp->expType); FreeType(exp->destType); exp->expType = expType; exp->destType = destType; ((castExp ? (__ecereClass_Expression->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Expression->Destructor(castExp) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(castExp)) : 0), castExp = 0); exp->prev = prev; exp->next = next; } else { exp->isConstant = exp->cast.exp->isConstant; } break; } case 35: { struct Type * type = ProcessType(exp->initializer.typeName->qualifiers, exp->initializer.typeName->declarator); type->refCount++; exp->expType = type; break; } case 36: { struct Type * type = ProcessType(exp->vaArg.typeName->qualifiers, exp->vaArg.typeName->declarator); ProcessExpressionType(exp->vaArg.exp); type->refCount++; exp->expType = type; break; } case 12: { struct Expression * e; exp->isConstant = 0x1; FreeType(exp->cond.cond->destType); exp->cond.cond->destType = MkClassType("bool"); exp->cond.cond->destType->truth = 0x1; ProcessExpressionType(exp->cond.cond); if(!exp->cond.cond->isConstant) exp->isConstant = 0x0; for(e = (*exp->cond.exp).first; e; e = e->next) { if(!e->next) { FreeType(e->destType); e->destType = exp->destType; if(e->destType) e->destType->refCount++; } ProcessExpressionType(e); if(!e->next) { exp->expType = e->expType; if(e->expType) e->expType->refCount++; } if(!e->isConstant) exp->isConstant = 0x0; } FreeType(exp->cond.elseExp->destType); exp->cond.elseExp->destType = exp->destType ? exp->destType : exp->expType; if(exp->cond.elseExp->destType) exp->cond.elseExp->destType->refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(exp->cond.elseExp); if(!exp->cond.elseExp->isConstant) exp->isConstant = 0x0; break; } case 25: { if(exp->compound && exp->compound->compound.statements && (*exp->compound->compound.statements).last) { struct Statement * last = (*exp->compound->compound.statements).last; if(last->type == 3 && last->expressions && (*last->expressions).last) { ((struct Expression *)(*last->expressions).last)->destType = exp->destType; if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount++; } ProcessStatement(exp->compound); exp->expType = (last->expressions && (*last->expressions).last) ? ((struct Expression *)(*last->expressions).last)->expType : (((void *)0)); if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount++; } break; } case 26: { struct Specifier * spec = (*exp->_classExp.specifiers).first; if(spec && spec->type == 1) { exp->expType = MkClassType(spec->name); exp->expType->kind = 19; exp->byReference = 0x1; } else { exp->expType = MkClassType("ecere::com::Class"); exp->byReference = 0x1; } break; } case 27: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = thisClass ? thisClass : currentClass; if(_class) { struct Identifier * id = exp->classData.id; char structName[1024]; struct Expression * classExp; strcpy(structName, "__ecereClassData_"); FullClassNameCat(structName, _class->fullName, 0x0); exp->type = 9; exp->member.member = id; if(curCompound && FindSymbol("this", curContext, curCompound->compound.context, 0x0, 0x0)) classExp = MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this")), MkIdentifier("_class")); else classExp = MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("class")); exp->member.exp = MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(3, MkIdentifier(structName), (((void *)0)))), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), MkExpBrackets(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(CHAR)), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), MkExpMember(classExp, MkIdentifier("data"))), '+', MkExpMember(MkExpClass(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(_class->fullName)), (((void *)0))), MkIdentifier("offsetClass")))))))); ProcessExpressionType(exp); return ; } break; } case 37: { struct Type * type = (((void *)0)); char * typeString = (((void *)0)); char typeStringBuf[1024]; if(exp->destType && exp->destType->kind == 8 && exp->destType->_class && exp->destType->_class->registered && exp->destType->_class->registered != containerClass && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(exp->destType->_class->registered, containerClass)) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * templateClass = exp->destType->_class->registered; typeString = templateClass->templateArgs[2].dataTypeString; } else if(exp->list) { struct Expression * e; for(e = (*exp->list).first; e; e = e->next) { ProcessExpressionType(e); if(e->expType) { if(!type) { type = e->expType; type->refCount++; } else { if(!MatchTypeExpression(e, type, (((void *)0)), 0x0)) { FreeType(type); type = e->expType; e->expType = (((void *)0)); e = (*exp->list).first; ProcessExpressionType(e); if(e->expType) { if(!MatchTypeExpression(e, type, (((void *)0)), 0x0)) { FreeType(e->expType); e->expType = (((void *)0)); FreeType(type); type = (((void *)0)); break; } } } } if(e->expType) { FreeType(e->expType); e->expType = (((void *)0)); } } } if(type) { typeStringBuf[0] = '\0'; PrintType(type, typeStringBuf, 0x0, 0x1); typeString = typeStringBuf; FreeType(type); type = (((void *)0)); } } if(typeString) { char templateString[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * initializers = MkList(); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * structInitializers = MkList(); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct Expression * expExt; struct Declarator * decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, (((void *)0))); sprintf(templateString, "Container<%s>", typeString); if(exp->list) { struct Expression * e; type = ProcessTypeString(typeString, 0x0); while(e = (*exp->list).first) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove((&*exp->list), e); e->destType = type; type->refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(e); ListAdd(initializers, MkInitializerAssignment(e)); } FreeType(type); (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(exp->list), exp->list = 0); } DeclareStruct("ecere::com::BuiltInContainer", 0x0); ListAdd(structInitializers, MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpMember(MkExpClass(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("BuiltInContainer")), (((void *)0))), MkIdentifier("_vTbl")))); ProcessExpressionType(((struct Initializer *)(*structInitializers).last)->exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpClass(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("BuiltInContainer")), (((void *)0))))); ProcessExpressionType(((struct Initializer *)(*structInitializers).last)->exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpConstant("0"))); ProcessExpressionType(((struct Initializer *)(*structInitializers).last)->exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpExtensionInitializer(MkTypeName(specs, MkDeclaratorArray(decl, (((void *)0)))), MkInitializerList(initializers)))); ProcessExpressionType(((struct Initializer *)(*structInitializers).last)->exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, MkInitializerAssignment(__extension__ ({ struct Expression * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); __ecereInstance1->type = 2, __ecereInstance1->constant = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__PrintString(__ecereClass_int, &(*initializers).count, (void *)0), __ecereInstance1; }))); ProcessExpressionType(((struct Initializer *)(*structInitializers).last)->exp); ListAdd(structInitializers, MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpClass(CopyList(specs, CopySpecifier), CopyDeclarator(decl)))); ProcessExpressionType(((struct Initializer *)(*structInitializers).last)->exp); exp->expType = ProcessTypeString(templateString, 0x0); exp->type = 5; exp->list = MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(templateString)), (((void *)0))), MkExpOp((((void *)0)), '&', expExt = MkExpExtensionInitializer(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("BuiltInContainer")), (((void *)0))), MkInitializerList(structInitializers))))); ProcessExpressionType(expExt); } else { exp->expType = ProcessTypeString("Container", 0x0); Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Couldn't determine type of array elements\n", (((void *)0)))); } break; } } if(exp->expType && exp->expType->kind == 21 && thisClass && (!exp->destType || exp->destType->kind != 21)) { FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = ReplaceThisClassType(thisClass); } if(exp->expType && (exp->expType->kind == 9 || exp->expType->kind == 10 || exp->expType->kind == 15) && !exp->expType->members.first && exp->expType->enumName) { struct Symbol * symbol = FindSymbol(exp->expType->enumName, curContext, globalContext, 0x1, 0x0); if(symbol) { if(exp->expType->kind != 15) { struct Type * member; char * enumName = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(exp->expType->enumName); FreeType(exp->expType); exp->expType = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); exp->expType->kind = symbol->type->kind; exp->expType->refCount++; exp->expType->enumName = enumName; exp->expType->members = symbol->type->members; for(member = symbol->type->members.first; member; member = member->next) member->refCount++; } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink * member; for(member = symbol->type->members.first; member; member = member->next) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__NamedLink * value = (value = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_New0(structSize_NamedLink), value->name = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString(member->name), value); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Add(&exp->expType->members, value); } } } } yylloc = exp->loc; if(exp->destType && (exp->destType->kind == 0 || exp->destType->kind == 18)) ; else if(exp->destType && !exp->destType->keepCast) { if(!CheckExpressionType(exp, exp->destType, 0x0)) { if(!exp->destType->count || unresolved) { if(!exp->expType) { yylloc = exp->loc; if(exp->destType->kind != 14) { char type2[1024]; type2[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; PrintType(exp->destType, type2, 0x0, 0x1); if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } if(unresolved) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "unresolved identifier %s; expected %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString, type2); else if(exp->type != 16) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "couldn't determine type of %s; expected %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString, type2); } } else { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } if(unresolved) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "unresolved identifier %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString); else if(exp->type != 16) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "couldn't determine type of %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString); } } else { char type1[1024]; char type2[1024]; type1[0] = '\0'; type2[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintType(exp->expType, type1, 0x0, 0x1); PrintType(exp->destType, type2, 0x0, 0x1); } if(exp->destType->truth && exp->destType->_class && exp->destType->_class->registered && !strcmp(exp->destType->_class->registered->name, "bool") && exp->expType->kind != 0 && exp->expType->kind != 9 && exp->expType->kind != 10 && (exp->expType->kind != 8 || exp->expType->classObjectType || (exp->expType->_class && exp->expType->_class->registered && exp->expType->_class->registered->type != 1))) ; else { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } if(!sourceFile || (strcmp(sourceFile, "src\\lexer.ec") && strcmp(sourceFile, "src/lexer.ec") && strcmp(sourceFile, "src\\grammar.ec") && strcmp(sourceFile, "src/grammar.ec"))) Compiler_Warning(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "incompatible expression %s (%s); expected %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString, type1, type2); FreeType(exp->expType); exp->destType->refCount++; exp->expType = exp->destType; } } } } else if(exp->destType && exp->destType->kind == 14 && exp->expType && exp->expType->passAsTemplate) { struct Expression * newExp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Expression); char typeString[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl; typeString[0] = '\0'; *newExp = *exp; if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount++; if(exp->expType) exp->expType->refCount++; exp->type = 11; newExp->destType = exp->expType; PrintType(exp->expType, typeString, 0x0, 0x0); decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, (((void *)0))); exp->cast.typeName = MkTypeName(specs, decl); exp->cast.exp = newExp; } } else if(unresolved) { if(exp->identifier->_class && exp->identifier->_class->name) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "unresolved identifier %s::%s\n", (((void *)0))), exp->identifier->_class->name, exp->identifier->string); else if(exp->identifier->string && exp->identifier->string[0]) Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "unresolved identifier %s\n", (((void *)0))), exp->identifier->string); } else if(!exp->expType && exp->type != 16) { char expString[10240]; expString[0] = '\0'; if(inCompiler) { PrintExpression(exp, expString); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__ChangeCh(expString, '\n', ' '); } Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "couldn't determine type of %s\n", (((void *)0))), expString); } ApplyAnyObjectLogic(exp); if(!notByReference && exp->expType && exp->expType->kind == 8 && exp->expType->_class && exp->expType->_class->registered && exp->expType->_class->registered->type == 5) { exp->byReference = 0x1; } yylloc = oldyylloc; } static void FindNextDataMember(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class ** curClass, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember ** curMember, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember ** subMemberStack, int * subMemberStackPos) { if(*curMember) { *curMember = (*curMember)->next; if(subMemberStackPos && *subMemberStackPos > 0 && subMemberStack[*subMemberStackPos - 1]->type == 1) { *curMember = subMemberStack[--(*subMemberStackPos)]; *curMember = (*curMember)->next; } while((*curMember) && (*curMember)->isProperty) *curMember = (*curMember)->next; if(subMemberStackPos) { while((*curMember) && !(*curMember)->isProperty && !(*curMember)->name && ((*curMember)->type == 2 || (*curMember)->type == 1)) { subMemberStack[(*subMemberStackPos)++] = *curMember; *curMember = (*curMember)->members.first; while(*curMember && (*curMember)->isProperty) *curMember = (*curMember)->next; } } } while(!*curMember) { if(!*curMember) { if(subMemberStackPos && *subMemberStackPos) { *curMember = subMemberStack[--(*subMemberStackPos)]; *curMember = (*curMember)->next; } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * lastCurClass = *curClass; if(*curClass == _class) break; for(*curClass = _class; (*curClass)->base != lastCurClass && (*curClass)->base->type != 1000; *curClass = (*curClass)->base) ; *curMember = (*curClass)->membersAndProperties.first; } while((*curMember) && (*curMember)->isProperty) *curMember = (*curMember)->next; if(subMemberStackPos) { while((*curMember) && !(*curMember)->isProperty && !(*curMember)->name && ((*curMember)->type == 2 || (*curMember)->type == 1)) { subMemberStack[(*subMemberStackPos)++] = *curMember; *curMember = (*curMember)->members.first; while(*curMember && (*curMember)->isProperty) *curMember = (*curMember)->next; } } } } } static void ProcessInitializer(struct Initializer * init, struct Type * type) { switch(init->type) { case 0: if(!init->exp || init->exp->type != 1 || !init->exp->instance || init->exp->instance->_class || !type || type->kind == 8) { if(init->exp && !init->exp->destType) { FreeType(init->exp->destType); init->exp->destType = type; if(type) type->refCount++; } if(init->exp) { ProcessExpressionType(init->exp); init->isConstant = init->exp->isConstant; } break; } else { struct Expression * exp = init->exp; struct Instantiation * inst = exp->instance; struct MembersInit * members; init->type = 1; init->list = MkList(); if(inst->members) { for(members = (*inst->members).first; members; members = members->next) { if(members->type == 0) { struct MemberInit * member; for(member = (*members->dataMembers).first; member; member = member->next) { ListAdd(init->list, member->initializer); member->initializer = (((void *)0)); } } } } FreeExpression(exp); } case 1: { struct Initializer * i; struct Type * initializerType = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * curClass = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * curMember = (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * subMemberStack[256]; int subMemberStackPos = 0; if(type && type->kind == 12) initializerType = Dereference(type); else if(type && (type->kind == 9 || type->kind == 10)) initializerType = type->members.first; for(i = (*init->list).first; i; i = i->next) { if(type && type->kind == 8 && type->_class && type->_class->registered) { FindNextDataMember(type->_class->registered, &curClass, &curMember, subMemberStack, &subMemberStackPos); if(curMember) { if(!curMember->dataType) curMember->dataType = ProcessTypeString(curMember->dataTypeString, 0x0); initializerType = curMember->dataType; } } ProcessInitializer(i, initializerType); if(initializerType && type && (type->kind == 9 || type->kind == 10)) initializerType = initializerType->next; if(!i->isConstant) init->isConstant = 0x0; } if(type && type->kind == 12) FreeType(initializerType); if(type && type->kind != 12 && type->kind != 9 && type->kind != 10 && (type->kind != 8 || !type->_class->registered || type->_class->registered->type != 1)) { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Assigning list initializer to non list\n", (((void *)0)))); } break; } } } extern struct Symbol * FindType(struct Context * ctx, char * name); static void ProcessClass(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * definitions, struct Symbol * symbol); static void ProcessSpecifier(struct Specifier * spec, unsigned int declareStruct) { switch(spec->type) { case 0: { if(spec->specifier == THISCLASS) { if(thisClass) { spec->type = 1; spec->name = ReplaceThisClass(thisClass); spec->symbol = FindClass(spec->name); ProcessSpecifier(spec, declareStruct); } } break; } case 1: { struct Symbol * symbol = FindType(curContext, spec->name); if(symbol) DeclareType(symbol->type, 0x1, 0x1); else if((symbol = spec->symbol) && symbol->registered && symbol->registered->type == 1 && declareStruct) DeclareStruct(spec->name, 0x0); break; } case 2: { struct Enumerator * e; if(spec->list) { for(e = (*spec->list).first; e; e = e->next) { if(e->exp) ProcessExpressionType(e->exp); } } break; } case 3: case 4: { if(spec->definitions) { struct ClassDef * def; struct Symbol * symbol = spec->id ? FindClass(spec->id->string) : (((void *)0)); ProcessClass(spec->definitions, symbol); } break; } } } static void ProcessDeclarator(struct Declarator * decl) { switch(decl->type) { case 1: if(decl->identifier->classSym) { FreeSpecifier(decl->identifier->_class); decl->identifier->_class = (((void *)0)); } break; case 3: if(decl->array.exp) ProcessExpressionType(decl->array.exp); case 0: case 2: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: if(decl->declarator) ProcessDeclarator(decl->declarator); if(decl->type == 4) { struct Identifier * id = GetDeclId(decl); if(id && id->_class) { struct TypeName * param = (param = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_TypeName), param->qualifiers = MkListOne(id->_class), param->declarator = (((void *)0)), param); if(!decl->function.parameters) decl->function.parameters = MkList(); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*decl->function.parameters), (((void *)0)), param); id->_class = (((void *)0)); } if(decl->function.parameters) { struct TypeName * param; for(param = (*decl->function.parameters).first; param; param = param->next) { if(param->qualifiers && (*param->qualifiers).first) { struct Specifier * spec = (*param->qualifiers).first; if(spec && spec->specifier == TYPED_OBJECT) { struct Declarator * d = param->declarator; struct TypeName * newParam = (newParam = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_TypeName), newParam->qualifiers = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), newParam->declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), d), newParam); FreeList(param->qualifiers, FreeSpecifier); param->qualifiers = MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(3, MkIdentifier("__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class"), (((void *)0)))); param->declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("class"))); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*decl->function.parameters), param, newParam); param = newParam; } else if(spec && spec->specifier == ANY_OBJECT) { struct Declarator * d = param->declarator; FreeList(param->qualifiers, FreeSpecifier); param->qualifiers = MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)); param->declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), d); } else if(spec->specifier == THISCLASS) { if(thisClass) { spec->type = 1; spec->name = ReplaceThisClass(thisClass); spec->symbol = FindClass(spec->name); ProcessSpecifier(spec, 0x0); } } } if(param->declarator) ProcessDeclarator(param->declarator); } } } break; } } extern struct Identifier * CopyIdentifier(struct Identifier * id); extern void FreeInitDeclarator(struct InitDeclarator * decl); static void ProcessDeclaration(struct Declaration * decl) { yylloc = decl->loc; switch(decl->type) { case 1: { unsigned int declareStruct = 0x0; if(decl->declarators) { struct InitDeclarator * d; for(d = (*decl->declarators).first; d; d = d->next) { struct Type * type, * subType; ProcessDeclarator(d->declarator); type = ProcessType(decl->specifiers, d->declarator); if(d->initializer) { ProcessInitializer(d->initializer, type); if((*decl->declarators).count == 1 && d->initializer->type == 0 && d->initializer->exp->type == 1) { if(type->kind == 8 && type->_class == d->initializer->exp->expType->_class) { struct Instantiation * inst = d->initializer->exp->instance; inst->exp = MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(GetDeclId(d->declarator))); d->initializer->exp->instance = (((void *)0)); if(decl->specifiers) FreeList(decl->specifiers, FreeSpecifier); FreeList(decl->declarators, FreeInitDeclarator); d = (((void *)0)); decl->type = 2; decl->inst = inst; } } } for(subType = type; subType; ) { if(subType->kind == 8) { declareStruct = 0x1; break; } else if(subType->kind == 13) break; else if(subType->kind == 12) subType = subType->arrayType; else break; } FreeType(type); if(!d) break; } } if(decl->specifiers) { struct Specifier * s; for(s = (*decl->specifiers).first; s; s = s->next) { ProcessSpecifier(s, declareStruct); } } break; } case 2: { ProcessInstantiationType(decl->inst); break; } case 0: { struct Specifier * spec; struct Declarator * d; unsigned int declareStruct = 0x0; if(decl->declarators) { for(d = (*decl->declarators).first; d; d = d->next) { struct Type * type = ProcessType(decl->specifiers, d->declarator); struct Type * subType; ProcessDeclarator(d); for(subType = type; subType; ) { if(subType->kind == 8) { declareStruct = 0x1; break; } else if(subType->kind == 13) break; else if(subType->kind == 12) subType = subType->arrayType; else break; } FreeType(type); } } if(decl->specifiers) { for(spec = (*decl->specifiers).first; spec; spec = spec->next) ProcessSpecifier(spec, declareStruct); } break; } } } static struct FunctionDefinition * curFunction; static void CreateFireWatcher(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop, struct Expression * object, struct Statement * stmt) { char propName[1024], propNameM[1024]; char getName[1024], setName[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * args; DeclareProperty(prop, setName, getName); strcpy(propName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->_class->fullName, 0x0); strcat(propName, "_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->name, 0x1); MangleClassName(propName); strcpy(propNameM, "__ecerePropM_"); FullClassNameCat(propNameM, prop->_class->fullName, 0x0); strcat(propNameM, "_"); FullClassNameCat(propNameM, prop->name, 0x1); MangleClassName(propNameM); if(prop->isWatchable) { args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, object ? CopyExpression(object) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))); ListAdd(stmt->expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_FireWatchers")), args)); args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, object ? CopyExpression(object) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propNameM))); ListAdd(stmt->expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_FireWatchers")), args)); } { args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, object ? CopyExpression(object) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))); ListAdd(stmt->expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_FireSelfWatchers")), args)); args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, object ? CopyExpression(object) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propNameM))); ListAdd(stmt->expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_FireSelfWatchers")), args)); } if(curFunction->propSet && !strcmp(curFunction->propSet->string, prop->name) && (!object || (object->type == 0 && !strcmp(object->identifier->string, "this")))) curFunction->propSet->fireWatchersDone = 0x1; } extern struct Declaration * MkDeclarationInst(struct Instantiation * inst); extern struct Instantiation * MkInstantiationNamed(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs, struct Expression * exp, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * members); extern struct Statement * MkIfStmt(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * exp, struct Statement * statement, struct Statement * elseStmt); extern struct Statement * MkForStmt(struct Statement * init, struct Statement * check, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * inc, struct Statement * statement); extern struct Statement * MkWhileStmt(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * exp, struct Statement * statement); extern struct ClassFunction * MkClassFunction(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specifiers, struct Specifier * _class, struct Declarator * decl, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * declList); extern void ProcessClassFunctionBody(struct ClassFunction * func, struct Statement * body); extern void FreePropertyWatch(struct PropertyWatch * watcher); static void ProcessStatement(struct Statement * stmt) { yylloc = stmt->loc; switch(stmt->type) { case 0: ProcessStatement(stmt->labeled.stmt); break; case 1: if(stmt->caseStmt.exp) { FreeType(stmt->caseStmt.exp->destType); stmt->caseStmt.exp->destType = curSwitchType; if(curSwitchType) curSwitchType->refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(stmt->caseStmt.exp); ComputeExpression(stmt->caseStmt.exp); } if(stmt->caseStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt->caseStmt.stmt); break; case 2: { if(stmt->compound.context) { struct Declaration * decl; struct Statement * s; struct Statement * prevCompound = curCompound; struct Context * prevContext = curContext; if(!stmt->compound.isSwitch) { curCompound = stmt; curContext = stmt->compound.context; } if(stmt->compound.declarations) { for(decl = (*stmt->compound.declarations).first; decl; decl = decl->next) ProcessDeclaration(decl); } if(stmt->compound.statements) { for(s = (*stmt->compound.statements).first; s; s = s->next) ProcessStatement(s); } curContext = prevContext; curCompound = prevCompound; } break; } case 3: { struct Expression * exp; if(stmt->expressions) { for(exp = (*stmt->expressions).first; exp; exp = exp->next) ProcessExpressionType(exp); } break; } case 4: { struct Expression * exp; FreeType(((struct Expression *)(*stmt->ifStmt.exp).last)->destType); ((struct Expression *)(*stmt->ifStmt.exp).last)->destType = MkClassType("bool"); ((struct Expression *)(*stmt->ifStmt.exp).last)->destType->truth = 0x1; for(exp = (*stmt->ifStmt.exp).first; exp; exp = exp->next) { ProcessExpressionType(exp); } if(stmt->ifStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt->ifStmt.stmt); if(stmt->ifStmt.elseStmt) ProcessStatement(stmt->ifStmt.elseStmt); break; } case 5: { struct Type * oldSwitchType = curSwitchType; if(stmt->switchStmt.exp) { struct Expression * exp; for(exp = (*stmt->switchStmt.exp).first; exp; exp = exp->next) { if(!exp->next) { ProcessExpressionType(exp); } if(!exp->next) curSwitchType = exp->expType; } } ProcessStatement(stmt->switchStmt.stmt); curSwitchType = oldSwitchType; break; } case 6: { if(stmt->whileStmt.exp) { struct Expression * exp; FreeType(((struct Expression *)(*stmt->whileStmt.exp).last)->destType); ((struct Expression *)(*stmt->whileStmt.exp).last)->destType = MkClassType("bool"); ((struct Expression *)(*stmt->whileStmt.exp).last)->destType->truth = 0x1; for(exp = (*stmt->whileStmt.exp).first; exp; exp = exp->next) { ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } if(stmt->whileStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt->whileStmt.stmt); break; } case 7: { if(stmt->doWhile.exp) { struct Expression * exp; if((*stmt->doWhile.exp).last) { FreeType(((struct Expression *)(*stmt->doWhile.exp).last)->destType); ((struct Expression *)(*stmt->doWhile.exp).last)->destType = MkClassType("bool"); ((struct Expression *)(*stmt->doWhile.exp).last)->destType->truth = 0x1; } for(exp = (*stmt->doWhile.exp).first; exp; exp = exp->next) { ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } if(stmt->doWhile.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt->doWhile.stmt); break; } case 8: { struct Expression * exp; if(stmt->forStmt.init) ProcessStatement(stmt->forStmt.init); if(stmt->forStmt.check && stmt->forStmt.check->expressions) { FreeType(((struct Expression *)(*stmt->forStmt.check->expressions).last)->destType); ((struct Expression *)(*stmt->forStmt.check->expressions).last)->destType = MkClassType("bool"); ((struct Expression *)(*stmt->forStmt.check->expressions).last)->destType->truth = 0x1; } if(stmt->forStmt.check) ProcessStatement(stmt->forStmt.check); if(stmt->forStmt.increment) { for(exp = (*stmt->forStmt.increment).first; exp; exp = exp->next) ProcessExpressionType(exp); } if(stmt->forStmt.stmt) ProcessStatement(stmt->forStmt.stmt); break; } case 18: { struct Identifier * id = stmt->forEachStmt.id; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * exp = stmt->forEachStmt.exp; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * filter = stmt->forEachStmt.filter; struct Statement * block = stmt->forEachStmt.stmt; char iteratorType[1024]; struct Type * source; struct Expression * e; unsigned int isBuiltin = exp && (*exp).last && (((struct Expression *)(*exp).last)->type == 37 || (((struct Expression *)(*exp).last)->type == 11 && ((struct Expression *)(*exp).last)->cast.exp->type == 37)); struct Expression * arrayExp; char * typeString = (((void *)0)); int builtinCount = 0; for(e = exp ? (*exp).first : (((void *)0)); e; e = e->next) { if(!e->next) { FreeType(e->destType); e->destType = ProcessTypeString("Container", 0x0); } if(!isBuiltin || e->next) ProcessExpressionType(e); } source = (exp && (*exp).last) ? ((struct Expression *)(*exp).last)->expType : (((void *)0)); if(isBuiltin || (source && source->kind == 8 && source->_class && source->_class->registered && source->_class->registered != containerClass && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->_class->registered, containerClass))) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = source ? source->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); struct Symbol * symbol; struct Expression * expIt = (((void *)0)); unsigned int isMap = 0x0, isArray = 0x0, isLinkList = 0x0, isList = 0x0, isCustomAVLTree = 0x0, isAVLTree = 0x0; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * arrayClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "Array"); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * linkListClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "LinkList"); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * customAVLTreeClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "CustomAVLTree"); stmt->type = 2; stmt->compound.context = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Context); stmt->compound.context->parent = curContext; curContext = stmt->compound.context; if(source && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->_class->registered, customAVLTreeClass)) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * mapClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "Map"); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * avlTreeClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "AVLTree"); isCustomAVLTree = 0x1; if(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->_class->registered, avlTreeClass)) isAVLTree = 0x1; else if(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->_class->registered, mapClass)) isMap = 0x1; } else if(source && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->_class->registered, arrayClass)) isArray = 0x1; else if(source && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->_class->registered, linkListClass)) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * listClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(privateModule, "List"); isLinkList = 0x1; isList = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(source->_class->registered, listClass); } if(isArray) { struct Declarator * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class->templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(id))); stmt->compound.declarations = MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(decl, (((void *)0)))))); ListAdd(stmt->compound.declarations, MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(source->_class->registered->fullName)), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpBrackets(exp)))))); } else if(isBuiltin) { struct Type * type = (((void *)0)); char typeStringBuf[1024]; arrayExp = (((struct Expression *)(*exp).last)->type == 37) ? (struct Expression *)(*exp).last : ((struct Expression *)(*exp).last)->cast.exp; if(((struct Expression *)(*exp).last)->type == 11) { struct TypeName * typeName = ((struct Expression *)(*exp).last)->cast.typeName; if(typeName) arrayExp->destType = ProcessType(typeName->qualifiers, typeName->declarator); } if(arrayExp->destType && arrayExp->destType->kind == 8 && arrayExp->destType->_class && arrayExp->destType->_class->registered && arrayExp->destType->_class->registered != containerClass && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(arrayExp->destType->_class->registered, containerClass) && arrayExp->destType->_class->registered->templateArgs) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * templateClass = arrayExp->destType->_class->registered; typeString = templateClass->templateArgs[2].dataTypeString; } else if(arrayExp->list) { struct Expression * e; for(e = (*arrayExp->list).first; e; e = e->next) { ProcessExpressionType(e); if(e->expType) { if(!type) { type = e->expType; type->refCount++; } else { if(!MatchTypeExpression(e, type, (((void *)0)), 0x0)) { FreeType(type); type = e->expType; e->expType = (((void *)0)); e = (*arrayExp->list).first; ProcessExpressionType(e); if(e->expType) { if(!MatchTypeExpression(e, type, (((void *)0)), 0x0)) { FreeType(e->expType); e->expType = (((void *)0)); FreeType(type); type = (((void *)0)); break; } } } } if(e->expType) { FreeType(e->expType); e->expType = (((void *)0)); } } } if(type) { typeStringBuf[0] = '\0'; PrintType(type, typeStringBuf, 0x0, 0x1); typeString = typeStringBuf; FreeType(type); } } if(typeString) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * initializers = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); if(arrayExp->list) { struct Expression * e; builtinCount = (*arrayExp->list).count; type = ProcessTypeString(typeString, 0x0); while(e = (*arrayExp->list).first) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove((&*arrayExp->list), e); e->destType = type; type->refCount++; ProcessExpressionType(e); ListAdd(initializers, MkInitializerAssignment(e)); } FreeType(type); (__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(arrayExp->list), arrayExp->list = 0); } decl = SpecDeclFromString(typeString, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(id)); stmt->compound.declarations = MkListOne(MkDeclaration(CopyList(specs, CopySpecifier), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), decl), (((void *)0)))))); ListAdd(stmt->compound.declarations, MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorArray(PlugDeclarator(decl, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray"))), (((void *)0))), MkInitializerList(initializers))))); FreeList(exp, FreeExpression); } else { arrayExp->expType = ProcessTypeString("Container", 0x0); Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Couldn't determine type of array elements\n", (((void *)0)))); } } else if(isLinkList && !isList) { struct Declarator * decl; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class->templateArgs[3].dataTypeString, specs, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(id)); stmt->compound.declarations = MkListOne(MkDeclaration(specs, MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(decl, (((void *)0)))))); ListAdd(stmt->compound.declarations, MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(source->_class->registered->fullName)), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalLinkList")), MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpBrackets(exp)))))); } else if(_class->templateArgs) { if(isMap) sprintf(iteratorType, "MapIterator<%s, %s >", _class->templateArgs[5].dataTypeString, _class->templateArgs[6].dataTypeString); else sprintf(iteratorType, "Iterator<%s, %s >", _class->templateArgs[2].dataTypeString, _class->templateArgs[1].dataTypeString); stmt->compound.declarations = MkListOne(MkDeclarationInst(MkInstantiationNamed(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(iteratorType)), MkExpIdentifier(id), MkListOne(MkMembersInitList(MkListOne(MkMemberInit(isMap ? MkListOne(MkIdentifier("map")) : (((void *)0)), MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpBrackets(exp))))))))); } symbol = FindSymbol(id->string, curContext, curContext, 0x0, 0x0); if(block && block->type == 2 && block->compound.context) { block->compound.context->parent = stmt->compound.context; } if(filter) { block = MkIfStmt(filter, block, (((void *)0))); } if(isArray) { stmt->compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkIdentifier("array"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '<', MkExpOp(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkIdentifier("array")), '+', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), MkIdentifier("count")))))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), INC_OP, (((void *)0)))), block)); ProcessStatement(((struct Statement *)(*stmt->compound.statements).first)->forStmt.init); ProcessStatement(((struct Statement *)(*stmt->compound.statements).first)->forStmt.check); ProcessExpressionType((*((struct Statement *)(*stmt->compound.statements).first)->forStmt.increment).first); } else if(isBuiltin) { char count[128]; sprintf(count, "%d", builtinCount); stmt->compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '<', MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalArray")), '+', MkExpConstant(count))))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), INC_OP, (((void *)0)))), block)); ProcessStatement(((struct Statement *)(*stmt->compound.statements).first)->forStmt.init); ProcessStatement(((struct Statement *)(*stmt->compound.statements).first)->forStmt.check); ProcessExpressionType((*((struct Statement *)(*stmt->compound.statements).first)->forStmt.increment).first); } else if(isLinkList && !isList) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * typeClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(_class->module, _class->templateArgs[3].dataTypeString); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * listItemClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(_class->module, "ListItem"); if(typeClass && __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_IsDerived(typeClass, listItemClass) && _class->templateArgs[5].dataTypeString && !strcmp(_class->templateArgs[5].dataTypeString, "LT::link")) { stmt->compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalLinkList")), MkIdentifier("first"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), MkIdentifier("next")))), block)); } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * specs = MkList(); struct Declarator * decl = SpecDeclFromString(_class->templateArgs[3].dataTypeString, specs, (((void *)0))); stmt->compound.statements = MkListOne(MkForStmt(MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalLinkList")), MkIdentifier("first"))))), MkExpressionStmt(MkListOne(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)))), MkListOne(MkExpOp(MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), '=', MkExpCast(MkTypeName(specs, decl), MkExpCall(MkExpMember(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("__internalLinkList")), MkIdentifier("GetNext")), MkListOne(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName("IteratorPointer")), (((void *)0))), MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)))))))), block)); } ProcessStatement(((struct Statement *)(*stmt->compound.statements).first)->forStmt.init); ProcessStatement(((struct Statement *)(*stmt->compound.statements).first)->forStmt.check); ProcessExpressionType((*((struct Statement *)(*stmt->compound.statements).first)->forStmt.increment).first); } else { stmt->compound.statements = MkListOne(MkWhileStmt(MkListOne(MkExpCall(MkExpMember(expIt = MkExpIdentifier(CopyIdentifier(id)), MkIdentifier("Next")), (((void *)0)))), block)); } ProcessExpressionType(expIt); if((*stmt->compound.declarations).first) ProcessDeclaration((*stmt->compound.declarations).first); if(symbol) symbol->isIterator = isMap ? 2 : ((isArray || isBuiltin) ? 3 : (isLinkList ? (isList ? 5 : 4) : (isCustomAVLTree ? 6 : 1))); ProcessStatement(stmt); curContext = stmt->compound.context->parent; break; } else { Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Expression is not a container\n", (((void *)0)))); } break; } case 9: break; case 10: break; case 11: break; case 12: { struct Expression * exp; if(stmt->expressions) { for(exp = (*stmt->expressions).first; exp; exp = exp->next) { if(!exp->next) { if(curFunction && !curFunction->type) curFunction->type = ProcessType(curFunction->specifiers, curFunction->declarator); FreeType(exp->destType); exp->destType = (curFunction && curFunction->type && curFunction->type->kind == 11) ? curFunction->type->returnType : (((void *)0)); if(exp->destType) exp->destType->refCount++; } ProcessExpressionType(exp); } } break; } case 14: { ProcessDeclaration(stmt->decl); break; } case 13: { struct AsmField * field; if(stmt->asmStmt.inputFields) { for(field = (*stmt->asmStmt.inputFields).first; field; field = field->next) if(field->expression) ProcessExpressionType(field->expression); } if(stmt->asmStmt.outputFields) { for(field = (*stmt->asmStmt.outputFields).first; field; field = field->next) if(field->expression) ProcessExpressionType(field->expression); } if(stmt->asmStmt.clobberedFields) { for(field = (*stmt->asmStmt.clobberedFields).first; field; field = field->next) { if(field->expression) ProcessExpressionType(field->expression); } } break; } case 17: { struct PropertyWatch * propWatch; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * watches = stmt->_watch.watches; struct Expression * object = stmt->_watch.object; struct Expression * watcher = stmt->_watch.watcher; if(watcher) ProcessExpressionType(watcher); if(object) ProcessExpressionType(object); if(inCompiler) { if(watcher || thisClass) { struct External * external = curExternal; struct Context * context = curContext; stmt->type = 3; stmt->expressions = MkList(); curExternal = external->prev; for(propWatch = (*watches).first; propWatch; propWatch = propWatch->next) { struct ClassFunction * func; char watcherName[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * watcherClass = watcher ? ((watcher->expType && watcher->expType->kind == 8 && watcher->expType->_class) ? watcher->expType->_class->registered : (((void *)0))) : thisClass; struct External * createdExternal; struct External * externalDecl = MkExternalDeclaration((((void *)0))); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), curExternal->prev, externalDecl); sprintf(watcherName, "__ecerePropertyWatcher_%d", propWatcherID++); if(propWatch->deleteWatch) strcat(watcherName, "_delete"); else { struct Identifier * propID; for(propID = (*propWatch->properties).first; propID; propID = propID->next) { strcat(watcherName, "_"); strcat(watcherName, propID->string); } } if(object && object->expType && object->expType->kind == 8 && object->expType->_class && object->expType->_class->registered) { func = MkClassFunction(MkListOne(MkSpecifier(VOID)), (((void *)0)), MkDeclaratorFunction(MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier(watcherName)), MkListOne(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkSpecifierName(object->expType->_class->string)), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("value"))))), (((void *)0))); ProcessClassFunctionBody(func, propWatch->compound); propWatch->compound = (((void *)0)); createdExternal = ProcessClassFunction(watcherClass, func, ast, curExternal, 0x1); createdExternal->symbol->idCode = external->symbol->idCode; curExternal = createdExternal; ProcessFunction(createdExternal->function); { struct Declaration * decl = MkDeclaration(CopyList(createdExternal->function->specifiers, CopySpecifier), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(CopyDeclarator(createdExternal->function->declarator), (((void *)0))))); externalDecl->declaration = decl; if(decl->symbol && !decl->symbol->pointerExternal) decl->symbol->pointerExternal = externalDecl; } if(propWatch->deleteWatch) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, CopyExpression(object)); ListAdd(args, watcher ? CopyExpression(watcher) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(watcherName))); ListAdd(stmt->expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_WatchDestruction")), args)); } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = object->expType->_class->registered; struct Identifier * propID; for(propID = (*propWatch->properties).first; propID; propID = propID->next) { char propName[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, propID->string, privateModule); if(prop) { char getName[1024], setName[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * args = MkList(); DeclareProperty(prop, setName, getName); strcpy(propName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->_class->fullName, 0x0); strcat(propName, "_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->name, 0x1); ListAdd(args, CopyExpression(object)); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))); ListAdd(args, watcher ? CopyExpression(watcher) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(watcherName))); ListAdd(stmt->expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_Watch")), args)); } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Property %s not found in class %s\n", (((void *)0))), prop->name, _class->fullName); } } } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Invalid watched object\n", (((void *)0)))); } curExternal = external; curContext = context; if(watcher) FreeExpression(watcher); if(object) FreeExpression(object); FreeList(watches, FreePropertyWatch); } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "No observer specified and not inside a _class\n", (((void *)0)))); } else { for(propWatch = (*watches).first; propWatch; propWatch = propWatch->next) { ProcessStatement(propWatch->compound); } } break; } case 15: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * watches = stmt->_watch.watches; struct Expression * object = stmt->_watch.object; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; if(object) ProcessExpressionType(object); if(inCompiler) { _class = object ? ((object->expType && object->expType->kind == 8 && object->expType->_class) ? object->expType->_class->registered : (((void *)0))) : thisClass; if(_class) { struct Identifier * propID; stmt->type = 3; stmt->expressions = MkList(); if(!watches && curFunction->propSet && (!object || (object->type == 0 && !strcmp(object->identifier->string, "this")))) { watches = MkListOne(MkIdentifier(curFunction->propSet->string)); } else if(!watches) { } if(watches) { for(propID = (*watches).first; propID; propID = propID->next) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, propID->string, privateModule); if(prop) { CreateFireWatcher(prop, object, stmt); } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Property %s not found in class %s\n", (((void *)0))), propID->string, _class->fullName); } } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * base; for(base = _class; base; base = base->base) { for(prop = base->membersAndProperties.first; prop; prop = prop->next) { if(prop->isProperty && prop->isWatchable) { CreateFireWatcher(prop, object, stmt); } } } } if(object) FreeExpression(object); FreeList(watches, FreeIdentifier); } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Invalid object specified and not inside a class\n", (((void *)0)))); } break; } case 16: { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * watches = stmt->_watch.watches; struct Expression * object = stmt->_watch.object; struct Expression * watcher = stmt->_watch.watcher; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class; if(object) ProcessExpressionType(object); if(watcher) ProcessExpressionType(watcher); if(inCompiler) { _class = (object && object->expType && object->expType->kind == 8 && object->expType->_class) ? object->expType->_class->registered : (((void *)0)); if(watcher || thisClass) { if(_class) { struct Identifier * propID; stmt->type = 3; stmt->expressions = MkList(); if(!watches) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * args; args = MkList(); ListAdd(args, CopyExpression(object)); ListAdd(args, MkExpConstant("0")); ListAdd(args, watcher ? CopyExpression(watcher) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(stmt->expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_StopWatching")), args)); } else { for(propID = (*watches).first; propID; propID = propID->next) { char propName[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Property * prop = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eClass_FindProperty(_class, propID->string, privateModule); if(prop) { char getName[1024], setName[1024]; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * args = MkList(); DeclareProperty(prop, setName, getName); strcpy(propName, "__ecereProp_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->_class->fullName, 0x0); strcat(propName, "_"); FullClassNameCat(propName, prop->name, 0x1); MangleClassName(propName); ListAdd(args, CopyExpression(object)); ListAdd(args, MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier(propName))); ListAdd(args, watcher ? CopyExpression(watcher) : MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); ListAdd(stmt->expressions, MkExpCall(MkExpIdentifier(MkIdentifier("ecere::com::eInstance_StopWatching")), args)); } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Property %s not found in class %s\n", (((void *)0))), prop->name, _class->fullName); } } if(object) FreeExpression(object); if(watcher) FreeExpression(watcher); FreeList(watches, FreeIdentifier); } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "Invalid object specified and not inside a class\n", (((void *)0)))); } else Compiler_Error(__ecereNameSpace__ecere__GetTranslatedString(__thisModule, "No observer specified and not inside a class\n", (((void *)0)))); } break; } } } extern struct Expression * QBrackets(struct Expression * exp); extern struct TypeName * QMkType(char * spec, struct Declarator * decl); extern struct Declarator * QMkPtrDecl(char * id); extern struct Expression * MkExpPointer(struct Expression * expression, struct Identifier * member); extern struct Expression * QMkExpCond(struct Expression * cond, struct Expression * exp, struct Expression * elseExp); extern struct Statement * MkFireWatchersStmt(struct Expression * object, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * watches); static void ProcessFunction(struct FunctionDefinition * function) { struct Identifier * id = GetDeclId(function->declarator); struct Symbol * symbol = function->declarator ? function->declarator->symbol : (((void *)0)); struct Type * type = symbol ? symbol->type : (((void *)0)); struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * oldThisClass = thisClass; struct Context * oldTopContext = topContext; yylloc = function->loc; if(type && type->thisClass) { struct Symbol * classSym = type->thisClass; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * _class = type->thisClass->registered; char className[1024]; char structName[1024]; struct Declarator * funcDecl; struct Symbol * thisSymbol; unsigned int typedObject = 0x0; if(_class && !_class->base) { _class = currentClass; if(_class && !_class->symbol) _class->symbol = FindClass(_class->fullName); classSym = _class ? _class->symbol : (((void *)0)); typedObject = 0x1; } thisClass = _class; if(inCompiler && _class) { if(type->kind == 11) { if(symbol->type->params.count == 1 && ((struct Type *)symbol->type->params.first)->kind == 0) { struct Type * param = symbol->type->params.first; __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove(&symbol->type->params, param); FreeType(param); } if(type->classObjectType != 1) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert(&symbol->type->params, (((void *)0)), MkClassType(_class->fullName)); symbol->type->staticMethod = 0x1; symbol->type->thisClass = (((void *)0)); symbol->type->extraParam = 0x0; } } strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, _class->fullName, 0x1); MangleClassName(className); structName[0] = (char)0; FullClassNameCat(structName, _class->fullName, 0x0); funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(function->declarator); if(funcDecl) { if(funcDecl->function.parameters && (*funcDecl->function.parameters).count == 1) { struct TypeName * param = (*funcDecl->function.parameters).first; if(param->qualifiers && (*param->qualifiers).count == 1 && ((struct Specifier *)(*param->qualifiers).first)->specifier == VOID && !param->declarator) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove((&*funcDecl->function.parameters), param); FreeTypeName(param); } } if(!function->propertyNoThis) { struct TypeName * thisParam; if(type->classObjectType != 1) { thisParam = QMkClass(_class->fullName, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); if(!funcDecl->function.parameters) funcDecl->function.parameters = MkList(); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*funcDecl->function.parameters), (((void *)0)), thisParam); } if(typedObject) { if(type->classObjectType != 1) { if(type->byReference || _class->type == 3 || _class->type == 1000 || _class->type == 4 || _class->type == 2) thisParam->declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), thisParam->declarator); } thisParam = __extension__ ({ struct TypeName * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_TypeName); __ecereInstance1->declarator = MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("class"))), __ecereInstance1->qualifiers = MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(3, MkIdentifier("__ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class"), (((void *)0)))), __ecereInstance1; }); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*funcDecl->function.parameters), (((void *)0)), thisParam); } } } if(symbol && symbol->pointerExternal && symbol->pointerExternal->type == 1) { struct InitDeclarator * initDecl = (*symbol->pointerExternal->declaration->declarators).first; funcDecl = GetFuncDecl(initDecl->declarator); if(funcDecl) { if(funcDecl->function.parameters && (*funcDecl->function.parameters).count == 1) { struct TypeName * param = (*funcDecl->function.parameters).first; if(param->qualifiers && (*param->qualifiers).count == 1 && ((struct Specifier *)(*param->qualifiers).first)->specifier == VOID && !param->declarator) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove((&*funcDecl->function.parameters), param); FreeTypeName(param); } } if(type->classObjectType != 1) { if((_class->type != 2 && _class->type != 3 && _class->type != 4) || function != (struct FunctionDefinition *)symbol->externalSet) { struct TypeName * thisParam = QMkClass(_class->fullName, MkDeclaratorIdentifier(MkIdentifier("this"))); if(!funcDecl->function.parameters) funcDecl->function.parameters = MkList(); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*funcDecl->function.parameters), (((void *)0)), thisParam); } } } } } if(function->body) { if(type->classObjectType != 1) { thisSymbol = __extension__ ({ struct Symbol * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol); __ecereInstance1->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString("this"), __ecereInstance1->type = classSym ? MkClassType(classSym->string) : (((void *)0)), __ecereInstance1; }); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(&function->body->compound.context->symbols, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)thisSymbol); if(typedObject && thisSymbol->type) { thisSymbol->type->classObjectType = 2; thisSymbol->type->byReference = type->byReference; } } } if(inCompiler && _class && (_class->type == 0) && type->classObjectType != 1) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__DataMember * member = (((void *)0)); { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * base; for(base = _class; base && base->type != 1000; base = base->next) { for(member = base->membersAndProperties.first; member; member = member->next) if(!member->isProperty) break; if(member) break; } } for(member = _class->membersAndProperties.first; member; member = member->next) if(!member->isProperty) break; if(member) { char pointerName[1024]; struct Declaration * decl; struct Initializer * initializer; struct Expression * exp, * bytePtr; strcpy(pointerName, "__ecerePointer_"); FullClassNameCat(pointerName, _class->fullName, 0x0); { char className[1024]; strcpy(className, "__ecereClass_"); FullClassNameCat(className, classSym->string, 0x1); MangleClassName(className); DeclareClass(classSym, className); } bytePtr = QBrackets(MkExpCast(QMkType("char", QMkPtrDecl((((void *)0)))), QMkExpId("this"))); if(_class->fixed) { char string[256]; sprintf(string, "%d", _class->offset); exp = QBrackets(MkExpOp(bytePtr, '+', MkExpConstant(string))); } else { exp = QBrackets(MkExpOp(bytePtr, '+', MkExpPointer(QMkExpId(className), MkIdentifier("offset")))); } exp = QBrackets(QMkExpCond(QMkExpId("this"), exp, MkExpConstant("0"))); exp->expType = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance2 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance2->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance2->kind = 13, __ecereInstance2->type = __extension__ ({ struct Type * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Type); __ecereInstance1->refCount = 1, __ecereInstance1->kind = 0, __ecereInstance1; }), __ecereInstance2; }); if(function->body) { yylloc = function->body->loc; initializer = MkInitializerAssignment(MkExpCast(MkTypeName(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(3, MkIdentifier(structName), (((void *)0)))), MkDeclaratorPointer(MkPointer((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))), (((void *)0)))), exp)); { struct Context * prevContext = curContext; curContext = function->body->compound.context; decl = MkDeclaration(MkListOne(MkStructOrUnion(3, MkIdentifier(structName), (((void *)0)))), MkListOne(MkInitDeclarator(QMkPtrDecl(pointerName), initializer))); curContext = prevContext; } decl->symbol = (((void *)0)); if(!function->body->compound.declarations) function->body->compound.declarations = MkList(); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*function->body->compound.declarations), (((void *)0)), decl); } } } } else thisClass = (((void *)0)); if(id) { FreeSpecifier(id->_class); id->_class = (((void *)0)); if(symbol && symbol->pointerExternal && symbol->pointerExternal->type == 1) { struct InitDeclarator * initDecl = (*symbol->pointerExternal->declaration->declarators).first; id = GetDeclId(initDecl->declarator); FreeSpecifier(id->_class); id->_class = (((void *)0)); } } if(function->body) topContext = function->body->compound.context; { struct FunctionDefinition * oldFunction = curFunction; curFunction = function; if(function->body) ProcessStatement(function->body); if(inCompiler && function->propSet && !function->propSet->fireWatchersDone) { struct Statement * prevCompound = curCompound; struct Context * prevContext = curContext; struct Statement * fireWatchers = MkFireWatchersStmt((((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); if(!function->body->compound.statements) function->body->compound.statements = MkList(); ListAdd(function->body->compound.statements, fireWatchers); curCompound = function->body; curContext = function->body->compound.context; ProcessStatement(fireWatchers); curContext = prevContext; curCompound = prevCompound; } curFunction = oldFunction; } if(function->declarator) { ProcessDeclarator(function->declarator); } topContext = oldTopContext; thisClass = oldThisClass; } extern void FreeSymbol(struct Symbol * symbol); void __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Remove(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree * this, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode * node); static void ProcessClass(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * definitions, struct Symbol * symbol) { struct ClassDef * def; struct External * external = curExternal; struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * regClass = symbol ? symbol->registered : (((void *)0)); for(def = definitions->first; def; def = def->next) { if(def->type == 0) { if(def->function->declarator) curExternal = def->function->declarator->symbol->pointerExternal; else curExternal = external; ProcessFunction((struct FunctionDefinition *)def->function); } else if(def->type == 2) { if(def->decl->type == 2) { thisClass = regClass; ProcessInstantiationType(def->decl->inst); thisClass = (((void *)0)); } else { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * backThisClass = thisClass; if(regClass) thisClass = regClass; ProcessDeclaration(def->decl); thisClass = backThisClass; } } else if(def->type == 1 && def->defProperties) { struct MemberInit * defProperty; struct Symbol * thisSymbol = (thisSymbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol), thisSymbol->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString("this"), thisSymbol->type = regClass ? MkClassType(regClass->fullName) : (((void *)0)), thisSymbol); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(&globalContext->symbols, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)thisSymbol); for(defProperty = (*def->defProperties).first; defProperty; defProperty = defProperty->next) { thisClass = regClass; ProcessMemberInitData(defProperty, regClass, (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0))); thisClass = (((void *)0)); } __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Remove(&globalContext->symbols, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)thisSymbol); FreeSymbol(thisSymbol); } else if(def->type == 3 && def->propertyDef) { struct PropertyDef * prop = def->propertyDef; thisClass = regClass; if(prop->setStmt) { if(regClass) { struct Symbol * thisSymbol = (thisSymbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol), thisSymbol->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString("this"), thisSymbol->type = MkClassType(regClass->fullName), thisSymbol); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(&prop->setStmt->compound.context->symbols, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)thisSymbol); } curExternal = prop->symbol ? prop->symbol->externalSet : (((void *)0)); ProcessStatement(prop->setStmt); } if(prop->getStmt) { if(regClass) { struct Symbol * thisSymbol = (thisSymbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol), thisSymbol->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString("this"), thisSymbol->type = MkClassType(regClass->fullName), thisSymbol); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(&prop->getStmt->compound.context->symbols, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)thisSymbol); } curExternal = prop->symbol ? prop->symbol->externalGet : (((void *)0)); ProcessStatement(prop->getStmt); } if(prop->issetStmt) { if(regClass) { struct Symbol * thisSymbol = (thisSymbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol), thisSymbol->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString("this"), thisSymbol->type = MkClassType(regClass->fullName), thisSymbol); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(&prop->issetStmt->compound.context->symbols, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)thisSymbol); } curExternal = prop->symbol ? prop->symbol->externalIsSet : (((void *)0)); ProcessStatement(prop->issetStmt); } thisClass = (((void *)0)); } else if(def->type == 4 && def->propertyWatch) { struct PropertyWatch * propertyWatch = def->propertyWatch; thisClass = regClass; if(propertyWatch->compound) { struct Symbol * thisSymbol = (thisSymbol = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol), thisSymbol->string = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__CopyString("this"), thisSymbol->type = regClass ? MkClassType(regClass->fullName) : (((void *)0)), thisSymbol); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BinaryTree_Add(&propertyWatch->compound->compound.context->symbols, (struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__BTNode *)thisSymbol); curExternal = (((void *)0)); ProcessStatement(propertyWatch->compound); } thisClass = (((void *)0)); } } } void DeclareFunctionUtil(char * s) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GlobalFunction * function = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindFunction(privateModule, s); if(function) { char name[1024]; name[0] = (char)0; if(((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)function->module + structSize_Instance)))->importType != 1 && (!function->dataType || !function->dataType->dllExport)) strcpy(name, "__ecereFunction_"); FullClassNameCat(name, s, 0x0); DeclareFunction(function, name); } } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * GetPrivateModule(void); void ComputeDataTypes() { struct External * external; struct External * temp = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_External); struct External * after = (((void *)0)); currentClass = (((void *)0)); containerClass = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_FindClass(GetPrivateModule(), "Container"); for(external = (*ast).first; external; external = external->next) { if(external->type == 1) { struct Declaration * decl = external->declaration; if(decl) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList * decls = decl->declarators; if(decls) { struct InitDeclarator * initDecl = (*decls).first; if(initDecl) { struct Declarator * declarator = initDecl->declarator; if(declarator && declarator->type == 1) { struct Identifier * id = declarator->identifier; if(id && id->string) { if(!strcmp(id->string, "uintptr_t") || !strcmp(id->string, "intptr_t") || !strcmp(id->string, "size_t") || !strcmp(id->string, "ssize_t")) { external->symbol->id = -1001, external->symbol->idCode = -1001; after = external; } } } } } } } } temp->symbol = __extension__ ({ struct Symbol * __ecereInstance1 = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eInstance_New(__ecereClass_Symbol); __ecereInstance1->id = -1000, __ecereInstance1->idCode = -1000, __ecereInstance1; }); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Insert((&*ast), after, temp); curExternal = temp; DeclareFunctionUtil("eSystem_New"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eSystem_New0"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eSystem_Renew"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eSystem_Renew0"); DeclareFunctionUtil("eClass_GetProperty"); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::Class", 0x0); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::Instance", 0x0); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::Property", 0x0); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::DataMember", 0x0); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::Method", 0x0); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::SerialBuffer", 0x0); DeclareStruct("ecere::com::ClassTemplateArgument", 0x0); __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove((&*ast), temp); for(external = (*ast).first; external; external = external->next) { afterExternal = curExternal = external; if(external->type == 0) { currentClass = external->function->_class; ProcessFunction(external->function); } else if(external->type == 1) { currentClass = (((void *)0)); ProcessDeclaration(external->declaration); } else if(external->type == 2) { struct ClassDefinition * _class = external->_class; currentClass = external->symbol->registered; if(_class->definitions) { ProcessClass(_class->definitions, _class->symbol); } if(inCompiler) { __ecereMethod___ecereNameSpace__ecere__sys__OldList_Remove((&*ast), external); ((external ? (__ecereClass_External->Destructor ? __ecereClass_External->Destructor(external) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(external)) : 0), external = 0); } } else if(external->type == 4) { thisNameSpace = external->id->string; } } currentClass = (((void *)0)); thisNameSpace = (((void *)0)); ((temp->symbol ? (__ecereClass_Symbol->Destructor ? __ecereClass_Symbol->Destructor(temp->symbol) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(temp->symbol)) : 0), temp->symbol = 0); ((temp ? (__ecereClass_External->Destructor ? __ecereClass_External->Destructor(temp) : 0, __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_Delete(temp)) : 0), temp = 0); } extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__GlobalFunction * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction(char * name, char * type, void * func, struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module, int declMode); extern struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterClass(int type, char * name, char * baseName, int size, int sizeClass, unsigned int (* )(void * ), void (* )(void * ), struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module, int declMode, int inheritanceAccess); void __ecereRegisterModule_pass15(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module) { struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Class * class; __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("SetYydebug", "void SetYydebug(bool b)", SetYydebug, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("SetThisClass", "void SetThisClass(ecere::com::Class c)", SetThisClass, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetThisClass", "ecere::com::Class GetThisClass(void)", GetThisClass, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintExpression", "void PrintExpression(Expression exp, char * string)", PrintExpression, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ProcessTemplateParameterType", "Type ProcessTemplateParameterType(TemplateParameter param)", ProcessTemplateParameterType, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("NeedCast", "bool NeedCast(Type type1, Type type2)", NeedCast, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintInt", "char * PrintInt(int64 result)", PrintInt, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintUInt", "char * PrintUInt(uint64 result)", PrintUInt, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintInt64", "char * PrintInt64(int64 result)", PrintInt64, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintUInt64", "char * PrintUInt64(uint64 result)", PrintUInt64, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintHexUInt", "char * PrintHexUInt(uint64 result)", PrintHexUInt, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintHexUInt64", "char * PrintHexUInt64(uint64 result)", PrintHexUInt64, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintShort", "char * PrintShort(short result)", PrintShort, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintUShort", "char * PrintUShort(uint16 result)", PrintUShort, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintChar", "char * PrintChar(char result)", PrintChar, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintUChar", "char * PrintUChar(byte result)", PrintUChar, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintFloat", "char * PrintFloat(float result)", PrintFloat, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintDouble", "char * PrintDouble(double result)", PrintDouble, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetInt", "bool GetInt(Expression exp, int * value2)", GetInt, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetUInt", "bool GetUInt(Expression exp, uint * value2)", GetUInt, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetInt64", "bool GetInt64(Expression exp, int64 * value2)", GetInt64, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetUInt64", "bool GetUInt64(Expression exp, uint64 * value2)", GetUInt64, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetIntPtr", "bool GetIntPtr(Expression exp, intptr * value2)", GetIntPtr, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetUIntPtr", "bool GetUIntPtr(Expression exp, uintptr * value2)", GetUIntPtr, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetIntSize", "bool GetIntSize(Expression exp, intsize * value2)", GetIntSize, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetUIntSize", "bool GetUIntSize(Expression exp, uintsize * value2)", GetUIntSize, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetShort", "bool GetShort(Expression exp, short * value2)", GetShort, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetUShort", "bool GetUShort(Expression exp, uint16 * value2)", GetUShort, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetChar", "bool GetChar(Expression exp, char * value2)", GetChar, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetUChar", "bool GetUChar(Expression exp, byte * value2)", GetUChar, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetFloat", "bool GetFloat(Expression exp, float * value2)", GetFloat, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetDouble", "bool GetDouble(Expression exp, double * value2)", GetDouble, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ComputeClassMembers", "void ComputeClassMembers(ecere::com::Class _class, bool isMember)", ComputeClassMembers, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ComputeModuleClasses", "void ComputeModuleClasses(ecere::com::Module module)", ComputeModuleClasses, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ComputeTypeSize", "int ComputeTypeSize(Type type)", ComputeTypeSize, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("AddMembers", "int AddMembers(ecere::sys::OldList * declarations, ecere::com::Class _class, bool isMember, uint * retSize, ecere::com::Class topClass, bool * addedPadding)", AddMembers, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("DeclareStruct", "void DeclareStruct(char * name, bool skipNoHead)", DeclareStruct, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("DeclareProperty", "void DeclareProperty(ecere::com::Property prop, char * setName, char * getName)", DeclareProperty, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("Dereference", "Type Dereference(Type source)", Dereference, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ProcessMemberInitData", "void ProcessMemberInitData(MemberInit member, ecere::com::Class _class, ecere::com::Class * curClass, ecere::com::DataMember * curMember, ecere::com::DataMember * subMemberStack, int * subMemberStackPos)", ProcessMemberInitData, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ProcessInstantiationType", "void ProcessInstantiationType(Instantiation inst)", ProcessInstantiationType, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("FindTemplateArg", "ecere::com::ClassTemplateArgument * FindTemplateArg(ecere::com::Class _class, TemplateParameter param)", FindTemplateArg, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("SetupTemplatesContext", "Context SetupTemplatesContext(ecere::com::Class _class)", SetupTemplatesContext, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("FinishTemplatesContext", "void FinishTemplatesContext(Context context)", FinishTemplatesContext, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ProcessMethodType", "void ProcessMethodType(ecere::com::Method method)", ProcessMethodType, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ProcessPropertyType", "void ProcessPropertyType(ecere::com::Property prop)", ProcessPropertyType, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("DeclareMethod", "void DeclareMethod(ecere::com::Method method, char * name)", DeclareMethod, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ReplaceThisClass", "char * ReplaceThisClass(ecere::com::Class _class)", ReplaceThisClass, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ReplaceThisClassType", "Type ReplaceThisClassType(ecere::com::Class _class)", ReplaceThisClassType, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers", "void ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers(ecere::sys::OldList specs, ecere::com::Class _class)", ReplaceThisClassSpecifiers, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("DeclareFunction", "bool DeclareFunction(ecere::com::GlobalFunction function, char * name)", DeclareFunction, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("DeclareGlobalData", "void DeclareGlobalData(GlobalData data)", DeclareGlobalData, module, 2); class = __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterClass(5, "Conversion", 0, sizeof(struct Conversion), 0, 0, 0, module, 2, 1); if(((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)module + structSize_Instance)))->application == ((struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Module *)(((char *)__thisModule + structSize_Instance)))->application && class) __ecereClass_Conversion = class; __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("MatchTypes", "bool MatchTypes(Type source, Type dest, ecere::sys::OldList conversions, ecere::com::Class owningClassSource, ecere::com::Class owningClassDest, bool doConversion, bool enumBaseType, bool acceptReversedParams, bool isConversionExploration)", MatchTypes, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("MatchWithEnums_NameSpace", "bool MatchWithEnums_NameSpace(ecere::com::NameSpace nameSpace, Expression sourceExp, Type dest, char * string, ecere::sys::OldList conversions)", MatchWithEnums_NameSpace, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ModuleVisibility", "bool ModuleVisibility(ecere::com::Module searchIn, ecere::com::Module searchFor)", ModuleVisibility, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("MatchWithEnums_Module", "bool MatchWithEnums_Module(ecere::com::Module mainModule, Expression sourceExp, Type dest, char * string, ecere::sys::OldList conversions)", MatchWithEnums_Module, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("MatchTypeExpression", "bool MatchTypeExpression(Expression sourceExp, Type dest, ecere::sys::OldList conversions, bool skipUnitBla)", MatchTypeExpression, module, 2); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ReadString", "void ReadString(char * output, char * string)", ReadString, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("GetOperand", "Operand GetOperand(Expression exp)", GetOperand, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PopulateInstance", "void PopulateInstance(Instantiation inst)", PopulateInstance, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ComputeInstantiation", "void ComputeInstantiation(Expression exp)", ComputeInstantiation, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("CallOperator", "void CallOperator(Expression exp, Expression exp1, Expression exp2, Operand op1, Operand op2)", CallOperator, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ComputeExpression", "void ComputeExpression(Expression exp)", ComputeExpression, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("CheckTemplateTypes", "void CheckTemplateTypes(Expression exp)", CheckTemplateTypes, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("FindSymbol", "Symbol FindSymbol(char * name, Context startContext, Context endContext, bool isStruct, bool globalNameSpace)", FindSymbol, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("PrintType", "void PrintType(Type type, char * string, bool printName, bool fullName)", PrintType, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("FindMemberAndOffset", "Type FindMemberAndOffset(Type type, char * string, uint * offset)", FindMemberAndOffset, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ParseExpressionString", "Expression ParseExpressionString(char * expression)", ParseExpressionString, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ReplaceExpContents", "void ReplaceExpContents(Expression checkedExp, Expression newExp)", ReplaceExpContents, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ApplyAnyObjectLogic", "void ApplyAnyObjectLogic(Expression e)", ApplyAnyObjectLogic, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ProcessExpressionType", "void ProcessExpressionType(Expression exp)", ProcessExpressionType, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("DeclareFunctionUtil", "void DeclareFunctionUtil(String s)", DeclareFunctionUtil, module, 1); __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__eSystem_RegisterFunction("ComputeDataTypes", "void ComputeDataTypes(void)", ComputeDataTypes, module, 1); } void __ecereUnregisterModule_pass15(struct __ecereNameSpace__ecere__com__Instance * module) { }